MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK HELD NOVEMBER 17, 1952 AT THE CONFERENCE ROOM, HUNTER COLLEGE 695 PARK AVENUE-BOROUGH 0% MANHATTAN The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:15 P. M. There were present: Ordway Tead, Chairman Mary S. Ingraham Ruth S. Shoup, Secretary Lawton Mackall John Adikes John J. Morris Renato J. Azzari Gustave G. Rosenberg Joseph B. Cavallaro Arthur Rosencrans Porter R. Chandler Fred H. Schildwachter John E. Conboy Joseph Schlossberg Gladys M. D.orman Henry E. Schultz Ha&y Gertz Ella S. Streator Archiebald F. Glover Charles H. Tuttle President Buell. G. Gallagher, The City College President George N. Shuster, Hunter College President John J. Theobald, Queens College Dean Thomas E. Coulton, Brooklyn College Mrs. Pearl Max, Administrator The absence of ~r.Pope was excused. A. The Chairman introduced the following new members of the Board and outlined the way in which the Board performs its functions: Hon. Porter R. Chandler Hon. Archibald I?. Gl.over Hon. John E. Conb-oy Hon. John J. Morris Hon. Gustave G. Rosenberg B. Committee on Intercollegiate : Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously the following report of the Committee on Intercollegiate Basketball, in which the Committee reports that it prefers charges of neglect of duty, conduct unbecoming a teacher, and disobedience of a direction of this Board and this Committee, against Professor Frank S. Lloyd, Associate Professor , and Mr. Harry Sand, was received and placed on file, and it was agreed that the Board await further procedure in accordance with the re- port. November 17, 1952 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON INTERCOLLEGIATE BASKETBALL The first sentence of the Findings in this Committee's Report on April 30; 1951 reads "One of the fundamental principles of democratic living is that each individual must accept responsibility for his own acts even though circumstances may make it hard for him to follow the straight and narrow path. On the basis of this principle we have considered, in the matter of the basketball fix, the individuals ir~volved in or concerned with it-the players themselves .*,>. .-7; ,,,,.,- and the college and Board authorities responsible for the administration of the athletic program." %. 2;: .>.,, In the light of this principle this second report of the Committee is likewise made, and, for this . . ;i . reason, the Committee brings (:barges of conduct unbecoming a teacher, neglect of duty, and dis-. obedience of a direction of the Board and this Committee, against three members of the faculty of City College, Professor Frank S. Lloyd, Associate Professor Nat Holman, and Mr. Harry Sand. The reasons for bringing these charges are herewith outlined. As we did not excuse the players' betrayal of their honor and their college, neither can we now excuse faculty members from their responsibility in the improper administration of the athletic program and for concealment from the President of the College and from this Committee of the facts concerning the program which were < sought from them before the first Report was made and since that time. 618 BOARDOF HIGHEREDUCATION

Introductiolt On January 18, 1951, the District Attorney of Bronx County announced that two former basket- ball players from a metropolitall college had been arrested on bribery and conspiracy charges growing out of alleged "fixing" of basketball games. Subsequently, the District Attorney of New York County announced additional arrests, including seven players from 'City College. On February 19, 1951 at a meeting of the Board of Higher Education a resolution was adopted in which the Board pledged "to the people of this City that it will use all its powers to the utmost to maintain integrity in the athletic activities at the municipal colleges." The resolutiori authorized the appointment of a special committee-"three members of the Board with full powers to investigate every phase of this matter, to ascertain the fundamental causes thereof, to study the whole problem created by the increased emphasis on intercollegiate basketball, to cooperate with the public authorities, to consider what changes should be made in administration, curricular activities, and athletic practices, and to make a report of the facts, together with their recon~mendations" to the Board. These "facts" were earnestly sought by the Committee. A number of interviews were held with the members of the City College faculty responsible for the conduct of intercollegiate basketball and for coaching. These men were asked specifically to bring forward any information pertinent to the inquiry, especially in relation to adnlission and recruitment of players, scholastic standards of players, professionalism in athletics and gambling on games. The Committee while fortunately coming to sound conclusions and recommendations for a new program for the conduct of intercollegiate athletics (outlined in appendix A), did so despite the deliberate withholding by these members of the athletic faculty of information on what had actually happened at City College. A policy of silence on all questionable aspects of the situation that were not already exposed by the arrests of the players was followed by those questioned. The responsibility of a professor and teacher of young people is an affirmative one. He must do more than avoid perjury or questionable acfs. His own moral values must be so certain and aboveboard that those younger and more pliable will be molded by a fine example. Much more is expected of him than of the less critically placed citizen. Therefore, the duty of these teachers to the original Board Investigating Committee was to instruct and guide the Cominittee in its study, to bring together facts, incidents, attitudes and prac- tices which would have given them an honest picture. This would have taken courage and would have been a painful process but would have been the course of self-respecting men. Instead they were determined to maintain a system of big-time athletics, regardless of the cost to the youngsters who had been entrusted to them and to the college. Progress of Events On November 19, 1951, in imposing sentence upon seven players from City College and seven others who were found guilty, Judge Streit denounced the system of big-time basketball whlch had played so large a part in the corruption of the players and, among other things, stated that the high school records of certain of the convicted players upon which their admission to City College was based had been altered in order to secure their admission. At its meeting that evening the Board of Higher Education adopted a resolution requesting the special Committee to make a thorough investigation concerning the circumstances surrounding the admission of these students to City College and their continuance therein and stating the purpose of the Board to take "such punitive action and such other measures as the preservation of the good name bf the College and the main- tenance of truth and honor throughout the administrative staff may require." Pursuant to this mandate the Committee employed a special examiner to make an intensive investigation of all the pertinent facts. This examiner served full time from February 6, 1952 through July 15, 1952, and has served on a part-time basis since. Every discoverable source of information both within the College and outside was explored. Witnesses who might throw light on the situation weresought not only in. New York but in other cities. In view of the fact that information had not been voluntarily presented when it had been requested previously, the Com- mittee was resolved by direct interrogation of all persons in any way connected with intercollegiate athletics and by careful analysis of all pertinent data to secure a comprehensive and thorough report of the circumstances which led up to the basketball scandals. This present report comes to the Board as a result of the investigations of its special examiner, of testimony taken before the Com- mittee and of careful study of all pertinent documents and records. Interim Action by Presidefit Wright Prior to the retirement of President Harry N. Wright as of August 31, 1952, he informed our Committee in a letter dated July 31, 1952, of the administrative action he had taken to reorganize the conduct of intercollegiate athletics at City College, pending the report of our Committee. Presi- dent Wright stated that he had assigned to other members of the faculty the responsibility for administering intercollegiate basketball formerly carried by Professors Frank S. Lloyd, Samuel Winograd, w at Holman and Mr. Harry Sand. Professors Frank Lloyd and Samu&l Winograd were reassigried to other duties. Professor Nat Holman is on sabbatical leave of absence. Mr. Harry Sand is on leave of absence with pay, pending this Committee's report. President Wright made it clear that the reorganization of intercollegiate athletics which .he had I4egun constituted interim- action and that "the whole question of what, if any, disciplinary action should be taken" remained. to be determined, and he recommended "that this phase of the situation not be neglected." Our Committee was in full accord with the action taken by President Wright and with the views expressed in his letter. The ~limateof Ofiiniorr In its April 30, 1951 Report the Conlmittee wrote, LLI + * we consider college officials and faculty and ourselves as members of the Board, culpable in permitting intercollegiate basketball to continue under conditions which brought major temptation to the players of City College." Again we acknowl-edge that we consider college o.fficials and faculty and ourselves as members of the Board, culpable for having been part of the climate of acceptance of the prestige of big-time basketball without critical inquiry concerning it. We had no intimation that the prestige was won at the cost of honesty. How potent an influence the climate' of opinion has was recently evidenced at the University of Maryland when a student attempted to bribe three football players. They immediately reported this to their coach who went to the president at once. The student was apprehended before nightfall. In our first report it was pointed out that any player offered a bribe "can in one moment of speaking and action defeat evil" by saying "no" at the instant of the offer and going directly to the coach with the story. Throughout the country college administrators and athletic conference heads have since the "fix" stressed the responsibility of the individual. That principle applies to faculty members as well as to basketball players. Findings The Committee found the following: (1) Scrutiny of the high school reco~dsof 300 intercollegiate athletes admitted to City College from 1945 to 1951 revealed that ,fourteen records had been fraudulently changed in such a way as to raise the high school average sufficiently to establish eligibility for admission to the College. In twelve cases clerical errors were also noted which may or may not have been fraudulent. The changes were discovered by comparing newly secured transcripts of 300 high school records with the transcripts on file in the registrar's office-the latter being the basis on which thk eligibility of athletes for admission was predicated. More than fifty people were interrogated by our special examiner in an effort to identify the person or persons responsible for the changes. Samples of handwriting were secured and analyzed by police experts who reported that there was not sufficient writing on the transcript records to make positive identification possible. A complete investigation was made of procedures in the registrar's office. It was found that high school transcripts are handled by a large number of people, but no proof could be found to identify the person or persons who changed the records. We found no evidence to indicate that any of the students whose records were altered knew about it or were in any way connected with it. (2) Make-up examinations for athletes and all other students were administered for the most part by one clerical assistant in the registrar's office, with little supervision and without the safe- guards that should be present in examination procedures. The responsibility for giving make-up examinations was found to have been transferred several years ago to the registrar's office because of inadequacies in departmental administration of these examinations. Our Committee concurs in the opinion of President Wright and President Gallagher that re- sponsibility for the handling of make-up examir~ations is one that does not rest with the registrar. It is the obligation of department chairmen. Accordingly, the Committee approves the recommenda- tion of President Gallagher that "the responsibility for setting and conducting make-up examinations which has now been returned to the respective faculties of the College continue there, with the direction that such examinations are to be in all respects (including administering) strictly com- parable to regular examinations." (3) High school coaches were put or. the payroll of the so-called "Athletic Guidance Commit- tee" to recruit promising athletes. A member of the registrar's office staff was also on this payroll to "ease" athletes through college. (4) The Athletic Guidance Program was in reality a recruiting program for the promotion of big-time athletics at City College and by its activities helped to create the atmosphere of cynicism and disregard of academic and ethical standards that led to the debacle. (5) The withholding of vital information from the Committee until statements were being taken under oath, as outlined later in this report, was part of a deliberate pattern of concealment. ***+*+* It was not an easy matter for the Corr~mittee to reach its decision to prefer charges against the three faculty members herein named. Each had served a term of years in positions of trust and responsibility. But mindful of our public duty as members of the Board of Higher Education and confronted with evidence that appears to be conclusive, we had no choice. The special examiner and the Committee have secured substantial material which will form the basis for detailed and specific charges of neglect of duty, conduct unbecoming a teacher and disobedience of a direction of this Board and this Committee, against each of the three faculty , members named above. A brief digest of some of these facts follows: 620 BOARDOF HIGHEREDUCATION

Professor Frank S. Lloyd Prof. Lloyd was appointed as Chairman of the Hygiene Department of City College in Septem- ber, 1944. He came to the College with a distinguished record of service in the Federal Security Agency and at New York University. As Chairman of the Hygiene Department he was chairman of the Faculty Athletic Committee which laid down the policies and which was responsible for the administration of intercollegiate athletics at City College. Despite Prof. Lloyd's complete knowledge of and writings about the importance of maintaining the integrity of amateur athletics, as chairman of the Faculty Athletic Committee he approved payments to high school coaches from athletic funds- from 1945 to 1948 actual payments of money, and by supplying Madison Square Garden tickets to coaches for scouting and recruiting. He approved the setting up of the "Athletic Guidance Pro- gram" which was in reality a recruiting program for high school athletes and for the promotion of big-time athletics at City College. Prof. Lloyd knew that basketball varsity players actually played summer basketball for pay, and that these men known to be professional athletes within the meaning of the amateur athletic code were nevertheless used in intercollegiate ~Iayto represent City College. When faculty members from other departments brought this matter before the Faculty Athletic Committee he treated it as inconsequential and unimportant. In contrast to the action taken recently by athletic officials at the University of Maryland who went to the President at once when students reported an attempt to bribe three football ~!ayers, Prof. Lloyd did not report to the President of the College a bribe attempt about which he was informed in 1945, nor did Prof. Lloyd report it to the Police Department or the District Attorney's Office. Our Committee has evidence that Paul Schmones told Harry Sand that Leonard Hassman had offered him a bribe to help him dump the Holy Cross game in 1945. Sand advised Schmones to take the matter to Coach Holman; Coach Holman brought Schmones to Prof. Lloyd. Schmones and his parents were fearful of retribution against their son, and Prof. Lloyd decided to handle the matter entirely by himself. The student who made the bribe offer was dropped from the squad, but the real reason for this action was never reported to the responsible authorities of the College or of the City. When his Committee in its original investigation after the scandal broke in 1951 questioned Prof. Lloyd concerning the basketball situation, he made no mention whatsoever of the bribe attempt by Hassman and gave no indication that he knew of any attempt to bribe City College students. Similarly, when President Wright asked Prof. Lloyd and others in the Hygiene Department to turn over to him and to this Committee all documents relating to the conduct of intercollegiate basketball, Prof. Lloyd deliberately withheld a letter (Appendix B) written by Harry Sand to Ed Warner offering improper inducements to Warner to sign a contract for a South American tour of City College basketball players. Prof. Lloyd admitted that this letter was in his desk only after it had been brought to the attention of the Committee by someone else and when it was evident that the Committee already knew all about it. On the basis of the evidence presented and the reluctant testimony of Prof. Lloyd concerning every aspect of this inquiry our Committee is unanimous in its conclusion that Prof. Lloyd merits the charges brought herewith. Associate Professor Nut Holman Associate Professor Nat Holman became a pember of the Hygiene Department at City College in 1917. More than anyone else in the country he became "Mr. Basketball." In testimony before our Committee Prof. Holman consisfently attempted to give the impression that his sole job was coaching, that he knew nothing about the details of recruiting basketball players or aiding them to get into college. He insisted that a coach had to believe implicitly in the honesty of his players. In our investigation last year our Committee asked Prof. Holman if he had any information for the Committee that might be helpful in connection with the charges of bribery made against City College players. He himself had taken Paul Schmones to Prof. Lloyd to report an attempted bribe by another student, Leonard Hassman. He said nothing of this to the Committee, nor did he mention a number of occasions when suspicions of dumping games were brought to him. Mr. Sand testified under oath before the Committee that in one game he told Holman and Winograd that there was something wrong with the play of Ed Warner, that he had asked Warner pointblank "what was the matter with him" and what he was trying to do to the game, and that Warner had told him to mind his own business. Despite President Wright's directive that all infor- mation and documents concerning intercollegiate basketball be turned over to our Committee, Prof. Holman remained silent about the letter written by Mr. Sand concerning the South American tour discussed above. Questioned by this Committee in June 1952 as to whether he had ever confirmed or checked the gamblers' point spread with actual results of the game, he replied, "It was no concern of mine." Our Committee considers this reply an evidence of cynical disregard of elementary pre- cautions that were his direct responsibility as coach. The whole pattern of his testimony before the Committee was an attempt to show that he remained aloof from the sordid details that actually were part and parcel of the system of big-time basketball. In his decision of November 19, 1951, Judge Streit made this comment as a result of his inter- rogations of coaches, "The naivete, the equivocation and the Qnials of the coaches and their assist- ants concerning their knowledge of gambling, recruiting and subsidizing would be comical were they not so despicable." Our Committee is convinced that either Prof. Holman knew very well many of the aspects of big-time basketball dealt with in this report or else was so naive about matters involving his own job as to throw doubt on his fitness as a teacher. Harry Sa>ld Harry Sand started as a Teaching Fellow in the Economics Department at City College in 1939 and has since been associated with the College as tutor, assista.nt basketball coach and instructor. Though his academic work for the Ph.D. was taken in economics, he was recommended for appoint- ment with tenure by the Hygiene Department in 1950. He has not yet attained the Ph.D. Harry Sand did the leg work for big-time basketball. He hunted for and recruited players from the high schools and saw that registration procedures for high school athletes were facilitated. He loaned money to players and was the contact man for makin2 whatever arrangements were necessary to induce players to come to the College and play. Although Sand showed concern with possibilities of gambling and bribery to the extent of calling them to the attention of Coach Holman, he shared with his superiors a complete cynicism toward the amateur athletic code. He not only saw nothing wrong in the playing of basketball by varsity players during the summer for money, but in a letter to Warner dated June 21, 1950 he urged Warner to sign an affidavit that he would participate in a proposed South American tour of the players (Appendix B). In this letter he promised to kick back to the players the $2,500 he received in payment. He indicated that ,Warner would not have to live up to his promise if an "Act of Gad" such as a hurt ankle could be claimed to interfere with his going. Sand's offer to split the money he received with Warner and other players and his statement that an extra game would be fitted in with "kicks" going to the boys were outright inducement by a college teacher to a college player to violate basic amateur standards. Sand's advice to Warner on how to lie his way out of the obligation which Sand was urging him to assume is so obviously unethical as to require no further comment. Prof. Winograd was the only one of the three faculty members responsible for intercollegiate athletics who recognized even belatedly his responsibility for bringing evidence to the Board's Com- mittee that had previously been withheld. In deciding not to bring charges against Prof. Winograd the Committee was impressed by this fact and by the additional factor that Prof. Winograd was primarily responsible for administration of the program and not for policy making. Preferring of Charges On the evidence now before it, and in the light of the considerations which have been stated above, this Committee reports to the Board of Higher Education that it prefers charges of neglect of duty, conduct unbecoming a teacher, and disobedieilce of a direction of this Board and this Com- mittee, against Professor Frank S. Lloyd, Associate Professor Nat Holman, and Mr. Harry Sand. The Committee requests that the Board of Higher Education take steps in accordance with the bylaws to establish a trial committee to hear the charges and the defense which may be offered, and to render a judgment. Additional Recmmendatims In accord with the recommendation of the Cotr.mitteeYs April 30, 1951 report, President Gallagher states it is his intention to make the intramural program of sports for all-rather than big-time games for the few-the core of the physical education training of the College. The Committee further believes that the alumni and students, the educational profession and the general public will support constructive measures toward that end and will back up the efforts of President Gallagher and his colleagues. The Committee therefore recommends that the President of City College be requested to report to the Board of Higher Education from time to time on the progress made along the lines of the new athletic program laid down in the earlier report and the lines necessarily following from this present report. City College during the 105 years of its existence has experienced and has successfully met many challenges. We are confident that it will successfully meet this challenge, to restore to college sportsmanship its original dignity and integrity. Respectfully submitted, HENRY E. SCHULTZ, Chairman RENATO J. AZZARI RUTH E. SHOUP APPENDIX A Basic Principles fm the Conduct of Intercollegiate Athletics Approved by the Board at its April 30, 1951 meeting 1. Members of our teams are students who play, and not players who register. There are no athletic scholarships in the municipal colleges and members of our teams must meet all the normal admission and academic requirements. There should be no recruitment of athletes nor any contact which would give to the potential member of a team reason to expect favored treatment when ad- mitted to college. No privileges should be provided for athletes which are not available to students in any other area of college life. 2. Schedules of intercollegiate athletic competition and hours of practice should be so limited as to prevent them from handicapping the student in his general educational interests. 3. The management of intercollegiate athletics should be separated from the administration of academic eligibility for membership c.n teams, in which the primary concern should be the educational welfare of the individual student. 4. All intercollegiate games in which our teams participate should be held in facilities which are under educational control. 5. Members of athletic teams should not be permitted to participate in organized athletc com- petition outside of the regular college program or under any auspices other than those administered by appropriate educational authorities. This is to be interpreted to include athletic competition under the Amateur Athletic TJnion, if approved by college authorities. 6. The present emphasis on intramural sports should be maintained and expanded and, in order to make the program independent of gate receipts, budgetary means and facilities should be provided to make the intramural program the core of the physical education program of the colleges. APPENDIX B Copy of letter sent by HARRY SAND to EDWARD WARNER at KLEIN'S HILLSIDE HOTEL PARKSVILLE, NEW YORR

Dear Edward, I am enclosing an affidavit form for you to sign and to return to me in the enclosed envelope. If you can't have it notarized in Pafksville, return it to me-and I'll have it notarized back here. Now hear me out on the matter of the affidavit form. First-if you sign it and send back the form to me, formal approval will be given for the trip. I won't hold you personally to the promise implicit in the form. With Sam and Nat away-let us say an "Act of Godw-hurt anlfle, or what have you-will prevent you from making the trip. Then we can use an alternate, say Harold Hill- and make the trip. If you don't sign, Nat and Sam won't give permission-and every kid on the team will feel that you cheated them out of the trip. After all, there is 7 weeks between now and August 13-and a great many things can happen. Even you may decide to go. At any rate you should not, as captain and friend, of the members of the team blcck their wishes. Secondly-I think personally you should make the'trip. But I will be satisfied if you sign and send back the form without being obliged to make the tr*. There are a number of reasons for going on the triGa. the financial differences between the trip and what you will make during the last 2 weeks of August will be mighty small. The last weeks in August are always very slow in the "mountains". By this time you yourself may be tired of being confined in one place. Th'e earnings are generally low during this period-whereas you will be able to pick up something on the 3 extra weeks after Labor Day that the trip will take. Furthermore, he's promised the boys that they may be able to fit in an extra game with the "kicks" going to the boys. Therefore I don't feel there will be any loss on your part if you do go. b. In your ordinary lifetime, you won't be able to afford a frip to So. America. You'll be married and tied down-and the cost of $3,000 won't be an easy chunk to take out of ?our pocket at that time. We don't get invitations to go every day. Therefore-Brazil, Uruguay, and Argen- tina is a pleasant prospect. Look at the track athletes breaking their backs to get into some free trips this summer-and without 'the financial return you will receive. c. You can't figure what contacts you may make and the possible influence they may exert on your future life. Look at Sonny Jameson on our trip to California 2 years ago. Frank Walsh, Cow Palace promoter, took a liking to him-and any time that Sonny wants he can go out to the West Coast and work and play for Oakland. He had a real good offer the other week from Walsh. We will have letters of reference to Dept-store executives and others in Brazil and Argentina. Who knows what may develop for you? It's worth a look-especially when it's free. d. You will he playing without pressure. To win won't be most important thing at this time. And to have you play once again with me will always be a source of deep satisfaction to me. We can have fun if you decide to come. The monies I would get for the trip-as in the case of Clair Bee--will go to you fellows. I'm very deeply grateful to you and other members of our championship team. You made my tenure a reality-I received a promotion and tenure last Monday. 'Every way in which I can help you and the other fellows on the team will be the way I will pursue. The fellows want to make this trip- to accommodate them, I'm willing to undertake the responsibility. And it is with this deep feeling of gratitude that I would like you to make this trip with us. I will do everything within my power to complete your enjoyment and good fellowship on the trip. There is no full guarantee that the trip will actually come off. No one has signed the contract as of the present moment. Therefore you shouldn't block the possible trip-please sign and send me the paper. Then I'd like you to give full consideration to my thoughts about making the trip.

+ Please DON'T discuss this with Saracheck and Eisenstein or anyone else. They are very close to Sam-and will kill this plan. Destroy the letter-if you will-after signing and sending the form to me. Please send the other form-pg. 3-to your Aunt-with a short note asking her to sign and to send it to me. I'll have it notarized for her too. My very best wishes to you. If you have any questicms or problems, drop me a note at the house. We plan to be home all summer. Sincerely yours BOBBY SAND I have advised you well during the past few years. Last summer the position at Rosenfeld's was my doing. (By the way, Hill has your job at Rosenfeld's now.) I believe you should listen to me now P.S. Jim Reid agrees with me in all 1 have said to you in this letter. C. Ratification of Board Action-October 20, 1952: Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the action taken at the October 20, 1952 meeting of the Board was ratified with the understanding that President Shuster will report at the January meeting of the Board on action taken with respect to Calendar No. 6 of the minutes of October 20, 1952. D. Hearing Request-Suspension of Three Faculty Members: At their re- quest, the Board heard the following who protested against the proposed action under Section 903 of the Charter declaring the positions of three faculty members vacant (Cf. Cal. No. 5): Dr. Henrietta Friedman Mr. Harold Cammer-Attorney for Dr. Friedman, Prof. Sarah Riedman Prof. Phillips and Prof. Riedman Prof Melba Phillips Mrs. Rose Russell-Teachers Union

1. Approval of Minutes: Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Board meeting held 9/22/52 were approved as amended to indicate that Mr. Gertz had asked to be excused from attending the meeting.

COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM AND PERSONNEL Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following resolutions ap- proved by the members of the Committee on Program and Personnel on 11/10/52 were adopted (Cal. Nos. 2 through 4):

No. 2. Curriculum-The City College: RESOLVED,That the following recom- mendati.ons of the Faculty of the School of Business and Civic Administration and the Director of the School of General Studies be approved: School of General Sutdies-Extension Division. New Courses Speaking for Every Occasion (X). 2 hrs. wk., 6 wks. Fee: $7.00 Group Discussion and Conference Leadership (X). 2 hrs. wk., 6 wks. Fee: $7.00 (The above courses will be given in collaboration with the United Parents Association under; the following conditions: One-third of the tuition fees are to be charged to administration; the remaining two-thirds must at least be sufficient to cover instructional costs.) Television AS. Films for Television. 4 class hrs., $36 tuition fee, $10 mat. fee, total $46. Television A6. The Use of the Camera in Television. 4 class hrs., $36 tuition fee, $10 mat. fee, total $46. Television A6. Special Effects in Television. 4 class hrs., $36 tuition fee, $10 mat. fee, total $46. School of Bwiness and Civic Admkistratiolz Revision in Credit Requiremellt The elementary and intermediate courses i% Stenography-Accountaxicy 401, Pitman (411 Gregg) and 403 Pitman (413 Gregg) will now each receive credit in its own right. Change in Hours and Credits Econ. 9236. Industrial Pricii~qand Production. From 3 hrs. wk., 3 cr. To 2 hrs. wk., 2 cr. Econ. 9206. Labor Economics. From 3 hrs. wk., 3 cr. To 2 hrs. wk., 2 cr. (Fees for the above courses approved by the Administrative Council.)

No. 3. Curriculum-Hunter College: RESOLVED,That the following new courses recommended by the Advisory Council of the School of General Studies on 10/17/52 and 10/28/52 be approved: Secretarial Accounting. 15 sess., 30 hrs., no cr. Fee $16. Office Supervision for the Secretary. 15 sess., 30 hrs., no cr. Fee $16. Fundamentals of Book Editing. 15 sess., 30 hrs., no cr. Fee $16. Knowing American Antiques. 15 sess., 30 hrs., no cr. Fee $16. Advertising Copy. 15 sess., 30 hrs., no cr. Fee $16. Advertising Layout. 15 sess., 30 hrs., no cr. Fee $16. Movie Making for the Novice. 15 sess., 30 hrs., no cr. Fee $16. Introduction to Journalism. 15 sess., 30 hrs., no cr. Fee $16. Writing for Musical Theatre. 15 sess., 30 hrs., no cr. Fee $16.

No. 4. Curriculum-Brooklyn College: RESOLVED,That the following recom- mendations of the Committee on Graduate Studies approved by the Faculty Coun- cil on 10/21/52 be adopted, effective 9/1/52: New Course American Studies 284.1G, 284.2G. Seminar I, 11. 60 hrs. sem., 4 cr. (For credit toward M.A. exclusive of Teacher Education Program) Additional Cmrse Offering for Teacher Educatio~Program Psychology 345. Clinical Psychopathology.

No. 5. Suspensions Without Pay: The report of the Presidents of Hunter and Brooklyn Colleges was noted of the suspension without pay of the following members of the instructional staffs, effective as indicated, because of their refusal to answer questions at a hearing held before the United States Senate on October 13, 1952, concerning membership in the Communist Party on the grounds that their answers might tend to incriminate them: Name Title Department College Eff. Date Henrieta A. Friedman Instructor Classics Hunter 10/28/52 Noon Sarah R. Riedman Asst. Prof. Biology Brooklyn 10/28/52 C.B. Melba Phillips Asst. Prof. Physics Brooklyn 10/28/52 C.B. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following resolution was adopted : WHEREAS,Under date of October 13, 1952, Henrietta A. Friedman, Sarah R. Riedman and Melba Phillips testified before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary of the United States ,Senate, and WHEREAS,On Page 89 of the transcript of the testimony of Henrietta A. Fried- man, Counsel for the Committee asked her whether she ever had been a member .of the Communist Party and her answer to this question was as follows: "I said I must decline to answer that for reasons I have already given. Mr. Morris: Is one of the reasons that your answer may incriminate you? Mrs. Friedman: I gave you several other reasons. Mr. Morris: Is that one of your reasons? Mrs. Friedman: Yes, that is one of my reasons." and the transcript of her testimony then indicates that she was asked by Counsel: "Are you presently a member of the Communist Party? Mrs. Friedman: I must decline to answer that. Senator Smith: For the same reason? Mrs. Friedman: For all of the reasons I have given you." and WHEREAS,Page 91 of the transcript of the testimony of Sarah R. Riedman indi- cates that Counsel for the Committee asked her whether she was head of a unit of Communist school teachers operating in Brooklyn College, and after discussion in which the Chairman directed her to answer (Page 93), she concluded her an- swer to this question as follows: "* * * I must take recourse to my rights under the Fifth Amendment in nai L answering that question." Later, on Page 94 of the transcript of the testimony, Counsel for the Committee asked her whether she had been a member of the Communist Party, and she re- plied : 44I decline to answer for the same reasons." The following then appears in the transcript (Pages 94-5) : "Mr. Morris: Are you presently a member of the Communist Party? Mrs. Riedman: I similarly decline to answer for the reasons given." and WHEREAS,Page 97 of the transcript of the testimony of Melba Phillips indi- cates that she was asked by Counsel for the Committee: "Have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?" and Page 98 of the transcript of the testimony indicates that Miss Phillips con- cluded her refusal to answer the question as follows: "* * * I am very glad to make use of the First, Fifth, and Sixth Amend- ments. Senator Ferguson: Do you refuse, then, to answer on the grounds that it might tend to incriminate you? Miss Phillips: I use the Fifth Amendment." After further colloquy, the following testimony appears on Page 99 of the transcript : "Senator Smith: I am asking your position. Do you refuse to answer on the ground that your testimony would tend to incriminate you? "Miss Phillips: I certainly do. "Senator Smith: All right. That is it. "Mr. Morris: Are you presently the member of the Communist Party? "Miss Phillips: The same answer applies." and WHEREAS,The Corporation Counsel in Opinion No. 102619, dated October 24, 1952, advised that questions directed by an official body to an employee of the i3oard concerning his past or present membership in the Communist Party con- stitutes an inquiry into the employee's official conduct within the purview of Charter, Section 903, and WHEREAS,The Corporation Counsel found that Mrs. Friedman, Mrs. Riedman and Miss Phillips refused to answer questions concerning their membership in the Communist Party on the ground that their respective answers might tend to incriminate them, with which finding we agree, and WHEREAS,Section 903 provides as follows: "Section 903. If any councilman or other officer or employee of the city shall, after lawful notice or process, wilfully refuse or fail to appear before any court or judge, any legislative committee, or any officer, board or body authorized to conduct any hearings or inquiry, or having appeared shall refuse to testify or to answer any question regarding the property, government or affairs of the city or of any county included within its territorial limits, or re- garding the nomination, election, appointment or official conduct of any officer or employee of the city or of any such county, on the ground that the answer would tend to incriminate him, or shall refuse to waive immunity from prose- cution on account of any such matter in relation to which he may be asked to testify upon any such hearing or inquiry, his term or tenure of office or em- ployment shall terminate and such office or employment shall be vacant, and he shall not be eligible to election or appointment to any office or employment under the city or any agency." and WHEREAS,The Presiaents of Hunter College and Brooklyn College have ad- vised this Board of the suspension of Henrietta A. Friedman, effective as of noon on October 28, 1952, and of Sarah R. Riedman and Melba Phillips effective as of the close of business, October 28, 1952, and have reported their action to this board, THEREFOREBE IT RESOLVED,That the positions of Henrietta A. Friedman, Instruc- tor at Hunter College; Sarah R. Riedman, Assistant Professor at Brooklyn Col- lege; and Melba Phillips, Assistant Professor at Brooklyn College, are declared vacant and that their employmerit is hereby terminated effective as indicated: Henrietta A. Friedman October 28, 1952 noon Sarah R. Riedman October 28, 1952 close of business Melba Phillips October 28, 1952 close of business pursuant to the provisions of Section 903 of the New York City Charter.

No. 6. Gulick ~e~ort:Action D.ocument No. 15, dated March 4, 1952, of the Mayor's Committee on Management Survey, concerning the Board of Higher Education, circulated to members of the Board, was noted. The Chairman stated that the report and recommendations are being studied by appropriate committees -of the Board. The recommendations are as follows: "Recommendation No. 1: The Mayor's Committee on Management Survey recommends that membership on the Board of Higher Education be .reduced in number as indicated in the report. The extent and manner of the reduc- tion and reorganization should be determined by a Joint Committee of the Board of Higher Education and the State University. Provision should hr made for state representation if appropriate state support is provided. "Recommendation No. 2: The Mayor's Committee also recommends that the Board confine itself to policy-making and divest itself of administrative detail. Special committees should be appointed for dealing with particular problems, but these should be discharged when their task is completed. The Board should function as a Committee of the Whole and seek to reduce and eventually eliminate its Standing Committees along the lines recommended in the Report. "Recommendation No. 3: The Mayor's Committee recommends the estab- lishment of the position of Chancellor with responsibility and authority for co- ordination of the entire system of higher education and the centralization of fiscal control. It agrees with the consultants that the highest type of man should be secured for the chancellorship, and that his function is not to re. place able presidents in the leadership of the separate colleges. However, if common decisions are to be reached for the solution of common problems, the Chancellor must have the authority to execute them, and this power should be indicated in the By-laws. The Chancellor should be elected by the Board of Higher Education. "Recommendation No. 4: The Mayor's Committee concurs with the recom- mendations of the Consultants that the colleges be freed from the restrictions of the line-item budget, that they be permitted to set up their budget on a functional or program basis, subject, of course, to post-audit of their accounts by the Comptroller. Where reductions are required, they should be made in the budget as a whole. The responsibility for specific curtailments when necessary, should be left with the Board of Higher Education. "Recommendation No. 5: The Mayor's Committee recommends that the State immediately accept some responsibility for the support. of the City's post-secondary school program as it does for the communities in the rest of the State. The appropirate share to be borne by the State and the question of incorporation into the State University should be explored by a Joint Committee of the Board of Higher Education and the Trustees of the State University." MINUTESOF PROCEEDINGS,NOVEMBER 17, 1952 62 7

No. 7. Presidents' Salaries: The Administrator's report was noted that at the meeting of tlie Board of Estimate held October 9, 1952, the Board of Estimate approved increases in the salaries of the Presidents of the four municipal colleges to the sum of $20,000 per annum, effective 11/1/52. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following resoluti.ons, ap- proved by the Administrative Council at its meetings of 10/27/52 and 11/3/52 were adopted (Cal. Nos. 8 through 13):

No. 8. Architectural and Engineering Unit: RESOLVED,That Joseph R. Weiss be appointed Mechanical Engineer or Assistant Professor from 9/1/52 through 12/31/53 at an annual salary rate of $6490, subject to financial ability, payable from capital budget funds.

No. 9. Promotions: RESOLVED,That application to the Budget Director be au- thorized for budget line modifications, effective 1/1/53, to make possible promo- tions in the instructional staff as follows: City Hunter Brooklyn Qwem From Assoc. Prof. to Full Professor 10 8 9 5 From Asst. Prof. to Assoc. Professor 11 9 10 6

No. 10. College Physicians: RESOLVED,That the Board approve a salary in- crease of $250 for College Physicians receiving $2990 per annum, effective 12/1/52, and be it further RESOLVED,That the Board authorize a request to the Budget Director for the necessary line modifications. I No. 11. Custodial Staffing: RESOLVED,That the Board request the Board of Estimate for an allocation of $94,000 from the funds set aside by the City to meet the additional cost of the proposed forty-hour week for custodial personnel. This sum represents the cost in additional man days to meet and continue present schedules and covers approximately 44 positions at $2,110. It would be allocated to the colleges as follows: The City College, $25,400; Hunter College, $29,100; 11i Brooklyn College, $29,500; Queens Colloge, $10,000. I f i No. 12. Fees Waived for Enlisted Men: RESOLVED,That the following resolu- i tions of the Board, 9/25/41, Cal. No. 11, 9/28/42, Cal. No. 105, 11/16/42, Cal. NO. E i 104, 11/20/44, Cal. No. 9 and 10/20/52, Cal. No. 92 in reference to waiving fees for i enlisted men and officers be rescinded, and be it further I RESOLVED,That officers and men in the Armed Forces of the United States be rtI* admitted to the courses given in the municipal colleges provided there is a vacancy I; in the course desired and provided also that the applicant has completed the pre- requisites for that course, and be it further 4; RESOLVED,That the Board extend to such military personnel the same privileges I in respect to fees as those granted residents of the City of New York, and be it further RESOLVED,That the Board hereby suspend the provisions of Section 151 of the Bylaws restricting admission to residents of New York City for the purpose of admitting such members of the Armed Forces of the United States.

No. 13. Admission Audit: RESOLVED,That the Board approve an additional appropriation of $350 from non-instructional fees of the four colleges to meet the I balance of the audit account, and be it further RESOLVED,That in accordance with previous Council action, the following pay- ments for audit be approbed: Leonard West-Supervisor $594.38 s. Zylos Janet Capin 55.50 W. Pefley V. Hoffman 28.50 M. McNeil V. Cohenow 78.75 M. Longo S. Botkin 6.00 B. Perry C. Driscoll 85.87 L. Beach G. Driscoll 4.50 H. Woltzin K. Elhof 33.00 R. Sinclair G. Lauer 6.38 E. Youman T. Martow 65.25 C. Smith F. McCoy 9.75 N. M. Carfora E. Price 17.63 N. Schimabe 6.00 Total P. S. $1,617.52

No. 14. Enrollment Report: The following summary prepared by the Ad- ministrator from the enrollment reports for the Fall term 1952, presented by the four colleges was noted: City Hunter Brooklyn Queens College College College College Total Day Session- undergradute matric. 1952 9095 5527 8043 3483 26,148 1951 9304 5093 8432' 3354 26,183 Total Enrollment- Day, Grad., Eve. 1952 28629 13593 21876 5889 69,987 1951 30762 13084 22366 5011 71,223 High School Averages Required for Admission W M W M (without examination) 1952 80% 80% 83740 801% 80% 80740 1951 80% 80% 83%" 80% 80% 80% Composite Score Required (High School average and Entrance Examination) 1952 160 152 160 160 160 160 1951 154 150 154 154 154 154 Total enrollment in all sessions decreased by 1,236 from 71,223 to 69,987 as compared with last Fall. There was a slight net dec;ease of 35 in the number of undergraduate matriculants in the Day Session, with decreases of 209 at City and 389 at Brooklyn, and in increase of 434 at Hunter and 129 at Queens. Nan‘- matriculant enrollment was lower this year except that at Hunter an increase of 105 and at Queens a slight increase of 15 were shown. Adult education enrollment reflected an increase in all four colleges. lncluded in the above over-all college enrollments are the Hunter College Elementary and High Schools which enrolled 1722 students in September 1952 as compared with 1797 in 1951.

* As corrected. The reports of the meetings of the Administrative Committees were received and placed on file, and upon motions duly made, seconded and carried, the follow- ing resolutions, as approved by the Committees or as amended, were adopted or action was taken as noted: The City College Administrative Committee meeting held 11/5/52 Hunter College Administrative Committee meeting held 11/3/52 Brooklyn College Administrative Committee meeting held 11/6/52 Queens College Administrative Committee meeting held 11/5/52 THE CITY COLLEGE (Calendar Nos. 15 through 18)

No. 15. Extra Compensation: RESOLVED,That extra compensation be approved as indicated, from non-instructional fee funds, subject to financial ability, for the following: Period Dept.. Title and Name From Through Rate of Cornpernation BUSINESSMANAGER'SDIVISION COLLEGESUPPLIES& EQUIPMENT College Purchasing Agent Howard Rudner 11/1/52 6/30/53 $750./annum REGISTRAR'SOFFICE College Ofice Assistant A, Prov. M. Sylvester King 10/1/52 6/30/53 275./annum

No. 16. Athletic Fee: WHEREAS,A City College Athletic Fee of $1.00 was ap- proved at the meeting of the Board on April 21, 1952, Cal. No. 99 and at the meeting of The City College Administrative Committee on May 7, 1952, Cal. NO. 4, and WHEREAS,This Athletic Fee is now required for all fully matriculated under- graduate students attending' either the day or evening session and WHEREAS,The rules of the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference prevent fully matriculated evening session students from being eligible for day session inter- collegiate athletic teams of the College, and WHEREAS,Fully matriculated evening session students, special students, and stu- dents, in the Associate in Arts program are eligible for evening session athletic teams, and WHEREAS,The General Faculty Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics has been charged with the responsibility, subject to the approval of the General Faculty: and the President, of determining policies and general procedures which relate to the intercollegiate athletic program of the College; therefore be it RESOLVED,That beginning with the spring term of 1953, the general fee of $4.00 now required of Special students and students in the Associate in Arts program be increased to $5.00 for the Special and A.A. students registering in the fall and spring terms and that the increase of $1.00 be designated for the intercollegiate athletic program of the College; and be it further RESOLVED,That this increase of $1.00 for Special students and for students in the Associate in Arts program, and the increase of $1.00 previously approved (4/21/52, Cal. No. 99) affecting fully matriculated students, be apportioned be- tween the day session intercollegiate athletic program and the evening session athletic program by the General Faculty Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics in a manner consistent with the best interests of both programs. (Approved by the Administrative Council.)

No. 17. Waiving of Bylaws: RESOLVED,That the Bylaw provisions concerning Special Leave of Absence be waived for the following person: Period Dept., Rank and Name From Through Salary Terms Type and Reason ART Lectwer, p.t. Yasuo Kuniyoski 10/6,'52 11/26/52 With pay less compensation Special of substitute

No. 18. President's. Inauguration: (a) Inauguxation Committee: The Ad- ministrative Committee's report was noted of the adoption of a resolution desig- nating the chairma; of The City College Administrative Committee, Dr. Azzari and Mr. Rosencrans as a Committee on Inauguration for the installation of President Buell G. Gallagher. (b) Appropriation-Non-Instructional Fees: RESOLVED,That the Board au- thorize the expenditure of a sum of money not to exceed $4,000 for printing invi- tations, programs, etc., and for other expenses in connection with the Inaugura- tion of the newly-elected President, and that said disbursements be paid out of Non-Instructional Fee Funds. (c) It was noted that in a report to the Administrative Committee, President Gallagher stated that he deemed it important that the faculty and students have a part in the preparation of plans for the Inauguration and that in order to bring this about an all-college conference was being planned on the subject "The Job of the College-The College for the Job."

HUNTER COLLEGE (Calendar Nos. 19 through 21) No. 19. Promotion: RESOLVED,That the Board approve the promotion of Dr. John P. Clay, Department of Chemistry, from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, effective January 1, 1953, at an annual salary rate of $8,600, subject to financial ability, schedule conditions, and sufficiency of registration. No. 20. Program in the Field of Special Education: RESOLVED,That if it be deemed necessary in the opinion of the Committee on Legislation and Bylaws of the Board, legislation be sought authorizing the registration of qualified students who are non-residents of the State of New York, in a number not to exceed 100 new admissions in any given year, to the graduate program for teachers and auxiliary personnel in the field of education of the exceptional child, with special emphasis on the physically handicapped, subject to the proviso that such students when admitted shall pay tuition in an amount based on the fact that the States of their origin do not directly support public education in New York City, and sub- ject to the further proviso that the amount to be paid shall be determined by the Board; and ,be it further RESOLVED,That the Board approve the establishment of a fund to be known as the Hunter College Special Education Fund, to be administered by the President. No. 21. Gifts: RESOLVED,That the following gifts be accepted with thanks: (1) $1,000 received from friends of their retiring president of the Associate Aluknnae in order to establish the Louise Draddy Award Fund, the income from which is to be awarded annually to a graduating senior, deemed by the President and faculty to have manifested excellent scholarship, good character, and significant qualities of leadership. (2) $100 from Mr. Henry Hyman in order to establish the Florence Hyman Art Award, to be given annually in the amount of $50 to the graduating senior deemed by the Chairman of the Department of Art to have done particularly commendable work in her chosen field of art study.

BROOKLYN COLLEGE (Calendar Nos. 22 through 27) No. ,22. rant: RESOLVED,That the Board accept with thanks a grant of $300 from the U. S. Public Health Service to support an investigati.on of the effect of rapid cooling on contraction and electrical potentials in single fibers of smooth muscles being conducted by Rita Guttman, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology. No. 23. Contracts: RESOLVED,That the President, or his representative, be authorized to prepare forms of contracts for the following constructions and, when they are approved by the Administrative Office of the Board, the Corporation Counsel's Office and all other city agencies concerned, to advertise for bids in the City Record, to open bids received and to award the contracts to the lowest re- sponsible bidders, the names of such successful bidders to be reported subse- quently to the Board: a. Construction of a rifle range in the partly excavated space under the Brook- lyn College Library, in accordance with an agreement between the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps and the Administration of Brooklyn College, at an estimated cost of $10,000, t~ be charged to the Non-instruc- tional Fee Fund. b. Construction of a Nursery School in Ingersoll Hall, at an estimated cost of $14,000, to be charged to Code 12-1002-408-09-53 (Repairs to Buildings and Structures)-Teacher Education Program. No. 24. Suspensions. Without Pay: Cf. Cal. No. 5. No. 25. Early Childhood Center: RESOLVED,That the Brooklyn College Early Childhood Centel- be authorized to enter into a contract with the parent or guardian of any child adrqitted to the Center on and after February 1, 1953, for nursery school and kindergarten instruction, with no charge for instruction, but upon payment of a Registration Fee of $5.00 each semester and a Materials Fee of $25.00 per semester, both payable in advance; and be it further RESOLVED,That provision be made for the termination of the contract on terms to be determined by the Director of the Program and the President of the College; and be it further RESOLVED,That refunds may be authorized by the Director only in cases where the Early Childhood Center requests the parent to withdraw his child or in case a child is withdrawn foi- such reasons as health or family emergency; and be it further RESOLVED,That the following budget for the expenditure of the fees collected in the Early Childhood Center during 1952-1953 be approved: Estimated Receipts from Materials Fees 70 children @ $25.00 per semester ...... $1750

Estimated ~x~endituresfrom Materials Fees These expenditures are tentatively estimated to fall approximately into the following categories : Postage, telephone, etc...... $ 120 Instructional supplies-art and constructional materials, etc...... 300 Medical and First Aid supplies ...... 75 Office supplies, stationery, etc...... 60 Sanitary and cleaning silpplies ...... 35 Household supplies (kitchen and laundry) ...... 180 Food-mid-session snacks, etc...... 400 Repairs and upkeep of equipment, etc...... 150 Replacements and additions to equipment ...... 250 Special Services-psychological and educational services ...... 120 Miscellane~us and contingency ...... 6 0

Estimated Receipts from Registration Fees 70 children $5.00 per semester ...... Estimated Expenditures from Registration Fees Medical examinations, 70 children @ $3.00 ...... Medical examination supplies and equipment, and completing of forms ...... 140 Nursery School and Kindergarten Admissions Policy The primary purpose of the Center is to give training to Brooklyn College students, especially in the Departments of Education, Home Economics and Psychology. Service to the children and parents of a limited number of families in the neighborhood of the College is a natural resultant purpose. To qualify for consideration for admission of a child, parents (or guardian) will file an application blank within a set time limit. In addition to factual data this blank will show that parent (or guardian) agrees: a. To accompany the child to and from the Center. b. To cooperate fully with the program. In considering the eligibility of a child, the child's need for the nursery school or kindergarten and the availability of suitable facilities to meet his need will be considered. Among those eligible selection will be made in terms of the following criteria : a. Exact age, so as to provide a distribution of ages suitable for the purpose of educating and training of Brooklyn College Students. No child will be accepted who is under 3 years of age on the first day of either term, nor who is over 5 years 8 months on the first day of the spring term or 5 years 3 months on the first day of the fall term. b. Sex, so as to provide an even distribution of boys and girls. c. Distance of residence from the Early Childhood Center. Boundaries of the district to be served will be drawn so as to make available the 'number of eligible children to be accommodated and will be readjusted as experience may show such readjustment to be necessary. Fees Tuition is free. A registration fee of $5.00 will be charged at the beginning of each semester, for each child accepted, to cover the cost of a physical examination, preparation of records, etc. A materials fee of $25.00 per semester will be charged to cover the mid-morning or mid-afternoon snacks, materials used by the children and other non-instructional costs. These two fees are payable in advance when parents are notified that the child has been accepted. They are not refundable in case of withdrawal of the child during the term. (Approved by the Administrative Council.) No. 26. Promotion: RESOLVED,That Mark E. Parks, Tutor in the Department of Biology, who has satisfactorily met the Bylaw requirements for promotion to the instructorship, be promoted to the rank of Instructor, effective February 1, 1953, with salary at the rate of $4490 per annum* for the period ending June 30, 1953, subject to financial ability and schedule conditions.

