CATALOGUE THREE HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE The American Revolution WILLIAM REESE COMPANY 409 Temple Street New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 789-8081 A Note This catalogue celebrates the publication of two new bibliographies by William Reese. The Revolutionary Hundred covers key works of the American Revolution from 1763 to 1783, and The Federal Hundred describes great printed works of the period from 1783 to the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. These two bibliographies are available for sale from us (see the last page of this catalogue for details). This catalogue is made up almost entirely of new material recently acquired. Most notable is a manuscript map of Yorktown from the collection of the Comte de Rochambeau, which would have been used by him at the fateful battle; and a re- markable letter from Thomas Jefferson to French second-in-command, the Marquis de Chastellux, about the 1783 peace treaty among other topics. Important atlases and maps by Jefferys, Le Rouge, Des Barres, Pownall, and Sayer and Bennet are included as well. There are many extremely rare political works including those by Thomas Paine, Journals of the Continental Congress, and important broadsides issued in the course of the Revolution. There are also many important laws from the colonies and states in the Revolutionary period, and important histories by Stedman, Fanning, Clinton, Weems, Godon, and others. q A portion of our stock may be viewed at If you would like to receive e-mail notification when catalogues and lists are uploaded, please e-mail us at
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