D. M. SINHA OF THE i};DIAN AD1IlNISTRATIVE SERVICE Director of Census Operatiorn Uttar Pradesh DISTRICT MEERUT

I 10 I) 10 KMS b:.u.=.:.- -± - - 1--±=:;d


". IL- f- i





DISTRICT HEAOQUARTERS TAHSIL HEA.OQUA.RnR~ I""" ~ VtKIS KHA.Ha H~AOQU"'fHkS .~".'"' ,." 10111101 OF THE DIITRICT o ,v • ,.~\ ',., IN UTTAR PRIOEIH URBAN IUfA f/ c'~"'\f/ IJ . ~ - \, ,. "\ VILI.AGE WITH POPULATION MI]lI Olt "1011£ • ~~,' :'\ 0 IO::J 200 .(\,~S HIGHWAYS. NA1'IONAL, ,TATE l~iltUL_ )..'1:) r'; ~ OTHER IMPORTANT ROAD' ' ____ .- I R.A1L'hAV UI\IE WITH STAttON. BROAD (iIl.UC.EI, __ "i~ .... _ Nome of the A,,, in IPoPUIO\iOn No." No. of NARROW"A.UGEI~_ ,\. Tahsil K.' Villagfs Towns v;:-.... RIVER AND 5TRfAH I " ...... '" ~),. BlGHPII 1,0lll 561,066 154 CANAL WI1l11MPORTANT DISTRIBUiflfW \ I GHIZIIBAD 1.0581 718.91J III POlICf STATION P5 IIROHINI 895·1 4\M11 106 ron & nLEG.RA~H OFFICe. . I PI MEERUI 7110 141.B14 119 RtH HOUSi TRAVELLERS' BUNGALOW, HC, I RH 5" HAmA 1.098.4 J90.))5 l06 HOSPITAL, PlSPENSARY,P, H, CENnE, ETC + 1.0811 516.73B ll, DEGREE (OLlEG£, H. S, SCHOOL 8,0

TOTAL 5,944.0 3,%6.951 1,651 22

L_·--~~~~~-o~,------~------~~------~----~----~---, , 77 15 East of Gr"cw", 30 ~5


Pages Acknowledgements Introductory Note iii TOWN AND VILLA.GE DIRECTORY Town Directory Statement I-Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 4-5 Statement II-Physical Aspects and Location of Towns 1969 6-7 Statement III-Municipal Finance 1958-69 8-9 Statement IV-Civic and other Amenities 1969 10-11 Statement V-Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Towns 1959 12-13 Statement VI-Trade, Commerce, Industry, and Banking, 1969 14-15 Statement VII-Population by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Sheduled Tribes, 1971 16-17 Village Directory I- Tabsil 0) Alphabetical List of Villages 23-25 (ii) Village Directory (Ame'nities and land use) 26-47

2- Tahsil (i) Alphabetical List of Villages 51-53 (ii) Village Directory (Amenities and land use) 54-81 3-Sardhada Tahsil (i) >\lphabetical List of Villages 84-85 (ii) Village Directory (Amenities and land use) 86-103

4-Meetut Tablit 106-107 (i) Alphabeticall ist of Villages (ii) Village Directory (Amenities and land use) lUS-127 5- Tahsil 131-133 (i) Alphabetical List of Villages (ii) Village Directory (Amenities aad land use) 134-159

6-Bapur Tahsil 163-165 ti) Alphabetieallist of Villages (ii) Village Directory (.Amenities and land use) 166-192 Appendil-Tahsilwise Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities given in Village Directory 194-195 ( ix )

(b) Statement II-The physical and loeational aspects have been covered in this statement. The data of annual rainfall, rnaximmm and minimum tempwl.ture were not available with the Director of Meteorological Centre, Delhi, so the information given in Columns 4-6 relate to the nearest observatory at the Meerut town. (c) Statement III-The Capita receipt and expenditure of the local bodies in the 22 urban areas is as belows:- Table 2

,.-______Per Capita A ____ -. ______-_, (Rs.) Expenditurr (Rs.) ~ ____Receipt A~_~~~ ~ ______A ____-_~ Class of Towns No. of Total Receipt Receipt Total Expen- Expen- Expen­ towns receipt through from all expen· diture diture diture taxes other diture on on on etc. sources public public all health institu· other and tution» aspects conven- ience

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Class 1 2 47'89 16'18 31'71 45'53 13'43 5'10 27'00 100,000 and above (Meerut and Ghazi- abad). Class II 2 28'11 15'11 13'00 27'94 13'00 50,OGO to 99,999 (Meerut Cantt. and Hapur) Class III 5 24'87 11'44 13'43 16'59 5'89 8'80 20,000 to 49,999 (Modi- nagar, , Mawana, and ) Class IV 5 8'69 2'48 6'21 9'14 1'l3 0'13 1O,OJO to 19,999 (Mal- yana, Kanker, Khera, , Bagh- pat and ) Class V 7 2'36 0'44 1'92 3'80 1'03 N 5,000 to 9,999 (Ghazi· aba~ Rly. Colony, Fandnagar, Shahjahan. pur, Ordnance Factory Murad nagar, , Kaila and Hasti- napur) Class VI 0'30 0'3) 0,12 ... 0'12 below 5,000 (Rasulpur lJbulri)

N-Negligable The per capita receipt of class I, II, III, IV, V and VI towns is ~7'S9, 28'11,24'87, 8'69, 2'36 and 0'30 respectively, Against this the per capita expenditure is Its. 46'53, 2i'S4, 16'59,9'14,3'80 and O'l~ respectively. ( x )

(d) Statement IV:-All the towns have protected water supply and road lighting arrangements. Fire fighting service is available in Baghpat, Baraut, Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad Rly. Colony, Hapur, Meerut Cantt., Meerut and I\1odinagar. There is arrangement of machanical transport fOI removing night soil in the 10wns of Ghaziabad City Urban Agglome. ration and Meerut City Urb'in Agglomeration. Hand carts, Head loans and Baskets are used for the purpose of removing night soil in the remain ing seventeen towns.

(e) Statement V: - All the towns of the district have medical facilities. One T. B. Clinic is established each at Ghaziabad, Meerut Cantt. and Meerut. The total number of beds in the medical institutions of the district is 1,071. The highest number of beds (714) is in ~leerut. Rest of the towns have beds varying from a minimum number of 2 in Ghazi­ abad R1y. Colony to maximum of 102 in Ghaziabad. The district average for all the towns comes to 1'3 beds per 1,0)0 popuhtion. As regards the towns of Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration, the number of beds per 1,0)) population comes to 2'04, which is above the di£trict average whereas in Meerut City Urban Agglomeration the number of beds is below the disrrict average i.e. 0'82. The number of beds per 1,000 population has been shown in the following table :- Table 3

Total number of beds in Medical Institutions Number beds per 1.000 population

------~ -----~------1071 1 (['3)

Two Degree Colleges with Arts and Science faculties and one polytechnic Institute are located in Baraut town. The Degree Colleges of Arts and one with Science faculty and three shorthand typewriting institutions are located in Ghaziabad town. One Degree College with Arts faculty is located ill Hapur. Two Degree Colleges one with Arts and another with Science faculty are in Mawana. In Meerut there are ten Colleges, six with Arts, three with Science and one with Commerce. A 'Medical College and one Polytechnic Institute are also established there. Three Degree Colleges one with Arts, second with Science and third with Commerce faculty are located in . One Degree College with Arts and One shorthand, type­ writing institute are lacated in Muradnagar. Three shorthand typewriting and one vocational training institute are located in Sardhana. The number of Higher Secondary, Middle and Primary Schools (1969) per 1,000 popula­ tion given the following table :.- Table 4

No. per 1,000 population Name of Town ~------~------~ Higher Secondary Middle Primary

Aminagar Sarai 0'18 0'18 0'71 Baghpat 0'09 0'17 C'26 Baraut 0'19 G'03 0'61 f'aridnagar 0'13 0'27 0'66 ( xi )

Table 4-(concld,)

No. per 1,000 population Name of Town ~------~~-----~---~ Higher Secondary Middle Primary

...... --~ .. --...... - 0'46 Garhmukteshwar ()'O9 0'37 0'49 0'08 0'04 Ghaziabad ... Ghaziabad Rly. Colony 0'52 Hapur 0'04 0'22 0'22 0'34 0-\ I 0'21 0'32 Kaila 0'33 Kankar Khera 0'20 0'26 0'18 0'26 Malyana 0'09 O'CS 0'80 Mawana 0'16 0'07 0°40 Meerut 0'04 0'01 0'05 Meerut Cantt 0-03 0'14 0'07 1fodinagar 0'09 0'36 0')7 Muradnagar 0'21 Ordnance Faclory :M urad nagar 0°04 0'53 Pilkhuwa 0'17 0'20 Rasulpur Dhulri O'2J 0'20 0·36 Sardhana ("0;) (l°27 ()-14 054 ~bahjahanpur

The average number of Higher Secondary, Middle and Primary Scho\}ls per 1,000 popu­ lation -for aU the towns is 0'08, 0'10 and 0'39 respectively, As regards the towns of Meerut City Urban Agglomeration average number of Higher Secondary, Middle and Primary Schools

comes to 0-05 J 0'05 and 0'31 respectively, which is below the district average num\;>er of Higher Secondary, 1-tiddle Primary Schools in the towns of Ghaziabad City Urban Agglo­ meration comes to 0-08, 0'04 and 0'45 per 1,000 population respectively. The facilities of reading rooms and public libraries are available in 12 towns. There are 7, 6. 4, 3 and 2 cinema halls respectively in Meerut. ~-1eerut Cantt., Ghaziabad, Hapur and Modinagar, one each in Baraut, Mawana and Pilkhuwa, (£) Statement VI :-Cloth is the main article imported to Aminagar ~arai, Baraut Garh­ mukteshwar Kanker Khera, Malyana and Rasulpur Dhulri whereas food grains are imported J to Bagllpat and Kaila, wheat is imported to Ghaziabad al1d Ghaziabad R\y, Colony. The important item of import to the variuus urban areas are cotton yarn to , Timber to Hapur. Oil seeds to 'Mawana, Vegetables to Meerut Cantt., Vegetable Ghee to Meerut, Dying Chemicals to Pill<..h.uwa and agricultural implement5 to Shahjahanpur _ Cotton is imported Hastinapur and Modinagar whereas yarn is imported to Muradnagar and Sardhana, Articles manufactured and elCported from Baghpat, Baraut, Garhmukteshwar and Faridnagar are Sugar Gur, Muddas (Reed stools) and Handloom respectively, Main article exported from Aminagar Sarai and Ghaziabad are Leither and vegetable ghee respectively_ Articles manufactured and exported from Hlstinapur, Kaila and Kankar Khera are Conduitpipe, Our ( .-xii ) sprit respectively. Timber and Khadi afe exported from Hapur and Mawana respectively. Sawing machine and Gur are manufactured in Hapur and Mawanl, Sugar, Cloth and Hand­ loom fabrics are manufactured and exported from Malyana, Modihagar and Muradnagar towns. Handloom Cloth is manufactured in Meerut, Meerut Cantt. and Pilkhu'Na. Fruits Gur and Kerosene oil respectively are exported from Rasulpur Dhulri, Sardhana and Shah~ jahanpur towns. The main item of manufacture in Rasulpur Dhulri is Gur, in Sardhana Khadi and Shahjahanpur baskets. (g) StateDlent VII:-The population ,of all the urban areas is mainly comprised of (69'13 %) and Muslims (25'42 %), The percentage growth rate of Hindu population of these towns during the last decade is ~ 7.08 which is higher in comparison to the growth rate of the Muslim population (43'97 %). The percentage of scheduled castes in these towns is 12'45 %while that of scheduled

tribes is 0' 19 %o· Village Directory (a) According to their area (in acres) the villages have been stratified in the following table :- Table 5

Area (in acres) No. of Villages Percentage

50 acres or less 11 0'60

51.100 12 0.73

101-200 ~5 3'33

201·500 458 27-71

501·1000 664 40'17

IODl·2000 349 21-11

2001·S000 luI 6'11

5000 acres and above 3 0'18 - __ ..... -~---

Total @1,653 100'00

@Exclusive of six villages whose area figures are not available. It is evident from the above table tha t the number of villages having an area 01 more than 200 acres but not more than 1,000 acres account for 67'88 %of the total villages. Thereafter, the number of villages goes on decreasing as the size of villages increases. There are three villages having an area exceeding 5,000 acres. As regards smaller viHages, there are only 11 having area of less than 50 acres. (b) The distributiJn of villages having educational institutions is given in the following table :- ( v )

or above, the tl)WI1 is designated as bifunctional. If the total does not yield 60 per cent the third predominant occupation is also taken and such a town is treated as multi.f\lnc~ tional The notations used in columns of the ~tatement arc C-Municipal Corporation M-Municipal Board NAC-Notified Area Committee TC-Town Area Committee CB-Cantonment Board (b) Statement II-This statement gives the phy~ical aspects and location of towns. The annual rainfall, maximum and minimum temperature, nearest City with its distance, name of district and tahsil headquarters, railway stations and bus routes etc., have been indicated. The latitudes of the towns given in col. 3 have been supplied by the Surveyor General of .

(c) Statement III-It reveals the municipal finances for' the year 1968-69. The receipts through taxes and others sources alongwith the expenditure on general administration, public works and conveniences have been given therein. (d) Scatement IV-In this statement, the Civic and other amenities available in the town have been shown such as the.system of sewerage, drainage, the number of latrines and method of disposal of night soil, the source and capacity of protected water supply. fire fighting service and electrification. The notations used in the statement are as below : Col. 3 PR For Pucca Road

KR tI Kachcha Road Col. 4 PT .... ,' " Pit Tank OSD ...... " Open surface drain Col. 8 B ...... " Basket HC " Hand Cart HL , .... " " Head I.oad 11T .. 1iechanical T ram port Col. 9 TW " Tube well OHT " Overhead Tank (c) Statement V-The medical, educational, recreational and cultural facilities available in the towns have been shown in this statement with the help of the following. notations: Col. 3 H For Hospital D " Dispensary HC ...... " Hea1th Centre

fC ...... II Family Planning Centre THO " T. B. Clinic Mew " Maternity and Child welfare Centre Col. 5 AS " Arts and Science College Col. 17 PL " Public Library RR " Reading Room (r) Statement VI-This statement contains information relating to trade, commerce industry and banking facilities in the towns. The names of important commodities manufac­ tured, imported and exported, the number of :Banks and agricultural as well as non.agricultral credit societies as are given in the statement. The commodities mentioned therein are those ( vi ) having the highest value in currency. In a few cases, if the town is famous for manufac­ turing or exporting some particular item, even thongh the money value is not high, such items have been included.

. (g) Statement VII : The census table C VII giving distribution of population by rehgion and scheduled castes/scheduled tribes has been reproduced in this statement. Whil sex-wise following of the more common religions viz. Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism Jai?-~sm, Sikhism and,Ohristianity has been given separately. the persons belonging to, othe, rehglons and pursuahons have been shown in columns 15 and 16 under the headmg os 'Others'.

(5) Village Ditectory : reveals the general living conditions of peasantry and the over aU development that has taken place in the country side. The amenities available within each Village in the field of education, medical and health. power-supply, drinking water communications, Post and Telegraph have been given in columns 4 to 9 of this Directory. Besides, the information relating to staple food, distance from nearest town. days of markes hlt and places of religious, historical or archaee>logical interest is also given in the statement. If the Village is un-inhabited or power is being used for agricultural purpose only, thee characteristics have been indicated in the remarks column.

The land use statistics are constantly in demand for Agricultural production prorgamm~. Thes~ statistics have been given in columns It to 15 under the headings Ii) Forest, (ii) 1m­ gated, (iii) unirrigated, (iv) Culturable waste (v) Area not available for cultivation. In column 12, the irrigated area under different sources of irrigation has been separately given. The villages have been arranged according to tbe code nos, allotted to them at 1971 Oensus. Tne information has been presented with the help of the following abbreviations: In Column 4 ------JBS for Junior Basic School SBS Senior Basic School " H)S IJ Higher Secondary School C .. College 0 Others " In Uolumn 5 --- ..... _- H for Hospital D " Dispensary FC " Family Planning Centre He " Health Centre MOW .. Maternity & Child Welfare Centre o " Others In Column 6 ---.... _.... E for Electricity In Column 7 -----..... T for Tap HP Hand Pipe " W ,. Well WE Well with Electricity " TK Tank R " River " F n Fountain vii ) C for Canal

WF JI Waterfall

L I, Lake

TWE JJ Tubewell with Electricity o " Others In Column 8 KR for Kachcha Road

PR II Pucra Road T Train " CR Canal Road " R u River Canal C " In Column 9 PO for Post Office

TO u Telegraph Office

PTO II Post and Telegraph Office

Phone II Telephone In Column 12

T for Total C Canal " W Well " WE Well with Electricity " TW Tube-well " TWE .. Tube-well with Electricity TK Tank " R I, River WF " Waterfall L " Lake E Fountain " a "Others In Column 18

T for Temple M "Mosque C "Church G "Gurudwara HP "Historical Place RP " Religious Place A " Archaeological monument EA "Electricity for Agricultural purpose An apP'(:udix hat been included summing up the amenities at district level with tahlil wise break up. 'THE DISTRIOT

TOWD Directory

(a) Statement 1-1"feerut district ba,.22 urban areas including Aminagar Sarai. Hastinapur, Kaila, Ordinance Factory Muradnagar and Rasulpur Dhu1ri which have been included in the list of towns for the first time in 1971 CensuS. The functional distribution of the towns is as follows :- Table I

Name of Towns FUDctional Category

Meerut Cantt., Ghaziabad Rly. Colony. 1. Services Kankar Khera and Ordinance Factory !vloradnagar. 11a1Y3na, Modinagar and Pilkhuwa. 2. Industry Baghpat and Rasulpur Dhulri. 3. Primary Activities 4. Prima.ry Activities·turn-Industry Shahjahanpur. Meerut, Ghaziabad aad Hastinapur. 5. Industry-&um-Services 6. Industry-tum-Transport Kaila. 7. IndustrY-6um-Commercial.cllm-Services Hapur. ~lawana and Aminagar Sarai. 8. lad ustry-cum-OJmmercial-cum-Primary Activities. 9. Industry-cum Primary Activities.cum-Com- Sardhana, Muradnagar and Faridnagar. mercial. 10. Oommercial.t!l!1l·Iad ustry·tum-Serv ices Bar aut. 11. Primary Activities.cum-IndustrY-Gum.Ser. Garhmukhteshwar. vice,. Thus nine urban areas arc mono-fanctional. Among them four viz., Meerut Cantt.. Ghaziabad Rly. Colony, Kankar Khera and Ordinance Factory Muradnagar (with percentage of n'56, 70'6B, 52'70 and 89'83 workers respectively engaged it). "Services" group) arc Service towns. Malayan'l, Modinagar and Pilkhuwa and Industria.l towns with 45'02 %' 71'26 ~~ and 44'06 %of their workers engaged in Industrial group whereas 44'4 7 ~~ and 80'17 %of the workers are engaged in Primary Activities in Baghpat and Rasulpur DhulrL respectively. five urban areas are bi.functional. Among these Industrial group predominates in four urban areas vi,., Meerut, Ghaziabad, Hastiua pur and Kaila with 33'46 %', 38'31 %' 33'20 % and 33'44 %of the workers engaged in industries, while Primary Activities predominate in Shahjahanpur with 35'05 %of workers. Eight urban areas are multi-functional Industrial group predominates in Hapur, Ma wana, Aminagar Sarai, Sardhana, Muradnagar and Farid­ nagar with 24'78 %, 22- 71 %, 33'91 %, 34'0:3 %and 30'23 %of workers engaged in Industrial

group commercial clas, predominates in Baraut with 30'20~!IU of the workers t"wherea' Pri- mary Activities predominates in Garhmukteshwar with 29'00 %of workers. ( xlli )

Table 6

No. of villages having Distance from the nearest Total Primary~------~------~ Middie Higher Colleges Others town (in Km~.) No. of villt:lges School School Secondary School

()"5 364 221 21 4

6-10 511 341 42 28

H·l5 416 275 29 2:J

16·25 333 218 21 19

26·50 25 16 ...

51·100 .oo

101-200 ... 201 and above ------X·Total @1.654 1,071 114 77 2

@ Exclusive of five villages for which information is not available.

The above table shows that the largest number of villages having institutions including Higher Secondary Schools and Colleges exist in the distance group 116 to 10" Kilometres from the nearest town. Two Colleges exist in the rural area of the district one each in the distance group of 6·10 and 11-15. (c) 34 villages in district Meerut have hospitals. If all kinds of medical institutions including dispensaries health centre etc. are taken into account, 64 villages out of 1,654 have medical institutions.

The following table presents the number of medical institution per 100 Sq. KIllS. Table 7

Name of Tahsil Total area No. of medical institutions in Sq. Kilometres of any kind per 100 Sq. Kilometers

Baghpat 992'91 Ghaziabad 1,097'21 Sardhana 885'69 1 Meerut 670'90 2

Mawana J,058'6~

Hapur 1,071'07 xiv )

It transpires that tahsils Baghpat, Ghaziabad, Sardhana. Mawana and Hapur each have one medical institution per 100 Sq Krns. whereas there are two medical institutions per 100 Sq. Kms. in tahsil Meerut.

(d) 776 villages are electrified in the district out of 1,654 villages. There percentage comes to 46'92.

The largest number of electrified villages (174) lie in tahsil Hapur and mmimum in tahsil Mawana (90). The power supply in villages with reference to their distance froIll the nearest town is given in the following table:

Table 8

Number of villages with Electric Power supply

~--~-_~ __ A~ _____ ~_~

Distance from the Total Number of Total Percentage of total nearest town . villages electrified villages to total villages

0·5 364 1~7 54'12

6·10 511 213 42'66

11·\5 416 187 44'95

16-25 338 164 48'52

2(;-50 25 10 4000


101·200 ... 201 and above ...

Total @1,654 776 46-92

@Exc lusive of five villages for which information is not availa.ble.

The percentage of electrified vi11agfs to the total villages is highest (54d2) for those situtated within a radius of 5 Sq. Kms. and the minimum percentage of 40'00 is for those situated at a distance 26 to 50 Sq, Kms. from the nearest town.

(e) 4'17 %of total villages of the district are connected by rail, 31'98 %by pucca roads and 3'63 %by kachcha and pucca roads The percentage of villages having only kachcha roads is 32'83. The nature of comm unication have been shown in the following table, where the vilbges have been classified according to their distance from the nearest town. ( xv )

TabJe 9

~ ______Number of villages Jt". ______connected by - ____ - __ ~ Distance from Total the nearest No. of PR KR PR& PR& KR & PR & KR & Others town villages KR R R T T

0-5 364 135 77 19 18 8 12 6-10 511 126 149 20 22 4 7 11-15 416 142 143 9 2 11 3 16-25 338 72 162 11 5 13 26-50 25 4 12 1

51-100 '" 101·200 201 and above .. ,

-~.'------'_------Total @1,654 529 543 60 2 56 13 35

@Exclusive of five villages whose information is not available. (f) 'Ihere are in all 332 post offices in the rural areas of the district. Ou an average, one post office caters to the need of about five villages. The number of post offices per I?O Sq. Kms. in the various tahsil have been shown in the following table;-

Table 10

Total area Number of Post Office Name of Tahsil (in Sq. Kilometres) per 100 Sq. Kelometr~s ------Baghpat 992'91 7 Ghaziabad 1,097'21 6

Sardhana 885-69 7

Meerut 670'90 6 Mawana 1,058'69 3

Hapur 1,071'07 6

Tahsil Baghpat and Sardhana have the highest number (7) of post offices per 10) Sq. Kms. whereas minimum is in Tahsil Mawana (3) lOa Sq. Kms. (g) Wheat and maize are the main staple food of the district. (h) The cultivated area is 80'17 per cent of the total rural area of the district and is wholly under irrigation. The following table shows the average cultivated land, average cultivated waste and its percentage to average cultivated area per village. The villages in this table have been classified according to their distance from the nearest town. ( xvi )

Table 11

@Exclusive of five villages for which information is not available.

1 h~ average area of cultivated land per village in highest (733) in the distance group 11 to 15 Kms. It is lowest (660) in the distance group 0 to 5 Kms. The average cultivable waste per village is highest (101) in the distance group of 26 to 50 Kms. The average area of cultivable waste per village is lowest (48) in the distance group 6 to 10 Kms. The per­ centage of average cultivable waste to average cultivated land per '\Tillage is highest (15'12 %) in the distance group 26 to 50 whereas it is only 7'03 °10 per cent in the case of village in the distance group 6 to 10 Kms. ACK~OWLEDGEMENTS

At the 1971 Census it has been our endeavour to compile both Census and Non census statistics at the village and block level in a uniform manner. To ensure that these statistics arc available t!) the users as socn as these are sifted and compiled, the District Census Handbook has been divided into three parts. This h the first part of the series, the Village and Town Directory, which mostly comprises Non-census data. We are deeply indebted to the State Government for their ever willing and prompt help to us at all stages The District Census Handbooks are being published by us on their behalf. I wish to express my gratitude to Sri M. Lal Chief Secretary to U. P. Government, for all the guidan.oe and facilities afforded to us in th e conduct of Census in this State. I am also grateful to Sri P. C. Pandey, Secretary, G. A. D. (Now Commissioner, Rohilkhand Division, BareiIIy) and his successor, Sri A. P. Dixit, for the facilities given by them in sorting out various admini3trative ml.tten relating to the public.ition of these Handbooks. I a'J) e'

The programme for the printing of District Census HandboC'ks has been heavy indeed, more so as three parts are being published, one in Hindi and two in English. The arrang ements made by Sri A. Dar, Superintendent, Print­ ing and Stationery, U. P., Allahabad for the printing of these volumes, are thankfully acknowledged. Joint Superintendent, Sri J. 8. Gupta, J/c. New Gov­ ernment Press, Aishbagh, Luclmow ha5 also been extremely helpful in bringing out the maps.

In the Census Office, everyone has done something for this stupendous task of compilation and collation of statistics, preparation of notes and reading of proofs. I am grateful to Sri B. B. Pande, Depllty Director, Headquarters, the Tabulation Officers and other staff of the Technical Section, who have shared the burden and helped in binging cut these H:mdbo)ks.

I must also express my gratitude to bri A. Chandra Sekhar) [{ei.!istrar General, India, Sri K. D. Ballal and Dr. B. K. Roy Burman, Deputy Regi:;tran General and Sri K. K. Chakravorty, Central Tabulation Offica f0r their con3- tant help and guidance de~pite their own heavy preoccupation~,

Lucknow: D, M. SINHA, Dated October 3, 1972. Director of Census O,JerJ.tions, Uttar Pradesh,

Introductory Note

1. History of District Census Handbook.

It has been customary to bdl1g out vital statistics at most of the Censuses. A list showing the population of villages in each district was published after the 1891 Census' SUch information was, however, not brought out in 1901. Village Directories were prepared for all d' t' . • IS rlcts lU J911, but could be published only for thirteen due to the outbreak of the FIrst World WAh I " ar. t t e 921 Census, these were publIshed for all dIstricts in the form of District Censu Stat' t' J 1931 '11' . , . S IS ICS. n VI agewJSe statIStIcs were complied but could not be published owing to financial stringency, resulting in loss of valuable data. At the 1941 Census, restricted tabulation was undertaken in the wake of the Second World War, but the utility of Cens s t t' " , usa lStiCS was recogUlsed and these were pubhshed. The District Census Handbo k' . , 0 In Its present form was brought out at the 1951 Census, and was published along. WIth another volume titled District Population Statistics, In 1951 Census, attempts were made to render the District Census Handbook more informative, as in addition to Census data pertaining to each village, data about it~ level of development and amenities were also .collected. At the 1971 Census, efforts have been made to compile both Oensus and non­ Census statistics at village/town level in a uniform manner with an enlarged scope, As the District Census Handbook makes Census statistics available for the smaller territorial units, it is constantly referred to for several [JUl'p03es of administration, demar­ cation of electoral cQnstitu~t1cies, planling al1d developmeat and so on. To ensure that these statistics are available to the users early, the District Census Handbook has been divided for being published separltely into three parts: Part A: Town and Village Directory Part B: Village and Town-wise Primary Census Abstract Part C; Analytical Replrt and Administrative Statemeuts-District Census Tables. 2. Scope of District CeDsllS Handbook. Part A oftbe Handbook comprises the Town and Village Directory. In Village Direc­ tory, particulars of amenities in regard to Education, Medical, Power supply, drinking water supply, Post al1d Telegraph and Communications have been given. Besides, it

contains land-use statistics, days of weekly markets and places of religous j historical or archaeo' logical interest in each village. The Town Directory comprising seven statements throws light on the status of the town, its origin, growth of population, functional category, location and physical aspects,l\funicipal finances, Civic and other amenities, Medical aad Educational facilities and statistics pertaining to Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking. Apart from these, it also gives the dj~trjbution of population of a tOWll by religion and Scheduied Castesj Scheduled Tribes. Part B represents data down to village level for rura.l area atld block level for towns. It contains the Primary CeUSils i\bstract which incorporates figures of area, number of occupied residential houses and household, total population and its break-up by sex, scheduled caste and schedule;! tribe, literate population, working population by nine broad industrial categories of cultivators, agricultural labourers, workers engaged in forestry and livestock etc. in mining and quarrying, in manufacture or repair, in constructbn, in trade and commerce, in transport amI. cOl11muuicatioIl5 and in other services as' well as the non- working population. ( iv ) Part C deals with the administrative statistics pertaining to the district in an nel:i of devel,)pnent. Th ~ Census table, pertaining to langlnge, religion, migration and econolllic c activities are beillg reproduced in this part. A write up indicating changes in socio-econollli and demographic characteristics of the district during the last decade is also bei!lg included in it. 3. Tawil DirectorY-6ivell in Part A presents data for aU the Census towns of the district. There is no uniformly accepted definition of a town. The historical, political' cultural and alministriltive considerations are generally taken as criteria for rural urban· cla3sifiCltion. An urban area, in contradistinction to the rural, comprises a large majority of inhabitants who are engaged in industrial and- non·agricultural activities. In addition to its size, populati.on. and occupati.on3.1 characteristics, an urban area provides such facilities as transpJftation, banking, commercial and technical services, community facilities and other civic services. According to the State Gove(nment, all Municipal Corporations, Municipal Board, Cantonment Board, Notified Areas and Town Areas are considered as towns, a1.d according to their average annual inome fro,n their own resources, these have been clas3ified into di[Terent classes of local bodies. The Criteria adopted under the Census Operatio:1s is slightly different from the State Government, In 1971 Census all places satisfying the following conditions have been treated To-vns :- 1. All MLlnicipal Corporations Municipal Board, Cantonments & Notified Areas. 2. All localities though not in themselves local bodies but forming part of a city or town agglomeration. 3. Other places satisfying all the three under mentioned conJitions : (i) Population exceeds 5,UOI). (ii) At least 15 per cent of the male wor,king popUlation engages m non-agricultural pursuits, and (iii) The density of propulation exceed~ I ,I)O~ persons per sq. mile (385 persons per sq. km

The information give n in the Town Directory relates to the years 1~69. The data has been presented in the following seven statements:

(a) Statf'ment 1-This statement presents the population of the towns at the end Of each decade from 19[)1 to 1971. the Civic status of' the towns and their functional cate­ gories at 1961 and 1971, Censuses. The functional categories given in columns 14 and 15 have been determined on the basis of the predominant functional character of the town, to derive which the working population under the broad industrial categories has been regrouped into five broad functional classifications. (i) Primary Activities-Categories J, II, 111 & IV (ii) Industry-Categories V (a), V (b) and VI (iii) Trade and Commerce Category VII (iv) Transport-Category VIlI, and (v) Services-Category IX

For each town, the percentage of workers under each of the aforesaid classes to total workers is worked out, alld where the workers under one of the das~es comrrise 4;) per cent or more of the total workers, the town is taken as mono·fv.nctional. In other cases, the nelCt preclo:ninant 0CC11pation is taken hto 1CC,)tmt a'ld if the total of the t'NO com ~s 'a GO per cent TOWN & VILtAGE DIRECTORY

Town Direcl,ory 4 TOWN STATEMENT S1'/\1US, GROWTH HII\TORY AND CivIc Population of Ihe -,. Loeatlnn IIdminittration ,.._ ---___ ~_ ----- tiD. ~prre of TOWD Code NQ. Name of Tahlil .'atul in , 1970 I ~D I 19!J 1921 3 5 6

Aminagar Sarai 18fl/XVI Baghpat TC Treated as urban 2 Baghpat 18JI/XI Baghpat NAC 5,972 5,346 4,G12 S Baraut IBflfV Baghpat M ','03 ,,776 9,304 4 Faridnllgar I Bil/X III Ghaziahad TC ~.620 3,5~4 5,522 3 Carh Muktcs~wllr 18f6/X Hapur TC ',616 6,123 6,018 6 Ghaziabad Sec Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration

7 Chaziabad Rly. Colony Sec Chaziabad City Urban Agglomeration

Chariahad Clty Urban AggloMeration_ 1l,27S 11,304 12,341 (i) Gh aziahad IB/2/II-1 Ghaziabad M 11,275 11,304 12/3'3 (ii) Ghaziabad Rly. IB/2/II-2 Ghaziabad Colony, 8 HaplIf IPf6fUI Hapur M 1',796 19,142 ~O,388 9I'"H astin'''i'I' lA/'JjXIX Maw~nl\ NAC Treated as urban 10 Kailll IRp/XVn Ghaziabad Treated as urban 11 K~likef K.hrTIi IP/'/TX Meerut TC 2,641 2,804 2,897 11 Malvan" See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration 1~ Mawanll I P!'1VT Mawana M 9,207 7,196 8,197 u Murul See Meerut City ,Urban Agglomeration

I ~ Mtfrut r~ntt, See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration

"'fOPn' City Urb," Ag!lotfttratlol'l _ 118.539 116,651 122,6O!1

(i) Malvana 18/4/T_,1 Meerut

(ii) Meerut 18/4/T - I Mrrrut M 118,539 116,631 P2,609 Iii!) Meerut Cantt. 18f4/T-2 Meerul CB '" 16 Modipur 19j?f1V Chuiabad 17 Muradnagar lBl2fXlT r.hul ahad NAO 4,6Sg 5,298 4,955 111 Ordinance Factory IB/2/XV r.huiRhatl Treated II urban \f"r~1nal!.r 1/l Pilkhuwa Is/?/Vrn GhAli.b&d M S,B~9 6,385 0,006 20 Rasulpur lS/1/XVTn Meerut Trealed u urban 21 SardhaDI IJlI9fVtI Sardb.na NAC 12,(61 9,242 9,~2'

22 ShahJahlDpur 18/5fXIV MIWaDa It, ,II ... DIRECTORY

FUr-:CTIONAL CATEGORY OF To\li~S town_____ at th~ ACenlU! ______o( ~ ______runcdona I C!'r~orv ._-, ~-----~------~ 1931 I~H 1 19',1 1961 1~71 1951 (C~, lUi) j971 iC;IliU!)

9 10 II 12 II 14 15

in !Y71 Censu! 5,637 Indus! ry.cum,CJmmerci aI- cUIT·Primary Actiritici 4,927 5,519 5,998 8,437 11,666 Scrvice$·cum-Prim ary Primary Activities

Act ivi tieS'WIn' Industry 9S90 Il,46~ 16,928 22,818 31,26'1 Snvices'/,m' Com merci al·cum· Tndu! try .. um- Commercial Services 6,238 5,383 6,000 6,280 47,) 11 rndu!try Primary Activities.cum-Indu$- try·cum·Commercial 5,366 6,950 6,555 a,il i 10,937 Industry-cum.Services. Primary Activitic!-C~m-IndUl- cum-Primary Activities try,wl7,·Services See Ghnziabad City Urban Agglomeration

See Ghazia.bad City Urban Agglomer ation

18,1l31 23,834 43,745 76,438 127,70~

18,831 23,83 ~ 38,m 63,190 118,836 IndustrrulT.·Services Indus try-curr.·Service~. 5,528 7,248 8,864 Industry Industry 25,116 33,756 49,260 55,248 71,266 Services-cum·Commcr< Industry.cum.Commercia 1· ei al-cum-Industry c'IlI,·Servicr.s in 1971 Census 8,88') Industry-cum-Selvim in 1971 Census 9,313 Indust ry·cum-TraoIJlort

4,316 9,905 6,~.='7 1(l,[l',6 15,352 Inclultry Service 5 Sec Meerut City Urban Agglomeration

9,585 12,194 15,663 20,677 24,8jg Services·cum.lndustry Indust ry-culT.·Commerci a I-cum- Commercial Primary Activities See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration

See Meerut City Vrban Agilomeration

136,709 169,29a 233,183 283,997 367,754

8,193 11,346 Industry Industry

91,IS1 1I7,IS2 15S,4()7 200,470 270,993 Services Industry-cum·Serviccs 45,528 5Z,IOS 74,776 75,334 85,415 Services Services

12,304 24,266 43,470 Industry Industry 4,904 5,~29 6,194 8,258 13,985 Jndustry-c'Jm·Commer. Industry,cu!11-Prim&ry Activi. cial-cum-Services ties-cum.Commerci&\ in 1971 CeJlSUS 9,026 Seviw

6,766 s,ro 11,491 16.025 23,941 Industry Services in 1911 Censua 4,944 Primary Activities 10;265 12,607 12,556 16,563 22,083 Tndustry-cum-Primary Industry,cul1I.Primary Activi. Activities ties-rum·Commercial 6,214 7,340 Tnduat ry-cum·Pri m& ry Prim,ry Activities·cul)l·Jndus· A'tivities try ( (J TOWN STATEMENT

PHI'S CAL ASPECTS AND Ph)sical \sperl Name for ,-._------.).,.------, ,----_.__ ._-- Ge graphical _ _ SI. Name of Town Co-ordinates Annual rain fall Tenperat'l'e (in rrntinvle J* \I'nrsl r"IY Wllh S'H' H·-ad No. t"'--,)..--' (in mil:m~trel r------..J..-----, P0pll'auoo of I Qlart~rs Lat. Long. . Maxiul'lll l\'iiniIllLlw lab or m"r~

2 3(a) 3(b) 4* 5* 1,* 8

Aminagar Sarai 23 0 59' 77Q23 1 814'0 45'0 O-l Meerut (32) (492)

2 Baghpat 28a~, 77 D I3' 814'0 450 0,4 Delhi (37) Lucknow (525)

3 Baraut 29°()6' 77 DI5' 814'0 45-0 O't Meerut (50) Luclmow (475)

-4 Faridnagar 28°46' 77°37' 814'0 45-0 0-4 Meerut (SO) Lucknow (~05)

5 Garh Mukteshwar 28°47' 78"03' 3' '.~ ~~":I'~ () ,t Meerut !~·7) Luc~now (40t)

6 Ghazlabad See Ghlziabad City Urban Aulo:ner~,(iJn

7 Ghaziabad Rly. Colony See Ghaziabad City Urban Ag6Io:n~ration Ghaziabad City Urb.1R Agglomeration :- D.:lhi (15) LucknON (466)

(i) Ghaziabad 28°39' 77P26' 814-0 45'0 0'4 Delhi (IS) Luc~now(.j{)6)

(ii) Ghatiabad 2B039' 77°26' 814-0 'I 0 0-4 Delhi (15) Lucknow( 464) B Hapur 28 Q43' 77°47' 814,0 45·0 O't Meerut (27) Lucknow (432)

9 Hastinapur 29Q 09' 78°00' B14-0 45-0 O,~ Mrerut (38) Luck-now 15(6)

lD Kaila 28"47' 77°45' 814'0 45'0 0-4 Ghaziabad (I) Lucknow (469)

11 Kanker Khrra 29°01' 77041' 814-0 4,'0 0,4 Meerut (6) Lucknow (460)

12 Malyana See Meerut Ci ty UI ban Agg lomerallon

13 Mawana 29°06' 77°55' 814'0 45'0 0'4 Meerut (26) Lucknow (500)

14 M,erut See Meerut Cit)' Urban Agglomeration

15 Meerut Canlt. See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration

Meerut City Urban Agglomeration Gbaziabad LucknnW (48) (467) .

(i) Malyana 28°58° 77 Q 40" 814·0 45'0 0'4 Ghaziabad (48) Lucknow (462)

Q (ii) Meerut 281!59 D 77°42 814-0 45'0 0'4 Ghaziabad (48) Lucknow (467)

liii) Meerut Cantt 1,)001 0 77°42° 814'0 45'0 O·t Ghaziabad Ill) Lucknow '161)

16 Modinagar 28°49° Q 77°34 814'0 4:i·O 0'4 Meelut (?2,i Lucknow 1485) 17 MUTadnagar 2W'47Q 77 Q!OQ 814'0 45'0 0-4 Ghaziabad (17) Lucknow (435)

18 Ordnance Factory Information not Available Mur adn agar Pilkhuwa Q 19 28°42 77°39° 814'0 450() 0'4 Ghaziabad (25) Lucknow (432)

20 Rasulpur 0 28°55 77°2 I? 814'0 45'0 0'4 Meerut (21) Lucknow (476)

21 Sardbana 2~08Q 771136? 814'0 450() 0'4 Meerut (22) Lucknow (479)

2~ Shahjahnpur 28Q51Q 77 Q57O 81+0 45'0 0'4 Meerut (28) LuckDow (432) ( 7 ) DIRECTORY II

LOCATION OF TOWl\S, i~9 Road distance (Km.l from - ___A--- ______-- - _____ -~ - -- - .------....

SIIO-' livisior.al "hvig~h\' Su Port Di·trict Head.Q,mter / Railway S'ation Bus Roule (if with:n Head·Q:1arters T.hlii River/Canll rI f within 10 Km.) ~Km.1 Hea j. Quarters 14 9 I() II 12 13

Meerut (32) Baghp It :20, Baghpat Road (15) Aminnagar (0)

Meerut (49) Baghpat (0) Baghpat Road (4) Baghpat (0)

Meerut (50) Bagbpat (18) Baraut (0) Baray! (0) ... Mmut (30) Gh~ iabad (30) Modina:pr (9) Faridnagar (0)

Meerut (47) Hapur (32) Garb Mukteshwar (0) G3rh Muktrshwar (0)

See Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration

See Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration

Meerut (46) Gbaziabad (0) Ghaziabad (0) Ghaziabad ( )

Meerut (46) Ghaziabad (OJ Ghaziabad (0) Ghaziabad (0)

Meerut (41) Ghaziabad (1) Ghaziabac! :2) Ghaziabad (2)

1\1 eerut (27) Hapur (0) Hapur (0) Hapur (0) Meerut (38) Mawana (11) Meerut (38) Hastinapur (0)

Meerut (4')) Ghaziabad (I) Ghaziabad (I) Gbaziabad (II

Meerut (6) Meerut (6) Meerut Cantl, (3) Kanker Khera (0)

See Meerut City t'rban Agglomeration

Mawana (0) Meerut (26) Mawana iO) Mawana (0)

~ee Meerut City Urban Agglomeration

Ser Meerut City Urban Agglomer

Meerut (0) Meerut (0\ Meerut (0) Meerut (0)

Meerut (5) Meerut (5) Meerut 15) Malyana (0)

Meerut (0) Meerut 101 Meerut (0) Meerut (0'

Meerut (4) Meerut 14, Meerut Cantt.\O; Meerut Canlt. (0;

Meerut (22) Gbaziabad i271 Modinagar 101 Modinlgar (01

Meerut (32) Ghaziabad 17, MuradnagH iO I MuradnlgH O'

Information 110t Available

Meerut (40) Ghaziabad (25) Pilkbuwa (0) Pilkhuwa (0)

Meerut (21) Meerut (21) ModimgH (&) R lsulpur Dubri (0)

Meerut (22) Sardbana (0) Dl raula (II) ~ardhan~ (0)

Meerut (28) Mawa na(32) Garb Mukteswar (14) Shah;abanpur (0) s TOWN STATE\lENT

:'IU;.lICIPAL fI:-lANC E Receip! ,,------~ ------...... ,._.).. ------~...---...._ Revenue Sl, derived Iro:11 No, Name ofTONn Receipt mU1icipai throu~h proprrties Government Loall AJ ·anCe Other Total taxes, etc. and Graul suurcts reCd[l1 POWtII apa It from taxation

~ 3 4 6 B

Aminagar Sarai 53 19 29'0 321 6B3 2 Baghpat 718 99! ),7l2 S Baraut 5,508 1 253 982 10,063 75 17,881

0.) 4 F ariduagar J, 'lJ ,''AI ,:'~ 129 5 Garh Mukteswar 115 174 535 I, ,2,1 6 Ghazibad See Gha1iaLac! City Orban Agglomeration 7 Ghaziabad Rly. See Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration Colony Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration See Constituent Vllits Ii) Ghaziaoad 25451 6,487 6,023 3,955 41,916 (ii) Ghaziabad Rly. Inform~ tion not Available Colony. in,5:11 S Hapur 1O,.5B2 4,212 2.939 i93 9 Hastinapur 45 104 225 3'1 408 10 Kaila Information not t\ vailablt 1,316 II Kanker Khera 6S6 650 12 Malyana Se~ Meerut City Urban Agglomeration 225 5,971 I~ MawaI1c 3,"·10 981 1,155 J.l Meerut See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration 15 1vhrut Cant!. See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration Meerut City Urban Agglomef1tion See Constituent Units (i) Malyana 67,275 144,777 (ii) Mr.erut 37,626 11,200 16,676 12,000 268 25,519 liii) Meerut 13,091 11,099 1,061 115 2,1g8 15 Modinagar 1,487 330 206 700 1,047 7 \90 ' Moclinagar 71 IB Ordinance Factory Inrormation nG! Available Muradnagar 250 ?,532 19 Pilkhuwa .5,904 707 1,671 15 20 Rasulpur 15 782 ),604 21 Sardhana 147 125 640 120 22 Sbahjahanpur 120 ~ mRECTORY III 196B-69

Fxprndi(ur~ IFi~um in '00 rupm) ,.. __ -_-.___ ._-----.- _ ..... -----_-_ ------_._- -~-----""I

General Public Slfety PUJli, Health PUJI,c Wlrk Pul:llic Others Total AJmini,trltion alld II,Slilulicn ExprFdilure cOm'wiencei

\Ii ~ (i 11 12 n '.t 11 42 211 403 1 150 812 339 431 318 918 62 3S8 2.436

1,71)2 259 3,100 3tl 1,~OS 5l() 8,020 124 1')'""' 252 !i'i Zj 5ZJ 20 SC6 L,SSY

See Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeratioll

See Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration See ConstitutDt units

3,45~ 2,%l 10,22 ~ 9,~i22 4,978 4,G6~1 35,600 Information no( Available 17,857 1,950 1,225 7.207 1,95~ 3,30~ 2,217 315 84 402 316 1,117 Information not Available 605 605

Se~ M~~rut City Urb an A~6\o neration

1,021 213 1,376 993 523 722 4,8't8 See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration

See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration

See Constituent Units

6,976 1,111 42,114 9,083 14,907 67,682 141,373 l,382 2,01B 13.153 4,563 2,847 1,964 25,927 90 746 84 496 1,416 \,383 77 374 9~·.J

Information not Available

1,180 451 6,266 318 2,634 2,747 936 6 6 229 1,612 15~ 416 808 100 100 '" 10 TOWN STATEMENT


No. of Latrines Road length St. No. Name of Town System of r------.A..-----~ Method of dispo!ai ill (Km.1 Sewmg·f Water Service Olhers of QJghto!~il drainage !lorne 2 3 ~ 5 6 7 8 Ami nagar Sarai PR (8) PTfOSD 15 699 HL KR(6) 2 Baghpal PR (17) OSD l,i50 BJd KR (I) & Barauat PR (26) S/OSD 50 5,000 B/H KR (4) .~ Faridnagar PR (5) PTjOSD 28 21 B/HL KR 12) Garh Mukteshwar Pl{ (23) OSD '1,00) B 6 Ghaziabad Kk (16) See Ghaziabad City Urban AgzlGmeration Ghaziabad Rly. Colony See Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomera.tion Gbaziab"d City Urban PR (4&) S/PT/OSD 2,250 5,012 MT/He Agglomeration :_ KR (0) (I) Ghaziabad PR (3B) SIPT· 2,000 5,000 MTjHC KR(O) (ii) Chaziahad Rly. PR(8) S/P'f/OSD 250 12 MTIHC Colony KR(O) a Hapur PR (59) OSD 4, ~4-3 HL/B KR(2) 9 Hastinapur PR(15) PT/OSD 13(l 500 HC/B KR (5) 10 Kaila PR (0) OSD 500 BIHL KR (2) 11 Kan~er Khera PR (3) PTjOSD 50 1,500 BIHL KR (2) 12 Malyana See ~!eeTUt City Urban Agglomeration 13 Mawana PR (19) PT/OSD 40 3,819 He KR(O) 14 Meerut See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration 15 Meerut Cantt. See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration Meerut City Urban PR (223) PT/OSD 2,075 5,350 Agglorneration:_ HL}HC/ KR (19) B/lvlT (i) Malyana PR (5) aSD 1,350 HL/B KR(O) (ii) Meerut PR (195) PTIOSD 1,510 33;313 He/MT KR(16) (iii) Meerut PR (32) PTjOSD 517 4,O(}(} HelMT KR(3) 16 Modinagar PR (32) prjOSD 2,511 7,340 He/MT KR(14) 17 Muradnagar PR (8) OSD 2,100 He/MT 18 KR(2) Ordnance FaClory Information not Available Muradnagar 19 Pilkhuwa PR(16) OSD 2j3nO Ht/B KR(6) 20 Rasulpur Pll(5) PT/OSD 25 600 }lC KR(3) 21 Sardhana PR(8) PTJOSD 30 500 He KR(6) 22 Shabjahanpur PR (2) PTjOSD 350 750 B KR(2) DIRECTORY IV


Protected Watrr Supply Eleetrification (Number of connection!) ____ ""\ (""----~-...... ------__ Fir~ fightinj Service ~------"""------Oh Source Capacity DOlll~tic Industrial . Cl)mmercial Road lightin; t ell lpoinu) 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 TW/OHT 20,000 GAllS. 4\)5 15 W2 150 TWfOHT 25,000 GAllS. Yes 1,050 82 250 250 TW/O;-IT 50,000 GAllS. Yel 2,500 125 280 260 HP 150 37 21 HP 402 265 26B See Ghazia;lad City Urban Agglomeration

See Gha.iabad City Urban Agglomeration TWjOHT 484,055 GAllS. Yes 6000 C60 J,162 2,714

(i) TW/OHT 300,000 GAllS. Yes 4,000 650 1,062 2,229 ii t ) TWI°'1T 134,0)5 GAil:;. Yes 2,000 10 10) 4Sj TW/ORT lIi,OOO GAllS. Yes 3,500 221 435 836

TW/ORT 40,000 GAllS. Yes 2;750 10 10O 485 HP 250 52 21 HP 500 5 75 170 See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration HP 9O() 15 100 243 See Mmut City Urban Agglomeration

See Meef~t City Urban Agglomeration HTI/TW/ 570,000 GAllS. Yes 15,531 5,32) OHT i,S39 5,745 HP 4{)l 25 75 52 TWjOHT 200,000 GAllS. Yes 13,630 1,610 5,574: 4,073 TWIOHT 450,000 GAllS. Yes 1,50() 4 % 1,100 TW/OHT 10,000 GAllS. Yes 3,lB4 219 2,268 3,403 TW/OH'r 35,000 GAllS. 424 \00 94 Information not Available TWIOHT 2,25,000 GAllS. 800 100 600 B,SOI fiP 200 3 50 105 TW/OHT 16,000 GAllS 70() 60 112 HP This (ownl is not electrified l! TOWN STATEMENT


Medical Facilities Educational , ____.A. __ -~ r - -.------Ho!pitab/ !'Ieds in Recogni'ed Dispensarie!/ Medical Art;/ llfedical E'ngmeenn . •.T' o,)tec1 h' nIcs Shorthand.. T. B. Clinics! Institutions Gollpae Q t) pewrJtJD, Name of Town 5cienre/ Colle,:;es No. 51. noted in -~ and otherg Health Centres{ Cllnmerce Nuriini Homes Co1.1\0.3 vocational Colleges trainitng institl1C;

2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9

I Aminaga,r Sarai D (2) 4 2 Eaghpat H(I) 6 0(1) 7 Baraut H(3) 42 AS (2) NH (2) Fe (I) 4 Faridnagar HC (1) "~ 5 Garh Mukhteshwar H(I) FC(1l 6 Ghaziabad See Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration Ghaziabad Rly. Colony See Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration Ghaziabad City Urban H (4) 84 A (2) S1I Type AgglomeratioD ;- D (1) (3) TBG (1) 20 S (I) FG (2) (i) Chaziabad H(S) 82 A (2) Sh. Type (3) D(I) ... TBC (I) 20 S (I) FC (2) (ii) Ghaziabad Rly. H(I)2 Colony. Hapur H(S) 40 A(l) D(l) FC(I) Hastinapur D (1) H (I) 20 10 Kaila 11 Kanker Khcra .. ". ... 12 Malyana See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration IS Mawana H(l) 6 A(I) D(I) 8 S (1) 14 Me.rut See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration 15 Meerut Cantt. See Meerut CityUxban Agglomeration Meerut City Urban H (8) 695 4 Sh. Type AgglomeratioD :- D (10) 14 A(6) (7) TBG (2) S(3) 0 (6) 0(1) 40 0(1) 1"0 is) NH (l) (i) Malyana D(l)

(iii Meerut H(6) 660 A (6) Sh. Type (4) D (8) 14 S 13) 0 (6) TBC(I) ... C(I) 0(1) 40 FC(4) ... (iii) Meerut Cantt. H(2) 35- 3 Sh. Type (3) D(I) TBC(i) NH(I) FC (I) 16 Modinagar H(2) 50 A(l) D(4) S (1) HC(2) , ... CO) ... 17 Muradnagar H(I) 4 A(I) Sh. Type (I) D(I) 18 Ordnance 'actory Muradnagar Information not Available 19 Pilkbu~a H (I) 6 D(I) 20 Rasu!pur ... 21 Sardhana H{l) 10 Sh. Type(S) He(l) 4 0 (1) D(l) FC (I) 22 Sbahjabupur )3 DIRECTORY V CULTURAL FACILITIES I N TOWNS, 1969 (Figuru indica!.num61T of untl) 'Icilit!er R~crea; iana I • n Cultural faciliti::s _A ------,------...... ---'""l r----______Jo._----""\

Higbtr Jucicr Secondary Public Libra ric Seconrlanl Auditorial or Primary Olhers S;adia Cinemas ard Middle Schools Drama Hall~ Secon~ary Schools R 'ad'ng Schools Rc;o[Jl1

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

1 4 PL(I) 2 i S PL(I)

19 PL (14)

'.! !i PL(I) 4 5 See Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration See Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration 10 5 58 4 PL (2)

10 5 58 4 PL (1)

PL (t)

3 16 37 13 PL (4j


2 g 3 4 5 See Meer~~ City Urban Agglomeration PL(I) -\ 2 20 6 RR(I) See Meerut City Ulban Agglomeration See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration PI, (4) 23 116 3 13 20 RR d)

2 3

PL (2) 12 20 109 7

6 PL (2) 4 3 RR(I)

RR(I) 4 6 2

3 5 B I Information not Available PL (I) 4 14 2

1 I 1 2 6 8 14 ) STATGMENT


No til S0; lime ~l.'lt im~Jrt

2 ~ ~ 5 6 7 8

Aminagar Slfai Clotb Cemenl Timber Leather Handloom Cur Cloth 2 Elihpat Food GrliD Cloth Machinery Sugar G~r Melloll

3 Baraut Cloth hon Tube well Gur Khand (Raw Wheat plainiog plant Sugar) 4 Faridn~gar COHon Yarn Handloom Cur Vegetable

5 Garh Muiteshwar Cloth Medicines Iron Good, Muddas Sugar Sand (Sannstoo1) 6 Lhilziabad See Ghaziab9d City Urball AggloILcration

Ghaziabad Rly. Colony See Ghaziabad City Urban ,\gglomeration

Ghaziabad City Urbm See Constituent Lilit Agglomeration :-

(i) Ghaziabad Wheat Rice Cloth Vegetabie Chle Iron-Goods Oil Engines

(ii) Gh8liahad Rly. Wheat Rice Cloth Colony. B Hapur Timber Cur Food·Grains Timber Potatots Brass-Shtets

9 Hast;napur Cotton St~d Conduit pipes Card Board Cott n Yarn

10 Kaila Foodgrains Cloth Oil·Se(ds Cur Khadl Vegetables

II Kanktr Khcn. Cloth Ferti;izers Coal Sprit Potatoes V~getable!

