volume 21, number 1 (1996)

A Newsletter published by REED, University of Toronto, in association with McMaster University. Helen Ostovich, editor

Records of Eaylv~ English Dran'ia


Patrons and travelling companies in Coventry Elza C . Tiner 1 Correction 38 Announcements 38


Patrons and travelling companies in Coventry

The following article provides an index of travelling companies keyed to the REED Coventry collection .' Patrons are listed alphabetically, according to the principal title under which their playing companies and entertainers appear, with cross-references to other titles, if they are also so named in the Records . If a patron's company appears under a title other than the usual or principal one, this other title is in parenthesis next to the description of the company. Companies named according to a patron's civil appointment are indexed under the name of that post as it appears in the Records ; for example, `Lord Chief Justice' and `Sheriff' Following the list of patrons the reader will find an index of companies identified in the Records by their places or origin? The biographical information supplied here has come entirely from printed sources, the chief of which are the following : Acts ofthe Privy Counci4 S .T. Bindoff (ed), The History ofParliament: The House of Commons 1509-1558, 3 vols (London, 1982); Cal- endar of Close Rolls; Calendar ofPatent Rolls (edited through 1582) ; Calendar ofState Papers; C.R. Cheney (ed), Handbook ofDates for Students ofEnglish History ; G.E.C.,

I The Complete Peerage.. .; The Dictionary ofNational Biography, James E. Doyle, The Official Baronage ofEngland Showing the Succession, Dignities, and Offices ofEvery Peer from 1066 to 1885, 3 vols (London, 1886); PW. Hasler (ed), The History ofParliament:• TheHouse of Commons 1558-1603, 3 vols (London, 1981) ; Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry viii, 21 vols and Addenda (London, 1864-1932) ; F Maurice Powicke and E .B. Fryde (eds), Handbook ofBritish Chronology, 2nd ed (London, 1961); Josiah C. Wedgwood and Anne D. Holt, History ofParliament: Biographies ofthe Members ofthe Commons House 1439-1509 (London, 1936) ; and Josiah C. Wedgwood, History ofParliament:• Register ofthe Ministers and ofthe Members ofBoth Houses 1439- 1509 (London, 1938) . All dates are given in accordance with the style in the sources used . The authorities sometimes disagree over the dates of birth, death, creation, succession, and office tenure . Where this evidence conflicts, the Calendar ofState Papers, Calendar ofPatent Rolls, and similar collections, such as the following, are preferred : J.H. Gleason, The Justices of the Peace in England. 1558 to 1640 (Oxford, 1969); List of Sheriffs for England and Wales from the Earliest Times to A.D. 1831, Public Record Office, Lists and Indexes, no 9 (London, 1898) ; and J.C. Sainty, `Lieutenants of Counties, 1585-1642,' Bulletin ofthe Institute ofHistorical Research, Special Supplement, no 8 (May, 1970) .3 Normally each patron entry is divided into four sections . The first lists relevant per- sonal data and titles of nobility with dates . Succession numbers are given only for the most important titles held by a person, as well as for those titles by which he or she is named in the Records. These numbers follow the absolute sequence given in The Com- plete Peeragerather than the relative ones that begin afresh with each new creation . Knight- hood dates are included only for minor gentry not possessing higher titles . Groups of patrons, such as the judges at the two assizes, whose musicians were paid in 1589-90, and the lords of council, whose trumpeters received rewards in 1614-15 and 1615- 16, are omitted from this list. The itinerant justices of assize and the privy council were large and varied groups, so it is impossible to pinpoint precisely who was present at the time. The second section lists appointments showing local connections and includes those known to have been used within tides of playing companies . Purely expeditionary mil- itary titles have been largely omitted, along with most minor Scottish and Irish landed titles. Minor civil commissions have been omitted, except for those in Coventry and its surrounding counties: Derbyshire, Gloucestershire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire. Readers desiring further information on these patrons in other regions are advised to consult the sources listed above. Where possible, the date of an appointment is taken from the date of a document assigning that position. If the appointment is stated in the document to be `for life,' then these words follow the appropriate title . If the original document has not been edited and a secondary source is used that states `until death,' then this form appears . If a patron held the post at the time of his death, the terminal date of his life is used as the termi- nal date of the commission or post. Otherwise both dates of appointment and termina- tion are given, if available . If the length of time an office is held is not known, then only

2 the date of appointment is given. Alternatively, if the only evidence comes from a source dated some time during the period of tenure, then the word 'by plus date appears . If only the date of termination is known, `until' is used . Finally, if no dates at all are avail- able, `nd' follows the title of the job . A `?' following a date indicates uncertainty regard- ing the dating of a document in the sources . Posts which may have been held by one of several patrons by the same name have not been included. For all minor commissions such as commissions of the peace OP), in which the dates of these commissions cover several years in sequence, the earliest and latest appointments in the sequence are given and separated by a dash. The third section, for which information is often incomplete or unavailable, contains the names and locations of the patron's principal seats and counties where he or she held lands or manors. Extensive property lists have been condensed and limited to the counties surrounding Coventry. The fourth section is an annotated index of the appearances of each patron's company or companies of entertainers in the Coventry Records . Companies are identified by occupation, eg, musician or bearward, as cited in the Records . Where it is unclear if the number of company members is one or more than one, a slash is used, as in the case of the trumpeters of the marquess of Buckingham and earl of Oxford in 1621-2, shown as 'trumpeter/s' for each patron . If the identification of a company's patron is uncertain, it is listed separately under the heading `Possibly' or `Probably .' If a patron has more than one type of company, the one which appears earliest in the Records is listed first, followed by the others arranged according to first mention in the Records. The majority of payments to travelling companies are recorded in the Coventry Chamberlains' Account Book i, and Chamberlains' and Wardens' Account Books ii and iii, plus occasional entries elsewhere ; for example 1) 1429, in Leet Book I ; 2) 1519, in the Holy Trinity Guild Accounts in Halliwell-Phillips, Folger Scrapbooks ; 3) 1570 (can- celled) in the Receipt Book; and 4) 1622, in the Payments Out Book .' The accounting year in all of these documents was based on the civic year, which began at the date of the election of the mayor. Until 1556, the civic year started at the feast of the Purifica- tion, 2 February; after 1556, it was shifted to All Saints' Day, 1 November .' In the Coventry volume, dates are converted to single modern years, but in this index, follow- ing REED's current editorial policy, dates have been presented to reflect the civic account- ing year. Thus, for a payment to the queen's bearward on 22 May, listed under 1595 in REED Coventry, the year is given as 1594-5 in this index . Similarly, for the earl of Derby's players, whose reward on `the 2 of decembr 93' is listed under 1594 in Coventry, the accounting year is 1593-4 . In one instance (1519), where the accounting year cannot be determined since the original records have disappeared, the year is cited as it appears in Halliwell-Phillips' scrapbook . Following the date are the page numbers in parenthesis where the citations occur. Note that not every citation in the Records is proof that a company performed on a given occasion . For example, the Receipt Book includes a cancelled payment to the players of Mr Smyth in 1569-70 . As the listing of these players in the Records is evidence that they were in the city at some point in 1569-70, whether or not they performed, they are included here .

3 The reader may also wish to consult the Index of the Coventry records for additional references to some of the patrons and to various unnamed companies and their members .


acc acceded gov governor adm admiral JP justice of the peace b born jt joint (two or more) bapt baptized kt knighted bef before lieut lieutenant bet between m married br brother MP member of parliament capt captain nd no date comm commissioner NR North Riding cr created parl parliament custos rot custos rotulorum PC Privy Councillor d. died pres president da daughter succ succeeded eccles ecclesiastical summ summoned ER East Riding wit West Riding gen general


1 R W. Ingram (ed), Coventry, Records of Early English Drama (Toronto, 1981) . This index is part of an ongoing REEn project to compile a database and publish a master col- lection of patrons' biographies and company itineraries, directed by Sally-Beth MacLean, REED Executive Editor. I thank Alexandra F Johnston, Director, REED, Sally-Beth Mac- Lean, and J. Alan B . Somerset for their guidance in compiling the patrons' biographies ; Arleane Ralph and Janet Ritch for contributing biographical material researched since my publication of patrons' biographies for York in 1992; Lynn Hulse for information related to the possible identification of Lord Cavendish ; Steve Killings for his assistance with the possible identification of the patron Mr Smyth ; William Cooke for his paleo- graphical assistance in checking document dating ; and William Rowcliffe and Miriam Skey for their work at the final stages of copy-editing and typesetting . I would also like to thank the staff at the Library of Congress and at the University of Toronto, Toronto Metro Reference, and Lynchburg College libraries for their assistance in obtaining source material. Research on the Coventry patrons has been made possible by a grant from the Lynchburg College Faculty Research and Development Fund . 2 The index of companies identified by places of origin was prepared by Arleane Ralph . 3 For additional references, see the Select Bibliography in Coventry, pp lxx-lxxiii . 4 Document descriptions are provided in Coventry, pp xxxi-xxxiv, xlviii. 5 On the dating in the documents, see Coven" pp liii-liv.


Companies Named by Patron

Abergavenny Edward Nevill (c 1550-1 Dec 1622), summ to parl as 8th Lord Abergavenny 25 May 1604. torn Windsor, Berks, 1588, 1593. Seat at Abergavenny, Monm, Wales; houses in the parishes of St Bartholomew-the-Great and St Martin within Ludgate, London ; lands in Warw and Worc. players 1609-10 (379)

Arundel Thomas Howard (7 Jul 1585-by 4 Oct 1646), styled Lord Mautravers from 19 Nov 1595 until restored in blood as 26th earl of Arundel, 16th earl of Surrey, and Lord Mautravers 18 Apr 1604 ; imprisoned by 6 Apr-Sept 1626 ; cr 16th earl of Norfolk 6 Jun 1644. Lord lieut, it Suss 26 Aug 1608, Cumb, Northumb, and Westmld 23 Jul 1632, Norf 28 Feb 1633, Surr 23 Jul 1635, Cumb 31 Aug 1639, and sole Norf 18 Apr 1615 ; rc 20 Jul 1616; rc Ireland 1617, 10 Aug 1634, and Scotland 1617; it comm of the great seal 3 May-10 Jul 1621 ; for life 29 Aug 1621 ; constable of Eng- land 16 Apr 1623 ; it master forester King's Cliffe, Rockingham Forest, Northants, 25 Jul 1629; chief justice in Byre north of Trent 25 Feb 1634 until death ; of the household Apr 1640-Aug 1641 . Seat at Arundel Castle, Suss ; residences at Horsley, Suss, and at Highgate and Arundel House, Midd . trumpeters 1639-40 (445)

Anbigny Esm6 Stuart (1579-30 July 1624), br of Ludovic Stuart, 2nd duke of Lennox, qv; succ as seigneur d'Aubigny 26 May 1583 ; naturalized in England 24 May 1603 ; cr Baron Stuart of Leighton Bromswold, Hunts, and earl of March 7 June 1619 ; succ as 3rd duke of Lennox 16 Feb 1624. Jt lord lieut Hunts 11 Mar 1619 until death . players 1613-14 (389)

