BOX 1673 ST AUGU3TI:J2 FLA Summ er! June 18-22, 1966 Hi Lo Rain Sat. 85 73 .45 Thursday Sun. 88 71 .10 Mon. 87 71 .40 Tues. 85 69 0 Edition Wed. noon 87 71 Trace BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 11 No. 62 Boca Raton, June 23, 1966 22 Pages PRICE City Changes Plan For Civic Center

Boca Raton's long-awaited pearance Board. The only resi- made. Civic Center zoning plan hit dential construction to be per- Council will again have to another stump Tuesday night mitted would be single family review the Planning and Zoning and was sent back to the Plan- and duplex buildings. High-rise Board's recommendations and ning and Zoning Board for ap- (R-4) was deleted Tuesday night hold a public hearing on the final proval. ~ the only major change to be ordinance. The plan to set up a separate zoning area around the city's public buildings and to upgrade residential and business zon- ing nearby was created by Walt- Many Money Problems er Young several weeks ago. Surgery was administered to the planning director's design following a public hearing which Occupy Council's Time packed the city hall with dissi- It was money night for City the agenda was a contract with dent citizens. Council at Tuesday's session. Florida Power and Light for Additional chopping was ad- (There are no more "bank new and improved lights in the ministered Tuesday by city nights" — remember?) Estates Section. The tab on this Parrot Jungle was the top attraction in Boca took the day-long field trip. Also included was a council, but according to Coun- Officials spent some money, will amount to $1,125. per year. Raton's Summer Recreation Program this week. picnic lunch at Matheson Hammock Park. The cilman Harold Maull, it ac- delayed the pain of spending One motion, that didn't cost Aboard the fleet of busses which left the Com- two youngsters with an armload or two of birds tually followed some of Young's more, decided to fight for some, any money handle but one that munity Center were 210 local youngsters who are Chris Passante and Dara Moore. original desires. and passed a resolution to let could cost a million dollars or As finally revised by council, the federal government spend more was referred to the city the area will be bounded on the some more. manager — what kind of gar- east by a line between Northwest Biggest item was the resolu- bage and trash disposal sys- F@r Trip to 1-95 Hearing 1st and Northwest 2nd avenues; tion to permit the Florida At- tem does the city need? on the north by Northwest Fourth lantic Ocean Sciences Institute street, on the east by a tier to seek $80,000 in federal funds of lots east of Crawford avenue to make a study of the results and on the south by Southwest of the city's new ocean outfall Institute Asks Fire in Eye, Plea on Lips 1st avenue. sewer system. The sewage is All changes of zoning would to be partly processed and (See Editorial Cartoon, Page 4A) sign it as a clover leaf rather GRADE SEPARATIONS at require council approval, and chlorinated, then pumped about Outfall Study Boca Raton's officials will go than as a diamond; Northwest 40th street and Jef- plans would be subject to the a mile offshore. The study will to West Palm Beach Monday ADD a cloverleaf interchange f ery St. at Clint Moore Diagonal. newly-created Community Ap- determine the effects, if any, The proposed participation with fire in their eyes and a at Glades road to serve Florida Vansant will also present the on flora, fauna, and sea life. in the stucjy of results of ocean plea on their lips. Atlantic University, Marymount city's north-south arterial A $65,000 item — the cost of outfall systems may be the They'll seek to change the College and University Park; street plans to the SRD to show Sign Problems sewers along the new Palmetto first project for the newly- State Road Department's plan PLAN a future four-lane traffic flow. Young will show Park Road from the Florida formed Florida Atlantic Ocean to give the city only two inter- bridge over 1-95 at 40th street; how the street plans figure into East Coast Railway to the El Sciences Institute. changes and one grade separa- APPROVE an interchange at the city's master plan, no ..•» L«_ •" Rio Canal was fired back to The institute is so new that tion when Interstate 95 is finally 51st street, but cloverleaf in- ing drawn by Milo Smith ana Acting City. Manager William it doesn't even have a charter completed. stead of diamond; Associates. Prendergast for further study issued yet, though Florida's Representing the city will be City Council Tuesday night and a report. Prendergast's secretary of state is expected Engineer J.P. Vansant, Acting told the Retail Merchants Divi- report is expected to reflect to approve it within the next City Manager William Prend- sion of the Chamber of Com- where the money is to come few days. ergast and Director of Planning Midnight Skulkers Strike, merce to come up with sug- from. The non-profit institute will Walter Young. gested changes to the sign or- A request from the city to the interest itself in projects that They were charged at a spec- dinance to which it objects. State Road Department for cannot be handled by Florida ial meeting Tuesday by council- Foregoing the merchants' re- $11,835 to repay for moving Atlantic University — projects men to do all they could to get Steal More 'Phone Cable quest to appoint some sort of sewer and water lines across in the fields of basic and applied the SRD to approve the city's The Midnight Skulkers struck The area is near the location joint committee, council offered the Intracoastal Waterway was research. 1965 plan which calls for three again! where thieves stole 1,600 feet the services of its attorney, returned with the notation "that Kenneth R. Miller and Robert interchanges and four grade For the third time in a week, of the same cable June 14. engineer and planning director refunding would not be possible Ingalls, both of Boca Raton, separations. thieves with a penchant for Cost of repairing the section, to help the businessmen in their because the work was done on serve as chairman of the board "The very future of Boca aerial acrobatics stole the tele- Barker said, will be $1,400. desire to change the controver- state right-of-way." When En- and president of the foundation,, Raton depends on its expansion phone lines from poles west of The figure brings to $5,100 the sial sign regulations. gineer J.P. Vansant pointed out Bart Annis, Delray Beach, to the west," Mayor- Pat tab for Southern Bell's repairs In the meantime, council in- that the original contract said has been named the executive Honchell said, "and if we do Boca Raton. James Barker, in the seven-day period. The structed Planning Director nothing about such things, coun- director. Annis recently re- not get access to that area, we Southern Bell's manager here, second theft occurred farther Walter Young to review the cil instructed its attorney to tired from the office of Planning simply cannot offer adequate said a 900-foot section of 50- south, near the State Road 810 provisions on flat signs on the "take action to get the money." and Programming of the Na- city facilities." pair cable was stolen from intersection of Powerline road, sides of buildings with the pos- Thomas Meredith, vice pres- tional Science Foundation. The limited access 1-95 would poles north of Glades road, east also in the area served by sibility of relaxing the pro- ident of Keating of Florida, Prior to that he served in the bisect the city from north to of the Powerline road inter- Southern Bell's Boca Raton of- visions. protested a letter from the city Navy Department and in the De- south just east of the Seaboard section. fice. demanding $36,000 in back as- partment of Defense. Airline Railroad tracks. sessments. Maintaining that According to Eugene Robin- Planning until 1988 is sup- there were extenuating cir- son, special assistant to the posed to be included in the SRD Sorry, Right Number cumstances, Meredith asked for president of FAU, the "in- plans, which Deputy Mayor Sid "Hello all you folks out there in radio-land. . ." another agreement, but got only stitute can serve as an excel- Brodhead labeled as "ridicu- Well, that's almost what he said. But the announcer on duty Amusement Page 5A 30 days to reach a planned lent support vehicle for Florida lous." at radio station WWOG Tuesday night also had another message Ann.Landers IB system of paying the charges. Atlantic, for it will enable many In the half-hour session Mon- for his midnight listeners. Church News 11B John A. Grant, consulting of our professors to participate day morning, Vansant will ratify "Somebody cut the telephone lines again," he said. "If there's Classifieds 8-9-10A engineer, was given a contract in outside research." the SRD's plans, and ask for the anybody listening, please call Jim Barker, the Southern Bell Editorials 4A of $5,700 for a master drain- Robinson expects the institute following additional items, be- manager." Public Notices 2A-5B' age plan of the city, and a time as it expands and brings* in ginning at the southern city And the phone rang. . .and rang. . .and rang, again. Real Estate 8B limit of 90 days for its com- outside experts who can serve limits. There's more than one way to run an audience survey! Sports 6-7A pletion. as visiting professors, to be of AN EVENTUAL five lane Women's News Section B The smallest money item on further aid to the university. bridge over 1-95 and the Sea- board tracks at Southwest 18th street; GRADE SEPARATION at Ca- mino Real to keep from dead- ending the street as proposed by the SRD; APPROVE the interchange at Marymount Program Opens Palmetto Park road, but de- Mayor Honchell Registration in Marymount College's sum- day, already some 160 more than planned. mer Self Help Program for migrant workers Biggest surge of registrants came in the OH For Italy and culturally deprived topped 1,360 yester- adult program for migrant workers, which meets evenings on campus. The college has Mayor Pat Honchell will go to 420 enrolled in the program already; San Remo, Italy, Friday to for- originally it was designed for a capacity of mally request that city's mayor only 250 students. Eraldo Cugge, to visit Boca Raton this fall. However, a college spokesman said, tfle The trip will be sponsored— schedule has been re-arranged and more vol- and paid for — by San Remo, unteers assigned to handle the increased en- new condominium apartment rollment. Migrants age 16 or over are eligible complex being built here on for the adult program. Ocean Boulevard. The mayors' visits has been cleared by the local chamber Youngsters enrolled in the ©oynton Beach of commerce, the Florida De- center number 182, there are 200 at the velopment Commission and the Pompano Beach Center, 300 students, on the U.S. State Department, Honchell Marymount campus, 162 at the Provident Re- told City Councilmen, who ap- search Center and 100 at the St. Thomas proved the trip. Aquinas center. While the local developers take pictures and get local col- or stories from the Italian city for future promotion work, Honchell will discuss mutual municipal problems with San School work Game time Remo's head man, he said. jj_ 1966 BOCA RATON NEWS Teen Talk - Wednesday Night Six From City Every ounce...a Dances Draw Large Tyrnouf Attend Ceremony magnificent Six men from Boca By Brenda Whisman many who were there was Carol Kolinski who Raton will make up part Magnavox of the twenty-five mem- We had a lively group won the prize of a Beach Bag. bers of Knights of Col- last night dancing to the umbus Council 4955 who sounds of the Traveling in quality This Saturday night will advance to the fourth Shoes and The Law. Ev- degree Sunday, June 26, and eryone was there and it the bands will be the in ceremonies at . looks like our Wednes- Mor - Loks and The dependability! day night dances will be Weeds. D.J. Stu Bow- Becoming members a great success. ers will also be on hand. of the Michael J. Mul- The Weeds, who will laly General Assembly Last Saturday night be playing half the night, are Joseph Massarella, there was an equally are a group of Florida Ben Butler, Richard good group. Among the Southern University Venezia, Harvey Cluss- students. One of the man, John O'Hara and Famous inventor members was a well Richard Chisholm. Alexander Graham Bell known member of Teen At a rece,nt election was only 29 when he pat- • Town. Yes, Skip Shef- of the assembly, Jack ented the telephone 90 field will be on stage Bus sen of Boca Raton years ago. • with the group. was elected faithful scribe. Bussen was also Wednesday night, June elected commander of To Look Like A 29, the band will be the the assembly honor Ambassadors and The guard. COUNTESS Mis-Fits. D.J. Dan Chandler will also be Go To there. PERSONAL 12" TV* Don't forget, pick up model 1-U114 your membership blank ... in your choice of soon!!! several decorative colors. Bob Babione Your family deserves the Why Does best in TV—a beautifully "If you think you'll lose §CHRAFFT'S ! you've lost. . .For out in slim, lightweight 'and high- the world you'll find. . . powered Magnavox! You'll "Cocktail Hour Success begins with a enjoy better pictures and Newest - Finest In fellow's will. . .It's all sound plus greater stability Last Two Hours? in the state of mind. .," —even from distant sta- Boca Raton fAli Drinks are 48£ from • It's surprising how tions. 71 sq. in, screen, ear- 4:00 to 6-00 P.M. many of us, on occasion, phone and convenient ROYAL PALM PLAZA Free Hors d'oeuvres tool) can conjure up worries GULFVIEW DRIVE U.S. 1 in Boca Raton and fears to the point channel selector window where they dull our abil- plus telescoping antenna. Phone 395-8888 ity to handle a problem Exclusive Space-Age Registration in Boca Raton's Summer Recrea- something going on almost every minute at the with the confidence nec- Bonded Circuitry makes essary for success. How tion Program hit 963 this week and the activi- three centers - Memorial Park, J.C. Mitchell much better if we could Magnavox TV far more re- IXPigtT PICTURE FRAMING ties were almost as numerous as the partici- School and Boca Raton High School. condition our minds to liable, too! face problems headon and DELUXE WORK AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES pants. Whether it was indoors or out, there was turn our thoughts to ways *{diagonal measure screen) and means of solving .them, rather than expend- Why settle for less, when a Restoration of Old ing unnecessary energy MagnavoJ now costs so little? Paintings by Experts on thoughts of possible defeat. For, as the saying -AT goes, Success beings with See New 1967 a fellow's will. COLOR TV - STEREO Any problem courag- HOE. BOCA RATON RD eously faced is half solved Now in Stock Downtown Boca Raton . . .the rest depends only Phosie 395-1660 on resolution to see it through. The problem of final arrangements and Coie-McDanlel's the last tribute to loved ones can be as easily solved. . .once we face MAGNAVOX it. The friendly, trained Home Entertainment Center counselors at LORNE - BABIONE FUNERAL INSURE HOME, 1188 North Fed- 3333 N. Fed. Hwy. eral Highway, know all YOUR HOME the answers to the ques- oca Raton 395-1201 tions you have in mind. Come in any time or call. Hours: 9:30 to 5:00 GENERAL INSDRANCE AGENCY Ph. 395-8787 OF BOCA RATON, INC. AMBULANCE SERVICE Read the Classified I WEIR PLAZA BUILDING HOWARD v. E. HANSON TELEPHONE 395-8844 ALL THE BEST FROM SONY SOLID STATE -A- STERECOROER "260" 3 - 2 - PRICED for YOU Special Features: XL-2 Radial Sound Solid State Circuitry...FM Stereo On corner lot with Inputs...Two Professional VU Meters Vertical or Horizontal Operating circle driveway too; Position...Separate Bass and Treble Tone Controls...Automatic Sentinel A, C, and appeal galore Shut-Off Switch...Automatic Tape Lifters...Pause Control and Tape Please stop by and see more. Counter...Dynamically Balanced SALE PRICED VFW Group Forms Here ULTRA- Capstan Flywheel. $27,900 WAS the price MOD 219.50 SONY MODEL Special Features: 4-track-Stereophoni But we couldn't break the ice MYSTERY and Monophonic Operation...XL-4 Quadradial Sound System"...3 Speeds So, down and down again to $24,900 Montgomery Eietted by New Post 7%, 3Kand V/, ips.;.Solid State And BELIEVE ME folks, this GREGORY SOPHIA Stereo Circuitry...Separate Bass and Don Montgomery was quartermaster; Art officers meeting is Treble Tone Controls...Professional VL Deal is REALLY FINE!! elected commander of deters...Automatic Sentinel Shut-Off Lewis, chaplain; How- scheduled June 27 at PECK 01OREI Switch Pause Control and Digital 601 W. Camino Real Boca Raton's new Post ard Kates, post -advo- 7:30 p.m. at University REG. 399.50 4035, Veterans of For- cate; Leland Colburn, iSffllEVOONEN moonm June M Crooke Bowl and will be open D eign Wars at the post surgeon; and trustees, for any prospective 395*7722 and 933-9601 organizational meeting Cliff Lougee, Howard members. ARABESQUE MUSIC this week. Walker and-Lew Mont- TEEHNICOLOR" PANAVISION" , CENTRE Other charter officers gomery. POGO Walt tfeliy of the group are: George Appointed posts went Starts Tomorrow 443 S. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton 395-7333 Ferguson, senior vice to Fenwick Miller, ser- Boca Raton Theater THE DEPENDABLE MUSIC STORE" commander; Don Fer- vice officer, and Lester guson, junior vice com- Griffith, officer of the mander; John Calhoun, day. The new post charter will remain open until Custom Made Draperies and Shades Public Notices Aug. 8 for new mem- Slipcovers ® Upholstery NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS " bers and persons who NAME STATUTE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that may wish to transfer Free Decorator Service For Consultation the undersigned, desiring to en- from other posts. An gage in business under fictitious Shoe Clearance name of JUNIOR BAZAAR Boca Phone 399-7033 Raton Hotel & Club intends to register the said name with the Clerk of the Circuit Court NEW MEDICARE Hi & W\i Heels of Palm Beach County, Florida. Dr. A. Donald and Deliso Debs Gertrude M. McLane 90 1051 Coconut Rd. SUPPLEMENT Garmeifefs DRAPERY STUDIO Boca Raton Oaressa 9 3CS2 N. FEDERAL HWY., BOCA RATON Publish: June*23, 30, July 1, 14, 1966 PAYS IN ADDITION Reg. to $25.00 TO OTHER INSURANCE Paradise Kittens Hurricane Season Is Here!! SPECIAL GROUP OF FLATS AWNINGS BE PREPARED STORM SHUTTERS and SANDALS BUY IN •51 Even Covers BOCA ,-z Pre-Existing Conditions RATON FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE NOW Reg. to $17.00 Full Span Lock Storm Shutter Our Alcan Flexalum BOCA RATON INSURANCE AGENCY, IMC. ' # 5 Styles * Carports * Patio Cowers Suite 107 201 North Federal Hwy., j Deerfield Beach, Florida 399-6161 | Shoe Salon INSTALLATION INCLUDED Name a 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU Address ... HURRICANE SERVICE OCEANSIDE CENTER 52 S.E. FIRST AVE. City Phone J ESTABLISHED 1957 - WITH ITS TRADITION OF QUALITY POMPANO BEACH BOCA RATON BOCA RATON NEWS June 23, 1966 3A f VACUUMS Jydge Dii Says It's No! the Thing To Do FREE WASH NEW AND RECONDITIONED Everything you've got!! CALL F. HIRST 395-7873 Carrying Machete, Razor Leads to Fine IN HOTPOINT WASHERS C arrying a straight was charged with driv- driving while his An extra $50 was Robert Urich, im- Friday June 24th through Monday June 27th razor in your pocket is ing without a license. license was suspended tacked' on to the original proper parking, guilty DR. P. A. MCRILL ot exactly the thing to Ray admitted to hav- and had been given time fine. waiver. Oj2to»lE.tliit ^ \ Judge Kenneth M, ing been convicted of a to raise the money. Other cases appear- Peter Bright, im- Dix decided in city court like charge in Deerfield. Judge Dix thought two ing before Judge Dix proper parking, guilty PALMETTO WASHBOWL * EYES EXAMINED Tuesday. Beach. Taking this into years was just a little included: waiver. 1247 W. Palmetto Rd.r Boca Raton * COMPLETE OPTICAL consideration, Judge too long and brought Harold R. Smith Jro, James J. Jennings, SERVICE And the excuse of tak- Dix levied fines of $ 140 Hagerman back. traffic light violation, traffic light violation, ing it to have it sharp- or 28 days in jail. The defendant said his guilty waiver. guilty waiver. ened didn't do much For Classified Ad Service Call 395-5121 127 BOCA RATON ROAD Joseph Hagerman ap- brother, who has since Wanda Sue Dill, good. Judge Dix said it peared before the mag- died, was supposed to speeding, bond estreat- BOCA RATDN appeared the razor istrate chaf-ged with take care of the fine. ed for failure to ap- hadn't been used for pear. ! contempt of court. He The court wasn't sym- PHONE 395-0660 shaving for a long, long had been fined $50 for pathetic. Edwin J. Hill, failure Let the neighbors taEk! fime. to yield right of way, And the three foot guilty waiver. machete hidden under Marymount, Florida Atlantic Rosemary S. Ed- • the front seat of the munds, speeding, $30. Take flowers OLIVETTI uHo|Rwgqp car Henry Ray was Junius E. Riley, driving didn't help his Will Host Regional School speeding, $35. case either. Paul B. McCullough, home tonight- And to top it off he Marymount College changing American at- speeding, $40. and Florida Atlantic titudes toward the use Phillip Mack West, University will join of alcohol, the effects ca-reless driving, $40 or FREE TRIAL forces to host the South on the individual and eight days and three PRODUCT Florida Regional School society. points against license. PROMOTION PROGRAM of Alcohol Studies July A limited number of Gordon Vaughan, im- 17-19 on the Marymount tuition scholarships are proper parking, guilty campus. available to cover the waiver. Jerry Hilliard, re- cost of the two-day Ray Sandhagen, im- Boca Raton FtVatoti Inc. gional field represent- school, Hilliard said. proper parking, guilty ative for the Florida Al- waiver. 2OO S. Federal Hwy. Phone 395-1943 coholic Rehabilitation Program and dean of. E.O.M. Sale ! the school, said the pro- END OF MONTH gram will center around group discussions, lec- tures and films on "the Roland Kehres problem of alcoholism, Services will be held CHOOSE a SAYINGS PLAN history and use of al- 25**50"-off Friday for Roland W. coholic beverages, Kehres, 2145 N.E. Fourth Ct., who died ! Makers of metal cut- Tuesday. BEST SUITED Come Browse ting and metal forming Mr. Kehres came tc tools registered a 22 Boca Raton eight years per cent gain in ship- ago from Cleveland, ments last year. This Ohio, where he had been to YOUR PURPOSE at OTR&VEZ year's outlook in ma- an automobile dealer. chine tools is for fatter He is survived by his DRESS SHOP order books, tempered wife, Elsie, Boca Ra- 192 S. Dixie Hwy. Boca Raton by shortages in skilled ton; daughter, Mrs. r labor. BOCA RATON NATIONAL BANK Leona Richards, Boca Raton; one son, William Kehres, Chagrin, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. John The NEW Management announces Hecker, Mrs. F. J. Mack, Cleveland, Ohio; two grandchildren, and one great grandchild. INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON ONE-YEAR Services will be con- ducted at 2 in NON-CANCELLABLE NEGOTIABLE Kraeer Funeral Home by Rev. John Wilkes, pastor, First Baptist CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT OF $1000 Church, followed by burial in Boca Raton OR MORE IN MULTIPLES OF $1000 • a Cemetery. Friends may call at of 1966-67 MODELS the funeral home 6 to 9 Interest Fay able at Maturity p.m. today. at Golden Harbour Mrs. Frank Dawson i ON THE INTRACOASTAL Word has been re- I effective immediately . . . ceived here of the death 9 of Mrs. Frank Dawson, Now 6 month Instead of 9 month . . . with No Bridges 81, St. Augustine, moth- er of Frank J. Dawson, certificates of deposits Boca Raton. Mrs. Dawson died Boca Raton's Only June 17 in St. Augus- tine. *> ill Waterfront Community Besides, Frank Daw- son, she is survived by another son, Francis INTEREST PAID ON 6 MONTHS Hebbard, Pensacola, and 4 DIRECT ACCESS TO OCEAN a brother, Albert Merz, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT Boca Raton. Services were held Beautiful homes ore PLENTIFUL Sunday in St. Augustine Computed and Paid Every 3 Months with burial Tuesday in Beautiful locations are SCARCE Effingham, 111. Mrs. Elizabeth de Vignau * *WE SELL LOCATIONS" Services were held INTEREST NOW BEING PAID ON REGULAR Monday for Mrs. Eliz- abeth R.M. de Vignau, SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, COMPOUNDED 48, St. Andrew's School, Refrigeration Where You Want It! who died Sunday morn- AND PAID QUARTERLY ing. Mrs. Yignau came to Boca Raton three years The Maximum Alloived by haw. ago from Baltimore, Maryland. She taught Spanish and PATIO BEDROOM PLAYROOM HOTEL-MOTEL French at St. Andrew's. Roll KOOLBAR on to the Patio or What convenience for that second In the Playroom KOOLBAR is the In Hotels and Motels, Pooiside, for your Food and Fun story Bedroom!! life of the party. Takes the walk guests love TOOLBAR'S She was a member of Bar. Ideal for that cook-out. and work out of party giving. convenience. A definite guest attraction. St. Joan of Arc Church. She is survived by her husband, Pierre, FREE TRANSFER OF FUNDS Boca Raton, -and a sis- ter, Mrs. Martha Chat- MODEL #310 elle, Argentina. FROM ANYWHERE * Approx. 3& Cubic Ft. Re- Funeral Mass was frigerated Capacity said at St. Joan of Arc IN UNITED STATES * Adjustable wide range Church followed by bur- temperature control * Complete magnetic gasket ial in Boca Raton Ceme- seals refrigerator door all tery. the way around. NO AIR LEAKS * 3 Aluminum self releasing ice cube trays — 54 Large 395-2300 Ice Cubes BOCA RATON Defrosting Tray Locked Storage Compartment 1 piece liner — finest ex- panded foam insulation Appliance outlet "i5. _ ~ —'V« Tilt-up electrical cooking National ?

