Ieri\N\R.Mh3.E Lk'^Ykieles

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Ieri\N\R.Mh3.E Lk'^Ykieles L M S Oil Co D-22270 -'•'-'2 Lampe Frank H(Executor) D-l8466.?<:?o Subord Agreement West- 12/3/48 Por Lot 138 Clark & Bryan's •) arn -'Ve-162nd to 2 60th P-28447 V/estmoreland Tract .9+.a .... - I La Munyon Jos Douglas D-296l7 i L M S' Oil Co D-22271 , Jr et ux- Easmt Deed- .. 10-10-52' Qtclm deed V/estern Ave-12/3/48 i Louvre St-Laixrel Canyon F-i+5329 I82nd to 260th Sts F-26447 Blvd to Sharp Ave |L M S oil Co D-22272 ' r Lanark"St" '" D-23396 I Agreement Western Ave- 12/3/48 >- ' Res accept portion 3-3-50 162nd to 260th Sts F-28447 Tr 15425 as future St F-39714 I La Ballona Land & Dev Co D-19990 , Lanark Street D-24775 grant deed beach frontage 12-15-42 Resol ded Lots 232- 8-22-50 Venice-bet 51st & 6.3 Aves-filfj^ggg '• 233 Tr 14887 F-41154 La Barbera Francesco et ux D-20935 Lanark Street D-26327 grant deed lot G Schief- 6-28-45 ' Resol re Lot 55 Tr 12-1-50 felin tr Daly st-Pas ave_to N 14311 R/W 34000-108 F-40769 , LaboryL R et ux "'" " D-i9315 Montecito Dr retaining wall . Lancaster Burton S et ux D-22118 Lot 304 Tract #104 Easement deed 11-25-48 RA' ely Linda Flora Dr & nly I BellaKia_Road_ ..tile, 331.71 , Labory Marvin et ux D-19315 I Landes Bessie W D-20765 Montecito Dr retainin,*; v;all con-vey easement deed 8-25-44. Lot 304 Tract #104 Webb St extension-Laurel Canyon Bl Labory Raymond B' et'ux D-19315. , to.L.ankershlBi Blvd .. ,-eil a 2208(39) Montecito Dr retaining wall ' Landes Bessie W D-20756 ' Lot 304 Tract #104 ' agree deed lot 8 tract 8-25-44 ' ^ 1666 'Webb st ext; Laurel Canyon_ La "Cavera Frank A ' D-20446 Landgraf ¥ary „ ^ d-19856 . iEri\n\r.mh3.E Lk'^ykieles ' portion Ventura County 12-11-42 re Lincoln Hts Playground Road vucated-100 foot strip I Lachmari Earl et" ux" " - D-28l3i Quitclaim Deed-Ocean Pk 7-18-51 Landon'Geo E"et"ux '0-28305 Ave-Centinela to CabrilloF-48713 \. Easmt Deed-Matilija Ave 9-5-51 - 1320' N of to Victory F-39743 Laconia Blvd near Hoo-ver St D-21659 Blvd. I Grant deed-2 parallel 4" 1-5-48 : i Lane Albert D-22738 lines-286' long P-19051 - Grant Deed-Police Facil 5-16-49 La "cruz"br"'" • " " " D-29371+ Bldg ;Slte P-36706 • Lane Harry H et ux D-21916 1 Lot 1^. Tr 15615-Puture 8-29-52 - Esmnt deed nort lot 112, 6-18-46 st dedicatn F-i+2092 Holson Heights R/W 2a!0£4-3.1A -. „ 229.79-i32126_ . _-, .. Lacy Wm G et ux D-18907 Lane j;ohn W et ux D-22619 ! Beverly Blvd Wilton Pl to '. Easmt Deed-Huntinton Dr 7-11-1+9 Norton Ave Pn L 33 Tr 1417 230' W to 1+70' E of P-3501+7 ^ Edlscn Walk I Laf-f erty J H et ux