Bagot Possibly Either Richard Bagot (bef 1552-2 Feb 1596/7). Sheriff Staff 12 Nov 1569, 27 Nov 1577 ; 7r Staff 1577, 1580, 1582, 1584-5, 1595-6 ; comm musters Stafford, Staff, 1580, it 1587, 1595-6; deputy lieut Staff 1585 . Seat at Blithfield, Staff


Walter Bagot (24 Oct 1557-16 Mar 1622/3), son of Richard, qv. rrn Tamworth, Staff, 1586; Jr Staff 1597, 1603-16; sheriff Staff 2 Dec 1599, 1 Dec 1603 . Seat at Blithfield, Staff bearward 1596-7 (348)


Bath William Bourchier (1557-12 Jul 1623), succ as 4th earl of Bath 10 Feb 1560/1 . Lord lieut Devon 12 Sept 1586 until death . Seat at Tawstock, Devon . players 1576-7 (282) trumpeters 1576-7 (282)

Berkeley Henry Berkeley (26 Nov 1534-26 Nov 1613), succ as 7th Lord Berkeley at birth . Keeper of Kingswood Forest, Glouc, for life 26 Jun 1559; jp Glouc 1562, 1564 ; comm of oyer and terminer Glouc, Oxf, Staff, and Worc 1564 ; jt comm of musters Glouc 1569 ; lord lieut Glouc 13 Aug 1603 until death . Principal residences at Yate Court and Berkeley Castle, Glouc, and Caludon Castle near Coventry, Warw ; lands in Glouc, Leic, and Warw players 1577-8 (286) 1578-9 (290) 1579-80 (294) 1580-1 (296) 1581-2(298) 1582-3 (300) 1583-4 (302) 1597-8 (351) 1603-4 (364) 1606-7 (371) 1607-8 (373) 1608-9 (376) bearward 1579-80 (294) 1580-1 (296) musicians 1582-3 (300) men 1611-12 (384)

Booth Sir George Booth (1566-24 Oct 1652), kt 1599 ; cr baronet 22 May 1611 . Seat at Dun- ham Massey, Ches. bearward 1611-12 (384)

Buckingham George Villiers (28 Aug 1592-23 Aug 1628), cr Viscount Villiers and Baron Whaddon 27 Aug 1616, 8th earl of Buckingham 5 Jan 1616/17, 1st marquess of Buckingham 1 Jan 1617/18, and 4th duke of Buckingham and 1st earl of Coventry 18 May 1623 ; assassi- nated 23 Aug 1628 . Chief justice in eyre north of Trent 23 Jul 1616-19 and south of Trent by 20 Nov 1619 until death ; lord lieut Bucks 16 Sept 1616 until death, Kent 31 May-8 Jun 1620, and Midd 1 Jun 1622 until death ; pc 4 Feb 1616/17; lord high adm 28 Jan 1618/19 until death ; high steward honour of Grafton, Northants, 1622 . Seats at Whaddon, Bucks, New Hall, Essex, Brooksby, 1-tic, and Burghley House, Rut; residence at York House, Twickenham, Midd, from 1624; lands in Derb, Glouc, and Warw trumpeter 1617-18 (405) trumpeter/s 1621-2 (414) 6

Burghley William Cecil (Jan 1565/6-6 Jul 1640), styled Lord Burghley until he succ as 2nd earl of Exeter and Baron Burghley 8 Feb 1622/3 . MP Stamford, Linc, 1586, 1589 and Rut 1597; 7r Northants 1601 ; jt chief forester Rockingham Forest, Northants, 1603 ; lord lieut Northants 27 Feb 1623 until death; rc 14 Dec 1626 . Seats at Burghley House, Rut, and Newark Castle, Nott; residences at Exeter House, Midd, and Theobalds, Herts . musicians 1621-2 (414)

Burnaby Possibly Richard Burnaby (by 1594-nd) . Kt 1 Feb 1608/9. Seat at Watford, Northants; lands in Warw bearward 1592-3 (338) 1593-4 (341)

See also Elizabeth Tudor under Queen

Cavendish (Lord) William Cavendish (27 Dec 1552-3 Mar 1625/6), br of Henry, qv; cr 1st Baron Caven- dish of Hardwick 4 May 1605 and 2nd earl of Devonshire 7 Aug 1618 . Mr Liverpool, Lanc, 1586 and Newport, Cornw, 1588 ; sheriff Derb 27 Nov 1595 ; Jr Derb 1603 ; bailiff Tutbury Castle, Staff, 1615 ; comm of custos rot Derb 1 Feb 1618 ; jt lord lieut Derb 4 May 1619 until death . Seats at Chatsworth and Hardwick Hall, Derb ; residence at Oldcotes, Nott; lands in Derb and Staff. players 1607-8 (373) men 1608-9 (376)

Possibly men (as Mr Cavendish) 1585-6 (313) musicians (as Mr Cavendish) 1587-8 (321)

Possibly Either William Cavendish (10 Oct 1617-23 Nov 1684), grandson of William, 1st Baron Caven- dish of Hardwick and 2nd earl of Devonshire, qv; styled Lord Cavendish 1626 until he succ as Lord Cavendish and 4th earl of Devonshire 20 Jun 1628 ; imprisoned in the Tower 20 Jul 1642 ; acquitted 10 Dec 1645 . Lord lieut Derb 19 Dec 1638, Jul 1660 ; jt comet array Leic 12 Jan 1641/2; steward Tutbury, Staff, 8 Aug 1660 and High Peak, Derb, 1660 or 1661 ; comm of custos rot Derb 13 Aug 1660 . Seats at Latimer, Bucks, Hardwick Hall, Derb, and Roehampton, Surr; lands in Derb and Staff


William Cavendish (bapt 16 Dec 1593-25 Dec 1676), cr Viscount Mansfield 29 Oct 1620 and 1st Baron Cavendish of Bolsover and 2nd earl of Newcastle upon Tyne 7 Mar 7

1627/8 ; succ as 9th Lord Ogle 18 Apr 1629 ; cr 1st marquess of Newcastle upon Tyne 27 Oct 1643 and 1st earl of Ogle and 1st duke of Newcastle upon Tyne 16 Mar 1664/5 . Lord lieut, sole Nott 30 Jun 1626-42, 1 Oct 1660 until death, Derb 10 Jul 1628-13 Nov 1638, and jt Northumb 4 Jun 1670 until death ; keeper Mansellpark, Derb, by 10 Jul 1628; gov to Prince of Wales 15 May 1638-by 24 Jun 1641 ; rc 29 Nov 1639, Apr 1650 ; chief justice in eyre north of Trent 10 Jul 1661 until death . Seats at Bolsover, Derb, and Welbeck, Nott; lands in Derb.


Charles Cavendish (1591-1654), br of William, 1st duke of Newcastle, qv; kt 10 Aug 1619. MP Nottingham 1624, 1628, 1640 . Seats at Bolsover, Derb, and Welbeck, Nott. waits (as Lord Cavendish) 1639-40 (445)

Cavendish (Mr) Henry Cavendish (24 Dec 1550-12 Oct 1616) . MP Derb 1572, 1584, 1586, 1589, 1593; IP Derb from c 1573 and Staff from c 1593 ; comm of post mortem Derb 1574, 1591 and Staff 1591 ; sheriff Derb 5 Dec 1582, 12 Nov 1608 . Seat at Tutbury, Staff.

Possibly men 1585-6 (313) musicians 1587-8 (321)

Chandos Giles Brydges (c 1548-21 Feb 1593/4), succ as 3rd Baron Chandos 11 Mar 1572/3 . JP Glouc 1570-1 ; MP Cricklade, Wilts, 1571 and Glouc 1572 ; chief steward manor of Hailes and hundreds of Gretton, Holford, and Kiftsgate, all in Glouc, for life 19 Jun 1573; steward hundred of Slaughter, Glouc, for life 19 Jun 1573 ; lord lieut Glouc 17 Nov 1586 until death; member Council in the Marches of Wales 16 Dec 1590 . Seat at Sudeley Castle, Glouc . bearward 1573-4 (265) 1579-80 (294) 1581-2 (298) 1582-3 (300) players 1586-7 (317) 1591-2 (336) 1592-3 (338)

William Brydges (after 1548-18 Nov 1602), br of Giles, 3rd Baron Chandos, qv; succ as 4th Baron Chandos 21 Feb 1593/4. MP Cricklade, Wilts, 1572 and Glouc 1584, 1586 ; member Council in the Marches of Wales May 1594 ; lord lieut Glouc 9 Sept 1595 un- til death. Seat at Sudeley Castle, Glouc . players 1594-5 (344) 1596-7 (348) 1598-9 (353) 1599-1600 (355, 356)


Grey Brydges (c 1579-10 Aug 1621), son of William, 4th Baron Chandos, qv; impris- oned in the Fleet 14 Feb-31 Mar 1601 ; succ as 5th Baron Chandos 18 Nov 1602. MP Cricldade, Wilts, 1597 ; 7P Glouc 1603 ; lord lieut Glouc, jt Aug 1603 and sole 23 Dec 1613 until death; comm of custos rot Glouc, Mar 1614; member Council in the Marches of Wales 1617 . Seat at Sudeley Castle, Glouc. players 1602-3 (362) 1605-6 (370) 1606-7 (371, 372) 1607•-8 (373) 1609-10(379)

Clifford Henry Clifford (28 Feb 1591/2-11 Dec 1643), summ to par/ as 1st Lord Clifford 17 Feb 1627/8 ; succ as 5th earl of Cumberland 21 Jan 1640/1 . MP Westmld 1614, 1621 ; lord lieut, jt Cumb and Northumb 25 Feb 1618-39 and Westmld 25 Feb 1618 and sole Yorks Jul 1642 ; member Council of the North 10 Jul 1619 ; hereditary sheriff of Westmld 21 Jan 1640/1 . Seats at Londesborough, Yorks, ER, and Skipton, Yorks, NR . player 1639-40 (444)

Clinton seeLincoln

Compton Henry Compton (14 Jul 1544-bef 22 Nov 1589), ward of William Herbert, 1st earl of Pembroke; succ to estates in 1544; cr 1st Lord Compton 8 May 1572 . MP Old Sarum, Wilts, 1563; sheriff Warw 14 Nov 1571 ; JP Northants 1584. Seats at Compton Wyny- ates, Warw, and Tottenham, Midd; lands in Northants, Warw, and London. bearward 1574-5 (269) 1578-9 (290) 1584-5 (310) 1587-8 (320) 1588-9 (324) players 1577-8 (286)

See also Northampton

Darcy Either John Darcy (c 1530-18 Oct 1602), succ as 2nd Lord Darcy 28 Aug 1558 . Member Council of the North May 1574. Seat at Aston, Yorks, WR.