12 Malyana S( e Meerut City 1.: rban Agglomeration

13 Mawaua Oil Seed. Grains Kerosene Oil Khadi Gur

14 Mtcrut See Meerut City Urban Agglpmeration

15 Merru! Cantt. See Mttrut City Urban Agglomeration

Meerut City Urban See C()nslitUf.nt Unit .+.gglomeration :-

Ii) ~,lalyana Cloth Furniture Leather Sugar Rice C(7ita (Sweets)

(ii) Meerut Vcgcable gill! Sugar Wheat Hand loom Furniture Scissors

(iii) Meerut Cant',. Vegetables Sugar Wheat Hand loom Musical Ins- Scissors (rument 16 Modinagar Cotton Machinery Raw Materials Cloth Grocery N)lon Yam

17 Muradnagar Yarn Kerosene Oil Stationery Hand loom- Cur Kho1l'c (Milk Fabrics Product 18 Ordnance Factory Information not Available Muradnagar 19 Pilkhuwa Dying Chemi- ' Cloth Yarn Hand loom GUT Paper board cals 20 Rasulpur Clolh General Mer- Fertilizers Fruits Fuel wood Plants chandise goods 21 Sardhana Yarn Stationery Food Grains Cur Khadi Mangoes

22 Shahjahanpur Agricul tural- Vegetable ghe, Kerosene Oil Mangoes CiJI Pla:nts Illlplement J ~ ) VI


Names of tlHee lllOlt important commoJilies manufactured No. of Remark! No. of s r------~------~ No. of Bank! AgriculLU:al N n-Mricultue Credit Scciwu Cred; Societiral ht 2nd 3rd 15 9 10 11 12 13 14

Soap Khadi Gur

Suger G~r Khadi 2

Cur Knives Medicines 4

Hand loom GUt Baskets

:Mudd2S (Sann Chattie {Wooden- Barl (Sann Rope) Stool) Slipper). See Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration

Sec Ghaziahad City Urban Agglomeration

See Constituent Cnits

IrDn·Steel Vu;;ctable-:;hee Back Light Tube 10

10 Sawing Machines Motor Parts Papads 6 2

Conduite Pipe Card Board Cotton Yarn

Cu' Khadi Baskets

Spirit Se~' Meerut City Urban Agglomeration

Gur Khadi 3

See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration

See Meerut City Urban Agglomeratton

See Constituent Units I

Sugar Bricks Gatta (Sweets)

Hand loom Furnitures Scissors 8 2 Hand loom Musical Inllt\l- Scissors 6 menls 3 Cloth Loch Nylon Yarn 4:

Hand loom Gur Kh~wa (Milk Pt()- Fabrics ducts) Information not Available 6 Hand loom Gut Paper Board 2

Gur Khadi Khou:a (Millo. Product) 2 2 3 Khadi GUT Cl ay Pottery

Basket' '(hand (Raw Gur Sugar) TOWN STATEMENT



51. Name of TOWJ Buddhists Christian! Hindus Jains Muslim No. r--'---l ,.--J--, ~ r-A.-.. M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Amina;ar Sarai 2 6 2,132 1,836 167 268 651 575

2 Baghpal 8 8 8 6 3,499 2,844 221 201 2,j07 2,302

S Baraut 70 67 9,3i9 8; 10! 3,40 i 3,299 3,539 2,764

4 Faridnagar 1,890 1,708 2,177 1;761

5 Garh Mukteshwar 266 213 5 8 4,214 3;423 123 130 1,282 I,W

6 Ghaziabad See Ghlliabad City Urban Agglomeration

7 Ghaziab&d Rly. Colony See Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration

Ghal'abad City Urban 39 43 ::00 468 60,741 48,230 261 292 7,123 5,533 Agglomeratiun :- (i) Ghaziabad 38 40 455 423 56,m H,873 360 291 7,047 5,565

(ii) Ghaziabad Rly. Colony 3 45 4,514 3,3)7 76 68

8 Hapur 51 48 37 28,047 23,860 263 ~66 9,1~9 8;265

9 Hastinapur ';J7 84 1~ 5 4,63) 3,82.) 25 4 41 19 10 Kaila 25 l~ 4,928 3,7}B 529 254 11 Kanker Khcra 45 2!J 6,589 5,782 8 2 699 591

12 Malyana See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration

13 Mawana 5 10 6,204 5,329 298 277 6,124 5,990

14 Meerut See Meerut City Ur ban Agglorreration

15 Meerut Caatl. See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration

Meerut City Urban 194 123 1,!J39 1,453 131,795 105,414 3,210 2,911 59,112 51,757 Aggll)meration :- (i) MalyanA 19 48 35 5,348 4,431 811 5[)8

(ii) Meerut 138 116 1,036 869 88,593 73,928 2,'140 2,282 52,129 47,195

(iii) Meerut S7 7 755 588 37~854 27,055 670 629 5.472 4,051 16 Modinagar 22 117 73 23,460 16,482 123 106 1,447 673 11 Muradllagar 5 2 3,742 2,563 3 3,891 3,768

18 Ordinance Factory Muradllagar 67 51 4,511 3,305 225 162

19 Pilkhuwa 25 10, III 8,606 28 14 2,758 2,362

20 Rasulpur M3 751 1,800 1,550

21 Sardb.aa 253 306 4,765 4,193 885 823 5,888 4.956

2' ShahJahanpur ... 1,532 11,273 17 DIRECTORY VII

SCHEDCLE CASTEIES/SCHEDULED TRIll ES, 1971 ---____;..___.Re'i~ion- Sikhs Others Religion Scheduled Sche:luled not s;ated Ca~lfs Tribe r----"-~ ,_. ""---, r-_.A.---. r-_-"-----, r--"--""'I M ]I M F M F M V ~I t 13 14 15 61 17 1B 19 20 21 22

48j ,78

550 495

1.292 1,194

611 559

1,391 l,i~1

See Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration

Ste Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration

11,692 9,552 106 107

1l,W7 9,109 106 107

b85 413

8,135 6,813 6

254 m

1,341 1,(lj9 5 4

1,484 1,21~

See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration

16 1,451 1,307

See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration

See Meerut City Urban Agglomeration

18,614 14,902 721 538

2,IU6 I,m

10,739 9,110 4J9 298

5,769 4,051 308 240

2,113 1,528 10 5

887 740

728 480

2,027 1,653

418 398

1,499 1,25' 14 IY

., 951 987


I-Baghpat Tahsil



Location Location Location 81. Name of Village Code SI. Name of Village Code SI. NIUlIC or Village Code No. No. No. No. No. No.

3 2 3 2 3

1 Abdulpur 225 41 Bhudpur 21 81 Ghoshpur IoU 2 Abdulpur Mewla 175 42 Bichpari 1I7 82 Gopalpur Khadan 22 .. Acharaj Kbera 66 43 Biharipur 97 83 Gotana 78 • Adilllbad 42 44 Bijrol 69 84 Goripuf 101 5 Abera 159 45 Bilochpura 143 85 Gothra 231

6 Ahmadnagar 2SS 46 Biral 59 86 Gunga Kheri 67 7 Ahmadpur Gadhina 1lS 47 Bodba 2 87 Gwali Khera 127 8 Ahmadshahpur Padra 147 48 Bobala 48 88 Hahibpur Mazra 155 9 Akharpur, Tbaska 45 49 Budhera 122 89 Habibpur Nag1a 191 10 Alamgirpur TutaH 249 50 Budhscni 133 90 22

11 Alawalpur 88 51 Chakenenpur Khurd 141 91 Halalpur 8 12 Aminanagar Sarai (Rural) 135 52 Cbamrawal 200 92 Harchandpur Iii 13 Amipur Baleni 188 53 Chhaeharpur 68 93 Harsiya 199 14 AnandJlur U~(Bandpur 165 54 (Rural) 7 94 Harya Khera 187 15 Angadpur 14 55 Chhaprauli (T. A.) 6 95 Hasanpur Jakhora Urj 89 Chandpur

16 Arifpur Kheri 76 56 Chobli 40 96 Hasanpur Jiwani 62 17 Asarpur Kharka ri 70 57 Chohalda 151 97 Hasapur Maluri 22~ 18 Asara 19 58 Chopra Maheshpur 118 98 Hewa 14 19 Asharf'ahad ThaI 25 59 Dagarpur 236 99 Hilwari 85 20 Bachhor 34 60 Daulalpur 181 100 Hisawada 142

21 Badarkoba (Badarkha) 36 61 Devigarh urfPalhaira 82 101 Ibrahimpur Mazra 23 22 Baghpat lq 62 Dhanora Silvernagar 126 102 Idrispur 84 23 Baghu 105 63 Dbikoli 205 103 Jafatpur Ojhapur 41 24 Bahlolpur Na.gla. 162 64 Dhodra III 104 Jafrabad Nagla 12Q 25 Bakarpur Baleni 190 65 Dola 145 105 Jagos 43

~6 Bali 151 66 Dolcha 192 106 Jahangarh UrfDojapur 123 27 Bam 87 67 Dilawarnagar 128 107 Jahangirpur 227 28 lh.oli S6 68 Faizpuf Ninana 96 108 Ja\atpur 71 29 Baraut (Rural) 81 69 Faieullapur 95 109 Jawaher Pur Mewla 152 SO Barawadh 77 70 Fakharpur Mohammad Shahpur 229 100 Jiwana 64

91 Barh 83 71 Fa\harpur Viran 221 1I1 Johri 75 52 Barsia 131 72 Fatehpur ehak 24 112 Jonmani 178 33 Barawala 58 73 Falehpur Poothi 125 113 Kakor 37 54 Basa Tikri 159 74 Firozpur 230 114 Kakripur 17 35 Basi 214 75 Garbi Kalanjri 254 115 Kalyanpur 173

36 Basod 146 76 Gauna 246 116 Kanoli 21 37 Basoli 26 77 Ghatauli 196 117 Kama Patti ISO S8 - Bazidpur (Rural I 73 78 Ghayarsi UrJGadhi 114 118 Karam Alipur 119 39. Bhagot ' 251 79 Ghitora 232 119 Karimpur 63 40 Bhairapuf 1 238 80 Ghpripur 156· 120 Kasampur Kheri 6 24



Location Location Loeatlon SI, Name of Village Code SI. Name of Village Code SI. Name of Village Cooe No. No. No. No. No. No.

3 S 2 ~

121 Ka.tha 164 161 Mehrampur 171 201 Rajpur Khampur 100 122 Keharh. 19B 162 Mitpur 13 202 Ramala IS 123 Khandwari 104 163 Mirapur 80 203 Ramnagar 139 124 Khaspur 208 164 ,Midi ISO 2(l.} Rampur Khurd 141) 125 Khatla Pahladpur 174 165 - MOAzampur 189 205 Rasoolpur Sankal Puthai 176

126 Khwaja Nag1a 33 166 Mubarikpur 211 206 Ratau1 239 127 Khawaggipur Urf Chandanheri S5 167 Mutandpur 30 207 Rathora 10 128 Khekra (T. A.) 216 168 Mutarampur 115 208 Rawan UrfBaragaon 213 129 Khe1:ra (Rural) 217 169 Mukari 197 20Q Rustampur 55 130 , Khela ~09 170 Mul:arrabpur Kandera 65 210 Sadiqpur Sanoli 39

131 Khera Islampur 99 171 Muro.dgam UrfRoshannagar 180 2ll Sada'pur Jonimana 51 132 Khera Viran 184 172 \iuzaffarpur Ladur 203 212 Said Bhar 134 133 Kheri Padhan .ffi 173 Nagla Agri 252 213 Saidpur Kalan 172 1.1-l- Kherki Viran 92 174 Nagla Bahan 241 214 Saidpur KurdUr) Natbgalpur 182 135 Khindora 140 175 Nagla Baheri 210 215 Saidullapur 110

170 1~ 16 176 Nagla Bari 234 216 Salabatpur lCheri 219 137 Kishanpur 60 177 Nangal 4 217 Sankrod 106 138 Kotana 44 178 Nautozpur Aima 212 218 Santokpur 93 1~9 Kuri 5 179 Naurozpur GUjlT 108 219 Saroorpur HO Ladhwlri 107 180 Nethla !» 220 Shabanpur Raroli 245

HI Laliyanl 2H 181 Nib ali 148 211 Shabga ~8 142 Latifpur Dattllagar 19j 182 Niwara 102 222 Shahjahanpur Tisotra 186 143 Latifpur Sabbakheri 79 183 Noorpur Khalsa 223 223 Shahpur Baroli 50 144 Lehchora 242 1M NOOrpUT Muzabita 222 224 Sharfabad 247 145 Lobarl 72 185 Orangabad Jato! i 57 225 Sherpur 31

146 Loomb 15 186 Osika 86 226 Sheikhpuri 240 147 Loyan 53 187 Pab1a Bei2.mabad 16S 227 ShikohpUT 90 148 Luhara P. Bhagpat 136 188 Pali 163 228 Sihndarpur 215 149 Luhara P. Kotala 32 '189 Panchi 207 229 204 14{) Luhari 47 190 Patauli 201 230 Silana 9

151 Mahabatpur 54 191 Phaleta 250 231 Singaoli Ahir 185 152 Makarmatpur Chakbandi 193 192 Pilana 177 232 Singaoli Taga 248 153 , Mahrmatpur Badhi Naila 124 193 Poothar 183 233 Sisana 103 154 Mal::arrnatpur 0iti 202 194 Poothi Brahamanand 116 23-i Soop 'l7 155 Matakhpur 52 195 Pura 132 235 Soothi 29

156 Maniyar Bari 179 195 Puranpur Nawada 253 236 Subhanpur 224 157 Mansoorpur 243 197 Qasimabad UrfDurbi 160 237 Sujra 109 158 Matanatnaiar 129 198 Qayampur 112 238 Sultanpuf 194 159 Mavi Kalan 218 199 QULabpur Viran 2~O 239 SultanpUf Hatana 98 160 Mavi Khurd 131 200 Rajpur 28 240 Sunehra 166 ;5


LoeatioD Locatio!!. Loe,tion 81. Name of Village Code SI. Name or Viltap Code 81. Name of Villa" Code No. No. No. No. No. No. 3 2 J 2 S

241 Surajpur Mabenwa 15S 246 Tihna ~9 251 Tus ••a I 242 Tanda I 247 Tilpani 1~6 252 Ukawali aoI 243 Tatiri (Rural) 154 248 Tilwara Patti 11 253 Vidhavati 20 2~ Tatiri (T. A.) 153 249 Ti1wara Saii. 12 254 Vinaipur U1 ~5 Tiaari 2~5 250 Tobaddi 91 26 VILLAGE

l-!A8HPAT TAHSIL AMENrTIES ANI) Amtnitici available within the village Total Loea· Area tion or tbe code Name or Village village Post No. (in acrea) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food supply water cation. Telegrapb

2 4 5 I 7 8 9 10

Tand. N.A.

2 Bodha N.A.

3 TUiaDa N.A.

4 Nan~al 983 JBS(2) HP,W PR Wheat &. Rice

5 :Kuri 2,730 JBS~2)HSS(I) E HP,W n PO Wheat & Rice

6 Chhaprauli (T. A) 91 ]BS(4)SBS(1), E HP,W PR PO Wheat &. Maize H88(2) 7 Chhaprauli (Rural) Information included in cooe No.6

8 Halalpur 792 JBS(2) I HP,W PR,KR Wheat &. Rice

--'9 8ilana 1,251 JBS (2) HP,W Wheat & Rice 10 Rathora 1855 JBS [I) HP,W PR,KR Wheat &Rice

II Tilwara Patti 852 Uninhabited

12 Tilwara S.HB 575 JBS (lJ E HP,W PR,KR Wheat & Rice

I~ Mirpur 519 Uninhabited

14 Hewa 82~ JBS(I) HP~W PR,KR Wheat &. Rice

15 Loomb 3,358 JBS(2)HS8(1) E HP,W PR.KR PTO Wheat &. Rice

16 Kirthal 4,60~ JB8(3)8B8(1 ) D(I) B' HP.W PR,KR PTO Wheat & Rice

17 Kakripur IMO JB8(2) E HP,W PR,KR PO Wheat &. Rice

18 Ramada 2,222 JBS(2) SBS(I) I HP,W KR PO Wheat I; Rice

19 Aura. 2,374, JBS(I) HSS(I) E HP,W PR PO Whelt & Rice

20 Vidhavati ::30 Uninhabited

21 lIhudplir . 1,403 JBS(2) HSS(I) HP,W PR PO Wheat &. Rice , 22 Gopalpur Khadan 402 jBS(I) HP,W Wheat & Rice

23 lbrahimpur/Mazra 612 JBS(I) HP,W Wheat & Rice

24 Fatehpur Chat 291 JBS(l) HP,W Wheat & Rice

25 Asharfabad Tha.I 968 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice DlIlECTOR\

LA~D USi a.all" Land we (i. c., arta IInder diffcteDt typel oI1ud '* II ICI'!lI rGIIIded t. D.y or daJ'l laeilidill the JleueA UDlt) 01 the ally place LIe .. ,. _ _ __-.A. __.------..... Neuett ton market/luJI. or religiOUJ, d_ Area and dilt&DCC if 101, hiltoricalot Code Un. Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the archaCOo No. Irriaattd Irtirated Wutc for ,ill. 1000ie.l cultivation IDterett

II 12 13 15 Ii 17 18


N.ll. 1

·N.A, S

~ T(621) C(j80) TW(12) W(26) 0(1) 160 41 158 Baraut (1°) EA 5 ... T(1813) C(1400) TWE(17) W(300) 1C6 326 485 Bar~ut (19)

91 faraut (14) 6

Information not avail able in code no. Ii

30 78 Baraut (II) E.\ B .. , 1'(681) C(551) TWE(55) W(74) 0(1) S 9 ... 1(1,101) 0(949) W(lIS) 1&(2) 1'W(37) B 33 109 Baraut (13) 10 ... 1(1,658) C(I,668) 3 14 170 Baraut (21)

Baraut (16) Uninhabited 11 1(540) C(633) W(7) 77 95 ~J EA 11 ... 1(452) 0(120) W(12) TWE(20) 57 61 Barau! (16) ... Uninhabited 13 ... T(453) C(437W(16) , IS 44 llaraut (22) Bataut (19) \4 ... T(700) 0(560) W(139) TK(J) 1 16 100 Baraut (22) EA 15 ... T(2,873) 0(2,438) 0(15) ,(,1 79 3j5

Baraut (19) Sunday EA 16 :... T(3,B87) W(397) TWE(529) 0(2961) 78 77 562 Baraut (19) EA 17 ... 1(1,234) C(I,089) 'l'WE(72)'W (73) 10 II 275 215 294 Baraut (14) EA 18 .,. '1'(1,710) C(I,700) W(S)TW8(7) 5

558 60 247 Barau! (18) E.<\ 19 '... T(I,509) W(49) TWE(7) 0(1,453) Baraut (18) ... Uninhabited 20 1(187) (I~O) W(7) 126 12 5

Baraut (14) 21 ... T(I,043) C(I,028) W(S) R(7) 50 47 2ii3 Barau! (16) 22 ... 1(258) C(237) W(t5) R(6) 58 29 57 Baraut (14) 23 ... T(4W) 0(385) W(IS) 9 84 119 g+ Barau! (14) N ... T(262) 0(262) Baraut (14) 25 ... 1(623) C(30S) TW(250) W(70) 206 139 26 VILLAGE

I-JA~HPAT TAHSIL AMENITIES AND AtnenititJ available within the village Loea- Total ,------lion area Code Name of Villag c of the No. Post villa~e Edu~atiolla! Medical Power Dfintill~ Communi. &; Staple FOQd (ill acres) ~lt"p!y water catioul Telegrapb

5' 10

26 .Buoli 1,257 J~S (1) E W,HP PR PO Wheat !tRice 27 Soop 1,4{j~ JBS (2) E W,llP KR PO Wheat &: Rice

28 Rajpur 68{ Uaillhtbited 29 Sootbi 943 JBS II) W,HP KR Wheat &. Rice

50 Muhndpur 740 JB8(2) W,HP PR Wheat &: Rice

II Sherpur 1,~4 j'BS (I) :& W,HP KR Wheat & Rice

12 Luharap Kotala. 1,354 JBS(2)SBS( 1) E W,HP KR PO Wheat & Rice

!S Khawaja Nanal. 937 jBS(2)SBS(I) H(I) E W,HP PR PO Wheat&: Rice 34 Bachhor 503 JBS (1) ! W,HP lCR Wheat &: Rice

'5 lhawauipur Urj Chtndanheri 467 JBS (I) B W,HP PR Wheat &: Rice

Ii Jladatkoila 1,469 JB8(2) E W,HP pa Wheat & Ric. 57 IakQr 1,772 JB8(2) I W,HP KR,PR PO Wheat & Riee SS Sha.bg. 3,390 JBS(3)HSS(I) D(tl ~ W,HP PRo PO Wheat &. Rice 59 hdiqpur Sauli 2,172 JES(I)HSS(I) I W,HP PR PO Wheat&: Rice .j(l ChobU 1,311 JM (I) W,HP KR,PP. Wheat &:Riet

~l Jafarpur Ojbapur 561 jBS (I) I W,HP Wheat & Rie. 42 Adilabad 52+ W,HP Wheat & Rice

43 OS Jii 959 JBS(I) W,HP Wheat & Ric. 44 Kotalla 2,830 JBS(2)SBS(I) W,HP lR PO Wheat &Bajra 45 Akbarplir T1Iuh 1.15~ Ulinhabited

~ Khcri Padhll 602 W,HP KR Wheat&: Rice ~7 Luhari 2,176 JBS(I)SBS(I) W,HP KR PO Wheat &: Rice <48 Bohall 550 lBS (I) W,HP KR Wheat &Riel 4' 'fiiana 1,191 JBS (2) :& W,HP PO . Wheat & Rice ~ Sliahpuf Jar,li 1,381 JlS (2) I W,HP PR PO Wheat &Ria DIRBCTORY

LAfID USE lemuR Land usc (i. c., afea undcr different types of Iud UlC in acre. Oayor daY' Including, rounded to the nearest unit) of the lny place Loea- ""'I Nearest town market/hal, of rellgloul, tioll Area and distance it an y, hiltorical or Code Un· Cultivable not available (in KID.) held in the afChae~ No' Forest Irrigated irrigated Wute for viii age logical cultivation interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

... T(I,056) C(800) TWE(2oo) W(56) 201 Baraut (8) EA 26

... T(I,235) W(247) TWE(29) C(959) 34 18') Baraut (II) EA 27

... 1(591) C(480) TW(14) W(97) 16 19 53 Baraut (II) ... Uninhabited 28 ... T(848) C(848) 13 82 Bmut (14) 29 ... 1(636) C(240} TW(30) W(366) 2 22 80 Baraut.(Il) 30

... 1(1,267) C(650} TWE(417) W(200) 27 4 65 Baraut (10) EA 31

... 1(1,255) C(850) TWE(400) 3 96 Baraut (to) E\ 32

... 1(795) C(613) 'TWE(125) W(50) R(7) ! 12 127 Baraut (3) FA 33

... T(454) TWB(4S4) 48 Baraut (I I) EA. 34 ... T(407) C(2oo) TWE(207) 59 Baraut (10) EA 3i

... T(I,070) C(802) TWE (123) W 145) 9 166 224 Baraut (18) !A 56

... T(1,377) C(I,217) TWE(139) W(21) 107 7 281 Baraut (13) EA 37

... T(I,910) C(I,776} TWE(39) W(125) 428 ti5 957 Baraut (11) tA 38

... T(I,957) r:(I,410) TWE(149) W(98) 2 B 205 Banul (6) E.\ 39

... T(I,166) C(I,126) TW(11) W(23) 55 9 BI Baraul (6) 4{)

... T(498) C(456) TWE(SS) W(4) 7 6 :0 Baraut (8) r,\ ~I

... 1(478) C(471} W(7) 7 4 35 Baraut (10) 42

... T(504) C(125) 1W(17) W(362) 237 56 162 Ilaraut (II) ~3

... T(1431) C(735) TW(216) W(480) 753 159 4&7 Baraut (11) 44

... T(760) C(719) TW(20) W(21) 2[3 43 138 Baraul (11) Uninhabited 45

... T(265) G(60) W(205) 92 72 173 Baraut (11) T 46

... T(I,868) C(I,532) TW(5) W(309) 0(22) 29 79 200 Baraut (10) T,M ~7

... T(474) C(460),W(14), 18 12 46 Baraut (5) +8

T(99 1)C(gSO) TWE(47) 13 48 133 Baraut (4) EA 49

EA 50 ,.. T(I,I96) C(t,too) 1WE(2) W(\~) TKO) 6 4() 146 Baraut (3) s~ VILLAGE

I-BA6HPAT TAHSYL AMENITIES AND Amenitiel available within the village Total Loca- Area Jo--_ tion of the Code Name or Village village POit No. (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food luppl y water cation. Telegraph

8· 4 5 6 7 B 10

51 Sadatpur jonimana 1,154 JSB(I) B· HP,W KR PO Wheat &Rice

52 Malakhpur 2,010 jBS (I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice

53 Loyan 1,58~ JBS (~) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

54 Mahabatpur 1,236 ]BS (1) E HP,W PI{ Wheat & Rice

55 RustampUf 9~4 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

56 Baoli 1,443 JBS (2) E HP,W PR PO Wht;lt & Rice

57 Orangabad Jatoli 399 Uninhabited

58 Barwala 1,260 lBS (2) HP,W PO Wheat & Maize

59 Biral 654 lBS (1) SBS(I) E HP,W PR,T PTO Wheat & Maize

60 Kishanpur 1,130 JBS(l) E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize

61 Kasampur Kheri 1,096 lBS (2) E HP,W PR,KR, T PO Wheat & Rice

62 Hasanpur Jiwani 282 JBS (I) HP,W PR,KR,T Wheat & Rice

63 Karimpur 192 JES (I) HP,W PR,T PO Wheat & Rice

64 Jiwana 713 E HP,W Wheat & Rice

65 Mukarrabpur Kandera 2,349 JES:3) HSS(I) E HP,W PO Wheat & Rice

66 ACharaj Khera 463 JBS (I) HP, W Wheat & Maize

67 Gunga Kheri 378 JBS (2) HP, W PO Wheat & Maize

68 Chhach arpur 931 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maiza

69 Bijrol 1,821 jBS(3)HSS(I) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maiz~

70 Asafpur Kharkari 639 JBS (1) E HP,W .'- Wheat & Maize

7Ic jalalpur 797 E HP,W PR '" Wheat & Rice

72 Lohara 532 JES (2) E HP,W PR Wheat &'Rice

73 Bazidpur (Rural) 1,444 JBS (2) E HP,W P,t PO Wile at & Rice

74 Angadpur 1,167 lBS (2) B HP,IV PR Wheat.,&· Rice

75 jQhJi' '1.062 JBS (2) E HP, W PR PO Wheat & Rice 91 DIRECTORY

LAND USB, Rem arb LlIDd use (i. e., area under dirferent typel of land use in &erea rounded to Day or daya including the nearest unit) or the aDy place Loea- _----______Jo. ______-. Nearctt town market/hat, or religious, tioll Area and distance if any, historical or Coda Un· Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the archaeOo No. l'Orett Irrigated irrigated . Wute for village logical cultivation interett

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

21 151 Baraut '(3) EA 51 "" T(975) C(869) W(95) TWE(lI) - T(1,7H) C(I,687) TWE(28) W(29) 32 231 Baraut (3) EA 52 Baraut (3) EA 53 ,~ T(I,237) C(I,223) TWE(6) W(8) 95 250

.,. T(I,049) 0(824) TWE(I66) W(59) 16 22 149 Baraut (5) EA 54

95 Bauut (5) EA 55 ~ ,,, T(812) €(712) TWE(I00) 6 51

... T(I,021) C(St1) TWE(500) 27 58 310 Baraut (5) EA 56

... T(318) C(318) 4 17 60 Baraut (5) Uninhabited 57

... T(I,014) C(81O) TW(5) W(199) 4 31 211 Baraut {8) 58

... T(521) C(250) TWE(240)W(31) 133 Baraut (10) EA 59

... T(951) C(500) TWE(340) Will) ... 179 Baraut (10) EA 60

... T(924) C(424) TW£(5OO) 172 Baraut (11) EA 61

Baraut (9) 62 ~. T(227) C(loo) TW(120) W(7) 55

... T(I66) C(86),TW(80) 26 Baraut (9) 63

... T(596) C(196) TWE(100) .7 110 Baraut (8) EA 54

,.. T(I,656) C(I,220) TWE(159) W(277) 271 191 231 Bar·aut (19) EA 6l

66 ~, T(409) C(361) TW(1'5) W(33) 2 3 49 Baraut(6)

... T(315) C(288) TW(20) W(6} 3 6 45 Barau! (6) 67

.. , T(821) C(800) TW(18) W(3) 6 / 14 90 Baraut (8) 6a

,' .. T(I,547) C(732) TWE(517) W(297) TK(I) .. 32 242 BaraUI (6) EA 69 • 1 .

1(593) C(401) 1WE(142) W(55) 9 31 Baraut (5) EA 10

... T(751) C(134) TWE(394) W(223) 3 42 Baraut (5) EA 71

... T(5OO) C(127) TWE (144) W(244) 2 SO Baraut (3) EA 72

Baraut (3) EE 73 '" T(I,069) C(612) TWE(177) W(280) 17 227 131 ", T(I,050) C(4OO) TWFo(650) 21 59 Baraut (6) T,M,EA 74

... T(929) C(422) TWE(507) 9 113 Baraut (6) T.M,EA 75 VILLAGE

I-!MHPAT TAHSIL AMENITIES AND Amenities available within the village Loca· Total tion atea Code Namt or Villag e of the Post No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food (in acres) supply water cation. Telegraph

2 s 4 6 7 8 9 10

76 Arirpur Khcri S72 B HP.W PR Wheat & Rice

77 Barawadh 1,313 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

78 Gorana 1,033 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat &, Rice

79 LatifpUI Sabbakheri 'llS JBS (2) RP,W KR Wheat &Rice

80 Mirapur 316 E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Rice

81 Baraut (Rural) 3,889 E W,HP Wheat & Maize

82 Devisarh-urf-Palhaira 444 Uninhabited

83 Barka aso JBS(2) HP,W T PO Wheat & Maize

8i Idrispur 605 JBS (2) HP,W CT Wheat & Maiae

85 Hilwari 2,010 JBS(2) SBS(I) HP,W KR,T PO Wheat & Maize

66 Osika I,COS JBS (2) W,HP T,C Wheat & Maize

87 Bam 527 JBS (1) W,HP KR,T Wheat & Maize

88 Alawalpur 558 ]BS (I) B W,HP KR,T Wheat & Maize

89 Hasanpur Jaihora-urf 231 Uninhabited Challdpur 90 Shikohpur 938 ]BS (2) E W,HP KR PO Wheat & Maize

91 Tohaddi 1,309 JBS (1) W,HP PR PO Wheat & Maize

92 Kherki Vitan 525 ]BS(l )HSS( I) W,HP PR,KR Wheal & IIhize

93 Saroorpur 2,474 ]BS(2) H(I)FC(I) W,HP PR,e Wheat & Maize

94 Nethla. 18)5 lBS (I) E W,HP PR,KR Wheat & Maize

95 Faizullahpur 623 ]BS (I) W,HP KR Wheat & Maize

96 Faizpur Ninana 1,662 ]BS(2) W,HP RR PO Wheat & Rice

97 Biharipur 590 JBS (1) W,HP KR Wheat & Rice

98 Sultanpur Hatana 1,206 lBS (1) W,HP KR Wheat & Rice

99 Khera Islampur 1,2B7 JBS (1) W,HP KR PO Wheat & Rice

IOJ RAjpur Khampuf 1,221 ]BS(2) HSS(l) W,HP KR Wheat & Rice DIRECTORY

LAM!) USB a. ••• Land ule (i. e., area under differeal type. rlland tile I. &e_ DI, or dl,. lneludlq rounded to the lIearelt UIlit) of the Illy ~I&ce Loc.· ,'_ Nearest town mlrket/hat. of re iaw. tiOli Area """ and distance If aDy. historical or Cocio UII· Cultivable not available (ill Km.) held in the archa~ No- Foren Irrigated irrigated Waste ror village logical cultivation inttrett 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

T(330) 0(12l!) TWE(202) 4 37 Harau! (6) OM T,EA 76

T(I,118) C(89j) TW(l12) W(lll) 72 12 III Baraut (6) 77

T(855) C(743) TWE(73) W(39) 38 33 107 Baraut (3) EA 78

T(I84) C(I36) TW(S8) W(14) 17 17 Baraut (2) 79

T(193) C(I40) TWE(53) 13 109 Baraut (0) EA 80

T(2,928) C(I,228) TWE(I,500) W(200) 34 182 745 Baraut (0) EA ·81

T(384) C(384) 4 8 48 Barau! (0) Uninhabited 82

T(678) 0(423) TW(?2) W(183) 2 68 102 Baraut (5) 83

T(476) C(457) TW(l9) 14 20 95 Baraut (5) 84 - T(I,139) C(I,201) TW(IS) W(523) 12 73 180 Baraut (3) 85

... T(&16) C(690) TW(2) W(l54) 25 22 110 Baraut (5) 86

T(439) C(337) TW(69) W(33) 3 20 65 Baraut (5) 87

T(405) C(353) TWE(5),W(47) 27 125 Baraut (5) EA 88

T(146) C{l#) W(2) 9 40 36 Baraut (10) Uninhabited 89

T(786) C(759) TWE(5) W(22) 6 37 109 Baraut (8) 90

T(I,145) C(I,029) TW(6) W(109) TK{I) 11 26 127 Baraut (5) 91

T(448) C(302) TW(551 W(91) 14 9 54 ,. Baraut (8) T 92

T(2;058) C(t,46I} TW(SS) W(506) 0(3) 'l2 142 262 Jlaraut (8) 93

.,. T(I,'323) 0(500) TWE(300) W(523) 412 45 75 Baraut (6) T,EA 94

95 ~. T(497) W(S68) W(129) SO 47 49 Baraut (8)

T(947} 0(83) W(1l6} 81 188 440 Haraul (10) 96

97 T(516) C(477) W(29) '," 18 56 Baraut (8)

T(775) C(628) W(147) 25 140 266 Baraut (0) 98

T(993) C(847):W(146) 42 38 214 Baraut (8) T 99

T(lj005)'C(964),W(41) 30 81 105 Baraut (8) ". r 100 at VfLUGk

I-BAGHPAT TAHSIL AMENI1IES AND AmeJIiticl available withiD tbe village Total Loea· Area .,) ..... liOD or the ----- Code Name o! VIllage village Post No. (in acres) Educational ,Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food luppl y water cationl Telegraph

2 S 5 6 1 9 9 10

101 Gappur 721i JBS(I) - 'HPJW PR,KR Wheaf'& Rico

102 Niwara 949 lBS (I) E HP,W PR Wh~ar.& Ric.e

103 Sisana 2,819 JBS (2) E HP,W PR PO WheJ(!& Rice , 104 Khancwari 853 ,\.:ninhabiild . ,

105 Baghu 564 lBI) (1) I E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

100 Santokpur 725 JBS (I) ur,w KR Wheat &Mai~

107 Ladhwari 645 JBS (I) E HP,W Wheat &Maize

lOB Naurozpur Gujar 946 JB8(2)SBS(I)' E HP,\V .... PO Wheat & Maize

109 Sujra 779 JBS(2)HS8(1) E m,w KR PO Wheat & Maize

110 Saidullapur 521 JBS (I) HP,W T,KR Wheat & Maize

111 Dhodra 487 JllS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

HZ Qayampur 346 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

113 1 hmadpur Gadhina 4{)7 JBS (I) HP,\V KR Wheat & Rice

114 Ghajarsi Ur! Gadhi I,4{) I JBS (2) E HP,W PO Wheat & Rice.

115 MUk.arampur 185 Uninhabited

116 Poothi Brahamanand 33B JBS (I) HP,\\! Wheat & Maize

117 Bichpari 521 . JBS (I) HP,W Wheat & Mai~

Jla Chopra Maheshpur 734 JBS (I) EfP,W' Wheat & Maize

119 Karalll Alipur 502 JBS,(I) HP,W Wh{lt & Maize

J20 Jafrabad Nagla 404 ]BS (1) ... HP,W Wheat & Maize

121 Kanoli S08 HP,W KR ut . . Wheat &: Maize

122 Budhera 1,180 ]BS(I)SBS(I) HP,\\! KR Wheat & Maize

123 Jahangarh urr Dojapur 838 JBS (1) .. , .. BP,W C Wheat & Maize

124 Ma~armatpur Badhi :t\agla 611 m,w C,KR Wheat & :\{aize

< Wheat &Rice 145 Fatthpur Poothi 597 JES (2) .. , I~'" " HP,W C,KR ii;g,; DlUCTORY

L'A-ND USB lIlIIa,1I \pc\uning LlIld use (i. e•• arell under dmmnt typee of Ilt~ llil i. acr .. rIJuaded to Day or daY' of the any place Loe .. the ne.real unit) Nearest town ma.rketlhat, of religiOll1, tiGil ~------~---- Area and distance if any, historical or code Un- Cultivable' not available' (in Km.) held in the archaeo- No,' I'orelt Irrigated irrigated Wastc rur J village logical cultivation interett 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 16

T(517) C(76) W(395) TW(46) 94 27 88 Baghpat(5j T 101

_Ba~bpat (5) EA i,. T(5£B) C(~05) TWE(227) W(136) 276 35 70 102

T(I,269) C(609) TWE(316) W(327) R(17) 540 m E57 Baghpat (2) EA 103

, " " ;, Baghpat (2) U[linh~bited 104 ;.".,. , T(47)) TWE(475) 261 87 30

T(463) C(214) TWE(127) W(122) 48 51 Baghpat (4) E,-\ 105

T(615) C(615) 48 7 55 Baghpat' (4) T 106

T(549) C(85) TWE(64) W(400) 19 22 5j : Baghpa! (8) EA 107

T(715) e(675) TWE(61) W(39) 5j 115 Baghpat (5) EA 108

T(577) C(543) TW(S3) R(I) 11 7i 117 Baraut (10) T 109

, T(247) 0(219) TW(6) WIn). 6 20 48 Baraut (5) liD

T(432) 0(332) W(lOO) s 4 48 Baraut (6) 111

60 Bataut (10) T llZ .~~ 1(268) C(I) TW(5) W(5B) 1'K\2(4) 5 13

8 24 5j Baraut (.0) T 113 , . T(320) C(177) W(143)

... T(I,172) C(I,I72) 74 154 Ba~hpat(8) T 114

T(165) C(165) 1 18 Baghpat (5) Uninhabited 115

T(282) C(282) 2 47 Baghpat (6) T 116

T(410) C(382) W(28) 4 26 8t Baghpat (S) T 117

T(558) C(545) W(IS) 46 38 92 Baghpat (8) ,., IlS

,.. ,1(4\7) C(216) TW(G) W(\95) 8 1() 37 lhghpat (9) M 119

... T(346) C(346) 19 38 Baghpat (8J 120"

T(256) C(129) W(127) : 1 14 37 Baraut (II) 121

Baraut (to) 121. N. T(975) C(643) TW(4) W(328) 41 52 112

T(633) C(!76) TW(42) W(334) 0(1) 77 26 f2 Baraut (6) 123 '"

T(558)"C(5OO) W(58) 22 5 26 Baraut (5) 124

T(472) C(271) TW(46) W(154) TK(I) 23 13 89 Baraut (10) 125 VILLAGI

I-IAIHt'AT TAHSIL AMENITIES AND Amcnitiet available within the vlllale Loca· Total tion area Code Name 01 Villaie or the Post No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi. & Staple Food (in acres) Juppl y water cation. Telegraph

2 s 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

126 Dhanora Sivernagar 1,994 JBS(2)HSS( I) D(l)H(I) W,HP KR Po Wheat & Rice

127 Gwalikhera 654 JBS (2) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Rice

128 Dilawarnagar 500 Uninhabited

129 Matanatnagar 598 E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

130 Kama Patti 275 E W Wheat & Maize

131 Mavi Khurd 625 JBS,(I) HP,W Wheat & Maize

132 Pur & 1,379 JBS (I) E HP, W KR Wheat & Maize

133 Budhseni 787 JBS (1) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

134 Said Bhar' 1,530 JBS (1) E HP,W PR,KR PO Wheat & Maize

135 Aminagar Sarai (Rural) 409 E HP,W PR PTO Wheat & Rice

136 Luhara P. Baghpat 740 JBS (2) E HP,W PR,KR Wheat & Rice

137 Barsin 669 JBS (1) E HP, W PR Wheat &Maize

138 Tilpani 447 JES (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

139 Ramnagar 515 JBS (1) E HP, W KR Wheat & Maize

140 Khindora 1,638 JBS (2) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

141 Chaienenpur Khurd 132 Uninhabited

142 Hi.awlIda 2.395 JBS (2) E HP,W PR,KR PO Wheat & Ma.ize

143 Bilochpura 1,916 JBS (2) HP,W PO Wheat & Maizo

144 Ghoshpur 609 JBS (1) E HP, W KR Wheat &. Maize

145 Dol a. 2,598 JBS(I)HSS(I) H(I) E HP,W PR,KR PO Wheat &. Maize

146 Basod 1,352 lBS (I) HP, W KR PO Wheat &. M,ize

147 Ahmacshahpur Padra 996 ]BS (2) HP, W Wheat & Maize

148 Nibali (i05 ]BS (2) E HP,W Wheat & Mai2e

149 Rampur Khurd 334 Uninhabited

150 Mitli 1,518 jB5(2)HSS(I) E W PR PO Wheat &. Maite 37 DIRECTORY

LAND USB Remlrki Land use (i. e., area under different types of land UlC in acres Day or dAY' including rounded to the nearest unit) or the any place Loea· Nearest town market/hat, or religious, tion Area and distance if any, historical or Code Un· Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the archaeo- No' 'Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste for village logical cultivation intmsi 11 12 13 II 15 16 17 18

... 1{I,S24) C(I,600) TW(74) W(150) Baraut (II) 126 ... T(590) C(450) TWE(40) l! 53 Baraut (II) EA 127 ... 1(477) TWE(473) W(4) 4 19 Aminagar Sarai (5) Cninhabited 128 ... T(533) TWE({99) W(23) TK(II) 7 6 52 Aminagar Sarai (3) EA 129

.. , 1(260) TWE(260) 9 5 Aminagar Sarai (5) EA 130

... T(25 1) TW(338) W(13) 188 51 132 Aminagar Sarai (6) 131 ... T(429) TWE(4{)I) W(28) 628 157 Hi5 Aminagar Sarai :8) EA,T 132 ... T(695) TWE(622) W(73) 4 21 67 Amina3ar Sarai :3\ E\ 133 ... T(I,340) TWE(I,302) W(33) II 4{l 139 Aminagar Sarai (2) E\ 134 n. T(341) C(285) '1'WE(28) W(3!) 3 20 39 Amina~~r Sarai (OJ E\ 135

... T(639) C(302) TWE(278) W(j9) 4 14 83 Amiuailar Sarai (0) FA 1~6 ... T(606) TWE(457) C(36) W(113) 5 14 44 Amiuagar Sarai (2) EA 137

T(392) C(160) TW(180) W(52) 15 4{) . Aminagar Sarai (3) 138

... T(453),C(229) TWE(175) W(48) TK(I) 2 12 43 Amina;;ar Sarai (3) EA 139 ... T(I,435) C(501) TWE(685) W(29)4 £9 24 IjO Aminagar Sarai (3) 1,EA 140

Aminagar Sarai (3) Uninhabited W ," '1'(121) C(61) W(60) 4 6

... T(2,028) 0(863) '1'WE(971) W(Ig.1) 43 83 ?41 Aminagar Sarai (2) EA 142 ... 1(1,683) C(701) TW(346i W(636) 42 23 163 Aminagar Sarai (6) T 143 144 T(522) C(439; T\\E:42 \~<:4!) 12 6 69 Aminag ar Sarai (5) EA EA H5 ... T(2,185) C(I,S95) '1'WE(449) W(90) 0(1) 40 81 342 Amiuagar Sarai [lO)

1,M 14-6 ... T(l,044) C(895) TW(%) W(52) 0(1) 71 58 179 Aminagar Sarai (8) !+7 T([HZ) C(616) TW(;21) W(S] 30 34 90 Baghpat (10) EA 1.[8 ... '1'(481) C(235) TWE(227) W(19) 13 30 81 Baghpat (8)

Uui nhab itcd. 1~9 ... '1'(279) C(2M) TW(I"l) 14 12 29 Baghpat (8) f,EA 150 1(1,191) C(926) '1'WE(8 1) W(IB4) 44 74 2(,9 Baghpat (8) '" 38 VILLAGE


All'elliticl available within th~ village Total I.cca­ Area tion of the ,-.------J.------.--''''''I CIJde Name or Villalle village Post No. (in acres) Educational Medic,", Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food lupply waler cationl Telegraph

2 6 7 9 9 10

151 Blli 950 ]',5 (2) E HP,W PO Wheat & Rice

152 Jawaharpur Mew!a 378 HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize

153 Tatiri ( Rural 47 JBS (2) E HP,VI PR,T PTO, Wheat & Rice T.A.) Phone 154 Tatiri (ltural) 1,381 JBS(2)SBS(1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

155 Habibpur }1aua 329 U~inhabittd

156 GhQripur 400 JBS (1) E HP,W n Wheat & Rice

157 Chohalda 356 JBS (1) HP,W PR,T Whe at & l>[aize

158 Surajpur Mahenwa 482 JBS (I) HPW PR,T Wheal & Maize

159 Ahera 755 JBS (I) B HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize

160 Qas:mabad Ill! Durba 353 E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

161 Baghpat 2,m JBS (1) E lIP,W PR,KR,T PO

162 Bahlolpur Nagla. 30 HP,W KR,PR Wheat & Rice

163 Pali 1,034 JBS (I) E HP,W PR,KR Wheat & Rice

164 Katha 2,511 JBS(2)SBS(I) E HP,W PR,KR PO Wheat & Maize

165 Anandpur U'i Bandpur 594 JBS (I) E HP,W Wheat &Maize

165 Sunehra. 650 JES (2) E HP,W T PO Wheat &Rice

167 Harchndpur 1,152 JBS il) E HP,W KR,T Wheat & Rice

163 Pabla Begmabad 1,860 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat &. Rice

169 Rasa Tikri 506 ]BS (1) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

170 Salabatpur Kheri 544 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

171 Mehrampur 536 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat &Maize

172 Saidpur Kalan 6j7 JBS (Il fIP,W KR Wheat& Maize

173 Kalyanpur 2+J Uninhabited

174 Khalla Pahladpur 2,653 JBS(I)HSS(I) HP,W KR. fO Wheat & Maize

175 Abdulpur Mcwla m JSB (1; HP,W Wheat & Maize .9 DIRECTORY

LAND USB Remarb Land Ule (i, e., a,e~ under different typel or laad Ule in olC' .. rounded to Day or days including the ne ami uu.it) of the any place toe .. _____ ... _,___ .______-, Nearest towo market/hat, of religious, tiOD Area. and distance if any. bistorical or Code Un. Cultivable not available (in Km.) beld in the archaco- No, IOmI Irrigated irrigated Wa.lte lOT village logical cultivation interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 11 IS

... T(762) C(254) TWE(329) W(179) 19 31 138 Baghpat (6) EA 151

T(2(6) C(I06, TW,:47) WI13j 58 20 34 Baghpat (5) 152 '" 47 Baghpat (5) Monday T 153

T(I,606) C(336) TWE(872) W(398) 10 125 140 Baghpat (j) EA 154 '" 6 19 Baghpat (8) Uninhabited 155 ." T(278) 0(254) W(24) 26

". T(341) C(320) W(21) 13 Ij 31 Baghpat (10) 156 ... T(303) C(288) W(IS) 45 Baghpat (8) 157

T(349) C(212) WIlS7) 48 22 63 Baghpat (6) 158

... T(674) C(478) TWE(115) Wr8G) TK(I) 18 73 Baghpat (5) EA 159 - T(302) C(246) TWE(51) W(5) S6 14 Bagbpa& (3) EA 150

... T(1,392) C(207) TWE(996) W(SI) R(IOS) 682 331 ISO Baghpat (1) EA 161

30 Baghpat (6) 162

51 83 Baghpat (4) EA 163 '" T(738) C(9S) TWE(564) W(79) 162

.. , T(I,591) C(390) TWE(951) W(250) 392 44 434 Baghpat (6) EA 164

40 Baghpat (10) EA 165 '" T(530) C(56) TW~(321) W(153) 9 15

". T(514) C(358) TWE(38) W(118) 3 2! III Bagbpat (10) EA 166 ". T(961) C(569) TWE(224) W(168) 54 16 121 Baghpat (8) EA 167 153 Bagbpat (11) 168 '" T(I,325) C(911) W(414) 262 66

... T(421) C(420) W(21) 16 20 49 Ba6hpat (10) 169

... T(4q2) C(388) TW(21) W(83) 7 44 Baghpat (14) 170

... T(470) C(430) TW(25) W(15) 5 60 Baghpat (2) 17l

... T(561) C(535) TW(2\) W(5) 14 21 61 Baghpat (IB) 172

Aminagar Sarai (13) Uninhabited 173 '" T(21.5) C(168) TW(l) W(46) 21 12 ...

