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Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in , 2020 An analysis based upon Supply Change data

February 2020

EDITORS AUTHORS CONTRIBUTORS Stephen Donofrio, Director Philip Rothrock, Senior Associate Kate Ellis, Research Assistant Patrick Maguire, Senior Manager Laura Weatherer, Associate Ciro Calderon, Research Assistant

Report Contact: [email protected]

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2019 i Table of Contents

Glossary ...... iv

Introduction to Supply Change ...... 1

About this Report ...... 1

Section 1: Country Context ...... 2

Palm-Driven in Indonesia ...... 2

Drivers of Production and Consumption ...... 3

Section 2: Corporate Ambition to Address Palm-Driven Deforestation in Indonesia ...... 6

Key Findings ...... 8

Section 3: New Trends and Implications for Implementation of Sustainability Commitments Among Companies and Investors ...... 16

Appendix ...... xxi

References ...... xxvii

Acknowledgements ...... xxxii

Commitments in-Country: ii Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 List of Figures

Figure 1: Top 10 Countries Losing the Most Tropical Primary in 2018 ...... 2

Figure 2: Business Information Summary of 108 Supply Change Companies Active in Indonesian Palm Supply Chains, 2019 ...... 6

Figure 3: Number of Companies Active in Indonesian Palm Supply Chains with and without Commitments, 2019 ...... 7

Figure 4: Comparison of Company Uptake of AFi Methods to Ensure Supplies are Known or Controlled to Assure Commitment Compliance ...... 13

Figure 5: Proportion of 108 Companies with Indonesian Palm Supply Chains Providing Support to Smallholders, 2019 ...... 14

List of Tables

Table 1: Key Commitment Goals and Procurement Policies of Companies Believed to Be Sourcing or Producing Palm Products from Indonesia ...... 11

Table 2: Company Disclosure of Adherence to Legal and Voluntary Sustainability Standards ...... 11

Table 3: Organizations and Initiatives Supporting Cattle Production in Paraguay ...... xxi

Table 4: List of 108 Companies Believed to Be Active in Indonesian Palm Oil Supply Chains ...... xxiii

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 iii Glossary

Certifcation conservation values, such as the presence of rare or Company commits to purchasing commodities certifed by endemic species, the provision of ecosystem services, an independent third party, applying specifed and unspec- sacred cultural sites, or resources harvested by local ifed standards. In certain cases, company commitments residents. are considered to adhere to proprietary internal certifcation ◾ High Carbon Stock: High Carbon Stock (HCS) areas of systems. viable natural forest with high carbon and biodiversity Certifed Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) storage identifed using the HCS approach. Palm oil produced on oil palm plantations that has been ◾ Peatland: Wetlands that contain peat soil. Peatlands independently audited and certifed against the Roundtable store large amounts of carbon, support high levels of for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) standard. biodiversity, and provide essential ecosystem services Commitment such as food prevention. Any publicly-available corporate statement related to a ◾ Wildlife, Biodiversity: Protection of wildlife and biodi- particular commodity, certifed commodities or credits; versity in the vicinity of production activities in forest supply chain traceability; supplier certifcation; bilateral landscapes. purchase agreements; and any other targets for low/zero ◾ Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management: Reduction deforestation or ecological degradation. of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from producer No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE) operations in forest landscapes. A type of policy that many companies (both upstream and ◾ Legality: Compliance with environmental laws at the downstream) have, which states that the production of site of production globally (which would include Indone- palm oil (by the company or in its supply chain) will involve sian law, unless otherwise specifed). no deforestation, development on peatland, and/or the ◾ Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC): Outlined exploitation of workers or local communities. in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Traceability Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), it is a specifc right that belongs to indigenous peoples, which is It allows them A company’s ability to determine the origin or intermediate to give or withhold consent to a project that may affect source of a commodity within its supply chain (e.g., 100% them or their territories, especially actions affecting of palm oil is traceable to the plantation). their lands, territories and natural resources. As part of Zero Deforestation our methodology, Supply Change only counts company A company commits to “zero deforestation,” “no-deforest- aspirations to adhere to this if they specifcally use the ation,” “deforestation free” or similar language that implies term FPIC (FAO 2016). “no deforestation anywhere,” whether the company has ◾ Fire Prevention/ Control: Measures that reduce the defned the term or not. risk of fre for production in forest landscapes, includ- Zero Net Deforestation ing prohibiting burning as a means of clearing land, In its commitment, a company “acknowledges that some prohibiting peatland drainage, supporting frefghting forest loss could be offset by forest restoration and affores- activities, etc. tation on degraded land.” This can be achieved through ◾ Grievance Mechanism: Formal process that individu- direct restoration or the purchase of forest carbon offsets, als, communities, workers, and/or civil society organ- biodiversity offsets, or other environmental currencies. izations can use to voice complaints about company Company Supply Chain Levels activities that they perceive as problematic, usually with regards to human rights. ◾ Producer: An oil palm plantation owner/manager, inde- pendent smallholder, or cooperative member. ◾ Supporting Smallholders: Supply Change defnes this as any fnancial, technical, logistical, or other assistance ◾ Processor: A palm oil mill or refnery operator. companies report providing smallholder producers (i.e., ◾ Trader: An importer, exporter, and/or seller of non-fn- small family farms less than 50 hectares). ished palm products within the country of production. ◾ Independent Smallholders: Are generally self-man- ◾ Manufacturer: A manufacturer of products containing aged and not bound by a contract. These groups often palm derivatives for consumption. receive funding from government services but are ◾ Retailer: A retailer, wholesaler, grocery, co-op, super- otherwise highly self-suffcient. market, restaurant or other type of organization where ◾ Schemed/ Associated Smallholders: Often managed consumers can buy products containing palm directly by a particular mill and bound by a contract. These from the company. smallholders are required to follow a certain set of oper- Key Commitment Goals and Procurement ating procedures outlined by the processor company Policies for Palm Commitments: group for which the mill is associated. ◾ High Conservation Value: High Conservation Value (HCV) areas are natural habitats that possess inherent

Commitments in-Country: iv Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 Introduction to Supply Change

Forest Trends’ Supply Change Initiative draws from publicly The role of Supply Change is to catalog, organize, and available data to track a global set of companies, represent- compare this data in a meaningful way. Keeping pace as a ing all levels of the supply chain from producers to retailers, centralized, free, and publicly available information center and their commitments to address commodity-driven is essential to ensure that all stakeholders may make use of deforestation related to the “big four” commodities – palm, Supply Change as a tool for learning about and evaluating soy, timber & pulp, and cattle. In an effort to support stake- the impacts of corporations addressing deforestation in holders’ decision-making and, ultimately, to drive transfor- their supply chains. mational change, this tracking also includes associated commitment goals and procurement policies, as well as the progress companies have made in achieving their commit- ments over time. How do we do this? 1. Supply Change compiles all research in a sophisticated 2. Supply Change makes available company-specifc database management system that enables the genera- commitment goals and procurement criteria along with tion of insights and publications such as this report. any related progress information on the free-to-use and publicly accessible web platform www.supply-change.org.

About this Report

Supply Change and the United Nations Environment either directly by the company or by external parties for Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI) teamed up to companies with commitments to addressing deforestation examine the state of corporate reporting on deforest- in supply chains. Through identifying trends in corporate ation linked to palm oil production in Indonesia. Supply reporting around management practices, supplier selection, Change’s database contains over 870 companies, which and other important factors, this report can provide context are tracked by their involvement in one of the “big four” for investors around fnancial decision-making regarding commodity supply chains. For this report, Supply Change the 108 companies and others involved in Indonesian palm tracked 108 companies that are believed to produce and/or oil supply chains. A list of relevant initiatives at the end of source palm products from Indonesia. For each company, the report can provide support to companies and fnancial the team gathered more than 200 metrics and reviewed institutions interested in engaging further on these issues. public documents from a variety of channels, managed

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 1 SECTION 1: Country Context

Palm-Driven Deforestation in Indonesia

Tropical forests contain 80% of the world’s documented forests, which are some of the most ecologically diverse species, sequester globally signifcant stores of carbon, and areas in the world and capture globally-signifcant amounts initiate regional precipitation patterns vital for agricultural of (RAN 2019). In 2018, Indonesia suffered production (WWF 2019). These vibrant ecosystems also the third largest loss of primary tropical forest (339,888 provide sustenance and economic livelihoods for millions ha), behind Brazil and the Democratic Republic of Congo of indigenous people in addition to bolstering the global (Weisse and Goldman, 2019). economy. In 2018, deforestation cost the tropics 12 million However, deforestation trends in Indonesia may be shifting. hectares (ha) of which almost a third was primary rainfor- Though Indonesia had the highest rate of deforestation est (Weisse and Goldman 2019). in the world in 2014, the rate of primary forest loss in the Palm oil production is one of the top four global drivers country dropped considerably in 2017 and 2018 while of tropical deforestation, generating as much as 9% of deforestation rates rose in other forested tropical regions worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, much of it from the (Brazil, Colombia, West Africa, etc.). This recent decline in draining and burning of carbon-rich peat for cropland (Carl- Indonesian forest loss may be due in part to less favorable son and Curran 2013). In Indonesia, forest clearance for oil fre conditions in these years, strengthening government palm plantations is the largest driver of deforestation.1 restrictions on burning and deforestation (see Box 2), and Since 2001, Indonesia lost 16% of its tree cover (25.6 infuence from corporate commitments (Ruiz and Putra- million ha), a quarter of which was converted into oil palm ditama 2019; Hurowitz 2019). Further and continued action plantations (Austin et al 2017; Austin et al 2019; GFW is needed from both government and the private sector if 2019). Most concerning is the loss of Indonesia’s primary these trends are to continue.

Figure 1: Top 10 Countries Losing the Most Tropical Primary Rainforest in 2018 By total area By percent increase from 2017 Brazil 1,347,132 ha Ghana 60% DRC 481,248 ha Cote d’Ivoire 26% Indonesia 339,888 ha Papua New Guinea 22% Colombia 176,977 ha Angola 21% Bolivia 154,488 ha Suriname 12% Malaysia 144,571 ha Liberia 12% Peru 140,185 ha Colombia 9% Madagascar 94,785 ha Panama 4% Papua New Guinea 77,266 ha Tanzania 3%

Cameroon 57,935 ha DRC 2% WORLD RESOURCES *Only countries with more than 100,000 hectares of INSTITUTE primary forest included

1 While palm oil is the largest driver of deforestation in Indonesia, the percent of deforestation attributable to palm oil production has declined in the last few years. Other significant drivers include conversion to grassland due to drought and wildfires (20%), small-scale agriculture (including oil palm grown by smallholder farmers) (15%) and timber plantations (14%).

