CENSUS 1971 PART X-A Tcr\VN< & VILLAGE DIRECTORY SERIES 21 UTTAR PRADESH DISTRICT. DISTRICT MEERUT CENSUS HANDBOOK D. M. SINHA OF THE i};DIAN AD1IlNISTRATIVE SERVICE Director of Census Operatiorn Uttar Pradesh DISTRICT MEERUT I 10 I) 10 KMS b:.u.=.:.- -± - - 1--±=:;d o ". IL- f- i ,<-lS 01STRICT 1l0UNOARY TAHSIL BOUNDARY 'YIKAS ~HflND IIOUNDARY DISTRICT HEAOQUARTERS TAHSIL HEA.OQUA.RnR~ I""" ~ VtKIS KHA.Ha H~AOQU"'fHkS .~".'"' ,." 10111101 OF THE DIITRICT o ,v • ,.~\ ',., IN UTTAR PRIOEIH URBAN IUfA f/ c'~"'\f/ IJ . ~ - \, ,. "\ VILI.AGE WITH POPULATION MI]lI Olt "1011£ • ~~,' :'\ 0 IO::J 200 .(\,~S HIGHWAYS. NA1'IONAL, ,TATE l~iltUL_ )..'1:) r'; ~ OTHER IMPORTANT ROAD' ' ____ .- I R.A1L'hAV UI\IE WITH STAttON. BROAD (iIl.UC.EI, __ "i~ .... _ Nome of the A,,, in IPoPUIO\iOn No." No. of NARROW"A.UGEI~_ ,\. Tahsil K.' Villagfs Towns v;:-.... RIVER AND 5TRfAH I " ........ '" ~),. BlGHPII 1,0lll 561,066 154 CANAL WI1l11MPORTANT DISTRIBUiflfW \ I GHIZIIBAD 1.0581 718.91J III POlICf STATION P5 IIROHINI 895·1 4\M11 106 ron & nLEG.RA~H OFFICe. I PI MEERUI 7110 141.B14 119 RtH HOUSi TRAVELLERS' BUNGALOW, HC, I RH 5" HAmA 1.098.4 J90.))5 l06 HOSPITAL, PlSPENSARY,P, H, CENnE, ETC + HAPUR 1.0811 516.73B ll, DEGREE (OLlEG£, H. S, SCHOOL 8,0 TOTAL 5,944.0 3,%6.951 1,651 22 L_·--~~~~~-o~,--------~------------~~------~----~----~---, , 77 15 East of Gr"cw", 30 ~5 CONTENTS Pages Acknowledgements Introductory Note iii TOWN AND VILLA.GE DIRECTORY Town Directory Statement I-Status, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 4-5 Statement II-Physical Aspects and Location of Towns 1969 6-7 Statement III-Municipal Finance 1958-69 8-9 Statement IV-Civic and other Amenities 1969 10-11 Statement V-Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Towns 1959 12-13 Statement VI-Trade, Commerce, Industry, and Banking, 1969 14-15 Statement VII-Population by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Sheduled Tribes, 1971 16-17 Village Directory I-Baghpat Tabsil 0) Alphabetical List of Villages 23-25 (ii) Village Directory (Ame'nities and land use) 26-47 2-Ghaziabad Tahsil (i) Alphabetical List of Villages 51-53 (ii) Village Directory (Amenities and land use) 54-81 3-Sardhada Tahsil (i) >\lphabetical List of Villages 84-85 (ii) Village Directory (Amenities and land use) 86-103 4-Meetut Tablit 106-107 (i) Alphabeticall ist of Villages (ii) Village Directory (Amenities and land use) lUS-127 5-Mawana Tahsil 131-133 (i) Alphabetical List of Villages (ii) Village Directory (Amenities aad land use) 134-159 6-Bapur Tahsil 163-165 ti) Alphabetieallist of Villages (ii) Village Directory (.Amenities and land use) 166-192 Appendil-Tahsilwise Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities given in Village Directory 194-195 ( ix ) (b) Statement II-The physical and loeational aspects have been covered in this statement. The data of annual rainfall, rnaximmm and minimum tempwl.ture were not available with the Director of Meteorological Centre, Delhi, so the information given in Columns 4-6 relate to the nearest observatory at the Meerut town. (c) Statement III-The Capita receipt and expenditure of the local bodies in the 22 urban areas is as belows:- Table 2 ,.