291 Bagbpat (13) 174 '" T(2,050) C(1,9j8) TW(28) W(64) 213 99

... T(3B6) C(386) 16 31 Aminagar Sarai (8) 175 40 VILLAGE


Amenities available witbln the villalle Loe.· Total tion area Code Name of Village of the Post No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi. & Staple Food (in acres) supply water cationa Telegraph

2 5 6 8 9 10

176 Rasoolpur Sankal Puthai 474 JBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat &Rice

177 Pilana 1,627 JBS( I)SBS(I) E HP,\V PR PO Wheat & Rice

178 Jonmani 302 Cninh~bi(ed

179 Maniyar Bari 496 [ ninh;.bited

D:" 180 MuradJam u'JRoshannagar 499 J3S :1) £ HP,W 'h Wh,'at & Rice

181 Daulatpur 543 E HP,I\' KR Wheat & Maize

182 Saidpur Khurd urf 454 JBSil)HSS(I) },P,\V Wheat & Maize Nathmalpur 183 Poothar 539 E HP,W KR Wheat & Mai~e

lSi Khera Viran 481 Cninbabited

185 Singaoli Ahir 1,400 JBS (3) E V,' PR PO Wheat &. Maize

186 Shahjahanpur Tisotra 479 JBS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

187 Harya Khera 1,290 JES (1) HP,I\' KR Wheat & Maize

188 Amipur Baleni 930 ]BS(I)HSS(l) E BP,W PR,KR Wheat & Maize

189 Moazampur 754 Uninhabilcd

190 Bakarpur Balcni 690 JBS (l) E W PR PO Wheat & Maize

191 Habibpur Nagla 511 ]BS (1) E IP,\V Pl\ Wheat & Maize

192 Dolcha 2,014 JB3 (2) E HP,W PO Wheat & Maize

193 1iabrmatpur Cha\;bandi 3t2 Uninhabited

194 Sultanpur '}B0 Unillhabittd

19j Latifpur urf Dattna5

195 Ghatauli 877 JBS (I) HP,W P.{ Wheat & Maize

197 Multari 2,377 JBS (1) BP,W KR,R \,~ heat &. Maize

193 Keharka. 1,212 JB5 (1) HP,\V,T KR ,Whcat'& Maize

193 Haniya 711 H?,W R Wheat & Maize

2'JJ Charnrawal 1,723 ]BS(l ;HSS( 1) ... E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize 41 DIRECTORY

LAND USE Remarks Land use (i. e., area under dirkrent types or land usc in acres Day or ,:aYI ineluding rounded (0 the nearest unit) or the an y pi ace Loea- ,_- ---'------"" Ne arest town [na.rh~!/·' If, or religiou!. tioD Area and distance !f any, historical or Codo rn. Cultivable not avai\:1.~le (in Kill.) beio:! in the arenaeGo No' Forest [rrigated irrigated Waste fOT village logical cui,iv~tion interest

11 12 i3 Ii 15 16 17 18

T(397) C(377) TW(7) W(13) 12 9 56 Aminagar Sarai (lO) 176

T(I,383) C(456) 'IWE(616) W(3ll) 34 67 143 Aminagar Sarai (6) EA 177

T(258) rWE(258) 24 6 14 Aminagar Sarai (6) ... fninhabited 178

T(404) C(335) TWE(54) W(15) 47 9 36 Aminagar Sarai (6) ... Uninhabited 179

T(431) TWE(431) 4 17 47 Aminsgar Sarai (5) EA 180

T(487) TWE(4B7) 12 43 Aminagar Sarai (5) EA 131

T(393) C(393) 11 14 36 Aminagar Sarai (8) 182

T(438) 0(413) 1WE(IO) W(15) 32 5 64 Aminazar Sarai (I) TJA 133

T(423) C(423) 29 28 Aminagar Sarai (S) t'l,; :lha htied 134

T(I,264) TWE(I,264) 3 23 190 Aminagar Sarai (3) E.-\' 135

T(376) TWE(3i6) 48 23 82 Amillagar Sarai (5) EA 186

T(342) TW(l27)_W(12S) 375 255 318 Aminagar Sarai (6) T 187

T(568) TWE(472) W(96) 103 135 174 Aminagar Saui (8) 1,EA 188

T(635) TW(635) 79 13 27 Aminagar Sarai (5) ... rninhabited 189

T(437) TWE(437) 117 42 iOO Aminagar Sarai (5) EA 190

T(373) TWE(277) W(96) 74 21 43 Aminagar Sarai (5) E.\ 191

T(I,l1l) TWE(833) W(278) 580 207 11{i Aminagar Sara! (8) E.\ 1~2

T{30S) 1W(305) 23 6 B Aminagar Sarai (S) ... rninhabited 193

T(-I47) TW(447) 12 3 18 Aminagar Sara! (5) ... Uninhabited 194

T(489) TWE(4B9) 66 10 Amioagar Sarai (11) T,EA 195

T(442) TW(439) W(3) 243 141 51 Aminagar Sarai (8) 196

T(I,067) TW(678) W(389) 826 250 234 Aminagar Sarai (13) 1 197

T(637) TW(527) W(110) 315 102 158 Amioagar Sarai (14) T 198

T(150) W(150) 324 56 181 Aminagar Sarai (16) 199

T(6i9) C(5) TWE(lS2) RI_492) 255 610 169 Aminagar Sarai (lS) T,EA 20J 42 VILLAGB

I-BAGHPAT TAHSIL AMENITIES AND Amenidea available within the village Total Loc,. Area .Io-._ tion of the CQde Name of Village village POlt No. (In acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi. & Staple Food supply water cation. Telegrapb

2 S ~ 6 a 9 10

201 Patauli 405 JBS(l) E HP,W KR Wheat & Riee

202 Makarmatpur Ogti 242 JBS:2) E HI', W Wheat & Rice

203 Muzaffarpur Urf L,dpur 392 Uninhabited

204 Sikhera 457 JBS(1) E PR Wheat & Rice

205' ,Dh ikoli 1,862 JB5(3) 5B8(1) H{I) E HP,W PR PO, Phone Wheal & Rice HSS(l)

206 Uhwali 604 Uninhabited

207, Panchi 778 JB8(1) E HP,W Wheat & Rice

208 Khalpur 446 E HP, W Wheat & Rice

209,.'Khela 6:i6 JBS(I} E HP,W PR Wheat & Mat~

210 Nagla Baheri 694 Uninhabited

211 Mubarikpur 1,008 JB5(1) E HP,W Wheat & Maize

212 Naurozpur Aima 323 JBS(I) HP, W Wheat & Maiu

213 Rawan Urf Baragaon 2,330 JBS(I) E HP, W PR, KR PO Wheat & Maiz~

214 Basi 1,%9 JBS(2)SBS(I) E HP, W KR,T Wheat & Maize

215 Sihndarpur 450 Uninhabited

216 Khekra (T. Al 120 ]BS(7j SBS(I) HC(I) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice C(I) HSS(l) 217 Khrkra (Rural) 5,664 HP, W PR Wheat & Rice

218 Mavi·kalau 2,616 JBS(2) SB8(1) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

219 Sankrod 2,685 JBS(2) HP, W PR PO Wheat & Maize

2%0 Qutabpur Viran 253 HP, W Wheat & Mah;e

221 Fakharpur Viran 195 Uninhabited

222 Noorpur Muzabita 159 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

223 Noorpur Khalsa 202 W PR Wheat & Maile

224 Subhanpur 1,002 JBS(I) W PR Wheat & Maize

225 Abdulpur 499 W PR Wheat &Maize H DIRECTORY


Remark. Land lise (i. e., area under dirferent type. of Iud Ole in acrca rounded to Day or daY' including the neareat unit) of the lIly place Loea- ,. ----_A.-- Nearest town market/hat, of religious, tioll Area and distance if aD~, hiltorical or Coda Un· Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in t e archaeo- No, I'oml Irrigated irrigated Waste for village logical cultivation intereat 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 L8

- T(372) TWE(372) 9 24 Aminagar Sarai (10) EA 20L ... T(2:8) TWE(218) 2 21 Aminagar Sarai (10) EA 202

... T(286) TW(286) 90 15 Aminagar Sarai (II) ... Uninhabited 203

... T(411) TWE(4Ll) 4 42 Aminagar Sarai (10) TE,A 204

... T(1,207) 0(100) TWE(1J07) 349 102 204 Aminagar Sarai (10) T,1I,EA 205

... T(544) C(364) TW(16) W(I64) 10 6 44 Aminagar Sarai (13) ... Uninhabited 206

... T(693) C(174) TWE(L83) W336) S 25 57 Aminagar Sarai (II) T,EA 207

... T(399) C(195) TWE(I96) W(S) 13 9 25 Aminagar Sarai (13) T,EA 208

... T(574) TWE(574) 19 13 50 Aminagar Sarai (14) EA 209

... T(541) C(29) TWE(512) 115 8 SO Aminagar Sarai (16) ... Uninhabited 210

... T(854) C(BH) TWE(7) 4 19 131 Aminagar Sarai (I") E\ 211

... T(289) 0(289) 9 25 Aminagar Sarai (21) 212

... T(I,982) C(I,067) W(315) TWE(600) TK(2) S9 33 226 Aminagar Sarai (19) E.-\ 213

... T(I,671) C(I,2j3) TW(155) W(263)) 3 22 173 Baghpat (10) E.\ 214

... 1(421) TWE(300) (121) 14 15 Baghpat (13) ... Uninhabited 215

120 Baghpat (13) Friday 216

... T(3,733) C(2,089) TWE(44) W(I,599) 1,082 494 355 Baghpat (13) EA 217 0(1) ". T(I,354) TWE(669) W(677) R(8) 744 14{) 378 Baghpat (8) EA 218

.. , T(507) TW051) W(356) 1,441 408 329 Balhpat (14) 219

... T(68) W(4) TW(64) 157 26 2 Baghpat (14) 220

... T(48) TW(22) W(26) 132 15 Baghpat (14) ... Uninhabited 221

... T(50) W(50) 87 15 7 Baghpat (14) T 222

187 13 2 Baghpat (14) 223

... T(65) W(65) 53£ 214 187 Baghpat (14) 224

... T(83) W(83) 306 99 11 Baghpat (II) 225 VILLAGE

I-BAGHPAT TAHSIL AMENITIES Al~D Amenities available within the village Loca· Total ,..------_J-______-. tion area Code Name of Village of the Post No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi. & Staple Food (in aelts) supply water cations Telegraph

2 6 B 9 10

226 Haunpur Masuri 465 JBS (1) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

227 Jahangirpur 542 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

22B Hajipur 136 Uninbabited

229 Fakharpur :Mohammad 785 JBS(I) SBS:l) E HP,W T,C PO Wheat & Maize Shahpur 230 Firozpur 750 JBS(l) SBS(I) E HPJVI' E Wheat & Maize

231 Gothra 617 JBS (2) E HP,W T Wheat & Maize

232 Ghitora 1,110 JBS (I) E HP,W T PO Wheal & Maize

233 Ahmadnagar 432 JBS(I) HP,W T Wheat & Maize

2.34 N~gla Bari 4£4 JBS (I) HP,W Wheat & Maize

235 Tigari 362 JBS (1) HP,W T Wheat & Maize

236 Dagarpur 549 .rBS (2) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

237 Vinaipur 456 lBS (I) E HP,W Wheat & Maize

238 Bhairapur ,')16 ]BS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

239 Rataul 1,951 JBS(2) SBS()) H(I) E W,HP KR PO Wheat & Maize

240 Shdkhpuri 462 Uninhabited

241 Nagla Bahan 36j Uninhabited

2'~2 Lehchora 568 ]BS (I) E HP,W Wheat & Maize

243 Mansooripur 4()O JBS(t) E BP,W PR Wheat &. Maize

24\ Laliyana 1,234 ]BS (1) HP,W PO Wheat & Maize

24j Shahbanpur Baroli 766 JBS (I) E HP,W Wheat & Maiz=

246 Gauna 974 JBS(I) HP, W Rice & Bajra

247 Sharfabad 353 JBS(I) HP, W KR Rice & Bajra

248 Singaoli Taga 799 ]BS (1) HP, IV kR Rice & Bajra

24g Alamgirpur Vrf Tukali 183 BP,W KR Rice &. Bajra

250 Phalera BI6 JBS(l) sns:l) E HP,W K.R Rice & Bajra 4~ DIRECTORY


Remarb Land use (i. e., area under different types or land llJe in acree Day Of daye illCluding rounded to the nearest unit) or the any place Loea· Nearest town market/hal, of rehgiouI, don Area "" and distance it any, hi,torical Dr Code Un· Cultivable not available (in Km.} held in the archaeI)- No' Foreet Irrigated Irrigated Waste for village logical cultivation int~relt II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

... T(189) TW!(126) W(63) 204 54 sa Bllghpat (19) EA 226 ... T(354) C(120) TWE(134) W(99) 0(1) 75 72 41 Baghpat (11) !A 227

.. , T(1l6) 0(43) TW(2) W(SS) 0(13) 40 4 26 Baghpa! (II) Uninhabited 228 ." T(694) C(556) TWE(J3) W(94) 2 8 81 Baghpat (19) EA 229

.n T(673) 0(543) TWB (38) W(92) 2 14 61 Baghpat (20) EA 230

... T(463) 0(309) TWE(154) 47 22 85 Bagpat (19) E;\ 231

... T(949) 0(720) TWE(136) W(93) 16 14 131 Haghpat (19) EA 232

... T(S4S) C(331) TW(14) W(S) 40 9 35 Baghpat (19) 233 ... T(412) 0(412) 5 47 Aminagar Sarai (18) 234

... T(311) C(311) 12 4 35 Aminagar Sarai (22) ,.. 235

... T(444) 0(#4) 9 14 62 Aminagar Sarai (22) ... 236

... T(385) C(109) TWE(264) W(12) 19 4 48 Aminagar Sarai (24) ... M 237

... T(404) 0(15) TWE(357) W(S2) 60 11 41 Aminagar Sarai (22) EA 238

... T(I,666) C(1,206)TWE(414) W(46) 56 12 217 Aminagar Sarai (19) Tuesday EA 239

... T(253) 0(8) TWE(l94) W(5l) 168 9 32 Aminagar Sarai (19) Uninhabited 240

... T(286) TWE(247) W(99) 66 4 9 Aminagar Sarai (22) Uninhabited 241

... T(405) TWE(232) W(I64) 0(9) lOB 8 47 Aminagar Sarai (18) EA 242

T(338) TWE(34) W(304) 27 26 Aminagar Sarai (19) EA 243

... T(649) TW(97) W(552) 44 376 J65 Aminagar Sarai (16) EA 244

... T(231) TWE(66) W(l65) 31 315 169 Amioagar Sarai (19) EA 245

... T(537) TW(23) W(514) 51 169 217 Aminagar Sarai (21) 246

... T(41)W(41) 66 176 75 Aminagar Sarai (22) 247

... T(432} TW(69} W(363) 114 221 32 Aminagar Sarai (22) 248

... T(36) TW(3G) W(56) 51 45 6 Aminagar Sarai (22) 2~9 - T(393) TWE(275) W(118) 234 158 51 Aminagar Sara.i (22) £A 250 46 VILLAGE

I-BAeHPAT TAHSIL AMENITIES ANll Amenities available within the village Total Loea- Area "'-- tion oC the Code Name of Village Yillage Post No. (In acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food lupply water cation. Telegraph

S 5 6 7 B 10

2!11 Bhagot 484 JBS (1) E HP KA PO Whea.t &; Maile

252 Nagla Agri 228 . Uninhabited

253 Puranpur Nawada 1,178 jBS (I) E HP Wheat &; Maize

254 Garhi Kalanj ri 1,175 JBS (1) E HP Wheat &; Ma.ize 47 DIRECTORY

LAND USE Remark. Land use (i. e., area ~ndet difrerent types of land use in acres rounded to Day or days including the nClreal unit) or the any place Loea­ .., Neamt town market/hat, of religious, tion ~------~-'------Area and distance if any, bistorical or Codo Un- Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in tbe arch aeo- No, I'oren Irrigated irrigated Waste for village logical cultivation interest

I] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

T(377) TWE(377) 26 19 62 Aminagar Sarai (24) EA m

T(215) TW(215) 12 Aminagar Sarai (24) Uninbabited 252

T(700) TWE(566) W(I34) 223 207 48 Aminagar Sarai (26) BA 253

T(549) TWE(449) W(lOO) 434 46 146 Aminagar Sarai (26) EA 2M

2-Ghaziabad Tahsil



Location Location Location 51. Name of village Code SI. ;-;ame uf villa3e Code SI. t\ame of vitla6c Code No. :\'0. No. Ko. No. No.

2 2 3 3

Abalpur 211 {I Ilajehra Kl:urd 293 2 Abdull ahpur Daeri 207 42 I1a',harba 168 82 Dharg:\1 83 3 Abidpur :tIIanki 227 4:1 Dandipur il3 Dharipur 33 4 Ab!.lpur 122 44 Banthla 81 Dhall\ana 309 5 Afrasiabpur 213 45 Barka A,ifpur 120 85 Denanathpur Puthi 261

6 Mzalnagar Siti 45 41] BJsantpur 311 86 Didoli 124 7 Afzalpur 39 47 Basantpur 115 87 Diclwari 3S6 B Agrau\a H 48 Bayana 255 33 Doh'li 93 9 Ahmadnagat Naya Bans 43 49 Begumahad Budhana 169 89 Dohli 202 10 Ahmadnagar '::{ewada 21 5() Behang 136 90 Dolatpur Dhikari 271

11 Ajabpur Mangoli 109 51 2+ 91 Doman Tikri 320 72 12 Akbarpur Bahrampur 71 52 Bhadola 193 92 Dunda Hera 27 13 Alapur HI 53 Bhzdoli 97 93 Fatehabad Nithallra 14 Alawalpur 130 :'t Lh:lllera 9i Fatehpur 162 15 Aliabad hi 55 B111ncla 9) Firozpur 128

16 Alipur Songerpur 56 Dhatjan 96 Galandh F~zildna6ar 282 17 Amanpur Loda 262 57 Bhawa 331 97 Ganga Rampur 226 18 Amirpur Bariala 218 53 Bhawanipur m 98 Girauni 287 19 Amirpur Garhi 149 59 Bhikanpur 94 99 Gordhanpur 274 20 Amrala 220 60 Bhojpur 221 lOa Gyaspur 147

21 Arifpur 259 61 Rhowapur 86 101 Habel 294 22 Arthla 60 62 Bhowapur 102 H2l{iqatpur Khuda D~ns S 23 Asadpur :.!agal 152 63 Bhuriya 330 103 Harampur 6 24 Asalatnagar llti 64 Bidhapur Shafiabad 167 104 Harsaon 2.'i Asalatpur Farukhnagar 1,9 65 Bisol:har 176 105 Hasanpur 263

2G Asifpur Ujhera 159 66 Cauriya\a 136 106 Hasanpur llhuwapur 27 Ataur 78 67 C:hajarsi 70 107 Hazatpur TIar.id:Jur ,63 28 Atrauli G(~ Chajarsi KullicllllaJar 103 Himmatnagar 302

29 Auran~abad Dateri 212 69 Chak Sidihpur 265 109 Hindalpur 30 Aurangabad Fazalgitrh 190 70 Champatnagar 80 110 Hindan Airfield 55

31 Aurangabad Gadana 166 71 Chauna 266 111 Hirdeypur Bhandclola 179 32 Aurangabad Reslal 42 72 Chikraberpur 56 112 Husainpur 103 33 Auragnagar Kinaur 73 Chirori 31 113 Ibrahimpur Tisauli 239 34 Azampur 300 7·1, Dabana 129 114 Iklerli 323 35 Badalpllr 5 75 Dhirpur Razzapur 326 115 Ilaichipur 7

36 Bad,hah PUIsaroli 32 76 248 116 Tnayatpur 25B 37 K,hadurpur 83 77 Daulal:l.bad Bhow:\pur 29 117 Ishaqnagar 197 38 Bah rampur Bhopura 52 78 Dhepa 301 118 Jadonpur 276 39 Bahramandpur 275 79 Dehra 273 119 Jagjiwanpur 93 40 Rajehra Kalan 327 80 Deosa Banjtrpur 232 120 Jahangirpur 22+ 52


Location Location Sl, LocatioD Sl. Name of Village Code SI. Name of Village Code No. Name of Village Code No. i'io. ;"<0. No. No. 3 2 2 3

121 Jalalabad 231 161 Latifpur Mazra Sapnawat 322 201 Marti 77 2S6 122 Jalalpur Dhidar 133 162 Latifpur Tibra 165 202 Mubarakpur Badarlr.ha 123 Jalalpur Raghunathpur 112 163 Latifullahpur ;-icw"da 10 203 Mukarmalpur Sikhroda B7 124 Jhalawan 146 154 Loni 19 204 Muqimpur 200 119 125 Jh~ndapur 58 lS5 1fachri lSI 205 Muradagampur Pursi

126 Jowa 210 166 Madapur 1fustafabad 2)1 206 11urshidpur Mazre Capna- pnawall J24 127 Kaithwari 131 167 Maharajpur 63 207 l'olurtazab ad Bhupkheri 45 32 128 Kakra 126 168 Mohiuddlllpur 3,} 208 Muthrapur 129 Kakrana 308 169 Mahmudabad 96 209 :-labipur 113 130 Kalchina 219 170 Mahmudpur 46 210 Nagla Akhu 155

131 Kanakpur 209 171 Mahroli 213 211 i'lag\aChhajju 314 132 Kandola 295 172 Mal:anpur 65 212 Nagla Firozmohan 79 133 Kandoli 299 173 Makarmatpur 40 213 Nagla Gajju 316 134 Kanoja 244 174 Makarmatpur Mithanpur 29B 214 Nagla Kanshi 315 135 Kapurpur 321 175 Makaramtapur Sikhera 174 215 Nagla Musa 171

92 136 Karanpur Jatta 307 176 Makreda 81 216 Nagla Pat 199 137 Karimnagar Katyiara 238 177 Mandola 11 217 Nagala Arninpur 242 138 Karimpur Bhaipur 304 178 Manoli 101 218 Nahal 198 139 Karkar Mandan 57 179 Masota 284 219 Nahali 256 140 Kazampur 228 lBO Masudabad Bamla 15 220 i'laiphal

292 141 Khangora 269 181 Masuri 241 221 Nandlalpur 310 H2 Khanjarpur 222 IS2 Mataur 144 222 lSandpur 12 143 Khanpur Jabti 9 183 Matyala 245 223 Nanun 325 144 Kharjiwanpur' Khirnawti 132 184 Mavi 73 224 Naraina 145 Khera 283 185 Meola Agri 50 225 Narainnagar Rampur 88

146 Kherabad Khairpur 203 186 Meola Bhatti 34 226 Narainpur Baska 505 28 147 Khindora 145 187 Mi\ak Bamla 13 227 Nasaratabad Kharkhari 143 Khora 65 188 Milak Chakarpuf fiB 22B Nauraspur 1 149 Khorajpur 135 189 Miranpur 206 229 Nekpur Sabitnagar 137 150 Khurrampur 1(8 190 Mirpur Hindu 230 Nidhauli 270

151 Kilhora 194 191 Mirzapur 74 231 Nidori 285 152 Kirpanagar Bighapur 332 192 Miswapur 233 232 Kigrauti 239 153 Kishan Chand Purpatti 100 193 Mohammadpur Amad- baghpat 143 233 Nist auli 51 154 Kotwalpur 35 194 Mobammadpur Dheda 118 234 Niwari 157 155 Kumerha 150 195 Mohammadpur Qadim 163 235 Nurnagar 76

156 Kunhera 142 196 Dhabarsi U{} 236 Nurpur 235 157 Kusaliya 243 197 Mohiuddinpur Hisali 117 237 Pabi Sadcliqpur 18 158 Lakhan 283 198 Mohiuddinpur Kiroauni 61 238 Pachaihra 4 159 Lalpur 69 199 ~1oradabad 184 239 Pahladpur Garhi 62 189 160 La\pur 313 200 Morta 91 240 Palota 53

ALPHABETICt\L LiSt OF VILLAGES G:{\ZIABAD TAHSIL Location Location Location :'hrne 01 Vi\\a~c Code Sl. Name of Village Code 51. ~arne of Village ('ode S1. No, No. No. No. No. No. ? S 2 3 2 lH Shobhapur 241 Parapa 32') Z71 Rubultahpur 104 301 312 242 Parason 281 'Z7? Sadabau jali.h'Vill 123 302 Sholana Sidihpur 267 243 Parlappur 205 m Sadabad Uri l)Ul1 iP:l\i 17 :l()3 Sil;:andrapu! 53 244 PasoDda 54 271 Sadarpu! 246 30~ 297 245 Patla 153 275 Sadatnagar Iq\ a 257 ~OS Sl~hcra 5i kher a Haz ari 163 2~6 Patti 223 276 Sadiqpur UrJ Qaz:pura 254 306 i ,26 247 Penga 158 277 Sadullahbac: 20 3U7 Sikhran Sikri Kalan 229 218 Pbaprana 170 278 Sahibabad 59 30B J3j Sikn Khurd 164 2'+9 Pilkhwa ?O4 279 Saidpur Husainpur DJna 309 5iwaya ~06 250 Pipl a Bandpur 101 280 Sa.mana. S17 310 154 251 Piplehra 2(\0 281 Sapnawat 323 311 Sohana IGO 252 Puthari 156 282 Sara 175 312 Sonda Sothari 138 253 Qadarnagar Burati 148 283 Sarna MJradnaga 110 313 Sujanpur Akhara 254- Qadrabad 177 284 Sarora Saletnpur H 314 215 J1j 255 Qarnaroddir: n03ar 310 285 Sehbiswa !It Sllkhdeopur SIB

10') 256 Qasimpur 216 2W) Shahabad (irf Milhtyp~lr 75 Sin Sult~nnagar Chajupur 93 257 Ragnunathp:Jr 193 28i Shahjahanpur 180 317 Sultanpur 258 Raghunath (P, Da,na: 260 28:1 Shahpur Bamchta 252 318 Surau", 140 259 Raispur 250 280 Shahpur Nizdmorta 85 319 Talchta 188 260 Rasulpur Ncwar\1. b7 290 Shahpur Phagola 303 320 Tatarpur 272

261 RJsulpl.r SikrQ(\h 247 2(1\ ShahzadpUf 125 321 Tala Shahbazpur 25 262 Rasulpur Y3qutpur qO 292 Sbabrpul a 36 322 Teori 7 Biswa 192 263 Rawli 278 293 SJ-.akurpur IS': 323 Trori 1~ niswa 191 2fi4 Rawl; Knlan 130 294 ShaIl1tYp'lf 237 324 'Cdairampur Kagla 26~

265 Rawli Mi1a'r; 1~4 295 Shamji 214 325 Uk!arSl 121

266 Ra2a?Ur 251 296 Shamsher 81 326 Uncha :\minput 26S 261 Reori liB 297 Sharifab3d Raipul 41 327 YaqutpuT Mavi 173 25R Reori Reara 102 298 Sharifuddinpuf jao\i q7 328 Yusufpur Is~pur 195 269 Roshanpur Parlad WG 299 Sheikhupu r Kh ieh ra ~7!1 329 Yusufpur Manala 250 270 Roshanpur Salimabar\· 107 300 Sherpu; liZ 330 Yusufpur Nagla Bir m Jct:raw

331 Zaf arab ad Ganoli 30 ~32 Zaimuddinpur 187 54 VlLU,GE

2-GHAZIABAD TAHSIL AMENITIES AND Amenitiea available within tbe villagr Loc,. fatal ~----.------~------~ tioo area Code Name 0{ Villa.ge or the Post No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food (io acres) lupply water cation. Telegraph

2 6 8 10

Nauraspur 465 HP,W Wheat & Rice

2 Alipur Songerpur eB2 HP,W Wheat & Rice

3 Mirpur Hindu 1,720 JBS (2) HP,W Wheat & Rice

4 Pachaihra 789 JBS (I) HP,W Wheat & Rice

5 Badarpur 266 HP,W Wheat & Maize

6 Harampur 538 HP,W Wheat & 11aize

7 I1aichipur 619 HP,W Wheat & Maize

8 Haqiqatpur Khundabans 390 Uninhabited

9 Khanpur Zabti 558 JBS (I) HP,W Wheat & Maize

10 Latifullahpur Nawada 730 HP,W Wheat & Maize

11 Mandola 3,114 JBS(2)HSS(I) HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

12 Nanun 872 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

13 Milak Bamla 278 HP,Vv Wheat & Maize

14 Agraula 649 JBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

15 Ylasudabad Bamla 445 Cninhabited

16 Aliabad 441 Uninhabited

17 Sadabad1urf Dungrauli 115 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

18 Pabi Saddiqpur 1,163 ]BS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

19 LDni 4,214 JBS (2 )HSS(I ) HC(I)FC(I) E HP,W PR,T PO Wheat & Maize MeW(I) 20 Sadllahbad 503 HP,W Wheat & Maize

21 Ahamadnagar Newada 282 HP,W Wheat & Maize

22 Dharaoti Khurd 310 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

21 Banthala 744 SBS(J)JBS(I) E HP,W T,PR Wheat & Maize

24 Behtahhajipur Ul4 JBS (I) HP,W T Whel\! & Maize

25 Tel ashah Bazpur I2l lBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Bajra 55 DIRECTORY

LAND USE Remarks Laod use (i. e., area under different types or land Ult io acrel D,., or daY' including founded to the nearest unit) of the any place LocI- ,.- -. Nearest town market/hal, of religious, tiOD Area and distance if aoy, historical or Cod, Un· Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the arehaeo- No' Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste for village logical cultivation interest 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

T(7) W(7) 97 285 76 Ghaziabad l28)

T(I46) TW(I46) 622 94 20 Ghaziabad (29) 2

T(5()l) TW(504) 1,113 51 52 Ghaziabad (27) 3

T(314) TW(314) 391 32 52 Ghaziabad (32) 4

55 19 191 Ghaziabad (26) 5

T(I)W(I) 437 87 13 Ghaziabad (25) 6

567 28 24 Ghaziabad (22) 7

T(IO)W(IO) . 364 12 4 Chaziabad (24) Uninhabited 8

T(61) W(61) 444 28 25 Ghaziabad (24) 9

T(191) TW(191) 492 17 30 Ghaziabad (25) 10

T(928) C(800) W(t28) 1,256 755 175 Ghaziabad (27) Saturday II

T(422) C(320) W(I02) 286 92 62 Ghaziabad (27) 12

T(68) W(68) 158 45 7 Ghaziabad (24) 13

T(239) TW(239) 188 176 4fi Ghaziabad (26) 14

T(3B7) C(300) TW(87) 47 7 4 Ghaziabad (24) Uninhabited 15

T(377) TW(377) 54 2 8 Ghaziabad (22) Uninhabited 16

43 49 20 Ghaziabad (22) 17

T(578) TW(467) W(ll1) 322 161 102 Ghaziabad (22) 18

T(984) C(9S) TWE(288) W(598) 1,731 M4 605 Ghaziabad (20) Thunday EA 19

T(38) TW(38) 268 176 21 Ghaziabad (20) 20

5 244 33 Ghaziabad (21) 21

T(106) C(32) TW(66) TK(8) 7 638 59 Ghaziabad (20) 22

T(396) C(285) TWE(llO) TK(3) 78 183 87 Ghaziabad (16) EA 23

T(862) C(501) TW(331) TK(30) 371 303 178 Ghaziabad (20) 24

T{4:51) C(425) TW(26) 135 54 &1 Ghaziabad (13) T 25 56 VILLAGE

2-GHAZIABAD TAHSIL, AME~lTIES ,AND Amenities available within the village Total Loca· Area r"'------.A.._ ._-_._-----, tion of the Code Name of Village village Post No. (in acrel) Educational Medica.l Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food IUpply water cationl Telegraph

s 6 9 10

26 Silthrant 449 JBS (1) HP,W Wheat & Maize

27 Fathabad ~ithora 555 JBS,(I) HP,W T Wheat & !vlaize

23 Nasaratababk Harkhari 3}7 JBS,(l) HP,W Wheat &Maize

29 Daulatabad Bhowapur 364 Cninhabited

~rD "H SO Zafrabad GanoE 644 Jns (I) .J_-lL;\j1 Wheat & :tvlaize

31 Chirori 1,207 JBS(IJHSS(I) MeW(l) E HP,W KR p.) Wheat & Maize D(I) 32 Badshahpur Saroli 986 jBS(l)HSS{I) HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

33 Dharipur 488 HP,W Wheat & Bajra

34 Meola Bhatt 408 JES (I) HP,W Wheat & Bajra

35 Kutwalpur 302 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

36 Shakarpula 461 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

37 Sharifuddinpur Jaoli 1,083 ]BS (2) HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

38 Narainnagar Rampur 414 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

39 Afzalpur 326 E HP,W PR Wheat & Rajra

40 Makarmatpur 156 (ninhabited

41 Sharifabad Rajpur 744 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

42 AUlangabad Rc~ta\ 577 lBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat &. Maize

43 Ahmadnagar Nayaballs 424 HP,W Wheat & Maize

44 Sarora _Sa lempur 1,3~0 JBS (1) HP,W Wheat &Bajra

45 Murtazabad Bhupkheri 491 ]ES (1) HP,W 'Wheat &Bajra

46 Afzalnagar Siti 305 HP,\V .Wheat & Bajla

47 Mahmudpur 752 E HP,W Whca('& Bajra

48 llhanera ! ,552 E HP,W Wheat & Maize

~9 Asalatpur urf Aru~hna;Fr 1,508 I-ISS( 1)JllS,: I) E HP,W PO .Wheat & Maize

50 Meola A3ri 827 'L'ninhabited ~, DIRECTORY

LAND liSB Rem arb Lr.nd use (i. e•• area under different type. ef Iud ute ill ler.. rounded 10 Day or da}'l including the nelreal unil) of tile any place Loea- Nearest town market/hat, or religious, tioll Area and disl ance if an{, historical or Cod, Un- Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in I e archaco- No. Foretl Irrillated irrigated Willie ror village logical cultil'ltioo intere.t

II )2 13 14 15 Ii 17 18

48 Ghaziabad (21) 26 .0' r (399) C(399)

T(472) TW(70) C(402) 15 19 49 Ghaziabad (22) 27

34 5 27 Ghaziabad (24) 28 .. , T(281) C(lOO) TW(170) TK(lI)

T(313) TW(163) C(150) 35 3 13 Ghaziabad (22) Unmhabited 29

... T(593) C(593) 50 Ghaziabad (24) T 30

... T(I,100) TWE(I,IOO) 2 105 Ghaziabad (22) Sunday 'f,EA 31 ... T(833) C(833) 4 149 Ghaziabad (24) T 32 .. , T(295) W(29S, 172 !l J3 Ghaziabad (13) 33 ... T(252) W(2S2) 108 10 S8 Ghaziabad (19) 34 7 28 Ghaziabad (16) 35 H' T(264) C(24O) TW(24)

... T(36:) C(333) TW(26) 28 3 66 Ghaziabad (21) 36 ... T(329) C(778) TW(41) 92 5 157 Ghazii\bad (16) 37 38 ... T(337) C(262) TW(75) 30 47 Ghazi"bad (14) ... T(263) C(lSO) T\II(1I3) 10 21 32 Ghaziabad (14) EA 39 40 ... T(61) C(32) TW(29) 4 3 83 Ghaziabad (16) Uninhabited

64 2 62 Ghaziabad (16) EA 41 .. , T(616) C(446) TWE(170) 42 T(~) C(192) TW(251) WE(25) 5B 2 49 Ghaziabad (16)

10 3 Ghaziabad (25) 43 .. ' T(411) W(411) 775 271 88 Ghaziabad (26) 44 ." 1(186) W(IB6)

T(151).W(111). 189 95 56 Ghaziabad (25) 45

... T(126),W(l26) 77 19 33 Ghaziabad (23) 46

... T(441) TWE(441) 216 51 44 Chaziabad (21) EA 47

149 Ghaziabad (18) EA 43 ... T(531), TWEIW~ 3il 498

165 319 231 Ghaziabad (18) Sunday EA 49 ' .. T(79!) C(%O) TW(375) TK(68)

1~5 130 562 Ghaziabad (8) Uninh~\bited 50 38 VILLAGE

Z-GHAZIABAD TAHS[L AMENITIES AND Amenities available within the village Loc,. Total tion area Code Name or Villa.ac of the PO!t No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi. & Staple Food (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

4 6 8 9 10

51 }.listauli 598 lBS(2) H(!) E HP,W PR Wheat & Bajta

52 Babrampur Bhvp'Jra 724 JBS(!) HP,W PR Wheat & Bajra

53 Siknndarpur 336 JBS(!) llP,W Wheat & Bajra

54 Pasonda 1,584 JBSi!) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & ~aize

55 Hindanair Field 2,545 E HP PR PO Wheat & Rice

56 Chikambarpur 305 E , HP,W PR,T PO Wheat &;Maize

57 Karkarmandan 775 JBS(!) E HP,W PR PO Wheat~& Maize

58 Jbandarpur 465 E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize

59 Sahibabad 355 JBS(I) E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize

60 Arithla 93j HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize

61 Mohiuddinpur Kinauni 917 .. , HP,W Wheat & Maize

62 Pahladpur Garhi 8"i7 JBS(I) E HP,W PR,T PO Wheat & Maize

63 Maharajpur 623 HP,\V PR,T PO Wheat & Maize

64 Hasanpur Bhuwapur 581 JBS(!) HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize

65 Makanpur 2,989 JES(l) HP,W PO Wheat & l\1aize

66 Khara 1,054 HP,IV Wheat & Maize

67 Kamlpur Kewada 575 W Wheat & Maize

68 Hazralpur Bazidpur 213 W \'1'heat & Maize

69 Lalpur 144 Uninhabittd

70 Chajorsi 772 JBS(I) HP,W Wheat & Maize

71 An arpur Bahrampur 423 HP,W r Wheat & Maize

72 Dunpahara 1,432 JBS:2) E HF,W T PO Wheat & Maize

73 l\lavi J""'"~' HP,W T Wheat & Maize

74 Mirzapur 807 jBS(1)SBS(I) E HP,W PR,T PO Wheat & Maize

75 Shahabad uri Mithejpur 67 Uninhabited 5. DIRECTORY

LAND USE Remarks Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acrea Day or dlyt including rounded to the nearest unit) of the lily pllee Loea- NearClt town market/hal, of reUgiolls, tion ~.------~------~Area lnd distance if any, hiitoricill or Code Un. Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the lrebeo- No' Forelt Irrigated irrigated Waste for village logical cultivation inttl'tlt

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

... T(341) TWE(341) 72 6:, 120 Ghaziabad (16) T,EA 51

... T(275) C(275) 245 155 49 Ghaziabad (13) T 5~

4 53 " T(91-) C(9f) 19 219 Ghaziabad (13)

... T(661) C(661) !J9 388 436 Ghaziabad (8) EA 54

2,545 Ghaziabad (2) 55

250 55 Ghaziabad (9) 56

... T(282) W(185) TK(6} TWE(91) 83 seo 110 Ghazi abaci (9) EA 57

... T(207) TW(44) W(163} 51 153 .'i4 Ghaziabad (S) EA 53

... T(168) TWE(91)W(28) TK(49) 18 136 33 Gbaziabad (6) EA 59

... T(387) 1W(42) W(345) 287 115 146 Ghaziabad (3) 60

... 1(442) TW(67) W(375) 115 209 151 Ghaziabada (5) 61

... T(371) TWE(177) W(l94) 183 18;' 128 Ghaziabad (9) EA 62

... 1(276)TW(208) W(68) 103 204 40 Ghaziabad (11) ... 63

... 1(256) 'fWE(106) W(62) TK(88) 117 157 51 Ghaziabad (10) 64

... T(I,277) TW(777) C(250) 'fK(50) 783 177 752 Ghaziabad (10) 65

... 'f(502) C(5Q2) 213 119 220 Ghaziabad (11) 66

... T(lll) W(lll) 318 104 42 Ghaziabad (11) 67

1'(lll) W(lll) 83 13 6 Ghaziabad (10) 68

... T(103) W(10S) 10 2 29 Ghaziabad (10) Uninhabited 69

... T(293) W(293) 328 9;' 56 Ghaziabad (8) 70

.. , 'f(60) TW(58)W(2) 269 85 9 Ghaziabad (~) 71

... T(807) C(8) 'fWE(666) W('6) 0(117) 182 230 213 Ghaziabad (3) EA 72

... 'f(263) TW(248) W(15) 53 174 34 Ghaziabad (2) 73

... T(15:.) TWE(128) W(24) 24l 396 18 Ghaziabad (2) EA 74

45 3 19 Ghaziabad (2) Uninhabited 75 '0 VILLAGE

2-GHAZtABAD TAHSIL AMENITIES AND Amenities available within the. village Total Loca· Area r--- .J-.-- tion of the Code Name or Village village Poat No. (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food lupply water cations Telegraph

2 S 4 5 7 8 10

76 Noornagar 1,540 JBS (I) HP,W Ka Wheat & Maize

77 Morti 938 JBS (I) HP, W PR Wheat & Maize

78 Ataur 897 JBS(I) SBS(I) HP,W Wheat & Rice

79 Nagia Pccozmohanpur 735 JBS(I) HSS(I) HP,W ,n' Wheat & Maize

80 Champat Nagar 136 Cninhabited

81 Shamshrr 952 JBS (1) BP,W Wheat & Maize

82 Mutbrapur 630 JRS (1) HP, W Wheat & Rice

83 Bahadurpur 675 JBS (1) HP,W PO Wheat & Maize

84 Makred! 39j JBS (I) HP, W Wheat & ~taize

85 Shahpur nazd Morta 81:5 JBS (2) HP, W KR Wheat & Maize

86 Bhowapur 505 ]BS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & j,laize

87 Makarmatpur Sikhraad ' 269 ]BS(I) HF, W KR Wheat & ~[aize

88 1 Dbargal 319 E HP,W PR Wheat & ~iaize

89 Mohiuddinpur Main ., 380 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

90 Rasuipul Yabutpur, S 219 Uninhabited

91 Morta '-I 1,861 HSS(1 )]BS(1) E HP,W PR,T PO Wheat &. Maize

92 Naglap~.t 183 Uninhabited

L 93 Dahha 1,651 ]BS;3)SES(1) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

91 Bhikanpur 803 JES (2) H)i) E HP, W PR,KR PO IV heat & l-1aize

9j Jagjiwanpur 277 Uninhabited

96 Mahmudabad 356 HP, W Wheat & 11 aize

97 Bhadoli 1,356 JBS( I)SBS( 1) HP,W PO Wheal &. !l1aize

98 Mil al: Dhark arpur 440 lBS (I) HP, W Wheat &. l-Jaize

99 Sultanpur 694 ]BS (I) HP,W \Vheat & Ma.ize

100 Kish aneb and Patti 87 UnirhaLited 61 DIRECTORY


Remarb Land use (i. e., area under dirCerent type_ of Iud use in acres rounded to Day or da)'l including the nelreal unit) or the any place Loca- .... ~-- --_ _ Nearest town market/hat, or religious, tiOD Area and distance if aD~. historical or Code Un· Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in I e archaeo- No. Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste (or village logical cultivatiOll interelt 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

." T(I,095) TW(I063) TK:27) 30} 56 35 Ghaziabad (2) 76

... T(36~) W(362) 401 llS 57 Ghaziabad (5) 77

... T(387) 0(147) TW(240) 189 174 147 Ghaziabad (8) 78

... T(450) 0(450) .154 4 37 Ghaziabad (9) 79

.. , T(82) 0(82) j4 Ghaziabad (9) ... Uninhabited 80

... T(526) 0(320) W(106) 351 9 06 Ghaziabad (11) 81

... T(316) C(316) 246 IS 53 Ghaziabad (12) 32

... T(212) 0(62) TW(140) W(IO) 274 B7 102 ~luradnagar(ll) 33

... T(I84) e(50) TW(84) W(50) 101 32 i3 Muradnagar (II) 84

... T(713) C(4j3) TW(153) W(I07) 63 13 51 Ghaziabad (8) 85

... T(290) 0(290) 184 3 23 Ghaziahad (5) 86 ... T(109) 0(109) 135 2,\ Ghaziabad (8) 87

... T(219) 0(219) 86 17 47 Ghaziabad (6) EA 88 ... T(243) C(224) W(24) 95 13 24 Ghaziabad.(7) 89 ... T(157) C(157) 39 8 15 Ghaziabad (7) ... 'C'lIinhabited 90

... T(I,I\7)

... 1(129) C(129) 3'1 9 11 Muradna~ar (6) .. , Uninhabited 92

... T(934) 0(334) TWE(600) 382 182 153 Muradna;!ar (5) EA 93

... T(551) C(358) 1W£(63) W(130) 88 77 87 Muradnagar (5) EA 9l:

'" T(224) C(224) 38 4 11 Muradnagar (8) ... l:ninhabited 95

... T(296) 0(2%) 18 14 28 Muradnagar (S) 96

... 1(512) 0(512) 444 209 191 Muradnagar (8) 97

... T(411) C(511) 9 4 16 Muradnagar (8) ~8

.. T(621) 0(621) 4 16 53 Muradnagar (5) 99

... Uninhabited lOa " T(44) C(41) W(3) 38 3 Muradnazar (6) 62 VILLAGE 2_ GHAZIABAD TAHSIL AMENITIES AND Amenidelavailable within the village Loe,­ Total tiOD area Coda Name of Village No. ~~ ~ village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in acres) rupply water cations Telegraph

4 5 6 a 9 10

101 Manoli 588 jllS (1) HP,W Wheat &. Maize 102 Reorireopur 1,253 JBS (I) lIP,W Wheat & Maize 103 Husanpur 582 JES (I) HP,W Wheat & Maize

104 Rubull ahpur 254 ' t:ninhabited

IDS Sultanpur Purchajupur 578 HI,W Wheat & Maize

106 Roshanpur Salimabad 331 HP,W Wheat & Maize Patti Partap 107 Roshanpur Salimabad 319 lIP,W Wheat & Maize 108 Khurrampur 1,225 ]BS(2)SBS( I) HP,W Wheat &Maize

109 Ajabpur Mangoli 218 Uninhabited

110 Sarnamuradnagar 1,183 JBS (1) E HP,W PR,KR,T Po Wheat & Maize

111 Sebsiswa 205 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 112 Jalalpur Ra6hunathpur 459 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 113 Nabipur 561 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 114 Sobhapur 328 HP,\\, KR Wheat & Maize 115 Basantpur Sainthly , 950 lBS (2) HP,W PR,KR,T Wheat & Maize

116 Asalatnagar ~ 536 lBS (1) HP,lV KR Wheat & Maize 117 Mohiuddinpur HisaU't 668 .lBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Nlaize 118 Mohammadpur Dheda ,0 240 JBS (1) HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize 119 Murad Gampur Putsi 462 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 120 Barkaarifpur 8DS JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

121 Ukhlarsi 505 ]BS (I) E HP,W PR,KR,T Wheat & Maize 122 Abupur 1,263 JBS,(I) HP,W PR,T PO Wheat & \hile 123 Sadabarl Jakhcwa ~ 495 HP,W Wheat & :-'Iaize

124 Didoli 1,657 JBS (1) HP,vV Wheat & ~[ai7.e 125 Shahzadpur 741 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & :1L;;ze 63 DIRECTORY

LAND USE Rem arb Land use (i. e., area under different types of land usc in acres Day or dap including rounded to the nearest unit) of the any pl~ce L~a· ,.._ Nearest town market/hat, of rehglOus, tlon Area and distance if any, historica.l or Code Un· Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the archac()o No' Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste for village logical cultivation interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

WI T(181) C(lB!) 283 71 53 Muradnagar (8)

T(IS3) C(74) TWi24) W(S)) 734 280 56 Muradnagar (B) 102

103 T(26\) C(\83) lW(49) W:29) 231 60 21 Muradnagar (6)

T(237) C(237) II 3 Muradnagar (8) Uninhabited 104 IDS T(336) C(336) 151 7,t 14 Muradnagar (6)

lOG T(262) C(262) 38 27 Muradnagar (4) 107 T(277) C(255) W(22) 2 16 2,\ ~IuTadnagar (4)

T 103 T(637) C(4'19) TW(57) W(lOI) 250 254 84 ~furadnaE:a r (2)

Uninhabited 1:19 T(lC6) TW(89) W(17) 45 53 H ;"IuTadnalar (2;

Tuesday fA llO 1(796) C~322) TWE(267) WE(207) 109 225 55 Muradnagar (2)

III T(109} C(16; TWE(31) W~62) 26 31 39 lluradnagar (2) liZ T(311) C(16S) W(143) 39 80 29 :Muradnagar (3) 113 T(415) C(115} 81 38 27 Muradnagar (5) 114 T(227) C(191) W(36) 41 32 28 Muradnagar (4) 11'i T(513) C(479) W(34) 203 139 95 1.I1uradnagar (4)

116 T(341) C(279) W(2) 41 73 81 Muradnagar (2) 117 T(340) C(340) 81 193 54 Muradnagar (4) 118 T[142) C(42) TW(4IJlV~59) 15 25 58 Muradnagar (2)

119 T(338) C(lBI) TW(157) 60 22 42 Muradnagar (3) 120 T(520) C(295) W(I72) TK(53) 101 34 150 Muradnagar (5)

EA 121 T\I5&) 0(95) TWE(27) W(74) 35 143 131 lvluradnagar (2) M,T 122 T(518) C(202) TW(50) W(266) 471 16 258 !"[uradnagar (2) 123 T(395: C(250) TW(41) W(103) 19 59 22 Muradnagar (3) 124 T(I,221) C('1S9) W(232) 42 162 232 Muradnagar (4) EA 125 T(592) C(454) TWE(12) W(66) 8~ 30 35 1Iuradn a3ar (3) VILLAGE

2 -CHAZIABAD TAHSIL! AMENITIES ,ANl) Amenitici available within the village Total Loca. Area _------A.---,---___..... tion of the Code Name or Village village POll No, (iD acrel) Edueational Medical Power Drinking Communi. & Staple Food lupply water cationl Telegraph

6 8 10

126 Kakra 1,158 JBS (1) HP,W PR Wheat &. Maize

127 Bandipur 510 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

123 Firozpur 479 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

1~9 Dabana 451 ]BS (1) HP,W PR Wheat & Mai1e

130 Alwalpur 285 Uninhabited

131 Kaithwari 445 }BS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

132 Kharjiwanpur Khlmawti 1,114 JBS(I) HP,W PR. PO Wheat & Mllize

133 Jalalpur Dhidaa 564 JBS (2) HP,W PR PO Wheat &. Maize

134 Milakraoli 172 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

135 Khorajpur 217 HP,W Wheat & Maize

136 Behang g97 ]BS (I) HP,W Wheat &. Maize

137 Nekpur Sabtinagar 2,061 JBS (2) HP,W PO Wheat & Maize

138 Sutbari 482 JBS (I) HP,W Wheat & Maize

139 Raoli Kalan 1,670 HSS(I )jBS( I} E HP,W KR PO Wheat &. Rice

140 Surana 2,653 JES(2)HSS(I) E HP,W,R KR PO Wheat & Maize

141 Alapur 642 Uninhabited

142 Kuhehra 1,288 JBS (I) HP,W Wheat & Maize

143 Moharnadpur Ahad Baghpat 1,135 ]BS (I) HP,W Wheat & Rice

144 Mataur 637 }BS (I) HP,W Wheat & Maize

145 Khindora 1,444 JBS (2) WI) HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice

146 ]nalawan BOO HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

147 Gyaspur 1,196 ]BS (I) HP,W KR PO Whc at & Maize

148 Qadarnagar Burari 207 L'ninhabitrd

149 Amirpur Garhi 390 ]BS (I) BP,W KR Wheat & Maize·

1)0 Kumehra 816 JES (I) HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize DIRECTORY

LAND USB Rem arb Land use (i. e., area under dirterent type. of Iud lUe in acres roundcd to Day or dar- including tbe De areat unit) of the any pI ace Loca- Nearest town market/hili, or religious, lion Area and distance if aD~, historical or Code Un· Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in t c archaeo- No. Farett Irrigated irrigated Waste for village _logical cultivatiOll IDterclt 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

T(712) C(437) TW(9) W(266) 172 195 79 (5) 126

1(424) C(309) TW(69) W(46) 33 31 22 Muzaffarnagar (6) 127

T(393)'C(167) 'IW(18B) W(38) 42 19 25 Muzaffarnagar (8) 128

T(391) C(383) W(S) 12 47 Muzaffarnagar (8) 129

C(250) 18 5 12 Muzaffarnagar (10) ... Uninhabited 130

C(335) 91 16 MuzaCfaroagar (8) T 131

T(848) C(583) TW(147)W (118) 148 55 63 Muzaffarnagar (6) 132

T(469) C(447) W(22) 3 13 79 ~1uzaffarnagar (6) 133

C(151) 4 16 Muzaffarnagar (3) 134

C(IB7) 13 3 Ii Muzaffarnagar (9) 135

T(166) C(124) TW(II) W(31) 545 264 22 Muzaffarna6ar (lO) 136

T(585) C(461) TW(BO) W(43) TK(I) 1,005 175 296 Muzaffarnagar (13) ... 137

T(243) C(191) W(52) 137 51 51 Muzaffarnagar (13) ... E8

T(I,433) C(I,S14) TWE(75) W(44) 102 40 101 Muzaffa.rnagar (10) ... EA 139

T(I,057) C(991) W(66) 1,232 16j 199 Muzaffarnagar (15) Monday T,M 140

524 91 27 Muzaffarnagar (14J ... Uninhabited 141

T(439) 0(204) W(235) 543 212 9~ Muzaffamagar (16) ... T 142

T(308) TW(IS) W(288) R(2) 212 215 70 !o.Iuzaffarnaj!;ar (14) .. , T 143

1(177) WE(149) TW(28) 217 78 215 Muzaffarnagar (14) ... 144

T(622) C(593) W(29) 487 248 87 Muzaffarnagar (12) .. , T,M 145

T(306) C(2I7) W(43) TW(46) 332 138 24 Muzaffarnagar (12) .. , !vi 146

T(I,029) C(994) TW(14) W(21) 84 2 81 Muzaffarna 6ar (11) ,.. T,M 147

T(179) C(176) W(3) 24 Muzaffarnagar (11) ... Uninhabited 148

T(358) C(346) WIll) 14 Muzaffarnagar (8) 1 149

T(664) 0(647) W(17) 92 2 58 MuuffarnaJar (9) T 150 65 VILLAGE


AmCJlitiea available within the vill age Loc,. Total tioD area Code Name of Village of the Post No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi. & Staple Food (in acres) supply wa.ter cations Telegraph

2 4 6 8 10

151 Bhanera 1.287 ]BS (2) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 152 Asadpur Nagai 694 HPW PR Wheat & Maize Ij3 Palla 1,792 HSS(l lJBS (2) HI) E HP,W PR Phone,PO Wheat & Maize

m Suhana 718 ]BS (1) HP,W PR Wheat & :Maize

155 Nagla Khu 409 ]BS (1) E HP,W PR Phone,PO Wheat & l\laize

156 Puthari Sal JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 157 Niwari T, A, 3,604 HSS(I) JBS(I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & 11aize SBS(2) 158 Penga 661 JES (1) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 159 AsifpurUjhera 731 lBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & ;...raize 160 Sonda 1,430 SBS(!) HSS(I) E HP,W PR PO vVheat & ::Vfaize JBS(2)