Commitments in-Country: 2 Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 Drivers of Palm Oil Production and Consumption

Palm oil is the most widely-used in the world product (UNDP 2017; OEC 2017). Around a third of the palm and is highly versatile. It is used to make food, animal feed, oil produced in Indonesia is used domestically, while the oleochemicals, and . Compared with other oil remaining two-thirds is exported (USDA 2019). crops (soy, coconut, etc.) oil palms are signifcantly more Palm oil production in Indonesia is driven by strong global productive and can yield up to ten times more volumes on and domestic demand for palm oil products, with the the same amount of land (GreenPalm 2019). Corporate largest demand for Indonesian palm oil stemming from efforts to reduce deforestation by replacing palm oil-based Indonesia (32%), India (24%), (14%), and ingredients with other vegetable oils (soy, coconut, etc.) China (12%). As the demand for palm oil continues to grow, could lead to conversion of other larger areas of native Indonesia’s production volume (41.5 million tonnes in 2018) ecosystems for producing equivalent volumes. For that is projected to increase by almost four percent between reason, many consider improving the sustainability of palm 2018 and 2019, while production is estimated to reach over oil production to be a more effective means of reducing 50 million tonnes by 2025 (USDA 2019; International Coun- deforestation than eliminating palm oil use (RSPO 2018c). cil on Clean Transportation 2019; Khatiwada et al. 2018). The popularity of palm oil use as a preservative in food At current yields (3.8 tonnes crude palm oil per hectare), products compared with other vegetable oils surged when the projected increase in production volume will require an health-conscious consumers fxated on the unhealthy trans additional six million ha of land (Khatiwada et al. 2018). To fats in other vegetable oils (as a result of the hydrogenation protect the remaining forests in Indonesia, companies will process), but this popularity has been tempered by recent need to protect forests within and around their concessions awareness around its high levels of saturated fats. Never- while producing palm on previously cleared and degraded theless, the demand for palm oil remains strong, particu- lands instead of converting additional forested lands for larly because palm oil maintains a price advantage over production. Large investments in education, training, and other vegetable oils (Tullis 2019). general upfront support for producers and especially small- Indonesia is the world’s largest producer of palm oil. In holders will be needed to ensure widespread adoption of 2017, Indonesia exported over 30 million tonnes of palm sustainable production practices. However, while demand oil, which generated over US$18.2 billion in export , for sustainable palm oil is growing, it is unclear if it will be and accounted for 51% of global palm oil exports (UNDP strong enough to drive the necessary changes. In the short- 2017). The Indonesian government recognizes palm oil term, the market lacks positive incentives for palm oil price to be a strategically important cash crop, which provides and global palm oil demand has not reached the tipping 16 million jobs and accounts for 3% of gross domestic point because its price is still low (Simadiputra et al. 2018).

Potential Drivers Mixed Signals: Domestic Demands for Indonesian Palm Oil Almost one third (32%) of palm oil production in Indone- in Indonesia be RSPO-certifed by 2020 (RSPO 2018a). sia – 13.1 million tonnes – is consumed within domestic Further, Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s administra- markets, mainly for use in , foods, and biodiesel tion aims to simultaneously ramp up oil palm production, (USDA 2019). In just the last two years, demand for palm increase blending of domestic palm oil into biodiesel by oil across Indonesia has grown by 18% (Mundi 2018), with up to 50% by 2025, reduce greenhouse gas emissions up much of this increase driven by the use of palm oil in to 41% by 2030, and halt the destruction of peatland and (International Council on Clean Trans- primary forests by making permanent the moratorium on portation 2019). The Indonesian government has blending peatland and primary forest development for existing land targets to increase the use of palm oil for biodiesel (30% by concessions (WRI 2019). Achieving widespread sustainable 2025) and demand for palm oil-based biodiesel in Indonesia palm oil production will be key to addressing all four goals. is projected to grow by over fve percent annually through However, corporate sector efforts to produce sustainable 2025 (Khatiwada et al. 2018). Demand for sustainably palm on degraded land and to protect forests are often produced palm oil in Indonesia is small, but the Roundtable discouraged by complicated and narrow forest protection for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is trying to encourage laws, poor legal enforcement, and conficting land use domestic use of Certifed Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) in designations. Indonesia and is aiming to have 50% of palm oil consumed

Export Market Demand for Sustainable Indonesian Palm Oil Overall, global demand for palm oil exports from Indonesia 3.3 million tonnes (US$2.3 billion), and China with 3.6 is expected to grow. In 2018, India was the leading importer million tonnes (US$2.10 billion) (UN COMTRADE 2019). of Indonesian palm oil at approximately 6 million tonnes Although demand trends vary between countries, renewable (US$3.7 billion), followed by the European Union (EU) with fuel policies, tariffs, and competition with alternative vege-

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 3 table oils (canola oil, , etc.) can drive or inhibit line physical fows of CSPO (RSPO 2019; RSPO 2018a). global palm oil exports. Unwillingness from many downstream companies to pay for certifed supplies sold at a premium may stem from Demand for sustainably produced palm oil is growing and concern that ignorance, unwillingness, and/or inability of annual sales have increased more than four-fold in fve consumers to pay a premium for sustainability will undercut years.2 However, global supply of certifed sustainable palm their business. Furthermore, certifed volumes of certain oil (CSPO) has consistently outstripped demand (RSPO palm fractionates (stearin) can be prohibitively expensive, 2018a) and around half of CSPO is sold without a premium. especially because there is not comparable demand for Lower demand for sustainable palm oil is due to lack certifed volumes of other more abundant palm fractionates of industry commitments, lack of consumer awareness, (palm olein). unwillingness to pay premium prices, and the complexity of palm oil supply chains, which makes it diffcult to stream-

Do the largest export markets value sustainability? As the largest and third-largest export markets for palm ciated with high risk of direct and indirect deforestation oil, India and China’s palm oil demand depends primarily (European Commission 2019; European Union 2018). The on uses in food (e.g., palm olein for use as frying oil) and EU’s proposals suggest strengthening standards and certi- oleochemicals with very little demand for palm oil as a fcations could use trade as a lever for action on deforest- (International Council on Clean Transportation 2019). ation (Boadle 2019). Individual countries are also taking Palm oil imports to India have grown rapidly (35% in the last action to curb deforestation while promoting more sustain- fve years), mostly for use in food products, while imports able palm oil. In 2018, the Norwegian government, for to China have been stagnant since 2008 due to competition example, stated that it would eliminate unsustainable (i.e., with soybean oil. However, palm oil demand from China may linked to deforestation) palm oil from its biofuel feedstocks increase given Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s recent signal starting in 2020 (Rainforest Foundation 2018). if soy becomes less competitive due to Chinese tariffs on Similarly, in 2019, the United Kingdom formed a taskforce soy from the US (Index Mundi 2019a; Index Mundi 2019b). known as the Global Resource Initiative, to bring together Chinese and especially Indian markets are price-sensitive major companies (e.g., , McDonald’s and Tesco) with with respect to palm oil imports and the fnancial premiums the goal of reducing the effects of climate change in local for sustainably produced palm oil are beyond what most supply chains (United Kingdom 2019). Furthermore, six EU consumers are willing and/or able to pay (Sathya Chandra countries, the United Kingdom, and a number of industry Sagar 2019; WWF India 2017). While the recent formation associations contained therein signed onto the voluntary of sustainable palm oil initiatives in India (e.g., the India Amsterdam Declarations on deforestation and sustainable Sustainable Palm Oil Coalition) and China (e.g., the China palm oil to stimulate private sector commitments around Sustainable Palm Oil Alliance) are promising signs, main- sustainable sourcing by 2020. Over time, these market stream demand for sustainably produced products in these signals will continue to place pressure on Indonesia to markets and other large markets (e.g., Pakistan and Bangla- provide global markets a greater quantity of sustainable desh) has not yet manifested (WWF 2017). palm oil. In recent months, the push for more sustainable palm oil has been met with signifcant backlash from the The EU is the second-largest export market for palm oil Indonesian and Malaysian governments, in fear that the and the largest market for sustainable palm oil, importing tightening restrictions will limit market access. 6.7 million tonnes in 2018, for use in the manufacturing of food products, such as biscuits, chocolates, and ice cream, Corporations with Commitments that Count industrial uses, and increasingly as a biofuel (ICCT 2019). Over the past decade, corporations have increasingly made Of these imports, 74% was certifed sustainable and 84% commitments to reduce or eliminate deforestation in their was covered by No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation palm oil supply chains. This trend can be attributed, in (NDPE) policies (ESPO 2019). While palm oil use in food part, to pressure from consumer and investor campaigns, and animal feed has remained strong but relatively fat, many of which have demanded change by 2020. Palm oil there has been a steady increased use in which sourcing and production, in particular, have been targeted is largely driven by the increased use of in biofuels. This by consumer activism campaigns for their contribution to was largely driven by the Directive (RED) deforestation since the late 2000s and, accordingly, consid- (ICCT 2019), which required the EU to fulfl at least 20% of erably more companies tracked by Supply Change have its total energy needs with renewables by 2020. Changing made commitments to address deforestation in palm oil policies around commodity sourcing and developments in supply chains compared to other commodities (Jopke and the EU market could indicate how importers will address Schoneveld 2018; Donofrio, Rothrock, and Leonard 2017). deforestation risk. For instance, the European Commission In line with this trend, hundreds of companies have recently prioritized the import of products with deforesta- expressed support for initiatives with 2020 targets for tion-free supply chains. The extension of the RED (RED II) in reducing or eliminating deforestation, including the 2018 included a 32% renewable energy target for 2030, but Consumer Goods Forum’s Zero Net Deforestation Reso- also introduced restrictions on biofuel feedstocks asso-

