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Phillips Phonograph VOL.. XXIII. PHILLIPS. MAINE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1901. N O . 2 2 . SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLÌ EMSPO RTS M E N ’S SUPPLIES AGAINST $5 00 L'CENSE FEE. opening the barrels he found them to be full of pickerel. Mr. Merrill had Doesn't See How It Will Help remembered his promise to “ send down a few pickerel.” U. n. C. UNIFORTlITY. Guides or Sportsmen. Mr. Murphy has sent four barrels o f 1 here are times when perfect ammunition is a necessity— the fish to New York and is finding no not a luxury. Then the superior system of U. M. C. construc­ Way Accounts Will Re Balanced difficulty in disposing of the remaining tion and loading proves itself a friend indeed. if Law Is Passed. ban el at home. The local fishermen are prophesying that when Frank American Shooting Records and Game Raws of the U .S. and Canada St r a t t o n , Jan. 9, 19Q1. free for the asking. Repeating Rifles To the Editor of the Maine Woods. Merrill gets home he will have a fisli As this is the year when the law story to tell. In company with two Factory, repeat. They don’t jam, catch, or fail to extract. In a makers assemble it accounts for the others he is camped near Flagstaff, not Union word, they are the only reliable repeaters. Winchester many projects and two-penny schemes far from Carrabassett. It is not known Bridgeport, rifles are made in all desirable calibers, weights, and which we see advanced in every paper, how long he intends to remain, but styles ; and are plain, partially or elaborately ornamented, giving the law makers a pointer on what those who know him best say that it Metallic rl&W Conn. suiting every purpose, every pocketbook, and every taste. they ought to do. Among the schemes will probably be as long as the fish hold out. - Lewiston Journal. A gen cy IM inoim ster Am m unition advanced is one to make the fee fora Cartridge guide’s license $5.00 per year instead of 313 Broadway, is made for all kinds of shooting in all kinds of guns. $1.00. Now that would be all right if C D C r Send Name and Address on a Postal Accideutiil Shooting. N. Y. City. — It- L-* for our 164-Page Illustrated Catalogue. the correspondent has money to burn; Co. and if he has he,, might send me $5.00 WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS C0„ New Haven, Conn. for advertising at one of the sportsmen’s Ten Cases Occurred During the shows, in “ Hunting and Fishing ia the Season o f 1900. HOTELS AND CAMP s HOTELS AND CAMPS Dead River Region.” But to lay jokiug aside, how is this to help us or the B oston, Ma s s ., Jan. 7, 1901. ON R a n g e l e y L a k e . R v n g k l e y L a k e s , I Bald Mountain Camps are near the Middle For HEALTH, REST, or PLEASURE, sportsmen? To the Editor of the Main e Woods: Mingo Spring Camps. | Grounds, Slunk Grounds and Stony Batter The meanest guides in the whole lot The hunting season for 1900 is over Located on Mingo Point, Rangeley Lake I and as convenient as other public camps, for Best of salmon and trout fishing; eosy cot­ Little Mud pond, Big Mud pond, Kcnnebago f THE RANGELEY LAKES are unsurpassed. will be the first to obtain a license, as the records show that the grand old tages; open fires: (lie famous Mingo Spring river. Steamboat accommodations (). K. water; pine and balsam groves. Everything Telephone at the camps. Two mails daily. ► Write for a copy of the descriptive book, “ The Riunford tliat will give him as good a recomen state is still the sportsman’ s paradise. for the comfort and convenience of Sportsmen You’ll get a reply right back, if you write iV<r dation as the best injthe state; and a The guides have enjoyed a prosperous and summer boarders. Send for circular. free circular to A m o s E l l i s , Prop’r, \ Falls Line and the Rangeley Lakes Resorts,” issued by the ( h a s. E. BELCHEH.