D-29697 ;Lane John W et ux D-28935 Easmt Deed-Palmero Dr & 10-21-52 Quitclaim Deed- i+-l5-52 Walk -m-I of Oneonta Dr F-l|.8l36 Huntington Dr N 230' W P-l+7512 , S. D .... to lt7;0' E of Edison V/alk ^LaForge William J D-21787 Lane Lucille G et al 0-2891'" Easmnt deed por Lot 383 1-22-48 Tr 8933-Normandie-Venice to __' to 23O' W of F-l+7512 Laier Andrew et ux D-29512 Edison V.'alk ' . Easmt Deed-Hazeltine 10-3-52 ( Lane John W et al D-289i).3 Ave('VS) Margate to F-1+7771+ Agrmt-Huntington Dr N U-15-52 Weddington Sts 1+70' E of to 230' W of P-l+7512 , Laird, y.'illiam & Mattie L d-19723 Edison '.-/alk Land in Wilmington to 4-4-41 ; et sl D-24770 Harbor Comm Res #1417 asmt Deed Lot 71 2-27-50 Tr 1000-Sunny.slone AveF-.''.57rSR Lalonde, Cilena Marie et aa-19782 Cohasset St & Lankershim 6-27-42 "' . !Lane Paul V et ux D-24024 I Blvd ^1^, • Agrmnt -^an -"^'afael -"ve & 5/9/50 La Maida St "" '" " "" 0-29197 Terrace 49 I D F-3685 Lots 38, 39 k 1+0 6-18-52 • (1936) Lane Robt H et al Tr 16095- Future st ded P-l).8365 D-29'1+1+5 Easmt Deed-Multiview 9-18-52 lb Harold A et ux 0^21666 Dr 1500' NW Broadlawn P-328I4.7 _Dr ^ ees 10 k 11 Township I~So-Sange iariey *Pr"ank VI ei ux I D-29818 .5 West. SBB&M f-ipogp - Quitclaim Deed-V/oodward 12-4-52 ; Lambert Grace 0-2931^7 k Brownstone Aves X D ,. Agrmt- Baza Ave & 9-3-52 , T^-30616 Medina Rd I D P-l+3061r '^ '^^ang E Genevieve D-22099 Easement deed 11-18-48 • Laraont Elizabeth Lo'aise D-18299 Normandie A-ye-Venice B3 San Pedro St ;/iaachester to ^ 130.V4' S.'a20-Pn L 2.8&2:9 Tr 10420" Lang Isabel T ?;:22036 1 Grant deed 10-18-48- Lampel^'fank K(Kxec'ut"or)'~]>T8""466 V/estern Ave - 182nd St to .-st "IcFarland C P-Olyraplc 'Blvd , .^._to_2_60th St . File. 27968 . Hoover to '-ienlo Lang Isabel T D-22037 grant deed wa.ive daraage 6-30-47 imp Western at 162 to 260 Sttee' Fl J.6 c /yoo Lang Isabel T u-27758j4s La Pointe John W et ux D-24433J'-J/. Grant Deed for St purp 3-30-51 -^asrant deod Gi-eenbash 12/22/49 • Western Ave-182 to ?60 F-44329 Ave-Wowen St to Vic- P-33287 t.nrv Bl-vd _ Lang" Isabel "T et ai ' " D-27759 ; LaPorta carmelo et ux C-19937 ' Agrmt -Western Ave - 3-30-51 ; - easmt dead Wly 10« 3-29-43 ' 18?nd -?60th Sts - F-44329 ' lot 195 TT 3598-3an Pedro St La'ng "John A et ux " U-2y857 - "LaPosta Stellina D-17S52 Easmt Deed Leadwell St 5-2-51 . ; Gan Fedro Gt-Uanchestor Ave to Unct.rt-ll *.n r.i n—i n A.m.. IT _ -J C C> I C N Iraperial HlLhv.