Why do we have earthquakes? …

Pacific Plate


Juan de Fuca Plate Washington Locked subduction earthquake Portland source zone


200 km California NRCan Natural Resources Canada How likely are we to have a damaging earthquake?…

M 8-9

M 7

M 6 Subduction earthquakes

Pacific Plate British Columbia


Juan de Seattle Fuca Plate Washington Locked subduction earthquake Portland source zone


200 km California

Natural Resources Canada Clague et al., 2006 Crustal earthquakes

7 8



5 4

3 1


potential active fault

Clague et al., 2006 1 Straight Creek fault 2 3 southern fault 4 Devil Mountain fault 5 Leech River fault 6 Cowichan Lake fault 7 Beaufort Range fault 8 Strait of Georgia fault 9 Vedder and Sumas Mountain fault Prince 1946 Prince 2001 Rupert Rupert Nisqually, Washington earthquake Shake maps earthquake magnitude 7.3 (Mercali intensity) magnitude 6.9 Campbell River: 75% of chimneys General alarm. collapse VII Difficult to stand. Damage to buildings. >$2 billion Lions Gate dollars in Bridge sways Courtenay: Felt by everyone. damage Post Office VI Difficult to walk. wall collapses Objects fall. Vancouver Vancouver Felt outdoors, Port Alberni: Victoria V Victoria Hundreds of Buildings sway. houses lose Seattle Seattle chimneys. Water Felt by most mains break. buildings IV people indoors. Power out for sway 10 days. Portland Portland

Clague and Turner, 2003 0 km 300 0 km 300


Pacific Plate British Columbia

Nootka fault


Juan de Seattle Fuca Plate Washington Locked subduction earthquake Portland source zone


200 km California As in real estate, it’s location, location, location! …

Magnitude 7

Significant damage

Disaster Magnitude 6

Minor losses

Major damage Magnitude 4


Conversation piece Effects of strong earthquakes

• Ground shaking • Tsunami • Liquefaction • Landslides • Fire • Aftershocks Effects of strong earthquakes

• Ground shaking • Tsunami • Liquefaction • Landslides • Fire • Aftershocks

Ground motion depends on many things… … including geology and topography

NRCan Ground motion amplification

Clague and Turner, 2003 Effects of strong earthquakes

• Ground shaking • Tsunami • Liquefaction • Landslides • Fire • Aftershocks


tsunami wave cm 300 crest






-300 trough

fig102.cdr Effects of strong earthquakes

• Ground shaking • Tsunami • Liquefaction • Landslides • Fire • Aftershocks Liquefaction

Christchurch 2011

sand volcano

crack landslide clay stream

liquefied sand

clay Effects of strong earthquakes

• Ground shaking • Liquefaction • Landslides • Fire • Aftershocks CBC

Duncan Wyllie Effects of strong earthquakes

• Ground shaking • Liquefaction • Landslides • Fire • Aftershocks Kobe 1995

San Francisco 1906 Effects of strong earthquakes

• Ground shaking • Ground rupture • Liquefaction • Landslides • Fire • Aftershocks