A Natural Transformation of the Spec Functor

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A Natural Transformation of the Spec Functor View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Elsevier - Publisher Connector JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA 10, 69-91 (1968) A Natural Transformation of the Spec Functor IAN G. CONNELL McGill University, Montreal, Canada Communicated by P. Cohn Received November 28, 1967 The basic functor underlying the Grothendieck algebraic geometry is Spec which assigns a ringed space to each ring1 A; we denote the topological space by spec A and the sheaf of rings by Spec A. We shall define a functor which is both a generalization and a natural transformation of Spec, in a sense made precise below. Our setting is the category Proj, of commutative K-algebras, where k is a fixed ring, and specializations over K which are defined below. A k-algebra is, strictly speaking, a ring homomorphism pA : K -+ A (pa is called the representation or structural homomorphism) and a K-algebra homomorphism is a commutative triangle k of ring homomorphisms. As is customary we simplify this to “A is a K-algebra” and “4 : A -+ B is a K-algebra homomorphism”, when there can be no ambiguity about the p’s. When we refer to K as a K-algebra we mean of course the identity representation. 1. PRIMES AND PLACES Recall the definition of a place $ on the field A with values in the field B (cf. [6], p. 3). It is a ring homomorphism 4 : A, -+ B defined on a subring A, of A with the property that for all X, y E A, xy E A, , x 6 A, =Py E Ker 4. This suggests the following definition for k-algebras: a specialization from 1 Throughout ring means commutative associative ring with 1; all ring homo- morphisms, subrings and modules are supposed unitary, that is, they respect 1. 69 70 CONNELL the k-algebra A to the k-algebra B is a k-algebra homomorphism 4 : A, + B where A, is a subalgebra of A such that for all X, y E A, xy E A, x$A, *yEKer& Clearly a k-algebra homomorphism 4 : A ---f B is a specialization with A, = A. As in the case of places on fields one can give an equivalent definition where + is everywhere defined by “projectivizing” the algebras (cf. [I], Chapt. 6, p. 96): We adjoin a symbol COto each algebra A subject to the rules a+co==co+a=co VaEA -cQ=co am = coa = co VafO,aEA COcO=rx) cc0 = co VcEk, c$Kerp,. Then a specialization is a mapping $ : L! + 8, where we have written A^ for A u {co}, etc., such that for all X, y E a, c E k 41 = 1 9@-tY) =dx+4y HXY) = +x - $Y r$(cx) = c$x whenever the right-hand sides are defined; that is, when the right-hand side is defined, then so is the left-hand side and they are equal. One sees imme- diately that 40 = 0, +o = co, 4(-x) = -qLvVx E A and that this definition of specialization coincides with the original one. It is readily verified that the composition of two specializations is again a specialization and that k-algebras together with specializations form a category, which we denote by Proj, . We regard Alg, , the category of k-algebras and k-algebra homomorphisms, as a subcategory of Proj, . A preplace is a specialization 4 : A -+ K into a field K (which is also a k-algebra); and a prime of A (or when it is necessary to be more precise, a prime/k = a prime defined over k) is the kernel of a preplace. A place on A is a preplace + : A -+ K with the following universal property: if +’ : A -+ K’ is another preplace with the same kernel, then there exists a unique k-algebra homomorphism I/J : K -+ K’ such that 4’~ = $(4x) whenever the right-hand side is defined. Note that this implies A,, 3 A, . Two places I$ : A + K and 4 : A -+ K’ are isomorphic if A, = A,t and there exists a k-algebra isomorphism 4 : K + K’ such that 4’~ = 9(&v) for all x E A, . A NATURAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE SPEC FUNCTOR 71 PROPOSITION 1. The primes of A are in canonical bijective correspondence with the isomorphism classesof places on A. A subset P of A is a prime if and only if (i) P is a k-submodule not containing 1, (ii) P is multiplicatively closed, (iii) the complementA\P of P in A is multiplicatively closed. Proof. Let P be a prime, say P = Ker 4 where I$ : A -+ K is a preplace. Then A, is among the subalgebras B of A such that (1) B contains P as an ideal, and (2) for all x, y E A, xy E B, x $ B * y E P. Indeed P is a prime ideal in A, since K is a field. Clearly P has properties (i) and (ii) of the proposition. It also satisfies (iii); for suppose xy E P. Either x and y are both in A, , and then one is in P since P is a prime ideal in A, , or one of x, y is not in A, , say x $ A, , and then y E P by property (2) above. AP = {a E A : aP C P} is the largest subalgebra containing P as an ideal; moreover AP has property (2) For suppose xy E AP, x $ AP, say xp 4 P, p E P. Then xyp E P, xp 6 P, soy E P by (iii). Thus AP is the largest subalgebra satisfying (1) and (2). There is also a smallest, which we denote by PA, obtained by intersecting all such B. P is a prime ideal in any such B, in particular in pA and AP. The canonical