16! 110hammd Purqadim 634 JBS(I) HP,W Wheat & ~1aize 162 Fatehpur 300 JBS(I) HP,W Wheat & !vI aize 163 Sikhera Hazari 262 E HP,W I~R Wheat & 1Iaize 164 Sikri Khurd 1,211 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & ::Vlaize 165 Latifpurtib ra 512 lBS (2) E HP,W P;l Wheat & :,1 aize

166 Auran6abadGadana 899 IES (IJ E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 167 Bidhapur Sahafiabad 414 E HP,\V PR Bajra & Wheat 168 Bakbarba 5j8 E H,PW p~ Wheat & :Maize

169 Eegmabad Budhana 379 JES (1) H(I) E HP,',A/ PR Wheat & ~Iaize 170 Phaprana 789 JES (I) HPvV KR Wheat & Maize

171 Naglamusa 381 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 172 Sherpur 39t JBS(I) HP,W PR IVheat & Maize [73 Yabutpur Mavi 6-t3 JlIS (I) E HP,W PI{ Wheat & Maize 174 Makarhmatipur 351) JBS (1) HP,',V KR Wheat & Maize liS Sara 1,718 IBS (I) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & ~faize DIRECTORY "

LAND USB Rem arb Land use (i. e., area under dirrerent types of land ott in acres Day or days including rounded to the nearest unit) of the any place Loca- Nearest town market/hal, of religious, tion Area and distance if any, hi.torieal or Code Un- Cultivable not available (in Kw.) beld in tbe arehaeo- No' Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste for village logical cultivation interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

T(I,123) 0(1,103) W(20) 68 95 Muradnagar (11) 151

T(641) 0(631) W(lO) 13 6 3-1 Muradnagar (11) .. ' T 152

1(1,57&) C(I,221) '1'WE(35J) 59 176 Muradnagar (9) WcdUl;sday T,11,"£.,I>, 153

0(634) 22 60 Muradnagar (8) Tuesday 154

T(302) 0(256) TWE(46) 81 26 Muradnagar(8) EA 155

T(271) 0(271) 3 27 Muradnagar (7) T,EA 156

T(2,722) C(2,213) W(378) TWE(131) 229 2A 399 Muradnagar (6) Sunday T,M,EA 157

T(51O) C(499) W(U) 10 9 13~ :\furadnagar (6) T 138

T(590) 0(545) W(51) 26 109 Muradnagar (7) 159

... T(109) 0(919) W(151) TW(16) TK(5) 125 20 Igi Muradnagar (6) 160

T(42S) C(299) TW(76) W(50) 162 59 38 Muradnagar (4) 161

T(256) C(247) W19) 26 6 12 Muradnagar ('1) 162

1(216) C(ISS) TWE(SO) W131) 5 22 19 Muradnagar (3) EA 163

1(916) C(289) TWE(278) W(349) 22 68 203 Muradnagar (I) T,EA 164

T(394) C(334) TWE(60) 36 IS M Muradnagar (2) E.\ 165

T(550) C(485) TWE(9) W(56) 102 26 221 Muradnagar (2) EA 166

T(282) C(182) TW(47) W(52) TK(I) 45 3 84 Muradnagar (4) 167

T(411) C(182) TW(91) W(127) TKIll) 23 9 115 Muraclnagar(3) 168

T(435) C(93) TWE(155) W(64) TK(123) 47 141 256 Muradnagar (1) Wednesday, T,:..1,EA 169 Sunday T(604) C(554) TW(3) W(37) 73 43 69 Muradnagar (3) T 170

T(313) C1263) WISI) TW(19) 51 11 26 Muradnagar (5) 17l

t(:02) C(294) W(4) TW(4) 24 22 46 Muradnagar (4) 172

1(37S) C(316) TW(24) W(33) TK(2) 93 77 93 Muradnagar (3) 173

1(260J 0(138) W(122) 22 32 42 Muradnagar (4) T 174

T(899) (eG71) TWE(121) W(I04) TK(3) 253 178 388 ~1l1radnagar (5) T,~{,EA 175 6' VILLAGE

2_GHAZTABAD TAHSni AMENITIES ANI) Ameahlea available within the 'lIlage Total Loca· Area don of the Code Name of ViIlagt ,illage POll No. (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food IUpply water cation, Telegrapb

2 4 5 6 I g 10

176 862 B HP,W PR Wheat &Maize

177 Qadrabad 955 JBS :1) It HP,W PR Wheat &Maize

178 Rori 1,620 JBS (I) E HP,W PR PO Whett & Maize

179 Hirdaipur Bhandola 725 JBS (I) HP, W KR Wheat &Maize

180 Sitahjahanpur m JBS (I) E HP,W KR, PR Wheat &l\[ai~o

18] Macheri 552 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

182 Bhatjan 930 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

183 Shakurpur 6)8 ]BS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

184 Moradabad 335 JBS(I) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

185 Saidpur Husainpur Dilna 2,161 JBS(2) E HP, W PR PO Maize & Rice

186 Churiyal 2,'05 JBS (1) E W,HP PR Wheat &Maize

187 Zainuddinpur 5\5 Uninhabited

188 Talehta 2,683 JBSII) E HP, W KR PO Wheat &Maize

1~9 Palota 191 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & l\[aize

190 Aurang ... bad Fazalgarh 149 ]BS(I) SBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

191 Seori 13 Biswa 2,216 E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

Iq2 Jeori 7 Biswa 921 JBS(l) II HP, W KR PO Wheat & Mai~e

Iq3 Raghunathpur 625 HP, W PR Wheat & Maize

194 Kilhora B63 JBS (I) HP, W PR Wheat & Maize

]95 Bhadoii 625 JBS (I) HPW PR Wheat & ;'.1aize

196 Vusufpur Isapur 632 HP, W KR,PR Wheat &. Maize

197 Tshaqnagar 690 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

198 Nabali 922 HP, W Wheat & :-'faize

J()Cj Nagolaarnipur ~35 E HP,W Wheat & Maize

200 MuHrnpur 1,569 jBS (I) E HP,W PO Wheat & Rice 61 DIRECTORY


Land UJe (i. e., area under different type. of Iud Ule iD &erel rounded to Remarn the Delrett UlIiI) Day or dlYi including of tbe any place toe .. ,....._--- Nearest town market/hat, Area of religious, tion Un· Cultivable and distance if aDl' historical or Cod, Dot available (in Km.) held in t e Fortlt lrriaattd irrigated Wute archlco- No, for lmage eultivatioo logical intere" 11 12 13 14 15 Iii 17 18

T(363) G(IlS) TWF(151) W(j2) TK(42) 98 93 3(8 Muradnagar (I) Saturday, M,EA 176 Monday T(531) C(360) W(171) 129 141 15+ Muradnagar (I) T 177 T(I,223) C(572) TW(214) W(437) 151 122 124 Muracoagar 0) T 178 T(485) C(367) W(lla) 52 188 Muradnagar (4) T 179 1(368) C(254) TWE(30) W(&f) 110 93 Muradnagar (4) E.". lao

T(371) C(l28) TW(40) W(203) 55 80 46 !11odinagar (6) 181

T(431) C(392) W(39) 166 5~ 281 MQdinagllr (6) T 182 '1'(379) C(35B) TWE(5) W(16) 82 51 126 Modina3ar (5) T 183

'1'(148) C(132) W(!6) 14 t 73 Modinagar (7) T 184 T(I,430) C(I,20Q) W(213) TWE(8) 82 !36 813 Modinagar (9) Tuqrtay T }!,EA 185

723 '1'(1,036) TW(52B) C(508) 118 66 562 Modioagar (10) T 186 T(26') C(49) TW(9) W(203) 53 33 169 Modinazar (6) Uninhabi ted 187 200 T(I,2Ij) C(267) TWE(l4B) W(OOO) 350 lOB BIO Modinagar (10) T,EA 188 1(137) 0(134) W(3) 19 34 Modinagar (7) T IS9 T(776) C(573) TWE(203) 144 110 119 Faricnagar (5) M,EA 190

T(I,353) 0(299) TWE(565) W(489) 366 213 285 Faridnagar (8) EA 191 T(596) C(432) TWE(64) W(100) 163 153 faridnagar (8) EA 192

T(507) C~40Z) W(IOS) 53 29 36 Faridn

T(603) C(575) W(28) 75 108 77 Faridnagar (4) T ,~I 194 T(442) C(399) W(43) 72 62 49 Faridnagar (4) 195

T(343) C(I32) W(ISO) 0(31) 70 151 68 Faridnagar (3) 196 T(395) TW(272) W(95) 0(28) 154 34 107 Faridnagar (I) M 197 T(521) C(83) TW(130) W(303) 186 110 105 Faridnagar (3) M 198 T(359) C(65) TWE(166) W(128) 13 29 34 Pi\\.huwa (5) EA 199 1(1,I9J) TWE(993) W(9B) TK(IOI) lIO 135 129 Pilkhuwa (2) EA ~JJ 70 VILLAGB

2-GHAZIABAD TAHSIL AMENITIES AND Amenities available within the village Loca· Total lion area Code Name of Village of the POit No. village Educational Medical Powcr Drinking Communi· & Staple Food (in acres) lupply water cations Telegraph

2 S 5 6 8 10

201 Pipla Bamdapur 401 E HP,W Wheat &: Maize

202 Duhri 738 JBS (I) l!. HP,W PO Wheat & Maize

203 Kherabad Khairpur 619 ]BS (1) l HP,W Wheal & Maize

2M Pilakhowa Rural 581 E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize

20j Partapur 800 JBS (I) E· HP,W Wheat & Maize

206 Mirapur 103 E HP,W Wheal &: Maize

207 Abdul\apur Dater 177 Uninhabited

209 Aurangab a.d Ateri 404 E HP,W Wheal & Maize

209 Kanakpur 336 JBS (1) E W,RP Wheat & Maize

210 Joya 554 E HP,W Wheat & Maize

211 Abalpur 413 E HP,W Wheat & Maize

212 Atrauli 76l JES(l) MCW(l) E HP,W PO Wheat & Maize

213 Mrashabpur 324 Uninhabited

214 Shashamli 373 JBS (1) E HP.W Wheat & Maize

2}j JujanpurMohammadpur 861 JBS (1) E HP,W Wheat & Maize

216 Qazipur ~88 Uninhabited

217 Aurangnagar Kinapur 185 E HP,W Wheat & Maize

21B Amirpur Bharila 645 E HP,W Wheat & Maize

219 Kalchina. 2,370 JBS (I) t HP,W PR PO Wheal & Maize

220 Amrala 999 JBS (l) Ii HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

221 Bhojpllr 2,984 JBS (2) i HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

222 Khanjarpur 1,165 JBS (1) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & .Maize

223 Patti 709 jBS (1) E HP,W n Wheat & ~1aize

224 J ahangirpur 541 JES (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & M.aize

252 Yusufpur Naglaber 702 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & 1faize 71 DIRECTORY

LAND USE Remarb Land usc (i. e., area under different types of land usc in aCtcl Day or da,. including rounded to the nearest unit) of the any pl~ce ~ •• ~------..._------~------~ Neareat town market/hal, of rehglous, lIOIl Area and distance if any, hiltorical or Code Un· Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the archaeo- No' Fortlt Irrigated irrigated Waste for ,ill age logical cultivation inttttal

II 12 IS 14 15 16 11 18

- T(278) TWB(278) 5 51 87 Pilkhuwa (2) IA 201 .. ' T(552) TWE(552) ~3 25 128 Pilkhuw:\ (2) EA 202 ... T(j02) TWB(502) 14 9 91 Pilkhuwa (2) EA 203 ... T( .00) TWE(1500) W(50) g 10 268 Pilkhuwa (0) EA 204 ... T(642) TWE(542) C(100) 7 23 128 Pilkhuwa (2) EA 205

.... 1(91) TWE(91) 12 Pilkhuwa (I) EA 206

,.. T(145) C(9)TWE(22) W(14) 11 20 Pilkhuwa (2) ". Uninhabited 207 -.. T(242) C(20) TWEfi! 2) 79 21 62 Pilkhuwa (2) EA 208 ... T(257) C(1)) TWE(234) W(22) 5 50 24 Pilkhuwa (4) E:\ 209 ... 1(427) C(37) TWE(310) W(BO) 3B 23 66 Faridnagar (2) EA 210

ft' T(293) C(213) W(71) W(9) 14 1(5 Faridnagar (2) EA m

T(467) C(217) TWE(94) W(I56) IS 91 190 Pilkhuwa (3) EA 212

... T(290) C(141) TW(79) W(70) 14 10 10 Pilkhuwa (2) .., Uninhabited 213

... T(327) C(27B) TWE(4) W(4S) S 26 17 Pilkhuwa (3) EA 214

n. T(638) C(588) TWE(31) W(19) 1Q9 114 Faridnagar (3) M 215

... T(335) C(l) TW(290) W(Sa) 20

... T(114) C(72) TWE(42) 50 S 19 Faridnagar(3) M,EA 217

... T(25B) C(214) TWE(44) 81 3~ 272 Modinagar (8) EA 218 ... T(I,533) C(I,I56) TWE(189) W(188) 485 16 336 Faridnagar (3) M,EA 219

H' T(645) C(467) TWE(77) W(S) 90 121 143 Faridnagar (2) EA 220

... T(I,959} C(893) TWE(lOlO) TK(l55) 293 430 302 Faridnagar (3) EA 221

... T(845) C(704) TWE(I4I) 87 55 178 Modinagar (4) EA 222

... T(421) C(334) TWE(7) W(80) 69 51 168 Faridnagar (3) !A 223

... T(359) C(138)TW(21S) W(S) 65 70 47 Faridnagar (4) 224

H' T(439) C(404) TWE(19) W(14) 142 24 99 Modinaa:ar (3) EA 22~ 72 VILLAGE

2-(lHAZIABAD TAHSIL, AMEN ITIES AND Amenities available within the village Total Jo.-_ __ LoCa. Area lioll of the Code Name of Village village POit No. (ia aertS) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food lupply water clations Telegraph

5 6 10

216 Ganga Ramput 89 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

227 Abidpur Mab 448 E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

228 Kazampur ,1\ 496 HP,W K"1\ Wheat & Maize

229 Sikri Kalan \1 737 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maile

I 230 YUlu(pur Munota. \' 896 HP,W KR Wheat &: Maize

231 Jalalpur ill., 1,573 JES (2) E HP,W PR,KR PO Wheat &: Maize

232 Do! abanj a rpur re4 JBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

233 Miswapur 1,090 HP,W KR Wheat & Mahe

234 Bhawanipur 247 Uninhabited

235 Noorpur 1,725 ,)BS( 2) E HP,W KR Wheat & :Maize

236 Diwari 971 JBS (1) HP,W Wheat & Maize

237 Samarpur S66 HP,W Wheat & Maize

23B Karhllnagar Kathyara lIT! 366 \\H,P Wheat & Maize Akalpur 239 Nigrothi 372 HP,W Wheat & Uaize

240 Mohiuddin Dbabars 1,156 JBS (1) E HP,W Wheat & Mahe

241 Masuri 1,34() JBS (2) ! HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maite

242 Naha! 1,452 JRS (2) E HPJW PO Wheat & 11aizc

2'~3 Kusuliya 1,705 JBS (2) HP,W Wheat & Maile

244- Kanoja 1,630 JBS (2) HP,W Wheat & Maize

245 Matiyala 793 JRS (1) E HP,W Wheat & Maize

246 Sadarpur 1,787 JBS(2) SBS~I) E HP,W PO Wheat &Maize

247 Rasulpur 582 ]BS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

248 Dasna 4,706 JBS(I;. SBS(I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

249 Harshon 810 E HP,W PR Wheal &Maize

250 Railpur 865 JBS (2) E HP,W PR PO Wheat &. :M.ize 73 DIRECTORY


Remarb LUld lIIe (i. e., are~ under dme~nt type. of land lIIe in acres rounded to Day or days including the DeareR unit) of the any place Loea- _------... ~ Nearest town market/hat, of religious. lion Area and distance if any. historical or Code Un· Cultivable not available (in Krn.) held in the archaeo- No. Fortlt Irrigs:ed irrigated Waste ,ror, village logical culuvauOD interelt

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 L8

'f (18) C (56) TW(22) 5 6 Modinagar (3) 226

'" 'f (400) C (163) TWE(IB4) W(53) 26 19 43 Modinagar (3) M,EA m

m T (336) C (324) TW(J2) 62 35 53 Modinagar (3) 228

... T (610) C (273) TWE(202) W(135) 72 23 73 Modinagar (2) T,EA 229

_ T (302) C (21S) TW(16) W(IO) 38 56 Muradnagar (3) 230

... T (I,OOS) C (556)TWE(Ii) W(44U) 56 266 Muradnagar (3) Saturday T,M 231

••• T (778) C (157) TW(209) W(412) !O7 6 93 Muradnagar (4) M 232

T (769) C (98) TWE(355) W(3IS) 165 81: 72 Muradnagar (3) 233

". T (208) C (104) TW (104) 25 4 10 Muradnagar (4) .' Lninhabited 234

~, T (1,397) C (92+)TWE(3+9) (WJ24) 15S 72 103 Muradnagar (4) T,EA 235

m T (459) C (459) 270 2S 219 Muradnagar (4) 236

... T (128) C (128) 69 9 liO Pilkhuwa (6) 237

n. T (121) TW(121) 9 119 Pilkhuwa (6)

... T (20B) C (152) TW(56) 5B 71 Pilkhuwa (5)

... T (637)TWE(437) 0(206) 178 100 241 Pilkhuwa (6) EA 2tO

". T (624) TWE(326) 0(305) 71 67 577 Pilkhuwa (8) Eo!. 241

." T (741) a (741) S77 so S04 Muradnagar (5)

... T (662) C (662) 540 58 495 Muradnagar (5) 243

... T (600) C (600) 586 17$ 269 Muradnagar (3) 214

", T (346)0(146) TWE (260) 92 127 228 Muradnagar (4) EA Ui

... T (1,31+) C(900) TWE(400) W(1) TK(7) 116 145 212 Ghaziabad (5) FA 246

... rWE(S73) 3S 36 134 Ghaziabad (10) EA 247

... 1 (2,875) C (1,425) Wi60) TWE(l,350) 335 131 1365 Ghaziahad (10) Tuesday EA 248 TK(40) ... T (373) TWE(373) 2 26 409 Ghaziabad (5) ... EA 249

M 1(434 TWE(434) IS triG Ghaziabad (5) iA riO 7! VILLAGE 2-GHAZIABAD TAHSIL AMENITIES AND Amenitiet available within the village Loea· don Total Code area No. Name or Village of the POlt village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food (in aeret) lupply water cations Telegraph

6 10

151 Rajapur 1,S17 JBS (I) E HP,W l'R Wheat &. Maize 252 Shahpur :Sameta 2,489 JBS(I )SBS(l) !. HP,W PR PO Wheat &. Maize 25' Meharoli 884 JBS (I) ! HP,W PR Wbeat &. Maize '254 Sadiqpur urf Huipur 272 JBS (I) ! HP,W PR PO Wheat &. Maize 255 Bayan 626 HP,W VI beat &. Ma.ize

256 Naiphal 516 HP,W Wheat &. Maize 257 Sadatnagar Ikla 357 JBS (I) BP,W Wheat &. Maille 258 Inayatpllr 32$ SBS (I) HP,W Wheat &. Maile 259 Arifpur 3D7 Uninhabited

260 RIIghunathpur 323 JBS (1) HP,W Wheat & Maize

261 Dinanatbpur Pothi 625 ]BS (1) HP,W Wheat &Maizc 162 Amarput LQda 501 t:"ninhabited

263 Hasanpur 1,288 JBS(I)SBS(I) HP,W PO Wheat &. Maize 264 Udairampur Naill 279 JBS (I) HP,W Wheat &. Maiu 265 Chaksidhipur 131 Uninhabited

266 CblUl1a #9 JBS (I) HP,W Wheat & Maize

267 Sidbipur ~g HP,W Wheat & Maize 268 Uncba AmipUI 1,{52 HP,W Wheat & Maize 269 Khagora I 954 JBS (I) HP,W Wheat & Maize 270 Nidbaoli 740 JBS (I) BP,W Wheat & Maize

271 Do!atpur Dhikari 298 I. HP,W KR Wheat &. Maize 272 Tatarpur 790 JBS (1) BP,W Wheat & Maize

273 Debra 1,.5Q5 JBS (2) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Mai.t

~74 Gordhllnpur ~82 Ullinhabited 275 BahrmllldpliI ~S Ullillhabited. '5 DIRECTORY

LAND USB Remarb Land use (i. e., area under different types of land ule in acrel Da:y or daY' including rounded to the neatest unit) of the any place Loca- ,.. ""I Nearest town market/hat, of rehlious, tion Area and distance if any, historical Ot Cod, Un- Cultivable Dot available (in KID.) held in the arcbaeo- No' fOfCIt Irrigated irrigated Waite for ,malic logical cultivation interest

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

T(499) 0(99) TWE(400) 5 8 B05 Ghaziabad (3) EA 251

T(I,563) C(I,062) TWE(501) 49 62 815 Ghaziabad (3) EA 25~

T(653) TWE('153) 136 2 93 Ghaziabad (4) EA 253 T(248) TWE(24B) 21 Ghaziabad (5) EA 254

T(467) C(467) 72 7 SO Ghaziabad (10) 255

T(321) C(321) 83 112 Ghaziabad (12) 256

T(Hl) C(141) 71 6 133 Ghaziabad (8) 257

T(270) C(235) W(35) 17 3 35 Ghaziabad (l3) 218

T(274) C(274) 9 24 Ghaziabad (13) Cninhabited 259

T(260) C(230) W(SO) 26 6 31 Ghaziabad (14) 260

T(343) C(240) W(75) TK 2S) H8 37 97 Ghaziabad (15) 261

T(I36) C(lS6) 218 147 Ghaziabad (11) Uninhabited 262

T(792) C(750) W(42) 119 86 291 Ghaziabad (17) 263

T(202) 0(202) 28 6 43 Pilkhuwa (13) 264

T(107) 01107) z 2 20 Ghaziabad (15) Uninhabited 265

T(311) C{SII) 19 21 93 Pilkhuwa (13) 266

T(342) C(24:) W(75) K(27) , 30 25 272 Pilkhuwa (15) 267

T(601) C(6DI) 233 60 558 Pilkhuwa (13) 268

T(594) C(693) W(75) TK(26) 44 52 264 Pilkhuwa (14) 269

T(562) C(43(l) W(90) TK(42) 17 5 156 Pilkhuwa (II) 270

T(240) TW(240) 6 2 50 Pllkhuwa (10) 271

T(:66) C(566) 43 26 155 Pilkhuwa (14) 272

T(830) TW(780) W(SO) 134 14 527 Pilkhuwa (10) 273

T(364) 0(364) 6 110 Pi IkhulI'A (10) Uninhabited 274

T(306) C(~05) 11 147 Pilkhuwa (II) Uninhabited 275 '6 VILLAGE

2-GHA7.:IABAD TAHSIL, AMENITIES ANt) Amenities available within the village Total Locl. Area ,...__ _.A...-- ---. tion of the Code Name 01 Village village Poat No. (in acrel) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi. & Staple Food lupply water catiool Tdegraph

II 10

276 Jadopur 432 HP,W Wheat & Maize

277 Bhoapur 431 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

278 Raoli 646 Uninhabited

279 Shekhupur Kh:ehala 694 ]BS (I) HP,W Wheat & Maize

2BO Pipera 978 ]BS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

281 Parson 601 Uninhabited

282 Galand Fazalnagar I,B08 E HP,W PO Wheat & Maize

283 Lakhan 663 ]BS(l)SBS(l) E HP,W PR Wheat &Maize

284 Masota 653 JBS (1) HP,W Wheat & Maize

2B5 Nidori 793 ]BS (1) HP,W Wheat & Maize

286 Chajarsi 798 lBS (1) HP,W Wheat & Maize

287 Girauni 31 Uninhabited

238 Khera 1,475 JBS(?)HSS(I) E HP,W Wheat & Maize

289 Ibrahimpur Tisauli 4r,j Uninhabited

290 Hindalpur 556 JBS (I) HP,W Wheat & ~[aize

Wheat & Maize 291 Madapur Mustafabad 5?".J HP,W

292 Nandlalpur 401 Uninhabited

293 Bajhera Khurd 827 lBS (1) HP,W PO Wheat & Maize

294 Habel 455 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

295 Kandoli 1,003 lBS :2) E BP,W KR Wheat & Maize

296 Mabarikpur Badarkha 269 Uninhabited

297 Silchera 1,215 JBS (1) E HP,W Wheal & Maize

298 Mukarrampur Pithanpura 178 E HP,W Wheat & Maize

299 Kandoli 323 HP,W Wheat & Maize

& 300 Azampur 505 JBS (1) E HP,W PO Wheat Maize 77 DIRECrORY

LAND USB Remarks Land use (i, e.• area under different types of land use in acres rounded to DIY or dlYS including tbe nClircat unit) of the any place LocI- ,------.....___ Nearest toWII markel/hat, or religious. lion Area and distance if ant, historical or Code No, Un- Cultivable not Ilv ailab Ie (in Km.) held in t e archaeo- Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste tor village logical cultivation interel! 18 II 12 13 14 15 16 11

EA 276 T(286) TWE(24()) W(46) j ;) 136 Pillr.huwa (il)

Pilkhuwa (5) Uninha.bited 277 T(2~) C(254) 6 ·s 166 278 :nl T(245) C(245) 163 2 236 Pilkhuwa (10) m T(328) C(228) W(H) TK(25) 201 18 147 Ghaziabad PS) 230 T(66) C(550) W(55) TW(Sli) 103 13 2QI Pilkhuwa (16)

Uninhabited 281 T(323) C(323) 11e 21 I~ Pilkhltwa (8) EA 282 T(I,19O) TWE(I,IOO) C(901 86 1~ 427 Pilkhuwa (6) EA 283 T(401) TWE(401) 12 13 237 pilkhuwa (61 284 T(336) C(318) W(18) 100 212 pilkhuwa (6) 2S1 T(395) C(325) W(43) TK(27) 97 302 Pilkbuwa (5)

280 T(520) C(520) U 4 250 Pilkhuwa (3) Uninhabited 287 T(ll) TK(II) 19 Pilkhuwa (2) EA 288 T(949) TWE(848) C(lOI) 65 50 m Pilkhuwa (I) Uninhabited 289 T(250) C(250) SO 28 1H Pilkhuwa (2) 291 T(382) TW(282) C(IOO) 4 12 158 Ptlkhuwa (5)

291 T(395) C(Sg5) t 125 Pilkhuwa (5) Uninhabited 292 T(245) C(245) 10 H5 Pilkhuwa (10) 293 T(600) W(300) C(200) TK(IOU) 2 222 Pilkhuwa (6) 294 T(355) C(19) TW(324) TK(2) 15 9 76 Pilkhuwa (3) EA 295 ... T(676) C(470) TWE(206) 12 13 292 Pilkhuwa (6) I

Uninhabited 296 T(221) C(221) Ii 41 Pilkhuwa (3) EA 297 T(909) TWE(009) IS 33 255 Pilkhuwa (3) EA 298 T(l3') C(37) TWE(IOO) 8 32 Pilkhuwa (3) 299 T(259) C(259) 21 42 Pilkhuwa (6) EA ZOO T(415) TWE(415) 26 5 59 Pilkhuwa (4) 78 VlUAGI

2_GHAZIAllAD TAHSIL AMENITIES AND AmenitiCi available within the villagt Loc •• Total tion area Code Name of Village or the Post No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food (in acres) Jupply water cationl Telegrapb

8 9 10

501 Dehpa 424 E HP,W Wheat & Maize

502 Himmat nazar 403 E HP,W Wheat & Maize

S03 Shah pur Phagota 1,485 JBS(l)SBS(I) ... E HP,W Wheat & Maize

304 KariKpur Bhaipur 607 JBS(,) E HP,W Wheat & Maize

305 Narninpur Baska 773 JBS[I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

S06 Shiwaya 588 JBS(I) HP,W Wheat & Maize

307 Karanpur latta 1,299 )BS(I) HP,W Wheat & Maize

308 Kahana 1,117 )BS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

S09 Dholana 3,021 ]BS(I) HSS(I) D(I) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize crt) 310 Nandpur 557 JBS(!) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

311 Basantpur 1,008 JRS(I) HP,\V Wheat & Maize

312 Shelana 863 JBS(I) HP,W Wneat & Maize

313 Lalpur 827 HP,W Wheat & Maize

SI4 Nagl a Chajj an 426 HP,W Wheat & Maize

315 Nagla Kasbi 306 HP,W Wheat & Maize

316 Nagla Gajju 287 HP,W Wheat & Maize

317 Samana 436 ]BS(I)SBS(I) D~I) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

318 Sukhdeopur 797 HP,W Wheat & Maize

319 Kamaruddinnagar 711 JBS(!) HP,\\' Wheat & Maize

320 DOIIotikri 326 HP,W Wheat & Maize

321 Kappurpur 590 JBS(I) HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

322 Lalifpur Mazra 4BO Uninhabited

323 Sapnawat 1,850 E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

324 Mnrshidpur Sapnawati 268 HP,W .. , Wheat & Maize

~25 Narain 402 ]ESO) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 19 ,DlRICrORY

LAND USB Remarks LaIld use (i. e., area. linder different types of land uae ill acres rounded to O.. yor days including the nc area, unit) or the any place LOCi· Nearest town market/h41, of religious. liou - Area an4 distance ir ant, historical or Code Un- Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in t e archaeI)- ~o. Forest Irriaated irrigated Waste for village logical cultivalioo interelt

II 12 13 14 15 IG 17 \8

301 T(352) TWE(252) W(50) C(50) 20 5 47 Pilkhuwa (5) EA EA 302 T(363) TWE(363) 5 2 33 Pilkhuwa (5) EA 303 T(l,151) C(15l) TWE(I,OOO) 49 12 273 Pilkhuwa (6) 3M T(4

306 T(422) C(422) 45 34 87 Pilkhuwa (9) 307 T(994) C(884) W(IIO) 47 . 14 244 Pilkhuwa (8) 30B T(809) C(409) TWE(400) 33 274 Pilkhuwa (9) EA EA 309 T(I,875) TWE(I,725) C(1oo) TK(50) 51 115 930 Pilkhuwa (8) Saturday 310 T(357) C(357) 31 90 7t) Pilkhuwa (9)

311 T(602) C(liOO) W(102) 178 llO 118 Pilkhuwa (10) 312 T(702) C(302) TW(400) 20 27 214 Pilkhuwa (12) 313 T(582) C(481) TK(90) W(ll) 14 3i 194 Pilkhuwa (10) 314 T(304) C(~04) 26 11 B5 Pilkhuwa (ll)

315 T(242) C(242) 10 B 46 Pilkhuwa (12)

316 T(213) 0(205) W(8) 23 9 44 Pilkhuwa (t2) 317 T(271) 0(60) TWE(211) E6 98 Pilkhuwa (12) Monday EA 3,8 T(627) C(525) W(102) 82 13 75 Pilkhuwa (12)

T(510) C(501) 35 5 16! Pilkhuwa (II) 319

T(25O) C(250) 26 19 31 Pilkhuwa(13) 320

T(499) C(398)W(51) TK(50) 27 14 50 Pilkhuwa (15) 321

T(430) C(300) W(130) 2 5 43 Pilkhuwa (10) Uninhabited 322

T(I,609) TWE(I,41l) C(175) W(23) 4 48 189 Pilkhuwa (10) EA 323

T(248) C(126) TW(122) 9 11 Gulaothi (6) 324

1(317) C(220) W(85) TW(12) 41 16 28 Pilkhuwa (10) 325 80 VILLAGB 2_GHAZIABAD TA:{SIL AMENITIES AND Amenities available within Ihe village

Loca· Total _~_, ______-., tion area Code Nam,. Village No. or or the Poat village Educationa! Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

6 9 10

326 Dhirpur Razzakpur 456 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 327 Bajera Kalan 2,197 JES (2) HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize 328 Ikledi 1,115 JBS(I) HP,W Wheat & !vlaize 329 Parpa 1,890 ]BS(I) HP,W PO Wheat & Maize 330 Bhurva 566 ]BS(!) HPW, Wheat & ~iaize

33J Bhawa 1,150 JBS (I) HP,W Wheat & Maize

'332 Kirpanagar urI Bighaipur 623 JBS(I) HP,W Wheat & Maize 81 D1RECl'ORY

LAND USB Rcmarb Land use (i. e., area under different types or land use in acres Day or da}'1 including rounded to the lIearest unit) of the lny plact Loca Nearest town market/hal, of religio~; tiun Area and distance ir any, historical or Code Un. Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the archal» No' Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste for village logical cultivation interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

T(387) 0(326) W(61) 12 10 47 Pilkhuwa (11) ... 326

T(1,917) TW(OOO) W(67) 0(950) 29 45 205 Pilkhuwa (10) Wednesday 327 328 T(917) 0(917) 74 16 lOB Pilkhuwa (12)

T(1,222) 0(1,122) W(75) TK(25) 162 189 317 Pilkhuwa (14) 329

330 T(371) C(371) 2 8 IJ5 Pilkhuwa (10)

331 T(8jH) W(17; C(60G) TK(205) 94 60 138 Pilkhuwa (12)

~;J2 T(364) C(232) W(132) 50 21 188 Pilkhuwa (12)


Location Location Loeation SI. Name of village Code 81. Name of village Code 51. Name of village Code No. No. No. No. No. No.

I S 2 3 2 S

1 Adampur 7 41 Dadri 154 81 Julfdha 129 2 Ahamadabad Garhi 54 42 Daha 19 82 KaU 153 3 Ajhotha 179 43 Dahra 69 83 Kakkeypur 88 4 Akhtiarpur 175 44 Daulalpur 144 84 Kaland 75 5 Alam"irpur Faridpuf 138 45 Daural! 114 85 Kalandi 74

6 Alipur 124 46 Sugar Mills 115 86 Kalotll 112 7 Aterna 146 47 Deo·ikhera 79 87 Kanhar Talabpllt 9 8 Aurauinagar Rardhllla 140 48 Dhanaura Tikti 13 SS Kanora 169 9 A~ampur MUDlum 23 49 Dhanju III 89 Kapsarath 147 10 Badruddinnarar 90 50 Dhanwali 70 90 Karnwal 84:

11 Bahadarput 96 51 to 9! Khanauda 202 12 Bahrala 110 52 Dulehra 108 92 Khan Jahanpur Kusauli 145 13 Bamnuli 39 53 Fakharpur-Sheikhpura 62 93 Khaprana 29 14 Baparsa 117 54 Faulad Nazar 18 94 Khera 137 15 Ballani 64 5.) Fazalpur 95 Kherichittam 20

16 Barth JecJrl' 101 56 Gedabra 16 96 Kheri Jalran 152 17 Barkalineipuf 170 57 Galehta 55 97 Kheri Kalan 82 III Ba.rnawa 32 53 Gangnauli 98 Kheri Tappalwar 1is 19 Beimabad Garhi 35 ,'i9 Gesupur Baphawat 113 99 Khirwanaubad 99 20 Dehta 199 60 GOlka 68 100 83

21 Bbalsauna 9Z til Harra 81 101 Kohnabad 30 22 llh anBhori 135 62 Hazurabad Garhi 51 102 Kulin jan 122 ~ ~~~ ~ 63 Himmatpur 2 103 Jianali (Rurai) 194 24 Bharotha 16l 64 lbrahimabad Caouti 49 104 Lawar (T. A.) 195 15 Bhawa Nag\a 86 65 Idrispur 6 105 Lawar Khas (Rural) 196

!Ii Bhuni 76 66 Ikri 87 IIX) Lawri Haranpur 193

2i Bijwara 42 67 Jafarnagar Begamabacl 12~ 107 Loiya [74 23 Binoli &l 6B Jalalabad Orr Jalalpul 2UO 108 Ma.chbri \~O 29 Bubakpur 95 69 Jalalpur Akheypur i4l 109 Madarpur 123 30~ n.pura 17 70 Jalalpur Khirwa 98 110 Madaripuf 157

31 Chandain 33 71 Jamalpur Gumman 163 111 Manadeo lS2 32 (handna 130 72 Jamalpur Jalalpuf 192 112 Mahakar 41 33 Charla 190 73 Jasar Sultannagar is 113 Mahalia 185 34 Chaundauritappal Altar 19\ 74 Jasratpur \56 114 Mahrmati a~ 35 Chhabaria 131 7j Jatauli 104 ll5 Mail 197

S6 Chlaut 71 76 Jeetpur 167 116 Mal Mazra .57 ~7 Chirori \21 77 Jeurri 103 117 Mamurpur UrfDedwa 201 38 Dabathwa 94 78 Jhitkari 134 118 Mamuri 162 ~!I Dabathwa Garhi 93 79 Jhundpur 26 119 Mandaura 158 40 Dadri ~Q ao Jiwaha 58 120 Manz Rauli S6 ,~

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VlLt.\GES SARDHANA TAHSIL Location Location Locltioa St. Name or Villaze Code 81. Name of Villaic Code SI. Name of ViUaic Codc No. N{). No. No. No. No.

2 ! 2 3 , S

121 Mathur 172 151 Pablikha! 10i 181 Shah pur Bangang:!. 3t 122 Maui Kalan 52 152 Pahlikhurd 101 182 Shahpur Jadid 161 123 Mavi MiraD IB'l 153 P. A. C. Roohanput Daurli 205 IH3 Shah pur Pirpul 156 124 Menaputhi B~ 151 Pahauli 100 184 Shamaspur 183 125 Methanainder Siuah 203 155 Pali 73 185 Sham aspur Surani 119

126 Mil ana 27 E6 22 186 Shanjarpur Kairwa 50 121 Mi,h¢ypur 180 157 Palri 21 187 Siraswa 184 128 Mohammad Akbarpur 148 158 Panchli Buzurg 63 188 Siroliviran 66 C£kakbandi Kapsarhabad 129 Mohammad Akb:l.fpur Cha):- 149 159 Panwari It3 189 Simi Gachdar Khoda 56 banbi Abad Cha.kbandi Kapsarh 130 Mohanmadpur Hayak 177 - 16Q Pathallii a5. 190 Sirsali 40

131 Moba.mmldpur Khunti %4 161 Pichokra 69 191 Sujti 132 Mohnipur 164 16~ Pilbloibar 72 192 Siwaya Jamalullpur 109 133 Mozizab:iU Nagai 5 163 . Pusar 8 193 Tanda 150 134 M!zmabad Jwalagarh 113 1114 Q8,uruddin :-

136 Multhra 6:> 166 Rinchhar S8 l~i Ten. 45- 137 Muqarrabpur Palera :01 167 RasulplIr MoraduBar 186 )97 Tikri 138 Muzaffarpur Kamhala 8 168 Ratauli !II 198 Titroda 46 139 Muzaffarpur Kanwara 25 169 Rehlna 37 199 Twela Garhl 15 140 Muzaff arpur Pois 43 170 Rithali 67 200 Ulakhpuf 204

141 Nagla Odar 133 171 Roshapur Dodi 106 321 Undauli 198 142 Nagla Rathi .160 In Rubasa 151 202 Waliput 113 143 Naglarawa 4:4 173 Sahipur Daurala U6 203 Zafarabadpur Vesbpur 97 144 NaiSlasani 155 174 Sakoti 168 204 Zebabad 28 145 Nagli Azar Salem pur 188 175 Sillawa 142 205 Zenpuf 181

146 Nagli Mazza Mataur 171 176 Samauli Salempur li6 206 Zenuddinpur Chirchita. S3 147 Nagli Sadbara 159 177 Sardhanl (Rural) 128 143 Nahali 136 178 Saroorpur 77 149 Nihori 189 li9 Sarora 14 150 Nirpura 11 180 Shahjahanpur 34 86 VlLUGE

AMENITIES AND 3 -SARDHANA TAHSIL Amenitiea avail able within the villalt'

Loea· Total ,. ~- lion Area of the Pod Code, Name of Vill_at & Staple food No. village Educadoual Medical Power Drinking Communi· (ill &Crel) supply water cationl Telegraph

6 9 10

Tikri 3,612 HSS(I)JBS(I) H(l) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

2 Himmatpur 420 E HP,W KR Wheat &. Maize

& l Sujti 461 jBS (I) B HP,W KR Wheat Maize·

4 . Gangnauli 1,394 J8& (2) E UP,W KR PO Wheat &. Maj~e

5 Mozizabad :'Iagal 1,633 SBS (2) E HP,W KR PO Wheat &. Maize

6· Idrispur . 934 JBS(I) E IIFiW KR Wheal &. Maize

7 Adampur 695 JBS {I) E HP,W PR. Whaet &. Maize

3 Pusar 951 JBS (1) E HP;W PR PO Wheat &. Maize

9 Kanhartalabpur I,Oro jBS (I) E HP;W KR Whea, &. Maize

10 Doghal 2,907 JES(3) HSS(I) If(1) E HP,W KR PO Wheal &. Maize

11 Nirpura . 2,593 HSS(I) JBS(2) E HP,W KR PO Wheat &. Maize

12 Eharal 1,121 JBS (2) E HP,W KR PO Wheat &; Maize

13 Dbanaura Tikri 1,051 JBS(2) SB)(I) E I HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

14 Saron 623 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

15 Twda Garbi 1,618 lES (2) E HP.W KR Wheat &. Maize

16 Gedabra 676 JBS (I) E BP,W KR PO Wheat &. Maize

17 Bopura 50S E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

IB Fauladnagar 599 IIPjW Wheat & Maize

19 Daha 2,901 JBS(3) SBSP) H(I) E lIP.W PR PO Wheat & Maize I1SS(2) 20 Kbedchittam 24.4 E HP,W KR Wheat &. Maize

21 PalTi 173 JBS(2) SBS(!) E HP,W KR Wheat &. Mai1c

22 Palra 545 JBS (I) E HPiW KR Wheat &. Maize

23 Azampur Munsum 8~O JBS (2) E HP,W KR PO Wheat &. Maize

24 Mobammadpur Khunti 1£9 HP,W KIl Wheal &. Maize

2;' M:lzaffarpur Kanwara a09 JBS (2) E H?,W KR Wheat &. Maize 87 DIRECTORY

LAND USE Remarb OI'Y or diY' including Land UIC (i. ~ .• area under different types of land usc in acrel of the any pl.ace rounded to the nearest unit) ~oca· , _II: .. Nea re,! town market/hal, or religiOUS, tlOn allY, hillorical or Code Arca and distance ir not available (in Km.) held in the archaeo- No' Un· Cultivable logical forest Irrigated irrigated Waste for village cultivation inl~rrsl 17 18 11 12 IS 14 15 16

EA T(I,549)'fWE(852)TW(541)W(I56) 883 464 717 Baraut (19) EA 2 T(334) 'fWE(274) W(5B) TK(2) 16 6 19 Baraut (19) EA 3 .. T(436) TWE(336) W(lOO) 143 20 ~9 Barau! (19) EA 4 T(992) 'fWE(890) W(98) 0(4) 170 72 160 Baraut (19) "'. f EA 5 T(1294) TWE(61l) TW(161) W(222) 170 S4 135 Baraut (16)

EA 6 T(771) TWE(HI) TW(298) W(32) III 8 44 Baraut (13) EA 7 T(585) TWE(223) TW(362) 52 6 53 Baraut (13) E.'\ 8 247 T(850) TWE(290) TW(550) Wig) 40 14 47 Baraut (12) EA 9 T(968) TWE(5H) W(26) TK(I) 22 16 34 Baraut (16) Friday EA 10 ... T(2623) TWE(1512)T W(1092) W(9) 44 52 179 Baraut (18) TK(J9)

Saturday EA II T(3066) TWE(516) TW (2262) W(9) 240 51 236 Baraut (21) TK(248) E,\ 12 T(896) TWE(663) TW(214) W(19) 123 14 88 Baraut (24) EA 13 T(866) TWE(766) TW(29) W(71) 84 31 70 Baraut (24) 14 T(136) TWE(33) TW(2) W(41) 187 126 33 Sardhana (16) BA 15 T(947)TWE(479)TW(40'i)W(61)TK(2) 346 130 99 Baraul (22)

EA 16 T(590) (112) TWE(4il) TW (119) 26 14 46 Daraul (24) EA 17 T(308) TWE(308) 150 13 34 Baraut (22) EA 18 T(279) TWE(157) TW(122) 99 7 14 Barau! (26) EA 19 T(2527) TWE(l618) TW(903) TK(6) 140 22 212 Darau! (21) EA 20 T(311) TWE(202) TW(105) W(4) 12 6 15 Baraut (21)

EA 2l T(69S) TWE(249) TW(431) W(IS) 30 4 51 Baraut (17) EA 22 T(482) TWE(453) TW (29) 17 7 39 Baraut (11) ." EA 23 T(662) TWE(333) TW (324) W (5) 35 13 51 Baraut (17) 24 T(118) TWE(47) TW(51) W(20) 69 4 8 Baraul (15) EA 25 T(519) TWE (244) TW(256) W(l9) 119 17 21 Baraut (18) 83

VILLAGE 3-SARDHANA TAHSIL AMENITIES A.~D Amenities available within the village Loea- ___,.r..___ tion Total ---, Area Code Name or Village No. or the POlt viII age EducalioDal Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (iD aem) supply wal~r cation. 'Ielegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 to

26 Jhundpur S56 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 27 Milana 1,117 JBS (I) HP, W KR Wheat & Maize 28 Zebabad 341 Uninhabited 29 Khaprana 1,296 JllS (I) E HP, W KR Wheat & Maize 3[1 Kohnabad 549 Uninhabited

31 Banganga 926 HP, W KR Wheat & Maize 32 Barnawa 4,1()1 JBS(I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize 33 Chandain 650 ]BS(I) E HP, W KR Wheat & Maize 34 Shahjahanpur 476 E HP, W KR Wheat & Maize 35 Begmabad Garhi 358 JBS(I) HP KR Wheat & "Vlaize

36 Mangrauli 776 JES (I) E HP KR Wheat & Maize 37 Rahtna 710 HP KR Wheat & Maize ~B Rinchhar 2,586 JBS(2) SBS (I) E lIP PR PO Wheat & Maize S9 Bamnauli 3,186 JBS(2) SBSI: I) H(l) E HP PR PO Wheat & Maize 40 Sirsali ],998 JBS!I) SBS(I) E HP PR PO Wheat & Maize

41 Mahakar 662 lBS (I) E HP, W PR Wheat & Maize 42 Bijwara 2,277 JBS(3) HSS(I) E HP KR PO Wheat & j\'!aize 43 Muzaffarpur Pois 441 JBS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 44 !'\aglarawa 414 JBS(l ) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 45 Tera 1,119 JBS (2) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

46 Titroda 1,538 JBS (I) E HP,W KR ro Wheat & Maize 47, F~zalpur 836 JBS(2) E HP, \V KR PO Wheat & Maize 48 Muzaffarpur Kambala G9j JBS(I) HSS(I) E HP, W KR PO Wheat & Maize

49 Ibrahimabad Gaonri 261 HP, W KR Wheat & Maize 50 Shanjarpur Kairwa B4B JBS(l) E HP, W KR Wheat & Maize B9 OlaEUrORY

WD USb Rcmaru LaDd UlC (I. c. arca under diffclcnt typc. of land lilt in iCrel rounded to Day or d;;'YI tllotludlllil ally place LoCI•• the Ilea real UJIlt, gj tbe ,.._~ __• _____ ",-- ______• ___ _..... Nearest town mAn.• tIMI o{ rdlilioUl, liol1 Aru and distance if any, hiatoricil (II CQdc UII· Cultivable 110t available (ill iIow.) held ill the ,cct..Ioelr No, rOI'ClI Irrigated irril\atcd VI ..m for vilia,1: lo.icil cllltinuIIA llllCrtiL u 12 13 15 16 17

Baraut (22) 26 .. , T(237) TWE(I44) 1W(87) W(6) 68 15 36 27 2 1(421) TW(138) TW(249) W(34) 511 1 0 53 Baraut (24) Uninhabited 28 ... 1(14) TWE(8) W(6) 291 17 19 Baraut (22) ." EA 29 139 1(203) TWE{I46) TW(44) W(10) 1K(3) 360 131 463 Bmut (21) Uninhabited SO 309 1(48) TWE(17) 1W(31) 157 12 23 Baraut (~2)

31 137 1(221) TWE(29) TW(123) Wi6S) TK:I) 331 191 46 Baraut (18) E-I. 32 587 1(78'1) TWE(419) W(365) I,BfB 670 211 Baraut 116) EA 33 2 T(530) 1 WE(408) TW(122) 57 20 41 Baraut (20, 34 4 31 Baruut (17) EA .. , T(391) TWI!(235) TW(l56) 50 S5 ... 1(240) T\"IE(71) TW(169) 90 II 17 Ilaraut (\6)

E;\ 35 H 53 36 Baraut (15) .. ' T(613) Wr(5j3) 1W(86) W(~) 37 .. T(2%) lWE(77) lW(136) W(82) TK(I) 36B 11 35 Baraut (16) Baraut (/1) EA 38 1·;0 1,),532) rWE(f:OI) TW(BlO) W(lll) 561 136 227 TK(7) EA 39 829 104 217 Baraut (10) ." T(2,036) 1WE(358) W(I,678) EA 40 .. T;'1,6jl) rWE(228) TW(404) W(86; C(933) 163 35 149 Baraut (13)

EA 41 ... 1(503) TWE: 172) 1W(107) W(43; C(2i6) 5 14 40 Baraut (10) EA 42 T! 1,913) C!b:i:i) TWE;9S) TW(3'17) W(783) 189 9 lG5 Baraut (13) EA 43 .. T(381) C(135) TW(153) W(93) 18 6 36 Baraut (12) EA 44 ... T(357) CiIOO) TWE(210) W(17) 33 4 20 .i3araut (13) Baraut (13) 45 ... T(986) CISIS) TW£:279) TW(288) WiIO I) 43 9 81

Baraut (16) EA 46 ... 1(1380) C(400) rWE(911) W(69) 30 11 117 Baraul (16) BA 47 ... 1(1673) C(342) 1WE(255) W(76) 41 34 SB Baraut (22) E:\ 48 ... T(579) C(80) 1WE(I98) TW(267) W(34) 56 57 Baraut (21) 49 T(230) C(8) TWE(209) W(13) 13 15 50 Bmut (23) E:\ ... 1(757) 0(56) TWE(l63) TW(304) W(232) 48 14 TK(2) 90 VILLAGE


"n:tnitie. available within the'lma.lt Total Loea, .10.-.-__ Area r--- tion of the -"" Code Na.me o{ Villal( village POll No, (10 acres) Educatiooal Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food lupply water tl.UOIU Telegraph

2 5 9 10

51 Bazurabad Garhi 56B JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

52 Maui Kalan 2,011 JBS (2) HP,\\' KR PO Wheat & Maize

53 Zenuddinpur Chirchita 1,466 jBS (1) E BP,W KR Wheat & Maize

54 Ahamadabad Garhi 284 Unhabited

55 Galehta 2,025 JBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

56 Sirsal Gachdar Khoda 3,361 jBS (1) E BP,W KR Wheat & Maize

57 Walma~ra 414 E BP,W PR Wheat & Maize

58 Jiwana 993 JBS(2)BSS(I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

59 Pichokra 837 JBS(I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

60 Dadri 638 E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

61 Dinoli BM JBS(ljHSS(I) H(I) E BP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

62 Fakharpur Sheikhpura 647 E BP,W PR Wheat& Maize

63 Panch Ii PU2UJg 3,126 JBS(l) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & :Maize

64 Baparsi 1,673 jBS (1) BP,W KR Wheat & Maize

65 Mulehra. ~,684 JBS (2) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

66 Siroliviran 174 Uninhabited

67 Rithali 473 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

68 Gotka 5j') jBS (I) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

69 Dahra 929 JBS (I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

70 Dhanwali 699 rn:nhabited

71 Chhuf 2,6~ JBS(2)HSS(I) E H,PW KR PO Wheat & Maize

72 Pithlokhar 1,76D ]BS(l ) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

73 Pali 71B JBS(2) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

74 Kalandi 1,773 JES(l) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

75 ... , Kaland 1,352 JBS(I) E H?,W PR PO Wheat & Maize 91 DIRECTORY

LAND USB Remarks Dar or daY' including Land Ule (I. e., area under ditferent typet of land ute in acres 01 the any pi ace Loea· rounded to the nearest unit) Neareat tOWD markel/hat, of religious, lion if any, hi.toriea' or Code Area and distance (in Km.) held in the archaeo- No' Un· Cultivable Dot available ,malC logical irrigated Waite (or intereat Foreat Irrigated cultivation 18 15 16 17 11 12 IS H

EA 51 24 Baraut (22) T(533) 1 W(291) TWE:1 83) W(59) 9 2 ~2 S8 218 Bataut (25) 200 T(822) TWE(478)TW(249) W(95) 733 EA 53 23 95 Baraut (18) T(528) TWE(360) TW(127)W(41) H2O 54 Baraut (14) ... Uninhabited T(2l7) 'rWE(lOI) TW(170) W(6) 6 EA 55 144 Baraut (16) T(645) TWE(396) TW(210) W(39) 1,tH 62

Baraut (13) EA 56 1(3104) TWE(1507) TW(1484) W(19) 82 18 m C(94) EA 57 6 18 Baraut (10) T(382) C(74) TWE(301) W(I) 8 EA 58 91 BaJaul (10) T(870) C(319) TWE(i4) TW(414) W(3) 26 EA 59 42 Baraut (12) T(784) TWE(IS7) TW(627) I() EA 60 35 Baraut(12) T(410) e(8) TWE(9) TW(361: W(32) 160 33

