. I ~ '""", '


Men in Ser-lice Like to .Keep'.'. in Toueh With Home, '. • • • The NEWS Can Follow' Them Anywhere. Ib, N~s TV. 249011 CaIl~TUxedo 2~6900

fuRy Paid CirCulation.

HEADI~I,NES "G..arden S'\7~p.osium jFarmsVotes , " . t.l ' To Protect WEEK th Compil~tI hy lb. To .Open in Center Elm Trees GrOJJ' Point. NewJ Council Directs Engineer To Obtain Bids For Thorough . Thursday, February 21 Friday Morning Spraying Job in Apr.il NATIONAL PRODUCTION On AUTHORITY trims copper and aluminum supplies 14 per cent rwo~day Program Scheduled at Memorial Building as Grosse Pointe Farms' City from, household appliance pro- , Organization Enlarges Scope of Its Services Council Monday night ap., duction, starting April 1.. Comes proved participation in th,~ To- Pointe Residents to aid of firms producing less campaign - to combat' ,the essential items. Hopes to. mini- The Garden Center in the Grosse Pointe War Memorial spread. of Dutch Elm disease mize r,umber of firms which Center will be the scene of a two~day Garden Symposium on as advocated by the Grosse . otherwise might have to shut . February" 29 and':March 1. The event is the opening 1952 Pointe Garden Council and down by making lean metals supply more unifqrm for all. activity t'o enrarge the scope of the service to the comrilUnity the Garden Center. of. this organization, ' €l. I Murray Smith, city engineer~ • • • . was p.uthorized to prepare speci- SCIENTISTS WORKING in In the hope' of eneauraging T' fications and obtain bids for c~operation with New York City more residents to join the Garden 'omorrow spraying' all the elms on dty- Department of Hospitals develop Center, it plans a, series orpro. ' owned property during Ap!,il. "wonder drug" that promises to grams in,addition to,the free gar. World Day Every elm will be given a be most effective agent in the den advice which is available to thorough soaking with .DDT.lt eradication of tuberculosis. any, resident of the community, Of P is estimated the cost of this,and I ... .. '" , Dues are $lper year and mem- 'bership entitles the holdera to at~ rayer a follow-up campaign later in Friday. February 22 the summer to see if any trees ONE AMERICAN SOLDIER tend these additional programs are infected, and if so, to remove and 69 .Korean civilians ldIled ih without further. charge. All Women Urged to Atten'd them, will cost the city about a ComJWunist.led riot at a Koje All ResIdents Invited Service in Pointe Methodist $6,000.' Island sto~kade as 1,500 inmates All residents of the Pointe are Up to Private Owners . of the compound attacked Unit- mVl. 'te.d t0 att end th e sympoSlUm.. Chureh at I:30 P.M • The councilmen agreed that it ed States security troops with Anyone not now a member of the pipes, . rocks. Center may join by paying the Women arbund the world would not be feasible to attempt • • • entrance fee of $1 as dues, are called to observe a day of to reg?late the sprtayiTnhgof trdees The program on Friday will be ' f b Id on frIvate proper y. e gar en GENERA~ DOUGLAS MAC~ prayer 'or a etter wor for groups, aided by the Grosse Arthur issued statement disclaim- devoted to a study of flowers and all people. Prayer builds un- Pointe Property ,Owners' &_ ing any support of General plant materials in the home; derstanding and mutual con~ sociation, are distl'ibutinglitera- Dwight D. Eisenhower's "candi- books ,on gardenipg, noble ar. ct:rn, for one another and binds ture disseminating information to dacy for political office" after rangements and garden acces- , Newsweek magazine said Mac- sories. together God's peoples of the impresS theresidentso! the' ne~ Arthur favored Taft but woUld Mrs. Zelda Wyatt Schulke, of world. :~~i~y c~,~~~~ng their oWn trees support Stassen or Eisenhower . -Pictur~ by Fred 'Runneil. Cieveland, Ohio, noted lecturer '. From dawn on the Fiji Islands There is a state law which al- if either defeats Taft. In connection. 'Yith t~~ two~day Gax:den Sympo~ium to'be ~~ld iri the War Memorial Center FridayanetS~turday" on flower arranging, will give to dusk in the arctic St. LaW-lows the Department of Agricw- .' ...... the .G~rden C0!IDcIllS holdmg. a 'contest for all local students of hlgn school age. Posters' have been: drawn to illustrate two lectures and demonstrations, rence, women of many countries ture to take over in the .event ,Saturda!, February 23 theIr Ideas of '.'How My Back 'yard Should Look." They are being judged this afternoon and will hang in .the ,Center from 10 a.m. to noon and from 2 will unite in the same service of an infected tree is found on FEDERAL AND POLICE nar- through Sunday. Entrants pIctured ab,oveare, left, 'to right, front row: BERNADETTE THIBODEAU Sacred Heart to 4 p.m. Several tables she wHl praise, and penitence, and devo- private property. If the owner cotics officers seized apparently Convent; TERRY -KUHN, Grosse Pointe High; SANDRA SMITH, St .. PauL Back row: CARLA SHERER, Country art-ange will be on exhibit both tion, as hymns and prayers as- refuses to do anything about it, days of jhe' symposium. There cend to the Father of all. The day he is subject to a fine or im- respectable business man and 15 Day; JESSIE ZIMMERMAN, Sacred Heart; MARY HOOVER, GrosSj! Pointe High, members of 'alleged ring in series - will also, be a display of books high~1ights the bond among Chris- prisonment. of raids which reportedly smash- , '" .'", and new Clccessoriesfor garden- Hans. ' ed biggest d?pe ring in Mich- igan's history.: Raids netted more Nab ;Bur.gIiit: ::CO.urse 'for Air ~Raid~Waden, £-olle~es0GlVe-~i~j~*,~l!~'.,~~Shl" ~illbe. ~e~_,:L~~~j~~~~e2~'a~~~<~h:j~~:~ _~, ' fn t~o;:r~:::,:~~~f~eeting thin $100,000 worth of heroin. ~' votea toconferehces on, hortlcul- the service is "Christ, Our Hope." statistica" were ~introduced': .tCi.'- . • • • Takin,Y Away lristructo.rs to be Started .EfPHS Flrad!:' ~Urt:. Since.the man C?fthe fa.m. On this day there is opportun~ ~~Wp;:b~e:S:h.:i:~~es~~~:~, 8EN ATE PRO:aERS find U.S~ U U i' lly 15 9ft~n. mtereste~ m ~lanmng ity for offerings to be received p'aid at least $200,000 in foreign ;. h.b h d CI b M H . . , the garden. surroun~mg hIS home, which are to be used to support early and a thorough job of pro- taxes on materials used in con': , 0 en a ei1,,' elg.,' or 00 . u a.r. 4 tthh~commltttee dsecltdedto stuhdy work with sharecroppers, mi~ i~~ti~e= ~~Dh"el~S:~~~~n'l~ struction of overseas air bases Sf 1 S f I N igh R,atiny.' IS aSI:;'ec on a 1;11' ay,d ,wen grants, American Indians, inter- and may have to pay millions --- II h ------, men mIght be ,able to attend. denominational collegeS' for wo~ mum. 'Where. it was neglected, more. Park Poliee Catch Thief With Parce s Sc 001 Teach~rs Volunteer 100 Percent: Others Alumni do P.,articularly Well (Oontinued on Pare 2) men in the Orient, Christian lit~ costly removal operations were ' I T k Who Are Willing, to Become Instructors Urged to Attend erature for women and chl'ldren experienced. ' • • • Pic kup True kt A so a en In Eas,tern Institut'lons 'In Bids for the .pravm' g r Sunday, February 24 ------P k S d around the world, and friendly ., . a e ex- From Turner Buick Volunteer teachers to instruct air raid wardens l'n the Last S',x Years pected to be cO!lSidered by the HOUSE UN.AMERICA N ar 'to tu y relations amo,ng foreign students. '1 t th t' h d _. . G.rosse Pointe. District Civilian Defens,e, o,r,ganitat'l'on,. WI'II b' e COunCl a e mee mg sc e uled Activities Committee to unmask · t F. PI Services will be held through- for Ma h 17 large number of persons suspect- Grosse PomtePark pollee gIVen ~ speCIal course starting 'on Tuesday, March :4. The by, JOln Ire all, out the Detroit area, including a rc. ed of Communist leanings but patrolmen Arthur Conlan and I course will consist of five sessions, ending March 18 oian Nancy MacDonald.llA, G.P.B.S. service at 1:30 p.m. at the Grosse Woods Is Willing not previously identified as Adam Mouton, picked up hour and a half each. All sessions will start at 8 o'clo'ck. G r a d u ate s from Grosse Grosse Pointe Park officials Pointe Methodist Church, Moross The Woods v:.hich has its own party members. James Pratt, of 3609 Riopelle, : The instructi'on will be given i~0 , -I P~in~e High School have a1- have expressed some apprehen- at Kercheval. An inspiring serv- equipment, has taken no final" b t 3 F b Y 24 as th N' hb h' d CI b d I - d 11" t 1 sion concerning the request of the ice has been planned. All women action on the decision to enter • • • a ou a.. ~., e ruar ' ... ' ,e e,lg, or 00 . u an an~. Iiams Yeager of the Detroit Uni- ways one we m eas ern co ~ into cooperative plan to combat DEPENDING ON THE extent he was drIVmg away from .h~ on.e vnlhng ~o quahfy.as an aIr versity School, Ted Jacobs and leges, but in the last six years City of Grosse Pointe that fire everywhere are urged to attend. the disease, but it was reported of the rise in the .cost of living, pay rates of 1,500,000factory em. Turner B~ick Co. 15301 Kefr- :i~~;arden mstructor ISurged to George Krutel1 of the ,Mason. t~eir records have been excep- i~~t;~~~~ ::d ~~:e~a~~~T~:yp:~ that officials will consider sug-. ployes, more than half of them cheval, WIth _.the firm's' sa e ;: ., S h 1 d DB' , .- tlOnally good., 'During this t t' Id b 'd f d Two Shoplifters gestions of the joint committees in Detroit and other' automobile loaded on one of the agency's '. FIve Sessi0;Ds~c~eduled" . c 00, ~an .. ~n erry of the time, considerably more grad- ~d~~n t;eOuprese~tP~~opo~~l ~~e P 0 M k t favorably, . pick-up tru~ks. The safe con- ~he first seSSIOnWIll be dlY.ld- Parcells School. r .' ". uates of Grosse Pointe High City would be split. up into two rey n ar.e The City of Grosse Pointe has plants, are due ~to rise after st March 1.. tained about $3,000 in cash and ed mto ~wo pa~ts, th: fix havmg Complete Organizations School entered Eastern col- territories to be covered by the I approved participation in the ' to do WIth Introductlon and Role The local OeD has also an- leg-es o.f hl'gh n-k th 'n . othe,r municipalities. The Cit" Two c"ses of sl'mple lar'ceny plan and is making preparations • • • checks . of Warden, and the sectmd With ' . -. .. ra -, . a :n any J '" ~onday,.February 25 Pratt :md a former Turner em. The Atom Bomb. :r:01.lnced the completed orgamza,- other five-year penod In the would maintain its fire station on were reported at the Big Bear for its activation. TEN WESTERN EUROPEAN ploye'had planned the burglary a Th ' d" -M h6 tlonofthe-FarmsandtheWoods. sehool'shistory Maumee, but with a smaller force. Market, 17410 Mack'avenue, in Park to Do Own Job week ago while they were i~ a '11 ~ s~c~n,..seStSlOnron arc ,Frank Crum hasbeendfrecting That they have'done exception- Afpresent the Park.is classified the past week. On February 21. The Park proposes to buy its nations have joined the United Th States in a' move designed to Wayne' County jail cell. Pratt was ~~ h ~c ~ e. m~ z:ucbloTnonI - e 'the. organization in the Farms ally welln scholastically is made as a Fourth Class municipality. Grosse Pointe City police received own equipment and administer being held at that time as a bad d.1g BXP°bsl:,e o~ ' 1 e hnc~n- since the origmal director, Wil- apparent through statistics. In Application to be reclassifiedoas a a call from the market that a man one good spray to its 3,250' city- insure that strategic goods are Ch not transshipped to Communist- check ~uspect. . "lla~y I .Jvm i emlca . and -BIO- lierm L. Newnan, moved out of 1950 ten' high school graduates Third Class municipality is in the had taken four cartons of cigarets owned elms \ before the first Cases Buildinll' ,OgTIhca th,adfare. . ,that city and into Grosse' Pointe fewer than the average number' offing. The Park officials feel now a11da packaged one pound steak. foliage, with a spot spray in controlled countries. .. " e Ir. seSSIOnon March 11 P k . • ' th t 't' lik 1 th t h r 1 • • •• Pratt was releas:dM~p,da~, :will give :'further instruction on ar., . - enter~d the following colleges:' fa 1 'l~ bey. a dt Be lCfd Po ice picked tl\e man up at August around those areas, if IOn :Ph HOUSE UN-AMERICAN Ac- Februa.ry 18, and paId a VlSlt to chemical and biological warfare . Other volunteers .m the .Farms Yale, D~rtmouth, Harvard, Cor. th fiwl1 e app!ove ' uths 0C~t1 the market. and on February 25, I any, that then prove to be in- d b tivities Commitfee acted to the BUICkagenp.y to check on the and Organization of Civil De- mclude: Mrs. Led~ard MItchell, nell, Prmcetot:l, and M.I.T. Not e re:p an propos~ . y e 1 y before Judge Leslie P. Young, I fected, , squelch planned demonstration detai.ls of a floor plan described fense.. Jr.; . of K~n~lOod .road,. adminis. all of these students were in the be, put mt? eff~ct, It IS felt that he was found guilty and sen- Grosse Pointe Shores has not by hIS cell'"mate. ' Th f th .' M I 15 tratIve dIrector' Remmgton J top third of their graduating class the reclasslficatlon request would ten.ced to, .30 days in the Wayne committed itself to an,y generally against its probe into Com- . ' ' e our seSSlOnon arc 1 ' , . " , • t b t d d h t 't ' 1 I mttnism in Detroit. Plan was for Park pollee ~al~ that Pratt ~adwill be on Basic Firefighting for ~urdy and,.H:.Terry Snowday, as- but their. first-semester, college n.o e gran e , an tal .IS pos. County' Jal or a fine of $50 and approved plan that will check Communist sympathizers to pack entered the bUlldmg by breaking Individuals. slstant, ~htectors; . 11rs. D. W. marks totalled well above aver- sl~le the, Park wo.u~db.e made a an additional charge of $5 in the disease. At the present time' court-room where hearings are a window. He rolled .t,he.safe t:o The fifth and fin~l session. will G.ooden~ugh and M,rs:E: ,? Bo~~ age; 13 per cent of their grades ,Frf~h Cl~ss m':lIllclpall~y. Such co~t.s. The fin'e and costs were Ithe municipality has' its own to take place and stage demon~ the garage whe~eh.e used,a bloc~~ be on March 18 when the pros- k~n" aSSIstant admmlstratlVe dr- were.A:, and 45 per cent we!e B. actIon, mIght ra15e, the .msurance pald. equipment, but it is not suitable strations, an~.tackle to hft.!t ,onto a com; p'ective teachers will be taught rectors; '." There, was nG grade of faIlure, r!ites on ;all cOmml!!rCla~estab- On February 25, City police of- for the' DDT spray. It_ is not • • • pany truck. on PhI . 1 D f'd' PrecmctWardens and only 14 per cent were below lishments m the commumty. The ficer Edward Behrend, off duty at known yet whether or, not it Tuesday, February 25 Pratt. was arraigned' before Speci~:cD~t~;t~f W:r~~~~. ' an Prec.inct Air~aid Wardens: in average. . effect would be .felt by schools, the time, called his ~e~artment I would be advisable to get new LINDSAY C. WARREN, comp- Judge C. J,oseph Belanger, F~b-' ' En oil 100 P t the Farms, inClude~,,Robert, B. Look Into Records ' and places of busmess. . and reported a Shop-!lftmg sus~. equipment or overhaul the old, troller general of the United ruary 26,.on cha~ges. of breakmg , . r ..ercen Hunter" Fra~klin ':l\~.Walker, Digging back. into the records How~ver, Park CounCIlmen I pect at the market agam. The sus-l or contract a spraying company States, reports extensive leakage and en~er~ng at mght and larceny . It was ~nouncedthat the en-William T. Kneghoff, PhiHp Van of the. 1930's we find a study'of have ,expressed willingness to I' pect was arrested and admitted • . from the $61,000,000,000Pentagon of a bulldmg.... tIre:,teachmg staff pJ tIle Parcells Zile, James W. Btandart, William the . first _semester ,grades of' look. into' thema'tter thorol!lghly having taken a package of bacon T h. R d' kitty and the $7,300..000,000.Mu~ ------School has volunteered 100 per- D Stockard. and. William Jo'h.n' G , .. 'p" t Hl'gh'S h 1 g d with an eye towal;,d'instituting a and a half-pound of butter. He I owns lp ea v . ECTION cent to t'ake" th . t t ' . . rosse GIn e , c 00 ra - 1 th t "II h 1 f 1 ' d t t' t I '"' tual Security Program. Extensive CORR . .' , e InS ruc 01'5 Baker. . '. I uates, who entered high ranking p an a WI prove e p u to Its I was serve a caul' no Ice 0 ap- I T R t .F .d waste in military and foreign-aid A ctty of Grosse P,omtefire.' course. '.. . Lawrence D. Marl' of-Anita ave- eastern collegss then. These rec- sister municipC'!lity without seri- pear March 10. to answer charges I 0 e urn .un s spending found in Germany and department. annual :eport, pub-_ Those wh~ already, have ta,l<~n ' . Z 'w d f.~ th" 'ords-show th£ft the average first- o~sly affecting its present status. of simple larceny. II , lished last week, saId the Park the course.m DetrOIt and WIIJ ,nue IS ?ne, ar~n .o~ " ~.' ,.. 1 .. ------T North Africa.. • • .d d th City on three. calls. now act as instructors to the new WS)Qd~,DIstnct w~rd~ns m.clude: semest~r, co lege.g.rades,.ior the y.. .th Wh W · p. t izel~h~a~~~;~~l C~::ka~~h~~: ~lhi~f LeJger Chauvin says it was' volunteers, .include: . Watrena !!oward L. Dave1?-P9rt, Jerome. 'last .,SIX years IS conSIderably 0 ' ce.pt settlement, of its account. NEWBOLD MORRIS, Govern- the City which answeted three Rhodes of Mason School; Head- .r ~nsler, George LaForest, Harry above the avera,ge of fi!st-semes- au as zn Oln e ment cleanup head, announced P k Ils ' master John Chandler and Wi1~ Fm,dlay, John K. Lash, Adam ter college grad~s\,of hIgh school Put b. WIth Grosse Pomte Township as plans to demand an income ac. _ar ca . StrIckler, John Foster, David graduatl?s attendirig these schools ,Robbe~.r'l.eS on P-YO atlon soon ~s the ~gure is approved by counting from all key Govern. Burnett.' Edgar Galloway, Kram- in earli~r years. , ' I the CIty audItors. ment workers as the first major 'n'l-JVertr.. Ins'peet £1'row"f'"h,. er W. Foster and. Harry Ham- In !\ddition to a strong average ------The Farms ceased to be a part step in his drive ~gainst corrup- V U mond.

GIUSEPPE CATALONETTE, Cleaning Co!/!several months ago. II str\.letu~e"16 fee~ m dla~eterand Thursday, March 6,~St. Paul School, ~:30;.4:_3()" entry a~ 155 Lothrop, the home ship Lines auto shipment park- 21. The police 'surnmone..dt Dr. , "The Old Man." was.indicted to- He had .st~bsequently_ obta.ined 10,f=e:hlg\wtl~~a comcal:ro~f., .Th., ursday; Mafch'6,;.,S.'t.',Paul:S, c,hool,'.1:00:,9:06; of the Wayne C. Longs. After a ing lot, and -others from the A: Z. Rogers ,who ordered Mr day and placed before Federal, the permlSSlOn of the c04nclI to The w~ter,ent~s. ,t he, crIb confession in, which he also ad- Kaiser.Fraser lot at the .Willow Wedyke .to Saratoga Hospital: Judge Arthur Lederle for im-Igo aheaCl with the workatthe,t~rough,louvres,Qr ven~ m~e, M6nd8y,;M~r.chlO,'Sf.~I3.r'e.Sdi(j6(8:'30.4:'30, nutted to, a burglary of a Lake RunpJant. It was for a theft Mr. Wedyke was,sbicken at 7:30 mediate arraignment after out. I $1500figure. SIde and ,under the ~on~cal roof. Tu,' ~sda~', M.'ar~h 11, Sf. C"Iare S,ebool,' 8:30-4:36. Shoi'e road residence, Caver was from the Kaiser-Fraser lot in p.m. It llad been the' third at~. witting narcotics agents. for at l Wh~I?/ "Mr. '. Smith resumed. ~t passes f.rom,tfie cnb mto a 36 " locked up at the Farms police September that Caver received tack since 5. o'clock that. atter- least a decade. negobatlons WIth the company, (Continued on Page 2) Tuesday, March 11, St:.;Clar~Sch~ol;:t:QOl!J~oo~ c' station. sentence to Jackson. ' n~on. - ,

• -, ' •. 'I!t ... - .- ••••

r t est 35"PdWriltbC¥''' C7Mf.'b€fWbif'bc"m dr'¥" bt -',' .oHM ,' .. ' ,- . --;\ -. -. ... -

! .. Page Two, Thursda.YJ February 2~,. 1952. Thursd.Y, DELEGATES' ELECTED At a recent meeting of Gen, I Alexander Macomb ChaPter, U. S. SympositiinTo ,Hire, Diver 'FundC'haifman". ;Two ,~ccountan~8;',:' .Daughters of 1812, nineteeri dele- , (Continued from Pale 1) (CO!lU~~ectfrom P.... I) " " "Given .New:: Posts . gates and ten alternates were _ ,," , i, ',' ,,' " , • '-.elected to represent the chapter Four well-knoWl'l' landscapear- inch pipe which .lead.'to .the at the 53d annual State Council c~itects will be on. hand. for spe. sCI'ee.nedshore 'well:from'_wlrlch of the Society, to take place CIa! free consultatIOns, mcludmg, , ..' " ", " " ' ..." Edward A. Eichsteda, .Edward H. the water ,lS., pumped:th;rou~h ,the' " March 10 and 11, at the Whittier Hotel.' Detroit.' Laird, B. S. Whikworth and' ,Miss filters ,.and 'throu,hout.the '.sYi'~.'. Eleanor Roche. ' tern. ' " , ,Dr. Tyson to Speak . Mr. '~inith.ugg~ied' 'hat ,tb~' ~~ ~r. J~es ~ysc:m, head. of, 5011 next .tep ,w.ould.~:b:tA9 hire. aD SCIence. of MIChlg~? Sta~e Col- diver; who:wou~d~nter the' <:i'ibl; It'::ge,~Ill speak on ,f1aI?tmg .andthrough ., manhole 'in the top; ~:-: Care .of Your Lawn. Wlt~ sl1d~s ,Hf' willthenbe.aple to inspect.!~ at. 10.30. a,m, ~e wIll brmg ~1.S the interior 'of the crib-and would I'''. I SOlI testmg eq~l1pment and. WIll g~. up, int9the 36 "inch., jntake','~ l •••• ~est as many SOlI. samples brought pIpe to make' an. examination of '.~ In by Grosse POInte gardeners III any possI'ble corr .,' , "wt' h";;;'ie, t' 11 Oth I OSlon or g1'O : .. , Ime a ows. er samp es may He would work fromil ",cow' ;.:,; I be sent to the colleg~ for a later anchored in th 1 k 't th - b;' ;.~ Tepo t '. e, a ,e a .e, 1& ' .1' ' I ,overnmelitbuoy ,which. m"arks; ,.; !E GIlbert Bentley, seed expert, th' ] ". ... , , .' '..• '," . "~:'; !E .'11 e k "A 1"" t 2 e ocation of the .crIb",.now'.: W 1 sp a on nnua sap m 'd" ", . " . , ~== d '11 h l'd' f ft' . . covere WIth fIve to seven 'feet ' an WI S ow S 1 es 0 . owers of water.'- ' . ! i that were grown from hIS com- ..,.: ' . . ;', pany's seeds. , Mr. .SmIth ,saId there ,IS no i= lIr1'. Vill t Ch . ImmedIate concern as.long as the ~ .,'. e.-o aJrlnan water level of Lake St. Clair' is Mr~, Geor.ge E. Villerot, mem- so high. In ,the ,event' of low I I be~shlp chairman of the Grosse water, .a considerable' problem ::: Nothing puts yon "out of POI~te Garden Center, is general might be' presented: ~ rune" with thoeworld more ~hairman of t~e symposium. She The green growth. was 'first ~ g ~ C)~ickly, and more surely .as the .followm members to as. discovered about two years. ago. . 51St her. JYlrs. Wendell K. Whee. It is not a sea weed, but a much than poor health. Old "• I lo~k. chaIrman of .lectures for coarser growth that apparently ! I Mother you Nature-wants Frrday,. ,~nd Mrs. Juhan P. ~owen has'no..life cyclel It is a brilliatrt ••• to be ""il. She will help, as c~auman for Satur.day s '~ec. green all year. around, and feeds if you take the first step. tures, Mrs, Eugene ~. Hawkms, on ferous exide. . Why not go to see yoUt' Mrs. Chess Lagomarsmo, Jr., and i== Mrs. James A. Lafer, contact It has ~een suggested that an = 'Doctor right, away? And ~ chairmen. and Mrs .. J. LAwrence elec~rol~lc proces~' might ~e, ef,. we hope you will bring his Buell. hostess chairman. fectIve 1n attemptIng to kIll the prescriptions to us fot . growth. Just. how lIerious the .', ~l~S A~der5o~preside~t . problem is will not be known un ... I Our careful compounding. ~lS.S Mane Lottl~e Anderson 1S til~he diver goes down. It is Muti(ated Body assIsting .as presIdent of the hoped this can be arranged as Grosse Pomte Garden Center, and soon as the ice goes out of th~ Of Baby, Found.:, . ~- '. NOTRE DAME Miss Christine Edwards will staff lake. -. the tabl.e, where .membership In the meantime, it was stated' ClUlarenplaying .in the woods PHARMACY cards .wIll be ava11able. Mrs. that Hiihland Park is going GPHS G d south of Charlevoix, between Me. F~edeflc~ ,!,. Campbell and M~!. ahead with plans to clean out the ra s Kinley and' Lewiston, ,on Sunday, Wood WIlhams ar layot1~ chaIr. miles of pipe which carry its Fe1;>ruary -24, discovered an open , 17000 Kerchev"l Phone TU '.2154 7 11 men for Saturday s Horhc~llture water from the i tak t th t package. containing the body of .(Continued ..from Page 1) Good lighting spreads & cheery glow all Day, and plan to. have a dIsplay city n e 0 a - , a new-born baby, apparently RE LlAt) I of forced plant 'material floVIn in . record t~e study of first semeste_r fully developed. It had been .bout a rOom ... creates.a .light-hearted FEll ~-.~ r.- -= rD', ~ for this occasion. Mrs. James W. eastern college grades shows that partially' dismembered. mood. Draperies take on brightercoJor •••. ~ 1"'.(/ ~-~,.., Lee II is publicity chairman, • I •••• .~ .'~ •••• Traffic Cases during the past 17 years. no Grosse' 'Pointe Farms police are furniture seems' to shine .. ~ .' your Jiving ,.y PRESCRIPTION) List of Hostesses Grosse Pointe High School grad- conducting .a~ investigation that joom'takes 'on new- glamour~', " • ....., • f '. 0, • ADDI~ Symposium host~sses for Fri- Heard In City uate has ..flunked out. During this has as yet prod1,1cedno leads. It To enjoy the comfort, convenience. and day will include: Mrs. W. George time there has been less'than two is oelieved' that animals muti. I Eversman and Mrs. Otis Walk~r lated the body .. ' Some ne'" • • Justice of the Peace Leslie P. :per cent failure in first semester beauty of good lighting you should have SEE YOURHOlfE of the Windmill Pointe Garden Young disposed of two cases at grades in these colleges by G.P. at least ,one or two Boor or table lamps prus, IN A NEW liGHT aU carl' Center, Mrs. Rufus Clark and Complete, the Municipal Court .session of H.S. graduate. The percentage of wall and s~ing-arm lamps. RememBer"a. ~~~.::~ Nunri-Bhsh Mrs. Joseph Dodge of the Grosse the City of Grosse Pointe, Feb- failUre for the last several years TUXEDQ yout family,increaes so do your lighting Pointe. Farm and Garden Club, ruary 25. has been considerably lower than RENTALS Mrs. C. R. Pollard, Mrs. S. A. Mc- Mary Ellen West, 1337 Cadieux, this. In comparison, first semester needs. Visit your la:mp. and tlxture- deaiet. ;//'1f:J::a~ Intosh, Mrs. D. J. Hanna and Mrs. was fined $10 and charged $5 in grades at most colleges include Correct J.' E. McCaughey of the Grosse cost~ for reckless. driving and in- from four per cent to eight per MI!l1'1l Formal Weal FOR FULL INFORMATION ••• I Pointe Woods Garden Club. terfering with a pedestrian. cent failures. for All Occasions I, Saturday's hostesses will in- . Wood. Frank A. Bachman', 99' Owen, These are only some of the rec- 1674' Hil ,ielude: Mrs, Henry Bogle and Tuxedo Rentals CHESTER Mrs. Lester Moll of t'he Grosse Detroit, failed to appear to an- ords which help to give G.P.H.S. swer charges of driving while un. an enviable record in eastern as 20733 Mack. at 8 Pointe Garden Club, Mrs. Emil TU 1-3530 Boo"r SHOP I del' the influence of alcohol. ;; I well as ..mid-western colleges .. I Leidich of the Gtosse Pointe Park 15911 East Warren I Garden Club, Mrs. James Cope 'At Euckingham TV. 5-0863 and Mrs. Earl Failer of the Grosse Open Fri. and Sat. 'tll 8:30 Pointe Shores Farm and Garden I Club, and Mrs. Kenneth Beards------,lee and Mrs. Albert Lau of the Pointe Garden Club. AII..Wool' • Photographers SL'AC'KS To Shoot Models I • '.- I I Character models will be fur. I ... 95 ! nished by Dr. Gordon Aldrich, $12 I and L. A. Longshore. for a "shoot- ! ing session" at the Grosse Pointe Wem1tdea I wonderful Camera Club at its meeting on ~ purcha!;e! l Beautifully . Tuesday evening, March 4. I' tailored ! There will be many changes of • 51acks in I costumes during the evening in all-wool gment and background : drops so that many, interesting 28 I results may be obtained. to 42 ! Wayne Donaldson, president of i the c1ub,_has also arranged for Reg. the ,members to' submit general I I i

$15.95 .1' prints for judging by a panel of Value I the .J judges and awards ,will be made • I for those selected. : , I. The interested public has been I ! invited to attend and all have I' TOWN HALL I heen urged to bring plenty of, I film. The meeting will be held I i in the club rooms in the Neigh- • !borhood Club. S'CI"dclTC!eqolpm,,"'. MEN'S SHOP I \ accessories and trim Wear it IIIlIS'rol"d cr" lubi"ct 10 .11 thrc HOUSEHOLD HINT Don't miss the big television hit, I'TOAST OF THE TOWN" with Ed chong" wilhov' no,lce. CADIEUX ! Whl,. Itd.'woll ,t,... 1 wh." and S,: : Save the inside wrappings from Sullivon. Su~day evening, 7 to 8 p.m. Stotion WJ BK.TV, Chonr,el 2. oyoilcbl., 0' .,,'ro CO". AT -EVANSTON 1 butter and lard in your refriger- I Plateau Open ~IOD., Tu!'., Wed. 'Tn II ator. They are excellent for weight ~; Open Thurs.. Fri., Sat. 'TU 9 i ! greasing baking iins. at home ------_._------_ .._--_ .._-----_._------all thrc •.. bec~ -=- . ffiEli j slip intr, weight ~ ~ EB'S EYES just isr ~~ =: stead. \ freshim .~ ~ WERE FAIL- thanks ing of .. _EW "1£T .SCODP" FORERUNNER mUN8- flEW 125.IP Y.I PERFDRMANCE NEW "INTERClPTOR"PAIt£L- The most practical NEW SPORTS,CAR "FLOOR.FREE" PEDAL-The NEW CENTRALIZED "HIDE.AWAY'~ GAS CAP ~ ING FAST •.• Here'l the mod Chgtlenglng new,'Car d.sign -Up Cloe, the horsepow.r. in!trument panel ev.r de.igned; It take. its broke p.dal is suspension mounted (no "':It i. located behind the new hinged wo rs1 on the AmericDn Road-mod. poalble by Up goes the comprltilion ratio. in.pirgtlon from the quick-sight' controls In' the n.ed for a floor hol.) for .asier action and lice~e.plate holder. You con approach Mills. j .. w method. in m.t~ .nglfl .. rlng. J'he teslllb, Thi. engine hal '0 b. good. It'l loted fighting aircrClft. All Instrumenll are extra foot room. Drafts and dust ora -mini- gg, pumpi from either ,Id •. Everywher. Timely n.w and dlff.r.nt l.t'l' go" Jinel, '~Spac.- precilion-mgnufoctured by th. convenl.ntly group.d In a hgndsome, unitized mized. lig, powerful, quick-acting brokel you look ther.'. 'omething new, for the _iii''4 ~:n~~:;;~nb~;o,:~~:;~r~~ planned" Intltriorl;' lip to 17'1.greGter builde" of more V.B. thon canlore+bvil' out from the dGlh far .lIIY provide smoother, tofer, Itraight.line StOPI 1952 Mercury I. a really new cor! See. anced c , ,.\} thesepart~.He.couldwriteanim- wlbillty, esp.clolly over the low hood. all oth.r cemponl•• ce,mbined. reodln., reaching, and "eyes-frol'll" IQfely. In '.Iponle to tfte .lIght•• t to. pressur •. thl 1952 Mercury. compare if, today' Plateat: ~I tI , , pressive description, too, if you ~hape l;' were !elling a piece of the "back fifty" acres of Y9ur farm. WfTI.l MEIle-O-MRle DR1VE* More g;J11/ - . . . ~, But poor Eb W!l~gettirlg old and feeble and began making. ~-WAV CHOICE! Three dependable, appear" niistake~ - many of which show up in the records of Detroit all thy; performance- proved drivel5: .Silent .ea@e ~Iroperty. today. standard tiansmis~ion; thrifty Touch-Q. year v.. Of COlme, Eh is a fictional character and the chance of /q52 Matic Overdrive*; and Merc.Q.Matie*, teau. little eTT(I,3 of bygone years ever effecting your own prop- greatest of all automatic drives. erty are pretty remote- but, people today still make mi,- .OptWrI4/l1t e%trl1 coot tflkes. Thafs why your best protection is a title msurance policy on your real etItate. , . With full title insurance, this company will not only defend ~DEALER'S your title in court, but will re~embune you in case your SeEE .IT AT YOUR MERCURY NOW! title fails or prove! unmarketable. , . ,I .... In!i~t on Title Insurance when you buy real ~tate-and buy it from Michigan', oldeat title insurance eompany- , • .See .the N@w ~9:i2 MfJrcU';1I at ABSTRACT AND TITLE . , GUARANTY COMPANY " TUXEI 1.925 ! '735 c(RISWOlD • eOPPOSITI CITY HALL e WO 3--5110 -TRACY.MOTOR SALES, Inc_ J IRAHCHIS TO SERVf YOU • 130 Ktrcheval Avenue Grosse Pointe Farms ...


