Rocan missed a hanger, Al Roth passed sloppUy and neg­ -powersputs ^ lected to drive under for the score in the Missouri,* Arczona and Boston \ But these cteims cannot absolve Uie_players of guilt, though fairly games they were dumping/ wiping out all the fond memories of should mitigate the case against them. Still these boys live in New. what they had achieved for themselves, their School and all their friends Cifey, ep&Tjtlnthat environment there are despicable characters on th who had stood whole-heartedely behind them till they won. - IbosepfelsHHp to the ballplayers to adjust themselves so^tfctf^they cot* When me boys accepted ntioner to damp "the ball games, they also^ —^~*^the temptations like a man would. It is impossibles^ we cast awa: dumped everyone who had ever believed in them. Fojr that ifaey jno&st >ian ideas, for the environment to adjust to the individual. It is there suffer. ^ fore expedient that a maniweet society as best hecan. They couM have-ja# Tfie immediate concliisiofv if they are guilty as they hai itbetter than theyj&dl * would be to send them to prison for a long, iong time. But the^_ - Any sense of realism should have;4Qlcr them that dumping in Madisoi that must be imposed in a case such as this is worthy of graver con­ Square Garden and successfully getting away with it was stacked againsi sideration. '"--.' ^^^ them from the start. That for practical thinkers. Any embryonic sense a Many say that they are not to blame because it is the atmosphere values would have clearly ^shown that although a crook may be successful in which they exhibit their prowess that makes them easy prey Tor very rarely is he happy with himself. But for some reason the boys die feebly those who so nonchalantly prostitute the meaning of athletics —~ the hot think of thiSy nor did they imagine the consequences. , town bookies and gamblers of all disgusting types, to whom a dollar lias much /'"•••• (Continued on Page 2) ouse. f the earn- tbali and City to Complete Season; zary ason yers Play Lafayette Thursday at City College is far from ended! ex- The Office of the President of the College said so, the fork Board of Higher Education said so, and the mp" 401 team said so, the students of the Uptown said so, and VOL. XXVI—No. 5 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1951 By Smbscrtptm Only now it is up to the School of Business students to-make it t on I unanimous. j>-v A school-wide rally will be held todWatrll in PET. "The- rally," stated Dean Thomas L. KortonT "will be a 'Vote of h is jMajority x>f Faculty, Students Confidence' to the members of therbasketball team who will and} play Thursday night against La-*— igth] fayette. We should: definitely come Dr. Frank S. Lloyd. Chairman of Urge Support of Hoop Squad out in a body to show the boys the Faculty Athletic Committee Sub that we are behind them." and Prof. Sam Winograd, Faculty I in There was a vast di versifies-* Manager of Athletics, will speak at determine where City will play its i the fellows, had definitely done beir toon of opinions uttered yesterday the rally. Members of the team alls games* next season and the years wrong and should be punished. It as students met In small groups : r will be present, and Coach Nat after -/, ','•'• "•'._- \ '~^'r'-~- --'• -' -' was in the degree of punishment Due to a situation beyond the. the to dis^ttss the "fix.'' In some cases, r Hotman is^ expected to attend. -Mr. Alton Lewis, :©f-the Depart­ control of THE TICKER, many ling opinion ran to either extreme, but that the greatest divergence of The first—official action taken ment of Student Life, and Mr. news stories haver of necessity, in the main most CCNY students ideas could be found. by the College on the "scandal" Irving Greger, Assistant Treasur­ been removed from this issue. ilty were of the same mind—support The gamut ran from the maxi­ came from a statement issued yes­ er, both were of the opinion that We hope we have not incon­ her of the team. Administrative offi­ mum penalty under the law to an terday at 1 by President Harry N, the schedule should be finished venienced any organizations, and cials also had