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Assistant Coach Harold Sand were denied by him. according to a statement made by the Commit tee of City College Administra Editorial tors on Judge Saul Streif* re- marks yesterday. The report stated: "The en*^ "Dump" is a word that Jigs of late attained a fecial trance records of HerhertTCoT^ significance. Fornjeriy the ww-d "dump" signified the final hen and Alvin Roth were tam repository for the crty*s rubbish- The evil odors emanating pered with and falsified, as Judge from this restirig place was such as to cause it to be situated Streit disclosed. This was ^dis on the outskirts of the city. ^ covered by College authorities about six weeks ago after dis Unfortunately, the city ^dump has~ been, moved to the crepancies iiF- their high" school ^eart-of the city—Madison Square Garden. And the averages were brought -to the at tention of the College, by the bish consists of the reputation of the Gity College. probation officer. The fraud was The reputation of the College has been subjected to apparent at this time and the self-inflicted murder. Ad^nirristration and students must information was turned over to the Court. Since then, ah investi both bear the burden of responsibility. gation has been conducted by We all clamored for the big team—the team that could the College, hut no evidence,, as lick any other in the country. yet. has been found which would TEd Wi indicate who falsified the rec City College got a big, winning team. The players ful ords. The situation is complicat filled their function up to a point—up to the point that ed because there arc abbots 50 NOT winning games became more important to the players. persons in the recording offices mmittee .who have access to the files. Evidently they re^oIye4 any moral dUemma they Had by -=i - "Asssatssst Qwch Harold Sand appeared oefore this Committee Just as their records were candestinely adulterated* the on and answered- in detafL the scores were esoterically lowered. The Student-Faculty Committee on Student Activities 'a.statement Monday, denymg the charges that the charge* made against him. He The students reveled in the glory of a winning deined-that he made offers to College's i-efusal to allow Paul Robeson to- appear in Great players which violated any rules ball team and shouted for more and more victories. The Hall was, "an abridgement of arademic freedom.'» r -of intercollegiate athletics. students must not self-righteously avoid the guilt of having SFCSA stated that the rea aided aivL abetted the crime. _.__ sons Robeson was not allowed to appear in Grett Hail were Records Open < Interview, See Page 4) In committing academic suicide, rationalizations were in no way connected with his In the handling of student political position. It was consid "He not only denied saying built up about the benefits of intercollegiate athletics. records, there apparently was that City College would wink at ered by the chairman that po- gn opportunity to make fraudu- We acquiesced in tacitly accepting the theory that litical considerations were not the nfnndingw of the basketball lant changes.. The following is players yin order to keep them intercollegiate sports builds a reputation for the College, relevent to the. issue * being dis the application procedure: helps school' spirit, promotes Inter-school friendship> builds: cussed by the committee at that ^eagtttte for the team,' but he time. - The high school sends the stu maintained, that he continuously soiinoL bodies and inculcates a feeling oi sportsmanship. dent's record to the Registrar's them to maintain The meeting was held Friday, office. A member of the Regis- : Tite reputation built by sports is wh November 9. to confer upon the trar staff copies the student's In the report the Committee dis- coUege's^acadenalc standing is its sole claim to any fame as Young Progressives of Amer <Contftin>d on Page 4) ica's request to invite Paul 2) an educational institution. ._;: .. Robeson, singer and advocate True, school spirit is built up as a result of sports. But of left-wing causes, to^ appear Board Offer is the College's purpose to build spirit on a necessarily January 10 in the main audi torium Uptown. The committee harmful force? . • * •-; took ho action barring Mr. of O There are certainly more bitter hatreds and venomous Robeson from the College cam Dr. Ralph Bunche, head _ojt "I believe in the United Nations animosities built up as a result of intercollegiate rivalries pus. .the Uixited Nations Division on and I want , to see that job Trusteeship, has declined an of through first. UnJes* peace can than of any other single force. — ----•'_•• The regulation referred to fer to become the next president by the SFCSA stated. The be established through the UN, The sound bodies tfiat are built up usually belong to a of the College. no academic job will be worth use of Great Half without Dr. Bunche was quoted, as re- anything". ' _~ very few peof>le. Iiitercollegiate sports usually result in a charge shall he United; to ad f using the position because of ministrative functions agd to Dr. Bunche gave this as befng~ great excess of well-developed backsides as a result of "present cowanitroeirts to the the, same m agon for juhksii he meetings that, are joiafly *pon~ United Nations" in a page one *i(pectatoriSs/\ ..