. I ~ '""", ' , Men in Ser-lice Like to .Keep'.'. in Toueh With Home, '. • • • The NEWS Can Follow' Them Anywhere. Ib, N~s TV. 249011 CaIl~TUxedo 2~6900 fuRy Paid CirCulation. HEADI~I,NES "G..arden S'\7~p.osium jFarmsVotes , " . t.l ' To Protect WEEK th Compil~tI hy lb. To .Open in Center Elm Trees GrOJJ' Point. NewJ Council Directs Engineer To Obtain Bids For Thorough . Thursday, February 21 Friday Morning Spraying Job in Apr.il NATIONAL PRODUCTION On AUTHORITY trims copper and aluminum supplies 14 per cent rwo~day Program Scheduled at Memorial Building as Grosse Pointe Farms' City from, household appliance pro- , Organization Enlarges Scope of Its Services Council Monday night ap., duction, starting April 1.. Comes proved participation in th,~ To- Pointe Residents to aid of firms producing less campaign - to combat' ,the essential items. Hopes to. mini- The Garden Center in the Grosse Pointe War Memorial spread. of Dutch Elm disease mize r,umber of firms which Center will be the scene of a two~day Garden Symposium on as advocated by the Grosse . otherwise might have to shut . February" 29 and':March 1. The event is the opening 1952 Pointe Garden Council and down by making lean metals supply more unifqrm for all. activity t'o enrarge the scope of the service to the comrilUnity the Garden Center. of. this organization, ' €l. I Murray Smith, city engineer~ • • • . was p.uthorized to prepare speci- SCIENTISTS WORKING in In the hope' of eneauraging T' fications and obtain bids for c~operation with New York City more residents to join the Garden 'omorrow spraying' all the elms on dty- Department of Hospitals develop Center, it plans a, series orpro. ' owned property during Ap!,il. "wonder drug" that promises to grams in,addition to,the free gar. World Day Every elm will be given a be most effective agent in the den advice which is available to thorough soaking with .DDT.lt eradication of tuberculosis. any, resident of the community, Of P is estimated the cost of this,and I ... .. '" , Dues are $lper year and mem- 'bership entitles the holdera to at~ rayer a follow-up campaign later in Friday. February 22 the summer to see if any trees ONE AMERICAN SOLDIER tend these additional programs are infected, and if so, to remove and 69 .Korean civilians ldIled ih without further. charge. All Women Urged to Atten'd them, will cost the city about a ComJWunist.led riot at a Koje All ResIdents Invited Service in Pointe Methodist $6,000.' Island sto~kade as 1,500 inmates All residents of the Pointe are Up to Private Owners . of the compound attacked Unit- mVl. 'te.d t0 att end th e sympoSlUm.. Chureh at I:30 P.M • The councilmen agreed that it ed States security troops with Anyone not now a member of the pipes, clubs. rocks. Center may join by paying the Women arbund the world would not be feasible to attempt • • • entrance fee of $1 as dues, are called to observe a day of to reg?late the sprtayiTnhgof trdees The program on Friday will be ' f b Id on frIvate proper y. e gar en GENERA~ DOUGLAS MAC~ prayer 'or a etter wor for groups, aided by the Grosse Arthur issued statement disclaim- devoted to a study of flowers and all people. Prayer builds un- Pointe Property ,Owners' &_ ing any support of General plant materials in the home; derstanding and mutual con~ sociation, are distl'ibutinglitera- Dwight D. Eisenhower's "candi- books ,on gardenipg, noble ar. ct:rn, for one another and binds ture disseminating information to dacy for political office" after rangements and garden acces- , Newsweek magazine said Mac- sories. together God's peoples of the impresS theresidentso! the' ne~ Arthur favored Taft but woUld Mrs. Zelda Wyatt Schulke, of world. :~~i~y c~,~~~~ng their oWn trees support Stassen or Eisenhower . -Pictur~ by Fred 'Runneil. Cieveland, Ohio, noted lecturer '. From dawn on the Fiji Islands There is a state law which al- if either defeats Taft. In connection. 