Portland Daily Press: July 03,1883
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■PORTLAND* ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862--VOL. 21. PORTLAND, Yellow FOREIGN. TEWKSBURY ALMSHOUSE- ELLSWORTH HIGH SCHOOL. Eyes3 85@3 90 Plata.16 00@16 26 THE PORTLAND DA1LT PRESS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY COLBY COMMENCEMENT. WIND AND RAIN. Onion* |>bbl. Kx Plata.16 60ral6 73 Bermuda. ...1 00® 1 75 Ham* 13%ul4c Published exeepMd) by the every day (Sundays New Potatoes 2 25%2 75 Hams,covered 14% 81 be PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., Book Binder. Eggs |> do*.18@19c Lard- Turkey*, f> lb. OOo ib At 97 Exchange St., Portland, He. Bill. 2.—At the investi- Tub, p .ioy,®io% WRl. A. OVINCY, Rnou 11, Printer* Presentation Day—Junior Prize Declama- Final Passage of the Ohuroh Boston, July Tewksbury Graduating Exercises. Chicken*. @00c lleroa*.. .10V*@10% gation to-day a letter was read showing that ■Cxcbana* •• II* Exchange Nireel tion. Bkrlin, July 2.—Tbe upper House of the Fowl.20@24c Pall.10% gllVa THE RIA1NE~STATE PRESS* and October to October 1, 1882 there tt niter* Violent Storm in New York Prussian Diet lias, 64 to 16, adopted tho govern- from 17,1872 is Morning at 82.60 a (Special Despatch to the Press.] to medical 894 adult published every Thursday ment ohuroh hill. Dr. minister of ec- were (delivered colleges Creamery.23@24o a Western Gassier, Gilt Red year, if paid in advance at 82.00 year. Waterville, July,'-’.—A warm, sultry Jay New England. the of and 36 children’s bodies. The whole amount Edge Ver....20£21c Top.4 25@4 50 olessiaBtioal affairs, declared that right Choice.17® 18c 35 by colleges (or services connected with '83 Timothy.2 15/g2 inch of the with all that usually accompanies such weath- nomination to ecclessiatslical benefits was not paid The graduating exercises ol the class ot Good.13@15c Clover. Hates op advertising: One «p*c». this was 88,827 of which 80,914 went to the of constitutes a er worth contending for. At a session of the were on the of Kainin*. length oohimu, “square.” CHECK BOOKS. greeted the Juniors today. A large audi- joint lor $514 to T. J. here In Hancock Hall evening Store.10@12c $1.60 per first week; 76 Gants per Diet Herr Pilkamer, minister of the interior, Mannings transportation, I'hfMf. Muscatel.1 90@2 60 square,daily ence assembled on the at 2 aud to Thomas J. June 28th with the week after; three insertion? or lees, 81-00; continu- college campus declared the session closed and the members Hall lor assistance 81799 following programme: Vermont ....11 London Uy’r 2 26@2 35 his ing every other day after tlret week, 60 cant*. o’clock. The exercises were very similar to Bouses Unroofed aud Trees Uprooted. dispersed after cheering the king three times. Marsh for personal oversight. Prayer. N Y Fact’y.,11 @12Vi Oudura Val..lO%@ll Half square, three insertions or less, 76 cents; Mr. Nourse, a former trustee, on cross ex- Music. Applet*. OrancM. the exercises of in times past, save Great Fire in London. 'ne week, $1.00; 60 oents per week after. Ivy Day amination testified that the report of the trus- Graduating Parts. Rating |> bbl..4 60@6 00 Valencia OUO 00 are to re- A. McDonald Special Notices, one-third additional. We prepared that after the oration had been delivered and 1,oniion. July 2.—The establishment of tees of March 22,1883, included the first writ- Latin Salutatory.Frank Evaporated |> lb. 18@19 Florida.0 00 Under head of “Amusements” and ••Auotige & and size Class History.Agues Chase Dried Apples—9Vk@10 Messina. .....0 00 the and the classes marohed Brockler Bennington, glue makers, ten made Thomas J- Marsh, Jr. At " $2.00 per week; three inser- deem unused poem history read, report by Music. Sliced Palermo.G 00 Salks,” per square stamped Bermondery, London is on lire. The tenants time Marsh had submitted his books ...10@10Vi tions or less. $1.6*: to Alnmni Hall where occurred the presenta- previous Advantages of the Nineteenth Century, Mugar. Lents*. also to furnish new of a number of small houses in the vouchers for The books in Advertisements niserted in the “Maibb State checks, 2.—The moat ter- large and inspection. Lizzie A. Crippen Granulated ^ lb .... 