2 Annual sales of CSPO were 984, 138 metric tonnes in 2012 and grew to over 4.5 million metric tonnes in 2017.

Commitments in-Country: 4 Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 lution, the New York Declaration on Forests, and related This also presents an opportunity for fnancial institutions to multilateral initiatives like the Tropical Forest Alliance. exert pressure by incenting other fnancial institutions and Supply Change has tracked participation of hundreds of companies active in Indonesian palm oil supply chains to companies in other related initiatives (e.g., RSPO and CDP). set commitments, take action, and demonstrate progress These frameworks can provide companies with templates toward producing and/or sourcing sustainable palm oil and for their individual commitment creation, collaborative protect forests (e.g., incorporating sustainability actions implementation and reporting work streams, and collective within loan agreements, linking sustainability performance enforcement of participant pledges (Donofrio, Rothrock, to lower interest rates). Financial institutions directly and and Leonard 2017). indirectly lending to companies active within Indonesian palm supply chains face reputational risks because of With 2020 around the corner, many large member compa- monitoring from journalists and nonprofts. For instance, the nies are under pressure by several global coalitions of online tracking system, Forest and Finance, which scores investors to report on and/or address hidden climate and and ranks numerous banks for their investments in palm deforestation risks within their commodity supply chains. oil companies engaged in deforestation in South East Asia Two such coalitions, CDP and Ceres, have attracted partici- (Chain Reaction Research 2018b). pation by investor members collectively managing $87 tril- lion and $26 trillion in assets, respectively (CDP 2019, Ceres Amidst growing awareness that commodity supply chains 2016). Companies disclosing to CDP through its annual drive deforestation, banks and investors are also under Forests questionnaire identifed considerable fnancial risks increasing pressure to develop and implement policies to from inaction on deforestation, largely stemming from address commodity-driven deforestation. The deforestation reputational, regulatory, and market risks, but also from the risk associated with palm oil is increasingly recognized as a physical risks to the supply chain, such as from worsening signifcant reputational and fnancial risk for companies and climate change impacts (CDP 2019). Overall, more than their fnanciers. In 2017, of the 21 million ha of concession 70% of companies identify reputational risk as a larger area in designated for oil palm production in Indonesia, 6.1 concern than regulatory and physical risks. million ha (29%) are “stranded assets”: these peatland and forested lands owned by palm producers cannot be devel- In addition to, or in the absence of, country policies oped without violating NDPE requirements from buyers regarding sustainable palm legislation, traceability, or other (Chain Reaction Research 2017). For example, 150 of the criteria, companies are creating their own policies and most infuential fnancial institutions (with US$2.8 trillion commitments for producing and sourcing sustainable palm. in shares, loans, and bond holdings) are scored and ranked These commitments often seek to address palm-driven by Forest 500, a project of Global Canopy, and a small deforestation in a way that is transparent and accounta- but growing number of these institutions have policies on ble. Companies may be motivated to make commitments palm oil sustainability that their clients must adhere to in a response to regulatory changes (e.g., EU RED) or in order to access fnancial services. How can fnancial requirements in trade deals. The increasingly competitive institutions manage these risks? Financial institutions are space has resulted in a growing concerns over reputational increasingly recognizing the risks they face by investing in risks and limits to market access. Five company groups businesses involved directly or indirectly in deforestation. (Wilmar, Musim Mas, Golden Agri-Resources, Apical, and A number of fnancial institutions, for example, consulted Best Group), which together account for 66% of Indonesian with the World Resources Institute in the development of palm oil refning capacity, have NDPE requirements for their Global Forest Watch (GFW) Pro, which allows companies suppliers (Steinweg et al. 2017). to better monitor and track deforestation in commodity Pressure for Sustainability in Finance Sector supply chains (WRI 2019). A handful of fnancial institutions Financial intuitions face signifcant fnancial risks from the are also members of the RSPO Financial Institutions Task palm oil sector, which possessed roughly US$11.4 billion Force, which requires task force members to implement in outstanding loans in 2018. Almost two-thirds of funding internal policies to encourage those receiving fnancial came from banks which were headquartered in Southeast services to source or produce RSPO-certifed palm oil (RSPO Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, and ) and 13% was 2016). Additionally, organizations such as Ceres, PRI, and provided by European banks (Chain Reaction Research the Asian Sustainable Finance Initiative are supporting 2018b). Indonesian producers typically need a least US$50 investors to identify and compare deforestation risks million to establish a plantation of 10,000 ha from previously among investments within their portfolios and identify the forested lands (Svatoňová et al. 2015). Bank loans often most promising opportunities for engaging with companies cover up to 15%3 of this high upfront cost, which to drive change. can dictate whether companies can afford to expand their operations (Toumbourou 2018). Major global banks and pension funds are also linked indirectly to potential risks, having invested more than US$2 billion in six Southeast Asian banks, which fnance more than 50% of Indonesia´s oil palm operations (Aidenvironment 2017). This highlights the signifcant value of assets at risk from deforestation.

3 This varies from business group to business group.

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 5 SECTION 2: Corporate Ambition to Address Palm- Driven Deforestation in Indonesia

Indonesia in Focus In this report, Supply Change analyzed 108 companies acturers and/or retailers), and had previously disclosed believed to produce and/or source palm oil from Indonesia.4 information for several key implementation metrics.5 This subset of companies was selected for this analysis Supply Change expected companies that had previously out of the 591 companies in the Supply Change database disclosed information on these metrics would be more that produce or source palm oil, because they were believed likely to disclose information on the additional metrics to source from or operate within palm oil supply chains in added to the research collection process for this report. Indonesia (including producers, processors, traders, manuf- Figure 2: Business Information Summary of 108 Supply Change Companies Active in Indonesian Palm Supply Chains, 2019

By Supply Chain Level Upstream Downstream

Producer Processor Trader Manufacturer Retailer

4 Out of all 870 companies Supply Change tracks, 591 companies are active in palm oil supply chains. 5 Supply Change selected companies that had disclosed the following metrics: Supply chain operation sourcing locations, the number of ha owned and/or managed, and the names of suppliers and/or customers.

Commitments in-Country: 6 Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 Overview of Company Analysis In this report, Supply Change analyzes the subset of 108 protection measures required by Indonesian law with RSPO companies to identify the number with commitments, certification standards. This report explores company the number reporting progress against commitments, approaches for implementation and verifcation of commit- and the number of palm producers disclosing protected ment compliance through supply chain transparency, land areas in Indonesia. Due to the weakness of smallholder support, and satellite monitoring. The report legally enforced forest protections, Supply Change also concludes by identifying emerging trends around private highlights the number of companies with key procurement sector engagement with the Indonesian palm oil sector policies and commitments that go above and beyond the and a series of recommendations for the various palm oil current legal standards, comparing minimum forest supply chain stakeholders, including fnancial institutions.

Geographic Location A little less than half of all the companies with palm commitments are headquartered in Europe and North America and are part of a food-related sector including food producers, restaurants, retailers, and wholesalers (47/108). More than a quarter (28/108) are producers of palm oil and are based in Southeast Asian countries (i.e., Indonesia, Malaysia, or Singapore). Ownership and Structure About half of the companies in this sample are publicly traded (53/108), while the remaining 55 companies are privately held. Sectors Nearly two-thirds are in the Food Products, Consumer Staples, Farming, or Food Retailers and Wholesalers sectors (79/108).

Companies and Their Commitments to Sustainable Indonesian Palm Oil The 108 companies chosen for this analysis are highly palm oil products, as opposed to crude engaged with palm oil sustainability; around 90% of oil or derivatives. Most commitments applied companies have palm oil commitments and nearly all to the whole palm oil supply chain and were not of them report progress (Figure 3). Most companies limited to specifc geographies.6 had only one commitment, which often covered all Figure 3: Number of Companies Active in Indonesian Palm Supply Chains with and without Commitments, 2019 Commitments

99 Companies (92%) with commitments

97 Companies (90%) reporting progress to at least one commitment 9 Companies (8%) 88 Companies (81%) reporting without commitments progress recently (2017 or later)

6 Some commitments apply only to certain sales markets (e.g., for products sold in European markets) or production areas (e.g., for palm sourced from Malaysia).

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 7 Regular reporting on commitment progress can make it chains in Indonesia by comparing the scope and nature of easier for fnancial institutions to assess investment risks their commitments and the extent of their progress. among competing companies active within palm supply Key Findings

Financial institutions need additional information from disclosed information on their protected areas. Twen- companies in their portfolio on implementation and moni- ty-seven of these companies disclosed HCV-designated toring to effectively gauge impacts on forests and manage ha, and four disclosed HCS-designated ha. In all, 81,053 the resulting risks (e.g., reputational, regulatory, and market ha were reported to be under some form of protection, access) when making investment decisions. which represent 29% of all ha reported in Indonesia by the 38 disclosing companies. Full disclosure of The key fndings from this report are: land ownership, including the number of ha under ◾ The Indonesian regulatory environment does not protection, is crucial to understanding risk. suffciently address palm-driven deforestation risks, ◾ The majority of company commitments do not specify which has prompted many companies to go above avoidance of producing and/or sourcing palm from and beyond the law. Over 60% of producers (26/42) protected areas. While 16 producers aimed to protect disclosed the number of hectares (ha) certifed to the biodiversity, only 10% of producer companies (4/42) Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in their made public statements in support of not sourcing concessions, while none reported the total number of from or producing in protected areas. Under Principle 7, ha certifed to the legal standard, the Indonesian RSPO-certifed supplies should not be produced within Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certifcation. protected areas. Nevertheless, there are many docu- ◾ The RSPO certifcation has facilitated greater trans- mented instances of supplies sourced from protected parency around corporate ambitions and progress areas entering supply chains of companies with reporting. Of the 108 companies analyzed for their commitments. As a result, the 81 companies with activity in Indonesian palm oil supply chains, three-quar- commitments to RSPO certifcation may want to explic- ters (81) have at least one commitment to produce itly outline their support and actions to ensure this or source RSPO-certifed supplies, with a total of 2.5 does not happen. million tonnes of commitment-compliant volumes ◾ Use of satellite monitoring serves as vital measure reported. for verifying commitment compliance. Seventeen ◾ Ensuring full traceability can be challenging. Sixty companies reported reliance on satellite monitoring. companies (56%) out of 108 aimed to trace their palm The companies using satellite technology for tracking oil volumes back through the supply chain to the planta- deforestation are all major palm oil users at various tion, mill, or country. In comparison, around half (53/108) levels in the supply chain, including AAK AB, Nestlé, of companies reported being able to trace more 75-100 % Musim Mas, and IOI Group. Media attention and of their palm oil supply to the mill or refnery. Only 14 larger budgets for sustainability could help explain companies reported being able to trace 75-100%of their this. palm oil volume to the plantation, and many of these ◾ Smallholder support is an often-overlooked invest- companies operated in upstream supply chain levels ment needed for success. More than two-ffths (i.e., processors) and/or had vertically integrated opera- (45/108) of companies made statements that they tions that included production operations. Full tracea- would support smallholders in their palm oil supply bility is diffcult to achieve, especially for downstream chains. Out of those that made these statements, companies, and many opted to rely on certifcation two-thirds (30/45) disclosed that they were currently systems like the RSPO to ensure compliance. providing some kind of support to smallholders some- ◾ Transparency around land ownership and forest where in their supply chain.8 This will become increas- protection among producers is important. The major- ingly important; smallholders are estimated to control ity of producers—38 companies out of 42—disclosed up to 60% of land designated for palm oil production. some amount of information about the land area they own and/or manage,7 while only 31 companies

7 The 38 producer companies disclosed a total of 6.2 million ha owned, managed, or leased globally in 2017. Out of this total, at least 2.1 million ha were confrmed to be in Indonesia. 8 This support could be for smallholders anywhere in their supply chain, not just Indonesia.