-iiongeley, Me. Haines Landing, Maine. ► Portland & Rumford Falls Railway. guide may be a poor man and yet be a season. The sportsmen have come, had A t W i l s o n ’s M i l l s M e . p It contains half-tone cuts of every hotel and public camp on good guide; therefore would it be right their good time, and gone their many R a n g e l e y La k e s . Aziscobos House. $1.50 d a y. $7 to $10 w eek . Camp Bemis and Birches Licensed guides furnished. F r e d F l i n t , P r’r. c the Rangeley Lakes, and is sent free to any address. to keep him from working simply be­ ways, and while we read the story of Bends, terminus ol Kumford Falls & Range- ► The Rumford Falls line is the only all rail, S T A N D A R D cause he is a poor man? And then again, this famous country of health and ley Lakes R. R. Two trains daily. Steamers At F l a g s t a f f . connect to all points on the lakes. Birches Lake House and Camp. Cam p is reached from t GAUGE route direct to the heart o f the Rangeleys— and is will it make a guide any better becaAse pleasure, and make our plans for an­ is six miles distant on Student’s Island. Cosy hotel by boat. Great hunting. Moose and ► the only line running Through Cars from Portland to the log cabins, open tires at both places afford leer seen daily. S. C. B u r r e l l , Flagstaff, Me. he pays $5.00 instead of $1.00 for a other season, would it not be well to comfortable homes for the summer for ladies ► Lakes. Excursion Tickets on sale during the season for all and gentlemen. Excellent fishing close at F in e P o i n t , M e . license? I guess not. He will simply devote at least, a passing thought to hand. Send for circular. Burnham Cottage. Two miles' from Old Or­ X Rangeley Lakes Points. Steamer connections at Bemis for take one more deer in via his back door some of the poor fellows, who, for the ('a p t . F. C. B a r k e r , Prop’r, Bemis, Me. chard can be found some of the finest duck shooting in the state. Marsh birds, rabbits ► all parts of the Lakes. and balance accounts with the state last time have enjoyed this same forest and mink abundant. Good table board. Lob­ ► Buyjyour tickets via the Rumford Falls Line. that way. country? I refer to another chapter of V ia R a n g e l e y o r B e m i s . sters and clams fresh every day. Accommo­ y Write for one of our pocket maps of the Rangeley Lakes. Mountain View House. dation tor six or eight persons. Rate, $1.00 a the season’s record. Those who have day, extra charge for fii e. Address, ► PORTLAND & RUM FORD FALLS RAILW AY, I see by the report of Secretary E. C. J a s . 1’ . H a y n e s , Marsh Road, Farrington of the Maine Fish and Game lost their lives while in the Maine Pine Point, Me. ► R. C. BRADFORD, Traffic Manager, Portland, Me. J f M il o , m e ., P. o . association, that the guides’ license law woods through the carelessness of some Nollesemic House, on Mollesemic lake, 5 miles ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦? has “ failed to meet the expectations” of other person. And right here I want to from the railroad at Millinoket. Reached by its fathers. There is an old saying which ask what is going to be done about it? canoe or buckboard. One of the best regions is true now, that “ you can catch more The commissioner’ s report for 1900 in the state lor hunt ing. Pickerel and perch POAGHING AT BEMIS at the door, while the trout can’t be beaten. le t Us Keep Yon Posted flies with molasses than with vinegar.” shows there were ten cases of accidental Col. Farrington also says “ The guides shooting in Maine the past season. Six Camps newly furnished. Pure spring water. concerning the hunting and fish­ W m . L. Ho b b s , Prop’r., Milo, Me. Less Legislation and More Rigid of these resulted fatally. Four were ing in Sunrise Land. We shall must be held to stricter account for Bn F h i l l i f s & R a n g e l e y R. R. their doings,” etc. I wish Col. Far­ mistaken for deer and one for a bear. Redington House, be glad to do so, if you will Enforcement Needed. rington would tell us what he would do There are many ways an accident may One-minute’s walk from station on P. & R send us your address. R. R. The best of pond and stream fishing in to accomplish this. He must think we happen. A hunter might shoot at game Here is situated h Hotel ot rare attractive­ 12 cents brings you postpaid Wants a Warden Who Is Liable close proximity to house.
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