similar statements almost complete exoneration with Wright as follows: , and that taking the game out of we trust that our plight will be : in to utter when queried. the idea' that the players involved appreciated. o# the hstest basket- the Garden would not alter the (Continued on Page 3) md Coach: ifat Holman, visibly comes as a ne- present situation. to us. We i shaken by the happenings, stated Mr. GregeKwent on to say, "The ha€ that, "Students and Plumhi alike sick at the recent revelsttons. In srv< ties between the player and the Champs to Chumps partlenlar we extend our sym-" should get behind the? team. The school are most important. It is team needs their support now pathies to the famine* of the up to the school to instill a pure boys. more than ever." - , collegiate spirit in the players! At present we expect to fulfill Pr. Sam JVinograd, Faculty j The school is plainly at fault." in our contractual obligattons and Manager of Athletics, mentioned j Student opinion ran -along the complete the remainder of our ]&~e Jiha t College authorities are mak- | vein of shame and disappointment. schedule As far as the future is ing a thorough examination tp < In . general, students agreed that concerned, the College authorities tai are making a thorough exsmlns- Bie tion to determine where we will play our games next season and Say It Ain't So beyond thsvt. _ The City College has a long and I By Morty Schwartz honorable- tradition of service to he the community and the nation and he The first reaction I had was one of disbelief when I athletics- have always played an heard that , Al Roth and Ed Warner had been ar- part of the educational ™j rested on charges of being involved in several "dumps." The leadership in How could anyone closely associated with sports at City ke«ball as provided bar Frof* Hntssss is of the highest caliber, arT- beheve it? Those three guys represented Ctty College in bas* kethatl games and therefore were all part and parcel- tit sev­ We have constantly been on omr eral of my ideals. They stood for many things playing for a guard to prevent what has taken *J free tuition College located in the melting pot that is New as in the past* »* York City, Besides, they have been an important part of my of the team were life for the past three years. continually instructed as -far the is As more definite details were received, my emotions be­ possible dangers of this kind. yi U came mixed and ranged from disgust to pity. They cheated This morning the tfcree boys tn^ ail of us connected with the College—students, instructors volved* Ed Boman, Al Both and and alumni. In a few selfish moments they destroyed every Id Ed Warner, were suspended from bit of good they helped to create by being an integral part of Only one short year age the above-pictured players (1. to. r., Ed college until further notice. the team that won the two major basketball tournaments last Roman, Ed Warner and Al Both) viere the guiding forces in the great­ The Board of Higher Education year. By their actions, they hurt the present members of the est triumph in the history of athletics at City College. But Jt&fiTsea- at its monthly meeting last night squad,, as well as those who will be members of the varsity SOB, it has been disclosed, they were nttle more than toot* for t^he curse affirmed President Wright's state­ in the near future. They have let down all the people who of collegiate sports-—the "sure-thlag*!,. gamblers. ment upon evidence of support for 4 had faith in them and who received ~ pride trough their Three years ago this trio entered City CoUege with excellent high the team by students, faculty and accomplishments of last season. school records, good reputation.** aP*1 ^Hf** hope* in regard-to their alumni. Many of the student and x*f my dose associations wtih the team, and be- athletic and titehoiastie^ careers. ~==r'~ alumni organizations expressed cause of their past, accomplishments, it is difficult to con­ They had been Alfc-Scnolssties in high school and had complied their feelings in te&grams and , demn them. It is easier to pity them. All the good they may excellent record* ~ with the frosh teaam. Then^ last year they moved calls to President Wright, backing have derived from thejtr past deeds is now washed down the u..