By J.H. Jesse still in the very early stages. the outstanding Republican lead- Few people doubt that Kirk ers in ift state, he can hardly Last week on this page, we will get more votes than any be expWted '•fo say anything gave you the opinions of Malcolm recent GOP candidate, but also else. Johnson, editor of the Talla- few believe that he will be Howeveri Reed received two hassee Democrat, on the elected governor. big boosts this week. chances of Claude A. Kirk, Jr. Not so says Boca Raton's Haydon Burns says that he becoming the first Republican Donald Reed. will sit this one out, and will not governor of Florida since Re- Reed says flatly that Kirk will endorse Robert King High, This About Time construction days. win, and will win handily. is rather remarkable statement The gubernatorial race con- Since Reed is the minority for the man who is the titular tinues to make news despite leader of the Florida House of head of the Democratic Party The distinction between policy making and ad- tremely well-qualified department heads. With the fact that the campaign is Representatives and is one of in Florida; and certainly will ministrative procedures is at the heart of the the employment of Alan Alford, who has a great not endear'bjjp[ to party faith- council-manager form of municipal government. deal of knowledge of the problems of Boca Raton, fuls. However, Mr. Burns has For a year now, Boca Raton has been in the council should now take the opportunity to move done little to endear himself to throes of thrashing out the differences and out of the administrative field into one of strictly anyone since the first primary putting the system into practical operation here. policy making. . and is well on his way to be- coming the lamest of lame So it was with a sigh of relief that we watched ducks, and his statement may the City Council shed itself of a long-standing have little effect on the voters problem and place the responsibility for a solu- of Florida. tion where it has belonged for the past five years. Gnats Perhaps even more note- The current city council inherited the problem worthy iwas. the announcement of the city's trash and refuse disposal program from Offe. "BMdy" Huff, chair- from a long chain of previous councils (nee David Livingston spent much of his life ex- man of the Florida Citrus Com- Commission). It's been bandied about with few ploring African during the 19th Century. mission, that "the ctirus In- constructive suggestions for entirely too many The most famous incident in his life, as far as dustry will go for Kirk." He years, probably largely because the council America is concerned, involved his exploration says that 11 of the 12 FCC shouldn't have been involved in the first place. of cannibal country and his subsequent rescue members are pro-Kirk. These citrus men contributed $5,500 Beyond the notion of establishing the policy in 1871 by Henry M. Stanley. When the two men met in the jungle, the re- to the Kirk campaign last Fri- that the city should provide the services, the me- day in Orlando. That's only a chanics of such a program are, or should be, in ported words of Stanley were "Dr. Livingston, I presume." Or at least that is what we remem- drop in the bucket in Florida the hands of the city's administrative department elections, but it may well start heads. ber from the movies. At some other point in Livingston's life, fol- a stead^streiljjK. So Tuesday's decision by the council to direct ! the city manager and department heads to make a lowing some of his explorations, he is quoted The citrus upheaval could study and come up with recommendations on concerning a particular failure. cause Scott Kelly some em- garbage and refuse disposal systems was the "It wasn't the lions and tigers that got us," barrassment, too. Kelly has most welcome action in many a moon. It was Livingston said. "It was the gnats." emerged as the strongest po- months — years — overdue and it is to be hoped And that, we think, is a most appropriate litical figure in the state in the that it is only the first of many such referrals. comment in our troubled world today. It is not the past month — an unusual event Whether it has been be default of the manager big, fierce things that get us down; it's the for a man twice beaten. Kelly's or by usurpation of the powers on the part of the small things — the gnats. strength has always been in council, too many administrative matters have Our advice today, based on the experiences his native panhandle and in the been acted upon or introduced by council. of a great explorer; is: watch out for the gnats, citrus jjl'ar.tlegds. It will be in- As we have often stated here, the city has ex- teresti™ to roe his reaction -Ocala Star Banner and his ability to stop — if indeed it is — the rebellion of the fruit growers. The Breadwinner's Journal What looked last January like an uninteresting primary and general election has turned Under Congressional Fire into a real beaut. Stick with us.

v Comments on the Civic Scene * # By Donald I. Rogers duty. crues from the fact that our The vocal anti-militarists Selective Service System was New York — There are three among the def erables on college created as an expediency for «Rr factors about the Selective Ser- campuses have helped to focus World War II and was never vice draft that are unalterable attention on the system of man- intended to serve as the vehicle and ever present. They are: power selection. Again there is for administering universal Meeting of the Stockholders 1) the draft can never be made heard the^cry in the land that conscription, which is what we popular; 2) it can never be made those who can afford college now have no matter what we call absolutely fair; and 3) until a are spared from military ser- it. The truth is, every able- lend itself to ready expansion* ber 17 to become winners of better system is devised it best vice while those who cannot bodied young man in America By Harold H. Green provides the manpower for the $100. are sent to war. faces military duty and it is Only through a taxpayer's suit We still haven't hit 17 and military services. There is a good measure of simply a question of at which Many of the more than 250 were we saved from a pair of segregated swimming pools and careful study of our records The draft is under Congres- truth to this objection, though point in his career that service people who were in the room, show eleven other numbers are sional fire again as it has been perhaps the most onerous as- will be given. including Mayor Honchell who a $186,000 debt. No interest was evidenced in acquiring eluding%s, 0ky one of which intermittently since it was pect of Selective Service is We agree that many of the was presiding, felt that the would make us big cash win- started in 1939. It is under as- the hardship it imposes on the complaints against the existing occasion resembled a meeting beach-park property, opening sault for the same reasons. of corporation stockholders. the inlet or doing anything about ners. However, we had our part time student and the dis- system are justified and that a moment of triumph when we The rich get a better break crimination against the young thorough study is needed so This was the City Council, City the Garden Apartment area. than the poor both through addi- of Boca Raton sponsored Cham- drew a ticket which entitled us man who would like to work that a young man may give his The Boca Raton News was to fifty trading stamps, ab- tional deferments and officer his way through college. Many military service to the nation ber of Commerce Coffee Club candidate opportunities. spanked, apparently because it solutely free. I doubt that we young men have found them- with the least amount of dis- meeting in the Community Cen- sometimes expressed editorial There is strong likelihood selves drafted because the de- ter. have purchased any more food ruption to his own life and his views which differed from those but we have certainly multiplied that this time Selective Service mands of making a living would own individual plans. What we In a cordial atmosphere, the of the City Commission. will be subjected to more not permit them enough time are fighting for on many fronts mayor presented his four fellow our trip %• to Che market place. searching Congressional scru- to take a sufficient number of throughout the world is the right councilmen Sidney Brodhead, Personally, I hope the stature But ifenk T§w it must have tiny than it has been accorded credits to escape the draft. of each human being to an in- Ed Guthrie, Harold Maull and and political climate which has relieved the monotony for those in the past. The basic reason This has imposed special dividual life. Bernard Turner, the team that now been achieved by our city gracious checkout gals. It has is that the escalation of the Viet hardships on those who, in tra- It would be a shallow victory has served together for the past government can be long main- given them1 a refreshing some- Nam war has occasioned a ditional Americal fashion, wish indeed if on attaining it on a year and a half as the molders tained and that we may have thing to dp besides just col- call-up of a larger number of to help themselves. worldwide scale, we denied it of our city government. regular "stockholders" meet- lecting cash, making, change non-deferable men for active The problem, of course, ac- to our own youth. Then, one by one, he intro- ings in the future. and helping' to pack bags. duced the city's department heads and on their behalf in- Perhaps it is morbid curios- Exploring Words vited us to come to city hall ity, but I would like to meet the If this column seems some- often and get to know better the sadistic genius who figures out what more balmy than usual it people who are trying day after the odds and the distribution of is poss^fey di^ to the fact that day to give us a good show for numbers in that Lucky Bingo it has been written without ben- our tax dollars. game in which thousands.of us efit of counsel by Mrs. Green. Acronyms and Acrobats Thomas J. Mullen, finance have been frustrated partici- She is in New York Visiting her ,director and tax collector; • pants during recent weeks. On family (she says), and Johnny James Rutherford, recreation the very first day with the very and I are operating as bach- By John Barclay times brighter than the sun off Telephone Laboratories pro- director; J.P. Vansant, city en- first card we lacked only num- elors. the planets, and carry mes- posed a light maser (or laser) gineer and Walter R. Young, LASER -- (pronounced LAY- sages. with a column or rod of "ma- planning and zoning director de- zer) and its fraternal twin In 1958, Charles H. Townes terial" between two polished livered appetite whetting cap- MASER (MAY-Zer) are two of and.Arthur L. Schawlow of Bell plates. A prototype was built sule reports of their depart- the most promising scientific by Theodore H. Maiman of mental activities. This set me break throughs of the twentieth Hughes Aircraft Co. in I960 to pondering over what has been Public FortiiA century. Similar to NASA and which employed an intense flash accomplished since February of RADAR, they are acronyms of light to "pump" a ruby rod, 1965 such as: To the Editor; The gutless instigator of this formed from the initial letters silvered at the ends. The light New City Charter put into While at the Bethesda Hos- unsigned note I quoted above is of the definitive words. which emerged in fantastic effect and operating bene- pital • in May this year I re- just another example of the tact- Laser is signified by Light bursts of energy from this de- ficially. City planning and zoning ceived a piece of mail sent to ics used by the Rowdies and Amplification Stimulated by the vice was the dawn of a new kind program well underway to in- my Boca. Raton address. This Dowdies on the far right fringe. Emission of Radiation, and of light man had never seen be- sure the orderly and construc- piece of mail enclosed "Re- Senator Hugh Scott (R) of Penn- Maser stems from Micro waves fore. tive development of our fast port from Washington" 5/16/66 sylvania while addressing a From curing cancer to com- growing community. Acquisi- (or molecular) Amplification by 4-A June 23, 1966 by Walter Trohan, Chief of the Young RepubUpan meeting in Stimulated Emission of Radia- municating with distant satel- tion by the city of highly Chicago Tribune's Washington Washing%n, &C. put this ex- tion. Prophetically, the words Published every Thursday and lites and the planets is no long- desirable beaclr-park property Bureau. His article was, as treme group in its place when acronym and acrobat are of Sunday at 34 SE 2nd St., Boca er a miracle or myth. Laser is and appointment of a citizen's expected, most critical of our he said, and I quote, "Go ahead kindred Greek origin, meaning Raton, Fla., 33432, by the a'reality! The Bell Telephone advisory committee to aid in its Washington officials. The Chi- with your program of self-dis- the outermost point or highest Boca Raton Publishing Co., System is now probing the in- development. Appointment of a cago Tribune and its satellites, truction if you will. . .after a pinnacle, plus their ancient Inc. Phone 395-5121. frared, visible light and ultraT now busy committee to develop the two Broward County daily while there'll be so few of you word for GO! violet regions of the spectrum and submit to council recom- papers seem to find nothing you'll have what you want — a With all deference to the J.H. JESSE which will accommodate a mil- mendations for cleaning up and good in our elected officlas at tiny little smoke-filled room Greeks and their creative Publisher lion times more channels than putting into more effective use the National level. But some- of the white Anglo-Saxon super- myths, Lasers and Masers are now available in the entire range the property now occupied by the how they cannot enlist enough privileged County Club set." in the amazing realm of reality, JOHN T. OPEL of frequencies used for com- Garden Apartments. support to elect the "patriots" SZGeoree M. Holdsworth eclipsing even the dreams of Editor munication. The Laser like all These are but a few of the they sponsor. a science-fiction writer or a genuine advances in science or constructive accomplishments But the real purpose of this modern day Jules Verne. H. CLAY RILEY in medicine will affect our lives which came to mind as I at- letter was to tell you and the For the first time since Mil- Advertising Mgr. and the way we live whether we tended the City Council, City citizens of Boca Raton about liken of California Tech, estab- 'wintered as second ctass mai I at the post* are aware of it or not. of Boca Raton report at the the handwritten unsigned mes- lished the speed of light, sci- office ai Boca Raton, Florida under the Chamber of Commerce Coffee sage written in ink above the Letters entists have produced a pure, act of Ma'rch 8, 1879. Club meeting. article by Mr. Trohan. Here coherent light that can confirm Wit's End What a contrast it is to the it is and I quote verbatim. Member of the Florida Press Association Letters to the editor should be short* or disprove Einstein's theory ar*d National Newspaper Association «- I get along with my wife. hanky-panky politics which "Didn't you have a big Humph- signed and. about subjects of local in* of relativity, cauterize infected Subscription rates: By carrier in the Every morning I say, "Honey, eminated from the city com- rey sticker on your car last terest. In the interest of brevity, they cells such as cancer without city 15^' per week, 65# per month; by I'm sorry." I haven't done any- mission during 1963-1964. We election? You're not fooling are subjKt to cgidensafion. Names- mail in the U.S., one year $7,50, 6 wifl be W'hheldVn request, but the surgery, weld detached retinas thing, but it clears me for the were handed a new city hall anybody." Well the sticker I original must bear a valid signature. inside the human eye and bounce months $4.00, 3 months $2.50. rest of the day. which is already outgrown, the had on my car was Johnson- a beam of light thousands of Henny Youngman architecture of which does not Humphrey. I am a Democrat. BOCA RATON NEWS June 23, 1966 5A Junior College Enrollment Up 39 Per Cent, Hiis 1,309 .Enrollment is up 39.1 growing recognition of per cent to a total of the importance of post- 1,306 students in the high-school education. second session of t h e The session has a Spring terra at Palm one-day holiday July 4, From "Brunch" to a Banquet... Beach Junior College, and ends with final ex- enjoy traditional American recipes Figures including all aminations on July 20. cooked to order by world famous except late evening reg- Commencement for the §CHRAFFTJ5 Chefs. On your next istrants showed a gain Spring term is Aug. 1. evening out...includeg ^ ^! of 393 above the 989 c RAF total for the same ses- FAMILY sion last year. Predic- DINNERS &om-$j.95 tions of 1,200 for the term were exceeded by . CALL 395-4800 more than 100. The second session of the Spring term was DRIVE-IN THEATRE added in a calendar re- Federal Hwy., US1, Between vision last year when Ft. Lauderdole and, Pompano PBJC went on a year- 4 COLOR round schedule. The two ADULT SHOWS six-week session of the "Fanny Hill" Chef Larre' Furlong Spring term roughly "The Group" equal the 17-week Fall "Circle of Love" offers and Winter terms. "Viva Maria" School officials cred- THIS WEEK For Your ited the increase to the new GI Bill, the draft, Dining Pleasure... recent high school grad- uates who want an early look at college, and U.S. #1 North Pompana 1. Broiled Pork Chops 1J5 with Apple Sauce Rent A NEW Their First Full Length Car or Truck Feature "Minister Go dome" 2. Chopped Tenderloin 1.60 Lowest Rates In Color with Mushroom Gfravy BECKER'Si and Phone — 942-4567 "Art of Love" 3. Broiled Filef of Snapper 2.10 with Dick Van Dyke Guest star Milton Berle is surrounded by the Along with Mitch" Friday, June 24. Uncle Miltie Night - 941-3252 Lemon butter Quinto Sisters at a party in his honor on the joins the youngsters in singing "The Street NBC Television Network's colorcast of "Sing Where You Live" during the full-hour show. 4. Beef Liver 2.00 Now thru 5af. Saute with Onions 9 5. Delmonico Steak 2.25 'Bewifched - The Program's SEAN CONNER? Maitre de'HoteJ THUNDERBA ABOVE ORDERS SERVED WITH Controlled bf Sinister Forces Salad Potato Vegetable Beverage Rolls Butter Home made Pudding After, visiting the set for breakfast. We are — Plus in color - "Planet of the Vampires Sherbet & Jello of television's popular sunny side up." comedy "Bewitched," RIR COnOITIOnED * UJH T-S035 LAST TIMES TODAY artist Ronald Searlehas — at SHOPPERS HHUEn Reservations Call 941-5500 concluded that the pro- Saturday Classes MARY POP PINS gram is controlled by IN COLOR Dining Room sinister forces. pompano BEfltK 2:00 - 4:30 - 7:05 - 9:35 "I know," he says, "that Offered at Center RT.l ->C no. FEDERPl HICHUJHV Closed Sunday the canned laughter un- A stickcraft class and ON THE OCEAN derscoring those mourn- drum lessons are being Starts TOMORROW! ful lines in 'Bewitched' held every Saturday in 615 N. Ocean Blvd. is the laughter of lost the Community Center, A NEW NAME FORf. DANGER AND DELIGHT Pompano Beach souls. The stickcraft class, Those laughs never taught by Mort Levy be- FROM THE MAN IIWHO MADE "CHARADE"! had heads behind them." gins at 9:30 a.m.; Jack Waning up to his Hansen also teaches subject, Searle asks in drum lessons at 9:30 SOPHIA TV Guide, "Who else a.m. EARLY BIRD .50 MON. thru FR1. would applaud so hys- Last Day terically the words: Further information Annche - Fabian may be obtained at the PECK JKLF WREN Frankie Avalon 'What's for breakfast, " Fire Ball - 500" Sam?' They know what's Community Center. A STANLEY DQNEN PRDDUCTIDN 2:00-3:45-5:00-7:25 9:30 1V2 HOURS OF LIVE ACTION! ARABESQUE Direct from Radio City * Monkeys & Parrots 8 9 * 13 Performing Porpoises TECHNICOLOR / PANAVISION •k 4 Sea Lions A UNIVERSAL RELEASE Music Hall/ New York * Deep Sea Divers Bud falls asleep and has a wild dream when * Beautiful Mermaids * Vicious Sharks After 5 Gigantic Weeks he sneaks aboard the HMS Bounty in the epi- * Colorful Reef Fish sode "Flipper and the Bounty" on the NBC OPEN 9:30 A.M. 6 CONTINUOUS SHOWS Television Network's "Flipper" color series PHONE 325-6611 / STARTS TOMORROW Saturday, June 25. Bud is played by Tommy ULTRA-MOD! ULTRA-MAD! ULTRA-MYSTERY! Norden. OCEAN PORPOISE SHOW The real excitement Hill Conittr? Teachers Note WORLD AND OCEANARIUM begins when they Gains in Incideptil Lenrnsstg S.E. 17th ST. CAUSEWAY "SVLmeP FT. LAUDERDALE run out o The introduction of Edward Morris, assis- bullets television to the Ken-tant professor of Eng- tucky hill country has lish at Alice Lloyd Col- had a far-reaching ef- lege in Kentucky'sKnott fect on the inhabitants of County, tells of afresh- that area's isolated man girl who was paging communities. idly through a book of art prints. Teachers at all grade Suddenly she did a levels have been im- double take and held up ON THE OCEAN pressed by the incidental a reproduction of Grant BOO BLOCK NORTH OCEAN BOULEVARD learning their pupils Wood's "American POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA pick up from the home Gothic." "Look!" she ram the screen. exclaimed. "New Lovingly and artfully Writing in TV Guide, Country Corn Flakes!" Presents Man Who prepared—highly original in seasoning. Made Chef Larre Furlong's Our Specialties of the Week make ,. "Charade' SEAFOOD SMORGASBORD dining varied and deliciously different! 20th CIPuCLE-T RANCH Mondays EVERY FRIDAY 5:00-9:00 P.M. Fish Fry ...1.25 BRE60RY SOPHIA Alternating Wednesdays 1.95 King Crab Newburg 1.60 PECK STANLEY DDNEN 10REN Hot Selections: Cold Selections: Fried Scallops 1.50 PRODUCTION Fried Clams 1.50 Golden fried scallops Imported Sardines Wk. Days Sat. Tender fried oysters Deviled eggs & Only Sun. ARABESQUE 12:30 Broiled Kingfish steak Alternating Saturdays a la Russo 2:45 9 2:45 Old fashioned fish cakes Pickled Beet salad Angler's Platter 1.95 5:05 TECHNICOLOR 5:05 7:25 PANAVISION* 7:25 Golden brown Grated carrot salad 9:25 r Bar-B-Q Shrimps 1.50 9:25 snapper fingers C eamy cole slaw Music-HENRY MANC1NI Delmonico Potatoes Seafood aspic Broiled Scallops 1.50

Beverage Lunch and Dinner Every Day • 12 Convenient Locations ROCKING CHAIR SMOKING LOGE ACRES OrVfREE PARKING Rolls Butter BOCA RATON - 1701 N. Federal Highway From the Dessert Table < WEST PALM BEACH - 7400 South Dixie Highway Apple Pie Chocolate Cake NORTH PALM BEACH - 661 U.S. 1 Home Made Puddings POMPANO BEACH - 3100 N. Federal Highway FT LAUDERDALE (North) - 2870 East Sunrise Blvd. INDIMTOWN Jello FT.'LAUDERDALE (South) - 900 S.W. 24th St. (Rt. 84) DAN1A — 760 Dania Beach Boulevard DINING ROOM OPEN EVERY DAY NORTH MIAMI - 12727 Biscayne Boulevard JULY 2,3, & 4 2=30 MIAMI - 3906 N.W. 36th Street 11:00 — Roar of the Iron Horse — TURNPIKE • JUPITER EXIT - HIGHWAY 710 • 35 MM. FROM W.P.B Except Sunday CORAL GABLES — 280 Alhambra Circle {Serial 3) FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 597-2101 PERRINE-16915 U.S.I GENERAL ADMISSION $2.00 CHILDREN $1.00 SARASOTA - 7230 N. ALL DAY BARB-QUE $1.50 Reservations Call 941-5500 6A June 23, 1966 r- The Case of the Disappearing Beach t>-

So where do the beach lovers go when there isn't any beach left to go to? Palmetto Park Road beach is gradually losing its sand. Barren •"-*• rocks now extend al- most to the pavillion. At the rate the sand is washing away, soon there will be only sharp ~v -> - rocks on which to spread a towel or play in the surf.

Redffielcl ind Seale Win Rain Cancels FAU Bicycle Race list Ball Games Story Redfield of Palm copped the 10-mile fea- sistent in riding the one- Rain late Monday Beach won the senior ture in 28 minutes, 10.7 mile air strip circuit. afternoon washed out division and Jimmy seconds. He finished He jumped off to a 16- all Little League and by Jim Rifenburg Seale of Lantana took more than a half-mile second lead .on the first M* M^ softball games. \tW*& SPORTS EDITOR the junior section in the ahead of Jimmy DeLuca lap, being clocked at They will be re- Hidden Valley spillway will be completely first bicycle racing pro- of Hollywood, who edged 2:52, and his remaining scheduled at a later fenced off very shortly and fishermen will have gram held at Florida John Richards, Florida laps were 2:48, 2:49, date. lost one more place to dangle'hooks. Atlantic University Sun- State University of stu- 2:48 and 2:56. Tom Ryan and Bill Kane got up a petition a few day. dent from Melbourne, by The riders faced a months ago with several hundred names asking The meet was co- about three inches for stiff wind going south, that the spillway remain open. At a meeting of sponsored by the Phys- second place. but were blown along on Flood Control District in West-Palm Beach, they ical Education Majors Seale did the five the northward run. Fishing at the Loxahatchee Recreation Area Ledbetter apparently accomplished their purpose. FCD of- Club of FAU and the miles of the junior di- The two divisions ficials agreed to fence only a small portion of the West Palm Beach Rec- vision at almost the raced at the same time continued good over the weekend. Above, Robbie spillway and leave the balance open for snook reation Bicycle Club. same rate of speed as and Redfield's first lap Warner and John Trudel display 20 bass they fishermen. After placing second Redfield had for 10 of 3:08 had him trailing caught on the flats using a Devil's Horse lure.. Shellacks But now they've changed their minds again. in a three-tenths-mile miles, finishing in 14 Seale and Husky, but by Below, Fred Cox holds up eight he kept out of Probably one contributing factor was thedeathof sprint and a relay of minutes, 13 seconds. the. fourth lap he was on a young boy in Miami recently. Although repeated- many caught The largest was six and one-half the same distance, Red- Jim Husky of Lake Worth Seale's wheel and stayed pounds. All were caught on a purple worm. ly warned to stay away from an automatic gate on field, 37-year-old in- was second. there until Seale was Engineers a spillway there, lie climbed the. structure to fish vestments counsellor, Seale was most con- finished his race. The and was crushed to death when the automatic gates fastest lap of the day Grant Engineers in suddenly opened. was Redfield's sixth, Colt League took a shel- FCD came out on the short end of a lawsuit not In Hotel Golf when • he did the mile in lacking from Ledbetter too long ago and dropped something like a hundred 2:30. of Delray Beach Satur- and fifty thousand dollars in damages. Tom Huser, Jerry Mason, a new- day evening. The Beach FCD publicity director told us Sunday morning it J. C. Mitchell, FAU comer from Denver, squad came up with a is the taxpayers, not FCD who will get stuck with Colo., who is now living nine-run sixth and an the payoff. in South Miami, won the 18-8 win. The Miami death reversed officials' thinking sprint, with Redfield Dana Dodge was the about giving fishermen a break and thus the Staff Tied at 22 Eachsecond and DeLuca big hitter of the game Hidden Valley fence will go up. third. Richards missed as he slammed a homer They did indicate, however, they would be in J.C. Mitchell and FAU 6—Boca Building the sprint, but had his with two men on base favor of an organization, city or county building Staff are currently tied Care and Community •bike ready for the relay and batted .444. But the a catwalk across the spillway for fishermen. The for first place in the Hospital, 13. and won it with DeLuca. local team couldn't ov- catwalk, of course, wouldn't belong to flood control Boca Raton Hotel Golf 7—Supreme Auto They went the two direc- ercome the assault and they would have no liability from it should League with scores of Body, 12. tions in the shuttle event thrown at them by Del- someone fall in and get drowned. 22 points each. 8—Boca Raton Elks, in 1:44.3, beating Seale ray Beach, even though We are quite sure the county would never come But Boca Raton Na- Boca TV Antenna, Stone and Redfield, who were they out hit the winners, to Boca Raton and build us a catwalk. It is also tional Bank is running a Flex, 11. timed at 1:44.6. Mason 12-10. unlikely the city wouldn't be interested. For an close second to the lead- 9—Barefoot Trader, and Bob Husky were The loss put Grant's organization to accomplish something like this, ers at 21. Also high in Chelsea Title, Young's third. back in the hole in the the lineup is Vincent's won-loss column. They it would seem initial costs and insurance rates Garden Supply, 7. Prior to the racing, for protection would be prohibitive. Music Centre with 20 10—Boca Raton Mo- Connors and Thompson Homer are now 4-5. points. Evi Nemeth, a member The barbed-wire barrier against fishermen tors, First Bank and of the faculty of FAU, The box: continues to grow. Curt Ledbetter and Al Trust Co., Waldron was presented a gold In D & M Motors Win Friday LEDBKTTER AB R H Bossenberry were top Motors, 6. medal for winning the Gregory, c 4 4 1 Large Cur Entry Expected scorers last week, each 11—Vince Canning women's state bicycle Connors and Thomp- Salisbury, in his only Caye, 3b 4 ••2 1 posting 36's. F arris Shoes, 1. racing championship son both slammed home hit of the evening for Merrit, ss 4 2 2 Campbell had a 37. FAU Students and last year. The presenta- runs Friday evening to the Firefighters, rapped Wolf, p 5 1 0 At International Raceway Here's how the other University National tion was made by Bob spark D&M Motors in a a double to left field. Vanhill, cf 3 3 1 teams stack up in the Bank have no scores Husky, state represent- 10-5 win over the Fire- There was little doubt MacMillan, If 2 3 0 Over 100 entries last featuring 2-20 lap fea- standings: because of failure of ative of the Amateur fighters. of the D&.M win as they Risher, 2b 5 0 0 month at Palm Beach In- tures will begin at 1:00 4—Benson Realty, 17. members to qualify for Bicycle League of Thompson put togeth- jumped off to a two-run David, lb 2 2 2 ternational Raceway p.m. 5—Southern Bell, 16. handicaps. America. er three runs for four lead in the opening Graham, rf 5 1 1 made the record books times at bat and scored frame. Five more runs Totals 34 18 10 as the largest S.C.C.A. four of his team's runs. in the third gave them a Sports Car Race ever lead that was never GRANTS AB R H Would You D&M AB R H challenged. Caylor, lb 4 1 1 held in the South East- Stebbins, ss 3 2 0 ern United States. Drews, 2b 3 3 2 Thompson, If 4 4 3 4 2 2 Officials of P.B.I.R. Stevens, lb 3 2 1 Moore, ss are looking forward Believe Giblin Raps Dodge, 3b 4 1 2 Connors, cf 2 1 1 3 0 2 toward an even larger Hartzel, p 3 1 1 Grosso, cf entry of cars this Sun- Keitzer, lf-p 4--0 2 Honey Bees? Finger, c 3 0 1 Home Run 4 0 0 day, June 26, for the Currin, 2b 2 0 0 Anderson, c S.C.C.A. Regional Adult worker bees Nolan, p-3b-lf 2 1 1 Bathe, 2b 10 0 1 0 0 Championship Races. make the best bait for Martin, 3b 3 0 1 For Police Parks, rf Charlie Kolb from channel catfish. Cippola, rf Norman, rf 3 0 0 1 0 0 Catcher Francis Gib- Totals 32 812 Miami, driving his $15,- They are being used Strum, rf 1 0 1 lin rapped a homer for 000 Carrera VI will re- successfully by fisher- Totals 2610 9 the Police squad in Pony turn in an attempt to re- men in Florida to catch League play Friday EASY METHOD gain the track record channel catfish, consid- FIREF'TRS AB R H night. One man was on from Bill Bowman of ered quite a delicacy, McClellan, cf 3 0 1 base. Driving School West Palm Beach. says John D. Haynie, Gross, p 3 0 0 The four-bagger made We Call for You Bowman also driving a apiculturist, Florida We Help with Tests beautiful Carrera VI, Zettelmoyer, c 3 10 the difference for the Agricultural Extension Salisbury, lb 3 2 1 Policemen as they beat -TEENAGE COUKSE- won top honors and set Service. For Appointment the existing record last Brownlee, 3b 3 1 0 Wentworth, 5-4. "It seems that no Squires, 2b 2 10 For Information month, when Kolb de- other fish has a taste MacWilliams was velope* mechanical Admas, ss 2 0 0 given credit for the win for the worker bee bait Ficek, rf 2 0 1 (Continued on Page 7A) Call 278-4140 .problems during time except the speckled cat- trials which sidelined Purdy, rf 10 0 fish," Haynie says. Rameys, If 2 0 0 his entry. Kolb then Haynie thinks .this may traveled Saturday night, Sterling, If 0 0 0 DEEP SEA prove to be another in- Totals 24 5 3 to Jacksonville, where teresting sideline in he picked up his older beekeeping, since Flor- DRIFT FISHING Porsche Prototype, re- ida is full of fishermen. D&M: 205201—10 turned in time Sunday to Firef'trs:000 30 2— 5 qualify, and fell short of JACK and GENE'S beating Bowman by only a matter of feet. BOCA RATON Other top drivers ex- COUNTRY CLUB pected to return are Dr. 18 HOLE PAR 60 GOLF COURSE TWO TRIPS DAILY John Pauly of West Palm Beach, driving a BMW- DINING ROOM 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 - 1:00 to 5:00p.m. 'Tisa and Hugh Klein- CLUBHOUSE GUESTS WELCOME peter of Key Biscayne, PRO SHOP Daily $;, BAIT AND RODS INCLUDED who last month spun out DRIVE RANGE and rolled over in his ELECTRIC or Green COVE YACHT BASIN-DEERFIELD BEACH car. PULL CARTS Qualifying races to tCLUB RENTAL Fee Across from Pal's Restaurant Bob Grant, determine grid positions Leave it to three young boys to come up with something when they get on Sunday will be held PGA SUMMER MEMBERSHIP $65, Call 399-2120 on Saturday, June 25 be- near the water.,-This trio didn't catch this nice tuna, but they managed to get it out of the waterway after a shark had done a good job on it. The beach- 500 yards west of U.S. 1 For Reservations ginning at 1:00p.m. Sun- between Delray and Boca day's 8 race program combers are Mark Stratman, Craig Carlson and Jim Derks. Friday Nifes Only - Leave 7 Return 11 BOCA RATON NEWS June 23, 1966 7A

