K S Pwa Begins Lending, Spending; Approves Nearly

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K S Pwa Begins Lending, Spending; Approves Nearly Member ot the Audit Bureau ot Ctrenlatlouu MANCHESTER — A aTY . OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVIL (ClaealBed ,Adver|Hataig on Pagu U ) MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS « E R LAUDS JUDGE INGUS Japan Sets Up “No Man’s Land” ITALY AS PLANE MUST RULE ON KS PWA BEGINS LENDING, BOMBS 1 SHIPS iflso m c n o N SUBMIT PLEAS iini Keen Foi> Opera- In Novel Position From Pro- SPENDING; APPROVES Answer “Not GnUty” To tion Of Pact, Says Cham- test On Alcorn; 5 Defend- Charge Of Taking Bribe; berlain; Bomb Italy’s Is- ants Do Not File Motions NEARLY 300 PROJECTS Hickey To Plead Later To- land Base— ^Lloyd George In Tbe Brass City Cases. t day; Demurrer Ovemtled Spy-Hunting G-Man Resigns Over 41 MiOions In Grants London, June 22— (AP) —Prime Waterbury, June 22 — (AP) — Minister Chamberlain told the And Nine Millions In The legality of the appointment of Hartford. June 22— (A P )—State House of Commons today that Italy Hugh M. Alcorn as special prosecu- Senators Matthew A Daly of New waa anxious to put Into effect the tor before the Waterbury Grand Haven and Joseph H. Lawlor of Loans ADowed; Construe* Anglo-Itallan agreement covering Jury remained today a matter for Waterbury and Rep. John D. Thoma, Mediterranean Issues but denied Superior Court Judge Ernest A, that Rome was trying to “drive a also of Waterbury, pleaded innocent tion Work F ill Be Allo- Inglis, who himself made the ap- wedge” between Britain and France. pointment, to decide. Placed in the today In Superior Court to charges The prime minister's statement, re- unusual position of having to rule cated Daily To Pot Men plying to opposition questions, was of accepting a bribe for supporting upon the validity of one of hla own certain legislation before the 1935 made after receipt of news of the actions. Judge Inglia reserved de- bombing and sinking of two more cision yesterday after listening for General Assembly. On Jobs In The Nation. British merchantmen by an uniden. more than an hour to arguments by Former Rep. Daniel F. B. Hickey tiffed air raider at Valencia. Alcorn and ' Thomas F. McDonough From Chamberlain’s previous of Stamford, accused of a almllar of New Britain, attorney for Aider- charge, will be put to plea later Washingrton, June 22.— (AP) statements It was clear Britain man Thomas P. Kelly, who demand- day. ^ I would do nothing to retaliate for —The Public Works Admini^ ed the prosecutor’s disqualiflcatlon. Daly, Lawlor and Thoma per- the repeated sinkings of British McDonough baaed bis argument tration began its 1938 spend- ships by planes which the London sonally put In their pleas of "not that Alcom was named to the post guilty” after Judge Robert L. ing-lending program today government believes to be Italian without statutory authority on the craft in the service of the Spanish Munger had overruled demurrera with allotments of $41,632,717 contention that such tn officer could Insurgents. The latest victims were be named by the court only If a filed by Thoms and Hickey attack- in grants and $9,021,000 of the freighters Thorpeness and Sun- cause was pending before it at the ing the Information on the ground loans for 291 projects. ton. that It did not specify that a crime time. Howard A. Gray, assistant Efforts for Truce "Silly,” Says Alcom had been committed. Before Chamberlain spoke In the Defending his right to serve as No date waa fixed for trial, but administrator, said the 291 Hou.**e the cabinet met, presumably special prosecutor, Alcom termed trial during this term of the couct projects would involve $92,- to discuss the prime minister's ef- McDonough’s argument "absolutely waa regarded as virtually an im- 520,374 of , construction. Tha fo r t to convince Premier Musoltnl and perfectly silly” and said that If possibility Inasmuch as State’s At- that he should join In efforts to torney Hugh M. Alcorn la busy with grants were for 45 per cent a t bring about a truce In the Spanish the court had been powerless to ap- Heavy black line on this map marks western limit of the area point a special prosectitor, then other work Including the Waterbury the cost and the loans for 65 civil war. Mussolini's known eager, Chml! '^“ t ^ hostilities with ness to make the Anglo-Itallan pact ^ a y e s. Leary. Kelly and the rest ee.7 liineJ ft ^undary of the area extends from Sian north- Grand Jury probe. A per cent. The difference ba* of the gang who milked the city of east along the Y ellw river almost 700 miles to the coast. The shad- Result of Probe tween the total o f loans and signed at Rome April 16 operative Waterbury of over a million dollars