«_*_.p to the varsit.y and the College snoring records began to fall one his stand. drain. Their names are being dragged tiirou^ the rnud a«dj ^- o^»«^ KSnian "bu»t«*r* irwia pambrot'» single season scoring marjt At the meeting, the BJHE also the future does indeed look bleak for the three players. Their of 276 by pouring 475 points through the hoop in 29 game* for a per decided that board should be set * (Continued on Pace 2} (Continued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 3) ::---^fe^

Sav It came average^ of 3J&3. Wai*herJ'*§ ^ - . . ^M _^-~. . ^t^i_ -.* -t ^^ remainfng games and I to-determine student body to come out lonjg-range- f£tre^howhxin$drby some short-siehted tt»nic->- also to&&I>amK™t's M _ ^ u^LSh^^More^he**^ f ^vin^^play next season boys do ft in the remain^ 8 ^vtocre; : hoping thstall&f this is untrue. I feef somewhat i'-mt -^itie tact^tfcatr^he^liit^ oi^^it^* *** Fr^ay^t^§t«aents are also asked to give their reasons for, three jgames," :—-~^-^-^-' - 4-::V---^^6 and^.43^^^d^t^rbftei- —^">-/.-2S% r . . if ""w-antni^^^he^a TA^ m«nbejE.r^T ^ .-._-.-:-.-.--—-: ^ ., A more con^ete' form #f back­ Holman also annqurrced^ that- a c^ld^ discovering that Santa Claus '^st ain't so." X tff Z~~ZJ&$3X&&L <3tm^t m^merview all candidates Friday at 4 m JFloy^ Layne and^rtofmle NadeH keepJK>ping;ihat these are and wiR rerjja^ uiiproved charges. ^>- «j Tiaruwi WHRSUWH ^- _^- sp6e^5^-7><^''" ing was^g^en to, th*Kteam yester- ; „.. ^^ ^ „. . I were chosen to co-captain the team ^gorhan. Roth and Warner seem essentially too good to let ^^iounges; ^K> Student Ofe Department; everi~«>^QKER-T Hiis__isjnot a temWe VVarne^scbred 87-poiffts m ^^ m ^^^^^^^^^ .. ^ >- . - themselves get involved in anything so dirty. I have a deep- mghtniare, J=>at actually *©w City, College Powntown functioned far j^ver ^ jggagg^g*J* NrrT.^second highestnever. ^For^thii^fHs Any senior Interested in running for the^opei* upper senior the students at the Mam l^p tiiese^anV^ Ncent, de^rtte their admis*^ —^ ~urjv^Thes" -"*u e~ thing***'** s —-—wbfch* -wne- • was given Jtfae MVP award. SC ^posJMnust hand in his petition to the ID&partment of Student te^r Jammed the Great Han toier with Lafayette stands as ateirt^ nov 'enjoy and alnjkxst take -Cor In the classroom, Ed Roman Life. Deadline is Friday at 3. overflowing to listen to speeches^l^or both the teamand the poHege^ sions of guilt. ^ --' , ^ e grante&r are relatively new%tn the Mfit by Dr. Uoyd and other SchooTau-1 *"** ^ leopards p^N^en^^ot^mlda- Even if prpvet^ guilty they are merely victims>6f their y=«5^ea every Wt^fts good as ^ ?95* 2??* history- of the 'CoUbefpeT '.•'_< ivas- on the basketball.^ jeottrt. tftorities. The audience ibie opposition. . ^\ ,--' • environrnefjt-^of the erjviforarient that surrou^fe^present-day ? s mer*i They will brfhg ifr"iK fast.. ac •' csollege Jhaskethall. That surrounding ha^^oecomc ^auseat-. The Student Life Departnaent ^roud ^possessor of an Average iff Hoop ^ fund • • » whelmingly enthusiastic t can trao£ itsearly origin ttx another ? was a candidate for Pin-Beta in its,curate sbobtiog five sparked by ihgly infected-Officials have tried to stem it he infection and I uled. j Backing of the team and when the j fiery ^George Davidson, xifoo is remove it completely, hut have achieved only minor success.i great event in the-annals of the lappa. V^^as proficient in\WtwW^S^rtSSB^SEiile of 4Coi!ege and of JMan—the admitting r There was not much in the wa$it members; of the squad were intro-J^^aS*"* better than 20 points a Perhaps the three Beaversjvvill no\v serve as martyrs to the?' .eir studies as Roman, Warner j the p^^ty. ^ of womeurnto the School of Busi­ of constructive criticism offered jdueed the crowd showed its .feel-1 gwne and is currently ranked thir^ cause. That is a postion^that very few people care for and Ij §nd Roth also got by Ap the^t Most ^ ^ tam^mm^mprro^ ness. Mrs. Wright, now Dean of —„. „ ._ _, >f , _. —x.r__ as to how a similar situationjings with a five