40 Teams Compete SPORTS FANS! Olsons Win Father-Son Tourney Derby Time Forty two teams en- Their combined checking previous rec- As July 9th, the day of the South Palm tered the University scores gave them a big ords Ted and Fred Ol- Beach County Soap Box Derby fast ap- Bowl's Father-Son total of 1257 to capture sen were the winners of proaches, Norris Saltsman, Derby Director, tournament last Sunday. first place.' Not too far the last Father's day announced that fifty boys are registered for Ted Olsen (age 13) behind was George tournament held at the the big event. bowled games of 142,Wentworth and his son, lanes in 1964 and in 1963 Registered from Boca Raton are Richard 153, and 180 for aGary with a combined they were the runners Booghar, Cary Bush, Brow Ebehare, Jim Mc- scratch set of 475 and handicap set of 1252.up. Donald and Andrew Podray. handicap set of 657, His The event was quite Trophies will be pre- The boys are putting the finishing touches father, Fred, rolled exciting as the winners sented to the first five on their racers in anticipation of the final in- games of 196, 153, 151 bounced back and forth positions • on July 10th spection which will take place early next I Bet You for a total of 500 and during the day. at the opening cere- month. Didn't Know a 600 handicap set. Oddly enough in monies of the 700 Highlights of Derby weekend will be the Club tourney. Final parade on Friday night, July 8th, the race on by Hal G. Orner standings were as fol- Saturday afternoon and the banquet for the lows for the first five racers and their families on Saturday night. One question a lot? places. {of fishermen ask isi 1. Fred Olsen, Ted rwhat's the biggest fishj Olsen, 1257. fever caught?. . .The? 2. George Wentworth, ^official record for! i' •!'-''M;'i--.^.sv-l:j., ^^f Gary Wentworth, 1252. SjCathing a salt water; 3. Jerry F. Morris, State Wildlife Officers j°fish with rod and reel,} While Jeremy F. Morris, 1250. held by an Austra-j 4. R u s s Jennings, jllian, Alfred Dean, whoS Scott Jennings, 1212. Are Counting Bird Calls ^hooked a shark thatS they last! jjweighed 2,664 pounds!* 5. Bob Higgins, Kar- Biologists and wildlife count starts all over en Higgins, 1211. I, . .The shark wasjustg officers of the Florida again. Itwo inches short of; Game and Fresh Water Sbeing 17-feet long. , A Fish Commission are not counting their chicks Second Session jDean made his recordg T-Ball before they hatch, but J catch in 1959. they do keep score on NO DOWN PAYMENTI the number of bird calls Swimming to Start The favorite poem? they hear. Son sports for most§ The second session jpeople is one written^ Action According to Jimof the pre-school and Sby Grantland Rice, but Powell, Game Manage- advanced p r e - school if e w remember the? NATIONAL LEAGUE ment Chief, it's all a "Learn to Swim" pro- First Game ?exact words. . .HereS part of the normal spring gram, sponsored by the jthey are. . ."When the§ Dr. DeGrove's charg- and early summer work Recreation Department, sOne Great Scorers ing Elks handed league in the management of will begin Monday, June 27, at the Garden pool, Scomes to write against? Ted and Fred Olsen. leading Kiwanis a 11-6 wildlife. The number of Syour name, he marks* setback Saturday knock- calls provides some in- Boca Raton Hotel and S— not that you won orb ing them from the perch dication as to the size Club. blost — but how you§ on top. Three home runs, of the game bird popula- Classes meet Mon- Jplayed the game." one each by Greg Rauch, tion that will be avail- day, Tuesday, Thurs- Bob Stevens and Robbie able for the fall hunting day and Friday begin- season. Here's an oddity] " Kegkr's K@rner Spencer propelled the ning at 9, 9:45 and 10:30 Jfrom the world, ofj Elks to victory. The biologists don't a.m. There are openings count every bird call, in the advanced pre- bsports. . .We always! Breaking on top they just the ones in certain school classes. Any Sthink of the Olympics] NQ-0881 held a 4 to 2 lead until areas and at certain child who has completed Sas bringing together) the third inning when times. The count in- the pre-school first cthe greatest athletes) Kiwanis batting in their cludes the cooing of session may re-register Sin the world. . .Yet,; third had eight hits and Sdid you ever realize! COOL AND HEAT dove, the whistling of for the advanced pre- athat almost none .ofj scored four big runs to quail and the crowing school second session. Quick coaling. s Permanently lubricated A new "Star of the bowling pin awards move ahead of the Elks of pheasant. The phea- &the major sports in! Quiet cooling. motor Week" program is being have been procured and 6-4, With their backs Registration may be JAmerican are repre-? sant are the Iranian made at the Community fsented in the Olympics! \ initiated at University will be distributed based to the wall the Elks bat- pheasant released in the Center. Even-temperature a Automatic Defrost Bowl for the balance of on scores. ting in the top of the . For instance,^ thermostat Control corn belt of north Flor- Registrations will be ^there's no baseball inr June through August of A few of the good last inning came up with ida last year. taken until classes reach this year. games during the past 7 hits one a grand slam \ the Olympics . . Low operating cost • Extra-heat strip heater The annual spring and the 16 limit capacity. .There's no football. The secretaries are week showed George home run by Robbie early summer wildlife all being notified to turn Turner 200, Ray Falk Spencer that added the •And even though golfjj Weather Armor inventory is not limited >and tennis are usually! • 4-Way reversing valve, into the desk the man 201, Bob Crossdale209, seventh run of the inn- to game birds and wild- galvanneal steel proven most reliable for Brien Miller 203, Joe Ski Belts Not (considered real inter-j can't rust and/or woman in their ing. life workers may be reversing refrigerant flow league that bowls the Niles 219, Bob West 212, In the bottom of the jnational sports,| Russ Jennings 203, Dave found counting the tracks [there's no golf orj greatest number of pins fourth, Kiwanis, stun- of deer, wild hogs and Safety Equipment over their previous Carieso 232," Joe Banfi ned by the surge of the [tennis in the Olympics' 200. Fred Fell 227, Pete other game species. Florida boaters are . That's kind 'of\ call today weeks accumulated av- Elks went down 1-2-3. Once the young ar- erage. Ravebhall 203, Troy reminded that ski belts ^strange when you think\ Curtis 215, and Santo Second Game rive on the scene the are not acceptable life- jabout it, isn't it? The winners will re- Russell Dettman ceive multicolored cer- Mongolia 205. saving equipment. While homered as did David ski belts are fine for 395-4458 tificates suitable for Announcement was Good in the first inning Balloon Contest skiers, if the skier gets I bet you didn't^ framing and a multi- made today by Bob Conn, for Exchange Club but into the boat, there must Ixj W a « s i color arm patch both secretary of the Palm Exchange dropped a issued by the Bowling Beach County Men's Slated Friday be an approved lifesav- There is a way to] BOCA HEATING and 12-8 decision to the Jay- ing device on board for provide college fundsj Proprietors of Amer- Bowling Association that cees. A balloon blowing ica. the "700" Club tourna- contest, second special each individual in the Jfor your children^ ment being held at Uni- Ricky Franks, Gene boat. ^whether you live or die.^ AIR CONDITIONINGS A sample of each is Strippoli, and Jim Al- event of the summer on display at the lanes. versity lanes on July recreation program will According to Brant- ^Parents this is a reali 10th will accept as par- ford, led off the first be held Friday, June 24 ley Goodson, Chief of (MUST. Call Hal Orner) 101 N.W. 8fh Street, Boca Raton Consideration is being inning for Jaycees with given to a tournament of ticipants anyone living in the Community Cen- Law Enforcement Game Sat Bebout Ins., 395-^ in Palm Beach County singles loading the bas- ter. and Fresh Water Fish 1334. the winners at the end es and Bob Stone un- For Classified Ad Service Call 395-5121 of the summer season; and bowling in a Palm The contest will get Commission, buoyant Beach County estab- loaded a grand slam cushions are acceptable, Joe Niles, president, home run as the Jay- underway at 3:30 p.m. Charles Kuster, Dick lishment upon submis- Balloons will be furn- if the style and design sion of proof - of their cees ran a six run first ished for participants. of the cushion is U. S. Before You Buy .... why don't you try Long and the other of- inning, ficers of Sturdy Oaks "700" series achieve- Awards will be pre- Coast Guard approved. ment . Send application Doug Carlson and "Lifesaving devices Bowling Group an- Jim Pokorney added sented to winners in nounced special plans entries to Bob Conn, several age groups.: are completely useless 1120 North Atlantic homeruns as Jaycees if they are stored in a for bowling on the Fourth scored in every inning. of July. Arrangements Ave., Lantana, Florida. Twelve states, chiefly locker or tucked under have been made to have ZODIAC Russ Dettman was the in the Southeast, permit a seat in case of emer- a buffet prepared by Eu- Team Won Lost Exchange Club's leading spring hunting of the gency," emphasized § PACKAGE gene Nixson for all the Taurus 16 8 hitter with two home wild turkey. • Goodson. Boca Lonnfi members at 12:30 p.m. Gemini 14 10 runs. CORNER of N. FEDERAL HWY. and 20th; St. \ STORE Regular bowling will Capricorn 13 11 STANDINGS 9 start at 2 p.m. Special Aries 10 14 W L Libra 10 14 Jaycees 4 1 Grant i Scotch Scorpio 9 15 Kiwanis 4 3 Dial-A-Score Giblin isps High team game and Exchange 3 3 triple, Gemini, 768- Elks 2 5 (Continued from 6A) 2161; Individual high 395-8477 giving up only four hits. and triple, Dot Wood, AMERICAN LEAGUE He struck out eight bat- 221-612. First Game ters. For The Latest Ball Scores The Policemen were LORDS & LADIES Rotary Club bombed behind by three runs Team Won Lost Teen Town 15-2 as Alan midway through the 2T's 3 1 St. Jean homered in courtesy fourth inning but came Acapulco's 2 2 three runs to lead the back to tie in the bottom Team #12 2 Rotary attack. and went ahead in the Team #7 2 2 While Posey, cleanup BOCA CAMERA CENTER, INC fifth. Thunderbirds 2 2 hitter, for Rotary singl- The box; XL's 2 2 ed, doubled, and tripled YOUR LOCAL KODAK DEALER WENTWORTH AB R H Twisters 2 2 as he led both teams in Keith, ss 3 13Campus Kids 1 3 hits. 137 S.E. First St. - Royal Palm Shopping Center Chick, 2b 2 0 0High team game, Cam- Scott Huron and Hernandez, lb 2 10 pus Kids, 423; High team George Fernandez had Lambert, p 2 11triple, Acapulco's, 1127; 2 hits each for the Teen flBBBBBBBBBBBBflflBBBBBi Jesse, 3b .3 0 0Men's Individual high, Town team. Olsen, rf 3 0 0Ed Tucker, 238; Men's Second Game 5 ,J»- _ SOUTHERN MANOR King, If 2 10 individual triple, Scotty The Hobby Center Herbold, cf 2 0 0Robertson, 583; Wom-suffered a setback on its /[rf ^ COUNTRY CLUB Old Toomy, cf 10 0 en's Individual high, drive toward the Amer- 18 HOLE PAR 71 Allen, c 2 0 0Henri Brooks 219; In- ican league champion- CHAMPIONSHIP COURSE Grand Dad Totals 22 4 4dividual triple, Helma ship as Troy Plumbing, AREA'S BEST GREENS in a game shortened by Hoffman, 554. DAILY GREENS FEES... .only $2.50 POLICE AE R H rain, scored 5 runs in Ashe, 2b 4 0 1 ODDS & ENDS the first inning and (Pull Carts Permitted) Our Delicious: .. Sandwiches 499 Team Won Lost downed a vacation Stebbin, cf . 2 0 0 ai Noon MacWilliams, p 3 1 1Hopeless 4 16 4 riddled Hobby C enter NOW • FIFTH F. Giblin, c 3 2 1Nuts & Bolts 12 S 6-0. In three innings OPEN DAILY UNTIL 4 A.M. Chas.Giblin, lb 3 11Les Girls 12 8 Hobby Center was held GOLF & ELECTRIC CART Ross, ss 3 0 1Confidettes 9.5 10.5to just 3 hits by the IOE slick fielding Troy i Poole, rf. 10 0 3 & 4's 6 14 Per Person JODREY Jones, rf* 110 Pokies 4.5 15.5Plumbing outfit. 1 $>|OO (2 PLAYERS PER GAHTJ Leturmv, 3b 2 0 0High team game and STANDINGS I 4 all prices plus 3% sales tax For your Bishop, If 10 0 triple, Hopeless "4", W L I Totals 23 5 5658-1918; Individual Hobby Center 5 2 I Phone 278-3371 or 278-2002 weekend's high, Evelyn Olsen, 192; Troy Plumbing 4 2 ROUt» U.S. 441—(SUt* Road 7) V MIDWAY BETWEEN DELRAY AND BOCA RATON Wentworth: 2 0 0 J 10— 4 Individual triple, Bertie Rotary Club 3 3 Im 25 MINUTES DRIVE FROM FT. LAUDERDALE • ientertainment Police: 0 00 32 0—5 Jones, 514. Teen Town 0 5 iMMHBilHMlMHHHi §A June 23, 1966 BOCA RATON NEWS