* Including special increments (Cf. Cal. No. 27). No. 27. Special Salary Increases: RESOLVED,That the annual salary rates of the following members of the instructional staff be increased as indicated effective as of December 1, 1952 (unless otherwise noted), subject to financial ability and schedule conditions: Old Salary Old Salary Dept., Rank as of New Salary Dept., Rank as of New Salary and Name 12/1/52 12/1/52 1/1/53 and Name 12/1/52 12/1/52 1/1/53 BIOLOGY ECONOMICS Asst. Prof. Instrwtor Guttman, Rita $5354. $5706. $5862. Schmukler, Nathan 4994. 5354. 5546. Iltstr~ctor* Parks, Mark E. 3950. 4490.** MINUTESOF PROCEEDINGS,NOVEMBER 17, 1952 633

Old Salary Old Salary Dept., Ramk as of New Salary Dept., Ramk as of New Salary and Name 12/1/52 12/1/52 1/1/53 and Name 12/1/52 12/1/52 1/1/53 GEOL~Y ROMANCELANGUAGES Instructor Asst. Prof. Wang, Ria Kang 4826. 5174. 5354. Begue, Armand C. 5706. 5862. 6018. GERMAN SOCIOLOGY& ANTHROPOLOGY Assoc. Prof. Instructor Koch, Ernst 6650. 7450. 7850. Jablow, Joseph 4658. 5174. 5354.

* Cf. Cal. No. 26. ** Effective as of 2/1/53.

QUEENS COLLEGE No. 28. Department Chairman: RESOLVED,That Assistant Professor Barse Miller be designated Chairman of the Art Department in accordance with the recommendation of the President and the Department, for three years effective July 1, 1952. TEACHER EDUCATION No. 29. Transfer to Hunter College: RESOLVED,That the Board transfer Dr. John S. Diekhoff, Associate Professor, Department of English, Queens College, to Hunter College, and appoint him Professor, Department of Education, Teacher Education Program, for the period February 1, 1953-January 31, 1954, at a salary rate of $9,250 per annum in 1953 and $9,500 per annum in 1954, subject to financial ability, schedule conditions, and sufficiency of registration. This has been approved by the Dean of Teacher Education.

THE CITY COLLEGE (Calendar Nos. 30 through 44) No. 30. Contracts: (a) RESOLVED,That the contract with Standard Water- proofing Corporation, Contract No. 165495, for Rehabilitation of Lewisohn Stadium, be increased to $49,688.00. (Amount of increase, $2,288.00 within the allowable 5%.) (b) RESOLVED,That the contract with Eastern Press, Inc., Contract No. 167015, for College Bulletins 1952-53, be increased to $4,748.55. (Amount of increase, $301.21. ) No. 31. Degrees: -RESOLVED,That degrees and certificates be conferred as of September 1952 upon the students who have been recommended by the Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and Science, the Faculty of the School of Tech- nology, the Faculty of the School of Business and Civic Administration and the Faculty of the School of Education. (Names with degrees, etc., are on file in the Registrar's Office.)

, No. 32. School of Education: RESOLVED,That the following persons be ap- pointed or reappointed to the School of Education, in the ranks, for the periods and at the rates of compensation indicated, payable from Budget and/or Fee Funds, subject to financial ability and schedule conditions: A. APPOIN'TIMENTS : Period Title and Name From Thrmgh: Replacement Hourly Salary Rate Fellow, p.t. Richard Lazar 9/1/52 1/31/53 I. Miller 20 hrs. @ $1.50 Ruth Lesser 9/1/52 1/31/53 60 hrs. @ $2.00 Jules Organ 9/1/52 1/31/53 S. Switzer 60 hrs. @ $1.50 Abraham Penzer 9/1/52 1/31/53 L. Eeitler 30 hrs. @ $2.00 Lucretia Pile 9/1/52 1/31/53 115 hrs. @ $2.00 (reduced from 500 hours) No. '33. School of General Studies: RESOLVED,That the following persons be appointed or reappointed to the School of General Studies or to the Evening and Extension Division, in the ranks, at the rates of compensation indicated for the maximum number of 192 hours as necessary during the period 9/1/52 through 6/30/53, unless otherwise indicated, payable from Budget and/or Fee Funds, sub- ject to financial ability, schedule conditions and satisfactory service: REAPPOINTMENTS Hourly Max. No. Hourly Max. No. Dept., Rank, Name Rate of Hours Dept., Rank, Name Rate of Hours DRAFTING PHYSICS Lecturers Lecturer Halasz, Andre $8.00 Kramer, Paul* 5.50 Raborg, Jdseph 5.00 320 ENGLISH SPECIALNON-CREDIT COURSES Lecturer DRAMATIcs & PLAYWRITING Wechsler, Melvin 4.75 330 Weiser, Jacob 4.75 96 (10/15/52-6/30/53) (9/1/52--1/31/53) GOVERNMENT College Assistant STUDENTLIFE Lerner, Matilda (2.00)2.27 128 Guidance Adviser HISTORY Austin, Leroy 1.86 544 Lecturers Hirsch, Mark David 6.00 348 LIBRARY Miselson, Alex 5.00 96 Library Assistant (9/1/52-1/31/53) Lippoth, Elizabeth F. (3.00) 3.1 1 256 HYGIENE (10/1/52-6/30/53) College Assistants 6 Studelit (Aide) Assistants @ $1.00 Abeles, Otto 1.75 Bengis, Bertha 1.75 160 ADMINISTRATION Blucher, Florence 1.75 160 College Assistant Butler, David 2.00 O'Brien, Marion I<. (2.75) 3.02 8 Condon, John S. 2.00 160 (9/1/52-10/15/52) Ferguson, Katherine 1.75 160 Goodwin, Katherine 1.75 160 CORRECTION LaMura, Vincent 1.75 160 ROMANCELANGUAGES Lewis, Edward 1.75 160 Lecturer Mottola, Rette (1.50)1.77 128 Speranza, Ernest V. 5.25 49 Murphy, William 1.75 160 (2/1/52-6/30/52) Nanton, Olga 1.75 160 (Instead, of 42 hours) O'Connor, Daniel 1.75 160 Truesdale, Helen 2.00 BIOLOGY Wagner, Charles 1.75 160 Substitute Lecturer 5 SBudent (Aide) Assistants @ $.75 Aaronson, Sheldon 5.00 APPOINTMENTS CHEMISTRY LIBRARY Lecturer Fellow Condon, Francis E. $6.00 Gay, Joseph J. 2.65 96 HYGIENE (10/8/52-6/30/53) Lecturer 9 Student (Aide) Assistants @ $.75 & $1.00 Kiel, Camille 3.75 ADMINISTRATION (10/1/52-6/30/53) Coordinators Fellow Cannon, John 5.00"" 50 Tolkoff, Sam 2.75 96 (9/30/52-6/30/53) College Assistants Lewis, Abby 5.00** 25 Jackson, Alphonse 1.75 160 (10/14/52-6/30/53) Meyer. Christine 1.75 160 Shea, Joan 5.00*+ 25 Quinn, Michael 2.00 160 (10/14/52-6/30/53) 4 Student (Aide) Assistawts @ $.75 Lecturer PSYCHOLOGY Hemmer, Norman 4.00f 5 Fellow College Assistant Blacharsky, Edward 1.75 450 Briza, Joseph 2.50 150 (1 1/1/52--6/30/53) (10/20/52--6/30/53) SPEECH Research Assistant 1 SOudent (Aide) Assistant @ $1.00 Hyman, Joseph 1.11 900 4 Student (Aide) Assistants @ $.75 & $1.00 Hourly 1Claz. No. Hourly Max. No. Dept., Rank, Name Rate of Hours Dept., Rank, Name Rate of Hours SOCIOLOGY8r ANTHROPOLOGY Ferguson, Ernest (2.00)2.11 2 .Substitute Lecturer Gawer, Evelyn (2.00)2.11 6 Page, Charles H. 8.75 As Needed Ham, Laura C. (2.00)2.11 1 Karlin, Harry (2.00)2.11 4 Krakower, Hyman (2.00)2.11 3 HYGIENE LaPlace, John (2.00)2.11 5 SERVICEFOR SPECIALPERIODS- Mendelis, Joseph L. (2.00)2.11 6 REGISTRATION,FALL 1952 Miller, Leon A. (2.00)2.11 3 Medical Examinevs Montague, James (2.00)2.11 6 Cobb, Walter F. (5.00) 5.41 7 Nyquist, David H. (2.00)2.11 4 Holz, George G. (5.00)5.41 21 07Donnell, Mary P. (2.00)2.11 3 Iclein, Charles (5.00) 5.41 41 Ostrow, Saul (2.00)2.11 8 O'Conor, Joseph -4. (5.00)5.11 22 Polansky, David L. (2.00)2.11 2 Stern, Abner (5.00)5.41 20 Raphael, Miriam (2.00)2.11 3 Woll, Frederic G. (5.00)5.41 16 Richards, Alton (2.00)2.11 6 Woll, William G. (5.00) 5.41 12 Rider, Jack _E, (2.00)2.11 4 DaCorta, Thomas A. (5.00)5.25 15 Sapora, Joseph C. (2.00)2.11 4 Fischer, Isidore (5.00)5.25 11 Sirutis, Yustin (2.00)2.11 4 Hollis, William C. (5.00) 5.25 12 Smith, Harry G. (2.00) 2.11 6 Leung, Bernard (5.00)5.25 9 Spohr, Howard A. (2.00)2.11 3 Marrow, Joseph (5.00)5.25 4 Wagner, Carlos J. (2.00)2.11 13 McVeigh, William B. (5.00)5.25 8 Winograd, Samuel (2.00)2.11 1 Pampellone, Louis Z. (5.009 5.25 9 Zasloff, Ira (2.00)2.11 4 Roth, Emanuel (5.00)5.25 35 College Assistan.ts Smith, Anne T. (5.00)5.25 4 Feldman, Matthew (1.50) 1.77 5 Sprague, Joan M. (5.00)5.25 4 Graf, Frederick J. (2.75) 3.02 13 Tutundjian, Berge (5.00) 5.25 14 Greene. Velma (1.50) 1.77 6 Registration Assistants Kelly, John F. (3.00) 3.27 27 Borneman, Edith H. (2.00)2.11 8 Melowsky, Charles (2.50)2.77 34 Bruce, Harold A. (2.00) 2.11 4 MottoIa, Bette (1.50)1.77 2 0 deGirolamo, Harry J. (2.00) 2.1 1 6 Nerge, Evelyn (1.50) 1.77 16 Ferguson, Dorothy (2.00) 2.11 4 Reilly, Thomas F. (1.50) 1.61 6 AMENDMENT OF MINUTES: Meeting Cal. No. 6/16/52 7 5 Change annual salary rate of Marion K. O'Brien, Research Assistant, from $3600. to $3850. and the annual salary rate of Alma Viebrock, Research Assistant, from $3700. to $3850.

* Correction from Bernard (10/8/52). ** SCN 3-221. f George-Barden.

No. 34. Community Service Division: RESOLVED,That the following persons be appointed to the Community Service Division, in the ranks, for the periods, and at the rates of compensation indicated, payable from Community Service Budget: A. APPOINTMENTS: Period Title and Name From Through Salary Rate Secretary, Pat. Rita Fleischman 10/6/52 1/30/53 $1.fir. (not to exceed 12 hours per week) Student Aide Lillian Cukier 10/1/52 for 25 weeks 1.25/hr. (not to exceed 12 hours per week) B. TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENT: Secretary, 9.t. Ruth Moskowitz 10/3/52

No. 35. Compensation Registration-Fall 1952: RESOLVED,That subject to financial ability, the following persons be compensated for the number of hours and at the rates of compensation indicated for work performed during the Fall Term, 1952, payable from Non-Instructional Fee Funds, in a total amount of $31,065.70: Department, Title and Name No. of Hrs. Hourly Rate Main Commerce BURSAR'SOFFICE Registration. Assistants Briza, Joseph W. Candamio, Kenneth Candamio, Kenneth Daly, Jeremiah Dryer, Oscar H. Lighthill, Arthur P. Linsley, Frank S. Mangan, Paul J. McCrystal, William McCrystal, William Riehl, Henry W. Stalb, Howard A. Werner, Albert G. Yochelson, Evelyn H.

DAY SESSIONOFFICE Guidarrcc Advisers Aquilino, Alfred Austin, Richard Gold, Hyman E. Kirchner, Katharine Kirkbride, Mary Mulligan, Agnes C. Prehn, Peter Pritchett, Lillian E. Utsinger, Carl H. Wohlberg, Joseph

Registration Assistants Asbel, Anna Aselin, Mary B. Baldo, Antonio Branman, 'Irving Breen, Mary Brenner, Egon Colford, William E. Davis, Samuel A. Eberhardt, Charles J. Epstein, Bertram Gershberg, Shirley Greene, Leon Griffin, John I. Hem, Lawrence Huffe, Catherine C. Kaikow, Julius Kleiman, Murray Klng, M. Sylvester Lavender, Andrew Levine, Louis Levy, Louis Loucks, Russell D. Meisler, Irving Mittelman, Milton Newman, Rose S. Plke, Anita Ranhand, Samuel Rice, 'K5nneth W. Riedel, F. Carl Rommer, Richard Rothbart. Harold A. Sheahan, Germaine Stern, Alvin Department, Title and Name No. of Hrs. Hozlrly Rate Main Commerce Stranathan, Robert K. 7 6 2.61 198.36 Sugarman, Jean G. 38% 2.1 1 81.76 Teicher, Mildred 16% 2.1 1 White, John R. 6 2 2.61 Willis, Charles L. 33 2.1 1 Winokur, Morris 26 2.61 Withers, Donald 6% 1.61

63 Studefit Aides @ $.60, $.75, $1.00 EVENINGSESSIOX OFFICE Guidance Advisers Belsito, Therese R. 5 2 Bochicchio, Vito J. 123 Condon, Agnes T. 27 Epstein, Hyman 102 Fagerstrom, William H. 175 Feldman, David D. 124 Lieber, Helen 16 Marks, Floreflce 55 McLaughlin, James F. 84 Mintz, Bernard 123 Radin, Ida H. 100 Roberts, Donald A. 67 Shrewsbury, Thomas B. 51 Ulitz, Bernard T. 126 Viebrock, Alma H. 57 Wagner, Eliot L. 102

Registration Asnktants Adams, Edward T. Bachrach, Paul B. Barber, Sherburne F. Becker, Joan Becker, Joan Bettinger, Daniel Bettinger, Daniel Birnbaum, William Bosco, Lois Brunstetter, Philip H. Carella, Rocco Cohen, Carsle Cohen, Joseph Coffey, John J. Degerlund, Helga DeTullio, Angelo Eiberson, Harold Ellman, Samue! Ferguson, Katherine Finn, William A. Fried, Seymour Giskin, Morris Gondiosa, James J. Goodwin, Catherine Gould, Clara Goffesman, Shirley Grant, Philip Greenman, Dorothy Gruber, Albert Holley, Catherine Handler, Edith Jacobson, Gertrude Keosaian, Edward Kidney, Michael

Depart*nent, Title and Name No. of Hrs. Hourly Rate Maim Commerce Hollister, Alfred 29 2.1 1 61.19 Kolin, Eva 22 2.1 1 46.42 Leibo-aitz, Leila 12% 2.1 1 26.38 Rosenberg, Ronald 27% 2.1 1 57.50 Schweitzer, Leonard 17% 2.1 1 36.93 Seidel, Lillian 5 2.1 1 Seretean, Zella 37% 2.11 Silverman, Beverly 18% 2.1 1 Vullo, Encarnation 16 2.1 1 Wornov, Sonya 30% 1.61

16 Student Aides @ $.75, $.85 $.90 & $1.00 VETERAN'SCOUNSELLING OFFICE Guidance Advisers Clarkson, Stuart R. 98 Latini, Eleanor 26 Taft, Arthur 112

Registration Assistants Agler, Harold Bimonte, Richard Brown, Deborah Carvell, Frank Castagliola, Vivian Greger, Irving Laufer, Norman Perlow, Jean Rosenberg, Herbert

10 Student Aides @ $.75 & $1.00

No. 36. Repo,rt on Staff and Teaching Lo,ads: The President's report was noted of the following summary of statistics covering staff and teaching loads for the Fall of 1952: No. of teachers on full-time appointment ...... 579.62 NO. of weekly hours of classroom teaching ...... 7837 Average section size ...... -. 23.7 NO. of weekly hours excused for conferences, admin., etc...... 1150

No. 37. Curriculum: Cf. Cal. No. 2.

No. 38. Enrollment Report: Cf. Cal. No. 14.

No. 39. Teacher Education: Cf. Cal. No. 86.

No. 40. Instructional Staff: RESOLVED,That the following reports and recom- mendations submitted by the President be adopted and that the appointments and reappointments be made to the ranks, for the periods and at the rates of com- pensation indicated, payable from Budget and/or Fee Funds, and subject to financial ability, schedule conditions and sufficiency of registration: A. DECLINATION OF APPOINTMENT: Department, Rank and Name Eff.Date BUSINESSADMINISTRATION Lecturer, p.t. Maurice C. Colton 9/1/52 B. LEAVES OF ABSENCE: Period Dept., Rank and Name From Through Salary Te?-ms Type end Reason HISTORY Associate Professor Milton Offutt 2/ 1/53 7/31/53 Without pay Special; writing and research BIOLOGY Professor William W. Browne 10/ 9/52 11/26/52 With pay Sick leave GERMANICAND SLAVICLANGUAGES Assistant Professor Hugo Bergenthal 9/30/52 11/26/52 With pay Sick leave HYGIENE Instructm Leon A. Miller 10/ 7/52 10/24/52 With pay Sick leave . C. APPOINTMENTS AND REAPPOIKTMENTS: Period SubstiDztte or Dept., Rank end Name From Through Replacement Alznual Salary Rate ART Fellow *Stephen H. Rowan 10/ 1/52 8/31/53 $ 100./mo. Substitute Lecturer, p.t. Lee Jackson 10/ 7/52 11/26/52 Y. Kunoyoski 6.25/hr. BIOLOGY Substitute *Rose R. Feiner 10/15/52 11/26/52 W. W. Browne 15./day GERMANICAND SLAVICLANGUAGES Smbstitmte Murray Feder 10/ 1/52 11/26/52 H. Bergenthal 15./day EDUCATION Instructor Jeanne S. Chall 9/ 1/52 8/31/53 4826. incr: 1/1/53 4994. (replacing previous appointment as Lecturer at $4820., incr. 1/1/53 4990.; Miss Chall was awarded the Ph.D. degree by Ohio State University, August 1952.) Cliltical Assistant Joan Raim 9/ 1/52 12/31/52 3850. (payable from Fee Funds; replacing previous appointment for entire academic year.) HYGIENE Substitute George Wolfe 10/10/52 L. Miller (5 days) Substihte, p-t. George Wolfe 10/21/52 L. Miller (4 days) Seymour Kalman 10/21/52 L. Miller (4 days) Substitute Seymour Kalman 10/20/52 L. Miller (1 day) Temporwy Medical Examiners Thomas A. DaCorta 9/27/52 8 hrs. William C. Hollis 9/27/52 4 hrs. Charles Klein 9/27/52 20 hrs. Abner Stern 9/27/52 8 hrs. Berge Tutundjian 9/27/52 4 hrs. ENGLISH Visiting Prof essw Wallace Fowlie William Y. Tindall Cleanth Brooks John Cearde Carlos Raker Malcolm Cowley Eric Bentley Louise Bogah Frederick Buechner LIBRARY Libr. Substitlcte *John B. Jones 10/ 9/52 11/30/52 Period Substihte or Dept., Rank and Name From Throzcgh Replacement Annul Salary Rate STUDENTLIFE Szcbstitzcte Instructor *Robert H. Schaffer 10/15/52 6/30/53 R. C. Wright 462./mo. PSYCHOLOGY Visiting Professor Ruth Munroe 9/ 1/52 1/31/53 240./mo.G Kurt Goldstein 9/ 1/52 1/31/53 240./mo.G *Leopold Bellak 9/ 1/52 1/31/53 70./mo.G 'Martha Wolfenstein 9/ 1/52 1/31/53 16O./mo.G Lecturer Camilla Kemple 9/ 1/52 1/31/53 150./mo.G Stephanie Dudak 9/ 1/52 1/31/53 70./mo.G Florence Halpern 9/ 1/52 1/31/53 90./mo.G Graduate Assistant Laura Malkenson 9/ 1/52 1/31/53 85./mo.G Ira Belmont 9/ 1/52 1/31/53 35Jmo.G Louis Getoff 9/ 1/52 1/31/53 35./rno.G Arthur Schwartz 9/ 1/52 1/31/53 35./mo.G Philip Resnikoff 9/ 1/52 1/31/53 6 0. /mo. G One Studcwt Asst. @ 9.75 Guest Lecturer Gertrude Schmeidler 11/ 1/52 11/30/52 75./totalG Lawrence Plotkin 10/ 1/52 10/31/52 75./totalG Alexander Mintz 11/ 1/52? 11/30/52 25./totalG Max Hertzman 11/ 1/52 11/30/52 25 ./totalG Kenneth Clark 12/ 1/52 12/24/52 50./totalG Eugene L. Hartley 1/ 2/53 1/31/53 50./totalG Rose Rzlshner 1/ 2/53 1/31/53 25./totalG Adolph Woltmann lo/ 1/52 10/31/52 30./totalG Daniel Brower 11/ 1/52 11/30/52 30./totalG Ulrich Sonneman 11/ 1/52 11/30/52 60./totalG Helen Anderson 10/ 1/52 10/31/52 60./totaIG Susan Deri 11/ 1/52 11/30/52 30./totalG Molly Harrower 12/ 1/52 12/24/52 60. /totalG STUDENTLIFE Fellow Willis Black 10/ 8/52 6/30/53 (16 hrs. wk.) 1.25/hr.F Isabel Berry 10/ 8/52 6/30/53 (20 hrs. wk.) 1.25fir.F Stanlos Zades lo/ 8/52 6/30/53 (900 hrs.) 1.25/hr.F Peter Sugar 9/ 1/52 6/30/53 (700 hrs.) 1.25/hr.F Kenneth Tannenbaum 9/ 1/52 6/30/53 (700 hrs.) 1.25/hr.F

D. AMENDMENT OF MINUTES: Meeting Cal. No. Salary Rates 6/16/52 71a Correct the salary rate of John M. Firestone, Assistant Professor, Economics from $6174/6330 to $6330./6490. (on leave of absence to 8/31/52) Correct the salary rate of Robert Stein, Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering from $6018./6174. to $6174./6330. (tenure and incr. effec- tive 9/1/52) 10/20/52 39 Correct the salary rate of *Melvin Glerer, Tutor, Physics Department, from $355./mo to $335./mo. Correct the salary rates of Bernard M. Jaffe and David Spielberg, Tutors, Physics Department, from $3950. to $395./mo. 6/16/52 65E Change annual salary rate of Edson B Junkin, Research Assistant, Chem- istry, from $3700. to $3850. Change annual salary rate of Beatrice V. MacBride, Research Assistant, Student Life, from $3700. to $3850.

* New Appointment. ** In addition to regular annual appointment as College Physicians. G Payable from Fee Funds for Graduate Courses. F Payable from Fee Funds.

