Federal Register
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Pagres 3693-3747 )untBA\ -7, J V I SCRIPTA I « * ^ W ^ " 1 ü b FEDERAL REGISTER NUMBER 59 VOLUME 29 O/iftEO ^ Washington, Wednesday, March 25, 1964 Contents EMERGENCY PLANNING OFFICE American President Lines, Ltd., THE PRESIDENT and China Navigation Co., Notices Ltd ____________________ 3722 EXECUTIVE ORDER Major disaster notices: Moore-McCormack Lines, Inc., Designation of Secretary of the Indiana _______ _____ _—,— - 3717 et al ____________________ 3722 Interior as member of Inter Kentucky __ --------------- l- 3717 agency Committee on Export V erm ont___ _____________ _ 3718 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Expansion_____ _____ — ——— 3695 ENGINEERS CORPS Rules and Regulations EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Rules and Regulations Independent producers; rate fil Bridges, danger zones and naviga ings and certificate applications. 3699 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING tion; Sacramento River, "Calif., Practice and procedure; exceptions Gulf of Mexico, Texas, and to intermediate decisions, briefs SERVICE Banana River, Fla_-- ______------ 3701 and oral arguments____ ______ 3698 Proposed Rule Making Notices Lemons grown in Arizona and FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY Hearings, etc. : California; handling______ ___ 3708 Rules and Regulations Mangum, R. O., et al—_______ 3719 Airworthiness directive; Douglas Natural Gas Pipeline Company AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION Model A-26B and A-26C Series of America_________________ 3719 AND CONSERVATION SERVICE aircraft »_______ — _— ------ 3697 New York State Electric & Gas Corp______________________ 3719 Rules and Regulations Standard instrument approach procedures; m iscellan eou s Orange and Rockland Utilities, Tobacco, fire-cured and dark air- amendments; correction..— 3697 Inc—______ i ____ _________ 3719 cured; marketing quota refer Sid well, E. C., et al___________ 3720 enda results________ ___ _ 3697 Proposed Rule Making Warren American Oil Co. et al— 3718 Airworthiness directive, de Havil- AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT land Model DHC-2 “Beaver” air See Agricultural Marketing Serv craft_____________ __________ 3710 FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE ice; Agricultural Stabilization Notices and Conservation Service. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Golden eagles; order permitting ARMY DEPARTMENT taking to seasonally protect do Rules and Regulations mestic livestock in certain New See Engineers Corps. Domestic Public Radio Services Mexico counties___________ — 3711 CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD and Special Radio Services; Regional directors and field per sonnel; authority delegations. _ 3711 Notices fixed stations and operational fixed stations__________ — .. 3702 Braniff Airways, Inc., and D elta ^ Frequencies in certain bands; Air Lines, Inc.; westbound gen allocation and assignment_____ 3703 FOOD AND DRUG eral commodity rates______ __ 3717 ADMINISTRATION IATA traffic conference agree Proposed Rule Making ments: Statement of program service; Rules and Regulations Pares _________ 3717 broadcast application forms____ 3710 Orange juice; definitions and identity standards— ------------ 3701 Specific commodity rates_____ 3716 Notices Kodiak renewal case; hearing.._3716 American Colonial Broadcasting Notices Corp.; hearing----------------------- 3721 Ludlow Corp.; filing of petition COMMERCE DEPARTMENT regarding food additive----------- 3716 See also Maritime Administration. FEDERAL MARITIME Notices ÿ? COMMISSION HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND Coast and Geodetic Survey; au- Notices WELFARE DEPARTMENT thority delegation_________ . 3716 Agreements filed for approval : American President Lines, Ltd., See Food and Drug Administra d efen se d e p a r t m e n t and Blue Funnel Line (2 tion. See Engineers Corps. docum ents)___________ _— 3722 (Continued, on next page) 3693 3694 CONTENTS IMMIGRATION AND Motor carrier; Washington; filing of protraction Alternate route deviation no diagrams (2 documents)_____ 3713 NATURALIZATION SERVICE tices—:_____ ._____ _____ ■__ 3726 Applications and certain other Notices MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Statement of organization; field proceedings (2 documents) __ 3727, service; Port Lavaca-Port Com 3731 Rules and Regulations fort, Texas__ _______ ,■_______ 3711 Broker, water carrier and Values for war risk insurance; freight forwarder applica m iscellaneous amendments; tions______________ 