1 Autos For Sale 1 Aufos For Sale 5 B.Personals 5 D..Instructions & Tutoring TO B..Help Wanted Male 15 A^Misceiianeous Foe S^leBLlLA-Miscellaneous Foe Sale 65 Plymouth Baracuda If you want 60 miles of Wanted, Party to help •ean's Music Studio - EXPERIENCED Lawn French Provincial 6 Builder's -DavidWhite, Classifieds Burgandy with black in- Mower Mechanic, steady piece dining suite, like, Universal level & Tran- ! driving to every gallon drive in vicinity of Flint, Store, 188 N. Fed. Hwy. terior. Autmn. Trans. of gas, see our new 1966 Mich, leaving June 30th. 399-7992,4 Lessons $10, work, good wages, Call new $145; 1 Hutch cab- sit & Phila. Rod. Prac- RATES no reasonable offer re- 401 N.E. 44th St., Boca 942-2937. inet $35; Brass bed, or- tically new $75.395-2436 . 14 13 models at All musical instruments T fused, going to college. The CARRIAGE HOUSE Raton. Call after 4 PM. and Sheet Music. J WANTED: Experienced thopedic mattress and R.C. A. Stereo, AM & F M Lines Day Days Days 942-1417 aft 4:. .' 1-4 1.20 3.84 10.40 85% N. Dixie Hwy. 395-5720 ,*• Summer Piano Lessons Erection Crew for In- ••• springs $75; Barbeque radio, tape recorder, 5 1.S0 4.80 13.00 '63 Pontiac Catalina, 4 Tel.: 395-8333 HARMONY HILL "Re- for Beginners and Ad- stallation of Screen- cooker, electric spit $7. beautiful walnut cabinet. 6 1.68 5.28 14.04 7 door. All power, factory- "Sports Car Center of tirement Hotel. N.W. 21 vanced, 395-8490, given rooms, Carports, Win- Oil paintings. , .odds In perfect condition, also 1.96 6.16 16-38 dow Awnings, Storm and ends. Reasonable - 8 2.24 6.40 17.68 air. Radio & Heater. Boca'* Ave. 1 block S. of Oak- by Olga Lachowitch. large collection of fine ? 2.52 White wall tires. 30,000 1961 Oldsmobile land Pk, Blvd. Only Panels, Etc. Must be 395-4182. - records. $350 takes all. 10 A..Help Wanted Female Experienced, Have Own 10 2,60 7.60 20.80 miles. One owner. White in excellent condition - "$37.50 wk. up includes Work appxox. 6 hrs. a Camper for 1/2 ton pick Call 395-4216. 11 2.86 8.36 22.88 exterior, blue interior. room, meals transpor- Tools. Call Dick GERT'S a gay girl-ready 12 2.88 8.64 24.96 with factory air - power day, calling on mothers 'up, new, completely Top condition. $1595. brakes, steering, C all tation, phone, maid, 522-1758 Between 7.-30- equipped. Reasonable. for a whirl after clean- 13 3.12 9.36 27.04 in the home. Pleasant 9:30 A.M. Only. Each Addi- Call evenings only, 941-6648 after 5:30p.m. T.V., Washer, Dryer, work. No sales exper- Lew Montgomery, 145 ing carpets with Blue tional Line .24 .72 2.08 Miami 271-7757. Private Party must sell Newspaper & Shuffle- ience necessary. Apply EXPERIENCED GAS NW 20th St., Eoca Raton Lustre. Rent Electric 1965 Cadillac Coupe de board. Call Ft. Lauder- 1002 S. Andrews. Ft. STATION Attendant, 395-7897, Shampooer $1. Belzer's Ville. Gold. 8,000 miles. dale. 581-1877. Laud, between 3-5 p.m. with minor mechanical Used Lawn Mowers $25. Hardware Co. Classified Service Directory Marriages Performed experience, 941-9611. New Grass Catchers ;$4600. Call 395-4216. IN YOUR OWN exclusive Complete French Pro- SIMPLE OR FORMAL Security Guards 25-50, $2.50. 802 N.Dixie Hwy. vincial Beauty Shop Call 39S-5121 - 399-6719 '64 Rambler 770 Class- Your home or mine any- territory sell an uncon- ic. 4 door, P. Steering, Police or Fire exper- Beca RatprL. 395-735" Equipment. $2,500. Must time. Chapel, organ, ditionally guaranteed '. WE BUY & SELL ALTERATIONS CHRISTMAS CARDS Fact, air, blue with product which is adver- ience preferred, not Sell - Illness. Pompano. Henri Fayette, Christ- candlelite. Colored Good, Clean, Used Home 941-5570. Expert Alteration & white top. Good tires, pictures. Simmonds -. tising nationally on TV. necessary. 3043 N.E. Custom Dressmaking - mas C ards. For appoint-, 32nd Ave., Ft. Laud, or Furnishings, Try Us 3 piece beige sectional extra good condition. Ft. Laud. JA 4-6404. Avon Cosmetics, Call First. Call 942-1042. Reasonable Prices. Call. ment call 395-3887. dis- $1325. Call 278-3084. 278-4972 Call 565-7648. sofa; sectional table; count until Aug. 1. NURSING care for male DUKE Evenings, 395-5382. or female in lovely home " "'" PART TIME EXPERIENCED service pool table; chair; type- CONCRETE MASONRY '64 Euick LeSabre con- man, air cond. refrig- HOME FURNISHINGS writer, dining room EXPERIENCED TAI- of R.N. Excellent food, Need ladies immediately 2301 North Dixie Hwy. Cement Placing, Ma- vertible. Full power, for sales position. No eration all major ap- suite, call 395-5153 af- LOR. All kinds ladies new tires. $150 and take companionship, & out- Pompano and Men's Alterations - son & Form work. Kend- experience necessary^, pliances, 943-1166. ter 5:30 p.m. over payments. Call af- ings.941-4169,Pompano. suits made single rick,- 616 NW 19th St., Call 565-5831 Ft. Laud. 10 C. Help Male or Female WHITE MINK STOLE ter 6.-30 p.m. 941-0479. 15 B.Musical Instrument breasted from double, Pompano, 933-9167. , SUMMER SPECIAL 9-12 noon. TEACHERS for' relig- In perfect condition. Ap- praised at $1200, asking Complete Drum Set, wide lapels made nar- CONSTRUCTION '55 T-BIRD new engine, Shampoo, $1 Styled, Set CALL TODAY!! . . . ious school Sunday Good Condition, Excel- $1. Trim.$l. All Perm- $800 — make offer. row. Bartin & Miller's SINKING FLOORS or clutch, transmission, Learn how YOU can earn morning Temple Eman- lent for Beginner. Make anent s $8.50. Open 9 AM 395-4216 Cleaners & Laundry, Foundations Pump back seats, paint job, 2 tops, with AVON. Call uel (Jewish) Ft. Laud. Offer. Call 395-7565. 2600 N. Dixie Hwy. at 5 $800. Boca, 395-5669. to 9 PM Gustav House of 278-4972 ^ 1966-67 Session. Salary OTRA VEZ SHOP into original condition. t5 0. Pets for Sale Points, Wilton Manors, Also Sea Wall Sealing 1964 Volkswagen Beauty, 480 E. Pal- HOUSEKEEPER, Cook & basis. Call 587-5988 or LO 6-4314. Metro Construction metto Pk. Rd. Boca 522-5837. Featuring Salesmens KITTENS $200. Cash, take over Companion for couple to samples of the very best Custom Designer 1841 NW 22nd St. bank payments. Call Raton 395-2720. "Bring live-in. Drive our car. Hairdresser Wanted at Healthy, Clean, Free. Dressmaking 941-5943. Pompano. This Ad With You!" Floyd A. Neering Beauty nationally branded la- 395-7424 Pompano Widow preferred. dies apparel available. & Alterations Private Party will buy Salon. Apply at 48 N.E. 972-3111. - 942-5958 2 House Trailer For Sale 941-9623. Pompano. 192 S. Dixie, Boca Ra- USE THE CLASSIFIEDS 399-4038 or lend money on Dia- 1st Ave. HEALTH FOODS Mobile Home 48x10 W/W You'll enjoy being a ton, 395-8881. Consign- monds, Jewelry. Es- Custom made dresses GATEWAY NATURAL Carpeting, 10x35 Patio Beauty Counselor. Good Real Estate Salesman ments 10 AM to 5 PM tates invited. 399-7578. earnings for ambitious with or without pattern. FOODS awning. $2,975. Will take Wanted for Open House. daily. , BICYCLES Alteration men, women, 16'-18s boat in trade. ' AVAILABLE NOW women. MAKE AMERI- Attractive Home in Boca Natural, Vitamins & The new St. Joseph Daily CA BEAUTIFUL. Call Reel Type Jacobson 18" NEW-USED children. Reas. 280 NE Minerals Organically Mobile Villas, N. Boca, Harbor. Power Lawn Mower, Ex- 2 Ave. Delray 278-0938 Missal, according to the after 5 p.m. 395-3227. Service and Parts grown dried fruit. 5 A;.tost & Foiind new Liturgy. Liturgical Bruce E. DarreSl cellent condition, also On All Makes LIGHT FACTORY & AUTO PAINTING Dietetic Foods & Vege- LOST: BLACK CAT Center, Religious Sup- Realtor Power Edger, like new CAMPBELL tables Juicers. Vic. Polo Field. Reward ASSEMBLY WORK 425 E. Palmetto Pk.Rd, $25 each. Can see at PAULS Auto Body & plies, 99 E. Palmetto •DAYS 7:30 A.M.-4:00 HOME & AUTO Paint Shop 24 Hr. 3206 E. Atlantic Blvd. 395-4374 Pk. Rd. Boca Raton, 395-1322 200 SW 7th Ave. Royal 144 S. Federal Hwy. P.M. NIGHTS. 4:00 PM 1 EXPERIENCED WAI- Wrecking Service. Free Pompano 941-8120 LOST: Ladies Waltham 395-9199. Oak Hills. Phone 3S5-3830 PAINTING DECORATING 17 jewel wristwatch, set 12-30 A.M. Redmer TRESS OR WAITER. 395-2448 Authorized Schwsnn Dealer Financing up to $100. King James Version Son's Co., 1070 NW 1st 418 S. "H" St. Lake S&M Painting Contrac.- with 12 diamonds. Lib- Apply: Tim's Blue De- Heavy duty 21" power .Worth, 585-6220. tors inside - outside - eral reward. 395 - 5477. Bibles, Testaments, Li- Aye. Boca. light Restaurant, 1317 mower with catcher $75; .anything, prompt free turgical Center, Reli- Bakery Sales Girl, Full N. Fed. Hwy., Delray 6 pc, Wheary extra large AUTO REPAIR 5 B;:Rers6riais: est. No job too small. gious Cupplies, 99 E. Time. Apply 11 to 5 in Beach. matched luggage with SEE OUR Car, Truck & Tractor Lie. & Ins. call after Reputable AntiqueDeal- Palmetto Pk. Rd. Boca person. Las Olas Bak- 15 A..Miscellaneoiis For Sale zippered covers. $95. er will pay fair prices JParts, Fast! D&M Auto 5, 278-0535. Raton-, 395-9199. ery. 100 SE 1st Ave. Walnut Danish Lounge, Golf cart with charger NEW Parts, Dick Heldgerd, for Small Antiques and 5 C^Child Care Boca Raton. 'sleeps 2 Avocado green. $495. 395-3382. 220 S. Dixie 395-2412. ROOF PAINTING collectors items. Call AND CLEANING TIC TOC CHILD CARE ID B.Help Wanjed Male A-l $25. FOR SALE - 20" Port- AWNING'S 525-5028- - 922-4728. 395-2197 PHOTO-COPIER .'SNO-W.HITE ROOF Inc. NURSERY & KINDER- SANDWICH & Grill man, able Electric Fan, 2 HURRICANE PANELS Write Kay Csurgay, 44 Underground G arbage speed - Westinghouse; Pressure cleaning,' N. Federal, Dania, Fla. GARTEN, 273 NW 15th Counter work. Steady and Awnings Sealing & Painting-2 yr. St.Boca Raton 395-5044. Position. Vacation with Cans $19.Delivered! also 2 - 10" Oscillating MACHINE Wholesale Prices Spec- Exclusive home & cus— Heavy concrete-rust Table fans; all in very guarantee. 5 yr. War- todial care for retired WANTED -Experienced pay. Nite Shift. Dorsey ial 300 S. & H. green ranty. Free Estimate. woman to care for 1 yr. Drive-in, 1551 NW 6th proof alum. Free de- good condition - $15. stamps given with every .& "aged. Air Cond. Plan- livery, Boca to Ft. Laud. 50 S.W. 10th Drive - (DRY PROCESS) 942-9900 ..,.- 399-7414 tation. 583-3321.. old, Part Time. Call St. JA 4-8733. Ft. Laud. Free Est. call 564-7547. TILE & GRAVEL • HEAVY Equipment Me- Broward Septic Tank. 395-1986 ONIY BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Repairs, Rotten for YQUl 5 0:.Instructions & Tuforinq chanic $2.45 Per Hour, Call Collect JA 2-1786. Do it yourself Center Lumber replaced. Roof GUITAR lessons, your" Paid Vacation, excel- BUILDER'S Building materials & cleaning & Sealing home, taught by Pro- lent Group Insurance Model Furniture supplies. Our complete Painting - Sheet Metal GHINESlpGS fessional, John Manecke, Plan. Houdaille-Duval- 399-6790 219.50 Ask for Mr. Ford. - '67 Olds Mill service will cut 276-5656 - 395-7333 | Wright, Powerline Rd., Piano Sale, in beautiful your lumber & plywood 564-7547 Eve. & Sun. Music Lessons in your 1/4 mile north of Sample 942-5994 condition. Stool included Photo Copies i for you while you wait. home, Piano, Accord- Rd., Pompano Ph. 395-5044 eve. 395-1432. Announcement Deerfield Builders. RUG CLEANING ian, Guitar.Professional 972-0440, Supply Co. Inc. REMODELING teacher. $3. per lesson, BARGAINS GALORE" Made While We invite you to inspect Man Wanted, must have You Name it we have it 8 Weeks Earl? 56 S. Railroad Ave. Pompano's only Rug ADDITIONS call aft. 6: for apt. - some lathe & milling i Deerfield 399-1010 942-5215. . from House Furniture to You Waif ! Cleaning Plant, also our SCREEN ROOMS machine experience, un- Car accessories, Palm This Year CAMERA REPAIR new Carpet Dept., 610 FLA. ROOMS der 30. $2.40 per hr. Beach Faith Farm, l/2; color print. Camera NE 42 St. 941-0803 - "Anything" MINTING- to start time and 1/2 for mi. N. of Boynton Rd. Repair & Cleaning Free Pompano Rag Cleaners by . overtime, pd. vacations, Typewriters and •Win. C. Prowe On Hwy. #441. Phone est. all work.guar. The SCREENS good opportunity. 2630 732-6681. Open Monday Cteon up now Photo Mart.2720N.Fed. 355 N.E. 5th St. PRIDE N.W. 1st Ave. SCREEN Boca Raton thru Sat. 9 to 6.. Adding Machines 942-6043. Pompano. 1 INTERIOR EXTERIOR! All round machinist, ENCLOSURES 395-2789 ILICENSED & INSUKEDl 55 Gal. oil Drums like in full swing CARPENTRY Repaired — Re-Screen- ! - 0248 341-69341 must be experienced on new. $2. each. Rinker * Rentals A.B.C. ed. Free estimates. In- lathe & Bridgeport mill. Materials Corp. 50 NW The Handy Man PROFESSIONAL OUT OF PAWN Have own tools, excel- KSNG'S. sured,, Prompt Service. KINDERGARTEN 13th St3, Boca Raton. * Sales All kind, House repairs Boca Specialties,, Diamonds Typewriters lent working conditions. Tony Carroll 395-2519, 395-0055 For 4 and 5 yr. olds Walches Golf clubs Day shift. Company paid 3'x5' Drafting Board, Register now for Fall Jewelry Cameras ball bearing st. edge $65, * Service Carpentry Remodeling TREE SERVICE benefits. No phone calls. THE LID * Term. Literature upon Musical Instruments. Guns, etc. Apply Zonolite Division Filmotype $280, Fonts Awnings & Jalousies, Trees, Topped, Trim- request, We buy, sell, trade, {end money. $5 ea. Phototype 14 trays Complete Line of window repairs, free BROWSERS WELCOME W.R. Grace & Co. med or Removed. Ficus WEEKDAYS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 1555 N.W. 1st Ave. refills $90. Student desk, SS REALLY Quality Office estimates 395-4653. Trees shaped, free est. 10 A.M. To 12 Noon chair $15. Evenings Doors, Drawers, Cabi- and 2 P M To 5 P.M. SUNRISE PAWNSHOP Wanted, Part time Col- Equipment lie. & Ins. Klnne Tree 725 W. Sunrise JA 3-1862 lector, Weekends only, 933-9131 nets, Appliances, Win- Svc. 941-9128. 196 SW 15. th StBoca Raton OFF!! dows, Walls, Leaks, & 395-0908 FT.LAUDERDALE Commission. Apply Air Conditioner, 11,000 KOHL OFFICE Squeeks, Make your list. PIANO TUNING R & R Credit Clothing, B.T.U. Coldspot. 110 "ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS 255 N. Dixie Hwy. - volt. In A-l condition. AND ART SUPPLIES One call fix All. Lie. & Professional Piano thinking of. •FOLIAGE 700 E. Sunrise Blvd. •MADE UP ARRANGEMENTS Deerfield. ^_ $50. 395-3246. , 123 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. Inc. Call Maurice Oldre. Tuning Factory-Trained •HANGING BASKETS 19 Yrs. S.E. Fla. Tune REALLY!! Danish sofa-bed (olive), Boca Raton General Service. THERE IS ONLY ONE PLACE Subscribe 4o Fort Lauderdale Regularly. Protect your foam cushions $40; one 395-3397 the Boca Raton News Carpenter & Cabinet' investment! Enjoy your 12x20 beige wool carpet 395-1300 piano! Complete Piano $25; 2-9x12 gray cotton Work Small Jobs Spec- carpets $15; Call ialty, 564-8072 Service Dial 972-2082. WATCHMAKER 8 YEARS SAME LOCATION WHY ? BECAUSE.... 278-4264 COMPLETE Free 942-2900. IB Motorcvcles-Scoolers Our tremendous selection gives you so JOHN REDDING Carpenter Repairs and SAVE much lo choose from in the best of— 2 piece couch & chair Inspection 1966 Honda 160 FRENCH, ITALIAN (Owner) suite all foam. $89.95.. Remodeling. Specialty- Excellent condition 20%,o4Q% AND FULL TIME because of our tow HONQ KONG IMPORTS RICHARDS Hanging Doors, Phone - Over « $495 overhead & direct FOUNTAINS All Work pone FURNITURE 395-2672. importing. • Stone • Fiberglass • Plastic On Premises Years fxp Call 395r5128 - Plus - 3749 N. Fed. Pompano SBMCE Come and See STATUES & BIRD BATHS cofttoinarj «sf mosfr every description or „ WH1-0617 bring your own. 'Outstanding designers 3131 S. FEDERAL HWY., nl 32nd Street, 278-1268 FINE WATCH & on hand to assist yw, *Free Estimates BEACON LIGHT on planters, room dividers, af large FT. LAUDERDALE PHONE 522-5461 WANTED ' Antiques, Installations. Open Daily 9;(>() /« 5:M> - ChsutSuuJay JEWELERS 1211 S. FEDERAL HWY. JEWELRY REPAIR Furniture, Jewelry, DELRAY BCH. Ask About Our 1 Yr. Guarantee BEACON LIGHT China, Oriental Items. SHOPPING CENTER SMITH JEWELER 2484 N. FED. HWY. R. Sines Antiques 1659 E. Sample Rd. Pompano Beach PAINLISS PHOTOGRAPHY POMPANO BEACH-942.9318 1210 S. Andrews Across from Kwik Chek 941-2373 JA 5-2489 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiig STUDIO ON COLOR PHOTO PREMISES FINISHING |9c Real Estate Exam Course • CAMERAS ^ITOMORROW I Complete 1- GaCC I * REPAIRS LLEWELLYNS For Brokers or Salesmen • FILM Harvey Real Estate Schools operates a branch of its popu* * PASSPORTS BEACON STUDIO iar Real Estate Exam Course in Boca Raton at the UNIVER- I HOME IMPROVEMENT ( SITY BOWL CONFERENCE ROOM, DIXIE HWY. and 20th | 24-HOUR SERVICE | & ST., Boca Raton. The course is composed of 8 lively inter- 941-9338 esting sessions which thoroughly cover the Gla. Real Estate Beacon Light CAMERA SHOP Handbook, Total cost only $50,00. 1 Kitchen Craftsman Custom Enclosures 5 Shopping Cert ter IS Years Experience 2426 N. Federal Hwy. TUESDAY EVENING - 7:00 P.M. 10 Years Experience Aluminum Roofs - Pompano Beach You may attend first session free • Complete Kitchen Remodel- Re-Screening Mr. Ccoper will be in the Conferencd Room each Tuesday ing Awnings & Panels at 6:30 P.M. to answer any questions. IV AUTO AIR CONDITIONING • We Mica Anything Expertly Aluminum Gutters GET WELL SUPPLIES For Information Call: MR. COOPER 278-0808 INSTALLS IN HOURS! 8 Custom Kitchelt Cabinets Bosswood Shades New or Refinlshed in Awning Windows DoNdtBuy!! OUTCOOLS "FACTORY AIR" . . COSJS LESS Enamel or Mica Hurricane Close-Upj o All Types of Woodwork AM Material Olds Before You Try FITS ALMOST ANY CAR . . TRANSFERS WHEN i and wall Paneling Approved Male Help Wanted YOU TRADE s Repair Service | Floor Tile — 35 Years Experience! = RENTING * Machinist INDUSTRY'S FIRST 36-MONTH.36,000-MILE WARRANTY ON NEW ALLEGRO EVAPORATOR *Hospital beds /Aluminum Canes MValkerettes * Mechanical Assemblers NATIONWIDE SERVICE (MARK 1 MICA SlUVICi 1 * Adults, Junior *MteeI Commodes "Crutches EASY. BUDGET TERMS = *51 N.E. 34th St. Pompano Beach | Wheel Chairs *Patient Lifts * Whirlpool Bath IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT - Must have I 943*2355 525-5679 399-6488 | ONE CALL - RENTS ALL own tools. PERMANENT JOB, Paid vaca- GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS .5 The shop-with low overhead, where the own- -S tion ana1 Holidays. Good chance for advance- Parts & Service All Makes s ers do all the work and thus save you money. f| 395-7359 ment. Apply in Person, no phone calls. | WE WELCOME COMPETITIVE ESTIMATES § DIXIE RENTS and SALES SJOSTROM AUTOMATION, INC. 134 N W 16th St Boca Raton. Fla S.E. 1st St. & Dixie Highway ?,*5-53G0 SiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiHiimiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiml 802 N. Dixie Hwy,, Boca Raton BOCA RATON NEWS June 23, 1966 9A 25 A..Rooms For Rent 25B Apartments For Rent i25 B., Apartments For Rent 25 C.Houses For Rent 25 F..Stores & Offices For Rent H35 Real Esfafe Sale or Rent • 35 A ..Lots & Acreage For Sale •« B..Co-Ops & Condominiums Room, Air Conditioned. SPARKLING NEW Unfurnished, 8 Unit COTTAGE, 1 Bedroom, OFFICE SPACE 3 bedroom 2 bath N.E. 2 lovely residential lots,- 3 BEDROOM SE exposure, call eve. Unfurn. Duplex, 3250 NE Apts. Air Cond. & Heat. Furnished, $75. per 20x50. Desirable loca- 32nd St. Completely quiet neighborh ood, CONDOMINIUM 278-3920 — 701 SE 3rd 5th Dr. Boca 2 bedroom month. Call 395-4880. tion, just off Fed. Hwy. furnished, must be seen Tunison Palms. $6000. ATLANTIC CLOISTERS No children or Pets. RESALE Ave., Delray Beach. 2 bath, Central Ht &Air $95.-$105. per mo, FOR RENT $125 monthly. Call a real Beauty. 395-4658. Cash. Call: 395-4340 - Water & Lawn Service Yearly lease. 520 N.E. 395-2552. 9 to 5 Mon. thruFriday. Just reduced $6500 to Extra large bedroom 3/2 waterfront home T^y-r• ;;-:-••••- \j.— . ™35 A.lofs & Acreage For Sale _ „ . , .. $55,000 - An absolutely with private entrance, included, contact: Hardy 44th St., 395-4254. 521 N.E. 32nd St., with dock on dead ''end 25 6..Factories & Warehouses fc—n INVESTORSi • • , • • i^^^M"! H fn On fnnriiminiiim' magnificient garden type bath and porch. After Efficiency near Public street - $150 per month Warehouse Space Several Good corner 1 bedroom air-condi- apartment - two story 6:30 p.m. call 395-6932. 395-0288. on yearly lease. For Rent tioned deluxe condomin- living room - plenty of NEAR OCEAN unfurn. Beach, Pleasant sur- lots in the path of growth Single or Double, Pri- roundings. $80 per 5301 N. Dixie Hwy. on N. Fed. in Boca Ra- ium with heated pool, room inside and acres Luxury Duplex, 2 bed- Call 395-4254 club house, dishwasher of lawn and pitch & putt vate Bath, Private En- room 2 bath. Central month. 910 E. Palmetto ton, from 58 to 65th st. trance, N.E., near Post Pk. Rd. 395-2666. 25 J..Wanted To Rent Below Market, call: Mr. carpeting. Small down golf course outside - Heat & Air, $165. 757 S. Federal Hwy.; payment and assume Office & Shopping. Call 2 bedroom 2 bath furn. Colonial Building "Teacher with 2 children Shearer JA 2-7491. nothing like it.anywhere after 6 P.M. or Sundays 320 NE Wavecrest Way mortgage. Call MLS BCondo-5. Boca Raton Air Cond. & Heat. 1 Boca Raton, Fla. wish yearly rental, to Beautiful Floresta Park 395-7257. block from Ocean. Yrly Phone 395-4044 start Aug. 20. 2 bed- Choice residential lot. 395-6107 __ Ft. Laud. LO 4-1474 Seweage 89 x 105. Call Deluxe corner C 6-6p SLEEPING ROOMS 1 bedroom Apt. & Effcy. or seasonal 399-9875. ROYAL OAK HILLS rooms, good location Reasonable F.A.U., essential Sidewalk & owner 395-4990 after 6. Apt. Ocean View, con- 757 S. Federal Hwy. nicely furnished. One year old house for 395-7678. . vertible Living room, Colonial Building . . 395-2450 Jordan Manor, 395-4567 FACULTY,STAFF rent, unfurnished, Liv. Family room desirable, 25 fLAparimenis For Rent Reasonable. Call GE Kitchen, Central Ht Boca Raton, Fla. 101 NW Pine Circle. & married students, Rm., Din, 3 Bdrms (1 395-3273 aft. 5; ^ LUC AY A-FR EEP ORT & Air, Carpets, Drapes, Phone 395-4044___ Duplex - 2 bedroom 2 1 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, welcome. Deluxe large 1 a Den), 2 baths. Elec- GRAND BAHAMA low maintenance. No. all electric kitchen, Un- 3/2 Pool Home ' MORE CLASSIFIEDS 9 bath NE 5th Ave. Carport bedroom, furn. or un- tric kitchen, wall oven, land lease 395-2361, NEXT PAGE '& Screened in Patio. furn. or furn. Central furn., Air Cond. & heat. built - in Ref .-Freezer, rent with option to buy- Fully developed lots..o Call 395-4254, ht & Air Cond. 660 Glou- all electric Kitchen, new separate dinette. A/C Call : all utilities. Reason- chester St. B o c a, building. 1 block from and central heat. Sprink- 395-8240 able. Good future in- Deerfield Beach, 1 Bed- vestment. room Apt. Furnished. 278-4384. University. Reasonable. ler system, Carport. Unfurn. with carpeting WAREHOUSE SPACE Utilities included, 1 SPARKLING NEW Call owner before noon. Spacious Screened & Drapes 3 or 4 bed- CHAPUT REALTY block to Beach.399-6883. Unfurn. Duplex, 2 bed- 278-0039 or 395-1183 Porch. Yearly Lease. room, Air Cond. & Heat, 1755 S.E. 3rd Court AVAILABLE Furn, 1 bedrm Apt. Furnished, 2/1 Air To responsible family prefer Waterfront with room, 2 bath, Central Pool, in Boca Raton or Deerfield Beach, Fla. available at once to Ht. & Air Water & Lawn Cond. Heat, Pool, Patio, desiring gracious living 399-0821 $39.50 per month and up Dec. 1st or yrly. Service included, Ready. Summer Rate: $125,, mo.. in one of the finest lo- near, 1 or 2 year lease call 276-7596, 25 Acre Producing d| TIFFANY APT. about June 1 - 395-0288. Camino Real Apts, 341 cations. $165 monthly, Orange Grove, off Fla- tenant to pay utilities. 30 C.Business Opportunities 431 W. Camino, Boca W. Camino Real, Bocaa EXTRA Guests Coming? Occupancy July 1st. mingo Rd. $3,500 per Last 2 bedroom 2 bath Available, Furn. Studio On Ocean - Efficiencies Beauty Salon, Beautiful- acre (will split). Financ- Wm. Day, Inc. unfurnished Apt. Avail- & Bedroom Apts. $75. & CALL YUkon 3-3126 ly equipped, choice lo- ing available for quali- Apts. & Villas, on the IN HOLLYWOOD able in unique, new 4 ocean. Private beach. $85. monthly to Dec. 1, cation. Mli s t Sell fied person. A.M. .Unit Duplex complex. Priv. dock. The Villas 1966. Utilities included. 1032 S.W. 13th Place. Illness. $3,000. Pomp. 583-4405. After '6, 500 S. Federal HWY., Boca Raton Central Air, all appli- 278-398c New 2 bedroom, 2 bath; 941-5570. of Boca Raton, 507 S. air cond., sprinklers, 566-3685. By Owner, ances, screened Fla. Ocean Blvd., on A1A 25 U.Houses For Rent 35 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Wm. Wood. 395-0220 ask for Bob Day room, private patio, stove, r ef riger ator, Call 395-5220 drapes & carpeting. $150 ROYAL PALM closed garage. East of 'Furnished Efficiencies FOR LEASE TREASURE CAY Lot for Sale. Write Box Federal, midway Boca- monthly, 395-8331. for Rent, 640 SE 6th with or without option Visit this Bahamian J2, Boca Raton News or ik Delray, 697 E. Kings- Ave., Delray Beach, RENTALS Paradise FREE. Reg- Call 395-9253. Outstanding Boca Raton r* bridge St. Caribbean in Royal Palm Yacht & 278-0301. Country Club. 4 bed- 2-2 Central Air Cond. ister today for an ex- Keys, Adults, yearly YOU SHOULD SEE THIS rooms, 3 baths, heated Unfurn. 2 blocks from citing FREE plane trip POOL-W/F Business Opportunity lease. Owner 278-1485 Before you rent. Are you and air conditioned with Beach, $165. per mo. to see your ISLAND- 2_78-0795, looking for one bedroom pool and screened patio, 2-1 Furn., 1 block from IN-THE-SUN. No obli- 3/2-A/C Two Bedrooms -- Un- one block from FAU? Beach. $120 per mo. gation. COIN LAUNDRY FOR SALE spacious living room, Also unfurn. Apt. as low $22,900 furnished — all electric Large Luxury rooms all' separate dining room, CHAPUT REALTY WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT?? Brand as $65 per mo. Yearly,, 'new with enclosed garage, circular *Florida's Newest Washbowl Laundry *Com* built-in Kitchen —Cen- outside exposure; A/C & complete electric kit- drive, sprinkler, dishwasher, dis- tral Heat and Air Con- heat, all elect, kitchen, Call 395-6225 or 1755 S.E. 3rd Court posal PLUS delightful "Family •chen, large utility room Deerfield Beach, Fla. Room" opening onto screened POOL pletely Equipped Hotpoint Store *Excellent ditioning — Airy Bal- double wardrobes with Petruzzelli Realty, Inc. and Patio ares. ONLY $4900,00 with washer and dryer, 399-0821 down no closing costsl! Call Eunice Location with Plenty of Parking . cony--Beautifullyland- storage above, and large 395-0822 stevenons.,LEONE REALTORS 2 car garage, fenced W2-5000 Evenings or Sundays — BANK FINANCED H scaped, Patio — Swim- walk-in closets, laundry yard. Landlord will pro- FURNISHED - UNFURN. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS 533-2727. MLS. • ming Pool - Adults - & off street parking.- vide lawn, pool, and air ANNUAL - SEASONAL Annual lease. 371 SW Furn. or unfurn. Annual conditioning mainten- Call 395-1322 Representative on Premises 8th St., Boca Raton — lease or low, low, sum- ance plus Orkin service. BUILDERS MODEL Friday, June 24tli to Monday, June 27th, mer-rate. Bruce E. barrel! '.3.95-5779.. C all or see Lloyd Lively, Realtor 3 Bedrooms — Family Room Furnished 1 & 2 bedroom UNIVERSITY PLAZA APTS your man at 125 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. 2 Car Garage - Air Conditioned Apts. Near University. 289 NW 19th St. 25f..5lores & Offices For Rent Sprinkler System - Sewers PALMETTO WASHBOWL No Pets. call- owner 278-0039 Store - 18x45 994 N.W. 7th St. Near F A.U. Carl Saelinger Apts. • - or 395-1183 NEAR FAU 1247 W. Palmetto Rdr Boca Raton 3100 NW 5th Ave. THE Weir Plaza Building 395-1183 Boca Raton 395-4653 HAMPSHIRE HOUSE 855 S. Federal Hwy. OFFICE SPACE H Furnished Apt. - 1 bed- 1150 SW 2nd Ave. .BocaRaton:Ph.395_-4000 FOR RENT CONSTRUCTION, INC. room. Immaculately Boca Islands Executive Suite — We clean. Low summer Unfurn. 2 Bedrm, 1-1/2 have available private, FOR SALE 12'x 12' New modern furnished Bath, Fla. Rm. Occupy rates or yrly lease. 5181 & Unfurnished, i; 2 Bed- centrally air condition- INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY N.E. 18th Ave., Ft, Laud. July 1st. $125 mo. - ed, furnished offices for Closing out last 5 Apartments room apts. & efficien- 395-3134. Construction Field Office Evenings - LO 4-6281.^ cies from $95. 2 pools. lease to retired or Air conditioned, com- LUXURY WATERFRONT please call 395-7728. semi-retired executives Jalousies with Screens, Y pletely furn. Private RENT NOW and businessmen, com- APARTMENTS £ Studio-Efficiency. Sea- " EXECUTIVE APTS. plete with switchboard 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath, 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, 2 bedroom 2 bath fully Pj^l BUY LATER! Air Conditioned, Wired Complete. .sonal or yearly. REALTORS service, telephone, re- UNFURNISHED 395-6103 if no answer furn. across from Ocean 1. Waterfront Home. ceptionist and public LEASE WITH OPTION TO BUY Cost to Build - $650 395-2989. Contact: Option to buy, $175. stenographer. Rental Quiet Prestige Location, complete GE kitchen, heat- Thos. P. Nolan Realtor $85 per mo. and up. For. ed pool, large rooms and large patio. Will Take $250 APARTMENTS GALORE mo. Directions: Turn off of Route 1 at Fountain entrance 131 NE 1st Ave. 2. Furn. Home includ- inspection call, New 1 & 2 Bedrooms, Boca Raton M.N. WEIR & SONS, INC. just South of Schraft's, at 26th St. Contact Sales of- w & Efficiencies. Seasonal 395-3838 - 399-1355 ing Yard care. $165. fice in Apt, at end of street or call 395-2511. Morris Handier Co,, Inc. & Yearly. mo. Realtors OPEN. DAILY RENTALS MacLaren & Anderson Weir Plaza Bldg. General Contractors MODERATE RATES 2-2 partly furn. $150. 151 E. Royal Palm Rd,, 855 S. Federal Hwy. 1675 N.W. 4th Ave,, 'Please call 395-8220 or 3-2 unfurn. $165. Ph.: 395-1333 Boca Raton, Florida FAIRBANKS NORTH Boca Raton 395-5431 • 39.5-1211 or, 399-5453. 2-2 Florida room $160. TRADE YOUR Ph: 395-400D 2-2 duplex $145. "ON THE INTRACOASTAL" Unfurn. 2 bedroom 2 bath HOME ON A duplex Central Ht & Air Carpets and draperies DELRAY Conditioning, surplus included. Call CONDOMINIUM APT. OPEN DAILY Immediate Occupancy 2 Bedroom - 2 Bath BOCA'S BEST BUYS storage space, screened' THOS. P. NOLAN Beautiful Garden Setting 3/2 Central Ht.,; close * Fully decorated * Shuffleboard i porch, stove, $125 mo. REALTOR DEERFIELD LAKE to Schools, newly paint- * 1400 Sq. Ft. * 250 Ft. of Waterfront WALK 250 YARDS TO OCEAN from exceptional 2 bedroom, ed inside & out. * Heated Pool 2 bath home. Many extras included for only $23,500* *® yrly lease. 2401 NE 2nd 131 N.E. 1ST AVE. from S8,99e Y * Putting Green * Ample Guest Parking 850 NE 6th Street. Shown by appt. only (MLS BR.-331) Ave., Boca Raton 395-3838 399-1355 STOP & SEE THIS * All Apts. Face Intracoastal Watch the boats go by at beautiful Home. Make 395-7797. INTRACOASTAL FROM $15,990 OPEN HOUSE 10 AM to 12 NOON and 2 to 4 PM DAILY. SUMMER VACANT LAND offer. Name your own Delightful 3 bedroom, 2 bath home at 424 NE 28th OR HOUSE terms. 1111 N. Riverside Dr. Road, $]8,500« if you can't see it during open hours BEACH RENTALS frtm $14,900 NATIONAL REALTY & call for appt. MLS-BR 332 Furn. Private beach, 2 LOT LOANS •it Immediate Occupancy Pompano Beach 941-6869 4r 1 & 2 Bedroom Apis. - MANAGEMENT CORP., ONLY $450 DOWN and NO CLOSING COSTS. 3 bedroom, pools, fishing dock, PRIVATE FUNDS NATIONAL REALTY Broker 2 bath.'Near shopping. Call NOW for appto to see shuffle board, spacious AVAILABLE & MANAGEMENT CORP., MLS BRc.377 on NE 20th St. ' Box Jl Boca Raton News Broker Ph: 399-7770 grounds. Eff's $65 mo., Phone 399-7770 Eves. 9«-4572 Eves. 942-4572 WANT LUXURY ? BOCA WOODS* 2 bedrooms and2 baths with lovely grounds. 1 bedrm., apts $80 mo. Only $17,750 buys this well cared for home. Ask for _ till Dec. 1, Sunset Villas MLS BR-367. • 1421 S. Ocean Blvd. HILL TOP LOTS NEW WANT LOCATION ? Pomp, 941-7242. 80x115 CITY SEWERS RENT 2 bedroom, 1 bath furnished home with central aira READY TO BUILD 8000 ff. INDUSTRIAL FACILITY Cond. On double lot at 268 SE 8 Ave,, Deerfield, $150. per month. FURNISHED Call: SALE OR LEASE WANT THE LATEST ? APARTMENTS 2730 NoW, 1st Ave. Boca Raton Call us for lots in all price ranges; FHA and VA OTTO YARK If you want a little bit better, brand new homes with LOW (from $100) down-payment, A"«COM- Efficiency. ..$85.00mo. 395-0865 Robert C Jares (owner) 395-1899 apartment that has wall-to-wall carpeting, PLETE Real Estate Service. 1 Bedroom,. .$90.00 mo. tastefully selected drapes, air-conditioning M.I. MADDOX, REALTOR and heat all new appliances., with country George B. Van Zee DUPLEX 507 NE 20th Si,, Boca Raton charm and city convenience, close to shop- 395-2900 \ Realtor Ultra-Deluxe ping, churches and fine restaurants, yet $ ROYAL PALMREALTY 307 Golf View Dr. 2726-2728 N.E. 5th Ave.-one block from U.S.I only two minutes from the beach — come 395-1661 Central heat and air-conditioned, Florida Rooms, and inspect the advantages of 382 Royal SOME OTHER ROYAL OAK HILLS: 2 bedroom, 2 bath home on two bedrooms and large Screened Patios, two Palm Rd Furnished, One Bed- double lot. Has everything. GOOD VALUES Now reduced to $24,900 MLS baths each side. Formica Kitchen. Fully land- room, $80, per month, BOCA SQUARE: Choice 1 and 2 bedroom paneled apartments., in Boca Raton utilities included. - This new waterfront 3/2 home. scaped with sprinkling system. YES CARPORTS! Includes full carpeting and furnished or unfurnished from $140. 395-0885. extras. Sacrificing at 524,000 ROYAL PALM YACHT & COUNTRY CLUB - MLS BOCA HARBOUR: GENERAL ^ ELECTRIC 5/bedroom, 4-1/2 bath waterfront with large- Spacious and lovely 2 bed- pool enclosed in screenedpatio50'x38'. beau- OCEAN FRONT room, 2 bath waterfront home in choice area. Nothing miss- tifully decorated - MLS. MONEY MAKER ing 1 $29,500 MLS PLASTRIDGE Air Coffifrucflon Enjoy beach living with good BOCA RATON ESTATES - Unit #3 For sale or income from established clien- „ REALTY CALL 395-4254 REALLY tele. This beautifully appointed fu S. Federal Hwy. Lease - 3 bedrooms, 3/baths with pool- cen- 8 unit apartment motei, in top JJ5-1433 BOCA RATON BANK FINANCING. . .EASY TERMS condition, can be bought for tral heat and air conditioning - fenced yard- little more than value of the land. Decorator furnishings al- screened patio - MLS, most new. Priced at 5110,000. for all. MLS BA ?-W DIFFERENT CHATHAM HILLS - 2/bedrooms, 2/baths, HEAR TOWN m is this lovely 3 bedroom 2!4 bath POOL Florida room, screened patio, central heat Most attractive two bedroom, two bath home with exception- home in ROYAL OAK HILLS. Double and air. Priced to sell. . .MLS. ally large rooms. Central heat, complete electric kitchen con- dition with GE appliances like OUTDOOR garage has been converted into panel- new. Lovely location. A sacri- ed den/family room with separateheat/ CHATHAM HILLS - 2 bedrooms, 2 bath fice at 518,900. MLS-BR-3U, lovely screened patio on south - carpets and $11,000 LIFE air cond. Carpet & drapes and family drapes - Priced below replacement costs - Near FAU and new hospital. coom furniture included in reasonable Two bedroom, two bath home that folks enjoy year around in ROYAL OAK HILLS is provided MLS. with central heat and complete GE kitchen, includes large new in abundance for the purchasers of this 3 bedroom,2 bath home price of $35,500. First time offered. refrigerator, large air unit, Intracoastal lot in Royal Palm Yacht & CC - drapes, carpeted. Terms. MLS Best location, no thru traffic, lush BR 330. with large family room, 2 car garage and loaded with extra size 100x150' - seawalled & sewers - Flor- features. landscaping. . .many extras. LET US ida's top subdivision. , .MLS. JUST TAKE A LOOK AND CONVINCE YOURSELF. You won't SHOW YOU THIS OUTSTANDING For further particulars, call LLOYD LIVELY, be disappointed. M.L.S. BR 221 HOME. M.L.S. BBALTC M..N. V/EIR & SONS, INC., Realtors Phone 395-8155 Boca Raton 395-4000 140 N. Federal Hwy. Mitchell & Sons Deerfield-Ft,, Lauderdaie: 399-6153 22 South Federal Highway - Phone 395-4711 BOCA HATON 22 South federal Highway - Phono 395-4711 BOCA RATON, FLORIDA BOCA RATON, FLORIDA Nights & Sundays: 395*1155 10A June 23', 1966 BOCARATON NEWS 35 E..Real Estate Wanted 35 G..Homes For Sale 35 (3.Homes For Safe 35 6..Homes For Sale 356 Houses For Sale 356 Houses For Sale 35 G..Homes For Sale ROYAL UAK HILLS : WANTED RENTALS BUILDERS MODEL Classified Attractive location, high Brick Front! INTRACOASTAL FURNISHED CONTINUED Homes or apartments - ground. 2 Bedroom, 2 POOL HOME POOL HOME - Excellent opportunity furnished or unfurn- connecting Bath, Den, Bay Window! Reduced $7,000 $22,500 for smart buyer. I am ished. Have prospects large Utility room, Fireplace! anxious to sell this 2 OCEANVIEW waiting for homes on Screened Patio partly HIGH SCHOOL AREA "Something different." A lovely two-bedroom, A truly immaculate fully bedroom, 2 bath home • PURCHASE yearly lease. Call us or roofed, Pool Central Truly a home of warmth three-bath home on a furnished two bedroom- before my fiscal yr. OPPORTUNITY stop by our office. Air-Heat, Carport; Lots Your teenagers will bi- & charm.- Three (or 4) well landscaped 90'xl33' two and one half bath closing. Home has gar- Choicest southeast, 3rd of Extras. Reduced to cycle or walk to school bedrooms, 2 baths, pan- Santa Barbara Shores home. The screened pa- age, screened porch, floor, fully furnished, OTHERWELL $26,000. Call Owner with other teenagers elled family room, Intracoastal lot. The tio 25'x45' covers the central ht. & A/C, fully o c e a nview apartment REALTY large island kitchen M 395-0393. from this neat 3 bed-screened patio - porch. pool area. There are sodded & landscaped, now available for $26,- •757 S. Federal Hwy. Only 2 years old, like opens directly into the luminous ceilings in the sprinkler system, rugs Colonial Building By owner spacious 3" room, 2 bath Country 500 - $3000 below cost. bedroom 2 bath central Club Village home. Ra- new, incl. carpeting, screened pool and bar- kitchen and both baths. & drapes. Located in Owner moving and wants Boca Raton, Fla. beque patio — complete It's decorator furnished City of Boca Raton. NW Phone 395-4044 heat & Air conditioning, diant heat, 1 wall Air draperies, complete •offer either furnished or screened patio & car-'Unit, sprinklers, encl. G.E. Kitchen. Central with separate cabana and on a lovely land- Section, Water, sewer, unfurnished. Here's a 35 G..Homes For Sale pets. 395-4320. garage, carpets & A/C. Fenced yard, love- bath. Air conditioned, of scaped corner lot East street lights. Priced chance for a real deal. BEAUTIFUL GOLF drapes. Priced at ly landscaping, sprink- course, with extremely of Federal Highway,, under $16,900. Subject Let us take you over to- $15,500. large closets in the di- to negotiation & financ- COURSE HOME 3 large bedrooms, one $19,300. Good financing. ler system. Exceptional Purchase this inviting day! Remember submit Professionally decorat- MLS. - P.S. Come See offering at $21,500! vided bedrooms. Owner home for $22,500. MLS. ing. To see: call owner offers! MLS BC-12P. ideal as Den or Office, 2 desires immediate sale - 399-2700, Evenings, ed, new luxury carpet- are Air Conditioned.- our other MLS Listings. MLS. Good mortgage, PR-3824. ing and drapes - 3 bed- ORYAL HADLEY no closing costs. and reduced price to BATEMAN & CO. 972-3456. _ OTHERWELL Spacious Living room, $38,000. It may be pur- REALTY > rooms, panelled den, Kitchen complete. Frig-; Realtor MacLaren & Anderson 1299 S. Ocean Boulevard NEW HOME M 400 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. 151 E. Royal Palm Rd. chased furnished if de- Boca Raton 395-9355 757 S. Federal Hwy.. 4-1/2 baths, panoramic idaire included. 2 baths sired. MLS-PR-3955. 4 bedroom 3 baths, Colonial Building kitchen, large patio and - screen Porch, corner Boca Raton Ph.: 395-1333 Eves, and Sundays Family room, Pool, Boca Raton,-Fla. pool - on 150 site - lot. A-l cond. 1301 NW 395-2244 399-4487 BATEMAN & CO. John B. Dolan 942-6693 screened Patio, en- Phone 395-4044 terrific landscaping - 7 .4 St. 395-0598. Brokers OPEN 1-5 1299 S. Ocean Boulevard closed 2 car garage. On Boca Raton 395-9355 $450 Down ton air conditioner, Protected, • IDEAL DAILY Sacrifice must sell, Canal, no bridges. In- large closets - Best buy FAMILY Eves. & Sundays spect at; 723Glouchest- New Four" Bedroom John B.Dolan 942-6693 $14,050. FHA Mtg. under $100,000 - shown ,E:L,O.S HOME 2399 Queen Palm Rd. er St, Call 278-2060, SIX UNITS 'Houses. Low down pay- Available. 3 bedroom 2 by appointment - MLS ment for Immediate oc- 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 Royal Palm Y acht & C .C. BARGAIN bath, 1269 NW 4th St., Subscribe to the BR-351P cupancy baths, big family room, 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath, Boca Raton 395-5375. Boca Raton News On 150 feet of valuable OTHERWELL LAKE FLORESTA fireplace, etc. "Like Large Screened Patio 2/bedroom 2 bath - east side of A-l-A. Four M REALTY CALL: 399-5922 new' condition. Many with Pool, Priced to Sell, couple anxious to travel efficiencies and two one- 757 S. Federal Hwy. desirable "'extras." Good Financing., MLS, - Includes carpets and bedroom well furnished Colonial Building BOCA SQUARE East of U.S.I, bicycle Harriet Jackman,Assoco drapes. This home like units on a well mani- Boca Raton, Fla. ride to Beach, Price new. . .For further de- 3 bedroom, 2 baths; fully ATLANTIC cured lawn. Two shuffle- Phone 395-4044 $20,000. Reasonable BOCA REALTY, INC. tails, call JOHN NORRIS boards and the beach equipped kitchen, ex- down payment, no clos- MLS. CARPET 3 bedroom 2 bath built just steps away. There in kitchen small amount tremely clean and well ing costs! MLS. Realtor maintained. $17,000 with 395- 8500 Day or Night is room for expansion down only $14,900. Own- MacLaren & Anderson, l»SOWS.Inc. and and a special zoning sit- er will take 2nd Mtg,very low down payment. 151 E. Royal Palm Rd. llA^fOlt uation that enhances the THOS. P. NOLAN THE CLEANEST Weir Plaza Building 243 NE 26th St. Boca 395-1333 NEATEST value of this excellent Raton, 395-2473 after REALTOR 1055 W. Camino Real 855 S. Federal Hwy. property. Priced at 4 p.m. 131 N.E. 1ST AVE. Completely furnished 2 prettiest 3 bedroom 2 Boc# Raton;Ph.395-4p00 $64,000. 395-3838 399-1355 RUG WATERFRONT bedroom, 2.bath home. bath home you have ever SENSATIONAL OFFER BATEMAN & CO. 4 bedroom, 3 bath home, BOCA RATON Central air cond. & heat. seen for $19,500. Large Brand new builders 1200 S. Ocean Boulevard with Pool, Carpets, For Sale, by Owner 2 Full carpeting, many patio on south looking models, WATERFRONT Tel: 395-9355 Drapes, Refrigerator Bedrooms, 2 Baths, extras. Beautifully land- onto lovely • garden. Beauties. 2 bedroom;, 2 Eves. & Sundays Here's a honey for the SALE •included. No closing Garage, Florida Rm,, scaped. $18,000. Call bath - 3 bedroom 2 bath, John B. Dolan 942-6693 cost. 278-4057. /, Air., Sprinklers, Awn- owner 395-4024. •money. o . Call ED Central Air & Heat. GARVY, your man ato „. 35 D; Business & yinvestment 3& 4 Bedroom Houses. ings, Wall to Wall, $12,000 Decorators Drapes, SHOW ROOM BOCA v Propeftv For Sale :;.•- Waterfront & non Wa- Drapes, Many Extras, TERMS OWNER Wall to Wall Carpet, S2800 N. FED. Boston RATON Nursery & Kindergarten terfront with a 5-3/4% Priced right. 395-5684, 3 bedrm, 1 bath frame, Lush Landscaping,Fab- HIGHWAY 399-2000 for Sale due to illness interest. No closing 5 Bedroom, 3 Bath Fam- living rm., Dining rm., ulous Wall Paper. Furn- excellent paying bases cost. Immediate occu- ily home, all luxury fea- kitchen, large screened Weir Plaza Building ished or unfurnished. now. Call: 395-5044 pancy, from $24,500. tures, Lake Floresta' porch, good location, 855 S. Federal Hwy. Finest location in Boca .Eve. .39.5-1432. 395-1183 399-5922 Park, 399-6790. near stores. 395-3469. Boca Raton:Ph.395-4000 Raton. Call 395-1211, AVAILABLE at your FULL SERVICE BANK !