minute ovation. fteenth in the country. However/ am sure that the three Cityites^do not relish the idea. j Masses. f.gate d believed that the School could be avoided in the future.! -The Uptown students then pro- ftn^ performances turned in .by tlje- Some will say that to use the environment as an excuse] Students, was appointed to the Roman was undecided about his Uhould back the team now . more ) position of Advisor to Women. In Most agreed that moving the game i ceeded to follow up their verbal^^CNY subs Saturday, when^^the L? poor. Ev;en assuming that it has a lot to do with it. the? uture but was known tojtave eyed f than evj^. Thej' believed that V this capacity, she provided voca­ out of the Garden would not help support with an unprecedented run j Lavendermen broke a^Cohventioq men must have been essentially weak-minded to fall prey to future in AAU bait: At Oty he vote of confidence could not be tional -and personal counseling" any. Soine suid that if the metro­ on.the AA ticket office where they [Hall record in defeating Temple, the lure of money. When "you "look again at what the future ajored in Social Science. Warner, j better uttered than to turn xmt en services. All types of guidance, in politan papers stop printing odds purchased over 750 tickets for the -j 95-71,- showed that the City bench portended for them, you become even more amazed that ti rudied physical education, while masse for Thursday night's .Gar- addition to student activities, were and point spreads, the situation Lafayette game, an. amount remi­ wasn't as potentless as it has pre­ should have succumbed so easily. ' '. - .oth specialized in real estate and! den game against Lafayette. viously appeared to be. All three could look forward to even greater success in handled through this * one office. would be helped to a siignt de­ niscent of the tournament days. t actfvffies soon expanded r-surance.^/ -••-— Despite the ware of optimism gree. In order to allow the students ' The Beaver hoopsters, who had. the sporting world, both as amateurs and professionals, than and -the > seeming willingness to they had in the pest. Through it, and as an LndIr^elL_resalt^ and the need for these-services ©e- At the beginning of the season There Were also some sugges­ at the Downtown- Center to pur- j been fighting to maintain a oTd in _tfaey_couJd-ever*-3«^^ortrard to successful careers in their carae so great that the Department xperts rated City high among the stick with^ the <&ubr students were tions that the "Borscht Circuit" chase tickets, the AA office in the j the tournaments, now will no chosen professions. All three had established revered f of Student Life was finally or­ asketfeaH powers, and were naxn- waxy of- purchasing tickets for waa the breeding place for the 23 Street lobby will be open right longer be in contention for such a names for themselves in various parte--of the country: Now, ganized in 1940. The various func­ -<% Warner and Roman fco their. Thursday's contest. They fix" evils, and that a closer in-[after the rally, spot as the Garden announced that by permitting themselves to he led astray, they . will be tions of the Department were sub­ 4 -American team. That is before {to be waiting spection at that point would stop' 'The team is prepared to offset City was turned, down because of forced to leave the amateur ranks prematurely. They will divided into the DK*isions of Test- he first dump. the game would be played as sched- the spread of the, evil right there, j the stigma df the scandal," said its "poor season's record." in a sense be branded and not allowed to join the pro ranks. L. to r. Mrs- Georgia -Justice, Dean -Roth C. f ing and Guidance^ Student Activ­ However, since then. City man­ Ergo, their professional careers. Lewis. 3tis» I>ebb» O^rfd. ities, Veterans Counseling _ and ned to win only 11 of lS,^"ive^of This may seem cruel to mention now. but in leaving the^ Placement. These divisions 'co­ :ve oh the road. The clearest in- ranks of the athletic amateur, they have managed to re- • operate very- closely and are de­ :: cation of how badly this trio move three-fourths of City College's "big four" in basket-; voted-to the purpose of making the ;laved in the Missouri, Arizona ball. The other one-fourth is . It is around him: college life of every student r.d Boston College games is ... s**"?.»i£l* <*> ±y** ****** *~?