Thomas Darcy (c 1565-21 Feb 1639/40), succ as 3rd Lord Darcy of Chiche 3 Mar 1581; cr Viscount Colchester 5 Jul 1621 and 4th Earl Rivers 4 Nov 1626 . Seat at Chich, now St Osyth, Essex; residence at Winchester House, London .


players 1590-1 (332) 1591-2 (336) 1594-5 (343) 1595-6 (346) 1597-8 (351) 1598-9 (353) 1599-1600(355) 1601-2 (360) 1602-3 (362)

Possibly players 1610-11 (381)

See also Richard Sackville under Dorset

Dauntsey Sir John Dauntsey (by 1591-1630), kt 23 Jul 1603. Seat at Bishop's Lavington, Wilts . waits 1621-2 (414)

De La Warr William West (c 1519-30 Dec 1595), disabled of all honours 1 Feb 1549/50 ; restored 10 April 1563 ; a 10th Baron De La Warr 5 Feb 1569/70. Seats at Offington and Ewhurst, Suss; residence in St Dunstan's, London; lands in Derb and Worc . players 1576-7 (281)

Derby Possibly Thomas Derby (d. by 3 Nov 1589) . Seats at Benington and Leake, Linc. musician 1584-5 (310)

Derby (earl) Henry Stanley (Sept 1531-25 Sept 1593), styled Lord Strange until summ to parl as 12th Lord Strange of Knockin, Shrops, 23 Jan 1558/9 ; succ as 13th earl of Derby, 5th Lord Stanley, and lord of the Isle of Man 24 Oct 1572 . Lord lieut Ches and Lanc 24 Oct 1572 until death; rc by 20 May 1585; lord steward of the household after Sept 1588-93 ; chamberlain of county palatine of Chester 5 Nov 1588-93; member Council of the North nd. Seats at Lathom and Knowsley, Lanc, and Knockin, Shrops . players 1573-4 (265) 1577-8 (286) 1579-80 (294) bearward 1573-4 (265) 1574-5 (269) 1577-8 (286) 1578-9 (290) 1581-2 (298) 1583-4 (302) 10

Ferdinando Stanley (c 1559-16 Apr 1594), son of Henry, 13th earl of Derby, qv; styled Lord Strange from 1572 ; summ to parl as Lord Strange 28 Jan 1588/9 ; succ as 14th earl of Derby and lord of the Isle of Man 25 Sept 1593 . Lord lieut Lanc and Ches 25 Sept 1593 until death. Seats at Lathom and Knowsley, Lanc, and Knockin, Shrops . players (as Lord Strange) 1578-9 (290) 1587-8 (321) 1591-2 (336) players 1593-4 (341) musicians (as Lord Strange) 1588-9 (323)

William Stanley (c 1561-29 Sept 1642), son of Henry, 13th earl of Derby, qv, and br of Ferdinando, 14th earl of Derby, qv; succ as 15th earl of Derby 16 Apr 1594; confirmed in the lordship of the Isle of Man 7 Jul 1609 . rc Mar-May 1603; chamberlain of county palatine of Chester, sole 30 Oct 1603 and jt for life 23 Oct 1626; lord lieut Ches and Lanc, sole 22 Dec 1607 and jt for life 12 Dec 1626; member Council in the Marches of Wales by 1617. Seats at Lathom and Knowsley, Lanc. players 1595-6 (346) 1596-7 (349) 1597-8 (350, 351) 1601-2 (360) 1602-3 (362) 1603-4 (364) 1606-7 (371) 1607-8 (373) 1608-9 (376) 1611-12 (384) 1615-16 (397) bearward 1596-7 (348, 349) 1598-9 (353) 1600-1 (358) 1615-16 (397)

Dorset Richard Sackville (28 Mar 1589-28 Mar 1624), succ as 6th earl of Dorset 27 Feb 1608/9 . Jt lord lieut Suss 3 Nov 1612 until death. Seat at Buckhurst, Suss; residence at Dorset House, Salisbury Court, Midd .

Probably players 1610-11 (381)

See also Thomas Darcy under Darcy

Dudley Edward Sutton (bef1 536-d. by 12 Aug 1586), succ as 4th Lord Dudley by 18 Sept 1553 . )r Staff and Worc 1562, 1564. Seat at Dudley Castle, Staff., lands in Staff, Warw, and Worc. 11

musicians 1577-8 (286) 1582-3 (300) 1585-6 (313) players 1582-3 (300)

Edward Sutton or Dudley (bapt 17 Sept 1567-23 Jun 1643), son of Edward, 4th Lord Dudley, qv; succ as 5th Lord Dudley by 12 Aug 1586 . MP Staff 1584; Jr Staff by 1585 and Worc 1608, 1626, 1636 . Seat at Dudley Castle, Staff bearward 1599-1600(355) 1602-3 (362) players 16004 (358) 1601-2 (360) 1602-3 (362) 1603-4 (364) 1606-7 (371) 1607-8 (373) 1608-9 (375) 1611-12 (384)

Dutton Possibly Either John Dutton (1538-30 Jan 1608/9) . Seat at Dutton, Ches .


Rowland Dutton (c 1550-8 Feb 1604/5) . Seat at Hatton, Ches .


William Dutton (c 1561-10 Nov 1618) . Seat at Sherborne, Glouc; lands in Glouc. players (as Mr Dutton) 1591-2 (336)

See also Elizabeth Tudor underQueen

Essex Walter Devereux (16 Sept 1539-22 Sept 1576), succ as Viscount Hereford and 5th Lord Fetters 27 Sept 1558 and as Lord Bourchier 28 Jan 1570/1; a 18th earl of Essex 4 May 1572 . Steward Tamworth, Staff, 8 Nov 1558 ; Jr Staff 1564 ; chief comm of musters Staff Jun 1569; lord lieut Staff and city of Lichfield, Staff, 18 Nov 1569 ; gov and capt gen of Ireland 24 Jul 1573 ; member Council in the Marches of Wales Jun 1574 ; chief justice and chamberlain in South Wales by 16 Jul 1574 ; earl marshal of Ireland Mar 1574/5 . Seats at Chartley, Staff and Lamphey, Pemb, Wales ; lands in Staff players 1573-4 (265) 1574-5 (270)

12 musicians 1573-4 (266) jesters 1574-5 (270)

Possibly musicians 1575-6 (276) players 1575-6 (276)

Robert Devereux (19 Nov 1566-25 Feb 1600/1), son of Walter, 18th earl of Essex, qv; styled Viscount Hereford until he succ as 19th earl of Essex, 6th Lord Ferrets, and 9th Lord Bourchier 22 Sept 1576; beheaded 25 Feb 1600/1. 1587-97; Pc 25 Feb 1592/3 ; lord lieut Staff 1594 ; lord lieut Ireland Mar-Nov 1599 . Seats at Chartley, Staff, and Lamphey, Pembrokeshire, Wales ; residence at Essex House, Midd ; lands in Staff. musicians 1576-7 (282) 1580-1 (296) 1583-4 (302) 1584-5 (310) musician 1587-8 (320) musicians 1588-9 (323) 1589-90 (328) 1591-2 (336) 1594-5 (343) 1595-6 (346) 1596-7 (348) 1597-8 (350) 1599-1600(355) 1600-1 (358) players 1577-8 (286) 1582-3 (300) 1583-4 (302) 1587-8 (320) 1589-90 (328) men 1581-2 (298) 1585-6 (313) man 1588-9 (323) trumpeters 1598-9 (353) drummers 1598-9 (353)

Possibly musicians 1575-6 (276) players 1575-6 (276)

Robert Devereux (bapt 22 Jan 1590/1-14 Sept 1646), son of Robert, 19th earl of Essex, qv; styled Viscount Hereford until restored as 20th earl of Essex, 7th Lord Ferrets, and 10th Lord Bourchier 18 Apr 1604 . Lord lieut Staff 29 Feb 1612-27, 3 Feb 1629-42 and Yorks 2 Jun 1641-2; Pc 19 Feb 1640/1; lord chamberlain of the household Jul 1641-2 ;


capt gen south of Trent Jul 1641 ; recorder Coventry, Warw, 1643 until death . Seats at Chartley, Staff, and Lamphey, Pemb, Wales ; residence at Essex House, Midd. musicians 1630-1 (431)

Essex (countess of) Lettice Knollys (1539 or 1540-25 Dec 1634), m Istly, bet 1560 and 1565, Walter Devereux, 18th earl of Essex, qv, m 2ndly, 21 Sept 1578, Robert Dudley, 14th earl of Leicester, qv, m 3rdly, befAug 1589, Sir Christopher Blount (d. 18 Mar 1600/1) . players 1576-7 (282) 1578-9 (290) musicians (as Lady Essex) 1579-80 (294)

Eure Ralph Eure (24 Sept 1558-1 Apr 1617), succ as 3rd Lord Eure 12 Feb 1593/4 . Member Council of the North 14 Aug 1594 until death ; warden of the Middle Marches towards Scotland Dec 1595-8 ; vice-pres Council of the North 1600 ; lord pres Council in the Marches of Wales 12 Sept 1607-17; lord lieut Heref, Shrops, Worc, and Wales 12 Sept 1607-17. Seats at Ingleby Greenhow, Malton, and Stokesley, all in Yorks, NR. players 1600-1 (358) 1603-4 (364) 1608-9 (376) 1609-10(379) musicians 1610-11 (381) trumpeters 1615-16 (396)

Goring George Goring (28 Apr 1585-6 Jan 1662/3), cr Baron Goring 14 Apr 1628 and 2nd earl of Norwich 28 Nov 1644; imprisoned Aug 1648, sentenced to death 6 Mar 1648/9, and pardoned and released 7 May 1649 . High steward honour of Peverel, Derb and Nott, jt 26 Feb 1617/18 and sole 8 May 1638 ; Mr Lewes, Suss, 1620, 1624, 1628 ; clerk Council in the Marches of Wales 13 Jul 1630 and secretary Council in the Marches of Wales 13 Jul 1630, 30 Nov 1661 ; vice chamberlain of the household 1639-44 ; rc 25 Aug 1639, 1 Jun 1660 . Seats at Dannypark and Ovingdean, Suss; lands in Suss. player 1639-40 (444)

Grace (lady) see Lady Elizabeth

Greville Sir Fulke Greville (c 1536-15 Nov 1606), de jure 4th Baron Willoughby de Broke Nov 1562. Sheriff Warw 13 Nov 1572, 19 Nov 1584 ; keeper Feckenham forest, Worc, nd . Seat at Beauchamp's Court, Warw ; lands in Warw bcarward 1573-4 (265) 1575-6 (276) 1576-7 (282) 1595-6 (346) 1600-1 (358) 14

Hastings see Huntingdon

Hertford Edward Seymour (22 May 1539-6 Apr 1621), styled earl of Hertford 1547 until his father's attainder 12 Apr 1552; restored 1553 or 1554 ; cr Baron Beauchamp and 9th earl of Hertford 13 Jan 1558/9 ; imprisoned 1561 ; released after 27 Jan 1567/8 . Lord lieut Somers and Wilts 24 Apr 1601 until death . Seat at Elvetham, Hants. players 1596-7 (348) players (as earl of Hereford) 1604-5 (367) players 1605-6 (370) 1606-7 (371)

Howard William Howard (27 Dec 1577-28 Nov 1615), son of Charles, 10th earl of Notting ham, qv; styled Lord Howard after 22 Oct 1597 ; summ to parl as 2nd Lord Howard of Effingham 31 Jan 1603/4 . m Surr 1601 . Seats at Blechingley and Effingham, Surr ; residence in the Strand, Midd. players 1599-1600(355)

Possibly players 1602-3 (362)

Theophilus Howard (bapt 13 Aug 1584-3 Jun 1640), son of Thomas, 11th , qv underLord Treasurer; styled Lord Howard of Walden 1603 until summ to parl as 2nd Lord Howard of Walden 8 Feb 1609/10 ; succ as 12th earl of Suffolk 28 May 1626. Mr Maldon, Essex, 1605 ; lord lieut, jt Cumb, Northumb, and Westmld 11 Feb 1614-31 Aug 1639 and sole Camb, Dors and Suff 15 Jun 1626 until death; rc 12 Nov 1626. Seat at Saffron Walden, Essex ; residence at Suffolk House, the Strand, Midd.