No. 41. Veterans Intensive Business Training: RESOLVED,That the following reports and recommendations affecting the Veterans Intensive Business Training Program be approved subject to financial ability, schedule conditions, requirements of the division and satisfactory service:

A. TERMINATIONS OF APPOINTMENT: Title and Name fEff.Date Title and Name fEff.Date Lecturer John Eudd 9/19/52 Sidney Ackerman 10/31/52 George B. Estes 10/31/52 August Albers 10/31/52 Charles I. Forbes, Jr. 10/31/52 Clyde Beals 6/30/52 Arnold Frankel 9/30/52 David Bernstein 10/31/52 Norman Gartside 8/ 4/52 James Brown 10/31/52 Renee Gorin 9/30/52 Robert Brown 10/31/52 Alma Doris Hancock 9/19/52 Violet Ellen Camphell 10/31/52 Victoria Harris 7/ 9/52 Thomas Caulkins 10/31/52 Carl Albert Holz 10/31/52 Jacob B. Clarke 10/31/52 Harvey Raufman 10/31/52 Isaac Danzig 10/ 9/52 Mortm Lapayover 9/15/52 Opal H. Delancey 9/31/52 LOAS~auro 10/31/52 George M. Ellig 10/31/52 Joseph Lockhart 10/31/52 Winfield Foreman 10/31/52 David Paige 10/31/52 Harold Hoffman 10/31/52 Arthur Price 10/31/52 Richard Hudson 10/31/52 Harry Rockberger 10/31/52 Marianne Huebner 10/31/52 Barny Schlenker 10/31/52 Seymour Jeffries 10/31/52 Irving Sloane 10/31/52 Laurence Josephs 10/31/52 Arturo Smith 9/24/52 Louis B. Kazin 10/31/52 Benjamin Stagliano 6/11/52 David Lazar 10/31/52 Talivaldis Stubis 7/31/52 Harold Levine 10/31/52 Supervising Lecturer Herman Limberg 10/31/52 George E. Dyslin 10/15/52 Alma Louise Lowe 10/31/52 Technical Lecturer Bertram Marcus 10/31/52 Jack Schiff 9/18/52 William T. Marshall 10/31/52 Richard Stottler 9/12/52 Michael McKone 10/31/52 Rudolph Treuenfels 9/30/52 Thomas H. Philibert, Jr. 10/31/52 Cowdinator Richard M. Risteen 10/31/52 George Dyslin 7/31/52 Mitchell Roberts 10/311/52 Harry Lee 10/31/52 Clair Joyce Saul 10/31/52 Research Aide Fred Scholz 10/31/52 William Birnbaum 9/23/52 (N) Martha Sugar 10/31/52 John J. Bouffard lO/l0/52 William Sullivan 10/31/52 Rita Charney 5/31/52 Samuel Thomas 10/31/52 Lad Jankovich 7/31/52 Leo Treem 10/31/52 Jack Klaks 9/15/52 Judith Wallet 10/31/52 Carolyn Koiioshima . 8/31/52 Classroom Assi~fant Joseph J. Risi 5/ 1/52 Marilyn Adler 9/11/52 Donald White 6/ 5/52 B. CHANGE IN SALARY: Title and Name From To Eff. Date Technical Lecturer Francis Sullivan $5,200. $5,600. 8/1/52 Classroom Assistant Mary Acampora 2,360. 2,480. 12/1/52 Renee Gorin 1.25/hr. 2,400. 10/1/52 Victoria Hobbs 2,860. 3,000. 9/1/52 Grace Porto 2,340. 2,600. 11/1/52 Josephine Reidy 1.25/hr. 1.35/hr. 10/1/52 C. REAPPOINTMENTS : Period Title and Name From Through Salary Rate Lecturer Opal H. Delancey 8/11/52 6/30/53 $4500. Hugh Fellows 10/15/52 6/30/53 6.00/hr. Classroom Assistafit Rence Gorin 6/ 3/52 6/30/53 1.25/hr. Research Aide Joseph J. Risi 5/ 1/52 6/30/53 l.OO/hr. Donald B. White 5/26/52 6/30/53 1.25/hr. D. APPOINTMENTS : Peg riod Title and Name From Though Salary Rate SMervising Lecturer Mark D. Druck 9/17/52 6/30/53 George E. Dyslin 8/ 1/52 6/30/53 Lecturer William S. Baring-Gould 5/ 1/52 6/30/53 Alwin Cassens, Jr. 5/ 1/52 6/30/53 William F. Clair 5/ 1/52 6/30/53 Isaac Danzig 10/15/52 6/30/53 Opal H. Delancey 9/ 1/52 6/30/53 Terry Donoghue 5/ 1/52 6/30/53 Joseph Friedlander 9/22/52 6/30/53 Bernard F. Herberick 5/ 6/52 6/30/53 Charles M. Jaeger 7/ 1/52 6/30/53 Charles F. Kenny, Jr. 6/ 1/52 6/30/53 Leonard Koch 10/14/52 6/30/53 Leonard Koch 10/14/52 6/30/53 Harry F. Koob 8/ 1/52 6/30/53 Marion H. Lee 10/14/52 6/30/53 Herbert F. Lotz 6/ 1/52 6/30/53 Richard Manville 4/ 1/52 6/30/53 Emil M. Keen 5/ 1/52 6/30/53 Francis X. Moriarty , 5/21/52 6/30/53 Robert Nirenberg 10/15/52 6/30/53 Robert A. Parsons 10/14/52 6/30/53 Morton M. Raymond 10/16/52 6/30/53 John F. Reilly 10/ 1/52 6/30/53 John M. Reynolds 9/ 1/52 6/30/53 Valentine Rossilli 10/14/52 6/30/53 E. Robert Rubin 7/ 1/52 6/30/53 Wallace L. Rusher 6/ 1/52 6/30/53 Franklin C. Shoemaker 6/24/52 6/30/53 Charles G. Smith 5/ 1/52 6/30/53 Walter G. Stackler 5/ 1/52 6/30/53 Emma A. Thorne 6/ 1/52 6/30/53 Mario C. Yon 6/24/52 6/30/53 Classroom Assistants Herbert J. Allcock 5/22/52 6/30/53 Gustavo Archilla 10/ 1/52 6/30/53 Samuel Blitz 10/ 1/52 6/30/53 Myron Crespin 9/22/52 6/30/53 Charles I. Forbes, Jr. 6/ 1/52 6/30/'53 Alexander Haas 9/ 1/52 6/30/53 Alma Doris Hancock 8/13/52 6/30/53 Carl A. Holz 6/ 1/52 h/30/53 Bernice Jones 9/24/52 6/30/53 Harvey Kaufman 6/ 1/53 6/30/53 Lillian V. Linehan 8/11/52 6/30/53 David Paiye 6/ 1/52 6/30/53 Arthur Price 9/17/52 6/30/53 -4. Hunter Rineer, Jr.. 9/ 9/52 6/30/53 Barny Schlenker 6/ 1/52 6/30/53 Talivaldis Stubis - 6/13/52 7/31/52 Talivaldis Stubis 8/ 1/52 6/30/53 Filippa Visi~aro 9/ 5/52 6/30/53 Muriel Weckstein 10/ 1/52 6/30/53 hlvin Wernick 8/ 7/52 6/30/53 Coordinator Laura Hearne Marcus 8/25/52 6/30/5 3 Harry Lee 6/ 9/52 6/30/53 Research Aide Kenneth Friedland 9/22/52 6/30/53 Robert Osterberg 9/22/52 6/30/53 Jerry Ourvan 6/ 1/52 6/30/53 Cuntina Stubis 9/22/52 6/33/53 E. AMENDMENT: Meeting CaJ. No. 6/16/52 66 Change appointment date of Henry Kahn, Lecturer-from 6/1/52 to 5/1/52.

t As of the close of business.

No. 42. Administrative Staff: (a) RESOLVED,That 12 student aides be ap- pointed at $.75 and $1.00 per hour. (b) RESOLVED,That the following reports and recommendations affecting the Administrative Staff be adopted, subject to financial ability, schedule conditions and sufficiency of registration (all provisional appointments are made pending promulgation of appropriate eligible lists or otherwise): A. TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENT: Dept., Title and Name TEff.Date Dept., Title and Name TEff.Date ACCOUNTANCY Carl W. Lohmeyer 9/30/52 Clerk, BHE, Gr. 2, Prov. (Chief Armorer) $Phyllis Esposito 9/ 3/52 N Orizzonte G. A. Mastroianni 9/30/52 STUDENTLIFE DEAN'SOFFICE-23~~ STREET College Secretarial Assistant A, Prov. Administrative Assistant, Prov. June %I. Miller 10/ 8/52 $Robert Rothstein 10/14/52 ARMYHALL Assistant to Bursar REGISTRAR'SOFFICE Edward D. Decker 9/30/52 Clerk, BHE, Gr. 2, Prov. MILITARYSCIENCE Elsa Turqman 10/31~52 ..-4rmorer, Prov. SOCIOLOGYAND ANTHROPOLOGY Charles M. Curtain 7/31/52 College Assistant Richard C. Klosinski 9/30/52 Augusta Carp 10/31/52 B. REPORT OF RESIGNATION: Dept., Title and Name TEff.Date EVENINGAND EXTENSIONDIVISION Clerk, BHE, Gr. 4 $Ida H. Radin 10/15/52 N C. LEAVES WITHOUT PAY: Period Dept., Title and Name From Through Salary Terms BUSINESSMANAGER'SDIVISION BURSAR'SOFFICE Sick Leave Clerk, BHE, Gr. 2, Prov. Esther Trachtenberg 8/19/52 (% day) Without Pay Vacation & Personal Leave Esther Trachtenberg 7/28/52 (?hday) Without Pay 8/20/52 (sday) Without Pay REGISTRAR'SOFFICE Vacaticn and Personal Leave College Assistant Carol Pineles 9/24/52 (1 day) , Without Pay Clerk, BHE, Gr. 2 Terry E:. Fink 9/ 2/52 9/4/52 (3 days) Without Pay D. TERMINATION OF LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Department, Title and Name ?Effective Date OFFICE OF THE D~N-SCHOOLOF BUSINESS Clerk, BHE, Gr. 5 Edward D. Decker 9/30/52 E. RETURN FROM LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Department, Title and Name EffectiveDate Annual Salary Rate OFFICE OF THE DEAN-SCHOOLOF BUSINESS Clerk, BHE, Gr. 5 $Edward D. Decker lo/ 1/52 LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Dept., Title and Name From Through Salary Terms Type and Reason EDUCATION Clerk, BHE, Gr. 2, Pruv. Leonard Schweitzer 9/26/52 xxxxx Without Pay Special; Military REAPPOINTMENT WITH TENURE: Period Dept., Tztle and Name From Through Annual Salary Rate LIBRARY-AUDIO VIS~ALCENTER Visual Aids Technician Kenneth John Wiegand 6/2/52§ 6/30/52 $(2460.)2710. 7/1/52 6/30/53 (2460.)2995. incr. 1/1/53 (2580.)3115. TRANSFER: Department Title and Name From To Effective Date Clerk, BHE, Gr- 2, Puov. Yolanda I. Moro President's Office Dean's Office, School of Business 9/8/52 APPOINTMENTS AND REAPPOINTMENTS: Period Substitute or Artltual Dept., Titk and Name From ThrmgCt Replacement Salary Terms EDUCATION College Ofice Assistant A, Prm. Norma Wolff 10/14/52 6/30/53 L. Schweitzer $(2150.)2400. MUSIC College Assistmt Arthur Chankin 9/ 1/52 9/30/52 (1.)1.27/hr. (not to exceed 37 hours total) MILITARY SCIENCE Chief Armorer, Prm. Richard C. Klosinski 10/ 1/52 6/30/53 C. W. Lohmeyer 720./annum Armorer, Prow. Carl W. Lohmeyer 10/ 1/52 6/30/53 300./annum Olaf Funfstuck 10/ 1/52 6/30/53 0. Mastroianni 300./annum SOCIOLOGY& ANTHROPOLOGY SOCIALRESEARCH LABORATORY College Secretarial Assistant A, Prsv. Augusta Carp 11/ 1/52 6/30/53 (21 50.) 2400. ST'JDEXTLIFE College Office Assistant A, Pruv. $Mary Lou Claxton l0/22/52 6/30/53 D. Brown (2150.) 2400. $Henrietta Jones 9/15/52 6/30/53 E. Lawrence (2150.)2400. $Viola Martin 11/ 1/52 6/30/53 J. Pollack (2150.) 2400. BUSINESSMANAGER'S DIVISION a) BUSINESS MANAGER'SOFFICE Sen;or Bookkeeper, Prov. Gertrude A. Hall 10/ 1/52 6/30/53 (2831.)3386. b) BURSAR'SOFFICE College 0@ice Assisfnqfif A. Prov. Ethel Bobick 10/20/52 6/30/53 L. Seid (2150.)2400. SCHOOLOF GENERALSTUDIES EVENINGDIVISION College Secretarid* Assistant A, Prov. Ag~esT. 07Loughlin 10/ 6/52 6/30/53 H. Kopelman (2150.)2400. EVENINGAND EXTENSIONDIVISION SCHOOLOF BUSINESS College Ofice Assistmnt A, Prm. $Constance Kennedy 10/ 6/52 6/30/53 K. Resek (2150.) 2400. PUBLICRELATIONS Public Relations Assistant Flora Spitalnick 10/27/52 6/30/53 R. Rothstein 3900. NIF PRESIDENT'SOFFICE College Ofice Assistamt A, PYW. Eva Joyce 10/16/52 6/30/53 Y. Moro (2150.) 2400. REGISTRAR'SOFFICE College Ofice Assistant A, PYW. Alex Kasperovich 10/23/52 6/30/53 D. Jackson (2150.) 2400. Period Substitute or Amual Dept., Title and Name From Through Replacement Salary Terms STUDENTLIFE Guidance Assistant, 9-t. $George Targum 7/ 1/52 6/30/53 J. SALARY ADJUSTMENT: Salary Adjusted Dept., Title and Name Ef. Date From To ART Lab. Helper Johanna Hevaghan 10/1/52 K. AMENDMENT OF MINUTES: Meeting Cal. No. 6/16/52 151 Change annual salary rate of Joseph Briza, Research Assistant, Bursar's Office, from (3000.)3400. to 3850.

LABORATORY STAFF A. TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENT: Dept., Title and Name TEf. Date CHEMISTRY Jr. Chemist, Prov. Walter Scharf 10/2/52 noon

B. APPOINTMENTS AND REAPPOINTMENTS : Period Substitute or Annual Dept., Title and Name F?-om Through Replacement Salary Rate CHEMISTRY Jr. Chemist, Prov. Hansel McGee 10/31/52 6/30/53 W. Scharf $(2861.)3111. CIVIL ENGINEERING Lab. Mechanic, Prov. William Tendrich 7/ 1/52 6/30/53 (2740.) 2990.

t As of the Close of Business. $ Downtown Center. xxxxx Indefinite last working day Sep. tember 24, 1952. 5 Satisfactpry completion of probationary period.

No. 43. Advertising Agreement: WHEREAS,An agreement was made with Vanguard Advertising for newspaper and business media advertising at standard rates, and WHEREAS,The City College Evening and Extension Diyision-School of Busi- ness is desirous of contiduing this arrangement which ended June 30, 1952; there- fore be it RESOLVED,That The City College be authorized to negotiate a contract for the new period July 1, 1952 to June 30, 1953 similar to the one which terminated on June 30, 1952; and be it further RESOLVED,That the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the Board.

No. 44. Custodial Staff: RESOLVED,That the following reports and recommen- dations affecting the Custodial Staff be approved, subject to financial ability and schedule conditions : A. REPORT OF RESIGNATION: Title and Name TEff. Date Cleamer (Male) Rufino Santiago 10/ 7/52 B. TERMINATIONS OF APPOINTMENT: Title and Name TEff. Date Title and Name TEff.Date ' Main.tenance Man, Prov. Cleaner (Male), Prov. Alexander Mitchell 9/30/52 Joseph Davis 10/16/52 n William P. Kane 9/30/52 Anthony DeVietro 10/16/52 n Watchman, Prov. Vittorio Visco 9/30/52 C. APPOINTMENTS AND REAPPOINTMENTS : Period Substitute or 7'itle and Name From Through Replacement for Annual Salary Cleaner (Male), Prov. Jack Lanzellotto 10/ 2/52 10/16/52 J. McNamara $ (1800.)2050. Barney Battaglia 10/ 1/52 6/30/53 J. Gilchrist (1800.)2050. David Doctor 9/15/52 6/30/53 (1920.)2170. Cleaner (Male) C.S. Joseph Davis noon 10/16/52 4/15/53" (1800.) 20.50. Sam Suddin noon 10/16/52 4/15/53" R. Santiago (1800.)2050. Maintenance Man, Prov. Stephen Costello 10/14/52 6/30/53 11.92/day Thomas Luger 10/ 7/52 6/30/53 A. Mitchell 11.92/day Anthony DeVietro 10/17/52 6/30/53 11.92/day Maintenance Man, C.S. William H. Lukash 10/ 1/52 3/31/53" 11.92/day Robert V. Shea 10/ 1/52 3/31/53" 11.92/day Steamfitter, C.S. Edward J. Johnson 10/ 6/52 4/ 5/53" 21.70/day Watchman, Prov. James Shea 10/ 4/52 6/30/53 ( 7.) 7.80/day

t As of the Close of Business. * Six months' probationary period.

\ HUNTER COLLEGE (Calendar Nos. 45 through 53) No. 45. Teacher Education: Cf. Cal. Nos. 29 and 86.

No. 46. Curriculum: Cf. Cal. No. 3.

No. 47. Enrollment Report: (a) Fall Semester: Cf. Cal. No. 14. (b) Summer Session: 1952 1951 Undergraduate matriculants ...... 1379 1431 Total Enrollment ...... 2341 2488

No. 48. Admissions. Report: (a) The President's report was noted of the ad- mission of 7 foreign students in September, 1952, under Section 1, Paragraph 151, subdivision d of the Bylaws of the Board. (b) The president.'^ report was noted that Miss Ruth Ellis, whose home is in New Jersey but who is a scholarship student now residing at The New York In- stitute for the Education of the Blind, was admitted in September, 1952' as; a matriculated student in the Teacher Education Program, under Section 1, Para- graph 151, subdivision c of the Bylaws of the Board.

No. 49. Budget Request: Referred to the Committee on Finance and Facili- ties.

No. 50. Custodial Staff: RESOLVED,That the. Board approve the following ac- tions affecting the custodial staff, subject to financial ability, schedule conditions, and sufficiency of registration : A. APPOINTMENTS : Title and Name Sdary Rate Period Cleaner M George J. Leitheuser (1800)2050 10/9/52-4/8/53 probation Cleaner M (prov.) Joseph L. Brown (1800)2050 10/8/52-4/7/53? James Keller (1800)2050 10/17/524/16/53? Cleaner F (prov.) Matilda Stevenson (1740) 1990 10/16/52-4/15/53? B. SERVICES TERMINATED: Title and Name Salary Rate Period Cleaner M (prov.) William J. Henehan (1920)2425 10/16N/52 C. RESIGNED: Title and Name Salary Rate Pe?-iod Cleaner M Albert Brunyes (2350) 2880 10/8/52 AM Cleaner F Louise Gaillard (1860)2360 10/15/52 PM Martha Mullen (2170)2690 10/16N/52 D. LEAVE OF ABSENCE (NO PAY): Title and Name Salary Rude Pwod Cleaner F Alice M. O'Connell (2170Ji2690 10/25/52--10/24/53t E. PROMOTION TO FOREMAN (CUSTODIAL) GRADE 3-CERT. M-613: Title Name Salary Rate Period Fweman (Czwtodial) Gr. 3 Michael Moran (3421)4016 11/1/52 F. AMENDMENT: Cal. No. Meeting 45 10/20/52 Rescind Leave of Absence of David Buchman. Leave should read: Special Leave 8/19/52-9/14/52 without pay. Leave for Illness 9/15/52-11/26/52 With full pay. Thereafter without pay. F. SALARIES CHANGED-CERT. M-578 AND &I-418: Title md Name Salary Rate Period Sr. Stat. Engr. William Kohlman $5840 per annum 10/1/52 Stat. Engr. Nicholas W. Becht $17.36 day (276 days) 10/1/52* Richard Delaney $17.36 day (276 days) 10/1/52* Nicholas J. Mischler $17.36 day (276 days) 10/1/52* Curt Otto $17.36 day (276 days) 10/1/52* Walter Carlson $17.36 day (276 days) 10/1/52*

"As of 7/1/52 Stat. Engr. entitled to pay differential of -88 for abnormal shifts and $4.32 for Sun. & Hol. t Unless sooner terminated by appointment from a Civil Service list.

