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C:\Documents and Settings\Garlanm1\My Documents NOTES ON FLORIDA’S ENDANGERED AND THREATENED PLANTS1 4th Edition, August 2003 Nancy C. Coile2 updated by Mark A. Garland3 The following tables were compiled Descriptions of these rare species Distribution maps (Wunderlin and Fish and Wildlife Service; Bruce D. to provide a convenient source of are often difficult to locate. Florida Hansen, 2000) are available over the Sutton, DPI, carnivorous plants; descriptions and other information does not have a single manual Internet from the University of Kathy Craddock Burks, Department on the endangered, threatened and covering the flora of the entire state. South Florida Herbarium of Environmental Protection; Donald commercially exploited plant species Long and Lakela’s manual (1971) [http://www.plantatlas.usf.edu/]. Drapalik, Georgia Southern on Florida’s ‘Regulated Plant focuses on the area south of Glades These maps were invaluable for University, angle-pods; John D. Index.’ County; Clewell (1985) is a guide determining county distributions as Tobe, Department of Environmental for the Panhandle; and Wunderlin was information from the Florida Protection, magnolias; Robert R. The Regulated Plant Index is based (1998) is a guide for the entire state Natural Areas Inventory. Haynes, University of Alabama, on information provided by the of Florida but lacks descriptions. slender naiad. Endangered Plant Advisory Council Small (1933) is an excellent Many thanks are given to: Penny L. (EPAC), a group of seven resource, but must be used with McCurry for help with publishing Update: The Update, which individuals who represent academic, great care since the nomenclature is matters; Sharon E. Gatlin for help immediately follows this industry, and environmental interests outdated and frequently disputed. with the index; and especially to Introduction, consists of a list of (Dr. Loran C. Anderson, Mr. Charles Richard E. Weaver, Jr., and Wayne additions, deletions, and other D. Daniel III, Mr. David M. Drylie, This publication contains five N. Dixon for their helpful editing; all changes to the endangered species Jr., Dr. Gerald F. Guala, Ms. Eve R. sections: endangered species, these people work for the Florida list since the third edition of this Hannahs, Mr. Richard L. Moyroud, threatened species, commercially Department of Agriculture & publication in 2000. and Dr. Daniel B. Ward). exploited species, family Consumer Services’ Division of Producing the update in this form Rule Chap. 5B-40, Florida affiliation, and index to common Plant Industry. costs less than a complete reprinting, Administrative Code, contains the names. In each section, a table but the changes to the list may be ‘Regulated Plant Index’ (5B- provides five columns of Thanks are given to the following unclear. To clarify the changes, 40.0055) and defines the categories information: scientific name, persons who provided information: readers may wish to cut and paste of regulated plants; lists instances references, common names, family, Keith Bradley and George D. Gann, the additions to the endangered where permits may be issued; and and descriptions. Each table uses The Institute for Regional species table in their appropriate describes penalties for violations. the same numbering sequence as that Conservation; Chuck McCartney, places in the document. As another Copies of the Rule may be obtained used by the ‘Regulated Plant Index.’ orchids; Gary D. Knight, Linda G. aid, the entire endangered species from http://www.doacs.state.fl.us/ Chafin, Vicki Garland and Barbara list is reproduced at the end of the ~pi/5b-40.htm or from the address in Lenczewski, Florida Natural Areas Update. footnote 3 below. Inventory; Roger L. Hammer, In addition, a version of this Amended 14 February 2003, the Metropolitan Dade County Park and publication with the changes ‘Regulated Plant Index’ contains Recreation Department, Natural incorporated into the body of the 421 endangered species, 113 Areas Management; Loran C. document is available in PDF format threatened species, and eight Anderson, Florida State University; at http://www.doacs.state.fl.us/~pi/. commercially exploited species. Daniel F. Austin, Florida Atlantic University; David L. Martin, U. S. 1Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Bureau of Entomology, Nematology and Plant Pathology - Botany Section, Contribution No. 38, 4th edition, 2003. 2Botanist Emeritus, FDACS, Division of Plant Industry. 3Botanist, FDACS, Division of Plant Industry, P. O. Box 147100, Gainesville, FL 32614-7100. DESCRIPTION OF COLUMN CONTENTS SCIENTIFIC NAME lists the REFERENCES provides the last FAMILY is a group of similar DESCRIPTIONS provides species by the numerical order in name of the author(s) and then genera. When two family names are characters which will help which the species are listed in the page(s) devoted to the species. acceptable (synonymous) according distinguish this species from similar ‘Regulated Plant Index.’ Author When species are covered by to the International Code of species. The first category is type of names are often abbreviated. Clewell (1985), Correll and Correll Botanical Nomenclature, both will plant ( tree, shrub, vine, annual herb (1982), Long and Lakela (1972), be listed. There are eight families or perennial herb). In succeeding Bold type indicates that the species Small (1934), Ward (1979), or that have two acceptable names: order, characteristics are given for is on the federal list of endangered Wunderlin (1998), those authors will Palmae or Arecaceae; the following categories: stem, leaf, or threatened plants. The date of be listed if applicable. Other Gramineae or Poaceae; flower, fruit characters, habitat, inclusion as a federally listed plant is references may also be listed. Cruciferae or Brassicaceae; locale, and time of bloom. Several provided immediately following the Complete reference citations are Leguminosae or Fabaceae; abbreviations are used to save space: scientific name. provided at the end of this Guttiferae or Clusiaceae; lvs= leaves; publication. Umbelliferae or Apiaceae; lflets= leaflets; When there are illustrations in Labiatae or Lamiaceae; and cpd= compound; commonly available references a If a reference has line drawings, the Compositae or Asteraceae. infl= inflorescence; symbol (‚ or ) is placed in the symbol ‚ is shown. Small (1934) flrs= flowers; lower left corner. Page numbers are provides excellent illustrations, but Common names for the families frts= fruits; given for Bell and Taylor (1982), these usually show only floral usually follow Lawrence (1951). cos.= counties. Scurlock (1987), and Taylor (1992). details. Other illustrations are often The division for Leguminosae into Photographs in the DPI poster and detailed and show plant habit as well three subfamilies corresponds to The Florida Natural Areas in Nelson (1994) are cited by plate as floral and fruit details. The Mabberley (1997). The tribes for Inventory (FNAI 1996) was used for number. There are no page numbers symbol indicates that a photograph the Compositae follow Cronquist habitat designations as were the for Chafin (2000) or for Wunderlin is present. (1980). Common names for referenced manuals and guides. and Hansen (2000) For additional pteridophyte families are found in Some of the habitats may sound photos, check the atlas website of COMMON NAMES: these are several sources, including FNA. esoteric, but are usually very Wunderlin and Hansen; many names used in the vernacular. appropriate. As an example, the species will have photographs. Sometimes the common name is “solution holes in rockland descriptive and very useful. hammocks” mentioned in If the species is considered endemic However, the common names are description of Anemia wrightii refer to Florida (95% of all known often confusing because the same to dissolved areas in the limestone occurrences are in Florida), then the name may be used for different taxa, substrate of the rockland hammock term ‘endemic’ is given in the lower or a species may have many habitat. right corner. Distributions were different common names. This When a county is not listed by the compiled from Gleason and listing of common names is not Atlas, the county is shown within Cronquist (1991), Radford et al. meant to be exhaustive. parentheses. (1968), Luer (1984), Correll and Correll (1978), and other sources. ii UPDATE TO ‘NOTES ON FLORIDA’S ENDANGERED AND THREATENED PLANTS,’ 3RD EDITION To reflect Endangered Plant List, paragraph 5B-40.0055(a), F. A. C., effective February 14, 2003 p. 3: Delete no. 17, Aristida simpliciflora Chapman. Renumber nos. 18 and 19 as nos. 17 and 18. Insert after new no. 18, Aristolochia tomentosa Sims: 19. Arnica acaulis (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Cronquist, 99 leopard’s bane Compositae/ perennial herb, glandular and hirsute, to 0.8 m tall; basal lvs Ediger and Barkley, 27 southeastern arnica Asteraceae; in rosettes (but opposite), sessile, elliptic to ovate, toothed to Poggenb. Gleason and Cronquist, 535 daisy family entire, with 3-7 parallel veins, to 15 cm long; stem leaves Radford et al., 1038‚ tribe: Heliantheae few, opposite; heads several, large, with 2 rows of equal Small, 1474‚ (formerly involucral bracts, 10-15 yellow rays to 2.5 cm long, and Wunderlin, 605 Senecioneae) yellow disk fls on a convex, naked receptacle; pappus of white bristles; pine flatwoods; Jackson and Liberty cos.; : Atlas Coastal Plain, PA, NJ south to FL Apr-May. 20. Arnoglossum album L. C. Anderson Sida 18: 377-384. 1998‚ white-flowered plantain Compositae/ glabrous perennial herb to 1 m tall; basal lvs
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