Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency

Board of Directors Agenda – Regular Meeting, August 14, 2019, 1 p.m.

City of Yuba City Council Chambers - 1201 Civic Center Blvd., Yuba City, CA

The agenda is posted in the building of the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency at 1445 Butte House Road. Suite B, Yuba City, and at the Sutter County Library, 750 Forbes Avenue, Yuba City. The agenda summary, backup materials, and approved minutes are also posted on the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency website at Materials related to an item on this agenda and submitted to the Board of Directors after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the office of the Board Clerk at 1445 Butte House Road, Suite B, Yuba City, during normal business hours. In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, the meeting room is wheelchair accessible and disabled parking is available. If you have a disability and need, disability related modifications or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the SBFCA office at 530-755-9859 or [email protected]. Requests must be made one full business day before the start of the meeting.

County of Sutter County of Butte City of Yuba City City of Live Oak Mat Conant Bill Connelly Shon Harris Lakhvir Ghag Mike Ziegenmeyer Steve Lambert Marc Boomgaarden Alt. Luis Hernandez Alt. Ron Sullenger Alt. Manny Cardoza Alt. Jim Whiteaker Alt. Grace Espindola

City of Gridley City of Biggs Levee District 1 Levee District 9 Bruce Johnson Bo Sheppard Francis Silva Mike Morris Alt. Roger Firth Charlie Hoppin Chris Schmidl Alt. Sally Serger Alt. Drew Stresser

Persons wishing to address the Board during consideration of matters listed on the agenda will be allowed to do so. Testimony should always begin with the speaker giving his or her name and place of residence. Requests for assistive listening devices or other accommodations, such as interpretive services, should be made through the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency office at 530-755-9859. Requests should be made at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Later requests will be accommodated to the extent feasible.


REGULAR MEETING/CALL TO ORDER  Roll Call  Pledge of Allegiance

CONSENT CALENDAR The Consent Calendar groups together those items which are considered noncontroversial or for which prior policy direction has been given to staff and that require only routine action by the Board. The Chair will advise the audience that the matters may be adopted in total by one motion; however, the Board may, at its option or upon request of a member of the public, consider any matter separately.

1. Approval of the Minutes for the June 12, 2019 Board Meeting

SBFCA Board Agenda Page 1 August 14, 2019 2. Authorize Purchase of Mitigation Credits for Impacts to Riparian Habitat from the West Levee Project

3. Approve and authorize the Executive Director to execute Amendment 3 to Task Order 21 with HDR Engineering for engineering support during construction of the Federal Sutter Basin Flood Risk Management Project (Cypress Avenue to Tudor Road)

4. Approval of Plans and Specifications, and Consideration of Award of the Oroville Wildlife Area Flood Stage Reduction and Restoration - Interior Channel Bridge Project Construction Contract (Contract No. 04-2019- BR) to Viking Construction Company

5. Approve the application for grant funds from the Natural Resources Agency and authorize the Executive Director to execute an agreement for sediment management and invasive species removal activities

6. Approval of an agreement with InContext to Prepare a Regional Ethnographic Study for the Feather River West Levee Project

7. Approve and direct the transmittal of the 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update for ULOP to the Central Valley Flood Protection Board


8. Presentation and File Monthly Financial Report


9. Presentation and File Program/Project Update

10. Other Reports from Agency Staff and Consultants

11. Report by Member and Partner Agencies


12. Report on Correspondence Sent by and Received by the Board

PUBLIC COMMENT Members of the public will be allowed to address the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency’s Board of Directors on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. Any member of the audience who may wish to bring a matter before the Board that has not been placed on the agenda may do so at this time; however, State law provides that no action may be taken on any item not appearing on the posted Agenda.

CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.9(d)(4): one potential case

ADJOURNMENT The next regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting will be held on Wednesday September 11, 2019 at 1 p.m., Yuba City Council Chambers – 1201 Civic Center Blvd., Yuba City, CA 95993

SBFCA Board Agenda Page 2 August 14, 2019

Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency

Board of Directors Minutes Regular Meeting, June 12, 2019, 1 p.m. City of Yuba City Council Chambers - 1201 Civic Center Blvd., Yuba City, CA

The Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency (Agency) Board of Directors (Board), State of California, met on the above date at 1 p.m. at the City of Yuba City Council Chambers - 1201 Civic Center Boulevard, Yuba City, CA.

These minutes do not represent a transcript of the meeting and are intended to be a summary of the most important points. For a complete record, please refer to the video recording of the meeting, which is posted on SBFCA’s website: http:/

MEMBERS PRESENT County of Sutter: Mat Conant, Mike Ziegenmeyer County of Butte: Bill Connelly, Steve Lambert City of Yuba City: Shon Harris, Marc Boomgaarden City of Biggs: Bo Sheppard City of Gridley: Bruce Johnson City of Live Oak: Lakhvir Ghag Levee District 9: Mike Morris, Chris Schmidl Levee District 1: Francis Silva, Charlie Hoppin

STAFF PRESENT: Michael Bessette, Executive Director; Scott Shapiro, Agency Counsel; Seth Wurzel, Budget Manager, Kim Floyd, Public Outreach Manager; and Terra Yaney, Board Clerk

MEETING/CALL TO ORDER At 1p.m., Director Shon Harris opened the meeting and led the group in the pledge of allegiance.

PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public hearing and approval of the Proposed Amended Budget for Fiscal Years 2018-19 (when combined with actuals for Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 the Proposed Amended 3-Year Budget) and Proposed Amended 2-Year Budget covering Fiscal Years 2019-20 and 2020-21 Budget Manager Seth Wurzel provided a power point presentation for the recommendation of the proposed amended 3-year and proposed amended 2-year budget covering fiscal years 2019-20 and 2020-21. He explained the process and purpose for budget amendments and expenditure details. The budget approval process is a two-step process with preliminary approval on May 15. He provided budget comparison summaries for the 3 and 2 year expenditures for all allocations of funds. He also provided a chart outlining the SBFCA Program Budget Operation.

Director Shon Harris opened the public hearing and invited members of the public to provide comment.

Sutter County resident Pat Miller provided public comment in regard to Agency longevity and the distribution of assessment monies.

Agency Counsel explained that under the covenants of our bonds the Agency cannot secede until the bonds are paid in year 2045.

Executive Director Michael Bessette added that based on the board approved Strategic Plan we are still pursuing funding for 100 and 200-year flood protection.

August 14, 2019 Regular Board Meeting Item 1

The public hearing was closed.

A motion to approve the Proposed Amended 3-Year Budget covering 2018-19 and Proposed Amended 2-Year Budget covering 2019-20 and 2020-21 was made by Director Mike Morris and seconded by Director Lakhvir Ghag. The motion passed with no objection. The item was approved as follows:

 Marc Boomgaarden – yes  Steve Lambert - yes  Mat Conant – yes  Mike Morris - yes  Bill Connelly– yes  Chris Schmidl – yes  Lakhvir Ghag – yes  Bo Sheppard – yes  Shon Harris - yes  Francis Silva - yes  Charlie Hoppin - yes  Mike Ziegenmeyer - yes  Bruce Johnson - yes

The entire report, along with a PowerPoint presentation is available on the SBFCA website at:

CONSENT CALENDAR 2. Approval of the Minutes for the May 15, 2019 Board Meeting 3. Authorize the Executive Director to execute Task Order 3 Amendment 2 with ECORP Consulting, Inc. for Environmental Compliance and Biological Permitting for the Federal Sutter Basin Flood Risk Management Project (Cypress Avenue to the Tudor Road) 4. Approval of Amendments to Consultant Agreements for Agency Support for Fiscal Year 2019-20 5. Authorize the Executive Director to Sign a Grant Agreement with California Department of Fish and Wildlife for the Oroville Wildlife Area Flood Stage Reduction and Restoration Project

A motion to approve the Consent Calendar was made by Director Lakhvir Ghag and seconded by Director Mat Conant. The motion passed with no objection. The Consent Calendar was approved as follows:

 Marc Boomgaarden – yes  Steve Lambert - yes  Mat Conant – yes  Mike Morris - yes  Bill Connelly– yes  Chris Schmidl – yes  Lakhvir Ghag – yes  Bo Sheppard – yes  Shon Harris - yes  Francis Silva - yes  Charlie Hoppin - yes  Mike Ziegenmeyer - yes  Bruce Johnson - yes

No public Comment

The entire discussion is available on the SBFCA website at:


6. Presentation and File Monthly Financial Report Budget Manager Seth Wurzel presented the monthly financial reports for April and answered questions regarding operating revenue of advanced funding. The entire report, along with a PowerPoint presentation is available on the SBFCA website at:

7. Approval of Resolution for the levy and collection of 2019-20 Fiscal Year assessments for the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency Assessment District in Sutter and Butte Counties Budget Manager Seth Wurzel reported that the resolution authorizes the assessment roll of all parcels subject to the SBFCA Assessment District assessments to be filed with the Sutter County Auditor Controller and Butte County Auditor Controller for Fiscal Year 2019-20. Approval of the resolution is consistent with covenants made within the outstanding bond agreements related to SBFCA’s outstanding debt obligations, there is no budgetary impact as a result of the board’s approval of the recommended action.

A motion to approve the Resolution was made by Director Bo Sheppard and seconded by Director Mike Morris. The motion passed with no objection. The Consent Calendar was approved as follows:

 Marc Boomgaarden – yes  Steve Lambert - yes  Mat Conant – yes  Mike Morris - yes  Bill Connelly– yes  Chris Schmidl – yes  Lakhvir Ghag – yes  Bo Sheppard – yes  Shon Harris - yes  Francis Silva - yes  Charlie Hoppin - yes  Mike Ziegenmeyer - yes  Bruce Johnson - yes


8. Program/Project Update Executive Director Michael Bessette gave a presentation outlining the recent and ongoing activities. He reported that we have completed season one of phase one construction on the OWA project, we are processing submittals, and that season two construction work on the interior channels, box culvert and fish berm improvements will resume this month. Minor delays have occurred due to the recent rain and wet site conditions. He went on to report that the pre- construction meeting for the UPRR Closure Structure Project is scheduled for June 13 with construction anticipated to begin in late June.

Mr. Bessette continued his presentation and reported on the Reach 25 pipe abandonment project in Live Oak. He reported that construction began on June 4th and the work is anticipated to take about 2 weeks. Staff is coordinating with property owners whose residence is directly adjacent to the project site. It was reported that USACE’s contractor, Great Lakes E&I started slurry cutoff wall construction this week on the federal Sutter Basin Flood Risk Management Project. SBFCA is providing project oversight for levee certification and staff continues to participate in weekly construction coordination meetings.

It was reported that staff continues to work on finalizing the Butte County FEMA accreditation package. It is anticipated that the package will be finalized and submitted to FEMA next month. Following submittal, it is anticipated that the review and processing period with FEMA will take approximately 2 to 3 years before the proposed mapping changes become effective.

The entire report, along with a PowerPoint presentation is available on the SBFCA website at:

9. Other Reports from Agency Staff and Consultants Nothing to report.

10. Report by Member and Partner Agencies Nothing to report.


11. Report on Correspondence Sent by and Received by the Board Nothing to report.


ADJOURNMENT With no further business coming before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 1:39 p.m.

______ATTEST BY: ______Board Chair Terra Yaney, Board Clerk

August 14, 2019 Regular Board Meeting

Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency A Partnership for Flood Safety

August 14, 2019

TO: Board of Directors

FROM: Michael Bessette - Executive Director

SUBJECT: Authorize Purchase of Mitigation Credits for Impacts to Riparian Habitat from the Feather River West Levee Project

Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Board authorize the Executive Director to take the necessary actions to purchase $1,950,000 in mitigation credits from the Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank operated by Westervelt Ecological Services for impacts to Riparian Habitat from the Feather River West Levee Project (reference the attached Agreement for Sale of Mitigation Credits).

Background Riparian Habitat The Feather River West Levee Project (Project) is located along a 41-mile corridor of the west levee of the Reather River from the Thermalito Afterbay to a point approximately 4 miles north of the Sutter Bypass. The Project area includes the Project construction area and a 100-foot buffer around this area. The Project construction area is defined as the area in which levee improvements such as seepage berms, stability berms, relief wells, and slurry cutoff walls are likely to be constructed, as well as staging and slurry missing areas. The Project unavoidably and adversely impacted riparian habitat and SBFCA is required to compensate for that impact by purchasing credits from an approved mitigation bank at an agreed upon level. The Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank operated by Westervelt Ecological Services provides the required riparian habitat credits approved by both the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and United States Department of Fish and Wildlife agencies.

The cost per acre of Riparian Habitat Enhanced credits and Riparian Habitat Restored credits at the Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank is $75,552 per acre. The Project requires the purchase of 14.89 acres of Riparian Habitat Enhanced credits and 10.92 Riparian Habitat Restored credits (Biological Opinion No. 08ESMF00-2013-F- 0342-R004).

Fiscal Impact Board approval of staff’s recommendation will obligate SBFCA to pay $1,950,000 for the purchase of riparian mitigation credits for the Feather River West Levee Project. This expenditure is within the budgeted appropriation limits of the Final Amended 3- & 2- Year Budgets (731-5001/6001-67401, 68401 & 68901 – Environmental Mitigation) and is within the planned costs for the project. There is no net budgetary impact from the Board’s approval of the recommended action.


1. Agreement for Sale of Mitigation Credits, Biological Opinion No. 08ESMF00-2013-F-0342-R004

Item 2

Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank AGREEMENT FOR SALE OF MITIGATION CREDITS Biological Opinion No. 08ESMF00-2013-F-0342-R004

This Agreement is entered into this ______day of ______, 2019 by and between WESTERVELT ECOLOGICAL SERVICES, LLC (Bank Owner) and the SUTTER BUTTE FLOOD CONTROL AGENCY (Project Applicant), jointly referred to as the “Parties,” as follows:


A. The Bank Owner has developed the Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank (Bank) located in Sacramento County, California; and

B. The Bank was approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) (jointly referred to as “Agencies”) on September 30, 2009, and is currently in good standing with these agencies; and

C. The Bank has received approval from the Agencies to offer riparian wetlands and seasonal wetlands under the Clean Water Act and riparian forest, Scrub Shrub, and Shaded Riverine Aquatic (SRA) credits through the Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank Enabling Instrument (Bank Agreement); and

D. Project Applicant is seeking to implement the Feather River West Levee Project described on Exhibit “A” attached hereto (Project), which would unavoidably and adversely impact riparian habitat and seeks to compensate for the loss of said habitat by purchasing Credits from the Bank; and

E. Project Applicant has been authorized by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, (Biological Opinion No.81420-2013-F-0342-1), to purchase from the Bank 14.89 Floodplain Riparian Habitat Enhanced credits and 10.92 Floodplain Riparian Habitat Restored credits upon confirmation by the Bank Owner of credit availability/adequate balance of credits remaining for sale; and

F. Project Applicant desires to purchase from Bank and Bank desires to sell to Project Applicant 14.89 Floodplain Riparian Habitat Enhanced credits and 10.92 Floodplain Riparian Habitat Restored credits;


1. Bank hereby sells to Project Applicant and Project Applicant hereby purchases from Bank 14.89 Floodplain Riparian Habitat Enhanced credits and 10.92 Floodplain Riparian Habitat Restored credits for a total purchase price of $1,950,000.00. The Bank will then deliver to Project Applicant an executed Bill of Sale in the manner and form as attached hereto and marked Exhibit “B”. The purchase price for said credits shall be paid by cashier’s check or, at the option of Bank, wire transfer of funds according to written instructions by Bank to Project Applicant.

2. The sale and transfer herein is not intended as a sale or transfer to Project Applicant of a security, license, lease, easement, or possessory or non-possessory interest in real property, nor the granting of any interest of the foregoing.

3. Project Applicant shall have no obligation whatsoever by reason of the purchase of the Credits, to support, pay for, monitor, report on, sustain, continue in perpetuity, or otherwise be obligated or liable for the success or continued expense or maintenance in perpetuity of the credits sold, or the Bank. Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank Credit Sales Agreement 2

Pursuant to the Bank Agreement and any amendments thereto, Bank shall monitor and make reports to the appropriate agency or agencies on the status of any Credits sold to Project Applicant. Bank shall be fully and completely responsible for satisfying any and all conditions placed on the Bank or the Credits by all state or federal jurisdictional agencies.

4. The Credits sold and transferred to Project Applicant shall be non-transferable and non- assignable, and shall not be used as compensatory mitigation for any other Project or purpose, except as set forth herein.

5. Project Applicant hereby commits to purchase the Credits and in association therewith shall tender payment for the Credits no later than 30 days from the date of this Agreement.

6. Upon purchase of the credits specified in paragraph E above, the Bank shall submit to the parties listed in the Notices section of the Bank Agreement / Bank Enabling Instrument, copies of the: a) Agreement for Sale of Credits; b) Bill of Sale; c) Payment Receipt; and d) an updated ledger. The updated inventory / ledger must detail: i) Project Applicant; ii) Project Name; iii) Status (sale complete/sale not complete); iv) Credit Sale Date; v) Service File Number; vi) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers File Number (if applicable); vii) Total Number of Credits Authorized to Sell; viii) Total Number of Credits Sold to Date (inclusive); and ix) Balance of all Credits Available. The inventory / ledger should include all sales data from bank opening/establishment to the present.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written.


WESTERVELT ECOLOGICAL SERVICES, LLC Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank Owner

By: ______Date: ______



By: ______Date: ______

Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank Credit Sales Agreement 3

Exhibit “A”


Biological Opinion No. 08ESMF00-2013-F-0342-R004

The Feather River West Levee Project (FRWLP or Project) is located along a 41-mile corridor of the west levee of the Feather River from the Thermalito Afterbay to a point approximately 4 miles north of the Sutter Bypass. The Project area includes the Project construction area and a 100-foot buffer around this area. The Project construction area was defined as the area in which levee improvements-such as seepage berms, stability berms, relief wells, and slurry cutoff walls-are likely to be constructed, as well as staging and slurry mixing areas.

Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank Credit Sales Agreement 4

Exhibit “B”


In consideration of $1,950,000.00, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Westervelt Ecological Services, LLC (Bank Owner) does hereby bargain, sell and transfer to the [Project Applicant] Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency 14.89 Floodplain Riparian Habitat Enhanced credits and 10.92 Floodplain Riparian Habitat Restored credits in the Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank in Sacramento County, California, developed, and approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and National Marine Fisheries Service.

Westervelt Ecological Services, LLC represents and warrants that it has good title to the credits, has good right to sell the same, and that they are free and clear of all claims, liens, or encumbrances.

Westervelt Ecological Services, LLC covenants and agrees with the buyer to warrant and defend the sale of the credits hereinbefore described against all and every person and persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same.

DATED: ______

Westervelt Ecological Services, LLC Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank Owner

By: ______

Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank Credit Sales Agreement 5

Exhibit “C”

Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank PAYMENT RECEIPT


Name: Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency

Address: PO BOX M, YUBA CITY, CA 95992

Telephone: 530-755-9859



Project Description: Feather River West Levee Project

Biological Opinion No. 08ESMF00-2013-F-0342-R004

Species/Habitat Affected: 25.81 acres of riparian habitat

Credits to be Purchased: 14.89 Floodplain Riparian Habitat Enhanced credits and 10.92 Floodplain Riparian Habitat Restored credits

Payment Amount: $1,950,000.00

Project Location: Feather River, West Levee

County/Address: Sutter County, CA


Payee: Westervelt Ecological Services, LLC

Payer: Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency

Amount: One Million Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars

Method of payment: Cash Check No. Money Order No.

Received by: ______Date: ______(Signature)

Name: Title:

Cosumnes Floodplain Mitigation Bank Credit Sales Agreement Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency A Partnership for Flood Safety

August 14, 2019

TO: Board of Directors

FROM: Michael Bessette, Executive Director

SUBJECT: Approve and authorize the Executive Director to execute Amendment 3 to Task Order 21 with HDR Engineering for engineering support during construction of the Federal Sutter Basin Flood Risk Management Project (Cypress Avenue to Tudor Road)

Recommendation It is recommended that the Board of Directors authorize the Executive Director to execute Amendment 3 to Task Order 21 with HDR Engineering in the amount of $144,936 for engineering services associated with the Federal Sutter Basin Flood Risk Management (SBFRM) Project.

Background / Discussion In order to advance the Federal SBFRM Project, in May 2017, the Board approved Task Order 21 with HDR to advance the previously completed 65% design for the Project through final design. In February 2018, the Board approved Amendment 1 to that Task Order to cover additional work identified through design coordination with the USACE and IPE. In November 2018, the Board approved Amendment 2 to that Task Order to cover additional geotechnical evaluations and borings and the preparation of additional associated reports, drawings, plans and specifications. The Amendment 2 work also included groundwater well testing associated coordination with the Independent Panel of Experts and the Right of Way team. Subsequently, the USACE issued a construction contract and began construction in mid-2019. Construction includes excavation and placement of cutoff walls, which require monitoring to confirm tie-in into an impermeable layer. This Amendment 3 covers the additional efforts associated with providing monitoring and logging of cutoff wall excavations.

The work outlined in this proposed Amendment 3 scope has been divided into tasks in accordance with the work break down structure (WBS) shown on the attached overall work scope and budget and is consistent with the previously approved contract Task Order 21. The additional work outlined in this scope includes activities that fall within the following tasks:

• Project Management • Geotechnical Logging

Fiscal Impact The recommended action requests the approval of Amendment 3 to Task Order 21. The fee for the Amendment 3 work is $144,936. This action will obligate SBFCA to pay for the associated services delivered on a time and materials basis up to the respective Amended Task Order No 21 budget. These costs are included in the Final Amended 3 and 2-Year Budgets approved by the Board at the June 2019 meeting. The budget includes, within the USACE SBFRM Project program (731-94-1064), two accounts where funds have been budgeted for the

Page 1 of 2 Item 3 implementation of the SBFRM by the USACE. These accounts include 731-94-1064-65635 and 731-94-1064- 65634 where funds have been included for the following:

Account Purpose Budget (Total) 731-1064-65635 SBFCA Cash to USACE for PED / NED / LERDDs $5,430,757 731-1064-65634 Federal Project Consultant Costs $3,430,930 Total Federal Project Appropriations $8,861,687

To date, the SBFCA has the following creditable work obligations and cash payments to the USACE based upon approved contracts with vendors and the executed Project Partnership Agreements with the USACE and the State:

Contractor Task Order No. Scope of Work Amount HDR TO No. 21, AM 1 Design $1,788,364 HDR TO No. 21, AM 2 Design $290,411 HDR TO No. 23 (Fed Portion) ROW / Utilities Support $364,735 BRI TO No. 6 Right of Way Support $345,215 Strategic Value Solutions (SVS) N/A Value Engineering $86,388 Safety Assurance Review Panel N/A (No Longer Needed) $0 ECORP TO No. 3 & AM1 Section 106 Compliance $507,635 LWA N/A (Part of MSA Budget) Program Management $179,000 Cash Payments to USACE PED and PPA Payments $1,187,760 LERRDs Obligations Right of Way Acquisition $3,410,000 Total Obligations $8,159,508

The remaining available budget within the two available accounts is $702,179.

The scope of work included within the HDR Task Order 21 Amendment 3 described above falls within the remaining budgeted appropriations within the Final Amended 3 and 2-Year Budgets. As a result, the Board’s approval of the recommended action would have no net budgetary impact to the Final Amended 3 and 2-Year Budgets.

Attachment: HDR Task Order 21 Amendment 3 Scope and Budget

Page 2 of 2 Item 3 HDR Engineering Inc. Task Order 21 Amendment 3 Feather River West Levee Project 2

This Task Order amendment is associated with the Master Agreement between the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency and HDR Engineering Inc., dated July 14, 2010. Scope of Work See attached scope dated July 30, 2019. Schedule June 1, 2019 to November 30, 2020. Budget The budget for this amendment is not-to-exceed $144,936 based on the provisions of the Master Agreement. An assumed breakdown of work effort is provided in the attached Fee Summary table dated July 30, 2019. Special Provisions None

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year first written above.


By: By:




Feather River West Levee Cypress Avenue to Tudor Road

Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency Yuba City, California

July 30, 2019

2365 Iron Point Road, Suite 300 Folsom, CA 95630 Scope of Work

Contents Introduction ...... 1 Scope of Work ...... 1 1. Project Management ...... 2 1.1. Project Management ...... 2 1.2. Invoicing and Progress Reports...... 2 2. Design Engineering ...... 3 2.1. Engineering Services During Construction ...... 3 3. Agency Coordination ...... 4 3.1. Agency Coordination ...... 4 Fee Estimate ...... 5

Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency Feather River West Levee Improvements i C:\Users\djabbour\Desktop\Proposals\SBFCA\SBFCA TO 21 Cypress Tudor\Amendment 3\Sent to SBFCA\SBFCA TO 21 Amendment 3 Scope.docx July 30, 2019 Scope of Work

Introduction In 2017, SBFCA began coordination with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on advancing the 65% designs for the portion of the FRWL from Cypress Avenue to Tudor Road through final design and to construction. The HDR design team began that work in May of 2017 and completed final designs in October of 2018. Subsequently, the USACE issued a construction contract and began construction mid-2019. Construction includes excavation and placement of cutoff walls, which require monitoring to confirm tie-in into an impermeable layer. This amendment is for efforts associated with providing monitoring and logging of cutoff wall excavations.

Scope of Work The work outlined in this scope has been divided into tasks in accordance with the work break down structure (WBS) shown on the attached overall design schedule and consistent with our previously approved contract. The additional work outlined in this scope includes activities that fall within the following tasks:

 Project Management  Geotechnical Logging

Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency Feather River West Levee Improvements 1 C:\Users\djabbour\Desktop\Proposals\SBFCA\SBFCA TO 21 Cypress Tudor\Amendment 3\Sent to SBFCA\SBFCA TO 21 Amendment 3 Scope.docx July 30, 2019 Scope of Work

1. Project Management 1.1. Project Management HDR's project manager will manage the design contract scope, schedule and budget for all work outlined for Task Order 21 Amendment 3. Project management will also occur at the task level for each team member as shown on the attached breakdown of hours. HDR will also continue to act as Quality Assurance Manager for the project.

1.2. Invoicing and Progress Reports HDR will prepare separate monthly progress reports that document project activities and update the project schedule and budget status. Items that the progress report will include are:

 Financial status summary.  QA/QC review status. HDR will provide design schedule updates as needed.

Deliverables:  Monthly progress reports.

Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency Feather River West Levee Improvements 2 C:\Users\djabbour\Desktop\Proposals\SBFCA\SBFCA TO 21 Cypress Tudor\Amendment 3\Sent to SBFCA\SBFCA TO 21 Amendment 3 Scope.docx July 30, 2019 Scope of Work

2. Design Engineering 2.1. Engineering Services During Construction The HDR team will provide the following engineering services (monitoring and logging) during construction of the cutoff walls:

 The HDR team will develop a cutoff wall trench logging, documentation, and communication plan for the project. This plan will be the basis for HDR’s logging and documentation during construction of the cutoff wall.  For each work shift and heading of the cutoff wall, the HDR team will provide an engineer or geologist to document the materials encountered during the excavation for the slurry walls. The engineer or geologist at each heading will evaluate whether the materials encountered at the target design depths are consistent with the design assumptions and whether the wall can be terminated at the design depths. In cases where the subsurface conditions deviate from those indicated by the design explorations, it may be necessary for the wall to be deepened. In such cases, the heading representative will need to inform USACE of the required changes. If the desired key-in materials are not encountered within the estimated design depth plus the additional 10 feet, the engineer will immediately inform USACE of the fact.  The engineer will prepare cutoff wall trench logs during the cutoff wall excavations. Trench logs and a summary of activities will be submit to the construction management team on a weekly basis.  The HDR team will coordinate collection of QA samples for laboratory testing.


 Cutoff wall construction will be single-shifts and 6-days a week.  Three cutoff wall headings are assumed.  DMM activities will be covered by the roving supervisor.  Assumed duration of cutoff wall supervision is to July 12, 2019.  QA testing activities will cover cutoff wall construction only. No earthwork related QA sampling and testing will be required.  QA Logging of additional contractor explorations north of approximately Station 470+00 is not covered

Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency Feather River West Levee Improvements 3 C:\Users\djabbour\Desktop\Proposals\SBFCA\SBFCA TO 21 Cypress Tudor\Amendment 3\Sent to SBFCA\SBFCA TO 21 Amendment 3 Scope.docx July 30, 2019 Scope of Work

3. Agency Coordination 3.1. Agency Coordination HDR will coordinate with SBFCA and USACE as needed and as directed by SBFCA to discuss design and/or construction related issues, and meet program needs. In addition, HDR will attend the USACE PDT meetings.

Assumptions:  Bi-monthly PDT meetings. HDR will call into the meetings.

Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency Feather River West Levee Improvements 4 C:\Users\djabbour\Desktop\Proposals\SBFCA\SBFCA TO 21 Cypress Tudor\Amendment 3\Sent to SBFCA\SBFCA TO 21 Amendment 3 Scope.docx July 30, 2019 Scope of Work

Fee Estimate Attached please find HDR’s fee estimate for the scope of work described herein for Task Order 21 Amendment 3. The rates used in the individual fee tables correspond to the 2019 rates as established in our Master Services Agreement with SBFCA, dated July 14, 2010. Note that this is for a budgetary estimate only and that actual rates will be used. See the attached fee estimate for details.

Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency Feather River West Levee Improvements 5 C:\Users\djabbour\Desktop\Proposals\SBFCA\SBFCA TO 21 Cypress Tudor\Amendment 3\Sent to SBFCA\SBFCA TO 21 Amendment 3 Scope.docx July 30, 2019 HDR Geotechnical and Engineering Design Services Cypress Avenue to Tudor Road TOTAL FEE SUMMARY - TASK ORDER 21 Amendemnt 3

No. Task Description R HD AECOM Total Costs GEOTECHNICAL, SURVEYING, AND ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES 1 Project Management and Coordination 1.1 Project Management $ 2,438 $ - $ 2,438 1.2 Invoicing and Progress Reports $ 6,070 $ 1,923 $ 7,993 Subtotal Project Management and Coordination $ 8,508 $ 1,923 $ 10,431 2 Design Engineering 2.1 Engineering Services During Construction $ - $ 119,285 $ 119,285 Subtotal Design Engineering $ - $ 119,285 $ 119,285 3 Agency Coordination 3.1 Agency Coordination $ - $ - $ - Subtotal Agency Coordination $ 12,191 $ - $ 12,191 Subconsultant Markup (2.5%) $3,030 $3,030 TOTAL EFFORT $23,728 $121,208 $144,936 HDR Geotechnical and Engineering Design Services Cypress Avenue to Tudor Road TOTAL FEE SUMMARY - TASK ORDER 21 Amendment 3

Labor No. Task Description Total Labor Expenses Total Acct Clerical Total E7 E6 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 T4 T3 T2 T1 Survey ($) Hours Rates 290.25 239.81 210.15 186.28 146.87 125.38 106.26 138.51 120.60 111.04 84.78 129.14 109.47 5% GEOTECHNICAL, SURVEYING, AND ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES - FEATHER RIVER WEST LEVEE REHABILITATION EARLY IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT 1 Project Management and Coordination 1.1 Project Management 8 8 $ 2,322 $ 116.10 $ 2,438 1.2 Invoicing and Progress Reports 8 20 8 36 $ 5,781 $ 289.03 $ 6,070 Subtotal Project Management and Coordination 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 8 44 $ 8,103 $ 405 $ 8,508 2 Design Engineering 2.1 Engineering Services During Construction 0 $ - $ - $ - Subtotal Design Engineering 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ - $ - $ - 3 Agency Coordination 3.1 Agency Coordination 40 40 $ 11,610 $ 581 $ 12,191 Subtotal Agency Coordination 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40$ 11,610 $ 581 $ 12,191 TOTAL EFFORT 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 8 84 19,713 986 20,698 AECOM Geotechnical and Engineering Design Services Cypress Avenue to Tudor Road TOTAL FEE SUMMARY - TASK ORDER 21 Amendemnt 3

Labor No. Task Description Total Labor Expenses Total Acct Clerical Total E7 E6 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 T4 T3 T2 T1 Survey ($) Hours Rates 273.03 202.96 184.41 148.22 129.56 113.48 106.59 129.00 109.36 92.29 66.45 111.62 85.79 2.50% GEOTECHNICAL, SURVEYING, AND ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES - FEATHER RIVER WEST LEVEE REHABILITATION EARLY IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT 1 Project Management and Coordination 1.1 Project Management 0 $ - $ - 1.2 Invoicing and Progress Reports 5 5 10 $ 1,923 $ 1,923 Subtotal Project Management and Coordination 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 10 $ 1,923 $ - $ 1,923 2 Design Engineering 2.1 Engineering Services During Construction 8 260 160 70 500 998 $ 112,485 $ 6,800 $ 119,285 Subtotal Design Engineering 8 0 0 260 0 160 70 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 998 $ 112,485 $ 6,800 $ 119,285 3 Agency Coordination 3.1 Agency Coordination 0 $ - $ - Subtotal Agency Coordination 0 0 0000000000000$ - $ - $ - TOTAL EFFORT 13 0 0 260 0 160 70 0 0 500 0 0 5 0 1,008 114,408 6,800 121,208 Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency A Partnership for Flood Safety

August 14, 2019

TO: Board of Directors

FROM: Michael Bessette, Executive Director

SUBJECT: Approval of Plans and Specifications, and Consideration of Award of the Oroville Wildlife Area Flood Stage Reduction and Restoration - Interior Channel Bridge Project Construction Contract (Contract No. 04-2019-BR) to Viking Construction Company

Recommendations 1. Approve the Plans and Specifications for the Oroville Wildlife Area Flood Stage Reduction and Restoration – Interior Channel Bridge Project Construction Contract (Contract No. 04-2019-BR). 2. Authorize the Executive Director to award and execute a contract for the Oroville Wildlife Area Flood Stage Reduction and Restoration – Interior Channel Bridge Project Construction Contract (Contract No. 04-2019-BR) to Viking Construction Company in the amount of $1,294,540.83 3. Authorize the Executive Director to take any and all actions reasonably necessary to complete the work described in the contract, including the approval of minor contract amendments that, in the judgment of the Executive Director, will not materially alter the purpose of the contract or increase the total compensation due under the contract by more than $129,454 (10%), and to issue monthly progress payments to the contractor.

Background The overall Oroville Wildlife Area Flood Stage Reduction Project (Project) aims to reconnect the Oroville Wildlife Area (OWA) D-Unit to the Feather River and lower flood stages within the main channel, restore riparian and fish habitat, reduce post-flood maintenance and repairs, and provide recreational improvements. This Interior Channel Bridge Project consists of installing two pedestrian bridges and one emergency-access vehicle bridge within the Project area.

In accordance with CEQA, a Final IS/MND has been prepared for the Project documenting environmental impacts. The IS/MND was circulated for public review between May 27, 2016 and June 25, 2016. The SBFCA Board certified the subject CEQA document on August 10, 2016.

Discussion The Feather River West Levee Project – Oroville Wildlife Area Flood Stage Reduction and Restoration – Interior Channel Bridge Project (Contract No. 04-2019-BR) is consistent with SBFCA’s Strategic Plan.

Sealed bids for the Oroville Wildlife Area Flood Stage Reduction and Restoration – Interior Channel Bridge Project (Contract No. 04-2019-BR) were received and opened on July 30, 2019 at 2 p.m. One (1) sealed bid was received and opened, with the results as follows:

Rank Contractor Total Bid Price 1. Viking Construction Co. $1,294,540.83

Item 4 The updated Engineer’s Estimate for the project, based on revised designs and specifications as directed by the State of California Department of Water Resources, is $790,000. Since the received bid was considerably higher than the engineer’s estimate a thorough evaluation of the bid compared to the engineer’s estimate was conducted. The construction management team along with the engineer determined that the contractor’s unit bid prices are in line with current industry standards for this type of construction, and in particular taking into effect the challenging project site conditions. Staff has confirmed with the Contractor’s State License Board that the low bidder holds a current and proper license to legally perform the work and is in good standing.