No. 51. School of General Studies: RESOLVED, That the Board approve the following actions affecting the School of General Studies, subject to financial ability, schedule conditions, and sufficiency of registration: A. AMENDMENT OF MINUTES: Meeting Cal. No. 6/16/52 86 Rudolph Schumacher FROM: $5.95 per hour , TO: 90% of the course fees not to exceed $10.80 per hour Fritz Stiedry, Josef Turnau FROM: 8010/0 of the course fees not to exceed $10.80 per hour TO: 80% of the course fees, amount of payment to be reviewed by Bursar and Business Manager at the close of each semester B. SUBSTITUTES FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1952: Name, Rank, Dept. No. of Hours Hourly Rate Swbstitwted for: Lectwrer CLAss1cs Hahn, E. Adelaide 1 $5.95 Brown, Blanche EDUCATION Krey, Isabelle 2 5.95 Tighe, Susan Ryan. John 3 5.95 Reynolds, Edward MATHEMATICS Anderson, Lucille 1% 5.95 Salatino, Joan Bushey, Hobart 1% 5.95 Seal, Hilary . PHYSIOLOGY,HEALTH AND HYGIENE Gutenstein, Beulah 1% 5.95 Barrer, Lester Name, Rank, Dept. No. of Hours Hotcrly Rate Substituted for: ROMANCELANGUAGES Fugett, Elsie 3 5.95 Volkhardt, Myrtle Kilenyi, Kathleen 3 5.95 Volkhardt, Myrtle C. ASSIGNMENTS AND ADJUSTMENTS IN PROGRAM FOR THE FALL SEMESTER, 1952 SUBJECT TO FINANCIAL ABILITY, SCHEDULE CONDITIONS AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE: Haurly Max. No. Hourly Max. No. Name, Rank and Dept. Rate of Hours Name, Rank and Dept. Rate of Hours College Assistant--Laboratmy Assistant Farrell, Muriel ($3.50)$3.61 30 BIOLOGICALSCIENCES Garretson, Mary W. ($3.50)$3.61 15 Hartung, Helene ($3.50)$3.61 75 Lawrence, Gloria ($2.25)$2.52 96 Hemminghaus, Edgar H. ($3.50)$3.61 6 Weiss, Cecile ($2.25)$2-52 128 Lange, Eva 45 Wohl, Goldie ($3.00)$3.27 128 ($3.50)$3.61 Lerner, Ruth ($3.50)$3.61 6 Wolfman, Morris ($2.75)$3.02 112 Mage, Lily D. ($3.50)$3.61 15 CHEMISTRY OFFICEOF THE DEANOF STUDENTS Gilroy, Thomas F. ($3.00)$3.27 128 McLain, Madge ($3.50)$3.61 105 Kurtz, Russell B. ($3.00)$3.27 128 Vint, Thelma ($3.50)$3.61 160 Sours, Charles M. ($3.00)$3.27 128 Zwilling, Virginia ($3.50)$3.61 105 Laboratmy Cleaner Department Chairmen, or deputies, for con- McMorrow, Elizabeth ($2.25)$2.52 128 ferences with Students ad Teachas of the HOME ECONOMICS School of General Studies Bullion, Adele ($2.25)$2.52 104 ART MATHEMATICS Luetz, Edna W. ($3.50)$3.61 32 Overbaugh, Emily ($3.00) $3.27 64 BIOLOGICALSCIENCES Rosenfeld, Frances ($3.00)$3.27 64 Clum, Harold H. ($3.50)$3.61 32 PHYSICSAND ASTRONOMY CHEMISTRY Carroll, John ($3.00)$3.27 128 Dearing, A. Willis ($3.50)$3.61 28 O'Grady, Patrick J. ($3.00) $3.27 128 CLASSICS PHYSIOLOGY,HEALTH AND HYGIENE Hahn, E. Adelaide ($3.50)$3.61 32 Feingold, Helen Pivetz ($2.75) $3.02 128 EcONOxlcS Sawits, Marie ($3.00)$3.27 128 Chenault, Lawrence R. ($3.50)$3.61 32 Cdlege Assistant--Clerk EDUCATION Barry, Eleanor E. ($3.50)$3.61 OFFICE OF DEANOF STUDENTS ENGLISH Bishop, Ida E. ($2.00)$2.27 McGlinchee, Claire ($3.50)$3.61 Hernandez, Julia ($2.00)$2.27 Kilduff, Margaret ($2.00)$2.27 GEOLOGYAND GEOGRAPHY Reid, Clara ($2.00)$2.27 Darkenwald, Gordon G. ($3.50) $3.61 Pasto, Theresa ($2.00) $2.27 GERMAN Hathaway, Lillie V. ($3.50)$3.61 DEPARTMENTOF EDUCATION Masche, Bertha M. ($3.50)$3.61 Miller, Evelyn S. ($2.00)$2.27 HISTORY OPERAWORKSHOP Gambrell, Mary L. ($3.50)$3.61 Turnau, Sarah Smith ($1.00)$1.27 HOME-ECONOMICS OFFICE OF BUREAUOF EDUCATIONAL Lewis, Dora S. ($3.50)$3.61 AND VOCATIONALGUIDANCE Ekstrom, Doris ($3.50)$3.61 Blumenthal, Marcia ($2.00)$2.27 MATHEMATICS McMahon, Catherine ($2.00)$2.27 Bushey, Jewel1 Hughes ($3.50)$3.61 Roth, Pauline ($2.00)$2.27 MUSIC Sexton, Patricia ($2.00)$2.27 Emile, Anders ($3.50)$3.61 Hernandez, Julia ($2.00) $2.27 PHYSICALEDUCATION Hedges, Rita C. ($2.00)$2.27 Neidhardt, Augusta .W. ($3.50)$3.61 P?'OC~OTS-OFFICEOF THE REGISTRAR Mackey, Anna D. ($3.50)$3.61 Bent, Arleen ($2.00) $2.27 PHYSICSAND ASTRONOMY Castello, Norman ($2.00)$2.27 Woodcock, Wilson ($3.50)$3.61 Counsellor PHYSIOLOGY,HEALTHAND HYGIENE OFFICE OF TIIE BUREAUOF EDUCATIONAL Burns, Mae A. ($3.50)$3.61 AND VOCATIONALGUIDANCE Kreidel, Katherine V. ($3.50)$3.61 Barrett, Dorothy M. ($3.50)$3.61 POLITICALSCIENCE Barry, Eleanor E. ($3.50)$3.61 McKinney, Madge M. ($3.50)$3.61 Hourly Max. No. Hourly Max. No. Name, Rank and Dept. Rate of Hours Name, Rank amd Dept. Rate of Hours PSYCI~OLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY Library Assistant O'Gorman, James M. ($3.50)$3.61 32 Bailey, Lucille E. ($3.00)$3.11 95/4/wk. ROMANCELANGUAGES Haywood, Margaret M. ($3.00)$3.11 43/4/wk. Taupin, Rene ($3.50)$3.61 30 Jones, Mary E. ($3.00)$3.11 45/4/wk. SOCIOLOGYAND ANTHROPOLOGY Osten, Margaret ($3.00)$3.11 17/wk. Abel, Theodore ($3.50)$3.61 16 Goldzweig, Arthur ($3.00)$3.11 8/wk. Steedman, Elsie V. ($3.50)$3.61 16 Wesel, Dorothea R. ($3.00) $3.1 1 I r/4/wk. SPEECHAND DRAMATICS Anderson, Gabriele ($1.75)$1.86 8%/wk. Jones, Marguerite E. ($3.50) $3.61 32 Boardman, Isabel ($1.75)$1.86 143/4/wk. College Physician Kuck, Charlotte L. ($1.75)$1.86 lO/wk. Bernat, Juliette ($5.25)$5.41 21 Simon, Caroline L. ($1.75)$1.86 %/wk. Nwrse Weinstein, Arnold ($1.75)$1.86 9%/wk. Belden, Therese M. ($1.50)$1.77 20 Clark, Geraldine ($1.00)$1.11 4S/4/wk. Boyce, Agatha S. ($1.50)$1.77 8 Grant, Inez L. ($1.00)$1.11 %/wk. Regan, Margaret ($1.50)$1.77 300 Guiyoule, Raphaelle ($1.00)$1.11 %/wk. Piano Accompanist McIntyre, Gloria B. ($1.00)$1.11 l/wk. Kasaba, Katherine ($2.00) $2.27 96 Munster, Marie S. ($1.00)$1.11 19/wk. Bruckheim, Joan ($2.00)$2.27 32 Spolzino, Theresa A. ($1.00)$1.11 2/wk. 9 Stlhdent Assistants @ $.75 D. ASSIGNMENTS AND ADJUSTMEETS IN PROGRAM FOR THE FALL TERM, 1952, SUBJECT TO FINANCIAL ABILITY, SCHEDULE CONDITIONS AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE: Name, Rank and Dept. No. of Hours Name, Rank and Dept. No. of Hours Counselors @ $3.00 per hour Taupin, Rene 12 Registration Advisors Polin, A. Terrence 3 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Reilly, Eleanor 12 Abel, Theodore 12 Robert, Nan L. 6 Altenhein, Margarete R. 15 Sakson, William S. 12 Anderson, Marjorie 6 Spadino, Egbert J. 3 Bellew, Frances M. 15 Stinson, Harry E. 9 Berl, Ethel G. 15 Svedrofsky, Evelyn P. 21 Bernyk, Alexander M. 6 Taub, L. Leo 12 Bowden, Muriel 12 Woodcock, Wilson W. 12 Burns, Mae A. 6 College Assistafit @ $3.00 per hour Bushey, Jewel1 H. '6 Registration. Assistant Chenault, Lawrence 6 Clum, Harold H. 6 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Darkenwald, Gordon G. 12 Morgan', John 36 Di Capua, Lucy A. 6 Mutschler, Eleanor Spies 25 Doherty, Frances M. 12 Wiesner, Marion G. 3 Favreau, Claire H. 12 College ~ssistant@ $2.00 per hoztr Fisichelli, Vincent R. 6 Fugett, Elsie M. 3 Registration. Assistant Gambrell, Mary L. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Gauger, Marguerite E. Abel, Betty Grossman, Monroe Hahn, E. Adelaide Flaks, Miriam Richards, Inez S. Hathaway, Lillie V. Holcomb, Dorothy R. Rizzo, Antoinette Ruggiero, Dorothy Huber, Olive Hulse, Anne E. College Assistant @ $3.00 per hour Jones, Marguerite E. Registration Assistant Lange, Eva C. Lesser, Sandra L. OFFICE OF THE BURSARAND MacNaughton, Jacquelin A. BUSINESSMANAGER Masche, Bertha M. Callan, Robert W. 31j/z Maybury, Margaret W. Conforti, Madeline 27% McGlinchee, Claire Daly, Richard \ 2154 McKinney, Madge M. Denman, E. Frances 4 McLaughlin, Isabel . C. Joseph, Albert 138% Miller, Margaretha B. Kagan, Dorothy 35% Mindil, Clinton Steitz, Philip P. 23 Neidhardt, Augusta W. Watson, Horatio ' 52 O'Gorman, James Watson, Hugh 44 .Name, Rank and Dept. No. of Hours Name, Rank and Dept. No. of Hours College Assistant @ $2.40 per hour Hassett, Virgina 14% Registration Assistant Herbhold, Nathalie S. 10% OFFICE OF THE BURSARAND Higgins, Alice E. 8% BUSINESSMANAGER Kelso, Edna M. % Liming, Frances 50 Kilcoin, Alice 10% Overbaugh, Emily 19% Lewis, Elizabeth 3 Scurti, Joseph V. 152% Lynch, Helen M. 1% College Assistant @ $2.00 per hour McDonald, E. Euphemia 15 Registration Assistant Madauss, Helen W. 15% OFFICE OF THE BURSARAND Murphy, Mary P. 20% BUSINESSMANAGER Neville, Josephine R. 8% Broad, Lillian 29% Romer, Edna M. 8 Devery, Thomas 52 Stretz, Madeline E. 13% Grober, Ida 38% Green, Sarah 2 5 Grober, Josephine 33% College Assistant @ $2.00 per hour Keating, Catherine 20,s Registration Assistamt Kennedy, Gloria 27 OFFICEOF THE REGISTRAR Mancuso, Dolores 32% Angiulo, Nancy F. 7% Pregosin, Blanche 29 Bent, Arleen L. 15% Villegas, Vera 17% Blond, Elinore S. 3% College Assistant @ $1.00 per how Boulware, Fay 20% Registration Assistant Budman, Pearl G. 10 OFFICE OF THE BURSARAND Cantor, Dorothy R. 13% BUSINESSMANAGER Castelli, Irene 10 Kramer, Natalie 16% Castello, Norma 17 Miccioli, Lillian 20 % Friedman, Edith 17% Sanchez, Josephine 28% Galvarin, Sylvia 12 Trimboli, Mildred 4 Gelfman, Eva 4% College Assistan$ @ $3.00 per hour Greenspan, Miriam 11% Registration Assistant Judlowitz, Irene 14% OFFICEOF THE REGISTRAR Levine, Gladys 8 Beaudry, Constance 41 McGourty, Eileen 27 §Blond, Elinore S. 14% Mencher, Hilda 18% "Christie, Mary G. 4% Oler, Hinda 9 "Gallagher, Marion C. 3 Pagano, Anna 10% Gollow, Mary E. 16% Preziosi, Theresa 3% "Herbhold, Nathalie S. 3% Solat, Ruth 7% Hollinghurst, Joan 30 Wedekicg, Miriam 20 "Kelso, Edna M. 18% Weissman, Barbara 7% "Kilcoin, Alice 4% Student Assistant "Lewis, Elizabeth 3% OFFICEOF THE BURSARAND "Lynch, Helen M. 16 BUSINESSMANAGER "McDonald, E. Euphemia 3% 6 students @ $.75 per hour for 133% hours "Madauss, Helen W. 3% OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR "Neville, Josephine R. 4 34 students @ $.75 per hour for 1,738% hours "Romer, Edna M. 3% OFFICEOF THE DIRECTOR "Stretz, Madeline E. 18% 2 students @ $.75 per hour for 124% hours College Assistant @ $2.40 per hour Counselor @ $3.00 per hour Registratio~z Assistamt Registration Advisor OFFICEOF THE REGISTRAR OFFICE OF THE BURSARAND Christie, Mary G. 16 BUSINESSMANAGER Gallagher, Marion C. 7% Noll, Carl V. 50.

E. ASSIGNMENTS-Fall semester 1952 and Spring semester 1953. Appointments or reappoint- ments to the School of General Studies in the ranks, on a semester basis, for maximum number of 192 hours as necessary in the period indicated, and at the rate of compensation indicated, payable from Budget and/or Tnstructional Fee Funds, subject to financial ability, schedule con- ditions and satisfactory service : Name, Rank, Dept. Hourly Rate Name, Rank, Dept. Hourly Rate Lecturers CLASSICS ART De GrafT, Thelma $5.95 Thompson, James $5.95 BIOLOGICALSCIENCES ECONOXICS Kream, Jacob $5.95 Baer, Werner $5.95 CHEMISTRY Shapiro, Ruth $5.95 Altschul, Rolf $5.95 Name, Rank, Dept. Hourly Rate Name, Rank, Dept. Hourly Rate EDUCATION PHYSICSAND ASTRONOMY Gallo, J. Roland $5.95 Bass, Hilda $5.95 Mackie, R. Andrew $5.95 \\roodcock, Wilson W. $5.95 ENGLISH Wooten, Benjamin $5.95 Hanley, Evelyn A. $5.95 POLITICALSCIENCE Hotchkiss, Helen $5.95 McKinney, Madge $5.95 Keresztes, Ethel $5.95 Zuckerman, Robert McLarney, Alice $5.95 GEOLOGYAND GEOGRAPHY PSYCHOLOGY Jourdain, Alice Kuthy.-. Olga- $5.95 Leddy, Audrey ROMANCELANGUAGES GERMAN Crocitto, Matilda $5.95 Arfa, Milton Kretsch, Robert $5.95 HOMEECONOMICS Di Capua, Lucy $5.95 SPEECH AND DRAMATICS HUMANITIES Alderman, Rose $5.95 Bennett, Josephine W. $5.95 Spadino, Egbert $5.95, $6.85 MATHEMATICS Izzo, Joseph $5.95 ADULTEDUCATION Kaufman, Arthur $5.95 Delbos, Julius i Lipsey, Sally $5.95 Pupchyk, Anne t

F. INITIAL APPOINTMENTS ON OTHER THAN ANNUAL SALARY BASIS-FALL SEMESTER 1952: Hourly Max. No. Hourly Max. No. Name, Rank, Dept. Rate of Hours Name, Rawk, Dept. Rate of Hours Lecturer MATHEMATICS CLASSICS Hedges, Rita Challenger 5.95 76 Brown, Blanche $5.95 15 **Rosenfeld, Frances F. 5.95 47 EDUCATION PHYSICALEDUCATION Moses, Lillian L. 5.95 58 Klocke, Ann 5.95 30 *O'Leary, Margaret 5.95 116 ADULT EDUCATION GEOLOGYAND GEOGRAPHY $Thurston, Ethel 5.95 4 7 $Tow, Leonard 5.95 47 t n

*Passed as Lecturer by BHE June, 1939; did not serve. ** Serving for the first time as Lecturer; has served as Laboratory Assistant in Day Session since 1935, as part-time Laboratory Assistant (evenings) since 1937. $ Teaching, or has taught in the Day Session. t 80% of course fees not to exceed $10.80 per hour. I See also under $2.00 per hour. O See also under $2.40 per hour. 15 twenty minute lessons per student.

No., 52. Instructional Staff: RESOLVED,That the Board approve the following actions affecting the instructional staff, subject to financial ability, schedule condi- tions, and sufficiency of registration:

A. LEAVES OF ABSENCE: Name, Title, Dept. Type of Leave Period Salary Terms Harvey, Mary T. Illness 10/3/52-11/2/52 With full pay (20 work- Instructor unless sooner ing days) Speech and Dramatics terminated Kuner, Mildred C. Special-To take part 11/12/52-12/1/52 With pay of substitute Temporary Lecturer in rehearsals and two deducted 11/12-11/24 English weeks' performance of (9 working days) and her play to be given at without pay 11/25-12/1. the University of Cal- ifornia Meier, Dorothy Illness 10/1/52-12/1/52 With full pay (39 work- Assistant Professor unless sooner ing days) Biological Sciences terminated Reuss, Beatrice Sabbatical-for educa- 1/30/53-1/29/54 With half pay Assistant Teacher tional travel High School Music B. APPOINTMENTS AND REAPPoINTMENTS:

1. REAPPOINTMENTSON ANNUALSALARYBASIS: Name Title and Department Period Anmat SaIary Rate Clark, Geraldine G. Junior Library Asst. 9/1/52-8/31/53 $2,700 Library Grant, Inez Temp. Jr. Library Asst. 9/1/52-8/31/53 2,700 payable from Library Library Fees Jones, Mary E. Library Assistant 9/1/52-8/31/53 3,750 in 1952 Library 3,900. in 1953 McIntyre, Gloria B. Temp. Jr. Library Asst. 9/1/52--8/3 1/53 2,70'0 payable from Library Library Fees

2. APPOINTMENTSON OTHERTHAN ANNUALSALARY BASIS: Name Title and Department Period Monthly Salary Rate Antullo, Ann Temporary Lecturer 9/1/52-1/31/53 2/5 of $257 (in place of N. Ferguson) Speech and Dramatics (2/5 program) Crawford, Norman P. Temporary Lecturer 9/15/52-1/31/53 (in place of 0. Reynolds) Speech and Dramatics Rosenfeld, Lenore Temporary Lecturer 9/1/52-1/31/53 $6.85 per hr. pay- Speech and Dramatics able from Line 2, Code 4404-005TS Semel, Eleanor Temporary Lecturer 9/1/52-1/31/53 3/5 of $257 (in' place of N. Ferguson) Speech and Dramatics (3/5 program) ?Nathan N. Stockhamer Tqmporary Lecturer 10/6/52--1/31/53 Psychology and Philosophy TBaird, Gily Substitute 10/2/52-12/1/52 $12 per teaching day (in place of D. Meier) Biological Sciences unless sooner term.

Balf, Miriam Temp. Educ. and Vocational 10/14/52-1/31/53 $299.83 Guidance Counsellor High School Principal's Office

C. SALARY ADJUSTMENTS BECAUSE OF INCREASE IN COST-OF-LIVING BONUS: 1. Salary of Miss Jean Pulver as Temporary Junior Assistant to the Dean, Dean of Students Office, for the period 9/1/52-9/30/52 is $301.66 per month instead of $275 per month. 2. Salary of Miss Edith Appel, Visual Education Assistant, Visual Education Committee, for the period 7/1/52-8/19/52 is $3,165 per annum, instead of $2875 per annum, payable from Auditorium and Assembly Hall Fees.


It was noted that the Budget Director has established the line of Teacher of Library for Miss Jean M. Tilley, effective October 14, 1952, instead of the title Assistant Teacher effective Sep- tember 1, 1952 as approved by the Board of Higher Education at its meeting of May 19, 1952, Calendar No. 48.

E. AMENDMENTS: Cal. No. Meeting 4 7 3/17/52 Appointment of Martha Crews as Temporary Library Assistant: Salary payable from Veteram' Fees, instead of Library Fees. 56 5/19/52 Beginning date of appointment of Gloria Shaw, Temporary Teacher, Elementary School, should be 9/4/52, instead of 9/1/52. 84 6/16/52 Beginning date of appointment of Shirley Schneider, Temporary Teacher, Elementary School, should be 9/4/52, instead of 9/1/52. 54 9/22/52 Rescind reappointnient of Janet Ewing, as this is duplication of action taken by the Board at its meeting of 6/16/52, Calendar No. 88. 48 10/20/52 Beginning date of leave of absence of Jane M. Carey should be 9/9/52, instead of 9/1/52. 48 10/20/52 Salary rate for Lillian Sigler, Emergency Substitute, High School Latin Department, should be $18.20 per day instead of $16 per day. Difference paid on October Payroll. F. EMERGENCY SUBSTITUTES (OCTOBER 1952 PAYROLLS) : Amt. Department Name of Substitute In Place of of Service Daily Rate COLLEGE Economics Ruth R. Shapiro Dorothy Lampen 9 days @ English Norma M. Bruton Robert Halsband % day @ Grace Horowitz Robert Halsband % day @ Norma M. Bruton Isabel Walker M day @ Grace Horowitz Isabel Walker % day @ Psychology and Philosophy Florence A. Veniar Bernard 8Riess 2 days @ Sociology and Anthropology Hubert O'Gorman Dorothy Blitsten 2 days @ HIGH SCHOOL Latin Lillian Sigler Florence Kirschner 2 days @

? Had previous service.

No. 53. Administrative Staff: RESOLVED,That the Board approve the following actions affecting the administrative staff, subject to financial ability, schedule con- ditions, and sufficiency of registration: A. APPOINTMENTS AND REAPPOINTMENTS:

Annual Name Title and Department Period Salary Rate Acuti, Audrey K. Temp. College Office Asst. A, Prov. 9/22/52-12/31/52? $ (2150) 2400" Dean of Student Office (Bronx) Beacham, Grace Temp. College Office Asst. A, Prov. 10/21/52-12/31/52? (2150)2400* School of General Studies payable from School of General Stud. Budget Creedon, Josephine Temp. College Secretarial Asst. A, 9/15/52-12/31/52? (2150)2400* Prov. Education Hoffnung, Harriet S. Temp. College Office Asst. A, Prov. 10/14/52-12/31/52? Registrar's Office Todaro, Doris A. Temp. College Office Asst. A, Prov. 10/6/52-12/31/5 2f (in place of High School Principal's Office G. Brady)

Bruckheim, Joan Student Pianist 9/1/'52-12/31/52 $1 per hour Physical Education (2 hours per week) Contardi, Theresa Temp. Pianist, Provisional 9/1/52-12/31/52? Physical Education (18 hours per week) per hour Kasaba, Katherine L. Temp. Pianist, Provisional 9/1/52-12/31/52? $ (2) 2.1 1* Physical Education (5 hours per week) per hour Schneider, Naomi Student Pianist 9/1/52-12/31/52 $1 per hour Physical Education (1 hour per week) Smolens. Rita Student Pianist 9/1/52-12/31/52 $1 per hour Physical Education (2 hours per week) Wall, Florence Temp. Clerk, BHE, Gr. 2, Prov. 9/1/52-12/31/52? (paid as Clerical Assistant) Library B. RESIGNATIONS : Name Title and Department Eff.Date Doland, Kathleen D. Temp. Clerk, BHE, Gr. 2, Prov. ld/14/52 a.m. Registrar's Office Grober, Ida Temp. Clerk, BHE, Gr. 2, Prov. Office of the Bursar and Business Manager Ruggiero, . Dorothy Temp. Clerk, BHE, Gr. 2, Prov. 11/3/52 Noon School of General Studies, and Duplicating Unit, Office of the Bursar and Business Manager Sanders, Roberta Temp. College Office Asst. A, Prw. Dean of Students Office (Bronx) C. AMENDMENTS: Cal. No. Meeting 54 9/22/52 The title of the following persons who were reappointed should be Temporary Helper (instead of Temporary Clerk) z Altsman, Selma Barry, Constance Loria, Concetta 47 10/20/52 The terms of the leave of absence of Miss. Grace R. Doyle should be changed to: With full pay: 9/15-9/21 (5 working days) charged to sick leave credit; 9/22-9/24 (3 working days) charged to 1951-1952 vacation and personal leave credit 9/25-9/28 (2 working days) charged to 1952-1953 vacation and personal leave credit

* Salary including cost-of-living bonus. t Unless sooner terminated by replacement from Civil Service list or otherwise.

BROOKLYN COLLEGE (Calendar Nos. 54 thr.ough 73)

No. 54. Retirements and Designation of Professors Emeriti: (a) The P'res- ident's report was noted of the retirements of the following members of the in- structional staff, effective September 1, 1952: Roger A. Johnson, Professor in the Department of Mathematics Charlotte E. Morgan, Associate Professor in the Dept. of English James M. O'Neill, Professor in the Department of Speech Morris F. Weinrich, Professor in the Department of Physics (b) The President's report was noted of the designation of Professors Johnson, O'Neill and Weinrich as Professors Emeriti, effective as of the date of their re- tirement.

No. 55. Promotion: RESOLVED,That John Brogan, Foreman, Grade 2 in the Department of Plant Operation, who has passed the examination for Foreman, Grade 3, and has been certified by the Municipal Civil Service Commission as being eligible for such promotion, be promoted to that rank effective November 1, 1952 with the salary at the rate of ($4021.)$464@ per annum for the period ending June 30, 1953, subject to financial ability and schedule conditions.

t Including special emergency salary increases.

No. 56. Air Force R.O.T.C.: (a) The President's report was noted of the names of the following members of the staff of the Department of Air Science and Tactics : Date of Arrival Date of Arrival Col. Austin L. Berry 9/12/51 M/Sgt. - Sam L. Pemberton 8/14/52 Lt. Col. Ralph M. Hayes 8/25/52 T/Sgt. Frank D. Bartlett 7/25/51 Major Douglas F. Carty 6/20/52 T/Sgt. ,Roy E. Haugh 7/25/51 Major Addison T. Reid 6/10/51 T/Sgt. Edward T. Lawrence 6/27/52 Captain Edward M. Grabowski 7/ 3/51 T/Sgt. Andrew J. O'Bryan 9/21/51 Captain Joe R. Shafer 8/ 1/52 T/Sgt. Salvatore Padavana 6/ 5/51 Captain Harold W. Wallace 10/ 1/51 T/Sgt. William S. Ward 8/13/52 1/Lt. Arthur A. Edgarian 9/23/52 S/Sgt. Richard A. Eckinyre 8/ 1/52 1/Lt. Bruno J. Grenci 7/ 3/51 S/Sgt. Alton E. Kellems 10/20/52 M/Sgt. Frank R. Gilfeather 10/13/52 (b) RESOLVED,That the courtesy title of Assistant Professor in Air Science and Tactics be conferred upon Lt. Col. Ralph M. Hayes, Majors Douglas F. Carty and Addison T. Reid, Captains Edward M. Grabowski, Joe R. Shafer and Harold W. Wallace and First Lieutenants Arthur A. Edgarian and Bruno J. Grenci of the U. S. Air Force who have been assigned to the Air Force R.O.T.C. Unit at Brooklyn College, such titles to be effective and applicable only as long as the individuals remain at the college.

No. 57. Curriculum: Cf. Cal. No. 4.

No. 58. Teacher Education: Cf. Cal. No. 86.

No. 59. Enrollment Report-Fall 1952: Cf. Cal. No. 14.

No. 60. Appointments: RESOLVED,That the following members of the instruc- tional, administrative and custodial staffs be appointed in the ranks and depart- ments, for the periods and at the salary rates specified, subject to financial ability, schedule conditions and sufficiency of registration: Period -of ApPt. Department and Title Name From Thru Salary Rate per Annum (Instructional) BIOLOGY Substitute Freed, Liselote M. 10/29/52 1/31/53 $3 5O./mo. (Replaces S. Reidman, suspended) ENGLISE Substitute OLevtow, Harry 11/10/52 1/31/53 300./mo. (Substituting for D. Wolfe, Asst. Prof. on Special Lv.) PHYSICS Substitute OBlumenthal, Ralph 10/29/52 1/31/53 380./mo. (Replaces M. Phillips, suspended) SCHOOLOF GENERALSTUDIES (Audio Visual Services) Substitute OStein, Leon 10/16/52 1/31/53 (Fills Vacancy, C.P. 291) (Administrative) HEALTH& PITYS.EDUC. (MEN) T. (& Prov.) TSchmitt, Donald 11/ 1/52 1/31/53** Clk., BHE, Gr. 2 (Replaces J. Klibaner, resigning) Temp. Helper Witt, Morton* 7/ 1/52 1/31/53 (not more than 180 hours) \ HEALTH& PHYS.EDUC.(WOMEN) Temp. Helper Cona, Catherine* 7/ .1/52 1/31/53 (not more than 85 hours) Col. Asst. Broome, Estelle 7/ 1/52 1/31/53 (for 10 hours) Gavis, Helen (not more than 237 hours) Neeld, Peggy Anne (not more than 274 hours) HISTORY T. (& Prov.) TClott, Enid 11/ 1/52 1/31/53* Clk., BHE, Gr. 2 (Replaces E. Wender, resigning)

H,OMEECONOMICS Col. Asst. Long, Margaret 7/ 1/52 1/31/53 1.5O/hr.F (for not more than 225 hours) LIBRARY Temp. Helper Levine, Marilyn 7/ 1/52 1/31/53 (not more than 727 hours) Pittler, Ruth (not more than 476 hours) Stockhamer, Neil (not more than 68 hours) Cooper, Lawrence (not more than 595 hours) Fox, Norma (not more than 627 hou.rs) Laufer, Anne (not more than 380 hours) (not more than 4 hours) Kruh, Pearl (not more than 570 hours) Hammer, Leonard (not more than 425 hours) Haymes, Naami (not more than 86 hours) Period of Appt. Department and Title Name From Thru Salary Rate per Annum PERSONNELSERVICE Col. Asst. Abel, Mary 7/ 1/52 1/31/53 1.50fir.F (not more than 309 hours) Limberg, Frieda (not more than 309 hours) 1.50/hr.F Temp. Helper Granet, Pearl 7/ 1/52 1/31/53 1.25/hr.N (not more than 600 hours) Propp, Nancy (not more than 870 hours) 2.00fir.N SCHOOLOF GENERAL STUDIES T. (& Prov.) Machol, Erwin 10/16/52 1/31/53* (2461.)2711.$

Visual Aid Tech. (To fill Vacancy, C.P. 651) v (Custodial) Cleaner (Men) VCross, Paul E. 10/16/52 4/15/53" (1800.)2050.§ (To fill Vacancy)

VCunningham, Alfred 10/16/52 4/15/53" ' (1800.)2050.§ (To fill Vacancy) flThomas, Booker 10/16/52 4/15/53" (1800.)2050.S (To fill Vacancy) S. (& Prov.) Angelestro, Ralph 9/17/52 10/16/52 (1920.)2170.§ Cleaner (Men) (Substituting for B. Bough, on Special Lv.) tManfre, James 10/16/52 12/31/52** (1800.)2050.§ (Substituting for J. Boyce, on Special Lv.) tTate, Walter 10/16/52 12/31/52** (1800.)2050.§ (Sdbstituting for B. Bough, on Special Lv.)