Possibly players 1602-3 (362)

See alsoThomas Howard underLord Treasurer andCharles Howard underNottingham

Hunsdon Henry Carey (4 Mar 1525/6-23 Jul 1596), cr 1st Baron Hunsdon 13 Jan 1558/9 . Mr Buckingham, Bucks, 1547, 1554, 1555 ; warden East Marches towards Scotland 23 Oct 1571 ; rc 16 Nov 1577; lord chamberlain of the household Jul 1585 until death; lord lieut Norf and Suff 3 Jul 1585 until death; chief justice in eyre south of Trent, 1589 until death ; chief justice itinerant royal forests south of Trent 20 Dec 1591 until death; high steward Oxford, Oxf, for life 2 Mar 1591/2 . Seats at Buckingham and Hunsdon, Herts; lands in Derb . musicians 1574-5 (269) 1574-5 (270) 1577-8 (286) 1582-3 (300) 15

musicians (as lord chamberlain) 1584-5 (310) 1585-6 (313) 1586-7 (317) 1588-9 (323) bearward 1583-4 (302) men (as lord chamberlain) 1585-6 (313)

Huntingdon Henry Hastings (c 1536-14 Dec 1595), styled Lord Hastings 1544 until summ to parl as 5th Lord Hastings 23 Jan 1558/9 ; succ as 20th earl of Huntingdon and 8th Lord Botreaux 23 Jun 1560. jp Leic and Warw 1562, 1564; comm of musters Leic 1569 ; lord lieut Leic and Rut 20 Nov 1569, 1573 and Cumb, Westmld, Yorks, and bishopric of Durham 1573 ; lord pres Council of the North Aug 1572-Dec 1595 . Lands in Leic, Northants, Oxf, and Warw. bearward 1578-9 (290) 1579-80 (294) 1582-3 (300) 1587-8 (320)

George Hastings (c 1540-30 Dec 1604), br of Henry, 20th earl of Huntingdon, qv; succ as 21st earl of Huntingdon, 6th Lord Hastings, and 9th Lord Botreaux, 14 Dec 1595 . Mp Derb 1563, Leic 1584, 1586 ; )p Leic 1564, 1569, 1590-1 ; sheriff Leic 14 Nov 1571; bailiff Rodman, Staff, 1573-4 ; jt comm of musters Leic 1577, 1579 ; lord lieut Leic and Rut 2 Oct 1596 ; high steward honour of Leic 14 Nov 1597; chief forester Leic 14 Nov 1597; comm of custos rot Leic Jun 1603. Seats at Etwall and Dale, Derb, and Ashby-de- la-Zouch, Donnington, Gopsall, and Loughborough Castle, Leic ; lands in Derb and Leic. players (as Sir George Hastings) 1584-5 (310) 1587-8 (320) players 1596-7 (349) 1597-8 (350) 1599-1600(355) 1600-1 (358) 1601-2 (360) 1602-3 (362) 1603-4 (364) bearward 1595-6 (346)

Henry Hastings (24 Apr 1586-14 Nov 1643), grandson of George, 21st earl of Hunt- ingdon, qv; styled Lord Hastings 1595 until he succ as 22nd earl of Huntingdon 30 Dec 1604. Chief forester forest and chace of Thawaite and Heathley Wood, Leic, keeper Burned Lodge, Leic, steward and receiver Burned Lodge, Leic, 11 Feb 1605 ; lord lieut Leic, sole 16 May 1607-38 and jt 27 Dec 1638-42, Rut, sole 18 Jul 1614-38 and jt 27 Dec 1642; high steward duchy of Lancaster, Leic, nd; jp Leic and Derb nd ; comm of custos rot Leic 30 Mar 1609 . Seat at Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leic; lands in Leic and Dors. players 1605-6 (370) 16

musicians 1612-13 (386)

King Henry of Windsor (6 Dec 1421-21 May 1471), son of Henry v and Catherine of Valois, Iv underQueen; acc as Henry vi 1 Sept 1422; proclaimed king of France 21 Oct 1422 ; John, 1st duke of Bedford, appointed protector 5 Dec 1422 ; crowned king of England 6 Nov 1429 and of France 16 Dec 1431 ; deposed 4 Mar 1461 ; restored 3 Oct 1470 ; crowned 13 Oct 1470 ; deposed finally 11 Apr 1471 . minstrels 1429-30 (10) trumpeters 1429-30 (10)

Henry Tudor (28 Jun 1491-28 Jan 1547), son of Henry vii and Elizabeth of York; cr prince of Wales 18 Feb 1503; acc as Henry viii 22 Apr 1509 ; crowned 24 Jun 1509 . players 1519 (115)

James Stuart (19 Jun 1566-27 Mar 1625), son of Henry, Lord Darnley and Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots; acc as James vi of Scotland 24 Jul 1567 and as James i of England 24 Mar 1603; crowned 25 Jul 1603 . players 1602-3 (362) 1607-8 (373) 1613-14 (389) 1619-20 (410) 1621-2 (414) 1622-3 (417) trumpeters 1607-8 (373) 1616-17 (404, 405) trumpeter 1618-19 (408) trumpeters 1620-1 (412) 1621-2 (414) 1623-4 (419) bearward 1616-17(399) drummer 1616-17 (404) jester 1616-17 (404) 1619-20 (410) musicians 1622-3 (417)

Probably players (revels) 1615-16 (397) player (revels) 1621-2 (414) 1622-3 (417) trumpeters (revels) 1623-4 (419)

Charles Stuart (19 Nov 1600-30 Jan 1649), son of James z, qv, and Anne of Denmark, qv under Queen; cr duke of Albany 23 Dec 1600 ; duke of York 6 Jan 1605 ; succ as duke of Cornwall 6 Nov 1612; cr earl of Chester and prince of Wales 4 Nov 1616 ; acc as Charles 127 Mar 1625 ; crowned 2 Feb 1625 ; beheaded 30 Jan 1649 . 17

players (as prince) 1613-14(389) 1614-15 (392) 1615-16 (396, 397) 1616-17 (400) 1618-19(408) 1619-20 (410) 1620-1 (412) 1622-3 (416) 1624-5 (421) players 1626-7 (423) 1627-8 (425) 1629-30(429) player 1632-3 (434) players 1634-5 (437) 1635-6 (439) 1637-8 (442) players (revels) 1626-7 (423) 1627-8 (425) 1630-1 (431) 1631-2033) 1634-5 (437) 1635-6 (439) 1636-7 (440) trumpeters (as prince) 1623-4 (419) trumpeters 1630-1 (431) 1633-4 (436) 1635-6 (439) bearward 1635-6 (439) 1636-7 (440) 1637-8 (442) 1639-40 (445)

Lady Elizabeth Elizabeth Stuart (mid-Aug 1596-13 Feb 1662), da of James vi (of Scotland) and i (of England), qv under King, and Anne of Denmark, qv under Queen; m, 14 Feb 1612/13, Frederick v, qv under Palsgrave; crowned queen of Bohemia 7 Nov 1619. players 1611-12 (383) 1614-15(393-5) 1615-16 (397) 1617-18 (405) 1618-19(408) 1620-1 (411) 1622-3 (416) 1623-4 (419) 1630-1 (431)

Possibly players 1612-13 (386) 18

Probably wait players 1620-1 (as Lady Grace) (412)

Leicester Robert Dudley (24 Jun 1532 or 1533-4 Sept 1588), imprisoned Jul 1553 ; attainted 22 Jan 1553/4; pardoned 18 Oct 1554; restored in blood 7 Mar 1557/8 ; a baron of Denbigh, Denb, Wales, 28 Sept 1564 ; a 14th earl of Leicester 29 Sept 1564. MP Norf 1547, 1553, 1559; master of the horse 1559-87 ; PC 23 Apr 1559 ; lord lieut Warw 10 May 1559, Berks 1560?, Worc 20 Nov 1569-15 Nov 1570, and Essex and Herts 3 Jul 1585 until death; 1P Warw and Worc 1562, 1564, 1584, Northants 1584 ; chancellor Oxford Univ 31 Dec 1564 until death; comm of custos rot Warw 1568; high steward Bristol, Glouc, 1570 until death and honour of Grafton, Northants, 4 Dec 1571 ; keeper Grafton and Hartwell Parks, and master forester Whittlewood and Salcey Forests, all in Northants, 4 Dec 1571 ; lord steward of the household 1 Nov 1584-8 ; warden and chief justice in eyre south of Tient 25 Nov 1585 until death . Seats at Kenilworth, Vim, and Vanstead, Essex; residence at Leicester House, Midd; lands in Leic, Northants, Oxf, Staff, Warw, and Worc. bearward 1573-4 (265) 1574-5 (270) 1576-7 (281) musicians 1573-4 (266) 1574-5 (270) players 1574-5 (270) 1579-80 (294) 1581-2 (298) 1584-5 (310) 1586-7 (317) 1587-8 (320)

Robert Sydney (19 Nov 1563-13 July 1626), a Baron Sydney of Penshurst, Kent, 13 May 1603, 8th Viscount Lisle 4 May 1605, and 15th earl of Leicester 2 Aug 1618 . MP Glam, Wales, 1584, 1593, and Kent 1597; lord chamberlain to Queen Anne 14 Jul 1603 ; coun- cillor to the queen 9 Aug 1604 ; high steward Kenilworth, Warw, for life 2 Jul 1606 ; jt lord lieut, Glouc, 1613? ; member Council in the Marches of Wales 1617 . Seat at Penshurst, Kent . players (as Viscount Lisle) 1610-11 (381) trumpeters 1617-18 (405)

Robert Sydney (1 Dec 1595-2 Nov 1677), son of Robert, 15th earl of Leicester, qv; styled Viscount lisle from 1618 until he succ as 16th earl of Leicester 13 Jul 1626. Nrn Wilton, Wilts, 1614, Kent 1620, and Monm, Wales, 1624 ; member Council in the Marches of Wales 12 May 1633 ; PC 5 May 1639, 31 May 1660 ; lord lieut Ireland 14 Jun 1641- 29 Nov 1643 and Kent 28 Feb 1642. Seat at Penshurst, Kent; house at Leicester Square, London ; lands in Warw player 1639-40 (444) 19

trumpeters 1641-2 (447)