Fiscal Impact The recommended action requests the approval to award the construction contract to Viking Construction Company. This action will obligate SBFCA to pay for the associated services up to the contract amount. The Final Approved Amended 3-Year and 2-Year Budgets includes budget for the construction of the OWA Flood Stage Reduction and Restoration Project based on the original cost estimates for the project and funding availability from SBFCA’s various grant sources. These approved budget amounts and grant sources are summarized as follows:

Construction SBFCA Budget Account Funding Source(s) Scope of Work Budget SBFCA & DWR EIP/UFRR Grant Weirs, Access Road & Culverts, 731-99-5001/6001-68940 $3,000,000 (@ 81%) Low Flow Road Crossing 731-99-2007-TBD CDFW Prop 1 Grant Box Culvert $5,648,836 731-99-7005-65721 WCB Prop 1 Grant (2017) Channels & Berms $4,149,100 731-99-200X-TBD WCB Prop 1 Grant (2019) Channels & Berms $1,542,100 SBFCA & DWR EIP/UFRR Grant Hydraulic Elements, Channels & 731-5001/6001-TBD $3,744,017 Amendment No. 6 Berms Parking & Site Access 731-99-7004-65721 WCB Public Access Grant $484,000 Improvements Total $18,568,053

As noted above, the lowest responsible bid plus 10% contingency ($1,423,994) is in excess of the engineer’s estimate for the project. However, the amount is within the budgeted appropriations included in the Final Amended 3 and 2-Year Budgets approved by the Board at the June 2019 meeting. As a result, the Board’s approval of the recommended action would have no net budgetary impact to the Final Amended 3 and 2-Year Budgets.

Attachment: Contract No. 04-2019-BR

Item 4 Contract No. 04-2019-BR


THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of , 20__, between Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency, a joint exercise of powers agency established pursuant to the laws of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as SBFCA, and , hereinafter referred to as "Contractor."


WHEREAS, the Governing Board of said SBFCA heretofore caused plans and specifications for the work hereinafter mentioned to be prepared, and did approve and adopt said plans and specifications; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Board of SBFCA did cause to be published for the time and in the manner required by law, a Notice inviting sealed bids for the performance of said work; and

WHEREAS, the Contractor, in response to such Notice, submitted to the Governing Board of said SBFCA within the time specified in said Notice, and in the manner provided for therein, a sealed bid for the performance of the work specified in said plans and specifications, which said bid and proposal, and the other bids and proposals submitted in response to said Notice, the Governing Board of SBFCA publicly opened and canvassed in the manner provided by law; and

WHEREAS, the Contractor was the lowest responsible bidder for the performance of said work, and said Governing Board of SBFCA, as a result of the canvass of said bids, did determine and declare Contractor to be the lowest responsible bidder for said work and award to a contract therefor.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises herein, it is mutually agreed between the parties hereto as follows:


The following documents are by this reference incorporated in and made a part of this Agreement: the Agreement Form; the Plans; the General Specifications; the Special Provisions; the Technical Provisions; the Standard Forms; Supplemental Drawings; all addenda; the Notice to Contractors; the Proposal; all required bonds and insurance; and all supplemental Agreements covering alterations, amendments, or extensions to the Contract. The documents which describe the work to be performed are sometimes collectively referred to herein as the Plans and Specifications. 2. SCOPE OF WORK

1 The Contractor will furnish all labor, materials, services, transportation, appliances, and mechanical workmanship required for Contract No. 04-2019-BR, Oroville Wildlife Area Interior Channel Bridge Improvement Project, as provided for and set forth in the Contract Documents.

All of the said work done under this Agreement shall be under the supervision of and performed to the satisfaction of the Engineer of SBFCA, or the Engineer's authorized agent or assistant, who shall have the right to reject any and all materials and supplies furnished by the Contractor which do not comply with the Contract Documents, together with the right to require the Contractor to replace any and all work furnished by the Contractor which shall not either in workmanship or material be in strict accordance with the Contract Documents.

3. DEFINITIONS Unless otherwise specifically provided herein, all words and phrases defined in the General Specifications shall have the same meaning and intent in this Agreement.


Said work shall be completed and ready for acceptance by August 30, 2020.

Time is of the essence in this Agreement and the Contract Documents. Failure of Contractor to complete the Work by the completion date and in the manner provided for by the Contract Documents shall subject Contractor to liquidated damages as provided in the Contract Documents.


Attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by reference made a part hereof, is the bid and proposal of Contractor. Said bid and proposal containing, as required by the terms of said specifications, the full and complete schedule of the different items with the lump sums or unit prices as so specified.

SBFCA agrees, in consideration of the work to be performed herein and subject to the terms and conditions hereof, to pay Contractor all sums of money which may become due to Contractor in accordance with the terms of the aforesaid bid and proposal, and this Agreement, to wit: $1,294,540.83.

Said sum shall be paid in accordance with Section 8 of these Specifications. With respect to that portion of the above sum as is based upon the estimated quantities specified for the general scope of the work to be performed herein, actual payment will be based upon the quantities as measured upon completion. No payment made under this Agreement shall be construed to be an acceptance of defective work or improper materials.


When, under this provisions of the Contract Documents, SBFCA shall charge any sum of money against Contractor, SBFCA shall deduct and retain the amount of such charge from the amount of the next succeeding progress payment, or from any other monies due or that may become due to Contractor from SBFCA. If, on completion or termination of the Contract, sums due Contractor are insufficient to pay SBFCA’s charges against Contractor, SBFCA shall have the right to recover the balance from Contractor or its sureties.


Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 1 and 2 of Chapter 1, Part 7, Division II, of the Labor Code of the State of California, not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holidays and overtime work, for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to execute the work contemplated under this Agreement shall be paid to all workers, laborers, and mechanics employed in the execution of said work by Contractor, or by any subcontractor doing or contracting to do any part of said work. The appropriate determination of the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations is filed with, and available for inspection, at the office of the Clerk of the Governing Board.

This is a construction project in accordance with Section 1771.5 of the California Labor Code. This Contract is subject to: (1) Federal Labor Standards Provisions as required by the Davis-Bacon Act and other applicable Federal requirements, (2) Equal Employment Opportunity requirements pursuant to Executive Order 11246, and (3) Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) development pursuant to Executive Order 12432.

All labor on the project shall be paid no less than the minimum wage rates as established by the U.S. Secretary of Labor or as determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations. The higher of the two rates will be paid in accordance with the following acts and codes:

(1) The Davis-Bacon Act, and

(2) Section 1770, and following, of the California Labor Code.

A copy of the minimum wage rates, as established by the U.S. Secretary of Labor, and copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages, as determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations, are on file at the office of the Clerk of the Sutter County and Butte County Boards of Supervisors, at the addresses provided in the Notice to Contractors or on the internet at

Contractor shall post, at each job site, a copy of such prevailing rate of per diem wages as determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations and by the U.S. Secretary of Labor.


The Contractor shall carry and maintain at all required times such public liability, property damage and contractual liability, auto, Workers' Compensation, Builders' Risk Insurance, and such other insurance as required by the General Specifications and Special Provisions, including in the specified coverages, amounts and durations.


By execution of this Agreement, the Contractor certifies as follows: "I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Contract.”


The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless SBFCA and the Engineer (including their officers, agents, members, employees, affiliates, and representatives) as set forth in Section 6 of the General Specifications.


Neither the inspection by SBFCA or its agents, nor any order or certificate for payment of money, nor any payment for, nor acceptance of the whole or any part of the Work by SBFCA, nor any extensions of time, nor any position taken by SBFCA or its agents shall operate as a waiver of any provision of this Agreement or the Contract Documents or of any power herein reserved to SBFCA or any right to damages herein provided, nor shall any waiver of any breach of this Agreement or of the Contract Documents be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. All remedies provided in this Agreement and in the Contract Documents shall be taken and construed as cumulative; that is, in addition to each and every other remedy provided in this Agreement and/or the Contract Documents, and SBFCA shall have any and all equitable and legal remedies, which it would in any case have.


A. CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate against any employee, applicant for employment, or volunteer because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, or physical or mental handicap. CONTRACTOR shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, or physical or mental handicap. Such action shall include, but not be limited to,

4 the following: employment, promotion, demotion or transfer; recruitment or advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; or selection for training, including apprenticeship. CONTRACTOR agrees to post, in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices that CONTRACTOR shall provide an atmosphere free of sexual harassment for employees, clients, volunteers and the general public.

B. CONTRACTOR shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of CONTRACTOR, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, or physical or mental handicap.


Reference Government Debarment and Suspension (49 CFR Part 29)

The Contractor certifies, by acceptance of this contract, that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in a Federally funded contract by any Federal department or agency. It further agrees by executing this contract that it will include this clause without modification in all lower tier transactions, solicitations, proposals, contracts, and subcontracts.


The following provision is included in this Agreement pursuant to California Public Contract Code section 7103.5.

“In entering into a public works contract or subcontract to supply goods, services, or materials pursuant to a public works contract, the contractor or subcontractor offers and agrees to assign to the awarding body all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 16700 of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arising from purchases of goods, services, or materials pursuant to the public works contract or subcontract. This assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the awarding body tenders final payment to the contractor, without further acknowledgment by the parties.”


It is the policy of the State of California, as stated in Public Contract Code Section 7110, that anyone who enters into a contract with a state agency shall recognize the importance of child and family support obligations and shall fully comply with all applicable state and federal laws relating to child and family support enforcement, including but not limited to, disclosure of information and compliance with earnings assignment orders, as provided in Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 5200) of Part 5 of Division 9 of the Family Code. In compliance with Section 7110, the Contractor,

5 by his or her signature on this Agreement: 1) acknowledges that the Contractor is aware of the state policy identified herein; and 2) the Contractor, to the best of his or her knowledge, is fully complying with, and will continue to fully comply with, the earnings assignment orders of all employees and is providing the names of all new employees to the New Hire Registry maintained by the State Employment Development Department.


Neither this Agreement nor any rights herein of Contractor shall be assigned without the written consent of SBFCA first obtained.


This Agreement is entered into solely between SBFCA and Contractor. There are no third party beneficiaries, intended, unintended, or otherwise to this Agreement.


This Agreement shall bind and inure to the heirs, devisees, assignees, and successors in interest of Contractor and to the successors in interest of SBFCA in the same manner as if such parties had been expressly named herein.

As used in this instrument the singular includes the plural, and the masculine includes the feminine and the neuter.

This Agreement may create a possessory interest subject to property taxation, and Contractor may be subject to the payment of property taxes levied on such interest.

6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, SBFCA and Contractor have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written.

Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency CONTRACTOR a Joint Powers Agency of the State of California By: By: Authorized Representative Executive Director ______Print

Forms Approved by SBFCA Counsel ______Title

______Scott Shapiro Agency Counsel Contract Management Services


Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency A Partnership for Flood Safety

August 14, 2019

TO: Board of Directors

FROM: Michael Bessette, Executive Director

SUBJECT: Approve the application for grant funds from the California Natural Resources Agency and authorize the Executive Director to execute an agreement for sediment management and invasive species removal activities.

Recommendation Approve Resolution 2019-06 which grants authority to the Executive Director to execute, upon review and approval of counsel, a grant agreement with the California Natural Resources Agency, as well as any related documentation for implementing sediment management and invasive species removal activities within the Feather River.

Background In late 2018, SBFCA was notified that it has been selected to receive $5,000,000 in Prop 68 funding from the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) to conduct sediment management and invasive species removal activities within the Feather River.

To distribute the funding, CNRA wishes to execute a grant agreement with SBFCA through their River Parkways Grant Program and requires evidence, through a resolution, that SBFCA’s Executive Director has authority to execute the agreement and any related documentation. SBFCA staff and counsel will review the draft agreement from WCB once it becomes available to ensure that the provisions are acceptable to SBFCA.

Fiscal Impact There is no net budgetary impact from the Board’s approval of the recommended action. Upon execution of a contract, analysis of the impact of the obligation will be presented to the Board. The current 3- and 2- Year Final Approved budgets include budget for this work. The total State cost-share for the work covered by this grant is 100%.

Attachment: Resolution 2019-06

Item 5



WHEREAS, the Legislature and Governor of the State of California have provided funds for the program shown above; and

WHEREAS, the California Natural Resources Agency has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of this grant program, establishing necessary procedures; and

WHEREAS, said procedures established by the California Natural Resources Agency require a resolution certifying the approval of application(s) by the Applicants governing board before submission of said application(s) to the State; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant, if selected, will enter into an agreement with the State of California to carry out the project

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency hereby:

1. Approves the filing of an application for sediment management and invasive species removal activities within the Feather River; and,

2. Certifies that Applicant understands the assurances and certification in the application; and,

3. Certifies that it will comply with all provisions of Section 1771.5 of the California Labor Code; and,

4. Certifies that the project will comply with any laws and regulations including, but not limited to, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), health and safety codes, and that prior to commencement of construction, all applicable permits will have been obtained; and,

5. Certifies that applicant will work towards the State Planning Priorities intended to promote equity, strengthen the economy, protect the environment, and promote public health and safety as included in Government Code Section 65041.1, and

6. Appoints the Executive Director, or designee, as agent to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to applications, agreements, payment requests and so on, which may be necessary for the completion of the aforementioned project(s).

Approved and adopted the 14th day of August, 2019.

I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution Number 2019-06 was duly adopted by the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency.

______Shon Harris, Chair

Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency A Partnership for Flood Safety

August 14, 2019

TO: Board of Directors

FROM: Michael Bessette - Executive Director

SUBJECT: Approval of an agreement with InContext to Prepare a Regional Ethnographic Study for the Feather River West Levee Project

Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Board authorize the Executive Director to execute a contract with InContext to prepare a regional ethnographic study to comply with mitigation required for the Feather River West Levee Project (reference the attached Agreement for Professional Services).

Background The Feather River West Levee Project (Project) is located along a 41-mile corridor of the west levee of the Feather River from the Thermalito Afterbay to a point approximately 4 miles north of the Sutter Bypass. The Project required authorization from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) under Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC §408) to alter the levees subject to repair. In addition, because the Project resulted in temporary and permanent impacts on waters of the United States, a permit under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC §1344) was required. Because the Project had the potential to affect historic properties (resources on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places) and because federal authorizations qualify as undertakings, compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act was required for the Project. As a result of that consultation, coupled with the discovery of human remains and Native American sites during construction activities in circa 2014, the Corps required the development and implementation of the 2016 “Resource Specific Treatment Plan for Seven Prehistoric Archaeological Sites in the Feather River West Levee Project, Project Areas B and C, Sutter County, California” (ICF International) to stipulate mitigation for impacts to those sites. Of the mitigation measures required by the Corps is the preparation of a regional ethnographic study.

Thus, the Corps requires, as a condition of its permits and authorizations for the Project, that an ethnographic study of the lower Feather River region be conducted by an anthropologist who meets Secretary of Interior Standards for cultural anthropology. Goals of the study will be to document the traditional lifeways of Native American groups with ties to the lower Feather River watershed. The study will include, but not be limited to: interviews with tribal elders, interviews with tribal monitors, interviews with traditionalists, existing ethnographic literature, oral histories, historic documentation and/or maps, linguistic studies, and archaeological research.

Staff initiated a nationwide search for a qualified ethnographer in 2015 to meet this requirement. Requests for proposals were advertised in May 2015, August 2015, and May 2016. Through a competitive bid process that included an interview in October 2016, SBFCA, in consultation with the United Auburn Indian Community, selected InContext as the preferred ethnographer.

After contract negotiations on scope and cost, InContext submitted a final proposal to SBFCA in May 2019 in the amount of $124,922.80 (reference the attached Agreement for Professional Services).

Fiscal Impact Board approval of staff’s recommendation will obligate SBFCA to pay $124,922.80, on a time and materials basis, for the preparation of an ethnographic study for the Feather River West Levee Project. This expenditure is within

Item 6 the budgeted appropriation limits of the Final Amended 3- & 2- Year Budgets (731-5001/6001-67401, 68401 & 68901 – Environmental Mitigation) and is within the planned costs for the project. There is no net budgetary impact from the Board’s approval of the recommended action.


1. Agreement for Professional Services

Item 6


Scope of Work Understanding and Approach: Ethnographic Study of the Lower Feather River Watershed

Understanding of the Scope of Work

Our understanding of the Project is based on the April 9, 2019 Request for Ethnographic Services and telephone conversations between Lisa Westwood of ECORP and Trish Fernandez of InContext.

The Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency (SBFCA) is required to complete the Regional Ethnographic Study (Study) of the lower Feather River Watershed (Watershed). The Watershed is defined as beginning downstream of and includes the area tributary to the Feather River as it flows approximately 60 miles north to south before entering the at Verona. The Watershed encompasses approximately 803 square miles of Sutter, Yuba, and Butte Counties. SBFCA is seeking a cost proposal from InContext to prepare the Study in accordance with the Resource Specific Treatment Plan for Seven Prehistoric Sites in the Feather River West Levee Project, Contracts B and C, Sutter County, California (ICF 2016). InContext proposes to enter into a contract with SBFCA to complete the Study. We understand the following:

1. The goal of the Study is to document the traditional lifeways of Native American groups with ties to the Watershed. 2. The Study will consider Tribal views and information from the Enterprise Rancheria Estom Yumeka Maidu Tribe (Enterprise), the United Auburn Indian Community of the Auburn Rancheria (UAIC), and other Tribes as appropriate. 3. The Study will respect Tribal confidentiality. 4. The Study will included, but will not be limited, to: interviews with Tribal elders, interviews with Tribal monitors, interviews with traditionalists, existing ethnographic literature, oral histories, historic documentation and/or maps, linguistic studies, and archaeological research. 5. The Study will result in an Ethnographic Report subject to review by the US Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District (Corps) and the California State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). 6. All scheduled items assume reviewers will provide comments on deliverables no more than 30 calendar days from the date reviewers receive the item to review. 7. Unless otherwise stated, all deliverables will be in digital format and submitted electronically.

Scope of Work – Understanding and Approach Professional Ethnographic Services SBFCA (#1922) May 9, 2019 1 Definitions For the purpose of this SOW Understanding and Approach, the following definitions apply:

ECORP: Subconsultant to SBFCA; employee Lisa Westwood is authorized representative of SBFCA Elders/Traditionalists: Tribal individuals recognized by the Tribal community as having extensive knowledge of Tribal traditional beliefs, practices, and places Consultant: Tribal individuals consulted with in the gathering of ethnographic data Monitors: Tribal employee; not necessarily Tribal member Tribal: of or pertaining to the Enterprise Rancheria Estom Yumeka Maidu Tribe, the United Auburn Indian Community of the Auburn Rancheria, or other groups/entities/individuals identified as Native American Contacts in Sutter, Butte, or Yuba counties through outreach or inquiry as part of the Study with the Native American Heritage Commission

Approach to the Scope of Work

Task 01. Project Management Contract Management - InContext will provide senior level project management staff (Project Director) and administrative staff to ensure the project progresses according to schedule and within budget. Our project management staff will also monitor staff activities and deliverables in relation to the terms, stipulations, and scope of the contract. InContext proposes monthly communication (scheduled emails or phone calls) with SBFCA and its authorized representative to monitor and track the progress of the contracted tasks and goals. Project Communications - InContext will provide senior level management staff (Project Director) and senior level technical staff (Ethnographer) to maintain communication and communication protocol amongst SBFCA, ECORP, InContext, the Corps, the SHPO, the UAIC, Enterprise, and other tribes as appropriate. If necessary, meetings will be held with these entities on a monthly basis at the SBFCA office in Yuba City.

Assumptions Our cost estimate assumes there will be no more than 12 Project Management meetings.

Task 02. Study Plan The Study Plan will present InContext’s proposed research methods, report outline, expected outcomes, anticipated impacts of the research, expectations regarding anonymity and credit, confidentiality, ownership, dissemination, and the rights and responsibilities of Consultants. At this time, the proper form

Scope of Work – Understanding and Approach Professional Ethnographic Services SBFCA (#1922) May 9, 2019 2 of Consultant consent forms will be established, and accurate mailing addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses will be provided by Tribes for all intended Consultants throughout the life of the Project. The cost estimate/budget will be reviewed by InContext and SBFCA at this time to ensure it is appropriate to address the Study Plan.

Assumptions Our cost estimate and schedule assume the following: • SBFCA will take no more than 14 days to review and comment • InContext will prepare the final within 7 days’ receipt of SBFCA comments • no more than one draft and one final will be produced • the draft and final will be submitted in digital format only via email or other secure form of digital transfer • one introductory field trip will be conducted with SBFCA and InContext

Task 03. Research Archival research will be conducted at local museums, Chico State University, the California State Library, the California State Archives, and the National Archives in San Bruno, California. Interviews will be conducted with Tribal Consultants, which may include field visits, on-site and off-site interviews, and attendance of Tribal Council and committee meetings. Interviews will be recorded, if the Tribal Consultant agrees, and transcripts made.

Assumptions Our cost estimate assumes the following: • InContext will coordinate and work directly with Tribal Members/Informants to schedule interviews and field visits. • Interviews will occur over the course of 10.5 days and 3 all-day field visits with informants. • Additional interviews (past 10.5 days and 3 field visits) for any reason will require a budget augment.

Task 04. Ethnographic Report The Ethnographic Report will include all relevant and necessary graphics and appendices, which may include copies of primary documentation, copies of previously recorded cultural resources within the Watershed, and copies of newly identified cultural resources within the Watershed. Four rounds of revisions will be conducted, resulting in the Final Report as follows:

Scope of Work – Understanding and Approach Professional Ethnographic Services SBFCA (#1922) May 9, 2019 3 1. First Draft: SBFCA and Tribal Review/InContext Revisions 2. Second Draft: SBFCA Review/InContext Revisions 3. Third Draft: Corps Review/InContext Revisions 4. Fourth Draft: SHPO Review/InContext Revisions 5. Final for distribution to Reviewers

Schedule InContext will submit the First Draft Ethnographic Report to SBFCA and Tribes no more twelve months after a contract for these services is fully executed between SBFCA and InContext. Within sixty days of receipt of non-conflicting comments from SBFCA, InContext will prepare the Second Draft Ethnographic Report that will be responsive to SBFCA comments. InContext will prepare each subsequent draft with in sixty days of receipt of non-conflicting comments from each Reviewing group.

Proposed Project Schedule

The projected schedule is provided below. Day 1 is the day after the contract between SBFCA and InContext is fully executed. All days are calendar days and include federal holidays. This schedule provides for the first draft of the Ethnography Report to be delivered to SBFCA within one year of contract execution. The Final Ethnography Report would be produced (after four drafts) within two years of contract execution.

PRECEDED BY REVIEW/REVISION TIME TASK DESCRIP BEGIN COMPLETE OF PREVIOUS DELIVERABLE: 1 Management Day 1 contract completion n/a 2 Study Plan Day 2 Day 30 n/a 3 Research Day 51 Day 274 14 days / 7 days 4 Draft 1 to SBFCA / Tribes Day 275 Day 365 n/a 4 Draft 2 to SBFCA Day 395 Day 455 30 days / 60 days 4 Draft 3 to Corps Day 485 Day 545 30 days / 60 days 4 Draft 4 to SHPO Day 575 Day 635 30 days / 60 days 4 Final to Reviewers Day 665 Day 725 30 days /60 days

Scope of Work – Understanding and Approach Professional Ethnographic Services SBFCA (#1922) May 9, 2019 4 EXHIBIT B

Cost Estimate Ethnography for Lower Feather River Watershed Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency InContext #8025-1922


01. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project Director $135.00 72 $9,720.00 Ethnographer $115.00 72 $8,280.00 Admin $51.00 72 $3,672.00 $21,672.00 Reimbursable Expenses Mileage $0.580 1800 $1,044.00 $1,044.00 plus 10% fee $104.40 $1,148.40 $22,820.40

02. STUDY PLAN Project Director $135.00 20 $2,700.00 Ethnographer $115.00 12 $1,380.00 GIS/Graphics $75.00 4 $300.00 Admin $51.00 4 $204.00 $4,584.00 Reimbursable Expenses Mileage $0.580 500 $290.00 $290.00 plus 10% fee $29.00 $319.00 $4,903.00

03. RESEARCH Project Director $135.00 60 $8,100.00 Ethnographer (Archival) $115.00 216 $24,840.00 Research Assistant $50.00 40 $2,000.00 GIS/Graphics $75.00 12 $900.00 Admin $51.00 12 $612.00 $36,452.00 Reimbursable Expenses Mileage (Archival) $0.580 2800 $1,624.00 Photocopies $400.00 Trimble GPS (Geo 6000) $95.00 3 $285.00 Pathfinder GPS Software $35.00 3 $105.00 Vehicle Rental (5 passenger vehicle) $100.00 3 $300.00 Gas for Rental Van $50.00 3 $150.00 Lodging (GSA Yuba/Butte Counties) $89.00 3 $267.00 Meals & Incidentals (GSA Yuba/Butte Counties) $51.00 3 $153.00 Tribal Informant Fee $40.00 96 $3,840.00 $7,124.00 plus 10% fee $712.40 $7,836.40 $44,288.40

04. REPORT Project Director $135.00 84 $11,340.00 Ethnographer $105.00 300 $31,500.00 Research Assistant $50.00 100 $5,000.00 GIS/Graphics $72.00 24 $1,728.00 Editor $51.00 40 $2,040.00 Admin $51.00 18 $918.00 $52,526.00 Reimbursable Expenses Misc. $25.00 4 $100.00 Photocopies (B&W) $250.00 $350.00 plus 10% fee $35.00 $385.00 $52,911.00

TOTAL $124,922.80

Proposal No. 1922 5/9/20192:07 PM 1 of 1

Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency A Partnership for Flood Safety

August 14, 2019

TO: Board of Directors

FROM: Michael Bessette, Executive Director

SUBJECT: Approve and direct the transmittal of the 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update for ULOP to the Central Valley Flood Protection Board

Recommendation Staff requests that SBFCA, in its capacity as the Local Flood Management Agency (LFMA) for the Sutter Butte Basin, approve the attached 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update for ULOP (2019 Annual Report) and direct its transmittal to the Central Valley Flood Protection Board as required by California Senate Bill 5.

Background In June 2016, SBFCA, acting as the LFMA for the Sutter Butte Basin, approved a series of evidentiary documents in order to support local land use agencies’ findings of Adequate Progress. In order for the local land use agencies findings to remain valid, Government Code Section 65007 (a) requires that the LFMA report annually to the Central Valley Flood Protection Board on its efforts in working toward completion of the urban flood protection system. To fulfill this ongoing reporting requirement, staff requests that the SBFCA Board approve the attached 2019 Annual Report and transmit it to the CVFPB.

The 2019 Annual Report follows the same format as the Adequate Progress Report prepared in 2016 as part of the evidentiary documentation package approved by SBFCA. Adequate Progress, as defined by state law, must address the revenues and expenditures by the LFMA furthering the completion of the flood protection system. Specifically, Government Code Section 65007(a)(2)(A) states: “Revenues that are sufficient to fund each year of the project schedule developed in paragraph (1) have been identified and, in any given year and consistent with that schedule, at least 90 percent of the revenues scheduled to be received by that year have been appropriated and are currently being expended.”

The 2019 Annual Report content has been supplemented to address this requirement as it relates to an additional annual reporting requirement. Specifically, the 2019 Annual Report documents that for FY 2018/19 SBFCA’s actual revenues were $18.9 million (well above projections) and SBFCA’s projected expenses for FY 2018/19 in August 2018 were $2.9 million and SBFCA’s actual expenditures were $2.9 million (on par with projections). SBFCA updated budgeted expenditures for Fiscal Year 2019/20 and 2020/21 to incorporate a conservative projection of State funding. All revenues for the FRWLP1 have been identified and all revenues scheduled to be received are being expended. Based upon this analysis, SBFCA is compliant with Government Code Section 65007(a).

In addition, the 2019 Annual Report documents that there has not been a significant delay in the completion of the system. Upon transmission of the 2019 Annual Report to the Central Valley Flood Protection Board, the local land use agencies will be able to validate that their adequate progress findings are still effective.

1 Item 7

Fiscal Impact The recommended action does not obligate the agency to incur any expenditures nor will it generate any new revenues for the agency. Therefore, there is no net budgetary impact as a result of the Board’s approval of the recommended action.

Attachment:  Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency Urban Level of Protection 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update, August 14, 2019

2 Item 7


Urban Level of Protection 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update

August 14, 2019

Prepared By: 2450 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 240 Sacramento, CA 95833 Main: 530 – 665 – 8222 Fax: 530 – 406 – 1335 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ...... 1 1.1. Urban Level of Flood Protection ...... 1 1.2. Land Use and Flood Management Agency Requirements for ULOP ...... 1 1.3. SBFCA Approach to ULOP ...... 2 2.0 SBFCA Flood Protection System Background and Plan ...... 8 3.0 Adequate Progress toward ULOP ...... 11 3.1. Identified Revenues & Critical Features under Construction ...... 11 3.2. Summary of Scope, Schedule & Cost to Complete the Facilities ...... 14 4.0 Applicable Geographic Area reliant on Adequate Progress ...... 22 5.0 Revenues have been Appropriated and are Being Expended ...... 24

List of Tables Table 1: Summary of DWR Funding for the Feather River West Levee Phase 1 Project ...... 12 Table 2: Summary of FRWLP1 Reaches & Improvements (Updated) ...... 16 Table 3: Feather River West Levee Phase 1 Project Cost Estimate ...... 19 Table 4: Feather River West Levee Phase 1 Remaining Cost Estimate ...... 20 Table 5: SBFCA FRWLP1 Historical and Projected Revenues & Expenditures ...... 25

List of Figures Figure 1: Sutter Butte Basin ...... 9 Figure 2: FRWLP1 Phasing Map ...... 13 Figure 3: SBFCA FRWLP1 Schedule ...... 21 Figure 4: Applicable Geographic Area of ULOP in Sutter-Butte Basin ...... 23

Appendices Appendix A - SBFCA Approved Annual Budget

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. i SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

1.0 Introduction Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. (LWA) has been engaged by the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency (SBFCA) to prepare this document to support the ongoing demonstration of “Adequate Progress” toward the achievement of an Urban Level of Flood Protection (ULOP) within the Sutter-Butte Basin. SBFCA is the “Local Flood Management Agency” (LFMA) for the Sutter-Butte Basin and as such, has the responsibility to prepare an annual report demonstrating adequate progress as defined in California Government Code Section 65007 (a). 1.1. Urban Level of Flood Protection The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) developed certain guidance and ULOP criteria in response to requirements outlined in the Central Valley Flood Protection Act of 2008, enacted by SB 5 in 2007 and amended by subsequent legislation (2007 California Flood Legislation). DWR developed the ULOP criteria to assist affected cities and counties within the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley, in making the findings related to an urban level of flood protection before approving certain land use entitlements in accordance with the 2007 California Flood Legislation. California Government Code Section 65007(n) provide that: “Urban level of flood protection” means the level of protection that is necessary to withstand flooding that has a 1-in-200 chance of occurring in any given year using criteria consistent with, or developed by, the Department of Water Resources. “Urban level of flood protection” shall not mean shallow flooding or flooding from local drainage that meets the criteria of the national Federal Emergency Management Agency standard of flood protection.” 1.2. Land Use and Flood Management Agency Requirements for ULOP Following the effective date of the 2007 California Flood Legislation-related zoning ordinance amendments, in order for local communities to approve tentative subdivision maps, parcel maps, development agreements, or other discretionary permits or entitlements for all projects within an area located in a flood hazard zone, the local community must make one of the following findings: • That the flood management systems are in place that protect the property to the urban level of flood protection for an urban or urbanizing area (or a FEMA level or protection for all other areas); or, • That conditions imposed by the local community on a property, development project, or subdivision are sufficient to protect the property to the urban level of flood protection for an urban or urbanizing area; or, • That the LFMA has made “Adequate Progress” on the construction of a flood protection system that will provide the necessary level of flood protection for the location of the proposed development; or, • That property in an undetermined risk area has met the urban level of flood protection based on substantial evidence in the record. Land use agencies also must make one of these findings before approving a ministerial permit for all projects that would result in the construction of a new residence.

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 1 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

The Adequate Progress finding has been defined by the 2007 California Flood Legislation (see Government Code §65007(a)) to require, at the time the finding is made by the local community, the following: • The development of the scope, schedule and cost to complete flood protection facilities; • Documentation that revenues have been identified to support implementation of the flood protection facilities; • Critical features of the flood protection facilities are under construction and progressing; • The local flood management agency has provided DWR and the Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB) information to determine substantial completion of the required flood protection. In July 2016, SBFCA prepared its first Adequate Progress Report that addressed this required information. In addition, the LFMA will document annually: • That 90% of the required revenue scheduled to be received has been appropriated and is being expended; • Critical features of the flood protection system are under construction and progressing based on the actual expenditures of the construction budget; and, • The City or County has not been responsible for a significant delay in the completion of the system.

In addition, the 2007 California Flood Control Legislation requires the local flood management agency to: • Report annually to the Central Valley Flood Protection Board on the status of progress toward completion of the flood protection system for the effective purpose of validating that the adequate progress finding is still effective. While not defined in State law, DWR has prepared guidance that establishes that the effective period for a finding of adequate progress is applicable if the local community plans to rely on a previous finding for subsequent approvals. Under the DWR guidance, in general, a local community may rely on prior adequate progress findings for subsequent approvals if adequate progress continues to be made and periodic reviews by an engineer support continued findings. This 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report update serves as SBFCA third annual report pursuant to this requirement and is intended to satisfy the above requirements so that the Land Use Agencies in the Sutter-Butte Basin may rely on any respective prior findings of Adequate Progress. 1.3. SBFCA Approach to ULOP SBFCA’s June 2016 Adequate Progress Report was prepared to provide information for the Cities and Counties located within the Sutter-Butte Basin so that they may rely upon the report to support their respective findings of adequate progress for land use decisions for areas within the Sutter- Butte Basin. Based on DWR’s ULOP criteria, the evidentiary requirements supporting an Adequate Progress finding include (for the EVD-3 package) the items listed in the matrix below. SBFCA’s approach to addressing the requirements is shown opposite each listed criteria.

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 2 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Criteria SBFCA Approach Evidence at Time Adequate Progress Finding is Made (EVD-3) A report prepared by the local flood The June 2016 Adequate Progress Report, management agency demonstrating in combination with the documentation adequate progress as defined in California referenced within it demonstrates Government Code Section 65007(a). adequate progress.

A report prepared by a Professional Civil SBFCA has developed the following two Engineer registered in California to Engineer’s Reports to demonstrate ULDC document the data and analyses for compliance for the flood protection system: demonstrating the property, development • Engineer’s Report, Feather River West project, or subdivision will have an urban Levee Phase I ULDC Compliance, Final level of flood protection at the time when the Report July 5, 2016 flood protection system is completed. • Engineer’s Report, Star Bend Setback Levee, ULDC Compliance, July 1, 2016

A report by an Independent Panel of Experts The following two reports were prepared on the review of the report(s) prepared by by an Independent Panel of Experts (IPE) the Professional Civil Engineer. based upon their review of the Engineer’s Reports:

• IPE Review of the Draft Engineer’s Report “Feather River West Levee Phase I ULDC Compliance” and IPE Letter of Concurrence (June 30, 2016)

• IPE Review of the Draft Engineer’s Report “Star Bend Setback Levee ULDC Compliance” and IPE Letter of Concurrence (June 30, 2016)

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 3 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Criteria SBFCA Approach A response by the Professional Civil The following two letters were prepared Engineer to the comments from the addressing the response to the IPE review Independent Panel of Experts. of the Engineer’s Reports: • Letter dated July 5, 2016 from Michael Bessette re: “Professional Civil Engineer’s Response to the Independent Panel of Experts’ Comments” (re: FRWLP1)

• Letter dated July 5, 2016 from Wood Rodgers re: “Professional Civil Engineer’s Response to the Independent Panel of Experts’ Comments” (re: Star Bend Setback Levee)

The most recent annual report prepared by The June 2016 Adequate Progress Report, the local flood management agency that was as well as this and future annual updates submitted to the Central Valley Flood that are submitted to the Central Valley Protection Board documenting the efforts in Flood Protection Board will support the working toward completion of the flood annual requirements to maintain Adequate protection system. Progress.