°t«Coll*&* that the rest of the team will now have" to rally. It is around smoother and more enjoyable. >sme out by the figures them- the entire group that the School will have to rally. The stigma (Continued from JPage 1) -Ives. For the 18 games in which of what the three have done will remain with the remainder Eternally Willing :e participated Big Ed tallied 335 As for the nature of the punishment to be dealt them, we; ^s™^ *»* ^«, »ints for a per game average of of the* squad for some time, and it is up to the student body are of tfce definite opinion that sencfing them to prison uiD j.-***? ^'Z^J^^J^ to help remove it. th S.6, and hit on .38.3% of his shots. be of noavail for justice acts automatically and has already l *™T?ZJ^t ^^TT"™ There are three Garden games remaining on the Beav­ r he .-. the fixedgames his average was been meted out in necessary measure—the torture and agony j - ^graduat e ^ Umver- a sad 285. ----- ers'* schedule. Oesprfe r a mors to the eontrary, and minos these misguided ballplayers have suffered in the past forty- i Jf <* ?%^J^J^J%££ it* "•stars.** the €hy College of Ne»* York will and should ei^it hcSs axe rnor^ than enough to last them a lifetime. ^nJ^^^^^S °1 ^^ Roth totaled 162 points for 9 be well represented on the playing floor. The Beavers should The>- v,ill never forget it. And by now they have certainly j ff ^t^^Zrs^ ^f^LSf^f -r game and a shooting percent- be 'well received. V*> should help tbetn make the public learned their-lesson. to City College. She also spent fi\-e ge of 29.9. He sank to a lowly realize that the actions of three individual* doe* not nee- years in China as business man­ If they are sent to prison their lives .Kill be irreparably S^c in the dumps. Ed Warner to- essarilv indict the rest of the School. Let** star with them! T ager of a womerTS.: hospital. aled 192 for 12.8 per game and ruined. If justice is to be ser\ ed, they should^be allowed to Mr-. Lewis, Mrs. Justice, and Mr. Ls percentage was 32.8 compared continue their studies m College. Only by being permitted : Gl^ , all eternally willing-and A»ki«* Ut Ned Irish; to'continue will "some of their jumbled misconceptions about,' • c 27.2 fh the Missouri game, which Perhaps the entire incident could have been avoided if life,be unscrambled .eager to further the personal as the only fix in which he par- ^ipated. positivtive step^stepss had beebeenn taken by .ththee metropolitarmetropolitan: schools min .^ . education would reach fulmillment if • otv ctiiegT TneT- are^nembers the past. The most positive step "that comes to mind is the set- true idea] f Tliese were the records compiled the past. The most positive^step that comes to mmd^is the set- ]e ± H erred and Rented when thej- saw how ;of the S^nt A^es Dhisk>n the trip of this great team, a ting up o: anmtra-city conference^ ou. Xfr, L^ish are agamst. ^^ tn ^re vvere fo^ve^ 2nd vrricomed back with I £.% \%~£ fun^onT to^ cc^ the idea because vou are afraid there wiL oe a loss in rev- «,™*,^,,* —•r' . ^ ? ""^ am which they built, and which enue. A-total of five more bali players have now lost parts of open arms. ( s&x and advise student groups, ~y destroyed. their futures. If they do serve as martyrs. I hope that the ser­ The boys were wronr. They krso'vv it nov". organize freshgnara orieBtation and —Ralph Rehmet vice is to tiie esjtabiishrrjent of a metropolitan conference, one JLet's prove that anyone is capable of doing wrong by administer various aspects of other with teeth big enough to chew up any further threat to col­ not making zaarzyrs of their.. ; student activities. "SCHOOL SUPPLIES' legiate sports in this area. ; Even in its short history, Stu- **GKEETEVG CAJO»S" Very often the fifth personal is not intentional. l dent Life has- collected a tremen- After ail. if the present investigations unearth much EVER READY STATRMfRS i more, Mr. Irish, you will not have to worry about a ioss in rev­ I dous volume of mernories and in­ aad FRfffTERS enue. There will just not be any more Garden imercoliegiate teresting anecdotes. Mrs. Wright 160 E. 23rd St^^Ifew York, V Y. basketball doubleheaders. f- recollects the Wroroen*s Corp or- C*Lch**d 4-4573 Mr. Irish, may I be »o naive as to suggest that a con- l ganized during, the Jast war. for Some fifodk as CC&Y ferenoe of Metropolitan teams might prove beneficial mil -\ the purpose of precision drilling around? Or can vou prose otherwise? And if you do ndt and keeping physically-frt.