BOX 1673 ST AUGU3TI:J2 FLA Summ er! June 18-22, 1966 Hi Lo Rain Sat. 85 73 .45 Thursday Sun. 88 71 .10 Mon. 87 71 .40 Tues. 85 69 0 Edition Wed. noon 87 71 Trace BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 11 No. 62 Boca Raton, Florida June 23, 1966 22 Pages PRICE City Changes Plan For Civic Center Boca Raton's long-awaited pearance Board. The only resi- made. Civic Center zoning plan hit dential construction to be per- Council will again have to another stump Tuesday night mitted would be single family review the Planning and Zoning and was sent back to the Plan- and duplex buildings. High-rise Board's recommendations and ning and Zoning Board for ap- (R-4) was deleted Tuesday night hold a public hearing on the final proval. ~ the only major change to be ordinance. The plan to set up a separate zoning area around the city's public buildings and to upgrade residential and business zon- ing nearby was created by Walt- Many Money Problems er Young several weeks ago. Surgery was administered to the planning director's design following a public hearing which Occupy Council's Time packed the city hall with dissi- It was money night for City the agenda was a contract with dent citizens. Council at Tuesday's session. Florida Power and Light for Additional chopping was ad- (There are no more "bank new and improved lights in the ministered Tuesday by city nights" — remember?) Estates Section. The tab on this Parrot Jungle was the top attraction in Boca took the day-long field trip. Also included was a council, but according to Coun- Officials spent some money, will amount to $1,125. per year. Raton's Summer Recreation Program this week. picnic lunch at Matheson Hammock Park. The cilman Harold Maull, it ac- delayed the pain of spending One motion, that didn't cost Aboard the fleet of busses which left the Com- two youngsters with an armload or two of birds tually followed some of Young's more, decided to fight for some, any money handle but one that munity Center were 210 local youngsters who are Chris Passante and Dara Moore. original desires. and passed a resolution to let could cost a million dollars or As finally revised by council, the federal government spend more was referred to the city the area will be bounded on the some more. manager — what kind of gar- east by a line between Northwest Biggest item was the resolu- bage and trash disposal sys- F@r Trip to 1-95 Hearing 1st and Northwest 2nd avenues; tion to permit the Florida At- tem does the city need? on the north by Northwest Fourth lantic Ocean Sciences Institute street, on the east by a tier to seek $80,000 in federal funds of lots east of Crawford avenue to make a study of the results and on the south by Southwest of the city's new ocean outfall Institute Asks Fire in Eye, Plea on Lips 1st avenue. sewer system. The sewage is All changes of zoning would to be partly processed and (See Editorial Cartoon, Page 4A) sign it as a clover leaf rather GRADE SEPARATIONS at require council approval, and chlorinated, then pumped about Outfall Study Boca Raton's officials will go than as a diamond; Northwest 40th street and Jef- plans would be subject to the a mile offshore. The study will to West Palm Beach Monday ADD a cloverleaf interchange f ery St. at Clint Moore Diagonal. newly-created Community Ap- determine the effects, if any, The proposed participation with fire in their eyes and a at Glades road to serve Florida Vansant will also present the on flora, fauna, and sea life. in the stucjy of results of ocean plea on their lips. Atlantic University, Marymount city's north-south arterial A $65,000 item — the cost of outfall systems may be the They'll seek to change the College and University Park; street plans to the SRD to show Sign Problems sewers along the new Palmetto first project for the newly- State Road Department's plan PLAN a future four-lane traffic flow. Young will show Park Road from the Florida formed Florida Atlantic Ocean to give the city only two inter- bridge over 1-95 at 40th street; how the street plans figure into East Coast Railway to the El Sciences Institute. changes and one grade separa- APPROVE an interchange at the city's master plan, no ..•» L«_ •" Rio Canal was fired back to The institute is so new that tion when Interstate 95 is finally 51st street, but cloverleaf in- ing drawn by Milo Smith ana Acting City. Manager William it doesn't even have a charter completed. stead of diamond; Associates. Prendergast for further study issued yet, though Florida's Representing the city will be City Council Tuesday night and a report. Prendergast's secretary of state is expected Engineer J.P. Vansant, Acting told the Retail Merchants Divi- report is expected to reflect to approve it within the next City Manager William Prend- sion of the Chamber of Com- where the money is to come few days. ergast and Director of Planning Midnight Skulkers Strike, merce to come up with sug- from. The non-profit institute will Walter Young. gested changes to the sign or- A request from the city to the interest itself in projects that They were charged at a spec- dinance to which it objects. State Road Department for cannot be handled by Florida ial meeting Tuesday by council- Foregoing the merchants' re- $11,835 to repay for moving Atlantic University — projects men to do all they could to get Steal More 'Phone Cable quest to appoint some sort of sewer and water lines across in the fields of basic and applied the SRD to approve the city's The Midnight Skulkers struck The area is near the location joint committee, council offered the Intracoastal Waterway was research. 1965 plan which calls for three again! where thieves stole 1,600 feet the services of its attorney, returned with the notation "that Kenneth R. Miller and Robert interchanges and four grade For the third time in a week, of the same cable June 14. engineer and planning director refunding would not be possible Ingalls, both of Boca Raton, separations. thieves with a penchant for Cost of repairing the section, to help the businessmen in their because the work was done on serve as chairman of the board "The very future of Boca aerial acrobatics stole the tele- Barker said, will be $1,400. desire to change the controver- state right-of-way." When En- and president of the foundation,, Raton depends on its expansion phone lines from poles west of The figure brings to $5,100 the sial sign regulations. gineer J.P. Vansant pointed out Bart Annis, Delray Beach, to the west," Mayor- Pat tab for Southern Bell's repairs In the meantime, council in- that the original contract said has been named the executive Honchell said, "and if we do Boca Raton. James Barker, in the seven-day period. The structed Planning Director nothing about such things, coun- director. Annis recently re- not get access to that area, we Southern Bell's manager here, second theft occurred farther Walter Young to review the cil instructed its attorney to tired from the office of Planning simply cannot offer adequate said a 900-foot section of 50- south, near the State Road 810 provisions on flat signs on the "take action to get the money." and Programming of the Na- city facilities." pair cable was stolen from intersection of Powerline road, sides of buildings with the pos- Thomas Meredith, vice pres- tional Science Foundation. The limited access 1-95 would poles north of Glades road, east also in the area served by sibility of relaxing the pro- ident of Keating of Florida, Prior to that he served in the bisect the city from north to of the Powerline road inter- Southern Bell's Boca Raton of- visions. protested a letter from the city Navy Department and in the De- south just east of the Seaboard section. fice. demanding $36,000 in back as- partment of Defense. Airline Railroad tracks. sessments. Maintaining that According to Eugene Robin- Planning until 1988 is sup- there were extenuating cir- son, special assistant to the posed to be included in the SRD Sorry, Right Number cumstances, Meredith asked for president of FAU, the "in- plans, which Deputy Mayor Sid "Hello all you folks out there in radio-land. ." another agreement, but got only stitute can serve as an excel- Brodhead labeled as "ridicu- Well, that's almost what he said. But the announcer on duty Amusement Page 5A 30 days to reach a planned lent support vehicle for Florida lous." at radio station WWOG Tuesday night also had another message Ann.Landers IB system of paying the charges. Atlantic, for it will enable many In the half-hour session Mon- for his midnight listeners. Church News 11B John A. Grant, consulting of our professors to participate day morning, Vansant will ratify "Somebody cut the telephone lines again," he said. "If there's Classifieds 8-9-10A engineer, was given a contract in outside research." the SRD's plans, and ask for the anybody listening, please call Jim Barker, the Southern Bell Editorials 4A of $5,700 for a master drain- Robinson expects the institute following additional items, be- manager." Public Notices 2A-5B' age plan of the city, and a time as it expands and brings* in ginning at the southern city And the phone rang.
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