Tuesday EA 61 114 Baraul (12) T(752) 1WE(566) TW(182) W(4) 15 3 EA 62 76 Baraut (IS) T(29+) TWE( 109) TW(l42) W(43) 138 89 "EA 63 172 Sardhaua (13) T(1053) 0(28)TWE(431) TW(348) 1,658 233 W(250) 64 142 Sardhanlt (13) T(659) 1WE(313)TW(258) W(91)TK(7) 665 197 EA 65 2 173 Sardhana (11) 260 T(828) TWE(245) TW(129) 0(454) 1,421

Uninhabited 66 8 Sardhana (11) ... T(152) C(16) TWE(I02) 0(34) 13 67 18 Sardbana (9) T(400) 0(303) TWE(53) TW(44) 44 EA 69 g 51 Sardhana (II) T(449) C(208) TWE(157) TW(83) TKO) 47 EA 69 11 73 Sardhana (9) T(782) 0(381) TWE(219) TW(150) 63 W:32) ... Uninhabited 70 4 33 Sardhana (8) T(594) C(568) TWE(2) W(24) 68

EA 7l 141 Sardhana (9) t(2294) C(820) TWE(766) TW(87) 222 33 W(621) 12 (13) EA 69 95 Sardhana t(655) TWE(480) TW(!5!) TK(24) 941 73 47 Sa,[dhana (9) T(61O) C(S21) TWE~58) WIN) TK(I) j9 2 EA 74 8 109 Sardhana. (8) T(1542) C(334) TWE(559) TW(SI!) 114 W(!35) T[{(S) BA 75 93 Sardhana (6) T(1152) C(915) W(236) TWE(t) '95 92 VILLAGE

.-SARDHANA TAHSlL AMENITIES AND Amcnitica available within the village Leea- Total don Arca tudo Name 0( Villa.ae or the Post No. village Educa.tional Medical Power Drinking Commllni· & Staple Food (ill acre,) supply water catiolll Telegraph

S 4 ~ 6 7 8 9 10

76 Bhuni !.23t ]BS (I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize 71 Saroorpur 776 JBS(2) HSS(I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize 7~ Jasar Sultannagar 1,314 JBS (I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize H Deolikhera 401 JBS (I) HP,W pa Wheat & Maize 80 Menaputhi 751 JBS (1) E HPW, PR Wheat & Maize

8J Harra. 2,140 JES!I) HSS(!} HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize 82 Kheri Kalan 91.) JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maire 83 Khiwa.i 5,44:4 jllS (1) HP,W PR PO Wheat &. Maize 84 Karnwal 3,589 JBS(l) SBS(l) E HP,W PR PO Wheat &. Maize 8~ Pathauii '12,41 JBS (2) E BP,W KR Wheat & Maize

86 BhawaNagla 255 JES(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 67 Ikri 2,049 lBS (I) E HP,W PRo PO Wheat & Maize SB Kakkeypur 1,326 JBS (1) E HP,W KR. Wheat &. Maize 89 Maharmati 711 JBS( I) BP,W KR Wheat & Maize 90 Badruddinn agar 1787 lBS (I) E HP,W PR PO Wheal & Maize

91 RatauIi 395 JBS (I) E W KR Wheat & Maize 92 Bhalsauna 774 JBS(2) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 93 Dabathwa. G<\rhi 416 HP,W KR. Wheat &. Maize 94 Dabathwa 1,5G4 JES (2) ... E HP,W PR :PO Wheat & Maize 95 Bubatpur 669 JBS (I) HP,W FR Wheat & Mai~e

96 863 JBS (1) BP,W PR,KR Wheat & Maize

97 Zafaranadpur We~hp\Jr 519 JBS (1) HP,W PRo Wheat & Maize 98 Iialpur Khirwa 2,272 JBS (1) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize 99 Khirwanavabad 681 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheal &. Maize 100 Pahauli 1,52j JBS (1) E llP,\V PRo Wheat & Maize ~J DJRECIORY

LA~D USE &emu. Land we (i, eo area under difle'rent t,pea of land UJt in ~rea rounded to Day or day. Including lie Atarea, IllULI lithe lily place Loea- _. Nearest toWD. market/601 of rellgiQUl. tion Area ADd diltan~ it any, bistorical o. Oodc On- ClllIivable not ayailable (in Km.) beld in the archaco- N!)' Fomt Irrigated irrigated Wutc for ,map 100ieal cultivation Interetl 11 12 IS 1. 15 16 17 18

T(9&O) C(761) TWE(49) TW(50) W(119) 125 10 116 Sardhana (5) EA 76 - TK(I) - T(65O) C(458) TWE(&8) TW(68) W(56) 32 5 89 Sardhana (8) EA 77 ... T(1138) C(630) TWE(I48) TW(223) 73 5 103 Sardbana (9) EA 78 W(134) TK(I) T(342) C(I90)TW(49) W(IOS) 26 31 Sardbana (9) 79

T(672) C(570) TW(75) W(27) 30 48 Sardhana (9) 80

T(1227) C(932) TWE(I09) W(179) 1,(00 328 185 Sardhana (13) Ol TK(7) T(59O) C(404) TW(53) W(133) 215 130 40 Sardhana (14) 62

T(1725) C(338) TWE(630) W(72S) 1,949 1,191 579 Sardhana (14) 83 TK(32) T(3138) C(2909) TWE(105) W(124) 111 21 319 Sardhana (13) EA 84

T(1038) C(756) TWE(24I) 0(40) TK(I) 98 11 9l Sardhana (8) 85

T(225) C(311) 1WE(173) W(22) II 18 Sardbaua (21) EA 86

4 T(1852) TWE(2/9) TW(1294) W(56) 40 18 135 Sardhana (5) EA 87 C(223) T(1I42) C(429) TWE(IOS) TW(331) 103 11 70 Sardhana (8) EA B8 W(274) 1(510) C(211) TWE(247) 0(52) 104: 12 85 Sardhana (2) 89 90 T(1249) C(354) TWE(55) TW(599) 226 26 286 Sardhana (5) EA TK(29) 0(212)

!)l T(350) TW(1S9)TWE(161) IS 26 Sardhana (9) E 92 T(606) C(IIS) TWE(289) W(202) 23 9 136 Meerut (17) E 93 T(347) C(339) TW,B) 12 26 31 Sardhana (6) 9t T(I094) C(852) W(57) TWE(185) 70 206 194 Meerut (13) Sunday E 95 T(511) C(411) W(l2) TWE(83) 23 82 53 Meerut (14)

96 T(513) C(4


AaeDltlc. available within the villagc llMa· TotalArea ,.._.. ______"'-- __ Ilion of the '----""" Code Name of Village WeI; village Post (In acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi. & Staple Food lupply water caUolll Telcgraph

2 5 6 8 10

101 Bajlewra 51I JBS(I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 102 Pablikhurd 704 JBS(l) E HP,W KR Wheal & Maize 103 : Jewri 1,032 JES(I) HP,W PR,KR Wheat & Maize 101 Jatauli 940 JES(I) E HP,W T Wheat & Maize 105 Pablikhas 2,038 JBS(I) E HP,W T PO Wheat & Maize

106 Roshanpur Dorli 596 jBS(7}HSS(I) ... E HP,W PR,T PO Wheat &Maize 107 Moqarrabpur P1L1( fa ~,461 JBS(I) E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize 108 Dulehra I,S08 JBS(l) B HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 109 Siwaya Jamalullpur I,m JBS(I)SBS(I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize 110 Bahral a 695 JBS(I)HSS(l) E HP,W PR Wheal & Maize

III Dhanju 553 JBS(I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 112 Kailola 442 B HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 113 Panwari 536 ]BS(I) B HP, W PR Wheat & Maize 114 Daufala 2,421 JBS(l)HSS(I) B HP,W PR,T PO Wheat & Maize SBS(I) 115 Daurala Sugar Mills 21 JBS(l)HSS(I) D(I) E HP PR,T PO,Phone Wheat & Maize

116 Sahipur Daurala 384 Uninhabited 117 Baparsa 659 JBS(l) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 118 Gesupur Baphawat 763 JBS(I) E HP, W KR,PR Wheat & Mai~e

Jl9 Sham as pur Surani 481 JBS(I) t HP,W KR Wheat & Mai~e 120 Machhri 1,446 E HP, W PR Wheat & Maize

121 Chirori 1,122 ]BS)) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

1~2 Kulinjan 893 ]BS(1) E HP,W PR Wheat &Gram 123 Madarplu 546 B HP, W PR Gram & Wheat 124 Alipur 745 JllS(!) E HP,W PR Wheat & Gram SBS(1) 125 Jafarnagar Bagamabad 448 E C,HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 95 DIRECTORY

LAND USB Remarb DIY or days including Land uac ri. e., area under different types of land lilt in acres of the any place Loc'- rounded to tbe nearest UIlit) market/hal, of rehllious, tion r-- .... Nearest town Area- and distance if any. hiatorieal or Codo (in Km.) held in the .. rebleO' No' Un· Cultivable not available logical foreal Irrigated Irrigated Waste for village cultivation inlnfst 17 18 II 12 IS 14 15 16

101 - T(326) C(197) W(63) TW(61) 23 103 59 Meernt (10) E..\ 102 .,. T(556) TWE(400) TW(156) 18 53 77 Kamkhera (10) 103 ... T(799) C(306) W(94) TWE(399) 28 44 161 Meerut (8) 62 100 Meerut (7) EA 104 ." T(687 ) TWE(435) TW(157) W(95) 91 EA 105 T(I,355) TWE(825) TW(445)W(85) 252 134 297 Meerut (8)

EA l()i ... T(402) TWE(I90) TW(127) W(85) 34 43 117 Meerut (4) EA 107 ... T(I,147) TWE (4fj2) TW(415) W(I90) 157 53 104 Meeru (7) E\ 108 ... T(960) TWE(S58) TW(513) W\89) 118 46 184 Meerut (10) EA l09 ... T(991) C(350) TW(550] W(91) 33 171 220 Meerut (10) E\ 110 ... T(553) TW(375) W(55) C(123) 37 51 54 Meerut (11)

Meerut (I?) BA 111 .. , T(363) TW(300) W(6S) 93 58 40 EA 112 ... T(362) TW(3OO) W(62) 30 ,14 36 Meerut (12) Meerut (13) !l3 ... T(tKi3) TW(410) W(~3) 16 18 39

Wedn~sday EA 114 ... T(I,673) 0(473) TW(1,050) W(150) 9 362 377 Meerut (13) 21 Meerut (13) 115

Meerut (15) ... Uninhabited 116 ... T(314) TWE(3.4) 24 10 36 Meerut (12) 117 .,. T(509) TW(4fjO) W(49) 17 74 59 Meerut (14) BA 116 ... T(681) TW(500) O(181) 15 <1{) 27 Meerut (18) 119 ... T(371) 0(146) TW(191) W(34) 18 18 74 99 225 Meerut (20) EA 120 .. , T(199) TW(800) 0(119) TW{IBO) 23

Meerut (18) 121 ... T(744) 0(3<1{))TWE(396) W(8) 48 248 82 Slirdhana (5) EA 122 ... T(646) 0(199) TWE(461) 100 82 65 Sardhana (5) EA 123 .. T(46B) 0(238) TWE(226) W(4) 11 26 35 124 23 8i Sardhana (5) EA _ , T(588) 0(395) TWE(lOS) W(88) 85 Sardhana (25) EA 125 T(345) 0(143) TWE(16) W(126) 6 33 38 9i) VILLAGE

I-SARDHANA TAHSIL AMENITIES A:-ill Amenitb available within the village I.AlC&- Total tioD Area r------A- COOe Name or Vill age of the No. Post village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food (in acres) supply waler cations Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10

126 Teharii 752 JDS ;!) E C,IIP,W PR Wheat & Rice 127 Qamruddinnagar Mandhiai 548 JES (1) C,HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 123 Sardhana (Rural) 4,S09 E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 129 jukdha 1,182 JDS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 130 Chandna 445 ]ES (1) HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

131 Chhabaria 968 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 132 Mahadeo 1,455 JBS (2) HP,W PR,KR PO Wheat & Maize 133 Nail1a Oder 972 JBS (1) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 134 Jhitkari 1,018 JES (1) HP,W PR PO Wheat & :Vlaize 1S5 Bhanhhori I,m ]BS(2)SBS(2) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

IS6 Nahali 1,371 ]BS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 137 Khera 1,517 ]BS(2)SnS(1 ) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

138 Alamgirpur Faridpur 479 HP,I\' PR Wheat & Maize

139 Rajpur Momin 879 HP,IV KR Wheat & Maize 140 AUranenagar Rardhana 3,011 ]BS(2)HSS( I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

HI jalaJpur Akheypur 911 JBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 142 Salawa 3,4B9 JBS:2JHSS(1 ) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize 143 Mozmabad Jwalallarh 482 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 144 Daulalpur 1,561 JSS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Maiz~ 145 Khanjahanpur Kusau!i 1,511 jBS(2)SBS(I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

146 Aterna 978 ]nS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 147 Kapsarab 2,220 JBS(I)SBS(I) E HP,W KR PO Wheal & Gram 148 Mohammad Akbarpur Chak· 162 bandi Kapsarhabad, Uninhabited H9 Mohammad Akbarpu! Chak· 192 jBS (I) bandi Abadkapsar HP,W KR Wheat & Gram 150 Tanda 629 ]BS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Gralll 9;' , DIRECTORY

LA~D USE Remark! Land use (i. e. lrca under difrerent types of land usc ill &crC! rounded to Day or days including the nearest unit) of tbe any place L~I' ,. Nearest town mark~t/hl)' or religious, tion Area and distance if any, bistoricalor Code Un· Cuhivable lIot available (inKm.) held in tbe archaeo- No. Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste for village logieal cultivation Intemt

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS

T(576) 0(226) TWE(250) 66 5 lOS Sardhana (8) EA m

T(342) C(300) TW(42) 23 24 159 Sardhana (5) Monday 121 Tuesday

T(3250) C(2711) TWE(165) W(lOD) 232 178 6~9 Sardhana (2) EA 128 TK(6) TW(268) T(1042) C(870) TW(I72) 35 9 96 Sardhana (3) 1~9

T(362) C(341) TWE(20) W(I) 48 6 29 Sardhana (3) 130

T(856) C(700) TWE(IS6) 27 8 77 Sardhana (6) EA 131

T(1161) C(1161) 190 18 £6 Sardhana (3) 132

T(614) C(644) 196 15 117 Sardhana (2) 133

T(805) C(805) 9~ 27 92 Sardhana (2) 131

T(I,448) C(76O) TW(660) W(28) 424 16 89 Sardhana (9) 135

T(688) TWE(230) TW(230) 0(228) 512 55 116 Sardhana (11) 136

T(91O) 0(338) TWE(23 ) TWE(331) 0(41) 370 114 93 Sardhana (II) EA 137

T(91) TWE(72) TK(I) 0(18) 279 22 87 Sardhana (: 3) 138

T(283) TW(I06) W(122) TK(3) 0(52) 497 48 51 Sardhana (II) 139

T(2,242) C(I,174) TWE(520) 0(20) 48B 18 263 Sardhan a (9) EA 146 TW)528)

T,612) TWE(78) W(I 13) C(420) TK(1) 184 10 105 Sarrlhana (13) 141

T(2,709) C(I,885) TW(478) W(130) 181 82 445 Sardhana (13) Tuesday EA H2 TK(3) TW£I2

T(982) 0(481) TWE(422) W(79) 435 3 136 Sardhana (8) 144

T(944) C(627) TWE(428) W(63) TK(I) 442 22 103 Sardhana (6) EA 145

T(685) C(437) TWE(225) 0(21) 88 52 153 Sardhana (7) 146

1(1,702) C(I,682) TW(W) 34 79 405 Sardhana (14) 141

T(120) C;loo) TW(20) 6 7 29 Sardhana (22) L'ninhabited 148

T(130) C(IOO) W( 30) 13 8 41 Meerut (22) H9

f{)67) 0(100) TN(iCO; TW(3JO) W(67) 4 10 48 . Meerut (22) E.\ uo 93 VILLAGE


Amcll.itica available within the village Total IlAc,. Area "'---- iian of the Code Name of Village village Poal NJ, (in acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking C()mmuni. & Staple Food lupply waler cadon. Telegraph

2 5 6 9 10

IiI Ruhasa 1,278 JBS(I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Gram

Kheri Jatran 256 Uninhabited

153 Kaili 1,155 JBS(l) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Gram

154 Dadri 1,281 JBS(2)SBS(I) E BP,W PR,T PO Rice & Wheat

155 Naglasani 197 HP,W T Rice & Wheat

156 Shah pur Pirpur 656 HP,W T Rice & Wheat 157 Madaripur. 243 HP,W KR Wheat &. Maize 158 Mandaura 1,239 JBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

159 Nagli Sadharan 836 JBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

160 Nagla Rathi 567 JBS(I) HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

161 Shahpur Jadid 516 JBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat &. Gram

162 Mamuri 505 BP,W PR Wheat & Gram

163 Jamalpur Gumman 418 JBS(I) E HP,W PR Wheal & Cram

164 Mohnipur 347 ]BS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat &Gram

165 Bharotha 186 E HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

166 Jabratpur 354 E HP,W PR Wheat &. Gram

167 Jectpur 427 JBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat &. Gram

168 Sakoti 870 JBS(2)SBS( I) H(l) E HP,W PR,T PO Wheat & Rice

169 KanDra 365 HP,W PR Wheat & Gram

170 Barkalineipur 1,361 JBS(I) E HP,W PR Wheat &. Gram

11l Ga~lmazra Mataur 572 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

112 Mathur 1,211 ,JBS(2) E HP,IV PR,KR Wheat & Riece

173 Walipur 6)8 JBS 1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

114 Loiya 1,()41 JBS(I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

\15 Akhtiilrpur 585 E H2,W PR Wheat & Rice 99 DIRECTORY

LAND USE Remarb Land use (i. e•• area under different types of land IDe in acres Day or daY' including ~ ______rounded to the nearest-A ______unit) ~ of the any place Loea- Nearest town market/hat, of rehlliolD. tiOD Area and distance if any, bistorical or Codo Un. Cultivable not available (in Km.) beld in tbe arebaeo- No' Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste for villalle logical cultivation interest

II 12 13 14 15 Ifj 17 HI

... T(990) C(300) TWE(300) W(190) lOB 35 (45 Meelut (22) Thurscday EA 151 TW(200) 152 T(243) C(152) W(41) TW(50) 4 2 Sardhana (12) Uninhabited

T(IOS) C(978)TWE(33) 28 25 95 Mmut (23) EA IS3

... T(I,OI6) 0(205) TWE(671) W(140) 21 18 166 Meerut (23) EA 154

... T(158) T\V(132) W(26) 13 25 Meerut (24) 155

,.. T(556) TWE(330) W(120) C(I06) 9 44 47 Meerut (24) 156

... T(214) TWE(IS0) TW(50) W(14) 29 Meerut (29) 157 ... T(I,023) TWE(300) TW(600) Wil23) 41 48 127 Mmut (27) EA 158 ... T(742) TWE(200)TW(450) W(92) 16 29 49 Meerut (30) EA 159 160 ... T(449) TWE(24S) TW(31) W(173) ~8 37 43 Meerut (27)

1GI ... T(360) TWE(65) TW(190) W(lO?) 34 84 38 Meerut (28) EA TK(l) ... T(418) TWE(201) TW(IB2) W(35) 21 34 32 Meerut (23) 162

.Meeaut (22) E\ 163 ." T(336)TWE(148) TW(116) W(42) 33 23 26 EA 164 ... T(314) TWE(lSO) TW(150) W([4:) 18 Meerut (23) 165 ... T(169) TWE(80) TW(tO) W(49j 7 10 Meerut (22) EA

166 ... T(267) TWE(105) TW(135)W(27) 23 18 46 Meerut (19) M EA 167 ... T(347) TWE(IOO) TW(200) W(47) 3 41 36 Meerut (22) ... T(660) C(20) W(I03) TWE(537) 57 158 Meerut (21) Sunday EA 168 169 ... '1'(288) TWB(I80) TW(63) W(45) 32 4 41 Meerut (lB)

... T(I,076) C(500) TWE(500) W(76) 59 60 166 Meerut (22) M 170

... 1(402) C(132) PTW(5) TWE(233) 45 58 67 Meerut (17) 171 W(32) EA 172 ... T(929) C(S37) TWE(359) W(33) 37 57 188 Meerut (15) E<\ 173 .,. T(576) TWE(199) TW(346) W(S!) 16 5 61 Meerut (16) 174 a. T(843) TWE(473) TW(256) W(II4) 70 47 81 MeeJUt (18) EA

E\ 175 ... T(463) TWE(I50) TW(200) W(113) 68 11 H Meerut (18) 100 VILLAGE .•· ... SARDliANA TAHSIL AMl!.NITIP.S AND Amenities available within the village It Ilea· Total h Area (1,000 Name of Village of the Post No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food (in acres) supply water c:l.tions Te:legraph

2 4 5 6 8 to

176 Samauli Saleropur 1177 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 177 Mohammadpl!r Hayak 486 E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 178 Kheri Tappalwar 642 JBS(l) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

179 Ajhotha 1,001 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

180 Mitheypur 675 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

181 Zenpur 374 HP,W KR Wheat &Gram

182 Mavi Miran 692 JBS(I) RP,W KR Wheat & Gram

183 Shamaspur 505 lBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

181- Siraswa 1,089 JBS(I)SBS(l) BP,W KR Wheat & Gram

185 "'Mahalka 933 JBS(I)SBS(I) E HP.W KR,PR PO Wheat & Rice

186 Ra~ulpur Muradnai5ar 441 HP,I\' KR Wheat & Gram

187 Tandi 531 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

188 Naglizar Salempur 957 JBS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

189 Nihori 338 E HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

190 Charla 628 E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

191 Chaundaurttappal Awar 991 lBS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

192 Jalalpur Jamalpur 818 JBS (2) E HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

193 Lawari Haranpur 218 Uninhabited

191, Lawari Janali (~ural) 1,158 E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

195 Lawar (T. A.) 85 JBS(2)SB8(1) E HP,W PR PO Whel\l&Gram

196 Lawar I{has (Rural) 981 . Uninhabited

197 Mail 1,3~1 JBS (Ij HP,W PR, Wbeat& Gram

198 Undauli 640 JBS (I) W KR Wheat & Rice

199 Behta 220 _.. HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

200 Jala.labad urf 909 JllS ~I) HP,W KR Wheat & Gram 101 DIIECTORY

LAND USB Remara Land usc (i. Co area under different types of land usc in acrea rounded to Day or daya including the ncarest Ilait) of the any place Loea· Nearest town rnartet/hot of religious. don Area and distance if any. historical or Code 011- Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the arebaeo- No. FOrela Irrigated irrigated Waate ror viJlagc 100ical cultivation Intered

11 II !3 14 15 16 17 18

T(962) TWE(500) TW(400) W(50) 0(12) 54 83 78 Meerut (17) EA 176

T(414) TWE(400) W(14) 11 35 26 Meerut (15) EA 177

T(492) TWE(50) C(3W) W(92) 76 32 42 Mt~rut (13) 17B

T(705) C(302) TW(201) W(202) 263 16 17 Mmut (25) 179

T(543) 0(363) W(112) TWE(68) 53 36 43 Meerut (25) 180

T(212) C(100) W(SO) TWE(62) 134 3 25 Meerut (25) 181

T(529) 0(305) W(1l4) 1W(ILO) 109 3 51 Meerut (25) ,., ~I 182

... T(445) C(205) W(llo) TW(130) 5 5 50 Meerut (21) 1;~3 I

T(944) C(549) TWE(150; TW(133i W 3S) 51 17 77 Meerut (23) 18l TK(24) T(758);C(510) TWE(I) TW;149) W 91) 25 41 109 Meerut (32) Monday EA 185 TK(4)

Igli T(357) C(206) TW(6S) W(88) 40 9 35 :--feerut (30)

T(450) C(42) TW(9t) TW{I08) W(206) 28 \& ),leerut (30) U

T(675) TW(IIS) TW(202) W(348) TK(lO) 174 34 ,'4 Meerut (32) L'\ 138

1(279) G'279) 32 25 Meerut (33) 18',

T(395) TWE(68) C(29) 0(55) W(243) 22 40 17l Meerut (33) EA l!:lil

Ill1 1(1)S2)) TW(588) TW;378;. W(296) 88 49 172 Meerut (25) EA

1(463) TWE(141) TW(142) W(180) 34 37 281, Meerut (22) EA 192

t'ninhabited IS3 T(175) 0(50) W(40) TW:85) 10 24 9 Sardhana (19) '""

1(1,036) C(711) TW(!73) W(ISO) 17 5 100 Meerut (20) Friday EA 194

85 1feerut (23) Frid~y 195

T(763) C(4IOI W(21'}) TW(I38) 145 21 52 Meerut (23) ... Uninhabited 196

1(977) C(204) TW(393) W(380) 101 161 21 Meerut (20) 197

T(388) C(3!) TW(143) W:214) 131 68 53 M~erut (27) 198

T(197) TW(79) TW(S5) W(33) 9 13 Meernt (22) 199

T(761) TWE(510) TW(175) W(76) 63 22 63 Meerut (20) 200 102 VILLAGE

B-SARDHANA TAHSIL AMENITIES AND Amenltlca available within the village Total kea· Area Ihn of the Code Name of Village viUage Post Nat (in acrel) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food lupply wa.ter cationl Telegraph

9 10

201 Mamurpur uri Dedwa 692 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

202 Khanauda 446 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat &Gram

203 Methnainder Singh 898 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

204 >UJakhpur 461 HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

205 Mukbtiarpur 429 JBS (1) HP,W KR Gram & Wheat

206 P. A. C. Roohanpur Daurli 72 Do E HP,W PR PTO Wheat &Rice 103 DIRECTORY

LAND USE Remarks Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acre. Day or dAll including rounded to the nearest unit) of the any pl~ce L.ot" ---- Nearest town market/hat, ot religious, tlon Area not and distance it any, historical or Code Un. Cultivable available for (in Km.) held in the archaen- No. Forelt Irrigated irrigated Waste cultivation village logical interest 18 11 12 IS 15 16 17

201 .. , T(546) TWE(137) W(245) W(lj6)TK:B) 73 61 12 :Meerut (27)

T(415) TWE(230) TW(110) W(75) 5 25 Meerut (IB) 202 203 T(IM) TWE(HO) TW(225) W(129) 31 47 56 Meerrt (IB)

T( 70) TWE(180) TW(120) W(70) 42 15 31 Meerut (18) 204 205 ... T(329) TWE(IIS) TW( 105) W(109) ~9 IB 33 Meerut (17)

72 Meerut (4) 206

4-Meerut Tabsil 106


Location Location Locati()D Sl. Code SI. Name of village Code S1. Name of village Code No. No. No. No. No. No.

2 2

I Abdullabpur (Rural) 179 41 Chak Morna ~9 81 lncholi 197 2 Abdullabpur (T. A.) 178 42 Chand.ra 99 82 Industrial Estat Partappur 142 3 Achronda 133 43 Chandari Khal 18 83 Islamabad Chalera 183 4 Afzalpur Poathi 108 44 Chandari Pattialu 19 M J~~P~ W4 5 119 45 Chandsara 158 85 Jallaluddin Masudpur Gauri 212 107 6 Ajnauli 115 46 Chhajmalpur Urr Chhajupur 125 86 Jamalpur Mazra 40 7 Alamgirpur 15 47 Chobla 6S 87 Jangethi 100 8 Al ampur Tluzurg 219 48 Dalampur 17 88 Jani Buzurg 9 Allipur 4 49 Damgarhi 5 89 102 10 Allipur Jijmaua 16! 50 Damali 121 90 Janjakhar 35

11 Amanullahpur 63 51 Dantal 43 91 Jataula 9 12 Amehra Adipur 186 52 Datauli Gesupur 171 92 Jatpura 33 13 Aminagar Urf Bhudharal 127 53 Daulatpur Fakhrabad Uri 93 Jauhra 94 f Kayasth Gaonri 123 14 Anupnagar Fazalpur 48 54 Dayampur 15 94 Jatbauli 21B 15 Arnaoli 36 55 Dhadra 70 95 Jurranpur 152

16 Atayara I~O 56 Dhikauli 154 96 Kaithwari 7 17 Aurang Shahpur Diggi 173 57 Dhilaura 76 97 Kalanjri liZ 18 Aurang Shahpur Gol abar 49 58 Dhindala 116 98 Kalina 19 Azampur 59 59 Dilawara S7 99 Kalyanpur 14 20 Azizpllr 159 60 Di!tt Jail 174 100 Kamalpur 170

21 Bachola 1!2 61 Dungar 34 101 Kanchanpur Ghapla 143 22 Badhla Kaihh Wara 220 62 Dungraali 136 102 Kanani 10 ' 23 Bahadurpclr 128 63 Durjanpur 29 103 Kanshi 131 2'~ Bahrampur Kh as 71 64 Faizabad Pachgaon 93 104 Kaseru nahar 181 2~ Bahrampur Morn21 72 6j Fatehpur 31 105 Kastalasham Shernalllr 201

z6 Bajaut 150 66 Fatehpur Amb Khera 8 106 Kazamabad Gaon 120 27 Baksar Khera 180 67 Fatehullahpur 148 107 Kazipur 1611 28 Banwariput 24 68 Gagaul 156 108 Khajuri 88 29 Baphar 101 69 Gejha liB 109 Khanpur 86 30 Baral Partapur 13.J: 70 Ghosipur 167 110 Khardani Shekhupur 195

31 Baram 32 71 Ghat III III Kharoli 50 32 Basa Tikd 81 72 Gabindpur Urr Ghasauli 39 112 Kherabal Rampur 157 33 Bhadora 20 73 Gyanpur 205 113 Kherinizd Kalina 2 34 Bhavi 80 74 Hafizabad Media 140 114 Kherki Muzakkipur 104 35 Bhagwanpur 204 75 Hajipur 165 115 Khurrampur 42

3(l Bhagwanpur Chattawan 224 76 Hmnpur Qadim 216 116 Khwajanpur 210 37 Bhagwanpur Khalsa 225 77 Hasanpur R~zapur 6 117 Kbwajanpur Maua 22 38 Bhurpur 184 78 Idrispur 56 118 Kina Nagar 214 39 Bohla 61 79 lkhlasnagar Dabka 46 119 Kishori 82 40 Budhera Zahidpur 149 80 lila 122 120 Kitholi 106 107


Location Location 51. Location SI. Name of Village Code SI. Name of Village Code No. Name of Village Code No. No. [\;0. No. No. 2 3 2 3 2 3

121 Kudhla 163 161 Nagli Azimabad 200 201 Sandhawali 38 122 Kunda 137 162 Nanu Fatehpur 79 202 Sarai Qazi 169 123 Kunkira 198 163 Naraihra 153 203 Satwai 64 124 Kurali 90 164 Narangpur 3 204 Shahpur Jainpur 57 125 Ladpura 211 lliS Net 67 20.5 Shakarpur 166

126 Laharra B4 166 Nurnaga 145 206 Shama ypur 22B 127 Lakhwaya Rasulpur 53 167 Pabla 194 207 Sheikhpuri 58 128 Lisari 146 168 Pachgaon Patti Amarsinilh 222 20B Shipura 97 129 Mahroli 135 169 Pachgaon Patti Sanwal 209 Shobhapur 51 130 Mamipur 187 170 Pachagaon Patti Gopal 223 210 Sial 209

131 Mansabgarh 65 171 Pachpeda 208 211 Sikhera 191 132 Mao Khas 227 172 Panchili Khurd 110 212 Sikri /8 133 Masuri 196 173 Paratapur Project 132 213 Sisavli 221 134 Medical College Area 172 174 Pastara B3 214 Sisola Buzurg 103 135 Medpur 213 175 Palti Kherki 226 215 Sisal a Khurd 105

136 Meerut Abad Janglat 147 176 Peelna Sufipur 188 216 Siwal Khas Rural 92 137 Mehpa 87 177 Pepla 55 217 Siwal Khas Urban 91 138 Mewala 113 17B Puth Khas 60 218 Soharkha l!4 139 Mirpur 26 179 Puthri 117 219 Solana 129 . 140 Mirpur Jakhera 77 ISO Qasimpur 25 220 5udhpur U,jPathanpura 54

141 Mirzapur 27 181 Raghunathpur 89 221 Sundra Uri Phootba 13B H2 Mohammadpur Dhumi 73 182 Raisna 176 222 Tatina Sani 155 143 Mohammadpur Gumi 151 183 Rajpur HI2 223 Tharot 13 144 Mohammadpur Lalli. 47 184 177 224 Tikri 66 145 Mohiuddinpur 124 185 Rarnpur Moti W n5 TIm~a M

146 Mohiuddinpur Lalasana 189 186 Rarnpur Paoli 109 226 Ukasia 12 147 Mohkampur 139 187 RaIna Mohammad Akbarpur 30 227 Ukhleena 16 148 Morna 205 188 Rasulpur Aurangllbad 203 228 Uldeypur 190 149 Mukarmatpur Bharapur 85 189 Rasulpur Madhi 62 229 Uplehra 126 150 Murlipur Gul ab 52 190 Rasl] Ipur Rohta 21

151 :Murlipur Phool 217 191 Rasulpur Zahid II 152 Mustaffabad Bukharpura 44 192 Rawa i5 153 Muzaffarnagar Saini 193 193 Rithani 141 154 Muzakkipur 96 194 Rultanpur 207 155 Nagla Battu Yadharpur 175 195 Ruknuddinpur Mini Uri Phapunda 161

156 Nagla Kumbha 98 196 Sadharanpur 199 157 Nagla Mal 229 197 Salahpur 23 158 Nagla Sheikhu 202 198 Salarpur Jalalpur 185 159 Nagla Sher Khan 144 199 Salehnagar 95 160 Nagla Tashi Qasimpur 41 200 Salempur 160 loa VILLAGE

i-MEERUT TAHSIL AMENITIES ANIJ Amenldel available within the rillage Total Loea· Area tion of the Code Name of Village village No. POit. (in acres) EduCt tional Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Foo~ lupply water catiOlll Telegraph

S 5 ti 7 y II)

Kalina 1,150 JBS(l) D(I) HP, W PR PO Wheat & Rice

2 Kheri Niza Kalina 205 Uninhabited 3 Narang:pur 689 JBS(l) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 4 Allipur 317 Uninhabited

5 Damgarhi 3G2 E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

6 Hasanpur Razapur 78B JBS [I) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

7 Kaithwari 1,148 JBS(I)SBS(I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

8 Fatehpur Ambkhera 399 Uninhabited

9 Jataula 501 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 10 Kanoni 1,781 JBS (1) T HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

11 Rasulpur Zahid 804 JBS (I) HP,W KR PO Wheat & Rice

12 Ukasia 1,196 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

13 Tharot 73t JBS(I) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

14 Kalyanpur 507 HSS(I) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

15 Alamgirpur 748 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

16 Ukbleena 844 JES(I) E HP,W Wheat & Maize

17 Dalampur 970 JBS(I) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

18 Chandori Kbas 1,288 JBS(l) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

19 Cbandori Patti Dalu 342 JBS(I) E HP,W KR Wbeat & Maize

20 Bhadora 1,048 JBS(2) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

21 Rasulpur Robia 2,086 JBS(2) M(I) E HP,W PR PrO Wheat & Rice

22 Khawajanpur Mazra 722 ]BS(I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

23 Salahpur 518 ]BS(I) HP,W PR ·Wheat & Rice

24 Banwaripur 303 jBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

25 Qasiropur 428 Uninhabited 109 DIR,SCIORY

LAND USB &cmara 01)' or dart including (i, , Land use e. area under difrerent types of land usc in acre. the any ~lace Loea- rounded to the nearest unit) or Nearest town IBlrket/hat. of rei gious, lion Area and distance if any, hiltorkal or Code Cultivable Dot available (in Kill.) held in the archaeo- No' Un· village logical Forea! Irrigated Irrigated Waste ror cultivation int€ftlt 17 18 II 12 IS 14 15 16

... 1"(503) TW(503) 393 60 19+ Kankar Khera(21) Unin-habitcd 2 ... T(46) TW{4G) 147 5 Kankar Khera(19) S ... 1(615) TWE(215) C(400) I'll 23 100 Kankar Khera(19) Uninhabited 4 11 5 Kankar Khera(21) ~. T(248) C(248) 53 EA 5 ... T(288) C(188) TWE(l00) 61 2 11 Kankar Khera(l!))

Ii ,-. T(534),TWE(SOO) W(34) 114 81 54 Kankar Khera(21) Wednesday ... 1(696) C(610) TWE(5) W(81) 186 120 146 Rasuipur Dhubd(IB) Vninhabited 8 ... 1(291) C(286) TWE(5) 98 4 6 Rasulpur Dhubri(18) 9 ... T(320) C(315) W(5) 119 43 19 Rasulpur Dhubd(16) Rasulpu! Dhubri(14) 10 .. - 1(906) C(766) TW(13)'W(127) 459 253 163

II T(421) C(237) W(l84) 26B 62 53 Rasulpur Dhubri(14) 12 547 31 Rasulpur Dhubri(14) .n T(226) C(155) W (71) 392 Sunday 13 63 115 30 Rasupur Dhubri(!4) ." T(523) C(435) TW(30) W(58) H ... T(213) C(182) W(3!) 120 144 50 Rasulpur Dhubrill3) 15 141 240 84 Rasul pur Dhubri(13) H' T(283) C(255) W(28)

Rasulpur Dhubri(14) 16 ... T(240) 0(134) TW(52) W(54) 3:6 251 47 , 17 76 15 69 Rasulpur Dhubri(ll) .. H' T(810) C(393) TW(172) W(238) 1K(2) EA II ... T(I,002) C(369 TWE(306) W(327) 167 27 92 Rasuluu! Dhubri(13) ,"

Rasulpur Dhubri(13) ,M 19 ... T(254) C(90) TW(42) W(I22) 54 4 3{) Rasulpur Dhubri(14) 20 ... T(897) C(574) TW(25) W(298) 50 16 85

Saturday EA 21 ... T(I,760) 0(696) TW(749) W(315) 128 16 182 Kanhr Kbera(14) Kankar Khera(14) 22 T(636):.W(57) TW(4) C(575) 46 40 Kankar Khera(12) 23 T(357),C(224) W(133) 118 43 Kanbr Khera(16) T(212) 0(43) TW(l28) W(4J) 50 6 35 2' Kankar Khera(14) Uninhabited 25 T(256) TW(248) W(8) 122 16 84 110 VILLAGE


Amenitb available within the village Loea· rotal tion Area r--.------"------, Code N Imt 01 ViH "a' of the Post . No. village Educational ~Iedical Power DrinlLin~ COUl'lluni. .& Staple Food {tn acres) supply water catious Telegraph

8 10

26 Mirpur 460 JBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

27 Mirzapur 3)6 HP, W' PR Wheat & Maize

2B Rampur Moti 724 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

29 Durjanpur 451 JBS (I) HP, W KR Wheat & Maize

30 Raina Mohammad Akbarpur 1,380 JBS(2iSBS( I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize HSS(ll

SI Fatehpur 259 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

s2 Baram 1,362 JBS (lj HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

33 Jatpura 874 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

S4 Dungar 882 JBS (~) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

35 Janjokhar 1,404 JBS (2) l!. HP,W PR PO Wheat &; Maize

36 ArnaoH 711 JBS(I) HSS(I) H(I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice

37 Dilawara 649 E llP,N PR Wheat & Rice

38 Sandhawali 627 JUS (1) It HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

39 Gobindpur Urf Ghasauli 828 JBS (I) E HP,W PR \Vheat & Rice

41 Nail1a Tashi Qasimpur 1,524 JIlS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

~2 Khurrampur 77 JES (I) E HP,W PR,T Wheat &. Maize

43 Danlal 600 JBS(I) E HP,W KR, T Wheat & Maize

41 Mustafabad Bukharpura 17 E HP,W PR,T Wheal & Maize

45 Dayampur 655 JBS(l) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

46 Ikhlasanagar Dahb 669 JBS (2) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

47 Mohammadpur Lala 129 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

48 Anupnagar Fazalpur 282 JBS (I) E HP,W PR, T PO Wheat & Rice

49 Aurangshahpur Golabar 302 JES (I) E HP, \V PR,T Wheat & Rice

W Khoroli B20 JDS (1) :s HP,\\' KR Wheat & Maize 111 DIRECTORY

LAND USB Remarks Land usc (i. Co area under different types of land use in acret rounded to Day or daY' including ~~~~ ~~ any place Loea­ ,.-______...... A ______, Nearest town market/hoi of religious, tion Area and distance if any. hiltorical or Code UIl- Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the arcbaeo- No. Forest Irrigated Irrigated Wute for village logical cultivation mtttelt II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

T(17) TW(17) 195 216 4{) Kankar Khera(14) 26

... T(273) W(7) TWE(170) C(96) 51 4 28 Kanlar Khera(16) EA 27

... T(603) W(I) TW(121) C(4Bl) 67 54 Kanhr Khera(l8) 28

... T(37B) W(I) TW(84) C(293) 29 20 32 Klnkar Khera(IB) 29 Monday, ." T(I,OH) C(758) TWE(219) W(64) 205 16 118 Kankar Khera(16) EA 30 Tuesday

... T(224) W(l) TW(43)C(180) 6 19 Kankar Khera(16) 31

... T(974) C(285) TW(438) W(251) 245 143 Kankar Khera(19) 32

33 H' T(620) C(254) TWE(213) W(153) 114 30 110 Kanka rr Khera(14) EA ." T(576) C(238) TWE(92) W246 163 S 135 Kankar'Khtra(14) EA 34 ... T(939) C(714) W(224) TK(I) 282 88 95 Meerut'(14) 35

... T(480) C(456) TW(5) W(19) 162 69 Meerut (13) 36

... T(406) C(l67) TW(235) W(4) 162 52 29 Meerut (13) 37

.,. T(392) TW(317) W('5) 124 71 40 Meerut (13) 38

... T(444) TWE(313) W(131) 217 123 44 Meerut (13) EA 39

", T(I,045) C(396) TWE(228) W(422) 35 334 79 Kanhr Khcra (5) EA 4

,.. T(920) C(320) TW(332) W(268) 143 2)9 157 Kanlm Kbera(IJ 41

." T(57) IW(3B) W(24) lO 10 Kankar Khcra( I) 42

43 M. T(335) TW(327) W(8) 70 109 86 Kankar Khua(5)

... T(6) TW(G) 3 4 4 Kan1car Khera( I) 44

... T(394) C(394) 20 212 29 Kankar Khera(2) 45

... T(362) C(24?) TW(lIS) 98 49 160 Kaniar Khcra(3) 46

... T(97) TWE(97) s 2 27 Kanhr Kbera(2) EA 47

... T(119) TWE(149} 34 34 liS Malyana (3) EA 48

'" T(232} TWE(232) 5 44 21 Malyana (3) EA 4,!

... T(560) C(298) TWE(262) 17 166 77 Malyana (5) EA 50 112 VILLAGE

4-MEERUT TAHSIL AM EN ITlES ANLl Amellities available within the village Total ___A-- ____ Lo~a. Area ti'~n or the Code Name of Village village POit No. lin acres) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi. & Staple Food lupply water catiool Telegrapb


51 Shobhapm 728 JSB (I) E HP, W KR Wheat & Maize

52 Murlipur Gulab 562 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

53 Lakahwaya Rasulpur 473 jBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

54 Sudhpur urf Pathanpura 568 E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

55 Pepla 642 JES (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

56 IdrispuT 346 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Whl;at & Rice

57 Shahpur Zainpur 840 JBS (2) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

5B Sheikhpuri m JES (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

59 Azampur 326 JES (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

60 Puthkhas 1,832 JES (2) E HP, W PR PO Wheat & Rice

61 Bohla 1,113 JES (2) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

62 Rasulpur Madhi 482 HSS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

63 Amanull ahpur 882 JES (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Mai.ze

64 Satwai 867 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

65 Mansabgarh 81 HP, W PR Wheat & Maize

66 Tikri 1,079 lES (I) H(I) HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

67 Nek 1,543 JES (2) E HP,W PR Wheal & Maize

68 Chobla 238 jES(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

69 ChakMorna 213 Uninhabited

70 Dhadra 994 JBS(I) E HP, W PR Wheat & Maize

71 Bahrampur Khas 993 JBS (2) E HP, \II KR PO Wheat & Maize

72 Bahrampur Morna 1,008 E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

7.1 Mohammadpur Dhumi 975 JBS (1) E HP, W PJ. Wheat & Maize

74 Timakia 630 jBS (2) E HP, W PR Wheat & Maize

75 Rawa 516 HP, W KR Wheat & Maize liS DIRECTORY


Remark, Land use (i. e., area under dirferent types of land tile iD acret Day or JaY' including rouuded to the nearea! unit) or the any rs1llce Loca.· Nearest 10Wl) r#Arketlhal, 01 reI gioUl. lion Area and distance if ally. bi.torica.l Of Code Un- Cilltivable nol available (in Km.) held in the atebael)< No' FOrtll Irrigated Irrigated Waite for viUage logical cultivation mltrtt' II 12 IS 14 L~ 16 11 18

- '1'(500) C(~50) TW(250) 93 25 110 Malyana (8) T,EA 51 - '1'(230) TW(230) 11 36 25 Matyana (6) 52

... T(340) TWE(250) 0(90) 68 2B 27 Malyana (5) EA 53 - T(350) C(150) TWE~200J 95 68 55 Malyana (5) IlA 54 ... T(510) TWE(510) 7'!. 16 44 Malyana (6) EA. 55

... T(250) TWE(250) 37 34 2J Malyana (5) EA .56 ." T(502) 0:452) TW(50) 211 112 15 Malyana (10) 57

.,. T(152) CiI3)) TW(! 7) 166 82 21 Malyana IS) 58

... T(223) C(221) WIl) 6~ 39 Meerut (14) 59

.. , T{I,024) C(622) 'fWE(149) W(253) 520 288 Meerut [14) EA 60

T(632) 0(620) TWE(12) 175 250 56 Malyaua (II) EA 61

.,. T{39S) 0(3B5) TW(I) WU) 40 48 Malyaua (13) 61

~. T(752) W(418) TWE(\95) C(139) 54 73 Malyana (14) EA 63

.,. 1(693) C(662) TWII7) W(14) 103 8 63 Malyana (13) 64

... T(71) C(71) 4 6 Malyana (l3) 65

." T(6/4) C(674) 229 160 16 Malyaua (13) 66

". T(I,333) C(9()O) TWE(433) 21 151 38 Rasulpur Dhubrii81 EA 67

." T(207) C(160) TWE(47) 3 2 26 Rasulpur Dhubri( 10) EA 68

... 1'(179) C(179) 28 2 4 RasulpUl Dhubri(8) Uninhabited 69

... 1(854) TK(2) W(208) TW(S) C(636) 71 4 65 Rasulpur Dhubri(ll) 70

... T(691) WE(BI) TWE(lj2) 0(·151) 153 27 114 Rasulpur Dhubri(lO) Tuesday EA 71

ON T(503) W(29) C (474) 316 95 94 Rasulpur Dhubri(IO) 72

... T(5()81WE{!04) TWE(141) C(263) 323 84 60 Rasulpur Dhubri,8) EA 73

... T(525) C(517) W(8) 31 4 70 Rasulpnr Dhubri(6) 74

._ T(257; W(140) C(1l7) 226 6 27 Rasulpur Dhuhri(8) 75 114 VILLAGE

4-MEERUT TAHSIL AMENITII!S AND Amenities availa.ble within the village Loea- tion Total -_---" Area Code Name of ViJI age No. of the Post viUage Educational Medical Power Drinking Commulli· & Staple Food (in acrea) supply water cations Tclellraph

2 6 10

76 Dhilaura 1,107 HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 77 Mirpur Jakhera 463 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 713 Sikri 586 Uninhabited 79 Nanu'Fatehpur 842 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 80 Bhavi 497 JBS (I) HP.W KR,PR Wheat & Rice

81 Ba~a Tikri 400 HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 82 Kishori 464 ]BS (I) HP.W Wheat &Rice 83 Pastara 315 HP.W Wheat & Rice 84 Laharra 676 lBS (2) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 85 Mukarmatpur Bharapur 556 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

86 Khanpur 1,008 JBS(2) SBS(I) H(l) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize B7 Mehpa 353 ]RS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize &8 Khajuri 302 Uninhabited 89 Raihunathpur 370 JBS (I) E HPJW PR Wheat & Maize 90 Kurali 1.329 JBS(2) HSS(I) H)) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

91 Siwal Khas IT.A., 40 JBS (I) Hil) E HP,W PR Pro Wheat & Rice !l2 8iwal Khas (Rural) 1,720 Uninhabited 93 F;(izabad Pachgaou 355 HP,W Wheat & Maize 94 Jauhra 334 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 95 Salemnagar 489 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

96 Muzakkipur 361 JB3(1) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 97 Shipura 186 HP,W PR Wheat &Maize 98 Naa:1a Kumbha 324 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 99 Chandon 421 JBS (1) BP,W FR Wheat & Maize 100 Jani Buzurg 1,365 JBS(I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize 115 DIRECTORY

LAND USE Rero4rb Land use (i. eo atea under diffc1'CIIt types of land ute in ~res rounded to Day or da)'l including the neareal wUt) fA the any place Loca- Neatest town matket/irol of religious, tion Area and distaDce if any, bistorical or Coda UD- Cultivable DOt available (in Km.) held in the arcbaco- No. Forea, Irrigated irrigated Waste for villallt logical cultivation iDtcreat 11 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18

T(414) C(158) W(160) TW(96) 495 97 101 Rasulpur Dhubri(6) 76

T(150) C(133) W(17) 195 83 40 Rasulpur Dhubri(8) 71

T(402) C(320) W(82) 166 9 9 Rasulpur Dhubri(3) UninhabiJcd 78

T(590) C(540) W(50) IS5 40 27 Rasulpur Dhubri(2) 79

T(442) C(375) W(67) 14 3 3S Rasulpur Dhubri(2) 80

T(375) C(305) T(70) 5 3 17 Rasulpur Dhubri(2) 81

T(411) C(41l) 6 5 42 Rasulpur Dhubri(3) 82

T(2'6) C(256) 17 2 40 Ralulpur Dhubri(:)) 83

T(582) C(582) 24 6 4fi Rasulpur Dhubri(5) 48

T(510) C(510) 11 26 Rasulpur Dhubri(2) 85

T(848) C(72S) W(123) 27 28 105 Rasulpur Dhubri(3) 86

T(322) C(235) TW(64) W(23) 3 27 Rasulpur Dhubri(3) 87

T(250) C[218) W(32) 43 3 6 Rasulpur Dhubri(3) Uninhabited 88

T(311) W(53) TW(B) C(250) 15 3 41 Rasulpur Dhubri(3) 89

T(I,163) C(I,134) TWE(2B) W(I) 22 27 117 Rasulpur Dhubri(5) EA 90

40 Rasulpur Dhubri(6) 91

T(I;438) C(I,404) W(33) TK(I) 24 40 218 Rasulpur Dhubri'6) Uninhabited 92

T(265) C(265) 25 8 57 Rasulpur Dhubri(5) 93

T(20B) C(208) 16 41 69 Rasulpur Dhubri(6) 94

T(374) TWE(25) C(349) 60 10 45 Rasulpar Dhubri(8) 95

!ij T(309) C(309) 9 7 35 Rasulpur Dhubri~8)

T(161) C(161) 10 2 13 Rasulpur Dhubri(5) ... 97

T(234) C(234) 16 2 72 Rasulpur Dhubri(6) 98

T(357) C(355) W(2) 16 18 30 Malyana. (11) ... 99

T(l;005) e(9S7) TW(I) W(l7) 109 98 153 Malyana (10) ... 100 116 VILLAGE


Amenitlea &vailable within the village Tolal Looa. Area lion or the Code Name of Vmage village POit No. (in acres) Educalional Medical Power Drinking Communi. & Staple Food lupply water catioDI Telegraph


101 Baphar 943 JBS (I) E HP,W FR Wheat & Rice

102 Jani Khurd 1;208 JBS(Z) HSS(I) B(I) E BP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice

103 Silola Buzurg 688 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

104 KherH Muzakkipur 343 BP,W KR Wheat & Maize

105 Sisola Khurd 839 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

106 Kilholi 942 JBS (I) Hr,W PR Wheat & Rice

107 Jamalpur Mazra 348 jBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

106 Afzalpur Poothi 398 JBS(I) E BP,W PR Wheat & Rice

109 Rlmpur Paoti 529 JBS (1) E HF,W PR Wheat & Rice

110 Panchili Khurd 1,755 JBS(\)HSS(\) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice

111 Ghat 1,679 jBS (1) E BP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

112 Kalanjri 1,479 JBS(2) HSS(I) E HP,\'{ KR PO Wheat & Maize

113 Mewala 239 Uninhabited

U4 Soharkha 253 BP,W KR Wbeat & Maize

115' Ajnauli 426 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

" 116 Dhindala 974 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat &,Maize

117 Puthri 599 JBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

118 Gejha 1,302 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

119 Aghera 335 E HP,W PR Whel.l & Rice

120 Kazamabadgaon 1,618 JBS (1) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice

121 Damoli 608 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat &Maize

122 lkl .. 437 E BP,W PR Wheat & Maize

123 Daulatpur Faiharabad r.' 1,149 lBS (IJ MCW(I) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize Urj 1< ayasth Gaonri 124 Mohiuddinpuf " D(I) E BP,W PR,T PO ,Phone Wheat & Maize " 194 JBS(I) HSS(I) 125 Chhajmalpur urJ Chhajupur 808 JBS(I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 111 DIRECIORY