• \ L ~ __ ~~ __ ~~~~_~ _ '-.;, .~ .~ '_. ~-.' ;

.. uary 28, 1952 6R OSSE Pag8Three Thun~.y, February 28, 1952 " , • commercial channel nay expand- its, edu- "ices all- ovet Michi..; Fire 'Does $500 Damage to.Home te!evisi()n. screen._ Robert Pelletier reported a fire curtains ablaze in the front room. extinguished. and N • • • • ' Thefl.re was in his home at 20726.Charlevoix .. the furniture removed to the HENRY Po' KOHL Wednesday evening, ; March ':I, on February 19.. When Woods front lawn of the Pelletier resi- ' will mark the :}a8t lecture in the fire yolunteers and police arrived, dence. Fire loss and smoke dam*- most. successful ~series present~d. . -they found the furniture and age was .estimated at SSo,(j. by thei• University of . Michigan 'S Extension. Service. and sponsored by the Grosse 'Pohite War Me- morial Center, 32 Lake Shore ro.ad. '. _...... ,., .Professor Gleml'.:.:D. McGeogh .. FLOWER has proved to be a most excellEmt lecturer'. with. much .,.of interest •••••••••••• OF THE WEEK ••••••••••• 'and value to. impart to his en- • thusiastic' audience . • • ',The finallecttire; entitled ~'Style AIR EXPRESSED in Music,'~ wilL present a survey 'of changing styles in music, point- There's FROM THE COAST! ing out. the shift qf emph~sis in. 'the eTements from the eighteenth century to the pre~ent day. Daffodils Lewis Novak, Jr., !' one The Ca$h.ftnJ.Carry Price Is ,Receives.' Honor

SO VERY LOW Congressman Louis C. Rabaut. announced this week that he has , . . ." _' -Picture by Fred Runnells .. -that }tou'll be amazed! been able to name another 14th . More than ~OO-attendedthe birth9.aydinner . of Pac.k 74 Cub. Scouts" sponsored by District resident to his list of RIchard -School, op February 20. Therevent was heldm thei~Grosse PointeCongrega~ :.- .J. . alternate appointees to the Unit- tional Church. Seated, left, to right are: MRS,LARRY GENTILE, CUBMASTER LOUIS near ...... ~ ~..~ . .ed States M;ilitaryAcademy . HUNT and TED GRACE, JR.; secretary. 'of the pack committee~ Back row, left to ]:ight: VA. 2.0901 . Lewis J. Novak, Jr.,' of 370 K~T GEN;TILE~ TED GRA<;E III and PE~ER MONROE.<;::eremoni~s were conducted by McKinley avenue, Grosse Pointe, KIt Genhle, Gharles Dobbms, John DaVldson, James Carnes, Bob Hunt Dan Book was named asa thiia alternate Charles Kress, :M;artinHenke and Dave Burgess. Among the speakers we;e Scciut 'Ex~ after one of Rabatit's previously named candidates. had .declined ecuti.ve Lutz ~f the Detro~t Area Councilt, ~ommissio~~r .We.bst~r of the Pointe Area, KING'S his ,appointment. PreSIdent Komng of the RIchard PTA~~emmgton Puray" InstitutIOnal representative for you FLOWERS • Congressman R a ba.u t. told the Cub Scouts, and Ted Grace,. Jr. ... . _,... i ' Novak ''In accordance with the "F I T FOR A QUE E N" grades of. the contestants,. as a result of the preliminary com- .Future .'Nurses' 14522 JEFFERSON petitive Civil Service Examina- Council Approves Starting If you pay telephone bill. in person, re- tion, you merited the next high~ Club Or,ganized member there' a a place in your neighbor- est place, and I am pleased to 'Farms Pier.Improvements' advise you that I am nominat- . Under the sponsorship. of the I hood that accepts telephone' payment! at ing you as thirdaltemate.to the First steps to protect and im~ entire beach pai'k, to be sub- United States Military Academy, prove the pier at the Farms mu- . Wayhe County Health Depart- no extra charge. mit,tedto the voters this,.fall for ment .th" Grosse POl'nte HI'gh I "You are to be congratulated nicipal beach park will be taken - \:. as soon as bids can be obtained theIr approval of a bond Issue to School has formed' a Future FEBRUARY CLEARANCE for your ambition to seek' such . Telephone bills may. paid at any. a splendid education coupled and weather permits, it. was de- carry 'on the major project .. All ; Nurses Club. The club will make be SALE cided at a meeting of the city phases of the. pa'rk, deveiopment': it pos~ib~e for young girls in- with the desire to serve your bank in Detroitt for instance. Many other TYPEWRITERS country." council Monday. night. will be taken into consideration I tere~ted In becoming nurSE:S to The Farms has taken delivery' , . .' I receIve some preliminary ex- .business places are authorized to act as ADDING MACHINES of all of the $20,000. worth of l~c~udmg bat~Ing areas: pIer ad- I perience. and training. our agent also .. 1951 MODELS ,Brake Failure steel sheeting ordered to encase ditlOns, plantmg, traffIC areas, There are a number of clubs Some new'-some demonsh'ators-- the outer and inner walls of the picnic sites, etc. ~n existence throughout Mfch- SEE YOUR HOME O'.ltside pier, ~nd government per- Area Is Enlarged ,Igan. .They arr,ange scholarships A Jis't of such places ,will be sent with. IN A NfWUGHT all carry one-year fuarantee, . Cause' of Crash mission to use the material has . The Farms purchased an addI- to varlOUS nursmg schools, spon- ~~.~~~ Complete Line of OfficI Machines your next bill, so you'll know the one and Supplies The' brakes of a car driven by I been obtained. . I. h~nal ~50 feet of lake frontage SOl' lectures, ~nd arrange. open- M . M t S H . f 1380 N T' d ,thlS wmter from John Wood. houses at hospItals where groups nearest you. Or you can find out by call- I Orfs. d argadre 'l' d artrtlS o. t eed Ie Ro S I house of Lake Shore road, and may be exposed to the duties x or roa al e a he In er- P .. . t'll b ht I ' I. r f W tt I d R' d ermIsslon IS S.l elOg. soug Ihas an optIon to buy another 150 and methods of the nursing pro- ing our Buainell Of~ice listed in"the Tele- NATIONAL ~ec I<;>n0 21 a er 00 an Ivar, .from the government to obtain feet this year. Acquisition of the fession. phone Directory . \ OFFICE EQUIPMENT ' . e;:uariI '. d ~ tie rods which. are necessary for new area will give the Farms There are now 26 m¥mbers at e I rs]. arrdls t <; rko s sl 95'0 OOln0 a' completed job. When both sides I a total of 22 acres of land and the Grosse Pointe High School '674' HARPER at lishop .cal.l TUxedo 1;'7130 W t d \7[ o~ ~n s ~uc M \ 1 I b r of the pier - have been covered water in its recreational park. Under the direction of Albert~ Call us anyfime you want to discuss mob1 e r lv e nF'! h a e d. sa e a with the' new sheeting, the top \ Davis of Bournemouth road who Ro er tSOlSf 3 1 2 er roa , f 'II b d' h . , " ' your service. Calls to the telephone office -Edison .' , sur . WI. e cappe Wlt I' F H et. Ie d IS the Publl(' Health Nurse for Mrs. HarrIS was tIcketed for cement to make a permanent job our th h 1 th . 1 ' ._. - --.- -.. OSPI a lze are free. not having her car undW control On recommendation of Murray'j A C .Bet T e tS~ 01°, e !?Ir s ar~ gettmg . , °d tSar I S ree prac lca expenence III the an d causmg an aCCI en . Smith, city engi~eer, the council fundamentals Of nursing. . v~ted Mon~ay nIgh~ 1.0 go ahead I . --. - They are also conducting a Our Business aI/ices at Gratiot near VanDyke To PoII ReSIdents WIth ~ncasI.ng the mner, wall ~f Clarence Beshke of 1672 Re- drive for old sheets and pillow . .' e , ., th,e pler WIth the sheetmg. ThIS I naud road reported to Woods slips from which they make pads anti ~ast Jefferson near, Coplin will be closed Of CambrIdge Rd. WIll ,keep the ~lake waters fr~m ~olice that an automob,ile had for the Ca~cer Society; and they I _ rushmg through the present ple'l' I Jumped the curb on an ICy turn are collecmg toys arid clothing alter March 1. . - and will provide calm mooring near his horne and had hit a tree. for Pointe families. Residents of Cambridge road waters during the coming boat- The accident occurred at 3 a.m. On March 6 they will hear will be polled by the City of ing sc,ason. . on February 23.. Elizabeth Hilborne, professor at Grosse Pointe Farms to deter- mine whether they. want that ' Bids Being Sought The owner of the car, Robert the' Wayne University College . MIOHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE OOMPANY street opened through to Ker- Marme contractors are to be A. Clement Jr., 1300 Renaud, was of Nurses, discuss the curriculum cheval avenue, Cambridge runs contacted for bids for driving the treated at the Sara.toga Hospital and advantages .of the schooL ~~~~n~~tim~edfuc~ fura~oofun~md~e~~ ---.------from Grosse Pointe boulevard, north to within about 70 feet of of this first part of the program Two of the passengers were KerchevaL' will be about $8,000. n is hoped held over night at the hospital. Som~ years ago the residents the government ,permission for One was treated for a broken the tie rods will" come through nose and. possible broken ribs. • petitioned to ha'!e the street ex- in time so the other part of the Another was' treated for a leg in- tended, but it was stopped when Chances are lout '0£ 4 one resident objected. There sheeting may be installed this I jury, A third passenger received have been a number of reql.lests fall, 'first aid and was released. for widening of. the pavement, There. was also discussion of Clement was ,ticketed for and some sentiment has again preparing ~ompleted plans for a property da~age and rele.ased by you-will face hospital bills a eau been shown to have .the street, rull-scale rmpro~ement of the pollee pendmg court actlOn. pushed through to Kercheval., i The matter has come to a head in the next 12 months! with an application for a build- QUALITY BUILDERS the lult with ing permit which would locate a residence right iri the path of any I WAL TERH. DESIMPEL and SON the weightl ... feel •• .; proposed extension. II ~------att---~~.- . . The Board of Education owns GENERAL CONTRACTORS the Old Kerby' School property, Here's a wonderful way to pr~tect Wholly non-profit operation makes these low costs by Timely. Clothes which borders on the west side I 30 Ye~rs' of SC1tished Customers possible. Every penny received above nominal of Cambridge. It is believed the Residential and Co.mmei'cial building, also re- your hard ..earned savings against expense, is earmarked for benefits that go back to board may be selling off parcels. the members. BLUE CROSS- BLUE SHIELDp\ans of this proSlerty now that all modeling. Specializing in Birmingham and hospital and medical bills, anti to are & public service and a public trust conducted pupils have been moved to the Grosse Pointe areas. truly and purely "for the people" of Michigan by 5.::,'1j:!~d e=lviD.,.e,,'. afford the best medical care. the hospitals and doctors themselves, cottes,ories ~"oi trl", Wear it noY{ •.. and New Kerby School several blocks " ~trated are lubi~ct to all through'S p r i n g notth. The old school building is MIdwest 4.8151 JOrdan ~,-6674 ,TUxedo 2.3219 ~on; .. withour no~jc:•• "Blue C,oss ho. b"en wonderlulll wo. a oreal ...ide.woll rirM, wh.f' and S t1 m mer. It's being used for storage of supplies. HERE IS NO ESCAPE from hospital-confining rttli.f 10 know I \NOsr~cej\'ing the core needed :Jilable. at extra COlt. to get weU without worrying cbout th~ cos1~ 0. - . Plateau", the regular- ~~-~----,------~------Taccident or siclmess for one out of four families in Michigan during 1952. It is estimated that about Wh"n I .ow Ih. bill for $2.400 wh;ch 81u. ; .:' weight suit that feels eros.! po}d,. f reo~ized iust how flne Bfue ,C,ron "•.~.:, ~.~~"_: . 425,000 Michigan families will suffer this exneri- service benefits. really are. Why, Wlt.10Ut r ;:~;.. ~. . ::::~ at home on your back lIue C,ou, We would have hod 10 ,.11 our' .~';< ..'.: ance in the next 12 month:!. ' 110m. 10 PO)' thol kind of a bill '" ,-..:;;:: . ," ~ all through the year But there is & way to escape the hospital and medi- Mr•• Iren" Matou.ek ~. •. , because when you cal bills that follow accide:lt and sickness. At little Your Basic Spring Suit Who is eli~ible for Blue Cross - Blue Shield ~ slip into Plateau, the cost, you can get health-care protection spm;.~o,ed protection? If your firm employs 5 or more weight you expected b1i Michigan hospitals and doctorB, For All Occasions,.... people, it may be eligible for BLUECROSS- BLUE just isn't ther~! ln~ SHIELD Comprehensive Group health-care pro- ~.:(n~-..:::..." Blue Cross - Blue Shield I{ • stead. you feel a. re~ tection. provides big ben.flts ~ ~ • and' a lot of theml ~~~ freshing ire e d 0 m, Agricultural workers can join through Farm J )./ --- ... -- '",1/ ~ thanks to the prelax- Inthe 12years since Michigan hospitals and doctorS Bureau Discussion Groups or Grange Groups. Mount Fleece., starf,ed BLUE CROSS- BLUE SHIELD,these plans ing of the all-wool Individuals are eligible for special BLUECROSS- HIDE.AWAY'~ GAS CAP have paid out over 220 million dollars in benefits w 0 r s t e d by Pacific BLUESHIELD plans, in enrollment campaigns held ,ind the new hinged for subscribers. They have provided hospital and r. You can approoch Mills. And because of for a limited time, at regular intervals. Get details surgical benefits totalling 88 much as $8,054 for 'er side. Everywher. Timely. Clothes:, bal~ Hand-tailored b)! LEBOW from your nearest BLUE CROSS- BLUE SHIELD mething new, for the one person in a single case. anced tailoring, your office. r..olly new corl S.e BLUE CROSS Comprehensive Group Hospital , cornpare it, 'ot/oy. Plateau keeps it's good Plan provides up to 120 days care in ward or semi- Your Blue Cross - Blue Shield Card gets you shape so much longer. • lts basic wool yarn is so fine that the private room, according to the service for which admi"ed to a participating ho~pitall M 0 r e comfort fabric is in the 10-oz. wE;ight category .' •• you enroll, in any of the 192 participating hospitals • • . and better. in Michigan. There's ?W ca;;h limit on the certificate yet th~ flannel finish is so soft that it has benefits covered, no matter how high the total bill! appearance • • • all through the remarkable "hand" appeal ... permitting :BLUE SHIELD Medical-Surgical Plan pays gen- year with Pla- Lebow's tailors to fashion a garment t .rous amounts fllr specific procedures and provides lubstantial paylnents towards your doctor's visits teau. with easy, natural lines. In platinum, to the hospital in non-surgical cases. THIS II light gre)", sandstone, blue heather, toast'. "Blul! Cross i. mar. 'hon wor'h the Iilli. 'I costs YOUR TIQ(ET Whaling's personalized! fitting assures\ lult 10 know Ihol if on)thinv doe. happ.n to you, ell the h05pitO' cart needed is yours you full enjoyment of this fine suit. wilhou' worrying oboul how to pay Ih. bill, This yecr alone, BI",., Crou hOI paid ov.r $1.000.00 in hospiloJ b"neAls for Mrs.ludwl" RECOVERY and m., Withoul Blue Cron, I would hov. had 95.00' 10 go into debllo mea' this ex.p.ns •• °aeli" •• me, onybody who Is "'o,ki"ll, ihoulel . hove B'u. Cross - BI•• Shield." No reel taiM when you enter the hospital I"nett" ••• Just Arr'ved ••• The New NIt. Joteph A. L.cIwitI ; ; 0 no claims to flle when you leave! CiRAY FLANNEL SUiTS .••••• , ... , $75 . Blue Cron • Blue Shield beneftt, This membership card is all you need to be ad- you can't measure in dollars and cents I mitted to a participating hospital. Simply show it f~ '-to your doctor and to the admitting clerk. And . Your health-care benefits are taken care of auto- when you leave, there are no claims to file because matically, without red tape ... with'no embarrass- BLUECROSS- BLUE SHIELD pays the hospital and ing questions asked ... with no complicated claim doctor directl~r. . forms to fill out. BLUECROSS- BLUESHIELDpaya I 16930 KERCHEVAL WHALING'S TUXEDO ho.pitala and doctors directly."\. . ,a01lCTlON THAT'$ ~"JC'U$. In the V #lag_ 1.9252 ?J1M)j~ The best possible protection at / q. the lowest pc'>Ssible cost! !~!ft~~~~~.!~!~:!~~~! Starting This Friday - Young'slf/ill Be DOWNTOW'" STOUt NORTHWEST IUNCtf! Severai :BLUE CROSS. - BLUESHmLD plan!! are 23. s,-,* Sf,.-, ~II 26. Mich. 'available. The average C06t. is about 9 cents per nfE HOWtTAU' AND DOCTORS' OWN NON./'ROFlT OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT TO 9 617 Woodward 6329 W. 7. Mile Rd. I . ,eraon per day...... Lnt-CAH 'L...... ,f.Q«._ttlLWlLfAiI QII THE pulUC

..., .I

, J. • hod ~ - • ....:.t e,,;,;,; -- -- !: - -) ;"" h' • t s ~~.,- ..,... --: .....---,--_.,. ... ---~-_.- ... -.,-' ...... -~.;- ,,.~ .. -._.,---- ..~~~~~\~~------~-~---~-

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Page Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, Februt!ry28. '952 Thursday, Fe ~,.,~. , . ~ .. \~ Music, Meetings 'School Is Literally .....Ho.m'e FonrCases Heard 1MemQrial. Plmls ..Vesper Service Camp to Attract Teachers In.o Traffic Court .Grosse Pointe Memorial Churchl the direction of Marie JGY C"- Alumni of C<~ fiJI/ow 'tile $/,1"7~' __ r ~ To, Smal'.P) lipil.at~.Defer.' .,. will hold a music vesper service! tiS~~1~~~1~;~F~',1;o~~r. Camp Dearborn ( As part of their' "in:"seryice" Justice of. the. Peahe C)JQseph at 4:45 p.m. on Sunday, March 2.1 ister,will give fw }-..- ter camps in th( training, .many, Grosse Pointe "Although it' is generally' true the orchard, l~cat;ed, nearJ effer-' Belanger disposed of four .~ases The ~hu.rch c~oir and the senior llan~.ben~d:,ct.ion and l--,.l . North Wisconsin- y ular with Pointe teachers a,re taking advantage of th.a.t..••..e•.v.•e.r..... Child..• is. proud .. Of.th.e.1.. sOIl. a..n.d .. s.o.m.er's.e.t..,.i..S no.w.. kn.o.wn. at the Grosse Poi rite Park Muni- and JUnIors will be heard under LOlds Player. \..-ill enjoy camp'l the .we.ek'ly...musI'c m..petl"n.'g's.whl:C.hparticular school wJ.:lich, he at-. to those.in~ the. community .as . 1 ~'. I' , ,tot\AVAN" .:.~\\ "- tends, one' little Grosse Pointe "Tom Boyd's.'.' Many of the old clpa Court sesslon~~bruaJ"y 2?,. " Pointe War Mem( /J are held each week by Mrs. Win- pupil nasa very. speCial attach- fruit trees were still in exist- . Ralph William Erickson, 234261 ifred Fenton, Elementary Music mentto Defer ,School "ence until a' few years ago when Jefferson, St. Clair Shoresre-! Op.ening' Sat Marl Counselor. ; Maureen Moesta"a pupil in thegrp'u,ndwas needed for bu~ld- ceived afine'0i.$15 for ~peedingJ .,. Th - . t' I t I Mrs'. Margaret Bo~~s first grade ing .. pUrposes, Maureen's home on' Jeffe!'son. i e mee mgs . are, compe. e y knows -that. the lalldon.'which- now' occupies the old. strawberry For. disobeying a traffic signal In Our Ne. Location ~-*'!.~~ vo un tary and ar.e.. held .. each Defer School .now ' stahds',. was pa:tch.. .' , at'. Jeffersori and. Wayburn, How- DAIL V"sERVICE-LOW ROUND TRIP F~ARES Tuesday from 4:15:".6 in Richard'part, of the farm land of her' Tjlisfarm later-passed in'to ard B. Knaggs, 274 Touraine, , School for all,teac~ers who are 'great, great,'great grandfather, the hands of Henry Meininger, was fined $6 , 7 . only $146.40* " n.ow'. te~ching .das.sr.oom mu.,sic.: or ,L...UdV.rig Meininger. a~d., Wayne one of the sons of Ludwig, and Raymond S.Lucas, 8296 Stand- Gifts for' co who WIll do so at.a later: date. County Recqrdssh()w thIS to be so. remained until. his death inard, Centerline. was found not All IXJlcns. lilht-Doy Cruise o. low 01 $208.1' .I Mrs., Fenton, whob,eliev~s, in so: '. 1911, at which time the greater guilty of. charges of reckless the Ladies ent Phone WOo 2-7190 or Y0Lt!' Travel A'4 making music a part of'everyday The farm was an extensive one part ,_of the, farm '"Yassold for driving which resulted in an ac~ FREE life; c()vers all phases of'ele- and. the old ::iarm house, about subdivision purposes. PortionS of cident, Jl:Imi~ry 11. Ni Ticket Office mentary music. . ... ,which little Maureen has heard the farm are still owned by A-bond of $10 was forfeited by The work is in tune ,with the ,so. much, waif located onwnat is M-au r"e en' sigreat-grandfather, Howard Blood, Jr., 1227 Bishop, 1205 W<'lshingtpn Blvd. idea.';' about which .the ...teachersnow knoWn as Mack : avenue at Charles Moesta. for failUre to appear in court B learned in' a )ecture, "Music lor SOIVersetand occupied ,the site' And so, it is with a real feel~ and~iDs'wercharg~s, of driving the Classroom" Teacher/' which whichis p'resentlyused as';'a park- ing' of gcifugto "Grandpa's Farm" with expired license plates. was. giien a short time ago by jnglot for .the Coronet-Theatre. that Ma'ureen starfs off-for Defer H. E. '.rmtt,. Dean of Faculty of The partIcular spot now occu- school each day. Vandercook. School of Music ,in pied by' the Defer School build-

Chicago.. . I ingwas the rhubarb patch. while A large number of teachers at: -----. ------~'.;I"/,r....,'y"X~"d~V/.~\'v/~W.~'Wh~'7/~W~",w/S:..""'V~W~'.;I"//;:...'Wr-o..~~&'W"\.~A~~~~~:.'/A''o/p''o/A~&WAWA~A~~ ,v/::.." , Exp~rt'on tend these weekly meetings, feel~ " ing. that ~usic i~ an e~otionalPaSSenger Hurt To Talk Tonight ~Liv in 9 H 0 c.m Fur nit u r e subJect whIch should brmg 'hQ.p-...' _ Imported desigmd especiaUy for you pi~ess_ to boys and girls because ,As Car HIts Tree The Detroit Rose Society will Hals- Bags - Hosiery It 1S an exce,1lent means of self- . hold an open meeting especially I and excitil expression.' for ,rose ex..perts, memobel'S of A Servlce. Wh' Ieh H as N ot I IN YOUR HOME As th f t f h' I Leroy Gwens of 550 Mt. Ver- ano er ea ure''O tee e- non lost control of his car when other clubs an.d prospectl'v.e plant- • in non-tarr. mentary mu~ic program, occasion-' ers of even a single bush, .on. Been Available Until Now I . he ,hit a patch 01 ice on Jeffer- ______, 1 a1 concer ts are glven by the ~ Thursday, February' 28, at 8 .p,m~" Roe ,Hat Shop . son near Cadieux and slid into Grosse Pointe High School Band in the lecture' roC'm at 615 W. 'I' N ' t' f ~...' D a tree on February 20. Estelle • NEW • RESTYLED un d er th e dnec lOn o. IVIlJ:'. ewey . Lafay~tte ~ve~ue. • 13934 l. Jefferson Gaulden of 522. Wedminster suI- I • REUPHOLSTERED ,Kalember and are attended by An mternatlonal panel of rose,' Nt. Eastlawn all pupils of 3rd, 4th, 5th, and ~ered laCeltratlonths' of ,t~de forehead gl'o\vihg champions including De- I • MODERN • ANTIQUES 6th ~rades as a resu 0:f e aCCI ent. . ,., .,'. .. .: Formerly located1:ornu . .. . A passing motorist, Joseph trOlt and Its SIster cltle~, WIlli VA. 2-4664 Coplin&< JeCferson" G • .. Ashton 4429 Field rushed Miss answer any a.nd an questl()ns on, ..... JENKINS .UPHOLsr£EHIN'G 100 Entertaznea Gaulde~ to Bon' 'Secours Hos-' the ~'owi~g of 'prize winning; ------.------I Estimates at No Obligation 29523 Gl'atiot Ave. PRo 5-8585 _ I pital whe:re she received treat_roses m thIS localIty. By W.oodsTuXlS ment. ,This. will be supple'men~ed by . I ------a speCIal lecture on Flonbunda -- , C -,- p _. Roses, illustrated with full size ; M~re than 100 guests ",,:"~re~n-I rztlc ralSeS color slides, Harol.d F. Marsh, / I tertal~ed ata Fellow,shlP ,Dm- • well known rose tester of Grosse 'ner glven ~y the TuxlsClub of, POUl-te. Theater Pointe, will be moderator. ------Grosse Pomte Woods .PresbY-I * ~~~i;,nF;~~~cr~ ~~ Sunday eve-: "One of the-'"m---os-tfi~ished per- New Ceramic .-_~ SWEATERS ••• 34 c The affair was planned- and formatnhces Ofd~hte 'efntlr:t.seaMson" Classes S-tartl-ng =E5E~~;--~16/f S . .::, c executed by the young people w~s. ever lC 0 C:l IC, rs. . ='~ =::.-=====:!! themselves as a part of their WIlham Yeager, speakmg of. the -==------SKIRTS{PI~in) 35 program to acquaint their fam-I workshop. production of "The The Geemo Originals, a stud10 ==- CHILDREN'S 49. ilies with the Four-fold Purpose I Romancers," presented, at the and school in ceramics, and under I f CLOTHES •••. . SPORT '37C of Ttixis.' I Fe?ruary meeting of Grosse the direction of two local au. I. ~ SHIRTS .••••• C This club for high schoolers is P~)lnte Theater last Tl.\esda)'" eve- thorities with national recognic divided into four Commissions, mng. tion is announcing its second I TROUSERS \ ••. 39 two of which had charge Sunday The" play was. given "i~ t~e semester of weekly classes be- i DRAPES ,..,.79c:

evening. under the chairman- round and was handled In an ginning with the week of March I • Week Ending ships of Coburn Martin and interesting semi - Shakespearian 3rd, , .::. March 8 Terry Kuhn. Assisting were John style. The excp.llence of the play Alfred C, Guimond, who studied ::. Ault, Marilyn Marr, Dave Lyn- I was due to the hard work put in ceramics at Heidelb~rg Univer- :;

drup, V..Tayne Stavoe, Kay Mar- b~ th~ cast unde~ the ,very able sity in Germany, and his mother, ! - tin, Wilson Bryce, Mike Rauth. dlrectlOn of Armm Selelstad. I H G' d h I 'l. Janet Ml'les" Ann The youne: lovers, played by Mrs, Michel a . Ulmon w 0 ; Carol Vesta - - studied unde'r a number of Amer. i Blackwood, Ruth SneiI. Bud Mary Sparr and Tom Stein were ica's teachers, own and direct i Morse, Cal Bock and Cal'ol RoI- delightful; the fathers, played by the school. They teach ceramics i leI' . Larry Brennan and J Qhn. Eberly, f 1 ' '. 'l d' The young people extend an convincingly atagonistic; and the romI t c .ay mllx~ng-up, dInCIU .mg . , , bd t t d b J k scu P U1 e, co onng. an g azmg. InVItatIOn to others of their age Sa. u1c,or, porTah~le . y t~ C I A number of students ~ 'he group, to weekly meetinO's of me aIr, was an I anous sa Ire. I h .1' f' t' t d , ,"'- . . , _ sc 00 SIrs' semes er, now en - TliXIS,. Sundav evenIngs begIn- Members of the make-up class! . h . d. 'f f ning at 7 p.m .•Mrs. Helen Wright showed how character ma.ke-up tmhg: ave kgame recognr Ion or I' . . d b t' . b elr war , serves as Adu t Advl~or, lS. one y .prac Icmg on., mem ers L oca t'dea. t 14824 Ch aT 1eVOlX,' at of the audIence, to the delIght of Alt. d th h 1 . I . the rest of the audience. .'er roa , , e sc. 00 IS open SHOP AT DAMMAN'S AND SAVE! I The. cast of "John Loves Mary," dally for. InSpectIOn" Weekly the next major production of the' classes ar~ held both afternoons I group, to be' given on March 22 and evenmgs. EARL Y SPRIN6 SPECIALS at the high school, is already in ------rehearsal. Anyone;~ interested in HUBCAPS STOLEN back-stage work, for this produc- Four hubcaps were taken from tion is urged to get in touch with the 1951 Old~mobile belonging ~~~~~~~ERS S13~ Mrs. George Hall, membership to' Louis.G. Barbaglia of 1308, Practicolly everyone's tatking about 5.Blad. 1, .. Cut chairman. Hampfon road. I ~ ~ 10" Rubber tire wh~els, ball bearing, fully I'uaranteed. Sell sharpeninf.

50-FT. GOODYEAR . -ineh BfAVICTOR Bring It In - Pick It Up When Convenient

Dry cleaning 'and shirt service. Have it all done GARDEN HOSE' • In one place! HOURS: , to 7:30 Daily Except Saturday, !I to «, Closed ThursdaYI '1." Ciamet.r 0,.. t .. t-l_ • "od. I~. Regular $5.95 54~., . Set the ...... " ., eral allowance. dJ 11 , hand and power mowers. All work by fact.ory trained mechanics. ,1\ak. {OI' it •• ' Bod about ReA Victor'. ....elOI:y~ice Contract covering expert SPECIAL 4tJtheflfl~tlJestel'lI ,~"'tioIl and mainumance. __ 0"'- The f: UntH March 1 we offer a 10% discount on labor and FREE . Oen/ms ~ ~.Sld" """'.dopced ~ V.B.I'JI girdle pickup and deU,,~ry on An lp.wnmowe". Can now. SANfORIZED •• :1.' Iin 1)",1", '. • CO'PER RIVETED • Do"lI'I •• $lllch.4 • move Mak. your Spri"9 purcltase. now. U.. our regular cltar,. ac~ou"t, tlm. payment plait or our Icry-away • rive b DOUBLE KNEES " service. 'XC!~T SIUS '''21 .AI' away' Lawn and garden' fertilizer. Milor.canite, YIgoro, Bone Meal, , .. ~1J''f:,f' line tr Staddler's Triple XXX, SoH Bil-der, Ford Ammonium Sul- . . fit" ' phate. • signee ALL SPECI'ALS UNTIL MARCH 8th "'-~/P~ l;t~~~ satin net IJNCONPITION~tL 'f A. L. DAMMAN ~lIARANTEED Rose, ~. 13.50 . .. -' ~E~_.6'""-=~, - ,.-@-""NTS'-....-an...... - _.. . ~ ••u.,Io-. , •

OPEN FROM Authoriud Agency '7:30 to 6 for Money Ord.,. i Grunewald 7405 Kercheval Otto & Son Friday • n d 'payment of Phone Orders: to 8:30 Utility Bills, -in the Village TU;t:edo 5-9236 furniture - Carpeting - Applillnc~s 114f HIY", n•• r Ouf., Drl'l LA.1R9600 t 4617- Harper~ between Chalmers and Outer Drive LA. 1-1400

l -..-----. ~____....~,~. .~ ~ _ "-. .' ~ • \ ,

~bruary ,28, 1952 ThursiJay,. February 28,' 1952 Page .Five

the spinster dinner' on;. Feb. 25 Camp toRoid Movie'Reunion Collectrng'. Blood for:..Korea" .Diane Mouton at the senior Semmlen;';home on • on of Marie Jcy C,,> '. ' Alumni of Camp Afon' and day evening, March 7. Berkshire. ,,}colm M.. Tolmo:. Completing parties will be the . Dr. Frc"1"; F't" " Camp Dearborn (brother and sis- . Joan Hadley and Susan' R~ekie give 1'1[' !-..~ t~r camps in the lake region' of are in charge of arrangements for l:,ction and 1~""1 North Wisconsin-especially pop- the evening which will begin at .. yer, ular with Pointe boys and girls) 8 p. m. Tne guests will reminisce ' will enjoy camp'movies at Grosse as well as plan for the coming . Pointe War Memorial Center Fri-. Summer season. ' ) , ) COLOR -'STONES


MRS. FREDERICK M. ALGER, wife of the Secretary of State was a volunteer nurse recently during ,the Mich- igan St~te,Employes' Blood Donor. J>rog~am in'\ Lansing! CAR KEYS The employes donated 221 pints of blood during ~he two- day, program. Left to right are: ,RED CROSS NURSE LAURA CAMPBELL, MRS. ALGER, and JUSTICE JOHN CHEVROLET BUICK DODGE Imported first quality stones in ice-blue. white, R. DETHMERS. OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC DE SOTO PONTIAC PL YMOUTH CHRYSLER and exciting multi-colors. Perfectly cut and set Islund'HomeFor Bridal Pair FORD vintage 1947 thru 1952 • in non-tarnishable ';'etal. Whidbey. Island, ,Washington, held her veil of silk illusion and will be the .future home of Lieut. (j.g.) Edward Irwin McQuiston' Jr. and his bride, the former For ~ gift th~t is unique and ~ppreci~ted • ; . our Bonabelle Anna Rink, who were married Saturday.evening. 22.kt. gold-pl~ted Celrkey holder, crested with-your . The bride is the daughter of choice of th~~bove c~r emblems. It holds two key Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Rink, l(l(~ohs(}ns bl~nks that C<'lr. be made to fit by any locksmith. KERCHEVAL AT ST. CLAIR McQuiston is. the son and Mrs. Edward 1.

Descendants of Artillery , C?mpany Plan Luncheon Georae E. Bushnell, III KERCHEVAL AT ST. CLAIR Mrs. Lloyd DeWitt Smith, of I Arriv;s on February, 18' , Grand Marais boulevard, Gl;Osse ~ f.-- C Pointe organizer of the MiCh-1 Lieut.' and Mrs. George, E. ~TS ...... 3 7 , . Bushnell, Jr. announce the bIrth ig~n Court of ASslstants; of of Q son, George E. Bushnell, III, c the~Nationa1\ So ci e t y,. Women on February 18., ' ftES Descendanti: of the AnCIent and Mrs. Bushnell is the. former .....79 Honorable. Artillery Company, is Elizabeth Whelden, daughter of accepting, up to March first, res- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Whelden ervations for the Spring' lunch- of Lincoln road. Other grand par-I eon-meeting of the group, Tues- ents are State Supreme Court PElT ICO~,..~ , PE7i/~O ' . cia):, Mar.:h 4, at the Detroit Boat Justice and Mrs. George E. Bush- ~7"$f Club, with luncheon set for 12.:30 nell. • • o'clock. Lieutenant Bushnell has been • Mts. Orvi1~e W. -L~idlaw, ?f stationed at Camp Chaffee in Tecumseh, MIC~., presId~nt, vnll Arkansas. He served two years i cOl}duct ,a busmess seSSIOn, fol- in the Army during World War I lowing .luncheon, at which dele- II and was called back to service gates WIll be electeg. to represent after he had completed his law ~~ Michiga~ Court at the Annual course and passed his bar exam- ORGANDY, . : CRINOLINE ,'. , NET, .. petticoats for "Shb~," ' Rendeivous of the National So- inations here. ciet,Yr April B;at, WashingtOJ;1. ,"" He flew from Tulsa and ar- petticoats to serve as the stiffening base for tbe full, free and Each member will give thumb- rived here within an hour of the, 'flaring skirt silhouette of .1952. A. White crinoline wrap- nail 'sketch' of the: Ancient and time .the baby was' born. He has i .... Honorable ancestor, on whom l returned to Arkansas, where he I . she 'qualified for membership. will be- joined later by Mrs. around, with permanent finish and an edging of organdy. A Bushnell and their new son. To be. worn under "show" petticoat.. Adjustable waist ,General Macomb Chapter size. 3.95, B. White crinoline base petticoat. with Will Hear Talk on Hats embroidered flounce. Sizes 24 to 28. 5,95'. Jt Miss Margot Pearsall. Curator of Social History for the Detroit C. Reversible organdy "show" petticoat. , Historical Museum, will give a 'I "Hat Talk," illustrated with Blue, green, pink or maize with white I period hats, before Gen. Alex- : ander, Macomb Chapter, U.S. I on reverse side. Sizes 26 to 30. 5.95, ~R Daughters of 1812, at their meet-I ing on Wednesday, March 5, at D. White net' "show" petticoat with Newberry House. She will be introduced by Mrs. Paul J. Wol- wide flounce. Sizes 24 to 28. 5,95. ski, prog'ram chairman. . ~N Mrs. Charles 'L. Bartlett, chair- " man of the ] 2:00 o'clock lunch~, eon, will be assisted by Mrs. I William R. Hutchinson, Mrs. C. I I Clayton Lanier ~nd Miss Myrtle, i E. Babcock. I Mrs. Milburn E. Rice, presi- dent, will conduct an 11 o'clock I ~jn~ a~ The ~ew Cutaway board meeting, and a business mlplrnty. Girdle That Dares session at 1 o'cl()ck, at which a [,f':l't .f'0C»' slate of new- officers and direc~ I 11 livp. to be Different! I tors will be elected. Members will receive a final ('tuall~' .. \ briefing on the events of the I State Council of the Society, to ••• con/rols }'OU I UT171J) I take place March 10 and 11, )'011 '~ at the Wliittier Hotel, at which, ll!'-lrumcnt • • , molds s;;, Gen. Macomb Chapter will be lradilioa. I • • , )'el unbinds )'011 " \. hostess groyp., ' 'aiiable ill 'ni~he!', / • • • and frt!~s J'01J OPEN MO"'IDAY EVE TILL 8:30 ~crC't"n s(ll I as no other girdle can!

