Branches of Biology Relevant to Phytogeography

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Branches of Biology Relevant to Phytogeography Chapter V Chapter - V Phytogeography Phytogeography (from Greek φυτό, phyto = plant and γεωγραφία, "geography" meaning also distribution) or botanical geography is the branch of biogeography that is concerned with the geographic distribution of plant species and their influence on the earth's surface. Phytogeography is concerned with all aspects of plant distribution, from the controls on the distribution of individual species ranges (at both large and small scales, see species distribution) to the factors that govern the composition of entire communities and floras. Geobotany, by contrast, focuses on the geographic space's influence on plants. Overview The basic data elements of phytogeography are occurrence records (presence or absence of a species) with operational geographic units such as political units or geographical coordinates. These data are often used to construct phytogeographic provinces (floristic provinces) and elements. The questions and approaches in phytogeography are largely shared with zoogeography, except zoogeography is concerned with animal distribution rather than plant distribution. The term phytogeography itself suggests a broad meaning. How the term is actually applied by practicing scientists is apparent in the way periodicals use the term. The American Journal of Botany, a monthly primary research journal, frequently publishes a section titled "Systematics, Phytogeography, and Evolution." Topics covered in the American Journal of Botany's "Systematics and Phytogeography" section include phylogeography, distribution of genetic variation and, historical biogeography, and general plant species distribution patterns. Biodiversity patterns are not heavily covered. Ex: The basic data element of phytogeography are specimen records. These are collected individual plants like this one, a Cinnamon Fern, collected in the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina. Branches of biology relevant to phytogeography Phytogeography is part of a more general science known as biogeography. Phytogeographers are concerned with patterns and process in plant distribution. Most of the major questions and kinds of approaches taken to answer such questions are held in common between phyto- and zoogeographers. 1 | P a g e Chapter V Phytogeography is often divided into two main branches: ecological phytogeography and historical phytogeography. The former investigates the role of current day biotic and abiotic interactions in influencing plant distributions; the latter are concerned with historical reconstruction of the origin, dispersal, and extinction of taxa. Floristics is a study of the flora of some territory or area. Traditional phytogeography concerns itself largely with floristics and floristic classification, see floristic province. PHYTOGRAPHICAL REGIONS OF INDIA A phytogeographical region is defined as an area of uniform climatic conditions and having a distinctly recognisable type of vegetation. According to D. Chattarjee (1962), India can be divided into nine phytogeographical regions. 1. Western Himalayas This region comprises north and south Kashmir, part of Punjab and Kumaon region of Uttaranchal. Average annual rainfall in the region is 100-200 cm. The region is wet in outer southern ranges and slightly dry in the inner areas. At high altitudes, snowfall occurs during winters. The region is subdivided into three zones. 1. Submontane (lower, tropical and subtropical) zone: This zone includes outer Himalayas i.e. regions of Siwalik Hills and adjoining areas from 300 to 1500 m altitude. Average annual rainfall of the zone is around 100 cm. The vegetation consists of subtropical dry evergreen, subtropical pine and tropical moist deciduous forests. 2. Temperate (montane) zone: This zone extends in the western Himalayas between the altitudes 1500 and 3500 m. The climate is wet between the altitudes 1500 and 1800 m and is drier at higher altitude. The vegetation consists of wet forests, Himalayan moist and Himalayan dry temperate forests. 3. Alpine zone: This zone extends between 3500 m and 5000 m altitudes. The rainfall is very scanty and climate is very cool and dry. The vegetation consists of alpine forests. 1. Eastern Himalayas This region extends in the Himalyas from east of Nepal up to Arunachal. The climate is warmer and wetter than in western Himalayas. Tree line and snow line are higher by about 300 m than in the western Himalayas. The tropical temperature and rainfall conditions result in vegetation of the region having greater general species diversity, greater variety of oaks but lesser variety of conifers than in the western Himalayas. This region is also divided into three zones. 