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1st AVENUE AND ROYAL PALM ROAD TELEPHONE 395-4420 mini tvgk-iSiMt * Women's News . * Club Activities Real Estate Church News


Would you believe: The method was de- cation problems on a • Apre-school child can veloped by Maria Mon- numbered board utiliz- Would learn how to write? tessori in Italy 60 years ing marbles, or tracing A small boy, aged four ago. figures which later will and a half, could sit for Main features of the help him when he learns two hours and work out method are the develop- to write. multiplication tables? ment of the child's in- Practical life exer- ' It's pretty unbeliev- itiative through individ- cises, such as setting able, hm? ual freedom of action, a table with glass dish- You Nevertheless, it's improvement of sense es, instills respect for true. perception through themselves into the James L. Montgom- training, and develop- child, according to ery, assistant professor ment of coordination Montgomery. of education at Florida through exercises and "The child exper- Atlantic University, is games. iences a sense of well attempting to prove to Montgomery's film being," Montgomery Believe his students that pre- shows the children in said, "because he rea- school children can what he called Montes- lizes for example, that write, add, multiply and sori's four avenues of 'I can pour my own juice do other things a development; practical in my glass.'" youngster in the second life exercises, sensory The Montessori grade is just learning. development, introduc- method also works on Montgomery, whose tion to mathematics and the theory of discovery. main interest is the pre- development of lang- Thus a child playing school field of education, uage. with a triangle, which is transferred a whole The children are free part of the sensory de- classroom full of pre- to chose whatever ma- velopment avenue, feels school children to F AU' s terials they wish to use it and discovers- for television studios to film from a long line of ma- himself just what a tri- their actions for class- terials placed on a low angle is. room study. shelf in the classroom. When later on he The youngsters had Thus an observor in works with mathemat- just completed nine the classroom may find ical concepts a triangle months in a classroom a child learning how to where the teacher util- tie bows on a. dress will not be an abstract ized the Montessori frame, building block term for him, It's some- method of education. columns, doing multipli- continued on Page 2B)

ANN LANDERS 3 oea Popularity Theory for the Bobolinks?

someone else did. I felt SAVINGS AND LOAN Dear Ann Landers: I I'm in desperate need of so disinterested in boys are out of high school. Dad, so simmer down sent for your booklet, like saying,' 'Relax, son. advice and I'm not sure I like you. I like you." and to be so fond of If you are deeply con- and stop dreaming. ASSOCIATION "The Key To Popular- you can print my letter, women. cerned about yourself I ity," and I wish you No one in the office I hope you can get it in could (or would) say a I could never discuss suggest that you do talk "The Bride's Guide," Will Pay A would stop telling your the paper somehow be- this with my parents so to a psychiatrist. Tell readers that the way to bad word about "Mr. cause I can't receive any Ann Landers' booklet, Aim To Please" but no please don't suggest it. your parents you are in gives authoritative and be popular is to knock mail on this subject. If you feel I need psy- need of specialized in- Dividend yourself out to please one really likes him complete information on I am a 17-year-old chiatric help I will con- formation, not therapy. how to plan a wedding. people. either. Have I made my- girl who would rather Of self clear? sider it, although I don't A couple of visits could To receive your copy of A young man I know --TOOOOOOOOOOOO spend time with girls and know how I would ex- set your mind at ease. this comprehensive Z rather well is perfect MUCH older women than with plain it to my folks. guide, write to Ann proof that your theory is boys. I especially like They think I am wond- Landers, Boca Raton ? Dear Toooooooo-ooo: the company of my Confidential To Also for the bobolinks. This erfully balanced and In Favor Of Polygamy News, enclosing a long, fellow is forever bring- You've made yourself teachers. I have seen well-adjusted. clear. But apparently I For Those Over 60: Yes, self-addressed, stampT presents, welcome- Dear Soul: Just be- widows and married men be glad to help you ; home presents, and con- difference between being ing and to the movies. thoughtful and consider- cause a 17-year-old girl would applaud the idea with your problems. gratulatory telegrams Do you think I am a prefers the company of but I can also under- Send them to her in for promotions. ate and behaving like an homosexual? I am women does not mean stand why married care of Boca Raton Anticipated He gives up his lunch obsequious, boot - lick- scared to death that I ing, hem-kissing syco- that she is a homosex- women aren't wildly en- News, Box 3346, Chi- hour running errands am. Nothing out of the ual. Some people, both thusiastic about it. I cago, Illinois, 60654, and doing favors. He phant. way has ever occurred enclosing a stamped, The pathetic young male and female, don't have serious doubts that compliments the women but it doesn't seem become interested in the self-addressed en- Compounded Quarterly man you describe is normal for a girl to be the practice will be leg- on their clothes, their opposite sex until they alized in your lifetime, velope. hair-dos, their makeup. woefully insecure and he He laughs at the men s feels terribly inad- Effective July 1, 1966 jokes and hands over a equate. He is not inter- full pack of cigarets ested in others. He is in- You may arrange now for us -when all that was asked terested only in getting for was one. Yesterday the approval of others — to transfer your savings, he almost set fire to my and it shows. free of charges, nose in an attempt to with no loss in earnings light my cigaret before Dear Ann Landers:

Accounts insured by Federal Sarnies it" I.nun Insurance Corp- oration, an agency of J*-, DECORATOR PRINTS the I .S Cot eminent. " STREET SCENES - FLORALS - MARINES - LANDSCAPES STILL LIFES - PORTRAITS DECORATIVE Reduced 1/3 fo 1/2 Off Regular Price Ask About Our Unusual Frame Offer


451 SO. FEDERAL HWY. BOCA CAMERA CENTER INC. 395-8800 2B June 23, 1966 BOCA RATON NEWS Would You Believe

(Continued from IB) and doing research on class help them to dis- cover for themselves thing hehasexperienced the method ever since. and sensed. what they're doing is Because of the uni- ; wrong. In working with chil- queness of the method," dren Montessori found \ For example, one boy he said there are no ;in the class was fitting that a youngster is us- grades as such in a ually ready to write way different sized round Montessori school, but [blocks into different before he's ready to the method can and has read, thus the fourth |sized holes. Through the been used on elemen- process of elimination, avenue of development tary and high school stu- for a pre-school child he'd find the right hole. dents as well as pre- Thus he'd discover for is language develop- school children. ment, or learning to himself the right place Because, too of the for the right block. write a letter then idea of discovery, the Learning to pronounce teacher never "teach- chat letter. es" the child as such. Read the Classified Montessori also re- She guides the child futed the theory that a Licensed & (Phone ,into the right paths of Insured 395-5151 child has a short at- 'discovery, so to speak. tention span: Thus, if a child who is "If a child is doing working out a math BOCA TV ANTENNA something he enjoys and problem is not doing it COMPANY las chosen for himself the right way, the teach- Commercial and Residential his attention span is er will not say "this is Installations longer than when he's not the way you do it," doing something he but rather she'll guide *MASTER ANTENNA SYSTEMS! doesn t particularly like him into doing it the * INTERCOM.SYSTEMS ' because someone told right way. *SOUNDSYSTEMS " him to doit," Montgom- DAN BOEGIOLI, Owner Albert Hall conducts his class of beginner musicians. ery said. Some of the games former Co-owner of Southern TV the children play in the 194 N.W. 20th St. "I've already seen a small boy work for two ..:#siiiliiiiilii hours on multiplication issSiiiSi1* tables and when he was **!» Of Harmony, Children and Plato finished, he wasn't half ill can't as tired as the normal remember student would be in a normal school situation. the date? Plato once said, "Musical training is a Montgomery first saw more potent instrument than any other, be- the Montessori method Q cause rhythm and harmony find their way in a school in New York, into the inward places of the soul." while he was attending OMEGA No matter how corny It may sound, Boca CALENDAR SEAMASTER the University of flit With a self-winding Seamaster Raton youngsters are finding that even the Buffalo. "I must say I date-dial watcli you always sourest note can sound pretty good when one was unfavorably im- know the correct date... and makes it oneself on an instrument. you'll. never be late because pressed when I saw it you forgot to wind your wateh. The youngsters under the guidance of used in that classroom," No need to wind a Seamaster, Albert Hall, are learning Ho play a flute, he said. it's gravity-powered .-. . winds drum, French horn and clarinet at Boca Raton Later when he tame itself as you wear it- School. to Florida and observed Seamasler date-clial- They attend classes as part of the summer a Montessori class at water-rcsisl-. an! case, $135 enrichment program offered through the Palm St. Ambrose School his Other 44 S.E. 1st Avc. Amdur Bldg. Beach County School Board. Seamasters Downtown Boca Raton opinions changed about $95 to $460 Classes are held Monday, Wednesday and the method. Authorized Omega Agency ^ Friday mornings at the school. Tie's lievn observing Then Hall, who teaches music at Boca Raton High School, conducts .two band classes ^ and a marching band class at the high school in the afternoon. You'll Enjoy SPACE GALORE at Paim CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS Kathy Myers turns a page before playing a note on her clarinet- Southeast 13th St., Near U.S. 1 BOCA RATON Under the Banyan Tree On 5 acres of beautiful grounds opposite ex- Birth L clusive Royal Palm Yacht & Country Club | * NEW LILLYS * SNEAKY PETES residential area, Close to smart shops, chain stores, dining, public beach, private cabana Mr. and Mrs. Charles - * NEW PRINTS * MINNIES clubs, golf, fishing, marina, theatre, churches James Bartels, 3451NE and the famous Boca Raton Hotel & Club. Fifth Ave., announce the birth of a daughter, Leah Marie, June 17 in Be- L Pylitisr of Bo€ts Raton thesda Memorial Hos- Y 20 South Dixie Hwy pital,

The drummer is Martha Ashe.

Orange OPEN Butten ALL Serve delicious Whip- ped Orange Butter on SUMMER waffles, pancakes or breads. In a small mix- for your ing bowl, cream 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter; gradu- convenience ally add 2 tablespoons Mr. confectioners sugar and beat' until light and fluf- FLOYD BUSINESSMAN- fy. Continue to beat : PER while gradually adding NEERING MO. 2 tablespoons frozen, CONSERVE CAPITAL PAY LIKE RENT! Fro"1 IWlU'VW concentrated orange Beauty Salon 785 so, ft. living area (EsU juice which has been i PER thawed. Yield; 3/4 cup. Telephone 2BE0R00MS $1£ fMft $4E MO. Especially good on nut up to 1250 sq. ft. From lOl^Uy "t3 (Est.) or fruit breads. 395-2181 No equipment to buy, no maintenance costs, no repair bills. Just one fixed monthly living area — ^ charge you pay like rent. Leasing assures * Includes Taxes, Inturonee, Sewer, Building and Ground*, Elec- guaranteed cooling, complete FFUresponsi- tricity and Water, Pool Maintenance, Ground*. Building and Club- bility for satisfactory operation. Complete house Upkeep. range of sizes from 2.9 tons to virtually Everyone Loves A unlimited capacity. MODELS OPEN 10-5 DAILY Early Occupancy REMEMBER: NO MOVING PARTS! YOU CAN BE SURE With no high speed compressor to 9 All the Closet and Storage break down or wear out, natural gas Space of the Average Home APPLIANCCS 8Y BUICK air conditioning assures a long life • Built-in bedroom desk of trouble-free service! • Soft city water—city sewer Westinghouse • Swimming pool—clubhouse n <-i FOR THE BEST DEAL ON A • Reverse cycle Air Conditioning *ang«, uven, : SPECIAL RATE FOR AIR CONDITIONING (or optional Central Air Conditioning) Disposer, • Large, private screened and roofed IF IT'S 1966 BUim Now Effective Year Round — Saves Money on Winter Heating Too! balcony or porch available Refrigerator WESTINGHOUSE' • Fully tiled, glamorous baths

SEE FRANK COULSON CALL FOR FREE SURVEY Paim Condonimum Direct Factory Dealer of your entire cooling-heating system and 10-year feasibility study of major DIRECTIONS—From U. S. I in jouth section of • FINEST SERVICE * LARGE PAINT & BODY SHOP cuts in operating costs. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY Boca Raton, enter S.E. 13th St. (2 blocks south NO OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER AND FLO-GAS CORPORATION of Howard Johnson's!. Go Vi block west of Highway. 3 Blocks South of Ccmino Real WEST PALM BEACH LAKE WORTH DELRAY BEACH S. DIXIE 6 FERN ST. - TE 2-2161 12 S. J ST. - JUS-MOI 315 NE 2nd ST. - 27B-2436 DELRAY BEACH A DEVELOPMENT BY MASON 1EALTY CORP. 1616 N. Federal Hwy. - Ph. 278-3292 LBOGA RATON NEWS June 23, 1966 3B Simple Little Sheath ROD SAYS. Flatters All Figures Enchanting sheath wide shoulder neckline. pattern, plus 5 cents for dress for all important Flattering in soft silks, postage, in cash or afternoon and evening crisp fabrics, metallic check. No Stamps. For occasions. . .the simple jerseys as well as mat First - Class mailing, little sheath that flatters jerseys and brocades. send 15 cents extra. Add all figures, with its sur- Price $1. No. R-165 One Dollar if you wish ROD ASHBAUGH,- Reg. ph. plice front bodice over- is available in sizes 12, New Austinelamar Pat- lap and band strap 14, 16, 18. Size 14 takes tern Book #3 — com- Take advantage of shoulder. Tiny pleats in 2-3/4 yards of 50-inch plete selection of High these great front bodice give just fabric. Standard body Fashion designs, includ- QUIBB values! the right amount of ease, measurements for size ing our best-sellers atop a slim column of 14 are: Bust 34, Waist from #1 and #2. Send to skirt. Quiet elegance in 26, Hips 36. Austine la mar Fashion 1.59 SWEETA with the sleeveless look, with Send One Dollar for Pattern, Boca Raton News, Box 1615, G.P.O., free Cook Book New York, N.Y. 10001. Print your full name, address, Pattern Num- ber and Size. Sickroom Eentals * Wheel Chairs * Walkers In the last five years * Crutches * Emergency the international trade Oxygen carried on by the United States has climbed more LI6GETT-REXALL than 35 per cent, to a WINFIELD PARK record high of about $47 SHOPPING CENTER Ph. 395-4919 billiono