:;A \' ietor'. ring np~ The perfect light weight girdle ... construetesl tb move fluidly w~th the' ac- • tive body. A unique cut. away front and deep bl'}ck line.. that's Tru-Balance de- signed. Nylon sl'}tin frQnt, , satin lastex - back, nylon fthe net ruffle. White, Tea Rose. Sizes 26-36. 13.50 I Son j ,.l 604 res, broderick I~ KERCHEVAL AT ST. CLAIR, .GROSSE POINTE tower .. ~ '<., .• " LA. '-1400 .., woodward at lrand clrc~lI ,park • .... ',-' .. , .," ,',' "', ;- -.,. , ... •

.. , , , 'Thursaay, Februa,ry,28~. 1952 Thur.sday, FebrL Page Six, C; R 0'. SSE P,0 t N T E • , i Society 'News Gathered Froin. AII- of the Pointes Februa [Ann Fletcher, Wed From, Another Pointe ByTW( of View' iT0 Ronald Haughton

/ I' , Dorothy Walton Yl By ]4n~ Schermerhorn Daughter of Mr. and M~s. Charles Henry Fletcher Is Married ,Home Irl Fores .At Ceremony in .Family Home on Vendome Road; Hogarth 11 Mrs. Peek's Diary: Couple Will. ~ive in Parkhurst Apartments Following the, There couldn't be a pleasanter place than '296 Touraine The great hall of the Charles Henry Fletchers' Vendome Gerard Cornelius : road of a Wintery Sunday morning when the Walter, P. road home was decked in weddin-g white flowers Saturday Hills. N. Y. rlarks are giving one of their famous buckwheat cake break- noon for the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth Ann Flech- The marriage of Dorothy Walton, c. fasts, er, and Ronald Waring Haughton .. Guests are invited for half after noon flnd that's just The Rev. J. Clemens Kolbof~----'------Mr. ::tnd Mrs. HO~I ton of Lothrop rOi: about the minute the host has dipped the last cocktail glass Christ Churcn Grosse Pointe I red and white tweed jacket. A in poy.rdered sugar to coat the rim for side cars produced on' . .' ' white straw hat and navy ac- Mooney. son of M. a magilf assembly line. " offIcIated at the home cere- cessories completed her costume. Joseph W. Moone. The hostess has given a final pat to a pot of gay yellow mony which was followed by when the Haughtons return to field. N. J., took ph tulips on the coffee table in front of a glowing fire. The first a reception and buffet lunch- Detroit, they will live in the m'day, Parkhurst Apartments on Parker The rites were pe~ 'guests are at the door. eon for th e gu es.ts This is the way the Clarks like to entertain their friends avenue. ~'clock in the rectory The bridegroon is the son of tn the Lake and f( I • • • in small groups • . • on Sunday mornings through the reception at the COl; Winter months. ' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Haugh- I House PaJ'"ty ton of Seattle, Wash.' I ' • Dorothy's ivory al ~atin weddi!!g, gow;1 '" '" '" Elizabeth wore a wedding Buckwheat Gala After Dance . med in ro~epointe I gown of ivory satin, its fi.tted froth of t~le lace I Last Sunday morning, one of the first of the Clark guests bodice richly trimmed in Alencon Barbara and Pat Flowers were- ~art shaped neckli! to arrive was Mrs. Montague Gowthorpe who brought with lace. The deep, square neckline hostesses at'a party in their home- used again to edge !, her a saucy little apron s.o she could "help." was filled in with silk illusion on Yorkshire road last Friday illusion veiL Her b' It turned out to be quite a conversation' piece because . were white rmies. ending in high, simple neckline eyening following Dominican it was gaily printed in the map of Oklahoma, the 'birthstate Mrs. R. Russell 11 'of that pretty gal. . and the full skirt swept into a High's Mission Mardi Gras dance, Paterson,~. J., \Va She tied the apron over a good looking coffee colored' formal, cathedral train. Invited for refreshments and only attendant. sheer wool frock. _ A wedding bonnet of Alencon I singing were the of the " She wore sapphirE Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Dewhirst, 'she in a Winter whi~e held the full and flowing veil Dance, Bernie Denomme, and her shantung frock, \' -Picture by Deigh-Navin with. matching car frock, were members of the buckwheat party, which alsO , -Picture by Paul Gach of illusion ,and the bride carried escort, Dave, Hamilton; Pat,Fueh- Mrs. Henderson cat' included :l\'Ir. and Mrs. George F. Frischkorn and Dr. and The former ELIZABETH ANN FLETCHER was mar- JANE BROWN AUSTIN spoke her vows with USMC a b?uquet of .valley .lilies, g~r- rer, Dale Petrosky. Sue Conrad. Lieut. Gould at a Saturday ceremony in Christ Church, dem~s .and l~Y, wIth whIte Hank Hubbard, Barb Clarity, flowers toned in paIr Mrs. Clifford Benson. , ried Saturqay noon at a ceremony in th~ Vendome road and violet. :Mr,Clark, host of many talents, had the polaroid and the home of her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Charles H. Fletcher. Grosse J;>ointe. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William orch~ds m the center. . Ralph Cross, Mary Clementi and. ElIzabeth asked her SIster, Mrs. Neil Smith. Fobed J. Mooney i ,pancake griddle going at the same time ••• taking "candid Mr. Haughton is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Haugh- F. Brown, Jr., of Cranford, lane arid the bridegroom's par- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Gould of Iroquois avenue. Frederick David Pierce, to serve Dave Cobb and Bert Larkins was his brother's bE' shots" of the group before doing his stint on the range, where ton of Seattle, Wash. as honor matron. She wore toast were Barbara's and Pat's dates. , For the wedding, :; he IS at home. tcned nylon with" full, opera itself was attended : . Joining the fun was Mrs, Clark's mother, Mrs. Margaret of the immediate ! i length skirt. A I band of deep Two' Pointe High' Graduates' p.' ' brown velvet at the waistline, Waltol1 was gowned; ,Hudson •.. and young Skip Clark left -his homework to say . d h Honored at Northwesterri helle and listen to lavish praise from the gals for the sailfish . .an, 0 ' . e .0 In ended in front in deep streamers ,taffeta with 'a ,I he caught. H was back in '48 when he was about 12 .•. and t t e and she wore a tiny Dutch type feather band on h ShOr t t , . ~ , bonnet of the same v~lvet. Her Jetanne Smith and Marlene flowers were dusty today is mounted to occupy practically one wall of the Clark This will i~troduce MISS SAL-, Off in Lake Forest, Ill., a 'wee MOTT of GUIlford, Conn., who ents, ME. and MRS: FREDERICK. flowers were green orchids. .Hutton, both graduates of Grosse lias. library. ,., ,., ... LY BOOK PITTMAN who ar- miss named PEGGY HUBER was were' making their first visit to I OLLISON of Cloverly road. I The bridesmaids wore l'dentl'cal p Olnte. High School, ha "e been "fhe bridegroom's How It's Done rived Feo. 19 to MR. and MRS. born Fe.iJ. 11 to MR. and MRS. the Pointe since' their marriage '" '" '" i costumes, and carried Wedge- for the occasion na i , LANSING M P TIMAN' f Th I KEl'.'NETH HUBER. Her mother. t1 E' tIt Ma Th Bar I MR. and MRS. JOHN B: FORD I wood blue iris and ivy They elected officers of their sorority fon and lace with I The Hostes$ puts down the silver sidecar bottle to. ' . . I. 0 re,eI wa$ the former Mf\RY JANE m l.e .as as y, e -I JR. are at their Winter home were Mrs. Walter F. Torr~nce of at Northwestern University. lavender flowers, :. take over at the coffee controls when guests make a dash for MIle dnve.' Mrs. PIttman was the I BOOK of Gros;:;ePomte. bou~,s t):l~: week greeted son and in Cat Cay" the Bahamas. I Waterbury, Conn. and Eli~abeth' Marle~e is the president and orehid corsage, I When the young i the sunnv dining room (its hooked ruas the work of Mrs. former SALLY BOOK. 4 '" '" '" ~~~~r~l~~l~iR~~U;nO~ ~;;I~' '" '" '" i Ai:DChe:d. .~~~ng: IS the secretary of Chi" Hudson!)v. • • . !:> I . ... MRS. NELSON W. SCHLAFF, j- MRS EDSEL FORD of Lake: aVl A. Wolff of Ann Arbor .. on. their motor trip I A d h h d f b k h 'i. . Pomters present at Otsego Ski' of Kenwood road, left Sunday do, Mont., who when they leave Sh . d '11 l' was Mr Haughton's best ma Both glrls have also been elect- the bride traveled '! '"h t Mo\.nM t Ben t e won.h er ul b uct wh ea~bl fest IS on • ',' notice Club's colorful Tyrolean Ball for a holiday at the Esca'pe Hotel here. 't MRwUl god toMRSMiamiLAWRENCEBeach to visitoreherroabrother-in-law, WI eave andsoonsis-to' Mrs. Fletcher wore fOl p.her ed. to 'honoraryb f sororitiesT ' . . Jeanne. white checked sui': "a rs. enson as ,Just a ou .t e uest eyes we ve ever I last week-end included MR. and in Fort Lauder,dale, Fla.' She VISI . an . . t . 'MR d MRS ERNEST .daughter's wedding' a waltz IS a. mem er 0 heta SIgma PhI, she wore a gold \\( D BURL at the laHers' Wmter leI, . an I 't I 't f . In seen. .. th ~t Mrs. F rIse hk orn mlg ht h ave st eppe d from th e MRS. JAMES McMILLAN of traveled with MRS. GLEN R. h' , KANZLER, at their Winter .home length frock of hyacinth blue ~a lo~al soron y or warne? small chapeau mat( ! Easter issue of a fashion magazine, so I;>ecoming is her navy I Rathbone place with son SANDY MILLER of, Birmingham. Mr. orne. I t H b S d Fl I nylon. The full skirt was ac- Journallsm,' and Marlene IS a, ,:At the same hel . , h . k' h. I S hl ff J .. th t • '" • a 0 e oun, a. d' member of Zeta Phi Eta national SUit WIt Its span mg w lte tnm .• '. . I and daughter VIRGINIA; MR. cap ans to Jom em nex MRS LYNN M NAUGHTON '" "', '" cOI IOn. pleated and her flowers .t f . ' afternoon, another The hostess k~eps arriving with platter after platter of and MRS. CAME~ON WATE.R- wee,k at the resort. of Thr~e Mile dri~e has sailed' RONALD J. BIEKE, son of were lilie~, arranged in corsage soror! y or' women In speech. Judith Ann Newe ta.n buckwheats and tiny hot sausa2:es~ •. , and confesses she MA.N III, of TourameM road,RY w)thd . .. ,. '" from New 0 r1eans f'or a Sauthern 'IMR. and MRS.. A.. J BIEKE , of at Eliher bwaISt.th dR' G 9' A B' I T k Allen ,Hogarth ex, is able to take this active part in the pancake marathon only theIr ,daughters, ,A an Feb. 18 addition to the Gurgle cruise. ,Three Mile drive, Grosse Pointe, z~ e . an . Onnte left the eor e • 19 eys a e marriage vows at sq because she had her own breakfasts hours earlier ANNE; and the ALVAN MACAU- and Coo 'Set: GEORGE E. BUSH- '" '" '" is enrolled In the second semester receptIOn m the early afternoon Trek to Wester!\. Coast of the Hills, Eloorr j ' 1 1 h h h . LEYS JR., of Kenwood road, I NELL III, whose proud parents MRS DANIEL W. GOOD- of the current school years at to start off on their West coaEt Wedding guests ;1 Th ere IS genera app ause w en t e ost reappears after who were accompanied by their are MR and MRS GEORGE E.' . ,ho ' hours in the kitchen to sit down and en]'oy h is own cooking d ht MARY d ANN BUSHNE'LL JR Th' , ENOUGH returned recently to her Xavier' University, Cincinnati. A, ney~oon. . Off on a vacation in San MaI"- ception at.Devon G ~ , . aug ers, an ' . . e young man s h . L th d ft . 't sophomore, he is- in pre.legal Durm.g I theIr wedding trip cos, Ariz., and the West cocust. ceremony. i while the guests puff on cigarettes and chat til~ far into Sun- • '" '" . mother was BETSY WHELDEN., i;m;e~ ;or~o~~~~ h:r e;,~~~~ studies. He was graduated from t~ey WIll go to Seattle to visit are Mr. and Mrs. George A. Big- ~Judith is the da,~ day afternoon. >II >II >II MRS. BENSON FORD, who re- '" "',"" MRS. WALT,ER BROOKS. MR: De La Salle High School. Ius parents. ley, of Merriweather road. They. and Mrs. Donald f turned to the Pointe just long MR. and MRS, MERLIN A. GOODENOUGH at the same '" '" '" The new Mrs. Haughton wore left the Pointe on Tuesday to Countr'y Club dt i enough to join her husband on a CUDLIP, who made their home time, visited his m'other, MRS. . The meeting ot the MILK for traveling a navy skirt with start their holiday, Cocktails With the Lomaxes, trip to Pasadena, Calif., has now on Rivard boulevard, have bought LUMAN W. GOODENOUGH, in FUND ASSOCIATION of PRO- Another fun gathering over the week-end was the cock- returned to the home they'v~ the BENJAM]:N E. YOUNG resi- Florida. VIDENCE HOSPITAL will be taken for the Winter at Palm dence in Lake Shore road. '" • '" tail party given by Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lomax last Friday in each. ' • '" • held in the home of MRS. Irs BEAUTIFUL... IT'S DUIASUf their home on Maumee. E:veryone who wasn't away for the B ' Hostesses at a luncheon Mon- FRANCIS H. BOURKE. at 600 • • • The HAROLD R. BOYERS, of d ' th D t 't CI b Winter seemed to arrive sometime during the evening. ay m e e 1'01 u were Rivard boulevard, on Tuesday, Spending last week-end in Bat- East Jefferson avenue,' were last M:ftS. ALFRED.R. GLANCY JR. March 4, at 12 o'clock. Irs WAVERLY'S IONDED . The Lomaxes, themselves, are off to Palm Beach this tle Creek with their respective week-end guests of MR. and and MRS. WILLIAM R. HAMIL- '" week-end. They'll spend part of their Florida holiday with MRS. DONALD B. McLOUTH at TON II. With their guests they . .. dcrughters and sons.in~]aw' were ROBERT KING, Grosse Pointe their ski lodge at Green Timbers, went on to the Founders Society (Continued on Page 14) MRS. MASON P. RUMNEY, who senior at Michigan State College, ETI(USCIIN. went to be with MR. and, MRS. Mich. Former Pointers, MR. and membership tea at Detroit Insti- has been elected vice-president • RICHARD .K. AMERSON, and MRS. C. THORNE MURPHY tute of Arts, " of the Michigan State College MRS. BUTLER HIGBIE, who were also in the week-end party. • '. '" chapter of Phi ,Delta Theta so- visited MR. and MRS. JULIAN .. , "'. T 'Registe:r:ed at the Ponsettia, cial fraternity. He will hold the MR.' ,md MRS. WILLIAM O. Beach Hotel in Fort Lauderdale, M. KINZIE JR. office one year. '" .. '" E'ARL, of Kenwood road, have I Fla., are DR. and MRS. CLAR- MR. and MRS. STERLING Florida plans for March 15. They ENCE L.' CANDLER' of Grosse '" . '" DOCKSON, of Sunningdale' drive, leave that day for a lengthy Pointe Woods. ME. ,and MRS. B.. LESTER are at. Gat Cay in the Bahamas sojourn at Fort Lauderdale. '" .• • SC?HROEDER of Colomal court, for a Winter holiday. '" • "" As soon as Spring vacation I ~lth s?n MI~E, 21 months old, '" '" The end of March will mark comes for JUDY, BOBBY and are flymg thlS I week ~board ~he

. I Sarasota, Fla., is the Winter the departure of DR. "and MRS. FREDDY OLLISON, they will be n~w super Const.ellabon W~lC~ address of MRS. GEORGE M. DONALD C. ~INANSJ of Lin- whisked off to Flying, V. Ranch I \v,lll take them dIrect to MIamI HOLLEY JR. of Bishop road and coIn road, for Delray Beach, Fla., near Tucson, Ariz., ,by their par- (Continued on Page 7) the .children, ANN, MARGARET and the Ocean Terrace. Young ------and GEORGE III. MR. HOLLEY son, JOHNNY, will go with his ~lIIl1l11l11l1l11l1l1l11l11lIlIlIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1l1l11ll11l1l1ll1ll!llIllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllln1lI111111111J1I1II1I1I1I1I1lI1I1I1II1II11lI1II1I1II1II1I1I1lI:g will ~o down the end of March parents for his first look-see at =~ ~== ' to brmg his family back to the the sunshine state. - Pointe. ... '" Spending ;a;;t'"w:ek-end with II . I MR. and MRS,. LEO FITZPAT- MR. and MRS. WILLIAM T. I ~ "Even if you adjuste.d your IllSUraJ1Ceup- ~ RICK, of Cloverly road, are en- BARBOUR, of Old Brook lane, ~ d 1 194 ' b' d ~ joying a short Junket to Miami were their son-in-law and daugh- ~ war' as ate as 8, you may e un el"- ~ ~each, Fla. tel', MR. and MRS. JORDON L. ~ insured now." ~ -~------~----- ~ ~


21 .1jeard' ~lIflllllfllllllllllllfllfllll"IlII11I1I1J1lllllllllliIlJllllllllll1l1nllilUil!lllllf!!llllllllllllllnllIllIllIlJllIliiIlIlIIllIIlIlIlIlIlIlJlIIIIII"lll1llI1IllI1I11J1lIlI/lIlIll,"~

of Serving f'er yard

fun u" WI. (J,'O:5diZ pointe , ofeon "lo,hp'" IoVIIW'" with fine. hand-finished work Win n e r - H air Cut tin 9 A w •• r d '. • • cleaning that' has, always .'laricspur Bouquet" i. just one of many North American Beau'ty and Fashion Show merited continued confide'nee. lovely new patterns we are featuring on WAV!~LY'S t'ationally famous lT~USCtfll: They're all Bonded too. _• YOVI' , Announces' money bock guora"t •• of complete satisfaction even eft... GERALD DENOMME countless washings or exposure to sunlight, .. Newest Hair Fashions Service to Your Door - TUxedo i-8120 Whatever y~ar decorating pref.rence .• ;, Cut tin 9 "f 0 r S p' r i n 9 ther.'s on t1~USCAN' pottern that will bring compliments on )'our good tost •. Come .. and see t~.rn, 6tOSIlEEN

" for a p poi' n t m • n t p h. 0 n. TU. 2.6160 J)raf~riej

r 83 J 8 Mack Ave. (Near McKinley) Grosse Pointe Forms 16352 E. Warren Avenue TUxedo 2-9448 18500 Mack Avemlc} tit Clo'verl)' .. Open Mondoy. Thur.clay lI"cI Friday Evenin,. 'tit Nine

'. " •

" , . ------, ----.--:-~-- •

, '. Page Seven ebruary, 28, 1952 Thur.Jday~.Febr~ary 28,"" 952 .ntes Woman' s.Pt(ge • • omen Ned Febr~ary \Vows, Taken !M~s.Edw~rdl.rwin.McQu.ist~n/Jr. 'IJohn David. Goulds By'Twc? Pointe Bride~ To Live in Quantico' ughton , Dorothy Walton Weds Ge~ald, .comelius Mooney; To Make .Former Jane, Brown Austin and Lieut. Gould leave for 'Y Fletcher Is Married ,Home In Forest Hills; Judith Newell Marries David Marine Base F,otlowing Wedding ,in Christ Chureh, Vendome Road; Hogarth At Ceremony in Kirk of The Hills Grosse Pointe; Reception at Boat Club Apartments Following their Southern. wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs, In a ,beautiful gown of ivory tulle' and Alen~on lace, Jane v Fletehers' Vendomtt Gerard Cornelius Mooney will make their home in Forest Brown. Austin became the bride of United States Marine Hills, N. Y. . ~ ;< Corps LiEmt:,Johri David Gould, Feb. 20 in Christ Church, 1ite flowers Saturday

Elizabeth Ann Flech- The marriage of the former bridegroom's parents are Mr~ and l Grosse Pointe. ~ 0 Dorothy Walte'n, daughter of Mrs. Arthur Hogarth of Lancas- i The Rev. J. Clemens Kolb A gown of pearl gray nylon Mr. and Mrs, Ho~rd.Jt Wal:' ter drive performed the candlelight net over blue pink taffeta was white tweed jacket, A ton of Lothrop road, and Mr. W,,' 1 II ceremony' at 8 o'clock and it worn by the bride's mother who Mooney. son of Mr. and Mrs.. n.t.e nj" on. lace was fas,h~ was followed by a reception raw hat and navy ac- loned t f I dd I 'offset her costume with a small Joseph W. Mooney of Plain-' 10 0 an 10 Ol:ma we 109 I at the Detroit Boat C.lub giv- completed her costume, go'\; It t t 1 th d chapeau of gray and rose tulle. the Haughtons return to field, N. J., took place lasf Sat- ¥n. was s ree eng . an: : en by the bride's parents, Mr. urday. I the fitted. bodice had bracelet. and Mrs. William Francis Her flowers were 'green orchids. thev will live in the j 5t Apartments on Parker The rites were pertormed at 4 length sleeves. Judith wore a_I. Brown, Jr., of Cranford lane. The bridegroom's mother was o'clock in the rectory of St. Paul's white satin cloche to which was' Lieut. Gould 'is the son of in ocean gray taffeta 'with m th~ Lake and followed by a . attached the fingertip length i Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Gould Chantilly lace shoulder jacket receptIOn at the Country Club. I ,. , ". ' of 1rolluois avenue. and a close fitting ocean gray se Party Dorothy's ivery antique Italian I wedd10g vel1 of French sllk 11.. Jane's wedding' gown was a taffeta hat. Her flowers were satin wedding gown was trim- Ilusion. She, carried white carna- i bouffant froth of tulle slimming fleurs d'amour. ~rDance med in rosepointe lace, a deep .tions and stephanot.is streamered I to fitted bodice which was fin. Lieut, Gould. and ~ br~de left froth of the lace finished the in ivy. 'I kihed iri off shoulder neckline on a moto~ trIP whlC~ WIll.tak,e ra and Pat Flowers were trt!art shaped neckline and was THe br"d' 't' J N II edged in the lovey lace. The lace', th~~, a,t lts conclUSIon: to his 't d h . ) e s ,81S er, ean ewe, . m 1tary base t Q ti V ;. at a party in their home used agam a e ge er sweep10g ! • • ' I formed briefest of sleeves which 1 1 a . uan co, ~., illusion veil. Her bridal flowers! was maId of .honor. Her frock of I were met by her tulle gauntlets. where they )VIl1 make theIr kshh'e road last Friday , were white roses. I aqua lace was also short length 1 From her close fitting Alencon home tempora,nly .. following Dominican Mrs. R. Russell Henderson of and on her hair she wore' a band lace bridal cap fell the fingertip Mrs. Gould s gOIng aw~y c?'5- l1issionlilardi Gras dance. Paterson,N. J., was the' bride's, of aqua blue velvet. Jean car- length veil and Jane carried a tume was a ~ray wool SUlt WIth d for refreshments and only attendant. ried- a bouquet of pink camellias. ' prayer book which was decked blue -accessorIes. were the Queen of the She wore sapphire blue taffeta I The brideg'room's sister, Bar- II with w'hite orchids and stephan- • ------3ernie Denomme. and her ~hant:ung frock, waltz length, bara Ann Hogarth was brides., otis. . Plall, Dedication \vith matching cap of maline. maid in a gown of pinlJ lace with I . The prayer book' had !been )ave Hamilton; Pat Fueh- t h' l' _'i~ ' • -,Picture by Paul' Gach " Of N H .tal Ie Petrosky. Sue Conrad, i\Irs. Henderson carried Spring ma c mg ve vet heaulJand, Her The former Bonabelle Anna Rink, qaughter of Mr" and~ The former JUDITH ANN NEWELL, daughter of Mr. carried by her mother an her ew ,OSPl flowers toned in pale yellow, blue, flowers were soft yellow, carna- sister-iri.law, Mrs. William F. Hubbard. Barb Clarity. and violet. I tions a.nd roses. . I Mrs: Ernest Louis Rink of Yorkshire Toad, was married on and Mrs, Donald R. Newell of, Country Club drive, was Austin III. The .latter served as ::-055, Mary Clementi and Robert. J. Mooney of ;Plainfield I' Arth~r H~garth~ Jr., w~s his February 23' to the son of Capt. and Mrs. Edward Ernest married on February 3 to the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur matron of honor. Meeting for the first time in 1ith. I W;lS his brother's best man. Ibrother s best man and RIchard McQuiston of Brooklyn, N. Y, Edward Hogarth of'Lan.caster road. l Mrs. Austin's .frock, from the new St.• John Hospital. the Cobb and Bert Larkins ~rbara's and Pat's dates. For the wedding, the ceremony I'Stahl was the o~ly usher. -, . which those of the btidesmaids members of Fontbonne Auxiliary Itself was attended by members I For ~he wedd1Og, Mr~. Ne",:ell t~tlllllllllllllllllJlllllllllllllllllllllnllllJlIlIIlIIlIlIlIlllIlIlIlIIlIlIIlIlIlIlIIllIIlIJllnmlflllll""""1l11f1""lIInrIlJlIlIlt""IIII1I1I11""lIIl11ll11l11mlllllllllllllll~ B.ob Dr'.ysdale- Weds Vz-rgz-'nz-an Wei'e pa~terned, w~s shaded blue will gather at 2 o'clock on. Wed- of the immediate f~milies, af~ected a frock of b~lge faIlle ~ tulle WIth ~at~h1Og stole.' On nesday, March 5, to complete :>inte High' Graduates Mrs.l h d h .. ~. . . . I Walton was gowned 10 slate blue I WIth black an~ whIte straw ~ Sort an to t e POInte ~ ------. her. head was a shell cap decorat- plans for .the dedication and ~d at Northwesterri taffeta with a poudre pink I chape~u. She ~1Oned a corsage I~ ' ~ In St. James Church, Warren- War~enton; Mrs, John .Payne of ed in cutwork, a~d violets, Her . lof whIte carnatlons to one shoul- a • a ton, Va., Robert Morrison Drys- Weston; Mass" and MIS. Joseph I flowers were mlnIature roses and blessing of the hospital. e Smith and Mariene ~f:\~he~'~:~~~~~st~e~j::l~'a;:e~~: del'. .The ?ridegroom's mother, F.iillllllllllllllllllllllllllHlHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11I1I1I1I1I1II1I1II1I1II1I1II1I1l1ll1l1lmlllllllllllllllllll/lIl~ d~le' claj~ned as 'his bride, Made- Tucker of Clarksville, Tenn. \ violets encirc.led in tulle. Auxiliar~ members will serve bride both graduates of Grosse lias. Iw~s 10 bOlse de. rose cost.ume i ,_(Continued from Page 6) by Phi Delta Theta fraternity., leme GUl~n ~rake last Saturday. , The r '!': small ,nie~e, Erin The b.ridesm~ids included Mary as hostesses during the Open The bridegroom's mother wore; WIth hat of matchmg flowellets. , Sh Th '11 b t f He is the son of MR. and MRS.: The brIde .IS the daughter of Drake, was fto~er gIrl 10 frock Rea, the brIdegroom's sister, House .program which will be High School, have been for the occasl~n navy blue chif- i Her flowe:s were yellow roses! Mr~re~chro~~e~~ p:re~~,S s t~e ,,\[ARCUS M KALBFLEISCH f Mrs. W. Wilson Drake pf War~ 'of bouffant whlte organdy. On Mary Jo Gould, Anne Tunnicliffe carried on for two weeks fo11ow- officers of their sorority I nge fan and lace with hat of tiny. and carnatIons. .. I LESTER SCHROEDERS, in their .t • ,.' .' 0 I renton and the late ~r. Drake, her hair was a circlet of or1 of Birmingham and Susan ing the ,dedication. hwe Westerl'la Coast of the Hills, Bloomfield Hills. I Garden Club wI'11l10ld a meetl'ng Grosse P010te HIgh School. on February 15 MJ's I\yres is 'of pearl orange blossoms. of, Warrenton. '11 d f '" '" ... ," . The bridal bouquet was com- .Lawrence Dra~e .of C.hestnut WI return Tues ay rom the Chicogo phone T~xedo 1-0761 Wedding guests attended a re. at 2:30 o'clock on Monday, March '. .the form~r MARIANNE KUHN posed of white orchids and' steph- ~Ills, Pa., gave hlS SIster 10 mar. Hairdressersshow with the latest Spring n a v~cation in San Mar- ception at Devon Gables after the I,10, in the, home of Mrs. Otto KI JAMES M. ~~LBFl:EIS~H, of BerkshIre road. anotis. . nage. _ fashions and styles in hairdressing. 'iz,. and the West coast ct:remony. i Rumpel at 1018 Yorkshire road. igeshn:rr ~Je~lso~ umy~~tyci • '" .' '" Mrs.. James Mallory Nash of Th~ bride's mother enter~ain~d A. and Mrs. George Big- ,Judith is the daughter of Mr. I Vincent R. DePetris will speak ranVl e, 0, as een pee SHIR;LEY GRIGGS of Wash- Warrenton attended the bride as wedd10g guests ata receptlon 10 Merriweather road. They and Mrs. Donald R. Newell of on "The Art of Flower Arrange- ington road has been. pledged to honor matron in a gown of gold her Warrenton. home, Humble- ~ Pointe on Tuesday to I eir holiday. Country Club drive and the ment.". Vacationers Enter,tained Chi Omega sorority at the Uni. faille, with which she wore a stone. at Fashion Show in South versity of Michigan. ,Tudor chaplet. Her flowers were . * '" * shrimp colored gladioli arranged . NEW KIND OF FRESHMEN . " . d b t Freshmen truck drivers and " Many local residents now va- Mr and Mrs Edward L. Shover In casca e ouque. . , . I The bridesmaid wore gowns of policemen have taken their cationing in Fort Lauderdale" of Al1entow~, Pennsylvan:a h~ve shrimp tpned faille with match- places at the educational table Fla., were feted recently by Mrs. been spend10g the We!'lK WIth ing hats and carried, golden hued of Michigan State C.~llege. Michi- Clayton Henry of Kansas City, their son, Bertram P. Shover, at gladioli. ". gan State offers non-credit year- Mo., when she entertained a1: a his residence on Grayton roa~. They were Mrs. Harcourt Lees, round 'training for. these and 19877 . . The Shovers celebrated theIr Mrs. MaxamillianTufts, Mrs'j many other occupatlona.l groups fashIon show luncheo~ gIVen at \ fiftieth weddin~ anniversary Feb- ~jlliam Burrage, Mrs. Allen Jen- as a .pa:t'of the p.rogram ?f the the Escape hotel there. ruary 2. ", kins and Mrs. John. Drake. of Contmumg EducatIon Servlce. ,lIll1l1l1l11l1l1IHlIIlIlIlIlIlIIlIlIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmm11Il1l1IK1I1II1l1I1I1I1II1I11II11II1l1II1I1I!/l11l1l1ll11l1ll1ll1l1l1ll11 . Among them were Mrs. Robert ------Shultz- and Mrs. Helen Slocum, ,. Grosse Pointe Wotds; Mrs. Ray .Dossin, Grosse Pointe Park; and

Mrs. E. E. Potter, Detroit.' , ,

LENTEN SERVICES Dr. Clarence W. Cranford, pas~ tor of the Calvary Baptist church of Washington, D. C., will be the preacher at the Detroit Council of Churches noonday Lenten services for the week beginning Monday, March 3.' The serVi~es will be held daily, Monday through Fl'iday, at Central Meth- odist church' from 12:10 to 12:50 : . p.m, The messag~ will be broad. ! cast twice daily at 1;45 p.m. arid ; the following midnight at 12:05', a.m. on WWJ.



There are 80 many wn~~8to fvear our TEENS~ 4.PIECE £OST(J~IE SUIT 2993 compl.t.

lany Crease-resistant royon flonriel button-front, p~dded hip skirt :m WAV~ltlY'S with a dolm~n sleeve brief jacket .. lined to match the r~yo~ Bonded too ..• yo," , • C )tisfaction even off., s~~ntung match stick print sleeveless blouse and extra < skirt. A :'t. .. complete, ne'f spring w~rd~obe composed of four. separate 'Cltin9 preferenc •••• ' )Mern that will bring pieces to mix andn:atch~ .. to combine ~ny way your fashion good loste. Com. in The" de e in nt, " vnur .,h.om~ is 10 .w_ sense dictates. All this for only 29 -95. Grey with gold' 'and imnortant .. . ~ ana .tool'i~kV to ~hite, or'n~vy' with b~ige and red. Teens~ sizes 9 to 15. be mad... with- \ 'out counsel. tperted• TU. 1.2100 • TUxedo 2.1)«8 K~It.CHEVAL AT ST. 9:LAI.R '67 26'la:. tV' ar r. ill , , • ~\ , 'J. . \ '\

s = d • .:,', .

, , .