3732 correction___ ___ ___________ 3706 INDIAN AFFAIRS BUREAU Intrastate applications_ 3743 Proposed Rule Making JUSTICE DEPARTMENT San Carlos Indian Irrigation Proj SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE ect, Arizona; interim regula See Immigration and Naturaliza COMMISSION 3707 tion Service. tions and rates___ __ _______ Notices LABOR DEPARTMENT INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Hearings, etc.: See Wage and Horn* Division. Ampal-American Israel Corp 3723 See Pish and Wildlife Service; In Central Investment Corpora dian Affairs Bureau; Land Man LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU tion of Denver_____________ 3723 agement Bureau. Notices Life Insurance Investors, Inc___ 3724 Alaska: INTERSTATE COMMERCE Proposed withdrawal and res- WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION COMMISSION ervation of lands___________ 3712 Small tract classification_____ 3712 Notices \ Notices Louisiana; filing of plat of depend Certificates authorizing employ Fourth section applications for ent resurvey and accretion sur ment of learners at special min relief ______________ 3744 vey-------------------------------------- 3712 imum rates___ .______________ 3744 Codification Guide The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date, appears at the end of edch issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1, 1964, and specifies how they are affected. 3 CFR 25 CFR Executive Orders; P roposed R ules: 11132 (Amended by EO 11148)___ 3695 233---------------- 3707 Volume 76 11148—_____ ________ *________ 3695 UNITED STATES 7 CFR 33 CFR STATUTES AT LARGE 724_________ 3697 203 ----------------------------------- 3701 204 _____ ;____________________ 3701 P roposed R ules: [87th Cong., 2d Sess.l 910—____ 3708 207_______ _________ —— ____ 3701 Contains laws and concurrent resolutions 14 CFR 46 CFR enacted by the Congress during 1962, 97 [N ew ]__________ 3697 309___ 3706 Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1962, pro 507___________________ 3697 posed amendment to the Constitution, and Presidential proclamations P roposed R ules: 507____ 3710 47 CFR Price: $10.00 2 (2 documents)__________ 3702,3703 18 CFR 21------------------------------------------- 3702 Published by Office of the Federal Register, 1 .----- 3698 81__— ....................... 3702 National Archives and Records Service, 154------------------------------------------ 3699 87—______________________ 3702 General Services Administration 157------------------ i_______________ 3699 89------------------------------------------- 3702 Order from Superintendent of Documents, 250________ 3699 91 (2 docum ents)__________ 3702,3703 Government Printing Office, 93-------------, ----------- ----------------- 3702 Washington, D.C., 20402 21 CFR P roposed R ules: 27-------- 3701 1-------- 3710 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, and days following official Federal holidays, FEDERALMREGISTER by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Serv Telephone # ices Administration, pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, WOrlh 3-3261 approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.O., ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President. Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402. The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to the size of the issue. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code of F ederal R egulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pur suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ederal R egulations is sold by the S uperin tendent of Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements vary. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister, or the Code of F ederal R egulations. Presidential Documents Title 3— THE PRESIDENT Executive Order 11148 DESIGNATING THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE ON EXPORT EXPANSION By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, Section 1(a) of Executive Order No. 11132 of December 12, 1963, is hereby amended by inserting “the Secretary of the Interior;” immediately after “the Secretary of Defense;”. L yn d o n B . J o h n so n T h e W h it e H ouse, March 83, 196J. [F.R. Doc. 64-2970; Filed, Mar. 24, 1964; 11:52 a.m.] Rules and Regulations pounds for fire-cured (type 21) tobacco, Chapter III— Federal Aviation Agency Title 7— AGRICULTURE and tiie national marketing quota of 45.800.000 pounds for fire-cured (types SUBCHAPTER C— AIRCRAFT REGULATIONS C hap ter VII— Agricultural Stabiliza 22,23 and 24) tobacco, proclaimed Janu [Reg. Docket