Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of ) ) Advanced Television Systems ) MM Docket No. 00-39 and Their Impact Upon the ) Existing Television Broadcast ) Service ) TO: The Commission REPLY COMMENTS OF Nielsen Media Research, Inc. Nielsen Media Research, Inc., is the successor to the television audience measurement business of A.C. Nielsen Company in the United States and Canada. Nielsen Media Research (“Nielsen”) fully supports the Advanced Television Systems Committee (“ATSC”) request1 to make PSIP (Program and System Information Protocol) mandatory as defined by ATSC standard A/65. In particular, TSID (Transport Stream Identifier), Call Letters (using Short Name field), Major Channel and Minor Channel fields are especially important to proper receiver operation, easing consumer usage and avoiding misidentification in audience measurement surveys. Further, Nielsen reiterates the need for program identification features as previously detailed Nielsen’s response to proceeding 87-268 (attached). Nielsen has worked closely with industry standards groups, receiver manufacturers and broadcasters to propose program identification methods for digital television. However, it has become clear that implementation must be mandatory to ensure consistent and complete identification of all digital television content. The identification retrieval methods used at the receiver are designed to add no unit costs to receivers by using existing communications ports. 1 ATSC reply comments, Section II B. WHEREFORE, Nielsen urges the Commission to adopt regulations in accordance with the opinions and arguments expressed in these Comments. Respectfully submitted, Nielsen Media Research, Inc. By: Stephen J. Boatti Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer Nielsen Media Research, Inc. 299 Park Avenue New York, NY 10171 212-708-7012
[email protected] June 16, 2000 2 Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D.C.