..' : rhMrS~ay,' rebruary ..28, .1952 urosse Pointe Nt-wI. PUBLISHED EVERY.. THURSDAY BY ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS. .G~ ••• e. '" w.... ~,oes 00." '.'lettersTo The Editor l INC.'ALsO PUBLISHERS OF THE DETROIT:WESTWARD"4Nlj'. THE GRAND RIVER RECORD.OFFICES UNDER THE.'ELM'AT". To' the Edit~;~brUai'V'22, 1952.• 1:~~N~w'Si~~~eo~~p:~fede~~~ 99 KERCHEVAL, GROSSE POINTE FARMS 30, MICHIGAN. ".aZ•••""eJitatlollls' ". -L ," ." .... . ,•.oo:r ..-L IUr.ary .Th~'zrieiribers.o! the Grosse ni~ipalit~es'~l1 .only'. unite on Phone T.U. 2-6900 Ii ~ S% A.PRYOR.. ,,' p<;>Inte,',.~ard,~n';Clubs .counciljthlS proJect ,It Wl11- cost less .for ,J> b1~J~tmT.}'Jdr wlsh,U),express our gratItude to each, and be much more effectlVe. Three Trunk Lines ------youfor:the.very ,i)oe publicity . :r'ha!lk you som?chfor giving

Member" Michigan Press Ass'n and National Editorial Ass'n !. IIYoushoul4n'l h"veJoo"s;/.youih.!,v.~1I &111;, 'I and splendid, cooperation'and in- the ,bIg problem 'Its spectacular , 'ClIls,tilwlly's'hll1J~}o;he.:1J?h.irt::theYIif'en"fllt:"" ':"';'" terest you.:'haxe, given '.our pro- plac~ on. y~)Ur.fron~pages, and

Th.~yspend:,hillNI#e;1':nin,~)i1J\s:,mper;ot#ly:~"tiwiilg;:'; . _ " I " " gram.. ...' , rill-. itoOf' 1$ optneiJ.' Thentlie'" stllna llna'look' yo:udive,~n"th~'l?'est~tr.~.dl,t~~nof, ," ...' ' •.. :".,~. '_ iof February: 4 was an appeal to Smc~rely, JANE SCHERMERHORN FEATURE P.AG~,.SOCIETY FRED RUNNELLS , : : : S:t:'ORTS<.EpITOR . 'CII$~~g~Ib, PJ'~specP'iiJte'tin ..#lt~~c,,~tio~si:rook:" . ':."''; ~iti~d~~~~i~;:-~~~~~~~~:::~~~.~:i;s=ri~s :~i~,~:~~th~a~:~:~e :,~~i~~~ '•.~h~ur~:~~se n~oin~: gf~~~e,looJ~~~1Garden MiJitlltiv'JjJ,ns.ive,'IIs :II,loma;",; Ir.llnCe,'. r , ." '.' .',,".,. . .'., ,', .. '.' ".' ' .... ' TOM HUNTER ; ;; .:. NEWS Wh.ile ,"',oU:,it&,h,.:,IO',.".boo.lih. e,'~";n....,'ih, e..'I."l'u. r.ry'pil. nts, yo.urcake 'onl~0ll.~e"every::f?ur it' ~PP,~are'tJ1:~t,he 1s betiot~jt re~ched'1n ariroth~r war, to be Mrs. C. E, .Maguire, TOBYCUMMINGS \ ~ :ADVERTISING J , r~ . J' years but ,whenlt' comes, ,to "cine'ither' woman he~han'shall "arousedto action this sprmg, The Correspondmg Secretary, TED DAMEROW ADVERTISING Fi~~!y;delib"lIIe/withiool; languid grace', . c o:u~ t i itg l>i.rthday~;:you~ay be'fre~.'t ' , .: lmeeting wa,s'Yell attended and Th'yglitJeIlCross~/heO:sill,al'lIs~ilJsm"dp"ce •.•'.. lord:lt over.th~.rest of-us, , ' ••• 1 the resolutIons came from all MYRONf W. GILLETTE ,.., ADVERTISING HOUSEHOLDHTh"T JANET WHITE CIRCULATlbN All'bul th~ I"il. BU1:lIil"st :!h-"tJs,th:rough'.Jhe&r:~(~i_.: Itis,said,.th~t'the;In,Usica:Lcom,"'"Ad' 'litt'l 'b" k'~"L""" quarters that something musfbe And, the JOM ,s:slammed. And they~r.waili"g,to gd b"clt.:" poser;,Ro~sit;li;;bornonF.ebr~arY' n~n ~. e;~~?i'.'., oye,J done during Ma!ch. ' You can easily replace a lost MARY DENN1S..; ., , , ACCOUNTS ". '• .' ., ., ' 29i1792,took:great"de,',lighti,nhisqour,ts,~I,P.and, M~trIm,O,n,"y"PUb- YO~r,fin~ artIcle on the 'front knob on the lido! your favorite PHYLLIS HANNAH CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING , ' ' " ,birthdays. ' ,Hecelebi'a'ted what .1lshedIn,London m,1606:,w.e,filldpage of thIS.week's "News" tells pot. Just put a sharp screw . ' " We snitched: the above from the SatUrday _Eve:ning,~9st, he: called hIs. eigh~entl{'birth~ "Albeit it, now bec~me'~apari ;us that the fine enthusiasm of through the bole and twist a cork Entered as second-class'matter at the post office, Detroit, so we could pass it,on,to owners of cats who :may~ave',mis'sed day:atthe ageofseventy~fwo: To of the' common, lawe incregardthat meeting .is carrying into onto it-it will.be heatproof, too. Michigan, under the Act of March 3,1897, it. Withouf a question of' doubt, it is the: mosF'graphlc bit his ~frierids atthis,timej he, de'. tosocial relations oflife;thatias ;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; of pros~ ,we haveeve~~ encouijte~ed '.:. '. ~nd' thea~th6r,~thel ~~~:~ ~:a;r~~:se i1:~'i~~:l?;~~'i;~t~n,asth:v~~~e,;~a~;~:~~e~ii~ ;-HOL11YWOOD PERFECT" COLOR MOVI ES' FULLY PAID ClRCULA'"'l'ION Jacobsc;m, certainly knows her CATS! We wish she would frivolities of his feEms/' privilege dufIng'thetlme it con- , L • Subscription Rates: $3.00Per Year by Mail..All News and Advertising Copy Must Be in The News Office by do a,piece on cat hair on the furniture • '.. a bug-a-boo ,ofours . • • • tinueth of making love, eitlier;.by 'Tuesday Afternoon to Obtain InsertioJ;lThat Week since Mr, Charles Dickens'and'I.hiffy" the rough-;neck came There have been v ari 0 us words or lookes,..as' to them it into OUr lives. It. didn't take 'us Icing to realize that" we'd bet':' theories as to the origin ,of the seemeth,'p~oper;' an?, moreover, NOW EASY AS SNAPSHOTS' ter. dress in graY or whit,ei,f.w.,e,~yer h. oped tol, ook "ne,'at." 'term Leap Year. 'Perhaps the nefioman WIll be entItled,'~o,bep- U f most logical is the, one that-the t of clergy who doth many An Explanation Dema'nded n ortunately, we can't choose o~r. fntmd.s'"clot~es 5.0 .. they extra day which we ~ave, every wise ,treat her, proposal, with are apt to le~ve our homestead,look1?g ~s .r£.they d rolled 0P fourth year was regarded atone slight.or contumely.".. ' ••• with the 'NEW The people are entitled to an explan~tion of why they the floor of a. cheap furmanufacturmg J,omt. ".', time as synonymous 'with the History, legend and fiction re- , ~,. Fo!tunately (!or .~.w:friends) we finally c~me across. a preceding day, in the eye of the veal, the fact ,that,leap-year.:,tac- fOOL'IOOF have been 'deprived of complete coverage by radio andj tele- lmt-pICker-upper' that ls.fastened to, a roller covered with: law. .Accordingly the 28th day tics are' not: new~ 'Jane' Eyre, . vision of the hearings now being conducted by the Congresw an adhesive ,substance 'which picks up any stray crumph ttiat of February was recognized but you,rememher" annoullced" her sional Un-American Activities Committee in the Federal fastens itself to clothing. SooOopo, if you 'hear of any~inare the additional 29th day, though u~ti~a~umto .her albeiti:wi1l~ri:g guest~f-who'have graced our little home say' that they were civillyheld as,a day, was legally VIctIm,-the.bl!nd glamorou,s?l\-Ir. Building in Detroit. '" "11 dj, b th l' 'd h' k h .' , W not. accepted.' This is the reason Rochester. John Alden needed It isn't enough to be told that Sam Ray burn has forbid- ro e erore ey e~t, ... , . 0 not tIll. t e wo.rst. ,e given in Walsh's Curiosities of a little prodding:'from' Priscilla '. . Th t' 1 . m~rel~ try to de-fur them m order to be popular WIth theIr Pop'ular Customs for ml'ssl'ngor and no doubt Peggoty' had done den It. a Isn't any explanation and simply smacks of more WIves. leaping over the 29th altogether. considerable. spade work before Now, eYen if you hav~ never held a high-handedness in high places in the adml'nI'stration. • • • '" she extracted that f ' movie camera. in your hands before. "Thus," it says "the legal year ' ' amous mes- you can take professional color moyies The Kefauver investigations held throughout the country Hope you saw the opening Arthur Murray show on t-v a wee"k as opposed to' the civil w~s in sage "Barkis is willing." right from the sta.::t. 001'1 the miracle last year clearly demonstrated that televised cover1ageof such ago last Tuesday. It's good entertainment and if we were dancing realitY a leap-year." '\ ------Ampro 8 bas the sensational ACCNrato,. minded, we'd be down there like a shot.. It looks like more fun than How it came about that the MSC NOW NINTH proceedings serve~, as no p:-evio.us measures eyer had, to a picnic and producer-emceeDoris Eaton Travis does a bang-lip job fe~me, not so. fatale, was. given Despite decreasing enrollments Viewfinder that eliminates one of the wake the people up to what IS gomg on. Th.e telecasts were of making everyone in the studio feel at home and everyone lnthe her opportunity to. acquire a d~ri~g the past three years, biggest causes of "cut-off" shots, wasted one of the most important educational programs the nation' audience feel young and gay! As some local,woman said, ult's a lot husband during leap year is also MIchIganSta.teColle~e.rose from film ••. banishes the guesswork o~es. ... ~ m~tter of question. Legend has ,twelfth ~o ,mnth pos.ltIona~ong sary with all ordinary cameras. Instant has ~ver had, (;That they should be ~ummaril:y blacked out by. better show than the New.York one run. by ~rs. Arthur Murray." It that, St. Patrick had something ~he natI~ns educatIOnal..gIants,. magazine loading-no film to thread, a whim of government officials is a hard pill to swallow. Tune in, kids .•. ~ou mJght even see your pals d~ing the lilht to do ,m that matter. A penalty In full-tIme enrollment., Toal no chance of error. Plus scores of other It will be interesting to. :find out 'J'ust'what it is that Mr. fantastic. Tuesday mghts,a:' 9:30.on Ch.annel7. was imposed, upon him -because 1951fall enrollment was 13,593, . feanires never before offered. See it • of his indiscretion. It was there- comparedwith 14,993in 1950and today! Rayburn and his superiors are afraid to have the public see , Speaking of dancing, 'the Grosse Pointe Board of Education upon decr~ed that any man who 16,243,an all-time high, in 1949. and hear. The American press, radio and telev'ision have sponsors weekly Square Dances for adults that are held at local refuses a leap-year proposal I; It.s the only camera in the world that con...erta adequate facilities to insure that the ~eople shall be fully schools. A p~rsonable Grosse.Pointe H1!SBANDof some 24 years ~;:rg~':~ ~~ ~i\i~~~ly:8;~;~u: Give. Them. I easily to turret model when you're ready":"no informed on all matters of public interest. of wedded.blIss, was talked mto attendmg ~merecently a: Kerby lad~, It could be .worse. No costly trade.ins necessary. Or you can bave a . T~e people are not satisfied with being offered tape tran- Scho~l.'hBemgt~e type who ha,sfour feet ~nd no head when It com~s meption is made of a mink coat! A. Good Start turret model from the start for very little more, sCrlphons broadcast at an hour when most of them would to danel g ~.. It ~ooksome domg to get 9?mth!=!re... and he hadn t. • • • By Fred M. Kop)),. R. Ph.' And remember these are the only cameras backed like to be gettin~ their sleep; nor in having to read the papers b~en there ~e~,mmutes,w~e~ an attractIve w~;nan rushed over to .A law passed in Scotland in by the amazing .A.mproLifdime G."f"""U. '. Many health problems which wh7n the:y might be watching the witnesses and listening to hIm and ,~ald HELLO, SlIm." R~~;~ber ~e? . 1288 read "It is statut and or. arise in later life are trace- AMPltO' theIr testImony while the hearings are in session. Now It so happens ~hat Shm IS a h~ngover name fro.m h~s daint that during the rein of hir able to weaknesses that were M".lIin. Lea4ing They h~ve a genuine complaint" which deserves a full sc?ool days and ~e hasn ~ been,called that m years. So, w~lle ~lS maist blissit Megeste, for ilk never detected :md treated in Timet Mod" '50 explanation. WIfelooked on WIth!lappmg ears, the woman went on to,chIde hIm years knowne as lepe yeart, ilk childhood. Children have a J\MJlIUJ for not remembering his "old !lame"l One word led to another and mayden ladye of bothe highe way of appearing well and $16350 and lowe estait shall hae liberte playing in'spite of slight.pain. Wfth 12.5 ..... soon our hero recalled that she WAS an old flame ... and' also tobespeke ye man she likes, "Ormild illness. remembered that she had "stood him up" one night on a.basketball ------'---- -~ . Le't's Be Fair date •.. and th~t was the end of THAT romance. It also happens With regular physical exam- that the guy she stood up for is now her husband . ~ . and they are Service Times Changed inations during childhood,.no :!' STUDIO At Methodist Church serious organic disturo~mce Phone ' The Grosse Pointe W'ood's Presbyterian Church Men's the instructors of the Square Dancing class. It's a small world we could continue unnoticed, Your doctor would rriake certain of TUxedo Club, at its.J.as! meeting, uanimously approved and.-passed.a ,,~,~luzsez. '''.::'''' _,'"". • • ' , ,Begiflning with J;his Sunday, that. 1-6200 motion which 'was proposed by Alois G~esquiere, a former Those 01 you who.~e~ember with nostalgia, the days of the March 2,.the Grosse Pointe Meth- arl ~yneF'C~~~~A odist Church will change the Good. health care and the C president of the Men's Club; that the Citv Counsel be advis~d "Woman's Exchange" •.. "Irving's" first millinery shop in the time of its service 'to 11 a.m. best in medication is the 19755 MACK, Gr~sse ,Pointe lVoods that the club disapproves of the further issuance of any. Washington Arcade, , • Pack-Wolin •. , the Old Ponchartrain.••• instead of the former. time of greatesti gift a child' can re- liquor licenses in the Woods. The Addison HoteI"withglass, lighted dance floor ... and Sax-Kay, 10:45 . ceive. The members believe that the addition in the future of wlIl remember with equal nostalgia, Sax-Kay's attractive "Miss . The schedule 'now reads: the Choose.aconsCientiousphar.. .Junior, Intermediate and Sen- macist to compoundall of your more beer gardens or taverns to this' communitv would not JennIngs" .• , who could charm ~he birds out of the trees and the ior Departments of the Church doctor's prescriptions. J customers into buying merchandise. School, 10 a:m.;' the Children's be conducive to the peace and quiet that prevails at present. Recently, a local matron met Miss Jennings downtown and they This is the 385th of a series' of For I 'lee II Room Dr Den and, Infants' Division meets at Editorial Advertisements appearing A similar resolution was adopted by the Women's. Associ.. fell to talking about the good old days. Miss J. allowed as how she 11a.m. The time of MorningWor- in this paper each week. ation of the church on February 25. had kept some of the sales slips from those days and happened to ship is 11 a.m. CopyrIght

The resolutions were prompted by the disclosure that the have our little woman's slips for 1933. She subsequently mailed , / Liquor Commission will award the Woods four more licenses them to her and La Matron passed them on to us to give you "girls" , . a thrUl. W~ print here a partial list. _ . with 1933'prices. , P 1 if the city wishes them. The commission has asked the City to 1 Knitted Suit " ;$ 35.00 . ;V.. ' LOW PRICE l inform it if it wishes the additionallicenses, and to list appli- 1 Navy.Wool Coat , $ 55.00, t cants in order of the preferences of the council. 1 White Leather Bag , $ 3.50(notax!) Quality The last application which .was before the council was 1 Navy Bathing Suit $ 7.50 WithDut Sacrifice in for a SDM, or beer and wine carry-out license. The council Set' of Three Piece Shorts , $ 21.75 asked that a survey be l)1ade to show what .percentage of the Blue Wool Dress $ 55.00 I Dinner Gown : : $ 85.00 population of the city was comprised of minors, and the num- 1 EvenIng. Gown WIth. Sequms. $125:00 ber of licensed vendors of beer, wine and liquors in the city. 1 Three Piece Knit Outryt $ 19.95 After these statistics were, gathered, the council voted 1 Blue Crepe Dress with 'Jacket $ 19.75 against issuing the SDM license and went on record as against Two Pure snk Slips $5.95and $ '6.95 issuing any more SDM ~icenses for a period of at least a year. 1 Pqle Blue ChiffonGown $ 29.95 How you like dat, ladies?? Shall we write our Congre~man Th~ NEWS,has been informed that a considerable furore or WHAT??? has been created in the Woods over 'the liquQr license situa~ • • • S . ~, ... t tion. An investigation fails to disclose that any such furore Have you heard the lateSt definition'of an a'lcoholie? "Someone e~s,uper ets with exists., you don't like . '.. who,drinks as much as you do!" . C lIre The council has made it clear that it does not intend. to issue any more SDM licenses for some time 'at least~~Jt' has not. voted on the question of issuing any Class C or SSD licenses, simply because there have been' no applications ower recently for such. , ,. The Class C or club license is the one issued to taverns, • If there's a picture in the' etc., places which sell liquor for consumption on the premises. air,'you'n get it at its best- The SDD license IS issued to places which sell liquor, wine.s with this Super Set! and beer for carry-out purposes, with none consumed on the • Has the "GoBen Throat" premises, '. tone system for greater listen- The cpuncil has seen no necessity to vote upon a question ing pleasure. that does not exist. The fact that it did vote on the SDM ap- • The double-shielded tuner plication and failed' to include the other two classifications practically climinatet;' inter- would not seem to imply that the cOlJ-ncilis in favor of creat- ference from sound and ing more liquor dispensing places in the city. picture. It is a sign of healthy interest in governrrJent to let offi- • Skillfully designed, func. cials know what the public is thinking. It would seem to be tioual cabinet is fInished, in rabblewrousing when one attempts to create a situation by deep maroon consol~tte hue trying to paint a picture that. does not represent the apparent at modest,extra cost. truth. • See U6 today llnd w~'ll, It is to betaken for granted that the Woods Council will' proudly show you the ReA welcome an~ and all expressions from its people'tQ help guide YictorColby (Model l7T150) •. it in making decisions. It would be unfair ~or the people to Ea6i1yadapted for U.H.F. Ask about the RCA Vietor Factory_ damn the council members because of an 'insinuation that Se.....iee Contract coveciD{! expert ;they intend to take action which might be contrary. to the Year ulnillioD installation and maia. ten..nce • • • Iauil ..ble to RCA wishes of the residents.. . to Pay Vietor owners. .

EASY P.T~A. at Defer Plans Programs T£RMS lase Slightly Extra The PTA Council-of De fer purchase a new public address School will present a Mid-Year system :for the school, an admis. Music Festival in ihe ,Pierce sion charge of $1 will be made . AuditcJ'u;m on Friday, February for each adult. There will b.eno 29, at 7:30 p.zp. Choral groups 1rom all grades will sing. charge ,for children. ,The home-' In addition, through the co. room m6ther~!and the' teachers ., Pricelppliance operation ot Dr. and Mrs. Lufti are handling the' sale of tickets. NESTOR'S .:.Typewriter and Offi~.'Suppli.s Sadi, Mr. George Haddad, the The PTAwill present Dr. John 22406 Nine noted pianist, will present a pro- Sullivan of the Department of • E. 1, Mile Rd.' 19017 MA'CK, AT 7-MllE 14431 Ha~pe~ Gen~ral'Mot~rs gram primarily for the interest Ps~-chology'at 'Wayne University : THOE'S A Between Mack and Jefferson of the children to show them on the evening of ,Tuesday, 14316~MACK, .ATCHALMERS NearChalme.rs March 4. Dr. Sullivan will dis- ., STORE NEAl . DR. ,1.;.2280 that good music can truly be :fun. 15927 E. WARREN, AT HAVERHill" . P'R'., 5-2728 • Ope" Every Nit. 'til , P. M. To assist in raising funds to c.uss some of th'e problems in YOU 14641 E.' JEFFERSO~, AT MANISnQtJE Op.:n Friday and' S~turday Ev~ninp.Until 9 raising children. ~p.m., fUl'ther the PTA work, and to ,. t

.'. -.. ..

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.} t . Page Nine '. \ -.NeilJ"tlJo.)f8:~:"':Club"TQ~.See.."Moviesj I The .. N'eig~DorS';l:CIllb~io~tthi .. ~Mrs.L:A.Lotgermg;progr~m .Grcissepoint~~f':w'f;,'ri~lllori~l'chain1lan, :.' will .•.'inhoduce .. Mr. I c~nter.",ili:)1()l~('1~¥~':z!l~nth.ly'S~pson.. FOllO¥~g':.th~.pro-I ;meet~gMOn~aY";,;~~C#:3,.'al;'2; "gra~:t:~awillbt:~~z:ve.aby.:Mrs; j o'clock.attheCenter.' " L.E.Kelly,hostess;.andhercom-, , .~liet ....Sams'oiii}:-wel1' ..iul<>w~mittees'Mrs;George Kelly, Mrs. I ' . Gre)~se,'F',oint~.resfd~t;' wi11;sho:W:,P~, B; . Hopkins, Mrs. Donald! a color :travetJI.loY.1e.~'fRariiblingLeahy.al'ui Mrs~ Edward Luss. Throughthe~~ckies;"'- .'>,<;, _" _ , 'Mr.:, SampsGn;>,ha:s:~,:condllcted tours' throllgl1obt~7:~;the,.Umted: :', . . }' States; ..Mexrcc)':~;arid:Europe '.f6r;' .', ,COII..ilg SO.an the past"s'everal':'years. He is . also.a' mer,nher;:of the, Gios~e';:7New'.Big • Beautiful ~ ~ PofnteSchool:Board;'advisei'for W' I'h f. . B .S ,,~... ,: the.TuxisciuD~'arid'.HiY~t:1~bs, .a c . or • ..,.- ~ -' and ~ctive in:t~e Boy-Scout ori ganization. . .

.'\ .,' -:. .', . Particular' Service: for Gros'~ePoin{e~s.

"Celebrity's" newest zippered travel case,s, fitted with plastic bottles of varying 'sizes,. are /5' vacation 'neces- sity.Especially suited to plane travel-because bottles Beautifully WILL NOT LEAK. INDIVIDUAL plastic containers. tooi in many sizes and shapes. Travel kits for men, also. Wrapped SUNTAN 'lOTIONS •• CLEANSING CREAMS.. • • at no Extra Charge HAND CREAMS • • DEODORANTS . • these, too, in pliant plastic. Marc J. Alan will be the~peak- . ~Picture by' Moffett Studio er at the monthly meeting of MR.and MRS. GERARD CORNELIUS MOONEY will . the Womep's Republican Club of 'make'theirhome in F~orestHills, N. Y. They'were'mari{ed ., Grosse Pointe, which will be held last Saturday in St. Paul's on The Lake. The bride is the" on Tuesday, March 4, at 'the War daughter: of the Howard R. Waltrins of Lothrop road and lirbettler's Memorial Center. Luncheon at 1 the bridegroom's parents are the Jos..eph W. Mooneys of p.m.' .will precede ,the. 2 p.m. Plainfield, N. J. . 11' 337 F.lSHER RD.. G R OS S E POINTE meeting..' . \ Tires Mr. Alan, of the. Public ReIa-. Pointe Girl In Houston To Teach Modeling' Course Bafteries tions Department of the Detroit RoadSel'"vice WE ARE PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS. Trust Company, has taken .as his Mary Louise Goodson, daughter .last week for Houston, Texas, 25 YEARS OF EXPERT FITTING PROMPT SERVICE ••• TV. 5-3453 subject, "This Is Our Problem," where she will conduct a course DIRECTLY Ai::RO~S JEFFERSON FROM TOM BOYD FORD AGENCY • • dealing' with the 'basic principles of Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeF. Good- in modeling' at the Shamrock of the American Way of Life. son of. Merriwe'ather road, left HotEi!. E. Jefferson at Nottingham . Members and friends are prged to attend and hear. plans for con- certed action in this national election year, when every vote for r.i v,e Are Ii Better SHOES the ENTIRE FAMIL ~ is needed. Registration check up It Wi IL~Pa.y You T6 D Out ,To See Us • • • PR'I eE'S P ri ces Airstep • American Girl and other data will be discussed. FOR WOMEN For luncheon registration call p" or write. Mrs ... John Keys, 605 NUNN.BUSH • ROBLEE Lake Shore road, phone TUxedo FLORSHEIM \ 5-1268. FOR MEN with lUSTER BROWN & OFFICIAL Chur.ch to Hold SCOUT for Boys and Girl. FLORSHEIM SHOES RCAVICTOR AT MAE;K STORE ONLY Marriage Clinic SHERMAN SHOES Budgets, love, groceries, and 13300 I. Jefferson 20125 Mack. your pocket.sized George Kell VAn.y 2-0868 TUxedo 1-1191 will all be subjects of discussion at .the Cana Conference. to be. TELE'VISION given by Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish. on Sunday after- ".g.> , . noon, March 30. All ages, from I the newly-weds to the veterans will. be needed and .-welcomed. . . 2'.. ' .... Th.B •• utifa1 Ntw ". R~. Father Robert BtUToughs, A new 21':inch ISuper~Set"!!! popular Cana. Day speaker" will J ' conduct the conference in the Plrish . Hall on .Harper near THE ReA VICTOR'CLARENDON Bournemouth. Refreshments will 21 " Rockingham be ~erved during the afternoon. Due to the g'izeof the Hall the number of couples will be limit- Authentic Provin;cial Cabinet • Truly a fine set for a fine' ed so get your reservations in early. Reservations maybe made Hand-Made in the French ..Province of Canada . home • • • expertly craHed ~~ by calling~any of the following: of .the finest materials 'and -Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zinser, Available in Mahogany, Walnut or Maple ~. ~tyled' distinctively for the VE. 9-2222; Mr~and Mrs. Allen' Rowley, TU. 1-6115; Mr. and Mrs. most discriminating perso" Robt; Bishoff, TU. 1-4696; Mr. • _ ~ A beautiful piece of 'Ir"J~ and Mrs. Raymond Poissant, TU. • Be!!t BIGpicturee po!!8ible iD furniture that will fit well in 1-5984; Mr. and Mrs, Gene Scha- your TV area., . AUTOMATIC and MANUAL den, TU. 5-5544. any setting_ • Picture8 are virtually free from flr EXTIN6UI5HER James Vernor Davises interference. And Jim in Lauderdal~ • Th~' exclusive "Golden Throat" r='" I Eand ALARM tone .~Y8tem. Only f .i"I!. and Mrs. James Vern~r '- ...-' S495!m I}>V1s, of Cloverly road, and theIr 000 TU. 5-3660 ~;;n,Jimmy, are spending three •. Askabout ReA Victor'8 Factory~ weeks in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Service Contract covering expert 0 television installation and 1 INSIDE ••• On Walls anti e.Uings the ma~ntenance. , ( ... "Come i:n!Ask ahout our terrific • We ,~~n't say et:eryone', talking about the Rockingham • Here's a magnificent ~n-inchimtrum~nt etyle.d in the new, d.luxe wall

" Plaft' DENBY DOtS 16334 Hen;.r ,Op.nEyeryEyenh~g 'til 9 P. M. 10315 I. Warr." GOOD WORk 1160' I. McNichol. \ • i .~ - , '/ t l

. ------~----'----'--~ ----'-'"--~~~~-_....:-.;.;.;.,,;...... -"'-:.._--_ .... ,_...... ---_--.__---._---_ ...... _-~------~.--- - \

. .i Thursday • Thursday. Febru~ry 28, ~952 . The following passed by the ;St_Pa~l Flyers Conquered leakle's 270 Blue'.Devil Tankers Chalk the CITY OF (; WOODS at tho As NativityBurstS'~Bubble Tops in Loop .Up VictOry Over Wyandotte , ing held on .tv: . . _. . \ . ---,"",--- 18, 1952: • By Fred Runnells . ,. The Blu~ Devil tankers ~halked up another victorv b All good things must come to end sometime, 'butthat. ORDINAl! an fi~~ I 5:-29, ~ fickle old lady, Dame Fortune, picked ~he, wrong night to PI:::~i; :::e~~\::~e ~~~~fe:~=:~e: theBe.rs'homePOOII.It An Ordinanc~ partm~~~I~9leG.P. Rotar!. .Thevictory: was, hIghlighted P.; 2. Burke, G.P.; 3. Welsh, , dinance NO.2' slap down Coach Eddie Lauer's high flying St. Paul basket- Ordinance t~ ball team which had not suffered a setback in 13 starts this Club BowlirigLeague last Fr!-. WIth the ,per~oEmances of. Tony Wyandotte. Time: 58. season. ~.. ' . . h.\G P 'W' d 'R Pear. and.' Skip Clark, each of 0 d .. Use of Fire, day at t .~"" .~.,',00 S, ,ec- whom. scored double victories for 12 -yar IndIVIdual Medley-I. pons for tl The Flyers' flrst defeat ot the coming .when the chips were reation. Jack's 270 game'saved the Pointers'" .' Clark; G..P.; 2. Reynolds, Wyan- HuntingWik season wrecked all hopes they. down in that wild and wooly final the p.' ~ J .Cocktail'Loungej. Pear won ',ihe40 and 1M-yard dotte; 3. Reaume, G.P. Time: 1: Wild Birds P. ha(! of annexing the second divi- period. Village of eion Parochial Lea g u e City , team, from a sHutout at the, freestyle even~~~d Clark took 24.1. Woods", Adol championship, Nativity eked out a . Not Loud Eno1ll'b ., ''.. I the lOO-yard breaststroke and the D" 1 S . 120-yard iJiclividual InedIey., lvmg-. ~:er.:..W~andotte; ary 1, 1938. slim 50 to 45 decision on the beau. The Flyera' two bl. iuna, Jack handso~las~pIace.Auto ~lub. TheirmargJ.n of VIctOry m the I The Devils windup the regular 2. Crowley, G.P" u, ~ !Dcn,Wyan- titu1 Servite gymnasiuin court Trombly and Glenn Walters, THE CITY 01 POll~TE WOO Jut Sunday night, February' 24, boomed once again :bu~not quite opener amounted to 21 pin&. Au- i seas,?n tOhlorroW'nigh~ Febr~ary 180-yardMedley Rela}7'-1.G.P. Section 1. Tn in the last 32 seconds of play. loud enough this time •. Between to Club's:John Bar,ber and George I' 29, as they. play host to the High- (Bassett - Lea.ch - Richardson); 2. VandeVelde took complete charge land Park squad. . Wyandote. Tlm_e:1:50,6. 2"-A, entitle. I , Take Early Lead them they notched 29po~ts' with there r, ~inning '.threefrbm .. Summary 160-y~rd Freest!,le Relay-I, ANCE TO II.: . Playing with its five Iron Men, Trombly edging his t~ammate by the JUdles;aft7 ., 40-yardFreestyle-1. Pear, G.P.; G.P. (Hmchman-WIbbleman-Mor_ USE OF pm Glenn Walters, Jack Trombly, Ed WEAPONS ., Wolvex:.inePotato. Chips' profited 2. Smith; G. P.; 3. Bennett, Wy- rison-Smith); 2. Wyandotte. Time: Lynch, Pete Schummer and Tim. one point with a 15 point produc- POSE OF I: my Champine, who played all tion. ' by their 4-pointer over Motor aridotte. Time: 19.7. 1:21.1. ANIMALS the way~ the Flyers jumped into For anyone to try and pinpoint City ~ires, jumping, from fifth to' 100-yardBreast. Stroke - 1. BIRDS AND a commanding 14 to 8 lead at the ,the cause of the Flyers' defeat or third~~ place in the stan.dipgs. Clark;. G,P.; 2. Albrecht, G:P.; CAR AND TRUCK TANGLE VILLAGE Every. bowler on. the W.olverine 3. Modine,' Wyandotte. Time: .Cross J, Ruffino, 81~1 Georgia, end of the initial period. When the reason Nativity 'won is fool.:. POINTE WI: the Flyers left the floor at the hardy. It was just one of the team rolled well/over 500. 1:09.4. pulled out onto Charlevoix from Mondry Cleaners ro}led the 200-yard Freestyl~l. Glenn, Lakepointe into westbound traf- February 1. I halftime intermission with a games that could -have gone -: same is herr 1 other 4-pointer. Farms Market Wyanliotte; 2. GildD.er, G~P.; 3. fic February 21. His truck was seven point 28 to 21 advantage, either way. I couldn't do a thing again,st'this Johnson, G.P. Time: 2:16.7.; struck .in the rear by Anthony . pealed. everything seemed to be over ex- _>. Still the Ch.m~ newl~ inspired team w:qich haq lOO-yard, Backstroke-I. Rey- T. Caminita of 11401 McKinney. Section 2. '1 c:e~ the shouting. • In my book Coach Eddie Lauer declared to d Thlnp Chan,e Suddenl)' and his marveloUB basketball been m last place most of the sea- nolds, Wyandotte; 2. Bassett, G. The right front fender of Camin- son, ,p,; 3. Adamski, G.P. Time: 1:08.1. ita's Ford received minor dam- ordinance, in~ All this, was changed within the team are still the, champs. They sary for the J:l ahort span of four minutes. The should not. be ashamed because The rest of the teams split in IOO-yard Freestyle-I. Pear, G.I ages. their games. E~!lHolzbaugh Mo~ . , ~ public peace, i self satisfied smiles.had turned to they dropped a big one. After all and is hereb~ i those of 'anxiety and visions' of there are bigger things on the tors dropped the first two to Pi&e's Barber Shop, the second effect. the Flyers participating in the horizon; such as the State tourna- CLASSES in CERAMICS i on.e by one pin. Holzbaugh won City finals gradually became ment which starts March 4. They ~ .. Come in' ~ oday ORDINA.l clouded and misty. Ndtivityhad have learned the value of team the last game and with it, total, pins. Jack Gardner's 235 game Lace Custom Green Ware AN ORDINA knotted the count at 31-all and .play and good sportsmanship in Drapin( Firm{ Glue. was the .clincher.Charlie Blay ORDINANC} : the Flyers were right in. the thick past successes this .eason. Classes for Advanced or Beiin!\inl Stud.n~ l rolled 222 for Piche's. CITY OF C of a battle for their lives. Trombly BI, Star Kopp's Pharmacy won their WOODS; At For the final four minutes of Besides being a thrilling game • Cel'amic ARY 17, 192;c two points in much' the same 'Cajino Circt the third period, and for seven to watch, the highlight in your re- manner. Village Wine Shop won Distributors for RUTH MIHALKO THE CITY 0 minutes and 28 seconds of the porters' estimation "was the re- Mayca Undergloz'e the first two with ease but bowed 12016 Mor-ang Dr•. DR. 1.1750 POINTE WO' flna1 quarter, the two teams markable and stellar play by 2 Oz. Bottle••45c to the ~ruggists in the closer. battled up and down the court Jack Trombly under both back- Section 1. . Middle .Atl. Transp. Co. split with the lead changing hands nine boards. Trombly had a double amended to ~ with Steiner Ford. They wen the Section 2. times and the count being knotted duty in controlling the ball for second game by one pin but. on eight occasions, .Then the' roof the Flyers ~s 'his' teammate d~nt of t dropped total 'pins by four, I Fireplace Equipment PARTMEN feU in on the valiant Flyers and Walters was hampered by an ex- STANDINGS . their chances of remaining unde- tremely sore ankle which he pointed in " W L.' feated this year. twisted in practice during the SCREENS ~ ALL TYPES by the Cit. Middle AU. Transp. Co 58 38 Section 2.. Jim Richards stars week. P & J Cocktail Lounge :..56 40 Grates .' Gas Logs ~ Andirons ~ T0015 In those fatefu1l32 s~conds little Trombly took up the slacMnd parts of orc Wolverine Chips 52 44 tent with the Jim Richards dropped in a foul 'was a pillar of strength ior the Village WinetlShop 51 45 Quality and Attrac:tive Prices shot that put Nativity out in Flyers on both offense, and de- ~dinanc~ ar Piche's Barber Shop , 50 46. SEE DISPLAY AT , ly repealed. front and seconds later capitalized iense. If anyone boy should be Kopp's Pharmacy : , :49 47 on'. Flyer mistake by grabbing a singled out as -the best of the steiner Ford ..48 48 Smith-Matthews Co. Section 3. loose ball to score the clincher night Trombly would win hands Mondry Cleaners ,..47 49 , shall take eft and eliminate the Flyers from the down. Farms Market .45 51 66"0 Charlevoix WA.2-7155 (20) days f tourney. . Motor City Tires , , 38 58 passage there' Big John Basilico provided ihe BroL"lerhood is common sense Earl H'olzbaugh, Motors 42 54 lCoring punch that put Nativity saying: Get rift of your prejudic- Aufo Club ,..40 56 . ORDINA over the top and into the 'p1ayo~s. es in order to live peacefully AN ORDINA He captured scoring honors with with yourself and your neigh- Halfback Clarence Self of the THE 1952 ORDINANCF 19 points. with six of his points' bors. Detroit Lions in the National CITY OF ( Football'League holds his'mas- WOODS, AI ter's degree.. in dairying from 20, 1945. University of. Wisconsin. THE CITY C HouseS.nie. POINTE we Calls I P. M. to 50 Section 1. S3 Ordinance N 9:. P.M. CARPETS and Grosse Poin~; TV. Save So'.Iy IT'S HEREN March 20, H. At T'II. OW as to 'read IRING YOUR SIT IN, SAVI' UP TO 50% RIUGS B'OUND Section 2. TUBES AT CUT RATE PRICES '1, S.p.r shall appo Municipal TV Stotlolt pel" THI '.ST TV, AND RADIO SIRVICI co. w. elo•• Buch appoiJ , '. . J.Se YQrd on or befo 22240 Gratiot PRescott 7-0300 Sot .• t' year. The FAST SERVICE READY FOR YOU the first Municipal , AT 8hall be as , McCOY & SONS 3 members:

" _ .'. .! -Picture by Fred Runnells 2 members i( LET US CHECK YOUR CAR Aoove .pictures sho\,!othe three quiutets that fin\shed in a ~r_ee-way deadlock for CARPET COMPANY KUTCHER OLDSMOBILE CO. '.~ 2 members i / '" first place'In the ,first round of play in th~ Inter-Church basketball league. Top picture 15720 HARPER Cadillac - Oldsmobil. such terms " is'the ST. PAUL LONGHORNS. Front row, left to right: DOWD, SINGER, FREDAL, H. (At Balfour) 1 next succe FOR ECHLIN and ,CASHEN. 'Back row: COACH AUGKLAND, HENCHAL, L. ECHLIN, TU. 1.6088, 15554 E.Warren TUxedo 1..6600 ments. The!'. ROLAND and O'LEARX. Middle picture is of the 'WOODSPRESBYTERIAN PREACH- office of me~ . OPEN THURS. AND FRI. '"East SId. Detroit's Preferred Deoler.' cipal Park C ERS, Front row: McQUEEN, SCHOFIELD, DUERKSON, MILLER and ABERNATHY, UNTIL 8:30 P. M. three years, Back row: MaeD01'fALD,. PRINCE,. BARR Y and SCHEUERLE. Bottom picture'is of that all men the, CHRIST CHURCH TIGERS. Front row: BROWN, S. WEINER and M. WEINER. Back pal Park Co. SAFETY crow: PINK, GROSSMAN, MANAGER L.C LANCY, LEONf-RD and HODGES. office unti . , . have been F , Detroit'Lions'. rookie Halfb'a~k Iin nine games against National- have qualifi,. JaCk' Christiansen, a def.ensive 'Football League competition, all Section 2. playert' scored four touchdo~~ by punt returns. parts of ord, with the pr' dinance are "GOOD COM~ANY TO BE IN" repealed. ~ Section .Il - If". shall take e. T , '. (20) days fr. sage thereo

-\ ,. \ ."1 . . ORDINf _ 104 Yeors in Detroit - Dividancisto Policyowners, increosed 5 ti...... aRDIN' .Inc. 1943 by the Company • Compete:nt career a,ents pravid•. Watch for Us':- AN ORDINANC .ound counsel I " ,Bigger & 8.tt.r \ CITY OF 1,234 Nat'l Bank Bldg., with' WOODS. P. TheSTUMB AGENCY Detroit' ARY 19, 19: THE CITY THf CONNEClICUT MUTUAl lIn lNSURANC£ COMPANY POINTE W ------_._--~ . " ' I-I' Section: Ordinance • HOME MADE SAU5A51~9uALln FRESH "'IATS of Grosse F HICKORY SMOKED "AMS Gild lACON:, ed on Feu' ,~ « amended s - lows: Home-Made Choic •. cuts Fr •• ' .. FOT Those Who Appreciate RING Section ~. POT ROAST GROUN'D ALL upon au- IOLOGNA ,.' of Council, (Garlic or Plain) IEEF ..IEIF II vokE>d, a~ 59c lb. '77cilb. c lb. HOIM.E BAKED ed shall f' ..67 of Decer issuance SPECIALI FOR We carry Il full line of. ,hom.'mad •• alip,e cd JunOh' m•• ttI,' 8liced fresh to your order .. Allo,'cal1 liver, t).bY,bM1.1tver;b .. f pie6 shall be tenderloin, corned beef, (KOIher ItY,l., or plam).. ar,.d • ,fUll Un. payment FEBRUARY ONLY of .fresh meats. We have a cozn:P1ete'Un. of f!:ozen food•• dairy Dollars . products and. many other delie.ct.. for aoun llartie... . Caked ,. ONLY CHURCH-UKE CHAPEL--cww \ motor v' . Turkey.. DMCkl' la" ..'tI. 400 people e.,. be IIccommodatsd. upon fili!1 'h.... Coohied PIPE ORGAN MUSIC-only East SitU, insurance . w. S.lf the .a.st, " TU: 1-71" quired, :; funeral home with a pipe organ. •••• u.. W. Buy COLBY'S 16173 It WAlREN for eacL $ nr. &fiiboll Open .J'rldllYS ut.ltU II p.m. A.. ,h. B.t'. Breal'. . LARGEST PERSONNEL - experienc~tl cense, w~ f Inc.\ • . . .', "11 E. J.f.non at Crane VA. 2.1103 . . , Reasonable lAST SIDE CHAPEl .late. Horp~r ot Lokepointe ... LAkeview 1.3131 ~ CENTaAL WEST . • .. Cass at CanfIeld w. McNicHols at Lauder .T.11,lslon EriCln •• rine ASla.cllll', ... TEmple !~1l44 VErmont 8-7711 20tl ..21027Ma~k ". TUxedo 1..'41~'

" • .- " . , Pag~ Eleven Thursday, February 28, 1952 'I February 28, "952 ' The following ordinances wer~ durill','the long win- passed by the City Council of Teams Put OnGooo Battles I ,'llnter-Church' Basketball ;~u:~~ ~rsChalk the CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS at their regular meet- In Inter-Church Court Loop . L~ague Has Proud Record. r.::rt~~~:,f::,,,,~:g:;:iSY:~~ ing held on Monday, February Wyandotte ByPUD RUNNELLS - hind, Ken Mac:O~llald's '10', point NEIGHBORBOOli

. . ~. . .~ __. .v_

. ~" . ,---...... --- -~, - - .