Lennox Ludovic Stuart (29 Sept 1574-16 Feb 1623/4), br of Esm6 Stuart, qv; succ as 2nd duke and 18th earl of Lennox 26 May 1583 ; naturalized 18 Jul 1603 ; a 15th earl of Richmond and Baron of Settrington 6 Oct 1613 and 2nd duke of Richmond and 1st earl of New- castle upon Tyne 17 May 1623 . Hereditary great chamberlain Scotland 26 May 1583 ; pres privy council Scotland 1586; jt lieut Scotland Nov 1589-May 1590; chamberlain of the household Scotland 1590 ; lord high adm Scotland 4 Aug 1591 until death ; rc 4 May 1603; deputy earl marshal 1614; lord steward of the household 1615-24 ; lord lieut Kent 8 Jun 1620. Seat at Richmond Castle, Yorks, NR. players 1604-5 (367) 1607-8 (373) trumpeter/s 1615-16 (396) trumpeter 1617-18 (405)

Lincoln Henry Clinton or Fiennes (after 1539-29 Sept 1616), styled Lord Clinton 1572 until he succ as 17th earl of Lincoln and Lord Clinton 16 Jan 1584/5 . torn Launceston, Cornw, 1559 and Linc 1571 ; i c Mar-May 1603 . Seat at Tattershall, Linc; lands in Derb and Leic. players (as Lord Clinton) 1576-7 (282) players 1599-1600(355) 1600-1 (358) 1601-2 (360) 1602-3 (362) 1603-4 (364)

Lisle see Leicester

Lord Admiral see Nottingham

Lord Chamberlain see Henry Carey under Hunsdon and Thomas Radcliffe under Sussex

Lord Chief Justice Edward Coke (1 Feb 1551/2-3 Sept 1634), kt 22 May 1603; imprisoned in the Tower c Dec 1621-by 10 Aug 1622 . Resident at Clifford's Inn 1571 ; enrolled at Inner Temple 24 Apr 1572; called to bar 20 Apr 1578 ; reader Lyon's Inn 1579-82 and Inner Temple 1592; torn Aldborough, Norf, 1589, Norf 1593, 1625, Liskeard, Comw, 1621, Coventry 1624, and Bucks 1628; bencher Inner Temple May 1590 ; solicitor-gen Jun 1592-5 ; speaker House of Commons 1593; attorney-gen 10 Apr 1594-Jun 1606 ; treasurer Inner Temple 1596; socant-at-law Jun 1606; chief justice common pleas Jun 1606-Oct 1613 ; Jr Northants 1608 ; chief justice King's Bench bet 14 and 27 Oct 1613-10 Nov 1616 ; Pc by 11 Nov 1613-30 Jun 1616, Sept 1617-22; recorder Coventry, Warw, by 1614 .


Seats at Stoke Poges, Bucks, Mileham, Norf, and Huntingfield, Suff, house at Castle Yard, London; lands in Oxff trumpeters 1614-15 (392)

Lord Deputy Thomas Wentworth (13 Apr 1593-12 May 1641), imprisoned 4 Jul-Dec 1627 ; cr Baron Wentworth and Baron of Newmarch and Oversley 22 Jul 1628, Viscount Wentworth 13 Dec 1628, and 1st earl of Strafford and Baron of Raby 12 Jan 1639/40 ; imprisoned 11 Nov 1640; attainted 8 May and beheaded 12 May 1641 . No Yorks 1614, 1620, 1625, 1628 and Pontefract, Yorks, wx, 1624; member from 1619 and lord pros 25 Dec 1628- 41 Council of the North; lord lieut Yorks 15 Dec 1628 •-15 Apr 1641 ; rc 10 Nov 1629 ; lord deputy of Ireland 12 Jan 1631/2 ; lord lieut of Ireland by 10 Jan 1639/40 . Seat at Wentworth Woodhouse, Yorks, wit. waits 1636-7 (440) trumpeters 1641-2 (447-8)

Lord Treasurer Thomas Howard (24 Aug 1561-28 May 1626), restored in blood 19 Dec 1584 ; styled Lord Thomas Howard until summ to parl as Lord Howard of Walden 5 Dec 1597 ; cr 11th earl of Suffolk 21 Jul 1603 ; imprisoned in the Tower Nov-Dec 1619 . 13 Feb-1 Mar 1600/ 1 ; lord licut Camb, 17 Jul 1602, Suff 18 Jul 1605, and Dors, jt 5 Jul 1611 and sole 19 Feb 1613 ; rc 25 Apr 1603 ; lord chamberlain of the household 4 May 1603-10 Jul 1614; treasurer of the exchequer 10 Jul 1614-20 Jul 1618 ; member Council in the Marches of Wales 12 Nov 1617 . Seat at Audley End, Saffron Walden, Essex; residence at the Charterhouse, Midd. trumpeter/s 1615-16 (396)

Possibly musicians (as Lord Howard) 1583-4 (302)

See also Charles Howard under Nottingham

Lucy Thomas Lucy (bef 1532-7 Jul 1600), kt 1565 . Eccles comm Coventry, Warw, 1553 ; torn Warw 1559, 1571, 1584 ; sheriff Leic and Warw 9 Nov 1559, Warw 17 Nov 1578, and Worc 22 Nov 1585; Jr Warw 1562, 1564, 1591 and Worc 1584 ; comm of musters Warw by 25 Jul 1569; member Council in the Marches of Wales from 1590 . Seat at Charlcote, Warw; lands in Warw players 1583-4 (302)

Montagu Anthony Maria Browne (1 Feb 1573/4-23 Oct 1629), succ as 2nd Viscount Montagu 19 Oct 1592; committed to Tower 15 Nov 1605-20 Aug 1606 . Seats at Battle Abbey and Cowdray Park, Suss; house at St Mary Overy's, London .


players 1594-5 (343)

Monteagic William Stanley (c 1527-10 Nov 1581), succ as 3rd Lord Monteagle 25 Aug 1560 . Seat at Hornby Castle, Lanc. bearward 1577-8 (286) players 1580-1 (296)

William Parker (c 1575-1 Jul 1622), son of Edward, 12th Lord Morley, qv ; succ as 5th Lord Monteagle 12 Jun 1585; imprisoned in the Tower Jan 1600/1-Aug 1601 ; succ as 13th Lord Morley 1 Apr 1618 . Seat at Homby Castle, Lanc ; houses at Shingle Hall, Epping, and Great Hallingbury, both in Essex, and in Martok, Somers, after 1605 . players 1593-4 (341) 1594-5 (343) 1596-7 (348) 1600-1 (358) 1602-3 (362) 1606-7 (371) 1607-8 (373) 1608-9 (375) 1609-10(379) 1611-12 (384) 1615-16 (397)

Montgomery Philip Herbert (10 Oct 1584-23 Jan 1649/50), son of Henry, 21st earl of Pembroke, qv ; cr earl of Montgomery and Baron Herbert of Shurland, Isle of Sheppey . Kent, 4 May 1605 and succ as 23rd earl of Pembroke 10 Apr 1630 . Mr Glam, Wales, 1604 and Berks 1649 ; jt steward Woodstock, Oxf, 5 Oct 1604 ; high steward Oxford Univ 10 Jun 1615- 41 ; keeper manors of Combe, Handborough, Stonesfield, Woodstock, and Wootton, all in Oxf, 13 Jul 1615; lord licut Kent 17 Mar 1624, 10 Aug 1642, Bucks 28 Sept 1628-14 Feb 1633, Cornw 12 Aug 1630-42, Somers, sole 12 Aug 1630, jt 26 Mar 1639-30 Jul 1640, and sole 13 Sept 1643, Wilts 12 Aug 1630 until death, Hants 28 Feb 1641/2, Monm, Glam, and Brec, Wales, 29 Jul 1642, and Card, Wales, 4 Dec 1646 ; rc by 18 Dec 1624; lord chamberlain of the household 3 Aug 1626-23 Jul 1641 ; constable St Briavel's Castle, Glouc, 26 Dec 1630 ; warden forest of Dean, Glouc, 1631 and Wychwood, Oxf, 19 Jan 1638; member Council in the Marches of Wales 12 May 1633 ; chancellor Oxford Univ 1 Jul 1641-Oct 1643, 3 Aug 1647-50 ; rc Scotland 20 Sept 1641 . Seat at Wilton, Wilts ; residences at Durham House and at the Cockpit, Westminster, Midd ; lands in Derb and Glouc . players 1610-11 (381)

Mordaunt Lewis Mordaunt (21 Sept 1538-16 Jun 1601), succ as 3rd Lord Mordaunt bet Apr and Oct 1571 . MP Beds 1563; comet of musters Northants 1577 ; 7r Northants 1584, 22

'_596, 1598 . Seats at Turvey, Beds, and Drayton House, Lowick, Northants ; lands in Northants. bearward 1583-4 (302) men 1585-6 (313)

Henry Mordaunt (16 Nov 1621-19 Jun 1697), son of John, 5th Lord Mordaunt and 1st earl of Peterborough, qv; styled Lord Mordaunt 1628 until he succ as 2nd earl of Peterborough and 6th Lord Mordaunt 1 .8 Jun 1644; imprisoned in the Tower 24 Dec 1688-7 Oct 1690 ; impeached for high treason 26 Oct 1689 ; charges dropped 30 Oct 1689. Lord lieut Northants, jt by 12 Jun 1666-73 and sole west division, 5 Jul 1673-78 and sole 5 Feb 1678 -23 Dec 1688, and Rut 23 Jan-23 Dec 1688 ; recorder Northamp- ton, Northants, 17 May 1671-72, 20 Jul 1682-88, Higham Ferrers, Northants, 1683, and Brackley, Northants, 8 Sept 1688 ; jt deputy earl marshal Jun 1673 ; Pc 10 Jul 1674- 21 Apr 1679, 28 Feb 168213-Feb 1688/9 . Seats at Turvey, Beds, and Drayton House, Lowick, Northants. bearward 1637-8 (442)

Motley Edward Parker (c 1551-1 Apr 1618), imprisoned Apr 1573 ; succ as 12th Lord Morley 22 Oct 1577 . players 1581-2 (298) 1591-2 (336) 1594-5 (343) 1597-8 (351) 1598-9 (353) 1599-1600(355) 1601-2 (360)

Mountjoy James Blount (c 1533-20 Oct 1581), succ as 6th Lord Mountjoy 10 Oct 1544 . Lord lieut Dors 26 May 1559 ; shareholder in the company of Mines Royal Glouc and Worc 28 May 1568. Seat at Apethorpe, Northants ; house in London. players 1573-4 (265)

William Blount (c Oct 1561-27 Jun 1594), son of James, 6th Lord Mountjoy, qv; succ as 7th Lord Mountjoy 20 Oct 1581 . Seat at Brook, Wilts. players 1582-3 (300) musicians 1583-4 (302)