was believed to be one of Chamber prewnL territory fn China nominally controlled by Japan at The a'rrest , of the four resulted grants and total of construc- m the past six years could go their from the report of the Waterbury Iain's weapons. tion cost, Gray said, would b« Addressing Commons, the ^ m _ Joyous way, uninvestigated, un- secret body. harmed and unmolested.” Immediately after Daly, Lawlor made up by the applicants, n-iinister said that In the course of exchanges between Rome and Lon- Ueut. Gov. Frank Hayes, also and Thoma had entered their pleas, Six grants fell in the millioli mayor of this city; Daniel J. Leary don “the Italian government have and elected trial by Court,' Alcorn dollar class but the vast mi^ made plain their desire, in which forroer city comptroller; and Kelly! who also acts as Hayes’ secretary, POUCE GUARDING HOME asked the court If It could be under- jority were from a few thoor the British government participate, stood that the acuaed would npt that the agreement should be were among 27 men charged by the sand to as much as a half mili Grand Jury Investigating municipal change their decision later to trial I^on O. Turrou, agent of the Federal Bureau of InveMlxatlon brought into force at the earliest by Jury, which waa their alternative. lion. possible moment consistent with affai™ with conspiracy to defraud the city. OF AMERICAN HEIRESS James W. Carpenter of Hartford, (’rig h lrMas he*disc^°sst?'S^?hhe discussed with *a P™*”reporter his resignationactivities from *rtown tha In Million' Dollnr CUun fuiailment of the prerequisite condi- Others in the "MUllon dollat" tions.” Alcom was appointed special counsel. forM Tholns, told the court p f'vylc®’ Following announcement that 18 persons had been indicted gtoup were Fort Wayne. Ind., with Interpret “Settlement” prosecutor, after state's Attorney that u far aa his client was con- |a the case, Turrou said be would seek to recover from the strain of ^w rence L. Lewis and hU assistant cerned, the decision of trial by court the Job. _ a grant of 82,322,000 for 85,160,000 The conditions mentioned Includ- London Reports Kidnap was final. of sewerage Improvement; Miami, • ed ‘‘settlement” ot the SpiOiish war, disqualified tbemaetves; and Uc- Donough argued that such dlsquaJl- LEHipN WILL RUN Ha.aas«rtad: :v . ., with a grant of 81.800,000 and - which diplomats have -believed to a lQ«a ot $3,200,000 for harbor da- mean an Insurgent victory ending that even Threats Agamst Baby Son •TVs want a trial aa soon as we i it It bad ^ n proper, then State’s can get It.” velopment; JacksonvUle, Fla., a the conflict. ^ grant 11.670.455 for 13,712.122 ot Arthur 'Henderson, laborite, who Attorney Samuel E. Hoyt of New FOR SENATE SEAT Both Carpenter and Prank Rich, 1rs;f.b.bul kel ey Haven, or his assistant, should have school construction: Shelter Island. was doing the questioning, then Of Former Barbara Hot- Stamford counsel for Hickey, In N.” Y„ 81,637,181 of grants been appointed. their arguments on the demurrers LATE NEWS asked “whether. In view of tbe fact 8880,000 of loans for highway that the Italian government have ’Cause of. the People” contended thst the Information has DIES IN HAR1T0RD Replying to the New Britain law- ton; Details Kept Secret. bridges costing 83.638,181; and suspended the discussions which Announcement By New York to charge there was an agreement Natchex, Miss., grant of 81,125,000 they were having with the French or a promise. FLASHES! tor a 13,500.000 bridge. government, the premier will give (Oonttnued on Page Two.) ‘The information dMsn’t make London, June 22.— (A P )—Silent Governor Starts Rush For They had been approved by assurance to the House that the sense” Carpenter ' said, since It Widow Of Morgan G. Passes President Rooaevelt even before he Italian government will not be al guards watched the stately mansion charged that the stocks were given FIGHT WEAITIER signed the 83,750.000,000 spending- lowed to drive a wedgp between of Countess Barbara Hutton Haug- Position; Those In Usts. for Influencing legislation that al- New York, June 22 — (AP) — tending bill late yesterday at H l% France and ourselves?” NAVY SPEEDS OP ready had been passed. Away In Sleep; Was Ac- Park, N. Y. His pen strokee were Chamberlain replied: "I have no wltz-Reventlow from behind locked w enm st eklee and muggy weather gates today after reported kidnap A gift received after consumma- Uimtened rain toilay as Joe Lotfis' the slmal for PWA and aU Federal reason to think the Italian govern- tion of an act was not a bribe be threats against tbe baby son of the and Max Schmellng lettled down to spending agencies to- swing into oc> ment wish to drive a wedge between Alljany, N.
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