O Served previously as Substitute in College of Liberal Arts and Science. t Reappointment. * Serving in evening. ** Unless sooner terminated by an appointment from an appropriate Civil Service list or otherwise. S Including special emergency salary increases and paid at the rate applicable to Clerical Assistants. § Including special emergency salary increase. F Payable from Instructional Fees. N Payable from Non-instructional Fees. Certified by Municipal Civil Service Commission. " Probationary period.

Nu. 61. Compensation: (a) RESOLVED,That the following persons who served as Substitutes in the College of Liberal Arts and Science during the months of September and October 1952, be compensated for their services at the rate of $15.001 per day, in the amounts indicated opposite each name: Defit. and Name Amount Defit. and Name A mownt BIOLOGY GERMAN Marie S. Sawits $ 45.0Wa Gisela Stein t lO.OO* Anthony Soldo 30.00* Mildred Tolkoff 30.001 HISTORY 15.00f* Thomas Furcron 15.00* CLASSICALLANGUAGES Moses Rischin 15.00* Gilbert Feldman MATHEMATICS Louis Court ENGLISH Eleanor Dobkin 15.00* MUSIC Edwin Ezorsky t lO.OO* Montague Cantor t lO.OO* Oakley Johnson 30.00* 15.00* (b) RESOLVED, That the following persons who served as substitutes or special proctors in .the Division of Liberal Arts of the School of General Studies for the period September 18, 1952 through October 20, 1952 be compensated for their services in the amount indicated opposite each name: Rate per Rate per Defit. and Name Hour Amount Defit. and Name Howr Amourct BIOLOGY ENGLISH Withner, Carl $6.24 $24.96 Boroff, David 5.01 7.5 1 CHEMISTRY 7.51 Sosinsky, Jack 3.10 31.00 Hilliard, Robert 4.44 19.98 DESIGN Kreisberg, Ruth 5.01 30.06 Brown, Milton 3.00 12.00 Lichtenstein, Hyman 4.44 6.66 EDUCATION Varty, Jonathan 8.00 12.00 Rate per Rate per Dept. and Name Hour Amount Dept. and Name Hour Amount HEALTH& PHYSICALEDUCATION (W) Isaacson, William 4.44 13.32

Caddy.~. Glenna 5.00 22.50 Kaplan, David 5.21 23.44 Newman, Anne 6.69 20.07 Zagona, Helen 4.50 20.25 SPECIALPROCTORS PHILOSOPHY Fier, Louis 5.00 20.00 Michaelis, Anne 4.19 16.76 Krongelb, Irving 5.00 20.00 ROMANCELANGUAGES Ducker, Julius 5.00 20.00 Ducker, Julius 5.61 16.83 Eisenstadt, Abraham 5.00 20.00 (c) RESOLVED,That the following persons who served as substitutes in the Division of Vocational Studies of the School of General Studies for the period September 18, 1952 through October 20, 1952 be compensated for their services in the amount indicated opposite each name: Rate per Dept. and Name Substituting for Hour Amount VOTATIONALSTUDIES Baylis, Hyman Brody, Eliot $5.01 $10.02 Helfant, Seymour Meehling Charles 5.40 10.80 Perkins, Lindsey Graham, Mary 7.13 14.26 Newman, Michael Goodman, Anna 4.40 35.20

* Charged to person for whom substituting. ** Charged to Special City Code for Substitutes. t At $10.00 per day for 2/3 of a day.

No. 62. School of General Studies: (a) RESOLVED,That the following list of emergency appointments and adjustments in compensation and schedules of mem- bers of the staff of the Division of Liberal Arts of the School of General Studies for the Fall Semester of 1952 be approved, payable from Code 45-04-005 subject to financial ability, schedule conditions and sufficiency of registration: I. EMERGENCY APPOINTMENTS : Hourly Max. Hrs. Hourly Max. Hrs. Dept., Title and Name Rate Per Term Dept., Title and Name Rate Per Term BIOLOGY HOMEECONOMICS Col. Asst. Asst. Prof. Rothstein, Robert $1.25 234 Jacobson, Wilhelmina 6.35 5 CHEMISTRY Instructm Leci?urcr Frost, Hqzel 6.35 4 *Skarulis, John A. 6.03 83 SPEECHTESTING COMMUNITYSERVICES Asst. Prof. College Asst. Finlan, Leonard 7.00 10 ,Wannerstrom, Walter 2.20 100 Instructm EDUCATION Abel, James 7.00 9 Lecturer Graham, Mary 7.00 9 Mehrman, Marie C. 5.61 43% SPEECE Pincus, Morris 6.03 44 Reg. Adviser ENGLISH Bloodstein, Oliver 3.00 12 Fellow Instructor 'Henkin, Esther T. 2.40 317 Davidson, Joseph 7.00 43% 11. ADJUSTMENTS IN COMPENSATION: Rate of Pay Rate of Pay Dept., Title and Name From To Dept., Title and Name From To ECONOMICS ROMANCELANGUAGES Lecturer Lecturer Fier, Louis $5.21 $5.40 Ducker, Julius $6.93 $7.00 111. CHANGES IN SCHEDULE: Max. Hrs. Per Term Max. Hrs. Per Tern Dept., Title and Name From To Dept., Title and Name From To BIOLOGY ENGLISH Lecturer Lecturer Fischbein, Ernest 116 112 Long, Adam 28 43 Dobkin, Eleanor 114 172% DIRECTOR'S OFFICE GERMAN College Asst. Lectztrer Nesselhauf, Margaret 92 99% Shaw, Daniel 171 174 Max. Hrs. Per Term Man. Hrs. Per Term Dept., Title and Name From To Dept., Title and Name From To HEALTH& PHYSICALEDUCATION(W) MUSIC Physician Lecturer Caddy, Glenna 67% 90 Gideon, Miriam 28 84 Oppenheim, Dorothy 135 148% ROMANCELANGUAGES Lecturer Lecturer Johnson, Hilda 5 6 98 Isaacson, William 45 43% HISTORY Wang, Sabina 170 171 Lecturer SOCIOLOGY-ANTHROPOLOGY Cantor, Milton 171 173 Lecturer HOMEECONOMICS Henderson, Gerald 43 44 Asst. Prof. Nelson, Sidney 87 132 Jacobson, Wilhelmina 74 6 0 MATHEMATICS SPEECH Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Seckler, Bernard 87 103% Morton, Vance 93% 103% IV. RESIGNATIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Dept., Title and Name Dept., Title and Name BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY College Asst. Lecturer Greenberg, Sheldon Resigned 10/1/52 Kopelman, Bernard Resigned 10/8752 (b) RESOLVED,That the following persons be appointed to the staff of the Gen- eral Education Program of the School of General Studies for the Fall Semester of 1952 (Compensation payable from fees charged for the courses-Code 45-1-12) : Name No. of Hours Rate per Hour *Gruber, Edward 24 $10.00 Kreisberg, Ruth 24 10.00 Stoddart, Curwen 24 10.00

* New appointee.

No. 63. State Aid for Blind Students: RESOLVED,That Doris Rosenbaum and Sybil Rosenbaum, both of 1342 51st Street, Brooklyn 19, N. Y., regularly matric- ulated students in good standing, #be designated as fit persons to receive State aid for blind students, as provided by Section 4210 of the Education Law.

No. 64. Degrees: (a) RESOLVED,That degrees and diplomas be conferred as of the dates specified upon the students who have completed full courses of study and who have cleared their accounts with all departments of the college, except in cases where the name shall be stricken from the list for cause. (b) RESOLVED,That baccalureate degrees be conferred as of September 1952 upon the following students who have completed full courses of study and who have cleared their accounts with all departments of the college, except in cases where the name is stricken from the list for cause. (Names with degrees, etc., are on file in the President's Office.)

No. 65. Amendment oh Minutes: RESOLVED,That the minutes of the Board meeting of December 17, 1951 (Cal. No. 9) be amended to include Samuel Katz, Bursar of Brooklyn College as an alternate to receive and deposit funds for the Brooklyn College Early Childhood Center.

No. 66. Autho,rization to Employ: RESOLVED,That Brooklyn College be au- thorized to employ student aides and registration assistants (College Assistants) as follows during the period July 1, 1952 through January 31, 1953 at the rates of compensation indicated, for a total of nlot more than $33,490, subject to financial ability: 1. Student Aides-at rates of not more than $1.00 per hour for services in various departments and offices for a total of not more than: a. $13,435 to be charged to Non-instructional Fees b. $16,030 to be charged to Instructional Fees (Code 45-1-12) 2. Registration Assistants (College Assistants)-at rates not to exceed ($3.00)$3.11 per hour for services in connection with registratiou for the Fall Semester of 1952, for a total of not more than $4,025 to be charged to Instructional Fees (Code 45-1-12).

No. 67. Testing and Advisement Center: (a) RESOLVED,That the following list of appointments to the staff and increase in compensation for one member of the staff of the Testing and Advisement Center be approved, with the understand- ing that all appointments to the Center may be terminated at will by the College and all compensation is payable from the bank account known as "Brooklyn College Testing and Advisement Center," subject to financial ability: APPOINTMENTS Title and Name EffectiveDate Salary Rate Clinkal Psychologist Goldworth, Samuel 10/22/52 $400./mo. Reading Clinician Blausen, Helen 2/1/52-8/31/53 350./mo. 10/1/52' 401.50/mo. INCREASE IN COMPENSATION: Salary Rate per Month Title and Name From To Effective Psychometrkt Hirschhorn, Boris $319. $335. 11/1/52 (b) The President's report was noted of the following: (1) TERMINATION OF SERVICES: Title a& Name EffectiveDate Clinical Psychologist Hahn, Albert 5/8/52 (2) CHANGE OF NAME BY MARRIAGE: Title and Name Name for College Records EffectheDate Scmkr Lila Meirson Lila Cowen 6/29/52

No. 68 Salary Adjustments: RESOLVED,That the salaries of the following Laborers in the Department of Plant Operation be increased as indicated in order to comply with the new schedules for Laborers who have signed wage agreements, such salaries to be effective as of July 1, 1952 for the period ending June 30, 1953: From ($2650.)$29'00.* to ($3180.)$3495.* for 302 days per annum Ennis, Nicholas O'Connell, James Kelly, Daniel Schmidt, Anthony From ($2520.)$2770.* to ($3060.)$3365.* for 302 days per annum Greene, Ralph Dougherty, John J. From ($2280.)$2530.*-7/1/52 to ($2820.)$3110.*-7/1/52 for 302 days ( 2400.) 2650.*-1/1/53 ( 2940.) 3240.*-1/1/53 Poskus, John A. From ($2650.)$2900.* to ($3060.)$3365.* for 276 days per annum Pfluger, Wiegand From ($2530.)$2780.* to ($2940.)$3240.' for 276 days per annum DeLong, Ludwig From ($2400.)$2650.* to ($2820.)$3110.* for 276 days per annum Curiale, Charles Noto, Ignazio Dymond, Ernest Suslak, Harry Meyer, Ernest Stillman, Stanley From ($2280.)$2530.*-7/1/52 to ($2700.)$2985.*-7/1/52 for 276 days ( 2400.) 265'0.*-1/1/53 ( 2820.) 3110.*-1/1/53 Collyer, Edward C. Demeyer, Frank

* Including special emergency salary increase. No. 69. Reports: The President's report of the following was noted: (a) Administrators of Business Enterprises : Bookstore Cafeteria Title and Name Annual Salary Rate Title and Name Anwl Salary Rate Manager Food Manager Beatrice Hacker $5,600. Sarah Pettit $5,800. Asst. Manager Asst. Manager Florence Shazanof 3,970. Elizabeth H. Marx 4,600. Accountant Berthe Krumenacher 4,350. Richard Littlefield 2,950. Accountant Richard Littlefield 2,950. Title and Name Dept. Date (b) Death: Cleaner (Men) Tommie Wright Plant Operation 10/18/52 (c) Termination of appointments because of regular appointments from a Civil Service list: Dept., Title and Name EffectiveDate PLANTOPERATION CIeaner (M). Prov. Walter Tate 10/16/52 William Wallace 10/16/52 James Manfre 10/16/52 (d) Resignations: (Administrative) Dept and Name Rank EffectiveDate ASST. BUS. MCR.'S OFFICE Klibaner, Jessie Clk., BHE, Grade 2 11/1/52 DEANOF ADMINISTRATION'SOFFICE Wender, Elizabeth D. Clk., BHE, Grade 5 11/1/52 (Custodial) PLANTOPERATION Farrell, Anthony Cleaner (Men) 10/1/52

No. 70. Budget Request 1953-54: Referred to the Committee on Finance and Facilities.

No. 71. Printing of Bulletins: RESOLVED,That the President or his represen- tative, be authorized to prepare a form of contract for printing for the year 1953- 1954 Bulletins of the College of Liberal Arts and Science, School of General Studies, Division of Graduate Studies (including Teacher Education Program), Requirements for Admission and Courses of Study, and, when approved by the Administrative Office of the Board and the Corporation Counsel, to advertise for bids in the City Record, to open bids received and to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, the name of such successful bidder to be reported sub- sequently to the Board and that the cost of printing be charged to Code 45-103- 01-53 Departmental Reports and Bulletins, to Code 45-1-12 Instructional Fees, and to Code 42-1002-103-09-53-Teacher Education Program.

No. 72. Change in Wording of Awards: RESOLVED,That the wording of the following awards offkred annually be changed to read as follows: AWARD OF THE WOMEN'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION a. Award for payment of tuition at a sport camp or for a course of instruc- tion in a sport is made annually to those members of the Women's Athletic Association who have demonstrated outstanding ability in a specific sport. PI DELTA PHI PRIZES b. Three prizes of books are awarded annually by the Brooklyn College Chapter of Pi Delta Phi, one to a freshman, a sophomore and a junior respectively, who have proved, by means of a competitive examination, to be most proficient in French. . No. 7'3,. Deputy for President: RESOLVED,That in case of the President's ab- sence from the College, the Dean of Administration be authorized t.o act as deputy for the President.

QUEENS COLLEGE (Calendar Nos. 74 through 85) No. 74. C,ustodial Staff: RESOLVED,That the following reports and recommen- dations affecting the Custodial Staff be approved, subject to financial ability and schedule conditions : A. AMENDMENT OF MINUTES: Meeting Cal. No. 10/20/52 63 Change salary rate of Charles A. Lusk, Sr. Stationary Engineer to read $5840 per annum, and remove the title Senior Stationary Engineer in the provision for additional compensation for other than normal shifts and Sunday and holiday shifts. B. APPOINTMENTS : Period ofApp't. Replacing Salary Rate Prov. Cleaner (Male)-part time Inz, David 9/30/52-12/31/52* Joseph Leanza 36% $(1920)2170 Cleaner (Female) Myers, Florence L. 10/8/52---4/7/52 Grace Quinn (1740)1990 For usual probationary period C. REAPPOINTMENT WITH TENURE: Laborer Acconciamessa, John 11/16/52 D. SALARY ADJUSTMENTS-in accordance with Budget Certificate No. M-420 dated September 11, 1952-Effective 7/1/52: Tkle and Name Old Rate New Rate Laborer DeCianni, Filippo $(2530)2760 $ (2940)3240 Quinn, Daniel (2280)2530 (2700)2985 Snow, Lester (2280)2530 (2700)2985 Ferrato, Alfred (2160) 2410 (2580) 2855 Mazzone, Alexander (2160)2410 (2580)2855 (on Military Leave of Absence) Rinaldi, John (2160)2410 (2580)2855 Acconciamessa, John (2040) 2290 (2460)2730 Cooper, Andrew (2040)229.0 (2460)2730 Gregory, Alfred (2040)2290 (2460)2730 Kindred, William (2040) 2290 (2460) 2730

* Or earlier if replaced by appointment from Civil Service list or otherwise. No. 75. Speech Clinic: RESOLVED,That the following reports and recommenda- tions affecting the staff of the Speech Clinic be approved, subject to fiancial ability and schedule conditions : A. APPOINTMENT: Title and Name Period of App't Salary Rate Speech Correctimist Fay, Thomas H., Jr. 11/1/52-6/30/53 $2640 B. RESIGNATION : Title and Name EffectiveDate Speech Cmrectionist Rubin, Herbert 10/22/52-with salary for the full month inasmuch as he is leaving for military service. (All salaries in the Speech Clinic are payable on a ten-month basis from fees and/or monies contributed by the Queens Speech and Hearing Service Center, Inc.)

No. 76. Gifts: RESOLVED, That the following gifts be accepted with thanks: (a) $100 from an anonymous -donor for the John Golden Fund (b) $11.25 from the students of the Social Science Seminar for the purchase of books by the Library for the Social Science Seminar

No. 77. Research Project: RESOLVED,That the minutes of the Board of Sep- tember 22, 1952 (C.al. 81) be amended to change the effective date of appointment of Jack Sternberg, Research Assistant, to June 1, 1952.

No. 78. Contracts: (a) RESOLVED,That the Board instruct the Treasurer and the Comptroller of the City of New York to release the guarantee retention of $350.65 to Nagel- Electric Co., Inc. of 426 Broadway, Brooklyn 11, New York, for the satisfactory completion of the contract for furnishing all labor and material necessary and required for Campus Lighting and Floodlighting for the New Parking Field. (b) RESOLVED,That the Board authorize an extension of time until November 24, 1952 to Henry L. Neiblum Co., the contractor for the general construction work for Buildings D and E at Queens College, and be it further RESOLVED,That the Board authorize an extension of time until January 28, 1953 to Benjamin Buxbaum, the contractor for the electrical work for Buildings D and E.

No. 79. Instructional Staff: RESOLVED,That the following reports and recom- mendations affecting the Instructional Staff be approved, subject to financial ability and schedule conditions: A. AMENDMENT OF MINUTES: Meeting Cat. No. lO/ZO/SZ 67 Amend the change in schedule of Associate Professor Arthur Sard to read from full to half schedule at a compensation at the rate of T/z of $7450/7850. B. APPOINTMENTS : Dept., Rank and Name Period of App't. Salary Rate BIOLOGY Subsfttwte *Hecht, Max K. lo/ 1/52-10/30/52 13 days at $15.00/day (for Professor Huettner on sick leave) ECONOMICS Lectwrer Sharpe, Howard D., Jr. 11/ 3/52-1/31/53 $395./mo. REGISTRAR'SOFFICE Fellow Ozkaptan, Halim 10/10/52-1/31/53 $102./mo. C. CHANGE IN SCHEDULE: Period Effected From To Salary Rate MUSIC Substitute Brooks, Catherine V. 9/1/52-9/30/52 Full 6/15 6/15 $257.25/mo. D. EXPIRATION OF APPOINTMENT AND TERMINATION OF SERVICES:-at close of business on day indicated: ECONOMICS REGISTRAR'SOFFICE Assistant Professor Registrar's Assistant Shlakman, Vera T 10/ 3/52 Garvey, Edward A. E 10/31/51 E. EXTENSION OF APPOINTMENT: SPEECH Substitute Rogers, Marilyn 10/14/52-10/17/52 $15.00/day (for Miss Rambo on sick leave) F. LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Dept., Rank and Name Period Effected Salary Terms Type and Reason SPEECH Tutor Rambo, Dorothy 10/11/52-10/19/52 With Full Pay Spec.-illness G. REAPPOINTMENT: ECONOMICS Substitute Blaug, Mark 10/6/52-10/31/52 $330./mo. (for Dr. Vera Shlakman) H. TERMINATION OF LEAVE AND RESTORATION TO PAYROLL: SPEECH SPEECH REGISTRAR'SOFFICE Registrar's Assistant Tutor Manson, Jeanette S. 11/ 3/52 Rarnbo, Dorothy 10/11/52

* Mr. Hecht is a member of the Biology Department of the Hunter College School of General Studies.

No. 80. School of General Studies: RESOLVED,That the following reports and recommendations affecting the staff of the School of General Studies be approved, subject to financial ability and schedule conditions: A. AMENDMENT OF MINUTES: Meeting Cal. No. 6/16/52 117 Amend the minimum hourly rate of Eugene Rosenfeld from $4.00/hr. to $5.00/hr. for the period 9/1/52-6/30/53* B. APPOINTMENTS-Non-Queens Staff Members for period 9/1/52-6/30/53: Lect~rers-from maximum of 512 hours for the year as necessary Name Subject Min. Rate/hr. Max. Rate/hr. Newsom, Frances Music $6.00 $6.00 Schneider, Claire Z. Home Economics 5.OO 6.50 Nurses-for maximum of 512 hours for the year as necessary Dolan, Veronica R. Medical Office 2.00 2.00 Lark, Rosemary C. Medical Office 2.00 2.00 (Recommended by Nurses Registry, Mary Immaculate Hospital) 1 Student Aide @ $1.00 C. RESIGNATIONS :-Effective at close of day indicated: 2 Student Aides D. FOREST HILLS JEWISH CENTER FORUM: 1. DECLINATIONOF APPOINTMENT: 2. APPOINTMENTS: Title and Name Title adName Lecturer Lecturer Bartlett, Phyllis **Kreutzer, S. Stanley $10.00/hr 3 hrs. Dillon, Mary E. Zinnes, Harriet F. 10.00/hr. 3 hrs. Hallett, George

* Mr. Rosenfeld's title in Day Session was changed frcm Tutor to Instructor. **Attorney; Member Executive Committee, Citizen's Union.

No. 81. Printing of Bulletins: RESOLVED,That the Board authorize (1) the taking of the necessary steps .to obtain the approval of the Office of the Adminis- trator of the Board, the corporation Counsel, the Office of the Budget Director and other city agencies for the proposed invitation and instructions to bidders, specifications and contract for the printing of the Queens College Bulletin Np. 17, 1953-1954, the Queens College Te.acher Education Bulletin No. 6, 1953-1954 and the Queens College School of General Studies Bulletin, Spring 1953; (2) the public advertising for the solicitation of competitive bids on the proposed contract, the setting of an appropriate time by the President for the receipt and public open- ing of said bids; and (3) the award of the contract to the lowest responsible bid- der, the name of the contractor to be reported to the Board.

No. 82. Early Childhood Center: RESOLVED,That the President, in consultation with the Director of the Early Childhood Center, be authorized to grant a pro- portionate reduction in the monthly fee of $20.00 when the Center is delayed in opening or is closed during a special emergency; this provision in no way to be considered a basis for a proportionate refunding of fees when individual children are absent for part of a month. No. $3. Enrollment Report: Cf. Cal. No. 14.

No. &4. Teacher Education: Cf. Cal. No. 86.