'.9. Twelve i • Thursday. February 28. 1952 , Thursd.}

,YOUR AD 'CAN BE' CHARGED :3 T~unk lines ,CALLTUxedo 2~6900, / , '- To Sarv.You Quickly. DEADLINE 5 P~M.TUESDAY '------:: .....--4--- 4-HELP WANTED '-FOR, RENT ,.' PROCE I I-ARTICLES FOR SALi ~RnCLES WANTE.D • 1'''':''PETS.' . (Mal. and F.mal.) .:(Hous.s~A,ts .• FI~ts.,.tc.) 21D-II.etric Ap;liance 21i-Paint alld Decorate ' I . . . CLASSIFrED RATES ANTIQUES:. Small" pinlttcible , FURNITURE:. WANTE~If,yoti ; a.pair ' BABY SITTER for Tuesday 850 TROMBtEY GOINGiAWAY? at. cherry drop-leaf;' pair early • ha,:"e anything~jn ,the. Im~,of I PAINTING, paperhanging, paper Callec: ., ternoons. TUxedo 1-2302. ", .... Cash Ads-IS wordS' for SOc Brand new duplex,' 8, lovely ladder-back chairs;' pine; cher- household furniture, and rugs • Send youraogto Preston ,Mann's WE, REPAIR removed, wall-washing. Expert ry, maple, and walnut chests K-9, School, Metamora, Mich., workmanship. Mertens, 122 Presen Charge Ads-IS words for 900 1 HIGH SCHOOL girl mother's rooms, many co?veniell(:es. Upper call The. Isaac Neatway Furni- , helper. after school daily-sit and commodes; lady's chair ; tur'e.13930 Kercheval, VAney Michigan's' most modern kennel VACUUM CLEANERS Muir. TUxedo 2-0083. Adults., Owner. ' dognoardirig ana training. Free 5c for additionol words. one night (near Grosse Pointe walnut secretarY; lampsl china , ~ 2~21i5. ': ,. , WASHING. MACHINES pick-up ,and delivery. Detroit "- 21i-Wall Washing ... High), transportation home'. WO~dwtlrd ' 2-4330 etc. 16111 Mack (near 'Devon:' LAMPs. - 'FANS - HEATERS Abserl TUxedo :5-2590. ahire). BOOKS _,urcnased':;for cash: En- phone: LAkeview 7-1478. RADIUS - MOTORS VAlley 3-0322 , tire, libraries or fine, single Work Fully Guaranteed WALL WASHING, right price, neat .work. Well recommended. Call LIONEL, complete' nut~it, 'two items. Midwest~ Book Service, Dogs Boarded at HE,A,LY'S Mayo:' GROSSE POINTE woons' APPLIANCE REPAIR Grosse Pointe. B, Gentry. steam type erlgines. Orie three 4301,'Kensington: TV xed 0 Minut. MALE VERNIER ROAn Mount Clemens 3-4040. TUXEDO 2-6900 unit Diesel. Passenger, and 5-2450. JAGERSBO KENNELS /4416 E. JEFFERSON January 21 BETWEEN LAKE SHORE ' 2 6736 Free. Parldnf ~~~~: COUNTRY CLUB freight' train. Plenty of track Considered' finest boarding kennel t:n VA• - in' :Rear WALLS' and ,ceilings neatly In com 3 Trunk Lines AND MACK . the mid-west.. :~':::;~ BOOKS. bought in any. quantity. .. Special i MANAGER and switches,' comp'lete line of washed, paper cleaned •. TUx- ..;-~.~', Three bedroom terrace apartment. accessories, practically brand Entire libraries. bookcases,srt 3520 North Adama 21e-Cilstom Corseh edo 5-2408 or TUxedo 5-8552. alley easi ~ KERCHEVAL AVENUE Two floo:?:s'and basement, ..8uto- objects., Mrs.B, C.Claes, 1670 *~,?~;, Subdivi<;ic \ new. A real bargain, Box P-392 , Birmingham. Michigan SPENCER CORSETS Ten years local experience. Prov~ . math: heat and hot water. off Grosse Pointe News. Leve~ette; WOodward., 3-42~7. Telephone Midwest 4-'1717 21 k-WeGving Wayne Cc~ street parking. Available March " ------'-- INDIVIDUALLY designed. Dress ~~~ inches thi: KOPP'S PHARMACY en ability. Good habits, good per. ;;~1'; 111m Kercheval at Notre Dame 1. Call owner,. WOodward 3- SWEDISH WAF RL E 'I RON WELSH terriers, champion sired, and Surgical garinen...... Over EXPERT HAND WEAVING Owners," ". I sonality. Willing to work. ALL WOOL twist rug; 13x13; tan , and "Afficl ~ 9118. excellent condition. Pair Bates which makes heart-shaped waf- show or pet-a perfect family 18 years experience. Maude I will weav Anything-to your" tles. TUxedo, 2-6902. . " dog. TUxedo 5-3006, r The pel twin size spreads, new. Two Bannert. 368 McKinley, Grosse specifications, including uphol- !~ CUNNIN.GHAM'S DRUGS Box A-811 'A-FOR RENT Pointe. Call TUxedo 5-4027 or 'oj following Xercheval at Notre Dame sleeping bags; one used onc~ MISCELLANEOUS Household stery fabric, table linens. rugs, '1 (Furnlsh.d) SPRINGER SPAN1EL male, 6 TOwnsend 7-4:312. ~~~ TUxedo 5~16l4, ,~r!icles, tables, dishes, tools, carpets, material for men's or ~ I Grosse Ponite News ..I.:.'.",~ I months old, beautifully marked, ! 211-1 f • fl F bricabrac etc. PRescott 5-5725; women's wearing apparel, etc. i']:'.' ! NOTRE DAME PHARMACY ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom ter- FULL~. SIZED Dunbar modern housebroken. TUxedo 1-0343. e rlgera on ifi;../:J 17000Kercheval at Notre Dame race, ,completely furnished 1702 North Maple. FULL TIME retail sales person Jff!!,:L~h Available March I, 6 months dining room table,. 2 large TWO used garage doors: TUxedo BEAUTIFUL blond cocker span- COMMERCIAL AND Domestic. Royal Oak, Michigan. FolIo",' I needed. General drug store LIncoln 3~9891 GROSSEPOINTE DRUG CO: lease or longer, $135. LOrain , , genuine amber ma~ 2-7731. iel pups, registered. 23226 Lib- Complete 'installations and ~ unanimou." 170111Kercheval. at St. Clair work. Salary and commission.' hogany appearance, condition , 8-1530. NEED a piano large or small" erty. St. Clair Shores. service. Home freezers. aealed should be Advance:ment. TUxedo 5-3453. brand new. Real opportunity , units, motors, belts, controls. 211-Window Washing assessment TITUS DRUG STORE I I NICELY furnished room for re- Can TUxedo 4-0065 for ap- any condition, or grand piano. DACHSHUND PUPPIES _ R _ All makes. Work guaranteed. ~~ The 1', 1 Kercheval, at Fisher Road LABORATORY TECHNICIAN: TYyer 4-0190. . I ~g (Farms) fined gentleman. Near East pointment. Geyman Refrigeration Service, WINDOW CLEANING trict and t l'egistered, capable of assum- ~ Istered, back and tan, beautIes. Warren. TUxedo 1-8745.. PIANO WA:rfTED-Honey!color- TUxedo 1-5210. 447 Moross Road. TUxedo 5- AND WALL WASHING ,. ,~.March 17, ing responsibility in busy lab~ LIONEL "a'; gauge train; Perfect 7228. .,.. MILLER PHARMACYT ed and small. TUxedo 1-8904, Service on Screens and Storms I\I{~ In co oratory in small hospital. Call: BUSINESS lady can have attrac- condition. TUxed02~5332. known as W.yburn and Kercheval 20-TOOL SHOPS WANTED Brick woshing expertly done TUxedo 5-4500 for appointment. tive front room. Kitchen priv- WOODEN BUNK BEDS 21 q-,i...RocdinCJ existing 2. ileges, with Swedish widow POKER TABLE - Eight places , Fisher Ro, , PRescott 5-8223 SMALL SHOP or well equipped H. E. GAGE & SON MACK AVENUE 5-SITUATION! WANTED F.Dgewater 1-:,1367. mahogany, like new. -$25.00 Eve~ings ROOF REPAIRING. Expert on McMillan's VE.9-2036, ,basement shop to quote on mass leaky roofs ana repairing. Pri- TUxedo 4-0136 Subdivisio' , HIGH SCHOOL girl wishes baBy LARGE' room for employed production of kitchen tools. vate. LAkewood 6-6233. Wayne Ce, BLUE CROSSDRUGS sitting. Mother, also, desires 5~ couple. Gentlemen, 'or woman. l1-AUTOS FOR SALE :{;! 8 . ch t 17511Mack Ave.• at Neff Road KITCHEN table and 3 chairs, $20. Grinding, assembly, packaging. GENERAL WINDOW and House m es day week. Home nights. Grosse References required. Warren- Teawagon, $25. TUxedo 2-2358 Box N-202, Grosse Pointe News. 21h-RUG CLEANING Cleaners. Wall washing; paint- -~! > Owners" . Pointe references. TOwnsend Nottingham district. TUxedo DO YOU KNOW that you can ing, window cleaning. Alfred ing" and ", HARKNESS PHARMACY buy a new 1952 2-door' Chev- WE DESIRE to lease or rent, RUGS, tacked carpet. and furni- 20313 Mack Ave" at Lochmoor 5-6472. 2-2752. BEIGE chinchilla coat; dresses , Berube. TUxedo 1-4330. ~~~Wi The pt Blvd. rolet sedan for as low as small shop or portion of shop ture cleaners. Home service. ~'r~;;';J ing p:::oper ROOM and board for ,school age raincoats; young man's jackets, $1698.06. Contact Jack Holmes, immediately, for Inetal fabrica- Satisfaction guaranteed. Free l~~ RUFFLED CURTAINS expertly 'trousers, white bucks,'sweaters , WINDOW CLEANING Lo done. Called for and delivered. girl Room mother, board op- VAlley 2-9800. tion. TUxedo 1-7120. estimate. Call: ;:It: Follow 1A-PERSONALS like new. TUxedo, 2-1589. RE-NU CARPET CLEANERS "~ Mrs. Vanhaverbeke, VAlley tional. Good transportation. WALL WASHING £;'!.J'~, unanimous VAlley 2-8085 ,'1~""!J.. 4-0661. Mrs. Anderson. VAlley 2.1137. KELVINATOR electric stove , 1951 CHEVROLET Station Wag- 21a-GENERAL SERVICES Fully insured. Prompt Service should be I MOTHERS: Need a baby sitter? dining room, 'chandelier; three on, power glide, used only as 15 yeal'S experience ~ assessment Call The Sitters Club, a regis- YOUNG man desires work as 7-WANTED TO RENT rugs. TUxedo 2~8381. house car in Grosse Pointe 21i-Paint and Decorate UPHOLS E ED BO 5 Famous Window Cleoners ~~ The k tered service. References. PRo chauffeur. References. TOwn~ home. Shown at new car store. TROTH ~~:I~ trict and t 7-0377 afternoons. YOUNG couple desires garage GRAND piano, Kurtzman, dark Ray Whyte, 15175 E. Jefferson ,Beautiful upholstered booths, ,GET THAT NEW LOOK! LAkeview 6-9610 , March 17, send 5~6472. apartment in exchange for .'F;}~~ solid mahogany .• TU. 1-8721. at Lakepo~te. ideal for breakfast nooks, rec- 't~.::/ services .. 1{Alley 1-7611. FROM A RELIABLE WALLS WASHED, wallpapez A resC' WOMEN'S CLUBS or church FULL charge bookkeeper plus ~'eation rooms and dens. These cleaned. Reliable men. Free ':Ml 1;" being t' groups: You can increase your office management. References. SACRIFICING bleached ma- 1949 PONTIAC 8 Hydramatic, booths are upholstered in Duran DECORATOR Kerby Roo. BY A CHURCH organization for hogany bedroom suite; large 5 estimate. TUxedo 2-7996. treasury funds by 'household VAlley 2-7323. a parsonage, a 4 bedroom radio, heater, white walls in Plastic material available in 32 Painting • Poperhcmging • Color demn Lot: drawer chest, vanity, stool, etc., good condition only. 18,000 colors and patterns. paper products demonstratoin. house or 3 bedrooms and den. Blending - Wall Woshing • Ete. 210-Expressing A reSG You get 15% of sales. Call WOMAN wants washing and $~95. TUxedo 4-24~4, miles. TUxedo 2-9374. We can build any type, size or 2," being t ironing at home. 4352 Mary- Preferably in Grosse Pointe ~tyle of booth to fit any empty Will you favor us with a call Bob ;Keydel. TUxedo 1-0536. area. Will pay up to $125 per BOY'S bicycle, 26 inch. Fair con- For Free Estimote and Advice CALL Grosse Pointe Cartage, Kerby ROE land. TUxedo 5-5226. 1940 FORD. Good engine, 'clean twok or corner also matching Express and Moving-for pack- No.2. mak: month with lease. EDgewater dition, no fenders. Cheap. TU. interior, good tires. TUxedo Formica tables to harmonize with J. F. TROMBLEY the norther WANTED - An audience for COLORED woman wishes day 1-3658. ' 2-8587 from 4-6 p.m. on 54 booth. VA. 4-3227 ing or crating, Baggage to all "John Loves Mary", Grosse 5-7593. depots. Established in 1895. work, cleaning, washing, Mon., Kerby. Visit our- factory display and FIRST CLASS painting, deco- Pointe The a t r e pl'oduction TUxedo 2-5540 or TUxedo Wed., Thurs. References. WAl- COUPLE needs two or three bed~ see ,these gorgeous booths and rating, highly recommended. M2.rch 22, 8:30 p.m, at the lIigh CROCHETED bedspreads for 12-AUTOS WANTED 2-5480. nut 5-6731 after 6. room unfurnished flat or house. table. Price range $79 and up. Neat. clean. Free estimates School. Tickets $1.25, Mrs. Bull, TUxedo 2-8812. sale, reasonable. VA. 4~1775.. Cit\ . cheerfully given, Satisfaction • TUxedo 5-7688. . EXPERIENCED neat woman CADILLAC, any model in good METAL ,MASTERS MFG, CO. 21p-Furnitur. Repairs LADY'would like work as com- condition. LOrain 8-9636, or I 24802 Gratiot Ave., East Detroit guaranteed. DRexel 1-0398. wishes days, part' time, baby WANTED-Unfurnished 4 room , URGENTLY need loving con- sitting days, good worker, ref- apartment; or in a home. VA, panion to elderly person. VA. LOrain 7-5234. Ask for Jay. Near 10 Mile Road FURNITURE REPAIR. Refinish. 4-1775. EXPERT pamting. paper hanging ing, reupholstering, springs re. genial home with room and erences. WAlnut. 2-2743. 2-2437 mornings, . Open Daily 'til 9' p. m. by mechanics, free estimates. board for 2-year-old girl, by tied. Antiques. a specialty. NO. EX-GROSSE POINTER with two DINING room suite, 8 piece, 13-REAL ESTATE East Detroit; Michikan Van Assche. TUxedo 5-3901. employed Czech - Amencan I COLORED boy wants to wash Pick-'Up and delivery. Duall. - children, ne.ed three or four modern, $75. Jewel. gas range, FOUR ROOM HOUSE plus gar- . Prescott 5~5200 TUxedo 5-0647. LAkeview 1-;8249. mother. Please call TUxedo walls. Afternoons. J 0 h n n y. age. Automatic oil heat, hot :S-7409. LOrain 8-2577. bedroom unfurnished house or 2 years old, $45. TUxedo 1-6828 AN EXCELLENT job of interior duplex-with two car garage. water, aluminum storms and Open Sundays, 12 to If p, In. ATTENTION! Chairs, lofas re. DUNCAN fHYFE mahogany 2 decorating or wall washing. GOVERNESS,------bilingual, 1 year, phone Mr. MacMahon, VAlley screens, Lot 70x1l5'.' Owner. paired, springs re1ied in yoUl' For 2A-IDUCM'IONAL tier' table, 'like new, $15. TUx- CUSTOM-MADE draperies, slip Reasonable rates, white work- nursing; desires posftion. Ref- 2-8613, days. or TUxedo 4-0552 TU. 1-4287. covers, and upholstering. E~au. home, Reasonable! Guaran-' edo 2-3794. ers. WAlnut 5-2151. . teed. Call City.wide Servic4 erences. Temporary or full evenings. tiful selection of fabrics, Rea. TUTORING SERVICE time. Box M-291, Grosse Pointe 4 BEDROOM brick house on Bal- TRinity 1-4803. INTERIOR decorator and wife BEDROOM furniture complete four near Grosse Pointe Shores. sonablty priced. Workmanship JAS. RIGGIO and SON Experienced degree teachers for all News. double bed and chest of draw- guarantee. TUxedo '2-5000. desire 4 or 5 room flat or in- Call owner. TUxedo 2-1589. '. Offer the .finest painting, cofor styl. 21q-P'astering academic subi.ects 1st grade throughT --W-O-R-E-F-IN-E-D-c-ol-o-r-e-d-g-i-rl-s-d-e--come. Near or around Grosse ers. Early American, curly college. Foreign languages; adult, t' 1 t maple, $50. Also occasional ing, blending, wallpaper, wall wash- REPAIRING is our business. Also POI Pointe. References. Call Mrs. VERY SCENIC , ing, etc., at a reasonable cost. education included. Approveo by I SIre pa~t lll~e emp oymen, . chair, floor lamp. bedroOln VENETIAN BLINDS new ceilings. For dependable Detroit Boord of Education. Openings Good WIth ChIld:r:en. mother s Mauer, WEbster 3-3050 before This modern country home offers: lamp. 2 end tables. TUxedo 1- a large living room with fireplace, LOrain 7-3035 1470 HELEN service call VAlley 4-3022. for teachers now available. helper, etc. LOI'am 7-3109. 5. UNiversity 3-9396 after 6. 7167, evel)ings. dining room, kitchen, den, 2 bed- WINDOW SHADES 21r-Cement Work MRS. ROST. N. McCOLLOM COLORED GIRL wants 3 or 4 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE rooms, bath, full basement, 'garage FOR, THE FINEST interior dec- Appli, BEAUTIFUL white formal 12-14 orating and outside painting at ,March I, Director days housework. Ask for Billy, BEAUTIFUL CHltOME F'ORMICA Bought at Bests. $10. Grenard , and 40 acres of well-wooded land. BRICK, stone and cement work. LO. 8.2577. BREAKFAST SETS Located in the Metamora Hunt PORCH SHADES reasonable cost see Charles A. New or repairs. Arthur De Roo. as Policer~ VA. 4-2794. 1355 Somerset. Schrader, VAlley 4-0388. MRS. LOUIS MARICK MADE TO ORDER-'l'hese sets ean be. tJ Club and very secluded. Price TUxedo 1-2450. EXPERIENCED laundress will do made up 1D all colora, including yel. BEIGE fur cape. Like new. $70 $22,500 with $10,000 down, To be Assistant Director laundry at her home. TUxede Iow. blue. red. gree,'1. tan, Chairs are CORNICE BOAReS 21s-Carpenter WOI"k upholstered in Duran plastic material. TUxedo 5-8504. EUGENE T. MEAGHER. 'Realtor Painting and Decorating States; ne 339 Merriweather, Grs. Pte. Farms 5-4786. whlle tables can be made to any size. Complete Repair ,Service 25 N. Washington .... Best of Grosse Pointe References H. F. JENZEN, BUILDING military s shape and material. You can select LOCHINV AR 40 Gal.. Oil hot Oxfcl'd, .Michigan Cleaning, Repairing. TUxedo 1.6440 -EXPERIENCED LADY wishes from 26 different stylet. :VIsitour fae- water heater, and 100 gal' oil Interior - Exterior HOME ,AND INDUSTRIAL REPAIRS portionatc tory display and lee these beautiful Oakland 8-3122 Reconditioning house'Nork by the day, cleaning, , tank, good condition. $25.00 Free Estimates Addition5, Attics Completed, Porches, high scho\ washing and ironing. Deanhurst sets BUY direct, from manufacturer. save 33 per cent, Odd chrome chairs, each, . will sell separately ESQ,UIRE SHADE CO. JOHN R. FORTIER LA. 6-8217 Recreation Rooms, Garages built. Appli: Metropolitan Tutoring bus line. PR. 6-9826. only $5,95, , TUxedo 5-5524. GROSSE POINTE PARK J 152 Elford Ct. TUxedo /-97+4 METAL MASTERS MFG. CO. La1r:epointe, 4 rooms, utility room; 14000 E. 7 MILE RD. FOR YOUR WINTER PAINT- partment Service RETIRED F ARMS FIREMAN ING and d,ecoratlon. call TU. 24802 Gratiot. Ave., East Detroit RANCH MINK stole. Seldom oil floor furnace, lot 35x158. $1000 LA, PORCHES, attics. recreation -A. M. anc', Experienced degree teachers fc.i.' all will do lawn cutting and land- 1-1515 LA 7-3700 1-4521. Near 10 Mile Road w 0 l' n. Excellent condition down. rooms or minor repairs don. wbjects for Ifrades 1-12 in",luding scapingby hour or job. TUxedo 'Open Daily -'W 9 P. M. children and adults unable to attend East Detroit. Michigan $450. Box P-260. Grosse Pointe FORMICA sink' tops-Free esti- RELIABLE painter. Interior, ex- by licensed contractor. Quota- school. Approved by Detroit Board 5-4029. .News. MIEHM REALTY tions on request.. TU. 2~8324. 01. Education. ------PRescott 5-5200 15116 Mack mates, F.H.A. Terms. Woods \ terior. New and repair work. EXPERIENCED colored woman Open Sundays, 12 to 6 p.m. .TUxedo 5-7311 Chrome Co.. 20091 Mack. Al,sO A-I wall washing. Ref- REPAIR, porches, steps, doors, TUxedo 1-7496 DUNCAN PH YF E mahogany . TUxedn 1-5640. wishes 2 or 3 days a week dining table, and 6 chairs; very erences. VAlley 4-7808. windows. kitchen cabinets, CHROME DINETTES - made to GROSSE POINTE FARMS, 309 cleaning or laundering ,ref. TI. , bookcases. Good work, prompt order in genuine Formica. Any reasona.ble. Antique mahogan) Hillcrest. Threebedroorns, gas RECREATION' rooms, formica SECOND semester starting week 6-2013, rocker, Norge refrigerator, 7 Painting - Decorating service. S. E. Barber, 20380 of March 3rd in fine original I ------.--- size, color, or shape. 'Chairs in heat, carpeting. Lot 50 x 155. sink tops, and kitchens re- cu. ft. TUxedo 2-6616. Nesbit, TUxedo 4-0051. ceramics, Afternoon and eve- WANTED WASHI!'ifG done at your choice of colors. Five- Two car garage. Owner. $17,500 modeled, J. P. Welch. PRescott Papering piece sets start at $49.50. Bar I ning classes weekly. Geemo home. Good references. VA. BENDIX automatic washer, ex- or $9,500.down. TUxedo 5-6589. 5-0166. Complete Service Pub1!shed: C stools, step stools, and booths CUSTOM built kitchen sinks, - Originals, studio and school. _2_-_86_2_1._. _ cellent condition" $90. TUxedo Household Repairs formica tops, cupboards, cabi- Woods Chrome Co. 20091 Mack , 2-6622. DO YOU WANT TO SELL your 21h-Watch Repairing Highly qualified teachers, 14824 WANTED CLEANING job office TUxedo 1-5fi40. property for top price on invest- _ nets and bars. Call W. B. Evans, Charlevoix at A~ter Road. VAl- or store after closing time, VA. H, J. FRAZIER TWinbrook 3-5438. BAR:f\EL-BACK CHAIR, mahog ment basis? We .have an exe- ley 1-2032. 2-8621. FOR A BETTI!;R grade of used - cutive who wishes to buy a 3~ EXPERT WATCH and clock TUxedo 2-2328 any. frame, gl"ay upholstery , repairing. Pro m p t service. furniture see Nea,tway Furni- bedroom home' with lav. Can ADDITIONS, alterations, cabi- $40. TUx,edo 2-4997. Reasonable prices. Bra d'l e J-LOST AND FOUND NEAT MAID. wants' work 3 or 4 ture' 1393ll Kercheval. We al- pay $2,000 do~n, $150 per y CALL OLSON, VAlley 1-9346 nets and stairways. General I Jewelers, 21031 Mack at Roslyn. ------~--- days, Monday, Tuesday, Wed- ways have the things you are MANGLE, 43-inch roller, Simplex month, plus $3,000 per year on for your decorating, painting: modernization and repairs. Of- TUxedo 2-9309. LOST - Springer spaniel, 6 nesday. $7.00 and carfare. WA looking for. VAlley 2-2115. deluxe, gas heated, electric run 6% contract. Contact Mr. Wil- and paperhanging. Reasonable. I fice partiticns, Formica table ULL POINTE) LACK, of sp~ce, forced, to sel 18-EX~HANGES downstairs, Three children in I STATUES '\ Men's and Ladies' Suits Tailored '1'0 Order VA. 2-3040 6-FOR RENT 1951 model G. E. stov'e, at rea family •. Live in, private room HAND WOVEN - EXCHANGE for a late model ,car Alterations, Relining. Cleaninr and Pressing _ (Houses, Apts .• Flats, .tc.) .sonableprice. TUxedo 2-0104. TUr and bath. Must have z:ecent ,COAT MATERIAL or Plymouth., S~burban. A WIRED references. $35 per week. NEFF' ROAD and Kercheval 1 CHILD'S Desk, maple routo p Knage 'piano ,and bench. AI- J4831 UST JEFFERSON, al City Limits TUxedo 1-9579. Beautiful, newly built 5-room 5 h yal;ds of 33 inch width woo1 Full line of. .floor at the coat material. Royal-blue over with swivel chair; also mahog - , most ..new, beautif1:ll, tone and lamp parts... Fred M.. Schuman Established 19Z5 Open Eves. .till '1:00 upper. Fireplace. combination finish:' Val u e ' $11:00.00 VA. Farms COOK and general no laundry, navy in a twill. An. exquisit e an'Y piE~crlis.f'. tilt;.top table aluminum storms 'and screens • TUxedoF7108. 2:':6449. Also handmade each d, stay. Private room and bath. garage, automatic oil heat piece of fabric . . .. . lamp and kero~ene . Pick-qp $30 to $35: VAlley 3-9655. Rent $150 per month. TUxedo 1702 North Maple; BOY'S FULL 'SIZED" standar d 19-PETS '11 Gros •• 'oillfe Woods 'f's Royal Oak, Michigan~ Filigree Vases and Delivery A RECEPTIONIST: Young lady for 1-2175. Schwinn bike,' good condition , , LIn'coln ~-9~91. $25. TUxedo 5-9170. , TwO- YEAR~OIJj pointer. female KADUR'S "STANDARD STATION said a~ new clinic. some typing. Must GAR<\GE apartment; 2 bedrms 'great 'little shooting dog, nice . TUxedo r -1977 be reliable. East Warren Dis- and porch; gas, garage and CHANNEL BACK chair., Idea I COLT 38-police spedal, 6, inc h .range, staunch to wing;' good ALL STANDARD On. PRODUCTS FOR YOUR CAR'S SAlUL trict, good salary. WAlnut 1 garden space. Call mornings for recovering. Reasonable;' TU barrel. Perlect':condition. Cal 1: retriever. Reasonable., TUxedo Daws( 2~46&1. ;I~ 3-5910~ .. , .' '-w.e.D.o.w.e.'d.in.' .M.G.Ck.A.v.e•.,.c.or•.•Ro.SI.yn__ Rd••~ Mrs. Root, VAlley 2-2437. TUxedo 2-1381. 5-0195~ ELECTRIC SHOP 1 Cit, '. Published: G~ I

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• 1,." ... :ebruary 28, 1952