homomorphism 0 : pA -+ Q(pA/P), where Q signifies quotient field, clearly defines a preplace on A. It is in fact a place; for suppose +’ : A -+ K’ is another preplace with Ker 4’ = Ker 0 = P. Then #‘-lK satisfies (1) and (2), so #‘-lK’3 pA. C$’ induces PAIP--+ K’ which extends uniquely to a k-algebra embedding 4 : Q(pA/P) -+ K’ and $‘x = #(0x) for all x E pA. On the other hand, given P satisfying (i)-(iii) of the proposition, we may take any B satisfying (1) and (2), for example B = AP, and then 0 : B -+ Q(B/P) defines a preplace with Ker 0 = P, so P is a prime. Indeed it is clear that the subalgebras satisfying (1) and (2) are precisely the domains of definition of preplaces with kernel P. Finally, by the universal property, any two places with the same kernel P are isomorphic. In particular, every place with kernel P is isomorphic with the canonical place A + Q(pA/P). If + : A + B is a specialization, then Ker 4 is among the subsets J of A satisfying (1) J is an ideal in A, , and (2) forallx,yEA,xyEAQ,x$Ad+yy J. 72 CONNELL By intersection there is a smallest such J. When A, = A, this intersection is 0; when A, f A, this minimal kernel is actually a prime, as we now see. PROPOSITION 2. (i) In order that the subalgebra B of A be the domain of dejnition of a specialization, it is necessaryand su#kient that for all x, y E A, xy E B, x $ B * y E B. Then B is the domain of apreplace. (ii) Given such a B f A, let P be the set of all b E B for which there exists an a E A\B such that ab E B. Then P is a prime in A and a prime ideal in B. Every specialization with domain B factors through the canonical one A -+ B/P. Proof. (cf. [I], Chapt. 6, p. 169). The domain of a specialization clearly satisfies the condition in (i). If M is a maximal ideal of A, then the homo- morphism A -+ A/M is a preplace with domain A. Now let B f A and let P be as defined in (ii). If p,p’ E P, say up, alp’ E B where a, a’ E A\B then up * a‘p’ = up’ . a’p E B so one of up’, a’p, say up’ is in B. Thus a(p + p’) E B, so P is closed under addition. It is now obvious that P is an ideal in B. Suppose x,y~Aandxy~P.Thenaxy~Bforsomea~A\B.Ifax~B,thenx~P and if ax 4 B, then y E P; thus P is a prime. The remaining details are clear. For convenience, let us call the domain of definition B of a specialization a specialization subalgebra and let B # denote the minimal kernel. Thus B# = 0 when B = A and otherwise is a prime; also, if 4 has domain B, then the possible values of Ker 4 are the ideals of B which contain B#. COROLLARY 1. The specialization subalgebras of the direct product A = A, x -.- x A,, are the subalgebrasof the form B=A,x ..a x Aim1 x Bi x A,+1 x -.. x ,4, whme for somei, Bi is a specialization subalgebra of A,; B# = A, x --* x B,# x -** x A,whenB,fA,andB# =OwhenB, = Ai. Proof. It is clear that a B of this form is a specialization subalgebra and B# is as described. Conversely, let B f A be a specialization subalgebra. Then for some i we have ai E Ai, say i = 1 for convenience, such that (a, , 0 ,..., 0) $ B.
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    Preprint typeset in JHEP style - HYPER VERSION Chapter 10:: Clifford algebras Abstract: NOTE: THESE NOTES, FROM 2009, MOSTLY TREAT CLIFFORD ALGE- BRAS AS UNGRADED ALGEBRAS OVER R OR C. A CONCEPTUALLY SUPERIOR VIEWPOINT IS TO TREAT THEM AS Z2-GRADED ALGEBRAS. SEE REFERENCES IN THE INTRODUCTION WHERE THIS SUPERIOR VIEWPOINT IS PRESENTED. April 3, 2018 -TOC- Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Clifford algebras 1 3. The Clifford algebras over R 3 3.1 The real Clifford algebras in low dimension 4 3.1.1 C`(1−) 4 3.1.2 C`(1+) 5 3.1.3 Two dimensions 6 3.2 Tensor products of Clifford algebras and periodicity 7 3.2.1 Special isomorphisms 9 3.2.2 The periodicity theorem 10 4. The Clifford algebras over C 14 5. Representations of the Clifford algebras 15 5.1 Representations and Periodicity: Relating Γ-matrices in consecutive even and odd dimensions 18 6. Comments on a connection to topology 20 7. Free fermion Fock space 21 7.1 Left regular representation of the Clifford algebra 21 7.2 The Exterior Algebra as a Clifford Module 22 7.3 Representations from maximal isotropic subspaces 22 7.4 Splitting using a complex structure 24 7.5 Explicit matrices and intertwiners in the Fock representations 26 8. Bogoliubov Transformations and the Choice of Clifford vacuum 27 9. Comments on Infinite-Dimensional Clifford Algebras 28 10. Properties of Γ-matrices under conjugation and transpose: Intertwiners 30 10.1 Definitions of the intertwiners 31 10.2 The charge conjugation matrix for Lorentzian signature 31 10.3 General Intertwiners for d = r + s even 32 10.3.1 Unitarity properties 32 10.3.2 General properties of the unitary intertwiners 33 10.3.3 Intertwiners for d = r + s odd 35 10.4 Constructing Explicit Intertwiners from the Free Fermion Rep 35 10.5 Majorana and Symplectic-Majorana Constraints 36 { 1 { 10.5.1 Reality, or Majorana Conditions 36 10.5.2 Quaternionic, or Symplectic-Majorana Conditions 37 10.5.3 Chirality Conditions 38 11.
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