-.y Pn L183 Tr 5745 R/W 21611-8A Larabee May W D-19250 "Lung .:ich:icl" et r.i' D-10579 Olympic-Arlington Wly Norton riguiM-oa St-Fl I.'Jodcna Ave to 1 part Lots Lot 262,263 TR #2000 ^mona Vista Pn L 1-LaEncina Tr Lnng, MichRel et ux " ' D-22707' Larabee May II. D-19252 Agreement Figueroa St- 2/17/47 ^ Olympic-Arlington to Norton Neola St to Buena Vista F-5448 Lots 262, 263 Tract #2000 Terrace , . .' ... Larqbee May '.7 d-19879 I Langer Karl J et ux D-28480 Srant.deed.sly 20 ft 5-27-43 'Lasrat Deed-.'-iorrison l?-4-51 lots"13 and 14 Tract Ko 4367. 3t-3epulveda Blvd to F-38747 _ nlj^mniC-Bersnrin tn.i.'p..qtfit.n Ava _ Haskell Ave • Larabee May W d-19880 Langston John '•' et ux D-22056 Easement deed 10-28-48. por lot 13 & 14 Tr 4667 5-87-42 Densmore .Ave-Magnolia Ave to _ OlvmDin Riv Reronrto tn '• aaT.,„n VenturaBlvd File. 23695 Larcom Elmer et ux D-21850 I Lankershira Doria C et al 0-18891 ' -asmnt deed parcel in NE 6-30-48 Sherraan Way fr pt approx 450' i i Sec 35 f-19943 Ely of Lankershira to Lankershim .R/W P.MAP-'TIi Larkin, Rich'ird O.^nlel ot ux al D-18891 Esmnt deed lot 264 Tr D-23795 LOt 04 LanKsrsi inch Ld & y 6500 & lot 5 Tr 9472 4--'-^ •^" "'ater Co La Rock Dorothy E '0-28477 Lankershim Doria C estate D-28786 ' Easmt Deed-Donna Ave - 10-29-51 Grant Deed-LA Co Flood 2-13-52 ; Tophara 3t to Ventura F-50160 Control Channel- F-23211 s Blvd Lankershim to Vineland 32772 Larsen Niels E " D-26140 Lankershim Doria C estate D-28788 Easmt Deed-Frai-icis Pl & 11- Easmt Deed-U Co Flood 2-13-52 ,. Glendon Ave F-35969 Control Channel- F-2 3211 Lankershim to Vineland 32772 Larsen Niels E' ' D-28236 Lankershim uoria C estate D-287'90 I Easrat Deed-Francis Pl 8-15-51 Easmt Deed-LA Co Flood 2-13-52 & Glendon Ave F-35969 - Control Channel- F-23211 Lankershim to Vineland 32772 Larson*Albert J et ux D-28636 Lankershim Doria C estate D-28792 Easmt Deed-Judd St - 1-14-52 Easmt Deed-LA Co Flood 2-13-52 Laurel Canvon to F-3QQ45 Control Channel- F-23211 Sharn „ „^^^ Lankershira to Vineland 37772 Larson Albert J et ux D-28637 Lankershim'Estate. _ 0-21369 Quitclaim Deed- 1-14-52 •kwav, Barha Judd St-Laurel Canyon F-39945 , to .Vinelanm^isd m file 7643 _ to Sharp _ ' Lars -n .-.lice "B D-17755 ISftlfirBSejLige^x^n ?2-!i5i§ J San Pedro ,":t-:ianche3tor Avo to - Way(s7s)Camellla Av to F-40071 Iraperial Highv/ay Pn L 256 Tr 5745 _396.66' E of Lankershim Blvd _ ' Larson Ervin A et ux D-23213 . Lankershim Ranch Ld k wtr 0-19629, Agrmnt Cartwright Ave 9/15/49 Co por Lot 119 -W&P 10-23-42 k Landnle St I D P-29557 transfers control to BPW _ Larson'Eugen'e L et ux ' 0-25052' Village Inc d-19779 Easmt Lot 45 Tr 3195 11-18-49 Cohasset Street & Lanker- 8-27-42 ^ Blanchard Canyon Rd F-45191 _shim B.lvd.
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