LAND USB Remarb Land ule (I. e., arta under difrerent types of land UIC in acrea nty or da)'l Including rounded to the ncarelt unit) of the any place Loca- Neal'tlt town market/kat, of rehgiOUl, tiOB Area and distance if any, hiltotic.l or Code Un- Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the archa~ No' forell Irrigated Irrigated Waite for rillage logical cultivation intem'

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

T(638) C(478) TWE(31) W(129) 113 58 134 Malyana (8) IA 101

T(681) C(570) TW(I) W(110) 300 19 208 Malyana (10) Monday 102

.. , T(469) C(469) 112 79 28 Mal}ana (11) 103

T(182) C(175) TWE(7) 9G 72 43 Malyana (11) 104

T(416) C(406) TW(IO) 97 282 44 MaJyana (II) 105

T(488) W(139) TW(44) C(305) 237 50 167 Malyana (8) 106

1(221) W(H) 1WE(22) C(lB5) 46 13 68 Malyana (5) EA 107

1(313) TWE(300) W(13) 15 30 40 Meerut (II) EA 108

T(359) C(109) TWE(250) 2U 73 77 Malyana (5) EA 109

T(I.107) C(735) TWE(l86) W(186) I4l 27 480 Malyana (6) EA 110

T(I.105) C(926) TWE(126) W(51) 16J 174 239 Malyalla (8) EA III

'1'(1,006) C(708) 'IWE(19) W(278) TK(1) 102 190 181 Malyana (8) EA 112

T(89) C(36) W(36) 0(17) 65 83 2 Malyana (8) Uninhabited 113

T(llP) 0(68) W(50) 58 59 18 Malyana (8) 114

T(202) C(I94) TW(8) 82 18 84 Malyana (8) 115

T(493) C(479) W(14) 246 57 1,8 Malyana (I i) 116

T(415) C(378) W(3Z) TW(S) TK(2) 93 16 75 Malyana (II) 117

T(820) TWE(820) 259 79 . 144 Rasulpar Dhubri(lO) EA 118

T(266) TWE(66) C(2OO) 33 6 SO Rasulpur Dhubri(ll) EA 119

T(976) TWE(978) 246 161 233 Ralulpur Dhubri(13) EA 120

T(267) C(260) W(7) 171 118 52 Malyana (10) 121

... T(231) C(230) W(I) 95 12 99 Malyana (11) 122

T(483) C(463) TW(I) W(lg) 291 65 304 Rasulpur Dhubri(13) 12S

1(332) C(212) TWE(34) W(86) 174 70 21B Meerut (13) Friday EA 124

T(391) 0(381) W(IO) 203 43 171 Meerut (14) 125 118 VILLAGE

4-MEERUT TAHSIL AM ENITlES AND Amenities available within the village

Loe ... Jo._ Total ~ tion Area. Code Name of Viii age of the Post No. ,iIIage Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

2 S 4 6 8 10

IW Uplehra 479 JBS(I), HP, W KR Wheat & Maize 127 Aminagar'urj Bhudbaral 564 JBS (2) D(I) HP,W PRr Wheat & Maize 128 Bahadurpur 577 JBS (I) E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Mai~e 129 Solana 405 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 130 Alayara 539 HP,W KR,PR Wheat & Maize

131 Kanshi 1,733 JBS (I) B HP,W KR Wheat & Maize IS2 Part appur Project 390 E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 133 Achronda 1,050 JBS (I) HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize 134 Baral Partapur 909 JBS (1) E HP,W PR,T PO Wheat &Maize 135 Mahroli 915 JBS(I) HP,W KR Wheat &Maize

136 Dungraoli S80 E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 137 Kunda 469 ]BS (\) E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize 138 Sundt a urf Pooth a 9j4 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 139 Mohkampur 514 JBS (1) E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Rice 140 Hafizabad Meola 299 E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Rice

141 Rithani 1,449 JBS (2) E HP, W FR PO Wheat & Rice

142 Indu~trial Estate Partappur 41 E HP, W PR Wheat & Rice 143 Kanchanpur Gbopla 852 JBS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 144 Nag!a Sherkhan 548 E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 145 Nurnagar 550 E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

146 Lisari 556 JBS (I) E HP,W PR,T PO Wheat & Maize

147 Meerut Abadi Janglat 2,759 JBS (I) H(l) E H?,W PR,KR,T Phone,PTO Wheat & Maize 14B Fatehullahpur 250 jBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 149 Judhera Zahidpur 577 JBS(2)SBS(I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 150 Bajaut 473 jBS'(I) E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Mai" 119 DIRECTORY

LAND USB Remartl Land use ri, e, area under different types of land usc in acres rounded to Day or daya including the neareat unit) of tbe any place Loca­ ~ ______~ ______.., Nearest town mar'tei/ilot of religious, tion . Area and distance I( any, hiltorical or Code UII- Cultivable DOl available (in Km.) held in thc archacO' No. Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste for village lOlita! cultivation iDtereat

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

126 ... 1(385) C(275) TK(I) W(98) TW(1Il) 33 l~ 48 Meerut (IG)

... T(435} W(17) C(418) 17 14 98 Meerut (II) Thursday 127 128 ... T(388} C(377) W(ll) 58 3 1~8 Meerut (IS)

... T(303) C(281) TK(1) W(21) 32 8 62 Meerut (18) 129

... T(251) W(251) 67 74 147 Meerut (16) 130

Meerut (13) 131 '" T(I,120) C(I,049) W(71) 136 193 284

390 Mterut'(l4) 132

Meerut (10) lSl '" T(562) 0(436) W(80) WE(46) 104 103 281

... T(511) TWE(5) W(80) C(426) 48 46 304 Meerut (13) EA 134 135 ... T(483) 0(437) W(46) 22 163 247 Meerut (14)

ISli -. T(133) 0(48) WrS5) 77 15 155 Meerut (II) ... T(233) TW(17) W(216) 39 19 178 Meerut (10) 137

98 Meerut (S) EA 138 '" 1(833) C(399) TWE(I44) W(I48) TK(172) 12 II

... 1(457) C(57)'TWE(400) 3 18 36 :Malyana (3) EA 139 140 ... 1(208) 0(8) TWE(IOO) W(50).TK(50) 44 40 Ma\yalla (2)

EA 141 .,. T(779) 0(400) TWE(156) W(191) TK(29) 26 101 42 Meerut (6)

41 Meerut (10) 142

39 347 lSI Meerut'(1 I) 143 ~. T(395) C(112) TW(S9) W(149)TK(35) EA 144 ... 1(471) C(211) TWE(205) W(55) 12 44 21 Meerut (13) EA 145 ... T(490) C(264) TWE(S9) W(l37) 5 23 S2 Meerut (8J

EA 146 ... 1(414) 1WE(414)' S 38 51 Meerut (6) Monday, Tuesday, SA 147 T(2,680)C(194)TWE(I,491)W(265)'l'K(130) 79 Meerut (5) ... Friday, Saturday T,M 148 ... 1(215) C(I44) W(71) 11 2 22 Meerut (8) T,M,EA 149 ... T(454) TWE(406) W(48) 38 29 . 56 Meerut (10) ISO 41 Me~rut (8) EA ." T(371) TWE(371) 45 16 120 VILLAGE

4-MEERUT TAHSIL AMENITIES AND Amcnitlel available within tbe villarc: Total Loe .. · Area __ 1. lion of the Code Name of VilIaRe village Post Nilo (in acrea) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food lupply water catiool Telegraph

6 H;

151 Mohammadpur Gumi 396 E HP.W KR.1' Wheat & Maize

152 Jurranpur 417 E HP.W PR,T Wheat & Mahe

253 Naraihra 737 JBS (I) E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Ma.ize

154 Dhikauli 270 Uninhabited

155 latina Sani 283 HP.W KR,T Wheat & Maize

156 Gagaul 2,239 JBS (2) E HP.W PR,KR PO Wheat & Maize

151 Khera Balr ampur 836 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

158 Chandsara 873 lBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

159 Azizpur 249 Uninhabited

160 Salempur 464 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

161 Ruknuddinpur Misri Uri 858 JES [2) I (I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice Phapunda 162 Allipur Jijmana 1,246 JES (I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat &Rice

163 Kudhla 522 JBS (I) E HP,W PR,KR Wheat & Maize

16~ Jalalpur 440 JBS (1) E HP,W PR,KR Wheat & Maize

165 Hajipur 396 E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

166 Shakarpur 204 E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

167 Ghosipur 915 JBS(I) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Rice

168 Kazipur 642 JBS (2) E HP,W PR Wheal & Maize

169 Sarai Qazi 540 JBS(I} E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

170 Kamalpur 932 JBS(I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

171 Dalauli Gesupur 1,655 JBS (2) E BP,W . PR PO Wheat & Maize

172 Medical College Area 139 E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice

173 Auungshahpur Diggi 829 JBS (1) H(l) E HP,\N PR PO Wheat & Ma ize

174 District Jail 19 H(l) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

175 Nagla. Battu Yadi!arpur 229 E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 121 DIRECfORY

LAND USB Remarks Day Land ute (i. e., area under different types of land UJC in acrca or daY' including rounded to the nearest unit) of the any ~lace Loea- ,.- Nearest town market/hal, of reI giaus, tion Area &nd distancc if any, hiltorieal or Code Un- OJlti\'able Dot available (in Km.) held in the archaeo- No' Forest Irrigated Irrigated Waste (or village logical cultivation int~res' 18 11 12 IS 14 15 16 17

EA 15\ _. 1(185) TWE(I05) C(80) 87 38 86 Meerut (8) EA 152 ... T(327) C(27) TWE(300) 47 10 33 Meerut (11) EA 153 ... T(504) TWE(504) 159 9 6S Meerut (11) 5 11 Meerut (II) Uninhabited 154 ", T(24O) TW(240) 14 Meelut (II) 155 ... T(214) C(214) 28 14 27

Meerut (10) EA 156 ". T(I,OI3) C(127)TWE(63) W(8ZI) 181 473 572 157 450 12 Meerut (II) N' T(137) TW(42)W(95) 237 Meerut (13) Ij8 ... T(477)' TW(314) W(163) 220 79 97 159 8 Meerut (l()) Uninhabited .. , T(183) TW(133) W(SO) 40 IS 75 Meerut (13) 160 .. , 1(316) TW(307) W(9) 50 23

EA 161 103 34 114 Meerut (14) ~. 1(607) TWE(39()) WB(217) MeelUt (10) EA,M,T 162 ,,, T(917) TWE(794) WE(85) TK(38) 186 48 95 Meerut (8) EA,T 163 __ , T(422) TWE(315) W(48) TK(59) 138 5 57 EA,M I~ 39 38 Meerut (8) , .. T(224) TWE(l31) W(69) TK(24) 139 Meerut (6) M 165 ... 1(259) TW(259) 56 17 34

Meerut (8) EA 166 ... T(174) TWE(174) 7 20 EA,M 167 176 38 114 Meerut (II) n' T(587) TWE(433) W(43) TK(IIl) 168 71 Meerut (10) EA .. , T(543) TWE(376) W(1I0) TK(57) II 17 169 36 Meerut (10) EA .. , 1(429) TWE(96) W(76) 1K(257) 68 7 Meerut (11) iA 170 - T(649) 1WE(627) W(22) 147 52 B4

Meerut (13) EA 171 1(553) TWE(2·15) W(I44) WE(194) 170 97 106 ... TK(IOO) 172 139 Meerut (6)

Meerut (13) I.A 175 - T(553) TWE(245) W(14) WE(l94) TK(IOO) 81 60 135 19 Meerut (I) 174

Meerut (2) EA 175 ... '{(135) '{WE (36) W(99) 2 41 51 121 VILLAGE 4-MEERUT TAHSIL AMENITIES, AND Amenities available within the village Loea. tion Total Area -~ Code NalDe or Viii age No. of the Post village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food (in acre,) supply water caliont Tciegraph

S 4 5 6 10

li6 Raisna 305 IES () F. HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 177 Rali Chauhan 860 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 178 Abdtlllahpur T.A.) 41 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 179 Abdullahpur (Rural) 1,143 jBS (2) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice 180 Baksar Khera (T.A.) 93 JBS (1) ... E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice

181 Kaseru Babar 889 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 182 Rajpur 313 JES(I) SE8(1) B HP,W PR Wheat & Rice HSS (1) 183 Islambad Chalera 717 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 184 Bburpur 332 HP,W PR Wheal & Rice 185 Salarpur Jalalpur 952 IES (2) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

186 Amehara Adipur 658 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 187 Mamipur 375 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 188 Peeina Suripur 334 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 189 Mohiuddinpur Lalsana 586 JES (1) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize '190 Uideypur 726 lBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

191 Sikhera 958 jBS(2 SBS(l) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 192 BachoJa 910 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 193 MUJaff arnagar Saini 1,319 }BS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat &: Maize 194 Pabla 571 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 195 Khardoni Shekhupur 1,644 JBS(I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

196 Masuri 1,439 JBS (2) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 197 2,645 J13S(I) SBS(I) E HP,W PR FO Wheat& Maize 198 Kunkura 1,187 ]SB (1) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 199 Sadharanpur 529 JBS(I) HP,W P,{ Wheat & Maize 200 Nali Azamabad 298 HP,I'Y KR Wheat & Rice 123 DIAE·crORY

t,Al\1) I;SB Remub Land me (I. e. ltea under different typet of Illld UIC in ICfCI rounded to Day Of daY' Including the nelteat ani t) of the lIDy place Loct.­ ,....______..-A ______~ Nearest town rnarket/11111 of reh,ioUl. don Area and distance if any, hi.loricll or Cod. U. Cultivable lIot available (in Km.) beld in the ItCbteo- No, Forese IrriKated Irriiated Wlite for ,maKe loskll cultivation IntcfCIt

I." 12 14 IS 16 17 18

... 1(147) TWE(147) 61 H 53 Meerut (10) M 176

... T(494) TWE(494) 193 8~ sa Meerut (10) EA 177

T(SiW(5) 35 Meerut (8) 178 - T(669) TWE(669} 1!'i3 194 127 Meerut (8) Thursday E.:\ 17' ... 1(52) 1W(6) W(26) 7 36 Meerut (5) ...180

... 1(670) W(l93) TW'E(477) lot a 109 Meerut (6) EA 181

... T(272) W(i~) TWE(l98) 1i 2~ Meerut (8) Monday !A 182

... T(437) W(437) tiS 27 m Meerut (10) 183

22 Meerut (lO) 181 ~. T(271) Wm) 1".\'(192) 38

!_.\ p. T(804) '1'WE(610) W(lS~J 61 l M Meerut (1::J) 1&5

... T(IJ~) TWZ(t.65) W(9) '01 !~ 5~ Meerut (6) IA, 1115

.~ T(1~7) 'IWE(!2S) W~69) US 52 28 Meerut (6) !A 181

... 1(250) W(159) TW£(91) 49 10 25 Meerut (5) E!. 1811

-. T(3~9) TWE(318) Wei) 157 &9 31 Meerut (8) EA 1811

... 'I(~O~) TW[(313) W(89) 19'2 47 ~ Meetut (l~) 190

.,. T(GB3) TWE(531) W(l40) 1K(12) \59 52 64 Mferut 110\ 191

... T(il4) TWE(G03) W(ll1) 12() I~ 61 Meerut (11) EA 192

." T(764) TWE:611) W(153) 276 148 IS: Meerut (12) IA 193 T,M,EA 194 ." 1(:;66) TWE:99) W(Z67) 1()4 i~ ~ Meerut (14)

.,. T(615) C(4S) TWE(~60) W(31O) 662 249 118 Meerut (18) EA.T,M 195

... T(733) C(384) TW(102) W(N7) 295 !44 67 Meerut (15) Monday EA,l 196

... 1(1,912) TWE{I,734) TK(13) W(I !:i) So/l 1B4 157 Meerut (14) Sunday, EA 197 Wednesday ... T(6~5) CrS24) W(I46) 1WE(175) too 90 182 Meerut (18) !A 198

... 1(371) Q('i7) '1'W(I06) W(208) ~l 10 )7 Meerut (16) 199

... T(217) TW(S) W(209) 10 17 $~ M~rut (10\) . 2W 124 VILLAGE

....MEERUT TAHSIL AMENITIES AN» Amcnitlel available within the ,lIIase Total Loe •• Area don or thc Co~e Name of Village nllagc Poat, N~ (in aerea) Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food lupply water eatiODJ Telegraph


201 Kastal", Shamshernail'ar 1,118 JES(I) HSS(t) E HP,W PR PO Wheal & Rice

202 Nagla Sheikhu 40 JES(I) SES(I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

203 Rasulpur Aurangabad 2,151 JBS.(I) E, HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

204 Bhagwanpur 767 JES(}) E PH,W PR Wheat & Maize

205 Gyaopur lSI JBS (1) E ' HP,W KR Whtat & Maize

206 Morna 548 JES (I) E HP,W PR Wheal & Rice

207 Rukanpuf 589 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheal & Rice

208 Pachpeda 380 E HP,W PIZ Wheat & Maize

109 Sial 1,279 JBS (I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Ma.ize

210 Khwajanpur 241 E HP,W PR Wheat &Maize

211 Ladpufa 318 E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

212 Jalalluddin Masudpur 279 E HP.W PR Wheat & Maize Gauri 213 Medpuf 768 ]ES (l) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

214 Kinanacar 1,622 JBS(2) HSS(I) E HP,W PR,KR PO Wheat & Maize

215 Pachgaon Patti Sanwan 774 E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

216 Hasanpur Qadim 5ffi JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Ma.ize

217 Murlipuf Phool Wheat & Maize 459 JBS(l) HSS( I) '" E HP,W PR

218 Jithaull 7M JBS{l) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

219 Alampur Buzurg 700 E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

22fJ Badhla Kaithwara 1;276 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Mailc

221 Sisauli 1,002 JBS(I) SBS(I) E H~.W PR PO Wheat & Maize

222 Paebgaon Patti 605 JBS (I) B HF,~ PR Wheat & Maize Amar-Singh 22S Pachgaon Patti Gopal 604 Uninhabited

221 Bhagwanpur Challa"an 525 JBS (2) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

225 Bhagw.anpur Khalsa 186 Uninhabited 125 DIRECTORY

LAND USB Remartl Land uSC (i. e., area under different types of land lilt in acra Day or dap including , rounded to the nearest unit) of the any £laee Loca- Nearest tD'Ntl market/hal, of relgioua, dOll Area and distance if any, bi&torical or Code Un. Cultivable not available (in Kna.) beld in tbe archaeo- No' Forest Irrigated Irrigated Waste for ,illalc 100ical cult iva lion Intned

II 12 IS 14 15 16 17 IB

201 T(953) W(663) '1'WE(290) .1,,3 52 70 Meerut\16} EA T,EA 202 T(376) W(78) TWE(29B) 10 17 37 Meerut (11) T,M,EA 293 1(l,m) W(;25) TW(992) 180 86 167 Meerut (ll) M,EA T(508) TWE(464) W(44) 160 37 62 Meerut (13) 20' M,EA ... T(BOO) W(18) 1WE(782) 8 39 34 Meerut (16) 105

1(459) TWB3(41) W(117) TK(IJ 25 12 52 Meerut (16) T,EA 206 M,T,EA T(465) TWE( 75) W(88) TK(2) 47 13 6l Meerut (14) Sunday 207 M,EA T(10) TWE(299) W(3) TI((9) 14 S 52 Meerut (5) 208 M,T,EA T(987) TWE(671) W(309) TK(7) 93 88 111 Meerut (14) Wednesday 209 M,EA 210 T(224) TWE(170) W(51) 6 6 11 Meerut (7)

M 211 T(245) TW(239) W(6) 42 9 22 Meerut (13) 212 T(I96) TW(171) W(24) TK(ll 41 21 21 Meerut (II) 213 ~2 64 Meerut (13) Thursday EA .J, T(592) TWE(583) W(9) 90 214 T(I,317) TWE(I,248) Wl56) TK(l3) 89 100 116 Meerut (13) EA EA 215 T(494) TWE(494) 114 128 38 Meerut (14)

216 T(410) TWE(410) 22 15 59 Meerut (11) EA EA 217 T(S99) TWE(399) H 49 20 Meerut (19) EA 218 T(611) TWE(621) 2 8 50 Meerut (14) EA 219 T(554) 1WE(554) 24 35 26 Meerut (10) EA 120 1(937) TWE(937) 86 39 27 Meerut (13)

T.EA 2fl T(834) TWE(834) 42 27 99 Meerut (14) ... SA 222 T(464) TWE(464) 71 24 46 Meerut (14) Uninhabited 223 T(469) TWE(46Q) 107 12 16 Meerut (18) Meerut (15) 22t T(424) TWE(338) W(86) 24 16 61 Uninhabited 225 ... T(l51) TWE(124) W(23) 21 4 10 Meerut (16) VILLAGE

.~trr TAHSIL Amenitiel available within the: village Loe .. 1'otal ,.... tiou Area Code Name oI'ViIl •• of the: Post No. village Educatioual Medical Power Drinking Communi. & Staple Food (in acrea) lupply waler caiiOIlJ Telegraph

6 10

%26 Palti 'erii g59 E HPW K.A Wlt&t & Y.aite

127 MaoKhu 301 JBS (2)HSS(I) E HPW PR PO Waeal &!dai::

228 Shamaypur 491 JBS (1) E l-ll'N KR PO Wheat & Maiu

229 Naala Mil InformMion not lIvailajle 127 DIRECTORY

LAND USB Rem arb Land lilt (i. eo atel und~r different types of land use In acres rounded to Day or days including the neafesl wUt) of the any place Loea· Nearest town marhtJW of rthgiou., tion r------_,.------...,Area and distance if any. historical or Coda Un· Cultivable DOt available (in Km.) beld in tbe archaeo­ No. Forest Irrigated lrrig ",led W&stc for village logical eultivatioll interett

11 12 14 15 Iii 17 18

T(3OC) TWE(lfi7) \\ 153 6 :0 Meerut ( 7) EA 226 '" 33 T(186) rWE(32j W,1S4-) 18 43 52 Meerut (17) EA 227

T(415) TWE(92) W(323) 13 13 50 Meerut (16) Tuesday

Information not available 229

5-Mawana Tahsil



Locatio. Location Location Name of Village Code 81. Name or Villa~ Code 81. Name of Villai" Code 81. No. No. No. No. NJ. No. 3 2 S 2 28 1 Arzalpur urfRani N'agla 93 41 Bamnauli !l3 81 D:d:lpur 211 2 Aghwanpur 193 42 !lana 43 82 Dhanpur 221 :3 Ahm"dn3g~r Badhl:!. 222 43 Baroda 2'\3 83 Dbanpuu. 5{j 4 Ahmadpur urfDandupur 16 44 Basi Verran 101 Bt Dhikoli m 5 AiJ~lpur 141 4j tastaura Naurlll~ 1i0 Sj Dhumo Nagl!

112 86 Dudhli Ban;:rr 6 Aid"lpur 181 ~6 TIatau\j 87 DAhli Khad~l 7 Aimanpuri 2.33 47 Hatnaur 176 8 Aitrr.adpur 2'18 48 B;.zarr pur li2 en Dupedi Chao 2.;6 S9 Fa(eh?ur Hamaput 113 9 Akbarpur Garhi i2 49 lkhlo!pur 27j 125 90 Falt-hpar Nanin 10 A:':barpur Ichhabad 71 50 Bda 125 II Akbarpur Khader 180 51 Bhadolli Saidullahpur 276 91 Fatehpur Prelll 1~9 12 Mbarpur Sada. 23 52 Bh a gopur 1:0 92 Fazalpur 195 13 AkheiPur 37 53 Bhagwanpur 39 93 Fir~jpur 4 14 Alam~irpur Badllla. 234 54 Bhagwanpur Ban~er t80 94 Gadina 14 15 Alawalpur 58 5j Bha;lwanpur Kh .. d"r 301 liS Ga.!on&

1~ ~y r.6 Gajraula 16 Alipur Alampur ~47 56 Bhainsa liD 57 Bhatipura Manlkpur 2:)9 il7 Gajrauli 17 Alipuf .\Iorna 32 17 9;) 93 Cajupur .. 18 Amarpur Mura. Kha(fl Wali ~63 58 Bhindaura 9~ 19 Amar Sin;:hpUf 23l 59 Bbindwara 205 99 Gancibpur :!12 20 Amehra Sani 258 60 Eho.pur 303 100 Gazipur 189 21 Aminabad iT! llan.,lI.r,o 237 61 BhojPUf 95 101 Gaupur Janubi 1811 22 Amroli ,rjBarallalll II 62 Bbuwa 127 102 Ge~up1r Shumali 157 23 Acchi K, Ian 203 63 llir\;,hcra 102 103 Goblpur 278 24 Anchi Khur. 200 6t Bisaula 33 104 Govind?u! Shahrpll! 1.33 25 As;f"baa 192 65 Bondra 23) 10) Go\iud,wi .) 26 Asilpur 291 66 Bullwl 1~5 lW Gudha 2 27 Askaripur sal 67 BJ'lhwi 16i 107 G"dumb 2H 108 Hadi;u: Gaoll.ri 161 28 Assa 2·1 t8 Cha\:. Palwarll 129 29 Atalpu ~.31 6:J Chamrod 137 IOJ Haripur 302 100 til 30 Atota 59 iO Chancpur Hadl;;hpu

~79 HI Hasan;)ur ~6% 31 Badshah pur 2:JO 71 Chandrawal U'J 1hhalwal, 149 32 Bc.3hpur 193 72 Chhuchai 285 112 Hastnapur Korwan 150 33 l3abdarpur 65 73 Chhitwana Sherpuf 199 113 Hastnapur Pand;;,w¥1 178 3~ Bab balpur 158 74 Dabkheri 131 114 Hatupura 215 115 Hazratpur gj 35 Il~horupur 78 75 Dabthalil 209 I16 Hum ayunpur 70 36 Eahrora ~w 76 Darveshpuf 192 37 Bahsum3. 106 77 Daryapur 79 117 Ibrahimpur S3 Bahzadka 33 78 Daulatpur urj Ua\ipur 103 liS Ikwara 8' 270 208 7~ Dayalpur 83 119 Isapur 59 Bali :tl! 40 B~:nnaula i3j GO Dayalpur 230 120 Jai 13%

ALPgABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES MAWA)lA TAHSIl. LQc~tio. St, Location Location COGI Name or Village Code SI. Name of Villace Code St. No. No. No. No. No, No.

53 121 ,Tai,Singhpur 202 161 Ki~hanpur Birall! 57 201 Mubarikllur 239 122 JalalpurMaqboo!pur 151 162 Kishanpur Khader 156 20~ Moradgarepur uff Kuak. hera 123 Jal al pur Ronakali 121 163 Kishovpur 173· 203 Muzaffarpur Khooti 196 216 124 ]alalpur Zora 177 161 Ki thore 271 20\ Nabipur Amanatn~gar 31 125 Jamalpur Khader 162 165 Kunda 6 203 :-:!agla Aizdi 90 126 ]amalpur Me;:hraj 119 166 Kunhera 136 206 Nagla Chand 201 127 Jandberi 61 167 Kuri Kamalpur 77 207 Nu, 114 170 La1yana 285 210 Nazla.Sahu

i6 131 Jharaka 145 171 Latirpur 147 211 Nag\a. Zarif 132 Jhinjharpur 36 172 Lutfull ahpur lIal:sar 249 212 Na;li ,\b:lullah 265 133 Jhun jhuni 25 173 Machhara 26} 213 Nagli Isa 42 109 lS4 Kabirpllf nB 174 II'Iahmudabad 185 214 Na;:!i Khader 268 135 Kailirampur· 235 175 Mahmudpur Gharbi 288 215 Nagli Kithorc

15 156 K!ndala 5 176 Mahmudpur Sharqi 287 216 Nagori 83 137 Kanaar Khen~ 146 177 Mahmudpur Sil:hln 107 217 hbu. W~li 138 Katimpur 97 178 Makhannagar 100 213 Nai Pootha 89 13 139 Katra 48 17'3 IIhkhdJrnpur 173 219 Nairu 140 Kau! 27 180 Manip:lT lH 220· N~rlll6PtU' 191

66 141 Kaula 26 HII Mandwari 121 Nasirput 2BI 142 Karasth Sadhll 254 182 Manoharpur 163 222 Nawal SUTajp\1.T 143 Khai Khtra 67 183 Manpur 12\ 223 Niloba 35 197 144 Khajori Alayarpur 223 184 Manpur 255 224 Nimh 145 Khalidpur 18 183 Mataura 75 ~25 Nimh Hasampur 51

146 Khandra Wall 257 186 Mavi 2-12 226 Nityan1ndpur m 147 Khanpur Bangar 225 187 Mawana Khurd 46 227 Panarpur 40 148 Khilnpur Garhi 184 188 Mawana Rural 55 228 Paharpur Qutub 114

149 Khan Wala ~93 189 Meewa 74 229 Paharpur Ram 177 140 Khatki 2~9 190 Meghrajpur 260 230 Pali 91

l51 Khar Kali 183 191 lI~irpur 22 231 Palra 152 Khatta 17 192 Mirpilr Sadh0 Nagal 182 232 Parichhat Garh 153 Kheri Ka;an 167 193 Mirzapu! ! 79 233 Parichhat Garh (T.A.) 154 Khrri Kh'lrd 168 194 Mistiput 30; 23\ Paraspur Hasapur 155 Kberi Manihac 50 195 Mod Ka.l~n llj 235 .Paswara

156 Kharki Jadid 60 196 Mod Khurd 117 235 Pathanpura 148 157 Khizarpuf 153 197 Mohammadpur Kheri 120 237 Pha!aUCa 1() 158 Khore Ahie 8'f 198 Muhammadpur ~luradpur urf 267 238 (TA) 9 Sheoida 159 Khore Rai 8'\ 1';9 Mohammaopur ~hlh~t I IE. 2:9 Phitkcli 44 .Mukar Rari 160 Kiratpuf ~89 200 Mobaral~pur 252 240 Pilona 82 153


Location Location LocatiOil 51. Natnt of Villa;:e fode S\. Name of Village Code 51. Name of Villait Code No. No. No. No. No. No.

% 3 2 2 S 241 Pinai 263 Saidipur S~th 5. 285 Shahzadpur 215 242 Paothi 206 264 Saidullabpur 29) 286 Shamasbpur 104 24.3 191 Qalimpur ~66 265 Saifpur Firozpuf 122 287 Shamashpur 244 1')0 QUlabjJut ~41 ~66 Saidpur Karamchandpur 88 298 Shcopuri 24j 126 Rachhoti 261 267 Sakhoti 29 i9~ ShtlYJJr 246 Rahadara 2~O 273 Salarpur 34 290 Sikanderpur 300 247 Rahawati 19 279 Salaur Ralupalah 291 2S1 Sikhrra ~Oi %48 Ramapur 99 270 Salempur Naill> 23) 292 Sin~hpur 256 249 Raidhan;t 236 271 Sanauta B 293 Sinaipur 159 250 Rajupuf 105 2i2 Sandhan ~5 294 Sona 220

251 Rampur Ghoria 20 273 Sarai Khader 140 295 Sondat 232 252 Rampur Sadhu NagH, 213 m Saran.;pur 305 296 Sultanpur Dahai 187 253 Ra;:han 47 275 Sathla 63 297 Suzaya! m 254 Rampur Gaoori 64 2i6 Seeml! 169 298 Tajpura 101 25j /Rasulpur Manuput ~IO 277 Seen! (i8 299 Takha Wall 21

256 Rfilipur !kit m 278 Shllhbad Garhj W6 SOO Tarapur ISS 2,7 Rithaura Kala~ 133 279 Shahipur 299 :101 Tarbiyatpur Jauubi 297 253 Rithaura Khurd h2 230 Shhjahanpur (RurAl) 273 302 Tarbiyatpur Shumali 29& 259 Rupra iSi 281 Shahkul ipur 250 303 Tatina 92 260 Rustampur Bhikulld 15.'; 282 Shahpu! 111 304 Tigri ~2

2S1 Sadarpur 118 233 Shah pur Kbader 164 305 Tohfapuf 214: ZC2 Saidipur Sadipul' ;;,} 207 231 Shahpur Sultanpur i41 306 Zafarpur Nag\! m Ramnagar 1St VIUAGE

£-),{AWANA T.o\HStL AM'£SITIES AND Amenities available within the yillage Loe •• lion Total afea Code Name of Village No. or the Post Yillage EducatiClnal Medical p{lw~r Drin\ing Communi· & Staple Food (in acres) IUpply water cations Tele,ra,pll

S 5 8 Ie

Mandwari 4:~ 6 JBS (I) UP,W KR Wheat &.lticc

! Gudu::lilo :67 HP,W KR Wheat &; Rice

! B.!.tilllur 1,5G6 JBS (1) IIP,W ER Wheat &. Rice

4: Gadina 1.632 lBS (l) E HP,W PO Wheat & Rice

i Klnd~la 504 'Ullillhabit~d

i Kundu 413 jBS (1) E HP,W Wh a' &; Rice

Pin Ii 299 HP,W Wheat &. Ric~

8 ~anautll 709 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat &; Rice

9 PhalaJd~ (1'/\'1 36 JBS(3) SBS(l) HP,W PR PO Wheat &. Gram

10 Phal., .. d, 2,600 JES (I) E HP,W PR WhC:\1 & C:?rn

11 Amroii Urt ~araiaolil 510 JBS:l) SBS(I) HP,W PR Wheat &; Rice

a Nail. Katu 513 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

U Kairu 791 JBS (I) HP,W KR pg Wheat &: Rice

l4 Gailon", lilt JBS (I) HP,W K'R Wheat &. Rice

15 N1iOi ! i66 ]BS (I) HP,W Wheat & Rice

16 Ahmadl'ur U1 iand~OiU 551 JBS (1) HP,W Wheat & Rice

17 Khattl 852 JUS (1) Hr,W Wheat &. Ric~

18 Kh.alid,lhlr 8:8 JES (1) H?,W Wheat & R'ce

19 Ranaw;::i i 019 JES;I) SIlS (I) HP,\V Wheat & Rice 20 Rampu~ Gh,)ri:;, 56l JBS (I) H?:N Wheat & Rice

21 1'aUliwali JiG jBS 0) HP.W Wheat &. Rice

22 Mirpuf 423 HP,W Wheat & Rice 23 Akbarpur Sarlat 1,B'j9 JUS (I) HP,W Wheat & Rice

24 Ana 1,177 JES (1) HP,W Wheat &. R:c~ 2S Jhunjbud 1,671 JBS (I) Jl. HP,S PR PO Wheat & Rice m DIRECTORY

LAND USB Remarb Land lISe (i. c•• area UDder different typea or land UK in acrea 0., or cia,. including rounded to the nelreal unit) of the any p'\~ce L~I I Nearest toWD market/hat. of rehglOUI. Uon Area not and distancc if IDY. historical or Code Un· Cultivable available for (inKm.) bcld in the archaco- No. Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste cultivation village logical interest

11 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18

_. T(226) C(56) TW(170) 55 95 40 Alawana (16) T

,. T(152) 0(58) TW(94) 76 18 21 Mawana (16) 2

... T(I,359) C(896) TW(463) 30 45 132 Mawana (14) M ~ 4 ... T(I,193) 0(332) W(861) 70 192 . 177 Mawana (12) Uninhabited 5 ". T(I40) TW(7) W(133) 43 174 147 Mawana (9)

... T(225) TWE(134) W(91) 29 142 22 Mawana (9) EA 6

... T(263) C(161) W(SI) TW(21) 14 21 Mawana (!I) 7

... T(547) 0(217)W(224) TW(I06) 41 S2 &9 Mawana (12) Monday T.M 8

T(28) W(2B) 10 48 Mawana (12) Wcdncsday, T,M 9 Saturday ... T(1,495) 0(854) TWE(641) 732 133 240 Mawana (12) M,EA 10

... T(I,007) 0(800) W(76) TW(lSI) 103 77 123 Mawana (4) Monday T,M 11 12 .. , T(434) 0(85) TW(I99) W(150) 14 27 38 Mawana (10)

... T(694) 0(424) TW(49) W(171) 7 5 85 Mawana (10) T 13 14 ... T(689) 0(452) TW(226) Will) 22 S5 68 Mawana (12) Tutsday T,M 15 ... T(644) 0(635) TW(8) W(l) 32 16 74 Mawani!. (14)

Mawani!. (13) T 16 ~. T(457) 0(408) TW(28) W(21) 19 11 64 17 ... T(710) 0(488) W(lll) TW(lI!) 53 24 65 Mawana (11) Friday T,M 18 ... T(720) C(6lS) TW(44) W(53) 31 13 54 Mawana (9) T 19 ." T(824) C(65l) TW(j2) W(121) 85 18 111 Mawana(12)

... T(431) 0(340) TW(79) W(12) 49 4:1 40 Mawana (12) 20

I T,M 21 ... T(620) 0(459) TW(llS) W(43) 43 5 ~8 Mawana. (10)

... T(SI'i) C(127) TW(175) W(IS) 7B 7 23 Mawana (12) 22

... T(I,146) C(817) TW(300) W(29) 491 28 234 Mawana (9) T,M 23 T 24 ". T(938) 0(662) TW(228) W(9S) 50 21 liS Mawana(9)

16{J MaW'1l1 (9) IA 25 '" T(I,361) C(710) TWE(590) 101 50 156 VILL!\GE


Amenities available withill the village

Loca- Total ---""\ tilln Area Codf --- Namt of Vill agt or the fun No. village Educational MedIcal Powel Drinking Communi. &. Staple Food (In acres) supply waler calioUI Telegrapb

4 6 9 10

~ Kaula 499 ]BS(I} HP,W Wheat&. Rice

27 Kaul 2,000 JUS (2) SBS (I) ... HP,W KR PO Wheat&. Rice

28 Dedupur 537 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

29 Saihoti 313 JBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat &. Rice

30 Nag!a Harer() 543 ]BS (I) HP,W PR Wheat &. Rice

31 Nagla Aizdi 157 HP,W PR Wheal &. Rice

32 Pilon a 633 jBS (2) HP,W PR PO Wheat &. Rice

33 Bahzadka 302 JBS (I) HP,W Wheat & Rice

M Salarpur 931 Uninhabited

3) 1,660 lBS(2) SBS[I) ... HP,W PR PO Wheal &. Rice

36 Jhiniharpur 506 JBS ;1) HP,W Wheat &. Rice

37 Akheypur 434 HP,W Wheat &: Rice

33 Bisaula 1,380 JBS (I) E WH,P Wheal &. Rice

39 BhagwanptlT 714 JBS (I) E HP,W Wheat &. Rice

40 Paharpur 598 JBS (1) E HP,W Wheat & Rice

41 Dudhli Banger 386 HP,W Wheat &. Rice

42 NagH ha 573 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat &. Rice

·H Bana 1,139 jIlS(2) SBS(t) E HP,W PR PO Wheat &. Rice

44 Phitkeri I,m .lBS (2) HP,W PO Wheat &. Rice

45 Sandhan 727 ]8S(2) SIlS(I) HP,W Wheat & Rice

46 Mawana Khurd 1,611 ]BS(2) SBS(2) E HP,W PR PO Wheat &. Rice

47 Raphan 52l JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

48, Katra 280

49 Bhainla 2,078 JBS(l)'SBS(2) .. HP,W n Wheat &. Rice

50 Kheri Manibar 959 .J1}~ (1) E HP,W PR Wheat &. Rice 137 DIRECTORY


L d /. ' RtmiUb an use, I. e.• aru under di'ferent types or land use in acree rounded to Day or days including the neareat unit) of the lny place Loea ,.__ ._____ J,, ______----. Nearest town market/hal, or religious. tiuD Area and distancc if any. historical or Code Un. Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the archaeo- No. Foret! Irrigated irrigated Waste for villalt logical cultivation interest 17 IB II 12 13 \4 15 16

26 ... T (39~) C (393) 27 14 65 Mawana '6) 27 ... T (1,654) C (1,654) 134 51 156 Mawana (6) 28 ~. T (457) C (457) 26 9 45 Mawana (9) 29 T (660) C (660) 40 17 96 Mawana (9) Sunday M 20 ~. T (479) C (479) 25 ~6 53 Mawana (4)

M 31 ... T (129) C (129) 7 20 Mawana (8) T 32 ... T (467) C (467) 13 57 96 Mawann (8) 33 ••• T (255) C (255) 38 Maw:ma (8) l'ninhabited 34 T (827) C (811) TW (16) 52 18 8~ Mawana (6) 35 T (1,396) C (551) TW(538) (W307) 21 59 18~ Mawana (7)

... T (4{)5) C (387) TW(IR) 8 42 51 Mawana (9) S7 ... T (244) TW(S4) W (160) 56 102 S39 Mawana (8)

282 Mawana (12) T.M,EA sa ... T (759) TWE(476) W(28~) 134 205 T.EA 59 ... T (408) TWE(234) W (174) 93 83 160 Mawana (a)

63 Mawana (12) T,IA 41 ••• T (454) C(132) TWE(142) W(ISO) 28 53

20 Mawana (9) H' T (338) C (328) W(IO) 20

55 Mawana (9) ... T (346) C (53) TWE(J60) W(133) 29 93

224 Mawana (10) T.EA 43 ... T (654) TWE (295) W (395) 68 193

60 Mawana (8) T.M 44 ... T (980) C (440) TW (540) 35 252 9 Mawana (8) 45 T (63~)C(400) TW (232) 15 71

173 Mawana (6) T,M,EA ~ ... T (1.290) C(513) TWE(357) W(420) 6S 83 41 Mawana (5) T,EA 47 ... T (440) C (256) W(SS) TWE(126) 32 S 16 Mawana (3) Uninhabited -48 ... T (240) C (420) 22 2 180 Mawana (4) Thur.day T,M 49 :.. T (1,777) C(I,604) TW(24) W(149) 82 59 92 Mawana (21) EA SO ... T (780) C (721) TWE(59) 56 26 138 VtLUGI

5-MAWANA TAHSIL AMENITIES AND Amenitiea available within the villafC

Loca· Total liOD area Code Name d Village of the Post No. village EducationAl Medical PtJwer Drinking Communi: & Staple Food (in acr~) lupply water catioD' Telegraph

6 10

51 Nimka Hasharmpur 581 Uninhabited

52 Tigri 397 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wbeat & Rice

53 Mllbarikpur 665 JBS(I) HP,W Wheat & Rice

54 Saidipur Seth 486 JBS (I) HP,W Wheat & Rece

55 Mawana Rural 4,663 E HP,W PR,KR PO Wheat &Rice

56 Dhikaouli 782 ]IlS (1) E HP,W PR PO WheAt & Rice

57 Kishanpur Birana 496 JBS (1) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

58 Alawalpur 174 Uninhabited

.;9 Atora 817 JBS (2) HP,W Wheat & Rice

~O Kherki Jadid 456 ]BS(I) HP,W Wheat & Rice

61 Jandheri 659 JBS (2) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

62 Tatina 1,056 JBS (1) HP,IY PR Wheat & Rice

63 Sathia 2,199 JBS (1) HP,W Pi{ PO Wheat & Rice

64 Rampur Gaonri -Hl9 HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

65 Bahadaypur 1,005 JBS (1) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

66 Nasirpur 990 lBS (1) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

67 Khai1o.hera 556 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

68 Seena 877 ]BS (I) HP,W PI{ Wheat & Rice

69 Gudha 1,526 HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

70 Humayunpur 1,006 jBS (I) HPW PR,KR Wheat & Rice

71 Akbarpur Ichhabad 574 JES (I) HP,W Wheat & Rice

72 Akbarpur Garhi 2,161 HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

73 Gajraula. 279 HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

74 Meewa 1,273 JBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

75 Mataura 650 JBS(l) SBS(I) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice IS9 DUt.EctORY

LAt"D m,l\ Remark! including Lallci UK (i. C" a.rt. unCtr ,!jffrffnt typel or land in acrc, in na, Of dllY' U8~ tou!ld~d lUY place Loea, the DC,'UI ullit) of the ,...... _. __...., Near~t !OWII marketlha!. of religious, tiOIl Area and distance if "ny. historical of Cod. Un. Cultiva.ble lIot available (in Km.) held in the arehaco- No, foretl Irrigated itrigated Walle tor ,il\ale logical cultinlioo Wlere,' i7 II 12 15

Mawana (3) .' Uniull-abited 51 T(519) C(507) TW(12) 35 24 Mawana (4) 52 - T(326) C(326) 3 14 H Mawana (4) 53 T(515) C(365) TW(14) W(8) 59 14 17 Mawa.na (3) 54 '1'(.3') C(433) 16 ~ 33 EA 55 '1'(2,962) C(2,ISS) TW(655j W(1I9) SOj 16 sao Mawaoi (0)

T 56 '1'(625) C(344) TW(270) W,21) 25 21 III Mawana (2) T )7 1(421) C(lOl) TW(155) W(165j 2S • 41 Mawana (5) Mawana(5) ... Uninhabited 58 1(153) TW(i53) 9 12 MawanI (6) 'T 59 1(63';) C(30~) W(t61) TW(213i S6 22 13 60 37 MawanI'. (5i T no T(40:) C(30) W(7) 1W(300) 1I

),lawana (6) ~, tit T(576) e(S5} W(311) TW(179) 18 ti 59 Mawana (5) T 61 T(565) C{i47) W(\8) !9S 12 86 Mawall& (5) .M"I:Gf." T,M 63 T(l,C03)C(SIl) W(\9:!) 9tJ 49 207 Mawana (6) T 64 T(320) C(320) 41 4 44

Mawana (i)j &A 6:i T(877) C(3931 W(193) TWS861 8 32 aa

66 Mawani !(I) T(782) C(655) TW(121: 92 U 81 67 Mawana (~) T(44I) C(353) TW(88) 62 53 61 Mawan~ 0) '£ T(71S) C(39:l) TW(322) 55 17 SO Mawana (9) 69 228 T(620) C(41) TW(579) 259 19: 218 Mawana (8! 10 102 T(3~6i e(5) TW(351) W(37; 199 129 2~O

Mawanll.(6) t 70 T(210) C(26) TW(ISt) 9i 81 In 'I Mawani (9'; T » 131 T(ts) C(l17) TW(119) 1,015 51)6 273 MawanI!. (0) J$ T(198) C!49) TW(149) 5U 9 22 T 14 1(569) C(393) W(176) 555 68 81 ~lawalll (~)

)'bwanl(~) 1 15 T(470) C(3[2) TW(158) S4 23 7$ 140 VIllAGE

S.... MAWANA .TAHSIL A.\{E:'IITI!S AND Amcnitiel available withiJl tbe vi!hge toea· Total tion Area Cod, Name or Villqt or the POtt No. \fill agc EdllCltillul Medical Power Drinking Communi. &. Staple 100II (ill lCttI) lupply water c:ationa Tdelraph

2 • 5 6 8 9 10

76 Nli!a Zari! 620 Uninhabited

71 Kuri Kamalpur 722 JDS (I) HP,W PR Wheat &. Rice 76 Bahorupur 338 HP, W PR Wheal &. Rice

79 Daryapur 463 JBS(I) HP,W PR Wheat &. Rice

!O Nahra Wali 58~ JES {I) HP.W PR Wheat &. Rice

!Ii Dhumo ~:ra&ti 271 HP,W PR Wheat &. Rice 87 Alipur Morna 2.6l4 JBS (1) HP, W PR PO Wheat &. Rice 85 Dayalp:u 77B JBS (IJ HP,W PR,KR Wheat &. Rico M Khore Ahir 632 Unir.habit.:d Il Khore Rai 483 JBS (i) HP, W K'. Wheal &. Rice

86 Ikwara 2,149 HP.W Wheat & Rice

17 Gajupura 1,050 HP,IN Wheat &. Rice 88 ShaidPJr Karamchand. 491 JllS (1) HP,W Wheat &. R'cc plU B~ Nai Pootha 247 Uninhabited

00 Na~la Chand 355 HP,W Wheat & Rice

91 Pa,li 5j3 JBS 11) HP,W Wheat & Rice 92 Palra 974 HP,\'{ PR Wheat & Rice

93 Nalla Afjalpur Ur/Rani 803 JUS (i) HP,W PR Wheat &. };ice

~ Ganeshpur 1,293 JBS(2)SBS(! ) E HP, W PR PO Wheat &. Rice

95 Hlzr~.tpur [69 Uninha bited

!l6 BhOj[l:Jl i61 Uninhabited

97 Kari:np'lf 7- 0 J~ JBS (I) E HP,W P')h Wheat &Rice 99 Bhindora 628 JBS (I) HP, W PR Wheat & Rice

99 Ramapur 490 JBS (I) E HP,W P""' Wheat &Rice 100 MaJ.ha:l Naill 809 JRS (I) E HP.W PR \\'he at & Rice HI DIRECTORY

LAND USB Rematu Land use (I. e. aTea und~r difretent types of land UIC in acres rounded to Day Of daY' includiol tbe ne,Helt Ijnit) of the lny pi ace LocI. ,....------..;._------"l Nearflt town maf'trt/1IoJ 0' religious, don Area and distance i( any. hiltoricalor Cod. Un- Cultivable not available (in KIn.) held in the arcb leI> No, rorest Irrilated Irrigated W

... T(~~7) C(m) 122 13 43 Mawana (3) '" Uninhabited 76

T(579) C~515) TW(58) W(S) 20 13 110 Mawana(2} 77

T(2~7) C(216) TW(21) 40 H S7 Mawana (3) 78

79 H. T{31S) C(284) TW(29) 78 29 43 Mawlona (6) T

... 1(131) C(397) TW(3~) 61 42 51 Mawana (7) T 80

... 1(201) C(201) 2~ 11 27 Mawana(7) 81

S37 T~6:6) C(~22) TW:I94) I,Lil 162 338 Mawana (7) Wednesday 82

135 T,IlO) C(i09) W:I) 403 49 8\ Mawana (8) 83

233 1(73) C(76) 20~ 41 71 Mawana (8) ... . Ullinhabited 84

75 T(1l2) C(U:) 2:4 '-,., 55 Hastin apur (6) M BS

NO T(521) C(5to) TWOl) 85) 53') 22~ Hastinapur (7) 86

... T(84) TW(81) S60 420 186 Hastinapur (3) 87

T(95) C(92) TK:3) 297 59 60 Haslinapuf (4) 88

... T(a9) e(7S) TW(71) 6:> 4 9 Haltin.par (4) Uninhabited 89

T(276) C(272) TW(4) S6 7 S6 Hastinapur (5) 90

T(271) C(27J) 2H 21 017 Mawana (6) T 91

... T(722) C(40J) TW(319) 176 23 53 Mawana (5) 92 ... T(%6) C(348) TW(IIS) 2:6 50 61 Mawana(6) 95

... T(I,C2~) C(95I) W(6~) 125 87 III Mawana (5) T 94

... T(86) C(aG) 72 s 8 Mawana (3) ... Uninhabited 95

23 6 Mawana (3) Uninhabited 96 " T; 132) C{132) ...

... T(5221 C(416) \\'(83) 1WZ(68) 15~ 23 54 Mawana(6) EA 97

1(463) C(463) 113 5 47 Mawana (6) 911

... T(305) C(2ll) TW:94) 112 17 56 Mawana(8) T 99

1(452) C(J12) TWE:3jD) 72 21 m Hastinapur (2) EA 100 142 VILLAGF..


Amtllitict ,,,liable with!n tlJ.e Yillagt ~ .. Total don area Cod, NalllC rl Villal' of the Post No. ,ill age ldacational Mecllc&1 Power Drinking COmlDlJlIi· & StAple Food (in acrea) tupply water cationa Telegraph

+ ,; 6 B 9 1(:

101 'I'ajpura 787 HP,W PR Wheat &. Maile

W2 Bir Khera 610 Uninhabited

103 BasI Veeran 421 HP,W Wheal &. Rice

104 Shamashpur 713 JBS(I) SBS(l) E HP,W PR Wheal & Rice

105 Rajupur 245 Uninhabited

106 1,35) JBS(2) SBS(l) E HP,W PR PTO,Phone Wheat &Gram

Wi Mahmudpur Sikbera 2,167 HP,W KR Wheat & Graro'

lOa Daulatpur UrfMalip;o, 632 HP,W PR Wheat &Gram

109 NagH Kbadar 383 HP,W PR Wheal & Gram

\10 Gair~uli 26l HP,W KR Wheat &. Gram

III Shahpur 1,442 E HP,W KR "''heal & Rirx

:12 Batauli 1,049 JBS (I), B HP,W KR Wheat &. Rice

113 Fatcbpur Hansapllr 510 E HP,W KR Wbeat &Rife

114 ]eetplJf 219 \)ainhabited

115 Mod Kalaa 72+ JBS (1) E H?,W KR Wheat & Gram

116 Moh

lla Sadarpur 400 HP,W PR Wheai &Ri~

119 Jam31pur ~bghraj 349 Uninhabited

;.2(! Mohlmmacipn lined m HP,W 'Nhe at & Rice

121 Jolalpuf Rona\ali ~Q2 U"iuhc.bitcd

122 Saifp~r Firozl,lur 3,100 E HP,W PR PQ,PhotlC Wheat & Gum

123 Sujatpu~ 379 HP,W PR Rice &: WheAt

124 Manpur 597 HP,W PR Jtice & Wheat

125 Fatehpu! Prem 1)!1i HP Rice &: Wheat DIRECTORY

LAND USB Remar ... including any place Loea· of religious. tiOD Area historical or Code Un· Cultivable not available archaeo- No. Foreal Irrigated irrigated Waste for logical cuitivaliOll interest 11 12 15 14 15 Ii 17 18

101 T(526) TW(6) C(512) W~8) 18.5 9 67 Hastinapur (3) t39 T(257) 0(196) W (61) 168 SO 16 Hastinapur (3) Uninha.bited 102

T(297) C(265) W{31 J 79 '4 ~I HaslinapuT (3) 103

T(533) C(346) TWE1187) 89 19 72 Hastinapur (3) T,M 104

T(l87) C(IM) TW(2) 44 2 10 Hastin apur (5) Uninhabited 105

T(J,095) e(rSI) TWE(22) W(193) 26 27 W6 Hastinapur (6) Wcdnelday T,M,E'" 106

~!4 T(506) C(282) TW(17) W(7) SIS 40 89 Ha.tinapur (6) 107

371 23S 22 Hastinapur (3) 108

T(7) W(7) ~~l 21 24 Hastinapur (N.A,) 10~

m 12 17 Hastinapur (8) 110

Haslir;apuf (9] 'r,EA 111 P. T(895) C(336) TWE(S59) SS8 21 132

T(673) C(838) 'TWE(335) 270 27 19 HP.stinapur (9) T,M,£"\ m:

T(415) 0(238) TWE[I i7J 52 11 52 Haslinapur (5) EA ll!

