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BR08 Assessor Listing NEW.Qxd 29/05/2008 12:20 Page 23 BR08 assessor listing NEW.qxd 29/05/2008 12:20 Page 23 June 2008 Assessor listing | BREEAM 23 NEED AN ASSESSOR? A complete listing of certified assessors across the UK Key: Code: Code for Sustainable Homes EcoH: EcoHomes MR: Multi-Residential Type of BREEAM scheme Company and phone number Bespoke Courts Code EcoH Ind MR Offices Retail Schools Prisons 2020 Liverpool 0151 237 2020 ●● 3 Planets 01332 416158 ● ●●●●●●● 3Dee 01202 484248 ● 3DReid 020 7297 5600 ●●● A2 Housing Group 07967 813669 ●● AA Energy Consultants 07884 261631 ● Aardvark EM 01984 624989 ● ab consulting engineers 0121 323 2332 ●● Abacus 01751 460014 ●● Abbey Consultants (Southern) 01923 274427 ●● Abdale Associates (Tring) 01442 382568 ●● ● Active Energy 07793 820897 ● Adams Integra 01243 771304 ●● Adrian Pragnell 07870 838259 ●● Advance Housing and Support Group 01993 772885 ● Aegis Environment 0871 242 5812 ● AEW Architects and Designers 0161 214 4370 ●● AHP (Architects and Surveyors) 020 8313 1023 ●● Alan Tate Consultancy 01274-583408 ●● Allen Tod Architecture 0113 244 9973 ● Ambient Energy & Environment 0114 266 5704 ● ●●●●●●● AmicusHorizon Group 020 8726 8600 ● An Norvys 01767 677577 ● Andre Gardner Associates 020 8599 4018 ●● Andreassen Associates 01344 626997 ●● Andrew Leighton Associates 01633 883030 ●● Aragon Housing Association 01525 840505 ● Architect Holling 01463 223710 ● Architects Design Partnership 0207 287 3224 ●●● Architecture Collective 00 353 56 777 0480 ● Architecture PLB 01962 842200 ●● Ark Consultancy 0121 515 3831 ●● Ark Design & Architecture 01942 684060 ●● Artillery Architecture and Interior Design 020 7283 2299 ●●●●●● Arup 020 7755 2575 ●● ● ● Ashford Borough Council 01233 330258 ●● Assael Architecture 0207 736 7744 ●● Assist Architects 0131 555 5700 ● Atelier Ten 020 7749 5950 ●● Atkins (Faithful & Gould) 01372 726140 ● ●●●●● ●● Avebury Projects 01908 672698 ● Baily Garner 020 8294 1000 ●● Balfour Beatty Management 01642 356688 ● Barton Willmore Design 0117 929 9677 ●● ● Barwick Housing 01304 248400 ● Bedfordshire Pilgrims Housing Association 01234 221284 ●● Beeman Energy 07779 010558 ●● Berkeley Homes (East Thames) 020 7720 2600 ●● Bernard Taylor Partnership 0161 443 1221 ●● Bespoke Builder Services 01892 891280 ●● ●● Better Prepared 08456 443970 ●● BHP Harwood Architects 01235 765322 ●● BR08 assessor listing NEW.qxd 29/05/2008 12:20 Page 24 24 BREEAM | Assessor listing June 2008 BREEAM scheme Company and phone number Bespoke Courts Code EcoH Ind MR Offices Retail Schools Prisons BioRegional Consulting 020 8404 7085 ●● BioRegional Quintain 020 7478 9375 ●● Black Architecture 020 7490 2400 ●● Black Country Housing Group 0121 561 1969 ●● ● Blackpool Council 01253 476074 ●●● Bluesky Unlimited 0845 094 0955 ●● BM3 Architects 0121 633 0000 ●● BME 01752 200800 ●● Borough of Telford and Wrekin Council 01952 202795 ● Bovis Lend Lease 020 8271 8000 ●● ● ● Bowker Sadler Partnership 0161 406 7333 ●● Bowman Riley Architects 01756 795611 ● Bramall Construction 01709 766000 ●● Brian Warwicker Partnership 020 7531 3450 ● Brian Young & Associates 0151 708 6121 ● Briary Energy Consultants 020 3091 3391 ●● Bristol City Council 0117 922 4431 ● Broadway Malyan 01932 845599 ●● Browne Smith Baker 01482 329276 ●● ● ● Brymor Contractors 023 9226 1515 ● BSRIA 01344 465608 ●● Building Design Partnership 0207 812 8000 ●●●●●●●●● Buildings for Tomorrow 07879 227741 ● BUJ Architects 020 7227 6900 ● Buro Happold 020 7927 9700 ●●●●●●● ●● CJ Oshea 020 8959 3600 ● CA Sustainable Architecture 01635 416688 ●● Caerphilly County Borough Council 01495 235517 ●● Caldwell Consulting 028 9066 9456 ●●● Calfordseaden 01689 888222 ●● ● ● Callao Housing Consultancy 0844 800 4945 ●● Calon Lan Eco 01824 750 498 ● Capita Symonds 01527 594500 ●●●●●●● ●● Cardiff Council Building Control 029 2087 1305 ● Cardiff Council Housing Development 02920 873615 ● Cardiff University 029 2087 0003 ●●● Carl Bro Group 0131 550 6300 ● Carter Design Group 01553 760941 ●● Cartwright Pickard Architects 020 7554 3830 ●● CBG Consultants 01865 864500 ● CDN Planning 01792 830238 ● Celleb 01908 516724 ●● Centre for Construction Innovation NW 0161 295 5076 ● Centre for Energy and the Environment 01392 264144 ●● Centre for Sustainable Energy 0117 9340 917 ● Chemcycle Environmental Management 01685 386897 ● Chris Tivey 01621 859272 ● Churchill Hui Architects 01227 454406 ●● Churchill Retirement Living 01425 462100 ●● Clancy Consulting 0151 227 5300 ● ●●●●●●●● Clarion Consulting 01424 850951 ● Clerk of Works Services 01525 862747 ● Climate Works 0117 954 4025 ●● Clive Chapman Architects 020 8891 4837 ● CNP Chisholm Nurser & Partners 01372 466445 ● ●●● CO2SY 07767 366755 ●● Code Consultancy Services 0161 224 0749 ●● Code Rating Services 01524 823025 ●● ● Conservation Engineering Consultants 00353 87 927659 ● BR08 assessor listing NEW.qxd 29/05/2008 12:20 Page 26 26 BREEAM | Assessor listing June 2008 BREEAM scheme Company and phone number Bespoke Courts Code EcoH Ind MR Offices Retail Schools Prisons Construction Assessment Services 01692 651058 ●● Cora Cummins 020 8726 8737 ● Cornhill Estate 01305 250427 ●● Cornwall Sustainable Building Trust 01872 277000 ●● Corporation Green 07989 932871 ● ●●●●●●● Costain 01628 842468 ● Couch Perry & Wilkes 0121 706 5511 ●●●●● Countryside Properties (Northern) 01925 248900 ●● Countryside Properties 01277 260000 ●● Coventry City Council 024 7683 2711 ● CP Construction Consultants 01245 360388 ●● Creative Environmental Networks 020 8683 6600 ●● Crest Nicholson Residential (SW) 0117 923 6600 ●● Crookes Walker Consulting 0161 834 9999 ●● Croudace Homes 01883 346464 ●● Cundall Johnston and Partners 020 7776 5034 ●●●● ●● ●● Cunnington Clark 01733 898010 ●● Cyril Sweett 020 7061 9239 ●●●●●●●●●● DM Energy Services 0118 947 9426 ●● Dandara Jersey 01534 506200 ● Dane Ashworth Cottam Chartered Architects 0161 236 0355 ●● Dave Hedger Domestic Energy Consultant 01642 576880 ●● Dave Regand now trading as Code Rating Services 01524 823025 ●● ● Davis Langdon (Retail) 02380 333438 ● Davis Langdon 01235 555025 ●●● DBK Group 01202 208000 ●● ● ● Degrees of Green 07786 980500 ●● Delap & Waller Consulting Engineers 028 7131 8808 ●● Denley King Partnership 01962 840345 ●● Department for Work and Pensions 0113 230 9711 ● Devon and Cornwall Housing Association 01392 814524 ●● Diligentia 0870 428 1911 ●●●●●●● Dixon DeBoise (South East) 01892 554600 ● DJD Construction Consultants 01905 612864 ●● DLA Architects Practice 01908 259719 ●● DLA Architecture 01924 858585 ● Dorset County Council 01305 225236 ● DPS Sussex 01273 846576 ●● Dr Patrick Waterfield 028 9045 9924 ●● Drum Housing Association 01730 403200 ●● DSSR 020 8567 5621 ●●●●● Duncan Knott Consultancy Services 07776 007318 ●● Durham County Council 0191 383 4901 ● E&J Energy Services 07920 579414 ● EAC Rickaby Thompson Associates 01908 679520 ●●●●●●● ●● East Thames Housing Group 0845 600 0830 ●● EB7 020 7183 2627 ●● EBBA Consultants 01309 696387 ●● EC Harris 020 7812 2000 ●● ECD Project Services 020 7939 7500 ●● ● Eco Evolution 01952 740828 ●● ECO2 Home Assessments 07984 318601 ●● EcoConsulting UK 020 7939 0989 ●●●●●●● ●● Ecodyn 01337 842002 ● Eco-Futures 01874 730910 ●● Eco-Koncept 07930 808699 ●● Ecotecture 01444 881603 ● Ecowise UK 01603 864796 ●● Edmond Shipway 0115 975 8595 ●● ● BR08 assessor listing NEW.qxd 29/05/2008 12:21 Page 27 June 2008 Assessor listing | BREEAM 27 BREEAM scheme Company and phone number Bespoke Courts Code EcoH Ind MR Offices Retail Schools Prisons Education Leeds 0113 247 5264 ● EJP Consulting 01527 559251 ●● Ekologika 0870 863630/01306 775011 ●● Elders Consulting