#. 01 O.W ·ClD Serving Tile State University of 10W4 and tl,e People of Iowa rUy ~~~~D!Ji~=:~!J~~~~!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~!r~~~~2!~==~EJ~~~~~~~~J~!~§!::::::::::::::::_____________________ ~ ______ ~I~ow~a~C~lt~y~.~j~a.~.~T~hurSday.~ary 21. 19~ • • Ints at ctlons. or sr.ae J , Europeans ILA Orders Dirksen Says Sweden Says ' Mopes for Appro~al Establish Dockworkers Civil Rights Reds I Hide' Of U.S. Assurances! WASHINGTON "'I-Pre ident Eisenhower declared Wednr day night Pass Death 'F'acts "the niled Nation h no choice but to exert pr ur upon \. rael" to Customs Bloc Back to Jobs WASHrNGTO "" - Sen. E,' r- get h r troops out oC disputed Midea I areas. elt Dirksen ~ R-III.). a nate Mr. Ei enhower thus threw out an apparent hint that Ih(' Unitcd PARIS "" - The premiers oC six NEW YORK "" - The Interna­ pon or oC President'Eisenhower's STOCKHOLM"" - ~wl'd(!n ae- Stales tand ready. if a how­ Western European nations agreed tional Long horeman's Assn. civil rights program, te liCied Wed­ cused Premier NikoLaI Bulganin's down comes, to support am kllld nesday it mu t be pa sed iC thl to twin schemes binding their 160 Wedne day ordered its striking Sovi t GO\'ernment Wedn day of or United Nations anclions against million people in a customs-Cree country is not to be the tariet dockworkers back to work al 8 of eCfective Communist propa­ lyIng and withholding f:lCI about I rael ror her failure Ihu far to trade bloc and a European atomic heed UN demands to withdraw. pool. a.m. Thursday, but a last.-minute randa. Raoul Wallenberg, a wedi h dip, But the Pre ident coupled with The premiers now return to their hitch in Baltimore threatened II Dirk n told a Senate Judiciar lomat di sclosed only Iwo week subcommittee th measure b the hint a . tatement that "w till countries to seek parliamentary delay once again. ago to have dit'd at a Mo cow hope" lsral'1 will accept U. a - ratification Cor the projects which ''th minimum we should seek tC' Lat in the day word wa re­ accompli h at this se ion." )ri on In th Stalin era. urance and go along with Uw l;X Dadually may go a long way ta­ dt'mands. ward the old dream oC European eelv d that Baltimore shippers Georgia's Atty. Gen. Eugen( A harp w('di h note sought to unification. had agreed to accept the coaoot· Cook, in a brier filed with thl' addJe Bulganin' Governmen Mr. Ei enhower spok(' out in 11 Chances Cor ratification In all wide pattern oC the settlement ubcommitl , took an opposite with re ponsibility Cor what Ul half-hour radio-tel vi ion report tcf six countriell - France, West Ger· reached in N w York Sunday. view. He aid the Eisenhower pro· note called high-hand d act oC the the nation on his administralion's many, ltaly, Belgium, Luxem­ This appeart'd 10 removl' Ih(, IIram would lead to "a Cederal ~\ ' I e t . ecret police in an inter· eCCorls - 0 rar unavailinl{ - to bourg and the Netherlands - are la t ob tacle to resumption oC g stapo" lhat would caler to Ne 'lational mystery thut spanm'd 12 s ttle the latest MIddle East crisiH good. work by 45,000 longshoremen Crom IIro pre urI' group "In plred b) lear. without sancUons again. t (sra('I , The premiers, aided by their Portland. Maint', to Hampton the Communist id ologie oC th Thi traditional neutral ntltion He open d his talk, broadca~t police state." toreign ministers, put the final Roads, Va. reru. ing to aeel'l)t ally hand·wa~h· worldwid by th Voice o( Amtri­ touches on a plan to tie overseas Lat r, however, ILA leader DIrk en, deft'ndlng th authority lng by the present Soviet I ader ca, with the olemn tntemenl. territories to the chmmon market here iot word (rom local ILA of­ tht' bill would give the .S. ttor· ,hip. erved noticl' it i unwilling ney gen ral to act to enCorc( "The (uture of the oited Na­ scheme. ficials in Baltimore thaI they still to drop the matter until Moo;co\\ tions and peace in the 1\1 iddle F.a~t voting right and other cil'i~ France demanded bringing in were tymi d over local i su S in come throullh with further de· may be al stak ." rig~ts, posed tJlis question : the overseas terrilories. This was that port. ails. Mr. ~!)hp.wc,M talk went trp based on a recent debate In the "u the atlorney general, as lhe [LA Pre Id nt William V. Brad· The Swedes wont to know morl' Dwighf D. Eisenhower by step ov r the situpl1or' QS. h.. National Assembly whic~ indicat­ chi ( law enforcement