Charles Blount (c 1562-3 Apr 1606), son of James, 6th Lord Mountjoy, qv; succ as 8th Lord Mountjoy 27 Jun 1594 and cr 1st earl of Devonshire 21 or 27 Jul 1603 . MP St Ives, Cornw, 1584 and Bere Alston, Devon, 1586, 1593 ; jt lord lieut Hants 4 Aug 1595 un- til death, lord lieut Ireland 25 Apr 1603, and jt lord lieut Southampton and Winchester, Hants, 30 Mar 1604 ; lord deputy Ireland Dec 1599-c 1605 ; Pc 7 Jun 1603 ; jt earl mar-


shal 5 Feb 1604/5. Seats at Canford Magna, Dors, and Winstead, Essex ; lands in Leic, Northants, and Worc. players 1605-6 (370)

Northampton William Compton (bef 19 Feb 1572-24 Jun 1630), son of Henry, 1st Lord Compton, qv; summ to parl as 2nd Lord Compton 19 Feb 1592/3 ; a 10th earl of Northampton 2 Aug 1618 . High steward Gloucester, Glouc, nd; lord lieut Warw 7 Oct 1603, Coven- try and Warwick, Warw, 19 Feb 1604, Heref, Shrops, Worc, and Wales 16 Nov 1617, and Glouc 12 Mar 1622, all until death; high steward Henley in Arden and Compton in Arden, Warw, Oct 1603 ; keeper Holdenby House, Northants, 23 Apr 1610 and jt keeper Whittlewood Forest, Northants, 4 Nov 1617 ; lord pres Council in the Marches of Wales by 16 Nov 1617-14 Jun 1630; rc 10 Nov 1629 ; )r Northants and Warw nd . Seats at Compton Wynyates, Warw, and Castle Ashby, Northants ; residences in Bishops- gate Street, London, and the Savoy, Midd . players (as Lord Compton) 1604-5 (367) men (as Lord Compton) 1607-8 (374) bearward (as Lord Compton) 1611-12 (384) 1612-13(387) 1613-14 (389) 1615-16 (397) waits 1621-2 (414)

Northumberland Algernon Percy (29 Sept 1602-13 Oct 1668), summ to parl as 4th Baron Percy 28 Mar 1626; succ as 14th earl of Northumberland 5 Nov 1632 . MP Suss 1624 and Chichester, Suss, 1626 ; lord lieut Cumb, jt 6 Nov 1626, Northumb, jt 6 Nov 1626, sole 31 Aug 1639, and jt 21 Aug 1660, Westmld 6 Nov 1626, and Suss, jt 16 Sept 1635 and sole 1660; member Council of the North 21 Mar 1632/3; rc Mar 1636, 31 May 1660 ; lord high adm 19 Mar 1637 ; gen south of Trent 26 Mar? 1639 . Seats at Petworth, Suss, and Wressell, Yorks, ER; residences at Syon House near Brentford, Midd, and at Northumber- land House, the Strand, Midd. trumpeters 1637-8 (441)

Nottingham Charles Howard (c 1536-14 Dec 1624), succ as Baron Howard of Effingham 11 or 12 Jan 1572/3 ; a 10th earl of Nottingham 22 Oct 1597 . MP Surr 1563, 1572 ; lord lieut Surr, sole 1573, 3 Jul 1585 and jt 27 Jul 1621 until death; chamberlain of the household 1 Jan 1583/4-Jul 1585 ; Pc by 5 Mar 1583/4 until death; lord lieut Suss, sole 3 Jul 1585 and jt 2 Sept 1586; lord high adm 8 Jul 1585-27 Jan 1618/19 ; chief justice in Byre south of Trent 15 Jun 1597 until death ; lord steward of the household 24 Oct 1597-Nov 1615 . Seat at Effingham, Surr ; manor of Haling, near Croydon, Surr . players (as Lord Charles Howard) 1578-9 (290)


players (as lord admiral) 1585-6 (313) 1586-7 (317) 1589-90 (328) 1592-3 (338) 1595-6 (346) players 1602-3 (362)

Possibly musicians (as Lord Howard) 1583-4 (302)

See also Thomas Howard under Lord Treasurer

Nowell Possibly Either Andrew Nowell (or Noel) (c 1552-1607), kt 2 Mar 1585/6 . jP Leic 1580; sheriff Lcic: 25 Nov 1583 and Rut 4 Dec 1587, 27 Nov 1595, 24 Nov 1600; Mr Rut 1584, 1586, 1589, 1593; comm of musters Leic from 1587. Seats at Dalby and Stonesby, Leic, and Brooke, Rut; lands in Leic.


William Knollys (c 1547-25 May 1632), cr Baron Knollys 13 May 1603, Viscount Wallingford 7 Nov 1616, and 1st earl of Banbury, 18 Aug 1626, all for life only . Mr Staff 1571, Tregony, Cornw, 1572, and Oxf 1584, 1593, 1597, 1601 ; Jr Glouc from c 1577-87 and Oxf from c 1583 ; keeper Ewelme, Oxf, 25 Jun 1584 ; deputy lieut Oxf 1587; comm of custos rot Oxf c 1594; comptroller of the household 30 Aug 1596 ; rc 30 Aug 1596, 3 May 1603 ; lord lieut Berks, it 26 Oct 1596, sole Jul 1601, and it 7 Mar 1628 until death, and Oxf, it 26 Oct 1596, sole 1601, and it 7 Feb 1628 until death ; treasurer of the household 22 Dec 1602-22 Dec 1616 ; steward Ewelme, Oxf, 1604 ; high steward Banbury, Oxf, 1608 and Oxford, Oxf, 1611 . Seats at Rotherfield Greys, Oxf, and Caversham, Berks and Ox-, residence at St. James Park; lands in Oxf. musicians (as Mr Nowell) 1582-3 (300)

Ogle Cuthbert Ogle (c1540-20 Nov 1597), succ as 7th Lord Ogle 1 Aug 1562 . Member Council of the North Oct 1572-97. Seat at Bothal, Northumb . At his death, the barony fell into abeyance between his two daughters. His acting company, however, may have continued for several years after his death . players 1594-5 (343, 344) 1595-6 (346)

Probably players 1596-7 (349) 1601-2 (360)


Oxford Edward de Vere (12 Apr 1550-24 Jun 1604), styled Lord Bolebec until he succ as 17th earl of Oxford 3 Aug 1562 ; imprisoned in the Tower e Mar-8 Jun 1581 . 3 Aug 1562 . Seats at Hedingham Castle, Essex, and Hackney, Midd. players 1580-1 (296) 1581-2 (298) 1582-3 (300) 1583-4 (302) 1584-5 (310) bcarward 1596-7 (348)

Henry de Vere (24 Feb 1593-bet 2 and 9 Jun 1625), son of Edward de Vere, 17th earl of Oxford, qv; styled Viscount Bolebec until he succ as 18th earl of Oxford 24 Jun 1604 ; imprisoned in the Tower by 20 Apr 1622-30 Dec 1623 . Hereditary lord chamberlain by 22 May 1619. Seats at Hedingham Castle, Essex, and Hackney, Midd . trumpeter/s 1621-2 (414) 1622-3 (417)

Palsgrave Frederick Wittelsbach (26 Aug 1596-29 Nov 1632), son of Palsgrave Frederick iv and Louisa Juliana of Orange-Nassau; succ as palsgrave of the Rhine, 19 Sept 1610 ; m 14 Feb 1613, Elizabeth Stuart, qv under Lady Elizabeth; crowned king of Bohemia, 4 Nov 1619 ; deposed 8 Nov 1619 . players 1615-16 (397)

Pembroke Henry Herbert (after 1538-19 Jan 1601), styled Lord Herbert 1551 until he succ as 21st earl of Pembroke and Baron Herbert of Cardiff, Glam, Wales, 17 Mar 1569/70 . Lord lieut Wilts 4 Apr 1570, Somers 3 Jul 1585, and Heref, Shrops, Worc, and Wales 24 Feb 1587 ; constable and keeper Bristol Castle, Glouc, 15 May 1570 ; constable of St Briavel's Castle, keeper of the forest of Dean, and bailiff of the manor of Lydney, all in Glouc, for life by 18 Nov 1577 ; 71' Worc 1584; lord pres Council in the Marches of Wales Mar 1586 until death. Seat at Cardiff Castle, Glam, Wales ; residences at Ludlow Castle, Shrops, and Wilton, Wilts. players 1592-3 (338) 1598-9 (353)

Peterborough John Mordaunt (by 18 Jan 1598/9-19 Jun 1643), grandson of Lewis, 3rd Lord Mordaunt, qv; suss as 5th Lord Mordaunt 13 Feb 1608/9 and cr 1st earl of Peterborough 9 Mar 1627/8 . jP Northants 1626, 1636; chief forester Farming Woods and bailiff Brigstock in Rockingham, Northants, 7 Mar 1628 ; lord lieut Northants 16 Jul 1640-3 . Seats at Turvey, Beds, and Drayton House, Lowick, Northants ; lands in Northants . bearward 1637-8 (441) 26

Prince Henry Frederick Stuart (19 Feb 1593/4-6 Nov 1612), 1st son of James r, qv under King; succ as 11th duke of Rothesay, Scotland, at birth and 13th duke of Cornwall 24 Mar 1602/3; cr prince of Wales and 22nd earl of Chester 4 Jun 1610 . Seats at St James, Midd, and Nonsuch and Richmond, Surr,, lands in Oxf. players 1608-9 (376)

Charles Stuart (29 May 1630-6 Feb 1685), son of Charles i, qv under King, and Hen- rietta Maria, qv under Queen; succ as 16th duke of Cornwall at birth; declared prince of Wales 12 May 1638 and 24th earl of Chester by 4 Apr 1646; exiled 2 Mar 1645/6-26 May 1660; became king de jure 30 Jan 1648/9 ; proclaimed king 5 May 1660 ; acc as Charles 1129 May 1660; crowned 23 Apr 1661 . players 1633-4 (436)

See also Charles Stuart underKing

Queen Catherine of Valois (27 Oct 1401-3 Jan 1437), da of Charles vi of France and Isabel of Bavaria ; m, lstly, 2 Jun 1420, Henry v, m, 2ndly, by 1428, Owen Tudor ; crowned 24 Feb 1421 . minstrels 1429-30 (10)

Elizabeth Tudor (7 Sept 1533 -24 Mar 1603), da of Henry viii, qv under King, and Anne Boleyn ; acc as Elizabeth r 17 Nov 1558 ; crowned 15 Jan 1559 . bearward 1574-5 (270) 1576-7 (282) 1577-8 (286) 1578-9 (290) 1584-5 (310) 1591-2 (336) 1594-5 (343) trumpeters 1574-5 (270) 1595-6 (346) apeward 1577-8 (286) players 1585-6 (313) 1586-7 (317) 1587-8 (320) 1588-9 (324) 1589-90 (328) 1590-1 (332) 1591-2(336) 1592-3 (338) 1593-4 (341) 1594-5 (344) 1595-6 (346) 1596-7 (348) 1600-1 (358)


Possibly players (of Mr Dutton)* 1591-2 (336) bearward (of Mr Bumaby)** 1592-3 (338) 1593-4 (341) players 1602-3 (362)

*Possibly one of the two brothers, John Dutton, who was a member of the queeds com- pany from 1583, or Laurence Dutton, member by 1589 ; both were principals by 1590 .