9y* Messina.5 6O®0 60 tion to the f a statue of Bel- Wateruury, Coon., July their a college Apollo neighborhood have hastily removed which were recorded sent to medical L. Hall Extra Press (which has large circulation In ovary part rific pttorrn tor several years visited tills oity bodies The Past.Mabel 0.8% Palermo.6 60@6 60 of the for for first inser- check books of effects to of safety. The fire Is one of never asked for. Music. State), $1.00 per square superior videre. and the Naugatuck valley at 0 o’clock this places colleges were 1*0la toes. and 60 cents for each the in that vicinity for many years. The made a Bundles. Busan McFarland tion, per square Rhsequent The wore The wind was almost a hurricane, largest At tills point the Uovemor request Early Rose, f> trash— insertion. at reasonable proceedings interesting throughout evening. lass out the Stars.Sara E. Kelliher style prices. ralu tell In torrents and the and lawns is £20,000. for those books and Mr. Nourse stated that by Night brings Houlton. and were admitted on all hands to be streets Music. highly Attack on the Khedive. liis advice Marsh would never them if Maine Central. Address to were (strewn with branches. Several large Churchill's produce C. all communications successful. The of the oration was ClatuvPropbecy.Hollis Joy Grand Trunk. subject trees were torn one Lord has handed to Mr. he had them, because making public the PORTLAND PUBLISH!*** 00- up by the roots, failing Randolph Churchill Chateaux d’Espagne—Valedictory. Alice H. Scott Eastern.. names of those sent te the table Prollflcs, “Factors in American Growth,” and though across aud delaying travel on the Naugatuck Gladstone affidavits and other duoemeuts In dissenting Presentation of Diplomas. Burbanks. * SHORT & HARMON. LORING, dim road. Windows were biokeu bail stones of his assertion that the Khedive in- would be au outrage ou public feeling. Class Song. Grand Trunk.. jun23 on a familiar theme was treated with by support original- ordered to Music. SPECIAL NOTICES. aud much tobacco wilt have to be reset. cited lbs massacre at Alexandria. By a unanimous vote Marsh was Jacksons and White Brooks. ity. and was gracefully rendered by the orator. the books aud memoranda. The several articles were very creditable and Conn., storm this In Parliament. produce Homoval! was Sea.” Hartford, July 2.—A Proceedings The subject of the poem "The It were in an manner. The Chicago Grain Quotation*. afternoon passed south of this city and much In the House of Lords tills afternoon Lord delivered interesting The Liquor Agency. OK. G. II. lias remov- h the numbers 2. CinumiNGS proved ighly imaginative, damage by hall and wind la repotted to the Colonial said tho govern- citizens expressed a high degree ot satisfaction Portland, July HE will be on the afternoon of Derby, Secretary, THE HAYTIEN REBELLION Agency closed ed to No. 066 CONGRESS received towns on the river and on tlio sound. No de- The of Grain were received ST., flowed easily, and was evidently well was not prenared to annex New Guinea at the success of the and many following quotations 11 July 3tl. and remain closed untill the usual dowu. ment exercises, Brick Office near state st. Office was tails have been received here; wires I to tho enormous extent of territory tbe prej by telegraph today by Bigelow A Co., 167 Commer- hour of opening July 5th. Per order by class and audieuco. The class history owing the schoo hours 8 to a. to to The gale struck Middletown about G o'olook of the interior of that nouaced the graduation the finest E. B. WINSLOW, Chairman. lo in., 2 3 and 7 of unknown character cial street, Portland: well written, the remarks of the awarder this aud was followed an hour of Bapid Spread of the Insurrection—The jy3 dtdsn 8 p, in. After 9 p. m. at 76 Turk evening by country und the certaluty that the natives bas ever held. -Corn.—» Oats. dam- Salomon Government for Chicago,-Wheat.-, St. Office 37lx. House prizes were witty, and the speech of the class very heavy rain aud hail. The princidal would object to annexation. Beady Flight. next with time. July. telephone in The school will enter upon yesr July. Aug. Sept. Aug. July. president on the statue to the col- age was to trees which were prostrated all This afternoon lu the Commons In regard to Nkw Tome, July 2.—A Kingston (Jamaica) 10.80 .102 104% 105% 61 62% 33 telophouc 287x. presenting an new force of teachers. Mr. C. B. A T parts of the city, at least 75 being torn uf by New Guinea Mr. Gladstone said a tetter dated Juue 17tli late ad- entirely 11.00. 101 103% 105% 50% 61% 32% uSeodlm* lege, with the words of response by President says Haytien the roots. One bouse was unroofed and partly will he forwarded vices received there show that the rebellion is Stetson (tiolby ’81), the popular and able Prin- 11.30. 100% 102% 104% 49% 60% 33% features. dispatch shortly 12.00. 100% 103 104% 49% 60% 33% Pepper, were interesting destroyed. The wing of the insane asylum to the view of spreading At Port an Prtuce great bas that be continue his FOSTER’S Queensland stating rapidly.