Engineers 01382 568444 ● Elliott Dent 0191 514 1177 ●● Ellis Belk Associates 01202 671555 ●● Elmhurst Energy Systems 08700 850499 ● Enabling Projects 020 8632 1706 ●● Energist UK 08458 386387 ● Energy Consultants MK 08456 123999 ● Energy Council 0161 762 1055 ●● ●●● Energy Efficient Design Consultancy 01865 396172 ●● Energy for Sustainable Development 01225 812102 ●● Energy Savings Expert 01225 862266 ● Entec UK 01926 439087 ●●● ● Environ UK 0131 225 9899 ●●●●● Environmental Assessment Services 01444 882552 ● Environmental Design Consultants 0870 855 0601 ● Environmental Friendly Assessment Associates 01827 707177 ● Environmental Perspectives 020 7529 1530 ●●● ● Environmental Visage 01453 751768 ●● Enviros Consulting 020 7421 6340 ●● ● ERMC 01983 539730 ●● Essex County Council 01206 266209 ● European Urban Architecture 020 7250 0090 ●● Everwarm Energy Services 01621 858485 ●● Faber Maunsell 020 7601 1652 ●●●●●●●●●● Ferguson Brown Sustainability 01934 853300 ●●●●●●● ●● First Choice Housing Association 02920 703758 ●● Fitzpatrick Contractors 01992 305000 ● Flintshire County Council 01352 703129 ● Focus Consultants UK 0115 976 5050 ●● Foreman Roberts 020 7089 8900 ●● ● ● FrameSolve 01256 892211 ●● Frankham Consultancy Group 020 8309 7777 ●● Frias-Robles Associates 01202 657335 ●● Fry Binks Partnership 01264 333779 ●● Fulcrum Consulting 020 7520 1300 ●●●● ●● ●● Future Look of the Workspace 020 8289 8977 ● Gale & Snowden 01237 474652 ●● Gareth Hoskins Architects 0141 221 0600 ● Gateshead Council 0191 433 2913 ●●●● ●● ●● GB ESPM 07974 037157 ●● GCP Consulting 0117 932 8888 ●● GDM Architects 01622 686364 ● Gentoo Group 0191 525 5000 ●● George Wimpey Strategic Land (North) 07771 842531 ● Gifford 023 8067 5050 ● Gleeds Managment & Construction Consultants 0113 236 6900 ●●● Global Action Plan 01237 470020 ●● Gloucestershire Housing Association 01452 541808 ●● Goodrich Projects 01604 859859 ● Goring Berry 01423 567528 ●● GP Consulting Freelance Consultant 0121 442
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    Sustainability Report 2013 PEOPLE PLANET PROFIT Construction and Regeneration Morgan Sindall Group plc Annual report and accounts 2013 User guide User guide This PDF allows you to find information and navigate around this document more easily. Back to user guide Last visited page Search this PDF Print options Preceding page Next page Links in this PDF Words and numbers that are underlined are links — clicking on them will take you to further information within the document or to a web page (opens in a new window) if they are a url (e.g Morgan Sindall Group plc Sustainability Report 2013 02 Overview Foreword Step change in approach The sustainability agenda within Morgan Supply Management Awards 2013 with awards of ‘Best Sindall Group continues at a pace. The Contribution to Corporate Responsibility’ and also the ‘Best Overall Entry’. governing principles set out in our Roadmap and Total Commitments have continued Having the right structure and people to deliver improvement is essential in delivering a commercially sustainable business. The to drive us forward in improving our Sustainability Steering Group has taken the decision to create sustainability performance. stakeholder panels made up of clients, supply chain partners, divisional representatives and graduates employed by the Group Drawing on the widely accepted model of People, Planet and with a mandate to provide challenge, advice and intelligence Profit, our six Total Commitments addressing safety, developing to the sustainability agenda. Our strategy will develop and be talent, reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions, supplemented through use of the Group’s sustainability risk and reducing waste, improving sustainable procurement and opportunity register.
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