No. 85. Administrative Staff: RESOLVED,That the following reports and recommendations affecting the Administrative Staff be approved, subject to financial ability and schedule conditions: A. AMENDMENT OF MINUTES: Meetimg Cal. No. 10/20/52 7 3 Change terminal date of salary adjustment for Robert S. Williamson to 8/31/53. B. APPOINTMENTS : Dept., Title and Name Period of ApP't. Salary Rate BUSINESSOFFICE Prm. Coll. Off. Ass't. A Olsen, Dorothy I. 11/ 3/52-6/30/53' $ (21 50) 2400 Tem@ovary Helper Schwartz. Florence 10/16/52-10/17/52 (2150)2400 LIBRARY Temporary Helper Kroton, Beatrice 10/16/52-10/20/52 (2150)2400, Prm. Coll. Off. Ass't. A Meyer, Ursula 11/ 3/52-6/30/53* (2150) 2400 SCHOOLOF GENERALSTUDIES Callege Ass't or Temp. Helper Nidds, Sabina 10/27/52-6/30/53 l.OO/hr. PRESIDENT'SOFFICE-PUBLIC RELATIONS Prat. Coll. Off. Ass't. A Wettemann, Dorothy 1/ 1/52--10/31/52 (21 50) 2400 (temporary appointment for one month; to resume college assistant title 11/1/52) C. CHANGE IN SALARY RATE: From To Eff. Date REGISTRAR'SOFFICE College Assistant Shepard, Beatrice $1.50/hr. $1.60/hr. 10/1/52 Wehlau, Lillian 1.50/hr. 1.60/hr. 10/1/52 D. RESIGNATIONS--effective at close of day indicated: Kroton, Beatrice Temporary Helper 10/20/52 Norman, Ruth Prov. Clerk (BHE) Gr. 2 10/ 3/52 at noon (Paid as temporary helper for 2% days in October) Schwartz, Florence Temporary Helper 10/17/52 Scharaga, Arlene College Ass't. or Temp. Helper 10/31/52 E. TERMINATION OF LEAVE AND RESTORATION TO PAYROLL: REGISTRAR'SOFFICE Clerk (BHE) Gr. 4 Gamey, Edward A. 11/ 1/52 F. TRANSFER TO TEACHER %EDUCATIONBUDGET: REGISTRAR'SOFFICE Prov. Coll. Sec. Asst'. A Kerschner, Marilyn 10/ 1/52--6/30/53' $ (2150) 2400

* Or earlier if replaced by appointment from Civil Service List or otherwise.

TEACHER EDUCATION (Calendar Nos. 86 through 88)

No. 86. Instructional and Administrative Staffs: RESOLVED,That the following reports and recommendations affecting the Instructional and Administrative Staffs of the Teacher Education Program, as recommended by the colleges and the Dean of Teacher Education and approved by the respective Administrative Committees, be approved, subject to financial ability and schedule conditions: THE CITY COLLEGE: INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF: A. APPOINTMENTS AND REAPPOINTMENTS: Period Substitute Dept., Rank and Name From Through Replacement Annual Salary Rate EDUCATION Lecturer, 9.t. Necie Pope 9/ 1/52 1/31/53 $150./mo. (replacing previous appointment at lower rate) Libary Assistant Ruth Carolyn Grossman 10/ 1/52 6/30/53 (693 hrs.) 1.90/hr. Fellow Dorothy Horowitz 9/ 1/52 8/31/53 J. Wasserman 125./mo. Graduute Assistant Andrew Sypawka 10/ 1/52 1/31/53 (10 hrs.) 1.50/hr. Dorothy Block 10/ 1/52 1/31/53 (50 hrs.) 1.50/hr. Walace Sokolsky 10/ 1/52 1/31/53 (1 12 hrs.) 2.00/hr. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF: A. APPOINTMENTS : Period Substitute Dept., Title and Name From Thrmgh Replacement Annual Salary Rate BUSINESSMANAGER'S DIVISION COLLEGESUPPLIES& EQUIPMENT College Ofice Assistant A, Prov. Muriel Horowitz 10/14/52 6/30/53 $(2150.)2400. EDUCATION College Ofice Assistant A, Prov. Margaret Neuburg 10/ 1/52 6/30/53 E. Rubinstein (2150.)2400. HUNTER COLLEGE: I. INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF: A. APPOINTMENT ON ANNUAL SALARY BASIS: Name Title and Department Period Annual Salary Rate Frampton, Merle Special Visiting Lecturer 9/1/52-8/31/53 $4994. Education B. APPOINTMENTS ON OTHER THAN ANNUAL SALARY BASIS: (Period : 9/1/52--1/31/53 unless otherwise indicated) : Name, Title and Department Period Program Salary Rate Dvorkin, Ruth ' 3/15 3/15 of $330. per mo. Lecturer Part-time Political Science Friedman, Helen L. 6/15 6/15 of $300. per mo. Lecturer Part-time Physics and Astronomy Fusaro, Bernard A. 9/23,24,25 :1 hr. $5.00 per hour Lecturer Part-time each day Mathematics 9/26: 2/3 day $12.00 per day Hynard, Edward 0. 9/30/52-1/31/53 6/15 6/15 of $300. per mo. Lecturer Part-time Mathematics Irace, Sebastian C. 9/30/52-1/31/53 4/15 4/15 of $240. per mo. Lecturer Part-time Physical Education Kramer, Bernard 6/15 6/15 of $325. per mo. Lecturer Part-time Physics and Astronomy Loretan, Joseph 0. 2/158 $400. per semester Lecturer Part-time Education Ordan, Harry 2/155 $350. per semester Lecturer Part-time Education Shapiro, David S. 10/9/52-1/14/53 5/15 5/15 of $282.50 per mo. Research Asst. Part-time Education Name, Title and Department Perwd Program Salary Rate Soltow, James H. t 9/15 9/15 of $320. per mo. Lecturer Part-time History Thorne, Hillery C. 2/159 $300. per semester Lecturer Part-time Education Tow, Leonardt 5/15 5/15 of $300. per ma. Lecturer Part-time Geology and Geography Milligan, Nancy G. 10/1/52-1/31/53, $2.50 per hr. Library Asst. Part-time unless sooner terminated (not to exceed $400. Teachers Central Laboratory for term) C. REAPPOINTMENTS ON OTHER THAN ANNUAL SALARY BASIS: (period: 9/1/52--1/31/53 unless otherwise indicated): Elder, Eldon J. 10/3/52-1/31/53 3/15 3/15 of $330. per mo. Lecturer Part-time Speech and Dramatics Pierce, Daniel 4/159 $600. per semester Lecturer Part-time Art Scholl, Harold M. 6/15 6/15 of $320. uer mo. Lecturer Part-time Speech and Dramatics Wooten, Benjamin A. 3/159 $504.1 5 per semester Lecturer Part-time Physics and Astronomy

D. EMERGENCY SUBSTITUTE (September 1952 Payroll) : Department Name of S?cbstitute In place of Amt. of Service Rate of Pay Physics and Astronomy Hilda Bass Bernard Kramer 2 hrs. @ $5.00 an hr. E. AMENDMENTS: Cal. No. Meeting 74 10/20/52 Reappointment of Beth N. Osbourn as Lecturer Part-time amended to read: Salary Rate % of $320. per month (instead of per semester) Reappointment of Elaine 0. Snyder as Lecturer Part-time amended to read: Salary !Rate 5/15 of $354.15 per mo. (instead of 5/15 of $354.45 per month) Delete Part-time from title of George Van Horne 11. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF: A: APPOINTMENTS: Name Title and Department Perwd Salary Rate Horowitz, Myrna Temp. College Off. Asst A, Prov. 9/22/52-12/31/52$ $(2150)2400* Registrar's Office Kreidler, Reba College Assistant (Lab.) 10/15/52-6/30/53 $(3.00)3.11*/hr. Home Economics not to exceed 96 hrs./term

B. REAPPOINTMENTS: Name Title and Department Period Salary Rate Calodny, Janet College Assistant (Lab.) 10/1/52-1/31/53 $(3.00)3.11* per hr. Chemistry not to exceed 45 hrs. for the term Carroll, John College Assistant (Lab.) 9/22/52-1/31/53.? $ (3.00)3.1 l* per hr. Physics and Astronomy r not to exceed 30 hrs. for the term O'Grady, Patrick College Assistant (Lab.) 9/23/52-1/31/53 $ (3.00)3.11* per hr. Physics and Astronomy not to exceed 30 hrs. for the term Rosenfeld, Rita Temp. Clerk, BHE, Gr. 2, Prov. 9/1/52-12/31/52$ $(2160)2675* per (paid as Clerical Asst.) annurn Library, Teachers Cent. Lab. C. ALLOCATIONS FOR GRADUATE ASSISTANTS AND STUDENT AIDES: Name, Title and Dept. Period Salary Rate Gelfman. Eva 10/6/52-1/31/53 $1.50 per hour not to exceed Graduate Assisant 80 hours for the term Education One Student Aide @ $.75 per hr. Music Library (Teachers Central Laboratory) 5 Student Aides @ $.75 per hr. 111. REPORT OF MEDICAL OFFICE SERVICE: Name, Title and Department Amount of Service and Rate of Pay Nickson, Margaret 3 hours @ $5.1 6 per hour Temporary College Physician Medical Office Boyce, Agatha S. (Nurse) 3 hours @ $1.77 perhour Medical Office IV.' REPORT OF ADVISORY SERVICE AT REGISTRATION: Advisers @ $3.00 per how No. of Hrs. Advisers @ $3.00 per hour No. of Hrs. Anderson, Lucile R. 6% Jones, Marguerite E. 7 Anderson, Marjorie 3 Lawton, Elva 3 Bennett, Josephine W. 3% McCadden, Joseph 4 Bluhm, Solomon 7 Meehan, James R. 3% Clum, Harold H. 3% Neidhardt, Augusta W. 3% Connor, Frances P. 3% OYSullivan, Julia 9 DeGraff, Thelma B. 3 Rosenbloom, Noah H. 6% Farrell, Muriel 7% Ryan, John J. 7 Gonzalez, Emilio 7 Schreiber, S. Etta 3% Hahn, E. Adelaide 4 Stinson, Harry E. 6% Halpin, Agnes 7 Wixted, William G. 7 Hathaway, Lillie V. 1 Zuckerman, Elva T. 3% BROOKLYN COLLEGE: (a) APPOINTMENTS AND REAPPOINTMENTS : Period of Appt. Dept. and Title Name From Thru Salary Rate per Month DESIGN Lecturer (P.T.) Still, ClyffordO 9/1/52 1/31/53 $268.88 (8/15 schedule) LIBRARY Temp. Helper Koeppel, Gilda 7/1/52 1/31/53 l.lO/hr- (not more,than 401 hrs.) . (b) RESIGNATION : EDUCATION Dept. and TitEe Name Eff.Dete Prov. Clk., BHE, Gr. 2 Elaine C. Weinreb 11/1/52

QUEENS COLLEGE: INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF A. APPOINTMENTS : Dept., Rank and Name Period of App't. Salary Rate EARLYCHILDHOOD CENTER Teacher Poythress, Anne 10/10/52-8/31/53 $3900 EDUCATION Spec. Lect. in Educ. 100 Beaumont, Florence 11/5/52 2 hrs. @ $12.50/hr. Graduate Assisfant Drespel, Michael 9/1/52-6/30/53 Max. 40 hrs. @ $1.25/hr. Marinelli, George 9/1/52--6/30/53 Max. 110 hrs. @ $1.25/hr. Parrino, George 9/1/52-6/30/63 Max. 50 hrs. @ $1.25/hr.

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF B. SALARY FIXING--July 1, 1952-September 15, 1952: Dept., Title and Na,me EDUCATION Stenographer Gr. 2 Callahan, Claire $(2450)2985 C. CHANGE IN SALARY RATE: EDUCATION College Assistant Ritter, Jeanne From $1.50/hr. to $2.00/hr. 9/1/52 D. TRANSFER FROM COLLEGE BUDGET: REGISTRAR'SOFFICE Prov. Cull. Sec. Ass'$. A Kerschner, Marilyn 10/1/52-6/30/53** $(2150)2400 CENTRAL OFFICE-(Approved by the Administrative Council on 6/24/52): (a) APPOINTMENT: Dept., and Title Name Period Salary PLACEMENTOFFICE Professor W. Virgil Nestrick 7/1/52-8/31/52 $800. equiv. of 4 credits (b) REAPPOINTMENT: Dept., and Title Name Period Salary GUIDANCEOFFICE Research Asst. Margaret A. Greene 6/16/52-6/30/52 at rate of $250 per mo., full schedule (c) AMENDMENTS : Meeting Cal. No. 4/21/52 9 5 Cancel the appointment of Dr. Robert N. W. Travers for four credits of work; increase the schedule of Mr. William Rabinowitz from 4 to 6 credits at $125 per credit. 6/16/52 122 To increase the schedule of Mr. Richard H. Bloomer from one-half schedule to six-sevenths schedule at $243 per month. (Approved by the Administrative Council on 11/3/52): (a) ASSIGNMENTS TO ADDITIONAL SERVICE: Name Title Rate Additional Time ***Arthur Goldzweig Library Asst. $3.11 per hr. 65 hrs. ***Peter Viegas Laboratory Mech. 2.00 per hr. Total additional hrs. not to exceed 125 (b) APPOINTMENTS : Dept. and Title Name Period Salary OFFICE OF DEAN Fellow Rita Birnbaum 10/27/52-8/20/53 $1520 (to assist in Recruitment & Public Relations) TEACHERPLACEMENT AND FIELDSERVICES Prov. Steno., Gr. 2 Miriam E. Beller 10/27/52N-6/30/53$ $(2150)2400 Roberta Sanders 10/14/52--10/24/52 (2150) 2400 (c) RESIGNATION: Dept. and Title Name Eflective Date TEACHERPLACEMENT AND FIELDSERVICES Prov. Steno., Gr. 2 Ruth Greenbaum 10/5/52N

3 Graduate program. Also teaches in Day Session-See BHE minutes 10/20/52 Cal. No. 48. $ Unless sooner terminated by replacement from Civil Service list or otherwise. * Salary including cost-of-living bonus. ** Or earlier if replaced by appointment from Civil Service list or otherwise. " Reappointment. *** Approval of this recommendation constitutes an exception to the policy of not appointing full-time personnel on the Teacher Education Budget to additional part-time service.

No. 87. Budget Request-1953-54: Referred to the Committee on Finance and Facilities.

No. 88. Budget Modifications: (a) RESOLVED,That a request be authorized for a modification within existing code totals of the Personal Service Schedule estab- lished for the Teacher Training Program of the B.oard for the fiscal year 1952-1953 in the following particulars: Personal Service--Code 42-1002-001-09-53 Eliminate Line No. 11 Assistant Professor 23 at 5706-5862 To 6490-6650 $138,450, 25 Library Assistant 3 at 4000-4150 12,225 100 Balance Unassigned 1,610

Total $152,285 Substitute Line No. 11 Assistant Professor 23 at 5706-5862 To 6490-6650 $137,902 25 Library Assistant 2 at 40004150 8,150 69 Assistant Librarian 4,924 100 Balance Unassigned 1,309

Total $1 52,285 The request for an assistant librarian at $4924 to replace the present line of library assistant at $4000-4150(4075) is part of a joint plan of the Librarian and the Acting Dean of the School of Education at City College to strengthen and develop library facilities for students in the Teacher Education Program. In the 19-18-49 budget for the Teacher Training Program, an assistant librarian was pro- vided for each of the municipal colleges. The City College, during this year, ap- pointed a library assistant and subsequently the line was reduced from assistant librarian to library assistant. The request is now made for a restoration of this line. (b) RESOLVED,That a request .be authorized for a modification within existing code totals of the Personal Service schedule established for the Teacher Training Program of the Board for the fiscal year 1952-53 in the following particulars: Personal Service--Code 42-1002-001 -09-53 Eliminate Line No. 54 Clerk (BHE) (2600)3145-(2750)3295 $ 3,220 55 Clerk (BHE) 17 at (2160)2675 45,475 56 Stenographer 17 at (2160)2675 45,475 57 Stenographer (2450)2985-(2600)3135 3,060 58 Stenographer 4 at (2310)2835 11,340 66 College Office Asst. A 2 at (21 50)2665 5,330 67 College Sec. Asst. A 3 at (2150)2665 7,995 100 Balance unassigned 1,610

Total Szcbstitute Line No. 55 Clerk (BHE) 14 at (2160)2675 56 Stenographer 13 at (2160)2675 58 Stenographer 3 at (2310)2835 66 College Office Asst. A 6 at (2150)2665 67 College Sec. Asst. A 8 at {2150)2665 68 College Office Asst. B (2750)3295 100 Balance unassigned

Total This request provides for the change of the titles of nine positions pursuant to the provisions of the Gittleson Bill which require the establishment of the new titles for po.sition.s filled subsequent to June 30, 1952. In addition this request changes the title as of 1/1/53, of one permanent employee in accordance with the transition schedule (line No. 54, Clerk, to line No. 68, College Office Assistant B). (c) RESOLVED,That a request be authorized for a modification within existing code totals of the Personal Service schedule established for the Teacher Training Program of the Board of Higher Education for the fiscal year 1952-53 in the fol- lowing particulars : Personal Service--Code 42-1 002-001-09-5 3 Eliminate Line No. 47- Visual Aid Technician (2460) $2,995 100 Balance Unassigned 1,610

Total $4,605 Substitute Line No. 47 Visual Aid Technician (2460)2995-(2580)3115 $3,055 100 Balance Unassigned 1,550

Total $4,605 This request is made to secure financial ability on this line for payment of in- crement due 1/1/53. The present incumbent was transferred to this Division from Blclyn. College as of 9/1/52. He was appointed at Bklyn. College on 9/1/51, is a permanent employee and is entitled to a mandatory increment on 1/1/53. (Approved by the Administrative Council.)

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE (Calendar Nos. 89 through 94)

Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following resolutions were adopted 01- action was taken as noted (Cal. Nos. 89 through 94):

No. 89. Death of Law Assistant: The Administrator's report of the death of Irwin Goldberg, Law Assistant, on October 28, 1952, was noted with deep regret and the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED,That the Board of Higher Education express its deep regret and sorrow over the death of Mr. Irwin Goldberg, the Law Assistant of the Board. Mr. Irwin Goldberg wa? appointed Law Assistant to the Board of Higher Edu- cation on March 17, 1943 and from that time until the very day of his death he served .the Board and the Colleges loyally and devotedly. It is not possible to measure the spirit and enthusiasm with which he met each assignment. He loved his job. Over the years Mr. Goldberg's contribution in terms of professional advice in- creased in the most remarkably helpful way. The Board has lost a devoted and valuable servant to the cause of higher education.

No. 90. Decision: The Administrator's report was noted that the Commis- sioner of Education in a decision dated October 21, 1952 denied the appeal of the Library Assistants (James T. Petrie et al.), for the salary schedule approved by the Board of Estimate in October 1951 for members of the instructional staff other than library assistants.

No. 91. Claims and Lawsuits: It was noted that the following matters have been referred to the Corporation Counsel: (a) Notices of claim and summons on behalf of the following against the Board of Higher Education. The claimants and plaintiffs allege that they are and were entitled to the salary of a clerical assistant commencing with $1500 per annum with yearly increments to a maximum of $3000 per annum, together with all bonuses and increases accorded clerical assistants: Notices of Claim The City College Brooklyn College Eleanor M. Latini (Received 10/14/52) Martin Goorevitch (Rec'd 10/31/52) Angela Castillo (Rec'd 10/3 1/52) Selma R. Schumer (Rec'd 10/14/52) (formerly employed) Hunter College Qzleens College Antoinette Matrone (Rec'd 10/24/52) Elaine Hirsch Levine (Rec'd 10/14/52) (formerly employed) Summons (Received 10/23/52) The City College Brooklyn College Seymour Fried Leah Leisman (formerly employed) Bernard Goldstein (formerly employed) (b) Notices of claim received 11/5/52 on behalf of Jacob Gelber and Herbert Donald Gelber against the Board and the City of New York. Claimant Jacob Geleber, father of Herbert Donald Gelber, an infant, is claiming damages on behalf of said Herbert Donald Gelber in the sum of $5,500 as the re- sult of personal injuries alleged to have been sustained by said infant on August 28, 1952 while a passenger in an omnibus alleged to be owned, operated and con- trolled by the Board of Higher Education and/or the City of New York, o.n a public highway in Danby, Vermont. Claimant Jacob Gelber is also claiming dam- ages on his own behalf in the amount of $500 for loss of society and services and for medical expenses.

No. 92. Budget Request, Administrative Office-1953-1954: Referred to the Committee on Finance and Facilities.

No. 93. Appointment-Architectural Unit: RESOLVED,That Melvin Schneider be appointed Junior Mechanical Engineer, prov., from 10/27/52 through 12/31/52 unless sooner terminated by replacement from an appropriate Civil Service list or otherwise at ($3300)$3885 per annum including cost-of-living bonus, payable from Queens College Library & Science Buildings Funds, subject to financial ability. Mr. Schneider replaces Emerson R. Allen, on leave of absence. (Approved by the Administrative Council.)

No. 94. Adjustments of Salaries: The following interim report of the Ad- ministrator was noted listing the salaries of members of the clerical staff with whom settlements were made in the Zuckerbrod and related cases, in accordance with recommendations of the Corporation Counsel, and indicating the amount of the settlement and salaries adjusted as of 6/30/52 in each case. Complete figures on the settlements are given in the worksheets, which were approved by the Budget Director's Office and the Comptroller's Office, copies of which are on file in the Payroll Office of each college, the Division of Teacher Education, and the Administrative Office. There are 542 individuals adjusted who received $668,400.44 in back pay and lawyers' fees. LITIGANTS THE CITY COLLEGE Back Pay Paid to Litigant incl. Budget Salary Adjusted-6/3 0/5 2 Name Attmey's Fee From To . Asbel, Anna $3,950.20 $ (223b)2480Y $(3300)3550* Belsito, Therese R. 2,866.37 (3420) 3670" (4O20)427OY Better, Doris 3,060.10 (2230) 2480' (315O)340OY Bochicchio, Vito J. 4,146.13 (3540) 3790' (4020)4270' Breen, Mary 3,013.43 (2230)2480* (3150)3400* Brown, Deborah 2,473.80 (211O)236OY (3000)3250* Carter, Mildred G. 4,172.86 (3070) 3320Y (3900)4150* De Luca, Alfonso 7,565.00 (3420)3670' (4O20)427OY Dempsey, Sarah 2,595.24 (3780)403OS (4020) 4270' Dwosk, Ethel S. 1,975.05 (2100)2350* (245O)270OY

Epstein, Hyman ~ 1,627.63 (3540) 3790Y (39O0)415OY Feinstein, Judith C. 3,469.78 (2110)2360* (3150)3400Y Figowitz, Irene 664.44 (1860)2110* (231O)256OX Fink, Terry T. 1,611.16 (2100)2350* (2450)2700* Gershberg, Shirley T. 3,368.54 (211O)236OY (3150)3400* Gold, Belle 3,475.20 (21 10)2360" (3150)3400* Goldstein, Hyman 780.04 (2100)2350* (2450)2700* Graf, Frederick J. 2,465.00 (4O21)427lY (4O21)427lY Jacobson, Gertrude 1,699.16 (2100)2350* (2600) 2850' Kelly, John F. 1,345.20 (402O)427Os (402O)427Os Kulka, Lucille 1,638.44 . (2IO0)235OY (2450)27OOY Kummer, Evelyn 2,373.39 (21O0)235OY (2450) 27OOY Leibowitz, Leila 1,805.20 (1860)2110Y (2600)2850* Lerner, Matilda 4,061.44 (3190) 3440* (3750)4000* Back Pay Paid to Litigant kcl. Budget Salary ,Name Attorney's Fee Frmn Levy, Evelyn M. 2,594.80 (211O)236OX Lieber, Helen 173.41 (3010)3260* MacBeth, Laura A. 2,820.30 (2830) 3080X Mackey, Edythe 2,180.85 (271O)296OX Melowsky, Charles 4,965.15 (354O)379OX Miller, Beatrice 1,712.87 (234O)259OX Minkowitz, Anne R. 629.24 (3421)3671X Moskowitz, Roslyn 3,006.19 (3540) 3790' Nechin, Henrietta 2,719.41 (3540) 3790" Newman, Rose S. 3,002.14 (223O)248OX Nitzberg, Rochelle 2,347.99 (211O)236OX Pritchett, Lillian - 1,746.05 Radin, Ida 1,823.18 Richman, Gertrude 2,841.84 Richter, Irma B. 175.04 Rothschild, Gloria 3,058.53 Ryan, Annabelle 2,151.70 Ryan, Mary M. 2,825.24 Sheahan, Germaine 2,992.1 1

