CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION Public Swimming Pools OF CALIFORNIAENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATION HEALTH ADMINISTRATORS OF and Spas ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHORDER ADMINISTRATORS FORM Excerpt from the California Health & Safety Code The California Code of Regulations, California Building Code & California Electrical Code 2015 California Public SwimmingEffective Pools July and1, 201 Spas5 Booklet Excerpt from the California Health & Safety Code The California Code of Regulations, California Building Code & California Electrical Code QUANITY TOTAL Effective July 1, 2015 _________ Pool & Spa Code Booklet at $4.25 each =$___________ Sales Tax at County/City rate =$___________ QUANITY TOTAL _________ Pool & SpaShipping Code Booklet& Handling at $4.25rates each =$___________ US mail = $ 1.12 per book…_________ Sales Tax USat County/City mail rate = $ 5.50 per 10....…________=$___________ UPS = $10.00 per 10....…_________ Shipping & HandlingExpress mail rates = $26.00 per 10..….._________ US mail = $ 1.12 per book…_________ US mail = $ 5.50 per 10....…________TOTAL DUE =$___________ UPS PLEASE SEND MY ORDER TO:= $10.00 per 10....…_________ Express mail = $26.00 per 10..….._________ Name Organization/Business TOTAL DUE =$___________ PLEASE SENDAddress MY ORDER TO: City, State, Zip Phone email Name Organization/Business Address Return this order form and checkCity, State,payable Zip to : CAEHA Tax ID# 94-1675492 Or you can order and pay P.O. Box 2017 Phone online at email Cameron Park, CA 95682-2017 under products. If you have questions, please call Sheryl Baldwin (530) 676-0715 or fax (530) 676-0515 Return this
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