Commitments in-Country: 8 Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 Companies Going Above and Beyond the Law When making sourcing and investment decisions, it is valu- undergo Environmental Impact Assessments to identify able for commodity buyers and fnancial institutions to know and separate forests designated for protection, many when companies producing and/or sourcing palm oil from forested areas have been incorrectly incorporated into Indonesia are going above the law to address deforesta- agricultural land designations, for which there are tion, because adherence to the law has been insuffcient in incentives for rapid conversion and no comparable legal protecting forests or preventing the accompanying risks protections for forests (Box 2). to companies. Despite legal requirements for all lands to

Box 2: Legality

Oil palm plantations are designated into two main become a crucial component in upholding conserva- categories under Indonesian law: tion in production areas (UNDP 2019a). ◾ Agricultural Land (Areal Penggunaan Lain - APL): Indonesian law requires oil palm plantations to comply designation for palm oil concessions with difficult with the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certi- pathways for protection (Timmons 2017). fication standard. The standard is based on existing legislation and requires producers to comply with ◾ Forest Estate (Kawasan Hutan - KH): areas zoned certain regulations for palm oil production and envi- as permanent forest and managed by the Ministry ronmental management (UNDP 2012). To comply with of Environment and Forestry (Timmons 2017). ISPO, producers must conduct environmental impact ◾ Essential Ecosystem Areas (Kawasan Ekosistem assessments (known as an AMDAL) and adhere to Esensial - KEE): an emerging designation for land certain land use and human rights standards (Efecta within APL that is critical for protected species, 2015). peatland or ecosystem functions at the landscape Additionally, a temporary moratorium that prohibits level (UNDP 2019a). permits for logging and oil palm operations in primary Insufficient coordination and decentralization of forest forest and peatlands was made permanent on August management has allowed inconsistencies in land 5, 2019.1 The decision comes after several prov- designations to proliferate. There are many instances inces on Sumatra and Borneo declared emergencies of APL and KH designations overlapping and of due to forest fire smoke in 2018 (Euronews 2019). degraded lands being classified as KH, while some Indonesia has also developed, in collaboration forests, including HCV and HCS areas, are classified with subnational governments, civil society, and as APL land. To set up a plantation, companies must private sector stakeholders a National Action Plan secure a location permit (ILOK) for land designated for (NAP) for Sustainable Palm Oil, which is currently APL and a Land Use Rights Permit (HGU) to operate awaiting presidential approval. The NAP guides impro- the plantation (Timmins 2017; Lyons et al., 2019; Watts vement in the palm oil sector and issues it targets, et al, 2019). Despite KEE’s informal designation, the including smallholder inclusion, increased aware- legalization process has gained momentum in recent ness of existing regulations, environmental manage- years. With increasing support from the Minister of ment and monitoring, community engagement, ISPO Environment & Forestry in Indonesia and initiatives like implementation, and market access (FoKSBI 2019). the Good Growth Partnership (GGP), KEE’s are likely to

1 Note that the moratorium will not achieve “zero deforestation” as it does not cover all forest types.

With the moratorium and the pending National Action Plan of companies found guilty of setting fres may face up to 10 (see Box 2), commodity buyers and fnancial institutions years in jail and a fne of up to 10 billion rupiah, or US$ may desire greater transparency in reporting (i.e., publish- 700,000 which could have serious implications for the ing of permits and new planting policies) among produc- profitability and success of the business (Andrew 2019). ers expanding their production areas and their buyers. Since its inception in 2004, the Roundtable for Sustainable Deforestation tied to palm production within company Palm Oil (RSPO) has grown to be the most widely used supply chains can lead to higher reputational risks from sustainability standard for palm oil. It has more rigorous shareholder actions and targeted campaigns in the media, requirements than the ISPO certifcation (see Box 2) and and to higher regulatory risks from increased forest protec- provides more assurances to manage risks associated tion requirements from importing markets (e.g., the EU) and with deforestation. For example, RSPO includes protections domestically. For example, under Indonesian law, managers for HCV and HCS areas and prohibits deforestation as part

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 9 of its New Planting Procedure (see Box 2). Currently, 21% However, despite requiring more-rigorous land use stand- of global supply is RSPO-certifed, with over half of palm ards, RSPO certifcation has had limited success in oil volumes (more than 7.2 million metric tonnes per year) addressing deforestation on oil palm plantations. Though coming from Indonesia (RSPO 2018b). RSPO-certifed oil palm plantations did have lower rates of deforestation than uncertifed plantations, certifed For producers to become RSPO-certifed, accredited third- plantations are often older and located on land deforested party auditors visit plantations and mills to assess their prior to the RSPO’s 2005 cutoff date (Carlson et al. 2018). compliance with the environmental and social requirements Nonetheless, a number of fnancial institutions use the RSPO of the RSPO Principles and Criteria (P&C). Provided any certifcation standard as assurance of mitigated risk and major non-compliance are addressed in a timely manner require their clients to follow the RSPO standards in order (see Box 3), the producer can obtain certifcation through to receive fnancial services (Forest500 2018a). an accredited RSPO certifcation body (RSPO 2019b).

Box 3: Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

The 2018 RSPO Principles and Criteria (P&C) include 2019d). RSPO members from all parts of the supply new provisions requiring companies to (1) identify, chain are required to disclose progress toward four key maintain, and enhance High Carbon Stock (HCS) supply chain models through the Annual Communica- forests and nd areas with High Conservation Values tions of Progress (ACOP). RSPO-certified palm oil is (HCV); (2) respect the rights of workers and commu- classified as one of four ce tification models: nities; and (3) avoid planting on peat of any depth ◾ Identity Preserved: palm oil from a single, identifi- (RSPO 2018c).Companies that have met and exceeded able source (certified plantations) the P&C can receive third-party verification and accredi- tation of their success through the RSPO NEXT certific- ◾ Segregated: palm oil from different certified ation standard (RSPO 2019c). sources (certified plantations) Palm oil supply chains are also audited to ensure a ◾ Mass Balance: a mix of certified and uncertified clear chain of custody connecting supplies sourced palm oil from certified sites of production with downstream ◾ Book and Claim: palm oil is offset through credits users (e.g., manufacturers and retailers) (RSPO that support production of certified supply.

In addition to reducing some costs and improving working commitments for which the primary goal was zero or conditions, RSPO certifcation provides producers with zero net deforestation in their palm oil supply chains, likely greater market access, particularly those selling to the due to the signifcant fnancial, technical, and logistical EU and North America, where demand for RSPO is highest challenges associated with managing and monitoring zero (WWF et al. 2013). Though the benefts outweigh the cost deforestation commitments, and a lack of consensus on of implementation for many producers, the cost remains how to defne and report progress towards these commit- the main obstacle for smallholders pursuing certifcation ments. The release of the Accountability Framework (AFi), (Hutarabat et al. 2019). launched in June 2019, provides consensus on defnitions and guidance to help the growing number of (mostly) large Three-fourths of company commitments aim to produce European manufacturers with zero/zero net deforestation and/or source RSPO-certifed supplies, highlighting the commitments to strengthen their commitments, procure- role this certifcation platform has played in shaping ment policies, and to monitor and verify compliance. company commitments. Fewer companies (18) made

Commitments in-Country: 10 Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 Table 1: Key Commitment Goals and Procurement Policies of Companies Believed to Be Sourcing or Producing Palm Products from Indonesia*

Number of companies 9 10 Commitment objective Total compliant volume Total volume with commitments (metric tonnes) (metric tonnes) Zero/Zero Net Deforestation 18 872,077 6,167,416 Segregated (or better) 28 319,723 1,005,343 Mass Balance (or better)11 38 2,029,519 5,781,129 Unclear (Book & Claim, or better) 15 179,843 428,559

Supply Change analyzed the sample of companies to Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and practices compare their practices with those required by Indone- suggested under the Accountability Framework initiative sian law and with industry best practices required by the (AFi) (Table 2). Table 2. Company Disclosure of Adherence to Legal and Voluntary Sustainability Standards

Producers with ISPO RSPO AFi Companies with Policies Evidence of Requirements Requirements Requirements Related Policy Impacts 49% (53/108) Protection 74% (31/4213) Protected areas Core Principle companies assessed under of producers assessed under 1: Requires with HCV policy HCV and High Conser- disclosing the Environ- assessment and and 4% (4/108) Protected vation Value HCV areas and mental Impact planning process companies with Areas12 (HCV) Resource 0 producers Assessment during land policy to avoid Network disclosing key (AMDAL). acquisition. sourcing from approach. protected areas protected areas Less stringent Core Principle environmental Certifcation can 43% (13/30) of 6: Promotes 28% (30/108) requirements, but still be provided companies have Issues of levels of severity, companies with certifcation not despite minor policy to engage Non-compliance and time-bound Non-compliance provided if there non-compli- with non-compli- plans to achieve policy is any non-com- ance(s). ant suppliers compliance. pliance. Submitted Submitted through a certif- Core Principle 40% (43/108) 16% (7/43) directly to the cation body or to Grievance 11.5: Designated companies with companies Secretariat of the RSPO Secretariat Mechanisms through local Grievance Mech- disclose griev- ISPO Commis- which publishes stakeholders. anism ance reports sion. them through its grievance log.

Uneven Disclosure Could Hide Risk among Producers A lack of transparency around public disclosure of assets in need of protection. The companies analyzed included among palm oil producers can be a major challenge for 42 oil palm producers, which reported information on banks and investors to ascertain risk. Full disclosure of impacts at the source of production. The majority of land ownership is particularly important, because producers—38 (90% of producers)—disclosed some designated agricultural land (APL) may harbor forests

9 Volume compliant with commitments to achieve commitment. If a company commits to source only RSPO Mass Balance (or better – as in, or Segregated, or Identity Preserved), this is the volume compliant with the commitment. Volumes are otherwise not additive and the amount compliant with (for example) “RSPO Segregated (or better)” commitments is not factored into the volume compliant with RSPO Mass Balance (or better) commitments. 10 This refers to the total usage volume by companies that have made commitments to produce or source zero deforestation/Segregated/Mass Balance/Book & Claim palm oil. Supply Change collects information on volumes covered by the commitment, but companies inconsistently disclose this information, resulting in a sum smaller than the compliant volume in several instances. 11 As mass balance is a mix of certifed and uncertifed palm oil, only the certifed volume can be guaranteed as being above the legal baseline. 12 Including Ramsar wetlands, IUCN-protected areas, UNESCO World Heritage sites and other globally-important landscapes. 13 This number is for all producers in the dataset, not just those with production operations in Indonesia.

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 11 amount of information about the land area they own and/ their downstream buyers. As a result, providing consistent or manage.14 In aggregate, these companies reported reporting on both the total land controlled and protected 15 owning or managing at least 2,793,827 ha, which is critical for buyers and investors to assess the extent of represents just 20% (2.79/14 million) of the land allocated deforestation risks and outcomes. to palm production in Indonesia. While 25 producers (60%) aimed to protect biodiversity, Most producers disclosed the number of RSPO-certifed only four producer companies (10%) made statements hectares in their concessions, while hardly any disclosed specifcally in support of not producing in protected areas. ISPO-certifed hectares. Twenty-six producers (62%) Avoidance of areas protected under local laws is included disclosed the number of ha they own and/or manage in RSPO Principles & Criteria, but no companies specifcally that are RSPO-certifed. Collectively, these 26 companies stated that they would not produce in and/or source from reported owning and/or managing 411,302 certifed Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs), UNESCO World Heritage ha, which represents 21% of the 1,972,311 RSPO-certified Sites, Ramsar Sites, IUCN-protected areas or other biodi- ha in Indonesia (RSPO 2019a).16 The certifed land area versity priority areas, and only some of these designations disclosed is about 15% of the total 2.8 million ha controlled have legal protection. by these 26 producers. In comparison, hardly any produce- Illegal palm production in protected areas is a documented rs disclosed the amount of ISPO-certified ha, despite legal problem in Indonesia. In 2018, reports indicated that mandates for all large operators to be certified by 2015 Wilmar, Musim Mas and Golden Agri Resources among (Efeca 2017). The lower rate of reporting for ISPO may be others, were directly implicated with purchasing palm oil due to the shorter timeframe companies have had to attain from mills operating illegally within the bounds of Tesso certifcation under the new standard and the absence of Nilo National Park in Sumatra. Despite these companies’ a well-used reporting platform. Companies may also be commitments, there are still many gaps in effective trace- concerned about legal and reputational risks, making them ability, supplier compliance, and legal enforcement (WWF less motivated to call attention to incomplete compliance. 2018). Avoiding protected areas is a requirement to In some instances, companies like access investment from many fnancial institutions (see have begun disclose the numbers of ISPO-certified mills If banks or commodity buyers are concerned about legal (Box 4), companies will have to demonstrate that they are avoiding sourcing or producing in protected areas non-compliance, they can check online for a comprehen- to access financial services. Greater transparency will sive list of certifed ha and sourcing mills. be essential for fnancial institutions to accurately assess whether companies are appropriately accounting for this Supply Change found that 31 producers (73%) reported risk. 81,053 ha in Indonesia under some form of protection, including 17 that disclosed unspecifed protected ha, 27 that disclosed HCV-designated ha, and four that disclosed HCS-designated ha. Consistent reporting on both the total Box 4. Biodiversity land controlled and protected is critical for buyers and Protection Requirements investors to assess the extent of deforestation risks and outcomes. Publicly disclosing the number of HCV and for Investment HCS ha promotes accountability and is particularly impor- tant for 81% (34/42) of producers that aimed to protect An assessment by Forest500 of the largest HCV ha and 60% (25/42) that aimed to protect HCS ha. In 150 financial institutions in ested in forest-risk addition to promoting accountability, disclosure of HCV commodities found that 41 (27%) had some kind and HCS protected areas can have implications for market of lending or investment policy that required palm access; over half of retailers and manufacturers made oil operations not negatively impact legally statements to protect HCV areas when sourcing palm oil protected or internationally recognized areas (41 companies with statements out of 80 downstream (Forest500 2018a; Forest500 2018c). Additionally, companies). In many instances, the management and the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Perfor- monitoring of HCV and HCS areas can be costly, which can mance Standard 6, requires its clients ensure prompt companies, particularly small- and medium-sized that proposed projects in these areas, are legally ones, to forgo certifcation or excise forest areas (Timmins permitted, and do not negatively impact biodiversity 2017). Accusations of deforestation can become signif- or local communities (IFC 2012). cant reputational risks for both producers deforesting and