Molded Broccoli Salad Recipe of the Week A Creamy Light Salad Treat How many ways do you know of serving accompaniment for cold meats, it's also broccoli? Plain. . .with butter and lemon light enough to serve as salad. Enjoy it often juice; fancy, wifh Hollandaise sauce; and during the warm summer months. perhaps in a cooked dish like Chicken Divan. MOLDED BROCCOLI SALAD m yxoticl That's about the range of most cooks when 2 packages (10-oz. each) frozen chopped it comes to broccoli. Here's a brand-new way broccoli that's delightfully different, in both flavor and 2 tablespoons lemon juice c^Uost people do... appearance. Molded Broccoli Salad makes a 2 tablespoons (2 envelopes) unflavored gel- refreshing "salad or a good main dish for a atin summer luncheon, and it's a new-look vege- 1/4 cup cold water table to serve with cold cuts at the evening 2 chicken bouillon cubes meal. 1 cup milk No. R-T65 2854 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOCA RATON Try this tempting broccoli recipe soonc 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Sizes 12-18 You'll find Molded Broccoli Salad has sur- 1/2 cup dairy sour cream Ph. 395-0102 prises galore in its makeup. Firm stalks and 2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped tender flowerets of dark green broccoli con- Cook broccoli according to package direc- tribute their garden-fresh flavor, and dairy tions; drain, reserving 1/2 cup cooking liquid. To make a refreshing sour cream brightens the mold with its lively Sprinkle broccoli with lemon juice; set aside Chocolate Peppermint tang, and velvet smoothness. Milk adds more to cool. In a saucepan soften gelatin in water; Shake — in a mixing creamy goodness, plus flavor and nutrition. add bouillon cubes and reserved liquid. Place bowl while beating one Put away the paint can, Pete There's more than a touch of lemon in the over low heat, stirring constantly, until pint of softened pepper- taste of this good salad, and it's also enriched gelatin and bouillon cubes are dissolved. Re- mint ice cream, grad- with chicken flavor, since you use 2 handy move from heat; add milk and Worcestershire ually add one quart cubes of chicken bouillon. Hard-cooked eggs sauce. • • ; • - chocolate milk. Pour and Worcestershire sauce go into the medley, Place in large bowl. Chill until partially into .large glasses; top too. ' set. Fold sour cream, eggs and broccoli into with scoops from an ad- While Molded Broccoli Salad is substantial gelatin mixture. Turn into a 6-cup salad ditional pint of pepper- mint ice cream. Yield First decorate your enough to serve as a main dish or a vegetable mold; chill until firm. Yield: 6-8 servings. approximately six cups. driveway Woman's Best Friend? Whatever Your Taste It's a Good Handbag IN DRAPERIES with a new Chevrolet! Elegant plains or an array of colors as exciting as By Mary Todd are some do's and don'ts followed. When you a beach at Waikiki you might like to ob- store a handbag, stuff you'll find the "exactly Because a well serve. it with crumpled paper right" fabric from our tre- equipped handbag is one If you have a tend- and place it in a box or mendous selection. No of modern woman's best ency to overstuff your wrap in a soft cloth. charge for making when companions, handbag, make frequent full length and in mate- wisely and give it good attempts to empty it out Try Beans rials from $1.98 yard. care. and look over your col- Handbags are as di- lection. Repeated over- versified as materials stuffing will spoil the In Soup and imagination can de- shape of the bag, weaken For a hearty soup vise. However check the the fastenings and may anytime, serve Cream handbag for good work- even break the seams. of Baked Bean Soup.It's manship and ask your- Also protect the lining easy and quick. In a self how convenient it is from dirt that collects heavy, 2-quart sauce- before you buy. There in corners by wiping it pan, cook 6 slices of cut- We servica and main- should be an ample out at this time. Keeping up bacon until crisp; opening for convenience cosmetics in a special tain free of charge pour off drippings. Add every drapery rod we and the lining should be case helps to protect the 2 cups milk, then 1 can strong enough to with- lining. And if pen and sell and install as long (1 lb.) pork and beans as you use it. Impala Sport Coupe stand constant rubbing. pencil are handbag ne- in tomato sauce. Heat The mountings and fit- cessities, be certain you soup to serving temp- tings should be strong. securely fasten pen top erature, stirring occa- Open Mon.-Sat. Also, you'll appreciate or release ball point 9 - 5:30 Park your new Impala Sport Coupe radio with FM multiplex stereo Four- separate compartments. sionally. For a better MM, he. right out front. Let your neighbors Season air conditioning or Comfortron, from use. Keep pencil flavored soup, mash Come In % Draping the Gold Coast admire the handsome sculptured lines. a 7-position Comfortilt steering wheel or If you purchase your capped or carry one with some beans with back Or Phone There're luxury and comfort in- a Tilt-telescopic wheel. For extra power, handbag wisely and give adjustable lead. of wooden spoon while 3415 S. Federal Hwy., Dclroy Bsoch, CRestwood 8-2877 side. The Sport Coupe comes with order a whisper-smooth Turbo-Jet 396 it good treatment, it will Cleaning methods heating. This is a good Visit our nationally famous Browse 'n Think Shop color-keyed deep-twist carpeting. V8 or the big Turbo-Jet 427 V8. stay new looking for recommended for out- soup to take along in • Cove Center' Deerfi-ld There's richly tufted textured pattern So what about that painting chore, several seasons. Here side covering should be a thermos. 1603 S.E. 3fd Court — Phone 399-2837 cloth upholstery with deeply padded Pete? Who'll notice with a new Chevrolet vinyl bolsters. Eight standard safety Impala Sport Coupe in your driveway! features including seat belts all around. Big-saving summer buys on See this man Your Impala can have the personal Chevrolet, Chevelle, Chevy II and when you insure touch. Order a pushbutton AM/FM Corvair. your car or home "l am devilishly handsome. PEANUT- ____§_ The reason may BUTTERSCOTCH SMOOTHIE See your Chevrolet dealer for fast, Yield: 1 cup fast delivery on all kinds of Chevrolets,..V8's and 6'sl 1 % tablespoons instant butter- scotch pudding mix VITALITY COOLERS V= tablespoon peanut butter 1 cup milk In mixer or blender thoroughly mix pudding mix, peanut butter and % cup Cheviolcl Division milk. Gradually blend in remaining milk. Chill before serving. NICK BISHOP Authorised Chevrolet Dealers in Dream up your own He may save you Milk Vitality Coolers and remeniher . .. MILK'S TOO GOOD TO BE big money JUST FOR THE YOUNG DELRAY BEACH LAKE WORTH WEST PALM BEACH J.C. MITCHELL ADAHS CHEVROLET BENZ CHEVROLET ROGER DEAN & SONS COMPANY INC. CHEVROLET INC. 290 S.E. 6th Ave. 278-3225 1515 N. Dixie Hwy. 582-6652 .2119 S. Dixie 832-0884 22 S. Federal'. . 395-4711 SOUTHEAST FLORIDA DAIRY INSTH i 1966 BOCA RATON NEWS Fort San Marcos Gets New Face

(Boca Raton News <• Tallahassee' Spain built a succession of surface. He found the brain in eluding, in 1857, a marine hos- PLANO DEL FUERTE DE S." MARCOS Democrat Special Fec^ure Service,) wooden forts at this site at one skeleton was well pre- pital whose foundation was built Picks and shovels of Florida the juncture of the Wakulla and served. In one coffin six buttons of dressed stone from the bomb- D3 APALACHE. State University archaeologists St. Marks rivers during the imprinted with an "1" (for in- proof. Little used, the hospital have uncovered 250 feet of the late 17th centuryi -then began fantry) were identified as army itself soon became a ruin. Noth- V is foundation wall of Fort San building a permanent stone fort buttons of the 1814-21 period. ing was done to rehabilitate the Marcos de Apalache and the in the mid-1700's. It was gar- There's some evidence, said fort until, in recent years, it be- outline of t- h e old Spanish risoned by the Spanish then by Morrell, that this was a mili- came a possession of the Flor- stronghold is beginning to show the English (who held Florida tary graveyard during occu- ida Board of Parks. up through a thicket of cabbage from 1763 to 1783), then the pancy by Jackson's troops-. Gen- The" Parks Board recently palms, cedar and hackberry Spanish again. General Andrew eral Jackson established a gar- completed a museum on the trees for the first time in more Jackson created an international rison of 200 here when he cap- on the Wakulla River side and than a century. stir in 1818 when he arrived in tured the fort and troops oc- the few feet of the north cur- A crew directed by Dave Spanish territory with 2,000 cupied it for several months. tain wall which was above White of Pensacola and Nancy American troops, seized the Morrell thinks the skeletons are ground. Connelly of Sarasota now is fort, and captured and executed of soldiers who died of disease. Harold McAleenan, a grad- digging into the old bombproof two Britishers suspected of He's now planning to explore uate student from Quincy, as- section which once rose to a aiding the Indians he was the old cemetery further. sisted by White and four la- height of 15 or more feet, mid- pursuing. After the United States took borers, uncovered the hidden way between the Wakulla and Signs of Old Hickory's occu- over Florida in 1821 the old fort portion of the northern curtain St. Marks rivers. The bomb- pancy came to light a few months was abandoned as a military wall during the' winter and proof, a section of about 100 ago when a dragline snagged an post and soon became a ruin. spring. Most of it is about 10 by 30 feet along the north wall old coffin on the flat a few In 1833 an English visitor said feet wide, built of massive of the fort, had four rooms hundred yards northeast of the it was "garrisoned by nothing stones about 30 inches long, 18 enclosed by what an early map fort. State Archaeologist Ross but cocks, hens and rats. inches wide and 15 inches high. called "magnificent vaults of Morrell dug up this and three Stones were hauled away for On the inside of the wall oc- hewn stone.* other coffins, all just below the other construction projects in- casional foundation walls branch I .off 'at a 90 degree angle, mark- I -V4 y ing the base of former rooms A or other structures. Outside — • TV?,'-> \! the wall the archaeologists at- C fe tempted to dig to the base of -" ! the foundation but had not /• i reached it after going a foot and a half under the water table. Fuerte de S. Marcos Tony B. Ward, ranger-in- charge of Fort San Marcos de Apalache, was the first to locate foundation of the old marine for the Indian trade and in the the bombproof section somewhat hospital,. 150 feet north of the growing American pressure east of where the maps appeared ruins. Last January it contract- from settlements in 'Carolina to show it. Its northern wall, ed with Florida State's Depart- and Georgia. In 1792 it became a continuation of the curtain ment of Anthropology and Ar- a disbursing depot for guns sup- wall, but wider, is built of chaeology to dig into the ruins, plied to the Indians. Some of dressed stone front and back, salvage any valuable artifacts the arms may have been turned "X; with rubble in between. The and locate foundation walls against the Spaniards on May bombproof foundation measures which hadn't seen the light of 19, 1800, when a band of In- 98-1/2 feet to the northeast day since the Civil War or earl- dians led by the adventurer, corner, which appears to be the ier. Before the January dig William Bowles, demanded and eastern extremity of the fort. started the only part of the obtained surrender of the fort. Regularly spaced cuts in the stone fort showing was a line Spaniards recaptured it a month *,.?*>- ,- stone show, apparently, where of rubble marking the bastion later after an exchange of can- the walls of the four vaulted iutting out from the norrh wall non fire between vessels of %Sm',^ fc;-;-.-- rooms mortised in. The side the Spaniards and English a the Spanish fleet and the fort. wall of the bombproof founda- 24-foot wide moat connected The fort figured in history tion has been traced southward the two rivers just north of the again when General Jackson, on 30 feet, where it appears to bastion, curtain wall and bomb- April 7, 1818, demanded its stop. proof. surrender. Inside the fort, stay- White, and Miss Connelly, The Spaniards built the first ing in the commander's house who has just received her de- wooden fort here in 1679, only was Alexander Arbuthnot, an gree, from FSU, and two Talla- a few years after the stone Indian trader from Jamacia. He hassee youths, Larry Downing Castillo de San Marcos was was made a prisoner and a few and John Granger, now are started in St. Augustine. A pir- days later Jackson's army cap- clearing out the tons of dirt ate raid wiped it out. Another tured another Britisher, Am- which have accumulated inside was .wrecked b y a hurricane brister. Both were sentenced the bombproof. It's probable which in 1758 killed 40 per- to death after a military court that during their dig, which is sons. The stone fort may have found them guilty of aiding the scheduled to continue into Aug- been begun by then but the hur- Indians. On the morning of April ust, they'll find quantities of ricane spurred its construc- 29 Ambrister was shot and Ar- pipe bowls and stems, buttons, tion. Stones for the fort were buthnot was hanged from the bullets, pieces of pottery and mined across the Wakulla River. yardarm of his own schooner other articles to add to what The fort was far from com- and both were buried in a grave already has been recovered plete when, in 1764, an English outside the stockade. from the fort site. At the foot garrison took over, although the Old Hickory valued the fort of the bombproof wall they've bombproof and bastion were found what appears to be the there, and much of the cur- as a defensive site and said masonry floor of the bomb- tain wall was in place. One of that "it would cost a thousand proof. the first projects, mentioned in lives if well defended to take As originally planned the a letter from the commander in it by storm." About 1850 a north wall was to extend east- December, 1764, was complet- board of military engineers for ward from the bombproof and ing, "an excellent stone well which Lt. Col. Robert E. Lee another bastion, similar to the 22 feet deep," making unneces- was secretary visited the in- one on the Wakulla River side, sary the dangerous trips up- stallation and recommended that was to be built on the St. Marks river to get fresh water. The the fort and the land around it River. Walls were to extend English garrisoned the fort only be "reserved for military from these to form a triangle five years. During this period a uses." with the apex near the juncture second hurricane hit. on Oct. Confederates manned the fort of the two rivers — site of the 23, 1766, nearly wrecking the as Fort Ward during the Civil former wooden forts. The fort frame structures ' inside the War, building gun emplace- assumed a truncated form in- fort and piling water six feet ments, earthworks and a giant stead of the triangle and the deep inside,' 12 feet higher than magazine which are stilt in evi- I*,*.. normal spring tides. dence. The Confederates and eastern wall and the eastern the Federal soldiers to whom it Nancy Connelly holds tape to measure bombproof front wall of fort. bastion never were built. During the second Spanish was surrendered after the war Through its years of use by period the fort figured in rivalry were its last military tenants.

Sharpened stake defended fort against attack. Students help clear debris from part of wall. BOCA RATON NEWS June 23, 1966 5B Fire Prevention Highlights Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINC NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINC NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NOTICETOF PUBLIC HEARING A PUBLIC HEARING will be A PUBLIC HEARING, will be A PUBLIC HEARINC will be A PUBLIC HEARING will be NAME STATUTE held on the following proposed held on the following proposed held on the following proposed NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Fimwoiks Dangenm and Illegal held on the following proposed Ordinance at 7:30 P.M. on July Ordinance at 7:30 P.M. on July Ordinance at 7:30 P.M. on July Ordinance at 7:30 P.M.' on July the undersigned, desiring to en- 12thj 1966, in the Council Room 12th, 1966, in the Council Room 12th, 1966, in the Council Room gage in business under fictitious The term fireworks wifh the United States 12th, 1966, in the Co»ncilRoom at City Hall, at which time the By Sal Matteis at City Hall, at which time the at City Hall, at which time the at City Hall, at which time the name of BOCA SPECIALTIES, means any combustible Interstate Commerce City Council will consider its City Council will consider its City Council will consider its intends to register the said name Assistant Fire Chief City Council will consider its adoption into Law. adoption into Law. adoption into Law. or explosive composi- Commission regulations adoption into Law. with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Paljn Beach County, For many years the tion, or any substance not more twenty five AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Florida. Boca Raton Fire Depart- or combination of sub- hundredths of a grain. OF BOCA RATON AMENDING OF BOCA RATON PROVIDINC OF BOCA RATON AMENDING Francis E. Woodrey In other words it is OF BOCA RATON PROVIDING THE PLUMBING CODE OF THE FOR AMENDMENT TO SEC-SECTIONS 13-3, 13-6, 13-8, ment has been on record stances, or article pre- FOR THE APPROVAL AND David H. Cloran against the law to sell, CITY OF BOCA RATON AS TIONS 16-3, 16-5, 16-6, 16-10, 13-13, 13-16, 13-17, 13-18, 375 N.E. 4th Street against the promiscuous pared for the purpose of CONFIRMATION OF THE AS- 16-11, 16-13, 16-14, 16-15, 13-19 and 13-20 OF THE CODE purchase or discharge ADOPTED BY SECTION 12-21 Boca Raton use of fireworks which, producing a visible or SESSMENT ROLL FOR THE IN- OF THE CODE OF ORDI- 16-16, 16-17, 16-18, 16-19, OF ORDINANCES, CON- any fireworks in the City STALLATION OF SANITARY TROLLING THE ISSUANCE for a few days a year, an audible effect by NANCES PROVIDING FOR THE 16-20(b), 16-24, 16-25, and Publish: June 9, 16, 23, 30,1966 of Boca Raton. So be SEWERS ON THE NORTH SIDE REPEAL OF ARTICLE 2, SEC- 16-26 relating to licenses and AND ENFORCEMENT OF OC- became a major fire combustion, explosion, OF WEST PALMETTO PARK TION 13, RELATING TO COM- permits for peddlers and solici- CUPATIONAL LICENSES, TO careful. ROAD EXTENDING WESTERLY PENSATION TO MEMBERS OF tors for the purpose of trans- PROVIDE FOR THE APPRO- cause, and resulted in deflagration or detona- FROM PALOMA AVENUE A HARVEY SEZ: tion, and includes blank THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS fering the authority for the is- PRIATE DESIGNATION OF loss of life and much DISTANCE OF 587 FEET AND OF PLUMBERS. suance and supervision of such THE GOVERNING AUTHORITY suffering. cartridges, toy pistols, Public Notices ABUTTING LOTS 1 THRU 6 IN- permits and licenses from the OF THE CITY AND THE SUB- The 83rd Congress of toy cannons, or toy guns CLUSIVE, BLOCK 1, FLOR- The above Ordinance in its City Clerk to the City Treas- STITUTION OF THE CITY ESTA, ACCORDING TO PLAT urer; providing for the correct TREASURER FOR CITY CLERK the United States enacted in which explosives are NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BOOK 15, PAGE 51, PUBLIC entirety may be inspected at the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN office of the City Clerk during designation of the governing AS THE ISSUING AND EN- in 1954 a law supporting used, the type of balloons RECORDS OF PALM EEACH authority of the City; providing FORCING OFFICER. that the City Planning and Zon- COUNTY, FLORIDA. regular working hours. state control of fire- which require fire un- ing Boaru of the City of Boca Jacob Heidt for the procedures on appeal derneath to propel them, Raton, Florida, will hold a Pub- from rulings of the City Treas- The above Ordinance in its works by which it be- The above Ordinance in its Jacob Heidt, City Clerk urer or the Chief of Police; IS YOUR BLACKTOP came a federal violation firecrackers,torpedoes, lic Hearing at 7:30 P.M. in the entirety may be inspected at the City Hall, 201 West Palmetto entirety may be inspected at Publish: June 23, 1966 providing procedure for re- office of the City Clerk during to transport fireworks skyrockets, Roman Park Road, on the 28th day of the office of the City Clerk Furnish Proof of Publication vocation of licenses and per- regular working hours. BLACK? into any state in a man- candles, Daygo bombs, July, 1966, to consider argu- during regular working hours. mits; eliminating provision for Jacob Heidt mentsfor and against aproposed Jacob Heidt appeal to City Council for re- Jacob Heidt, City Clerk OR FADED AND DULL ner or for a use.nrn- sparklers, or other fire- Jacob Heidt, City Clerk Project No. 300-66-8 lief from assessment of permit Let us Protect & Brighten works containing any ordinance regulating swimming SECTION A fees; requiring the registration, hibited by the laws of pools in all zoning districts ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Publish: June 23rd, 1966 with Koppers Pavement such state. Florida has explosive or flammable the proposed ordinance to read Publish: June 23rd, 1966 fingerprinting and photograph- Furnish Proof of Publication Sealer. For Estimate call Furnish Proof of Publication Sealed Proposals will be re- ing of applicants to solicit for our Rep. F.B. Nayler. adopted regulations gov- compound, or any tab- as follows: ceived at the office of the City charitable purposes; eliminat- erning the sale and use lets or other device con- SWIMMING POOLS Manager, City of Boca Raton, ing the authority of the Mayor Call 941-4000 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Boca Raton, Florida, up to 2:00 of all fireworks, with taining any explosives Swimming pools shall beper- to issue permits to solicitors m mitted in all districts, how- A PUBLIC HEARINC will be P.M., E.S.T., JUNE 28, 1966, for charitable purposes; pro- 24 HRS. A DAY the exception of toy substance, except that ever, they shall be constructed held on the following proposed at which time and place all bids viding a procedure for appli- Subscribe To The Including Sat and Sun. paper caps and author- the term "fireworks" no closer than five (5') feet to Ordinance at 7:30 P.M. on July received will be publicly opened cants for permits, etc. any building foundation, or ten 12th, 1966, in the Council Room and read- aloud for the con- ized pyrotechnic dis- does not include toy pis- struction of Gravity Sewers, on HARDRIVES,io tols, toy canes, toy guns, (10') feet to any interior side at City Hall, at which time the Boca Raton News plays. property line, or twenty-five City Council will consider its the West Side of South A-l-A, The above Ordinance in its or other devices in (25') feet to any street line, or adoption into Law. City of Boca Raton, Boca Raton, entirety may be inspected at PAVING AND SEALING ten (10') feet to a rearproperty Florida, consisting of the fol- which paper caps manu- lowing work: the office of the City Clerk factured in accordance line. Screen enclosures enclos- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY during regular working hours, Msj. Twinfi§§g ing swimming pools or other ap- OF BOCA RATON PROVIDINC Construction of 2,280 linear Jacob Heidt proved uses shall be erected to FOR THE APPROVAL AND feet of 8-inch Vitrified Jacob Heidt, City Clerk I FLORIDA'S FINEST AND tARGKT AUCTION GALLERY conform to Section 25-15(8). CONFIRMATION OF THE AS- Clay Sewer Pipe; 235 linear Gmduitfis Such screen enclosures, if at- SESSMENT ROLL FOR THE IN- feet of 10-inch Vitrified Publish: June 23rd, 1966 tached to the principal resi- STALLATION" OF WATER Clay Sewer Pipe; 165 linear Furnish Proof of Publication Air Force Maj. Wil- dence or building, shall not be MAINS ALONG NORTH FED- feet of 6-inch Vitrified liam T. Twinting, son of considered as an accessory ERAL HIGHWAY FROM N.E. Clay Laterals; 12 Manholes; NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. building for purposes of lot cov- 5TH STREET TO N.E. 15TH Wyes, and necessary appurten- IN THE COURT OF THE erage. Screen enclosures, en- TERRACE, A PART OF PROJ- ances,' street repairs, sod re- COUNTY JUDGE, IN AND Twinting of Boca Raton, closing swimming pools or other ECT #300-65-6, MORE FULLY placement, and landscape re- FOR PALM r-EACII was graduated, June 10, approved uses, where attached DESCRIBED HEREINBELOW, pairs. COUNTY, FLORIDA; IN AUCTI from the Command and to the principal • building, shall AND RELATED MATTERS. Any bid received after time PROBATE, No. 24,047 be permitted no closer to the General Staff College at and date specified will not be front property line than the The above Ordinance in its considered. IN RE: ESTATE OF Sxeltlaa NITELY Fort Leavenworth, Kan. principal buildings. entirety may be inspected at the .. Each bid must be accompan- OPAL K. EGLY During the ten-month No swimming pool final in- office of the City Clerk during ied by a certified check, cash- Deceased. Sate?. IT course, he was among spection and approval shall be regular working hours. ier's check, or bid bond in given by the building and/or Jacob Heidt amount not less than five per To All Creditors, Legatees, EXHIBITIONS DAILY 11 TO 1:30 P M 691 U.S. and Allied of- zoning department unless there Jacob Heidt, City Clerk cent (5%) of the base bid, as Distributees and Persons Hav- guarantee that the Bidder, if ing Any Claims or Demands PRIZES REFRESHMENTS ficers who were pre- has been erected a safety bar- Against Said Estate: pared for duty as com- rier as hereinafter provided. Publish; June 23rd, 1966 awarded the Contract, will with- No pool shall befilled with water Furnish Proof of Publication in ten (10) days after written You and each of you are manders and general unless a final, inspection has notice having been given of such hereby notified that you are. award, enter into a written con- required by Law to present OPEN YEAR AROUND staff officers in divi- been made and approved, except Paul A. Moeser NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING tract with the City of Boca any claims and demands which sions or logistical com- for testing purposes as may be A PUBLIC HEARINC will be Raton, Florida, in accordance you, or either of you, may have mands. They received approved by the building depart- against the estate of Opal K. ment. held on the following proposed with the accepted Proposal. instruction in the func- Ordinance at 7:30 P.M. on July Egly, deceased, late of said Airman Picked The safety barrier shall take All work shall be done in County, to the County Judge tion of the general staff 12th, 1966, in the Council Room accordance with the Plans and the form of one of the following: at City Hall, at which time the Specifications, which may beof Palm Ueach County, Florida, at corps and Army a screened-in patio, a wooden City Council will consider its examined at the office of the at his office in the court house levels. fot Scbdiisg fence, a wire fence, a rock wall, adoption into Law. City Manager, or the office of of said County at West Palm Major Twinting en- a concrete block wall, hedge- the Engineer, Black, Crow and Beach, Florida, within six cal- Airman Paul A. Moe- rows, or other suitable mater- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Eidsness, Inc., 700 S.E. Third endar months from the time of tered the Air Force in ser, grandson of Mr. and ials, so as to enable the owner OF BOCA RATON PROVIDINC .Street, Gainesville, Florida; the first publication of this no-- June 1951. to blend the same with the FOR THE AMENDMENT OF and 74 Orchid Square, Boca tice. Each claim or demand' Mrs. George Moeser of style of architecture planned shall be in writing in duplicate, Boca Raton, has been SECTIONS 7-46, 7-51, 7-54 and Raton, Florida. A set of such or in existence on the property. 7-61 OF CHAPTER 7, "AIR documents may be obtained and shall state the place of selected for technical The minimum height of the CONDITIONING, HEATING AND from the Engineer at the 'residence and post office ad- safety barrier shall be not less dress of the claimant, and shall training at Sheppard REFRIGERATION CODE" AR- Gainesville office upon deposit be sworn to by the claimant, his AFB, Tex., as a U.S. than four (4') feet. TICLE IV OF THE CODE OF of Twenty Dollars ($20.00). This The safety barrier shall be ORDINANCES RELATING TO deposit represents reproduc- agent, or his attorney, and any Air Force aircraft erected either around the swim- THE DEFINITION OF "DUCT tion cost only and is nonre- such claim or demand not so maintenance specialist. ming pool or around the premis- INSTALLER"; PERMIT FEES fundable. filed shall be void. *ESTATE JEWELRY *ART TREASURES The airman recently es on which the swimming pool FOR INSPECTION; FILING OF No Bidder may withdraw his s/JANET E. DRAYER *FINE FURNITURE ^ORIENTAL RUGS is erected, provided the mini1 - APPLICATIONS FOR THE IN- bid for a period of thirty (30) As administratrix - completed basic train- mum setbacks as required in STALLATION OF CENTRAL days after the date set for the cum testamento anncxo ORIGINAL PAINTINGS ing at Lackland AFB, this section are met. In either AIR CONDITIONING PERMITS: opening of bids. of the Last Will and Tex. His new school is event, it shall enclose the area AND AIR SUPPLY. Proposal shall be submitted Testament of part of the Air Training entirely, prohibiting unre- in triplicate on- the Proposal Opal K. Egly, deceased strained admittance to the en- The above Ordinance in its Form furnished as a part of Command which con- closed area. No safety barrier entirety may be inspected at the these Specifications, extra cop- s/LEO J. FOX ducts hundreds of spec- shall be required on that front- office of the City Clerk during ies of which are available at Attorney for Administratrix age abutting a navigable water- regular working hours. the office of the Engineer. ialized courses to pro- c/t/a/ Ken Higgins vide technically trained way. Jacob Heidt The City of Boca Raton, Flor- Gates will be equipped with a ida, reserves the right to reject 133 Boca Raton Road personnel for the na- Jacob Heidt, City Clerk will help you long after positive lock, so that they shall any and all bids, to waive in- Boca Raton, Florida 2000 E. Sunrise Blvd., Fi. Lauderdale ton's aerospace force. automatically be in a closed Publish; June 23rd, 1966 formalities, and to re-adver- First publication: June 9, 1966 Free Parking you've bought Airman Moeser was and fastened position at all Furnish Proof of Publication tise. Publish: June 9, 16,23,30,1966 times, and said lock will be at CITY OF BOCA RATON Furnish Proof of Publication One Block East of the Gateway Theater an insurance policy graduated from Carlisle such a height so as to discour- Boca Raton, Florida When your car or home is damaged Military School, Bam- age children from reaching it. For Classified L.M. McConnell or destroyed, we will make sure ber g, S.C., in 1963 and Before any work is com- Ad Service City Manager you get paid promptly and fairly. attended Palm Beach menced, permits shall be se- We're independent insurance cured for all swimming pools Publish: June 23, 1966 iFla.) Junior College. and for the safety barriers. Call 395-5121 Furnish Proof of Publication His wife is the form- Plans shall contain all details necessary to show compliance er Linda Kay Lambert with the terms and conditions of Boca Raton; of this chapter. No swimming pool- permit shall be issued un- The annual American less, simultaneously therewith, bill for baby toiletries a permit is secured for the ,22 S. federal . . 395-4711 is $30 million. erection of the required safety barrier, if the premises are AUTO FINANCING already enclosed, as hereinbe- fore provided,' permit for the safety barrier shall not be re- ALL YOUR BANKING IN ONE STOP quired, if, upon inspection of the premises, the existing barrier and gates are proven to be sat- • Special checking ® Home buying loans isfactory. All swimming pools in existence' on the effective date of this ordinance must con- • Regular checking © Personal loans form to the provisions hereof within one year. • Savings accounts • Automobile loans <7 It shall be within the discre- tion of the Director of Building to refuse approval of any barrier which, in his opinion, does not CLOISTER furnish the safety requirements of this section; i.e., that it is • Safety deposit high enough and so constructed BEACH TOWERS to keep children of pre-school 17 STORY DCEANFRONT CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCE / JUST NORTH age from getting over or through • Banking by mail OF THE BOCA RATON HOTEL CABANA CLUB /BOCA RATON. FLORIDA it. It shall be the responsibility 2-3 bedroom apartment homes of the owner and/or occupant Drive-in banking and penthouses with 2 oceanfront balcony terraces. of the premises upon which the from $29,000 swimming pool has been con- structed or is hereafter erected Fully furnished and decorated exhibit apartment to install and maintain and keep homes are open from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. in proper and safe condition the safety barrier required and erected in accordance with this HIDE-A-BED CLOISTER BEACH TOWERS section. 1200 South Ocean Boulevard • Boca Raton, Florida CITY OF BOCA RATON, FLA. Phone Boca Raton 399-5022 Walter R. Yoting Walter R. Young, Director All Foam Cushion Conctwtd. created and developed by Planning and Zoning RADICE REALTY AND CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Publish: June 23rd, 1966 Furnish Proof of Publication FULL SIZE

