DOCUMENT RESUME ED 114 873 TITLE Bibliographic Annual in Speech Communication
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 114 873 \ . CS 501 159 ,' lUTHOR Shearer, Ned W., Ed. TITLE Bibliographic Annual in Speech Communication, 1971. --- INSTITUTION -Speech Communication Association,-NexYork, N.Y.. f. ' . # PUB DATE, ,72 ) . NOTE 4 '374p.; Some pages may have poor reproducibility due . to small type AVAILABLE FROM Speech Communication Association, Suite 1001, 5205 w ti, Leesburg Pike, Falls. Church; Virginia 22041 '($5.00) EDR6 PRICE MF-$0.76 HC?$18.40 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS Abstracts; Annotated Bibliographies; *Bibliographies; 'r *Communication (Thbuiht TranSfer); Credibility; Doctoral Theses; Masters Theses; Public Speaking; Rhetoric; *Speech ' IDENTIFIERS. *Speech Communication ABSTRACT Material in,this volume has been organized in five sections:(1),a bibliography of studies related to variables of source credibility (110 empirical studies--listed, classified, and annotated7-from 1930 through 1969) ;(2) abstracts of doctoral, dissertations in speech communication, 1970 (in the fields of forensics, instrpctional development, interpersonal and small group interaction, interpretation, mass communication, public address, rhetorical and,commutication theory, speech sciences, and theatre); 3) titles of graduate theses and dissertations in speech w communication,. 1970; (4) a bibliography on comniunication,'rhetorio,, And public address for 1970'; and (5)an index to titles -of graduate theses and dissertations, and to abstracts of doctoral dissertations, 1JM) S 4/3 ************ ********************************************************* * Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from' other sources. ERIC, makes every effort * * to obtainthebestcopy available.Nevertheless, ,itemsofmarginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * of the microfiche and hardcdpy reirOuctaohsEnd makes available * via.the ERIC Document Repeoduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is poi+. * responsible for the quality of the original.document.
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