14 In their disclosures, some producers disclose one aggregate fgure for the number of total, certifed, or protected ha without providing suffcient details to disag- gregate by region. In contrast, others share multiple disaggregated ha fgures without indicating their relative scale, so these are summed to form the largest reported areas. 15 All hectare data is from 2017. During the research period, this was the most recent year for which companies disclosed comprehensive ha data, as the most recent CDP and RSPO ACOP disclosures were for 2017. 16 In total, these companies reported owning and/or managing 2,405,911 certifed ha globally (out of 6.2 million total ha globally and 2.7 million in Indonesia) reported as owned/managed globally.

Commitments in-Country: 12 Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 Supply Chain Mapping and Achieving Traceability Limits Risk Traceability and supply chain mapping are essential for a greater number of companies are committed to ensuring companies and investors to accurately assess and traceability to the plantation level, achieving traceability to mitigate risk in palm oil supply chains. Traceability links the mill was generally more attainable. product volumes to specifc suppliers and geographies, Seven companies (6%) specifcally stated that they while supply chain mapping is the identifcation of were developing a supply chain mapping tool, but most actors (suppliers or customers) in a company’s supply companies, even if they did not use the term, embraced chain. Supply chain mapping provide insights about suppli- the concept by disclosing information about their supply ers that are useful to assess risk, such as supplier location, chain. More than half (55/108) of companies disclosed workforce characteristics, certifcation status, and audits the names of their palm oil suppliers and/or customers (AFi 2019). Traceability and supply chain mapping are often and 17% (18/108) disclosed lists of palm oil mills in their complementary tools to achieve supply chain transparency, supply chain. and supply chain management is often a necessary precur- sor to achieving greater traceability. Though some Tracing the entirety of a company's palm oil supply to the companies do achieve full traceability back to the source of plantation where it was grown and identifying all suppliers production, many other companies rely on other tools and can be an enormous undertaking, especially if the company approaches to achieve a level of traceability suffcient to operates exclusively in downstream supply chain levels verify compliance and assess deforestation risk. (manufacturer, retailer) and/or has a large number of direct and indirect suppliers. However, full traceability back Sixty companies (56%) out of 108 made some kind of to the source of production is not always necessary to statement that they would trace their palm oil volume back determine compliance and manage deforestation risk. In through the supply chain to the plantation, mill, or coun- fact, only six companies analyzed were aiming to trace their try. Out of this total, 23 companies (38%) aimed to trace palm oil supply back to the origin of production themselves. the supply back to the plantation and 19 (32%) aimed to Fifty-fve companies used other strategies recommended trace the supply back to the mill or refnery. In the last two by the Accountability Framework (AFi) (AFi 2019), including years, 14 companies (23%), many of which were Indonesian 36 companies that relied on credible assurance systems palm oil processors, claimed they were able to trace more (such as RSPO Segregated or Identity Preserved) and four than three-quarters of their palm oil supply back to the that were tracing the palm supply back to intermediate plantation, while 53 companies17 (88%) were able to trace suppliers with effective control mechanisms in place mech- more than three-quarters (75-100%) their palm oil supply anisms in place and trusted the suppliers’ ability to trace to the mill or refnery. These fndings suggest that although the commodity back to the source of production. Figure 4: Comparison of Company Uptake of AFi Methods to Ensure Supplies are Known or Controlled to Assure Commitment Compliance



72 72 74 84 54 102 104


18 36 34 24 0 6 4 Credible assurance Materials traced Materials traced Method of No pursuit of systems (e.g., back to origin back to intermediate traceability does not traceability credible certificatio of production supplier(s) with match approaches disclosed systems) employed controls outlined by AFi

Companies using approach Companies not using approach

17 The number of companies that can trace more than three-fourths of their palm oil volume to the mill refnery includes the 14 companies that can trace more than three-fourths to the plantation. Accordingly, companies able trace to the mill or refnery level presumably can trace at least that amount to the country level (in the absence of a specifc percentage given for this level).

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 13 Palm Oil Buyers Include Limited Policy Provisions for Deforestation Risk When faced with uncertainty about sourcing risks, many Only 4% of companies (4/108) specifed that they were companies in the sample incorporated different strate- aiming to source from jurisdictions that demonstrated gies into their production and procurement policies, but improvement on deforestation. Nestlé, for example, few actually disclosed the policies in place to assess and reported its efforts to trace its palm oil supply back to manage the sourcing risks. mills and plantations in jurisdictions not associated with deforestation (Nestlé 2017). Fourteen companies had policies that required additional scrutiny18 when sourcing palm oil. One company (IKEA) Additionally, when sourcing from areas with high defo- required certification for palm oil products from areas with 19 restation, two companies (Rema 1000, Wilmar Interna- high deforestation risk, while seven companies did not tional) (2/108) stated they were prioritizing working differentiate between products sourced from locations with with their suppliers to ensure the suppliers' compliance higher or lower deforestation risk, but instead required all when sourcing from areas with high deforestation palm oil products be certifed. Eleven companies (some risk. in addition to those requiring comprehensive certifcation) required additional scrutiny for palm oil sourced from areas These initiatives signal a nascent but growing effort by with a higher deforestation risk. Meanwhile, seven compa- large corporations towards regional approaches to monitor nies, including AAK AB, IKEA, L’Oréal, Nestlé, and Royal deforestation. In recent years, TFA 2020 and IDH have both Dutch Shell claimed they aim to only source palm oil from provided signifcant support to companies implementing low deforestation risk areas. Only one company disclosed jurisdictional sourcing in the provinces of Aceh, South additional scrutiny when sourcing palm oil from particular Sumatra and West Kalimantan. Through working closely areas as part of the scope of their palm oil commitment. with provincial governments, nonprofts and companies, In this case, the company was AAK AB and the area was these initiatives have begun exploring solutions to Borneo. The rarity of this requirement may be particu- sustainable production while protecting forests across Indo- lar to palm oil supply chains, as eight of the companies nesia. Although long-term planning is still in development, researched made commitments that included additional the approach is recognized as an increasingly valuable tool to scrutiny requirements when sourcing timber and pulp prod- mitigate risk and drive sustainable production. ucts from particular countries.

Investing in Solutions: Smallholder Support In 2017, over 40% of the 12 million ha of land designated grow to 60% by 2030, highlighting the importance of small- for palm production in Indonesia was controlled by small- holder involvement in eliminating deforestation (WRI 2018). holders and some analysts predict that this portion will Figure 5: Proportion of 108 Companies with Indonesian Palm Supply Chains Providing Support to Smallholders, 2019


40 15

30 29 30 40 43 20 30

Number of companies 1010 16 15 5 0 2 Financial support Technical support Community Other Any support development support

Companies offering support Companies not offering support (out of those stating they would support smallholders)

18 Additional scrutiny refers to a type of geographic focus or specifcation a company might place on its commitment, in which a company requires that commodi- ties sourced from certain geographic locations meet some kind of additional criteria. For example, a company might require palm oil sourced from Indonesia be RSPO-certifed. 19 High or low deforestation risk according to the stated perception of companies disclosing the information.

Commitments in-Country: 14 Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 Supply Change found that more than two-ffths (45/108) Mondelēz joined the Indonesian government and of companies stated that they would support smallholders other stakeholders to support the Sustainable Palm Oil in their palm oil supply chains. Out of those pledging Initiative, which aims to provide support to smallholders support, two-thirds (30/45) actively provided some kind of for training on productivity, adherence to ISPO certifcation, support to smallholders. Of those providing support, 53% and reduction in deforestation among other support (UNDP (16/30) offered fnancial support (Payment for Ecosystem 2019b). Another multi-stakeholder smallholder support Services schemes, loans, fnancial certifcation support, initiative is the Coalition for Sustainable Livelihoods (CSL), premiums paid, etc.), 17% (5/30) offered technical support which launched in 2018 and is supported by more than (workshops, training, etc.), 7% (2/30) offered community 130 representatives from the private sector, government, development support (provision of education facilities, fnancial institutions and civil society, including IDH, the health facilities, banking services, etc.) and half (15/30) Livelihoods Funds, Mars, Mondelēz International, Pepsico offered other kinds of support (joint projects, resettlement and Earthworm Foundation. The initiative aims to capture assistance, incentive strategies, etc.). Many of these the value of diverse collaborations at the landscape level, to companies were upstream companies headquartered in help advance government programs and policies, and Southeast Asia, signaling that there could be a growing to contribute to supply chain sustainability for companies recognition of the importance of supporting smallholders operating in North Sumatra and Aceh (Conservation to achieve commitments. International, 2019). Indonesia’s NAP for Sustainable Palm Oil (see Box 2) has a signifcant smallholder support A number of consumer-facing manufacturers headquar- component, which indicates growing pressure from tered in North America and Europe have also reached government and civil society for companies in all supply back within their supply chains to provide support to chain levels to engage with smallholders in their supply smallholders, indicating a desire to work directly within chains (FoKSBI 2019).Working effectively with smallholders sourcing regions to assure compliance (Sjauw et al. 2016). will be essential to mitigating risks at the production level, A number of committed companies have banded together especially given that they are often more constrained by to support cross-sector initiatives targeting smallholders tight budgets, fewer skills, and less awareness of sustaina- in Indonesia. For example, IKEA, Johnson & Johnson, and bility concerns.