Summer Session — June 20 95 Beginning and Advanced Typing and Shorthand. Six Weeks, Mornings only. 129 Fall Term — September 12 One and two year diploma courses in all secretarial fields. SELECTION of FABRICS Call or write Director of Admissions for catalog or appoint- ment to visit. University National PROSPKT HALL Bank of Boca Raton 3900 N. Federal Hwy., Telephone 395-7000 Founded 1929 828 S.E. Fourth Street ^ 524-8325 BOCA FURNITURE n Milwaukee, Wisconsin ° New River near Los Olos jiS-MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AND FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION;:;:-; Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 "A Prospect Hall Graduate" is the finest possible recommendation— 826 N. Dixie Hwy. 395- asfc any representing employer or educator. 6g_jJunej3,,1966 BOCA RATON NEWS Befhesdc Memeriiil Hospital Robert C. Holiman Selected Awarded Third Accreditation To Attend Summer Institute The coordinator of the contact with teachers Bethesda Memorial and the American Nurs- new retailing program from all over the country Hospital has been ing Home Assn. at Palm Beach Junior will result in a number awarded its third con- Inspection of a hospi- College, Robert C. of new ideas which will secutive three year or tal may result in award- Holzman, is one of 35 be useful in our courses fullest accreditation by ing three year (full) ac- post high school teach- at PBJC." the Joint Commission creditation, one year on Accreditation of Hos- ers in the United States (provisional) or no ac- selected for an institute pitals, according to no- creditation. A little over PBJC Professor tification received by at Michigan State Uni- half the hospitals in this versity this summer. administrator Dr. Mer- country are accredited. rill F. Steele from the Bethesda was orig- Holzman will attend Gets Scholarship JCAH. the four-week Institute We've got the jump inally inspected and re- in Distribution and Mar- Dr. Samuel S. Botto- on claim service! . Bethesda was in- ceived its first full ac- sto, chairman of the so- When you buy car in- creditation in I960, fol- keting June 26 to July surance, check State spected for possible re- 22 to study advanced cial science department Farm's full-time accreditation on April lowing the required concepts and new pat- at Palm Beach Junior claim service net- minimum one year of College has been award- . work-world's larg- 11 by Dr. Russell ft. operation. terns of education in his est! More than 10,000 Blood of the JCAH, field. ed a scholarship from men to give you Dr. Steele noted that the National Science 'home-town service' which 'was formed in accreditation is not re- The institute is spon- 1952 to establish stand- sored by Michigan State Foundation for a ten- wherever you drive quired by law, but means under contract with the week summer Institute in the 50 states and ards for hospitals (and a hospital has voluntar- in Anthropology at the Canada. Find out now nursing homes) and Division of Adult and more. Call today! ily met a high standard Among the members of the 1966 Summer Music-Drama Workshop who will Vocational Research, University of Colorado. is composed of repre- of patient care. Among Dr. Bottosto was the sentatives of the Amer- factors considered by assist in the staging of five productions this summer at the University of U.S. Office of Education. The retailing program only person from Flor- ican College of Sur- the JCAH in accredi- Mississippi are (from left): Gail Thomas of Gainesville, Fla., Bill Hoffman ida to join college and EARL WILKINSON geons, American Hospi- tation decisions are the of Mel rose. III., Bob Regalbuto of Boca Raton, Fla., Bill Basham of Padu- at PBJC will begin its second year in August. junior college teachers AGENT tal Assn., American physical plant, govern- cah, Ky./Lynn Conn of Montgomery, Ala,, Nelson Barksdale of Arlington, from 39 other states for 2170 N.E. 1st Ave. ing body, medical staff College of Physicians, Va., and Gordon Ferguson of Shaker Heights^ Ohio, "Light Up The Sky/' It offers an opportunity the intensive summer Boca Raton, Florida American Medical and its organization, for learning mid-man- training in anthropology. Assn., American Assn. nursing staff, clinical which opens for a three-night run June 23, will begin the summer theatrical agement techniques in season at 01 e Miss. After an eight-week of Homes for the aging and pathological labora- retailing through study classroom course, the Office 395-3515 tories, pharmacy, ob- in class and through on- final two weeks of the Resilience 395-2636 stetrical, dietary and the-job training in co- The latest government medical records de- Says FCD Director institute will consist of I 1 operating stores in the a field trip tracing the survey shows that Spain partments, competency local area. has 11,126 convicts, 761 evolution of a primitive STATE FARM MUTUAL in X-ray, accessiblity of "It is an honor to be AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE of them women. The culture. COMPANY, HOME OFFICE: medical library and ef- selected for the in- BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS prison population is 35 ficient emergency room Dr. Bottosto will at- Ruling Should Equalize Taxes stitute," Holzman said, tend the Institute from per 100,000 inhabitants. service. "and I feel certain the The Supreme Court up," Dail said0 "Last awarded a contract last June 20 to Aug. 27. Use the Classified decision requiring all year the FCD rolled week for construction of counties in Florida to back taxes from 75/100 the Sebastian Canal, assess properties at 100 to 45/100 of a mill per first work to be built in Store Your Furs in Boca Raton per cent valuation should dollar of assessed val- the 90-mile long river result in a much needed uation." (This is a cur- basin along Florida's equalization of taxes in rent tax of 45£ per each missile coast. Next the Central and South- thousand dollars of week it's expected that Stay Slim with ern Florida Flood Con- property value.) the Corps and the FCD Your precious furs ... all your garments . . . stored in trol District, according The board will meet will hammer out the a properly controlled, refrigerated and fumigated vault free to Ed Dail, executive at 9 a.m. Tuesday, July construction timetable director. 26, at West Palm Beach, for the reservoirs, lev- from mildew, mold and moths. Boca Raton area's largest, In a meeting at Kis- to set the millage for ees, spillways, and most modern vault, protected by a special Mosler Safe door.. dams, William V, Sta-Trim simmee Friday, Dail the current year. The We'll be glad to have you inspect it, if you wish, you may advised the governing- budget, which was re- Storch, chief engineer, board that thefour larg- cently established for estimated the total Up- have your furs cleaned and glazed. est counties -- Palm the FCD, calls for per St. Johns Project Beach, Broward, Dade, slightly lower taxes. should be built within and Brevard — will all In other business Fri- six years. be at or near 100 per day, the board directed The board approved LAUNDRY cent valuation this year. that fences be installed raises for 114 of 288 In effect, Dail said, tax- at automatic spillway FCD employees, & CLEANERS es are almost equalized structures along Flor- amounting to less than already. These four ida's southeastern two per cent of the total counties represent about coast. Riley S. Miles of annual payroll. 30 S. E. 1st Street 85 per cent of the total Kissimmee, chairman, Ed Dail of West Palm property value in the noted that several peo-. Beach, executive direc- Call 395-5200 district. pie have drowned, and tor, was appointed by "A question of re- the new six-foot chain- the governing board to ducing taxes may come link fences should pro- serve on the Palm Beach vide adequate protec- Planning Committee. tion. The motion, made by C.A. Thomas of Lake Harbor and seconded by T.R. Tomlinson of Mel- bourne, w a s passed unanimously. Miles added that the Attention FCD had to pay $140,000 last year in a damage settlement as a result of the drowning of a fisherman at an unpro- tected U.S. spillway YOUR west of Fort Lauder- dale. The board said aid would be welcomed from other units of govern- HOME MORTGAGE CENTER ment who might install catwalks or other fish- ing facilities which the FCD cannot finance. \. The FCD Board auth- orized payment of AGES 12 OR OLDER $200,000 to the Corps of Engineers to plan and design new navigation locks in the dike on the EARN Your Own northeast shore of Lake Okeechobee. Ground-breaking cer- • SPENDING MONEY emonies for the $50 mil- lion Upper St. Johns River Basin Project are • PRIZES expected in late July, according to Tomlinson, • TRIPS He noted that the Corps • AWARDS WHiTEY SAYS: 601 N. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton Phone 395-2121

UliS?J\1! SEE YOUR REALTOR OR CONTRACTOR... We have some very good routes Then See Us For a Free Mortgage Commitment.

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This is your opportunity to earn Take advantage of these great your own spending money and SQUIBB values! REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS other benefits for only 1.59 SWEEIA with Compounded Quarterly MM n 0 PER a few hours a week free Cook Book 7<0 ANNUM Beginning July 1r 1966

99$ ANTICIPATED DIVIDEND Call 395-5121 Circulation Dept. Sickroom Rentals •Wheelchairs * Walkers •Crutches * Emergency Oxygen BOCA RATON FIRST FEDERAL BOCA 1AT0N 1EWS PHARMACY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF DELRAY BEACH 138 W. PALMETTO 645 E. Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach 34 S.E. Second Street Ph. 395-4841 BOCA RATON NEWS June 23. 1966 7B

f *

Less than 36 Wide! Fresh and Frozen Foods Side-by-side!


"I think it needs a little more sugar. " Doyle ade. Other members of the cabinet include Fred Conner (left) commissioner of agriculture, and 0= Dickinson, comptroller; Tom Adams, secre- members of the cabinet, helped kick off the 1966 tary of state, and Governor Hayden Burns. Fresh Lime Season by sampling a glass of Lime- Oranges Are Being Squeezed Out By Limes at State Cabinet Meet v-V£^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^&Bffi° ^^1 Orange juice has a green Florida Limes Limes are in season competitor for the title are shipped throughout and will be for the next of Official Florida the country with New few months, Commis- ByW.P.Bebout Drink. York, California,' Illi- sioner Conner urged that Where do you fit? At Tuesday's Cabinet nois, Pennsylvania and the Cabinet and all Flor- Motivational re- meeting, Governor Hay- Ohio receiving most of idians try a glass of searchers looking into don. Burns and members the shipments. Florida Limeade as a our supermarkets tell of the Cabinet were quick California, a state summer refresher. us there are five basic to notice that the famil- that has a sizable Lime He also suggested us- customer types: The iar orange juice that is crop of its own cannot ing fresh Limes in Lime Compulsive — this one served at every Cabinet meet the demand for Maringue Pie, Lime isn't sure what she session had been re- fresh Limes and im- Sherbet and seafood wants, so she buys placed with fresh Flor- ports many seedless marinade. The Com- everything. Security ida Limeade. Florida Limes. In fact, missioner also hoped seeker — knows what Questioned on this, Florida Limes outsell that many Floridians she wants, but feels Doyle Conner, com- California Limes in would use Lime wedges insecure unless she missioner of agricul- most California mark- to garnish ice tea in- replenishes her stock ture explained that ets. stead of the familiar constantly. Scatter Florida Limes would be Now that Florida yellow wedge. brain — forgetful type plentiful from now until who makes several September. Therefore, shopping excursions to the serving of Limeade Pi kmm €©II@gs lusfrpcfur fill out one list. Plan- and presentation of gift ful — works with a list bags of Limes would and knows prices. And emphasize the role Will Attend Pil©f Sty# the Lonely One — liiSi ======5 Florida Limes play in spreads her shopping the state's economy. Don C. Whitmer, tionships in these sci- over several outings Commissioner Con- chairman of the en- entific fields, other because her marketing ner stated that 90 per gineering technology institutes for other excursions are largely cent of the Limes grown department at Palm areas of study are plan- socially-motivated. Giant 20.5 Cu. Ft Capacity Beach Junior College, in the United States ned for the future, Whit- Don't use grocery come from 3,800 acres is one of 20 Florida mer said. junior college instruc- shopping methods in of trees in South Flor- selecting your real ida. The 1966 crop of tors to be selected for a pilot study by the Uni- estate. . .there are no some 476,000 boxes will bargains. Just smart TOODCENTER 21' squeeze over one mil- versity of Florida, June 20 to Aug. 2. buys. Knowing exactly lion dollars into the what you want is the Fufl Height Freezer Stores up Fufl Height Refrigerator Nearly Florida economy. Aim of the new pro- first step. . .then con- to 275 pounds of frozen foods. 13 cu. ft capacity fresh food Conner then went on gram is to work toward better articulation be- sulting W.P.BEBOUT, Zero-degree temperatures for storage. to say that the shiny, Boca Raton is the sec- tween junior colleges safe, long-term storage. 5 Storage Level? ond and final one. Re- Bookshelf Convenience Every- and the university, mak- 1 Adjustable, 2 Slide-Out ing transfer of students member, don't take a thing easy to see and reach* ULTRA- market basket to buy a Shelves MOD as painless as possible. Four shelves; one adjustable. home. Call 395-8155. Five Full-Width Door Shelves In- MYSTERY While at the univer- Door storage, too! sity, Whitmer will visit THIS WEEK'S Auto-Fill Icemaker Eject frozen cludes deep door storage for Vz classes in physics, HOUSEHOLD HINT: gallon milk cartons, tall bottles. mathematics and "en- Nails and screws • cubes into storage container on GREGORY SOPHIA gineering, and will par- "I ran into Mabel stored in jars are less freezer door, replace tray ... it Cheese Compartment with Slid-' ticipate in seminars, Jones today — she got a likely to rust by adding refills itself, automatically! ing Door PECK ® LOREN panel discussions and car in the Want Ads dry baking soda. Butter Conditioner Tempera- too!" Jet Freeze lee Compartment * STANIEY DDNEN mmrn personal conferences ture control to keep butter as you with guidance personnel Sub-zero air is blown over ice like—soft, medium, hard. ARABESQUE and instructors who deal OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. trays first; cubes freeze extra fast with transfers from Removable Bin for 18 Eggs TECHNICOLOR' PANAVISION" COMPLETE Handy Juice Can Dispenser PBJC. Huge Porcelain Enamel Vege- Starts Tomorrow SFide-Out Wire Basket for bulky If the pilot program table Bin Hoids % busheL Boca Raton Theater succeeds in creating packages. better working rela- 1-STOP Slide-out Wire Frait Basket SHOPPING Double Your Storage Without Kemodefing More than twice the room inside as old G.E. 10 cu. ft refrigerator (1948-52), yet requires no more GET VIOH'S 172 E. Boca Raton Road 395-2442 kitchen space due to poiyurethane Thin-Wall Insulation. LOW, LOW PBICE SPECIAL ! THIS WEEK ! Exerting new Avocado coior, Shaded Coppertone, other G.E. colors and whita \ WITH NEW DELUXE ELECTRIC

How you benefit from Closet Dehumidifier OTHER G-E 2 DOOR your Realtor's® MILDEW STOP N- 6.95 £29 LOW Reg. 49? «j 2 Bags Upright FROST -GUARD Multiple Listing Service Value •* to Pkg. Value NOW when you sell a house. Very Fine Selection ELECTRIC FANS REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER When you sell your house through a Realtor, you save time, energy, and headaches. Because a Realtor is a pro- * Floor Models * Roll-About mmmm fessional in the real estate business who will introduce you to truly interested people. People who want to buy what * Portables PRICED you want to sell. * Oscillating I £ % figf And through Multiple Listing, a number of Realtors IN work hand in hand so that you have a wide range of pro- FROM spective buyers. All of whom do business through a Realtor $20,49 to $35.00 "*^ ^" because they know he handles the kind of property they're OUR STORE interested in. Fairly and squarely. SWlrTS 6-6-6 0%k ^W ffi& 258 When you're selling your house, do it the simple way. Get in touch with your 79 THE WORD IS RFJJAMT IT 1 II) i il>PI I4\( I Realtor, a professional in real estate who subscribes to a strict Code of Ethics FERTILIZER 3 5fh AVE. SHOPPING as a member of the local so Lb. board and,of the National 30% ORGANIC NITROGEN PLAZA Association of Real Estate MLS Plus All Essential Secondary Minerals Boards. HARDWARE - HOUSE WARES BOCA RATON LAWN and GARDEN SUPPLIES Multiple Listing Service of South Palm Beach County, Inc., 395-4122 a wholly owned subsidiary of CHARCOAL GRILLS and SUPPLIES DRAPERY RODS and FIXTURES WALLPAPER - PAINTS SHOPPERS HAVEN BOCA RATON Glassware - Small Appliances POMPANO BEACH BOARD OF REALTORS, INC. »ARTIST SUPPLIES « OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY, 'TIL 9 P.M. WH 1-5837 j?B. iuntp'1966 B0CA RAT°N NEWS


V; Condominium and Cooperative V Owners To Meet This Afternoon \ ' Condominium and co- minium and Cooperative The organization gathering will be at 2:30 operative apartment Apartment Owners, a meeting has been called P.M. today in the meet- owners r in Boea Raton statewide group working by Col. Lee H. Tucker, ing room at University plan to organize a local in the interest of this president of Boca Verde, Bowl, N.E. 20th St. chapter of the Florida growing segment of our Inc., a group of 98 own- Speakers Will be Association of Condo- home owners. ers of Boca Verde. The Judge Louis Adams, Sr., secretary and legal counsel of the Florida Association of Condo- minium/and Cooperative Apartment Owners and Howard Osterman, an Workmen put finishing touches on thenew gym- the new facility will be completed before school authority on municipal nasium-auditorium building at Boca Raton High starts in September. water and sewer rates. Judge Adams will dis- School. One of the most modem in the state, cuss electrical rates as applied to outside light- ing by apartment com- Laks Rogers Leads List plexes and homestead exemption registration and voting. Officials of apart- Week's Transfers Hit $186,000 ment owners associa- tions are urged to at- Recent Boca Raton & less N 45 ft, Spanish River Isle Unit C, S.S. $33.00, Mar- Anderson & Mildred B. Ander- tend and any owner will real estate transactions Land Co., Unit 1, S.S. $93.00, qusee Homes, Inc. to Karl A. son, his wife. be welcome to come and Dorothy R. Smith, joined by her as. compiled for the husband Randall E. Smith to participate in the meet- News by the Lawyers Hugh W. Logan and Margaret ing. Title Insurance Corp. M. Logan, his wife. Bowling Pats City are listed below. To Lot 5, Blk 9, Lake Floresta compute the approxi- Park Sec. 2 S/D, S.S. $12.30, The bow window.,""with its graceful outward curve. Architect Wins Arvida Corporation to John C. mate sale price. Thomas & Nancy M. Thomas, In National Spotlight Documentary stamps, his wife. Boca Raton has been Association, Florence Merit Award listed by amount, indi- Lot 75, Blk 2, Lake Rogers sharing the national Henderson helped pick Bow, Bar Isle, Unit D, S.S. $85.50, Mar- spotlight in bowling up some more national Architect Lawrence cate the approximate qusee Homes, Inc. to Donald sale price in many inr- Hatch Andrews Jr. and Edwina circles thanks to the ef- attention with her talk Monberg of Boca Raton B.Andrews, wife. forts of Max Booke at on the Merv Griffith tel- and Kenosha, Wise, is stances. They are com- puted on $3 per $1,000 That port of Sec. 16-47-43, University Bowl. evision show of the the winner of a merit S.S. 525.50, Orpha T. Marwitt "sweetheart of the award of the Wisconsin yalue; m otner woras, as Exec of L/W. & T of Anton Booke said yesterday Sit Style a $10,000 sale would B. Twingstrand, deed, to Wil- tournament" at U. Bowl. Chapter of the Ameri- liam H. Veit and Kathleen M. that stories and photo- require $30 in stamps. graphs of activities at The Florida Woman's Bow and bay windows, can Institute of Archi- Veit, his wife. Bowling Association in which Colonial shop- tects. Week ending June 10th, 1966. Lot 33, Blk 61, Unit X, Boca University Bowl had Lot 25, Blk 6, Unit D, Boca Raton Square, S.S. $51.90, First been attracting attention helped keep the name owners showed their Monberg, who has as- Raton Riviera, S.S. $17.10, Val- Federal Savings and Loan As- in the limelight with an wares, are back in style. sociated with Boca Ra- entine Maisel & Marie Maisel, sociation of Delray Beach to in national and regional publications. article in their publica- Today, they are con- ton architect Timothy his wife to Sidney S. Fauer and Gordon J. Gilbert and Pollye tion about the Palm sidered elegant as well Gertrude C. Fauer, his wife. M. Gilbert, his wife. Barrows on a number Lot 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 & Lot 6, Blk 59, Unit XIII, Boca Among recent items Beach County directors as functional of proj- 24, Blk 9, Long's Original Map Ra^on Square, S.S. $10.80, Keat- which scored high from meeting here and the Homeowners now use ects, won the award for of Boca Ratone, S.S. $144.00, ing of Florida, Inc. to F. Corwin the publicity standpoint, United States Bowling bows and bays -in any A.S. Weissman & Regina S. McAndrews & Elsie E. McAnd- his design of a class- Weissman, his wife to Arvida rews, his wife. Booke cited the Florida Development Institute room where sunlight and room and administra- . Corp. . Seniors Tournament distinctive window Lot 9, Blk 1, Lake Rogers devoted most of a flyer on tion building for Carth- Lot 12, Blk 4, University Isle, Unit A, S.S. $14.40, Mar- which was highlighted in its program to pictures treatments are an as- age College. Heights Firs: Add., S.S. $54.00, cjusee Homes, Inc. to Snow Con- the publication of the set. This includes attics Otto Yark and Marion Yark and struction, Inc. of young bowlers in In making the award, John E. Feldmann, single to Lot 45, Blk 2, Lake Rogers Bowling Proprietors tournaments here. as well as living rooms, the jury "admired the Corinne M. Anderson. dining areas and dens. simple and restrained Lot 6, and the N 35 ft of Lot Many wood bows and 7, Blk A-6, University Park character of the build- Country Club Estates, ' S.S. bays have removable ing. The design exhibits $18.00, University Park Homes, diamond or rectangular in its structure and plan Inc. to David N. Bell and Judith grill"? that simul ate L. Bell, his wife. The b ay window is straight in the middle, and in its selection of Lot 2, Blk 8 less S 45 ft small-pan ed Colonial material a commendable Secrets, design. The snap - out angled on the ends. discipline and unpre- grills simplify window- tentious quality." washing. for the aughs; thanks, To provide ventila- A new International tion and cleaning con- Frederick Is Chosen Art School being or- CORRECT TIME news, views, venience, the units are ganized in Nice, France, 24 hours a day often flanked with case- is expected to be the ment or awning windows. Director largest such center in Call 395-2010 plans, surprises, Some styles also have Europe. It will contain courtesy of an interior window seat Joseph Frederick, of the professional 99,000 square feet of smiles, styles, with built-in storage owner of Boca" Raton laundries and cleaners. lecture amphi-theaters, BOCA RATON space beneath. Laundry and Cleaners, The Convention brought studios and classrooms. Although bow and bay 30 S.E. First Street was together top authorities About 1,000 students INATIONAL BANK giggles, dates, windows are readily installed as a director and personalities in tex- eventually will be S. Fed. at Camino Reat identified as Early for a tliree-year term in tile maintenance. An es- trained there. cheers, tears, American, many home- The Florida Institute of timated 300 FILAC owners don't recognise Laundering and Clean- members, retailers, REALTORS OF BOCA RATON the difference between ing at its annual con- garment manufacturers, The following favors, funnies, facts. them. The bow window Home Economics MEDALLION REALTY, vention at St. Peters- are members of Suite C, 131 E. Palmet- curves outward. The bay burg. . Teachers and Home Ex- is straight in the center the Boca Raton to Park Rd., 395-2421. All by phone. The Institute is the tension County Agents Board of Real- and angled at each end. were present. HOWARD P. MILLER, state trade association tors Doing 1111 No Ocean Blvd.,, (What else that costs so little gives you so much pleasure?) business with ;395-3735. IT'S HOME IMPROVEMENT TIME them you are assured the J.C. MITCHELL & highest type of service SONS, INC., 22 S. Fed-, that can be administered eral Hwy., 3954711. in the field of Real Es- MOTHERWELL REAL- MPROVE YOUR HOME TY, 757 S, Federal Hwy. tate Practice „ 3954044. BE WISE i m m ARVIDA REALTV THOMAS P. NOLAN, SALES, Inc., 998 S. 131 N.E. 1st Avenue, Ftderal Hwy. ,395-2000... 395-3838. ATLANTIC BOCA F. BYRON PARKS, 151 REALTY, INC., 101 E. Palmetto Park Rd., N. Ocean Boulevard, 3 95-8500 or 399-7500. 395-3700 Florida Rooms W.P. BEBOUT, 140 N. PETRUZELLI REAL- Fed.; IIwy., 395-8155. TY, INC., 2325 N. Ocean Room Additions CONN C. CURRY, 701 Boulevard, 395-0822. ; E. Palmetto Park Rd. PLASTRIDGE AGENCY Carports 395- 3922. INC., 224 S. Fed. Hwy., BRUCE E. DARRELL, 395-1433. Realtor,425 E. Palmet- J. STUART, ROBERT- Kitchens Remodeled to Park Rd.,; 395-1322. SON, INC., 60 S. Feder- WK. DAY INC., 500 S. al Hwy., 395-4624. "Jalousie Windows & Doors Replaced" Screen Enclosures Federal Ilwy., 395-0 220. RICHARD F. ROSS, 21 Awnings Painting Storm Panels Brick Concrete Drives FLORIDA SITES, INC. S.E. 3rd St.,; 399-6444, : 38 S.E. 4th St 395-1890. ROYAL PALM REALTY Patios FROSELL REALTY CORP.,. 307 Golfview No - obligation for Estimate 1299 S. Ocean Blvd.; Dr. ,395-1662. Fire places ORYAL E. HADLEY, FRED TAYLOR, 2750 400 E. Palmetto Park N. Fed. Hwy., Delray fences FLORIDA ROOMS • CARPORTS Road, 395-2244.; Beach, Fla. 276-7327. PATIOS • AWNINGS • PORCHES ROBERT W. INGALLS, TOWN & COUNTRY: KITCHENS • ADDITIONS • STORM PANELS PROPERTIES, 330 E. Ho Job Too Big Atlantic Technical Cen- ANYTHING ter, University Park, Palmetto Park Rd., 399 . 395-3130 4629. or Too Small M.N. WEIR & SONS, F. WOODROW KEETON, NATIONAL HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER 2950 N. Ocean Boule- INC., 855 S. Federal vard, 395-5252. Hwy., 395-4000. Visit Our M ACLAREN & ANDER- JOHN A, WRIGHT, 713 6ENERAL CONTRACTORS Havana Drive, Boca, 2650 N. W, FIRST AVENUE. BOCA RATON, FLORIDA SON, INC., 151 E. Royal Showrooms Palm Road, 395-1333. Raton, Florida, CR 8 - Radio DispatclM PHONE 395-4884 2402. WILLIAM C. PROWE JOHN E. FELDMANN MILDRED I. MADDOX, Southern Bel! - Office 5 07 N.E. 20fli St., 395- .2900. BOCA RATON NEWS June 23, 1966 9B