Adequate Progress Criteria (Government Code §65007(a)) - at Time Adequate Progress Finding is Made

The development of the scope, schedule The June 2016 Adequate Progress Report and cost to complete flood protection documents the scope schedule and cost of facilities; remaining flood protection facilities. This 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update includes updated cost information based on new information and any additional changes identified since the August 2018 Adequate Progress Report Update. The estimated costs of SBFCA’s program have been updated with actual costs incurred. The cost of the remaining flood protection facilities is detailed in section 3.2 Summary of Scope, Schedule & Cost to Complete the Facilities.

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 4 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Criteria SBFCA Approach Documentation that revenues have been The June 2016 Adequate Progress Report identified to support implementation of the documents the identified sources of flood protection facilities; funding for the flood protection facilities. The 2018 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update includes updated information on new funding utilized to complete the required flood protection facilities. This 2019 Annual Adequate Progress report update includes the changes from 2018. The funding sources includes local revenues from SBFCA’s Assessment District (revenues and Bond proceeds) as well as past and new funding commitments and agreements with DWR. Reference section 3.1 Identified Revenues & Critical Features under Construction.

Critical features of the flood protection The June 2016 Adequate Progress Report facilities are under construction and as well as this annual update address the progressing; and schedule and ongoing construction activities. Reference section 3.1 Identified Revenues & Critical Features under Construction.

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 5 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Criteria SBFCA Approach The local flood management agency has The June 2016 Report, and the associated provided DWR and the CVFPB information EVD-3 package prepared and made to determine substantial completion of the publicly available by SBFCA, supported required flood protection. the requirements of adequate progress findings and was provided to the CVFPB. The CVFPB acknowledged receipt of this report and the associated supporting information on October 25, 2016 and validated this requirement until September 30, 2017. The 2017 Annual Adequate Progress update was completed and submitted to DWR on August 31, 2017. The CVFPB acknowledged receipt of this report on October 9, 2017.

The 2018 Annual Adequate Progress update was completed and submitted to DWR on August 10, 2018. The CVFPB provided no acknowledgement receipt of this report.

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 6 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Annual Requirements for Adequate Progress That 90% of the required revenue scheduled This 2019 Annual Adequate Progress to be received has been appropriated and is Report updates the documented revenues being expended; and appropriations by SBFCA for the FRWLP1 (reference section 5.0 Revenues have been Appropriated and are Being Expended). Revenues and expenditure appropriations are based upon SBFCA’s adopted annual budget included as Appendix A. This Annual Report and any future Annual Reports (if needed) will continue to document the expenditures based upon updates to SBFCA’s Annual Budget.

Critical features of the flood protection This 2019 Annual Adequate Progress system are under construction and Report update documents the construction progressing based on the actual schedule and associated Budget and expenditures of the construction budget; future annual updates (if needed) will document the expenditures of the Construction Budget (reference sections 3.1 and 3.2).

The City or County has not been responsible There has been and continues to be no for a significant delay in the completion of significant delay in the completion of the the system; flood projection system.

Report annually to the Central Valley Flood As indicated within the June 2016 Protection Board on the status of progress Adequate Progress Report, SBFCA will toward completion of the flood protection make annual progress reports as required system; and, by GC §65007(a)(5). This 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report update serves as the 3rd Annual Report and future updates (if needed) will follow in the same format. SBFCA will continue to complete annual reports annually until the construction of ULDC improvements are completed.

To the extent that the land use agencies intend to validate their prior findings of adequate progress, SBFCA expects this 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update to be referenced by the land use agencies in the Sutter-Butte basin.

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 7 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

2.0 SBFCA Flood Protection System Background and Plan The Sutter-Butte Basin is part of the Sacramento River Flood Control Project (SRFCP) and is located in north-central California in Sutter and Butte Counties. The elongated, irregularly shaped basin covers about 326 square miles and is about 44 miles long, north to south and up to 14 miles wide east to west. It is roughly bounded by the Feather River on the east, and Cherokee Canal, geologic feature, and Sutter Bypass on the west, listed north to south, respectively. Floodwaters potentially threatening the basin originate from the Feather River watershed or the upper Sacramento River watershed, above Colusa Weir. These waterways have drainage areas of 5,921 and 12,090 square miles, respectively. In addition to Yuba City, communities in the basin include Biggs, Gridley, Live Oak, Sutter and Tudor (see Figure 1). The SRFCP was authorized by Congress in 1917 as the first Federal flood control project outside the Mississippi River Valley and was the major project for flood control on the Sacramento River and its tributaries. The non-Federal sponsor was the Reclamation Board of the State of California (the Reclamation Board was reauthorized in 2007 as the Central Valley Flood Protection Board). With the authorization of the SRFCP, US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the State of California began managing the project as a “regional system,” constructing improvements to approximately 1,100 miles of levees and creating bypasses and floodways. Consistent with much of the , the Feather River West Levee was initially constructed from the 1840s to 1890s by local interests. It later became part of the SRFCP when authorized by Congress in 1917. Since then, the levees has been strengthened and maintained through several subsequent projects in partnership between USACE, the State of California, and the agencies that maintain the levee. Although the flood control structure has been extensively improved and upgraded since construction, the underlying foundation of most of the levee still retained the original materials that include dredged riverbed sands, soil, and organic matter. At the time of the SRFCP authorization in 1917, the areas being protected by the levee were primarily agricultural with minimal improved infrastructure such as railroads and highways. Today, the basin remains largely agricultural with population centers including Yuba City, Biggs, Gridley, and Live Oak. This region of northern California has experienced frequent floods in the past, many of which occurred before stream flow data were recorded. Historical floods occurred on the Feather and Yuba Rivers in the early 1800’s, 1825-26, 1849-50, 1852-53, 1861-62, 1867, 1875, 1881, 1890, and 1907. Floods were later recorded in 1909, 1914, 1940, 1955, 1964, and 1970. The flood of 1955 was devastating causing loss of life and significant property damages. Most recently, the January 1997 flood severely impacted the region. It left hundreds of people homeless, inundated thousands of acres, damaged hundreds of homes, and caused four fatalities. The 1997 flood event led to renewed concerns about the adequacy of the flood management system for the Sutter-Butte Basin. In response to those concerns, the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency (SBFCA) was formed in 2007 to coordinate the implementation of flood control rehabilitation within the basin. SBFCA is a joint powers authority representing Sutter and Butte Counties, the cities of Biggs, Gridley, Live Oak and Yuba City, and Levee Districts 1 and 9. SBFCA

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 8 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Figure 1: Sutter Butte Basin

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 9 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

was established to coordinate the flood risk reduction activities within the basin, to plan and construct flood protection facilities, and to finance the local share of flood management projects. SBFCA’s member agencies and the State of California are responsible for the operations and maintenance of the detention basins, pump stations, and levees that protect the basin. In 2007, SBFCA in partnership with DWR, and the Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB), embarked on a comprehensive evaluation of the condition of the flood protection facilities protecting the basin. The evaluation was necessary to identify the magnitude and severity of deficiencies and determine measures to address the deficiencies. The results of the comprehensive evaluation revealed that substantial levee rehabilitation was necessary to meet current flood protection standards.1 One of SBFCA’s major efforts has been working with the United States Corps of Engineers (USACE) and DWR on the Sutter Basin Feasibility Study (SBFS). In an attempt to expedite the implementation of a plan for flood risk reduction within the basin ahead of the USACE feasibility study, SBFCA conducted its own alternatives analysis of potential flood risk reduction solutions. SBFCA’s alternatives analysis showed that fixing the existing levees in-place was the most cost- effective solution to flood damage reduction for the basin. Therefore, SBFCA proposed a Basin Plan which implemented a comprehensive program of fix in-place levee rehabilitation. The USACE SBFS was completed in 2013, and its evaluation of flood damage reduction alternatives within the Sutter-Butte basin concurred with SBFCA’s analysis and determination that fix-in-place was the preferred alternative for addressing the system deficiencies within the Basin. The Sutter-Butte Basin contains both urban, urbanizing, and non-urban areas. The urban and urbanizing areas, as defined by Government Code §65007, within the basin are concentrated in and around the cities of Yuba City and Live Oak, which are located in the central portion of the basin. The southern portion of the basin is rural and has the potential for the deepest flood depths. In keeping with State policy of not promoting urbanization within deep floodplains, SBFCA developed a Basin Plan that: (i) provides 200-year protection for the urban areas in the central and northern portions of the basin, and (ii) repairs levees in the southern area of the basin up to the Design Level of Performance (’57 Profile). Under the Basin Plan, the levee rehabilitation would occur with two Basin Projects. The first Basin Project is the rehabilitation of the Feather River west bank from the Thermalito Afterbay to Star Bend. Known as the Feather River West Levee Rehabilitation Project (FRWLRP), this first Basin Project provides 200-year flood protection for significant portions of the Sutter-Butte Basin. The FRWLRP improves protection for urban and urbanizing areas in Butte and Sutter Counties and will also increase protection for State Highways 99, 20, and 113, all vital State transportation corridors traversing the basin. This segment of the Feather River has a long history of through- levee seepage and foundation underseepage with excessive hydraulic gradients, as well as levee embankment instability. The second Basin Project will be to rehabilitate the Feather River west levee from Star Bend to the Feather River/Sutter Bypass confluence and rehabilitate the Sutter

1 SBFCA’s evaluation of the levee system in the Sutter-Butte Basin has considered the completion of Levee District 1’s setback levee at Star Bend. The engineering analysis completed to ensure the improvements comply with ULDC has taken place, however, for the purposes of this Adequate Progress Report, the improvements completed by LD1 are not considered part of the FRWLP1 where the remaining work is underway and adequate progress is being made. The setback levee at Star Bend was a separate project that has been completed.

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 10 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Bypass east levees and Wadsworth Canal. This portion is currently being implemented through a combination of Projects including SBFCA’s completed Laurel Avenue Flood System Repair Project FSRP and the remaining increment of the Federally authorized Sutter Basin Flood Risk Management Project which, as of the writing of this Annual report is currently under construction. The remaining work along the Sutter Bypass and Wadsworth Canal is the subject of multiple Feasibility Studies currently being prepared under DWR’s Small Communities Flood Risk Reduction program.

3.0 Adequate Progress toward ULOP Currently, while SBFCA has completed nearly all of the FRWLP1 project, one component of the 200-Year improvements remain to be completed and, and a result, the systems does not yet meet the updated DWR urban levee design criteria (ULDC) standards adopted in May 2012. Accordingly, SBFCA is currently working to complete the remaining improvements to meet ULDC this construction season. The remaining work is expected to be completed by the end of October 2019. 3.1. Identified Revenues & Critical Features under Construction In July 2010, SBFCA formed an Assessment District that annually generates approximately $6.65 million of local funding to be utilized to fund the local share of the SBFCA Basin Plan described above. Upon securing local funding for the levee improvement program, SBFCA immediately embarked on improving 44-miles of existing levee through the FRWLP. As of the date of this report SBFCA has designed and constructed all of the identified levee improvements including, slurry walls, berms and relief well systems within Sutter and Butte Counties (reference section 3.2 for a more complete description of the scope of the FRWLP1 project) and the remaining repair work. The last remaining component is the closure structure at the Union Pacific Railroad crossing in Yuba City. The work has been funded by investing more than $315 million to date with funding from SBFCA’s assessment district, revenues from the sale of bonds yielding more than $90 million of proceeds secured by SBFCA’s assessment district and funding commitments/agreements with DWR providing approximately $253 million of State funding from DWR through its Early Implementation, Urban Flood Risk Reduction and direct funding programs. SBFCA’s State funding commitments, associated agreements with the DWR and the funding received to date for work associated with ULDC improvements are summarized in Table 1 below.

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 11 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Table 1: Summary of DWR Funding for the Feather River West Levee Phase 1 Project

Agreement Design Construction Total Agreement No. #4600009480 #4600010296

Capital Outlay Amount $9,000,000 $56,780,000 $65,780,000 Amendment 1 $0 [1] $0 [2] $0 Amendment 2 $14,869,280 [3] $57,803,791 [4] $72,673,071 Amendment 3 $43,861,587 [5] $43,861,587 Amendment 4 $40,828,931 [6] $40,828,931 Amendment 5 -$2,529,451 [7] $31,730,451 [7] $29,201,000 Total Funding $21,339,829 $231,004,760 $252,344,589

Receipts PMT 1 $2,328,141 $14,103,457 $16,431,597 PMT 2 $1,160,580 $18,447,722 $19,608,302 PMT 3 $4,842,366 $19,469,632 $24,311,998 PMT 4 $8,704,665 $15,358,844 $24,063,509 PMT 5 $2,709,411 $13,846,991 $16,556,402 PMT 6 $0 $14,479,664 $14,479,664 PMT 7 $0 $13,168,126 $13,168,126 PMT 8 $0 $26,429,866 $26,429,866 PMT 9 $0 $181,266 $181,266 PMT 10 $0 $2,928,803 $2,928,803 PMT 11 $0 $7,898,917 $7,898,917 PMT 12 $0 $4,448,651 $4,448,651 PMT 13 $0 $10,874,296 $10,874,296 PMT 14 $0 $7,437,563 $7,437,563 PMT 15 $0 $0 $0 PMT 16 $0 $23,700,719 $23,700,719 PMT 17 $0 $1,215,179 $1,215,179 PMT 18 $0 $386,622 $386,622 PMT 19 $0 $993,407 $993,407 PMT 21 $0 $1,349,513 $1,349,513 PMT 22 $0 $2,542,041 $2,542,041 PMT 23 $0 $998,511 $998,511 RET. & FINAL PMT $1,594,667 $9,065,639 [8] $10,660,305 ROW Payment $0 $2,499,538 [9] $2,499,538

Total Payments $21,339,829 $211,824,965 $233,164,795

Remaining Grant Balance $0 $19,179,794 $19,179,794

[1] Amendment 1 to the Design Agreement amended the term of the agreement. [2] Amendment 1 to the Construction Agreement amended the scope agreement to include the closure of gaps (at reaches 13 and 24) in Area C. [3] Amendment 2 to the Design Agreement increased the cost share from 50% to 76% State Cost Share and increased the State funding limit. [4] Amendment 2 to the Construction Agreement increased the scope to include Areas B & D2A and and increased the State funding limit. It also incorporated many of the guideline provisions of the UFRR Program.

[5] Amendment 3 to the Construction Agreement increased the funding amount and scope of the work. The amount reflects the amount committed on 12/22/14. [6] Reflects Amendment No. 4 and amount committed by DWR on May 15, 2015. [7] Reflects the transfer of remaining design funding agreement and additional funding committed by DWR to repair Reaches 14 through 16 in downtown Yuba City. [8] Reflects combined releases of retention for CFA to date (referred to a PMT 20 by DWR). [9] Relflects all related ROW payments and credits. Figure 2 shows the areas of work completed and under construction to date;

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 12 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Figure 2: FRWLP1 Phasing Map

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 13 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

At the time of the drafting of this report, SBFCA has completed all of the work associated with the FRWLP1 project to meet ULDC criteria except for improvements at the Union Pacific Railroad crossing at the Feather River West Levee near Pease Road. SBFCA is currently under construction with this last component of work. All construction activities on the flood protection facilities that provide an Urban Level of Protection are scheduled to be completed before December 31, 2019. SBFCA continues to support the land use agencies within the Sutter-Butte Basin by preparing this documentation to support Adequate Progress toward an Urban Level Protection. Given the current schedule for completion of the work, SBFCA expects that this 2019 Annual Report will be the last report on Adequate Progress supporting land use Agencies’ ULOP finding based on EVD-3 criteria identified within DWR’s written ULOP Guidance. SBFCA will, upon completion of the remaining work, prepare the required evidentiary materials to support land use agencies ULOP findings based on flood management facilities providing the required level of flood protection (i.e. support for ULOP findings based on EVD-1 criteria identified within DWR’s written ULOP Guidance.) 3.2. Summary of Scope, Schedule & Cost to Complete the Facilities Scope of Work The FRWLP1 project involves rehabilitating the Feather River right bank levee from Thermalito Afterbay to Star Bend as described below. Through its hydraulic modeling and floodplain mapping efforts, SBFCA has determined that rehabilitating the Feather River west levee from Thermalito Afterbay to Star Bend provides a 200- year level of protection for the urban areas within the basin. The improvement includes a combination of cutoff walls and berms and other minor measures such as infill of depressions and relief wells. Cutoff wall depths will range between 18 and 127 feet. Table 2 below lists the measures being implemented by reach. SBFCA is not currently improving Reaches 26, 27 or 28 (FRWL stationing 1674+37 thru 1769+31) since these levees are located on high ground and the 200-year water surface would not contribute to the Sutter Basin floodplain if these levees were removed. These ‘freeboard levees’ are not required to meet ULDC standards and are therefore not a necessary component of an Urban Level of Protection. Since June 2016, and as a result of the severe Winter storm events in February 2017, SBFCA identified deficiencies in the levee adjacent to Second Street in Yuba City (Reaches 14 through 16 as noted below) which had an existing cutoff wall previously installed by the USACE. Based upon the observed through-seepage in these reaches of levee, SBFCA determined that a new cutoff wall needed to be installed in order to meet ULDC criteria. SBFCA has updated this report to reflect this additional work (as identified in Table 2 below). SBFCA’s cost estimate has been updated and revenues were identified to complete this work and the work was completed in 2017. The FRWLP1 has undergone a rigorous, multilayered technical and environmental review and approval process including: • DWR Levee Evaluations and EIP review; • USACE Section 408 review; • USACE Safety Assurance Review (SAR); • Independent Panel of Experts review;

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 14 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

• Central Valley Flood Protection Board Encroachment Permit review; • DEIS and FEIS public review; • DEIR and FEIR public review; • US Fish & Wildlife Biological Opinion; • California Department of Fish & Wildlife review; and • USACE Section 404 review.

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 15 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Table 2: Summary of FRWLP1 Reaches & Improvements (Updated) Levee Crown Beginning Ending Length Dominant Adjacent Height Width Waterside Landside Reach Station Station (feet) Landmarks Land Uses (Ft) (ft) Slope Slope Proposed Modifications Status of Work 7 510+37 596+00 8,563 Abbott Lake Ruderal grassland; open 22 15-20 3:1 2:1 510+37 to 513+95: No seepage remediation space required. 513+95 to 596+00: Cutoff wall Complete 8 596+00 654+75 5,875 Ruderal grassland; open 23 20 3:1 2:1 596+00 to 654+75, Cutoff wall space Complete 9 654+75 706+50 5,175 Boyd’s Boat Launch; Ruderal grassland; open 25 20 3:1 2:1 654+75 to 706+50: Cutoff wall Nursery space Complete 10 706+50 774+00 6,750 Barry Road Ruderal grassland; open 25 18-20 3:1 2:1 706+50 to 774+00: Cutoff wall space Complete 11 774+00 830+00 5,600 Ruderal grassland; open 24 15-20 3:1 2:1 774+00 to 830+35: Cutoff wall space Complete 12 830+00 845+00 1,500 Shanghai Bend Ruderal grassland; open 23 18-20 3:1 2.5:1 No seepage remediation required. space Complete 13 845+00 927+00 8,200 Ruderal grassland; open 25 15-20 3:1 2:1 844+575 to 923+75: Cutoff wall space Complete 14 927+00 954+40 2,740 Airport Ruderal grassland; open 20 15-20 3:1 2:1 space Installation of new Cutoff Wall to replace the existing cutoff wall as result of identified seepage during the February 2017 highwater event. Complete 15 954+40 968+50 1,410 Airport Developed; ruderal 17 15-20 3:1 2:1 Installation of new Cutoff Wall to replace the grassland existing cutoff wall as result of identified seepage during the February 2017 highwater event. Complete 16 968+50 1080+00 11,150 Garden Highway, Developed; ruderal 24 18-20 3:1 2:1 1007+00: Closure of gap in existing cutoff wall Complete 2nd Street; Twin grassland at 5th Street bridge’; Cities Memorial Bridge; Colusa 1026+00: Closure of gap in existing cutoff wall Complete Avenue at 10th Street bridge crossing by using a berm; 1077+85 to 1080+00, cutoff wall and backfill landside toe depression.

Miscellaneous landside encroachment relocations/removals. Complete Installation of new Cutoff Wall to replace the existing cutoff wall as result of identified seepage during the February 2017 highwater event.

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 16 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Table 2: Summary of FRWLP1 Reaches & Improvements (Updated) Levee Crown Beginning Ending Length Dominant Adjacent Height Width Waterside Landside Reach Station Station (feet) Landmarks Land Uses (Ft) (ft) Slope Slope Proposed Modifications Status of Work 17 1080+00 1130+86 5,086 Live Oak Boulevard; Developed; ruderal 22 15-20 3:1 2:1 1080+00 to 1125+00 : Cutoff wall and backfill Union Pacific grassland landside toe depression; Railroad 1125+00 to 1130+86: Cutoff wall’ Complete 18 1130+86 1213+85 8,299 Live Oak Boulevard; Orchard 19 15-20 3:1 2:1 1130+86 to 1213+85: Cutoff wall Complete Union Pacific Railroad; Rednall Installation of Closure Structure at the Union Currently under Road Pacific Railroad Crossing. construction. Completion before December 31, 2019 (estimated by October 31, 2019) 19 1213+85 1297+83 8,398 Orchard 18 17 2.9:1 1.9:1 1213+85 to 1297+83: Cutoff wall Complete 20 1297+83 1374+33 7,650 Orchard; ruderal 17 17 3:1 1.9:1 1297+83 to 1374+33: Cutoff wall grassland Complete 21 1374+33 1433+83 5,950 Ruderal grassland 10 16 3:1 2:1 1374+33 to 1433+00: Cutoff wall Complete 22 1433+83 1503+83 7,000 Riparian forest; ruderal 10-12 17 3:1 1.9:1 1433+83 to 1503+83: Cutoff wall grassland Complete 23 1503+83 1609+37 10,554 Orchard 7-12 17 3:1 1.9:1 1503+83 to 1608+75: Cutoff wall Complete 24 1609+37 1623+86 1,449 Riparian forest; ruderal 10 17 3:1 1.9:1 1608+75 to 1623+86: Cutoff wall grassland Complete 25 1623+86 1674+37 5,051 Orchard; ruderal 8 19 3:1 1.8:1 1623+86 to 1626+00: Cutoff wall; Complete grassland 1626+00 to 1673+00: No seepage remediation is required.

1639+00: Replace two 24-inch steel storm drain Complete pipes. 29 1769+31 1813+33 4,402 Orchard; riparian forest 5 15 3:1 2:1 No seepage remediation required.

1770+00, 1785+24, 1785+55, 1792+96, 1799+44, 1809+65 storm drain and irrigation pipe replacements. Complete 30 1813+33 1902+00 8,867 Orchard 12 17 3:1 1.9:1 1815+00 to 1902+00: Cutoff wall Complete 31 1902+00 1958+00 5,600 Orchard; ruderal 11 19 3:1 1.8:1 1902+00 to 1958+00: Cutoff wall grassland Complete 32 1958+00 1989+00 3,100 Orchard 17 19 3:1 2:1 1958+00 to 1989+00: Cutoff wall Complete 33 1989+00 2122+00 13,300 Orchard 13 18 3:1 1.9:1 1989+00 to 2122+00: Cutoff wall Complete 34 2122+00 2182+00 6,000 Orchard 13 18 3:1 1.8:1 2122+00 to 2182+00: Cutoff wall Complete 35 2182+00 2224+00 4,200 Orchard; ruderal 13 19 3:1 2:1 2182+00 to 2224+00: Cutoff wall grassland Complete

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 17 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Table 2: Summary of FRWLP1 Reaches & Improvements (Updated) Levee Crown Beginning Ending Length Dominant Adjacent Height Width Waterside Landside Reach Station Station (feet) Landmarks Land Uses (Ft) (ft) Slope Slope Proposed Modifications Status of Work 36 2224+00 2259+00 3,500 Orchard; ruderal 14 18 3:1 2:1 2224+00 to 2259+00: Cutoff wall grassland Complete 37 2259+00 2290+00 3,100 Orchard; ruderal 16 17 3:1 2:1 2259+00 to 2290+00: Cutoff wall grassland Complete 38 2290+00 2303+00 1,300 Ruderal grassland 11 20 3:1 1.7:1 2290+00 to 2292+00: Cutoff wall 2290+00 to 2303+00: Construct seepage berm Complete 39 2303+00 2319+00 1,600 Ruderal grassland 9 20 3:1 2:1 No seepage remediation required.

Complete 40 2319+00 2359+00 4,000 Ruderal grassland 16 20 3:1 1.9:1 2331+00 to 2359+00: Construct seepage berm Complete 41 2359+00 2368+00 900 Thermalito Afterbay Ruderal grassland 14 18 3:1 2:1 2359+00 to 2368+00: Construct seepage berm 2360+00: Fill landside and waterside pits Complete

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 18 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Budget & Remaining Costs The total budget for SBFCA’s FRWLP1 project has been updated to reflect additional work identified and scoped since June 2016 and is shown in Table 3 below.

Table 3: Feather River West Levee Phase 1 Project Cost Estimate

Item Description Budget Amount /1

Project Management $4,726,136 Adminisitration $9,014,843 Planning $337,504 Design $16,002,467 Environmental Docs and Permitting $5,605,289 R/W Transactions $17,679,705 Design Support During Construction $14,574,614 Construction Management $22,669,430 Mitigation $26,889,726 Rights-of-Way (Lands) $10,979,433 Borrow Royalties $1,278,776 Construction $190,141,848 Utility Relocations $2,432,539 FRWLP1 Costs (rounded) $322,332,000 [1] Represents actual costs incurred plus estimated remaining costs to complete and closeout the project. Reference: SBFCA ULOP AP Report Tables 2019 0728.xlsx

The cost of the remaining work as of the date of this report is demonstrated through a comparison of the overall budget for the FRWLP1 including the additional work identified within the last year to the costs submitted to DWR to date for reimbursement through the respective funding agreements providing funding for design and construction. Table 4 summarizes the projected remaining costs of the FRWLP1.

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 19 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Table 4: Feather River West Levee Phase 1 Remaining Cost Estimate

Item Description Estimated Amount

Total FRWLP1 Costs $322,332,000

Total Design Costs Incurred to Date [1] $30,098,548 Total Construction Costs Incurred to Date [2] $285,808,011 Sub-Total Costs Incurred to Date $315,906,559

Estimated Remaining FRWLP1 Costs (rounded) [3] $6,425,000

[1] As reported within SBFCA's Design Funding Agreement (DWR Agreement No. 4600009480) Final Statement of Costs provided to DWR April 21, 2015. [2] As reported within SBFCA's Construction Funding Agreement (DWR Agreement No. 4600010296) draft Statement of Costs for services through May 31, 2018 (payments through June 30, 2018) . [3] Note - the majority of remaining costs are associated with right of way support and final acquisitions, mitigation related and soft costs costs, not construction related work integral to meeting ULOP criteria.

Schedule SBFCA plans to complete all construction work associated with the FRWLP1 such that an Urban Level of Protection will be provided no later than December 31, 2019. Construction related activities associated with the installation of the Stop Log Structure at Reach 18 are expected to be complete by October 31, 2019. A detailed schedule, which has been prepared for the purpose of SBFCA’s construction funding agreement with DWR for the FRWLP1 is included here.

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Figure 3: SBFCA FRWLP1 Schedule

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4.0 Applicable Geographic Area reliant on Adequate Progress Figure 4 shows the area of the basin which will have an Urban Level of Flood Protection following completion of the FRWLP1 Project. Areas shown as blue are shallow flooding areas which will remain in the 200-year floodplain, but are exempt from ULOP findings requirements due to the shallow flooding exemption in the DWR ULOP Guidelines. Areas shown in red will not have a ULOP following completion of the FRWLP1. Figure 4 does not show flooding from the Cherokee Canal or Butte Sink, so agencies are cautioned that ULOP findings in the vicinity of those two flooding sources must be supported by floodplain mapping of those two sources. Figure 4 can also be superseded by an agency at its discretion if a different floodplain map is adopted by that agency.

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Figure 4: Applicable Geographic Area of ULOP in Sutter-Butte Basin

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5.0 Revenues have been Appropriated and are Being Expended Adequate Progress, as defined by state law, will address the revenues and expenditures by the Local Flood Management Agency furthering the completion of the flood protection system. Specifically, Government Code Section 65007(a)(2)(A) states: “Revenues that are sufficient to fund each year of the project schedule developed in paragraph (1) have been identified and, in any given year and consistent with that schedule, at least 90 percent of the revenues scheduled to be received by that year have been appropriated and are currently being expended.” This 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update, within Section 3.1, identified the sources of revenue for the FRWLP1. This section discusses the budgeted revenues and expenditures by SBFCA for the FRWLP. Annually, as required by law, SBFCA budgets funds for its operations and capital projects. Because SBFCA’s main mission is to implement multi-year capital projects, in order to take a more comprehensive look toward the completion of capital projects, SBFCA has prepared its budgets on multi-year bases. SBFCA’s original budgeting platform was on a 5-year basis covering fiscal years 2010/11 through 2015/16. In 2016, SBFCA extended its budgeting horizon an additional three years covering fiscal years 2016/17 through 2018/19. SBFCA’s annual budget adopted in 2018 extended the budget horizon through Fiscal Year 2020/21. SBFCA’s most recent annual budget amended the budgets for 2018/19 through 2020/21. This most recent budget is hereby incorporated by reference to this document. A public hearing before the SBFCA board took place on June 12, 2019 where at its conclusion, the SBFCA Board approved the amended multi-year budget covering all fiscal years through 2020/21. A copy of this approved budget is included as Appendix A. In addressing Government Code Section 65007(a)(2)(A), DWR’s ULOP Guidance suggests that within the Annual Report prepared for the CVFPB, the Local Flood Management Agency should consider including; • Identified revenues to fund each year of project implementation. • History of revenue allocations and expenditures, including the current year. Table 5, below covers all years in which SBFCA will (or has) expend(ed) revenues it will (or has) receive(d) for the FRWLP1. Table 5 has been updated to reflect actual expenses for Fiscal Year 18/19 and subsequent Fiscal Years have been updated based upon SBFCA’s amended multi- year budget. SBFCA’s amended budget is based upon a combination of actual expenses in Fiscal Year 2018/19 and revised projections based upon the actual completion of work in subsequent years. SBFCA’s August 2018 Adequate Progress Report update projected revenues in FY 2018/19 of $281,819. SBFCA’s actual revenues were $18.9 million (well above projections). SBFCA’s projected expenses for FY 2018/19 in August 2018 were $2.9 million and SBFCA’s actual expenditures in FY 2018/19 (as shown in Table 5) were $2.9 million (on par with projections). SBFCA updated budgeted expenditures for Fiscal Year 2019/120 and 2020/21 incorporate a conservative projection of State funding. All revenues for the FRWLP1 have been identified and all revenues scheduled to be received are being expended. Based upon this analysis, SBFCA is compliant with Government Code Section 65007(a).

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 24 SBFCA ULOP 2019 Annual Adequate Progress Report Update August 14, 2019

Table 5: SBFCA FRWLP1 Historical and Projected Revenues & Expenditures

Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted Fiscal Year 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Total

Revenues DWR Proposition 1E - Funding (EIP/UFRR) $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,488,721 $4,842,366 $41,255,844 $65,159,897 $21,757,630 $46,106,776 $8,698,148 $18,650,775 $7,000,000 $2,260,903 $219,221,060 Local Funding (Revenues) $0 $540,799 $0 $5,605,455 $5,797,647 $5,795,767 $5,881,206 $8,613,061 $5,979,697 $6,032,887 $6,066,199 $5,792,996 $5,750,000 $5,750,000 $67,605,712 Local Funding (Net Financing Revenues) $0 $0 $0 $0 $629,824 $40,983,767 ($1,535,194) $40,885,387 ($4,501,621) ($4,096,839) ($4,265,856) ($5,468,181) ($5,467,781) ($5,458,406) $51,705,098 Total Revenues $0 $540,799 $0 $5,605,455 $9,916,192 $51,621,900 $45,601,856 $114,658,345 $23,235,705 $48,042,823 $10,498,491 $18,975,590 $7,282,219 $2,552,497 $328,697,155

Expenditures Allocated Share of Agency Operational Services $0 $0 $0 $351,188 $583,982 $714,399 $720,235 $704,714 $742,080 $796,648 $499,447 $368,861 $10,000 $3,500 $5,495,054 Direct Consulting Services (PM & Oversight) $0 $0 $0 $511,710 $876,179 $968,557 $895,276 $1,049,563 $927,941 $840,645 $3,079,680 $535,174 $299,814 $115,484 $10,100,022 Engineering Services $0 $262,295 $123,139 $3,065,679 $7,084,824 $5,173,611 $9,877,026 $13,315,281 $10,293,593 $6,186,390 $3,359,087 $1,067,423 $200,000 $0 $60,008,348 ROW Services $0 $0 $0 $269,839 $1,297,688 $2,120,939 $2,280,594 $1,088,052 $871,022 $509,134 $285,977 $210,428 $166,711 $0 $9,100,383 ROW Capital & Borrow $0 $0 $0 $0 $400 $216,553 $3,516,495 $2,267,989 $2,887,172 $831,043 $915,301 $336,111 $855,032 $0 $11,826,095 Environmental & Permitting Services $0 $0 $0 $225,538 $693,613 $1,504,591 $1,367,905 $6,554,515 $8,193,761 $2,205,969 $2,480,870 $394,428 $0 $0 $23,621,191 Environmental Mitigation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $600 $3,600 $606,938 $317,227 $764,031 $360,392 $9,190 $7,198,658 $0 $9,260,635 Construction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,152,900 $30,839,560 $68,383,044 $43,861,927 $22,427,031 $23,417,377 $20,184 $0 $0 $190,102,024 Total Expenditures $0 $262,295 $123,139 $4,423,955 $10,536,685 $11,852,151 $49,500,691 $93,970,096 $68,094,723 $34,560,889 $34,398,130 $2,941,800 $8,730,214 $118,984 $319,513,752

Prepared by Larsen Wurzel & Associates, Inc. 25

Appendix A Adopted SBFCA Annual Budget

Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency overview of the Final Amended Budgets for approval at the meeting as well as provide an requested detail, if needed. A Partnership for Flood Safety

Fiscal Impact The adoption of the Final Amended 3-Year and Final Amended 2-Year Budgets will modify the currently approved expenditures and revenues for Fiscal Years 2018-19 and 2019-20 as well as update the forecasted budget for June 12, 2019 2020-21. The budget documents provide a detailed comparison of the proposed amendments to the currently approved budgets to show the specific impacts of the amended budget. In summary, the Final Amended 3-Year TO: Board of Directors and Final Amended 2-Year Budgets provide for the following:

FROM: Michael Bessette, Executive Director Slight decrease in total projected expenditures Seth Wurzel, Budget Manager x The total 3-Year budgeted expenditures of $113.0 million represent a slight decrease from the total current approved budget of $118.5 million. The combined budget summaries provide a detailed comparison of the SUBJECT: Public hearing and approval of the Final Amended Budget for Fiscal Years 2018-19 (when changes in the 3-Year Budget. combined with actuals for Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 the “Final Amended 3-Year Budget”) and Final Amended 2-Year Budget covering Fiscal Years 2019-20 and 2020-21 (“Final x The total 2-Year budget expenditures of $29.5 million represent a significant decrease from the total current Amended 2-Year Budget”) approved budget of $114.0 million. The combined budget summaries provide a detailed comparison of the changes in the 2-Year Budget. Recommendation

Staff recommends: Decrease in total projected revenue estimates 1. The Board of Directors conduct a public hearing and receive public testimony regarding the Agency’s x The total 3-year budgeted revenues of $136.1 million represent a decrease of approximately $9.6 million Final Amended 3-Year Budget Covering Fiscal Years 2016-17 through 2018-19 (“Final Amended 3-Year from the current approved budget of $147.7 million. This net decrease is primarily as a result of accruing the Budget”) and Final Amended 2-Year Budget covering 2019-20 and 2020-21 (“Final Amended 2-Year receipt of a portion of withheld retention from the State back to Fiscal Year 2018-19. Budget”);

2. After discussion and consideration, the Board of Directors approve the attached resolution adopting the x The total 2-Year budgeted revenues of $44.2 million represents a decrease of approximately $62.4 million Final Amended 3-Year and Final Amended 2-Year Budget. from the current approved budget of $106.6 million. This net decrease is primarily a result of delays in

implementing future Sutter Basin work beyond 2020-21. Discussion

Subsequent to the completion of the Agency’s 5-Year budget planning horizon, on June 22, 2016, the Agency Comparison to the Preliminary Budget presented on May 15, 2019 adopted a 3-Year budget covering Fiscal Year 2016-17 through 2018-19. This time period represents a transition There are no changes to the anticipated Revenues or Expenditures when compared to the preliminary budget period wherein the Phase 1 efforts of the Feather River West Levee Project (FRWLP) are being completed and presented to the Board on May 15, 2019. the implementation of Phase 2 efforts is commencing. As such, last year, in order to start the process of implementing the remainder of Agency’s Adopted Strategic Plan, staff recommended the incorporation of an Attachments additional 2-Year Budget covering activities through 2020/21. The Amended 3-Year budget and additional 2-year A: Budget Transmittal – Final Amended Budget for Fiscal Years 2018-19 (when combined with actuals for budget have been trued-up and now reflect the actual activities having taken place since the original adoption of Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 the Final Amended 3-Year Budget) and Final Amended 2-Year Budget the 3-Year Budget in June 2016 and additional 2-Year Budget in 2018. The amendments have incorporated covering Fiscal Years 2019-20 and 2020-21 updated information based on efforts to advance the implementation of rural improvement reflected in the B: Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency to Approve the Amended Strategic Plan. Staff is also recommending the removal of previously planned but not yet funded rural projects Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-19 (“Final Amended 3-Year Budget”) and Approve the Amended Budgets for that were reflected in the 2-Year budget adopted last year in favor of completing ongoing feasibility planning Fiscal Years 2019-20 and 2020-21 (“Final Amended 2-Year Budget”) efforts and the incorporation of these projects as future addenda to the budget when prioritized strategic C: Exhibit A Budget – Final Amended Budget for Fiscal Years 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 “Final Amended investments in rural flood risk reduction are scoped and non-local funding is secured. The attached budget and 3-Year Budget” and Final Amended Budget for Fiscal Years 2019-20 and 2020-21 “Proposed Amended 2- supporting transmittal letter support this approach and reflect this recommendation. Year Budget” dated June 12, 2019

D: Affidavit/ Proof of Notice Publication. Staff recommends that the Board review the Final Amended 3-year and Final Amended 2-Year Budgets and conduct the scheduled public hearing, consider all public testimony and, if necessary recommend any changes, then adopt the attached resolution approving a Final Amended 3-Year and Final Amended 2-Year budgets.