— •'. Ho¥ed and planned with Stu- refused~ PresfedentlTruman!s of*-, article In this week's issue'of fer to serve as Assistant Secre As for sportsmanship, it is not developed, unless by denjuFaculty cooperation as ap the <4Pittsburgh-Courier''v- - proved by the SFCSA." _ tary of State. tha^term-we merely mean winnmg. A philosophy of end The article disclosed that Dr. The UN delegate's second justifying means is built up with winnfi^coaclies lauded The request made by YPA Bunche was offered the position xand final refusal to the $18,000 and losing coaches fired. ^ _ :'~"~*- \ didn't^ apply to th>s existing reg by the College's Board of Trus a year position was made at a ulation. Any request must be tees. It promised to keep the luncheon conference held on~ But these results are merely rationalizations growing approved by two student organ post open for him until October, Oct. 30 with^an unidentified out of the seed of commercialism. Any solution must there izations. YPA was the only- 1952, if be would accept. Pres. member of the Board of Higher fore be drastic and to many unpleasant_It has been sug group that approved the invita Harry N. Wright is scheduled to Education* ... gested that inter-collegiate sports be* completely abolished. tion at the time of the request. retire August 31, 1952. President Wright himself of However, we beheve that this can possibly be avoided to The statement was completed Dr. Bundle's statement that fered no comment. "a bout with " .. in the light of the he was offered the position was Bunches decline of the offer. satisfy that segment of the icollegejpommunity which would above facts, therefore,'^fee as*» made Wednesday from Paris, Members of the-Board of Higher still luce to retain inter-collegiate sports: - sumption that- this specific jde^_ where he is now attending the Education had "nothing to..j»y". The solution would consist in a completely non-com cision of the SFCSA is an sixth meeting of the General Dr. Bunche declined thc^pesfj mercialized system, suctras the one in force at Johns Hop- "abridgement of 'academic~ffree "Assembly. ^^ ~^ in spite of "many outside pres dom* is a distortion of the Placing bis-work in the Unit sures," including that f of Her kms University. Nevertheless, one thing is certain. facts." It was signed by Profes ed 'Nations above immediate bert Delaney. prominent New/ City College must never again haj^e a big-time win sor Kenneth.B. Clark, chairman academic interests, Dr. Bunche York lawyer, according to the, ning team! > * (ContLau*ed~oa Page 8) stated, in refusing the position, "Pittsburgh-Courier" article. y Aoyjs*wieh> who receives an^#^to (eoit^mtse the board that beinj deir^errepot^ for inductiM^^^isa^^e* to remalii in CdBege T*il rtcteSsxflad 1A should immediately 1 best serve- the waOonal. effort report to Dr. Tfefjt-jsrthe Vieterans' \ 'This may be a difficult task f01 4 "Hie Board of Higher Education bowed last nigfitjotne The long wait is over ^^ "- fice. in £24- ^[':hoping that Washington will WKUC • ^: Kobert Moses, New Xorl^ City Coffimtissionv Roosevelt was allowed^ to a^^M^d^^Tln^ny^he^ aor^ same/>^ew> Some >er jawd chairman of Jks& Tri with only the ^tate Court of Appeals and agreed to give-800 school em ts who have not previous*] a-dlrertive that all deferroehts wil and New ployed clerks raises mid back pay amounting to one million beBej^^^pJayers^rtvolveJ ^Jfte^ieafidal^t what they deserve. There^e others who taken the Selective Service GaKj be extended a^oa^ttcath/,'* >Dr ^5fork Qty Tunnel AuthOTity the 1951 of the Young r>emoAr^bs imd that barriiigr Paul Robeson was "an •dollars. ^ e sospenaea the sen«5 ^ahouhJ;|-'Ta#t coxttfuejftedj. ^^••" ^-Z~-' Flnley Award for "sigmfican abrio!gemei>t of academic In several -suits, 175 employees; tertres aHa he knew more about make arrangements to take the, A number of studentswho have servjees rendeised tp. the C&g^ot sterner, by Mayor LaOttardia in 1934. he has held that ' djomJ classified as **GraHoV:2 clerks** al% the case than the Judgedid." test scheduled for April 24/1952. taken the College Qualification J New ^orti^ at the €lty^Coile*«'s -The Student- ;ed:ithat:-thje^woi4c-^chey €Bo^war- r^ - -^.^-^m»\.i—* ««.