**Thomas Burnaby was master bearward to the queen c 1590-4. Thus this bearward might have been an under officer or deputy of the master bearward .

Anne of Denmark (12 Dec 1574-2 Mar 1619), da of Frederick u of Denmark and Nor- way and Sophia of Mecklenburg; m, 20 Aug 1589, James vi of Scotland (later James i of England), qv; crowned queen of England 25 Jul 1603 . Her acting company continued in her name for several years after her death . players 1605-6 (370) 1606-7 (371) 1607-8 (373) 1608-9 (376) 1612-13 (386) players (children of the revels) 1612-13(386) players 1614-15 (392) players (queen's revels) 1614-15 (392) players 1615-16 (397) players (of Chamber of Bristol) 1616-17(399) players 1616-17(399) 1617-18(405) players (as late Queen Anne) 1619-20 (410) player (error? as late Queen Elizabeth) 1620-1 (411) players (error? as late Queen Elizabeth) 1622-3 (416) players (as late Queen Anne) 1624-5 (421)

Probably players 1602-3 (362)

Possibly players 1612-13 (386) player (revels) 1622-3 (417)

See also James i under King andElizabeth Stuart underLady Fliiaheth

Henrietta Maria (25 Nov 1609-31 Aug 1669), da of Henry iv of France and Mary de Medici ; m, 11 May 1625, Charles i of England, qv under King. players 1635-6 (439)


Rutland Francis Manners (1578-17 Dec 1632), succ as 8th earl of Rutland 26 Jun 1612; a Lord Roos of Hamlake 22 Jul 1616 ; succ as 17th Lord Roos 27 Jun 1618 . Lord lieut Linc 15 Jul 1612-23 Jan 1629 ; rc 6 Apr 1617 ; chief justice in Byre north of Trent 13 Nov 1619 until death; comm of custos rot Northants 7 Feb 1622/3 ; Ir Northants 1626 and Leic nd ; jt master forester King's Cliffe, Rockingham Forest, Northants, 25 Jul 1629 . Seats at Belvoir Castle, Leic, and Helmsley, Yorks, NR ; lands in Leic. musicians 1630-1 (431)

Sheffield Edmund Sheffield (7 Dec 1565-Oct 1646), succ as 3rd Baron Sheffield (of Butterwick, in the Isle of Axholme, Linc) 10 Dec 1568 ; cr earl of Mulgrave 5 Feb 1625/6. Lord pres Council of the North by 22 Jul 1603-by 11 Feb 1618/19 ; lord lieut Yorks 1 Aug 1603- 19 ; member Council of the North 21 . May 1625 . Seat at King's Manor, Yorks, wit. players 1578-9 (290) 1582-3 (300) 1583-4 (302) 1584-5 (310) men 1585-6 (313)

Sheriff Probably Robert Fisher (bapt 11 Dec 1579-d. by 7 Apr 1647), kt 26 Jun 1609 ; cr baronet 7 Dec 1622. Sheriff Warw 4 Nov 1627; jt deputy lieut Warw by 5 Apr 1639 . Seat at Great Packington, Warw; lands in Staff, Warw, and Worc. trumpeters 1627-8 (425)

Shrewsbury Gilbert Talbot (20 Nov 1552-8 May 1616), styled Lord Talbot 1582 until summ to par/ as Lord Talbot 28 Jan 1588/9 ; succ as 10th earl of Shrewsbury, 12th Lord Furnivalle, Lord Talbot, Lord Strange, and earl of Waterford 18 Nov 1590 . MP Derb 1572 ; Jr Derb 1573; steward Tutbury and constable Tutbury Castle, Staff, 1589 ; lord lieut Derb c 1590 until death ; rc 28 Jun 1601, 15 Jul 1603 ; chief justice in Byre north of Trent 16 Dec 1603. Seats at Chatsworth, Derb, Worksop, Nott, and Sheffield Castle, Yorks, wit ; resi- dence in Broad Street, London . bearward 1594-5 (343)

Edward Talbot (bapt 25 Feb 1560/1-8 Feb 1617/18), br of Gilbert, 10th earl of Shrews- bury, qv; succ as 11th earl of Shrewsbury and as earl of Waterford 8 May 1616; MP Northumb 1584, 1586; member Council of the North Jul 1603-Feb 1618 ; member Council in the Marches of Wales 3 Mar 1616. Seats at Bothal Castle, Northumb, and Sheffield Castle, Yorks, wit. players 1615-16 (396) 1617-18 (405)


Probably musicians (as Mr Talbot) 1600-1 (358)

George Talbot (19 Dec 1566-2 Apr 1630), cousin and heir of Edward, 11th earl of Shrewsbury, qv; succ as 12th earl of Shrewsbury and earl of Waterford 8 Feb 1617/18 . Seats at Albrighton, Shrops, and Grafton, Worc ; house at Clerkenwell, London. trumpeter 1617-18(405)

John Talbot (bef 1601-8 Feb 1653/4), nephew and heir of George, 12th earl of Shrews- bury, qv; succ as 13th earl of Shrewsbury and earl of Waterford 2 Apr 1630 . Seat at Grafton, Worc. waits 1640-1 (446)

Smyth Probably Francis Smyth (by 1516-3 Sept 1605), kt 23 Jul 1603 . MP Truro, Cornw, 1545 and Stafford, Staff, 1553 ; IP Leic 1562, 1564, 1569 ; sheriff Leic and Warw 18 Nov 1566. Seats at Ashby Folville, Leic, and Wootton Wawen, Warw; lands in Warw players 1569-70 (251)

Sneyd Ralph Sneyd (c 1612-1649/50) . Mr Stafford, Staff 1640 ; imprisoned 15 May 1643-44 and 1645; colonel in the royal army after 1644 . Seats at Bradwell and Keele, Staff, and Willaston, Ches ; lands in Staf trumpeters 1639-40 (445)

Stafford Edward Stafford (17 Jan 1535/6-18 Oct 1603), succ as 12th Baron Stafford 1 Jan 1565/6. MP Banbury, Oxf,1554 and Staff 1558, 1559 ; lord lieut Staff 1559?; justice in Byre and lieut Needwood Forest, Staff, and parks in the duchy of Lancaster 13 May 1559; justice and ranger forest of Cannock, Staff, 24 Sept 1560 ; jt comm of musters Staff by 8 Aug 1569; 7P Glouc and Staff by 1573/4 ; member Council in the Marches of Wales Aug 1601 . Seat at Stafford Castle, Staf players 1576-7 (282) 1582-3 (300) 1584-5 (310) 1587-8 (320) 1597-8 (350) 1599-1600 (355) 1601-2 (360) musicians 1594-5 (343)

Edward Stafford (bapt 20 Sept 1572-25 Sept 1625), son of Edward, 12th Baron Stafford,


qv; succ as 13th Baron Stafford 18 Oct 1603; imprisoned in the Fleet Mar 1605 . Seat at Stafford Castle, Staff; lands in Glouc. trumpeters 1622-3 (417)

Stanhope Thomas Stanhope (c 1540-3 Aug 1596), restored in blood 5 Oct 1553 ; kt 1575. lP Derb 1562, 1569 ; sheriff Derb and Nott 19 Nov 1562, 15 Nov 1574, 4 Dec 1587 ; comm oyer and terminer Derb, Leic, Northants, and Warw 1564 ; MP Nott 1586; deputy lieut Nott by 1591 . Seat at Shelford, Nott; residence at East Stoke, Nott; lands in Derb and Staff musicians 1582-3 (300) 1585-6 (313)

Stanhope (Lord) Either Charles Stanhope (bapt 27 Apr 1595 -3 Dec 1675), succ as 2nd Baron Stanhope of Har- rington 9 Mar 1620/1 . Postmaster general 7 Jun 1622-by Jun 1637 . Seat at Harrington, Northants .


Philip Stanhope (1584-12 Sept 1656), cr Baron Stanhope of Shelford 7 Nov 1616 and 1st earl of Chesterfield 4 Aug 1628 . Gov Lichfield, Staff, 1643;1P Derb nd. Seats at Chesterfield, Derb, and Shelford, Nott; residence at Bretby, Derb . trumpeters 1621-2 (414)

Starkey Unidentified musicians 1639-40 (445)

Strange seeDerby

Sussex Thomas Radcliffe (c 1525 or 1526-9 Jun 1583), styled Lord FitzWalter 27 Nov 1542- 53 ; succ as 8th earl of Sussex and 3rd Viscount and 9th Lord FitzWalter 17 Feb 1556/7. MP Norf 1553 ; lord deputy of Ireland 27 Apr 1556-60 ; chief justice in eyre south of Trent 3 Jul 1557 until death ; lord lieut of Ireland 6 May 1560-13 Oct 1565 ; lord pres Council of the North Jul 1568-Oct 1572 ; lord lieut of the North 15 Nov 1569 ; Pc 30 Dec 1570 ; lord chamberlain of the household 13 Jul 1572 until death . Seats at New Hall and Woodham Walther, Essex ; house at Bermondsey, Surr. players (as lord chamberlain) 1573-4 (266) 1574-5 (270) 1576-7 (282) 1581-2 (298)


Possibly players 1582-3 (300)

Henry Radcliffe (by 1533-14 Dec 1593), br of Thomas, 8th earl of Sussex, qv ; succ as 9th earl of Sussex and 4th Viscount and 10th Lord FitzWalter 9 Jun 1583 . MP Maldon, Essex, 1555, Chichester, Suss, 1559, Carlingford, Louth, Ireland, 1560, Hants 1571, and Portsmouth, Hants, 1572; Pc Ireland by 25 Feb 1556/7; licut Leix and Offaly, Ireland, 1557-29 Oct 1564; jt lord lieut Hants and Winchester and Southampton, both in Hants, 3 Jul 1585 until death. Seat at New Hall, Boreham, Essex . players 1585-6 (313) 1586-7 (317) 1587-8 (320) 1590-1 (332)

Possibly players 1582-3 (300)

Robert Radcliffe (12 Jun 1573-22 Sept 1629), son of Henry, 9th earl of Sussex, qv ; styled Lord FitzWalter until he succ as 10th earl of Sussex and 5th Viscount and 11th Lord FitzWalter 14 Dec 1593 . Lord lieut Essex, sole 26 Aug 1603-25, jt 8 Sept 1625-6, and sole 11 Sept 1626-9 ; gov Harwich, Essex, and Landguard Fort, Suff, Sept 1626- Mar 1628. Family estate at Attleborough, Norf. players 1602-3 (362)

