English Education Study Program – STKIP West Sumatera [2017] AN ANALYSIS OF METAPHOR IN COLDPLAY ALBUM OF A HEAD FULL OF DREAMS Anggi Yusaputra1)Suharni2)Dian Mega Putri3) 1 English Education Department Students, STKIP PGRI West Sumatera, Gunung Pangilun– Padang,
[email protected],(1st Writer) 2 English Education Department Students, STKIP PGRI West Sumatera, Gunung Pangilun – Padang,
[email protected], (Co-author) 3English Education Department Lecturers, STKIP PGRI West Sumatera, Gunung Pangilun– Padang,
[email protected], (Co-author) ABSTRACT This research was about metaphor in Coldlay album of “A Head Full of Dream”.The purpose of this research was to find out the types of metaphor in three song lyrics which are Adventure of a lifetime, Amazing day, Birds. The writer used the theory from Lackoff and Johnson about types of metaphor; structural metaphor, ontological metaphor dan orientational metaphor. This is a qualitative research method that data source from three song lyrics in Coldplay album of “A Head Full of Dreams”. In collecting the data, the writer used observation method with tapping technique and uninvolved conversation observation technique that combined with writing technique. In analyzing the data, the writer used comparing method with connecting and comparing technique. In conducting this research the writer listened the song, downloaded the song lyrics, understood the lyrics, and identified the data based on theory and context in song lyrics. The result of this research was, there are seven sentences containing metaphors in Coldplay songs. From that seven sentences there were 2 types of metaphors, there were: 5 ontological metaphor sentences, 2 orientational metaphor sentences and structural metaphor was not found.