^ With j laughter, she remembers the six *ee fit io back donn. 1 believe that it is up to the metro­ tAaur'tc* W*mtr ^ MAfVP^mg Softer \ "male models" adorned in cfaic politan coUejce-* to talk^ action—-and action is past due • • | 6«rb«rs Kiirsfeld 3 1M and to da so with a strong hand. Preoccupation with rev- ' i gymJsizorts ^vho suddenly appeared Sports E3ffon Sernie fri&dman and Mor+y Sc>»w*rti enue' has too long guided the action^ of the colleges. It is j during a fashion show staged at Larry Field and D*v» O»or high -time that they became more- concerned with the welfare F»«turef Edfrors 1 the College. In addition, there was ^ith Cole Slaw * French Fries AJ KMIWI t>£ the students*. Copy Brfffor ' Joe Boardmanr who^sings our alma TooKmcal Edfro- Jerry B*rgssn«n j mater at Madison Square Oarden THc TFCKSS AoVisory £drfo^ Marr HocM«ets«r I events and Cornell Wilde, when he R*o- 9113 _;.__ SR. 3^203 rliofoonapiiy ^jiffor Honry Lommntimi member of Theatron. VOu XXVU-No. S f+b. 20, 1951 l ttt m LOU^ BELL TAVERK t*o ** ** ^^^Srs-We^ht regularly receives-a School erf Buut**tz *r«£ Cir»t Adminit- Manner I host of' invitations from former VyiNES - LIQUORS +rm+io*. H*» C?ry Coli+O* o+ tU~ York. f 7 l*xiaqton -A *•«««, N*w YoHr Cffy l_0. \ ^Z*~~*~~ tigjsreddxngs, christenings, 13* EAST tSrd STREET Af KielsiA New York.. r and bar-xm&rvahs. 'ffolian & *•••»• I A^O^OW^^'t1 ! The Student i.rfr Department American Cuisine Sv* Sam Sut Sam ) has centered some of the spirit -- SAM S.4 Y: »- f floor of a Mazthattaa skyscraper. HUNTERS - ENGRAVERS j This, is fndeed a Tnissinn and an >f - c F f j Af 24m Straef * Ejekyoj a b«s«rtr xaeml in a j acco2sphsJaznectt. To them, we who NEW USED «^ -friexMUr alxnoApiiere. Prices, gi y j pmo4% Priittors 347 Tfc;H AV»AU« N«w York City | use the lounges, belong to student zn are Heat, th* food i* S J FaMflr Kuer $1.35 For XA*f Quick Snack- wp Before Class ANO TRADING CO. ^ _ *f#7Al fV*CHAS£ PLAN * Dtr^witotcri City's Fazorile iu 42 Lrxlnrton Arenac *- i II2S SJrrt; Ave. {trf. 43rd-44tn Sfs.) Eating Place •c. 4143 S."«th Aire ii*+. 44H»-45*B Sfs.J (Coracr »4tli Street) i::i 5ir?h Awe ("fle^- 47rf«-4ai* Sr;.) 160 EAST 23rd STREET ,« New -Yoric C«'ty 32Xex. Ave. (Bel. 23 A 24 Si*.) f I Soup* - Sandtgifhrtt « ffof Plates ORegQB 4^8548 LS /M. FT-Lutky Strike Means Rue Tobacco .^-^f ti. luo uxag P*S S PIS Vih!,\Mrt*' J •» -~:'T?.-r^'--<. m


Guidance Towuns^f hi

applications will be available up to March 8 for the National Student Association spon­ sored tours to Europe and other areas of interest during the summer months. The tours range in price from S345to SS80, which includes trans-Atlantic transportation, 3H land transportation, food, lodging, tickets and program expenses. Students from a l J over the United^" ~ ~ Stjttes will leav-- or. the S. S. ~ Voiendam. June 26 and leave Rot­ terdam on Septr-mber 5 The voj-- Hillel Plans Sunday Talk -±j?e will take ten days during ' which ari orientarior. program con- ; &z.>\iv.~. oi lectures and discussionOns ' Humor in Jewish Life by -experts on European social. ', By Hfelene Lev political, economic and cultural - A speech on "Humor in Jewish Life," wilUxegiven at the conditions*. Ungual instruction Hillel Foundation. 