5th Race 1st Race' 2nd Race 3rd Race 4th Race Each Week Each Week Each Week Each Week Each Week $1,000.00 $5.00 $10.00 $25.00 $100.00 for WIN for WIN for WIN for WIN for WIN TV POST TIME ick Up Your New Cards Given ou Don't Have to Check Your Card 5 Races m Every First Card TODAY! SATURDAYS Half-Hour TV Show Free Every Week Watch TV to Win* at PUBLIX Weekly WLBW-TV-10 4:30—5:00 P.M. Miami WEAT-TV-12 4:30—5:00 P.M. ii! W^GreenStamps W West Palm Beach

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Swift's Premium Proten Gov't-lnspected Charcoal Steak 89' Heavy B«ef 3-lbs. ot over BEEF ROAST NEEDS (Coupon expires Sat. June 25,1966} Chuck Steak .... (limit 1 coupon per family) LESS C COOKING California Roast. . 69 .1*1 o EXTRA BF*| Master s TIME Sour Cream. lIlU^GreenStampspq Porterhouse Steak $|I9 Master's All Flavors Rath Black Hawk Very Lean, <* Yogurt,.. . • • '•::•. Made From The Round $ $|O9 CORNED BEEF ,„ 79c 8 Master's T-Bone Steak. . . . (Coupon expires Sat. June 25,19GG) X Cottage Cheese Master's Garden Salad Delmonico Steak. . $|49 f V1 „ EXTRA W 'Cottage Cheese $ 47 [l]lpWGreenStampsS | Ground Beef . . . . 1 Swift's Premium (PSP, OSP. Bologns) (Plus 50 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) COLD CUTS 3 J&-. 99 Ground Beef . . • . $I96 (Coupon expires Sat. June 25, 1966) (Plus 100 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) English Ribs. . ... 69<

5th Ave. PLAZA U.S. HWY. & 5th Ave. BOCA RATOfrFLA. Palm Aire Shopping Center COMPLETER PIECE (Coupon expires Wed. June 29,1366| 272 S. FEDERAL HWY. DEERFIELD BEACH, FLA. 10B June 23, 1966 BOCA RATON NEWS Quantity Rights Res. P L A Y $ WIK TO ly000 CASH Plus Weekly Lucky Bingo Sweepstakes Winners 6th Week's Lucky Bingo 1,000 Winners TOP John A. Hoffman M. Louise Berry Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Miami, Fla. MIAMI'S 2 "-"IAMl-S 5< STAMPS Beatrice McCoy Sweepstakes Winners 10225 S.W. 175th St. Perrine, Fla. Vacation Trip To N.Y. R.C.A. Color TV $ 00 TOP I TOP | TOP $ Mrs. Gladys Hums F. M. Walter 100 Winners Miami, Fla. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. STAMPMUEjVAUJE^yALUS 7, STAMPS > STAMPES Dprothy Adams Mrs. Oscar Viliars Boca Raton Fla Boca Raton, Fla 'lOCT Winners Esther D. Robinson Isabella Albro Prices Good Thru Helen Brosnan Myrtle M. James Nancy A. Fisher Boca Raton. Fla Deerfield Beach, Fla Saturday, June 25 Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Delray Beach, Fla. SEE LIST AT LOCAL KWIK CHEK STORE - Smoked Hams FOR MORE LUCKY BINGO WINNERS Lykes Sugar (reek or Copeland's 10 to 14-Lh. Avg. Whole or Full Shank Half Chase & Butt Half wm Sanhorn Lb. 59c) Lb. W M* 49. 1-Lh. Tin 49. UJS. Cfo&ice Spring Lamb • • U.S. Choice Beef Sale • EZ Brand U.S. Carve Leg-0 Lamb 89' Rib Roast Choice Lb. 89 U.S. Choice W-D Brand Beef Boneless Shoulder or 39. U.S. Choice Pre-Sliced Lamb Shoulder Roast Lb. 69c Brisket Roast LB 89c U.S. Choice Lamb U.S. Choice W-D "Cry-O-Vac 32 Oz. size. Detergent Pink or White 8 Oz. Btl. Wishbone Liquid Shoulder Chops Lb 89c Ground Beef 3 ^ $1.39 U.S. Choice Rib or Sirloin 100 Stamps with W-D Brand Arrow Liquid ...... 3/$l Dressing 3/$1 24 Oz. btl. 8 Oz. can Liquid Diet Drink Lamb Chops Lb. $1-19 Ground Beef 5 & $2.29 Wesson Oil 2/88c Metrecal 4/$l U.S. Choice All Meat Stew or ! 17 Oz. can Thrifty Maid WK or CS 25 Stamps 16 Oz. Loaf Dixie Darling Loin Lamb Chops Lb $1.49 Ground Chuck 2 /2 Pkg $1.99 Golden Corn 6/$! Honey Korn Bread 23c For Bar-B-Que or Stuffing U.S. Choice 50 5tamps with W-D Brand 6 Oz. Family Size All Flavors 8 Ct. Pkg. Dixie Darling Hamburger or b Lamb Breast u,. 29c Cube Steak VA Pk g $1.99 Royal Gelatin 3/49c Wiener Buns 2/35c

Copeland's All Flavors Low Cal. & Reg. (15 12-oz. cans $1,00) l-Lb. Chopped Sirloin Steak... Pl:,. Frozen Fresh Grade A W-D Brand Fryer 59 Breast/Thighs, or Livers Lb. 49c Match Campbell Fresh Caught Yellow Tail or Chek Drinks I Grouper Fillet Lb. 69c 32 oz. Jar Deep South Dirr's Gold Seal, or Copeland's All Meat Wieners u, 59c C Dirr's Gold Seal or Copeland's All Meat All Varieties Sliced Bologna P'S: Except Mayonnaise 49 Morrell's Pride Cooked New England L b 17 oz. can Thrifty Maid Small or Large Canned Ham 3 c a n $2.69 Clam Chowder Pinky Pig, Palm River or Dirr's or Oyster Stew l-Lb. $ Sliced Bacon Pkg. Superbrond Cottage Cheese c£ 2-Lb. Sweet Peas 8 1 Saltines W-D American 29 oz. can Astor Choice Sliced Cheese 10-cf. Cans Betty Crocker Canned Biscuits 4/29c

15J4 Oz. can Fruit Cocktail 3 1 Harvest fresh Fruits & Vegetables Calo Dog Food 8/$l 46 oz. can Thrifty Maid Unsweetened Florida 8 Oz. bag, Starlight Mints or Butterscotch Disks Brach Candies 4/$l 28 Oz. size Lestoil 55c Golden Corn Orange Juice 72 Oz. Pkg. Nabisco 10-Cz. Size Skinner 50 Stamps with 26-Oz. Size Crackin' Good Vanilla Wafers 37c Fancy Fresh Raisin Bran 27c Big 60 Sandwiches. 49c 5'0 Free Stamps with King Size 50 Stamps with Twin Pack Crackin' Good m Fresh Produce e Large Heads Sweet Crest Tooth Paste 79c Potato Chips 59c Western Lettuce 2/39c 10 - 59 50 Stamps with 2-Lb. Box Crackin' Goad 50 Stamps with 32-Oz. Btl. Juicy Sunkist Fig Bars 49c TNT Insect Killer 89c Poly Fancy ... 2 Inches & Up.. . High Color Lemons DOZ. 39c Juicy L af b Santa Rosa Plums 4 F o $1 Calif, Long White Potatoes ^b Peaches 4 59 Jumbo 26 Lbs. & Up, Every Melon Guaranteed Frozen Food Watermelons 99c 9 Frozen Foods © On Cor 2 $ Ice Milk BAVARIAN Sliced Beef or Turkey B-£ !.69 12 Oz. Size Sara Lee Thrifty Pound Cake 69c Maid Lb. Cup Whole Assf. Strawberries 39c Flavors 10 Oz. Pkg. Fontail Breaded Booth's Shrimp 69c 'The Real Thing" Libby's 10-Oz, Pkg. Chopped or Leaf Spinach or r Astor Peas 6/$l $10$ 0 Pound Pkg. Crinkle Cut Ore Ida Potatoes 4/88c Orange Juice 5 ^ 1

CAMINO REAL AND CAMINO REAL SHOPPING CENTER S.W. 3rd AVENUE PLUS TOP VALUE STAMPS WITH ALL PURCHASES BOCA RATON NEWS June 23,1966 11B Ihe University Church' Two New Appointments Made CHURCH of THE OPEN DOOR Worship tilth us 35th Street at 3rd Ave., N.W. ,9:45 A.M. Sunday School At First Methodist Church 11:00 A.M. Worship Service 11:00 A.M. Message by the Pastor: What Ira Lee Eshleman did Our Lord mean by . Two appointments have been K . 'OCCUPY TILL I COME?1 announced at First Methodist Church. 7:30 P.M. Gospel Service 7:30 P.M. The Bible Lands Illustrated Daniel Mica has been appoint- Reuben L, Anderson William Seaver Miss ed youth pastor at the church Stentz for the summer, with responsi- 9:45 A.M. Sunday School bilities which include coordin- William Seaver, Superintendent ating the youth programs. REV. ALBEET L. EASTMAN, PASTOR Miss Jane Carroll Stentz has COMMUNITY CHURCH been appointed director of BOCA RATON 'The Little Church with The Big Message' Christian education. Mica is a senior at Florida *NI.W. 4th AVENUE AND N.W. 6th STREET Atlantic University, majoring DRi IRA LEE ESHLEMAN, MINISTER Daniel in education. REUBEN L. ANDERSON, PASTOR One of Mica's first undertak- first Presbyterian CKiirfk ings in his new position is or- I (UNITED PRESBYTERIAN, US.Aa ganizing a "20-30 Club," spon- AN tVANGKICAL CHRIST CLNTERED MINISTRY sored by the church and open WITH A MISSIONARY VISION 6 00 W e s t Cam i n o Re a I . • to all young people interested in meeting other young adults. SUMMER WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 A.M. § Last week's meeting drew 64 persons. "Any young, mar- ried or single person who is a "Don't Blame Godl'V 9 ; student or working may attend UNIVERSITY : : ; ; : the meetings," Mica said. ^'• :.V- " ' '"'- /"''Ministers •7'-.^:y ^ ^S Friday, June 24 the club will Baptist Church Rev. Albert 6. Shiphorst hold a spaghetti dinner and dance in the church fellowship 601 North Federal Hwy., Boca Raton Rev. Robert R. Bugbee Dr. Frederick Nelson Is Attending hall. Rev. David K. Allen Miss Stentz was program di- 10:00 a.m - SUNDAY SCHOOL rector of the Wesley Founda- Church School 9:00 A.M. tion, Florida State University, 11:00 a.m. United Church of Christ Meeting Tallahassee, before coming to "Why Jesus Came" Boca Raton. 7:30 P.M. Church Hour Nursery Available Air-Conditioned Prior to her work with the Dr. John Willis will preach R. Bruce Ryan. "The Fountain of Youth" Sunday at United Church of Boca Wesley Foundation, she was A Holy Eucharist service also associate secretary of Mission- Raton in the absence of Dr. will be held at 8 a.m. following PREACHING TO THE HEART IN THE Frederick Nelson. ary Personnel for the Board HEART OF BOCA RATON Matins at 7:45 a.m. of Missions, Methodist Church Dr. Nelson is attending a DR, GEORGE THOMSON - PASTOR - church conference in Elmhurst "Don't Blame God" will be with headquarters in New York CHURCHES College, Elmhurst, 111. the sermon topic of Rev. Albert Dr. Willis, who spent most of G. Shiphorst at the 10 a.m. She also has served as audio- his career as a Methodist min- service in First Presbyterian visual consultant for the editor-* ister in the Central New York Church. ial division of the Board of Ed- ADVENT -An ST. PAUL Mo. Synod ucation, Methodist Church and CHURCHES of CHRIST Conference, has chosen as his as director of Christian educa- DELRAY BEACH POMPANO BEACH 5001 NE 4 Ave. Near U.S. 1 701 W. Palmetto Pk. Rd. subject, "Faith and the Incred- "Why Jesus Came" will be tion at Leonard Theological 88 S.E. ;6th Ave.; 2190 S.E. 6th St. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 ible." the sermon topic at the 11 a.m. - SUNDAYS •-- FAMILY WORSHIP College, Jabalpur, India, where - 10 A.M. WORSHIP 8:30 and 11 service at University Baptist 10 A.M. — Bible Study - and SUNDAY SCHOOL. 9:00 Rev. Albert Eastman, pastor, she served as a special term 11 A.M. — Worship _ _ 11 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 (pre-School Nursery at 11) Church. Sermon topic at the 7:30 missionary. 6:30 P.M. _ Worship —. 6:30 P.M. will preach at the morning ser- p.m. service will be "The Foun- She was commissioned a - WEDNESDAYS - Wm0 Deufschmann, Pastor E.O. Krug, Pastor vice Sunday in Church of the tain of Youth." Phones 395-3632 Phones 395.0433 deaconess of Methodist Church 7:30 P.M. .Bible Study 7:45 P.M. and 395.4741 and 395=1939 Open Door. His topic will be 1:30 P. M. Saturday - "Know Your Bible" "What Did Our Lord Mean by Rev. John Schuring has re- in 1955. WEAT TV CHANNEL 12 'Occupy Till I Come?' " Her duties at the local church turned to Boca Raton after serv- will include development of the Gerald Pace, Evangelist Roy Jones, E»angelist "The Bible Lands Illus- ing as a delegate to the Inter- ph. 278-0739 ( 941-3709 - 942-3763 trated" will be the topic of Christian education program "A PLEA FOR UNDENOMINATIONAL CHRISTIANITY" national Synod of Christian Re- and extension of the church William Seaver at the 7:30 p.m. formed Church in Pilla, Iowa. UNITED CHURCH service. ministry to Florida Atlantic A daily vacation Bible school University. OF BOCA RATON "Christian Science" will be will be held July 11 through Christian Reformed Church Congregational-Christian-Evangelical-Reformed the topic Sunday in First Church July 22. Four members of the Temporary Location 801 W. Palmetto Pk. Rd. Rev. Krug Will Art Guild Bldg.; Boca Raton FREDERICK NELSON D.D. MINISTER of Christ, Scientist. Summer Workshop for Missions will conduct the program. 9:45 A.M. Sunday Worship 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL Rev. Christian D. Weber will Preach Sunday MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Temporary Location — 105 E. Boca Raton Rd. preach on "The Animal That Dr. Ira Lee Eshleman will (One Block East of US 1 in Lee Higginson Bldg.) Talked" at the 10 a.m. service preach at the 11 a.m. service Rev. Eugene O. Krug will RADIO BROADCAST 4 P.M. WWOG - FM 99.9 , AIR CONDITIONED NURSCRY AVAILABLE Sunday in Moravian Church. for Bibletown Community continue his sermon series on In Essentials, Unity In Non-Essentiajs, Liberty • EVENING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. In All Things, Christian Love Church. Special music will be "Living Together as Chris- St. Gregory's Episcopal provided by adult choir at both tians" at St. Paul Lutheran Church Sunday service will be services. Rev. Reuben L. Church services Sunday. His Wednesday at 8 p.m. Bible Study Nursery John Schuring, Pastor - 1040 SVV 1st Street held at 10 a.m. during the sum- Anderson will preach at the sermon topic will be "Serve Available Boca Raton - 395-3942 First Church of Christ Scientist mer months, according to Rev. 7:30 p.m. service. One Another." Boca Raton Printing Company Bldg. 41 S.E. 4th St., Boca Raton First Methodist Church .625 N.E. 2nd Ave., Boca Ralon SERVICES READING ROOM Minister: Clark S. Reed Sunday 11 a.m* 110 E. Palmetto Park Rd, Sunday School 11 a.m. Weekly lla, m»*» 4 p,n Musical Director: Dr. Kenneth Robinson Nursery 11 a.m. Sundays 2 *4 p. i Wednesday 8 p.m. Church School 9:45 a.m. ST. GREGORY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE OPEN DOOR Morning Worship 8:30 and 11:00 ADVENT LUTHERAN 35th St. and 3rd Ave. N.W. Rev. N.E. 44th Ave. at 50th St. just 245 E. Boca Raton Rd., Rev. Speaker: Miss Jane C. Stentz Amos 4:12 "Prepare to meet thy God" Bruce Ryan, rector. Sundays, Albert L. Eastman, pastor. Sun- Topic: "Embrace Life — Now!" off US 1. William M. Deutsch- Matins, 7:45; Holy Eucharist, 8 day Services: Sunday school AIR CONDITIONED - NURSERY PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH mann, pastor. Sunday schedule: 9:45 a.m. for which there is a 9 and 11 a.m., The Church at a.m. Holy Eucharist and ser- 290 PALMETTO PARK ROAD mon, 10 a.m. Weekday ser- nursery available. Morning (entrance on the west side) Worship; 9 a.m., The Church at Worship, 11 a.m. Youth Fellow- Study. vices, 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, and BOCA RATON MORAVIAN CHURCH Pastor: Pastor Ronald Infinger 10 a.m. Thursday. ship, 6:45 p.m. Evening service SERVICES at 7:30. Tuesday evening Senior 2 S.W. 12th Avenue Sunday School — 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHRISTIAN SCIENCE choir rehearsal, Wednesday Rev. Christian D. Weber, Minister Evangelistic Service — 7:30 p.m. 600 West Camino Real, Rev. First Church, of Christ, Scien- evening Bible study hour at Wednesday Evening — 7:30 p.m. Albert G. Shiphorst, pastor. tist, Boca Raton Printing Co. 7:30. Sunday School & Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. EVERYONE WELCOME Services, 10 aim. Sunday School building, 41 S.E. Fourth St., west of Federal Highway. Sun- UNITY CHURCH Church Nursery Air Conditioned 9 a.m. Unity Church of Boca Raton, days at 11 a.m., Wednesday at "A Protestant Denomination Since 1457" FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 8 p.m., Sunday School- at 11 South end of Southwest Second MORAVIAN CHURCH • a.m. Reading room in Bocade Avenue, David and Viola Zeliff, 162 W. palmetto paik Road, Boca Raton, Florida 2 S.W. 12th Ave. Rev. Christian building, Palmetto Park Road. ministers. Services at 11 a.m. James Wilkes, pastor D. Weber, minister. Sunday Sunday, class and workshop in SUNDAY SERVICES worship, 10 a.m., Sunday school, CHRISTIAN REFORMED spiritual research, Wednesday, Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Training Union 6:30 P.M. 10 a.m., Church nursery avail-* Temporary location, Art Guild 3 p.m. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Evening Worship 7:30 P.M. able. Bldg., 801 W. Palmetto Park Wednesday Evening Prayer Strvice 7:30 P.M. road; John O. Schuring, minis- FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST "Bible Teaching and Bible Preaching" ter; Services Sunday at 11 a.m. Northeast Second Court, pastor, FIRST METHODIST and 7 p.m. Sunday School and R'ev. J.E. Latham. Services, N.E. 2nd Ave. at N.E. 6th St. Adult Bible classes, 9:45 a.m. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. with Sunday Clark S. Reed, minister. Sun- Nursery available for Sunday school, 9:30-a.m., first and FIRST ASSEMBLY ot GOD CHURCH day school, 9:45 a.m. Church school and morning service at third Sunday. of Boca Raton services, 8:30 and 11a.m.Nur- the parsonage, 1040 S.W. First Temporarily in Chamber of Commerce Building sery for children. MYF meets St. EBENEZER BAPTIST 2151 Na Federal Highway Sunday, 5:45 p.m., in the Church Northeast 12th Street, Rev. N.D. Alphonse Sutera, Pastor Jeanne Sutera, Co-Pastor Hall. ST. JOAN OF ARC Bowers, pastor. Sunday school, SUNDAY SERVICES S.W. Third street. Rev. PaulL. 9:30 a,m.; morning service, 11 Sunday School 9:45 A.M. ST. PAUL LUTHERAN Manning, pastor; Sunday, 7, 9/ a.m.; BTU meeting, 5 p.m.; Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. 10:30 a.m. and noon Masses. Evangelistic Service 7:30 P.M. 701 W. Palmetto Park Rd. Rev. evening services, 6 p.m.; kin- Thursday Prayer & Praise Service 7:30 P.M. Eugene O. Krug, pastor. Sunday Confessions will be heard every dergarten Monday through Fri- AIR-CONDITIONED - FULL GOSPEL SERVICE school, 9:45 a.m.; worship ser- Saturday from 4:30 to 5:30 and day. vices, 8:30 and 11 a.m. Pre- 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Daily Masses school nursery during 11 6:30 and 8 a.m. Holy Days, 7, 9, UNIVERSITY BAPTIST o'clock service. 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. University Baptist Church, meeting, at First Federal Sav- FIRST BAPTIST UNITED CHURCH ings and Loan Association 162 W. Palmetto Park Road. Temporary location, Lee Hig- building. Dr. George Thomson, James Wilkes, pastor. Sunday ginson building, 105 E. Boca pastor. Sunday services, 11 For Classified ST. GREGORY'S school 9:45 a.m. Morning wor- Raton Rd. Rev. Frederick Nel- a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Prayer ship, 11 a.m. Training Union, son, D.C., minister. Services, meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.m. EPISCOPAL CHURCH 6:30 p.m.; Evening worship, 11 a.m. 245 E, Boca Raton Rd. 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD service, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. -SUNDAY SERVICES- BIBLETOWN First Assembly of God, temp- Ad Service The nursery is open at all of COMMUNITY CHURCH 7:45 a.m. MATINS these services. orarily located in.Chamber of (MORNING PRAYER) 600 N.W. Fourth Avenue. Dr. Commerce building, 2151 N. Ira Lee Eshleman, minister; 8:00 a.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN Rev. Reuben L. Anderson, pas- Federal Highway, Alphonse Su- Call 395-5121 HOLY EUCHARIST < 360 N.E. 25th Ter. Rev. Julian tor. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; tera, pastor,, and Jeanne Sutera Linville, minister. Bible School, morning service,'ll a.m.; even- co-pastor. Services, Sunday, 11 10:00 a,m. PARISH 9:15 a.m.; Worship service, ing service, 7:30 p.m.; Youth a.m. and 7;30 p.m., Sunday EUCHARIST and 10:45 a.m.; Youth meeting, 6:30 Attend the Church Fellowship, 6:15 p.m. at the school 9:45 a.m., Thursday SERMON p.m.; Evening service," 7:30 Fort, Communion service at Prayer and Praise service, (June—July) p.m.; Wednesday service, 7;30 6.-30 p.m., Memorial Hall. 7:30 p.m. of your choice Sunday p.m. L I J2B_June23, 1966 BOCA RATON NEWS Senri€@ Lesgsii Shies Second Knights of Columbus Elect

k Series ®f Bridgs Sessions New Officers a! Meeting NEW KITCHEN FAUCET i Swivels! Sprays! Aerates! ' Second in a series of Mrs. Alcorta are cor Members of Knights liacco, treasurer; Al Bridge sessions will be chairmen for the pro- of Columbus Council Vincent, Bill Otto, Gus held Friday, June 24, granu 4955 elected Fred Las- Koch and Joe Haman, according to Mrs. B.C. si<-er grand knight at guards; Bob Dugdale, Gould president, Deb- their June 13, 1966, trustee, and Dugdale, bie -Rand Memorial Norman Nelson meeting. Massarella, John Service League. Joining Lassiter in o'Hara and BobSorelle, The benefit series for Receives Degree leading the council for directors. Bussen, the community hospital Norman Frederick the coming year are Massarella, and O'Hara spells out the word Nelson has received a Jack Bussen, deputy are from Boca Raton, Bernard G. Jezercak "Community," the bachelor of arts degree grand knight; Ozzie Dugdale announced etter "O" in education from Uni- Bencic, chancelor; Jack that past Grand Knight Kohtz Plumbing & Hfg. month's play. versity of Florida. Costello warden; Paul wait Millar was elected Contractor Jezercak Ends The sessions will be Nelson was among 467 Pettie, advocate; Joe as delegate to the su- 1NW 1st Ave. P.O.BOX550 held 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. students who received Massarella, financial preme convention in Ph. 395-0800 in the homes of Mrs. degrees at the univer- secretary; Steve San- August. Basic Training Robert Drummond, 298 sity. • 9 talucia, recording sec- Subscribe to the Seaman Recruit Ber- E. Camino Real; Mrs, f retary; Vincent Badag- Read ifie Classified Boca Raton News nard G. Jezercak, 19, Malcolm Spinning, 1 SW USN, son of Mr. and Eighth Terr.; Mrs. Jo- 54,000 Students * \ Mrs. Bernard Ambrose seph Snyder, 616 SW Jezercak of Boca Raton, Third St.; Mrs. Anton Attend Classes has completed seven Drasal, 122 SW Sixth Membership in grades weeks of Navy basic Ave.; Mrs. Chester one through 12 of Palm training at the Great Burke, 701 W." Royal Beach County's 87 LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. Lake Naval Training Palm Rd.; Mrs. Richard schools totaled 54,850 Center, Alcorta, 161 SW Sixth for the ninth and final In the first weeks of Terr., and Mrso Ralph month of the 1965-66 his naval service he Keltie, 807 SW Third St. school year, County Better Quality studied military sub- Mrs. Spinning and School Superintendent jects and lived and Robert W. Fulton said Mr. and Mrs Diaries Waldner, Maya Palm at Lowest Prices worked under conditions this week. Drive, relax aboard the SS Ariadne. The couple similar to those he will Korn Receives at your Nearby RBC Store The fifth month was sailed to Nassau and Freeport, Grand Bahama encounter on his first the "peak" period of the ship or at his first shore Master's Degree school year with a total on the ship recently. station. membership of 56,491 In making the transi- Willard C. Korn, Jr,3 students recorded. tion from civilian to 336 Coconut Palm Rd,,, A breakdown of the Airline Tickets sailor, he was taught and has received a master ninth month totals shows supervised by .ex- of business administra- that there were 31,238 COMPLETE FOREIGN TRAVEL perienced Navy petty of- tion degree from North- students in the elemen- ficers. He learned the western University, tary schools (grades and Cruise Service basic skills of seaman- Evanston, Illo 1-6); 13,699 in the Jun- ship, as well as sur- Korn was among 2,834 ior High schools (grades DUGAN TRAVEL vival techniques, mili- persons who received 7-9); and 9,943 in the ESTABLISHED 1956 tary drill and other ba- degrees at the univer- Senior high schools sic subjects. sity. 75 S. FEDERAL 395-2112 (grades 10-12). L Ui J MASONITEivif-\.*_jwi>u it®" . Upon completion of his recruit training, he was assigned to a school y Royalcote 4'x8' shore station or ship, according to the results of his Navy classifica- WOOD GRAIN WALL PANELS tion tests, his own de- sires, and the needs of 12 Beautiful wood the Navy. grain patterns. Ea sy-to-insfall. Stain and seuff-re- Josh Crane Plans sistant. Moldings to 00 ADHESIVE 45 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY match. Usually 8.96. Per Panel 1 Cartridge Satirical Speech PACKAGE STORE BOCA RATON Sale price now Limited applies 4 to 6 Time panels "149 A satirical speech on NO DELIVERY OR CHARGES ON sex and violence THESE SPECIAL SALE ITEMS 'J Charter Oak HARVEY'S in American literature I Paints MEDICiNE CABINETS MADE BY will be given by Josh FULL QUARTS I BOURBON | Especially Crane, director of for- is; Formulated GORDON'S (Pf :| for our . Recommended hv ensics at Palm Beach SCOTCH -iSemi-Tropical Good Hou$e