'Yith t~~ two~day Gax:den Sympo~ium to'be ~~ld iri the War Memorial Center FridayanetS~turday" on flower arranging, will give to dusk in the arctic St. LaW-lows the Department of Agricw- .' ... ... the .G~rden C0!IDcIllS holdmg. a 'contest for all local students of hlgn school age. Posters' have been: drawn to illustrate two lectures and demonstrations, rence, women of many countries ture to take over in the .event ,Saturda!, February 23 theIr Ideas of '.'How My Back 'yard Should Look." They are being judged this afternoon and will hang in .the ,Center from 10 a.m. to noon and from 2 will unite in the same service of an infected tree is found on FEDERAL AND POLICE nar- through Sunday. Entrants pIctured ab,oveare, left, 'to right, front row: BERNADETTE THIBODEAU Sacred Heart to 4 p.m. Several tables she wHl praise, and penitence, and devo- private property. If the owner cotics officers seized apparently Convent; TERRY -KUHN, Grosse Pointe High; SANDRA SMITH, St .. PauL Back row: CARLA SHERER, Country art-ange will be on exhibit both tion, as hymns and prayers as- refuses to do anything about it, days of jhe' symposium. There cend to the Father of all. The day he is subject to a fine or im- respectable business man and 15 Day; JESSIE ZIMMERMAN, Sacred Heart; MARY HOOVER, GrosSj! Pointe High, members of 'alleged ring in series - will also, be a display of books high~1ights the bond among Chris- prisonment. of raids which reportedly smash- , '" .'", and new Clccessoriesfor garden- Hans. ' ed biggest d?pe ring in Mich- igan's history.: Raids netted more Nab ;Bur.gIiit: ::CO.urse 'for Air ~Raid~Waden, £-olle~es0GlVe-~i~j~*,~l!~'.,~~Shl" ~illbe. ~e~_,:L~~~j~~~~e2~'a~~~<~h:j~~:~ _~, ' fn t~o;:r~:::,:~~~f~eeting thin $100,000 worth of heroin. ~' votea toconferehces on, hortlcul- the service is "Christ, Our Hope." statistica" were ~introduced': .tCi.'- . • • • Takin,Y Away lristructo.rs to be Started .EfPHS Flrad!:' ~Urt:. Since.the man C?fthe fa.m. On this day there is opportun~ ~~Wp;:b~e:S:h.:i:~~es~~~:~, 8EN ATE PRO:aERS find U.S~ U U i' lly 15 9ft~n. mtereste~ m ~lanmng ity for offerings to be received p'aid at least $200,000 in foreign ;. h.b h d CI b M H . , the garden. surroun~mg hIS home, which are to be used to support early and a thorough job of pro- taxes on materials used in con': , 0 en a ei1,,' elg.,' or 00 . u a.r. 4 tthh~commltttee dsecltdedto stuhdy work with sharecroppers, mi~ i~~ti~e= ~~Dh"el~S:~~~~n'l~ struction of overseas air bases Sf 1 S f I N igh R,atiny.' IS aSI:;'ec on a 1;11' ay,d ,wen grants, American Indians, inter- and may have to pay millions --- II h ------ , men mIght be ,able to attend. denominational collegeS' for wo~ mum. 'Where. it was neglected, more. Park Poliee Catch Thief With Parce s Sc 001 Teach~rs Volunteer 100 Percent: Others Alumni do P.,articularly Well (Oontinued on Pare 2) men in the Orient, Christian lit~ costly removal operations were ' I T k Who Are Willing, to Become Instructors Urged to Attend erature for women and chl'ldren experienced. ' • • • Pic kup True kt A so a en In Eas,tern Institut'lons 'In Bids for the .pravm' g r Sunday, February 24 ------ P k S d around the world, and friendly ., . a e ex- From Turner Buick Volunteer teachers to instruct air raid wardens l'n the Last S',x Years pected to be cO!lSidered by the HOUSE UN.AMERICA N ar 'to tu y relations amo,ng foreign students. '1 t th t' h d _. G.rosse Pointe. District Civilian Defens,e, o,r,ganitat'l'on,. WI'II b' e COunCl a e mee mg sc e uled Activities Committee to unmask · t F. PI Services will be held through- for Ma h 17 large number of persons suspect- Grosse PomtePark pollee gIVen ~ speCIal course starting 'on Tuesday, March :4. The by, JOln Ire all, out the Detroit area, including a rc. ed of Communist leanings but patrolmen Arthur Conlan and I course will consist of five sessions, ending March 18 oian Nancy MacDonald.llA, G.P.B.S. service at 1:30 p.m. at the Grosse Woods Is Willing not previously identified as Adam Mouton, picked up hour and a half each. All sessions will start at 8 o'clo'ck. G r a d u ate s from Grosse Grosse Pointe Park officials Pointe Methodist Church, Moross The Woods v:.hich has its own party members. James Pratt, of 3609 Riopelle, : The instructi'on will be given i~0 , -I P~in~e High School have a1- have expressed some apprehen- at Kercheval. An inspiring serv- equipment, has taken no final" b t 3 F b Y 24 as th N' hb h' d CI b d I - d 11" t 1 sion concerning the request of the ice has been planned. All women action on the decision to enter • • • a ou a.. ~., e ruar ' ... ' ,e e,lg, or 00 . u an an~. Iiams Yeager of the Detroit Uni- ways one we m eas ern co ~ into cooperative plan to combat DEPENDING ON THE extent he was drIVmg away from .h~ on.e vnlhng ~o quahfy.as an aIr versity School, Ted Jacobs and leges, but in the last six years City of Grosse Pointe that fire everywhere are urged to attend.
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