September-October 2011
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EX-POW BULLETIN the official voice of the American Ex-Prisoners of War Volume 68 www .axpo w .or g Number 9/10 September/October 2011 We exist to help those who cannot help themselves q]n%< #2o#o;l rhcPSj table of contents September/October 2011 officers/directors 4 POW/MIA Recognition Day... commander/HQ 5 outreach/success 7 Friday, September 16, 2011 NSO 8 medsearch 9 The United States’ National POW/MIA Recognition Day is observed andersonville 13 across the nation on the third Friday of September each year. Many namPOW 14 Americans take the time to remember those who were prisoners of pow-mia 15 war (POW) and those who are missing in action (MIA), as well as their civilian 16 families. events, info, looking for 18 news 19 Background members’ forum 25 There are 1,741 American personnel listed by the Defense Department’s your stories 27 POW/MIA Office as missing and unaccounted for from the Vietnam voluntary funding 29 War, as of April 2009. The number of United States personnel accounted applications 30 for since the end of the Vietnam War in 1975 is 841. About 90 percent contributions 31 of the 1,741 people still missing were lost in Vietnam or areas of Laos new members 32 and Cambodia under Vietnam’s wartime control, according to the Na- taps 33 tional League of Families website (cited in the United States Army raffle/Ads 39 website). quartermaster 41 What do people do? Many Americans across the United States pause to remember the sac- rifices and service of those who were prisoners of war (POW), as well as those who are missing in action (MIA), and their families. All mili- tary installations fly the National League of Families’ POW/MIA flag, Publisher which symbolizes the nation’s remembrance of those who were im- PNC Maurice Sharp prisoned while serving in conflicts and those who remain missing. 9716 54th Street CT West University Place, WA 98467-1118 (253) 565-0444 Veteran rallies take place in many states, such as Wisconsin, in the [email protected] United States on National POW/MIA Recognition Day. United States flags and POW/MIA flags are flown on this day and joint prayers are Editor made for POWs and those missing in action. National POW/MIA Rec- Cheryl Cerbone ognition Day posters are also displayed at college or university cam- 23 Cove View Drive puses and public buildings to promote the day. Remembrance cer- South Yarmouth, MA 02664 emonies and other events to observe the day are also held in places (508) 394-5250 such as the Pentagon, war memorials and museums. (508) 760-2008 fax [email protected] National POW/MIA Recognition Day is not a federal public holiday in the United States but it is a national observance. Deadline for the Nov/Dec 2011 issue is Oct 1, 2011. Please send all materials to the jTMPTEloli@#o$## e#io #'i editor at the above address. Ilp#1ojo1el @c EX-POW Bulletin (ISSN 0161-7451) is published bi-monthly (six times annually) by the American Ex-Prisoners of War, 3201 E. Pioneer Pkway, Arlington, TX 76010. Periodical postage paid at Arlington, TX and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send address changes to EX-POW Bulletin, AXPOW Headquarters, 3201 E. Pioneer Pkwy. Suite 40, Arlington, TX 76010-5396. Founded April 14, 1942, in Albuquerque, NM, then known as Bataan Relief Organization, Washington State non- profit corporation, “American Ex-Prisoners of War”, October 11, 1949, recorded as Document No. 133762, Roll 1, Page 386-392. NONPROFIT CORPORATION. Nationally Chartered August 10, 1982. Appearance in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the American Ex-Prisoners of War of the product or service advertised. The publisher reserves the right to decline or discontinue any such advertisement. © 2011 American Ex-Prisoners of War Ex-POW Bulletin Sept/Oct 2011 3 axpow officers & directors 2010-2011 National Headquarters - Clydie J. Morgan, Adjutant/Treasurer 3201 E. Pioneer Pkwy, #40, Arlington, TX 76010 (817) 649-2979 (817) 649-0109 fax [email protected] Officers North East Region Directors Mid-Central Region Franklin R. Koehler National Commander Cordine McMurray 243 Torrey Pines Dr. 18940 Hamburg Morris Barker Toms River, NJ 08757 Detroit MI 48205 710 Chapel View (732) 244-4629; (732) 505-8702 fax (313) 371-0592; (313) 506-6680 cell Waco, TX 76712 [email protected] [email protected] (254) 732-5640 [email protected] Laura McIntyre Deanie Schmidt PO Box 475 1001 Parkview Blvd. #316 National Sr Vice Commander Hardwick, MA 01037 Columbus, OH 43219 Carroll Bogard, Ph.D (413) 477-8260 (413) 477-0172 fax (614) 372-0788 275 N Taft #116 [email protected] [email protected] Mason City IA 