T(114) TWE(lU) 78 23 4 Hastinapllr (6) Uninhabited !a

T(249) 0(73) TWE(175l g~2 88 45 Ha5tinapur (8) T,EA 115

116 T(389) C(389) 21 u ~O Ha~tinapUT (91

T(327) C(327) 51 14 58 Haitinapur (8i 117 118 T(394) C(3l*) 42 9 ~5 Has!inapuf (8)

1(90) C(?O) 215 34 9 Hastinapur (8) Uninhabhcd 119 12. :25 T(198) C(121) W(i7) ~5S 72 ~2 Haslinapllf (9)

993 T(228) C(75) TW(153) 16l 29 11 Hastinapur (8) Uninhibited 121

T(333) C(200) TW(3S) TWE(IOO) 1,527 251 719 Hal1inapur (10) Saturday T,EA 122

~2i SO 23 Hallinapur (10) ... 123

545 22 SO HasMnapur (10) 124

56~ 9G M Hastinapur (10) 125 144 VILLAGB

S-MAWANA TAHSIL AMENITIES AND Amcnitiea available within the 'illage Loea- Total tion Area Cod, Name or Villa .. of the Post No. tillage Education&1 Medical Power Drinking Communi· & 81aplc loot (in acrel) lupply waler cations Telcgrapll

3 t ~ 5 1 8 9 tt

125 Belll ',449 HP,W KR Wheat & Rict 121 Bhuwa S6~ Uninhabited 118 Sherpur 934 HP, Wheat&. Rice 129 Haripur 564 HP,W KR Wehal &. Rice 130 Bha!opur 761 Uninhabited

13i Dabkheri 417 Uninhabited 132 Par5apur Hasapur S62 HP,W Wheat &. Rice 133 Rithaura Kala~ 658 JBS (I) HP,W Maize &. Rice 134 Rupra 434 HP,W PR Wheat &. lIhil¢ 13S Balllllaula 213 Cninhabited

136 Kunhcra 917 JIlS (I) W,HP PR Wheat &. Rice 137 Chamrod 952 HP. Vi PR Wheat & Rice 138 Tarapur 328 jBSi J) HP,W PR Wheat &. Rice 139 Fazalpur 184 HP,W PR Wheat & Ric=

14Q Sar~.i Khadcr 848 jES(I) HP,W PR Wheal &. Rice

1f! Shanpur Suh:!.npuf 552 Uninhabited

142 Rithaura Kburd ~3 JBS(I) H2, W PR Wheal &. Rice 14S Bamnauli 245 .JllS(l) SES(I) HP,Vi PR Wheat &. Rice !44 Aidalpur 236 HP. W PR Wheat &. Rice 145 ]harab, 282 HP, W PR Wheat & Ri,~

146 Kanaar Khen. 362 H?,W PR Wheat & Riec \t 147 Latifpur 452 JBS (1\ B(" HP W PR PO Wheat &. Ric~

148 Pathanpura 212 UnInbabitld 149 Hastinapur Korwaa £65 E TWE,HP, W PR Wheat &. Rice 150 Haitinapur Pandawatl 1,643 E TWE,HP. Vi pa Wheal & Rice 14i DIRECTORY

LAND USB Rem arb Day or daY' including Land UIC (I. c. area under diCfercnt types of Iud UIC ill &crca rounded to LOCI· thc ucarett umt) ofthc any place Nearest town market/1IDI of rchgioUi. don Area and distance if any. historical or Code NOt UII- Cultivable lIot available (in KIn.) held h~ tho &rcblC~ lORiea\ Forcat Irrigated lrriga.ted Waste fot villaae cuitiva.tloo Illtcl'Clt 18 11 12 13 14 15 t~ 11

126 ~S9 77 1,133 Hastinapur (II) 121 23 2 341 Hastinapur (11) Uninhabited 128 421 115 398 Hastinapur (11) 129 460 82 22 Has:inapuf (10)

5j5 18') 21 Hastinapur (10) Uninhabited 130

tl uillhabited 131 S65 37 14 HastinapUf (10) 132 255 90 17 Hastinapur (10) 133 477 126 55 l:Iastina pur (S) 134 387 12 3j Hastinapur (5)

IS) 9 9 HaJtinapur (3) Uninhabited 135

136 T(13)TW(J 19) 54 77 Hastinapur (8) 131 7-1:5 133 n Hastinapur (9: IS8 269 IS 116 Hastillap:Jt (9) 139 159 10 15 HastinapurOO) 1«) 20 1(11) TW(ll) 'iSs 16 43 Hastinapur (Hi

Uninhabited 141 507 23 22 Haslinapur (6,)

SS, 46 44 Hastinapur (8) 142 liS 173 41 25 Hastinapur (~) 144 210 ~ 17 Hastinapul (5)

249 22 II Haslinapur ($) 14l

:29 Haltinapur (3) 146 ~. 316 17 141 !50 53 49 HaitinapUf (5) ...

152 H 13 Hastinapur (3) Unillhabited 148 T.EA B9 2 T(123) TWE(1l7) \\1(6) i2D 329 48 Hastinapur (2) T,EA 150 ... 1(177) C[42) TWE(I'S) W(7) 1165 '18 188 Haltinallur (2) 14~ VILLAGE


Amenities .nilable within the villige

Lac'. Total tion area Cod. Name of Villa.e or tbe POll 'No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking CommunI- &. Staple food (in acres) lupply watet cation. Telellrapla

2 4 6 8 9 IS

151 Jala![luf MaqboQlpur ~9) ~;:P,W 'PIt Wheat &. Rice

l52 Dudhali Khadcr 1,02B JBS ;1) Hp,W FIt Wheat & RiGO

153 Khizarpur 378 Uninhabited

15+ Paharpur Qutub m l'ninhabitcd

155 Rustampur Bhlund 1,337 Hp,W PR Wheal & Rice

156 Kishanpur Khader 142 HP,W PR "" 'ell & Rice

i~7 Cahlpur 333 Hp,W PR Wheal & Rice

158 Bahbalpur 375 Uninhabited

159 Sirzaipur 870 JllS (1) Hp,W KR Wheat & Rice

160 Lalpur 453 HF,W KR Wh~at & Rice:

161 Hldipur Gaorlli 92B dP,W KR Wheat & Rice

162 Jamllpur Gacnti 937 Uninbabited

Wheat & Ricl> 163 Manoharpur 1,371 ,.' HP,W KR

154 lihahpur Khader 199 Uninhabited

165 Budhwi 711 ... l'l.P,W K! Wheal &. ltice

166 IlCKlhws 1,049 JBS (1) H.P,W Kl't Wheal & Ric~

Wheat & Rice J67 Kheri Kalan 1,445 ." t'lp, W KR

16S Kheri ~htlrd 501 Ullil1h3cbited

169 Seemla 534 l)ninh"bited

110 Bastrutl NalHang 1,389 JB,) (1) Hp,W KR Whrat & Rice

171 Paharput Rar.: 114 Vninhabittd

172 .uarrpur 1,;;43 Uninhab;ted

113 Malr.hdumpur ~56 JBS (1) ... tiP,\\, KR Wheat &; Rice

Wheat &. Riee lH Manipuf 5S6 ' .. II P,W PR

175 Kilhorepur 1,360 JBS (1) .. HP,'." PR,KR Wheal&: Ric. 147 DIRECTOR\'

LAND USB Remarb Land use (i. e•• area under different types of land ule in acrel Day or daya including 0{ the any pl~ce L~a rounded to the nearest unit) • 1 Neareat town market/hat. of relig1ou6. Ilon Area Dot and distance if any. historical or Code Un. Cultivable available for (in Km.J beld in the arcbaeo- No. Forest cultivation village logical Irrigated irrigated Waste interett 18 II 12 IS 14 15 16 17

151 312 233 50 Hastinapur (3) 152 694 248 Bfi Hastinapur (8) Uninhabited 153 273 85 20 Hastinapur (6) Uninhabited 154 317 31 '21 Hastinapur (5) 155 1,143 148 46 Hastinapur (5)

155 106 19 17 Hastinapur (5) 157 355 12 21 Hutinapur (8) Uninhabited 158 345 8 22 Has(inapur (8) 159 377 55 40.8 Hastinapur (13) 160 135 6 312 Hastinapur (13)

161 644 172 122 Hastinapur (10) Uninhabited 1 2 390 16 31 Hastinapur (8) 163 673 52 646 Hastinapur (9) Uninhabited 164 174 14 l! Hastinapur (8) 16) 443 47 221 Hastinapur (10)

\(is (JiO 226 153 HMtinap\lT (II) 167 933 m las Hastinapur (13) Uninhabited HiS 381 102 27 Hastinapur (8) Uninhabited 169 189 247 77 21 Hastina pllr (8)

l{jj (10) EA 170 17 T(61) TWE(61) 1,056 150 Hastinapur

Uninhabited J7l 59 52 3 Hastinapur (18)

Hastinapur (13) Uninhabited 172 125 T(47) W(17) TW(30) 797 146 228 173 210 146 Haltinapur (11)

HlIItin ap~r (11) m T(20) W(20) 4()8 26 132 175 644 53 663 Hastinapllr (11) 148 VILLAGE


Amenities available within the village Loca· __-A Total ~ tion Area Code N"me of Village 0{ the Post NIJ. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Commllui. &. Staple Food (In acres) supply water calions Telegrapb

3 5 6 10

176 Duptdi Chao 502 Uninhabited

177 Jalalpur Zora 1.533 HP,W PR,KR Wheat &. Gram 178 Hatupura 606 HP,W KR Wheal & Gram 179 Mirzapur 2,621 HP,W KR Wheal & Gram 180 Akbarpur Khader 1,082 Uninhabited

HI! Aidalpur 1,114 Uninhabited

182 Mirpur Sadhonagal 1,064 HP,W Wheat & Rice 183 thar Kali 1,601 HP,W KR Wheat & Gram 1M Khanpur Garhi 3,312 HP.W KR Wheal & Gram 18:; Mahmudabad 526 HP,W KR Wheal & Gram

186 Shahbad Garhi 450 W,HP KR Wheal & Rice

187 Sultanpur Dabal 292 W,HP KR Wheat & Gram

188 Cesup"r Shu mali 796 W,HP KR Wheat &. Gram

189 Gesnpur Janubi 792 lBS (1) H(I) HP,W KR PO Wheat & Gram 190 Sheopuri 367 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

191 Shamshpur 849 HP,W PR Wheat & 11aize 192 Asifabad 491 ]ES (I) HP,W PR Wheal & Rice , 193 Baghpur 285 rninhabited

194 Narangpur 1,202 lBS (I) E HP.W PR Wheat & Rice

19') Jatola 320 ... HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

196 Muzaffarpur Khooti 505 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 197 Nimka 500 lBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 198 Aghwanpur 5,134 JBS (1) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize 199 Chhitwana Sherpur 1,460 ]ES(l) SB3(1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Gram

200 Anchi K.hurd 889 ]BS (I) HP,IV KR Wheal & Gram 149 DIRECTORY

LAND USE Remarks Land use (i. e., area under different types of Iud use in aerea rounded to D.yor daYl including the neareat unit) of the any place Loea· _------.... ______--- ... Neareat towo market(hat, of religious, (ian Area and diltance if auy, historica \ or Code Un- Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in tbe arcbae~ No. Forell Irrigated irrigated Waste ror villase logical cultivatioo interett

II 12 13 14 15 Ie 11 18

131 3n Mawana(13) Uninhabited 176 177 144 T(69) TW(69) BOO 200 320 Mawana (13) 178 139 255 135 66 Mawana (16) 179 ... T(59) TW(59) 239 2,313 Mawana (5)

260 822 Mawana (1&) Uninhabited ISO

iSI T(40) TW(40) 310 764 Mawana (14) Uninhabited 182 T(72) TW(72) 286 696 Mawana (16) 183 890 T(8) W(3) TW(5) 61 359 2S3 Mawana (14)

902 T(I) TW(l) 32 176 2,206 Mawana(16) 181

Mawana (14) 185 0" T(I) TW(I) 297 1M 124

99 315 36 Shahjahanpur (16) ... 186

T(7) TW(7) 82 72 131 Shahjahanpur (14) ... 187

.,. T(319) 0(200) TW(1l9) 335 s 134 Shahjahanpur (14) ... IS3

... T330( C(200) TW(l30) 188 160 114 Sbahjahanpur (14) n. T 189 ... T(280) C(158) TW(42) W(50) 49 31 Shahjabanpur (16) ... 190

... T(189) C(169) TW(20) 409 126 125 Mawana (22) 191

124 Mawana (24) 192 H' T(97) C(67) TW(30) 189 81

ll5 113 58 Mawana (18) Uninhabited 193

EA 194 ... T(676) C(~12) TWE(264) 235 139 152 Mawana(22)

... T(269) 0(121) TW(96) W(52) 24 5 28 Mawana (22) 195

- T(147) C(147) 225 85 48 ,Maw ana (22) 196 366 54 80 Mawana (22) E:\ 197 EA 198 .. T(I,968) C(818) TW(375) 'l'WE(11!l) 1,869 374 563 Mawana(22) 0(56) 199 ... T(891) C(442) TW(447) W(20) 381 52 136 Mawana (21) 200 ... T(475) C(364) TW(90) W(21) S36 78 Mawana (24) 150 VILLiG!

5-MAWANA TAHSIL AMENITIBS AND Amcnitica available withlu the villale Loea· Total tion area Code Name of Villallf of the No. Poat village Educational Medical PeJwer Drinking Communi· & Staple !.load lin acrtll) ,upply water cation, Telegrapb


201 Magla Gusain 2,753 JBS(l) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

202 ]ahingbpur 1,145 HSS(I) JBS',2) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

203 Anchi Kalan 414 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

204 Sikhera 116 JBS( ) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

205 Ehindwara 710 HP,W KR Wbeat & Maize

206 Poothi 2,845 SBS(I) JBS(t) HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

207 Saidipur Sadipu UIJRamnagar 322 JBS(I) E HP,W n Wheat & Maize

208 Bali I,Oj9 JBS(I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

209 Darveshpur 1,110 jBS(I) E W PR Wheat & Maiz.e

210 Rasu\pur Mansapur 312 Uninhabited

2Il Phanpur 714 JBS(l) SBS(I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Gram

212 Gazipur 366 JBS(I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Gram

213 Rampur Sadhunagli 318 E HP,W PR Wheat & Gram

214 Tohfapur 88 jBS(I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Glam

215 Shahzadpur 560 jllS(l) E HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

216 Nabipur Amanatnagar 1,014: F. HP,W KR Wheat & Grrm

217 Lalpur 398 JBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

218 Laglasahu 442 JES(I) E HP,W RR Wheat & Gram

219 Jai 959 JES(!) E HP,W PR Wheat & Gram

220 Son a 528 JES(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

221 Dhanpur 603 JBS(!) E HP,W PRiKR Wheat & Gram

222 Ahmadnagar Badhla 807 JES(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

223 Khajoori Algyarpur 2,200 JBS(3) E HP,W PR,KR Phone, PO Wheat & Rice

224 Rasulpur Ikla 486 JBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Gram

m Khanpoor Bangar B17 jBS(I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Gram 151 DIRECTORY LAND USB Remarks Day or daya including Land lilt (i. c., area under different types of land use in acret of the any place Loea rounded to tAe neareat unit) . Neare,l town market/hal, of religiout" liOIl I if any. historical or Code Area not and distance !acId ill the archaeo- ~o. Cultivable available for (inKm.) Un- village logical Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste cultivation interest

17 i8 11 12 15 14 15 16

Mawana (13) 201 T(775) C(775) 865 478 Mawana (II) 20l T(785) C(50B) TW(277) 243 117 Mawana (11) 203 T(252) C(252) 128 89 Mawana (11) 204 T(756) C(741) TW(15) 65 95 "" T 205 T(443) C(359) TW(82) W(7) 173 45 44 Mawana (8)

Mawana (II) Sunday 206 T(I,607) C(I,501) W(I02) T(K4) 904 109 225 Mawana (11) EA 207 11 T(397) C(337) TWE(60) 173 12 39 EA 2CS T(730) C(364) TWE(265) W(101) 244 16 89 Mawana (10) EA 209 T(99!) C(453)W(523) W(IS) 24 8 84 Mawana (11) Uninhabited 210 T(286) C(209) TW(5) W(72) 6 19 Mawana (10)

Tuesday EA 211 T(388) C(220) TWE(143) W,225) 47 15 &4 Mawana (II) EA 212 T(323) C(285) TWE(31) W(7) 2 4: 37 Mawana (Il) EA 213 T(278) C(218) TW(23) W(27) 7 7 26 Mawana (11) !A 214 T(739) C(J96) TWE(1l2) W(426) 35 11 102 Mawana (II) EA 215 T(489) C(403) TWE(65) W(21) 33 -4 54 Mlwana (11)

EA 216 T(819) C(269) TWE(575) W(35) 1I3 20 62 Mawana (10) EA 217 T(338) C(70) TWE(265) W(3) 17 10 33 Meerut (19)

M~erut (16) EA 218 T(3~7) TWE(300) W(47) 4 29 52 EA 219 T(768) C(300) TWE(238) TW(230) 110 81 Meerut (16) 220 T(415) C(214) TW(83) W(1l8) 53 8 52 Mawana (19)

221 T(473) C(139) TW(177) W(157) 68 9 53 Mawana (16) 2%2 T(722) TW(497) W(225) 41 12 32 }!eerut (14) SUlday EA 223 T(I,959) C(905) TWE(93~) W(120l 99 16 126 Mawana (14) EA 224 T(346) C(2) TW(296) W(48) 18 6 56 Mawana (11) iA 225 T(668) C(246) TWE(400) W(42) 54 5 70 Mawana (13) 152 VILLAGE

5,_MAWANA TAHSI1. AMENITIES AND Amenitiel available within the village Loca· Total --'--- tion Area Code Name or Villallc or the POit No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in acrea) supply water catioos Tdegraph

S 4 6 8 9 10

226 Paribhalgarh (T.A.) 53 JBS(3) HSS(I) ! HP,W PR PO Wheal & Gram 227 Parichalgarh (Rural) 3,019 JBS(I)SBS(2)HSS(I) ... E HP,W PR Wheat & Gram 228 Kabirpur 278 Uninhabited 229. Khatki 685 JBS (1) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 230 Dal'alpur 683 JBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

231 Amarsinghpur 846 JBS(2) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice 232 Sudatt 926 JBS(I) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Rice 233 Aimanpur 418 JBS (2) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

23~ Alamgirpur Badhla 1,514 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 235 Kailirampur 700 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

236 Raidbana 1,795 JBS (1) HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize 237 Aminabad UrfBarga 809 lBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 238 Govindpur 962 JBS (2) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 239 Muradgampur UrJ 429 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize Kuakhera 2~ Rahadara 66 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat &Maize

241 Qutubpur 5()3 Gninhabited

242 Maui 659 SBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

243 Chak Paswara. 221 Vninhabited

244 Paswara 1075 JBS (2) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Gram 245 Dadthala 1,081 JBS (1) E HP,W KR Wh~a! & Gram

146 Bchlolpuf 926 JBS (1) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 247 Alipur Alampur 662 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 248 Aitmadpur 868 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 249 Lut!ulIahpur Bakaar '50 E HP,W KR Wheat &Rice 250 Shahkuipur 567 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 153 DIRECTORY

LAND USE Remarkl Land use (I. e., are a under dirrerellt typel or Iand use in Ilcres rounded to Day or day! inc\udiug the nearest unit) of the any place Loca· Nearest toWll marketfhat, of religious, lion Area and di,lance if ant, historica.l or Code Un- Cultivable nol available (in Kro.l held in t e archae~ No, Forell Irrigated irrigated Waste {or vmale logical cultivatioo interell

II l2 13 14 15 Iii 17 18

5~ Mawana (6) Monday, 226 Tuesday T(2,200) C(I,700) W(SOO) 4tl 4Bl Mawana (6) 227

1(197) C(126) 1W(69) W(9) 4' 13 13 Mawana (16) Uninhabited 228

•• T(513) C(31O) TW(190) W(13) 100 5 67 Mawana (16) ~29

1(508) C(SS7) TW(155) W(16) 74 7 55 Mawana (21) 23()

1(589) C(335) TWE(248) W(6) 147 34 76 Mawana (12) EA 231

1(727) C(631) W(96) 126 26 57 Mawana (21) Sunday 232

T(578) C(423) TW(6) W(149) 61 6 73 Mawana (19) 233

T(1,I60) C(760) TW(400) SM 50 Shahjah.npur (10) ... 234

T(606) C(309) W(297) 169 15 Shahjahanpur (10) ... 235

T(I,126) C(754) W(372) 480 55 134 Shahjahanpur (8) Friday 236

T(671) C(644) W(27) 61 28 43 Shahjahlnpur (6) 237

1(851) C(527) TW(82)'W(242) 12 99 Mawana (22) Tuesday EA 238

T(367) C(232) TWE(89) W(46) 3 59 Mawana (21) EA 239 , 1(616) C(473)IW(143) 57 98 Shahjahanpur (10) ...... 24()

1(471) C(300) W{7ll) 32 Mawana (16) Uninhabited 241

T(460) C(120) TWE(260) W(80) 135 64 Mawana (13) EA 242

T(206) C(206) 14 Mawana (16) Uninhabited 243

T(755) C(310) TWE(99) TW(296)W(50) 1~2 198 Mawana (22) EA 244

T(978) C(175) TWE(700) W(103) 28 75 Mawana (19) EA 245

T(760) C(680) W(SO) 78 31 58 Mawana(18) 241

T( 8-) C(208) TWE(302) W(76) 23 53 Mawana (21) ,,, EA 242

'£(782) C(i30) TWE(252) 20 66 Meerut (19) EA 243

T(600) C(400) TWE(200) 50 Meerut (18) ,n 'EA 14i

T(502) C(352} TWE(150) 27 3S Meerut (19) ... If. 250 154 flLt.AGI

5-MAWANA TAHSlL AMENITIES AND Amenitiet available withln the villallc Loea. Total lion area Code Name of Village of the Post No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food (in acres) lupply water cationl Telegraph

6 8 9 10

251 Harsinghpur 284 Uninhabited

252 Mubarakpur 205 JRS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

253 Baroda 676 Uninhabited

254 Kayasth Badha 1,295 JBS (2) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 255 Manpur 716 JBS (1) E HPW, KR Wheat & Maize

~56 Singhpur 565 ]ES (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 257 Khandra Wali 849 JBS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat & Mai2!e 2jB Amehra Sani 453 E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 259 Bhatipura Manakpura. 1,504 JBS (2) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize 260 Meghrajpur 629 ]BS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

261 Rachhoti 2,107 HSS:l) JBS (2) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize 262 Hasanpur 1,433 JBS (2) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

263 Amarpur Mazra Khandra 482 JBS (2) E HP,W PR Wali Wheat & Maize 264 Machhara 1,108 HSS(I) JBS(l) D(I) E HP,W PR PO SBS(I) Wheat & Maize 265 Nagli Abdullah 611 E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

266 Qasimpur 679 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 267 Mohammadpur Murad 1,147 E HP,W PR,KR pur Urj Sheoida Wheat & Maize 268 NagJi Kithorc 1,468 ]BS (1) E HP,W PR,KR Wheat & Maize

~69 Bahrorll 1,255 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 270 Tsapur 616 HP,W PR Wheat & Gram

271 Kithore 2,360 SBS(I) JBS(3) D(1) FC(I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice

272 Zafarapur Nagla 539 Uninhabited

273 Shahjahanpur (Rural) 1,478 Uninhabited

174 Nityanandpur 356 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maile m Fatehpur Narain 1,368 JBS (I)' E np,w KR Wheat & Mai~e 155 DIRECTORY LAND USB Remarks Day or days including Land use (i. e., area under different typel of land U1C in acres of the any place Loea rounded to the nCll'Clt unit) i"\ Nearell town market/hal, of religious, don Area not and distance if any. historical or Code held in the archaeoo Nih Un- Cultivable available for (inKm.) village logical Forest Irrigated itrigated Waste cultivation intereat 18 11 12 IS 14 15 16 17

Meerut (18) Uninhabited 2jl 1'(240) TWE(200) W(40) 3 41

1{) Meerut (19) EA 2.2 1(151) TWE(111) W(40) 4 4 Meerut (14) Uninhabited 253 1(496) TWE(~83) TW(94) W(19) 32 S6 112 Meerut (16) EA 254 1(1,011) TWE(l35) W(576) 173 1ll Meerut (21) EA 255 T(606) C(342) TWE(264) 24 18 68

EA 256 T(517) TWE(212) C(244) Will) 1 51 Mawana (21)

l{. Meerut (21) EA 257 T(694) TWE(6BI) W(IS) 80 61 Meerut (21) EA 258 T(405) TWE{S81) W(24) 9 10 29 Meerut (16) Friday EA 259 ... 1(1,244) 1WE(I,199) W(45) 94 21 145 EA 260 T(537) TWE(4{)8)W(129) 33 5 54 Meerut (14)

Sunday EA 261 T(1817) TWE(I,3'W) W(411) 11 96 177 Meerut (19) MEerut (18) EA ~62 T(I,238) TWE(I,238) 25 170 EA 263 T(415) TWE(407) W(8) 14 4 49 Meerut (19) Shahjahanpur (8) EA 264 1(858) TWE(800) W(58) 150 22 78 265 T(4{)O) TWE(4{)O) W(60) B6 30 35 Shahjahanpur (8)

EA 266 T(581) TWE(400) W(181) 32 66 Shahjahanpur (8) EA 267 1(1,000) C(170) TWE(800) W(30) 40 27 80 Shahjahanpur (8) .0' EA 268 T(I,loo) C(700) TWE(400) 246 12 110 Shahjabanpur (6)

EA ~69 T(854) C(400} TWE(300) W(I54) 300 10 91 Shahj ahanpur (10) ". EA 270 T(442) 0(278) 1WE(4) W(160) lOS 69 Sb ahjahanpur (3)

Shahjahanptlr (3) Saturday EA 271 T(I,121) C(I,095) 1WE(5) W(21) 9:9 310 Shabjahanpur (3) Uninhahited 212 T(421) C(300) 1WE(121) 1(}3 7 11 Uninhabited 273 T(I,069) C(679) TWE(63) W(327) 155 254 Shah;ahanpur (0) EA 274 T132Z) C(I43) W(125) TWE(54) 8 26 Shah; ahanpur (6) Shahjahanpur (3) , 275 T(I,OIO) C(95I) W(59) 229 .. 15& VILLAGE

S... MAWANA TAHSIL AMENl'flES AND Amenities available within the village Loca· Total tiDIl Area -- Code Nlme or Viii a,e of the Poal ND, village EducatiDnal Medical Power Drinking Communi. & Staple Food (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

S 6 10

276 Bhadolli Saidullahpur 869 IBS (I) HP lR Wheat &. Gram 277 Jllroda 1,806 ]BS (2) E HP,W PO Wheat &. Maize 278 Govindpur Shakarpur 626 JBS (I) Hi',W KR Wheal & Maize 279 Chandrawl VrJ Mahalwala 1,540 JBS(I)SBS(I) E HP,W KR PO Wheat &. Maize 280 Bh agwanpur Banger 736 jBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat &. Maize

2"'", ~awal Surajpur 668 IES (I) HP,W KR Wheat &. Gram 282 Sa!empur Nagla 243 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat &. Gram 283 Bondra 795 JBS(I) HP,W KR Wheat &. Gram 284 Atalpur 652 JBS (2) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 285 Lalyana 1,839 ]ES (2) HP,W KR PO Wheat & Gram

286 Chhuchai 973 ]BS(I)SBS(I) E HP,W KR .... Wheat &. Maize

287 Mahmudpur Sharqi 196 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

288 Mahmudpur Gbarbi 190 HP,W KR Wheal &. Maize

289 Kiratpur 379 HP,W KR Wheat &. Maize 2!l() Badshahpur 326 Uninhabited

291 Salour Rasupalah %1 ]BS (I) E HP,W KR Wlleat & Maize

292 Ibrahimpur 189 Uninhabited

293 Khan Wala 16 Uninhabited

294 Asilpur 2,369 ]BS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat & Mahe ,

295 Firo;pur 960 Uninhabited

296 . Saidullahpur 336 Uninhabited

297 . Tarbiyatpur Janubi 846 ]BS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

298 Tarbiyatpur:Shumali 1,019 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

299 Shahipur 917 HP,W KR Wheat &. Maize

SOO Sihnderpur 779 Uninhabited 157 DIRECTORY

LA.~D USE Remarb Land use (i. e., atea under different tYPCI of land UIC in ..erca rounded to Day or da,. including the DClreM unit) ortbe Iny place LocI' Ne arelt town market/fuJI, of religious, lion Arca and distance if a-:z' historical or Code Un· Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in c arehaeo- No, Yoreal Irrigated irriB'atcd Waltc rOt ,ill age logical cultivation iDtetca\ 11 12 IS 14 15 Iii 17 18

1(523) C(478) TW(32) TK(4) W(g) 274 72 Sb ahjahanpur (3) 276

T(I,372) TWE(&04) C(428) W(68) 246 48 140 Shahjahanpur (6) EA 277 TW(272) T(563) C(518) W(45) 62 Shahjahanpur (6) 278

T(I,303) C(303) 'fWE(311) W(189) 87 150 Shahjahanpur (3) Wednesday EA 279

T(544) C(416) TW(128) 139 9 H Shah jahanpur (8) 280

1(580) C(56J) Will) £D 68 Shahjahanpul (5) 281

T(219) C(131,TW(33)W(55) 7 s 14 Shahjahanpur (10) 282

T(669) C(SI3) TW(i21\ W(35) i3 10 63 SbahjahanpllI (10) 283

T(546) C(!50) TWE(96) 14 8 54 Mawana (24) 284

T(I,638) C(I,538) TW(50) W(50) 50 60 91 Shahjahanpwr (il) 285

T(643) C(187) 1W(239) TWE(153) W(64) 236 20 H Shahjahanpuf (13) EA 286

T(87) C(40) TW(47) 79 12 18 Shahjabanpur (14) 2117

T(124) C(24) TW(IOO) 43 14 {I Shahjahanpur (14) 288

l~O 189 70 Shahjahanput (13) 289

112 144 70 Mawana (19) Uninhabited 29)

T(298) TWE(222) TW(76) 287 183 193 Sbahjahanpur (13) EA 291

57 126 6 Meerut (14) Uninhabited 292

16 Mawana (16) Uninhabited 293

EA 294 .~. 1:1,071) TWE(!,071) 83~ 338 1~6 Shabjabanpur (11)

... 80 676 15~ Sbahjahanpur (14) Vninhabited 295

179 144 14 Mawana (22) Uninhabited 295

T(130) TW(124) W(6) 348 3N 4~ Shahjahanpul (13) 291

T(19) TW(9) 0(10) 218 712 70 Shabjahaopur (14) 298

T(60) TW(60) 195 452 210 Shahiahanpur (14) 299

779 Sh abjahanpu~ (18) Uninhabited 300 l~S VILLAGE

5-MAWANA TAHSIL AMl!NITIES AND Amenititl Inilable within the 'iIllilIt Loea· 'fotal tiOD area Code Name of Village of the Post No. village Educational Medicil Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in Icrea) lupply water cations Teltilraph

~ 6 g 10

301 Bhagwanpur Khader 787 Uninhabited

S02 Chandpur 86~ Uninhabited

S03 Bhogpur 563 Uninhabited

304 Askaripur 411 Uninhabited

305 Sarangpur 1,360 HP KR Wheat & Rice

306 Misripur 562 Of' HP KR Wheat & Rice 159 DIRECTORY


Remarks Land lilt (i. e•• area IIIIdcr different t}'Pel of land ute in acJ'Q Day or daft iPcluding rounded to lAc: DC&telt unit) Of the aoy place LocI Ne'l'llll tOWll Dlaiket/hQI. of religioUl, tioll Area not and distance if any, .historical or Code Un- rore •• Irrigated Cultivable available f()f (inKm.) beld in the arehaeo- No. irrigated Waste cultivation villaSt: logical interCit 11 12 15 14 15 16 11 18

224 T(57) TW(57) 1M 102 250 Shahjahanpur (14) Uninhabited 301

864 Shahjahanplir (10) Uninhabited 3G2

59 261 273 ShahJahanpur (11) Uninhabited 303

73 2i6 72 Sbabjahanpur (10) Uninba bited 304

T(l4) W(14) 450 824 72 Shabjabanpur (14) ~O5

T(S) W(S) 250 WI 59 Shahjabanpur (11) J06

6-Hapur Tahsil



81. Location Location Location No. Name of Villa~ Code 81. Code 81. Name of Village Code No. No. No. No. No.

2 s 2 2 3

I Alapur 66 S30 41 Bachhlota 174 81 Chachoi 2 Abdullabpur 6t 285 42 Badarkha. 217 82 Chajjupu[ 3 Abdullahpur Basant 176 35 43 Badda Girdharpur 129 83 Chakerscnpur urJ Babuluh 4 Abdullabpur Mori 67 44 Badha 228 84 Chamrijh ~7 5 Ahidpur Kari 292 45 Badholi 119 85 Chandner 318

6 Achrja' S3 46 Badnoli 26 86 Chandpur 43 7 Adh 128 47 Bagarpur 304 87 Chapkauli 130 85 B Aghapur Sarti 139 48 Bahaduriar h 320 88 Chatauli 122 9 Ahmadpur SO 49 Bahna 8adarpur Sl6 89 Chattri 10 Ahsanpur 50 Baharam Andba! IIrf 57 90 Cbitaura ).t!Qbiuddi,npu[ S07 Rrijoatbpur 11 Aida!pur Parshadipur 272 51 Bakhtawarpur 289 91 Dadaira 102 12 314 52 Babar 222 92 Dadri 21 13 Al:harpur Bukiana 237 53 Bangoli 196 93 Dabaiauia 192 14 Akbapur Akhtia rpur 254 54 Bankhanda 167 94 Dahana ii2 15 Akrauli 84 55 Baqarpur 206 95 Daryapur l~a

16 Alamgirpur 306 56 Barari 324 96 Dalyapur KhurQ 105 22 17 Alam Nagar 325 57 Baroda Hindua .. 27 97 Dastoi 18 Alampur 47 58 Baroda Musalmaa 50 98 Datiana 241 19 A1ampur Bhagwar'ltpur 274 59 Beghwati urf Lilri 252 99 Dautai m 20 Alipur 313 60 Bhadsiyanl 322 100 Dayanatpur 191

21 Alipur Mughalpur 172 61 Bhagwanpur 5 101 Deali 250 22 Allahabadpur 275 62 Bhagwanpur 238 102 Dehra 299 23 AlIahbukhshpur 290 63 Bbamera IPS 103 Dhana 251 24 AlIahbakhshpur urf Bagarpur 177 64 Bharna 202 104 Dhanauli ur( Alta 132 25 Aminpur Ni,o! a 25 65 Bharangpur 189 105 Dhanaura 107

26 Anuppur Debai 2+1 66 Bhatai! 76 1(Xj Dhanotil. I) 239 27 Anwarpur 29 67 Bhatiyana 49 107 Dhanpura 54 28 Arifpur 148 68 Bhikanpur 183 108 Dharall1pur 5 Biswa 51 29· Asaura 110 69 Bhimyari 188 109 Dharmpur 15 Biswi 20 SO Asra 136 70 Bhuwapnr 224 100 Dheer Kherl

31 Atau!, 162 71 IIhuwapur Maltan Na~ar 225 11 I Dholpur 300 32 Athscni 256 72 Bihumi 291 112 Doimi 1O~ 33 Atota 135 73 Bijoli 125 113 Fakharpur Kahbatta. 1i:i 34 Atrara 114 74 BUahra 210 114 Faridpur Gosain 240 230 35 Aurangabad 152 75 Birampur 201 115 Fllridpur Sambhcli

36 Ayadnagar Janub (South) 77 76 Bir Singhpur 154 ll6 Fatehpur 165 37 Ayadnagar Shumal (North) 78 77 Bridge Ghat ~05 117 Fatebpur MalnOfa 1.w 253 38 (T,A:) 98 78 Burhanpur 9 118 Fattahpur 71 39 Babugarh Chhawni 99 79 Burhanpur Radii 146 119 Fazilpur urfMorpur 92 40 Babua:arbMilitary Farm lUI 80 Chachauli 315 120 Firozabad uri Chiladei l64



Location Location Location ~I, Name of Village Code 81. No. Name of Village Code S1. Name of VilIsge Code No. No. No. No. No. 2 2 3

121 Firozpur 45 161 Kanai UrfDayanagar 163 201 Manak Chow): 159 122 Gadauli 288 162 Kanaur 295 202 Mausurpur 89 123 Candu Nagala 216 l63 Kant UrfSnakratila 328 203 Matn au Ii 63 124 Garh Mukteihwar 287 164 Kanwi 31 2M Mechanised State Farm 600 Babugarh 125 Ghageri 117 165 Kanya Kalyanpur 159 205 Mirpur Kalan 74

126 Ghaus Mohiuddinpur ~rf 141 166 Karimpur 293 206 Mirpur Khuryala 59 Chatnaura 127 Gbungrala 82 167 Kastala Qasmabad 28 207 Mirpur Mazra 53 128 Girdharpur 40 168 Kati Khera 80 208 Mirzapur 24 129 Gohra AlamtllrpuT 151 16~ Kalira Jafrabad 314 209 Mirzapur 158 130 Gondi 83 170 Kaul 120 210 Mirzapur Patti 60

131 Gordhanpur 226 171 Kazmabad Urf Jamalpur 209 211 Mohammad Muradpur 246 132 Govindpur 123 172 Khajoi 219 212 MQhammadpur Azampur 157 133 Haba!pur Bilas 160 173 Khandawali 213 Mohammadpur Khudalya 227 134 HaGarp'Jr 26~ 174 Khanpur 2 214 Mohammadpur Rustampur 307 135 Hafizpllt Ubarpur 52 1i5 Khanpur Makhanpur 269 21.) 'Mohammad Sakarpur 283

136 Hajipur 194 l76 Kharakpur 262 216 Mohiuddinpur urfYusurabad 184 137 Hakimpur Gaonri 270 177 Kbarl:.hari 121 217 Mubarav.pur Saiamaipul 161 13S . Hapur [Rural) 94 173 Kharkhari lOj . 218 Muktcshwar 150 139 Harnathpur Kota 144 l79 Kharkhauda (LA.) II 219 Mundali 130 140 Harora 203 l80 Kharkhoda [Rural) 10 220 Mukumpur 26B

141 Halsin~hpur 56 181 Khala 204 221 Murad "Iipur 142 142 Hasanpur 79 182 Khaspur 118 222 Muradnagar % 143 Hashupura 255 183 Khilwai 279 223 Muradpur 195 144 Himmatpur 233 184 Kirawali 329 224 Muradpur Tanupura ' 277 145 Hiradpur 68 185 Kolhl a 282 225 Muradpur Nizamasa! l3

141) Hoshrlarpur Garhi 173 186 Kurana 58 226 Murshadpur 70 H7 Humaunpur 73 187 Kurana ]aban;;:irabad 197 227 MushrafpuT Jhanda 71 14B Imlori 87 188 Kuri 116 228 Mustafabad 296 149 Inaya lpur 273 189 Kutubpur 271 2?

150 Jahrina ~67 190 Ladpura 261 230 !-iaglabadh 21.'i

151 Jakhtra Rammatpur 213 191 Lahadra 323 231 Nagla Kabulpur 127 152 Jamalpur 266 192 Lalpur 91 232 Nagla Patu 1 153 JOfothi 108 193 Lalira 286 233 NagH 294 154 Jasora 131 194 Lodhipur Chhaph 2~3 234 Na\pur 12 155 Jasori 133 195 Lodhipur Sohban 249 235 Nali Husainpur 190

156 Jasrup Nagar 36 I~ L(\hari 297 236 Nan 48 157 Jogipura 17 197 Lukhrara 187 237 Nawada 83 158 Kaili 19 198 Madbapur Moazzampur 155 238 Nawada Kalan 235 159 Kalyanpur 276 199 Mahmudpur 72 239 Nawada Khurd 326 160 Kamalpur 46 200 Malakpur 1 O.J, :2.40 :NeknilIIlPul.l\llllai ..Jll 1M


Location Location Location SI. Name of Villallc ('ode SI. Name of Village Code St' Name of Villaie Code No. No. No. No. No. No.

t S 2 3 t !

241 Neknampur Phu!ari 217 271 Ra!Ulapur Bah!olpur 169 SOl Shahpur Chaudhri 280 242 Niazpur Khalya 242 272 Rasulpur Dhantala 8 302 Shahpur Ja! 170 243 Nitanandpur 124 273 Ratupura 221 303 Shakarpur 165 244 Nizampu! gZ '2.74 Rawasant urfSheo~arh 281 304 Sharifabad 301 245 Nizampur Heranpura 260 275 Razapur 212 005 Sharifpur 243

246 Nurpur 184 276 Ruthti 44 306 Sheikhmir 311 247 Paindapur 18 277 Sabri 38 307 Sheikbapur 186 248 Panchi 16 278 Sadiqpur 87 S08 Sheonagari 178 249 Pa!wara ~O8 279 Sahaspur 220 309 Sherpur 331 -250 Paswara 321 280 Saidpur 25,) 310 ShialDoag ar :H 251 Patna 96 281 Saidull ahpur 179 311 Shiapur Jat 149 252 Patti Bankhanda liS 282 Saidul!apur Chanpura 7 3l'Z Shikarpur 15 253 P&wati 247 283 Saidullahpur Goltal 175 813 SiiandaJpur S!l3 254 Phu!dera 236 284 Saidullahpur Lodhi 248 314 Sikanderpur Kakori 182 255 Pip1i Khera 126 285 Saiha! 319 315 Sikhera Moradabad '229 256 Pirn&agar 232 286 Saitkuan 13 316 Simro!i '37 257 Pirnagar SudDa 112 287 Salahabad 310 317 Singanpur 211 258 Pooth 3t7 288 Salai 81 318 Sirondhan 65 259 P&pai 278 289 Salatpur 153 319 SultaDpuf 90 260 Putta Ha,anpur 4:1 290 Salalput 302 320 Tatarpur 93

261 Raghunatbpur 42 291 Salehpur Kotla 61 321 Taila lit 262 Rahalwa 332 292 SalQoi 2)4 322 Tigri 156 263 'R ajethi 207 293 Sanwi 69 323 Todarpuf 234 ~64 Rajhain. 200 29t Sarawa 23 324 Udaipur 193 265 Rajpur 231 295 Sarawani 147 325 Uiahan 14

266 Rajpur .. 113 296 Sarurpur 223 325 Upera 171 267 'Ra.mpur 29B 297 SeJ.a 199 S27 Wahabpur Thera S11 268 Rampura S9 2Y8 Shafiabad Loti 137 328 Wait 218 269 Rampur Niamatpur 285 299 Shahabuddin Nagar 5~ 3'29 Wajhilpur 106 27C Rasu!abad Nanpur 245 300 Shah Mohiuddinpur 103 330 Yu~ufabad 4

331 Yusufpur Kota 143 352 Zainuddinpur Ghuipur 161 166 VlLi.AGI

6-MAPUR TAHSIL AMENITIES Al'fD Amenidel avAilable witbln the villAI8 Loea· Total lion area Code NAme of Village or the POlt No. yjUage EducAtional Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in aCreI) lupply water cation. Telegraph

6 10

Nag!a Patu 159 JM(I) I HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

2 Khanpur ~54 I HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

3 Khandatli 1,191 JBS (1) HP,W I.R Wheat & Rice

4 YUJufabad 218 Uninhabited

5 hagwall.pur 241 Uninhabito~

Ii Dhanauta 353 JBS(l) II: HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

Sadullapur Chaadpura 639 JBS(l) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

a Rasuij)Ur DhantliA 1,399 JBS(l) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

9 Barhanpur 383 JBS(l) II: HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 10 Kharkhda Rural 2,700 lBS(lISBS(I) D(I) .! HP,W r Wheat & Rice HSS(l)

II Kharkhauda r,wa 95 JBS(1 )SBS(l) H(l) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rici HSS(I) 12 Nalpur 937 JBS(I) I: HP,W KR Wheat& Rice 13 Sail Kun 217 .! HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 14 U1dhan 1,184 JBS (1) E HP,W 1R PO Wheat & Rice 15 Shikarpur 137 l'ninhabittd

16 Panchi 1,680 jBS(I) SBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 17 Jogipura 532 E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

I~ Paindapur 210 Uainhabited

19 Kaili 1,497 ]1lS (2) E HP,W PR,r PO Whea t &. Rice 20 Dbe.r KacrA 939 jBS (I) !. HP,W IR Wheat &: Rice

21 Dadri 1,321 ]BS(I) I H,PW KR FO Wheat & Rice 22 Dastoi 1,013 JBS(I) SBS(I) .! HP,W KR Wheat &Rice 23 Sarawa I 2,345 JBS(I) iBS(I) II: HP,W KR PO Wheat & Ricl 24 Mirzapur 263 Uninhabited

Aminpur Nagola 25 97& JBS (1) E HP,W KR Whei!.t & Ric; 167 OIRECTORY

Remarkt Ll.Dd IIIC (i. e•• arel under different type. of land ue in aerta Oay or dart including rounded to tbe neareal unil) of the any place LocI Nel.l'tlltoWB market/hal, or religioua, lion ~------~------Area not and diatlnce if lny, hilloriea! or Code Un· Cultivable available for (in Kw.) held in the arehaco- No. FOtell Irrigated irrigated Wasle cultivalion village logical intereat

11 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18

1(402) W(402) 65 392 Hapur (16) EA

T(241) TWE(241) 14 99 Hapur (16) EA 2

T(814) TWE (814) 260 117 Hapur (16) S

T(158) TW(l58) 40 20 Hapur (14) Uninhabited ~

TrJ90) TWE(I90) 29 22 Hapur (14) Uninhabited 5

T(254) TWE(254) 71 28 Hapur (16) EA 6

T(551) TWE(551) 18 70 Hapur (16) EA 7

T(927) TWE(927) 50 191 2Sl Hapur (16) EAo $

T(252) TWE(252) 90 11 30 HapuI (14) EA 9

T(2103) TWE(2,103) H 121 ~32 Hapur (\3) EA 10

1(54) TWE(M) 7 S4 Hapur (13) Wednesday, EA 11 Sunday T(759) TWE(759) 29 6 143 Hapur (II) EA 12

T(157) TWE(lli7) 15 8 37 Hapur (13) EA 13

T(829) TWE(529) TW(300) 122 109 124 Hapur (13) EA 14

T(70)TWE(70) 27 16 24 Hapur (13) Uninhabited 15

T(880) TWE(880) 509 90 201 Hapur (10) EA 16

T(500) TWE(500) 13 19 Hapur (6) EA 17

T(193) TWE(193) 10 7 Hapur (8) Uninhabited 18

T(I,062) TWE(660) TW(4D2) !l4 321 Hapur (8) EA 19

Z T(637) TWE(637) 79 221 Hapur (4) EA 2li

T(I,064) TWE(l,064) 91 166 Hapur (8) EA 2l

T(830) TWE(830) 33 150 Hapur (6) EA 21

T(I,505) TWE(I;505) 560 480 Hapur (11) Thursday EA 23

T(188) TWE(188) 27 48 Hapur (10) Uninhabited 24

T(64()) TWE (64D) \108 228 Hapur (11) EA 25 168 VILLAGE


Amenities available within the village

Loea· Total ,-- ---I- ~ tion Area Cod~ N'm( of Vill ail' of the POll No. village Educationl Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

2 8 10

26 Bandli 1,309 ]BS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat &Rice 27 Ba rooa Hinduan 1,033 lBS (1) E HP, W KR Wh(at & Rice

28 Ka~tt akasmabad I,I8l JBS (1) E HP,W KR PO Wheat &Rice 29 Anwarpur 932 JBS (I) E HP,W KR PO WhIst &Rice

SO Ahmadpur 522 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

31 Kanwi 750 ]BS (1) E HP,W KR Wh~at & Rice S2 Nizampur 328 JBS (1) E Hl', W PR Wheal & Rice 33 Acheja 1,177 lRS (2) E HP, W FR Wheat &Rice 34 Shiamn"sar 5;9 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 35 Abdultapur Basant 654 E HP, W PR Wheat & Rice

36 Jaspurna~ar 400 E HP,W PR Wheat &Rice 37 Chamri 70B lBS(2) SSB(3) E HP,W PR Wheat &Rice 38 Sabri 1,011 lBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

~9 Rampur 701 JBS (1) HP,W KR PO Wheat & Rice 40 Girdharpur Tumral 996 IBS (1) SBS(l) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Rice

41 Putha Husainpur 376 ]BS (I) E HP, W KR Wheat & Rice 42 Raghunatbpur \,147 JB5 (1) E HP,W KR Wheat &'Ricc

43 Chandpura 1 4 8 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

44 Rathri 140 Uninhabited

45 Firo7pur 166 Uninhabited

~6 Kamalpur 275 JB5 (1) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 47 Alampur 286 JBS (1) E HP, W KR Wheat & Maize 48 Nan 875 JBS (I) E HP, IV KR Wheat & Maize 49 Bhatiau 1,024 SBS (II E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize 50 Jlar ad a,Sihani 1,226 JES (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 16~ DIRECTORY

LAND USB Remarkl Land use (i. e., area under different typc. of land Ule in ICrca rounded to D.,0r dlY' including tbe DClreat unit) of tbe Iny place Loca­ ..... Nearest town market/hat, of religious, don _------~------Area and dist anee if In y, bistorical or Code Un· Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the a!'Chaco- No. Fureu Irrigated irrillated Waate for fillige logical cult ivatiOli interelt

I) 12 13 14 15 18

EA 26 p. '1'(1,043) TWE(I,043) 65 201 Hapur (8)

... 1(729) TWE(729) 51 lC4 149 Hapur (4) IA 27 ... T(955) TWE(9j5) 36 36 134 Hapur (8) 1.'\ 28 ... 1(622) TWE(622) 69 67 144 Hapur (3) EA 29 ... 1(474) TWE(474) 2 o!:5 Hapur (ll) EA 30

." 1(607) 1WE(607) 33 109 Hapur (8) EA 31 ... T(300) C(75) TWE(225) I 8 17 Hapur (5) EA 32 ... 1(1,040) lWE(I,040) 7g 41 17 Hapur (3) :EA 33 ... 1(508) TWI(503) 11 6 14 Hapur (5) EA 34 1..\ 35 ." T(334) TWI(534) 55 155 Hapur (3)

... 1(280) WTE(280) 58 62 Hapur (3) EA 36

... T(6;8) TWE(6~8) g 29 22 Hapur (1) EA 37 ... T(94O) TWE(940) 13 24 34 H!pur (3) EA 38 ... T(610) TWE(610) 21 25 45 Hapur (5) 39

... 1(838) C(538) 0(253) W(47) 83 75 Hapur (6) EA 4{)

... T(335) TWE(335) 9 S2 Hapur (6) EA 41

.. T(9?4) TWE(640) C(324) 68 115 Hapur (8) EA 4!

