Cancer Reporting Manual Wyoming Cancer Surveillance Program Cancer Reporting Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 5 Sources Used in the Preparation of the Manual 6 A. General Instructions 7 B. Reporting Responsibilities 9 C. Non-reportable File 10 D. Data Submission Procedures 10 E. Follow Up Information 11 F. Confidentiality 12 G. Disclosure of Data 13 H. Quality Assurance 14 Case-finding Re-abstracting I. Case Ascertainment 15 Case Finding Techniques Case Eligibility Based on Diagnostic Terms 16 J. List of Ambiguous Terms 17 K. Non-reportable Neoplasms 18 L. Comprehensive Reportability List ICD-9 Codes 19 M. Comprehensive Reportability List ICD-10 Codes 25 N. Patient Demographics Patient Address and Residency Rules 31 Race 33 Ethnicity 35 Occupation/ Industry 36 O. Staging Systems 38 2 APPENDICES Appendix A Wyoming County Codes Appendix B FIPS County Codes Appendix C Spanish Surnames Appendix D Wyoming Cancer Surveillance Program “Needed Documentation List” Appendix E Wyoming Statute 35-1-240(b) Appendix F Public Law 102-515 Appendix G Tumor Registry Rules and Regulations 3 Wyoming Cancer Surveillance Program 6101 Yellowstone Road, Suite 510 Cheyenne, WY 82002 Phone: (307) 777-3477 Fax: (307) 777-3419 Julia Espinoza, BS, RHIT, CTR Program Manager
[email protected] (307) 777-3477 (307) 777-3419 4 INTRODUCTION The Wyoming Cancer Surveillance Program is a population-based statewide cancer incidence reporting system that collects, analyzes, and disseminates information on all new cases of cancer. A statewide cancer registry is the foundation for cancer prevention and control. This central repository of information is a valuable and essential tool for identifying populations at high risk for cancer, monitoring of cancer incidence trends and mortality, facilitating studies related to cancer prevention, evaluating cancer control initiatives, planning health care delivery systems, and developing educational awareness programs.