The Spectrum Number 30 Volume Lxii State College Station, North Dakota

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The Spectrum Number 30 Volume Lxii State College Station, North Dakota THE SPECTRUM NUMBER 30 VOLUME LXII STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA. JUNE 4, 1948 298 TO RECEIVE DEGREES MONDAY Campus Voters Up Student Activity Fee NDAC Students Honored Stevens To Get Lota Junge Gets Post At Annual Honors Day Convo Honorary Award On Programs Board stamp of approval Ten students were elected to Medal Award; Owen Jones, Doug- At Ceremonies NDAC students voters delivered an overwhelming Senior Staff, women's honorary las Kepner, Joel Nelson, Robert to four initated measures and named Lota Junge to the vacated junior group, and annual awards and Krenelka, North Dakota Pharm- Approximately 298 NDAC stud- post on the Board of Campus Affairs in an election held yesterday on scholarships were presented by aceutical Association Awards. ... ents will receive bachelor of the campus. Doctor John Longwell at the GENERAL science degrees at graduation cer- With main concern centering around the securing of 500 votes the emonis here next week. The group, thirteenth annual Honors Day con- Virginia O'Neill, American As- number needed to make the election official, approval of the four changes one of the largest in history, will vocation sponsored by Blue Key sociation of University Women's was anti-climax, as over 570 voters went to the polls. Scholarship; