Celebrating the 57Th Malaysia Day
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As it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to SEPTEMBER 20, 2020 live in the flesh, that means fruitful labour for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am TERHAD PP 8460/11/2012(030939) hard pressed between the two. My desire is to ISSN: 1394-3294 depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. Vol. 27 No. 37 THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY Phil. 1:20c-23 Water a crucial element for health of people and planet ATICAN: On the occa- written for the occasion that states that “the sion of the 45th Session of full realisation of the human right to water the United Nations Human and sanitation cannot be left to States alone.” V Commenting on this statement, Archbishop Rights Council, Archbishop Ivan Jurkovič said that everyone has the respon- Jurkovič, Permanent Observer of sibility to contribute to the development of a the Holy See, spoke on behalf of “more integral and sustainable society.” the Holy See regarding the “right The Archbishop affirmed the Special Rap- porteur’s mention of the many “types of re- to safe and clean drinking water sources that contribute to achieving the rights and sanitation.” enshrined in the International Covenant on Citing Pope Francis, the Archbishop re- Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.” But, minded those present that “water is the most he added, all human rights, including the essential element for life, and that the fu- right to water, are founded on the dignity of ture of humanity depends on our capacity to the human person, and “not in any kind of guard it and share it.” He also stated the Holy merely quantitative assessment that consid- See’s position that “access to water and sani- ers water merely as a economic good.” tation is not just a basic human need, but also Archbishop Jurkovič then noted that the a crucial element for the health of the Earth international community needs to realise and of those who live [on] it.” the need for a new type of “solidarity con- Archbishop Jurkovič acknowledged that cerning natural resources.” Managing water the United Nations General Assembly of Dec sources is connected with “social responsi- 17, 2015 expressed a similar vision to that of bility, a mentality of ecological behaviour” A child getting water from the water pipe at Ampang, Kuala Lumpur due to water disruption. the Holy See’s. However, he added that “the and global “solidarity among countries.” (Shutterstock/ SL Chen) Holy See has continually emphasised that This, he said, is the only possible way “to taken from the special Urbi et orbi dis- tween persons […] Let us not lose the op- more still needs to be done to foster the uni- strengthen the common good and preserve it course of March 27, earlier this year. portunity to give further proof of solidarity, versal affirmation of this fundamental right.” for the future.” “This is not a time for self-centredness, also by turning to innovative solutions.” — He therefore drew attention to article no. The Holy See’s representative then con- because the challenge we are facing is By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp, Vatican 75 of the Report of the Special Rapporteur cluded with a citation from Pope Francis shared by all, without distinguishing be- News Celebrating the 57th Malaysia Day KENINGAU: In celebrating This year we celebrate the 57th Ma- adhere to the SOP efforts to curb the religion and culture. Creating a soci- are causing global warming, and the nation’s 57th Malaysia laysia Day, the National Day of our spread of this pandemic. ety that cares for all is very important widespread air and water pollu- Day, Bishop Cornelius Piong beloved country, which we celebrate Every time we celebrate Malaysia so that we Malaysians may always tion. reminded the faithful of the on Sept 16 every year. Day, we need to recall the spirit and live in peace and harmony and be pro- 4) Changing the attitude of self- many things that they can be In celebrating Malaysia Day, there vision shown by the leaders who cre- tected from disasters and calamities. ishness which implies not caring grateful for. are a few things we need to be grate- ated Malaysia from a combination of To translate this attitude and culture for what the consequences will be However, he cautioned that ful for. Among other things, first, let three countries — Malaya, Sarawak of caring for each other as a driving for the future of our children. the spirit and vision of the us give thanks to God because He and Sabah. The promises agreed upon force of our lives as Malaysians, it is gave us a place to live, this beautiful when forming Malaysia on Sept 16, necessary that: There is no point in shouting Merde- leaders who created Malaysia ka and waving the Jalur Gemilang from a combination of three Homeland where we can live in peace 1963 need to be again brought to the 1) We live for God, the Creator of and harmony within a plural society of attention of the current leaders of the if it is all just external or skin-deep. countries — Malaya, Sarawak man, not the ‘god’ of human crea- Concern for others will only exist in and Sabah — must be brought various races, ethnicities and beliefs, country, all the people, especially our tion, so that the Truth will not be though we realise that there are still youths, and the future generation of a person and in the people if faith in to the attention of all to ensure compromised. God the Creator exists. May concern that the conditions for the for- spaces which can be further enhanced national leaders, so that the terms of in terms of racial and religious toler- the agreement remain respected and 2) Always be concerned with the for humanity and for God’s creation mation of Malaysia are not situation and needs of our fellow continue to exist in us. extinguished over time. ance. Second, we are also thankful to implemented. This will ensure that the God because with the protection and conditions for the formation of Ma- human beings, regardless of po- Wishing You a Happy The theme of Malaysia Pri- litical beliefs, ancestry or religion. hatin should be the focus of all the power of His Holy Spirit we can laysia are not extinguished over time. 57th Malaysia Day. in creating a society that cares still enjoy a peaceful and secure life The theme of this year’s National 3) Always be concerned with the Malaysia Prihatin for everyone irrespective of even if the whole world is threatened Day celebration is Malaysia Pri- state of the world, where we live race, religion and culture. by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are hatin. This is a very good theme if it together, which is suffering a lot thankful that our situation in Malaysia can really be applied to the daily life of damage and disease due to +Bishop Datuk Cornelius Piong l Please see right for the full is still under control due to the attitude of every citizen. May we Malaysians human culture and irresponsible text of his message. of the people, who are obedient and strive to emulate it regardless of race, attitudes. Humans themselves Sept 12, 2020 2 FORUM / REFLECTION HERALD September 20, 2020 May they all be One n Sept 16 we celebrated Malaysia – free healthcare, free education, old-age Day. This time it was under the Sunday Observer pensions for all, unemployment benefits. cloud of the coronavirus, an eco- No need to worry about saving huge sums O By nomic downturn and political upheaval. of money to pay for medical emergencies, In recent months, the old politics of race children’s education or old age. and religion has made a comeback of sorts Anil Netto So government spending should be made in a pushback, a renewed attempt at pur- [email protected] more progressive by spending more on so- suing an exclusive vision while dividing cial support and essential services such as society. conditioned to think of unity as confined the opportunity to live life to the full. With- public healthcare and public education. On the surface, this appears to have to ethnic and religious tolerance, given the out socioeconomic justice, there can be no Our understanding of unity should be crushed the dream of a new Malaysia backdrop of growing polarisation. real unity. broad enough to ensure that all those with- based on unity in diversity, founded on jus- Yet, unity is much more than improved The pandemic has revealed that our in our borders are treated justly, humanely, tice and compassion for the vulnerable. ethnic and religious relations among the world is sick – and it is not just due to the in fraternity and solidarity – the stateless But the irony is that those behind the people; it is much broader, all-encompass- coronavirus. The virus of selfishness and and refugees, the migrants, the asylum divisive politics of race and religion are ing. In the Garden of Eden, we noticed accumulation has led to rising inequalities seekers, the marginalised communities, the themselves divided and fragmented. unity, harmony and interconnectedness. around the world. forgotten elderly, the sick, the Orang Asal Those who aspired for a more inclusive The whole of Creation was united – human It will take active intervention to reduce and the Orang Asli.