Taylor, Rita Teicher, Mildred Trachtenberg, Esther Turk, Beatrice Ulitz, Bernard F. Wagner, Eliot L. Weidenbaum, Dorothy FORMERLYEMPLOYED Adelman, Stanley Antell, Claire Barth, Roslynne Berglass, Isidore M. Broder, Muriel Burke, Beatrice Carlisle, Eleanor M. Cohen, Joseph Curry, Margaret E. Elliott, Rona C. Fagerstrom, Elizabeth Feinberg, Phyllis Feit, Bernice Fried, Seymour Gillespie, Elizabeth Goldstein, Bernard Gruber, Lenore Harrow, Martha Hines, Frances Joseph, Rosalind M. Kahaner, Elaine S. Kauder, Beatrice Kieval, Robert M. Klempner, Bernard Kletter, Bernice Komissarof, Beverly Kornblum, Sylvia McPhee, William Murphy, Mary J. Pasternak, Lorraine Peterson, Catherine E. Regelson, Sylvia Sabath, Deena Sales, Claire G. Sarah, Gertrude Schrag, Bella F. Back Pay Paid to Litigant incl. Budget Salary Adjwted-6/30/52 Name Attorney's Fee From To Silverman, Claire 621.49 Solomon, Mary M. 420.69 Sterling, Eleanor 798.61 Swinkin, Jack 1,027.17 Valinsky, Helen ' 1,430.04 Warshaw, Renee D. 2,123.50 Weissbrod, Laura 1,769.45 .Wishnevsky, Sonia 2,065.10 Zaner, Gene 126.15 Zion, Ethel 2,134.92 Zuckerbrod, Ruth S. 1,749.17 HUNTER COLLEGE Budman, Pearl G. Cantor, Dorothy R. Castelli, Irene Conway, Rosemarie D. Friedman, Edith Heffler, Lillian Kagan, Dorothy P. Kimmel, Rebecca ' Kuttner, Bertha K. Langhans, Aila A. Madoff, Adelaide M. Murphy, Mary P. Pasto, Theresa G. Svedrofsky, Evelyn FORMERLYEMPLOYED Ashhurst, Margaret C. Banoff, Grace K. Bernstein, Helen G. Gardner, Gloria S. Heller, Dorothy Katz, Pearl S. Lesser, Tillie H. Lipton, Pearl Lomrantz, Dorothy P. Masterson, Irene C. Mintz, Minnie Schatten, Gloria S. Uris, Selma L. BROOKLYN COLLEGE Geraldine Auslander Rita Hindin Basist Ruth Becker Lillie Berk . Sheila Brown Elizabeth Chirico Enid Clott Evelyn Daskin Rita Joblove Davidson Mildred Drucker Rhoda Levine Eckstein Howard Fibel George Finn Elsie B. Friedman Virginia Gerard Jennie Gisses Shirley Gleichenhaus Lillian Goldberg Mera Goorian Hilda Hill Pierina Gorin. Rudolph Huster Gertrude Johnson Back Pay Paid to Litigant kcl. Budget Salary Name Attorney's Fee Frmn Jeannette Kaplan 587.01 (186O)211OX Marilyn Kaplan 2,449.30 (211O)236OX Julia Klein 1,249.00 (2100)2350X Bernice Krodman 1,099.00 (186O)211OX Monnen Lern 2,660.03 (21 1O)236OX Daniel Levy 306.50 (354O)379OX Johanna Levy 1,858.05 (21O0)235OX Lilyan Levy 431.60 (21O0)235OX Ignatius J. Mangano 1,243.40 (21O0)235OX Helen Mates 621.84 (186O)211OX Sylvia Mass 2,408.35 (21O0)235OX Rita McLaughlin 7,700.55 (2830) 3O8OX Barbara Mishkin 600.00 (2100)2350* Miriam Mostow 4,390.02 (2710) 2960X Margaret Nesselhauf 248.34 (3540)3790* Selina Penchuk 1,241.00 (2100)2350* Angela Petrelli 2,616.36 (3070) 3320X Gertrude Pinto 1,225.01 (21O0)235OX Dorothy Roche 2,143.20 (21O0)235OX Millicent Safferman 518.41 (1860)2110* Elizabeth Schneider 2,457.52 (2710) 2960X Anne Schreiber 2,972.98 (223O)248OX Shirley Sherwin 444.64 (2100)2350* Julian L. Smith 1,243.40 (21O0)235OX Phyllis Spinrad 2,518.82 (211O)236OX Selma Stein 2,154.26 (2100)2350* Barbara Stern 247.41 (186O)211OX Royal Stevenson 5,368.66 (2830) 3O8OX Janie Stockhamer 477.67 (186O)211OX Shirley Sussman 213.60 (1860)2110* Milton Sussman 3,590.26 (319O)344OX Beatrice Swerdlow 2,161.74 (283O)308OX Frances Tillis 213.60 (186O)211OX Walter Wannerstrom 4,159.52 (2830) 30801 Bella Weissbrot 384.96 (1860)2110* Morton Witt 3,800.26 (3O70)332OX FORMERLYEMPLOYED Edythe S. Abramson Thelma Barnett Ernanuel Berg Marjorie K. Bernstein Hugo Bonagura Phyllis Brackfield Ray Brickman Jack Broder Lillian Brostoff Gertrude Shapiro Carmel Robert Christian Marie Dolan Evelyn Fein Roslyn Foier Barbara Kranz Frackrnan Lila Friedman Hyman Goldstein Renee Goodman Seymour Greene Francine Klotz Haber Roslyn Haber Lillian Horowitz Sara Kane Frances Katz Suzanne Klapper Sara Konowitz (deceased) Lucille Korn Back Pay Paid to Litigant incl. Budget Salary Name Attmney's Fee From Adele Kraut 277.20 Marilyn Levine 354.49 Grace Mendelsohn 964.43 Miriam Mercer 182.52 Adele M. Miller 574.06 Geraldine Pearson 2,022.1 9 Ellen Rosen 976.38 Gloria K. Rothfeld 582.40 Violet Sealy 504.34 Claire Segal 835.10 Beatrice Shapiro 1,163.34 Rowena Silver 198.20 Sylvia Soloff 2,033.35 Pearl Epstein Solomon 1,411.04 Babette Tolkow Stack 1,741.86 Claire Suvall 1,570.17 Frances Trapasso 966.60 Aaron Weiner 914.23 Marjorie Wohl 958.98 Sylvia Wolkin 1,282.47 Irving Yudelowitz 843.70 QUEENS COLLEGE Edward A. Garvey Eleanore A. Humenik Harry Jahoda Adele F. Larschan Edna D. Mills Ramona G. Newhouse Grace T. Oakes Marie R. Rigney Ruth S. Rucker Marie J. Sabatelli Annabelle Schwartzberg Catherine A. Seagren Molly E. Zagor** FORMERLYEMPLOYED Babette C. Prince TEACHER EDUCATION City Collsge Beverly Gorcey Brooklyn College Roberta H. Klinger Queens College Claire Callahan Central Ofice Geraldine Blumenfeld Naomi Flagsberg FORMERLYEMPLOYED City College Rhoda Cole Eleanor Simkin Brooklyn College Goldie Blanksteen Queens College Marylin Gilbride ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Feinberg, Thelma Heller, Marilyn Joyce, Marie Loffredo, Ruth Foy McGivney, Frances Ostroff, Eleanor G. UTES OF

Back Pay Paid to Litigant incl. Budget Salary Adju Name Attorney's Fee From FORMERLYEMPLOYED Gelman, Pearl Xaplan, Rita Rabinowitz, Loretta Siegel, Lorraine H. Silver, Harriett ARCHITECTURAL UNIT Claire Pearson 210.49 NON-LITIGA THE CITY COLLEGE Back Pay Paid to Budget Salary Adju Name Nm-Litigants From Aselin, Mary B. $3,205.20 $(2710)2960* Bazier, Ruthe 96.60 (1860)2110* Beizer, Anita 1,033.42 (1860)2110* Bokholtz, Helen 1,765.64 (1860)2110* Breitman, Harry 764.43 (3540) 3790* Brown, Mary Ann 236.63 (1860)2110* Bufano, Phyllis 1,120.04 (1860)2110* Castagliola, Vivian 1,163.44 (1860)21101 Cavonis, Melpo 50.00 (1860)21101 Charles, Bernice 2,479.20 (2950)32001 D'Amato, Olga 46.55 (1860)21101 Davis, Samuel A. 1,200.04 (2100)2350* Distefano, Rosaria 1,457.99 (2110)2360* Esposito, Phyllis 375.04 (1860)21101 Feldman, Matthew 86.98 (1860)21 lo* Flannery, Elizabeth 247.41 (1860)2110* Geaneas, Kitty 592.64 (1860)2110* Goldinger, Helen H. 2,650.40 (2110)2360* Greene, Leon B. 547.44 (1860)2110* Greene, Velma 234.14 (1860)21 lo* Greiser, Mabel L. 220.02 (2340)2590* Hall, Gertrude 604.48 (2530)2780* Halpern, Mollie 492.84 (1860)2110* Handler, Edith 33.78 (1860)2110* Hanjoglou, Angeline 2,216.99 (2100)2350* Hanley, Constance 0. 593.44 (1860)2110* Henry, Margaret 599.04 (1860)2110* Hiller, Helen A. 1,629.44 (2100)2350* Hollister, Alfred 1,657.44 (1860)2110* Horowitz, Jeanette 281.41 (1860)2110* Huffe, Catherine C. 3,805.20 (2590)2840* Kayser, Eva 2,346.50 (2100)2350* Kirksey, Helen D. 3,620.20 (2470)2720* Kieber, Marie 1,109.44 (1860)2110* Klein, Clara 1,088.52 (1860)2110* Lawrence, Edith 118.86 (1860)2110* Lederman, Rose 637.01 (1860)21101 Leon, Walf redo 1,237.84 (2100)2350* Levine, Sophie 173.17 (1860)2110* Lloyd, Ulysses 2,519.80 (2110)2360* Low, Grace 1,668.54 (2470)2720* Mandels, Gloria 236.63 (1860)2110* Margosian, Vivian 293.38 (1860)21 lo* Martin, Viola 1,076.77 (2110) 2360* May, Edward J. 3,180.24 (3660)39101 McGorty, Marie E. 1,533.97 (2100)2350* McLaughlin, James F. 3,285.20 (3190)3440* Meisel, Ruthe K. 851.86 (2110)2360* Meisler, Irving 103.43 (1860)2110* Merkle, Margaret 1,413.34 (2220)24701 Mittelman, Milton 241.60 (1860)2110* Moro, Yolanda I. 968.38 (1860)2110* Back Pay Paid to Budget Salary Name Non-Litigants From Mottola, Bette 570.88 (1860)2110* O'Loughlin, Agnes 115.89 (1860)2110* O'Shea, Josephine M. 405.04 (2230)2480* Perlow, Jean 633.84 (1860)2110* Pike, Anita 208.53 (1860)2110* Pinto, Lucille A. 3,436.03 (2110)2360* Piper, Olive S. 914.21 (1860)2110* ,Reilly, Mary M. 1,660.04 (1860)2110* Reilly, Thomas F. 3,350.20 (2110)2360* Resek, Kate 206.39 (1860)2110* Roach, Olive 616.71 (1860)2110* Rubin, Phyllis 3,459.05 (2110)2360* Schwartz, Matilda 1,901.49 (3190) 3440* Schweitzer, Leonard 247.41 (1860)21lo* Sefferien, Mary L. 32.32 (2100)2350* Seid, Lynn 1,648.64 (1860)2110* Seretean, Zella 1,795.89 (1860)2110* Sevajian, Margie 1,756.71 (1860)211Q* Silver, Adele 1,066.64 (1860)2110* Slater, Mary 3,805.20 (2590)2840* Smith, Irene E. 210.40 (1860)2110* Smith, Naomi 443.28 (1860)2110* Sobel, Estelle 222.09 (1860)2110* Spindler, Harry 658.84 (1860)2110* Stahlheim, Evelyn 1,043.24 (1860)2110* Stern, Alvin 125.00 (1860)2110* Strauss, Margaret R. 1,710.04 (1860)2110* Sugarman, Jean 515.04 (2100)2350* Sutherland, Alice 298.17 (1860)2110* Tepper, Howard J. 247.41 (1860)2110* Thornton, Edwin A. 2,496.32 (2110)2360* Trigg, Frances 185.04 (2100)2350* Turqman, Elsa C. 226.46 (1860)2110* Utendahl, Madeline 2,616.87 (2110)2360* Vullo, Encarnation 2,620.20 (21 10)2360* Williams, Mabel W. 930.04 (2100)2350* Willis, Charles L. 961.71 (1860)2110* Willis, Marilyn M. 239.95 (1860)2110* Wiltshire, Hugo E. 252.41 (1860)2110* Withers, Donald T. 425.04 (1860)2110* Woidos, Bernice 755.78 (1860)2110* Woogen, Anita 541.84 (1860)2110* Wornov, Sonya 230.83 (1860)2110* Zamuner, Rae S. . 3,919.38 (2230)24801 Zweibach, Silvya 147.35 (1860)2110* FORMERLYEMPLOYED Anderson, Jeanette D. Kimmel, Blanche Manger, Lee HUNTER COLLEGE Abraham, Caden Ackerman, Priscilla S. Aleo, Antonina T. Altsman, Selma Anastasia, Sophie Bassi, Alma Bayer, Margaret R. Benedetti, Maria D. Bent, Arleen L. Bittua, Raffaela Blond, Elinore S. Blumenthal, Marcia F. Broad, Lillian Castello, Norma Devery, Thomas A. K nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnn~nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn rrNrrW~rrrr~~rrrrrrrMNr~r~rrrrurrrr'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrNrrrrrrr~r ww~wW~rwwwwr~wwwwwww~~wwWr~wWW~wwwwwwWWwWWwwCOWWwCOCOWww~NwwwwwwWmW nmPmmmommmmoPmmmmmm moommmowmmmmmmmmmmmmmo\mmmmm.mmmmmmmmNmmmmmmm~m~Q +, 0000000000000000000 00000Q00000000000Q0000000000000000~00Q0000000 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww4wwwwwww u zzEz'~6P~"~N~fizyP z~"PY~""YYz~zyPzzN,zz~zN,zzz,Nzzz~~",z~zzz~~$z$Y

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 2 NNNNNPNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNPNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNPM rrPrrOprrrrrPrrprrr mmmmmNmmmmmmmmmmmmm moommmormmr~mmmmmmmmm-mrrmmrmomrmrmmmrmrrrm~mrmmrrrmWrrWorrrrrrPcLPWr~WrPWr~rWrWrPr~r~WWr0r 0000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 mT wwwwwwwwwwwwwVVVVV.l wwwwwwwwwwwwwJwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~\ NNNNNNNNNMNPNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNPNOW +WWPPPW~PP~NPPPPPPVPV~Pm~PV~PWP~PmPVP0 ~P~PNP rmmrrrm~rrm~rrrrrrOcLO~cLmmromrmrmrmr0rmrmmmr~r\ 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 m ...... N P td 2 2 0 nm~o~g+~~umwornn*~-rng~m~~g~~~~~g~aWw~~w~~~~~t:ww~x~~u~pg~g~zwg~~~gm 2 sf: 0 0 r:,,, 3 50 rgrz<0 -ce -0, Po tn" zP,P) w4 Ng.,,.af:a,5FZsm~$~~~E:.:5$z~~g.-.~os:s+o Fgg~~42*pzi.w;.Ew"~qgf:gkE.r:-. - $ ~ 3 3 "rn E90_Z. ,3 w a=" 2 g* f: w. 3 Yo ~0 yW" t ?~$ 3* " $: smw.g;: t?av2c FQ* ~m;~39w~ m "Ez* :,.Q4$gg~zma " k~gS ~ ~ r 9B5 * ;$ 0.2 8 3 r6 Fmgmf?~ila *~pp""m~pf$g~ z- t?~~y$a?o=r 1m44a.a . O0F3+dmm9ZZggffF,~ ,j! H$gS.a~,gfi~g8~:$ H ~ prm~ $9~~ 64.r yEaB3,~ EN$^.~ 2.tn3n g. ~u$""rsr -.:>gCm"!~ oLP~.w %?rnw w ""m-30 'f"m' ""<;s,p,.FE."Q%J". "N;; gp 0" J Z'm_!. * .. ?3 gg ;$ g $2 rrn2E2.2 2.%3 +J ?!' gg.; & " 244;. 2 2. * * ZNZ 88 Og 0,o;;'S . 0"."a;d ;: E. 3°C 3; Z=..$* 3 8 h 3u * 8 E v 0" $. 3 'd

nnhnnnnn hhnnnhnhn hnhhhhnnnhhh~hhhh rrrrrrtar rrrr~~rrr~NNNN-NNN-NN~NN-~ mmmmmmrm WWmmrrmmm Cnrwrr\OrrrWrWmrNmm mmmmmm'om mmmmoommm ~OPOO~OOO~OP~ON~~ 00000000 000000000 00000000000000000 ww4wwwww wwwwVwwww www'dwwwwwwww~wwww NNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN rrrrrrwr rrrrwwrrr rwmww~wwwrwmrw~rr m m -m\OmmWmmmrm\O~mVrr OPOOOOOO******** 000000000********* 000-00000000000000***************** MINUTESOF PROCEEDINGS,NOVEMBER 17, 1952 681

Back Pay Paid to Budget Salary Adjusted-6/30/52 Name Nan-Litigants Gladys Levine 1,284.35 i Rowena Morrow 71.61 Rita Rosenfeld 229.98 Vera Villegas 625.48 Frances B. Shapiro -83 Brookly~z College Leona Eisman Corinne Gianmitrapani Agnes Hamilton Joan Jacobs Leigh Lesser Rachael Mintz Joan Roseman Barbara Seigel Babs Warren Elaine Weinreb Queens College Fan Bremmer Joan Cervini Mary V. Frank Elise Kleier Mary L. MacIvor Joan Mahoney Mildred Silberman Celztral Ofice Miriam Cirlin Angel F. Nango Rita Rubenfeld ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Bonitz, Fay Grattan, Lillian Grossberg, Etta S. Lauer, Gerta Price, Anthony A. Riedl, Rosemarie Tetreault, Hilda Weisberg, Bernice Wugman, Gertrude ARCHITECTURAL UNIT Ellen Carney Ruth Feierman

* Salary including cost-of-living bonus. ** Through 6/30/50. S Subject to adjustment in relation to final date of service. (1) Adjustment pending. (2) Back pay was adjusted taking into consideration additional compensation from NIF and Commons Accts. t Salary as of 10/1/52 is ($2150) 2400. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following resolutions were adopted or action was taken as noted (Cal. Nos. 95 through 99):

No. 95. Former Board Member-James P. Murtagh: WHEREAS,Mr. James P. Murtagh, an alumnus of the College of the City of New York, has been a mem- ber of the Board of Higher Education and of the City College Admministr;~tive Committee since August, 1948, and WHEREAS,Throughout the period of his service Mr. Murtagh gave unsparingly to the Board the fruits of his wisdom, his experience, his conscientious effort, and his love for his college, and WHEREAS,Among the evidence of Mr. Murtagh's contribution are his services as Vice Chairman of the City College Administrative Committee and Secretary of the Board since June, 1950; as Chairman of the Committee on Legislation and Bylaws; as Chairman of the Master Plan Committee which had control of the Capital Budget work, and WHEREAS,Mr. Murtagh's recognition of the need for physical expansion of the College, his deep interest in building projects, culminated in his major and unique contribution to the acquisition of the Manhattanville property; therefore be it RESOLVED,That the Board express to Mr. Murtagh its appreciation of his truly devoted and effective service to the cause of higher education.

No. 96. Budget Request, The City College-1955-54: Referred to the Commit- tee on Finance and Facilities.

No. 97. Withdrawn.

No. 98. Leave of Absence-Brooklyn College: RESOLVED,That John Valente, Assistant Professor in the Department of English, be granted a sabbatical leave of absence for the purpose of studies and development of the Walt Whitman Project for the period February 1, 1953 through January 31, 1954 with half pay, subject to financial ability.

No. 99. School of General StudieeDivision of Vocational Studies-Brooklyn College: RESOLVED,That the following emergency appointment and change in compensation of members of the staff of the Division of Vocational Studies of the School of General Studies for the Fall Semester of 1952 be approved, subject to financial ability, schedule conditions and sufficiency of registration: I. EMERGENCY APPOINTMENT: Hours Per Term Department a.nd Titlc Name Rate per Hmar Hours per Week (Not More Than) VOCATIONALSTUDIES Instructor Graham, Mary $5.61 30 11. CHANGES IN COMPENSATION: Rate of Pay Department and Title Name From To VOCATIONALSTUDIES Lecturer Mehrman, Marie

ADDED ITEMS Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the following resolutions were adopted (Cal. Nos. 100-101):

No. 100. Expressions of Appreciation to Former Board Members: (a) Dr. Harry J. Carman- WHEREAS,Harry J. Carman, having been appointed to the Board of Higher Ed- ucation on March 5, 1938, became Vice-Chairman of the Hunter College Adminis- trative Committee during 1941, and Chairman in 1948, and painstakingly assumed not merely the normal burdens imposed on anyone who holds these offices but also the responsibility of frequent additional consultatory meetings; and WHEREAS,during all these years he was one of the College's most faithful and unselfish friends giving it the benefit of his wide experience, his acquaintance with the academic fraternity, and his deep insight into all that was most important in educational philosophy and curricular organization; and WHEREAS,he was an inspiration to the students of Hunter College and a man whom every member of the staff considered a friend, whose aid could be solicited and whose counsel was to be had for the asking; therefore be it RESOLVED,That on behalf of Hunter College, the Board of Higher Education record its gratitude to Harry J. Carman for more services than anyone save the MINUTESOF PROCEEDINGS,NOVEMBER 17, 1952 683

Recording Angel will ever know, and its deep admiration for the wisdom and benevolence which' informed everything which he said and did; and be it further RESOLVED,That the Board of Higher Education include these sentiments in the formal record of its procedures, in the hope that thereby it may in some small measure convey to Harry J. Carman its sincere appreciation of all that he did to assist the work of the Board, to enhance the welfare of the colleges which it di- rects, and to help build a great academic community of staff and students, all of whom wish him many more years in the public service. (b) Howard C. Kelly- WHEREAS,Howard C. Kelly served as the Chairman of the Committee on Finance and Facilities of this Board from 1949 to 1952; as Chairman of the Com- mittee on Trusts and Gifts from 1943 to 1952; as Chairman of numerous special committees; and as a member of this Board from 1943 to 1952, therefore be it . RESOLVED,That the Board acknowledge his outstanding service in the public interest. With a generosity of his time and himself which he sustained through- out his nine years he gave exacting service as Chairman of the Committee on Finance and Facilities, being responsible for one of our life lines, the budget. Because of the intelligence of his interest, our trust and endowment funds are now, and have #been for some years, handled in a manner which makes them not only safe and productive but gives assurance to prospective donors. In another field than finance but with the same meticulous integrity, Mr. Kelly as chairman of the Board's Committee charged with investigation of the Knicker- bocker case was a bulwark of strength through the years of that difficuty. He could be said to have walked a razor-edged path between the complainants and defenders in that case, giving neither to one side nor the other. Because of this it was possiable at last to bring the matter to a conclusion. Later, in 1951, when the Board was faced with the tragedy of the basketball "fix" he was made chair- man of the Board's first Committee on Intercollegiate Basketball, and as such, with the members of his Committee, rendered a report animated by the concept of true sportsmanship which, because of this, bids fair to mark a milestone in the conduct of college athletics. His public service to the young people of this City well merits recognition and acknowledgment. (c) Mr. Jerome K. Ohrbach- WHEREAS,Mr. Jerome K. Ohrbach came to the Board as member in July, 1950, resigning in April, 1952, because of his removal to California, and WHEREAS,in that short time Mr. Ohrbach made his concept of the governing principles in higher education felt, putting them into practice as member of the City College Administrative Committee, the Committee on Administrative Staff Problems, the Committee on Public Relations and of the Board's first Basketball Committee, and WHEREAS,in the last named Committee he was a tower of strength to the Board because of his understanding of sports and their relation to education and life, therefore be it RESOLVED,That the Board express to Mr. Ohrbach the great value they put on the service he rendered as Board member to the colleges and the community. (d) Miss Frances M. Douglass- WHEREAS,Miss Frances M. Douglass was appointed a member of the Board of Higher Education in September, 1948 and until October, 1952 brought to the gen- eral councils of the Board as well as to her service on the Administrative Commit- tees of Hunter College and Brooklyn College, the Committee on Program and Personnel, the Committee on Master Plan, and the Fordrung Trial Committee intelligent informed effort made the more effective by her own graduate study and teaching at the time, and WHEREAS,Miss Douglass had a special contribution to make through her under- standing of th'e life of students and the warmth of her interest in them, therefore be it RESOLVED,That the Board take this opportunity to acknowledge to Miss Doug- lass their recognition of her service as a Board member and as a friend of public higher education.

No. 101. Claim of Prof. James M. O'Neill-Brooklyn College: RESOLVED,That the Board .approve the settlement of the claim of Prof. James M. O'Neill of Brooklyn College (retired) in accordance with the communication from the Office of the Corporation Counsel, received by the Board on November 17, 1952, for back pay and pension rights reached through negotiation with Prof. O'Neill's attorneys, O'Connor and Farber and the Corporation Counsel, representing the Board, and approved by the Comptroller subject to receipt of a general release and stipula- tion of discontinuance from plaintiff's attorneys, in the sum of $5,591.74 with 4% interest from December 20, 1949, the date of service of the notice of claim.

No. 102. Budget Request Queens College-1953-1954: Referred to the Commit- tee on Finance and Facilities. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P. M. RUTH S. SHOUP, Secretary.