Staff presented the Preliminary Budget materials to the members of the Finance Committee on May 13, 2019 where the Finance Committee recommended approval of the preliminary budget and the scheduling of the public hearing to the Board at its May 15, 2019 meeting. The Board approved the recommendation. No material changes to the Preliminary Budget are recommended by Staff at this time. Staff will provide a brief high level

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Final Amended 3-Year Budget and Final Amended 2-Year Budget

The approval of this budget reflects SBFCA’s attainment of its primary near-term objective; the completion of the June 12, 2019 FRWLP1 as well as the advancement of other objectives consistent with the approved Updated Strategic Plan. SBFCA has completed work on the FRWLP1 in Project Areas C, B, and D and will complete the remaining Gap TO: Board of Directors closure work in Sutter County this year. The Amended Budget reflects the full completion of this construction as well as additional work in OWA as result of the receipt of additional grant funding. To facilitate financial FROM: Michael Bessette, Executive Director management, staff has prepared a detailed updated cash flow projection for the Agency, which provides the basis Seth Wurzel, Budget Manager for the Final Amended 3-Year and Final Amended 2-Year Budgets.

SUBJECT: Budget Transmittal - Final Amended Budget for Fiscal Years 2018-19 (when combined with actuals Discussion for Fiscal Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 the Final Amended 3-Year Budget) and Final Amended 2- The gross estimated expenditures for the Final Amended 3-Year Budget now total $113.0 million and the gross Year Budget covering Fiscal Years 2019-20 and 2020-21 estimated expenditures for the Final Amended 2-Year Budget total $29.5 million, a combined $142.5 million over the five-year period. These amounts exclude the costs of financing/borrowing. Introduction Objective 7 of the Strategic Plan calls for the implementation of the seven remaining critical repair sites in the On May 15, 2019, the Board preliminarily approved a Proposed Amended 3-Year Budget covering fiscal years Southern Sub-Basin including four locations on the Sutter Bypass and three sites on the lower Feather River. 2016-17 through 2018-19 and a Proposed Amended 2-Year Budget covering fiscal years 2019-20 and 2020-21. The Within the 3-Year budget adopted in May 2017, SBFCA assumed that two sites on the Feather River (critical Board scheduled a public hearing for June 12, 2019, directed staff to make copies of the Proposed Amended 3- locations and Cypress and Star Bend South) would be repaired by the USACE as part of the Federal project in lieu Year and Proposed Amended 2-Year Budgets available to the public and directed noticing of the hearing as of State funded FSRP projects. With this Final Amended 3-Year Budget and Final Amended 2-Year Budget, SBFCA required by law. These actions have been completed. continues to reflect this approach. The current budget (2018) reflects assumptions for future funding from outside

sources for repairs to the remaining sites. Funding is currently shown as part of “Future FSRP” projects, however, This report transmits to the Board the Final Amended Budget for 2018-19 (when combined with actuals for Fiscal as previously stated, SBFCA staff now recommends the temporary removal of these Projects from the approved Years 2016-17 and 2017-18 the “Final Amended 3-Year Budget”) and a “Final Amended 2-Year Budget” covering Budget, the completion of the ongoing feasibility studies and continued coordination with DWR to seek funding fiscal years 2019-20 and 2020-21. Staff recommends that the Board conduct a public hearing and approve the to repair these sites as part of defined Projects and scopes of work. Staff’s expectation is that it would complete attached Final Amended 3-Year and Final 2-Year Budgets. the ongoing Small Community Feasibility Study evaluations and continue to pursue directed funding through new

DWR programs currently under development and return to the Board at a later date with proposed addenda to Background / Summary the budget. This approach has resulted in reduction of budgeted expenses over the 5-years of more than $86.8 On January 13, 2016, the Board adopted a Strategic Plan that set out the Vision, Goals and Objectives of the million. It is expect that this level of rural repair work would not be likely to occur before June of 2021 and, as Agency for the ensuing 10-years. In June 2016, the Board approved the first budget prepared under this such, would be better reflected and considered by the Board as part of more specific proposals for consideration fundamental planning document. Last year, on April 11, 2018, the Board adopted an update to the Strategic Plan in the future. (April 2018) that reflected the completed accomplishments and events that have occurred since the adoption of the Strategic Plan in January 2016. This Final budget again reflects SBFCA’s implementation of the April 2018 Funding Strategic Plan and associated objectives. Staff proposes that the Board adopt the Final Amended 3-Year and Final The expenditures reflected within the proposed budget rely on a combination of funding from multiple sources. Amended 2-Year Budget that updates the budget implementing the Plan to primarily reflect the following: The following funding sources have been secured by SBFCA (or SBFCA has received a commitment from a grantor) to complete the current remaining budgeted work: x Updated costs and timing associated with the capital programs including the Feather River West Levee Project 1 (“FRWLP1”), Oroville Wildlife Area (“OWA”), the USACE Sutter Basin Flood Risk Management x Annual revenues from the property owner-approved local assessment district to provide the local cost Project (“USACE SBFRM”) and others as a result of completed construction, engineering, scheduling and sharing of improvement projects and administration of the Agency and debt service; state funding coordination efforts to date; x Multiple sources of State Proposition 1E funds from DWR for the State share of the FRWLP1 including x The temporary removal from the budget the rehabilitation of the east levee of the Sutter Bypass, design, environmental mitigation, permitting and construction costs through the Urban Flood Risk Wadsworth Canal, Interceptor Canals and remainder of the Feather River West Levee rehabilitation Reduction (UFRR) program; efforts. The approach is to allow for the completion of the current Small Community Feasibility Study x State funding from DWR for the flood control features of the Oroville Wildlife Area Flood Stage Reduction efforts and continue the pursuit of direct funded grants from DWR that will result in more specific detailed Project; plans and approaches to achieve the Agency’s stated goals of achieving 100-year level of protection or its equivalent. These more defined projects would be incorporated into the budget as addenda when x State funding from DWR for the preparation of the Feather River Regional Flood Management Plan and concrete proposals can be considered. continued regional coordination; x State funding from DWR through the Flood System Repair Program for the Laurel Avenue Project; Page 1 of 6  Page 2 of 6   3 | Page 4 | Page

Final Amended 3-Year Budget and Final Amended 2-Year Budget Final Amended 3-Year Budget and Final Amended 2-Year Budget

x State funding through the Wildlife Conservation Board (multiple grants) and the California Department of x In October 2011, SBFCA secured a $9,000,000 funding agreement with DWR for the design of the FRWLP1 Fish and Wildlife for the restoration of the Oroville Wildlife Area Project; project; x State funding from DWR for the preparation of Small Community Feasibility Studies; x In April 2012, SBFCA secured a $25,000,000 line of credit loan to provide the needed working capital to x Existing available fund balances. advance the design and commence the right-of-way acquisition for the project; Because a significant amount of assumed funding has been removed from the budget, budgeted revenues over x In June 2013, the Agency sold $41,035,000 of bonds secured by assessment revenues; the 5-year period have been reduced by $74 million from $254.3 million to $180.3million. x In October 2013, SBFCA secured a $56,780,000 grant for the initial phase of construction of the FRWLP1 Feather River West Levee Project 1 Budget project; and, The expenditures included within the Final Amended 3-Year Budget associated with the SBFCA Capital Fund Early Implementation Project (EIP) and Urban Flood Risk Reduction (UFRR) Program accounts represent those x In December 2014, SBFCA received an additional commitment of $43,861,587 of competitive UFRR expenditures included within the planned costs that have occurred through completion of the Project. As the funding for an amendment to its current construction funding to increase the State’s cost share on current FRWLP1 had progressed through construction to completion, the planned cost of the project has been refined construction work to 76%; and updated to reflect actual costs. As compared to the budget approved by the board in May 2018, only nominal increases to the planned costs , approximately a 1%, of the project have taken place as summarized below. x In December 2014, SBFCA received two Prop 13 Grants under the YFFPP to design and permit projects at Gridley Bridge ($460,000) and the Oroville Wildlife Area ($1,658,800); Budget for FRWLP1 (Segments 1-6, Thermalito to Star Bend) & OWA Flood Stage Reduction Project (excluding Restoration) x In June 2015, SBFCA sold $47,070,000 of bonds secured by assessment revenues to pay off the outstanding line of credit and generate an additional $33.7 million in proceeds; Element Estimated Amount Project Management 4,600,471 x In June 2016, SBFCA worked with DWR to amend the current construction funding agreement to provide Administration 9,014,843 funding for the remainder of the work in the northern reaches of the FRWLP1 and increase funding by $40,828,931; Planning 337,504 Design 14,044,002 x In September 2017, an additional $2,509,700 was secured through a Prop 1 Grant administered by Environmental Docs and Permitting 3,734,759 California Department of Fish and Wildlife for continued restoration work on the Oroville Wildlife Area; R/W Transactions 17,679,705 Design Support During Construction 14,574,614 x In November 2017, SBFCA received an additional $29,201,000 of UFRR funding from DWR for Emergency Construction Management 20,300,966 Levee Repair Work and Emergency Flood Fighting and Protective Measures; Mitigation 26,889,726 Rights-of-Way (Lands) 10,979,433 x In February 2018, a $484,000 Public Access grant was secured for the Oroville Wildlife Area project from Borrow Royalties 1,278,776 Wildlife Conservation Board; Construction 168,659,954 x In March 2018, an additional $5,000,000 was secured from the Wildlife Conservation Board for the Utility Relocations 2,432,539 balance of the Oroville Wildlife Area Project. Subtotal FRWLP1 Project Areas C, B, D (rounded) $294,527,292 OWA Flood Stage Reduction Project (Weirs) $4,195,000 SBFCA is in the final stages of completing the FRWLP1. The remaining work includes: continuing construction on Total Cost $298,722,292 the balance of the FRWLP through 2019 for the OWA project and prosecuting the near-term objectives of the Strategic Plan. Staff estimates that there is approximately $9.2 million of remaining expenses to fully complete the project. Budget Policy FRWLP1 Funding and Financing Pursuant to SBFCA’s Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement, the process for adopting the budget is the same process The FRWLP1 is the major initiative of the Agency and as such much of SBFCA’s historical efforts have been spent that Sutter County employs to adopt its budget. securing the following funding and financing: The Board took action at its May 15, 2019 meeting preliminarily approving this Proposed Amended 3-Year Budget x In July 2010, SBFCA concluded a successful Proposition 218 mail-in ballot election that was needed for and Proposed Amended 2-Year Budget for the purpose of holding a public hearing on June 12, 2019 at 1 p.m. at local funding; the Yuba City Council Chambers located at 1201 Civic Center Boulevard, Yuba City, CA. This action at its May 15,

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Final Amended 3-Year Budget and Final Amended 2-Year Budget Final Amended 3-Year Budget and Final Amended 2-Year Budget

2019 meeting did not constitute budget approval. Staff recommends approval of the Final Amended 3-Year and Conclusion Final Amended 2-Year Budget on June 13, 2018 after the receipt of public testimony at the scheduled public The Final Amended 3-Year and Final Amended 2-Year Budget are based upon the sound concept of financial hearing and after discussion among the Board of Directors. sustainability – matching necessary and required expenditures to realistic but conservative revenue projections, and the expectations of what SBFCA can financially support into the future. The Board’s adoption of this budget In addition, since the Board’s creation of a standing Finance Committee in 2014, SBFCA staff has adopted the will continue implementation of the Strategic Plan with clear direction and associated financial resources. practice of presenting financial related matters to the Finance Committee for its review and ultimate recommendation to the Board. Staff presented the Preliminary Budget to the Finance Committee at its May 12, 2019 meeting.

Proposed Amended 3-Year and Proposed Amended 2-Year Operating Budget SBFCA’s Annual Operating Budget as well as and interest cost on all SBFCA-incurred long-term borrowing are included within the budget. Historically (through 2017-18) a portion of SBFCA’s administrative/operating costs have been allocated to its grant funded capital programs in order to absorb the higher costs of operating the Agency during a period of significant construction activity. As the level of activity of the Agency decreases, SBFCA’s grant funded capital programs will no longer be available to cost share in Agency operations. As planned, to cover the costs of this foreseen transition period, the Agency has carried forward its operating fund surplus each year of operation to build a fund balance (reserve). The portion of annual assessment revenues dedicated for Agency operations that has exceeded operating fund expenditures has been used to fund this reserve. At the end of FY 2018/19, the Agency’s Operating Fund Balance is expected to be approximately $3.8 million. In order to present a more conservative budget, starting in FY 2018/19 and through 2020/21 staff proposes an Operating Fund Budget that reflects the assumption that a lower portion of operating expenses will be able to be cost shared (i.e. allocated) to Capital Programs. As such, through FY 2020/21, operating expenses are expected to exceed operating revenues and the carryover fund balance is expected to decrease to $3.1 million, a decrease of approximately $700,000 over 2 years. As the Agency plans and scopes the remaining projects associated with implementing the Strategic Plan, Staff will monitor the Operating Fund and recommend approaches to reduce Operating expenses to ensure the fiscal sustainability of the Agency into the future consistent with Strategic Plan Objective No. 14.

Changes from the Current Approved 3-Year Budget Slight decrease in total projected expenditures x The total 3-Year budgeted expenditures of $113.0 million represent a slight decrease from the total current approved budget of $118.5 million. The combined budget summaries provide a detailed comparison of the changes in the 3-Year Budget. x The total 2-Year budget expenditures of $29.5 million represent a significant decrease form the total current approved budget of $114.0 million. The combined budget summaries provide a detailed comparison of the changes in the 2-Year Budget.

Decrease in total projected revenue estimates x The total 3-year budgeted revenues of $136.1 million represent a decrease of approximately $9.6 million from the current approved budget of $147.7 million. This net decrease is primarily as a result of accruing the receipt of a portion of withheld retention from the State back to Fiscal Year 2018-19.

The total 2-Year budgeted revenues of $44.2 million represents a decrease of approximately $62.4 million from the current approved budget of $106.6 million. This net decrease is primarily as a result of delays in implementing future Sutter Basin work beyond 2020-21.

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SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 05.27.19 5/30/2019 Page 1 of 2 Cons Bud

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ĐƚƵĂů ĐƚƵĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ WƌŽƉŽƐĞĚ ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ WƌŽƉŽƐĞĚ ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů /LQH,WHP'HVFULSWLRQ   %XGJHW %XGJHW 7KUHH&^ZW;ϮϬϬϰͿ ϭ͕ϴϳϰ͕ϱϭϴ  ϴ͕Ϭϲϰ͕ϰϯϵ Ͳ ϭϬϳ͕ϱϯϯ ϭϬ͕ϵϲϬ͕ϯϲϵ ϭϬ͕Ϭϰϲ͕ϰϵϭ ͲͲͲͲϭϬ͕ϵϲϬ͕ϯϲϵ  ϭϬ͕Ϭϰϲ͕ϰϵϭ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲ&Ƶƚ&^ZW^ƵƚƚĞƌLJƉĂƐƐ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ ϭϱ͕ϴϳϱ͕ϬϬϬ Ͳ ϵϬ͕Ϯϰϱ͕ϬϬϬ Ͳ ϭϬϲ͕ϭϮϬ͕ϬϬϬ Ͳ ϭϬϲ͕ϭϮϬ͕ϬϬϬ Ͳ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲKt;ϮϬϬϱͿ ϱϮϲ͕ϲϰϮ ϱϴϯ͕Ϭϯϳ ϲ͕ϴϲϱ͕ϰϵϵ ϲ͕ϴϮϱ͕Ϭϲϴ ϳ͕ϴϯϬ͕Ϭϯϰ ϳ͕ϵϯϰ͕ϳϰϳ ϭ͕ϯϱϭ͕ϰϳϵ ϳ͕ϳϮϰ͕ϰϮϬ Ͳ Ϯ͕ϮϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϭ͕ϯϱϭ͕ϰϳϵ  ϵ͕ϵϮϰ͕ϰϮϬ  ϵ͕ϭϴϭ͕ϱϭϯ  ϭϳ͕ϴϱϵ͕ϭϲϳ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲ'^W;ϮϬϬϲͿ ϯ͕ϵϴϳ Ͳ Ͳϯ͕ϵϴϳ ϯ͕ϵϴϳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ ϯ͕ϵϴϳ  ϯ͕ϵϴϳ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲ^ƚĂƌĞŶĚ;ϭϬϲϴͿ Ͳ Ͳ ͲͲͲ ͲͲͲͲͲͲ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲh>KWΘĐĐƌĞĚŝƚĂƚŝŽŶ;ϮϬϬϴͿ ϲ͕ϭϯϯ ϳϭϮ Ϯϲϵ͕ϴϭϰ Ͳ Ϯϴϰ͕ϯϴϴ ϲ͕ϴϰϰ ϭϬϬ͕ϰϴϰ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ ϭϬϬ͕ϰϴϰ Ͳ ϯϴϰ͕ϴϳϮ ϲ͕ϴϰϰ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲ^ŵĂůůŽŵŵƵŶŝƚŝĞƐ;ϳϬϬ;Ϭ͕ϭͿͿ Ͳ ϳϵϵ͕ϵϳϱ ϴϮϭ͕ϵϳϱ ϳϵϵ͕ϵϳϱ ϴϮϭ͕ϵϳϱ ϭϵϵ͕ϵϵϰ ϭϳϳ͕ϵϵϰ Ͳ ϭϵϵ͕ϵϵϰ ϭϳϳ͕ϵϵϰ ϵϵϵ͕ϵϲϵ ϵϵϵ͕ϵϲϵ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲ&ůŽŽĚ&ŝŐŚƚŝŶŐΘŵĞƌŐWƌŽƚ;ϭϬϲϲͿ ϯ͕ϳϭϲ͕Ϯϱϰ Ϯϲϲ͕ϭϮϳ Ͳϯ͕Ϯϲϱϰ͕ϮϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϯ͕ϵϴϱ͕ϲϰϲ Ͳ ϭϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ Ͳ Ͳ ϭϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϰ͕ϮϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϰ͕ϭϯϱ͕ϲϰϲ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲŵĞƌŐĞŶĐLJ>ĞǀĞĞZĞƉĂŝƌ;ϳϬϬϮͿ Ͳ Ϯϳ͕Ϯϰϴ͕ϮϱϮ Ͳ ϵϮϭ͕Ϭϰϭ Ϯϴ͕Ϯϴϯ͕Ϯϵϯ Ϯϴ͕ϭϲϵ͕Ϯϵϯ Ͳ ϲ͕ϱϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ ϲ͕ϱϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ  Ϯϴ͕Ϯϴϯ͕Ϯϵϯ  ϯϰ͕ϲϲϵ͕Ϯϵϯ ^ƵďƚŽƚĂůĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚ ϰϭ͕ϱϰϯ͕ϰϰϯ  ϰϳ͕ϯϴϴ͕ϴϭϭ  Ϯϲ͕ϱϲϲ͕ϮϬϭ  ϮϮ͕ϭϳϱ͕Ϭϭϰ ϭϭϲ͕ϯϮϱ͕Ϭϴϯ ϭϭϭ͕ϭϬϳ͕Ϯϲϴ  ϮϬ͕ϵϭϴ͕Ϯϳϱ  Ϯϰ͕ϵϰϵ͕ϲϬϮ  ϵϬ͕ϴϭϱ͕ϬϬϬ  Ϯ͕ϯϮϴ͕ϵϴϰ ϭϭϭ͕ϳϯϯ͕Ϯϳϱ  Ϯϳ͕Ϯϳϴ͕ϱϴϲ ϮϮϴ͕Ϭϱϴ͕ϯϱϴ ϭϯϴ͕ϯϴϱ͕ϴϱϰ dŽƚĂůdžƉĞŶƐĞƐKƉĞƌĂƚŝŶŐΘĂƉŝƚĂů ϰϭ͕ϵϮϳ͕ϰϴϮ  ϰϳ͕ϳϲϯ͕ϴϱϲ  Ϯϳ͕ϲϳϱ͕ϰϱϱ  Ϯϯ͕ϯϭϴ͕Ϭϵϯ ϭϭϴ͕ϰϱϵ͕ϭϬϮ ϭϭϯ͕ϬϬϵ͕ϰϯϭ  ϮϮ͕ϬϮϳ͕ϱϮϵ  Ϯϲ͕Ϭϱϲ͕ϰϱϱ  ϵϭ͕ϵϮϰ͕Ϯϱϰ  ϯ͕ϰϯϱ͕ϴϯϴ ϭϭϯ͕ϵϱϭ͕ϳϴϯ  Ϯϵ͕ϰϵϮ͕Ϯϵϯ ϮϯϮ͕ϰϭϬ͕ϴϴϰ ϭϰϮ͕ϱϬϭ͕ϳϮϰ &ŝŶĂŶĐŝŶŐĐƚŝǀŝƚŝĞƐ΀ϭ΁ 'ƌŽƐƐWƌŽĐĞĞĚƐĨƌŽŵEĞǁĞďƚ΀dƌƵƐƚĞĞ΁ ;ϲ͕ϰϬϴ͕ϮϮϲͿ WƌŽĐĞĞĚƐĨƌŽŵŽĨEĞǁĞďƚ΀^&΁ ϲ͕ϰϬϴ͕ϮϮϲ Ͳ ^ŚŽƌƚͬ>ŽŶŐdĞƌŵĞďƚZĞƉĂLJŵĞŶƚ ŽƐƚƐŽĨ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝŶŐ /ŶƚĞƌĞƐƚWĂŝĚŽŶKƵƚƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐĞďƚ ;ϰ͕Ϭϵϲ͕ϴϯϵͿ  ;ϰ͕Ϯϲϱ͕ϴϱϲͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϴ͕ϭϴϭͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϴ͕ϭϴϭͿ  ;ϭϯ͕ϲϲϵ͕ϭϬϮͿ  ;ϭϯ͕ϴϯϬ͕ϴϳϳͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϳ͕ϳϴϭͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϳ͕ϳϴϭͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϱϴ͕ϰϬϲͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϱϴ͕ϰϬϲͿ  ;ϭϬ͕ϵϮϲ͕ϭϴϴͿ  ;ϭϬ͕ϵϮϲ͕ϭϴϴͿ  ;Ϯϰ͕ϱϵϱ͕ϮϴϵͿ  ;Ϯϰ͕ϳϱϳ͕ϬϲϰͿ 1HW)LQDQFLQJ$FWLYLWLHV ;ϰ͕Ϭϵϲ͕ϴϯϵͿ  ;ϰ͕Ϯϲϱ͕ϴϱϲͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϴ͕ϭϴϭͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϴ͕ϭϴϭͿ  ;ϭϯ͕ϲϲϵ͕ϭϬϮͿ  ;ϭϯ͕ϴϯϬ͕ϴϳϳͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϳ͕ϳϴϭͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϳ͕ϳϴϭͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϱϴ͕ϰϬϲͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϱϴ͕ϰϬϲͿ  ;ϭϬ͕ϵϮϲ͕ϭϴϴͿ  ;ϭϬ͕ϵϮϲ͕ϭϴϴͿ  ;Ϯϰ͕ϱϵϱ͕ϮϴϵͿ  ;Ϯϰ͕ϳϱϳ͕ϬϲϰͿ tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůŶĚŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ KƉĞƌĂƚŝŽŶĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϬ ϯ͕ϲϴϰ͕ϵϲϵ  ϰ͕ϭϭϬ͕ϯϰϰ  ϯ͕ϰϯϰ͕ϵϴϵ  ϯ͕ϴϬϴ͕ϲϭϲ  ϯ͕ϰϯϰ͕ϵϴϵ  ϯ͕ϴϬϴ͕ϲϭϲ  ϯ͕Ϭϳϱ͕ϳϯϱ  ϯ͕ϰϱϭ͕ϳϲϮ  Ϯ͕ϳϭϲ͕ϰϴϭ  ϯ͕Ϭϵϰ͕ϵϬϵ  Ϯ͕ϳϭϲ͕ϰϴϭ  ϯ͕Ϭϵϰ͕ϵϬϵ  Ϯ͕ϳϭϲ͕ϰϴϭ  ϯ͕Ϭϵϰ͕ϵϬϵ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲh^^&ZD;ϭϬϲϰͿ ;ϴϴϭ͕ϰϮϰͿ ;ϰ͕ϭϵϮ͕ϮϭϯͿ  ;ϲ͕Ϭϭϴ͕ϱϰϯͿ  ;ϴ͕ϱϴϰ͕ϮϲϰͿ  ;ϲ͕Ϭϭϴ͕ϱϰϯͿ  ;ϴ͕ϱϴϰ͕ϮϲϰͿ  ;ϴ͕ϵϱϭ͕ϬϰϯͿ  ;ϵ͕ϲϴϯ͕ϳϯϮͿ  ;ϵ͕ϱϭϭ͕ϬϰϯͿ  ;ϵ͕ϲϴϯ͕ϳϯϮͿ  ;ϵ͕ϱϭϭ͕ϬϰϯͿ  ;ϵ͕ϲϴϯ͕ϳϯϮͿ  ;ϵ͕ϱϭϭ͕ϬϰϯͿ  ;ϵ͕ϲϴϯ͕ϳϯϮͿ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲ/Wͬh&ZZ;ϱϬϬϭͬϲϬϬϭͿ΀ϭ΁ Ϯϯ͕ϵϲϯ͕ϵϲϭ  Ϯϲ͕ϱϵϰ͕ϭϵϵ  ϯϳ͕ϭϭϮ͕Ϯϯϳ  ϯϱ͕ϰϭϭ͕ϯϮϱ  ϯϳ͕ϭϭϮ͕Ϯϯϳ  ϯϱ͕ϰϭϭ͕ϯϮϱ  ϯϳ͕ϵϰϱ͕ϲϯϴ  ϯϯ͕ϰϬϱ͕ϴϮϰ ϯϴ͕Ϯϯϳ͕ϮϯϮ  ϯϱ͕ϴϯϵ͕ϯϯϳ  ϯϴ͕Ϯϯϳ͕ϮϯϮ  ϯϱ͕ϴϯϵ͕ϯϯϳ  ϯϴ͕Ϯϯϳ͕ϮϯϮ  ϯϱ͕ϴϯϵ͕ϯϯϳ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲ^ƚĂŬĞŚŽůĚĞƌ;ϭϬϲϴͿ Ϯ͕ϭϵϲ ;ϯ͕ϱϲϲͿ  ;ϴ͕ϴϳϵͿ  ϭϲ͕Ϯϰϳ  ;ϴ͕ϴϳϵͿ  ϭϲ͕Ϯϰϳ ;ϭϴ͕ϴϳϵͿ ϲ͕Ϯϰϳ ;Ϯϴ͕ϴϳϵͿ ;ϯ͕ϳϱϯͿ ;Ϯϴ͕ϴϳϵͿ ;ϯ͕ϳϱϯͿ ;Ϯϴ͕ϴϳϵͿ ;ϯ͕ϳϱϯͿ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲZĞŐŝŽŶĂůWůĂŶŶŝŶŐ;ϮϬϬϭͿ ;ϭϵϭ͕ϭϳϴͿ ;ϭϵϯ͕ϰϬϲͿ ϮϳϬ͕ϰϰϵ ;ϮϮϲ͕ϳϮϭͿ ϮϳϬ͕ϰϰϵ ;ϮϮϲ͕ϳϮϭͿ ϮϳϬ͕ϰϰϵ Ϯϱϱ͕ϭϲϳ ϮϳϬ͕ϰϰϵ Ϯϱϱ͕ϭϲϳ ϮϳϬ͕ϰϰϵ Ϯϱϱ͕ϭϲϳ ϮϳϬ͕ϰϰϵ Ϯϱϱ͕ϭϲϳ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲZWůĂŶŶŝŶŐ;ϮϬϬϮͿ ;ϲϵ͕ϵϵϭͿ ;ϲϵ͕ϵϵϭͿ ;ϲϵ͕ϵϵϭͿ ;ϲϵ͕ϵϵϭͿ ;ϲϵ͕ϵϵϭͿ ;ϲϵ͕ϵϵϭͿ ;ϲϵ͕ϵϵϭͿ ;ϲϵ͕ϵϵϭͿ ;ϲϵ͕ϵϵϭͿ ;ϲϵ͕ϵϵϭͿ ;ϲϵ͕ϵϵϭͿ ;ϲϵ͕ϵϵϭͿ ;ϲϵ͕ϵϵϭͿ ;ϲϵ͕ϵϵϭͿ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲ>&^ZW;ϮϬϬϰͿ ϭ͕ϯϭϬ͕ϬϬϴ  ;Ϯ͕ϯϳϯ͕ϯϰϴͿ  ;Ϯ͕ϴϭϴ͕ϲϰϱͿ  ;ϭ͕ϲϬϴ͕ϰϲϳͿ  ;Ϯ͕ϴϭϴ͕ϲϰϰͿ  ;ϭ͕ϲϬϴ͕ϰϲϳͿ  ;Ϯ͕ϴϭϴ͕ϲϰϱͿ  ;ϭ͕ϲϬϴ͕ϰϲϳͿ  ;Ϯ͕ϴϭϴ͕ϲϰϱͿ  ;ϭ͕ϲϬϴ͕ϰϲϳͿ  ;Ϯ͕ϴϭϴ͕ϲϰϰͿ  ;ϭ͕ϲϬϴ͕ϰϲϳͿ  ;Ϯ͕ϴϭϴ͕ϲϰϰͿ  ;ϭ͕ϲϬϴ͕ϰϲϳͿ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲ&Ƶƚ&^ZW^ƵƚƚĞƌLJƉĂƐƐ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ ;ϯ͕ϳϯϬ͕ϲϮϱͿ Ͳ ;ϭϱ͕ϵϭϴ͕ϬϬϬͿ Ͳ ;ϭϱ͕ϵϭϴ͕ϬϬϬͿ Ͳ ;ϭϱ͕ϵϭϴ͕ϬϬϬͿ Ͳ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲKt;ϮϬϬϱͿ ;ϮϯϬ͕ϭϭϮͿ ;ϰϰϰ͕ϴϰϯͿ  ;ϲϯϭ͕ϬϵϵͿ  ;ϰ͕Ϯϭϴ͕ϱϭϬͿ  ;ϲϯϭ͕ϬϵϵͿ  ;ϰ͕Ϯϭϴ͕ϱϭϬͿ ;ϯϴ͕ϴϳϵͿ ;ϭϮϰ͕ϲϲϴͿ ;ϯϴ͕ϴϳϵͿ ;ϭϮϰ͕ϲϲϴͿ ;ϯϴ͕ϴϳϵͿ ;ϭϮϰ͕ϲϲϴͿ ;ϰϳ͕ϬϭϰͿ ;ϭϮϰ͕ϲϲϴͿ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲ'^W;ϮϬϬϲͿ ;ϳϯ͕ϬϵϵͿ ;ϳϯ͕ϬϵϵͿ ;ϳϯ͕ϬϵϵͿ ;ϳϯ͕ϬϵϵͿ ;ϳϯ͕ϬϵϵͿ ;ϳϯ͕ϬϵϵͿ ;ϳϯ͕ϬϵϵͿ ;ϳϯ͕ϬϵϵͿ ;ϳϯ͕ϬϵϵͿ ;ϳϯ͕ϬϵϵͿ ;ϳϯ͕ϬϵϵͿ ;ϳϯ͕ϬϵϵͿ ;ϳϯ͕ϬϵϵͿ ;ϳϯ͕ϬϵϵͿ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲ^ƚĂƌĞŶĚ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲh>KWΘĐĐƌĞĚŝƚĂƚŝŽŶ;ϮϬϬϴͿ ;ϲ͕ϭϯϯͿ  ;ϲ͕ϴϰϰͿ  ;Ϯϴϰ͕ϯϴϴͿ  ;ϲ͕ϴϰϰͿ  ;Ϯϴϰ͕ϯϴϴͿ  ;ϲ͕ϴϰϰͿ  ;ϯϴϰ͕ϴϳϮͿ  ;ϲ͕ϴϰϰͿ  ;ϯϴϰ͕ϴϳϮͿ  ;ϲ͕ϴϰϰͿ  ;ϯϴϰ͕ϴϳϮͿ  ;ϲ͕ϴϰϰͿ  ;ϯϴϰ͕ϴϳϮͿ  ;ϲ͕ϴϰϰͿ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲ^ŵĂůůŽŵŵƵŶŝƚŝĞƐ;ϳϬϬ;Ϭ͕ϭͿͿ ;ϱϱϵ͕ϵϳϱͿ ;ϱϴϭ͕ϵϳϱͿ  ;ϱϱϵ͕ϵϳϱͿ  ;ϱϴϭ͕ϵϳϱͿ  ;Ϯϵϵ͕ϵϲϴͿ  ;Ϯϵϵ͕ϵϲϴͿ  ;Ϯϵϵ͕ϵϲϴͿ Ͳ ;Ϯϵϵ͕ϵϲϴͿ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲ&ůŽŽĚ&ŝŐŚƚŝŶŐΘŵĞƌŐWƌŽƚ;ϭϬϲϲͿ ;ϯ͕ϳϭϲ͕ϮϱϰͿ  ;ϯ͕ϴϱϲ͕ϯϳϴͿ Ͳ ;Ϯ͕ϮϰϬͿ Ͳ ;Ϯ͕ϮϰϬͿ Ͳ ;Ϯ͕ϮϰϬͿ Ͳ ;Ϯ͕ϮϰϬͿ Ͳ ;Ϯ͕ϮϰϬͿ Ͳ ;Ϯ͕ϮϰϬͿ ĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚϳϯϭͲŵĞƌŐĞŶĐLJ>ĞǀĞĞZĞƉĂŝƌ;ϳϬϬϮͿ Ͳ ;ϰ͕ϳϰϴ͕ϮϵϵͿ  ;ϯ͕Ϯϴϯ͕ϮϵϯͿ ;ϯ͕ϭϲϵ͕ϮϵϯͿ  ;ϯ͕Ϯϴϯ͕ϮϵϯͿ  ;ϯ͕ϭϲϵ͕ϮϵϯͿ  ;ϯ͕Ϯϴϯ͕ϮϵϯͿ  ;ϳ͕ϲϲϵ͕ϮϵϯͿ  ;ϯ͕Ϯϴϯ͕ϮϵϯͿ  ;ϯ͕ϭϲϵ͕ϮϵϯͿ  ;ϯ͕Ϯϴϯ͕ϮϵϯͿ  ;ϯ͕ϭϲϵ͕ϮϵϯͿ  ;ϯ͕Ϯϴϯ͕ϮϵϯͿ  ;ϯ͕ϭϲϵ͕ϮϵϯͿ dŽƚĂůtŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůŶĚŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ Ϯϯ͕ϳϵϮ͕ϵϰϯ  ϭϰ͕ϳϰϮ͕ϱϱϲ  Ϯϳ͕Ϭϲϵ͕ϳϲϮ  ϮϬ͕ϲϵϰ͕ϳϴϯ  Ϯϳ͕Ϭϲϵ͕ϳϲϯ  ϮϬ͕ϲϵϰ͕ϳϴϯ  Ϯϭ͕ϲϮϮ͕ϱϮϴ  ϭϳ͕ϴϴϬ͕ϲϲϱ  ϴ͕ϳϵϳ͕ϰϵϯ  Ϯϰ͕ϰϰϳ͕ϯϮϱ  ϴ͕ϳϵϳ͕ϰϵϰ  Ϯϰ͕ϰϰϳ͕ϯϮϱ  ϴ͕ϳϴϵ͕ϯϱϴ  Ϯϰ͕ϰϰϳ͕ϯϮϱ ΀ϭ΁ &ŝŶĂŶĐŝŶŐĐƚŝǀŝƚŝĞƐĂƌĞƌĞĨůĞĐƚĞĚŝŶƚŚĞĂƉŝƚĂů&ƵŶĚ/Wͬh&ZZŶĚŝŶŐtŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůĂůĂŶĐĞ

SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 05.27.19 5/30/2019 Page 2 of 2 Cons Bud   6877(5%877()/22'&21752/$*(1&<  23(5$7,1*)81'

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6%)&$23(5$7,1*)81' ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH



([SHQGLWXUHV   ^ƚĂĨĨŝŶŐ͗   ϲϮϳϬϭ džĞĐƵƚŝǀĞŝƌĞĐƚŽƌΎ     ϲϮϳϯϬ ƚƚŽƌŶĞLJΎ                        ϲϮϳϬϭ ŶĂůLJƐƚͬĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŝǀĞƐƐŝƐƚĂŶƚΎ                     ϲϮϳϬϭ ůĞƌŬͬ^ĞĐƌĞƚĂƌLJΎ                        ϲϮϳϵϴ džĞĐƵƚŝǀĞŝƌĞĐƚŽƌͲ^ĂůĂƌŝĞƐΘtĂŐĞƐ                          ϲϮϳϵϴ ĚŵŝŶDŐƌͲ^ĂůĂƌŝĞƐΘtĂŐĞƐ                        ϲϮϳϵϴ WĚŵŝŶ>ĂďŽƌKǀĞƌŚĞĂĚ                      ϲϮϳϵϵ džĞĐƵƚŝǀĞŝƌĞĐƚŽƌͲĞŶĞĨŝƚƐ                       ϲϮϳϵϵ ĚŵŝŶDŐƌͲĞŶĞĨŝƚƐ                       ϲϭϮϭϬ ŝƌĞĐƚŽƌŽĨŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐͲ^ĂůĂƌLJ                        ϲϭϱyy ŝƌĞĐƚŽƌŽĨŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐͲĞŶĞĨŝƚƐ                      ϲϮϳϬϭ ŝƌĞĐƚŽƌŽĨŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐͲŽŶƐƵůƚŝŶŐ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚΎ                          ϲϮϳϬϭ WƵďůŝĐ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶΎ                        ϲϮϳϬϭ &ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂůDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚΎ                          ϲϮϳϬϭ ƐƐĞƐƐŵĞŶƚŝƐƚƌŝĐƚĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŝŽŶ                       ϲϱϲϰϳ ĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŝŽŶ                      ϲϮϳϬϭ ^t/&ĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚ                        ϲϮϳϬϭ 'ŽǀĞƌŶĂŶĐĞ                        ϲϮϳϬϭ ĂƐŝŶ&ůŽŽĚƉůĂŝŶDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ                       

^ƵďͲdŽƚĂů     ϵϬϬ͕ϰϬϲ       ϵϬϬ͕ϰϬϲ   ϵϬϬ͕ϰϬϲ   ϭ͕ϴϬϬ͕ϴϭϮ   ŽƵŶƚLJͬŝƚLJ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ͗ ϲϮϳϬϭ ƵĚŐĞƚͬĐĐŽƵŶƚŝŶŐͬ&ŝŶĂŶĐĞΎ                        ϲϮϳϬϭ ŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐͬWƵďůŝĐtŽƌŬƐ ϲϮϳϬϭ ,ƵŵĂŶZĞƐŽƵƌĐĞƐͬZŝƐŬDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ ϲϮϳϬϭ &ĞĚĞƌĂůĚǀŽĐĂĐLJ;^ƵƚƚĞƌĂƐŝŶͿ ϲϮϳϬϭ KƚŚĞƌ ^ƵďͲdŽƚĂů Ͳ  Ͳ  ϮϮ͕ϬϱϬ  ϮϮ͕ϬϱϬ  ϯϯ͕Ϭϳϱ  ϮϮ͕ϬϱϬ  ϮϮ͕ϬϱϬ  ϮϮ͕ϬϱϬ  ϮϮ͕ϬϱϬ  ϮϮ͕ϬϱϬ  ϰϰ͕ϭϬϬ  ϰϰ͕ϭϬϬ

SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 05.27.19 Page 1 of 2 Bud - 730 Page 4 of 26

6%)&$23(5$7,1*)81' ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH


^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐĂŶĚ^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐ͗ ϲϮϮϬϭ dĞůĞƉŚŽŶĞΎ                         ϲϮϯϬϭ WŽƐƚĂŐĞΘ&ƌĞŝŐŚƚΎ                    ϲϮϰϬϭ ĚǀĞƌƚŝƐŝŶŐΎ                 ϲϮϱϬϭ KĨĨŝĐĞ^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΎ                         ϲϮϱϬϳ ŽŵƉƵƚĞƌ&ŽƌŵƐΘ^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΎ                        ϲϮϲϬϭ WƌŝŶƚŝŶŐĂŶĚŝŶĚŝŶŐΎ                         ϲϮϳϬϭ WƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂů^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐΎ                        ϲϮϳϬϭ WĂLJĐŚĞdžWĂLJƌŽůů^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐΎ                      ϲϮϴϬϭ dƌĂǀĞůΘDĞĞƚŝŶŐΎ                      ϲϯϭϬϭ ƵĞƐΘ^ƵďƐĐƌŝƉƚŝŽŶƐΎ                   ϲϯϮϬϭ ZĞŶƚĂůƐͲƵŝůĚŝŶŐƐͬƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚͬ>ĂŶĚΎ                       ϲϯϯϬϭ KΘDͲKĨĨŝĐĞƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚΎ                        ϲϯϯϮϬ KΘDͲŽŵƉƵƚĞƌƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚΎ                        ϲϯϴϬϭ dŽŽůƐ͕^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΘƋƵŝƉ͘фΨϱϬϬϬΎ                         ϲϯϵϬϭ dƌĂŝŶŝŶŐWƌŽŐƌĂŵͬŝĚƐΎ                        ϲϰϯϭϬ >ŝĂďŝůŝƚLJ/ŶƐƵƌĂŶĐĞΎ                      ϲϲϬϬϭ KƚŚĞƌDĂƚĞƌŝĂůƐΘ^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΎ                     ^ƵďͲdŽƚĂů     ϭϴϭ͕ϳϵϴ       ϭϴϭ͕ϳϵϴ   ϭϴϭ͕ϳϵϴ   ϯϲϯ͕ϱϵϲ   ĂƉŝƚĂůͬ^ŵĂůůƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚ/ƚĞŵƐ͗ ϲϵϮϬϭ ƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚ     ϲϱϲϬϮ ŽŶƚŝŶŐĞŶĐLJ                   dŽƚĂůKƉĞƌĂƚŝŶŐdžƉĞŶĚŝƚƵƌĞƐ ϯϴϰ͕Ϭϯϵ  ϯϳϱ͕Ϭϰϱ  ϭ͕ϭϬϵ͕Ϯϱϰ  ϭ͕ϭϰϯ͕Ϭϳϵ  Ϯ͕ϭϯϰ͕Ϭϭϴ  ϭ͕ϵϬϮ͕ϭϲϮ  ϭ͕ϭϬϵ͕Ϯϱϰ  ϭ͕ϭϬϲ͕ϴϱϰ  ϭ͕ϭϬϵ͕Ϯϱϰ  ϭ͕ϭϬϲ͕ϴϱϰ  Ϯ͕Ϯϭϴ͕ϱϬϴ  Ϯ͕Ϯϭϯ͕ϳϬϳ


tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                                  tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲŶĚŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                                  sĂƌŝĂŶĐĞ                                  


SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 05.27.19 Page 2 of 2 Bud - 730

  6877(5%877()/22'&21752/$*(1&<  &$3,7$/)81' Page 5 of 26

6%)&$&$3,7$/)81'86$&(6%)50  ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH

$FFRXQW   ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ )LQDO ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů 1XPEHU /LQH,WHP'HVFULSWLRQ $FWXDOV $FWXDOV ϮϬϭϴͲϭϵƵĚŐĞƚ ϮϬϭϴͲϭϵƵĚŐĞƚ 7KUHHĞŐĂůͿͲt/< ϭϴ͕ϲϵϬ  ϳϯ͕ϲϬϰ  Ͳ  Ϯϵ͕ϱϴϬ  ϳϳ͕ϲϭϬ  ϭϮϭ͕ϴϳϰ Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϱϲϯϳ WĞƚĞƌƐŽŶƌƵƐƚĂĚ/ŶĐ;&ĞĂƐŝďŝůŝƚLJ^ƚƵĚLJŝǀŝůͿͲt/< ϭϵ͕ϲϴϯ  ϵϬ͕ϯϭϮ  Ͳ  ϴϮ͕ϭϭϰ  ϲϯ͕ϲϴϯ  ϭϵϮ͕ϭϬϵ Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϮϳϵϴ KͬͬD;&ĞĂƐŝďŝůŝƚLJ^ƚƵĚLJdĞĐŚŶŝĐĂůͿͲt/< Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϱϲϯϱ ^&ĂƐŚdƌĂŶƐŵŝƚƚĞĚƚŽƚŚĞh^ ϯϯϰ͕ϵϴϵ  ϭ͕Ϯϴϵ͕ϵϰϯ  ϭ͕ϵϳϮ͕ϱϬϬ  ϯ͕ϱϬϱ͕ϴϮϰ  ϯ͕ϰϴϲ͕ϯϲϰ  ϱ͕ϭϯϬ͕ϳϱϳ  ϭ͕ϵϳϮ͕ϱϬϬ  ϯϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ  Ͳ  ϭ͕ϵϳϮ͕ϱϬϬ  ϯϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ W ϯϯϰ͕ϵϴϵ  ϯϳϰ͕ϵϲϴ  Ͳ  Ϯ͕ϳϰϯ͕ϲϮϮ  ϳϮϮ͕ϳϱϬ  ϯ͕ϰϱϯ͕ϱϳϴ  ϯϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ Ͳ  ϯϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ E ϵ͕Ϯϲϳ  ϭ͕ϳϳϮ͕ϱϬϬ  Ͳ  ϭ͕ϳϳϮ͕ϱϬϬ  ϵ͕Ϯϲϳ    ϭ͕ϳϳϮ͕ϱϬϬ  Ͳ >ZZƐ ϵϬϱ͕ϳϬϵ  ϮϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϳϲϮ͕ϮϬϯ  ϵϵϭ͕ϭϭϰ  ϭ͕ϲϲϳ͕ϵϭϮ    ϮϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ

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6XE7RWDO3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV                        dŽŽůƐ͕^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΘƋƵŝƉ͘фΨϱ͕ϬϬϬ 6XE7RWDO0DWHULDOV6XSSOLHV 6HUYLFHV                        ƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚ 6XE7RWDO&DSLWDO6PDOO(TXLSPHQW,WHPV                        Sub-Total-Soft Costs                        &DSLWDO3URMHFWV



tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                         tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲŶĚŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                         sĂƌŝĂŶĐĞ                        


SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 05.27.19 Page 1 of 1 Bud 731-1064

Page 6 of 26

6%)&$&$3,7$/)81'67$.(+2/'(50$1$*(0(17352*5$0  ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH

$FFRXQW   ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚ;ϱͬϭϬͬϭϳͿ ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů 1XPEHU /LQH,WHP'HVFULSWLRQ $FWXDOV $FWXDOV %XGJHW %XGJHW 

([SHQGLWXUHV &DSLWDO3URMHFW6RIW&RVWV  ϵϵϭϬϲϴ ϲϱϲϯϳ 6WDNHKROGHU0DQDJHPHQW(IIRUWV)(0$=RQH5HIRUP 'RZQH\%UDQG ϯ͕Ϯϯϰ  ϱ͕ϳϲϮ  ϰϰϬ  ϭ͕ϲϴϬ  ϲ͕ϴϴϵ  ϵ͕ϰϯϲ Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϱϲϯϴ 6WDNHKROGHU0DQDJHPHQW(IIRUWV)HG&UHGLW5HIRUP 'RZQH\%UDQG Ͳ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϱϵϯϵ 6WDNHKROGHU0DQDJHPHQW(IIRUWV2WKHU Ͳ  ϳ͕ϰϮϬ  ϳ͕ϬϮϬ  Ϯϯ͕ϯϮϬ  ϳ͕ϰϮϬ  ϳ͕ϬϮϬ  ϭϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϭϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϭϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϭϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϮϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϮϬ͕ϬϬϬ 6XE7RWDO3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV                                       dŽŽůƐ͕^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΘƋƵŝƉ͘фΨϱ͕ϬϬϬ 6XE7RWDO0DWHULDOV6XSSOLHV 6HUYLFHV                                      ƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚ 6XE7RWDO&DSLWDO6PDOO(TXLSPHQW,WHPV                                      Sub-Total-Soft Costs                      &DSLWDO3URMHFWV


Total Capital Expenditures                                      


tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                                    tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲŶĚŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                                       sĂƌŝĂŶĐĞ                                       


SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 05.27.19 Page 1 of 1 Bud 731-1068 Page 7 of 26

6%)&$&$3,7$/)81'($5/<,03/(0(17$7,21352-(&7  ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH

ĐĐŽƵŶƚ ϭϲͬϭϳ ϭϳͬϭϴ ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů EƵŵďĞƌ >ŝŶĞ/ƚĞŵĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŝŽŶ ĐƚƵĂůƐ ĐƚƵĂůƐ ϮϬϭϴͲϭϵƵĚŐĞƚ ϮϬϭϴͲϭϵƵĚŐĞƚ dŚƌĞĞzĞĂƌƐ 7KUHHŽĐĂůƌĞ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϰϯϱϯϭ ^ƚĂƚĞ/ŶƚĞƌŐŽǀĞƌŶŵĞŶƚĂů&ƵŶĚƐͲ/W'ƌĂŶƚ&ƵŶĚƐͲWƌŽƉ͘ϴϰͬWƌŽƉ͘ϭ;^ƚĂƚĞ^ŚĂ ϰϲ͕ϭϬϲ͕ϳϳϲ  ϴ͕ϲϵϴ͕ϭϰϴ  ϭϱ͕ϲϰϲ͕ϮϲϮ  ϭϳ͕ϲϬϬ͕ϲϮϬ  ϴϬ͕ϲϲϲ͕ϰϰϳ  ϳϮ͕ϰϬϱ͕ϱϰϰ  ϭ͕ϬϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϳ͕ϬϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ  Ϯ͕ϮϲϬ͕ϵϬϯ  ϭ͕ϬϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϵ͕ϮϲϬ͕ϵϬϯ ϰϯϳϭϳ >ŽĐĂů/ŶƚĞƌŐŽǀĞƌŶŵĞŶƚĂůŽŶƚƌŝďƵƚŝŽŶƐ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ Ͳ ϰϱϱϮϬ ƐƐĞƐƐŵĞŶƚŝƐƚƌŝĐƚWƌŽĐĞĞĚƐͬŽŶĚŶƚŝĐŝƉĂƚŝŽŶEŽƚĞƐ ϱ͕ϵϯϰ͕ϳϵϱ  ϱ͕ϴϵϲ͕ϭϭϵ  ϱ͕ϳϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϱ͕ϳϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϭϳ͕ϰϯϰ͕ϳϵϱ  ϭϳ͕ϱϴϬ͕ϵϭϯ  ϱ͕ϳϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϱ͕ϳϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϱ͕ϳϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϱ͕ϳϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϭϭ͕ϱϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϭϭ͕ϱϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϰϲϭϭϬ /ŶƚĞƌĞƐƚŽŶ/ŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚƐ ϵϴ͕ϬϵϮ ϭϳϬ͕ϬϴϬ  ;Ϯ͕ϬϬϳͿ  ϵϴ͕ϰϭϵ Ϯϲϲ͕ϭϲϱ Ͳ ϰϵϬϭϬ KƚŚĞƌZĞǀĞŶƵĞ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ Ͳ dŽƚĂůĂƉŝƚĂůZĞǀĞŶƵĞƐ ϱϮ͕ϭϯϵ͕ϲϲϮ  ϭϰ͕ϳϲϰ͕ϯϰϳ  Ϯϭ͕ϯϵϲ͕ϮϲϮ  Ϯϯ͕ϯϰϴ͕ϲϭϯ  ϵϴ͕ϭϵϵ͕ϲϲϭ  ϵϬ͕ϮϱϮ͕ϲϮϮ  ϲ͕ϳϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϭϮ͕ϳϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϱ͕ϳϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϴ͕ϬϭϬ͕ϵϬϯ  ϭϮ͕ϱϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϮϬ͕ϳϲϬ͕ϵϬϯ

džƉĞŶĚŝƚƵƌĞƐ;ĂƉŝƚĂůWƌŽũĞĐƚ^ŽĨƚŽƐƚƐͿ͗ ϵϵϭϬϲϳ ĂƌůLJ/ŵƉůĞŵĞŶƚĂƚŝŽŶWƌŽũĞĐƚͲWƌĞͲWůĂŶŶŝŶŐ ϲϱϲϮϭ WĞƚĞƌƐŽŶƌƵƐƚĂĚ͕/ŶĐ͘;/W'ƌĂŶƚƉƉůŝĐĂƚŝŽŶdKϯͿ Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϱϲϮϭ ĂǀŝĚ&ŽƌĚ;ŵĞƌŐĞŶĐLJZĞƐƉŽŶƐĞ'ƌĂŶƚƉƉ͘Ϳ Ͳ  ϯϬ͕ϵϭϯ  Ͳ  Ͳ  ϯϬ͕ϵϭϯ  ϯϬ͕ϵϭϯ  Ͳ ϲϱϲϭϴ <ůĞŝŶĨĞůĚĞƌ;WƌĞůŝŵŝŶĂƌLJĞƐŝŐŶ'ĞŽƚĞĐŚŶŝĐĂůŶĂůLJƐŝƐͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϱϲϭϳ WĞƚĞƌƐŽŶƌƵƐƚĂĚ͕/ŶĐ͘;WƌĞůŝŵŝŶĂƌLJĞƐŝŐŶͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϱϲϮϭ W/&ƵƚƵƌĞdĂƐŬKƌĚĞƌ;/WŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶ'ƌĂŶƚͿ ϭϲ͕ϰϲϰ  Ͳ  Ͳ  ϴ͕Ϭϲϰ  ϭϲ͕ϰϲϰ  Ϯϰ͕ϱϮϴ  Ͳ džƉĞŶĚŝƚƵƌĞƐ;ĂƉŝƚĂůWƌŽũĞĐƚ^ŽĨƚŽƐƚͿ͗ Ͳ ϲϲϯϬϭ ĚŐĂƌΘƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞƐ;ůůŽĐ͘^ŚĂƌĞƚŽ/WDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚͿ Ͳ  Ͳ Ͳ

ϲϲϯϬϮ <ĞŶŶĞĚLJDŽĚĞƐƚƐŽŵŵ͘;ůůŽĐ͘^ŚĂƌĞƚŽ/WDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚͿ Ϯϰ͕ϴϬϴ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ϯϰ͕ϴϬϴ  Ϯϰ͕ϴϬϴ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϯϭϭ 'ĞŶĞƌĂů;^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΘWWͿ;ůůŽĐ͘^ŚĂƌĞͲĞƐWŚĂƐĞͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϳϯϭϬ 'ĞŶĞƌĂů;^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΘWWͿ;ůůŽĐ͘^ŚĂƌĞͲŽŶWŚĂƐĞͿ Ϯϳϴ͕ϵϰϰ ϭϱϭ͕ϭϲϮ ϭϮϬ͕ϬϬϬ η ϭϱϮ͕Ϭϰϯ ϱϴϮ͕ϭϰϵ ϱϴϮ͕ϭϰϵ  ϰϬ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ  ϰϬ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ ϲϲϯϮϭ ŽǁŶĞLJƌĂŶĚ;/W>ĞŐĂůͲ&ĞĂƚŚĞƌZŝǀĞƌWƌŽũĞĐƚͿ ϭϭϮ͕ϭϵϭ  ϮϬ͕ϳϯϳ  ϯϬ͕ϬϬϬ η ϯϯ͕ϯϮϬ ϭϲϲ͕Ϯϰϴ ϭϲϲ͕Ϯϰϴ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϯϮϮ ŽǁŶĞLJƌĂŶĚ;/W>ĞŐĂůͲůůŽĐ͘^ŚĂƌĞŽĨ'ĞŶĞƌĂůͿ ϭϱϬ͕ϯϯϱ ϭϭϯ͕Ϭϯϲ  Ϯϲ͕ϱϯϭ η ϵϬ͕ϬϬϬ Ϯϵϳ͕ϲϮϱ ϯϱϯ͕ϯϳϭ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϱϭϮͬϲϲϳϭϯ ŽǁŶĞLJƌĂŶĚ;ZKt>ĞŐĂůͿͲ'ĞŶĞƌĂů Ϯϱϲ͕ϲϬϵ ϭϱϵ͕ϲϮϴ ϭϭϭ͕ϯϮϬ η ϭϰϮ͕ϲϵϳ ϱϱϴ͕ϵϯϰ ϱϱϴ͕ϵϯϰ  ϯϳ͕ϭϬϳ  Ͳ  ϯϳ͕ϭϬϳ  Ͳ ϲϳϭϭϯ ŽǁŶĞLJƌĂŶĚ;ZKt>ĞŐĂůͿͲƌĞĂΘ'ĂƉƐ ϮϮ͕Ϯϵϱ  Ͳ  ϭϱ͕ϬϬϬ η ϯϱ͕ϬϬϬ  ϱϳ͕Ϯϵϱ  ϱϳ͕Ϯϵϱ  ϱ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ  ϱ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ ϲϴϭϭϯ ŽǁŶĞLJƌĂŶĚ;ZKt>ĞŐĂůͿͲƌĞĂ Ͳ  Ͳ  ϭϬ͕ϬϬϬ η ϯϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϯϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϯϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϯ͕ϯϯϯ  Ͳ  ϯ͕ϯϯϯ  Ͳ ϲϴϳϭϯ ŽǁŶĞLJƌĂŶĚ;ZKt>ĞŐĂůͿͲƌĞĂ ϳ͕ϳϱϵ  ϭϬ͕ϵϳϲ  ϭϱ͕ϬϬϬ η Ϯϵ͕ϱϱϴ  ϰϴ͕Ϯϵϯ  ϰϴ͕Ϯϵϯ  ϱ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ  ϱ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ ϲϲϯϯϭ <ŝŵ&ůŽLJĚŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƐ;/WWƵďůŝĐ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶͿ ϱϭ͕ϳϵϲ  ϳϴ͕Ϯϰϳ  Ͳ  ϱϭ͕ϵϰϵ ϭϭϭ͕ϵϵϭ ϭϴϭ͕ϵϵϭ  Ͳ  ϭϬ͕ϬϬϬ Ͳ  ϭϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϲϲϱϭϰ <ŝŵ&ůŽLJĚŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƐ;ZKtŽŽƌĚŝŶĂƚŝŽŶͿ Ͳ  ϯϵϬ  ϱ͕ϰϭϳ η ϳ͕ϰϭϳ  ϳ͕ϴϬϳ  ϳ͕ϴϬϳ  ϭϰ͕ϵϭϳ  Ͳ  ϭϰ͕ϵϭϳ  Ͳ

ϲ;ϳ͕ϴͿϮϬϯ <ŝŵ&ůŽLJĚŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƐ;/WŽŶƐƚ͘KƵƚƌĞĂĐŚͲ͕ΘͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϮϳϵϴ džĞĐŝƌ͘ΘŝƌŽĨŶŐ;/WͲ^ĂůΘĞŶͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϳϯϬϬ ͕K͕ĚŵŝŶDŐƌ;/WͲ^ĂůΘĞŶͿ ϯϰϮ͕ϱϲϭ ϭϴϭ͕ϭϭϭ  ϳϴ͕Ϭϯϵ η ϭϯϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϱϱϮ͕ϲϮϲ ϲϱϯ͕ϲϳϯ  ϭϰ͕ϬϬϬ  ϭϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϯ͕ϱϬϬ  ϭϰ͕ϬϬϬ  ϭϯ͕ϱϬϬ ϲϲϯϰϭ /WͲŽŶƐƵů^ƵƉƉŽƌƚͲW/ Ϯϲϴ͕ϴϰϰ ϭϯϭ͕ϬϵϬ  ϮϮ͕ϱϬϬ ϭϯϮ͕ϯϰϵ ϯϳϮ͕Ϯϴϯ ϱϯϮ͕Ϯϴϯ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϯϱϭ t͕/ŶĐ͘;/W&ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂůĚŵŝŶͿ Ϯϱϲ͕Ϭϱϳ ϮϬϯ͕Ϯϳϭ ϭϵϱ͕ϬϬϬ ϭϰϱ͕Ϯϰϯ ϲϯϰ͕ϱϳϭ ϲϬϰ͕ϱϳϭ  Ϯϱ͕ϬϬϬ  ϱ͕ϬϬϬ η ϱ͕ϬϬϬ  Ϯϱ͕ϬϬϬ  ϭϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϲϳϯϭϭ >t;/WĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŝŽŶͲŽŶƐƚWŚĂƐĞͿ ϭϱϬ͕ϳϱϯ ϭϮϳ͕ϯϬϰ  ϵϬ͕ϬϬϬ η ϴϯ͕ϳϲϭ ϯϲϭ͕ϴϭϵ ϯϲϭ͕ϴϭϵ  Ͳ  ϭϱ͕ϬϬϬ η ϭϬ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ  Ϯϱ͕ϬϬϬ

ϲϲϱϰϭ WŵĞƌŝĐĂ;/WDĂƐƚĞƌWƌŽũ^ĐŚĞĚͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϲϱϬϭ WĞƚĞƌƐŽŶƌƵƐƚĂĚ͕/ŶĐ;/WDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚŽĨ&ŝŶĂůĞƐŝŐŶdKϲͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϱϬϮ WĞƚĞƌƐŽŶƌƵƐƚĂĚ/ŶĐ;/WdĞĐŚŶŝĐĂů^ƵƉƉŽƌƚdKϳͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϱϬϯ WĞƚĞƌƐŽŶƌƵƐƚĂĚ/ŶĐ;/W/ŶƚĞƌŝŽƌƌĂŝŶĂŐĞdKϴͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϱϭϯ WĞƚĞƌƐŽŶƌƵƐƚĂĚ/ŶĐ;/WZKtŽŽƌĚ͕ΘͿ ϰϮ͕ϮϱϮ  ϱϳ͕ϬϮϭ  ϯϲ͕ϱϳϰ  ϭϯ͕ϳϬϵ ϭϯϬ͕ϵϴϯ ϭϭϮ͕ϵϴϯ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϱϱϭ WĞƚĞƌƐŽŶƌƵƐƚĂĚ/ŶĐ;ŶǀΘZĞŐŽŽƌĚͿ ϭϬ͕ϳϰϰ  Ͳ  ϯϱ͕ϬϬϬ η ϰϭ͕ϬϬϬ  ϱϭ͕ϳϰϰ  ϱϭ͕ϳϰϰ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϱϯϭ WĞƚĞƌƐŽŶƌƵƐƚĂĚ/ŶĐ;&DĞƌƚŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶͿ ϰϱ͕ϳϰϭ  ϳϯ͕ϱϲϱ ϯϱϯ͕ϭϮϲ ϭϱϱ͕Ϯϳϱ ϰϳϲ͕ϱϴϭ Ϯϳϰ͕ϱϴϭ  Ͳ ϮϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ Ͳ ϮϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϲϲϱϬϰ D<ŶŐŝŶĞĞƌƐ;WĞĞƌZĞǀŝĞǁĂŶĚŽŽƌĚͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϱϲϭ >ĞŐĂůůĂŝŵƐǀŽŝĚĂŶĐĞZĞǀŝĞǁ ϭ͕ϬϬϯ  Ϯ͕ϭϱϱ  Ͳ  ϯϱ͕ϵϲϰ  ϯϭ͕ϭϮϭ  ϯϵ͕ϭϮϭ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲ;ϲ͕ϳ͕ϴͿϬϮ ,Z͕hZ^͕tŽŽĚZŽĚŐĞƌƐ͕ƚĐ͘;/WϯϬйŶŐĞƐŝŐŶͲdĂƐŬKƌĚĞƌϭͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϲ;ϲ͕ϳ͕ϴͿϬϯ ,Z͕hZ^͕tĚZŽĚŐƐ͕ƚĐ͘;/W'ĞŽdĞĐŚͲdĂƐŬKƌĚĞƌϮͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲ;ϲ͕ϳ͕ϴͿϬϲ ,Z͕hZ^͕tĚZŽĚŐƐ͕ƚĐ͘;/WZKt^ƵƌǀĞLJͲdĂƐŬKƌĚĞƌϯͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϲ;ϲ͕ϳͿϬϳ ,Z͕hZ^͕tĚZŽĚŐƐ͕ƚĐ͘;/WϲϬйĞƐŝŐŶͲdĂƐŬKƌĚĞƌϰͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 05.27.19 Page 1 of 4 Bud 731-1067 & (5,6)001

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ĐĐŽƵŶƚ ϭϲͬϭϳ ϭϳͬϭϴ ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů EƵŵďĞƌ >ŝŶĞ/ƚĞŵĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŝŽŶ ĐƚƵĂůƐ ĐƚƵĂůƐ ϮϬϭϴͲϭϵƵĚŐĞƚ ϮϬϭϴͲϭϵƵĚŐĞƚ dŚƌĞĞzĞĂƌƐ 7KUHH

ϲϲϴϬϴ ,Z͕hZ^͕tĚZŽĚŐƐ͕ƚĐ͘;/WϲϬйĞƐŝŐŶ^ĞŐϳͲdĂƐŬKƌĚĞƌϱͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϲ;ϳ͕ϴͿϬϵ ,Z͕hZ^͕tĚZŽĚŐƐ;/WŽƌƌŽǁ͕dĂƐŬKƌĚĞƌϲͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϲϳϯϭ ,Z͕hZ^͕tĚZŽĚŐƐ;/WŶǀ^ŝƚĞƐƐĞƐƐ͕dĂƐŬKƌĚĞƌϳͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϲ;ϲ͕ϳ͕ϴͿϯϮ ,Z͕hZ^͕tŽŽĚZŽĚŐĞƌƐ͕ƚĐ͘;'ƌŽƵŶĚtĂƚĞƌdKϴͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϲϳϯϯ ,Z͕hZ^͕tŽŽĚZŽĚŐĞƌƐ͕ƚĐ͘;ZKtĨŽƌ^dKϵͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϲϳϯϰ ,Z͕hZ^͕tŽŽĚZŽĚŐĞƌƐ͕ƚĐ͘;&ŝŶĂůĞƐdKϭϬͿ ϰϵ͕ϭϬϱ  ϴ͕ϱϵϲ  Ͳ η Ͳ  ϱϳ͕ϳϬϭ  ϱϳ͕ϳϬϭ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϳϮϬϮ ,Z͕hZ^͕tŽŽĚZŽĚŐĞƌƐ͕ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚͲƌĞĂ;dKϭϭͿ ϴϬϴ͕ϱϱϬ ϲϱϰ͕ϭϰϭ ϯϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϮϮϮ͕ϳϬϳ  ϭ͕ϳϳϵ͕ϯϰϴ  ϭ͕ϲϴϱ͕ϯϵϴ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϴϮϬϮ ,Z͕hZ^͕tŽŽĚZŽĚŐĞƌƐ͕ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚͲƌĞĂ;dKϭϮͿ ϳϭϬ͕ϴϮϵ Ϯϵϴ͕ϵϴϭ  ϴϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϭϮϵ͕ϯϵϴ  ϭ͕Ϭϯϱ͕ϴϯϰ  ϭ͕ϭϯϵ͕ϮϬϳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϴϴϬϮ ,Z͕hZ^͕tŽŽĚZŽĚŐĞƌƐ͕ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚͲƌĞĂ;dKϭϮͿ ϭ͕ϭϱϬ͕ϬϵϬ ϰϴϳ͕ϴϭϭ ϮϬϰ͕ϳϱϮ Ϯϭϭ͕ϭϮϰ  ϭ͕ϴϭϴ͕ϭϲϲ  ϭ͕ϴϰϵ͕ϬϮϱ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲ;ϲ͕ϳ͕ϴͿϬϰ ŽĂƌĚŽĨ^ƌ͘ŽŶƐƵů;/ŶĚ͘dĞĐŚZĞǀŝĞǁͿ ϱϯ͕ϳϰϬ  Ϯϵ͕Ϭϭϯ  ϳϱ͕ϯϯϴ η ϲϰ͕ϬϮϱ ϭϰϲ͕ϳϳϴ ϭϰϲ͕ϳϳϴ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲ;ϲ͕ϳ͕ϴͿϭϭ Z/;/WĐƋƵŝƐŝƚŝŽŶZKt>ĂŶĚƐͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲ;ϲ͕ϳ͕ϴͿϭϯ ZŝŐŚƚŽĨŶƚƌLJ;&Žƌ^ƵƌǀĞLJͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϳϭϰ Z/dKϮZŝŐŚƚŽĨtĂLJͲƌĞĂ ϴϴ͕ϳϵϯ  Ϯϲ͕ϭϳϵ  ϵ͕ϱϬϬ η ϭ͕ϴϬϱ ϭϭϲ͕ϳϳϲ ϭϭϲ͕ϳϳϲ  Ϯ͕ϱϬϬ  ϱϬϬ  Ϯ͕ϱϬϬ  ϱϬϬ

ϲϲϳϭϲ Z/dKϮŵϮZŝŐŚƚŽĨtĂLJͲƌĞĂ ϭϵ͕ϰϳϵ  ϯ͕ϮϲϬ  Ϯ͕ϬϬϬ η Ϯ͕ϲϲϰ  Ϯϱ͕ϰϬϰ  Ϯϱ͕ϰϬϰ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϲϳϭϳ Z/dKϮŵϮZŝŐŚƚŽĨtĂLJͲƌĞĂ ϱϰ͕ϯϰϬ  ϭϭ͕ϰϴϰ  ϳ͕ϬϬϬ η ϵ͕Ϭϭϲ  ϳϰ͕ϴϰϬ  ϳϰ͕ϴϰϬ  ϯ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ  ϯ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ

ϲϳϭϭϰ Z/ZŝŐŚƚŽĨtĂLJ;ZKt&W^ƌĞĂͲdKϯͿ ϭϱ͕ϯϮϴ  ϭϬ͕ϯϮϮ  ϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ η ϮϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϭϭϰ͕ϯϲϲ  ϰϱ͕ϲϱϬ  ϭϱ͕ϬϬϬ η ϲϴ͕ϳϭϱ  ϭϱ͕ϬϬϬ  ϲϴ͕ϳϭϱ ϲϴϭϭϰ Z/ZŝŐŚƚŽĨtĂLJ;ZKt&W^ƌĞĂƐͲdKϰͿ ϳϴϭ  Ϯ͕ϯϬϰ  ϮϮ͕ϱϬϬ η ϮϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϰϰ͕ϳϮϲ  Ϯϯ͕Ϭϴϱ  ϳ͕ϱϬϬ η Ϯϭ͕ϲϰϭ  ϳ͕ϱϬϬ  Ϯϭ͕ϲϰϭ ϲϴϳϭϰ Z/ZŝŐŚƚŽĨtĂLJ;ZKt&W^ƌĞĂƐͲdKϰͿ ϭ͕ϰϵϲ  ϰ͕ϰϭϯ  ϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ η ϮϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϭϬϭ͕ϳϲϰ  Ϯϱ͕ϵϬϵ  ϭϬ͕ϬϬϬ η ϳϱ͕ϴϱϱ  ϭϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϳϱ͕ϴϱϱ ϲϲ;ϲ͕ϳ͕ϴͿϭϱ dŝƚůĞΘDŝƐĐ;/WZŝŐŚƚŽĨtĂLJͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲ;ϲ͕ϳ͕ϴͿϮͺ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶDŐƚ͘;/WDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚŽĨŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶŽŶƚƌĂĐƚƐͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϳϮϭ WWƌĞůŝŵŝŶĂƌLJZĞǀŝĞǁD^ǀĐƐ^ĐŚĞĚ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϳϮϬϬ W'ĞŶĞƌĂůD^ǀĐƐ^ĐŚĞĚ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϴϮϬϬ W'ĞŶĞƌĂůD^ǀĐƐ^ĐŚĞĚ ϭϰ͕ϲϴϲ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  ϭϰ͕ϲϴϲ  ϭϰ͕ϲϴϲ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϴϴϬϬ W'ĞŶĞƌĂůD^ǀĐƐ^ĐŚĞĚ ϭ͕ϴϴϭ͕ϴϰϭ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  ϭ͕ϴϴϭ͕ϴϰϭ  ϭ͕ϴϴϭ͕ϴϰϭ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϲϳϮϯ KǁŶĞƌΖƐZĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĂƚŝǀĞD^ǀĐƐ^ĐŚĞĚ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϳϮϬϭ ,ĂŶĚĞŶŽ͘KǁŶĞƌΖƐZĞƉWƌŽũĞĐƚƌĞĂ ϭϴ͕ϱϰϴ  ϭϱ͕Ϯϭϱ  Ͳ η ϱ͕Ϭϴϰ  ϯϴ͕ϴϰϳ  ϯϴ͕ϴϰϳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϴϮϬϭ ,ĂŶĚĞŶŽ͘KǁŶĞƌΖƐZĞƉWƌŽũĞĐƚƌĞĂ ϰϭ͕ϵϰϲ  Ͳ  Ͳ η ϳ͕ϱϴϲ  ϰϵ͕ϱϯϮ  ϰϵ͕ϱϯϮ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϴϴϬϭ ,ĂŶĚĞŶŽ͘KǁŶĞƌΖƐZĞƉWƌŽũĞĐƚƌĞĂ ϲϯ͕ϲϵϮ  Ͳ  Ͳ η ϯϯϬ  ϲϰ͕ϬϮϮ  ϲϰ͕ϬϮϮ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϴϵϯϭ &ƵƚƵƌĞD^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ;ŽŵƉůĞƚŝŽŶŽŶƚƌĂĐƚƐͿ ϭ͕ϭϳϬ͕ϱϴϭ ϰϳϵ͕ϵϰϳ  Ͳ  ϲϮ͕Ϭϱϱ  ϭ͕ϲϭϮ͕ϱϴϯ  ϭ͕ϳϭϮ͕ϱϴϯ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϳϰϭ DŝƐĐ͘WƌŽĨ͘^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ϲϰ͕ϱϳϳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  ϲϰ͕ϱϳϳ  ϲϰ͕ϱϳϳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϰϬϭ :ŽŶĞƐΘ^ƚŽŬĞƐ;/WŽŶƚƐ͘ŶĂůLJƐŝƐdKϲͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϰϬϮ /&:ŽŶĞƐΘ^ƚŽŬĞƐ;ĂƚdžĨŽƌŽƌŝŶŐƐdKϰͿ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϰϬϰ :ŽŶĞƐĂŶĚ^ƚŽŬĞƐͲƵůƚ͘ZĞƐ͘ŽŶƐƚƌ͘dKϯ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϰϭϭ :ŽŶĞƐĂŶĚ^ƚŽŬĞƐͲYͬEWŽŵƉůŝĂŶĐĞdKϳ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϰϭϮ :ŽŶĞƐĂŶĚ^ƚŽŬĞƐͲŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůWĞƌŵŝƚƚŝŶŐdKϴ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϳϮϬϰ /&:ŽŶĞƐΘ^ƚŽŬĞƐ;ŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůŽŵƉůŝĂŶĐĞƌĞĂdKϭϭͿ ϭϵϱ͕ϰϱϵ  Ͳ ϰϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ η ϰϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϲϰϱ͕ϰϱϵ ϲϰϱ͕ϰϱϵ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϴϮϬϰ /&:ŽŶĞƐΘ^ƚŽŬĞƐ;ŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůŽŵƉůŝĂŶĐĞƌĞĂdKϭϮͿ ϰϰϮ͕ϵϴϴ ϮϮϱ͕Ϭϴϵ ϭϬϲ͕ϲϲϯ η ϭϱϳ͕ϲϬϳ ϴϮϱ͕ϲϴϯ ϴϮϱ͕ϲϴϯ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϴϴϬϰ /&:ŽŶĞƐΘ^ƚŽŬĞƐ;ŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůŽŵƉůŝĂŶĐĞƌĞĂdKϭϯͿ ϭ͕ϱϱϲ͕ϳϳϳ ϯϵϳ͕ϴϵϲ  ϭ͕ϯϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ η ϭ͕Ϯϰϴ͕ϵϵϯ  ϯ͕ϮϬϯ͕ϲϲϲ  ϯ͕ϮϬϯ͕ϲϲϲ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϲϰϭϯ DŝƐĐ͘ZĞŐ͘WĞƌŵŝƚƐ Ͳ  ϭ͕ϮϰϬ  Ͳ η Ͳ  ϭ͕ϮϰϬ  ϭ͕ϮϰϬ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϳϰϬ;Ϭ͕ϭͿ ŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůDŝƚŝŐĂƚŝŽŶͲƌĞĂ ϱϲϲ͕ϲϲϴ ϯϱϮ͕ϲϮϵ  ϰ͕ϬϮϯ͕ϴϭϱ η ϮϬ͕ϰϲϱ  ϰ͕ϲϭϯ͕ϭϭϯ ϵϯϵ͕ϳϲϮ  Ͳ  ϯ͕ϲϳϯ͕ϯϱϬ Ͳ  ϯ͕ϲϳϯ͕ϯϱϬ ϲϴϰϬ;Ϭ͕ϭͿ ŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůDŝƚŝŐĂƚŝŽŶͲƌĞĂ ϱ͕ϱϱϲ  ϲ͕ϴϴϲ ϵϲϭ͕Ϭϰϳ η ϰ͕ϲϴϬ ϵϵϯ͕ϰϴϵ  ϭϳ͕ϭϮϮ  Ͳ ϵϳϲ͕ϯϲϳ Ͳ ϵϳϲ͕ϯϲϳ ϲϴϵϬ;Ϭ͕ϭͿ ŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůDŝƚŝŐĂƚŝŽŶͲƌĞĂ ϭϵϭ͕ϴϬϲ  ϴϳϲ  Ϯ͕ϱϭϮ͕ϭϳϭ η ϯ͕ϮϯϬ  Ϯ͕ϳϰϰ͕ϴϱϯ ϭϵϱ͕ϵϭϯ  Ͳ  Ϯ͕ϱϰϴ͕ϵϰϭ Ͳ  Ϯ͕ϱϰϴ͕ϵϰϭ ϲϳϭϬy /WZKtĂƉŝƚĂůWƌŽũĞĐƚƌĞĂ ϮϬϯ͕ϱϯϬ  ϰ͕ϱϭϭ ϯϰϱ͕ϬϬϬ η ϰϲϱ͕ϯϲϯ ϲϳϯ͕ϰϬϰ ϲϳϯ͕ϰϬϰ ϭϬϱ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ ϭϬϱ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ ϲϴϭϬy /WZKtĂƉŝƚĂůWƌŽũĞĐƚƐƌĞĂ ϲ͕ϭϬϬ ϱϵϲ͕ϴϯϯ ϯϵϬ͕ϭϵϭ ϭϮϳ͕ϵϵϱ  ϭ͕ϭϯϬ͕ϵϮϴ ϳϯϬ͕ϵϮϴ  ϲϱ͕ϬϯϮ ϰϲϱ͕ϬϯϮ  ϲϱ͕ϬϯϮ ϰϲϱ͕ϬϯϮ

ϲϴϳϬy /WZKtĂƉŝƚĂůWƌŽũĞĐƚƐƌĞĂ ϲϭϳ͕ϳϮϯ ϯϭϮ͕ϭϭϮ ϱϰϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϭϲϰ͕ϵϵϬ  ϭ͕ϰϱϰ͕ϴϮϱ  ϭ͕Ϭϵϰ͕ϴϮϱ  ϵϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϯϵϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϵϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϯϵϬ͕ϬϬϬ

ϲϲϳϭϴ /WZKtKǁŶĞƌƉƉ͘ Ͳ  Ͳ  ϯϴ͕ϱϳϭ  Ϯϭ͕ϰϬϲ  ϰϯ͕ϱϳϭ  Ϯϭ͕ϰϬϲ  ϲ͕ϰϮϵ  Ͳ  ϲ͕ϰϮϵ  Ͳ

SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 05.27.19 Page 2 of 4 Bud 731-1067 & (5,6)001 Page 9 of 26

6%)&$&$3,7$/)81'($5/<,03/(0(17$7,21352-(&7  ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH

ĐĐŽƵŶƚ ϭϲͬϭϳ ϭϳͬϭϴ ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů EƵŵďĞƌ >ŝŶĞ/ƚĞŵĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŝŽŶ ĐƚƵĂůƐ ĐƚƵĂůƐ ϮϬϭϴͲϭϵƵĚŐĞƚ ϮϬϭϴͲϭϵƵĚŐĞƚ dŚƌĞĞzĞĂƌƐ 7KUHH

ϲϴϱϭϬ /WŽƌƌŽǁDĂƚĞƌŝĂůͲƌĞĂ ϯ͕ϲϴϵ  ϭ͕ϴϰϱ  Ͳ η Ϯ͕ϭϲϱ  ϱ͕ϱϯϰ  ϳ͕ϲϵϵ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϴϲϭϬ /WŽƌƌŽǁDĂƚĞƌŝĂůͲƌĞĂ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϲϱϱϮ ŽƌƉƐϰϬϴƉƉƌŽǀĂůŽŽƌĚŝŶĂƚŝŽŶ ϵϲ͕ϬϬϬ  ϵϲ͕ϬϬϬ  ϴ͕ϬϬϬ η ϴϴ͕ϬϬϬ ϮϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϮϴϬ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϳϱϬϬ /WŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶŽŶƚƌĂĐƚWƌŽũĞĐƚƌĞĂ ϱϵ͕ϬϮϮ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  ϱϵ͕ϬϮϮ  ϱϵ͕ϬϮϮ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ϲϳϱϬϭ /WŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶhƚŝůZĞůŽĐĂƚŝŽŶƐƌĞĂ ϭϴϬ͕ϲϱϭ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ ϭϴϬ͕ϲϱϭ ϭϴϬ͕ϲϱϭ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϳϱϮϬ /WĂůdƌĂŶƐ^ƚĂŐŝŶŐƌĞĂ ϴ͕ϱϭϭ  ϰ͕Ϯϱϱ  Ͳ η ϱ͕ϬϬϬ  ϭϮ͕ϳϲϲ  ϭϳ͕ϳϲϲ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϴϱϬϬ /WŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶŽŶƚƌĂĐƚWƌŽũĞĐƚƌĞĂ ϵ͕Ϯϭϵ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  ϵ͕Ϯϭϵ  ϵ͕Ϯϭϵ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϴϱϬϭ /WŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶhƚŝůZĞůŽĐĂƚŝŽŶƐͲ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϴϲϬϬ /WŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶŽŶƚƌĂĐƚWƌŽũĞĐƚƌĞĂ ϭϵ͕ϲϭϮ͕ϯϳϵ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  ϭϵ͕ϲϭϮ͕ϯϳϵ  ϭϵ͕ϲϭϮ͕ϯϳϵ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϴϲϬϭ /WŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶhƚŝůZĞůŽĐĂƚŝŽŶƐͲ ϰϮ͕ϯϮϱ  Ͳ  Ͳ η Ͳ  ϰϮ͕ϯϮϱ  ϰϮ͕ϯϮϱ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϴϵϯϬ /Wͬh&ZZͲ&Zt>W&ŝŶĂůŽŵƉůĞƚŝŽŶZĞƉŽƌƚ Ͳ  Ͳ ϭϮϮ͕ϬϬϬ η ϭϴϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϭϴϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϭϴϬ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϴϵϰϬ KtͲ&^Z/ŵƉƌŽǀĞŵĞŶƚƐͲŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ϯ͕ϴϴϳ͕ϴϭϰ  ϯ͕ϬϬϳ͕ϯϬϱ  Ϯ͕ϴϴϳ͕ϴϭϰ  ϯ͕ϬϬϳ͕ϯϬϱ  Ͳ ϱϱϳ͕ϱϬϱ Ͳ ϱϱϳ͕ϱϬϱ

ϲϴϵϰϱ KtͲ&^ZĞƐŝŐŶ ϯϳ͕Ϯϰϲ ϯϰϴ͕ϰϮϯ ϯϴϵ͕ϳϮϰ  ϭϮϭ͕ϮϬϲ ϴϬϲ͕ϴϳϲ ϱϬϲ͕ϴϳϲ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϴϵϰϭ KtͲ&^Z/ŵƉƌŽǀĞŵĞŶƚƐͲWƌŽŐƌĂŵDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ ϵϴ͕ϱϵϯ ϯϱϯ͕ϳϭϵ  Ͳ ϳϲϬ͕ϵϳϯ Ϯϯϳ͕ϭϵϮ  ϭ͕Ϯϭϯ͕Ϯϴϲ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϴϵϰϲ KtͲ&^ZŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůDŽŶŝƚŽƌŝŶŐ ϭϲϱ͕ϳϰϴ  ϭϲ͕Ϯϯϯ  Ͳ  ϰϴ͕Ϭϭϴ ϭϴϬ͕ϬϬϬ ϮϯϬ͕ϬϬϬ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϲϴϱϬ /Wͬh&ZZŽŵƉůĞƚŝŽŶŽŶƚƌĂĐƚƐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶ Ϯ͕ϱϭϰ͕ϵϮϰ  ϭ͕ϳϳϳ͕ϰϯϰ  Ͳ  ϴϱ͕Ϭϯϴ  ϯ͕ϴϳϳ͕ϯϵϱ  ϰ͕ϯϳϳ͕ϯϵϱ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϲ;ϲ͕ϳ͕ϴͿϵͺ dͲŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶ;/WŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶŽŶƚƌĂĐƚƐͿ Ͳ η Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

ϲϱϲϳϴ h>KWĚĞƋƵĂƚĞWƌŽŐƌĞƐƐ&ŝŶĚŝŶŐƐ ϭ͕ϭϭϭ  ϭ͕ϭϭϭ  Ϯϱ͕ϵϱϳ  ϳ͕ϭϳϬ  ϯϯ͕ϭϮϳ

ϲϱϲϳϵ h>ĞƌƚŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ ϰ͕ϯϯϯ  ϰ͕ϯϯϯ ϭϳϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϰϱ͕ϭϴϱ Ϯϭϱ͕ϭϴϱ

ϲϱϲϴϬ &DĐĐƌĞĚŝƚĂƚŝŽŶ Ϯ͕Ϯϴϲ  Ϯ͕Ϯϴϲ  ϳϯ͕ϴϱϳ  ϰϴ͕ϭϮϵ ϭϮϭ͕ϵϴϲ

^ƵďͲdŽƚĂůWƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂů^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ϯϰ͕ϴϲϮ͕ϰϳϳ  ϳ͕ϴϲϴ͕Ϯϱϯ  ϭϲ͕Ϭϲϵ͕ϱϵϰ  ϵ͕Ϭϲϯ͕ϯϬϲ  ϱϴ͕ϮϬϳ͕ϰϱϮ  ϱϭ͕ϳϵϰ͕Ϭϯϲ ϰϰϴ͕ϴϭϳ  ϵ͕Ϯϴϳ͕ϳϭϵ  Ͳ ϭϭϴ͕ϵϴϰ ϰϰϴ͕ϴϭϳ  ϵ͕ϰϬϲ͕ϳϬϯ dŽŽůƐ͕^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΘƋƵŝƉ͘фΨϱ͕ϬϬϬ ^ƵďͲdŽƚĂůDĂƚĞƌŝĂůƐ͕^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΘ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ϯϰ͕ϴϲϮ͕ϰϳϳ  ϳ͕ϴϲϴ͕Ϯϱϯ  ϭϲ͕Ϭϲϵ͕ϱϵϰ  ϵ͕Ϭϲϯ͕ϯϬϲ  ϱϴ͕ϮϬϳ͕ϰϱϮ  ϱϭ͕ϳϵϰ͕Ϭϯϲ ϰϰϴ͕ϴϭϳ  ϵ͕Ϯϴϳ͕ϳϭϵ  Ͳ ϭϭϴ͕ϵϴϰ ϰϰϴ͕ϴϭϳ  ϵ͕ϰϬϲ͕ϳϬϯ ƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚ ^ƵďͲdŽƚĂůĂƉŝƚĂůͬ^ŵĂůůƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚ/ƚĞŵƐ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ^ƵďͲdŽƚĂůͲ^ŽĨƚŽƐƚƐ ϯϰ͕ϴϲϮ͕ϰϳϳ  ϳ͕ϴϲϴ͕Ϯϱϯ  ϭϲ͕Ϭϲϵ͕ϱϵϰ  ϵ͕Ϭϲϯ͕ϯϬϲ  ϱϴ͕ϮϬϳ͕ϰϱϮ  ϱϭ͕ϳϵϰ͕Ϭϯϲ ϰϰϴ͕ϴϭϳ  ϵ͕Ϯϴϳ͕ϳϭϵ  Ͳ ϭϭϴ͕ϵϴϰ ϰϰϴ͕ϴϭϳ  ϵ͕ϰϬϲ͕ϳϬϯ ĂƉŝƚĂůWƌŽũĞĐƚƐ ^ƵďͲdŽƚĂůͲWƌŽũĞĐƚƐ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ

dŽƚĂůĂƉŝƚĂůdžƉĞŶĚŝƚƵƌĞƐ ϯϰ͕ϴϲϮ͕ϰϳϳ  ϳ͕ϴϲϴ͕Ϯϱϯ  ϭϲ͕Ϭϲϵ͕ϱϵϰ  ϵ͕Ϭϲϯ͕ϯϬϲ  ϱϴ͕ϮϬϳ͕ϰϱϮ  ϱϭ͕ϳϵϰ͕Ϭϯϲ ϰϰϴ͕ϴϭϳ  ϵ͕Ϯϴϳ͕ϳϭϵ  Ͳ ϭϭϴ͕ϵϴϰ ϰϰϴ͕ϴϭϳ  ϵ͕ϰϬϲ͕ϳϬϯ

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6%)&$&$3,7$/)81'($5/<,03/(0(17$7,21352-(&7  ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH

ĐĐŽƵŶƚ ϭϲͬϭϳ ϭϳͬϭϴ ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů EƵŵďĞƌ >ŝŶĞ/ƚĞŵĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŝŽŶ ĐƚƵĂůƐ ĐƚƵĂůƐ ϮϬϭϴͲϭϵƵĚŐĞƚ ϮϬϭϴͲϭϵƵĚŐĞƚ dŚƌĞĞzĞĂƌƐ 7KUHH

&ŝŶĂŶĐŝŶŐĐƚŝǀŝƚŝĞƐZĞůĂƚĞĚ/ƚĞŵƐ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ EĞƚWƌŽĐĞĞĚƐĨƌŽŵƚŚĞ/ƐƐƵĂŶĐĞŽĨEĞǁĞďƚ Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ ^ŚŽƌƚͬ>ŽŶŐdĞƌŵĞďƚZĞƉĂLJŵĞŶƚ Ͳ ŽƐƚŽĨ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝŶŐ Ͳ /ŶƚĞƌĞƐƚWĂŝĚŽŶKƵƚƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐĞďƚ ;ϰ͕Ϭϵϲ͕ϴϯϵͿ  ;ϰ͕Ϯϲϱ͕ϴϱϲͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϴ͕ϭϴϭͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϴ͕ϭϴϭͿ  ;ϭϯ͕ϲϲϵ͕ϭϬϮͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϳ͕ϳϴϭͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϳ͕ϳϴϭͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϳ͕ϳϴϭͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϱϴ͕ϰϬϲͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϱϴ͕ϰϬϲͿ  ;ϭϬ͕ϵϮϲ͕ϭϴϴͿ  ;ϭϬ͕ϵϮϲ͕ϭϴϴͿ EĞƚ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝŶŐĐƚŝǀŝƚŝĞƐ ;ϰ͕Ϭϵϲ͕ϴϯϵͿ  ;ϰ͕Ϯϲϱ͕ϴϱϲͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϴ͕ϭϴϭͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϴ͕ϭϴϭͿ  ;ϭϯ͕ϲϲϵ͕ϭϬϮͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϳ͕ϳϴϭͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϳ͕ϳϴϭͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϲϳ͕ϳϴϭͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϱϴ͕ϰϬϲͿ  ;ϱ͕ϰϱϴ͕ϰϬϲͿ  ;ϭϬ͕ϵϮϲ͕ϭϴϴͿ  ;ϭϬ͕ϵϮϲ͕ϭϴϴͿ

tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ ϭϮ͕ϯϴϵ͕ϭϭϰ  Ϯϱ͕ϱϲϵ͕ϰϲϬ  ϯϵ͕ϬϮϯ͕ϰϴϴ  ϯϴ͕ϴϲϭ͕ϳϭϮ ϭϮ͕ϯϴϵ͕ϭϭϰ  ϭϮ͕ϯϴϵ͕ϭϭϰ  ϱϯ͕ϱϲϯ͕ϰϱϬ  ϱϯ͕ϱϲϯ͕ϰϱϬ  ϰϱ͕ϯϳϵ͕ϵϭϵ  ϱϭ͕ϱϱϳ͕ϵϱϬ  ϭϮ͕ϯϴϵ͕ϭϭϰ  ϱϯ͕ϱϲϯ͕ϰϱϬ tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲŶĚŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚĞĨŽƌĞ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝŶŐ Ϯϵ͕ϲϲϲ͕ϯϬϬ  ϰϯ͕ϭϮϳ͕ϱϲϵ  ϰϰ͕ϯϱϬ͕ϭϱϱ  ϱϵ͕Ϭϯϭ͕ϲϯϭ  ϱϮ͕ϯϴϭ͕ϯϮϯ  ϱϬ͕ϴϰϳ͕ϳϬϭ  ϱϵ͕ϴϲϰ͕ϲϯϯ  ϱϳ͕ϬϮϱ͕ϳϯϭ  ϱϭ͕ϭϮϵ͕ϵϭϵ  ϱϵ͕ϰϰϵ͕ϴϲϵ  Ϯϰ͕ϰϰϬ͕Ϯϵϳ  ϲϰ͕ϵϭϳ͕ϲϱϬ tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲŶĚŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚĨƚĞƌ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝŶŐ Ϯϱ͕ϱϲϵ͕ϰϲϬ  ϯϴ͕ϴϲϭ͕ϳϭϮ  ϯϴ͕ϴϴϭ͕ϵϳϰ  ϱϯ͕ϱϲϯ͕ϰϱϬ  ϯϴ͕ϳϭϮ͕ϮϮϮ  ϰϱ͕ϯϳϵ͕ϵϭϵ  ϱϰ͕ϯϵϲ͕ϴϱϮ  ϱϭ͕ϱϱϳ͕ϵϱϬ  ϰϱ͕ϲϳϭ͕ϱϭϯ  ϱϯ͕ϵϵϭ͕ϰϲϮ  ϭϯ͕ϱϭϰ͕ϭϬϵ  ϱϯ͕ϵϵϭ͕ϰϲϮ sĂƌŝĂŶĐĞͲĞĨŽƌĞ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝŶŐ ϭϳ͕Ϯϳϳ͕ϭϴϲ  ϭϳ͕ϱϱϴ͕ϭϬϴ  ϱ͕ϯϮϲ͕ϲϲϴ  ϮϬ͕ϭϲϵ͕ϵϭϵ  ϯϵ͕ϵϵϮ͕ϮϬϵ  ϯϴ͕ϰϱϴ͕ϱϴϳ  ϲ͕ϯϬϭ͕ϭϴϯ  ϯ͕ϰϲϮ͕Ϯϴϭ  ϱ͕ϳϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ  ϳ͕ϴϵϭ͕ϵϭϵ  ϭϮ͕Ϭϱϭ͕ϭϴϯ  ϭϭ͕ϯϱϰ͕ϮϬϬ sĂƌŝĂŶĐĞͲĨƚĞƌ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝŶŐ ϭϯ͕ϭϴϬ͕ϯϰϲ  ϭϯ͕ϮϵϮ͕ϮϱϮ  ;ϭϰϭ͕ϱϭϰͿ  ϭϰ͕ϳϬϭ͕ϳϯϴ  Ϯϲ͕ϯϮϯ͕ϭϬϴ  ϯϮ͕ϵϵϬ͕ϴϬϱ ϴϯϯ͕ϰϬϭ  ;Ϯ͕ϬϬϱ͕ϱϬϭͿ Ϯϵϭ͕ϱϵϰ  Ϯ͕ϰϯϯ͕ϱϭϯ  ϭ͕ϭϮϰ͕ϵϵϱ ϰϮϴ͕ϬϭϮ

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6%)&$&$3,7$/)81'5(*,21$/)/22'0$1$*(0(173/$11,1*352*5$0  ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH



([SHQGLWXUHV &DSLWDO3URMHFW6RIW&RVWV  ϵϵͲϮϬϬϭ ϲϱϲϰϬ 5HJLRQDO3ODQQLQJ*UDQW$SSOLFDWLRQ:,.  ϵ͕ϵϯϳ   ϱ͕ϯϰϲ   ϭϬ͕ϵϬϭ   ϭϲ͕ϵϰϵ   ϯϮ͕ϮϯϮ   Ͳ   Ͳ   Ͳ Executive Director Allocation Time  ϵ͕ϵϯϳ   Ϯ͕ϲϴϳ  Ͳ  ϭϰ͕ϲϲϯ   Ϯϳ͕Ϯϴϳ   Director of Engineering Allocation Time  Ͳ   Ϯ͕ϲϱϵ  Ͳ   Ϯ͕Ϯϴϳ  ϰ͕ϵϰϱ   Admin Manager Allocation Time  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ   Larsen Wurzel & Assoc.  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ   Kim Floyd Communications  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ   Downey Brand  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ   MBK  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  

ϲϱϲϰϭ 5HJLRQDO3ODQQLQJ73URJUDP0DQDJHPHQW Ϯϴ͕ϳϮϱ   ϱ͕ϯϰϳ   ϱϭ͕ϵϴϴ   ϳϭ͕ϴϮϮ  ϭϬϯ͕ϵϴϭ   ϲϱϲϰϮ 5HJLRQDO3ODQQLQJ72XWUHDFK 'DWD&ROOHFWLRQ  Ͳ   ϰϬ͕Ϯϳϵ   ϰϬ͕Ϭϯϳ   ϯϭ͕ϴϭϳ   ϲϱϲϰϯ 5HJLRQDO3ODQQLQJ73ODQ)RUPXODWLRQ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ   ϲϱϲϰϰ 5HJLRQDO3ODQQLQJ7)LQDQFLDO3ODQ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ  Ͳ   ϲϱϲϰϱ 5HJLRQDO3ODQQLQJ7*RYHUQDQFH  ϭ͕Ϯϳϰ   ϰϴ͕Ϭϲϲ   ϮϬ͕ϲϮϮ   ϵϵ͕ϲϬϳ   ϳϵ͕ϲϯϬ   ϱϮ͕ϲϰϬ   ϲϱϲϰϲ 5HJLRQDO3ODQQLQJ7,QVWLWXWLRQDO%DUULHUV  ϭ͕ϱϬϱ   Ϯ͕ϬϬϬ   ϴϮ͕ϯϱϳ   Ϯϳ͕ϳϳϳ   ϯϬ͕ϴϮϴ  

6XE7RWDO3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV ϰϭ͕ϰϰϭ    ϯϯ͕ϯϭϱ          Ͳ   Ͳ   Ͳ dŽŽůƐ͕^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΘƋƵŝƉ͘фΨϱ͕ϬϬϬ 6XE7RWDO0DWHULDOV6XSSOLHV 6HUYLFHV                           ƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚ 6XE7RWDO&DSLWDO6PDOO(TXLSPHQW,WHPV                      Sub-Total-Soft Costs               &DSLWDO3URMHFWV


Total Capital Expenditures                          


tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                          tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲŶĚŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                            sĂƌŝĂŶĐĞ                          


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Page 12 of 26

6%)&$&$3,7$/)81'/$85(/)653 /$85(/)653   ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH $FFRXQW   ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů 1XPEHU /LQH,WHP'HVFULSWLRQ $FWXDOV $FWXDOV %XGJHW %XGJHW &^ZWWƌŽũĞĐƚDŶŐŵŶƚͲ^&^ƚĂĨĨdŝŵĞ            Exec Dir 5,092 1,605 - - 7,390 6,697 Dir of Eng 3,790 7,854 - 371 12,159 12,015 Admin Mgr 71 - - - 71 71 ϲϱϲϴϮ dĂƐŬϭ͘ϭͲ>&^ZWWƌŽũĞĐƚDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚͲEŽŶ^ƚĂĨĨ            PBI 7,631 - - - 7,631 7,631 LWA 22,726 18,288 - 10,070 38,037 51,084 IPE - 1,679 - - 1,679 1,679 ϲϱϲϴϴ dĂƐŬϭ͘ϭͲ>&^ZWWƌŽũĞĐƚDŶŐŵŶƚͲůŽƐĞŽƵƚ            BRI - - - 20,000 - PB CM - - - 20,000 - HDR DSDC - - - 20,000 - ICF Env Monitoring - - - 19,179 - IPE - 2,500 - ϲϱϲϴϵ dĂƐŬϭ͘ϮͲ>&^ZWKǀĞƌŚĞĂĚ            In-Direct Overhead & Admin 45,134 33,771 - 21,538 76,100 100,443 ϲϱϲϴϯ dĂƐŬϮ͘ϭͲ>&^ZWĞƐŝŐŶ            HDR TO14 35,981 428 - 2,524 45,419 38,934 ϲϱϲϴϰ dĂƐŬϮ͘ϮͲ>&^ZWŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂů            ICF TO17 292,287 938,522 - 35,181 426,058 1,265,990 ϲϱϲϵϬ dĂƐŬϮ͘ϯͲ>&^ZWŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůDŝƚŝŐĂƚŝŽŶͬ&ĞĞƐ            Environmental Mitigation Fees 600,850 318,460 - - 953,902 919,310 ϲϱϲϵϭ dĂƐŬϮ͘ϰͲ>&^ZWƌĐŚĞŽůŽŐŝĐĂů/ŶǀĞƐƚŝŐĂƚŝŽŶƐͬdžƉůŽƌĂƚŝŽŶƐ            Archeological Investigations/Explorations - - - - 449,557 - ϲϱϲϵϮ dĂƐŬϯ͘ϭͲ>&^ZWZŝŐŚƚͲŽĨͲtĂLJ            Capital Cost of Acquisition (Land/TCE) - - - - 100,000 - ϲϱϲϴϱ dĂƐŬϯ͘ϮͲ>&^ZWZŝŐŚƚͲŽĨͲtĂLJ            HDR TO14 12,751 4,556 - - 156,456 17,307 BRI TO5 1,214 - - - 115,463 1,214 Downey Brand - - - - 26,778 - ϲϱϲϴϲ dĂƐŬϰͲ>&^ZWŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶ            Construction Contractor / Relocations 607,131 5,721,897 - - 6,549,428 6,329,028 ϲϱϲϴϳ dĂƐŬϱͲ>&^ZWŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ            Handen / PB CM 199,178 760,110 - 13,399 760,110 972,688 HDR DSDC 40,682 238,213 - 24,449 912,452 303,344 ICF Env Monitoring - - - - 240,000 - IPE - 19,056 - - - 19,056 Diepenbrock


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6%)&$&$3,7$/)81'/$85(/)653 /$85(/)653   ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH $FFRXQW   ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů 1XPEHU /LQH,WHP'HVFULSWLRQ $FWXDOV $FWXDOV %XGJHW %XGJHW 



Total Capital Expenditures           


tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ             tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲŶĚŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ            sĂƌŝĂŶĐĞ           

SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 05.27.19 Page 2 of 2 Bud 731-2004

Page 14 of 26

6%)&$&$3,7$/)81'2529,//(:,/'/,)($5($  ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH



ϵϵͲϮϬϬϱ )65*UDQW([SHQGLWXUHV &DSLWDO3URMHFW6RIW&RVWV  ϲϱϲϲϭ Kt^&tŽƌŬ/Ŷ<ŝŶĚ        Exec Dir 4,934 18,310 6,581 5,674 29,824 Ͳ  Dir of Eng 2,959 2,444 19,432 3,652 24,835 Ͳ  Admin Mgr - - - - Ͳ  ϲϱϲϲϮ KtdϭWƌŽũĞĐƚDŐƚ        PBI 28,280 - 28,280 28,280 Ͳ  LWA 8,226 1,118 9,344 9,344 Ͳ  ϲϱϲϲϯ KtdϮ>ĂŶĚŐƌĞĞŵĞŶƚ        PBI 1,011 - 1,011 1,011 Ͳ  Downey Brand 12,815 3,103 14,852 15,917 Ͳ  ϲϱϲϲϰ Ktdϯ͘ϭ,LJĚƌĂƵůŝĐƐ   PBI - - - - Ͳ  ϲϱϲϲϱ Ktdϯ͘ϮůƚĞƌŶĂƚŝǀĞƐŶĂůLJƐŝƐ   PBI - - - - Ͳ  ϲϱϲϲϲ Ktdϯ͘ϯEWͬY      PBI 60,196 46 60,242 60,242 Ͳ  ICF Jones and Stokes 77,691 - 77,691 77,691 Ͳ  Downey Brand - - - - Ͳ  ϲϱϲϲϳ Ktdϰ͘ϭŝǀŝůĞƐŝŐŶ      PBI 12,888 - 12,888 12,888 Ͳ  HDR/WR 99,742 - 99,742 99,742 Ͳ  ϲϱϲϲϴ Ktdϰ͘Ϯ>ĂŶĚƐĐĂƉĞͬZĞƐƚŽƌĂƚŝŽŶĞƐŝŐŶ      Ͳ  PBI 3,255 - 3,255 3,255 Ͳ River Partners (PBI) - - - Ͳ