ThursCI.y, F.bruery 281 1952 .\\ .~ -, ,. - . Page, Thirteen . , westerly,25 feet of. the '~ortherly CITY OF . SubdivisioIL , " ' • "., , OUTSTANDING:STUDENT- Messrs; H .'L and;William;H~Newman; l'epresentmg the): •. UR.BANA-C~AIGN, 111.- Detroit Insurance, Agency,.~aubriiitteda';~comprehemive 'x:epoft"" C"t.ASSIFIED .John .Warren :Ilobinson, Jr., of on the genera}. insuranceprcigram of,.the :City~ and same: waS :,: referred to theFiri~nce Comiriittee' 'lo~ stud)ermittmgterraces t~ be ,erect- • K'HDLlNG WOOD, !aving Owners," "Affidavit of Publication o{~otice of Public Hearing" ADDITIONS, alterations, repairs, , Purchase of 150 feet of lake front property adjacent to . ed upon lots' "P" and uN", ~- Cannel Cool' and "Affidavit of Mailing" of,notice of public hearing. .' the present, Pier-Park on the south was reportell completed. ,extra rooms, partitio~.' re- T HAND WEAVING tweell' Cadietix-N otr.~' , Dame moved~ kitchens, porches: etc. '.ckoge Cool :ave Anything-to your' The public hearing was held and representatives from the It was also reported that the City had obtained 'an' option l following properties were heard: , to purchase an .additional 150 feetat;1joining the newly pur~ Avenues, north of st. Paul A,ve- Prompt and. feliable. George I Disco Cool . , ,~'ri ~tions, including uphol- Selleck, LAkeview 6-1420.. Johns03 Lot 1 Kerby Gardens Subdivision chasen property .. nue, wa. ,adopted'. ~."I~t..l II lbric. table hnens, rugs, il . , fll"~r ;,~ Lot 4 Kerby's Subdivision Bills were approved. . Bri.q"ets material for men's or Lot 5 Kerby's Subdivision The Clerk,~as authorized,to ' 21t-Dressmaklng l - .:.u Mr. H. Whitford, who was reported as having satisfactorily' Chol'cool .-~~~~. s wearip.g apparel, etc. Lot 6 Kerby's Subdivision continue 'with the city shade" EX. U.S' ' )2 North Maple, completed,his probationary employment in the Public Works , . ,." .. CL IVE ALTERATIONS- WE DELIVER Following consideration and discussion, a resolution wa~ Department, was confirmed as a regular full time employee. tr~e mamtenance pI;0gram ,and b Marl'e' St. h . d 'al Oak, Michigan. unanimously adopted determining that the improvement ' ,... y ep ens, on resses, J\lst Call LIncoln 3-9891 should be made and establishing the boundaries of the special Mr. Sidney DeBoer w~ authorized to atte:itd confer'ences to cooperate Wlth the proposed suits, and furs. TUxedo 5-7610. assessment district. at the Michigan State College and University of Michigan on community prog:i:am, combat- building and water operationS. . ' ldow Washing The Assessor submitted the assessment -roll for said di. tmg.the spread of Dutch Elm SEWING, alterations and mend- TO. 2-9085 trict and the Council adopted a resolution fixing the date 01 The Council was' advised that a suit.. had been instituted Blight disease. '. ing. TUxedo 2-0037. )OW CLEANING March 17, 1952, for a hearjng on the roll. ,against the mty for the recovery of taxes paid under protest. J.ALLEMON WALL WASHING In connection with the proposed improvement to be ... The following reports wert' received, ahd ordered. filed; , . Action in the 1952-3 budget ALTERATIONS for adults, sew- . w. on Sc~~ens ~nd Storms known as Special Assessment District No.2, for "Paving of Building Inspector, Treasurer, Police Chief and Fire ChIef: was deferred. So also was the ing for children. Excellent MACK at UNIVERSITY existing alley west of Kercheval Avenue extending from The Council authorized the holding of an examination to proposed Parking Mete:r: o'r- service., Mrs. Anderson. VAl 17727 Mock Avenue loshing expertly done Fisher Road to McKinley Avenue in the rear of Lots 41 to 51 establish a n~w list of eligibles for future employment in the ley 2-1137. McMillan's Grosse Pointe Subdivision of Lot 8 Jane L. Fisher's Police a~d Fire Departments. dinance. ' , . GAGE & SON - " , Subdivision of pRrt of Private Claim 241: Grosse Pointe Farms, " , The Council authorized the purchase of eight (8) new The ,budget of the, Gro~se EXPERT alter~tions. Pick-up and i rUxedo 4.0136 Wayne County, Michigan; with a pavement 20 feet wide by 'chairs for the Council room. , 8 inches thick," the Clerk presented "Certificate of Property Pointe-Harper Woods, Health., ' deliver. LAkeview 7-6723. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Monday, L WINDOW and House Owners," "Affidavit. of Publication of Notice of Public Hear- February 25, 1952. ' 'Council, for the' 'calendar year LIONEL 's, Wall washing; paint- ing" and "Affidavit of Mailing" of notice of public hearing. ALTERATIONS, repairing and 1952; was appro';"eCl.. ndow cleaning. Alfred remodeling a specialty. Will. The public hearing was held and the owner of the follow. William F. Connolly, Jr. Harry A. Furtoll, call for and deliver: LAkeview TV and Radio Service TUxedo 1-4330. ing property was heard: ' .l\Iayor Clerk Consider:atitn of the plans of TRAINS 7-3102. Guoronteed Repair Work Lot 40 McMi11an'~ Grosse Pointe Subdivision the proposed new pier at the Accessories and Parts Following consideration and discussion, a resolution was • Television - Radio lOW CLEANING City ~k was deferred. INVISIBLE repair work and re- W1de Selection .now on 'DiSPlay ur~animously adopted determining that the improvement weaving. TUxedo 5-9370. • Sound Equipment Use Our Layaway ,LL WASHING should be made and establishing the boundaries of the 'special Lioll.1 assessment district. , • The Clerk was instructed to Isured. Prompt Service EXPERT'alterations. Pick-up and East End Approved 4, years expe~ience The Assessor submitted the assessment roll ,for said dis. notify property owners in the . deliver. Excellent s e r vie e. trict and the Council ado.pted a resoiution fixing the date of Notice of Election are.a between ' Jefferson - Lake Service Station ~ Window Cleaners . LAkeview 7-6723. • March 17, 1952, for a hearing on the rolL St. Clair, of a conference Satur- TV AND RADIO ~Akevlew 6-9610 21w-Bldg. Mahtrial A resolution was adopted on "Condemnation Project No. day, March 1, at 10:00 a.m. Sales & Service 1;" being the proposed opening of a contmuousalley between VAUGHAN WASHED, wal1papel Radio and Train Shop Reliable men. Free Kerby Road and Calvin Avenue, making it necessary to con- Progress was reported in the BUILDING MATERIALS 13,940 KerCheval neor Eastlawn demn Lot 8 of Calvin Park Subdivision. on Charter Amendments 15434 Harper LA. 7-0771 ~. TUxedo 2-7996. matter, of a proposed ord~nance CINDER AND CEMENT BLOCKS VA. 4..9823 A resolution was adopted on "Condemnation Project No. Near Nottingham requiring installation of ,dis- PLASTERING MATERIAL Open Evenings Until 8:00 pressing 2." being the opening and widening of Williams Avenue to Sand. Grovel. Fill Dirt. Yellow Sond, Kerby Road northerly from the Hamilton Park Subdivision pOsal units for the handling of Crush Stone. Cement, Mortar. l:ime. No.2, making it necessary to condemn the easrerly 25 feet of CITY, OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS, rosse Pointe Cartage, ' garbage in City' residences. , Cement Crock and Sewer Crock. the northerly 166.42feet of Lot 13 Kerby's Subdivision and the , and Movil~f:!-for pack- WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN ST. CLAIR SHORES crating. Baggage to all Progres~ was reported in the BUILDERS SUPPLIES YOUR TREES Established in 1895, matter of the survey to be made " 2-5540 or TUxedo TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF on municipal operations. and 23715 littl. Mad Can be kept healthy and beautiful, .. re.1 asset to your hom~ City of Grosse Pointe Farms Neor Harper CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS, MICHIGAN functions. Presc~tt 5-551 5 by having ou~experts trim, spray, 'brace as needed. 'niture Repairs Councilmen Morgan, Allen Free estimates. ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the Regular Annual . and Kenower were appointed 'RE REPAIR. Refinish_ Election to be held in the City of Grosse Pointe Woods, Waynf: NOTICE pholster~ng, springs re. NOTICE of EXAMINATION County, Michigan,' on Monday, April 7, ,1952, the following to a conimittee whose purpose \ntiques a specialty. it is to make a study of the Fire TO ALL 'TAXpAYERS F~& J. Landscape Co. and delivery. Duall. amendments to the Charter of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods . Department ,situation, in the '3448 Buckingham ~w 1-;8249. will be submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Grosse TUxedo 1-2852 For FUTURE EMPLOYMENT Pointe Woods, to-wit: City, and with specific reference The Assessment Roll for ON! Chairs, sofa,,: re. to the possibility of engaging Grosse Pointe Township is springs retied in you!' An amendment will be submitted providing for the adding Reasonable! Guaran-' of a section to Chapter 4, to be known as Section 4.18 of Chap- fire prot'ectlon service from tieing compiled. .The, Board of ~ll City-wide Servic4 AS ter 4 of the Charter of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods, read~ Gross~ Pointe Far1l).sand/or Review for the Township will 1-4803. ing as follows:" .. Grosse Pointe Park and the be in session at the Grosse .Good, Fences for 42 Years letter wi'ittenby such comIn;it- . Pointe Shores Municipal Build- stering / . "Chapter 4, Section 4.18. COMPTROLLER. The City POLICEMAN or FIREMAN Council may appoint a City Comptroller who shall hold tee, to the Farms and Park was ' ing, 795 Lake Shore Road, on l'G is our business. Also office at the will and pleasure of the Council and who shall read into the record. Monday, March 10, 1952, and !)f\ lings. For dependable be the General Finance Officer of the City. He shall be. The meeting .adjourned at Tuesday, March 11, 1952, at ~all VAlley 4-3022. responsible to an,d work under the supervision of the Coun- including. • . Applications are being received up to and including cil. His functions and duties shall be: 10:15 p.m. which time those deeming Chain Link A!t-Steel an" nent Work (a) To maintain a system of accounts of the city which 'shall themselves aggrieved by such March 1, 1952, for examination for future employment Norbert P. Neff. Rustic Styles lone and cement work. as Policeman or Fireman. conform to any uniform system required by law and assessment will be heard. by the CouncIl and to generally accepted principles and City Clerk repairs. Arthur De Roo. procedures of governmental accounting; , 1-2450. To be eligible one must be a citizen of t~e United 17150 Maumee Avenue BOARD OF ASSESSORS States; not over 27 years of age, plus 3 years' credit for (b) To examine and audit all accounts and claims against WA.. 1-~8'O 'penter Work military service; not less than 5' 9" in heigHt and pro- the city except claims for unliquidated damages. He shall TOWNSHIP OF not appr.ove the issuance of, nor sign, any draft, check or JENZEN, BUILDING portionate weight and have a minimum of a ,~omplete warrant'" until he has verified the' correctness of. the NOTICE SRqSSE POINTE MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. high school education. ) I:\IDUSTRIAl REPAIRS amount for which the same is issued; 10403 HARPER AVE. RESIDENTIAL, IJltDUSTRIAL \ttics Completed, Porches, (c) To prescribe a method of accounts and financial records Rooms. Garages built. Application may be made either at the Police De- partment or Fire Department any day betweer. 8:00 for any office, department or court of the city main- 111e,Assessment Roll for the ,Coming Soon d Ct. TUxedo 1-9744 taining independent accounts or financial records; Village of Grosse Pointe Shores , -A. M. and 8:00 P. M. N~w .. B19 • Beautiful YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER ;, attlcs. recreation (d) To examine and audit all books of accounts Qr'financial for 1952, has been, completed. , records kept by any office, department or court of the )r minor repairs done The Roll will be open for in- Watch far B-1 Proudly announce. its appoilltment as tlM East Sid. c1istributor city at the close of' each fiscal year and at any other 6 lsed contractor. Quota- time at his own discretion; Jpection by any taxpayer for of the well kno\vn quality-cOlltrolled l request" TU. 2-8324. HARRY A, FURTON one week previous to' the meet- (e) To present to. ~he Council monthly financial rep~rts. • Matico Asphalt Tile Flooring porches, steps, doors, CITY CLERK showing in detail the financial condition and operatIons ing of the Board ?f Review, The s, kitchen cabinets, of the city; Board of Review will be in IFireplaee • Danbury Rubber Floor Tile es. Good work, prompt CITY OF GROSSE POINTE FARMS (1) To at aU times cooperate with the City Administrator session at the Grosse Pointe S. ]~ Barber, 20380 and shall provide such information and reports, and • Crescent Plastic Wall Tile \' . Shores MUnicipal Building, 795 TUxedo 4-0051. ltubUshed: Grosse Pointe News. February 28. 1952. perform such duties as are requested by the City Admin- , istrator so long 'as they are not inconsistent with the. Lake Shore Road, on Monday~. Wood • Westplak Table and Counter Top duties of his office as herein provided," , ,\ built kitchen sinks, M~rch 10, 1952, and Tuesday, STORM WINDOWS for Wood and Steel Sash tops, cupboards, cabi- The Charter of the City of Grosse .Pointe Woods contains Phone TU. 4..9859 March 11, 1952,.:,at which time , . . i bars. Call W. B. Evans, no provision of this nature~ for Delivery 'ook 3-5438. CITY OF any' pleas or objections to any There will also be submitted an amendment'to Section 5.4,. assessments will be heard. NS, alterations. cabi- Paragraph (b) of. Chapter 5 of the Charter of the City 'of • Killdlinl Wood • Pocka,. ,City Sash & Screen Co. Grosse Pointe Woods reading as follows: Coal -, Cannel Coal :ld stairways. General 10ARDOF ASSESSORS - Charcoal - Manure I . 14000 E. Seve.. Mile Rood, Just West of Gratiot ization and repairs. Of- "Chapter 5, Seetion5,4(b). Vacancies in elective offices - Mciirsh Hay VILLAGE OF " I LA. 7-3700, LA. 1-1515 Fr.. Estimates rtitions, Formica table other than Municipal Judge (Justice of the Peace) shall be Jxedo 5-2840. WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN filled by appointment by the Council of a person possessing GROSSE POINTI SHORES D. E. Leydet I We Give S & H Green Stamps the qualifications for the office. Any person appointed to a vacancy in any of such elective offices shall hold office until 17751 Mack, at Marseilles Notice of Assessment: such vacancy is filled at the next regular city election. If , four or more vacancies'exist simultaneously in the, positions iERVICE I of Mayor and Councilmen, the Clerk shall within 10 days The Assessment Roll for the City of Grosse thereafter call a special election to be. held within' 60 days .<~Fireplace Chimneys . Pointe Farms, Wayne County, Michigan, for the to fill such vacancies for the unexpired terms of the officers SPECIALS '. whose offices have become vacant." . ••••••••••••••••• year 1952having been compiled, Section 5.4(b). Chapter S of the Charter' of the City of Grosse CLEANED &7 THE BIGGEST LITTLE LUMBER ~ARD IN THE WOm.D* S- DRAINS..SINKS: Over 40 years experience' lJ:I • Pointe Woods at present ti~~ reads as follows: , cleantnB and repairln, detec- '* • HChapterS,' Sec~ion5.4, Paragr:a.ph (b). Va~anciea in tive fIreplace chimneys and EANED • ~Ieeting8 daml'ers. • elective offices other' than Municipal Judge (Justlceof the Knotty Pine Panelling , Night and day service: :ror the Purpose 0'£ Peace) shall, within eOdaYll,be filled for the 'unexpir~d WE ALSO.' FUENlSR CffiMNEY SCREENS FOR PROTECTION term of \he officer who~e office has become yacant, by ,~p- AGAINS~' lSPARKS. 'BIRDS, SQUIRRELS,. BATS. ETC. Work Guaranteed : Re~ersible for moulded. or "V" joint, No. 2 and: bener, Reviewing Same, pointment by the qouncIl of a per~on pos~essmg;th~ qualIfi- FURNACE, BOILER AND INCINERATOR CHIMNEYS. CLEANED' heavy to No. 1. The moSt beautiful panelling available. 40TOR CITY : cations for the office. If a Coun~llman IS apPOInted to be Phone TY. 5-9210 al Sewc: Cleaning Co. • Will Be Held Mayor. such appointment, shall not alter such appointee's $250.00 per M "- VA 2-6527 : term as a Counc~lman--:-but. s~a}l create a vacancrin the J. C_ Kinggo & Son 8000 linwood position of CounCIlman,: WhICh'vl;lcancy shall be filled for ••••••••••••••••• TUESDAY, :MARCH 11; 1952 , , a term expiring on the Monday next following the next'reg- . ular city election. 'However, if any vacancy in the, position of Peeky Cypress Panelling AND •... Mayor or Councilman is not so filled .within the said sixty Something distinctive and different for your recre~tion room, LORS days, or if tour or more vacancies exist simultaneously in the positiOll of Mayor and Councilman, the Clerk shall with- S HI D E t HE E ,SP RAY IN G attic room or bar. Will take many kinds of fulish. . ',. )rder YA. 2..3040 TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1952 in ten days thereafter calla speCial. elec~ion tcibe, hel~ ~ssing $225.00 per M within sixty days thereafter to fill such vacancies for the '\. ~, ... unexpired terms of, the officers whose offices have becoftle ~. l' t~ The new insecticides and fut1,gi- at the City Hall, 90 Kerby Road, Grosse Poirite . , ,. ""\ .' II City Limits vacant, N.otwithstanding the foregoing, no vacancy in the ...... \__ "IlI~ cides applied umier careful ';'l' -A' 1', .. ," Farms, Michigan, from 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. , '''-l' J.~''t~ .. FlbOr'ing~ ./ office of Mayor or Councilman, shall be filled either, by supervision offer pro tee t ion' Oak Open Eves. 'till 1:00 appointment, or by special election, if the term of ,office of I "'.". '.. ',1 ... e~h day, , 'ti,)'J <', against .m"ny deadly diseases oak .. ;K. D. red or white,-S~al price to all. (...~ _" . ~f'~-'." ' ' "lie person whose ....officel1as become vacant expires within "," .. .~.'~~'. All those deeming themselves aggrieved by ninety days after the vacancy occurs." '< ,,' ..,- and insects of trees. Lei our OilDO YOUR INSULATION.» .TORil" lASH NO~ graduate foresters discuss )'OUf' Big mill stock of beautiful.lnilled Appalachian said asseS8~ent may then be heard. 'Dated at: City of Grosse'.Pointe Woods. MI~higan. problems with you. STATIOI DOROTHY. WESTENDORF' Dawson F. Nacy • YOUR CAR'S SAKE Harry A. FurtoD C~~yClerk • •• rSLUMBE'R SU::~IES t•• C~r. ROily. Rd. City Assessor City. C~etk Clty of Grosse.P,ointe Woods, Wayne SUBURBAI TREE SCIENOE I SERVIOE 19743 Harper. between 7 and 8 MUeRds, I U. 2.4800 County, Miehigan" :Published: Grosse Pointe,.t'l'ews. February 28. 1952. • . 22075 .~Hciyes, Eas,t Detroit Phone: PRescott 6-6069 rbe B1gJ:e,;t Little [,umber fard Ill' th .. World! ... --- .. 1 Published: Grosse .Pointe News, February 28, 19» I ,, /

j .--" .. . - --;-- -_._,..----:~.~--.HC-. , ."''''.''V ..._ . .'t.\.d'h. -1.... 1. ,.,. ,


Page Fourfeen Thur~daYI February 28.' 1,952

* * * * , ~Fea t ti r e * * J. WhO,'T¥here and whatnot .Poinfers,of Interest G,ootl Ta~_~.~... ,.."'M" __0. - ..1 Cente;. SchediJle',-~ ._,',.,.._~roorla . • •. ,•••• ,•..; ,.:; 0 •.• , •• :_::; • ., Ulbooz;1 .£.1)on/. R'~c~f,;s_.... I-, 0:=,21 t .ot. .. FEBRUARY 29-MARCH &-OPEN SUNDAYS .12;.5 P.M: '. Edward R. Macaqley, of Kenwood road, will-be. subJect Peopl. i;, th. K,;,;t4, :of cover and leading article in the April issue 01 Saga Maga- . AU Center Sponsored Act,l';iti.esOpen to Public "' .. zine, according to Mark Beltaire's Town Crier column 'in the SOUR CREAM PIE. NOTICE: Please call for lost articles at the office. F,ee PresS.-M~~ Macauley is chi~fstyling engineer ,at Pack- Contributed ..by They will be. held for thirty days, . ard Motor 'Co. ' ...... ' . .. - , .... ,* .... Mrs. J, Henry Pich~er, .. • • • Friday, Feb. 29-Grosse Poil.lte Garden Center Consult~- The Pointe's favorite personality this Spring is, of .:ourse, 1Ih c. sour cream , tion--Pointe. ..GaTden ClUb, 10-1; Marie L. Anderson,Px:es1- Dione LU':8S who comes to Veterans' Memorial Building in % c:, small raisins' '. d,ent, 2:30':4:30 p.m. (Call. TU. 1-4594,) ... .. Detroit. on, Tuesdays to. teach the intricaci~s of Fren~'b .cook- 314~. bro~n sugar Friday, Feb. 29-Grosse Pointe Garden' Center Sympos- ing (sponsored by Seven Eastern '\Yomen's Colleges for their ... 3 egg yo]~ ium-"Using Flowers inyotir Home," by Mrs. Z~W. Sch':llke, '. . ~5cholarship fund). . Cook in' a double boiler cun. 1o a.m. and 2 p.m. (Call Center, TU;'I-6030, f?r InformatIon.) • • • til thick. When' cool pour into Friday, Feb. 29-DancingClasses--:Jumors, 7:30 p.m., ~ere's~ murmur of deep voic~d approval every time the .1 baked pie' shell. .Then beat and Seniors,a:I5 p.m. (Center sponsored. Can TU, ,1-6030.) charming Englishwomen who's holder of the famous Cordon three egg-whites well,with six Friday, Feb. 29-Art Class-7 p.~. Bleu, reaches for her wine, rum and brandy bottles (Christian dessert spoons' full 'of granu'" * ...... Brothers, of course). The gentlemen are agreed, "Now there's lated sugar. Spread over .pie Saturday, Mar. I-Grosse Pointe. Garden Center-Consul- a girl who CAN cook!" and brown slightly. tation-:-Grosse Pointe Farm and Garden Club-l0 a.m. to 1 • * * . p.m. (Call TU. 1-4594.) '. . . . Everyone is trying to duplicate the Lucas'lessons at home, Saturday, Mar. I-Ballet Classes-Olga FrIcker, Instruc- We heard the Lem Bowens served Lucas version Sweetbread:; Woman. Leaders tor-9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (Call Center, TU. 1-6030.) (in white wine and brandy) at a recent Saturday supper f Saturday, Mar. I-Grosse Pointe Garden Center Sym- party. . , Put on Exh,ibit, ' Posium",,"Planning and Planting your Garden"-Lecture at * * * 10:30 a.m. and Lecture at -2 p.m.-also, con,sultants on land- '. Bill Bryan, whp accompanies his wife to, the: cooking A Gallery Exhibit of portraits scaping. (Gall Center, 'TU. 1-6030, for information.) school ••• as fine entertainment as a Theatre. Guild produc~ . -"Detroit's Women of Achieve- Saturday Mar. I-Teen Age Dance--Orchestra-Re- lion' and Lucas might be Lynn Fontanne as she prepares her ment," will be held from Ha.m. freshments-$1.50 per couple--9 to 12 p.m. (Center spqnsored. recipes! ••.. Bill will probably no~ regard with fishy eye to 10 p.m. on ¥arch 8 in the Call TU. 1-6030.) any poached egg which has ,not been w-h-i-r-l-e-d. auditoruim of the .Women's City Club, 2110 Park avenue,.Detroft. * * ... * * * Many of these women;are firsts Monday, Mar. 3-Grosse Pointe Garden ~enter Consul- Orvil Aronson' looks forward to accompanying his chair- t ir{ their :tielw, Social workers, ation-Village Garden Club-IO a.m. to 4 p.m. (Call TUxedo man 'Wifeto the Tuesday night sessions and cast~ an eager eye doctors, nurses, educators, artists, 1-4594.) . . at the number:of his ticket stub when drawings are made to newspaperwi-iters, clubwomen, . 'MondaYI Mar. 3--,Rotary Club-Luncheon-Meeting- give away the' food cooked during the .lesson~ . . are' all represented in' this ex- 12:15 p.m.' . . . .. * * hibit. :Professionslong thought'to Monday, Mar. 3-Neighbors Club-color travel movie A typical Lucas observation as she finished a Salmon be exclusively men's have many "Rambling Through the Rockies"-Chet Sampsoh-2 p,m. Mousse, "Now this mousse would' serve six big people . • • outstanding women active in (Center sponsored. Call TU. 1-6030.) eight medium ~ized people. , . or 10 little people." them. Attorneys, accountants, en- Monday, Mar. 3-Art ClaSs-1 p.m. gineers, chemists,.and physicists * * *. are all in this collection of , ... * ... There's a run on. tiny copper sauce pans for heating talented women. Tuesday, Mar. 4-Grosse Pointe Garden Center Consul- . The seleCtionof these dynamic t spirits which are pouied lighted over everything but the host MR. an'd MR.S. JAMES BOLLICH OF RIVARD BOULEVARDY Fred Runnells' ation-Junior League Gardeners, 10-1; Windmill Pointe Gar- at a Lucas meal ~ .' • wire whisks • , • stone mortars 'and pes- , '. . women was made by the Sorop- den Club, 1-4. (Call TU. 1':4594.) . . tIes for crushing garlic cloves • , • and the RIGHT omelette We sat down the other morning to talk with Mr. and Mrs. ~ timist Club of Detroit. T~iS is a Tuesday, Mar. 4-0ptimists Club-Luncheon-Meeting- branch of an international or- pans ••• all because of Lucas, we love you. ,. James Bollich (Celia Hendren of Grosse Pointe), about life in drew a mango bush out of'the 12 noon. ':lr * * ganization of busine1;lS'women .Australia. They have just'returned from almost a year near earth, by mu~ic and. magic! . dedicat'ed' to the. betterment of Tuesday, Mar. 4-Grosse Pointe Women's Republican PILFERINGS On the way back to the hotel, Brisbane where Mr. Bollich did research in geology at the Dunn~ the1r stay m Australia, womenkind. The Soroptimist Club-Luncheon~Meeting-=-l p.m. • In Bennet Cen's "Try and he decided to cash in further on University of Queensland~ 1l track. He picked a 40-to-l shot The boy ~Cllked bac~. to the them depressed. .and heavy high, its leaves dewy' with Mr. Bollich,' who studied To live in St. Louis Service "Style in Music"-Prof. McGeogh-8 p.m. (Center in the first race, and won. Every h?-tel.The gll'l was waItmg for hearted. P,overty,slckn~ss,filtp. water. Still the Indian .was.dis- 'under a Fullbright scholar::" • sponsored .. Call TU. 1-6030.) succeeding racE!was:captured by hIm on the verandah. 'almost unbeHevable'to Amen- satisfied._Repeatingthe water- ship which he earned at Uni- Mr. and Mrs,' Charles B.Hul I a rank outsider. He was backing "How dld you make out?" she 'cans existed almost every. ing and covering process, he versity of Wyoming, told us III will leave the Pointe in early it every time. called eagerly, where.' " was stem. ',that because of the silting March to make their home in s., Center to HoJd """Windy.Whirl" At the end of the afternoon he The boy lit a cjgare.t. "I lost The quick lessonsin the w~rld's "This is terrible, mango,you're problem in the Bri~baneRiver, Louis, Mo.. had over ten thousand dollars. th~ two dollars," he sald. far' fl~g ports came as their ship not growing at all." He again the water is. becoming more The GrossePointe War Memor- .the cost of $1.50 per couple. . I'made ,stopovers on the voyag~ started his eerie serenade when and more shallow. This i~ _ef- ial Center is sponsoring a dance, Bill Miller, chairman of the . h' · f V. home. In Ceylon they hurried off suddenly the cloth jumped into fecting the river's freight the "Windy Whirl" for students dance, and his committee,,Martha '. Fro m .An ot. er POInte 0 Iew - the boat to take a three hour hike the air and 'there slood a. knee "alfle wl"eh must reduce ;t, m the 9 through, 12 grades. It is Hubbard, Dick Scales,Hal Drink-' •. . . .-. (geologistslOveto walk) and that high mango bush. cargo by about 50 per cent in haus, Bill Wundram and Don I to be a dress-up party and for is. when they met a gentleman "Jim,.because,he's a scIentist," order to navigate the, waters. Button, cordially invite all stu~ (Continued from Page 6) who fascinatedus. He was a dark- said ,Mrs. Bollich.. "was skeptical At first dredging helped quell' dated couples only. Music will dents and their friends to: copte • • .d skinned, scantily clad s n a k e about the whole thing but I the silting but now silting, is by paul 'gclch be Ray Huck and his orchestra. and enjoy themselves. The date theIr neIghbors, the, J. Rex Queeneys, at the oceans! e terrace charmer. think we were hypnotized. It's getting ahead of the. dredging Refreshments will be included in is Saturday, March 1, at 9 p.m. the Queeneys have taken.. . . Snake Charmer. the only way I can explain it." and, therefore geological as- Late flash! .Hav~ you seen Mrs. Lomax met her guests In a black tafte!' Jacket frock Th B 11' h .. d mall Post Script ' sistance is urgent. . any of those beautiful 3. touched with deep rose velvet on the lapels. crow~wa~c~fn:t~~l~eano~~agic. We~l, this ~asn't. anything to' , Th~ Good.Life' . dimension color slides pro~ jected on a screen? They re. * * * H h d g u d with thin pipe at- do WIth our mtervlew, actually, He WIn gl~e a d1ssertatIon on tain all their wonderful Ladies Take a Joke ta~h~en~ ~p~n which he played but as a ~ostscript to Mrs. Bil- his f~dings at ~he University of depth. and you think the eerie music to charm the snake loch we mIght add ~hat.we told Wyommg f~r h1SPh. D d~gree. people will walk. right off Gathered aJonnd the punch bowl: to strike at him and stand up. h~r story to $ome fnends at 'Be,foregOIng.t~ Australi~, the the screen and talk ,to you. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chaffin, and HE is a wonderful ..' dmner, later that same day. Bol!lchs were m Washmgton The projector is simple to story-teller. Remember especially one story he told,prefac- At the conclUSIon.of the per- We were reminde.d of it be- D.C.,where Mrs. Bollich waSem- operate, just like any other ing it with the observation that it was an anecdote usually f~rmance, Mrs. BollIc~ wa;nteda 'cause the host had.brought out ployed by the government doing slide projecto~ If you have enJ'oyed mostly' by thoe gentlemen \!but the girls'at the Lomax pIcture of her husb~~ wlth the an encyclopedia of all famous research in military geology.She a slide or two, why.not drop sz;ake and ~he magIclan eagerly. magic tricks. He listened to is on leave of absence now., into the studio and see it party loved if, too). . aIded.H~ co/ledthe cobra aro~~ our' story and then'.turned at After' the months of hard on the screen. It will only It concerned the man who received two beautiful neck- Mr. Bolhchsneck for stunn,mg ralldom to a page in the. book. work in Australia, (where they take a few minutes, and we ties from his wife for Christmas. One was red, the other effect. I He read, almost word forword, learned to .eat such tropical are always happy to show blue. He really was delighted with them and went imme~ "Jim isn't afraid of snakes," his the story of the mango trick foods as paw paw, choco (a you. We also carry a very BASEBALL diately to his room to' don one. Inasmuch as he was wearing wife explained to us. our magician'did. . vegetable), passion fruLt, cus- fine line of hand viewers from $1.00 and up; along a dark blue suit, he decided he'd wear the blue tie. "Butthen, the magician asked B.ecausethe .'book.used almost tard apples and Monstero Del with slide file cases and a MITTS ~ • Irom 4.25 He tied it carefully, aclmiredthe effect in his mirror and if the crowd would like to !le~ the, same words as Mrs. Bollich i Coso,the Bollichs are finding com pie t e slide mounting then proceeded downstairs to his waiting wife. him charm a mango plant""from did in her account, we were ac~ life wond~rful here in the service. Come on in any- BAL.LS ••• from 1,00 She watched him descend the stirs and then a' terrible the earth. He produced a large cused of having: made up our Pointe. The,.vare visiting her time. maJlgolIleed,"stirred'upa bit .of whole interview. We couldn't parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert BATS •••• from 75e expression came over her face,' . mud, planted the seed and believe our host wasn't exhibit. Hendren of Rivard' boulevard. '.You DON'T LIKE THE RED TIE!" she wailed. watered it. He placed a cup ing an excellent memory but he Soon there wiH be a trip to WILSON, REACH • * * . ~ over the planting and lastly gave us the book and there it' 'Eunice, La., Mr. Bollich's home Secqnd Semester Starting and LOUISVILLE Secret Island covered all With a square of was! . town, to visit his parents and In. Fi~e, "Original SLUGGER Circulating. through the rooms at the Lomax party were: gauze cloth, The trick involves sleight of talk, a b 0 uta teaching job Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Litle III ••• Mr. and ~rs. George He piped on the gourd a few hand and not hYP,notismand. is (g7olo~, of course) at a Southern Detwiler ••• Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Pratt (she has since moments intoriing, "Come, little one of the .c;lass1cs'.of Indlan Umverslty. CERAMICS left with the children for an enchanted fortnight on a secret mango tree, grow!" When he re. magic, according to ~he encyclo------moved the cup, at the end of the pedia. We, however,' prefer to We stttrt you with' cltty ttnd Island off the West coast ~f Florida ••. no telephone .•• no ------..,....--~- believe the whole thing happened Life Insur~lDce Analysi8 . right through to gllfzing automobiles ••• the only inn acconunodating just 12 guests . B. F. G,oodrich "P F~' and that the dark-skinned little Business Lite Ins. Every Piece Your eretttiotl . ••• nothing but beaches and sea shells •• , and other sharers ANNA HUSBAND man on the, street of Ceylon Pensions Group' Insurance of the secret, including Albert Spalding.. the violinist • • • .teacher of piano and. Estate & Gift To}l' Planning Start ClaISe •. CANVAS, R~BBER SOLED SHOES famous authors, etc. Dr, Prat'! will join his family for -a few piano pedagogy . WOodward 1-6231 . All sizes, children's Ii to adult.s 14 Florida days.. . . . Former faculty member Eastman W. R. Cavanaugh & Associate. Tuesday, March 4 Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Aronson ••• Mr. and M~s. James W:. School of MUSIC and University Of. Prices from 3,00 to 6.50 Missouri. - . INSURANCE at 1:30 P.M. Lee II...the J.,Bex Queeneys ••• newcomers to: the' Pointe, TU. 1.-7780 2900 David Stott Blef,. ., Wed. Eve. Classes at 7:00 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Brien, who formerl~' made their home Hill'S in Chicago .... lEVI'S General Insuranc:e'. Deportment Comein and see work of first Too: Dr. and Mrs, Charles W. Adams. Dr. and Mrs. Ken~ Fire -Auto - Casualty. ~II.Line. Classmembers and know how DOG FOOD at 3.75 l1eth Wood, l\lrs. Paul Sutherland, Mr, and Mrs. C. Henry . interesting these cla.sses A re Haberkorn III, Mr. and Mrs. ChaHes Gorey, Mr; and .Mrs. ED. 1-8148 . WOo 1-6230 . .' . . how you can make things John Greene ••• . t'b live a lif~time. * .. • Canv;as Ski Carrying Case Soigne • ALFRED C. GUIMOND LAMP TELEVISION MICHELLA H.. GUIMOND Protect your skis when travelinl or 121 And we should have told you when WE: mentioned Mrs. .tora.-!!. A perfect cue. 'SHADES Highly Accredited Nationan y Chaffin earlier .•. that she wore most unusual ear baubles. CUSTOM MADE RADIO Sprays of jewels almost completely masking the ear . . . I Sales. c,nd ServIce And the more effective under a wide brimmed black Cle~,;ed a~d' Originals SKI SPRED AND BRACE-2.50 - 4.00 . Repaired . Complete Lin, of Record. GEEMO velvet hat •.. which she combined with striking black'taffetc\ STUDIO AND SCHOOL cocktail frock, its low decollete edged in shadowy 'black Chan- Pick~up & Delivery TO. 1.2282 GRAY'S SPORT SHOP JAOK O'CONNOR' Alt., TU. 1-5211 tilly lace • • , t 1"%4 Charlevoix,. at lloa d 17001 Kercheval TU.l-1655 V A. 1.~1 VA. %.11'76' 106 Kercheval - Veddy Park avenue ••• . " ',~


DETROIT TRUST C0MP~~ Naming Detroit Trust Company as executor or trustee under i your will provides assured avail~bility, pr~ven skill and admin. istrative experience without acfdmg to costs. Ask for our folder n .Fort at,'~he;lpy' .' WOodward. 2.5670 , "Exploding "8 'MIstaken Ideas • '. ' ..

\ ' I / .1 l 1 ,? ,_.

