September 30, 2015 Kevin Counihan Deputy Administrator and Director, Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 7500 Security Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21244 Via email:
[email protected] Re: 2017 Texas Essential Health Benefits Benchmark Plan Comments: Special Concerns re: Transgender Persons Dear Mr. Counihan: The Texas-based organizations signed onto this letter appreciate the opportunity to comment on proposed Texas Essential Health Benefit (EHB) benchmark for 2017 released on August 28, 2015. We fully endorse the comments submitted by the LGBT State Exchanges Project at the Center for American Progress (Washington, DC) which provide a detailed analysis of concerns about the potentially discriminatory impact of the non-compliant benchmark plans on access to services needed by transgender individuals in Texas and other states. We also fully endorse the comments submitted by Center for Public Policy Priorities (Austin, Texas), which detail fully the multiple shortcomings of Texas’ non-compliant default benchmark plan. Our organizations submit this separate comment letter to underscore our serious concern about the inadequacy of Texas’ EHB benchmark in its potential impact on transgender persons. Texas’ default EHB benchmark contains an exclusion for any services or supplies provided for, in preparation for, or in conjunction with “transsexual surgery.” We also note that Texas’ benchmark plan covers benefits for tests to detect Human Papillomavirus and cervical cancer including a Pap smear only for women age 18 and older. In addition to the arbitrary age limit which may be discriminatory, it is important that CCIIO clarify that these wellness services must be provided to any person with a cervix to be compliant with nondiscrimination requirements in ACA Section 1557 (see CAP comments).