Borough Would Ban Apartment Building Fund Started To
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A Panorama c o v k k i i n g t o w n s h ip * o t (H l/ucal HOLMDEI. MAOIMM People Aod MABUMMO. fcvenU t MittMH MAIAWAN WWUUQM ■ M W • M b YEAR — 14th W EEK ■lay f i m i i i MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1964 i m i CrM MaocMUaa Single Copy Ten Cents Borough Would Ban New Athletics, Activities Buses Arrive At jVfatawan Reg'^iiiil High School Fund Started To Apartment Building 6 6'Help George Walk” A* ordnance hilling conitruc- Madison Township. Mayor Donald Mm ol all garden ipartmwti and Macrae and Middlesex County Multiple dwelling untti in ill real- Probe Reported O f GOP Club To M eet Freeholder John J. Phillips were Scotlai com* o f tht borough w u Mans for Apartments appointed honorary chairmen of latreducad Tuesday night at an ti- The Matawan Township Repub tne "Help George Walk Again*’ Iwraad maatiig of tna Mitawin lican Club will meet Wednesday it fund al an organizational commits Investigation ha* been started by 8:30 p.m. in thc Oak Shades Fire Borough Council. The ordinance Paul Hermann, municipal manager Ice meeting held at the Madison araa d to Ih* Planning Board House. Township Hall by interested re*i- ttltrn of Madiaon Townahip, into the is- h r ipprovil before it U advartiied dents of Madison Township Mince of building permits for tar a public tearing. Parkview at Madison, a 242-unit Little George Lorentien jr., M- la voting ihe ban, couacil an- garden apartment* complex on McCue Raps Two year-old son of Mr. and Mr*. larged upon a Planning Board rec- Morridown Rd., near the Maiawan George Lorentzen sr., 299 Park anmendatlon which would have *p- line. The project was approved by Ave., Old Bridge, was the victim gied only to gardan'apartmanta In the Planning Board in February as Council Actions of * 30-fool fall Aug. 12, in which a R-7S and.ll-lM u m m . The or- the fir*t garden apartments proj he wa.s so severely burned by high Ounce, at Introduced, extendi eet In the township. Marlboro To Bar voltage wires carrying 11,000 voltl the ban oa multiple dwelling! to of electricity that doctor* at tha tbe K-N n e a t aa well. Mr. Hermann is investigating a More Billboards Middlesex General Hospital, New Thc Planning ' Board lait week report that the available parking Brunswick, were forced to ampu decided to recommend outright re space ha* been reduced In a sec Councilman Charles T. McCue, tate his left leg. peal of thoaa aectioni of the nning ond let of plan* being used lor a former mayor, strongly main The youngster also suffered burnt ordinance permitting garden apart construction purposes. This would tained his lone minority opposition on his lett side and additional ment conttruction rather than de affect the internal traffic control position on the Marlboro Township burns on his right foot. During claring a moratorium on the con- pattern of the complex. Council Thursday as he sharply George's several weeks of hos atructlon of apartment* becauie of criticized the action of the majori pitalization, skin grafting was dona More firm legal ground*. ty in amending an ordinance on on both his side and left foot, ind Apartment Bean G O P Candidates garden apartments lo raise con he will be forced to undergo ad A boom In garden apartment struction standards. He again as ditional skin grading operation* on eonatriiction in the borough already sailed tl report on welfare expense Ihe same parts of his body but not ha* resulted in dense population Open Campaign this year ns presented In a "mis until a series of blood transfusion* Clutter* leading to traffic conges- leading ’ way to put the onus of are completed, Ever since his near Bon and ha* ciuaed official* to ex- To Release Platfcrm overexpending thc account on the fatal fall, young George has been tmine water and aewar utility former administration of Joseph A. in need of more Wood. capacities The ban was recom For Borough Council Lanzaro. Frightened By Train mended, pending completion of a Mr. McCue drew admission on On the day of the accident last Maiter Plan for the horough. Maiawan Borough Council Re thc garden apartments change August, George was at play with Since the R-75 and R-lW tone* publican candidates Howard A from Joseph A. Brodniak, council two friends near thc Old Bridga were thrown open to apartment Henderson and Frank J. Ferrano ij * ‘ president, that Joseph T. Grausc, opened their vigorous campaign Post Office. Thc three boys were development by ordinance in .1982, Rea uunk, township attorney, had crawling on a series of elevated over Mil new unit* have been can Monday evening when they spoke Matawan Regional