'. .,~. .~'.Second, Section

~ ',' , " Sf)'" '. I ' Pointe. N~ws ", / AAA GOLDEN. ANNIVERSARYEDITfON 1902'. 1952 VOL 13 -.NO. 9 • FUllY PAIDCIRCULAliON ~age Fifteen

Al1tOClub's ...... " History Full It ' PoiJiters,Join-Celebration.. "',' , ".. . . . Of Drama '. American Automobile' ,As. ()f:'~50thBirthday'of AAA sociation Te'amed upWith~ , . . '. . Local Organ~zation .t t~emendous-,A~c~~:plish~'~~ts'.of':ialf Cen+urY,~f effori toAid Motorists Recounted'in History of National Organization Very Start ~. " ." ~ ~ , , . .' . ." .. ~.' . \ ... . , . -. . .. .', . . - , , o Grosse POlnte motorists will begin a celebration on Tues- "I 'day, March 4, of 50 years of motoring, according to George ..The American Automobile' "'. 'I"p "'I.:. '>'5 .... , St S M~asel, manager of the Grosse Pointe Division of Automobile Association w:Qich is celeb~at. , pecJa', 'os.er:,: ~ 'pe-Cla" ',ar:np t '." Club of Michigan. "The celebration of. the organization of ing its 50th anniversary with FIFTY Y'EARS' .OFS'.ERVI.CE , . the American Automobile Association," said Mease~, "will . a Golden Jubilee teamed up t last all year. We 'hope all Grosse Pointe motorists will stop With Automobile Club 'of ,THE TO MOTOR,IST AND THE NATION in and see us, sometime during. that period. Michigan on th-e first day of "Exactly 50 years ago, on~------the Club's existence 36 years ago. Marcn 4,.~902,a group of pi~neer tecting his schoolmates; and an automoblhsts met In ChIcago. old and new car, with an AAA Grosse Pointers would likely ;'hey wer~ all steamed up ~bout emblem and. tt>,.."!motto "Ameri- not be members. the largest 0'£ he parkmg problem; LIvery can Aut 0 mobile Association- motoring organization in the stable owners woul~n t permlt 50th anniversary, 1902-1952." world if one man hadn't tired of then: to ,garage theIr horseless Circulation of the stamp will 5 t r i c t I y "social.:cmnded" auto carnages., Roads. w~re muddy range into the millions. ' clubs a long time ago. It was this G'0 L DEN ..J U BI L EE and few ,LD quantIty. Placing the first stamp on sale one man-Bartin L. Fulcher, who Many Other ,Problems March 4 in Chicago will be sig- later b~came president of the.. Federal Motor Truck Company- They were ,steamed up about nal for convergence on that city a lot of other auto problems too. of high officials' from through- who struck the first spark of as. Z- t H. d bAA' A' N CI bh S(, steamed up, that ~hey banded out the goverlll1"~ntand auto and ,service, non-profit Automobile' .... 'peCla IS S' Ire ' y" ,'., e.w, U,', 0!1se, together and formed the Ameri- transportation industries. They'll Club of Michigan. - \ ' P d f P t can Automobile Ass 0 cia tion, attend a gala banquet honoring B:th~e~~:eO~a:~O~l~~a~~:rfa!_ with nine affiliated clubs. "AAA Founders' Day." ,Ga.ther Tourist .Information ~l e'o_olD,e Fifty years later to the day, Detroit To Celebrate cinating trail of the late Martin ' ' Grosse Pointe, may' open'ly a muc,h more po:verful ~roup of A similar celebration is plan- L. Pulcher, let's skip back to an When the turn-of-the-century drivers chugged through pride itself in th,e beautiful Coi- ~o~orl.ng enthu~lasts "''1;1 me~t ned for Detroit, with some of important composite character in town the amazement of the townsfolk was something to onlal style headquarters 'of the m ChIcago agam. They re still the oldest members of Automo- this drama, the typical motorist behoid Wide-eyed they'd inspect the contraption if" they I Grosse Pointe Division of the steamed up about the parking bile Club of Mich~gan participat- of an?ther er~-rsa.y abo~t 1915., dared ~ome close ~nought and mumble to each" other 1Jhat Automo?il~ Club of Michigan"i problem. MO::'eand better. roa~s, ing. For Automobile Club of .Let s c~ll hIm BIll Smith. Let s the td "d'ruther have a hoss."costof oned on the door of each wlll be I k~nd m the :"or~d. Facts are.co~. rave e ~c~ lOx:'" , ing of the special stamp issued to commemorate the 50th man who owns an auto, .For In the club's Sidney Waldon held upkeep But he's already taken I a big, beautiful blue and gold piled for thIS chrectory, ,whlch IS The bUlldmg Itself has a world- anniversary'of the American Automobile Associ,ation. The 50. J:'ears the AA~ and Its 700 the top nation post also. one big step--he's stopped won-, emblem, 'Mr. Measel decIarea. published every year, ,by the.AAA wid7 ,travel' department w!th special anniversary' poster of the AAA forms the back- ' afflhated clubhswlth over '3,500,- Had Fantastic Growth dering if the horseless carriage is Will Bejong to He orter field reporters.: , seatmg arrallgements, from WhICh d 000 members ave taken leader- M th t 'II b groun . 'shin in every' travel problem. any 0 e: even s WI e an- he e t sta' , p. Plenty of Travel members can plan trIpS on table------'------1 IThere ..are AliA clubs also in nounced durmg the yea: locally r 0.,). "d r The emblem WIll be the Golden Each field reporter travels from top' maps aided by seven traVl'~l WINDou7.PEEPER FLEES 'TREAT 50,000 ANIMALS H .. P P t R' an awau, anama, uer 0 lCO ,.. th f t t' th f e s concerne WIt h n lng A b'l A . t' h' h" , ., . C't I" d d t 11' .More than 50,000.animals were d the' Phil! pines ogmzmg e an as IC grow 0 b '1 d utomo I e sSOClalon w IC 15 I together the 12 field reporters in- facilities for the claims and in- I Y pc Ice respon e ° a ca. t t d b Mi h' St t C I an PS,' Sta the Auto Club from a baby which sbo~de arrahngeme.ntthto t Ull h I observing' its fiftieth anniversary spect some 20000 establishments surance departments by a Charles Trapp 877 Fisher ' rea e ~ . c Igan. a e 0 - ~o Issue p.eclal ~p, ld 't d'bl t f 11- rl ges so e won ave 0 sp as d" g' 195? and the car will be T'h f ' th 'f' '. , " ' "'~ege vetermarIans durmg ,the past NatIonal publlcr~cogrutlOn of cou n cry .au 1 y. o. a u through streams any more He's uqn W', - every year. ere ore, e m 01'- The Automobile Club of Michi- . , " long to any one of the, 12 AAA 'mation in the' Accommodations 'h b 'I t' d .~ G that a ,w,mdow,peeper had been school year. Some of these cases the AAA's milestone will be grown man whose VOlceIS heard worned that he 1l1c,s~hiS carcbe- field reporters. The reportersar~ .D" t . 1 '-t *d te ~ry", aS~,en oC~,e '.l~, ros~e, seen, on the P!&~!~~~",~!?ellt:~,:~O :;.~ere;,handled , in' the' college's' given with issuance of a com:- fndd~ re~.p~~!~,d throughout the cause auto th~fts aI"E~wo:y out o! iven new cars ever ear and in Ire,c ory IS, a ways pp o. a ~. PqwJe. ~or at least, 2g, years" In a.m. on" Ft!!!rtntry 9., Polic~ ;vet"clinic, ,but ll1pst, a, parade before, the FQunders' Day approved and listed in -the direc- ~ c: famIly to prOVIde for. meeting on March 4 Mr Measel t ' z (,I') Sees Need of Signs said ,. o~"d' l' th h t 1 o -( When lost on a "Sunday run,'" . eSI es !nspec Ing e ~ e, ~r Q.., I'..,) he's disgusted that no one has I To Iss~e Speclal Stam~ whatever It ma~ be to se~,If 1t IS UJ gotten around to put up road The meetmg, to be held m the clean and pleasant and the man- J: ~ ~ signs or route markers. He's frus-I same place and on the sar:te date I agement agreeable, .the, field .re- Z trated because highway maps are th.at th~ A;AA",:as for~ed m 1902, porter also ~otes tl1e pl'lce range, ~ c: o -( high in price, outdated and inac-l WIll comc1de Wlt~ the lssuance of exact locatIon, and ?vera~l. ap- ~ Expr@ssing Our High Hegard m (,I') curate. And, though. he's too I the commemor~trye ~tamp, also p~arance. These are ltsted In the LL , ' ." much of a man to admit it, he to take. pl~ce In, ChIcago. , The dlrectory sl? the, A.....AA}l1ember V'l . ;:g UJ wishes there were some kind of stamp, WhlCh wII! featur~ one can m.ake,hIS s:holCeof approved I- 0 :::> easy system for getting help when phase of the AAA.s work In the estabhshments. .' , z '(lr an ,Old Friend! ~ his car breaks down on the road. field of safety, wlll go on s~le A;.ttraetlons Listed : , . " -4 I ~ :r That's -the typical Michigan throughout the rest of the natIon . As he travels througi\hlS as; m N auto-enthusiast of 1915. Th,e rea-Ion March 5. , slgne~ states, the, field rep~rte "'0 son he's so much like you or me I In the p~st 50 yeals the A!,-A also. mspects tounst attractlons. 'I- 0 is that he can't do the job of bet- ~as changed from an.orgamza- Vanous "features .of the ~ore ~ Z tering motoring all by himself: t:on, that was predoml~antly s~- I ;V0l'thwhl1e attractIons. are h!l~ed ..., -( m He's looking for a non-profit pub- ! cla~m nature to ~ serVIce orgam- m the AAA Tour Boo~s, which -t lic servic eorganization to do I zatl~n. ~n~ of Its, best kno~n help the t~aveler. deCIde h~w V'l 0 these things for him. I servlc~s IS m t~e field, of !ourmg n:uch of ~IS, preclOUS vacatl~n . 0 "'0 Bill Gets His Wish, I and travel. ThIS servlce, m fact, tIme pe WIll allot to a certam 0 As you know, Bill Smith got rates, second to Emergency Road area. " ~UJ S 0 his wish when, on July 21, 1916, SerVIce a~ ~p.e reason why most In cooperatIon wlth local clubs, r- the Detroit Automobile Club,4.at- rnem?er,s Jomed. t~e AAA.' the, field reporters also check res- a. ,ft~pp~. q er to become the Automobile ThIS IS not dlfflcult to under- tau!ants, coff~e shops, and other (,I') stand for, as AAA members know, eatmg establIshments. ,(Continued on rage 20) I the touring and travel 'service (Continued on Pa,e 19) ~ c: VI -(

\ I'..,) , THOMAS T. PETZOLD ~ President Z c: .-( m (,I')

'Anq, -as one great service :;0 0" organization to 'another •• the ~ :r:-f executives'" and sta'ff at m

PETZOLD'5 extend their 'JO , 0 Z congratulations to "AAAfI on -( m the completion' of. 50 years, of -f' , . . , " 0 "'0 disting.uishe~ lervice to JOSEPH," T. MOONEY m General Manager r:j ~ 0 the Ameliea'" people., r- , . 0 'ui

\ f,t'om th~: Poinl~1 41";'V~OuJ~ Drive IfJ ~ c Pel%olJ.'s~ Going 40'U?nt()W"f Step~o •. VI -f II;' up,.ess bus 0" street ,c~; You" 'eM, I'..,) properljierviced, 'will be ~etUiy /01" you JOS. P. THOMPSON when you return from the office or from ~ Sttles Milnager. ,~ Z shopping; , ' C -( , , m VI ." ::0 MOTOR 0 ~ P,ETZOLD SALES' :r-t HAROLD BEARDSLEE m "'0' '11280 Gratiot Avenue. '•• V~'nic.~.S700 Serttice.. Manage~ o ~ ' ' -tZ ~ m JUST 12. MINUTES':FROMTHE POINTE TO 'PETZOLD'S'. ~". JUST.:12 MINUTES FR.OM THE POINTE TO P'ETZOLD1S••• JUST ,12 MINUTES FROM THE POINTE ,'. ,'" '-' ~';-~.:<' A',' -, ~ " ,",,\,,~ •. " " .; -.. ' • 1" ,.,._,' .. l,. ", • , .. ,1


'I .• ¥oe , . , , ,,-.,.... ". zdd6 , .-tzrib . c- .'

Thursday, F .Pag. Sixte.n

; . ~ '

Grosse'-PointersJoin'Celeb.ration'ot"50tfi'. -, .. '-~' :~: ", ...... '. :' ofAAA (CGDtinUed fro~P.,e lS) lot. They battled with park, the generaL expectation 'a~ .. ,'..; States-See:'L1lht'.the road :fo~ksat anoak.tree: from':.sChool.:Educationofhigh .automobile~peration .was neces- tions. . They are working active. cial gold award .emblem. for his commissl?ners .who barr~d horle-' -time the ~utorn:o~i1e,h.I,.to' ..a';~~_Eyentua!lYj.~h~: staJe,s~ealized :v;itliakI;l~9I~le'o~,':the,n?~~ ;~c~~91,st,u~~ts,in.,s~til hand~':sary' for the nation's wartime Iy for the, proposed system of car. This will place rewarq,for less . carrIages from thel~ ,syl:va~ ,gree, sup~la~t~d the horse'P.r0g:-; ,~at}~e..t.o,ur~lJ~:.~pt?rIstswas, a, 'sIde.',)' So~e;;x:ou~~s:':were'mark-; Ing:ofa)l,to?1e.biles,:and pedestn-. economy and .did '.yeoman work intersta!e high-type highways, Much of the success of the Auto glena; ~o~ght a F!deral r~~la~ress~~ ,be~ll,~ad~onthe',~~herllot~ntHllso!1rc~'ofmco.:me;t~~'e~ ,1?Ycp~n~tl~f~~~eph-Cln~,::'pol~,~n~pr_ote~tIQ~'and;~on~ols, are in bringing about- adequate. sup- designed }larticularly to end ur- Club movement where it ;J~elongs tion. bamllng gasoline-c ~ rr ymg steps) ,.,but In e~ch, ,of these ~he'gate~~ereJowered! /<;his home wIth a. d}st.i,nc.:tiy~:c::oI9~'an~::}l:otllE!ri.::.~J.()~~.~;featuresof, AAA plies of gasoline and rubber t~ ban congestion on thrQugh routes. -with the ~emoors.For Auto vehIcles fro~ .. ferry~o~ts, ; .and '.mC?tor.clu~s .s~U . have .an Im-, state' llcen~e .•'Yas ho~ored .and:fe.~,:t.o",,?~ :start~4:,e!e~~:ngi.;slgns,safetY .•et1vdies...... keep in operation enough' .cars. to Club isa non.profit organization adde~ fU,elto a torch first raIsed'. poi-tant, oblIgatIOn; . . ..he'\Vas,welco~ed wIth open'pomtmg'm"~h~:rdU'~~,t~op:,.:,, ,'" Problema of War get workers to and from their Want Parking Relief devoted' only to service of its by 'blCycle clubs-the fight for. ~eclLuse.~h,l!:car~',Of 1902~V,hlt;-arms.~'~;" .. ,... '., ". E!e~t~ally~~':sJ;1~~,~m';()f:;nty'n:,;,:':/Durihg~WoddWar:n.the'AAA jobs. • They are demanding action to relieve .the parki,ng problem member.. The more members, good roads...... age.an'd'thereab,outs had am.ost . 'WhYe::¥1.~o~..thia,was gomg onbenn~:~ou~esE'VVas;>de,y~l~Pc,~;, ;andd~,club5::eligaged:'inmany , In the pOltwar era, the AAA which has become. the Number the better it can serve all motor40bj~tl~eISame Now. "'''deplora~le hablt.of brea~g. ,:there.were':m?~eproblem8 ..So~emor,e,.s":Ptabl~cma.l'ki~g:,~f"~~Jo;r new activi~i~•.~" In Walhl ltcin,. and its affiliated clubs have re- n One motoring h ea d a c h e and ists. The obJectIVes of ,~otor ~lubs do~m ,embaras,sII:l~' pIa c:es to~~s ..~s~~:",Yll',wnsof,e~nchmg, ,routes was.~follO'~~d.l.lp:}>~/'~~!:N!tional~~adq\lartersbattlid on turned to an a.gresSive program which is .a major factor in the Look Back With Pride today reflects . .t~ a remarkable, (generally theycollapsedtnile!l:~t~e~':",ti~~~~;.,.tm:,l:)ug? . fine21 AAA.-.. ~utto~ay:,,:'4~s~J~,'IlI~?~~~':tneprinci~e',:that maintenan' f fiiiD' ~. .... t' g condi- It is fitting that Auto'. Club degree tht!,actlOtl pro.~r~~~dopt-: -from 'ariy~h~re.:"att..d;causedtliei;::le:v~~4<~Il\1~c~ess;,:E1()torlS~~.F,ee-:,aetaIled:m~~~'.,Jn?~~~r~Oll~~~~~g:~! .'. . ..'....', .. " ..f.e 0 0 pro mg .Mo orm present decentralization trend. and the AAA should pause. and ed ~ythe ,~''W'he~ It ~~':',or~, ;.?\VneT~•.to 'develop:;~ ..hikin~:a,bil::~:'sp,littiAg' .c~~s~bles',~d~' Justl~esroute. 'n:ar~r~:,and~'o~er. Je:firi~j: , look' back with pride< on past ganlzed.5Q .years, ago,; Then"o.al,. Ity akin to :8rt'Alpme,:gulde,>or,of"th~-,.peac.e'1wer~.; eatmg. hI~hmfiI\ts ,mtended •to;,' :k~~lt,th:~: accomplishments-and ahead to most as now,. th~. mcajorpurpoSeSth~y .exp~red.. on'. Main'\ .'Str~~t'f6~ P1eh~g;~';a!~estin~ an? fining ~ouri~~on.th~ rig}it.:~~dnlnotort; , motoring goals of the future. For of the o,rgan12abo]l .were. the:(l) across;,iromthie liyery ,stable on stra:nge.:q:Io.~(}rI~~iwltp.:,,:ll,ttle or ISts stilLmanage, to get,thorou.h-. , the goals of old are still the gOills Ena,~tment, 9! ,,,liberal. la.ws r.eg:'?at~rday, afi~rnopri~.e'a~ly)ri?~~r.:.~o,;'l?ro!~,c~tiri~;~r"'BillbP~r~s.be- ly'lost.., '., .,V ' ' .. ,. . . . P aek..ard, .Salnte~ the" ••AAA~~ af the future. ulatmgthe. u~;' .of \autom9blle~ Ists~.had a.rugged,till1eo()b~aImng, ,c.~e. ~or~''h~,~~enac~,t?~l1e:. Another. Servt.lle. ' .' ;, . '. The original, pre-A.A.A. motor on t.he;publIc hIghways;: ~2)Pl'()': coriverts~ ~'The;:l?o'pulace."at'large>ibe~ut~;/of{,_~e~;!~n~sc,ape;,.'behind: , This 'biingstip'anoth~roAA:A' .'t., . .. , , \' . , . . clubs were primarily' social. or-u tescetrlsonOfmOfo.'tthoevelheI.gclale's;,y(ggh)tsI'm°fc,r.:;garded.motor : cars ~';8S.. a'. ric~' ::th....~m ,:1u:rked:.trthafilC'copsready service-p i:o:v id~ri,g,."'mt~~~t~,': : >~,' ' .','0. n:~"-,14£1 G'O'. .DF ~T JUB.II E ~ ganizations. Membersused the r .. ."~' ". -man's ~toy,.usually unreliable .aild:o tpoupceQIl.e ;unwary"; with such complete, and ".eeUr:',i ' a~ ~'-;".1 ~ ...... ,~.-:... pl~tform to relate their motor:' provementof the .pub1ichl~h.-.undependable,'andnothirigwh~n, ..... Slpificant ChaDJ'e. .atetiavel'in:formationtha:t:.th., ing e xp e ri en CElS, which .were ways; ~4) Devel?pment ~~d, m~ compared with a:spanlti~g 'team As the Twentieth 'Century ad,. only way to get lost is :to. ignore} . ,. pretty hilarious if you caIlp'atch- trod~ctlon ofthe~utorllobI1E!;_(5) of Kentucky ..b!'ed .mares. ' vance~intoits 'teensal signit1- the AM" :toutln'i&n,d:£:take;;,.~oft: ing and pumping tires hilarious. E~ultab~e regulatl~n of automo... ,Steamers IntrOducec1, cant change came .over motor ona"short;,cut", a'dvocatedl>y a They organized weekend "runs" bIle ractng a~~ tna.ls of endur ..., . Not even' 'when . steaml cars ,ciubs;thew .g~ew:up,to.o: From .local reSident. . , ' ,'. . to nearby communities or picnic anc~. and f efflclencY an~ (.6)t ~ were intro.duced waspu~lic opin-strictly soc~al org?~~zations, they . Highway vacationtnivel b!oke': . areas) developed suitable reto!'ts me Ium~r couns~i a~ mer ion changed ~ppreciably., G.ss.,. developed II.lto..serv~c~,~~ubs ~.d all:rec~rds. in 1950, and move to the' "Get a horse!" hecklers, change•.of tn~o~.atI°i l~t~S ~nd. aline-fed buggieshaCf'niechanical began, fo prOVIde specIal faclli. on_to even higher levels dUring and a~l-in-&ll exhibited the spirit sugges.lons en tng' 0 .e e- failur.es. and smelled to high ties for members. .Auto~obiles, 1951. .Americans, are the great~ of true pioneers. ;~;o~~ent and advancement, of heaven"but 'the' early steamers u~ortunatel:r, w~re . stlll ad- est traveleu ..on the face .of the Progress Starts I~ nant Obli ation were .. regarded as ambulatory dIeted tc .mexplIcable . break- globe. AAA:member~ are th~, A bit later, when they .were It .~t b g blfireson route'.to happen or, ex. downs. They . ranked wIth 501'- greatest of the greatest travelers. mt1ght 'fe threason.a Y ,.as. p'losions about to occur. There ghum mola$ses in being har,dto This, travel-urg' e has resulted. in: .. reasonably certain they would sume d a 0 ese SIX 0 bJec return home little the worse for t'Ives estabI'IShed a haIf century- was 'one advantage in this: the start in January or any. other a great 'demand for' AAA travel v wear from the average trip, the ago one th e I,.mt-roduct-'Ion" 0f drivers .generall oT'"• had the entire cold month., Some of the clubs materials~• . -.• . ' t' b'I h b f . I road to ;themselves. ' introduced emergency road. serv- 2 OOO,OOOTourBooki motorists took up the cudgel for th e au omo 1 e as een. aIr y " f . .. t f h '1 d 'th L' t h 't N tl 1 T moves intended to improve their well accomplished. Contrary to After. ~ev~rtraldye~rs °h spottty ldceli,ahtype°d :tshUfcor. 81 e Wl t.. aSBtyear t ed,a dona d'0di~r- • .. • progress In. In 0 ucmg t e all. p. e g. ,an e m 0 v em e n mg ureau pro uce. an.... s- mobile to a dubious nation, the spread quickly over the couilJry; tributed to the clubs 2,000,000 motor clubs,:,sponsored a series" Have 19,000 Garages tour books, accommodatoins di- of reliability. runs~later known This type of .service is 'so im- rectories and emergency se.rvice ~s the 'Glidd'en TourS:-to prove portant that it is a. necessary directories; more, .than 5,000,000 Stud~lJllker~ervite that these new f~nglt:d, co~trap;-'qualification for any ,motor ...club _state, .regionala~dsp~cial map~; j ' ... t!ons co ul d . be a :-dependable :affillated witq A.AA.' 1n_ 1950~ and 30,OOO!OOstnp':J:t;la.ps,.' .. PAC KARp ..MQTOR C...R CO~ - GROSSE POINTE RETAIL STORE means of transportatIon., Charlessonie 19,000 garages, under con- . The natlonal orgamz~tlOn .now - Notice to Studebaker Owners in the Pointe- J. Glidden put up the trophy' as tract to provide emergency serv. has 12 field reporters who travel • • a prize for outslanding perform- ice ,came to the rescue of aVer constantly in the United St,ates, k II frienJ atid neighbor,. we extend. our warm co. Our Mechanics on Duty 8 a.m. to , p~m.Dally. anceand from -1905to 1913 the 3,200,000 strandedAAA'ers. Mexico and Canada in order to • gt'atulations 10 the AAA on its FJFTIETH BIRTH- ann u a 1 Glidden' Tours under One of the major ....problems of report on all matters of interes~ • AAA spQJ1sorship were scenes of the early motorist was. how to and concern to the 'traveler, with DAY, and our wishes /01" another balf-century and Allen Hisey's large STUDEBAKER serv- Your Cor hot competitio~ find his way abQuf For a 'trip particula~emphasis on;' inspect- • ice garage) right on Kercheval, is mcst , Lubricated 6008 Roads ,Rare of any length it' w's good to be ing hotels,. motel~ and other' . more of success a1uJgrowth. We at Packard, in com- • convenient for Grosse Pointers. Our me- Whe!n the automobile was get- schooled in navigation or to travel accommodatIons .. FREE ... , ting off to a' somewhat', balky' earry";{ compass; roa~ maps were... Go After Accidents . mon witb the American Automobile Association, ar. • chanics are STUDEBAKER experts. Our -if you present start around' 1900, good roads .practically ..unheard of. The With car ownership increasing, : dedicated to public service• • PARTS stock is most complete . this ad were exceedingly' rare. Beyond early motor club. members de": prevention of . accidents . became • .. the city pavements-which gen- veloped the custom "of passing a major pre-occu'pation of the erally ran to cobblestones and. along road iniormation at club clubs, Through their efforts, • ALLEN HISEY MOTOR SALES Belgian blocks and played hob meetings. Eventually localized school safety patrols were estab- . • 8930 Kercheval ••• VA. 2.9370 with sacroiEacs-:'country roads maps were produced.' lished on a nationwide basis . PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. were dusty "in dry seasons and First Maps Were Crude Now more. than 500,000 boys -_._------_..>..-..:.:::::;;;:.----~• ..~~------bottomless mudholes after a They were prettr crude; ad- and girls in the distinctive white GROSSE' PQINTE RETAIL STORE he<,lvy dew. The provision of .vising motorists to "turn right at .Sam Browne be.lts, give: dai,ly 11, good Toads was a major task.. the first barn, left at the street- pro t e.c t ion to over~9,OOO,OOO: ,15205Ealt Jefferson VAlfey 2.'7'00 Early motorists attacked this car tracks and right again where schoolmates on the way to. and: problem in a forthright way; ------'----'------~ -.:::.: them went out themselves and patched up the worst. places in. the roads. Many a weekend was ;.. spent in this diversion .. As proof ' w. at lAKE SHORE MOTOR SALES are happy . that the pioneers were a. h~rdy. to extend our congratulations breed, they volunteered for .such missions. to the "AAA" on its FIF'IETH BIRTHDAY.' States step. In .'.Mter an' interval that 'doubt:;;. • w. wish you continued, growth and success. less seemed more than sufficient to the amateur repair crews, the states established highway de- " partments which took over the job h.andled previously by the c 0 u n ti e s, townships and,' of course, tp.e motorists. Further (;DRYSLER-P~ YMOUTD SERVICE 52 along the way, the AAA came • " up with the idea that the Fed- eral Government should lend a ANNOUNCES TH'E APPOINTMENT OF helping 1 hand because of what good roads would contribute to- ward distributing themail.na- l~GIJ,~-~01"ji;iiJ ~ E //'... tional defense and public wel- ART DO fare. .In 1916 the 'first Federal SAMMUT , , "------aid highway act . was adopted. G.t fit. compl.te faets and figures- Principles incorporated in that Service.M~nager and see cdJ tile new models now. flrst measure' have been continu- ,." .' ed;' '-largely, in present Federal' • ~ :' _' / ,,' highway conStructions. . .,. ,PISHER-RECORD IS HA.PPY , . • 6 . , '. ' For the past several years we have been seeking a man of Art Sammut'. Toll cates Problem EXTEND ITS-SIN(;;ERE . .... Getting good roads was', one TO JOB-RATED TRU(;KS thing-getting by the toll gates calibre and experience to direct our' service organization. established on many of them was let us help you solve your trucking problems another. The AAA pitched into. NOW; your Chrysler or Plymouth will get;the' kind of treatment it -without ~Qjt or obligation •• 'this fight joyously; won it hands down. and' is now whetting its Congratulations dese~ves. Yo~ will like dealing with us! knife again as tolls loom to fin- ance new highway' improve- ments. In the "good old days" a. driver Of' your LAKE,SDORE entering a state other than his .own had more problems than Jl tourist venturing behind the Iron FISHER-RECORD MOTOR SALES, Inc. Curtain. He not only had to buy . GOLDEN a set of new license plates in 14615 E. Jefferson VA. 2-1185 every state; he had to get a new jJ;(OT,OB. SALES driver's li_cense. Reciprocal priv': . ileges tr visiting motorists were Grosse Pointe's Authorized Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer nOBGE-PL¥ltIOllTH just about unhe~d~,of-8o much ="'" so, in fact, that for' a while. the JUBILEE 15000. Kercheval at W ayburn, VAlley 2-5777 SALES and SERVICE AAA was all for Federal regis-:-" tration which. would, permit' . We Carry A Complete Stock of Genuine Chrysler Mopar Parts at All Times automobiles to move from state II to state with reasonable freedom.' ,

• AND •


a ."-' ", .. SYMBOLS of' OUTSTANDING 'SERVICE, , ~ ~ .- JVE ARE ,SO ,CLOSE 'Fish'er:'f'ontiac Joins Grosse Pointe' a,ndthe Nation i'nSaluting the 'A.-AA' on its .. ., J .. ~ , ~ ...... TO GROSSE'POINTE \ ~that you can drive to Fisher~Pontiie' in a few minutes. Take Whittier •.'and GOLDEN JlJBIL,EE then Houston to Grat,iot. I 274,Q.GRATIOT AT HOUSTON ••• lA. 7-5000,

,1\ (".. ' . " , , . ) .. ..

to _ • me - , .


'. J Thursday. February 28,.1952 " Page Seventeen :ebruarf 28, 1952- ..

, . , ley are working active. \ he ,proposed system of high-type highways. 'ON. THE OCCASION rrleAAA.GOLDEN OF . JUBlLEE- '. - - -' "particularly to end Uf- $tion on through routes. nt Parking Rellef re demanding action to :he parki,ng problem s become, the Nu:rr..~er , . )ring h e a d a c h e and a major factor in the ecentralization trend. l.AA~~ ,< LEE


Hand in Hand with STORE- from the. Tom 'Boyd t'gang"next do:or. ,America's Finest Motorists

TH BIRTH- for ,50 Years -century ana .. ~ttra,in com- " . odation, ar, THE GREATER BOYD'S That, in a word, is the magnific'ent recor.d of the American Auto- Sketch shows Ne.w Addition I lIt Right, and Tower 1 ... mobile Association. On_nextT uesday, March 4, marking AAA's under construction , . ' Fiftieth Anp,iversary, all Americc!lwill salute ,the organization that - /

,Ifey 2.7900 J has br~u9ht 50, much fo 5~ many people ...... good roads .... $ "

~=:.---=--- - good I~ws ...... good ins~rance ...... good safety groups, and ~;c-:70:::Qr~.~'~ -" '_'~" Ci-C' '_~ __ countless other motorist aids. And, we, here at Tom Boyd's, • offer an humble, neighborly salutel'

\ , ,



, THIS SKETCH ~HOW'S THE ammut's To maintain its lead~rship in Grosse Pointe,- NEW COLLISION. SHOP Tom Boyd's keeps well abreast of all service rment it requisites for MOTORISTS. . . . day and night! And no,v we announce a new, much larger liD and most modern collision shop, deyoted entirely to collision work. It is located at rear 149~9E. Jefferson} ,at Wayburn. ~ney 2-5777 -l Times

Our New, ,Most Modern ~. . , INC. COLLISION SHOP

1540 I ,East Jefferson' Ave., ,-at Nottingham at rear of CE GROSSE POINTE 14939 E. Jefferson at .WaybW'll AI on its Call VA.'.' 000

\, J. ,j

. , . 4n .. . ' . 5 -. .-:.....--

• '.9- Eight•• " Thursday, Februa'ry 28, r 952 ThursClay Boasts New.est Equipment Marian Anderson Concert March' 5,'. Note Tossed In. Seu'Brings

An-swer Four.. Mont,hs. , Later' Last 1all while aboard the ly some .. ~nglish , peopl~ .' have "Britannic" Mr:. and Mrs; Earl started settling down 0 here and G. Kirby of' Grayton road threw taken up' fac:ning." overboard a note tightly -sealed in an aluminum cigar tube, giv~ The ncte had drifted in a

Said Mr. Roberts. "I have often

put 0 my address in a bottle and thrown it in the sea, but so far have not been successful. h • re-

o ceiving yours has given me new

Marine 0 Recruit Born To Mrs; 'Gloria Cerbus

.A son weighing 6 pounds' was born Feb. 6,.:to Mrs. Gloria L. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Taylor Cerbus, wife, of 1st Lt. Samuel hav~ jOlnedMrs. Taylor's brother Cerbus, USMC, at the U. S. Naval , I arid. sisteriin-law, Mr. and Mrs. • • • • • • Hospital, Camp Lejeune, N. C.,' Harry 'Lynn, Pierson of Voltaire o Cerb~~, ~q 0 is serving with place;. in Fort. Lauderdale, Fla. Pointe Garage First One in State the . Headquarters' and . Service Company Third Battalion, Second The Grosse Pointe G~rage at their batteries. The panel board Marines, Camp Lejeune,' is the This I for the rechargers was only re- son of Mr. and Mrs. JohnCerbus ier. and t: 17153 East Jefferson, reflects cently removed from the' shop. of Sharon, Penna. Mrs. Cerbus I Boyd, Inc I some of the success that has made Now the 0J?lypiece of equipm.ent .is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. possible the celebration of the that remaInS from the earllest, Harold Lumley of Wayburn ave. ~ smart 100 ~ CONGRATULATIONS AAA • are the o'~ American Automobile Associa- ?ays is an anvil. It was, pla~ed l1ue,'Grosse Pointe Park. J j • • tion's Golden Jubilee. The gar- In the garage when It fIrst The baby, named Craig Stephen, i 1 opened. is the first child for the Cerbus, On 50 Years of SerVice and Our Sincere age was built by the late Fred , The building has had several family, who are resicftng at Hu-l • 11, • -- Wadsworth, head of the Wads- owners through the years. Th~, .,bert, N. C.' . l~pe~ worth Manufacturing Company, late Francis Mw-phy bought it ' CContil1ue~ ourC()ntinuing . , manufacturers of auto parts, in in the mid-thirties from Robert Dominican High M9thers' Hop~ For Y Success Inspecl Darling, It had b'een known as 1904. It was the first building Darling's Grosse Pointe 'Garage. Club to Meet on March~5 The staff 00 of its type. in Michigan. The present owners are Francis created in 1 tional Tourir. It was constructed for lToseph Murphy, Jr. and his brother i The Dominican High School grown steadi; Shane and because the word Gerald... ! Mothers' Club will hold its reg- and importan, "garage" was new to Detroiters I The firm has always followed I ular monthly meeting in- the (from the French "garer," to the latest development, i!1 equip- school at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, of mail comef quarters in put in shelter) the Detroit News, ment for th~ most effICIent ilnd March 5. from establis~ in featw-ing the opening, printed modern serVIce. The garage h~s .Mrs., Ted Lemmer, program be listed in 1 the phonetic spelling of the word. been for years the "port.of-call chairman, has ~rranged for the Directory, B The Grosse Pointe Garage is for Grosse Pointers. In t~e 1930~ showing of the fi]~, "You ,Can ment can be] still the largest one-floor garage W. W. Anderson kept blS Ge~- I Change the World, by Father spected. The: . Michi an that 's devoted to man-made Horsch there. Now It i Keller., ,II every day to 1 In t g. work I-The ori inal sees smooth-lined 1952 cars 'drive Plans will be discussed for t~~ various areas ~~ifdi~~pa:as 50 feet wide gand in for effici~~t and prqn:r~t ser-. sprin~ card party which will be I spect newl,) " ...'. 100 feet in depth. In the 'late vice, follow1Og the tradl,tIon of h~ld 10 the :ruller Hotel on the I ments which twenties its depth was extended old. mght of AprIl 24. . tional Headqt to 250 feet. The building was Durin~ 195 also the first to carry Fenestra 8.000 motels ~ windows, designed by the late Familiar Selene. in bl.d Pays Headquarters Albert Kahn. Fe'nestra windows ment. They r are still being used there. known oval A The garage became the service not only any point for the Auto Club in this half million area and today bears the number pass through 7. designating it as the seventh Auto Club station. It is only two ye..rs younger than the Ameri- can Automobile Association. An average of thirty electric cars a day drove in to recharge Nothing Could Be Finer .Than Steiner's F'ineJ~Ford Service In. Nanette McMahon Feted Serving the ',Grosse Pointe Area 'Over TwentyY ears At 16th Birthday Party 50 Nanette McMahon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Mc- Mahon of Westchester road, cele- Se brated her sixteenth birthday on Saturday evening. Her guests arrived at her home THE ALFR.ED F. STEINER CO. 'for coke tails at 7 o'clock. and after a social hour went to the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club for Ford Sales & Service TUxedo 5.4000 , dinner and dancing. They were 16901 ~ack at Grayton seated at a round table which was beautifully decorated with a yellpw and white centerpiece and matching candles. o Yellow satin ribbons stream- ing from centerpiece held a In the pioneering days of touring milady spent many • white carnation corsages at each hours sitting more or less patiently on the, roadside while girl's place and pieces of- sugar Handsome Harry tinker~d with the unfamiliar machinery at each boy's. I which was supposed to make his car go. Today's _smart Nanette's escort was Paul motorist, blessed with the improv~ments and reliability of Brown. Other guests were Joan Congratulations! Robinson, .John Standish. Nan modern cars, has probably never experienced anything like Maxwell, Mac Me-Nair, Eliza- this. When he does have any trouble, such as a dead bat- beth Buell, Dick Bin~ham, tery or getting stuck in a snow bank, he merely calls the Dianne Duncan and Dave Rent- Automobile Club and help is on the way to him within a •chler. few minutes . Aaaociafion Our ..Congratulations You have gone along hand in hand with America's finest r motorists for fifty 'yea rs ... you' have- made the motoring to' the on its " way th~ best way! All of feel v,:,