2 | P a g e Chapter V 1. Submontane (lower, tropical and subtropical) zone: This zone extends from the foothills up to the 1850 m altitude. The climate is nearly tropical and subtropical. The vegetation consists of subtropical broad-leaved forests, pine forests and wet temperate forests. 2. Temperate (montane) zone: The zone extends from 1850 m to 4000 m altitude, about 500 m higher than in the western Himalayas. The vegetation consists of typical temperate forests with oaks and Rhododendron at lower and conifers at higher altitudes. 3. Alpine zone: This zone extends from 4000-5000 m altitude. The climate is very cool and dry. The vegetation consists of alpine forests. Indus plain This region comprises a part of Punjab, Delhi, Rajasthan, a part of Gujrat and Cutch. The climate has very dry and hot summers alternating with dry and cold winters. The annual rainfall is generally less than 70 cm and may be 10-15 cm in some areas. Most of the region is desert today though it had dense forests about 2000 years ago that were destroyed due to biotic factors particularly extensive cattle grazing. The vegetation today consists of tropical thorn forests and grasslands in some areas. Gangetic plain This region covers part of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and part of Orissa. Average annual rainfall ranges from 50 cm to 150 cm from east to west. The vegetation consists of tropical moist deciduous forests, dry deciduous forests, thorn forests and mangrove forests. Assam The region covers most of the Assam. The climate is characterized by very high temperature and rainfall. The vegetation consists of tropical evergreen and wet temperate forests in the lower plains while hilly tracts up to 1700 m altitude have subtropical pine forests. Central India This region comprises part of Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Vindhyan region and Gujrat. The areas are mostly hilly with some places at 500-700 m altitude. The average annual rainfall is 100-170 cm. Biotic disturbances are very common in this region resulting in degradation of forests into thorny forests in the open area. The vegetation consists of tropical moist deciduous forests, chiefly Sal forests in areas of annual rainfall above 3 | P a g e Chapter V 150 cm and mixed deciduous forest in areas of 125-150 cm annual rainfall. Tropical thorn forests are found in the areas of annual rainfall below 125 cm. Western coast of Malabar This is a small region extending from Gujrat to Kanyakumari along Western Ghats. The climate is warm humid having annual rainfall over 400 cm. The climate is tropical on the coasts and temperate in the hills. The vegetation consists of tropical wet evergreen, moist evergreen and moist deciduous forests. Wet temperate forests (Sholas) are present in Nilgiri while mangrove forests are found in the saline swamps on the coasts. Deccan The region comprises southern Peninsular India from southern Madhya Pradesh up to Kanyakumari excluding the Western Ghats. The average annual rainfall in the region is about 100 cm. The vegetation consists of tropical dry evergreen, dry deciduous and swamp forests. Andman and Nicobar This region includes Andman and Nicobar Islands. The climate of the region is warm and humid with very high temperature and annual rainfall. The vegetation consists of littoral mangrove, evergreen, semi-evergreen and deciduous forests. Case study: PHYTOGEOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF TREE FLORA OF THE EASTERN GHATS Phytogeography is a branch of biogeography which deals with the geographical distribution of plants. The aim of this study was to analyze the geographic distribution of tree flora in the Eastern Ghats of south India, for their conservation significance. Of the total 272 tree species assessed, 36% of the species were found restricted to Asia, 19% were endemic to India and only one species (Hildegardia populifolia) was found endemic to Eastern Ghats. The present phytogeographical analysis revealed that 59% of the tree species inventoried 4 | P a g e Chapter V from Eastern Ghats of south India were common to Sri Lanka and supported their close geographic affinity. Species recovery programs are of urgent need for conservation of species with geographically limited distribution. Currently, the earth is experiencing tremendous changes in the natural environments. Destruction and degradation of natural habitats are widespread and profound and their implications for the sustainability of natural resources are of global significance [1]. Biodiversity loss is a global phenomenon but its impact is greatest in the tropics, where the majority of species are distributed [2]. Though, the tropical forests occupy only 7% of the total land surface area of earth, they hold more than 50% of total species of the world. However, now, they are getting disappeared at a rate of 0.8 to 2% per year [3]. Many conservationists have increased concern on biodiversity loss in tropical forests
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