Board Secretary, Edward J. Scullion, (right), Mr. Scullion and reconditioned fur usv In transporting thc athletic recommended scrapping the mea pipes which were bridging railroad lo the Borough COP campaign teams, band and cheer leaders. The buses are painted the school colors, al ructed. The ban doe* not apply turns over Ihe key* el three team buses to Ibomaa M. Stachura, as- sure and redrafting a "meaning track*. A passing freight train ta approximately IN unit* which committee at the GOP head- datant high achool principal and athletic department manager. The maroon and gray, and have a lluskie emblazoned on Ihe front. ful" one. Mr. Brodniak defended the Uarters on Route 34. Chairman evidently frightened the boys. were pending before the Planning S IT-poaaeager buaea were ebtalaed frem the Federal Government by amending procedure as saving ihe George fell from the precarlou* Board Sept: 21; the date of it* lichard 0. Crane announced the taxpayers thc cost of an expensive platform will be revealed to the perch and landed on the high original recommendation to coun advertisement of an entirely new voltage wires some 30 lect below. cil. public within the next two weeks. PUC Hearing Trenton Trip ordinance. Mr. McCue saw no econ A proposed police ordinance to Speaking to the group, Mr. Hen Young George, who would hiva Marlboro Residents omy In letting an ambiguous mea been attending the fourth grade at be introduced Oct. 13 w u read by derson said, “ The major issue fac A public hearing an aa increase Matawan Mayor Edward E. sure stand that could draw the police chairman Warren Hutchin ing the people of Matawan today ia rates for the Cliffwood Beach Ilyrne and Borough Attorney Ro thc Willis School, has been oon- municipality into trouble. B u t fined to a wheel chair since leav son. The ordinance, he aaid, wa* is the fact that the present four- W ater Co. will be held at IS a.m. bert E . LaMura are expected lo Councilman Philip Arnold main baaed on atandard police ordin to-two Democratic majority on the Nov. 1 at ill Commerce St., confer with slate officials today ing the hospital. Despite his handi tained it was only a stop-gap move caps, his spirits are high. Prior to ance* in other communitie* but-had borough council effectively blocked Newark, the Staite Board ef Pub Appeal Assessments In Trenton on the borough’s sup and Mr. Brodniak agreed the ordi Mlque difference*. For Jiutance, port of a bill Id change Ihe meth thc mishap, George was active, Ha all progressive legislation proposed lic Utility Commissioners haa an Lavoie Laboratories, Inc., Route $3180 to $2500; building, $22,100 to nance eventually would be amend he aaid, borough police would be by M ayor Edward E. Hyrne dur nounced. od of school cost allocations. Mr. ed again. was an outfielder on the Kravet 79, Marlboro Township, ha* asked $18,500; George and Bessie Wendel, Ilyrne said he is inviting other Drug Store's Old Bridge Little required to report health, toning, ing his first year in office. If the The company, which aervea Boundary nnd Vanderburg Rds., Query Requirement or fire ordinance violations to the members ol the Borough Council League team. His summertime mayor does not get the Republican part* of Matawaa Township and the County Tax Board to reduce land, $25,780 to $13,000; building, Critics speaking on thc measure appropriate authority. majority he needs in 1965, the Madiaon Township,' had proposed its 1964 real estate assessments by to make thc trip to push for the hobbies also included fishing wilh $52,0W to $45,040; Robert 0. Wen- bill. wanted to know about a require his father and swimming. Owe Y ew ’e Prehatlea council will be blocked for another to make the new rate* effective 62 per cent, or to $463,780 from (conlmued on page four) ment tor "semi-fireproof" con Appointee* to the force would year by procrastination and parti Nov. 1. But the PUC wspended $748,739. After a hearing Friday, The borough asked for the struction material, also about stair His favorite present pastime it be required to aerve a year’* pro san politics that keeps the mayor's the date until Mar. 1, unless It thc board reserved decision. It al meeting after Matawan Town watching TV programs. He like* ship Mayor llenry E. Traphagen ways to be built outside dwelling bation before becoming patrolmen. progressive program from becom laaues Ita ruling before then. The so considered appeals on Sl other units, lt was admitted there was to be wheelchaircd around the Special policemen ana policewom ing effective legislation.” proposed new ratea achedule township properties, seeking reduc Fear Rail Span conferred wilh Ihe stale officials neighborhood to visit playmates.