113 E. 22 Street, Sunday at 3:3D, br Louis wri! be available along: with movies. ] Tvorman, actor and humorist. In addition, Mr. Nornian will p!ay&. librarj.'s &.nd organized andj ; —= ^present a monologue. "When the fees? Unorganized r» -creation. • Aliens Left." by Norman Corwin. fc i The- tours fai'- into four main Mr. Xorman is a native born Shown above is LHHan FlscM, a Dowmiown student, etamiaiag categories; study lours, interna­ Jewish-American actor who was / tional tours, work camp arrange- recently in> the Yiddish, production ,-^H^foo? e of the statistics machine* exhibited at the Statistics Show heJd rnent^. and hospitality tours. In jof "Death of a Salesman." He has on the tenth floor Thursday. addition to" these. NSA has ar­ r appeared at Town Hall and Car- Btuteess and government oryanfrratfon* displayed the latest pub- range-: or sponsored both formal jnegie Hall and has toured through- IJcations aad mechanical devices in. the field. %.n& informal seminars at various | out the United States and Canada, Eurow-ar. universities. j presenting his* programs of humor The Study Tours deal with one land Jewish life based on authentic particular fielfi such as agriculture, traditions. |SC Plans Going-Away Ball economics and politics, journalism, Saturday, a Melaveh Malkah and sociology, etc They provide art Dance will be held. Admission is by opportunity to inspect the various Hillel Card or 75 cents at the door. To Fete Potential Draftees levels of attainment in these fields Refreshments will also be served.- By E3eanore N'issen in normally from four to five countries Cost ranges from 5610 Future programsw include three In a move designed togiv e those Qtyites who. are enter- r to 5765. Vocationa l Guidance Service ,_ _^ ^affair was initiated at the School picture of the economic, social and will be the guest speaker. The fol» j A jf #^| j^DOF14$07*£ diiring World War^Ir- political structure and operations* lowincr two will he on CourtshrD i M SC also passed, by a unanimous of the particular country invoJved- S and Marriage, and Psychological j /±d ^Y7fM9&SUf77t vote, a motion to send a. letter to The emphasis is placed more on Taft the New York Board of Educa­ {FactorFactors iinn Familyv ILJf*»Life;r the «w»*»akspeak-- * * .M. learning: by seeing than by study­ "Direct Mail's Increasing Hole in tion requesting; them to insert the ing Cos* of this tour range* from jers will be Dr. Sidney H. Goldstein Draft Step Our Defense Economy." will be name of City College jm the 23rd JO to $880. , ^ . _ . , _ land Dr. Rose Franzblau. analyzed by Mr. Edward Mayer, Street stations of the IRT anc. A new step in the induction pro- ;BMT lines. Th*r work ca-.p? which normal- \ c^u^ f college students was j The Hillel Foundation is open or Jr., today in 1220 in the second of It was decided at the meeting i.» involve ftarvestm* and road- {announced bv Dr. Arthur Taft, Vet- 1 daily for the convenience of the a series of six advertising, sympo- huiio:ng -A-ii; provide th«r student- u^s- Counselor ; held Friday to continue Gripes, jstudents. The hours that the foun- ; slums sponsoredsponsored bbvy AlphAlphaa Delta •with ^r. opportunity to spend an ( Under the new ruhne: a student ! , ... _, ,__. j™. ^. , , .. . Inc.v which was inaugurated last aoroad and ; ,. ^ - .^ .' . ^ . idation is open are: Mondays Sigma, the nat-tonal advertising semester to give all the students a /nexp-^nsiv- summer e , iwho has obtained a postponement : , - . . •. , . _=~. „ AJ enjoy ?h" compar,;. of students, ,-•-.-- «.-, T J ''through Thursdavs from 9 in the fraternity ana the schools Adver- chance to air their pet peeves. Stu­ t l : u i i m 4 1 - zroxr: many otner count r:ei>. }i otof inductiohis draftn boaruntild Junfor ea naan extensiov appeanl ;j^nornin ^^^ g -til«l"- 1>0 ^the™ evening ^ •*," Fri«»«- i ^^ P*****- " ^- dents are requested to "bring any range frorr; 5345 to S430. rices j , ... - „. , • . , ^_ L, « ~ ^ -, ^ ,> ~ —„ , I &!?. Mayer is President of James i constructive criticisms they might th- European-^rips there {^|of nts~totnirt"y's by claiming he [days 9-o and Sundays 2-6. Hillel is ;Grav Inc and tfae autfaor of ^ ^ have to these sessions, which wiL ••5 re also roar? to Sotitn Africa i TW m * ^> _ •.«- ^'- * • f3180 open on **terttat* Saturday cent book. "How To Make Wore Be held every second Thursday in -anti *he Middle East. ^^ w ^ . °!^ S^' i««ungs fcw-social event*. 