-____________Per Capita A ____ -. ______ -_, (Rs.) Expenditurr (Rs.) ~ ____Receipt A~_~~~ ~ ______A ____-_~ Class of Towns No. of Total Receipt Receipt Total Expen- Expen- Expen­ towns receipt through from all expen· diture diture diture taxes other diture on on on etc. sources public public all health institu· other and tution» aspects conven- ience 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Class 1 2 47'89 16'18 31'71 45'53 13'43 5'10 27'00 100,000 and above (Meerut and Ghazi- abad). Class II 2 28'11 15'11 13'00 27'94 13'00 50,OGO to 99,999 (Meerut Cantt. and Hapur) Class III 5 24'87 11'44 13'43 16'59 5'89 8'80 20,000 to 49,999 (Modi- nagar, Baraut, Mawana, Sardhana and Pilkhuwa) Class IV 5 8'69 2'48 6'21 9'14 1'l3 0'13 1O,OJO to 19,999 (Mal- yana, Kanker, Khera, Garhmukteshwar, Bagh- pat and Muradnagar) Class V 7 2'36 0'44 1'92 3'80 1'03 N 5,000 to 9,999 (Ghazi· aba~ Rly. Colony, Fandnagar, Shahjahan. pur, Ordnance Factory Murad nagar, Aminagar Sarai, Kaila and Hasti- napur) Class VI 0'30 0'3) 0,12 ... 0'12 below 5,000 (Rasulpur lJbulri) N-Negligable The per capita receipt of class I, II, III, IV, V and VI towns is ~7'S9, 28'11,24'87, 8'69, 2'36 and 0'30 respectively, Against this the per capita expenditure is Its. 46'53, 2i'S4, 16'59,9'14,3'80 and O'l~ respectively. ( x ) (d) Statement IV:-All the towns have protected water supply and road lighting arrangements. Fire fighting service is available in Baghpat, Baraut, Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad Rly. Colony, Hapur, Meerut Cantt., Meerut and I\1odinagar. There is arrangement of machanical transport fOI removing night soil in the 10wns of Ghaziabad City Urban Agglome. ration and Meerut City Urb'in Agglomeration. Hand carts, Head loans and Baskets are used for the purpose of removing night soil in the remain ing seventeen towns. (e) Statement V: - All the towns of the district have medical facilities. One T. B. Clinic is established each at Ghaziabad, Meerut Cantt. and Meerut. The total number of beds in the medical institutions of the district is 1,071. The highest number of beds (714) is in ~leerut. Rest of the towns have beds varying from a minimum number of 2 in Ghazi­ abad R1y. Colony to maximum of 102 in Ghaziabad. The district average for all the towns comes to 1'3 beds per 1,0)0 popuhtion. As regards the towns of Ghaziabad City Urban Agglomeration, the number of beds per 1,0)) population comes to 2'04, which is above the di£trict average whereas in Meerut City Urban Agglomeration the number of beds is below the disrrict average i.e. 0'82. The number of beds per 1,000 population has been shown in the following table :- Table 3 Total number of beds in Medical Institutions Number beds per 1.000 population ------- -------------~ -----~--- ----- 1071 1 (['3) Two Degree Colleges with Arts and Science faculties and one polytechnic Institute are located in Baraut town. The Degree Colleges of Arts and one with Science faculty and three shorthand typewriting institutions are located in Ghaziabad town. One Degree College with Arts faculty is located ill Hapur. Two Degree Colleges one with Arts and another with Science faculty are in