officer or Icy said still later that he still was th Unit d States, Is not cloth d about Ihe arr!' t, imprl so nmD n~ 'No Choice' saw it. In a wSTning t.o IsraeJ he ed that this would be the price the orclcrl ng his m 11 to report LD th nnd finol end oC Wallenberg, who other nations woijld haVe to pay with the necl's ary powers to pro­ --- said: J dock at 8 a.m. on a standby bOlli. tect the U.S. ciUz n, how shall he wa picked up by thl' Hus ions ill "The United Noliolls must nol lor French ratification. to await instructions from local Budapest in 1945. Whlll' s(!c r 'tary Negotiation on the common be protected?" fall. unioo omeials. Dirksen also asked, "Ir the of the Sw di h legation lh re, h 'Speed Up Mideast "[ bolieve that - in Ule interests market and EURATOM treaties 'tad sa v d some 20,000 lIungarian bas been In proaress 10r 17 months The Baltimore lLA chief, AU-rights o( a UnJt.cd States citizen of peace - the United Nalions !Jas gust ldzik, flaUy declared hJs are not adequat Iy nCorced, oJ Jews Crom lh(' Nazis by supplyln)! no choice but to exert pre ure among the six powers who are .II m riag d papers. Debate,' Johnson tied together in the European coal 7,400 m n w re not ioing back to what valu are th y1" upon Israel to comply with the work in th morning. Dirksen said t.he bill would The Swedish note replied to a withdrawal resolutions." and steel pool. After the experts 30viet memorandum oC Feb. 8 WASHTNGTON IA'! - Majority fix the Clnal wordJng oC the treaty "The deal's orr," he said. 'M1 .imply give the attorney g nerol And then he oefer d the [sroelis BalUmor shippers, in agreeing to authority to enforce civil rights !Jlamlng detention of Wallenberg Leader Lyndon Johnson ID-Tex.l, a way out : text, the EURATOM and common nd th secrecy surrounding it on ~lled Wednesday Cor a speedup in market treaties will be signed in the coa twid contract, rescind d laws that had be n on the statute "or cour , we still hope that lhe ome of the local provi ion they books for years - ome of them Victor S. Abnkumov, Soviet min· d bate on the Middle East resolu· government or Israel will see that Rome, probably the later part LEANING ON HIS CANE, India's V. K. Kri.hn. Menon II assisted Ister o£ state security who waf tion. by two unidentified eidn as he returns to the Security Council for the had previously okayed, he said. since 1871. its besl immediate and long·t rm of March. 'xecuted In December 1954 . OV('r ....rnoon ....ion Wednesday after collapsing during the morning ...- Alex.mder Chopin, spokesman ----- Johnson urged cnotors to gel Inter('sts lie in compliance with the The EURATOM pool to be direct­ 'h years t.he Russians had put up and speak their pi ces now, United Nations and in placing its ed by a supranational authority, aIon during a deb.te on tM Kashmir question. M non coUapud after Cor the New York Shiping Assn. for said he received word by tele- U••S Asks To Defer 0(( Swedi h inqulrl . saying the~ while "time Is available." trust in the resolutions oC the nil- will give the six nations the op­ talking nearly two hours. H. was tr.. ted at the UN clinic. His <new nothing about Wallenberg. pOrtunity to share nuclear ma­ physician wid M.non has b"n luffering from blood circulation trou. phone that the Baltimore Sleam- "The majority leader is pre- ed States with refer nee to the Cu- pared to vot now," Johnson Lure." terials and work on ambitious bI. linee Feb. 15. ship Trade Assn. agreed to wage, UN Mideast Debate The Feb. 6 note, with a bt'lated atomic energy schemes which hour, w Ifar and pension provi- expression of Soviet r gr('t, an­ warned. "but I do not want to Mr. Eisenhower spokq shortly (Ir. sions as worked out in New York nounced Wallenberg di(!d "sudden· act In hasle or preclude any sen- ler the UN announced a postponl'­ would be inwosslble, tor any oC UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. "" - the individual nations, "provided this master contract is Iy in the nighl In hi cell" at ator wishing to speak {rom hav- ment, tile third this we k. !.If Gen­ The UN Assembly Wednesday night ing an opportunity to do so." cral Assembly debate on th ques- All the nations - with the ex­ Rising Salary Scale Is signed by this association In Bal­ Lyubanka pri on July 17, 1947, timore," postponed Cor ~ hours its crucial presumabty o( a heart attack.
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