1 Money -With Direct IVfail." Lounge B from 11-2 and from 2-4 ,, , j dent s induction has been post- • ^^ ~ . - * The first .meeting will- be helc inforrnStudena tiort v .nteresteor n in (urtherA p(med ^ the end Qf ^ semester, W?T iFi 1. ^k, . g a •• ^5 • *_ March 1. Thesf- tours. application130 s anfor | the; registrant ^^ ^^^ Maj'liWW- IT fO^u! f^ieittatlOIi ISOClCty A proposal was brought up at ^ ^ •- ushoul ^c- d ^f*" -- > 16 and June 6, enlist in the service! — — -- - - " - * member or the NSA Commitu«e in. , ,. , ". -_.. w. • „. . the meeting to inaugurate -a Stu 91iA ?of his choice, providing that tha.t j r |senice is accepting enlistments To Hold First General Meeting dent Council newspaper which The would run along the style of the _# ;. 'The same privilege to enlist is, " newly formed Frosh Orien- Dick Goldberg, president, is D A Applicants IwlUSt; given to the student for thirty jtation^ Society will, hold its first j looking forward to a large turnout Beaver Bulletin, but the. proposa MP * 1 1> T"» ' days after the end of the semester. 'We have ma«te considerable pro- was not passed. general .meeting of the semester Freshman elections have bee*: File I>\ 1 OmOrrmC out he must request this further '—-; *. ^ T _. I gress toward making a freshman's night at i at I-amport;.firs^t contac^^~Zi7t with Cit~ y College \ischedule April-12d. fothre Mare91oohd 1&.Ban Thursdak will yre Al; apphca trans for Sig^ma AJ^ .,_postponemen^ __ _, ,.t from his .individual _w, •!,„ . _, , - »draf^ lboard. Jlouse. All sophomores and juniors (favorabie ones/' he said. turn to City CoBege^ Downtown- on*, the undergraduate /Kmorarv > ^ , We have students may re-;wno have participated^ in any j succeeded for the first time in Council went on record as stat service and scholastic fraternity".'' Gra€iuatm^ quest a thirty-day postponement of j phase of the program in the past, {having Big ^Brothers who were ing.that it opposes the presence of, must be filed with the iiesrisTrar's ! vendors at conMnencejnent exer­ induction on the grounds, that they |as weU as those that would hke~to'!tt a1raed'"m' advance to handle the ..Officer"Room'2. by tomorrow at 2. , cises. Lower Juniors who have a B- i ** e searching: for an essential in-:'] know more about this new groAiprJ*i eshmen.^This was accomplished average are ei:2^r>«*-- t< app^.. ;dus trial position. This postpone- are urged to attend- 1 by holding regular -MM >--WW .Those quaDfieci who have not re-. .-,ment is permitted for graduating The society is the cuhnioation of j meetings and seminars all during- ^54 3^€iOS tftctY H&p '^students only. years of effort and work to de- ! last semester. Work is going ahead reived applications b> sva-iJ:. i7ia> The Class of 54 Council has pro- The list of essential industries is veiop an organization which would ; on new programs which would obtain them ir. 921 : posed a plan to hold the Soph j a ions: one and is also an "elastic integrate the different aspects of eventualiy give City the best The reQUired average assures Prom this May in the form of a : lisli t w hrch may include nxan\' more j frosh orientation- The program of j Freshmen Orientation program tbe society that the student's scno- r Class Prom. This was suggested be ir>du.-tries than the^aeaning of the the group consists of running the : possible. Vl e have already gone lastkr ability j*\>uld-permit hire to cause many of the boys in the cias-s name nov.- implies. A list of essen- Pre-Registration Assembly and ; farther than any group before us." carry an increased extra-curricyia-r fear that- they wiH not be here foj tia: industries will be posted on gruided tours, which was handed On the agenda for the meeting the regularly scheduled Prom in the veterans^baUetitf-board on the; over to it by Sigma Alpha, as well 'Monday night are an explanation E>ecember. The Sigma Alpha Applicant's ninth floor- All personal questions jas the Big Brother Program and \of the prograin, reports of work A i»ll is being taken to deter­ Reception will be held Friday at 9 j pertaining to this matter should "be j freshman interest cards, formerly done this semester, committee as­ mine the class' attitude^ in tb±? in, the FDR Twinge ? taken up_with.t>r. Taft. ~ '•-';