Subtotal FSR Grant Related Expenses          WIK      Subtotal FSR Grant Expenses Net WIK     


ϲϴϵϰϮ 3URMHFW0DQDJHPHQWDQG&RRUGLQDWLRQ          PBI 9,359 2,662   12,524 Ͳ  LWA 8,136  2,194  10,330 Ͳ  ϲϴϵϰϯ 'HVLJQ%DWK\PHWU\        PBI 59,577 24,767   84,344 Ͳ  ϲϴϵϰϰ 'HVLJQ,QWHULRU&KDQQHODQG%HUP'HVLJQ            PBI 37,008 68,206  25,671  130,885 Ͳ  HDR 108,702 454,248  30,507  593,456 Ͳ 

Subtotal WCB Grant Related Expenses            WIK      Subtotal WCB Grant Expenses Net WIK           

SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 05.27.19 Page 1 of 2 Bud 731-200(5,7),700(3-5) Page 15 of 26

6%)&$&$3,7$/)81'2529,//(:,/'/,)($5($  ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH


ϵϵͲϳϬϬϯ &'):%R[&XOYHUW                  ϲϱϳϮϬ 3URMHFW0JPWDQG*UDQW$GPLQ      338,863     ϲϳ͕ϭϯϳ  ϲϱϳϮϭ &RQVWUXFWLRQ      1,479,988    ϭϱϰ͕ϯϭϮ  ϲϱϳϮϮ ŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůͬDŽŶŝƚŽƌŝŶŐ      237,750     Ϯϱ͕ϮϱϬ  ϲϱϳϮϯ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶDĂŶŐĞŵĞŶƚͬ/ŶƐƉĞĐƚ͘      100,000     Ϯϯ͕ϬϬϬ  ϲϱϳϮϰ WŽƐƚͲWƌŽũĞĐƚDŽŶŝƚŽƌŝŶŐ      53,493    ϭϮϵ͕ϵϬϳ 

ϵϵͲϳϬϬϰ :&%3XEOLF$FFHVV3DUNLQJ                  ϲϱϳϮϬ WƌŽũĞĐƚDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚΘ'ƌĂŶƚĚŵŝŶ    -     ϴ͕ϯϭϬ  ϲϱϳϮϭ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶ    -    ϮϲϬ͕ϰϮϬ  ϲϱϳϮϮ ŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂůͬDŽŶŝƚŽƌŝŶŐ    -     ϵ͕ϳϳϮ  ϲϱϳϮϯ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚͬ/ŶƐƉĞĐƚ͘    -     Ϯϰ͕ϰϮϭ 

ϵϵͲϳϬϬϱ %HUP&DQDO%ULGJHV :&%                  ϲϱϳϮϬ WƌŽũĞĐƚDŐŵƚΘ'ƌĂŶƚĚŵŝŶ      223,596     ϭϴ͕ϰϬϰ  ϲϱϳϮϭ &RQVWUXFWLRQ      3,841,600    ϮϬϳ͕ϱϬϬ  ϲϱϳϮϮ (QYLURQPHQWDO0RQLWRULQJ      357,445    ϮϬϳ͕ϰϱϱ  ϲϱϳϮϯ &RQVWUXFWLRQ0DQDJHPHQW,QVSHFWLRQ      107,445    Ϯϭϱ͕ϱϵϭ 

ϵϵͲϳyyy 3URSYLD8)55           

Subtotal Future Grant Expenses                        WIK                    Subtotal Future Grant Expenses Net WIK                       

6XE7RWDO3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV                        dŽŽůƐ͕^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΘƋƵŝƉ͘фΨϱ͕ϬϬϬ 6XE7RWDO0DWHULDOV6XSSOLHV 6HUYLFHV                        ƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚ 6XE7RWDO&DSLWDO6PDOO(TXLSPHQW,WHPV                        Sub-Total-Soft Costs                       


Total Capital Expenditures                       


tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                         tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲŶĚŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                         sĂƌŝĂŶĐĞ                       

SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 05.27.19 Page 2 of 2 Bud 731-200(5,7),700(3-5)

Page 16 of 26

6%)&$&$3,7$/)81'8/23 $&&5(',7$7,21352*5$0  ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH


7RWDO&DSLWDO5HYHQXHV                        ϵϵͲϮϬϬϴ ([SHQGLWXUHV &DSLWDO3URMHFW6RIW&RVWV  ϲϱϲϳϴ h>KWĚĞƋƵĂƚĞWƌŽŐƌĞƐƐ&ŝŶĚŝŶŐƐ                  LWA - - 10,319 10,597 - 2,306 2,306 - PBI - - 5,319 5,597 - 1,890 1,890 - IPE - - 10,319 10,597 - 2,306 2,306 - MHM 508 712 - 1,498 1,220 668 668 - ϲϱϲϳϵ h>ĞƌƚŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ                  PBI - - 57,500 58,944 - 14,568 14,568 - HDR 5,624 - 57,500 64,569 5,624 14,568 14,568 - Other - - 55,000 56,444 - 16,049 16,049 - ϲϱϲϴϬ &DĐĐƌĞĚŝƚĂƚŝŽŶ                  PBI - - 24,619 25,381 - 16,043 16,043 - HDR - - 24,619 25,381 - 16,043 16,043 - Other - - 24,619 25,381 - 16,043 16,043 -

6XE7RWDO3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV                        dŽŽůƐ͕^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΘƋƵŝƉ͘фΨϱ͕ϬϬϬ 6XE7RWDO0DWHULDOV6XSSOLHV 6HUYLFHV                        ƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚ 6XE7RWDO&DSLWDO6PDOO(TXLSPHQW,WHPV                        Sub-Total-Soft Costs                       


Total Capital Expenditures                       


tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                        tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲŶĚŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                         sĂƌŝĂŶĐĞ                        

SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 05.27.19 Page 1 of 1 Bud 731-2008 Page 17 of 26

6%)&$&$3,7$/)81')/22'),*+7,1*$1'(0(5*(1&<3527(&7,9(0($685(6  ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH   &XUUHQW )LQDO ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů &ŝŶĂů &ŝŶĂů &ŝŶĂů $FFRXQW $FWXDOV $FWXDOV %XGJHW %XGJHW 7KUHH




ϲϱϲϭϰ KƌŽǀŝůůĞ/ŶĐŝĚĞŶƚ            Tiechert / NMJV / AECOM / PB / Others WĂƌƐŽŶƐƌŝŶŬĞƌŚŽĨĨ        EŽƌĚŝĐDĂŐŶƵƐ:s        dĞŝĐŚĞƌƚ        KD        ,ĂŶĚĞŶ        ŽǁŶĞLJƌĂŶĚ        /&        KƚŚĞƌ       

ϲϱϲϭϱ &ĞďƌƵĂƌLJ^ƚŽƌŵƐ            Tiechert / NMJV / AECOM / PB / Others WĂƌƐŽŶƐƌŝŶŬĞƌŚŽĨĨ        EŽƌĚŝĐDĂŐŶƵƐ:s        dĞŝĐŚĞƌƚ        KD        ,ĂŶĚĞŶ        ŽǁŶĞLJƌĂŶĚ        /&        KƚŚĞƌ         

ϲϱϲϮϯ ^ƵƚƚĞƌŽƵŶƚLJZŽĂĚZĞƉĂŝƌ        TBD

6XE7RWDO3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV                  dŽŽůƐ͕^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΘƋƵŝƉ͘фΨϱ͕ϬϬϬ 6XE7RWDO0DWHULDOV6XSSOLHV 6HUYLFHV                  ƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚ 6XE7RWDO&DSLWDO6PDOO(TXLSPHQW,WHPV                  Sub-Total-Soft Costs                  &DSLWDO3URMHFWV


Total Capital Expenditures                 


tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                  tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲŶĚŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                   sĂƌŝĂŶĐĞ                  


Page 18 of 26

6%)&$&$3,7$/)81'(0(5*(1&</(9((5(3$,5352-(&7  ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH   &XUUHQW )LQDO ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů &ŝŶĂů &ŝŶĂů &ŝŶĂů $FFRXQW $FWXDOV $FWXDOV %XGJHW %XGJHW 7KUHH



;;;;; 3URS5RFN6ORSH          




ϲϱϲϳϬ ĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŝǀĞŽƐƚƐ            džĞĐƵƚŝǀĞŝƌĞĐƚŽƌůůŽĐĂƚŝŽŶdŝŵĞΘdžƉĞŶƐĞƐ            ŝƌĞĐƚŽƌŽĨŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐůůŽĐĂƚŝŽŶdŝŵĞΘdžƉĞŶĞƐĞ            ĚŵŝŶŶĂůLJƐƚůůŽĐĂƚŝŽŶdŝŵĞΘdžƉĞŶƐĞƐ         

ϲϱϲϳϭ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶ              EŽƌĚŝĐ'ƌĞĂƚ>ĂŬĞƐ:s        

ϲϱϲϳϮ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶDĂŶĂŐĞŵĞŶƚ         W        

ϲϱϲϳϯ ĞƐŝŐŶ         ,ZdKϮϮ        

ϲϱϲϳϰ ŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚĂů         KZWdKϭ         KƚŚĞƌ  

ϲϱϲϳϱ WĞƌŵŝƚ&ĞĞƐ           KZWdKϭ           KƚŚĞƌ        

ϲϱϲϳϲ ŝƌĞĐƚWD^ƵƉƉŽƌƚ            >t            W/         <ŝŵ&ůŽLJĚ         KƚŚĞƌͬŽŶƚŝŶŐĞŶĐLJ           




;;;; 3URS5RFN6ORSH    




6%)&$&$3,7$/)81'(0(5*(1&</(9((5(3$,5352-(&7  ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH   &XUUHQW )LQDO ƵƌƌĞŶƚϲͬϭϮͬϭϴ &ŝŶĂů &ŝŶĂů &ŝŶĂů &ŝŶĂů $FFRXQW $FWXDOV $FWXDOV %XGJHW %XGJHW 7KUHH

6XE7RWDO3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV                    dŽŽůƐ͕^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΘƋƵŝƉ͘фΨϱ͕ϬϬϬ 6XE7RWDO0DWHULDOV6XSSOLHV 6HUYLFHV                    ƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚ 6XE7RWDO&DSLWDO6PDOO(TXLSPHQW,WHPV                    Sub-Total-Soft Costs                &DSLWDO3URMHFWV


Total Capital Expenditures                   


tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                    tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲŶĚŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                   sĂƌŝĂŶĐĞ                  


Page 20 of 26

6%)&$&$3,7$/)81'60$//&20081,7,(6   ),1$/$0(1'('7+5((<($5%8'*(7 ),1$/$0(1'('7:2<($5%8'*(7  -XQH




ϵϵͲϳϬϭϬ 6PDOO&RPPXQLWLHV*UDQW6XWWHU                 

ϲϱϳϯϬ 73URMHFW0DQDJHPHQWDQG5HSRUWLQJ                 13,401 ϲϱϳϯϭ 7,GHQWLILFDWLRQRI3UREOHPVDQG2SSRUWXQLWLHV                4,147 ϲϱϳϯϮ 7)RUPXODWH$OWHUQDWLYHV                 9,902 ϲϱϳϯϯ 7(YDOXDWH)LQDO$UUD\               28,098 ϲϱϳϯϰ 76HOHFWDQG5HILQH3UHIHUUHG$OWHUQDWLYH                5,910 ϲϱϳϯϱ 7(QYLURQPHQWDO&RQVWUDLQWV$QDO\VLV                5,626 ϲϱϳϯϲ 73XEOLF2XWUHDFKDQG6WDNHKROGHU(QJDJHPHQW                3,983 ϲϱϳϯϳ 7)LQDQFLQJ6WUDWHJ\                 10,787 ϲϱϳϯϴ 75HSRUW3UHSDUDWLRQ                 6,141

ϵϵͲϳϬϭϭ 6PDOO&RPPXQLWLHV*UDQW7XGRU                 


ϲϱϳϯϮ 7)RUPXODWH$OWHUQDWLYHV                 8,684 ϲϱϳϯϯ 7(YDOXDWH)LQDO$UUD\               28,447 ϲϱϳϯϰ 76HOHFWDQG5HILQH3UHIHUUHG$OWHUQDWLYH               5,711 ϲϱϳϯϱ 7(QYLURQPHQWDO&RQVWUDLQWV$QDO\VLV               5,626 ϲϱϳϯϲ 73XEOLF2XWUHDFKDQG6WDNHKROGHU(QJDJHPHQW               3,983 ϲϱϳϯϳ 7)LQDQFLQJ6WUDWHJ\               10,787 ϲϱϳϯϴ 75HSRUW3UHSDUDWLRQ                6,141

6XE7RWDO3URIHVVLRQDO6HUYLFHV                    dŽŽůƐ͕^ƵƉƉůŝĞƐΘƋƵŝƉ͘фΨϱ͕ϬϬϬ 6XE7RWDO0DWHULDOV6XSSOLHV 6HUYLFHV                    ƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚ 6XE7RWDO&DSLWDO6PDOO(TXLSPHQW,WHPV                    Sub-Total-Soft Costs                  


Total Capital Expenditures                   


tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                      tŽƌŬŝŶŐĂƉŝƚĂůͲŶĚŽĨWĞƌŝŽĚ                        sĂƌŝĂŶĐĞ                   


SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 05.27.19 Page 1 of 1 Bud 731-701(0,1)   6877(5%877()/22'&21752/$*(1&<  &$6+)/2:6)25),6&$/<($567+528*+  6833257,1*$0(1'('%8'*(75(48,5(0(176  

Page 21 of 26

528*+&$6+)/2:6800$5<)< $YDLODEOH -XO\ $XJXVW 6HSWHPEHU 2FWREHU 1RYHPEHU 'HFHPEHU -DQXDU\ )HEUXDU\ 0DUFK $SULO 0D\ -XQH  23(5$7,216 %HJLQQLQJ:RUNLQJ&DSLWDO                          7RWDO,QFRPH                          7RWDO([SHQVHV                           (QGLQJ:RUNLQJ&DSLWDO                         

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August 14, 2019

TO: Board of Directors

FROM: Michael Bessette, Executive Director Seth Wurzel, Budget Manager

SUBJECT: Presentation and File Monthly Financial Reports (June 2019)

Recommendation Staff recommends that the Board receive and file the June 2019 Financial Report and receive staff’s monthly financial report update.

Background Staff will provide a brief presentation of SBFCA’s current financial position and financial activities at the Board meeting and will be prepared to answer any questions. For this report, staff is presenting financial information for June 2019. Staff’s oral presentation will cover the financial activities of the Agency through June 2019.

The monthly financial reports include the following information:  Current Working Capital Position: The reports provide an update as to the liquidity of the Agency and ability to cover current obligations. This information is presented within the monthly financial reports prepared in coordination with Yuba City finance staff. The current month financial report reflects the financial information as of June 2019. The information presented is compared to the Final Amended Final Budget for FY 2018/19.

Fiscal Impact This is an informational item with no fiscal impact.

Attachments Yuba City Finance Department Memorandum, August 14, 2019 re: Monthly Financial Report: June 2019

Item 8


Amended Month Ending Rec'd/Invoiced Line Item Description 2018-19 Budget [1] Jun‐19 to Date Working Capital Beginning of Period Operational Fund 730 4, 110,344 4, 110,344 3, 942,160 Capital Fund 731 ‐ USACE Study (4,192,213) (4,192,213) (4,192,213) Capital Fund 731 ‐ EIP 26,594,199 26,594,199 26,557,446 Capital Fund 731 ‐ Stakeholder (3,566) (3,566) (3,566) Capital Fund 731 ‐ RFMP (193,406) ( 193,406) ( 193,948) Capital Fund 731 ‐ OWA (444,843) ( 436,707) ( 436,707) Capital Fund 731 ‐ ER Planning (69,991) (69, 991) (69, 991) Capital Fund 731 ‐ Gridley Bridge (73,099) (73, 099) (73, 099) Capital Fund 731 ‐ FSRP (2,373,348) (2,373,348) (2,373,348) Capital Fund 731 ‐ Fut FSRP (Sutter Bypass) ‐ ‐ ‐ Capital Fund 731‐ ULOP (6,844) (6,844) (6,844) Capital Fund 731 ‐ Small Communities ‐ ‐ ‐ Capital Fund 731 ‐ Flood & Emergency (3,856,378) (3,856,378) (3,856,378) Capital Fund 731 ‐ Emergency Repair (4,748,299) (4,748,299) (4,748,299) Total Beginning of Period 14,742,556 14,750,692 14,545,214 Transfers Operational Fund 730 Capital Fund 731 Capital Fund 731 ‐ USACE Study Capital Fund 731 ‐ EIP Capital Fund 731 ‐ Stakeholder Capital Fund 731 ‐ RFMP Capital Fund 731 ‐ OWA Capital Fund 731 ‐ ER Planning Capital Fund 731 ‐ Gridley Bridge Capital Fund 731‐ FSRP Capital Fund 731‐ ULOP Capital Fund 731 ‐ Flood & Emergency Capital Fund 731 ‐ Emergency Repair Subtotal Capital Fund Net Transfers Revenues Operational Fund 730 841,351 841,351 841,351 Capital Fund 731 Capital Fund 731 ‐ USACE Study ‐ ‐ Capital Fund 731 ‐ EIP (Local) 5,747,993 5,792,996 5,792,996 Capital Fund 731 ‐ EIP (State) 17,600,620 18,650,775 18,650,775 Capital Fund 731 ‐ Stakeholder 27,273 27,273 27,273 Capital Fund 731 ‐ RFMP ‐ ‐ Capital Fund 731 ‐ OWA 3,051,401 122,258 2,801,740 Capital Fund 731 ‐ ER Planning ‐ Capital Fund 731 ‐ Gridley Bridge Capital Fund 731‐ FSRP 872,414 872,414 872,414 Capital Fund 731 ‐ Fut FSRP (Sutter Bypass) Capital Fund 731‐ ULOP ‐ ‐ ‐ Capital Fund 731 ‐ Small Communities 240,000 138,364 Capital Fund 731 ‐ Flood & Emergency 3,857,403 3,734,658 3,734,658 Capital Fund 731 ‐ Emergency Repair 2,500,047 ‐ ‐ Subtotal Capital Fund 33,897,150 29,200,374 32,018,220 Total Revenues Operating & Capital 34,738,501 30,041,725 32,859,571

SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 07.09.19 7/10/2019 Cons Wrkg Exhibit A SBFCA BUDGET TOTAL WORKING CAPITAL RECONCILIATION FY 2018/19

Amended Month Ending Rec'd/Invoiced Line Item Description 2018-19 Budget [1] Jun‐19 to Date Expenses Operational Fund 730 1, 143,079 436,742 584,069 Capital Fund 731 Capital Fund 731 ‐ USACE Study 4,392,051 4,296,210 4,756,034 Capital Fund 731 ‐ EIP 9,063,306 6,858,277 6,956,572 Capital Fund 731 ‐ Stakeholder 7,460 440 440 Capital Fund 731 ‐ RFMP 33,315 31,871 31,871 Capital Fund 731 ‐ OWA 6,825,068 3,532,155 3,581,593 Capital Fund 731 ‐ ER Planning ‐ Capital Fund 731 ‐ Gridley Bridge ‐ Capital Fund 731‐ FSRP 107,533 116,189 113,920 Capital Fund 731 ‐ Fut FSRP (Sutter Bypass) ‐ Capital Fund 731‐ ULOP ‐ ‐ ‐ Capital Fund 731 ‐ Star Bend ‐ Capital Fund 731 ‐ Small Communities 821,975 398,933 428,875 Capital Fund 731 ‐ Flood & Emergency 3,265 3,885 3,885 Capital Fund 731 ‐ Emergency Repair 921,041 945,340 2,060,296 Subtotal Capital Fund 22,175,014 16,183,299 17,933,485 Total Expenses Operating & Capital 23,318,093 16,620,041 18,517,554

Financing Activities [2] Gross Proceeds from New Debt [Trustee] Proceeds from of New Debt [SBFCA] Short/Long Term Debt Repayment Costs of Financing Debt Service on Outstanding Debt (5,468,181) (5,468,181) (5,468,181) Net Financing Activities (5,468,181) (5,468,181) (5,468,181)

Working Capital End of Period Operational Fund 730 3, 808,616 4,514,954 4,199,442 Capital Fund 731 ‐ USACE Study (8,584,264) (8,488,423) (8,948,246) Capital Fund 731 ‐ EIP 35,411,325 38,711,513 38,576,465 Capital Fund 731 ‐ Stakeholder 16,247 23,267 23,267 Capital Fund 731 ‐ RFMP (226,721) ( 225,277) ( 225,819) Capital Fund 731 ‐ OWA (4,218,510) (3,846,605) (1,216,560) Capital Fund 731 ‐ ER Planning (69,991) (69, 991) (69, 991) Capital Fund 731 ‐ Gridley Bridge (73,099) (73, 099) (73, 099) Capital Fund 731 ‐ FSRP (1,608,467) (1,617,123) (1,614,853) Capital Fund 731‐ ULOP (6,844) (6,844) (6,844) Capital Fund 731 ‐ Small Communities (581,975) ( 398,933) ( 290,511) Capital Fund 731 ‐ Flood & Emergency (2,240) ( 125,605) ( 125,605) Capital Fund 731 ‐ Emergency Repair (3,169,293) (5,693,639) (6,808,595) Total End of Period 20,694,783 22,704,195 23,419,049

Working Capital Net of Trustee Funds $22,699,766 $23,414,620 [1] Reflects Board Approved Budget June 13, 2018. [2] Financing Activities are reflected in the Capital Fund EIP Ending Working Capital Balance

SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 07.09.19 7/10/2019 Cons Wrkg Exhibit B

SUTTER BUTTE FLOOD CONTROL AGENCY COMBINED SUMMARY STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES % of Year Complete AS OF MONTH ENDING JUNE 2019 OF FY 18/19 100% 7/10/2019 SBFCA FUNDS ‐ ACTIVITIES TO DATE SBFCA FUNDS ‐ FY 18/19 BUDGET SBFCA FUNDS ‐ VARIANCE FROM BUDGET OPERATIONS OPERATIONS OPERATIONS (730) CAPITAL FUND (731) (730) CAPITAL FUND (731) (730) CAPITAL FUND (731) STAKE‐ STAKE‐ HOLDER, ER PLAN, STAKE‐ REGIONAL HOLDER, USACE OWA, GB, REGIONAL SMALL Sub‐Total ‐ USACE HOLDER, OWA, PLANNING, ULOP, ER PLAN, Sub‐Total ‐ Capital USACE OWA, GB, REGIONAL ER PLAN, Sub‐Total ‐ % OF BUDGET ADMIN STUDY EIP FSRP PLANNING, ULOP COM Capital Fund TOTALS ADMIN STUDY EIP GB, FSRP FLOOD EMERG SMALL COM Fund TOTALS ADMIN STUDY EIP FSRP PLANNING SMALL COM Capital Fund TOTALS EXPENDED a b c=a+b d e f=d+e g=d‐a h=e‐b i=f‐c j=c/f REVENUES: 43195-Federal Intergov't Funds ‐‐ ‐ ‐3,734,658 3,734,658 ‐3,734,658 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (3,734,658) ‐ (3,734,658) (3,734,658) 0% 43495-Proposition 13 Funds - $1.4 M ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 0 % 43495-Proposition 13 Funds - $650 K ‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 0 % 43530-EIP Grant Funds - (Local Credit) ‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 0 % 43531-EIP Grant Funds - (State Share) ‐ 18,650,775 ‐ ‐ ‐ 18,650,775 18,650,775 ‐‐ ‐17,600,620 2,500,047 20,100,667 20,100,667 ‐‐ (1,050,155) ‐ 2,500,047 ‐ 1,449,892 1,449,892 93% 43535-State Revenues - Flood Emergency Response Grant 27,273 ‐ 27,273 27,273 ‐ 27,273 ‐ 3,857,403 3,884,675 3,884,675 ‐‐ ‐ ‐ 3,857,403 ‐ 3,857,403 3,857,403 1% 43536-State Revenues - Prop 13 Grant ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 122,258 ‐ ‐ 122,258 122,258 ‐ ‐ ‐ 122,258 ‐ ‐ 122,258 122,258 0% 43717-Local Intergov't Contributions ‐‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 0 % 45520-Assessment District Revenues 841,351 ‐ 5,795,003 ‐ ‐ ‐ 5,795,003 6,636,354 750,000 ‐ ‐5,750,000 ‐ ‐ 5,750,000 6,500,000 (91,351) ‐ (45,003) ‐‐ ‐ (45,003) (136,354) 102% 49081-Non-Govt Settlements 91,351 ‐ 91,351 43537-State Revenues - LC FSRP Grant 872,414 872,414 872,414 872,414 872,414 872,414 ‐ ‐ ‐ 43538- State Revenues - WCB Grant 122,258 122,258 122,258 2,929,143 2,929,143 2,929,143 4XXXX- Small Communities Grants ‐ 240,000 240,000 240,000 Sub-Total 841,351 ‐ 24,445,778 1,021,944 ‐3,734,658 29,202,381 30,043,732 841,351 ‐ 23,350,620 3,951,087 6,357,450 240,000 33,899,157 34,740,508 (91,351) ‐ (1,095,158) 122,258 2,622,792 ‐ 1,649,891 1,558,540 86% 46110-Interest on Investments ‐‐ ‐ (2,007) ‐ ‐ (2,007) (2,007) ‐‐ ‐(2,007) ‐ ‐ (2,007) ‐(2,007) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 100% 49010-Other Revenue ‐‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 0 % Sub-Total ‐‐ ‐ (2,007) ‐ ‐ (2,007) ‐(2,007) ‐ ‐(2,007) ‐ ‐ (2,007) ‐(2,007) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 100%

TOTAL INCOME 841,351 ‐ 24,443,771 1,021,944 ‐3,734,658 29,200,374 30,041,725 841,351 ‐ 23,348,613 3,951,087 6,357,450 240,000 33,897,150 34,738,501 (91,351) ‐ (1,095,158) 122,258 2,622,792 ‐ 1,649,891 1,558,540 86% EXPENDITURES ‐ ADMINISTRATION: Operations: 62701-Executive Director ‐‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 0 % 62730-Attorney (4,736) ‐ (4,736) (52,000) ‐ (52,000) (47,264) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (47,264) 9% 62701-Analyst/Administrative Assistant ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 0 % 62701-Clerk/Secretary ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 0 % 6279(8,9)-Exec Dir/Admin Mgr (129,227) ‐ (129,227) (269,395) ‐ (269,395) (140,167) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (140,167) 48% 61(5,2)(XX)-Director of Engineering (160,401) ‐ (160,401) (146,512) ‐ (146,512) ‐13,890 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 13,890 109% 62701-Director of Engineering Support ‐ ‐‐ (150,000) ‐ (150,000) (150,000) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (150,000) 0% 62701-Public Outreach (3,033) ‐ (3,033) (50,000) ‐ (50,000) (46,967) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (46,967) 6% 62701-Financial Mgt (43,496) ‐ (43,496) (130,000) ‐ (130,000) (86,504) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (86,504) 33% 62701-Assessment District Admin. ‐ ‐‐ (102,500) ‐ (102,500) (102,500) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (102,500) 0% Sub‐Total (340,894) ‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ (340,894) (900,406) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (900,406) (559,512) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (559,512) 38% Services and Supplies (95,848) (164,609) (164,609) (260,457) (237,673) (185,364) (185,364) (423,037) (141,825) ‐ (20,755) ‐‐ ‐ (20,755) (162,580) 62% Equipment ‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 0 % Sub‐Total (95,848) ‐ (164,609) ‐ ‐ ‐ (164,609) (260,457) (237,673) ‐ ‐(185,364) ‐ ‐ (185,364) (423,037) (141,825) ‐ (20,755) ‐‐ ‐ (20,755) (162,580) 62% Total Operations (436,742) ‐ (164,609) ‐ ‐ ‐ (164,609) (601,350) (1,138,079) ‐ ‐(185,364) ‐ ‐ (185,364) (1,323,443) (701,337) ‐ (20,755) ‐‐ ‐ (20,755) (722,092) 45% EXPENDITURES ‐ PROGRAM: USACE Feasibility Study: Administration (4,296,210) (4,296,210) (4,296,210) (4,392,051) (4,392,051) (4,392,051) ‐ (95,841) ‐‐ ‐ ‐ (95,841) (95,841) 98% Engineering ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 0 % Environmental ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 0 % Payments to USACE ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 0 % Sub‐Total ‐ (4,296,210) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (4,296,210) ‐(4,296,210) (4,392,051) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (4,392,051) (4,392,051) ‐ (95,841) ‐‐ ‐ ‐ (95,841) (95,841) 98% EIP: Pre-Planning (8,064) (8,064) (8,064) (8,064) (8,064) ‐(8,064) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 100% Administration (728,970) (728,970) (728,970) (739,196) (739,196) (739,196) ‐‐ (10,227) ‐‐ ‐ (10,227) (10,227) 99% Engineering (913,401) (913,401) (913,401) (751,981) (751,981) (751,981) ‐‐ 161,420 ‐‐ ‐ 161,420 161,420 121% Environmental (601,826) (601,826) (601,826) (2,505,613) (2,505,613) (2,505,613) ‐‐ (1,903,787) ‐‐ ‐ (1,903,787) (1,903,787) 24% Right of Way Services (302,563) (302,563) (302,563) (575,383) (575,383) (575,383) ‐‐ (272,820) ‐‐ ‐ (272,820) (272,820) 53% Construction & OWA FSR (4,138,844) (4,138,844) (4,138,844) (4,297,706) (4,297,706) (4,297,706) ‐‐ (158,862) ‐‐ ‐ (158,862) (158,862) 96% Sub‐Total ‐‐ (6,693,668) ‐ ‐ ‐ (6,693,668) ‐(6,693,668) ‐ ‐(8,877,942) ‐ ‐ (8,877,942) (8,877,942) ‐‐ (2,184,275) ‐‐ ‐ (2,184,275) (2,184,275) 75% Stakeholder Management, OWA, Gridley Bridge, FSRP 2005 ‐ OWA (3,532,155) (3,532,155) (3,532,155) (6,825,068) (6,825,068) (6,825,068) (3,292,913) (3,292,913) (3,292,913) 52% 1068 ‐ Stakeholder Management (440) (440) (440) (7,460) (7,460) ‐(7,460) ‐ ‐ (7,020) ‐ ‐ (7,020) 6(7,020) % 2006 ‐ Gridley Bridge ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0 % 2004 ‐ FSRP (116,189) (116,189) (116,189) (107,533) (107,533) (107,533) 8,656 8,656 8,656 108% Sub‐Total ‐‐ ‐ (3,648,785) ‐ ‐ (3,648,785) ‐(3,648,785) ‐ ‐ (6,940,061) ‐‐ (6,940,061) (6,940,061) ‐‐ ‐ (3,299,933) ‐ ‐ (3,299,933) (3,299,933) 53% Regional Planning, ULOP, Flood & Emergency Protection 2001 Regional Planning Efforts (31,871) (31,871) (31,871) ‐ (33,315) (33,315) (33,315) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (1,443) ‐ (1,443) (1,443) 96% 2008 ULOP, 7001 Flood & Emerg, 7002 Emerg Repair (949,225) (949,225) (949,225) (924,306) (924,306) (924,306) Sub‐Total ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐(981,096) (981,096) ‐ (981,096) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (957,621) (957,621) (957,621) ‐‐ ‐ ‐ (1,443) ‐ ‐ (1,443) 102% Emergency Response , Small Communities 1067 Emergency Response Efforts ‐‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 0 % XXXX Small Communities (398,933) (398,933) (821,975) (821,975) (821,975) Sub‐Total ‐‐ ‐ ‐‐ (398,933) ‐ ‐ (398,933) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ (821,975) (821,975) (821,975) ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ 49% Total Capital ‐ (4,296,210) (6,693,668) (3,648,785) (981,096) (398,933) (15,619,758) (15,619,758) ‐ (4,392,051) (8,877,942) (6,940,061) (957,621) (821,975) (21,989,651) (21,989,651) ‐ (95,841) (2,184,275) (3,299,933) (1,443) ‐ (5,580,048) (5,581,492) 71% Budgeted Contingency (5,000) (5,000) ‐(5,000) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 0(5,000) % TOTAL EXPENDITURES (436,742) (4,296,210) (6,858,277) (3,648,785) (981,096) (398,933) (15,784,367) (16,620,041) (1,143,079) (4,392,051) (9,063,306) (6,940,061) (957,621) (821,975) (22,175,014) (23,318,093) (706,337) (95,841) (2,205,029) (3,299,933) (1,443) ‐ (5,600,803) (6,308,584) 71% NET REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 404,609 (4,296,210) 17,585,495 (2,626,840) 2,753,562 (398,933) 13,416,007 13,421,684 (301,728) (4,392,051) 14,285,307 (2,988,974) 5,399,829 (581,975) 11,722,136 11,420,408 (797,688) (95,841) (3,300,188) (3,177,675) 2,621,348 ‐ (3,950,912) ‐ NET TRANSFERS BETWEEN FUNDS ‐‐ ‐ ‐‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐‐ NET FINANCING ACTIVITIES ‐‐ (5,468,181) ‐ ‐ ‐ (5,468,181) ‐(5,468,181) ‐ ‐(5,468,181) ‐ ‐ (5,468,181) (5,468,181) ‐‐ 0 ‐ ‐ ‐ 00 100% WORKING CAPITAL ‐ JULY 1, 2018 4,110,344 (4,192,213) 26,594,199 (2,886,719) (8,804,928) (69,991) 10,640,348 14,750,692 4,110,344 (4,192,213) 26,594,199 (2,894,855) (8,804,928) (69,991) 10,632,212 14,742,556 (0) ‐ ‐ (8,136) ‐ ‐ (8,136) (8,136) WORKING CAPITAL ‐ MONTH END 2019 4,514,954 (8,488,423) 38,711,513 (5,513,560) (6,051,366) (468,924) 18,189,241 22,704,195 3,808,616 (8,584,264) 35,411,325 (5,883,829) (3,405,099) (651,966) 16,886,167 20,694,783 (797,689) (95,841) (3,300,188) (3,185,811) 2,621,348 ‐ (3,959,048) (8,136) SBFCA Budget Forecast and Cash Flow 07.09.19 7/10/2019 Stmt of Actvty 18-19 SUNGARD PENTAMATION, INC. PAGE NUMBER: 1 DATE: 07/02/2019 CITY OF YUBA CITY ACCTPA21 TIME: 10:24:31 CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND

SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.yr=’19’ and transact.period=’12’ and between ’730’ and ’731’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/20

FUND − 730 − FLOOD CONTROL AGENCY CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− FUND/DEPT ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 10100 210161 V 11/20/15 306684 BOHANNAN CHERYL J 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−016 IN 0.00 −30.34 10100 210161 V 11/20/15 306684 BOHANNAN CHERYL J 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−016 0.00 −349.75 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −380.09 10100 210162 V 11/20/15 306686 BRIGGS JAMES R 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−028B I 0.00 −4.68 10100 210162 V 11/20/15 306686 BRIGGS JAMES R 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−028B 0.00 −30.74 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −35.42 10100 210165 V 11/20/15 306689 BURKE REV ’00 TR ET 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−005 0.00 −2,016.15 10100 210165 V 11/20/15 306689 BURKE REV ’00 TR ET 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−005 IN 0.00 −127.59 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −2,143.74 10100 210166 V 11/20/15 306690 CHOHAN RAJINDER S/P 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−086 IN 0.00 −24.66 10100 210166 V 11/20/15 306690 CHOHAN RAJINDER S/P 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−086 0.00 −284.35 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −309.01 10100 210171 V 11/20/15 306695 DAHLSTROM FAM ’07 T 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−036 IN 0.00 −20.20 10100 210171 V 11/20/15 306695 DAHLSTROM FAM ’07 T 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−036 0.00 −194.08 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −214.28 10100 210202 V 11/20/15 306725 MOREHEAD BROTHERS L 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−140−014 IN 0.00 −1.26 10100 210202 V 11/20/15 306725 MOREHEAD BROTHERS L 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−140−092 IN 0.00 −6.76 10100 210202 V 11/20/15 306725 MOREHEAD BROTHERS L 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−140−014 0.00 −9.32 10100 210202 V 11/20/15 306725 MOREHEAD BROTHERS L 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−140−092 0.00 −75.85 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −93.19