.n 1(354) TWE(354) 6 39 19 Hapur (10) 43

rl. ; T(130) TWE(130) 2 8 Hapur (13) Uninhabited 44

..",,' T(153) TWE(57) W(96) 5 8 Hapur (13) Uninhabited 4,i

..;. T(238) TWE(212) W(26) 17 20 Hapur (12) EA -Hi

T(243) TWE(243) 18 25 Hapur (10) EA 47

. T(723) TWE(723) 84 68 Hapur (8) EA 48

T(838) TWE(833) 59 20 107 Hapur (10) EA 49

T(I,021) TWE(I,021) 124 8 73 Hapur (13) EA 50 170 VILLAGB

6-HAPUR TAHSIL AMENITIES AND Amcnitiea auilable within the rill'llI Loca· Total tion area Code Name of Villale of the No. POit village Educational Medical Pewer Drinkinll Communi· & Staple Food (in I.CreI) IUpply water cation. Telegraph

6 8 10

51 Dh.rampur 15 Biswi 431 Uninhabited 52 Hiafizpur Ubarpur 936 ]llS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 53 Mirpur Hazra 349 E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

54 Dharampur 5 Biswa 177 Uninhabited 55 Sham Buddinnagar 697 E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

56 Harsinghpur 774 JBS(I) HP,W KR ... Wheat & Maize 57 Bahramanobans alias 546 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice Brijnathpur 58 Kurana 606 HP, W KR Wheat & Maize 59 Mirpur Khuryala 239 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

60 Mirzapur Patti 142 Uninhabited

61 Salehpur Katla 412 JBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 62 Dahana 1,184 ]BS(!) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Rice 63 MaIn Toli 460 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 64 Chajjupur 447 JES(I) D(I) HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize 65 Siron Dhan 850 j1lS(1 )H88(1) E HP,W PR,KR Wheat & Maize

66 Chaehoi :94 HP,W KR,PR Wheat & Maize 67 Abullapur Mori 537 HP, W PR Wheat'& Maize 68 Hirdayapur 927 JSB(I) E HP,W KR,T Wheat & Maize 69 Sanwi 451 JBS(I) E HP,W KR,T Wheat & Maize 70 Munhadpur 336 HP,W KR Wbeat& Mabe

71 Fazilpur alias Morpur 5S6 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 72 Mahmudpur 678 JBS(J) E HP, W KR Wheat & Maize 73 Himayunpur 467 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 74 Mirpur Ka!an 674 JRS(I) HP.W KR Wheat & Maize

75 Mushrafpur Jhanda 608 JBS(J) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 111 DIRECTORY

LAND USB Remarks Day (It days incllldin, Land use (i. e., area under difiertnt type' of land ute in aCltI or the any place LocI founded to the lltarat unit) ,... NeMr\llown mATtet/hat, or religiOU!, tioll and llist&l.Iet if ally, historical or Code Area not held in the arehaeo- No. available for {in Kro.) Un· Cultivable village \oltical Forest Inigated irrillated Waite cultivation interest

11 18 II 12 \3 14 15 16

51 Hapur (13) ". Uninhabited T(348) 1 WE(348) 34 8 32 52 l:Iapur (8) EA T(865) TWE[700) C(165) 15 56 EA 53 T(230) C(25) TWE(205) 62 57 l:Iapur (9) Uninhabited 54- Hapur (S) ." T(16l) TWE(130) C(31) II 5 55 (tll EA T(638) e(33) TWE(GOO) 22 37 Hapur

56 Hapur (11) T(680) C(70) TWE(6101 12 32 57 Hapur (11) T(439) TWE(439) 19 BS 58 Hapur (Il) T(480) TWE(4S0) 44 6Z 59 lla.pur (15) T(215) TWE(215) 15 9 60 IlapuI (13) ... Uninhabited T(137) TWE(137) 4

EA 61 Hapu! (l~) .. , T(361) 1WE(3S1) 17 5 2\l 62 Hapur (15) Tuesday EA T(I,(}l6: C(24) W(t93) TWE(829) 38 99 63 Hapur (IS) 1(398) 0(385) W(13) 18 3 41 G4- Hapur (18) 1(386) C(380) W(6) 6 4 51 65 Bapur (15) EA 1(759) C(512) TWE(241l) W(7) 19 3 69

66 Hapur (IS) T(271) TWE(21l) 5 2 16 61 T(459) C(12) TWE(44:7) 17 61 Hapur (13) EA 63 T(774) TWE(517) WillS) C(139) 74 79 Hapur (Ill 69 Hapur (10) EA T(3g0) TWE(333) W(57) 37 24 7(1 Hapur (10) 1:244) TWE(202) W(42) 18 74

71 1(467) TWE(ZSS) 0(182) 14 55 Hapur is) ... EA 72 1(555) TWE(399) W(156) 50 <.) &4 Hapur (10) 73 T(402\ TWE(359) W(6) R(37) 30 27 Bapur (11) 74 1'(560) TWE(412) Win) R(76) 40 31l 36 Hapur (11) Hapur (14) 75 T(553) TWE(553) 6 1 42 172 VILLAGE


Amenities available within the village Loea- Total tion Area ------"-- Codr Name of Viii aile of tbe Post No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking C'Jrnmuni- & Staple Food (in acres) supply water cation! Telegraph

S 8 9 10

76 Bhatail 890 JBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 17 Ayadnagar Janub 658 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 78 Ayaduagar Shumal 802 JBS(I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 79 Hasnpur 612 E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 80 Kathi Khera 881 JBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

81 Salai 1,042 ]BS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 82 Chung Rala 966 HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize 83 Nawada 375 JBS( 1)SBS( I) E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Mai~e 84 Altoli 633 jBS{l) E HP,W PR,T Wheat &Maize

85 Chatauli 722 JB5(2) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

85 Imtori 626 E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize

87 8adaqpur 404 JBS(I) E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize

88 Gondi 58B E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 89 Mansurpur 349 E HP,W KR,T Wheat & Maize gO Sultanpur 629 JBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

91 Lalpur 737 JBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 92 Firou.bad alias Chiladei 303 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

93 Talarpur 913 JBS(2) E HP,\'{ PR Wheat & Mai~e

94 Hapur Rural 2,081 JB8:1) E HP,W PR,KR Wheat & Rice

95 Huraonagar 120 Uninhabited

96 Patna 619 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

97 Silllrlli 406 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

98 Babugarh (T.A.) SO JBS(I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice

99 E. B. S. Babugiuh 2,000 E T Wheat & Rice

100 State Machanized-Farm 1,000 E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize Bab>l~arh 173 DIRECTORY

LAND USE Remarke Land usc (i. e., area under difrerent type. of Iud use iD acres rounded to Day or daye including the nearest unit) of the any place toca "..__--- Nearest tOWD market/hal, or religious, tiaB Area and distance if aDb' historical or Codt Un- Cultivable Dot available (in Km.) held iD t e archae&- No. Fort.! Irrigated irrizated Wastt (Of 'fil\age logical eulti".tioo intcIe.t

11 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18

76 T(784) TWE(580) W(42) R(162) 63 43 fIapur (II) EA

T(596) TWE(375) W(135) R(86) 14 48 Hapur (10) 77

T(742) TWE(532) W(20) R(I90) 26 7 27 Hapur (10) 78

T(515) TWE(412)W (34) R(69) 70 27 Hapur (10) EA 79

1(613) TWE(561) W(16) TK(36) 217 51 Hapur (5) EA 80

T(88)) TWE(8i'8) W(S) TK(I) 94 66 Hapur (5) EA 81

T(715) TWE(582) W(!92) 118 73 Hapuu (10) 82

'I(243) C(I'1) 'IWE(175) W(49) 53 79 Htpur (7) EA 83

T(587) C(78) TWE(458) W(5!) 34 62 Hapur (5) EA 81

T:562) 0(160) TWE(392) W(IO) 110 50 Hapur (5) EA B5

T(556) TWE(548) W(S) 22 48 Hapur (2) EA 86

1(:09) TWE(l86) W('23) 41 5~ Hapur (4) EA 81

T(538) TWE(538) 11 39 Hapur (4) EA B8

1(310) TWE(308) W(2) 13 6 20 Hapur (I) EA 89

T(584) TWE(581) 9 3 33 Hapur (4) EA 9a

'1'(541) TWE(526) W(2) R(13) 139 !J1 Hapur (5) EA 91

T(254) TWE(2S4) 17 2 SO Hapur (5) 92

T(234) TWE(284) 8 3 6j Hapur (4) EA 93

T(I,737) TWE(I,061) W(676) 51 104 189 Hapur (2) EA 94

T(89) TWE(Sg) 15 3 13 Hapur (4) Uninhabited 95

T(496) TWE(496) 24 93 Hapur (4) 96

T(305) TWE',305) 47 2 52 Hapur (4) 97

SO Hapllr (7) 93

1(1,000) TWE(I,OOO) 600 400 Hapur (I) n' EA 99

1,000 Hapur (7) I~) 174 vmUG'S


Amenititt available within the orlllall¢ r,oca tlon l'otal area Code Name of Villa~e of th~ Post No. village Educational Medical P0wer Drinking Communi· & Staple Food (in acres) lupply water clltioDi Telegraph


101 Babu Garhmilil uy Form 200 E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

lO2 Dadayra 782 JES (2) E HP,W KR,T Wheat & Maize

103 Shah Mahuddinpur 1,324 JES (2) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

104 Nalakpur 1,242 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

105 Kharkhari 9-l:7 lES (I) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

106 Wajhee\pur 630 ]BS(2j SBS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

107 Dhanaura I,O~IO JBSI2) E HP,A' KR PO Wheat & Maize

108 hrothi 164 E I-IP,W KR,PR Wheat & Maize

109 Doyami 810 lBS (I) E HP,W KR,PR,T Wheat & Maize

liD Asaura 2,297 ]ES (2) E HP,W KR. PO Wheal & Rice

111 Tial! 1,096 JBS (1) E HP,W IR Wheat & Rice

112 Pe~rnagar Sudhna 1,187 JDS 10 E HP,W KR Wheat & Riece

113 Rajpur 812 E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

114 Atrara 2,625 JS5(1) HSS:l) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Rice

1:5 Fakhrpur Kabatta 6J7 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

1\6 Kuri 279 E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

117 Ghangheri 183 Uninhabited

lIS Khaspur 907 JBS (lJ E HP,W KR. Wheat & Rice

1\9 Badholi 865 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

120 Kau\ 1,504 jBS (I) ... E HP,W KR Wheat &Rice

121 Khar Khari 714 ]ES U) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

122 Chhatri 797 ]BS,(I) HP,W KR Wheal & Rice

123 Govindpur 359 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

124 Nitanlndpur, 327 Uninhabitfd

125 Bijoli 1,69B JBS(l) SBS(l) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Rice liS tllRECTORY

LAND USB Remarn Day or daY' including Land use (i. c.• area under different typel of land use in acres or the any "lace Lot. rounded to the neareat unit) Nellf~ll town market/hal, of religiollJ. lion ---- if any, hillorical or Code Area not and distance (in Km.) lleld in the arebaeOo No. Un· Cultivable available fot logical Fore.! village Irrigated irrigated Wrulc cultivatioo inlCteit

17 18 II 12 13 14 15 16

\01 200 Hapur (II) 102 .. T(653) TWE(375) W(278) 50 79 Hapur (5) 103 .,. T(I,:61) TWE(I,161) 93 70 Hapur (11) lot H~pur (10) tA ". T(739) TWE(372) W(l27) R(24()) 394 Hl9 EA lOS ,,, T(820) TWE(820) 69 58 Hapur (B)

liXi ." 1(539) TWE(539) 51 40 Hapur (i) [07 ... T(967) lWE (966) W(I) 72 51 Hapur (5) lOa ... 'l'(149) TWE(I-lli) W{3} 13 Hapur (2) 109 Hapur (16) EA ". T(724) TWE(675) W(.f9) 10 76 Sund&y E.'I. 110 ... T(I,81~) TWE(I,812) ~ 891 Hapur (3)

\:.,1,. 111 ... T(923) TWE(923) 51 79 +3 Hapur (5) ... m ... T(974) TWE(974) 43 87 83 Hapur (10) 113 Hap'd! (II) ." 1(578) TWE(578) 143 57 34 Monday EA lit , .. 1'(2,168) TWE(2,168) 144 116 197 Hapu! (11) EA II~ ,,, 1(537) TWE(537) 50 30 40 Haph (10)

ll6 , .. T(244) TWE(2H) 11 j 15 Hapur (10) Uninhabited 117 , .. 1(76) 'fWE(78) 92 11 2 HapuT (10) liS ... T(736) TWE(736) 104 14 53 Hapur (14) 119 .. , T(621) TWE(621) 1:6 21 67 HapuT (16) !20 114 Hapur (\8) ." T(892) TWE(892) m 26

£A 1'21 6() 19 ~~ Hapur (14) .. ' T(5891 TWE(5B9) HapuT (14) 122 ... T(593) TWE(593) S9 -1:9 56 Hapur (16) 123 ." T(~14) TWE(314) 19 \'6 Ullinllabi\cd 12~ ... T(216) TWE(216) 91 20 J1apur (19) ... 125 16(l Haptlr (16) Wedne.day EA '" T(I.4G9) TWE(I,4'9} 129 176 VILLAGE"

6 -HAPUR TAHSIL AMENlTlBS AND Amenities available within the village Loca- Total --" tion Area Code Name of Vill awe or the POIt No. village Educational Mellie.al Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food (in acres) lupply water catioo. Telegraph

6 8 10

126 Peepli Khera 1,304 jBS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat &. Rlee

127 Nagla Kabulpur 712 JBS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat &.Rice

1?8 Adh 935 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice'

1?9 Jladhha Girdharpur 1,105 Uninhabited

130 MundaIi 1,738 JBS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat &. Rice

III Jalaura 1,617 E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

132 Dbanaolialia& Atta 37D HP,W KR Wheat &. Rice

133 Jasauri 1,102 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

134- Ajrara 3,103 lBS (1) E HP,W KR PO Wheat &. Rice

135 Atola 921 lBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat &. Rice

136 Asra 597 HP,W KR Whea I &. Rice

m Shfiabad Loti 1,943 ]ES (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

138 Muradpur Nizamsar 839 JES (1) HP,W KR Wheat &. Rice

139 Agapur Sari 478 HP,W KR Wheal &. Rice

140 ratehpur Matnora 715 JBS(I) SSS(I) E HP,W KR Wheat &. Rice

141 Cos Mohiuddinpur Urj 761 JBS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat &Rice Chhatnora 142 Moradalipur 4{)5 Uninhabited

143 Yusufpur Kota 172 Uninhabited

144 Parnathpur Kota 753 HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

115 Muzaffra Bagarpur 1,366 lES(I) SBS(I) E HP,W PR,KR PO Wheat & Rice

146 -, Barhanpur Badhli 516 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

147 Sarawni 1,129 B HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

148 Arifpur 788 ]BS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat &. Rice

149 Shiampur Jat 941 JBS (1) Eo HP,W KR Wheat &Rice

150 Mukt(sra. 463 ,JBS (1) HP,W KR Whe~t & Rice 177 DIR£CTORY'


Rem arb Land use (I. e.• arca under different tYPCI of land ule in acrC! rounded to Day or day! including the nCUClt unit) of the any place Loea ,.__- _A- Neare!! 10wn market/hat. of religious. tion Area and distance if ant, his torica1 or Code Un· Cultivable not available (in KIll.) held in t e archaeo- No. Forell Irrigated Irrigated Waite for village logical cultivation interell

II 12 13 14 15 IS 17 18

1(972) 1WE(972) 168 104 Hapur (18) EA 126

... T(369) 1WE(369) 261 3 79 Hapur (16) EA 127

... 1(447) TWE(447) 364 15 109 HapuI (18) EA 128

... 1(291) TWE(291) 152 32 Hapur (19) Uninhabited 129

... 1(1,256) TWE(l,256) S60 25 97 Hapur (19) Thursday EA 13O

... 1(1,401) TWE(I,401) 92 99 84 HapuI (19) E1\ 131

... T(I98) TWE(I98) 112 6{) Hapm (19) 132

... 1(905)TWE(905) 121 24 52 HapuI (19) 133

... T(2,036) TWE(2,036) 665 285 177 Hapur (IS) EA 134

... T(620) TWE(6Z0) 240 61 HapuI (11) £A 135

... T(298) TWE(298) 230 24 45 Hapur (11) 136

... T(I,513) TWE(I,SI3) 34 IC~ Hapur (II) 137

... 1(563) TWW563) 153 57 E6 HapuI (11) Sunday 138

... 1(S61) TWB(361) 72 30 15 Hapur (14) 139

... T(513) TWE(SI3) 161 41 Hapur (21) EA 140

1(542) TWE(542) 174 45 Hapur (12) EA 141

... 1(277) TWE(277) 110 18 Hapur (19) Uninhabited 142

... T(140) TWE(I!O) 21 II HapuI (21) Uninhabited 143

... T(5~8) TW£(538) 54 161 HapuI (19) 144

... T(I,516) TWE(I.516) 136 214 Hapur (21) EA 14j

... T(216) TWE(2HI) C(6) 231 69 HapuI (19) Friday 14Ii

... T(796) TWE(532) W(263) 182 76 75 Hapur (19) EA 147

T(616) TWE(616) 125 47 Hapur (21) EA 148

... T(770) C(6S) TWE(348) W(354) 41 68 62 Hapur (21) IA 149

T(417) 'fW(417) 8 38 Hapur (21) 150 178 VILLAGE

6-HAPUR. r AHSTL ,t,MENITI.ES AND Amenities availabk within the villalle Laca· tiQJI Total Irca Code Namt of Village No. or the POll village Educational Medica.l Power Drin'ting Communi· & ~tapk Food (iD acrea) lupply water catioDI Telegrapb

2 6 10

Iii Gohra AlamgirplIr 1,933 JSB (I) SBS (I) E HP,W KR PO Wheat &Rice 152 Aurangabad 637 JBS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 153 Salarpur 720 HP, W KR Wheat & Rice 154 Bir!inghpur 439 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice I i5 ~fadbapur Mazanpur 1,393 JBS (1) E HP, Vi KR Wneat & Rice

156 Tigri 673 JBS (1) E BP,W KR Wheat & Maize m Mohammadpur .'\zampur 1,6"9 E lIP, W KR PO Wheat & Maize

158 Mirzapur 263 Uninhabi(, d 159 Kanya Kalyanpur 1,136 JBS (1) HP, W PR Wheal & Maize 160 Habaspur Bigas 76) JBS (1) HP, W P:l;T Wheat & Maize

161 J ainuddinpur UrfGajalpur 301 HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize

162 Alula 401 HP,W KR,T PO Wheat & Maize 163 Kanhai UrfDayanagar 546 HP, W KR,T Wheat & Maize 164 Mubarakpur Salamalpuf 9% JBS [I) E HP, W KR PO Wheat & Maize 155 Saka.rpur 272 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

156 Falahpur 589 Uliinhabited

167 Bankhanda 1,310 JBS (2) II'I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

168 Patti Bankhanda 226 Uninhabited

169 Ra!ulpur Bahlolpur 875 JB£ (I) E HP, W PR PO Wheat & I'vlaize

170 Shahpur Jat 1,012 E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

171 Upera 1,725 JES (2) E HP,W PR,T Wheat & Maize

172 Allipur Mughalpur 531 JBS (1) SBS (1) H(I) E HP,W PR PO Wheal & Maize

113 HOlhdarpur 756 JBS (I) E HP,W Kit PO Wncal & Maile

174 Blchlota 1,436 JBS (1) HP,W KR PO Wheal & Maize n Sadul\aput Gokal 805 Uninhabited DIRECTORY


Remark! Day or days includiog Land use (i. e" lrel under different typea of land Ule in acres of the aoy place Loca rounded to tile Dearest unit) Nelrest town market/hat, of religious, tion ~-----. Area Dot aDd distance if any, biltorical or Code Un. Cultivable available for (io Km.) held in the archaeo- No. Forest irrigated Waste cultivatioo village logical Irrigated interest 18 II 12 IS 14 15 16 17

EA 151 ... T(I,529) T WE(I,529) 237 167 Hapur (16) Sunday 152 ... T(511) TWE(5Jl) 85 41 aapur (18) E.~ 153 ... T(538) C(539) 142 40 Hapur (19) 154 ... T(362) C(61) TWE(SOI) 50 27 Hapur (21) EA 155 ... T(I,147) T WE(747) C(400) 68 78 Hapur (21)

EA 156 ... T(535) TWE(206) C(327) 110 30 Hapur~(22) EA 157 ... T(758) TWE(612) W(I44) C(2) 843 48 Hapur (19) Uninhabittd 158 ... T(204} C(200) W(4} 6 50 Hapur (IO) 159 ... T(634j TWE(593) W(26) R(15) 424 78 Hapur (13) 160 ft, T(360) TWE(165) W(9~) R(I01) 298 102 Hapur (10)

161 .. ' T(142) TWE(24) W(74) R(44} Btl 79 Hapur (8) 162 .. , T(263) TWE(5I} W(208} 0(4) 158 43 Hapur (10) 163 H' T(409) TWE(407) W(2) 95 42 Hapur (13) 164 ... T(686) TWE(366) W(154) C(166) 259 51 Hapur (21) EA 16S ... T(IO~) TWE(35) W(7l) 137 29 Hapur (16)

Uninhabited 166 H' T(435) TWE(417) W(18) lS5 19 Hppur (10) EA 167 ... T(899) TWE(761) W(l32) 331 80 Hapu! (17) Uninhabited 168 ... T(1l7) TWE(l17) 30 19 Hapur (1I) EA 169 ... T(781) TWE(781) 14 a1 Hapur (16) 170 .. , T(884) TWE(884) 57 71 Hapur (13)

EA 171 T(I,382) TWE(I,382) 232 III Hapur (11)

51 Hapur (14) T,M 172 , .. T(524) TWE(524) 6 IA 173 ... T(695) TWE(683) W(12) 7 54 Hapur (15) 174 ... T(l,l96) TWE(I,029) W(131) 119 6 115 Hapur (8) Uninhabited 175 ... T(586) TWB(391) W(182) O{l3) 186 33 Hapur (12) 180 VILLAGE


Amenities available within the village

Loca· Total __.J.. ""I tion Area Cod~ NIme of Viii ale of the POSI No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi. & Staple Food (in acrel) lupply water cations Telegraph

S ~ 6 B 10

176 Chakarsenpur uri Bugarh '])7 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat &. Maize

177 Allabuxpur AliasBagarpur 661 E HP,IV KR Wheat & Maize

178 Sheo Nagri ~S9 Uninhabited li9 Sadullapur 413 Uninhabited

ISO Chap Kalli 9j JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat &. Maize

181 Mohiuddinpur U,( ~B5 Uninh abi Ie d Yusufabad Ill: Sikandrapur Kakori 1,019 JBS(I) 0(1) E HP,\V KR PO Wheat & Maize

IB3 Bhihnpur 512 HPW KR Wheat & Maize

1M Noopur 635 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

185 Bhamera 432 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

186 Sheikhpur B04 JES (I) SBS (1) ... HP,W PR Wheat &. Maize

187 Lukhrana l,fi3j JES (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

IS8 Bhimyari 526 ! HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

189 Bharangpur 459 JBS (I) E H?,W KR Wheat & Maize

1!Kl Nali Husainpur 1,482 JES (I) SBS(I) .. , E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

191 Dayanatpur 305 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

192 Dl\hagania 159 Uninhabited

193 Udaypur 58! ]IlS (Ii HP,W KR Wheat &. Maize

19t Hazipur 582 jBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

19j Muradpur 970 E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

196 . ·Bangoli 438 JBS (2) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

197 Khurana Jahaniirabad 761 JllS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

198 Daryapur 621 ]SB (I: E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

199 Saina 882 ]BS (I) E HP,W Kk Wheat & Rice

2GO Rajherl 327 E HP,W PR \\hcat & Rice 181 DIRECTORY

LAND USB Retnarkt Land usc (~e., area under different type. of land uJC in acrea rounded to Day or da)'l including the neafCIt unit) or the any.p!ace I~oci. Nearest town market/hat, of rehglous, uon Area and distance ir an~, historical or Codt Un· Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in t e arthaeo- No. FOte" Irrigated Irrigated Waste (or village logical cultivatiOD interest

II 12 13 14 15 Ii 17 18

T(624) TWE(540) W(59) TK(2S) 273 100 Hapur (7) 176

T(430) TWE(4) W(344) TK(82) 191 40 Hapur (7) 177

T(181) TW(4) W(74) R(103) 64- i 37 Hapur (S) ... VlIinhabited 178

179 T(387) TWE(272) C(IlS) 14 2 10 Hapur (11) .. ' Uninhabited

T(571) TWE(380) TW(191) 51 4 61 Hapur (13) EA,'f 180

T(338) TWE(2&9) W(27) 0(22) ~3 14 Hapur (13) ... Uninhabited .181

T(915) TWE(137) TW(778) 44 60 Hapur (16) EA 182

T(457) TWE(254) TW(203) 19 S5 Hapur (13) T 133

T(587) )TWE(105) TW(459) W(Z3) 4 44 Gulaothi (7) 184

T(401) TWE(197) TW(202) W(2) ! 28 Gulaothi (8) 185

T(734) TWE(692) W(42) 23 47 Gulaothi (7) 186

T(I,531) TWE(I,187) W(344) 23 81 Gul aothi (6) EA 1~7

T(46l) TWE(452) W(12) 44 18 Hapur (19) EA 188

T(426) TWE(403) W(23) 5 28 Hapur (16) EA 18~

T(1283) TWE(1,283) 17 46 136 Hapur (16) EA 190

T(274) TWE(258) W(16) 6 25 Hapur (19) EA 191

T(ISO) TWE(150) 8 Hapur (19) Uninhabited El2

T(415) TWE(4IS) 149 20 Hapur (19) 193

T(456) TW(455) 87 39 HapuT (20) 194-

T(730) TW(126) C(l43) W(46I) 48 85 107 Garh Mukteshwar (13) EA 195

T(349) TWE(219) W(ISO) 90 28 31 Garh Mukteshwar (13) EA 1%

T(633) 0(178) TW(389) W(66) 17 72 39 Garh ~ukteshwar (13) EA 197

T(516) C(495) TWE(IO) W(II) 17 30 58 Garh Mukteshwar (II) EA 198

T(797) C(547) TW(2501 2 S6 47 Garh Mukteshwar (II) 199

T(279) C(I74) TWE(59) W(49j 15 2 31 Garh Mukteshwar (II) F.'\ 20Q 182 VILLAGS


Amenitia available within the ,iIla~ LOCI' Total tlOil area Cod. Nlme of Vitiate of the Post No. 'lillage Educational Medical P6Wcr Drinking Communi· & Staple Food (ill acres] lupply water cationl Telegraph

I 6 B 10

201 Birampur 434 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

202 Bharna 907 JBS (1) D:1) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Mailc

203 Harota 974 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

204 Khera 483 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

205 Daryapur Khurd 208 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

206 Bahrpur 192 HP,W PR Wheal & Maize

207 Rajheti 346 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

20B Ahsanpur 255 Uninhabited

209 Kazmabad uri Zama!pur 276 HP,W PR PO Wbeat & Maize

210 Bilahra 656 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

2ll Singanpur 539 HP,W KR Wheat & Maizc

212 Razapur 442 E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

215 Jakhera Rahmatpur 1,045 JBS (I) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

214 Soloni 680 E HP,W PR Wbeat & Maize

215 Nagla Barh 433 JBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

216 Gandhu Nagla 453 JBS (1) HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

217 Neknampur Phuari 351 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

21B Wat 1,964 JBS (l) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

219 Khagoi 47B E HP,W KR,PR Wheat & Maize

220 Shahaspura 531 E HP,W KR,PR Wheat & Maize

221 Ratupura 425 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

222 Buxar 5'8 JBS (2) H(1) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

223 Sarurpur 1,039 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

224 Bhowapur 732 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

225 Bhowlpur Maatllnnagar 640 JBS(l)SBS(I) H(I) E HP,W PR,T PO,Phone Wheat & Mai~e HSS (1) ISS DIRECTORY

LAND USB Remarks Day or dayt including Land use (i. e., area under different types of land usc in acrcs or the any place Loea rounded to the nearest unit) - market/hat, of religious, tion . \ Neared toWl! Area Dot and dbtance if any, historical or Code available for (in Km.) held in the archaeo- No. Un. Cultivable village logical Fore •• Irrigated irrigated Waite cultivation interest

17 18 11 12 IS 14 15 16

201 _. T(383) C(383) 4 47 Garh Muktelhwar (11) 202 - T(780) TWE(155) W(77) R(54B) 51 7 69 Garh Mukteshwar (19) EA 203 .- T(817) C(264) TWE(432) W(21) 41 25 91 Garh Mukteshwar (18) 204 - T(434) C(236) TWE(5B} W(140) 21 21 Garh ~fukteshwar (16) ," 205 _. T(193) TWE(IS)W(175) 3 S 4 Garh Mukteshwar (16)

206 _. T(I80) C(70) TWE(103) W(7) 2 10 Garh Muktespwar (IS) 207 ... T(284) C(41) TW(lfi7) W(75) U(I) 7 48 Garh Mukteshwar'(ll) ... Uninhabited 208 T(I94) W(I94) 22 10 29 Garh Mukteshwar (18) 209 _. T(2-17) C(32) TWE(29) W(IS6) 4 24 Garh Mukteshwar (19) 210 51 Siana (13) .M T(470) C(86) TWE(95) W(289) 104 31

211 ,.. T(4SI) C(333) TWE(120) W(2S) 28 6 24 Siana (13) _, 21! T(375) C(54) TW(SI3) W(8) 16 5 46 Siana (9) EA,T 213 -. T(9G8) C(I14) TWE(519) W(245) 26 SO 81 Siana (9) EA 214 ... T(606) C(136) TWE(361) W(I09) 6 24 44 Siana (14) 215 T(360) C(296) TW(64) g.1 4- 35 Garh Mukt~shwar (16)

... llfi ... T(399; C(323) TWE(76) 2 49 Garb Mukteshwar (6) 17 Garh Mukteshwar (5) 217 ." T(331) C(223) TW(39) W(69) 3 EA 218 T(1.764) C(S55) TWE(243) W(965) 0(1) 24 6G 116 Garh Mukteshwar (3) '" Garh Mukteshwar (5) EA 219 ... T(400) C~J201 TWE(280) 39 9 30 EA 220 ... T(445) C(l11) TWE(149) W(185) 39 6 44 Garh Mulr.teshwar (5)

M 221 ... T(329) C(259) TWE(69) W(I) 254 11 31 Garh Mukteshwar (II) 145 Garh Mukteshwar (!O) Friday EA,T,M 222 n' T(402) C(64) TWE(222) W(116) 31 EA 223 ... T(739) C(515) TWE(97) W(127) 185 llS Garh Mukteshwar (5) -EA 224 ... T(606) C(BS) TWE(220) W(298) 92 3,1 Garh Mukteshwar(8} Tuesday EA 221 ... T(410) C(32} TWE(263) W(llO) 4- 5 221 Garh Mukteshwar (10) 184 VILLAG& 6 .... HAPUR TAHSIL AMENITIES AND

Amenitiea available withiD the village LOta· ti!)T) Total --A- Area Codt Name or Village N~. or the Post village Educational Medical Power DrinHng Communi. & Staple Food (iJI acres) supply water clltion. Telegraph

2 4 5 6 8 9 10

226 Gordhanpur 324 Uninhabited 227 Mohammadpur Khudalya. 833 JBS{l) E HP,W PR Wheal & Maize 228 Badhha 343 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 229 Sikhera Moradabad 1,378 JBS (2) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize 2S0 Faridpur Simbhaoli 613 JBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

231 Rajpur 1,359 JBS (I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize 232 Peernagar 682 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 233 Himmatpur 668 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 234 Todarpur 385 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 235 Nawada Kalan 654 HP,W PR Wheat & fliaize

236 Phul Dera 557 JBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 237 Akbarpur Buklana 880 JBS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 2S8 Bhagwanpur 583 E HP,W Wheat & Maize 239 Dhanpura 294 HP,W Wheat & Maize 240 Faridpur GOlai . 184 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

241 Datiana 1,358 }BS (1) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

242 Niazpur Khaiya 536 JBS (1) BP,W KR Wheat & Maize

243 Sharifpur 692 JBS (I) HP, W KR,C Wheat & Maize

244- Anooppur Debari! 1,290 JBS (I) HP,W KR,C Wheat & Maize

24~ Rasulaba.d Nanpur 1,543 JBS (I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

2046 Mohammad Muradpur 502 E HP. W KR. Wheat & Maize

247 Pawati 466 JES (I) HP, W KR Wheat & Mai~e

248 Saidullapur Lodhi 807 IES (I) HP,W PR FO Wheat & Maize

249 Lodhipur Sobban 65{l JBS (I) HP, W PR Wheat & Maize

2,0 Deoli 937 JBS (1) HP,W PR Wheat & Maiu 185 DJRECTv~Y

LAND USB . Remark! Land usc (I. e., area under diCferent type. of lllld use in acrea rounded to Day or daya including ~ tbe neareal unit)A-, ______~ of the any.place ~Ota Nearest town market/hat, or rellgloul, IIOD Area and distance if any, historical or Code Un· Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the arch aeo- No. Foreat Irrigated Walle for village logical cultivatiOli interest

11 12 13 14 17 18

T(293) C(39) 1'WE(150) WE(I04) 8 23 Garh Mukleshwar (11) ... Uninhabited 226

... 1(693) C(l68) TW(269) WB(25S) \5 \5 HI) Garh Mu'ktelhwar (II) 'l'l1

... T(282) TWE(7) C(2S2) W(IS) TW(29) 16 14 31 Garh Mukteshwar (11) 228

... T(I,033) TWE(640) WE(393) 101 141 103 Garh Mukteshwar (14) EA 229

... T(467) C(89) TWE(J8) WE(360) 21 63 62 Garh Mukteshwar (IS) ,SO

... T(I,069) C(406) TWE(104) WE(559) 142 53 9j Garh Mukteshwar (14) EA 231

T(481) C(336) TWE(66) WE(79) 125 21' 55 Garh Mukteshwar (8) 232

... T(452) C(403) TWE(21) WE(28) 58 103 55 Garh Mukteshwar (13) EA 233

... T(315) C(150) W(165) 19 M Garb Mukteshwar (11) 234

•.. T(513) C(513) 29 112 Garb Mukteshwar (6) 235

... T(453) C(197) WE(256) 59 45 Garh Mukteshwar (8) 236

_. T(567) C(399) TWE(168) 221 10 B2 Garh Mukteshwar (13) EA 237

(14) 238 .. ' T(498) C(I96) TWE(9) WE(293) 6 23 56 Garh Muktesbwar

... T(211) C(205) WE(6) 13 48 22 Garh Mukteshwar (8) 239

... T(161)W(161) 3 2 18 Garh Mukteshwar (11) 240

... T(I,018) C(956) 1WE(62) 157 5l 132 Gatb MUlleshwar (13) Tuesday EA,T 241

•,. T(398) C(318) 1W(2) W(78) 45 43 50 Garh Mukteshw2lf (14) 242

... T(563) C(398) TW(23) W(147) 48 23 53 Garh Mukteshwar (16) 243

.,. T(l,Oi7) C(723) TW(42) W(312) 51 36 126 Garh Mukteshwar (14) 244

... T(I,181) C(i95) 'fWE(95) W(24) TW(267) 200 50 112 Garh ~1ukteshwar (14) EA 245

... T(465) C(240) TWE(183) W(42) 7 30 Garb Mukteshwar (10) .Il.A 246

... T(418) C(292) TWE(71) W(55) 15 33 Garh Muktesbwar (10) 247

... T(711) C(402) TW&(161) W(5a) 36 60 Garh Mukteshwar (10) 348

." T(432) C(353) TWE(52) W(27) 159 11 43 Garb Mukteshwar (13) 249

.. , 1(764) C(j70) TWE(139) W(55) 107 10 56 Garh Multeshwar (16) 250 186 ViLLAGI

6-HAPUR TAHSIL AMENITIES AND Amenities available within the villalle L'lC&· Total tion area Coda Name of Village of the Post No, village Educational Medical Pawer Drinking Communi. & Staple Food (in acres) lupply watef ca.tiona Telegraph

• 6 10

251 Dhana 612 JBS (I) R HP.W PR Wheat & Maize

252 Ilhagwati urJ Lisiri 2B6 JES (1) HP.W PR Wbeat& Mahe

253 Fattapuf 566 JBS (1) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

54 lkhiar uri A\hapuT 791 JBS (1) E HP.W KR,PR Wheat & Maize

255 Hashupuril 1.261 jBS(I) E HP,W KR N.A.

256 Athseni 1,978 JBS (1) SBS (1) ... R m,w KR,PR PO Wheat & Maize

257 Badarkha 683 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

258 Dautai 1,784 JBS(I) E HP,W PR PO Whea.t & Rice

259 Manak Chowk 603 JBS (1) E m,w KR,PR Wheat & Maize

260 Nizampur Uri Haranpur 494 HP,W KR,PR Wheat & Maize

261 Ladpur 570 JIlS (1) HP,W KR Wheat &. Maize

262 Kharakpur 426 HP,W PR Wheat &. Maize

263 Lodipur Chhaph 733 JBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

264 HadarpuI 821 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

265 Saidpur 962 HP.W KR Wheat & Maize

266 Zamalpur 198 HP, KR. Wheat & Maize

267 ]harina 1,413 JBS (I) E HP,W PR PO Whea.t & Maize

26B :--M:impur 236 Uninhabited

269 Khanpur Makhanpur 407 Uninhabited

270 Hakiempuar Ganori 234 Uninhabited

271 Kutubpur 219 HP,W KR Wheat &. Maize

272 Aidalpur Panhadipur 355 Uninhabited

Z7g Inayatpur 4,258 JBS(I) HP,W ... Wheat & Rice

274 Alampur Bhagwantput 812 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice

275 Allahabadpur urJKolpur 510 HP,W PR ", Whea.t & Gram IS7 f)IRECTORY

LAND USB Remarks Land use (i. e., area under differenl type. of lalld use in actet Oaf or day. including rounded 10 the nearest unit) of tbe any place LOOk

~ I Neareal town markel/kat, of religious, tion Area not and distlUlce it any, historical or Code Un· Cultivable available {Of (in Km.) held in Ihe archaeo- No. Foresl Irrigated irrigated Wallte cultivation vi!lagc 10gicIIl interest

11 12 13 14 15 \6 17 18

251 T(536) C{52B) TWE(8) 12 91 45 Garh Mukteshwar~16) ... EA 252 T(241) C(241) 9 B 28 Galh Mukteshwar(BJ

T(311) C(296) TWE(B) W(7) 24 31 Garh Muhrshwar(lO) .•• EA 253 258 T(672) C(486)TWE(70)W(116) 62 60 Garh Mukteshwar(8) ... EA 255 T(773) C(:r.J5) TWE(92) W(346) 4{)3 21 64 Garh ~tukteshwar(5) ... F.A

2j6 T(1,587) C(l,399) TWE(l64) W(20) TK(4) 87 m 191 Garh Mul1tfshwar(5) ... EA 251 T(473) C(371) TWE(102) 71 16 123 Garh Mukteshwar(5) ... E." 258 T(I,185) T WE[I(i8j) 232 21 346 Garh Mukteshwar(3) EA 259 T(505) C(257) TWE(44) W(204) 60 43 Garh Mukteshwar(lO) ... EA 260 T(420) C(IOI) TW(319) 44 30 Garh Mukteshwar(B) ...

261 T(380) C(369) W(ll) 143 35 6 Garh Mukteshwar(8) ... 2[2 T(212) TW{56) C(156) 197 17 Garh Mukushwar(10) ... 263 1(646) TW(38) C(511) VI (31) 40 47 Garh Mukteshwar(IO) ... 264 T(713) C(494) TW(217) W(2) 54 54 Garh Muheshwar(lOJ ,", 265 T(180) c(laO) 341 418 23 Garh Muktcshwar(IO) ."

265 134 63 Garh Mukteshwar(IO) ... 267 T(326) TWE(326) 629 350 108 Garh Muktesbwar(ll) Monday EA,T

193 41 Garh Mu,"ttshwar( 0) ... Uninhabited 268

T(29) TW(29) 208 169 Garh Muheshwar( lO) ... Uninhabited 269

112 12l Garh Mukteshwar(ll) ... Uninhabited 270

T(17) R(l7) 135 67 Garh Mukteshwar(ll) .•• 271

T(51) R(SI) 91 205 S Garh Mukteshwar(ll) ... Uninhabited 272

T(114) TK(5) W(IOg) 9J8 1,535 1,669 Garh Mukteshwar(6) ... m

62 337 14 399 Garh t1ukteshwar(3) ... 274

T(83) C(59J W(22) 0(1) 208 123 % Garh Mukteshwar(8) ... 275 186 VtI.J..AGS


Amenitit1 available within the village Loea· Total lion Area Cod~ Name of Villar of the Post No, village EducatioDal Medical Power Drinkins Communi· & Staple Food (in acrel) supply water calions Telegraph

8 10

276 Kalyanpur 825 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 277 Janupura 855 ]BS (I) E HP,W KR,PR PO Wheat & Rice 278 Popai 856 ]BS (1) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize 279 Khilwai 1,096 ]BS (I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice 280 Shahpur Chaudhri 1,063 JBS (1) HP,W PR PO -Wheat & lIhize

281 Rawasan UrfSbeogarh 47t HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize 282 KOlhla 1,164 Uninhabited 283 Mohammad Sakarpur 1,565 flP,W PR Wheat & Maize , 284 Abdullahpur 249 JBS (1) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice 285 Rampur Niamatpur 1,911 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

216 Latira 850 HP,W,R KR Wheat & Rice 287 Garh Mukteshwar 2,942 E P,1.\, KR,PR Wheat & Rice (Rural) 288 Gadaoli 1,211 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 289 Bakhtwarpur 882 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 290 Allahabuxpur 1,180 E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

291 Bihuni 958 JBS (I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

2Q2 Abidpur Ka ri 242 Uninhabited

293 Karimpur 5t6 E HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 294 Nagli 290 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 295 Kanpur 467 ... HP,W }lR Wheat & Maize

296 Mustafabad 3S6 Uninhabited

297 Loohari 535 JBS (I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Mai~e

298 Rampur 335 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

299 Dehra 535 HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

30Q Dholpur 672 JBS (1) HP,W KR,PR Wheat & Maize 189 DIRECTORY


Remarb Land U1C (I. e., area under different type. of land use in acm rounded to Day or daY' including the neareal unit) or the any,p!ac:e ~ •• Nearesllowa lDarket/hlll, of rellglOUI. lion Area and diltance . if an~, hillorieal or Code Un- Cultivable nOI available (io Km.J held in I e Irchae~ No. Forel' lrriiated Irrigated Waste for village logical cultivatioo Interel'

I! 12 13 14 15 Ifi 17 18 '-_

- T(353) C(240) W(1l3) 0(10) 95 144 223 Garb Mukteshwar (8) T 276 T(578) C(489) TWE(189) 99 78 Garb Mukteshwar (8) EA 277

278 p. T(652) C(182) TW(298) W(172) 124 80 GIllh Mukleshwar (6)

279 ~, T(834) TWE(834) 106 116 40 Garb Muktesbwar (5) E'I

... T(351) R(351) 524 188 Garh Mukteshwar (3) T 280

... T(50) R(50) 261 163 Garh Muktesawar (5) 281

831 333 Garh Mukteshwar (4) Uninbabited 262

_. T(3) R(3) 1,012 550 Garh Mukteshwar (5) 2BJ

180 69 Garh Mukteshwar (5) 284

T(5) TW(5) 1,110 796 Garh Mukteshwar (2) EA 285

-' T(lI) W(II) 371 29 439 Garh Mukteshwar (2) 286 ... T(I,147) C(23\) TWE(363) WE(553) 1,169 504 122 Garb Mukteshwar (I) EA,T 287

... T(8) W(8) 467 44 692 Garh Mukteshwar (2) 2BB

193 43 646 Garb Mukteshwar (3) 2B9

... T(280) TWE(276) W(4) 548 207 145 Garh Muktesbwar (3) EA 29G

... T(766) C(300) TWE(466) 1GB 13 71 Garh Mukteshwar (6) EA 291

... T(I58) C(l54) W(4) 64 3 17 Garh Mukteshwar (8) Uninhabited 292

... T(310) C(89) TWE(221) IB2 4 50 Garh Mukteshwar (5) EA 293

29~ H' T(83) TW(83) 169 38 Garl, Mukteshwar (14) ...

.. T(258) C(258) 157 52 Garb Mukteshwar (10) ... 295

,.. T(237) C(2S7) 93 56 Carh Muktesbwar (11) ." Uninhabited 296

T(388) C(263) TWE(100) W(25) 54 92 Garh Mukteshwar (11) ... EA 297 298 H' T(1I6) Cr1l6) 179 40 Garh Muktr.sbwar (13) .. ,

T(448) C(H8) 21 66 Garh Muktesbwar (2) 2gg

1(423) C(4JB) W(5) l70 73 Garh Mukteshwar (10) ." 300 190 VILLAGE


Amcnitici available within tbe villallc Loca· Total tioD area Codo Name of VilIaKc of the Poot No. village Educational Medical Pllwtr Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in acrea) lupply water calion. Telegraph


SOl Sharifabad 483 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

802 Salarpur 489 SBS (I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Maize

S03 Sikanderpur 700 JBS (I) HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

S04 Ba6arpur 2,118 JBS (1) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice

305 Bardge Ghat 504 & 305 JBS (I) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Gram

306 Alamgirpur 1,945 JBS (1) HP,W PR PO Wheat & ~laize

S07 Chitiura Mehiuddinpur 1,744 JBS (1) HP,W PR Wheat & Rice

!08 Palwara 1,616 JBS (1) HP,W KR. PO Wheat & Maize

BOg Mohd. Pur Rustampur 525 HP,W KR \\'heat & Maize

SIO Salahabad 577 Uninhabited

!II Shtikh Mir 336 Uninhabited

312 Neknarnpur Nanai 698 JBS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

SI3 Allipur 339 E HP;W PR Wheal & Maize

314 Katira Jafrabad 364 HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

315 Chuchaoli 209 Uninhabited

3lIS Bhaina Sadarpur 1,229 JBS (2) E HP,W PR PO Wheat & Rice

317 Wahapur Thera S34 E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

318 Chander 1,387 ]BS (I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Maize

319 Sehal 1,001 JBS (I) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

320 Bahadur Garh 2,132 JBS(I) SBS(I) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize

321 Paswara 1,614 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

322 Bhad Siana 1,634 JBS(I) HSS(I) E W KR PO Wheat & Maize

323 Lahadra 419 JBS (1) E HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

324 Barari 743 Uninhabited

325 Alamnagar 17QQ JBS (1) E HP,W KR PO Wheat & Maize 191 I1fRECTtRY


Relnaru Land we (I, e., ar;,a IIAder dif!wot t~, of Ilnd liar in aCres illrlurling I)le nearea, unit) r.ayor day' ..... or the ~ny plACt Loc~, --_ _ _-.... Nea(e~t ton market/hot, of rtligious, tion Area and diitance if any, historicaloT Code Fortll Un- Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the archa((t- No. Irrigated Irrigated Waste lor vill age logical cultivation interetl tI 12 13 ' 14 15 Iii ". 18

T(426) C(41S) 2~ 3:; Garh Mukteshwar III) 301

TU50; C('iO) TWE(200) 157 82 Garh Mukteshwar (9) EA S02

T(34) TWE:34) 522 ],13 Garh MuktesLwar (6) 303

T(439) TW(414) W(25) 1,142 292 245 Garh Mu\.:tcshwar (I:i) E.\ Q04

Garn Mukteshwar ;8) 305

1(186) ~~86) 858 75S 136 Garh Mukteshwar (10) Z03 32 T(280) e(277) Wi') 1,077 3j2 Garh MuktesLwar (II) 307

T(I,058) C~1,O)8) ~39 159 Garh ~kleshwar (G;, "Ionday J03

T(I) IW(I) 403 121 Garh Mutcshwar (10) 309

253 114 Garh MukteshwH (3) Cninh,.b 'ted 3:0

7 T(76) CPti) 247 Garh Muhd,war (Ui) .. ' tln' nhabited 3 J 8 rrj6lj C(240) W(21) TWE(30J) 54 75 Gat h ~!u!\tfsLw:lr (10) EA 312

T(291) C(278) TWE(13) 27 21 GaTh Mukte;hwar 1:8) 313

T(2i8) C(170, W(88) 36 50 Garh Mukteshwar (8,1 314

T(135, Ti,/(135) 64 9 Garh Muklcshwar (13) Uninhabitd 315

15 T(789). C(IS9) TWE(342) W(283) T.K(5) 313 112 Garh Muktesr.war (ll) Saturday EA 316 2 T(278) TWE(97) W(tSI) 31 23 Garh Muktcsl.war (13) EA m

8 T(833) C(342) TWE(184) W(307) 456 83 Garh l\,Mteshwar (10) EA 318

T(904) C(56) TWE(439) W(360) 22 75 Garh Mu~teshwar (14) I A 319

T(1,333) TWE(J,383) SOi 299 Garh Mukteshwar (15) Wednesday, EA,'T,M, 320 Friday

T(311) CrSI7) 877 2~3 127 Garh Mukteshwar 114) M S21

T(1,402) C(I,025) TWE(311) W(66) 96 1)6 Garh Mukocshwar (\9) Saturday, EA 322 Wednesday , T(358) C(317) TWE(41) 18 ' 3 Garh Mukteshwar 121) EA 323

T(506) C(282) TW(156) 0(68) 218 19 Garh Muktcshwar (21) Uninhabitld 324

T(437) TWE(437) 806 334 206 Garh Mukteshwat (19) Thursday, EA 325 Monday 192 VILLAGB


Amenities available within the village Loca- Total ---....___ tion Area Code ---- Narne of Village of the Poat No. village Educationa! Medical Power Drinking Communi. & Staple Food (in aCrel) lupply water cation. Telegraph

• 6 8 10

326 Nawarla Khurd 1,145 HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 327 Pooth 1,092 HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 328 Kanth UrJShakratila 422 HP,W KR Wheat & Gram 829 Kiraoli 601 HP,W KR. Wheat & Maize

830 Alapur 383 Uninhabited

S31 Sherptlr 383 JBS (I) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize

332 Raharwa 852 JBS (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Maize 193 D1RECTO~Y

LAND USB lemarb LlDd IIIC (i. e•• a.rea under dif{el'Cl!.t typel of land use in acres rounded ~ Day or daY' including the nearest uDit) of the apy place Loca· NeareJl town market/hill, of religious, lion Area and distance if any, historical or Code Un· Cultivable not anilable (ill. Km.) held in the archaeI; No. Fore •• lrrillated irtillated Waste for villagc logical cultivatiOll interetl 18 II, ' 12 IS 14 15 II 17

T(22) R(22) 733 103 287 Garb Mukteshwar (21) '", 326

T(loo) W(lO) TW(90) 755 237 Garh Mukteshwar (14) ... T 327

T(9) TW(9) 271 142 Garh Muktclbwar (8) 328

T(116) TW(l16) 246 2S9 Garh Muktcshwat (21) ," 329

T(106) TW(IOO) 234 43 Garh Mukteshwar (13) ... Uninhabited 330

T(150) C(15O) 161 n Garh Muk:tcshwar (16) ... 331

T(204) TW(204) SI3 m Garh Muklclbwar (18) ... 332 194 AfPZNDIX '[0 TH.

T "hsil wise II bstract of Educational,


Educational r---~-'------~--_ _,.______.______-'"l Junior Basic School Senior B~sic ~cr.ool Hij;;!:cr Secondary Cal!ct;c OthelS Scbool ~ ---_;'_~'--' r--J---.., r---'----. r-----A--- '"I Number Nnmber Number Numhn Number f'tilrb,r Number ~:LI .. bcr Numb~r Number Sl. Name of Tahsil ~ d ~ cl cl cl t.Jo. of of of ilf Villages Junior vill agrs Srnior viii ag(s Higher Villag~s Culleges Villa,~cs Oth,~r having Basic havirig Basic having S(C(,nd. Laving ha Villi; Institu· Junior Schou Is Smior Schucis Higher ary Colleges halhtr (ioos Rasic Basic StCOI,d. Schools Ons(itu· Schools Schools ary I lIons :Schools

4 5 6 7 9 10 II 12

1 aghp"t 191 2S() 2) ~ ~ 0' 1. 20 Gj,a~iabad ~Oj " 238 i6 17 14 14 3 Sardhana E6 196 18 19 17 19 Meerut 167 188 10 II 14 14 5 MalVana 169 205 24 26 5 5 6 Hapur 181 200 21 23 7 7 7 District Total Iml 1,307 114 120 77 80 2 2


Power Supply Drinking Water r------'-----, Number of villages N".!mber of villages havinll where power supply is r-----"------r------~~------___ ~----.., Avail- Not Tap Hand Wall Tank River FOUD' Canal Water Lab Tube Uth(rs Not S[. Name of Tahsil able Avail· Pipe tain Fall Well Avail· No. able. able

2 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sf 82 23 34 3a 36 37 33

Baghpat 123 131 214 215 2 Ghaziabad 113 219 293 295 3 Sardhana 134 72 194 185 l Meenlt 142 87 .Ii 215 5 Mawana 90 216 252 201:8 6 Hapur 174 158 292 290 2 7 Dim. Total 776 BS3 1,460 1,44-8 5 4 6 VILLAGE i>IRECTORY

Medical aDd other amenities


Medical ,....---...... _ .. ____ ---....._~ __.._...i~ ...... ______---_",,_ Hospital Dispensary Maternity & Health Centre Family Planning Others Child welfare Centre Centre ., ~------, r ,--_.A.---, ~.).. I ~ ~ Number Number Numh'~r, Number Number Number ~umb~r Number Number Number Nurn ber Number of of of of of of of of of of of of Villages Ho'pj. Viltagl_:s Dispen. Villages 1ILC.W. \'illagrs H.alth Vil!.lges Fan,ilv Villa~cs Other having tals having SUl'! having hl\'in~ Cullrls having Planci::g h~vi;g Institu· Haspi· Dispm. M.C.W. Health Planning Ccntrl3 Other tiODI tal; larie! Centres Centrei lnstitu· tions

1) :~ l~ !6 17 18 19 211 21 22 OQoJ 24

':l 6 5 5 4 ·1

7 7 3 3 9 9 4 4 2 2 2 Z 5 5 4 4 34 34 2' ~I) 4 4 ] 3 3


Communications PostalliDd Teleglt!ph ,...-.---~ r------, Number of Villages havisg Post Office Telegraph Office Post and Telegraph Telephone

.Iw. __ --, ,-- ~---. ~--, ,.....-----A--.--, Puce a Kachcha Pucca Others Number Number Number Number Number :';umber l'iumber Number Road Road and of of of of of of of of Kachcha Villages Post Villages Tele· Village! Post and Villages PhOllU Road having Office having graph having Tele· having Post Tele- Office Post and graph Phonel Office graph lclegrapu Office Office Office

41 42 43 44 45 -if 47 4Il 49 50

54 59 22 38 68 68 .. 4 5 3 89 53 4 22 6§ 65 2 73 103 6 10 60 60 116 70 6 20 41 41 3 3 2 2

III ~2 8 36 36 3 89 166 I4 18 6! 62 I 1 I 529 543 60 106 332 332 10 lO Ii 12

P,S.U.P.-30 Census dated 28-6·73-750 copies PP (199).