50401 (641) 424-4870 – Voice East Central Region South Central Region (641) 512-4543 - Cell Judy Lee PNC Jim Clark PO Box 248 214 Oakdale National Judge Advocate Madisonville, TN 37354 Bastrop, LA 71220-2330 David Drummond (423) 442-3223; (423) 442-4702 fax (318) 281-5505 phone & fax 1 Crane Court [email protected] [email protected] Manalapan, NJ 07726 Paul E. Galanti (732) 446-4198 Pam Warner Eslinger 21 Maxwell Road [email protected] PO Box 117 Richmond, VA 23226 Hammon, OK 73650 (804)389-1668 (580) 473-2783 National Chaplain [email protected] [email protected] PNC Gerald Harvey 709 Baptist Home Lane Southeast Region Northwest Region Chillocothe MO 64601 Wm “Bill” Jeffers Bonnie Sharp 660-646-4301 3522 Millbrook way Cr 9716 54th Street CT West Greenacres, FL 33463 University Place, WA 98467-1118 Jr. Vice Commanders (561) 969-6036 (253) 565-0444 Charles Susino - [email protected] [email protected] Eastern Zone 136 Jefferson Street North Central Region Southwest Region Metuchen, NJ 08840 John W Clark Alice Gollin (732) 549-5775 phone & fax 1201 S Johnmeyer Ln 3650 Savanna Way Columbia MO 65203 Palm Springs CA 92262 James L. Lollar - (573) 445-3621 (760) 202-1329 – Voice Central Zone [email protected] [email protected] 292 VZ CR 3727 Wills Point, TX 75169 David Claypool Lewis “Lew” Sleeper (903) 560-1734; (903) 560-1705 fax PO Box 38 6636 E Villa Dorado [email protected] Hampton MN 55031 Tucson, AZ 85715 (612) 245-2247 (520) 751-9628 Voice Milton “Skip” Moore - [email protected] (520) 490-1082 Cell Western Zone [email protected] 2965 Sierra Bermeja Sierra Vista, AZ 85650 (520) 459-7295; (520) 533-3757 fax [email protected] Senior Director PNC Kenny H Hanson 9401 Lyndale Ave S #228 Bloomington MN 55420 Committee addresses appear (952) 888-2703 – Voice with their columns [email protected] Senior Vice Commander as our Na- gram is the main thrust and the tional Commander, 2011-12. reason for our existence. In discuss- Carroll, of Mason City, IA, is very ing this fact with the NSOs who re- active in, and will be a valuable as- spond to POW needs on a national set to the AXPOW organization. I basis, it was determined that their also want to thank the membership request for advice and counsel has for your cooperation, and the op- been reduced somewhat due to the portunity and privilege to serve the fact that many needs of the POW organization this past year. have been met, and they foresee further reduction for their assis- Realizing that to list is to limit, I tance in the future however, there would be derelict in my duties by is still work to be done. The primary not recognizing and thanking all request for NSO services at this National Commander who are serving on various commit- time is for Aid and Attendance and Morris Barker tees, giving special recognition to DIC. However, this changes when those in the process of looking to- legislation warrants it, such as the At the beginning of a new organi- ward the future of the organization three new presumptive conditions zational assignment or responsibil- due to changing status of member- associated with Agent Orange and ity, it is wise to set goals, or adopt ship and need. A special thanks to ischemic heart conditions from those directed by the Board that NSOs and HQ personnel, represent- which the VA has received 200,000 you are expected to accomplish ing the organization for their assis- applications. The legacy of our or- during your term in office. When tance to members of our group, ganization must be kept alive, and your term is completed you tend to especially during the time of chang- I feel the NOK program currently reflect on, or revisit these goals to ing legislation and needs of the in- being considered coupled with fu- determine your success in meeting dividual. At this time, the organi- ture needs, will be a positive factor them. I’m sure this goal setting pro- zation is progressing financially, in the longevity of the organization. cedures were followed by all 61 partially due to contributions to the Having said this, I want to make it past AXPOW National Commanders Life Membership Supplement and, clear that I’m not suggesting any from our first, Virgil McCollum Volunteer Funding Programs for immediate change in the AXPOW (1948-49), to the present, in order which the entire membership is to organizational structure, but do to do what is considered best for be commended. I also want to give recommend that when it has been the organization. It is important recognition to the entire AXPOW determined that our obligation and that goals be established so that Officers and Board of Directors who assistance to the POW has been fi- accomplishments can be evaluated.