Talbot see Shrewsbury

Vaux William Vaux (bef 14 Aug 1535-20 Aug 1595), succ as 3rd Lord Vaux by Oct 1556; im- prisoned in the Fleet 18 Aug 1581-bet Oct and Dec 1588 . Comm of musters Northants by 20 Aug 1569 ; JP Northants 1569 . Seat at Harrowden, Northants . bcarward 1577-8 (286) 1582-3 (300) 1584-5 (310)

Edward Vaux (13 Sep 1588-8 Sep 1661), grandson and heir of William, 3rd Lord Vaux, qv; succ as 4th Lord Vaux 20 Aug 1595; imprisoned in the Fleet 1 Mar 1611/12-1 Mar 1614/15, 13-25 Nov 1625 . JP Northants 1626 . Seat at Harrowden, Northants . players 1603-4 (364) 1607-8 (373)

Warwick Ambrose Dudley (c 1528-21 Feb 1589/90), styled Lord Ambrose Dudley from Oct 1551 ; imprisoned and attainted 1553, pardoned 22 Jan 1554/5, and restored in blood 7 Mar 1557/8 ; cr Baron Lisle 25 Dec, and 21st earl of Warwick 26 Dec 1561 . Constable Kenil-


worth Castle and keeper of the park there, Warw, 20 Dec 1549 ;1P Warw 1562, 1564; lord pres Council of the North by 22 Feb 1564 ; comm of musters Warw 1569, 1579, 1580, Northants, Oxf, and Staff 1579, 1580 ; lord lieut Warw and Coventry, Warw, Nov 1569-Nov 1570, by 9 Oct 1587 until death; PC 5 Sept 1573; master forester Whittle- wood and Salcey Forests and keeper Grafton, Northants, and Hartwell Parks, all in Northants, 10 May 1589. Seat at Warwick Castle, Warw; lands in Leic, Warw, and Worc. players 1574-5 (270)

Robert Rich (May or Jun 1587-19 Apr 1658), styled Lord Rich 1618-19 ; succ as 23rd earl of Warwick and Baron Rich 24 Mar 1618/19 . mp Maldon, Essex, 1610 and Essex 1614; lord lieut Essex, jt 8 Sept 1625-Aug 1626, 5 Feb 1629-Mar 1641/2 and sole Essex and Norf 5 Mar 1641/2 ; recorder Warwick, Warw, 1629-41 ; PC 27 Apr 1641 ; lord high adm 1 Jul 1642, 7 Dec 1643-9 Apr 1645, May 1648-23 Feb 1648/9 . Seats at Leighs Priory and Rochford Hall, Essex and Wallington, Norf; residence at Warwick House, Holborn, Midd ; lands in Northants . Possibly trumpeters 1629-30(428-9)

Willoughby Either Peregrine Bertie (12 Oct 1555-25 Jun 1601), succ as 13th Lord Willoughby de Eresby 19 Sept 1580 . Gov Berwick upon Tweed, Northumb, and warden East March towards Scotland 13 Mar 1597/8 ; member Council of the North Aug 1599 Jun 1601 . Seat at Eresby, Linc; house in the Barbican, London .


Charles Willoughby (c 1536-bet Oct 1610 and 26 Oct 1612), succ as 2nd Baron of Willoughby of Parham, Suff, 30 July 1570 . Seat at Parham, Suff players 1595-6 (346) 1598-9 (353) musicians 1597-8 (351)

Either Robert Bertie (c 16 Dec 1582-23 Oct 1642), succ as 14th Lord Willoughby de Eresby Jun 1601 ; a 1st earl of Lindsey 22 Nov 1626 . Hereditary lord chamberlain 13 Apr 1626 ; PC 10 Jul 1628 ; jt lord adm 20 Sept 1628 ; lord lieut Linc 23 Jan 1629 until death ; lord high adm 10 Apr 1635 ; gov Berwick upon Tweed, Northumb, by Apr 1639-by Jan 1639/40. Seat at Eresby, Linc; residence at Lindsey House, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Midd ; lands in Oxf.


William Willoughby (1584-28 Aug 1617), grandson of Charles Willoughby, 2nd Baron


Willoughby of Parham, qv; succ as 3rd Baron Willoughby of Parham bet Oct 1610 and 26 Oct 1612 . Seat at Parham, Sufi lands in Warw players 1612-13 (386) 1615-16 (396)

Winchester William Paulet (bef 1560-4 Feb 1628/9), styled Lord St John 15"76 until he succ as 4th marquess of Winchester 24 Nov 1598 . Seat at Basing, Hants . trumpeter 1617-18 (405)

Worcester William Somerset (c 1527-21 Feb 1588/9), styled Lord Herbert until succ as 8th earl of Worcester 26 Nov 1549. Member Council in the Marches of Wales Nov 1553 and from 1576; Jr Glouc and Worc 1554 . Seat at Raglan, Monm, Wales; residence at Hackney, Midd. musicians 1574-5 (270) players 1575-6 (276) 1577-8 (286) 1579-80 (293) 1581-2 (298) 1583-4 (302)

Edward Somerset (c 1550-3 Mar 1627/8), son of William, 8th earl of Worcester, qv; styled Lord Herbert until succ as 9th earl of Worcester and Baron Herbert 21 Feb 1588/9. Member Council in the Marches of Wales 16 Dec 1590 ; rc 29 Jun 1601 ; lord lieut Glam and Monm, both in Wales, sole 17 Jul 1602 and jt 3 Dec 1626 until death ; Jr Worc 1608, 1626, Northants 1626 ; lord keeper of the privy seal 2 Jan 1615/16 until death . Seat at Raglan, Monm, Wales; residence at Hackney, Midd . players 1589-90 (328) 1590-1 (332) 1591-2(336) 1598-9 (353) 1599-1600(355) 1600-1 (358) 1601-2 (360) 1602-3 (362) 1610-11 (381) musicians 1613-14(389) musician 1618-19 (408)

34 Companies Named by Location

Cambridge, Camb waits 1583-4 (302) 1585-6 (313) Chester, Ches waits 1583-4 (302)

Derby, Derb waits 1622-3 (417) 1629-30 (429) 1630-1 (431) 1632-3 (434) 1633-4 (436) 1634-5 (437) 1636-7 (440) 1637-8 (442) 1638-9 (443)

Gloucester, Glouc waits 1622-3 (417)

Halifax, Yorks, wR waits 1632-3 (434)

Hertford, Hen waits 1615-16 (397)

Kendal, Westmld waits 1632-3 (434)

Leek, Staff waits 1638-9 (443) 1639-40 (445) 1640-1 (446)

Leicester, Leic waits 1586-7 (317) 1615-16 (396)

Lichfield, Staff musicians 1622-3 (417)

35 Lincoln, Linc waits 1615-16 (397) 1622-3 (417) 1633-4 (436) 1635-6 (439)

London musicians 1597-8 (350) Probably Macclesfield, Ches waits 1622-3 (417)

Newark, Notts waits 1620-1 (412) 1622-3 (417) 1633-4 (434) 1637-8 (442)

Newcastle under Lyme, Staff waits 1638-9 (443) 1639-40 (445) 1641-2 (448)

Newmarket, Suff waits 1630-1 (431)

Northampton, Northants musicians 1600-01 (358)

Nottingham, Notts waits 1615-16 (396, 397) 1621-2 (414) 1630-1 (431) 1632-3 (434) 1634-5 (437) 1635-6 (439) 1636-7 (440) 1637-8 (442) 1638-9 (443) 1639-40 (445) 1640-1 (446) musicians 1619-20 (410) trumpeters 1622-3 (416-17)

36 ronte&act, Yorks wa waits 1622-3 (417)

Preston, Lanc waits 1632-3 (434)

Ripon, Yorks, wx waits 1630-1 (431) 1632-3 (434) 1633-4 (436) 1634-5 (437) 1636-7 (440)

Shrewsbury, Shrops waits 1615-16 (396, 397) 1632-3 (434)

Probably Southampton, Hants waits 1615-16 (396)

Stoneleigh, Warw morris dancers 1595-6 (346)

Warwick, Warw bearward 1586-7 (317)

Westminster, Midd waits 1585-6 (313)

Worcester, Worc waits 1612-13 (386) 1622-3 (417) 1630-1 (431)

37 Correction

Abigail Young notes the following correction to her article in MEDN20:1 (1995): p 12, third line: `Even among records gathered for REED collections, the occurrences of ministrallus and related words collected for dictionaries of mediaeval Latin, French and English offer a wider range of meaning.' should read `Even among records collected for REED collections there are a few entries which give one pause and the occurrences of ministrallus and related words collected for dictionaries of mediaeval Latin, French, and English offer a wide range of meaning as well .'


The 1996 meeting of the Northeast Conference on British Studies will meet at Wesleyan University, Middleton, Connecticut, on October 11 and 12th, 1996 . The keynote speaker will by Annabel Patterson. For information about papers and panels in all areas of British Studies (including literary history and history of drama) contact Susan Amussen, Vice- Pres. and Programme Chair, 14 Giles St., Hamden Conn., USA 06517; fax 203-624-4354; e-mail, samuss@tui .edu.

Scolar Press announces the publication of Christopher Marlowe and English Renaissance Culture, edited by Darryll Grantley and Peter Roberts . The essays collected in this volume take an interdisciplinary approach in presenting fresh perspectives on Marlowe's life, theatrical work, politics, and travels approaching the subject through new documentary and textual evidence . To order, call toll-free (US and Canada) 1-800-535-9544 ; email [email protected]; or contact website with order form : http://wwwashgate.com/scolar/.

MRTS announces The Pegasus Shakespeare Bibliographies, a new series under general editor Richard L Nochimson . This new series of handy and authoritative bibliographies of Shakespeare is designed to provide convenient, comprehensive, and inexpensive guides to secondary materials for all students and teachers . Each volume is being prepared by a leading scholar/critic in the field. The bibliographies are highly selective, each entry is annotated fully and clearly, and the index provides even more detailed help in finding materials. The first volumes : Love's Labor's Lost, A Midsummer Nights Dream and The Merchant of Venice, ed. Clifford Chalmers Huffman, P28 (1995) ISBN 86698-177-2 80 pp. paper $6 .95 US; and King Lear and Macbeth, ed. Rebecca Bushnell, P33 (Spring 1996) ISBN 86698-201-9 80 pp. paper $6.95 US . Order from Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, State University of New York, PO Box 6000, Binghamton, NY 13902-6000 .

38 Subscriptions to the REED Newsletter are invited. The cost per year of two issues is $10 .00 for Canadian subscribers and $10 .00 in U.S. funds for American subscribers . Cheques should be made payable to Records of Early English Drama, and mailed to 150 Charles St. W., Toronto, Ontario M5S 1K9, Canada . The cost per year for British and European subscribers is £5 .50. Cheques should be made payable to University of Leeds, and mailed to Peter Meredith, School of English, The University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England . Please address correspondence and submissions to the editor, Helen Ostovich, REED Newsletter, Department of English, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4L9, Canada. E-mail correspondence may be addressed to [email protected]


Typeset by William Rowcliffe

C Records of Early English Drama 1996 ISSN 0700-9283 PRINTED IN CANADA