10100 210203 V 11/20/15 306726 MOREHEAD FAM REV TR 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−140−023 IN 0.00 −8.00 10100 210203 V 11/20/15 306726 MOREHEAD FAM REV TR 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−140−023 0.00 −86.00 10100 210203 V 11/20/15 306726 MOREHEAD FAM REV TR 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−140−021 IN 0.00 −1.92 10100 210203 V 11/20/15 306726 MOREHEAD FAM REV TR 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−140−021 0.00 −20.75 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −116.67 10100 210209 V 11/20/15 306732 NORCAL INVESTORS 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−107 IN 0.00 −3.07 10100 210209 V 11/20/15 306732 NORCAL INVESTORS 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−108 IN 0.00 −7.43 10100 210209 V 11/20/15 306732 NORCAL INVESTORS 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−107 0.00 −78.42 10100 210209 V 11/20/15 306732 NORCAL INVESTORS 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−108 0.00 −190.10 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −279.02 10100 210210 V 11/20/15 306737 NORCAL INVESTORS IN 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−079 0.00 −0.94 10100 210210 V 11/20/15 306737 NORCAL INVESTORS IN 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−079 0.00 −37.84 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −38.78 10100 210214 V 11/20/15 306736 POWELL SUZANNE 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−079 IN 0.00 −11.82 10100 210214 V 11/20/15 306736 POWELL SUZANNE 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−079 0.00 −113.52 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −125.34 10100 210215 V 11/20/15 306738 QUISTINI REV ’06 TR 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−028A I 0.00 −24.82 10100 210215 V 11/20/15 306738 QUISTINI REV ’06 TR 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−028A 0.00 −217.62 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −242.44 10100 210223 V 11/20/15 306745 SHARMA SUNEEL ETAL 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−133 IN 0.00 −6.71 10100 210223 V 11/20/15 306745 SHARMA SUNEEL ETAL 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−133 0.00 −173.20 SUNGARD PENTAMATION, INC. PAGE NUMBER: 2 DATE: 07/02/2019 CITY OF YUBA CITY ACCTPA21 TIME: 10:24:31 CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND

SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.yr=’19’ and transact.period=’12’ and between ’730’ and ’731’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/20

FUND − 730 − FLOOD CONTROL AGENCY CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− FUND/DEPT ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −179.91 10100 210228 V 11/20/15 306750 SMITH JAMES ETAL 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−108 0.00 −95.05 10100 210228 V 11/20/15 306750 SMITH JAMES ETAL 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−107 0.00 −78.42 10100 210228 V 11/20/15 306750 SMITH JAMES ETAL 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−107 IN 0.00 −10.51 10100 210228 V 11/20/15 306750 SMITH JAMES ETAL 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−108 IN 0.00 −12.58 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −196.56 10100 210229 V 11/20/15 306751 STOHLMAN−BOHANNAN T 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−006 0.00 −215.30 10100 210229 V 11/20/15 306751 STOHLMAN−BOHANNAN T 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−026 0.00 −172.70 10100 210229 V 11/20/15 306751 STOHLMAN−BOHANNAN T 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−015 0.00 −31.70 10100 210229 V 11/20/15 306751 STOHLMAN−BOHANNAN T 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−038 0.00 −349.75 10100 210229 V 11/20/15 306751 STOHLMAN−BOHANNAN T 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−038 IN 0.00 −30.34 10100 210229 V 11/20/15 306751 STOHLMAN−BOHANNAN T 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−006 IN 0.00 −18.67 10100 210229 V 11/20/15 306751 STOHLMAN−BOHANNAN T 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−015 IN 0.00 −2.74 10100 210229 V 11/20/15 306751 STOHLMAN−BOHANNAN T 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−026 IN 0.00 −14.99 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −836.19 10100 210230 V 11/20/15 306752 SUTTER BUTTES LLC E 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−122 0.00 −20.09 10100 210230 V 11/20/15 306752 SUTTER BUTTES LLC E 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−122 IN 0.00 −0.52 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −20.61 10100 210238 V 11/20/15 306760 TBM LLC 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−125 0.00 −60.81 10100 210238 V 11/20/15 306760 TBM LLC 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−125 IN 0.00 −7.04 10100 210238 V 11/20/15 306760 TBM LLC 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−126 IN 0.00 −7.80 10100 210238 V 11/20/15 306760 TBM LLC 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−126 0.00 −86.40 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −162.05 10100 210241 V 11/20/15 306763 WELLS FARGO BANK 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−107 IN 0.00 −3.49 10100 210241 V 11/20/15 306763 WELLS FARGO BANK 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−108 0.00 −95.05 10100 210241 V 11/20/15 306763 WELLS FARGO BANK 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−107 0.00 −39.21 10100 210241 V 11/20/15 306763 WELLS FARGO BANK 7350 66001 SBFCA/13−270−108 IN 0.00 −8.39 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 −146.14 10100 233857 06/06/19 306369 BIDWELL CONSULTING 7350 62799 SBFCA/RETIRMNT PLAN 0.00 1,800.00 10100 234067 06/13/19 304090 KIM FLOYD COMMUNICA 7350 62701 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 96.51 10100 234098 06/13/19 307781 SUTTER COUNTY 7350 63201 SBFCA/JUNE 2019 0.00 40.00 10100 234101 06/13/19 307507 TERRA YANEY 7350 62801 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 233.03 10100 234121 06/13/19 308355 YUBA RIVER MOULDING 7350 63201 SBFCA/JULY RENT 0.00 96.25 10100 234124 06/20/19 308404 A&R JANITORIAL SERV 7350 62701 SBFCA/JUNE 2019 0.00 10.00 10100 234126 06/20/19 300739 ADVANCED DOCUMENT C 7350 62601 SBFCA/FEB 2019 0.00 1.11 10100 234135 06/20/19 301919 BARTEL ASSOCIATES, 7350 62701 DP/CALPERS ANALYIS 0.00 2,878.00 10100 234157 06/20/19 308405 DEVON MOORE 7350 63201 SBFCA/JUNE 2019 0.00 70.00 SUNGARD PENTAMATION, INC. PAGE NUMBER: 3 DATE: 07/02/2019 CITY OF YUBA CITY ACCTPA21 TIME: 10:24:31 CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND

SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.yr=’19’ and transact.period=’12’ and between ’730’ and ’731’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/20

FUND − 730 − FLOOD CONTROL AGENCY CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− FUND/DEPT ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 10100 234217 06/20/19 305033 SDRMA 7350 64301 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 559.72 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 7350 62201 TY/TOLL FREE CONFRN 0.00 11.59 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 7350 62301 TY/POSTGAE/FREIGHT 0.00 0.07 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 7350 62301 TY/POSTAGE 0.00 0.12 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 7350 62301 TY/POSTAGE 0.00 0.88 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 7350 66001 TY/SBFCA RELOCATION 0.00 4.19 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 7350 66001 TY/SBFCA OFFICE REV 0.00 4.45 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 7350 62801 TY/FMA CONF 0.00 8.51 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 7350 62401 TY/BUDGET HEARING 0.00 12.48 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 7350 66001 TY/SBFCA FURNITURE 0.00 74.03 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 7350 66001 TY/MICHAELS−SBFCA R 0.00 6.76 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 7350 66001 TY/WATER SERVICE 0.00 0.89 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 7350 66001 TY/LNCH BESSETT/HAR 0.00 2.17 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 7350 66001 TY/SBFCA RELOCATION 0.00 2.50 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 128.64 10100 234310 06/27/19 306396 ECORP CONSULTING, I 7350 62701 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 4 0.00 193.13 10100 234346 06/27/19 305409 LARSEN WURZEL & ASS 7350 62701 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 3,852.91 10100 234361 06/27/19 304991 MICHAEL BESSETTE 7350 62801 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 251.60 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 4,691.46 TOTAL FUND 0.00 4,691.46 SUNGARD PENTAMATION, INC. PAGE NUMBER: 4 DATE: 07/02/2019 CITY OF YUBA CITY ACCTPA21 TIME: 10:24:31 CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND

SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.yr=’19’ and transact.period=’12’ and between ’730’ and ’731’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/20

FUND − 731 − SBFCA CAPITAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− FUND/DEPT ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 10100 233889 06/06/19 200071 HDR ENGINEERING INC 941064 65635 SBFCA/MARCH 2019 0.00 24,099.10 10100 233889 06/06/19 200071 HDR ENGINEERING INC 992004 65683 SBFCA/OCT 18 0.00 1,357.51 10100 233889 06/06/19 200071 HDR ENGINEERING INC 996001 68202 SBFCA/MARCH 2019 0.00 1,276.61 10100 233889 06/06/19 200071 HDR ENGINEERING INC 995001 68802 SBFCA/MARCH 2019 0.00 6,791.74 10100 233889 06/06/19 200071 HDR ENGINEERING INC 995001 68202 SBFCA/MARCH 2019 0.00 4,042.56 10100 233889 06/06/19 200071 HDR ENGINEERING INC 996001 68802 SBFCA/MARCH 2019 0.00 1,886.92 10100 233889 06/06/19 200071 HDR ENGINEERING INC 997002 65673 SBFCA/MARCH 2019 0.00 8,790.99 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 48,245.43 10100 234035 06/13/19 306923 CAPRI & CLAY, INC. 996001 66552 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 8,000.00 10100 234063 06/13/19 200071 HDR ENGINEERING INC 995001 68945 SBFCA/TASK ORDER #1 0.00 1,358.35 10100 234063 06/13/19 200071 HDR ENGINEERING INC 997003 65720 SBFCA/TASK ORDER #1 0.00 692.67 10100 234063 06/13/19 200071 HDR ENGINEERING INC 997005 65720 SBFCA/TASK ORDER #1 0.00 1,275.96 10100 234063 06/13/19 200071 HDR ENGINEERING INC 992007 68944 SBFCA/TASK ORDER #1 0.00 1,052.84 10100 234063 06/13/19 200071 HDR ENGINEERING INC 996001 68945 SBFCA/TASK ORDER #1 0.00 318.63 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 4,698.45 10100 234067 06/13/19 304090 KIM FLOYD COMMUNICA 996001 66331 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 440.09 10100 234067 06/13/19 304090 KIM FLOYD COMMUNICA 995001 66331 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 1,393.62 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 1,833.71 10100 234084 06/13/19 301931 PETERSON, BRUSTAD, 997011 65730 SBFCA/MARCH 2019 0.00 1,279.40 10100 234084 06/13/19 301931 PETERSON, BRUSTAD, 997011 65733 SBFCA/MARCH 2019 0.00 4,229.00 10100 234084 06/13/19 301931 PETERSON, BRUSTAD, 997011 65732 SBFCA/MARCH 2019 0.00 1,642.50 10100 234084 06/13/19 301931 PETERSON, BRUSTAD, 997003 65720 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 12 0.00 3,164.63 10100 234084 06/13/19 301931 PETERSON, BRUSTAD, 997005 65720 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 12 0.00 5,829.58 10100 234084 06/13/19 301931 PETERSON, BRUSTAD, 996001 68941 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 12 0.00 1,455.74 10100 234084 06/13/19 301931 PETERSON, BRUSTAD, 995001 68941 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 12 0.00 6,206.02 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 23,806.87 10100 234098 06/13/19 307781 SUTTER COUNTY 995001 67310 SBFCA/JUNE 2019 0.00 516.80 10100 234098 06/13/19 307781 SUTTER COUNTY 992004 65689 SBFCA/JUNE 2019 0.00 80.00 10100 234098 06/13/19 307781 SUTTER COUNTY 996001 67310 SBFCA/JUNE 2019 0.00 163.20 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 760.00 10100 234121 06/13/19 308355 YUBA RIVER MOULDING 992004 65689 SBFCA/JULY RENT 0.00 192.50 10100 234121 06/13/19 308355 YUBA RIVER MOULDING 996001 67310 SBFCA/JULY RENT 0.00 392.70 10100 234121 06/13/19 308355 YUBA RIVER MOULDING 995001 67310 SBFCA/JULY RENT 0.00 1,243.55 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 1,828.75 10100 234124 06/20/19 308404 A&R JANITORIAL SERV 992004 65689 SBFCA/JUNE 2019 0.00 20.00 10100 234124 06/20/19 308404 A&R JANITORIAL SERV 996001 67310 SBFCA/JUNE 2019 0.00 40.80 10100 234124 06/20/19 308404 A&R JANITORIAL SERV 995001 67310 SBFCA/JUNE 2019 0.00 129.20 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 190.00 10100 234126 06/20/19 300739 ADVANCED DOCUMENT C 995001 67310 SBFCA/FEB 2019 0.00 14.37 10100 234126 06/20/19 300739 ADVANCED DOCUMENT C 996001 67310 SBFCA/FEB 2019 0.00 4.54 10100 234126 06/20/19 300739 ADVANCED DOCUMENT C 992004 65689 SBFCA/FEB 2019 0.00 2.22 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 21.13 10100 234156 06/20/19 307478 DESMOND,NOLAN,LIVAI 995001 68700 SBFCA/025−050−017/1 0.00 3,000.00 SUNGARD PENTAMATION, INC. PAGE NUMBER: 5 DATE: 07/02/2019 CITY OF YUBA CITY ACCTPA21 TIME: 10:24:31 CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND

SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.yr=’19’ and transact.period=’12’ and between ’730’ and ’731’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/20


10100 234157 06/20/19 308405 DEVON MOORE 995001 67310 SBFCA/JUNE 2019 0.00 904.40 10100 234157 06/20/19 308405 DEVON MOORE 996001 67310 SBFCA/JUNE 2019 0.00 285.60 10100 234157 06/20/19 308405 DEVON MOORE 992004 65689 SBFCA/JUNE 2019 0.00 140.00 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 1,330.00 10100 234206 06/20/19 301931 PETERSON, BRUSTAD, 996001 66531 SBFCA/APRIL 2019 0.00 842.19 10100 234206 06/20/19 301931 PETERSON, BRUSTAD, 996001 66513 SBFCA/APRIL 2019 0.00 685.18 10100 234206 06/20/19 301931 PETERSON, BRUSTAD, 995001 66513 SBFCA/APRIL 2019 0.00 2,267.22 10100 234206 06/20/19 301931 PETERSON, BRUSTAD, 995001 66531 SBFCA/APRIL 2019 0.00 2,666.91 10100 234206 06/20/19 301931 PETERSON, BRUSTAD, 995001 66341 SBFCA/APRIL 2019 0.00 11,914.56 10100 234206 06/20/19 301931 PETERSON, BRUSTAD, 996001 66341 SBFCA/APRIL 2019 0.00 3,762.49 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 22,138.55

10100 234211 06/20/19 304126 RIVERSMITH ENGINEER 995001 66704 MAY 2019 0.00 635.30 10100 234211 06/20/19 304126 RIVERSMITH ENGINEER 995001 66804 MAY 2019 0.00 159.53 10100 234211 06/20/19 304126 RIVERSMITH ENGINEER 995001 66604 MAY 2019 0.00 37.37 10100 234211 06/20/19 304126 RIVERSMITH ENGINEER 996001 66804 MAY 2019 0.00 50.38 10100 234211 06/20/19 304126 RIVERSMITH ENGINEER 996001 66704 MAY 2019 0.00 200.62 10100 234211 06/20/19 304126 RIVERSMITH ENGINEER 996001 66604 MAY 2019 0.00 11.80 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 1,095.00 10100 234217 06/20/19 305033 SDRMA 995001 67310 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 7,231.52 10100 234217 06/20/19 305033 SDRMA 992004 65689 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 1,119.43 10100 234217 06/20/19 305033 SDRMA 996001 67310 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 2,283.64 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 10,634.59 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 992004 65689 TY/POSTAGE 0.00 0.23 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 995001 67310 TY/FMA CONF 0.00 109.80 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 995001 67310 TY/TOLL FREE CONFRN 0.00 149.65 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 995001 67310 TY/SBFCA FURNITURE 0.00 956.30 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 992004 65689 TY/SBFCA RELOCATION 0.00 5.00 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 992004 65689 TY/SBFCA FURNITURE 0.00 148.03 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 996001 67310 TY/POSTGAE/FREIGHT 0.00 0.23 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 996001 67310 TY/POSTAGE 0.00 0.47 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 996001 67310 TY/POSTAGE 0.00 3.54 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 996001 67310 TY/WATER SERVICE 0.00 3.57 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 996001 67310 TY/LNCH BESSETT/HAR 0.00 8.81 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 996001 67310 TY/SBFCA RELOCATION 0.00 10.20 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 996001 67310 TY/SBFCA RELOCATION 0.00 17.07 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 996001 67310 TY/SBFCA OFFICE REV 0.00 18.12 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 996001 67310 TY/MICHAELS−SBFCA R 0.00 27.57 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 996001 67310 TY/FMA CONF 0.00 34.67 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 996001 67310 TY/TOLL FREE CONFRN 0.00 47.26 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 996001 67310 TY/BUDGET HEARING 0.00 50.86 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 996001 67310 TY/SBFCA FURNITURE 0.00 301.99 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 992004 65689 TY/WATER SERVICE 0.00 1.75 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 992004 65689 TY/POSTAGE 0.00 1.73 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 992004 65689 TY/BUDGET HEARING 0.00 24.93 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 995001 67310 TY/BUDGET HEARING 0.00 161.06 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 995001 67310 TY/POSTGAE/FREIGHT 0.00 0.74 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 995001 67310 TY/POSTAGE 0.00 1.48 SUNGARD PENTAMATION, INC. PAGE NUMBER: 6 DATE: 07/02/2019 CITY OF YUBA CITY ACCTPA21 TIME: 10:24:31 CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND

SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.yr=’19’ and transact.period=’12’ and between ’730’ and ’731’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/20

FUND − 731 − SBFCA CAPITAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− FUND/DEPT ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 995001 67310 TY/POSTAGE 0.00 11.20 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 995001 67310 TY/WATER SERVICE 0.00 11.31 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 992004 65689 TY/TOLL FREE CONFRN 0.00 23.16 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 992004 65689 TY/LNCH BESSETT/HAR 0.00 4.31 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 995001 67310 TY/LNCH BESSETT/HAR 0.00 27.89 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 992004 65689 TY/FMA CONF 0.00 16.99 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 992004 65689 TY/MICHAELS−SBFCA R 0.00 13.51 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 995001 67310 TY/SBFCA RELOCATION 0.00 32.30 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 995001 67310 TY/SBFCA RELOCATION 0.00 54.04 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 995001 67310 TY/SBFCA OFFICE REV 0.00 57.38 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 995001 67310 TY/MICHAELS−SBFCA R 0.00 87.30 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 992004 65689 TY/SBFCA OFFICE REV 0.00 8.88 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 992004 65689 TY/SBFCA RELOCATION 0.00 8.36 10100 234244 06/20/19 302252 U.S. BANK CORP PAYM 992004 65689 TY/POSTGAE/FREIGHT 0.00 0.11 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 2,441.80 10100 234245 06/20/19 87240 UNION PACIFIC RAILR 996001 66850 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 179.40 10100 234245 06/20/19 87240 UNION PACIFIC RAILR 995001 66850 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 568.08 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 747.48 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 995001 68114 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 4 0.00 565.49 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 996001 66717 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 2 0.00 23.93 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 995001 66717 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 2 0.00 86.07 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 995001 66717 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 2 0.00 38.94 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 996001 66714 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 2 0.00 43.56 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 995001 66714 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 2 0.00 167.51 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 941064 65635 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 6 0.00 979.74 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 995001 66714 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 2 0.00 137.94 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 995001 68114 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 4 0.00 417.46 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 941064 65635 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 6 0.00 1,254.56 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 995001 67114 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 3 0.00 1,209.92 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 996001 67114 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 3 0.00 382.08 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 995001 67114 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 3 0.00 937.07 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 996001 68114 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 4 0.00 131.84 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 996001 68114 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 4 0.00 178.59 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 996001 67114 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 3 0.00 295.92 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 995001 68714 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 4 0.00 1,115.34 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 996001 68714 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 4 0.00 309.89 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 995001 68714 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 4 0.00 823.36 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 996001 68714 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 4 0.00 228.78 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 996001 66714 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 2 0.00 52.90 10100 234284 06/27/19 302416 BENDER ROSENTHAL, I 996001 66717 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 2 0.00 10.84 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 9,391.73

10100 234310 06/27/19 306396 ECORP CONSULTING, I 996001 67400 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 2 0.00 312.86 10100 234310 06/27/19 306396 ECORP CONSULTING, I 995001 68946 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 5 0.00 10,914.48 10100 234310 06/27/19 306396 ECORP CONSULTING, I 997005 65722 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 5 0.00 10,252.46 10100 234310 06/27/19 306396 ECORP CONSULTING, I 997002 65674 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 1 0.00 637.31 10100 234310 06/27/19 306396 ECORP CONSULTING, I 995001 68900 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 2 0.00 792.62 10100 234310 06/27/19 306396 ECORP CONSULTING, I 996001 68946 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 5 0.00 2,560.20 10100 234310 06/27/19 306396 ECORP CONSULTING, I 941064 65635 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 3 0.00 6,374.08 10100 234310 06/27/19 306396 ECORP CONSULTING, I 996001 68400 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 2 0.00 135.61 SUNGARD PENTAMATION, INC. PAGE NUMBER: 7 DATE: 07/02/2019 CITY OF YUBA CITY ACCTPA21 TIME: 10:24:31 CHECK REGISTER − BY FUND

SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.yr=’19’ and transact.period=’12’ and between ’730’ and ’731’ ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/20

FUND − 731 − SBFCA CAPITAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT −−−−−−−−−−−VENDOR−−−−−−−−−−− FUND/DEPT ACCNT −−−−DESCRIPTION−−−− SALES TAX AMOUNT 10100 234310 06/27/19 306396 ECORP CONSULTING, I 996001 68900 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 2 0.00 220.20 10100 234310 06/27/19 306396 ECORP CONSULTING, I 997003 65722 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 5 0.00 5,565.63 10100 234310 06/27/19 306396 ECORP CONSULTING, I 997010 65735 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 6 0.00 4,782.22 10100 234310 06/27/19 306396 ECORP CONSULTING, I 995001 68400 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 2 0.00 429.44 10100 234310 06/27/19 306396 ECORP CONSULTING, I 995001 67400 SBFCA/TASK ORDER 2 0.00 990.71 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 43,967.82 10100 234346 06/27/19 305409 LARSEN WURZEL & ASS 997001 65615 SBFCA/5/1/19−5/31/1 0.00 512.45 10100 234346 06/27/19 305409 LARSEN WURZEL & ASS 996001 67311 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 3,088.20 10100 234346 06/27/19 305409 LARSEN WURZEL & ASS 996001 66521 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 4,691.11 10100 234346 06/27/19 305409 LARSEN WURZEL & ASS 997002 65676 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 53.75 10100 234346 06/27/19 305409 LARSEN WURZEL & ASS 995001 66521 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 14,855.14 10100 234346 06/27/19 305409 LARSEN WURZEL & ASS 995001 67311 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 9,779.30 10100 234346 06/27/19 305409 LARSEN WURZEL & ASS 997001 65615 SBFCA/4/1/19−4/30/1 0.00 107.50 10100 234346 06/27/19 305409 LARSEN WURZEL & ASS 997010 65737 SBFCA/SCFRR−SUTTER 0.00 317.50 10100 234346 06/27/19 305409 LARSEN WURZEL & ASS 941064 65648 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 2,311.66 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 35,716.61 10100 234347 06/27/19 55431 LEVEE DISTRICT 1 996001 68931 SBFCA/APRIL 2019 0.00 174.57 10100 234347 06/27/19 55431 LEVEE DISTRICT 1 995001 68931 SBFCA/APRIL 2019 0.00 552.75 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 727.32 10100 234348 06/27/19 55431 LEVEE DISTRICT 1 996001 68931 SBFCA/APRIL 2019 0.00 146.17 10100 234348 06/27/19 55431 LEVEE DISTRICT 1 995001 68931 SBFCA/APRIL 2019 0.00 462.83 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 609.00

10100 234354 06/27/19 201493 MBK ENGINEERS 992001 65641 SBFCA./MAY 2019 0.00 3,029.60 10100 234354 06/27/19 201493 MBK ENGINEERS 992001 65641 SBFCA/APRIL 2019 0.00 1,080.00 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 4,109.60 10100 234361 06/27/19 304991 MICHAEL BESSETTE 992005 65661 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 163.85 10100 234361 06/27/19 304991 MICHAEL BESSETTE 995001 67310 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 267.24 10100 234361 06/27/19 304991 MICHAEL BESSETTE 941064 62798 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 54.50 10100 234361 06/27/19 304991 MICHAEL BESSETTE 996001 67310 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 84.39 10100 234361 06/27/19 304991 MICHAEL BESSETTE 992004 65689 SBFCA/MAY 2019 0.00 41.37 TOTAL CHECK 0.00 611.35 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT 0.00 225,905.19 TOTAL FUND 0.00 225,905.19 TOTAL REPORT 0.00 230,596.65

Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency A Partnership for Flood Safety

August 14, 2019

TO: Board of Directors

FROM: Michael Bessette – Executive Director

SUBJECT: Receive and File Program/Project Update Report

Recommendation Receive and file the August 2019 Program/Project update report and receive staff’s monthly Program/Project presentation.

Background The purpose of this report is to provide a regular, monthly update on SBFCA program and project activities:

Engineering Design The design team is working with the construction management team on project closeout activities for the Reach 25 pipe abandonment project in Live Oak. This project involved removal of pipe facilities outside the levee prism and concrete grouting of the existing two pipes within the levee prism. Precision Earthworks Construction completed construction work in late June. The project completion report will be completed in August.

The UPRR railroad closure project construction contract was awarded to Odin Construction Solutions by the SBFCA Board at the May board meeting. The design team is coordinating with the construction management team on construction submittal reviews to facilitate the start of construction, which is anticipated to begin in late August. Key submittals are those that require coordination and approval from the Union Pacific Railroad and for long lead- time material procurement. A coordination meeting with UPRR and the contractor was held on July 3rd. UPRR staff are now reviewing key submittals requiring their review and approval and are also attending the weekly construction management meetings with the contractor.

Construction Management (Project Areas B, C & D, and Completion Projects) The construction management team completed the construction completion report for the Reaches 14-16 emergency levee repair project in Yuba City and submitted the report to DWR and USACE on May 23 for their respective review and approval. DWR has recently informed the team that they have several comments that will need to be addressed before the report can be finalized.

The construction management team is managing the start of construction for the UPRR Closure Structure project and the project closeout activities for the Reach 25 Pipe abandonment project. The CM team conducted the UPRR Closure Project pre-construction meeting with Odin Construction Solutions and are assisting Odin to prioritize and process key submittals to allow construction to proceed.

The construction management team is also managing season two construction of the Oroville Wildlife Area Flood Stage Reduction Project. Construction coordination meetings are being held weekly with the contractor, Nordic Industries, and the design and environmental teams. Construction work for year two includes channel clearing and grading, fish berm construction, and the permanent notch-connection to the Feather River. The in-river work was recently initiated and required extensive coordination with the resource agencies.

Item 9

Environmental Documentation/Permitting/Monitoring SBFCA staff is coordinating with the Sacramento Valley Conservancy (SVC) on the Star Bend and Mathews Property environmental mitigation sites. Monthly coordination meetings are now being held to advance progress toward the completion of the required conservation easement and management plan. A draft plan was completed by SVC and is under internal review, along with the associated funding plan.

Right of Way The right-of-way team continues to finalize the administrative work for the land acquisitions required for the federal project (between Tudor Road and Cypress Avenue), and the associated federal credit package. The team is also working on closing out all acquisitions needed for the FRWLP including the easements needed from the affected public agencies and several outstanding privately owned parcels. The Department of Water Resources (DWR) has directed SBFCA to acquire the permanent real estate rights from the Laurel Avenue project limits needed in order to incorporate that levee improvement project into the federal crediting package. DWR will cost share in these property easement acquisitions through SBFCA’s UFRR Funding Agreement. Staff is working with DWR to process a 6th amendment to cover these costs. The SBFCA right-of-way team and DWR continue to conduct monthly coordination meetings to streamline the real estate acquisition reimbursement process and ultimate transfer of property to the State.

State & Local Funding and Coordination EIP / UFRR Agreement SBFCA staff continues to work with DWR to process additional payments and reimbursement requests for various items of work. The last pending payment reported to the Board that was due in the amount of $862,562 was received on June 14, 2019. SBFCA currently has no pending payments due. The table below presents the funding status of the Agency’s UFRR Grant.

FRWLP DWR EIP/UFRR Funding Agreement

Design Construction Total Agreement No. #4600009480 #4600010296 Capital Outlay Amount $9,000,000 $56,780,000 $65,780,000 Amendment 1 $0 [1] $0 [2] $0 Amendment 2 $14,869,280 [3] $57,803,791 [4] $72,673,071 Amendment 3 $0 $43,861,587 $43,861,587 Amendment 4 $0 $40,828,931 $40,828,931 Amendment 5 -$2,529,451 [5] $31,730,451 [5] $29,201,000 TOTAL FUNDING $21,339,829 $231,004,760 $252,344,589 Receipts Payments to Date $21,339,829 $210,757,396 $232,097,226 Pending [6] $0 $0 $0

TOTAL PAYMENTS $21,339,829 $210,757,396 $232,097,226

GRANT BALANCE $0 $20,247,364 $20,247,364

[1] Amendment 1 to the Design Agreement amended the term of the agreement. [2] Amendment 1 to the Construction Agreement amended the scope agreement to include the closure of gaps (at reaches 13 and 24) in Area C. [3] Amendment 2 to the Design Agreement increased the cost share from 50% to 76% State Cost Share and increased the State funding limit. [4] Amendment 2 to the Construction Agreement increased the scope to include Areas B & D2A and increased the State funding limit. It also incorporated many of the guideline provisions of the UFRR Program. [5] Reflects pending transfer of remaining design funding to the CFA and additional funding from DWR for emergency work ($25,000,000 for R 14 – 16 and $4,201,000 for emergency storm response). [6] No pending payments are due. Item 9

OWA (CDFW & WCB) Grant Agreements SBFCA staff is working with the WCB and CFDW to process payments for the ongoing OWA work. The recent payments received were $0 for both WCB 2018 and CDFW 2017. SBFCA currently has $2,327,132 in pending payments due from WCB and $364,169 from CDFW. The table(s) below presents the funding status of the Agency’s WCB Grant and CDFW Grant, respectively.

OWA WCB 2018 Funding Agreement Total Grant Agreement No. WC-1736BC Grant Amount $5,070,900 $5,070,900 TOTAL FUNDING $5,070,900 $5,070,900

Receipts [1] Pending PMT 1 $733,453 $733,453 PMT 2 $1,593,679 $1,593,679

TOTAL PAYMENTS $2,327,132 $2,327,132

GRANT BALANCE $2,743,768 $2,743,768

[1] No payments yet received.

OWA CDFW 2017 Funding Agreement Total Grant Agreement No. P1796010 Grant Amount $5,648,836 $5,648,836 TOTAL FUNDING $5,648,836 $5,648,836

Receipts [1] Pending PMT 1 $20,211 $20,211 PMT 2 $343,958 $343,958

TOTAL PAYMENTS $364,169 $364,169

GRANT BALANCE $5,284,667 $5,284,667

[1] No payments yet received.

Oroville Wildlife Area (OWA) Flood Stage Reduction Project Construction work on the interior channels, box culvert, and fish berm improvements started back up in June and the contractor has finished installing the sheet pile wall cofferdam within the Feather River for construction of the box culvert feature. In July, the contractor continued to make progress on the construction of the new box culvert, the interior channel grading, and the fish berm components. The project team is coordinating closely with both DWR and CDFW, and continues with processing contractor submittals and conducting environmental surveys for the construction work. A bid package for construction of the new recreational footbridges was released on July 2nd, a pre-bid meeting was held on July 11th, and the bid opening occurred on July 30th. SBFCA received one bid for Item 9 the bridge-related work from Viking Construction Company. In regards to funding, SBFCA staff continues to coordinate with both American Rivers and River Partners to implement the recent grants SBFCA received from the Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) and CDFW. SBFCA has executed funding agreements for two new grants with CDFW and WCB, and staff continues to work with CDFW on processing the funding agreement for the vegetation restoration plantings. A site tour was held with representatives from CDFW and WCB on July 31st to view the ongoing construction work.

Sutter Basin Flood Risk Management Project (federal project) USACE’s contractor, Great Lakes E&I, continues to make good progress on the levee construction. The conventional method slurry-cutoff wall construction began in mid-June and currently there are three individual conventional cutoff wall headings under construction. Cutoff wall production to date is about 50% complete and one of the three headings just began double shift operations. In addition, two Deep Soil Mixing operations will soon begin. As previously reported, the contractor has encountered cultural resources impacts during ground disturbing activities which the SBFCA team are assisting USACE to resolve. As the landowner, SBFCA is responsible to coordinate with the Native American tribes affiliated with the project to repatriate human remains and other associated artifacts encountered during the project. To date this cultural resources coordination with both USACE and UAIC is going well. SBFCA staff and consultants are providing engineering (including cost engineering), economics, Right-of-Way, and cultural and environmental permitting support. SBFCA staff continues to participate in frequent USACE project management team and construction coordination meetings in order to advance the project.

Small Community Studies-Sutter and Tudor The project team has finished with its draft evaluation of the various proposed alternatives and has held two community meetings, one to each study group, to present and review the preferred alternative with the public. The community meeting for Sutter was held on July 11th and the community meeting for Tudor was held on July 15th. The project team is also working on setting up a separate meeting with DWR to present and review the preferred alternative for each study. The team also continues to work on preparing the financial analysis and on developing the study report.

Proposition 68 Sediment Management Staff continues to scope work with the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) and local stakeholders for $5 million of direct funding for SBFCA-led projects. SBFCA staff continued to coordinate with Nor-Cal Guides and Sportsmen’s Association (NCGASA) in June on confirming the preferred locations for the work. SBFCA staff is currently reviewing the draft funding agreement language and is bringing a Resolution to approve the application of grant funds to the SBFCA Board in August. It is anticipated that the application package will be submitted to CNRA in late August.

Oroville Ad-Hoc Group DWR hosted a down-stream stakeholder meeting and tour of the Oroville Dam spillway improvements on May 24. The highlight of the meeting was learning about the inter-agency coordination for reservoir releases into the Feather River. The next Ad-Hoc meeting has not been scheduled as of the writing of this report.

Butte County FEMA Accreditation SBFCA staff has finished preparing the Butte County FEMA accreditation package. The final package was sent to FEMA on July 12th and formal confirmation of receipt of the package was received on July 18th. Following submittal, it is projected that the review and processing period with FEMA will take approximately 2 to 3 years before the proposed mapping changes become effective.

Fiscal Impact This is an informational item only with no fiscal impact to SBFCA.

Item 9

Sutter Butte Flood Control Agency A Partnership for Flood Safety

August 14, 2019

Item 9 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Michael Bessette, Executive Director SUBJECT: Program/Project Update

This time has been set aside on the agenda for a report and discussion (if necessary) by member and partner agency representatives.

Item 10 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Michael Bessette, Executive Director SUBJECT: Other Reports by Agency Staff and Consultants

This time has been set aside on the agenda for Board discussion and staff response regarding correspondence received by the Agency.

Item 11 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Michael Bessette, Executive Director SUBJECT: Report by Member Partner Agencies

This time has been set aside on the agenda for Board discussion and staff response regarding correspondence received by the Agency.

Item 12 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Michael Bessette, Executive Director SUBJECT: Report on Correspondence Sent by and Received by the Board

Fiscal Impact The above items are informational only with no fiscal impact to the Agency.

Items: 9-12