Trust, but Verify: The Role of Satellite-based Monitoring The Accountability Framework posits that monitoring through a satellite tracking tool called Global Forest Watch compliance is essential to assess whether companies (GFW) Pro, which launched for broader use in June 2019 are demonstrating progress toward their commitments. (WRI 2019). Large amounts of media attention and larger Despite growing expectations within civil society, Supply budgets for sustainability could help explain why all of the Change found that only a third of companies (35/108) companies using satellite technology for tracking deforest- disclosed the methods they use to monitor commitment ation are major big-name palm oil users. A number of fnan- compliance within their palm supply chain with just 17 cial institutions contributed to the development of GFW Pro, reporting reliance on satellite monitoring. This year, Nestlé which suggests that the ability to monitor and respond to began publishing data online from their Starling satellite deforestation is an emerging priority for institutions invest- system, while , Cargill, Mondelēz, and Wilmar ing in companies with potential deforestation risk. reported to be on track to certify their bulk purchases

From Talk to Action: Companies Take on Non-Compliance Across the supply chain, non-compliance poses a serious notifcations of non-compliance and of these, only seven risk to commodity buyers and banks alike. Supply Change companies published reports of grievances. Among found that transparency around how companies were companies involved in Indonesian palm oil supply chains, addressing non-compliance was generally low. When few have disclosed suffcient details for communicating disclosing policies about non-compliant suppliers, only 27% accountability in commitment compliance. Low transpar- (30/108) of companies provided specifc details. In deter- ency can lead investors and buyers to overlook hidden risk mining whether to suspend, exclude, or retain non-compli- in company operations and supply chains. However, the ant suppliers, 13 companies disclosed a policy to engage new AFi guidance has established clear guidance around with suppliers and only two had a clear policy for exclusion. how companies can continue to work with suppliers and Only a handful (6/108) of companies indicated that they identify risks in their supply chain, which may encourage had excluded non-compliant suppliers from their supply greater transparency going forward (Accountability Frame- chains by releasing the number and/or names of excluded work 2019). non-compliant suppliers. Furthermore, only 40% (43/108) of companies had a grievance mechanism to respond to

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 15 SECTION 3: New Trends and Implications for Implementation of Sustainability Commitments among Companies and Investors

Unsustainable production through expansion of plantations largest export market, the European Union, combined into forested areas could pose increasingly serious risks with growing expectations set by corporate commitments, to palm companies. Peatlands and primary forests are could easily lead to a cascade of negative consequences. now protected under the Moratorium, and other emerging Companies engaged in deforestation could therefore lose government initiatives such as the National Action Plan customers and market share, which can lead to lower for Sustainable Palm Oil and the KEE land use designation, revenues and liquidity (Van Gelder 2017; World Economic which may signal increasingly stringent government restric- Forum 2018). This in turn has serious consequences tions around land use and palm oil production. Unsustainable for fnancial institutions. An analysis by Chain Reaction production and conversion of protected ecological areas Research (2018a) concluded that 6.1 million ha of forests could lead to legal ramifcations. Despite weaknesses in and peatlands within the land bank of palm producers are domestic enforcement, increasing domestic regulatory “stranded” or cannot be developed because of deforestation requirements add greater incentives for foreign commodity related commitments. Furthermore, this can lead to buyers to be wary of legal transgressions. Emerging foreign inaccurate and reduced valuation of equity and collateral government regulations, particularly in Indonesia’s second (Van Gelder 2017; World Economic Forum 2018).

Land Use Finance Opportunity A growing number of funds are providing fnancial instru- rates to sustainability performance. Green loans have ments for companies pursuing sustainable palm oil been gaining prominence with fnancial institutions and production. These include green loans, which tie interest corporate clients in recent years as rates have become less

Commitments in-Country: 16 Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 expensive, making them more competitive with traditional plantations across the country are rapidly aging (Woittiez, loans and bonds. Green lending gives companies the et al. 2017). In the coming years, risk of deforestation will opportunity to earn lower interest rates through sustaina- remain high as many producers are likely to expand produc- bility performance (Terazono 2018). In the last few years, tion area rather than continue replanting. As the availability several prominent palm oil companies—including Olam of viable land for planting in Indonesia declines and land International and Wilmar International—have received loans use becomes more heavily regulated, it will be increasingly of US$500 million and US$200 million, respectively, from benefcial for companies to pursue strategies for improv- multiple banks (including ING Group, ABN Amro Group, ing yields through more sustainable means (Woittiez, et OCBC Bank, and others) that have interest rates that are al. 2017). Financial institutions can focus funding away tied to the company’s sustainability performance against from companies engaged in forest clearance activities pre-set ESG metrics (Terazono 2018; Straits Times 2018). and toward companies pursuing techniques known to Additionally, companies may have increased opportunities improve yield, such as replanting with high-producing seeds, to receive investment from sustainability-oriented asset culling low-producing plants, improved crop recovery, and managers. Althelia Funds, for example, is investing EUR optimized planting density, pruning, and harvesting frequency 5.1 million as part of its Ecosphere+ venture and is working (Woittiez, et al. 2017). with palm oil producers in order to restore peatland and Seventeen companies out of the subset of 108 have already support community development in South Sumatera (Althe- made statements in favor of increasing yields without addi- lia 2018). The Green Climate Fund (GCF) also works with tional forest conversion. Therefore, there is potential for both the public and private sectors to reduce emissions and a high rate of return for investing in productivity improve- mitigate climate risks through funding green projects, ments around crop intensifcation and improved palm oil some of which target forests and land use. Overall, GCF processing (i.e., conversion of fresh fruit bunches into palm has approved over US$200 million in funding to projects oil and its derivatives). Financial institutions that engage across Indonesia with a focus on increasing renewable with unsustainable palm oil companies on land use fnance energy (GCF 2018). The emerging market may present new issues also have the opportunity to exert greater infuence investment opportunities for those seeking to promote and improve the sustainability of the sector (WWF 2019). more sustainable commodity production. Additionally, in collaboration with the government and local Financial institutions have a strategic opportunity to invest communities, palm producers concerned about recouping in Indonesian palm supply chains. Investing in improved lost revenues from stranded assets may pursue poten- productivity and higher yields per hectare could be a valu- tial opportunities to swap and reclassify forested land able opportunity to leverage land use fnance to achieve a contained within company concession areas for degraded higher rate of return, while avoiding risk from deforesting land classifed as APL. A system already exists for timber additional land. Indonesia has the largest area dedicated to plantation operators to do this as part of the Indonesian palm production in the world, but it has relatively low yields government’s push to restore peatland (Jong 2019). (3.8 tonnes CPO per ha) on average compared with its However, for this option to be effective, all parties would largest competitor, Malaysia (4.5 tonnes per ha) (Khatiwada need to ensure that safeguards are in place so that forest et al. 2018). The average lifetime of oil palm crops in Indo- lands are protected. nesia reaches about 25 years, and in many instances, oil

Incubation of Jurisdictional and Landscape Approaches Collaborations among companies, regional governments, jurisdictional programs and guidance around the applica- fnancial institutions, and other stakeholders to lower bility of jurisdictional approaches in Indonesia and other overall deforestation at the jurisdictional level could help countries (RSPO 2019a). Organizations like TFA 2020 and to address systemic issues linked to deforestation (e.g., IDH have also supported the jurisdictional approach in governance and land use planning) and reduce costs for Indonesia, working with companies that produce and/or implementation and monitoring of individual commitments source palm oil, including Pepsico, Unilever, Asian Agri, and (e.g., certifcation and individual company standards). London Sumatera Indonesia. Benefts to the jurisdictional Several companies researched by Supply Change are work- approach, according to a recent IDH case study, include ing with regional governments and nonprofts to lay the ensuring price stability and introducing potential for groundwork for addressing deforestation across a whole investment (IDH 2018). After Unilever and Marks & Spencer jurisdiction or landscape, or whereby companies with palm announced plans to pursue jurisdictional sourcing in 2015, commitments could eventually verify compliance merely a supporting methodology called the Commodities/Juris- by tracing supplies back to these low-deforestation areas dictions Approach was developed under a multi-stakeholder (i.e., jurisdictional or landscape approaches to sourcing). consortium and is now entering its piloting phase (The For example, , Olam, Musim Mas, and Procter Commodities/Jurisdiction Approach 2019). This approach & Gamble are working as part of the RSPO Jurisdictional provides information to companies on jurisdictions that are Working Group (JWG) to support the development of reducing deforestation at scale and meeting associated

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 17 sustainability criteria, which in turn can inform decisions on Community and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA), the procurement and/or other business engagements. Rainforest Alliance, and Verra created the LandScale assessment framework to support the development of In 2016, Unilever reached an agreement with the govern- broad scale sustainable production at a landscape level, ment of Central Kalimantan, Kotawaringin Barat, and including at the jurisdictional level. LandScale provides a non-proft organization INOBU to support preparations for holistic metrics framework for assessing sustainability establishing a jurisdictional approach. As of October 2019, progress at broad spatial scales, which could assist compa- the company has not reported further on this process. nies in formulating commitment procurement policies and This initiative represents an important step in promoting fnancial institutions in monitoring results (Verra 2019). more sustainable practices in areas with risk of large-scale deforestation (INOBU 2018). The Siak district government, Financial institutions looking to minimize risks of large- nongovernmental organizations Daemeter and Proforest, scale deforestation at a jurisdictional level can support and a number of upstream and downstream companies companies involved in jurisdictional initiatives like the (including Cargill, Danone, Unilever and Musim Mas, etc.) RSPO JWG and LandScale pilots. Additionally, there is an joined to implement a new landscape program in a district opportunity for them to engage companies operating within where independent smallholders need support to achieve jurisdictions with sustainability targets (e.g., the Indonesian responsible palm oil production. This alliance commits provinces of Aceh, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, its members to pursue a balance between environmental Papua, West Kalimantan and West Papua, which signed conservation and improving the economy of local people the Rio Branco Declaration) and corresponding regional (Daemeter and Proforest, 2019). In 2019, the Climate, governments to prioritize investment. Conclusion

Palm oil production is a signifcant driver of deforestation monitoring and non-compliance. This could jeopardize in Indonesia, propelled by a strong and growing demand, access to investment and other fnancial services from domestically and internationally, for palm oil-contain- fnancial institutions concerned about discouraging further ing consumer goods, chemicals, and biodiesel. Almost investments, given the reputational problems associated three-quarters of palm oil imported by the European Union, with deforestation. Furthermore, the risks of lower proft- the second-largest export market for Indonesian palm oil, ability, liquidity, and equity among companies associated is certifed sustainable palm oil (CSPO). The higher cost of with palm-driven deforestation could trigger serious CSPO and the limited awareness and means of consumers risks for fnancial institutions. The increased likelihood in Indonesia and its other largest export markets, India and of loan defaults and reduced valuation of collateral could China, has inhibited demand for CSPO. However, compa- discourage existing and future fnancial backers. Almost all nies that produce and/or source palm oil, and the fnancial producer companies, however, did disclose information on institutions that invest in these companies, are making the number of ha in their oil palm concessions, and commitments and other policies that are driving a growing a majority of companies in all supply chain levels disclosed demand for more-sustainably produced palm oil. Unsus- the palm oil volume (total volume and certifed volume) tainable palm oil production represents considerable risk they produced or procured, a trend encouraged by the (reputational, regulatory, fnancial, market, and physical) annual reporting requirements by the RSPO. to companies involved in the production or procurement Both downstream buyers and fnancial institutions of palm oil, and has the potential to lead to loss of buyers, frequently rely on the industry best practices established higher fnancing costs, reduced liquidity and cash fow, by the RSPO to ensure compliance and manage risk. As and less stable long-term returns on investments (Chain RSPO-certifed producers must meet environmental and Reaction Research 2017). Companies with high deforest- social standards beyond what is legally required under ation risk may become less attractive to fnanciers, and a Indonesian law (e.g., ISPO), reliance on RSPO certifca- growing number of fnancial institutions are incorporating tion allows fnancial institutions and downstream buyers deforestation risk criteria into their investment and lending to ensure compliance without expending resources on policies. Future access to fnancial services could hinge on monitoring, traceability, and supply chain mapping. Many ensuring sustainable palm oil production. buyers and fnancial institutions already rely on RSPO Overall, Supply Change’s research found that transparency certifcation for this purpose; Supply Change found that around many metrics was poor even though many of the most companies formulated their commitment in terms companies in the analysis were selected for their disclosure of producing or sourcing CSPO, while only a small number in a few key areas. A minority of companies provided infor- (18) committed to achieve zero/zero net deforestation mation about their activities regarding risk assessments, in their palm oil supply chain. The new AFi framework traceability approaches, monitoring strategies, avoidance guidelines may give companies better tools to make and patterns, and non-compliance. Supply Change found that report progress on zero deforestation commitments and companies provided an incomplete picture of key aspects may motivate more companies to go beyond relying on of their palm oil-driven deforestation risk, including forest RSPO certifcation moving forward. The RSPO, through its

