SOCIAL INVESTMENT LANDSCAPE IN ASIA INSIGHTS FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA 1 Published by the Asian Venture Philanthropy Network and Sattva in May 2017 Copyright @AVPN 2017 Email
[email protected] Website Authors Aarti Mohan, Smriti Harsh, Abhishek Modi (Sattva Knowledge Centre) Production Arnav Gupta, Mehar Jossan, Deepika Ganesh, Pratik Jha, Rrishi Raote, Rebecca Detorre, Venus Sharma (Sattva Knowledge Centre) Editors Martina Mettgenberg-Lemiere, PhD Nguyen Le Phuong Anh Kevin Teo Design and Typesetting This work is licensed under the Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. 2 ABOUT THE REPORT AVPN has identified the need for a comprehensive overview of the Asian philanthropy and social invest- ment landscape to offer social investors a guide to the opportunities for social investment in Asia. The Social Investment Landscape in Asia will be an invaluable re- source for funders and resource providers as they as- sess the opportunities and challenges for philanthropy and social investment in the region. It is designed to be a guide for both new social investors looking to enter the Asian market and existing social investors exploring cross-border or cross-sector opportunities within the region. The Landscape is another way to further AVPN’s mission to increase the flow of finan- cial, human and intellectual capital to the Asian social sector.