Fifty y~ars of Service. years, to the Driving Public to the Agair.. . DE SOTO. on ~ ~ I PLYMOUTH ~ half a The AAA's service is known throughout-the ,world by '833 E. Jefferson, at Orlea~s millions of ~rjvers. In this community, many drive~s WO. 5-1833 link the name of Groves Buick with the AAA when thinking of service. For COMPLETE Buick sales and, service, you can always depend on Groves., , :beSolo :lire ~ome IJghl o There's more than jzut power and eye appeal in t~is 'spark-

li~g new DeSoto., Eight, and y0t! won't be. satisfi~d until Groves Buick Co., you've, taken up your plt/:cf!behind its wheel! Tip-toe shift Authorized Buick Sales and; Service transmission with fluid t01'que drive and elect.ric windriw lifts. It's'" spanking number, 15777 Harper, at Berkshire

I. ~ ,. ~

7 s 7 " \",.','

February 28, 1952 ThursCIay,'February '28/ 1952 '41g. Nineteen lear B.rlngs

Inths Later ing' from behind",the steering wheeL . Ie English people have Some. hotel! are even begin- settling down here and ning to compete with motels by up farming," offering automobile lobbies" intI} which the motorist can, 'drive and ncte had ddfted in a register from behind;.the-wheel ~sterly direction from a before going to, bisroom. . 1 near Cobb toward the Perhaps the mcist startling in- lea and had been washed novation lb the. field ,of drive-:in the coast of North Wales. enterprises is the c1rive"'in church; [r, Roberts, "I have often .. address in a bottle and "Park :Iud ,Wonhip" it in the sea, but so far The driver of 1902 would, prob- at been successful . \. . re- ably have done more, than a yours has given me new "double take" if he'd seen a group of parishioners listening' ~oa, ser- mon from their parked: 'cars, but in some warmer sectionsoi the 'd Taylors Vacation country churches have established Harry Lynn Piersons a "park and worshJp" service for motorists en rout~" to the beach or gclf course;, Envelopes and Mrs. Clifford Taylor are distributed so' the-worshippers •ined Mrs. Taylor's brother may give to' their own".'ch.'1!ches. ,tcr"'in.law, Mr. and Mrs. And for those motorisis who are Lynn Pierson of Voltaire to() much "on the go" to stop .r. Fort Lauderdale, Fla. for ~orship, car radios bring them sermons en rout~. This is the newest rnem.ber of the Ford Company's commercial -yehicles,'the Cour- ; . ier, and the first to be sold and delivered in the Detroit area .. Dick. War-neroof Tom Boyd, Inc., Grosse Pointe }'ord Agency, made the sale. This ,sedan style delivery caris smart looking and has all the features of the new '52 passenger cars..Red Seal Cleaners • are the owners, . " • • ,',

.Specialists Hired by AAA \ ,Kid Bits

c:eated m.1937 undeI' the Na. I Besides < calling on I establish- Scenes of the' South. deco;:atec' tIOnal Tour1Og Bureau and has, ments that wi"'h to advertise the th F 'd .. ht F b . g t ";1:1 • .' . ," 'e gym n ay mg , e ruar, ro~ s ea\oUy eversmce 10 SIze, field reporters also call on .all the I 22t'th.' 'f' t SAd fth lrs ce and Importance. Every day a flock I-places listed in the directory 'of I ' Oft e c 1 'D' B ar: ,0 B f of mail comes into National Head- the year before and any.'new ones sBemkeser. Sh~rlo e rUIn, n BOl tOW h' t .. DC' 0." ac aus,; uey Stoup'n o. qual' ers 10 as 109 on, . ., they may see on theIr way .. ' S h 11 G h' 'J from establishments that want to .0 . ': . 11' .. 'fl'ld . "t c a er, reac en Becker n or , . ccaSlOna y a e repor er 'M . hAW t "B'1 b~ ltsted in the Accommodations; runs into' trouble in the form of "R'Ul P Yd' 'Cnn l' aLson n ~' DIrectory Before an establish I t bl' h' t' h' h d' 1 ex for , aro un dgren r ment can' be listed it must be in>I'tahn eAsAaIS, mblen ~thlC t ISP ays 'Clark Bassett, Jeanne RydhoJrr . e emA em WI ou au thor-, R b' , H J S d ' spected Therefore mail goesout.t.I..h.OtOth.b n 0 In esse, ean cha e T ' , ~lza IOn. n SUl: cases, 1 IS' e JOJ h C p' L tt ' every day to the field reporters in i of the field reporter to get the I 0 n ~nner, eggy C u ?~ ,T various areas asking them to in- ! 'emblem down. This is not al- ~a1khAd ray. G~~~. atc~lCT r sped newly-openl;!d establish. I ways an easy task. . 'L~Ct .' Jams . Half Isspn, n M?km ments which have written to Na-I Runs Into Trouble' ~s er, anet 0 mann, n J r. c: tionaloHeadq~srters.. ,In fact, one reporter borrowed DooleY,'Diane .Retzl~ff n, Lowe~; , DurJn~ 1951, for instance, some; a ladder, climbed to' the height, Jackson, MargIe Payne, n PhI. 8.000 motels alone wrote Natio)lal ! where the sign was displayed and I ~eac;, Mtn~e L~ete ,n ~~~c~ Headquarters asking for endorse-j to the accompanyment of oaths am. rl yn owe n Ie, ment. They realize that the well-.i from the proprietor and hot muf- Schaller, Louan~e Borden ,n i known oval AAA emblem attracts I fins being hurled at 'him by the Dave Leach. Ma.plyn. NO,rton n I not only any of the three and a 1 proprietor's wife, took the sign, Dan 'Webb, Donna Sn:~t.h n Coby I half million members who may I down manually. It was alliin a Martin, Layla Sa~l.n ,Ge07'ge , paS$ through their area" but also day's work., . "BashC1ra, ,andEev Cltrnle n Kmg I " . , . Patterson are a few who danced ~ROUND THE CLOC'K-SERVING:GROSSE POINTERS SINCE 19~24 HOUR SERVICE to music provided by Ray' Buck. , I Others seen enjoying the, re- i freshments and try i n g , the! Charleston were Carol Ford 'n! Chuck Sweet, Nancy Hall 'n Don: In RecognitioJ:! of Button, Loa Zay Sheridan 'n Bob McLean, Emo Harding 'n pick Saunders. Patti Lee 'n Winnie Likert, Mary' Dahlen 'n. Joe 50 Y ears' Notable Buell, Maggie Koehler 'n Bob Bur gee, Coleen Horrigan 'n Frank Hagen, Sally Browne 'n , Phil Russell, Marlene Climie 'n Service' to America ••• Bill Jones, Sue Squire 'n Randy Fitch. Erich Sweizer 'n Pat ,Nelc son, Terry Kuhn 'n Ted Johnson, Betty Sykes 'n Mac McNair, • Jeanette Hoyer 'n Peter Gaul, Bev Hudson 'n Bill Adams, Ann .4000 Orebaugh 'n Bob Richardson, I Sandra Dickley 'n Alan Mendel- WHYTE I sohn, Judy Goodnough ' Wilson I Brice, Sally Jo Ritter 'n Jerry I Lachapel, Terry Snowday 'n OLDSMOBI'LE Joan Bisiglia, Tony Pear 'n Sally Beardslee, and Nancy MacDon- I ald 'n Tom Richards. . Honors • • • . On Saturday afternoon' sever- al of Louann Borden's friends surprised her at a luncheon i ·/or ilj JJaf/ a Centur'l given by Shirley Stoup. Susan I . , .' . Armstrong, Margaret - Weaver, I Lee Constans, Greachen Becker. I Ann M~ycock, MarJ: Edsall, Sally I Ll'(men, Barb 11ensing, Peggy f])ijtinguijheJ Service Moreland, SaHy Browne, Gail 01. Sisson, Ann WatSon, Pat Barrett, I lion on its Carol: Lundgren, >Barb Strauss, Gloria Anton,. Paula' Sutton. I • Laurie' Smith" and Marilyn Mol'. , ton eel e bra t e d Louie's 18th to America ~ Jinejt birthday with her. GOLDEN • • • /5 finest That evening Carol Lundgren I asked several couples to her house after skating or movies. 1902-1952 JUBILEE 'Sipping hot chocolate arid danc- notorlng ing there were Joyce ;Blashill 'n Carl Rohloff, Bee Squire 'n Tom' ..1 Pfeifle,' Peggy Moreland 'n Rob- All of us at Whyte Oldsmobile i in Hesse, Greachen Becker 'n Bill' i Methner, "Ann Watson 'n Gene ,feel very close to AAA - not alone Halbrook, Diane RetzlaH 'n Bob , \ Schaller, Audrey Rheaume 'n because of our fine business relationships, Craig Campbeil, L~urie Smitp 'n 'SUn.lIM'irrow-View" Diagnostic Equipment. Complete Bumping and. Painting facilities. Bm Huetteman and Bill Rexford. •. but becaus., over the many • • • ,On call 24 hours' a day. Skilled workmanship for all cars and trucks. Judy Tossey was hostess at a year" •.we have been friends and neighbors I tea Sunday ,for many of her to the Grosse Pointe branch office, i friends,. Audrey Gayer, Evie But- Complete general repair wor~~ Wheel alignment specialist!. l.ton, Llene Bryant, Pat French, , ' Glenna . Howell, '. Jane Rowe. I Sandy Peacock, Polly Schmidt, C~ur:teous,:~xperienc~d personnel. Thorough ~nd satisfactory collision work. Again,please accept our~congratulations Marie Jacobs, Colleen Horrigan, I

Bertie I Jacob, ' ,. Jane Botsford, en a SERVICE JOB, well done, exteQding over I Carol DeKorse, Anita.' Hatch, I AfI-moder~ garage service equipment. ' AIJ work completed when promised. Caroly~ Mitchell, Mary Lou I half a cenh:ry. I Cook, Gretchen.Schroeder, Peggy I Fix,' and' Carolyn Pietrosky were Standard Oil Products~ Efficient pick-up and delivery service. I. a few there. ' I ,. I Ibex Club Memb'ers Invited 3 Road Service Trucks Always oneall To March 7 Tea Party' Plans for Ibex Club's annual FRANCIS. MURPHY GERALD ~URPHY party' wi1l~cbe discussed triday, I , ~) WHY.TE" 'March 7, when members gather i at the home of Mrs., Clark Wells \ I of Handy rQ~d for'tea,.. . , I OLDSMOBILE LENTENiSERVICES, 148.0 E...!eH~rsoft Ave. The Noonday Lenten .Serv.ices I of the Detroit Council of Church-. es started .Ash Wednesday, Feb. ,Grosse P.ointe Garage VAlley 1.5000 ruar~ 27, at ,Central Methodist Church,'. Woodward af" Grand If/E ARE SPECIAliSTS Circus'"Park~from 12:10 to. 12:50 p':m. 'The ,speaker the fir~£ .week ~IN OLDSMOBILE SERVICE will be Dr ..Raymoncl'I. Lindquist, 17153 East Jefferson .TUxedo '5-1200 pastor of the Old First Presby- terian Church, Orange, New Jer-' sey. . l \



tr . 7 $ •. " ..- •• '. "Ii,.". ,!",' '-_~_L~,_" .. _ ..- ..-. ~_ "".T;ut._-;o.,,~;,-~, ,_ ...

'ag. Twenty &.ROS S E, P,OJNTE."N,EW.S • 'u'.. .' .. , .'". ,', -_ ,- Th~rsday, February 28, 1952 Club's History Auto of Drama <',' .' ,. "i _. - Full 'Tak~;to'theShoulder'Was.~. r' . • '.. .: .. '- . .' . ~ .' :._.,. ~ Well Kn,o~n Advice Teen- ...4ge Drivers Play Lead (Co~tinlledfrom 'P.,. 15) not just of itl ownmembf.rl. And silent.\vherithepa1m!were.re~ . Club of Michigan, wu formed by h. had th,e foresight to imajl:ine 'moved,,Pulcher and Hines'pen:' ' Roles in Traffic Accide'tts a handful of far-sighted indivi- Jluch • club crusading for t~e 'nies showed tails; , , Teen-age drivers and. those in lout that-youthful drivers ~et int:l '. duaIswho wanted a non-profit, kind0.f motor"ing laws a~d hig - W,on~erfur ,',Bil,ly,' 'M~tZg,e,r ha,d,I their eaily twenties' e to the American Autom~ile Asso- slate of officers took Ii'noble risk What followed is, of course, hi1- wheel of a- car, according to the i learn that when dnvmg a car ciation, formed'14 years earlier in and ran lor fe-election on their: tory. The nameo! the infant or- TraffI.'c.Safety Association of De- .,'they. can't rely .on anY.,?neelse. 1902, on the flrst day of exist- platform of reform. , . gani~ation wastlieDetioit Aut?;. troit. These are, far out of pro- They are on thel~ own. . , ence. The team, along with 1,000 Had the weather been dec~nfm?bIle Club, tobec~me in ~prll, portion lor the number of yOung t Judge Watts saId that De~rOl~S other clubs, has been working lor that January night, the name-of 1931, the AutomooIle, Club. of. drivers in these age groups, the I record ~s the safest large ~Ity :n better motoring for all Ameri- our present Automobile Club of I Michigan., . .'. ',' Association says. the ,natIOn could be accredI~edIn cans for 36 years. Michigan might easily have.~een . .The f~~nders~e.r~}llmen .01 The Detroit Police Department, par~ to the enforcement policy of Here's how the Club came the Wolverine Automobile Club. I greatablhty ~nd VISIon. ~he llst . the Traffic Court and the Traffic polIce and courts. The record about: As it happened, however, the I,of m~n ~ho SIgnedthe art:cles of Safety Associption this week be- shows. that you~hful drivers have, Y First 12-CyliDder Car I weather defeated Pulc\her and his I. aSSOCIatIonJU..l 2l-, 1916,.In...clud~ gan a program to emphasize the been Involv~d ~n 4~ per~ent of _ plan. Very few, of the. members ; ed.W. J;J. Ba\chman (now member- serioUSness of this situation to the fatal acc.ldents;).n the past 10 The year was 1915. The P~ck braved the nasty weather to come ShIP dlrecto.r,,of.~uto Club), ..G.; youthful drivers. It is developed years, he saId;'. . ~rd Motor Car Company ha~. JUS~ out anc;l vote, The opposition Edward BleIl, W)ll1am G. Bryant, around the theme: MOST. DRIV_ As a part of the youthful. drIver mtr?dueed the first 12-cyhnde~ marshalled its pro-social forces A. W. Copeland, A.a. D~n~;E. ERS JAILED-17 TO 25 YEARS program, the Traffic Safety Asso- car In the country and cars manu- and defeated the reform most em- P. Hammond, Edward N.Hmes, OLD., ciation is erecting 1,200 posters factured would total 892,618 by phatically, thus saving the club's Earl F.Jackson, WilliamE. Metz- Tne 1951,report of the Detroit I t~roughout Detroit with the cap- the end of that .year. '. ,happy-go-lucky social atmos- ger, Bert'Morley, Harry D.Porter, House of Correction shows that j tlOn-MOST D~S JAILED E' The Wolverme AutomobIle phere. Martin L. Pulcher, W. D. Rock- more than 50 per cent of the per- I -17 TO 25 YEAR':> OLD.. ~he Club, predecessor of the .prese~t Organize New Club well, L. D. R:ober"tsof1and Morti- sons jailed for traffic offenses J Police Dep~rtD1.entIS conductmg club, had rooms up over McMl1- '. > mer , DeWItt. h h hIt lir..'s Grocery store in Detroit. That nIght, afte: the ballots, Of.these 15 men, only four. are were from 17 to 25 years. of age. ~ program m 19 sc oo~' s ress- There-were a restaurant, billiard were c0'7:Jted,MartIn ~ulcher sat still living. They.are Bachman, Virtually all traffic law violators mg the .b~nefits to be gamed by tables, poker rooms, a bar and a .down Wlt~ three of h:s defeated DeWitt, Jackson and Rockwell With roads like those it took the average motorist at Jea~t a month' to drive to the sent to jail by Detroit's Traffic good dl'lvmg. . _ 20397 cigar counter-all designed for fell?w offIcers and deCI?ed to or- 'The foundation had beenJ ce- coast. The center of,.the road was a hopeless morass and often the only way to get Court are sent to the House of A group of hIgh school, COllege fun. In January, 1915, a young gamze. a new ~utomo.bIle clu~ mented. But what good was a thrpugh 'was,fo ride on.. .the. ha.r.der surfac.e o.n the outside.' A. AA... and Automobile Club Corrections, ~ndd profe~sion~lt athle~~ d hav~ man named MartI'n ,L. Pulc'her, o.ne WIth the.,sIn.gle aI,m of. s,e.r.v_- hI'gh-type motor' club wI'thou.t h . t l' h . f b tt hi h Of the 2 826violators sentenced ma e a senes 0 ranscrI e spo Mic igan rumenta ill"t e promotlOn 0 e er g ways. ',' t .' g outhf I vice-president and general man- Ice. Pulcher' belIeved ,m thIS Idea members to do things for? ~ . Or werems 1,448 were ill this age group, the an~ouncemen s urgm . y . u ager of the Federal Motor Truck S? thoroughl! that he would n~t i f M -., report disCloses. One hundred dnvers to be good sports behmd . ' gIve up untll he had seen It Dr ve or embers ed the public to the number of I. ninety-six were under 20 years, the wheel. of a car as well as on i I Cfo~pa~J\ wa~ e~ct:d cr~sIde~J through. He believed Michigan's .A membership drive 'was ob- motOrists and pedestrians who. Elem enta r.y' .,,5'c...h. 0,01, N'ews, with the remaining 1,252from 20 the athletIC field. goreateapplause0 verme u 0 u amI mot'onsts awal't ed sue.h a serYIce-. vlously. thek next. .t'step. Each'. di- were being. kill.ed and injur.ed by, ' to 25. _ . type club and would flock to sup- r~ctor to? a peti I?n around w.lthcarelessness. TheAAA cooperated. "It is unfortunate that these William Rogers t~ Get Owed Store $7,000 port it, and he believed Detroit hIm WhICh mot~flsts could SIgn This wagthe year in which Stude- ing that the group eager br' young driv,ers should ,get. il~to so Degree at Denison U. Pulcher's fine mind and excel- needed it as a civic institution. and earn the tItle of "c~arter baker discontinued,carriage~mak~ R~CHARn SCHOOL ,.' . much traffIC trouble," saId Traf- lent business head went immedi- Pulcher picked William E. Metz- member." On October 11 the di-, ing to giv:efull time' to building What the Safety Patrol does more mfo~mat)Qn, de:lded to ask fic Judge George T. Mu~phy: William E. Rogers, son of Mr. ately to work on the project of ger, :Qetroit's original car dealer rector~ .got together' t~ see how the new money-maker, the auto- outside for the children of Rich- some outsIde authOrIty to come . "They should be our best dnvers and Mrs. Elton Rogers, 1121

clearing up a $7,000 debt which and an organizer of the old E.M.F.I the dnve was progressmg. Great mobile. And Ralph DePalma set ard School is done indoors by to school and talk to them. ! because of their youthful phys-I Buckingham road, has completed the Club owed. to the" McMillin I Motor Car Company, to head 'up I' gl~e resulte~ when th.e member- a world's speed, record of 149.8 ihegirls' Service Squad. They The children were fortunate in ical abilities, but the judgment of I requirements for the bachelor of Grocery Store Just below. That the movement, and Metzger S~IP commIttee chalrman',Ed miles per hour. ' , help the staff to maintain order,.. ' too ma-ny of them has not ma-I arts degree at Denison Univers- taken care of, Pulcher and his i called a series of meetings in the I Hmes, r~~orted that 200 motorIsts The club campaigned continu- in the halls and about the build- securmg the help of J~ T.!I:0D1astured enough to become good ity, Granville, Ohio. He majored fellow officers embarked at once I brand' new DAC building. At had petItIOned to becpme.mem- ouslyin 1919~with,the help' of ing. Dasef, a well known DetrOIt at- drivers. I in speech. on the difficult project of clearing I these meetings the tough details bel'S. Whe~ he .added that not one: Ai\Afor a 'Michigan -Drivers',Li-: Several 01 tbe gIrls help dur- torney and also the father of one "In cases of serious violations, A graduate of the local high all social activities out of the Wol-' of actual organization were ironed had yet paId"hlS fee of $10, faces I cense:Law"B,nd it finallyupa~sed. !P~ the noon hour in the school of the children in the group. Mr. ou~ polic~ ~s to sent~nce these school in i945, he was in the en- verine 59 that the organization out. The iI'OUP appointed itself fell. ' . This was the first of along series offlce and ther~ ,are ether secre- dnvers to JaIl," he contmued. "We gineers' corps of the army for could become Jhe non-profit, serv- as aboard of directors. Then, But a month later Hmes repor.t- of laws_which the club andAAA .tarial tasks WhIChthey are able Dasef gave anJexcel1ent acc~unt believe this serves at a dennite a year and a half before enter- ice-type automobile club which he suddenly, the "moment had ar- ed that 91' mem?er~ had paId.m were to, ~upport in the iriterests to assume.' , 'I of .hO':"the go~ernment ca~e mto deterrent to other drivers and' ing college. He attended High- believed it should be. rived-who would be president? full. and the DetrOIt AutomobIle of motorists. And: in that same The girls, 40 in number, meet be~n~,. how. It grew from the helps to mainta,in order and re- .land Park Junior College for 'one Pulcher saw the club as a po- U. E' Club was on the way., year the dub began its campaign once a week for a planning ses- prllmltlve ttlfbatl:ormHto the c.om -spect for the laws on OUrstreets'. semester before enrolling at tential friend of every motorist A . Dlq~ti. x~rIence d .The Club received its corporate tocharige the Michigallconstitu- sion with th'€ir sponsor, Miss p ex forms 0 0 ay. e explame d "The success of the DRUNK Denison, where he become a [0 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.',h' ~m~ue ;~gq apr~n~ f ~~e papers on January 4, 1917; and tionto' allow the state to build Bockes. On these occasions they how the three branche~ of gov- DRIVERS GO TO JAIL program I member of Sigma Chi fraternity. -_.. ;' ICd s o~'ll' e ; ~ y' 0 tthe members sat down and cele- .,roadS from public funds. plan their program, their assign- ernment work together to serve is ample proof of this," he said, He served the organization as GROSSE POINTE "oung ers. h .1 lam . e.z:C;' :~; brated the !act'that-they belonged Stop Signs Erected m'ents and their social affairs the people and how the people, "In 1941, there were 47 persons its treasurer last year. Mmt~S cLalrpJI?a1n. InSlSh, he had t? a full~fledged legal organiza-lIl' 1920 the club had finished with Nancy Kingman acting a~ themselves, elect their. officials. kiIfed and 1,774injured by drunk • METHODIST CHURCH ar m " u c er, w 0 a tIOn ' '.. h' ' . h' ...... d . L " worked so hara to form a service- . the fi:stc9mpre ~nslvehlg Vjay- . captam and chaIrman, and wIth; • ------rIvers. ast. year three persons HOUSEHOLD HINT 211 MOROSS ROAD type club, be named the first Manager Is Hired mark~ng system m tl;1eU. E.. In lieuten.ants Elaine Ross and Judy HIts Parked' Car were killed and 140 injured in Sav.e time sorting clothes on president. Pulcher modestly de- A club manager was found ~923It 'erected the first stop SIgn Nothst'ine. . .. drunk driving accidents, a 95 per washday. Put a plywood partition TUxedo ! .7878 I elined. Then E~ward N. Hines, down in Jndianapolis, Indiana. m thE;"state and went ahead. to . The girls have fu~, .:too.~everal On. Chalfonte Rd. cent decrease due to ,this cause." I in your hamper for colored and Church and known later as "father of con.. There" the club hired William S. erect 6';000more. A~other serVIce tImes a year they Jom WIth the Judge John D. Watts pointed white clothes. ' crete roads,'''' nominated W~11iam Gilbreath, manager of the Hoosier to members, ~eg~n m 1920 :-v~en Pat.rol, and .have a gam'es fest, Church School Metzger to be the firstpresldenL Motor Club. They couldn't have the club ~iJt~med permISSIOn WhIch may' mclude a basketball Charles M. Cullen"of 33938Jef- But Metzger thought-Pulcher de- hired a better man, for Bill had ' ,from the. Mlch~gan Secretary of or baseball game with a party. ferson, St. Clair Shores, ran into 10:45 served the job and declined. been secretary of the Dixie High-State .to ISSU~~lCens.e~l_ates,thus Their sponsor gives them an af- the rear of a parked car on t;hal~ DeSoio~PIYDl.ouih' As such meetings go, Metzger' way Committee. He came to De-reduCI?g '.waltt~g lInes. ternoon i3 week when they play fonte, February 22. The force of RIV. HUGH C. WHITE, 'ado. and Pulcher then completed the troit to'take over an organization I~htutlOn of Em~rgency R~ad games in the gymnasium after impact pushed the Ford belong,- Ser,~iee ~ .._ .. _._- cycle by insisting that Edward with !!either members nor money. ~ervlc~took place m 1922 WIth schooL ing to Rudolph Weiskampt, 8244 Leave your car with us on your way Hines become president. The But he had a great appetite for Immedlat~ applause from mem- Followiftg are the girls on the Timken, about 200 ieet. meeting was becoming more and getting things, done in a hurry. bers: ThIS was. an un-heard of squad: Mary Magee, Sue Mac- Cullen. received cuts on the downtown. We'll drive you to work. Sixth' Church of Christ, more uproarious when Hines said He was a spectacular gentle- serVIce fit for kmgs! Donald, Barbara Browne, Mary face and an injured knee in the S MINUTE AUTO WASH . K01. Scientist, Detroit he did not deserve the honor and man with a fiery, crusading spirit Fights Insurance Rates Young, Betty Hursh, Carol Hutch- accident, Damages' to Cullen's I declined. Someone in the back and sense of.,showmanship which Excessive insurance ,fees were inson, Lisa~RobinsQn,.Judy .~e.n- automobile amounted to about 15554 E. ' 14730 Kercheval Avenue I r?w stood up and made a sugges- was unsurpassed. Wherever he incensing motorists that year, too. derson..JulIe ~each,Lmn.Mlhkm, $300. Damage to the Ford was Sunday SerVIce. !0:30 a m I tIon: went, motorists noticed him and The Detroit Automobile Club Vallene Martm, Ste~heme Greg- estimated at $200, Cullen was HOSE CO.' ~d 5:00 p m. Agree to Flip "" got to know that he was working asked companies to lower 'their ory, Dolly. Beam, Allee Aagesen, ticketed for not having his car 1833 E. Jefferson WOo 5.1833 .und.,. School, 10:30 •. m. "Would the three gentlemen in- in their interest. He. was to di- rates. Its requests were rebuffed. Nancy BrIstol, Betsy Buell, ~o- u.."der control. volved consent to flipping pen- rect the club until the late Rich- So, with a tiny capital contribut- anne G.eorgeades~ Dopna Wood- WecmMa&1 evenmr resumonla; nies, the odd man becoming pres- ard Harfst, now recQgnized as the ed by club officials, the, Detroit ruff, ShIrley Frenks, Bonny.Beltz. lIeeun, at • p. m. ident? By right," he added, "all motorist's greatest :friend, took Automobile, Inter-Insurance Ex- Also: Janet 'Wesner, ~usle Re- • • " •• din. ft.....m )r-~n Week Day. I three should be so honored. over in 1927. change was formed on a non- bel', Sue S~utte, Elame Ross, 11343 1:. Warren Three copper pennies flew into Set Up Headquarters profit basis, offering low-cost cov- Judy Nothstme, Frances E~er- 10:01' d m t,( IlUU 0 1'11. R I Malo J ne Slmg the air, then lay beneath the cov- Headquarters 'were set up in erage for members. The cam- son" o~a een. w, a - Wednesday 10:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m ering palms on the wrists of three the old Ponchartrain Hotel, where'paign for the marking of railroad er, L01.llseWIlson, Ellen Stanny, .unda" 2:00 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. able young men. The room fell the manager provided office space crossing$ was on, and the club Peggy Munson, Nancy Wybo, Jo------for the fledgling auto club with- forced much work in this direc- anne Danna, Molly McCI.ure, out charge. Gilbreath'sstaff con. bon. after. a :1umerb of fatal' aCCI- CISusank NThornbrough,H Md aNI' 1on sisted of one girl assistant and a dents had occurred. K,ar, ancy ouse an ancy clerk. The club plunged into H. O. Rounds, who had initiated mgman. '" '" ... i . ' marking highways arid giving ac- the first real school safety patrols NOTICE OF REGISTRATION curate highway information: in A-mericain 1919while a mem- DEFER ,SCHOOL Two years later, in 1918, it bel' of the Detroit Police Depart- For the'. past few weeks the boasted 2,975 members and the ment, had moved to ,the Auto sixth grade pupils in Mrs~ Ruth first issue of what is now Mich,;. Club to expand the program ona Brogan's room at Defer School CITY OF igan's Jargest~circulation maga- big scale. Nearly every school in have been studying the govern~ " zine, MotOr News, was issued. Detroit had its patrol by this time. ment unit in social studies and The old Wolverine Automobile Club Branches Out they have been learning how it I Club, which had continued on a And from here the story is no affects the common welfare of social basis for a while, had fold- longer easy to tell, for Auto the people. ed up. Club's activities branch out into . The work became so interes.t- MiCHIGAN . Launch Safety Drive a hundred different fields-all of The year 1919 found the club benefit t6 Grosse Pointe and state around the state, one by one, embarking upon Detroit's, first motorists. Suffice. it to say that found it advanta,geous to become "Safety First" driye, which alert- the independent automobile clubs a part of the Detroit Automobile Club. To the Qualified Electors In 1931 this fast-growing o-r- ganization of far-flung divisions Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan was re-incorporated as the Auto~ NOTICE mpbile Club of Michigan with the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all qualified electors same purposes, the same direc- of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods, Wayne County, Mich. of Review of tors and the same officers. ' igan, who are not now duly registered. desiring to vote in the And that's how the team of Au- the 1952 Asselsment Roll to Club~,and AAA have worked for the. betterment of motorists CITY OF .side by side for 36 years. Happy Annual Regular Election fiftieth birthday, AAA! In your carl to be held in the City of Grosse Pointe Woods, Mishigan, on ~toSSt ~ointtlBoo~s " You'll save important money on gas and oil MICHIGAN ••. enjoy a smoother running engine, new -~~~~ get up and go, more real driving pleasure Monday, April 7, .1952 Notice is hereby given that the Board ofRevi~.w of the ~ ••• you'll gee them all with a mOtor tune-up , City- of Grosse Pointe Woods, Waynl~ County, Michigan, shaU ...... -...... by efficient Chevrolj!t-trained mechanics • must register with the City Clerk at the Municipal Building, - be in session at the Municipal Building, 20775 Mack Avenue, Drive in today and take advantage of thil CO Anita Avenue and Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woo'ds,Mich- Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan, fo~ ,the purpose of reviewing Many Membt'r Stores 111.the Pointe 'l'eciallow price. (March only)- igan, ?n or the 1952 City Assessment Roll on A Message TUESDAY, MA~CH 11, 1952 Prior to' March 10, 1952 " to befween the hours of 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. Newcomers which latter! date i~ the last day upon which registrations or Eastern Standard Time and on transfer of registrations may be made. TUESDAY, MARCH ?5, 1952. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that you may register between the hours of 9 A.M. lUld'5 P.M. or transfer your registration by appearing at the office of the (Ports ex.tr. .. Eastern Standard Time City Clerk in the Municipal Building, Grosse Pointe Woods, H needed) i Michigan, during regular office hourS on any day up to and y,= including March 10, 1952. provided that the Board 'of Review.hall continue in session , on this date until all interested persons shall have been heard, ~~ . #f1I' .aay Pay.... nt•• n R.palr.' YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the City Clerk will All persons considering ,themselves aggrieved by theil'l I be a~.Jler office in the Municipal Building, Anita Avenue and assessments may present their complaints to the Board of Mack Avenue, betwe~n the hours of 8:00 o'clock A.M, and 8:00 Review' at either session. I Looking For Tn. r, , o'clock P.M. Eastern Standard Time, on March 10, 1952,for the , purpose of receiving registrations an~ transfer of registrations. , BOARD OF REVIEW Hanson Chevr~let 'Co. Welcome Wagon 1, Cily of Gt'oSJ~ Poi1lt~ Wo'otls,. \ MichigMl Many local merchants, or. Dorothy M. Weslendorf, members of this gr.at wet~ . Cily Cl.,.11 coming organization" and, 142.9 MMk On. 'lock Welt By:LEO.J. ATHMAN th.yo hove special greetings A.enue of Ch.lm .... ' 1 Ass,ssM' .II1U CI.,.i. of/he and gifts for you. / ,BOtWtlofReview No COd, .Ne ObU,atioD Pho•• 8rceae 1tolnt., I'fb .• , 119 ED~ew.ter 1-7590 ~ ;~ • t 1,

I. .-_\.~.' . ,t, ~ _.~~ _ . I/!I-

February 28, 1952 • Thu~ey,.. February' 26,' 1952 Pag8.Twenty-one Play Lead LMe",'~"chiJrwrS~ekl' Membera ' Window Brnken .ccidents _~~~~i~~t!.ez:;::d:.~~ltall"'d~~-W.ather-BI.'a!~.t.~n!!.d the'; youthful drivers .get ir'LJ , accidents be'cause they 17. to 70. to joth,!nlt8 ..• cti~ities; Thbse mtt!mtedm joirilnc are Stephen. Bovings o'l19701 Blos- :00 much. This; croup "of'busine88m~t:l who ~rged.to" call Walter A. Binn.y, 16m lsne at 1:30 a.m. on Feb. 23.. lse they can slam on the lovetosing,reliearlltl.eachTues~ prelidtnt, at TU:x~dO'&..4920; Of' GroSie Pointe Woo


. , We of Turner-Buick are indeed happy to extend our congratulations' to the. SALUTES American Automobile Association on its FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY JUBILEE. The AAA and Its Membership and to pr~ise it publicly for its outstanding service to the American on this Golden Jubilee .Year public during the 50 years of its ,existence. Raynal B~.others are in their 27th year of 'successful operation in this. locale, having grown fast a'nd strong right along .' with the AAA, and alwa'ys offering a shini~9 New Do.dll Cars ,r car! example of tbe' part "fair dealing" plays in success. With an already proven background for "SERVICE" in the motor gas and oil New PIJm~ulh Cars engine. new industry. fhey have adhered rigidly to their origin~1 policy of ng pleasure )tor tune-up SUPERLATIVESERVICE plus FAIR DEALING since the inception mec:hanics. New Dodgl Trucks of the partnership. Once customer of this aggressive (age vf this ~ a organization, one becomes a fast friend and booster for' them.; GuaranlHd Used . For the best in au ICK SERVICE .••• If you have not as yet had the opportunity of meetin~ Cars and Trucks. these men and th,eir highly skilled staff. who are also well known Look to TURNER-BUICK . mefTlbersof .this community, drop in at your earliest ~ Quality, Service for convenience. You'll enjoy any business relations you may We think we have the FINEST BUICK SERVICEAVAILABLE ANY- . have with them • IriS extra WHERE ••• and 'we invite you to make 'use of our facilities, 'if; .'.AU"..Chrysler Proddcls -needed) you are not already doing so. :-:"";"'. ,Dodg.~,. Plymouth'. .- -. 1-, • :epalrsl / "Do.dll Truck .' ... (0. Pa"rls Oepol RAYNAL BROS. • DODGE - PLYMOUTH • Block W.1t Chelm.... 9101 CHALMERS ot HARPFR \ l A K EV I l Wb - 13 0 0


t t • " .... ' r • -.... • i POlNTE .NEWS, ; I Thursday, February 28, ,Il52 ?-'

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RAY .. HYTE S~t(JTES:...,~- ..THE'." AAf\;~'on;.50 ...-YEARS' SERVICE to AMERICAN

\ . • '. For fifty years, American motorists in trouble We at Ray W~yte Chevrolet are proud to salute have turned :to theA.A.A. for "help. Whether he' the A.A.A. on its golden anniversary. its record bf

. '..... " be stuck fast in a snowbank or "helpless in the face gr9wth has been constant-a tribute. to th~ princi- . . , - ' ., . - of a flat tire, the A.A.A. member knows that "help pies of -service upon which it was founded, 'and. is as close as the nearest phone-fast, efficient, cour- proof positive of 'important it plays in .~. .- . '" the role , " , teous help that sends him quickly on his way. motoring comfort and safety.




More 'People 15175 East Buy ChevtoJets Jefferson" Than A~y at Lakepointe Of her Car VA 1..2000

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