Commitments in-Country: 18 Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 ACOP reporting mechanism, has also encouraged greater sia, more ambitious action is needed to ensure that these transparency around company disclosures of volume and trends continue and accelerate. Strategic leadership from hectare information. the Indonesian government, provincial governments, the private sector, and from fnancial institutions will be pivotal Though current trends suggest efforts by the Indonesian for ensuring the country can achieve both its goals to government and the private sector are having an impact on increase global uptake of certifed sustainable palm oil and reducing deforestation from palm oil production in Indone- protect primary forests and peatland.

Leadership Opportunities for Companies Producing and/or Sourcing Indonesian Palm ◾ Companies can draw on guidance from Accountability they are providing to smallholder programs around Framework initiative (AFi) and CDP for establishing forest protection and commitment compliance over and reporting measurable, verifable commitments to specifc periods of time. address deforestation as a way to meet expectations of ◾ Producers and processors can pursue voluntary Palm a growing number of corporate buyers, nonprofts, and Oil Innovation Group (POIG) membership, which builds governments around the world. on RSPO certifcation and obligates members to adhere ◾ Remote sensing tools like Global Forest Watch Pro can to an even more rigorous set of standards and process help companies monitor and analyze land use change for third party verifcation ensuring the protection of among their suppliers. High Conservation Value and High Carbon Stock areas. ◾ Companies can turn to a number of initiatives to help Downstream companies: with traceability, sustainability, and accessing export ◾ Manufacturers and retailers can increase their markets (Appendix 1). AFi, for example, provides guid- purchases of CSPO, certifed through a credible chain ance for companies on making and reporting progress of custody standard such as RSPO Segregated, Identity on zero deforestation commitments, managing supply Preserved, or NEXT to provide assurance that supplies chains, assessing risk, improving traceability, identifying are produced at a higher sustainability standard. and responding to supplier non-compliance (AFi, 2019). ◾ Traceability and supply chain mapping are particularly Upstream companies: complex for downstream companies, but companies ◾ Producers and processors will need to protect forests can turn to the AFi for guidance on traceability and within and around their concessions, while producing supply chain-mapping strategies that ensure commit- palm on previously cleared and degraded lands instead ment compliance. of converting additional forested lands for production. ◾ Companies can join or initiate multi-sector initiatives ◾ Producers and processors can provide support to with suppliers, buyers, and regional governments to smallholders in improving yields and avoiding forest support sustainable palm oil production. conversion in order to meet production goals without ◾ Manufacturers and retailers can take action beyond compromising commitments on sustainability. Produc- their own supply chains, such as by supporting the ers and processors can also encourage and facilitate development and launching of jurisdictional programs ISPO or RSPO certifcation for smallholders, either like the IDH Verifed Sourcing Areas, Tropical Forest through fnancial (e.g., premiums paid) or technical Alliance 2020, and the Governor’s Task Force on Climate assistance. Investors can also request that companies and Forest Jurisdiction and those being piloted by specifcally disclose the amount of fnancial assistance RSPO’s Jurisdictional Working Group.

Leadership Opportunities for Investors in Companies Producing and/or Sourcing Indonesian Palm Financial institutions can look to Ceres’ new investor brief ◾ Given low yields and deforestation associated with ‘Out on a Limb’ to learn more about the questions and palm production, investors have an opportunity to recommendations which can be used to engage companies develop innovative fnancial instruments that tie interest with forest-risk supply chains. Financial institutions have a loan rates to sustainability performance and target number of other clear opportunities for leadership detailed improvements in company yields particularly among below. smallholder farmers. ◾ Investors can mainstream forest risk policies within all ◾ When evaluating environmental risks, investors can portfolios which drive accountability among clients to evaluate companies based on their sustainability address deforestation risk. activities beyond the legal requirements, as adherence

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 19 to ISPO will not be suffcient to address deforestation Force (FITF), which allows investors to play a greater and other production level issues, so when evaluating role in shaping sustainable palm oil production, encour- environmental risks. age RSPO adherence among their clients, and minimize the environmental and social risks of their investments. ◾ Investors can evaluate company use of RSPO Segre- Investors can integrate deforestation risk criteria in gated, Identity Preserved, and Next supply chain their lending and investment practices and encourage certifcation models as a proxy for ascertaining if the the adoption of available tools (e.g., RSPO certifcation). company is going above and beyond the law. To that end, investors can ensure they have adequate ◾ Investors can request that companies use free publicly policies and internal management systems in place available remote sensing tools like Global Forest to assess for risks in palm oil operations and supply Watch Pro or privately available tools (given that only chains. 13 companies publicly noted using them) and provide ◾ Investors looking to invest in fnancial institutions can evidence of monitoring deforestation risks. consider their ESG policies and criteria for investing ◾ Investors can join coalitions such as PRI’s Sustaina- in companies with deforestation risk embedded in ble Palm Oil Investor working group, or the group of their direct and indirect operations. Investors can use investors behind CDP, to leverage fnancial infuence tools such as WWF’s Sustainable Banking Assessment to pressure companies to set commitments, invest in (SUSBA), WRI’s Green Targets, and/or Forest 500’s solutions, and improve disclosure (e.g., through forest fnancial institution rankings to evaluate bank’s lending risk disclosure. and investment policies. ◾ Investors can join the RSPO Financial Institutions Task

Leadership Opportunities for Governments Sourcing Indonesian Palm ◾ Governments can establish laws and accompanying ◾ Government pension funds can establish policies to enforcement mechanisms to ensure purchases of palm divest from unsustainable palm oil production with a oil are legally compliant (ISPO-certifed) and/or are clear process for engaging around non-compliance not associated with deforestation. Such laws can be and performance thresholds for restarting investments modeled after the European Union’s Timber Regulation based on AFi guidance. and accompanying Forest Law Enforcement, Govern- ◾ Additional countries can consider signing the Amster- ance and Trade (FLEGT) initiative. dam Declaration, while existing signatories can continue ◾ Trade deals can be negotiated to include mandatory to monitor progress of certifed imports and demand requirements for enforcement mechanisms, and greater transparency around monitoring systems and monitoring and swiftly addressing deforestation-related proof of compliance from supplying nations. production risks.

Commitments in-Country: 20 Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 APPENDIX 1: Relevant Resources on Palm Oil Production in Indonesia

Table 3: Organizations and Initiatives Supporting Cattle Production in Paraguay

Commitment Development and Disclosure

Accountability Framework initiative (AFi) | AFi is a multi-stakeholder initiative which established a set of common norms and guidance for establishing, implementing, and demonstrating progress on ethical supply chain commitments in agriculture and forestry.

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) | RSPO is a multi-stakeholder membership group with palm oil industry- producers, processors or traders, manufacturers, retailers, banks/investors and NGOs- to develop and implement global standards for sustainable palm oil.

CDP | CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) is a non proft that runs a global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. Companies and other actors can disclose impacts on forests, climate, water security, and other environmental areas.

Implementing Sustainability

Support Asia for Sustainable Palm Oil (SASPO) | SASPO is a multi-stakeholder alliance of govern- ment, NGOs, and the private sector that focuses on improving sustainability in palm oil production. SASPO provides capacity building, workshops, and educational resources for businesses in the palm oil sector in order to encourage sustainable sourcing policies. Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) | IDH aims to mainstream the uptake of sustainable palm oil by convening public-private partnerships and developing policy frameworks in Europe that support sustainable procurement. IDH works to strengthening supply chain connections between buyers like Unilever and PepsiCo, and producers in sustainable sourcing areas through the creation of pilot Verifed Sourcing Areas in Aceh, Jambi, South Sumatra, and West Kalimantan. Global Forest Watch PRO (GFW PRO) | GFW Pro is a free platform that allows companies to manage geospatial data through analysis and dashboards designed for commodity companies and banks’ day-to-day operations. This platform can be used to track real-time data on tree cover loss and instances of fres within or near company concessions. Peat Restoration Agency (BRG) | BRG is a government agency that works with local governments to accelerate the recovery and restoration of the hydrological functioning of peatlands damaged due to fres and drying.

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 xxi Sustainable Investing

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) | PRI is UN-supported international network of investors that works to understand and implement the six principles for responsible investment into practice. The six principles are focused on incorporating environmental and social governance issues into various aspects of financial investment.

The Sustainability Policy Transparency Toolkit (SPOTT) | SPOTT is a free, online platform, which supports sustainable commodity production and trade through assessments of public disclosures made by commodity producers and traders. The site includes details on their policies, operations and commitments related to environmental, social, and governance issues.

Government Coordination

Indonesia Palm Oil Platform (FoKSBI) | FoKSBI is an initiative led by the Indonesian Government and facilitated by the United Nations Development Programme’s Sustainable Palm Oil initiative (SPOI), which brings together a diverse set of stakeholders in the palm industry. FoKSBI convenes working groups to discuss key challenges in implementing the National Action Plan for Sustainable Palm Oil and monitors its implementation.