Mawana. In Meerut there are ten Colleges, six with Arts, three with Science and one with Commerce. A 'Medical College and one Polytechnic Institute are also established there. Three Degree Colleges one with Arts, second with Science and third with Commerce faculty are located in Modinagar. One Degree College with Arts and One shorthand, type­ writing institute are lacated in Muradnagar. Three shorthand typewriting and one vocational training institute are located in Sardhana. The number of Higher Secondary, Middle and Primary Schools (1969) per 1,000 popula­ tion given the following table :.- Table 4 No. per 1,000 population Name of Town ~--------~--------~ Higher Secondary Middle Primary Aminagar Sarai 0'18 0'18 0'71 Baghpat 0'09 0'17 C'26 Baraut 0'19 G'03 0'61 f'aridnagar 0'13 0'27 0'66 ( xi ) Table 4-(concld,) No. per 1,000 population Name of Town ~-------~~-----~---~ Higher Secondary Middle Primary .......--~ .. --.........- 0'46 Garhmukteshwar ()'O9 0'37 0'49 0'08 0'04 Ghaziabad ... Ghaziabad Rly. Colony 0'52 Hapur 0'04 0'22 0'22 0'34 Hastinapur 0-\ I 0'21 0'32 Kaila 0'33 Kankar Khera 0'20 0'26 0'18 0'26 Malyana 0'09 O'CS 0'80 Mawana 0'16 0'07 0°40 Meerut 0'04 0'01 0'05 Meerut Cantt 0-03 0'14 0'07 1fodinagar 0'09 0'36 0')7 Muradnagar 0'21 Ordnance Faclory :M urad nagar 0°04 0'53 Pilkhuwa 0'17 0'20 Rasulpur Dhulri O'2J 0'20 0·36 Sardhana ("0;) (l°27 ()-14 054 ~bahjahanpur The average number of Higher Secondary, Middle and Primary Scho\}ls per 1,000 popu­ lation -for aU the towns is 0'08, 0'10 and 0'39 respectively, As regards the towns of Meerut City Urban Agglomeration average number of Higher Secondary, Middle and Primary Schools comes to 0-05 J 0'05 and 0'31 respectively, which is below the district average num\;>er of Higher Secondary, 1-tiddle Primary Schools in the towns of Ghaziabad City Urban Agglo­ meration comes to 0-08, 0'04 and 0'45 per 1,000 population respectively. The facilities of reading rooms and public libraries are available in 12 towns. There are 7, 6. 4, 3 and 2 cinema halls respectively in Meerut. ~-1eerut Cantt., Ghaziabad, Hapur and Modinagar, one each in Baraut, Mawana and Pilkhuwa, (£) Statement VI :-Cloth is the main article imported to Aminagar ~arai, Baraut Garh­ mukteshwar Kanker Khera, Malyana and Rasulpur Dhulri whereas food grains are imported J to Bagllpat and Kaila, wheat is imported to Ghaziabad al1d Ghaziabad R\y, Colony. The important item of import to the variuus urban areas are cotton yarn to Faridnagar, Timber to Hapur. Oil seeds to 'Mawana, Vegetables to Meerut Cantt., Vegetable Ghee to Meerut, Dying Chemicals to Pill<..h.uwa and agricultural implement5 to Shahjahanpur _ Cotton is imported Hastinapur and Modinagar whereas yarn is imported to Muradnagar and Sardhana, Articles manufactured and elCported from Baghpat, Baraut, Garhmukteshwar and Faridnagar are Sugar Gur, Muddas (Reed stools) and Handloom respectively, Main article exported from Aminagar Sarai and Ghaziabad are Leither and vegetable ghee respectively_ Articles manufactured and exported from Hlstinapur, Kaila and Kankar Khera are Conduitpipe, Our ( .-xii ) sprit respectively.
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