Commitments in-Country: xxii Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 Table 4: List of 108 Companies Believed to Be Active in Indonesian Palm Oil Supply Chains


AAK AB Processor, Manufacturer Consumer Goods Agropalma Producer, Processor, Trader Agriculture Producer, Processor, Trader, Manufac- Agrowiratama Agriculture turer Ahold Delhaize Retailer Retail/Wholesale Anglo-Eastern Plantations Producer, Processor Agriculture Apical Group Processor, Trader Consumer Goods Producer, Processor, Trader, Manufac- Archer Daniels Midland Consumer Goods turer Arnott's Biscuits Manufacturer Consumer Goods Asian Agri Producer, Processor Agriculture Associated British Foods Manufacturer, Retailer Consumer Goods Astra Agro Lestari Producer, Processor Agriculture Austindo Nusantara Jaya Agri Producer, Processor, Trader Agriculture Ayam Brand Manufacturer Consumer Goods Barry Callebaut Group Processor, Trader, Manufacturer Consumer Goods Bayer Processor, Trader Basic Materials/Resources Boots UK Retailer Retail/Wholesale Producer, Processor, Trader, Manufac- Cargill Consumer Goods turer COFCO Limited (China National Producer, Processor, Trader, Manufac- Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Consumer Goods turer Corporation) Coles Supermarkets Retailer Consumer Goods Colgate-Palmolive Manufacturer Consumer Goods Colruyt Group Processor, Manufacturer, Retailer Retail/Wholesale Coop Switzerland Manufacturer, Retailer Retail/Wholesale Coop UK Manufacturer, Retailer Retail/Wholesale Producer, Processor, Trader, Manufac- Daabon Group Agriculture turer Daewoo International Corporation Producer, Processor, Trader Basic Materials/Resources Danone Manufacturer Consumer Goods Delhaize Group Retailer Retail/Wholesale Dharma Satya Nusantara Producer Consumer Goods

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 xxiii COMPANY REVIEWED SUPPLY CHAIN LEVEL INDUSTRY

Domino's Manufacturer, Retailer Gaming, Lodging, & Restaurants Dunkin' Brands Manufacturer Consumer Goods Dupont Processor, Manufacturer Basic Materials/Resources E. Leclerc Retailer Retail/Wholesale Eagle High Plantations Producer, Processor, Trader Agriculture Edeka Zentrale Retailer Retail/Wholesale Essity Manufacturer, Retailer Personal Products Felda Global Ventures Producer, Processor, Trader Consumer Goods Felda Iffco Producer, Processor, Manufacturer Consumer Goods Felleskjopet Manufacturer, Retailer Retail/Wholesale Feronia Producer, Processor Agriculture Ferrero Trading Manufacturer Consumer Goods Gawi Makmur Kalimantan Producer, Processor Agriculture General Mills Manufacturer Consumer Goods Producer, Processor, Trader, Manufac- Golden Agri-Resources Agriculture turer, Retailer Goodhope Asia Holdings Producer, Processor, Manufacturer Agriculture H & M Retailer Retail/Wholesale Harisa Agro Lestari Producer Agriculture Hershey Company Manufacturer Consumer Goods Hilton Duta Lestari Producer Agriculture ICA Gruppen Manufacturer, Retailer Retail/Wholesale Ikea Retailer Retail/Wholesale Indofood Agri Resources Producer, Processor, Manufacturer Consumer Goods IOI Group Producer, Manufacturer Agriculture Producer, Processor, Trader, Manufac- Itochu Corporation Retail/Wholesale turer, Retailer Johnson & Johnson Manufacturer Health Care/Life Sciences Kaufand Retailer Retail/Wholesale Kellogg Company Manufacturer Consumer Goods Koninklijke Smilde Manufacturer Consumer Goods Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad (KLK) Producer, Processor, Manufacturer Agriculture L’Oréal Manufacturer Consumer Goods Lactalis Group Manufacturer, Retailer Consumer Goods

Commitments in-Country: xxiv Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 COMPANY REVIEWED SUPPLY CHAIN LEVEL INDUSTRY

Lidl Stiftung & Co. Manufacturer, Retailer Business/Consumer Services Loblaw Companies Limited Retailer Retail/Wholesale Louis Dreyfus Company Processor, Trader Consumer Goods Marks & Spencer Retailer Retail/Wholesale Mars Manufacturer Consumer Goods Producer, Processor, Trader, Manufac- Marubeni Consumer Goods turer, Retailer McCormick Manufacturer Consumer Goods McDonald’s Retailer Business/Consumer Services Mentari Pratama Producer Agriculture Migros Retailer Retail/Wholesale Mondelez Manufacturer Consumer Goods Musim Mas Producer, Processor, Manufacturer Agriculture Neste Oil Trader, Manufacturer, Retailer Oil & Gas Nestlé Manufacturer, Retailer Consumer Goods New Britain Palm Oil Producer, Processor Consumer Goods Nordic Choice Hotels Manufacturer Business/Consumer Services Norges Gruppen Retailer Retail/Wholesale Nutrition et Santé Manufacturer Consumer Goods Offce Depot Retailer Retail/Wholesale Producer, Processor, Trader, Manufac- Olam International Consumer Goods turer Palsgaard A/S Trader, Manufacturer Basic Materials/Resources PepsiCo Manufacturer, Retailer Consumer Goods Perkebunan Nusantara III Producer, Processor Consumer Goods PP London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk Producer, Processor Consumer Goods Procter & Gamble Manufacturer Consumer Goods Puratos NV Processor, Trader Consumer Goods R&R Ice Cream Manufacturer Consumer Goods Rema 1000 Retailer Retail/Wholesale REWE Group Retailer Business/Consumer Services Trader, Manufacturer Oil & Gas Producer, Processor, Trader, Manufac- Salim Ivomas Pratama Consumer Goods turer Sampoerna Agro Tbk Producer, Processor Consumer Goods

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 xxv COMPANY REVIEWED SUPPLY CHAIN LEVEL INDUSTRY

Sanggam Harapan Sejahtera Producer Agriculture Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Producer Agriculture SC Johnson and Son Manufacturer Consumer Goods Seven & I Holdings Co. Retailer Retail/Wholesale Sime Darby Plantation Producer, Processor, Trader Agriculture Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Producer, Processor, Trader, Manufac- Agriculture Technology (SMART) turer Socfn Group Producer, Processor, Manufacturer Agriculture Solvay Manufacturer Basic Materials/Resources Tesco Retailer Retail/Wholesale Unggul Lestari Producer, Processor Agriculture Unilever Manufacturer Consumer Goods VanDrie Group Producer, Processor, Trader Consumer Goods Waitrose Retailer Retail/Wholesale Walmart Retailer Retail/Wholesale Wendy's Manufacturer, Retailer & Restaurants, Gaming, Lodging Wilmar International Producer, Processor, Trader Consumer Goods

Commitments in-Country: xxvi Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 References

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Supply Change data is regularly gathered from a variety of sources, including public disclo- sures to CDP’s forest program, sustainability reports, websites, RSPO Annual Communica- tions of Progress, Roundtable on Responsible Soy annual reports. See Supply Change’s full methodology for more information on data sources: http://www. supply-change.org/pages/full-methodology

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 xxxi Acknowledgements

Forest Trends offers thanks to the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative for funding this research. We also appreciate contributions from the following individuals: Lara Yacob for reviewing the report; Patrick Maguire for copyediting assistance; Laura Weatherer, Ciro Calderon, and Kate Ellis for research assistance. We extend appreciation to the dozens of businesses and investors that lend their expertise and insights to this project, and to those companies that are making and disclosing their achievements against mean- ingful commitments to reducing ecosystem degradation in their supply chains. Donors

Forest Trends is grateful to the Global Environment Facility and the United Nations Environment Programme for their support of Supply Change.


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The contents of this may be used by anyone, providing acknowledgment is given to Supply Change and UNEPFi for any material (e.g., data points, tables, and/or fgures) sourced from this report Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, the Supply-Change.org website, and/or any associated publicly available materi- als; and to CDP Worldwide (CDP) for any data points that are specifcally sourced from CDP. This does not represent a license to repackage or resell any of the data reported to Supply Change, CDP, or the contributing authors, and presented in this report. UNLESS OTHERWISE LABELED, CITE ALL FINDINGS AND FIGURES AS: Source: Rothrock, Philip and Laura Weatherer. Donofrio, Stephen (Eds.) (2020) Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia. 2020. Washington DC: Forest Trends.

Commitments in-Country: xxxii Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 About Forest Trends’ Supply Change Initiative

Supply Change, an initiative of the non proft organization Forest Trends, is a transforma- tional resource for businesses and the various stakeholders that hold them accountable, including investors, governments, industry groups, not-for-profts, and the general public, on the extent and value of corporate commitments related to commodity-driven deforestation. Supply Change continuously researches and aggregates already available data, providing this via a centralized, freely, and publicly available web platform (www.supply-change.org) that tracks companies, their commitments, corresponding implementation policies, and their progress towards their commitments over time. Forest Trends works to conserve forests and other ecosystems through the creation and wide adoption of a broad range of environmental fnance, markets, and other payment and incentive mechanisms. Forest Trends does so by 1) providing transparent information on ecosystem values, fnance, and markets through knowledge acquisition, analysis, and dissemination; 2) convening diverse coalitions, partners, and communities of practice to promote environmental values and advance the development of new markets and payment mechanisms; and 3) demonstrating successful tools, standards, and models of innovative fnance for conservation. For Supply Change updates, news and insights, please subscribe to our newsletter (http://forest-trends.org/dir/signup). Forest Trends’ Supply Change Initiative. 1203 19th Street, NW 4th foor, Washington, DC 20036 [email protected] | www.supply-change.org | www.forest-trends.org About United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative

United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative is a partnership between the United Nations Environment and the global fnancial sector created in the wake of the 1992 Earth Summit with a mission to promote sustainable fnance. More than 250 fnancial insti- tutions, including banks, insurers, and investors, work with UN Environment to understand today’s environmental, social and governance challenges, why they matter to fnance, and how to actively participate in addressing them. UNEP FI’s work includes a strong focus on policy – by facilitating country-level dialogues between fnance practitioners, supervisors, regulators and policy-makers, and, at the inter- national level, by promoting fnancial sector involvement in processes such as the global climate negotiations. UNEP Finance Initiative. International Environment House, 11–13 Chemin des Anémones, CH-1219 Châtelaine, Geneva, Switzerland

Commitments in-Country: Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020 xxxiii The Family of Pioneering ForestFinance Trends Initiativesfor Conservation

Biodiversity Initiative Promotng development of sound, science-based, and economically sustainableUsing mitgatoninnovative financing and no netto promote loss of thebiodiversity impacts conservation of coastal and marine ecosystem services

Coastal and Marine Initiative A global platform for transparent information Demonstratngon ecosystem service the value payments of coastal and markets and marine ecosystem services Forest Trade & Finance BringingCommunities sustainability to Initiativetrade and financial investments in the global market for forest products Strengthening local communites’ capacity to secure their rights, manage and conserve their forests, and improve their livelihoods

Building Ecosystemcapacity for local communitiesMarketplace and governments to engage in emerging environmental markets A global platorm for transparent informaton on environmental fnance and markets, and payments for ecosystem services

Business and Biodiversity Offsets Program, developing, Foresttesting Policy, and supporting Trade, best and practice Finance in biodiversity Initiative offsets Supportng the transformaton toward legal and sustainable markets for tmber and agricultural commodites Building a market-based program to address water-quality (nitrogen) problems in the Chesapeake Bay and beyond Public-Private Finance Initiative Creatng mechanisms that increaseIncubator the amount of public and private capital for practces that reduce emissions from forests, agriculture, and other land uses Linking local producers and communities to ecosystem service markets

LearnSupply more about Change our programs at Tracking corporate commitments,www.fores implementatont-trends.org policies, and progress on reducing deforestaton in commodity supply chains

Water Initiative Promotng the use of incentves and market-based instruments to protect and sustainably manage watershed services

Learn more about our programs at www.forest-trends.org

Commitments in-Country: xxxiv Companies, Palm, & Commitments that Count in Indonesia, 2020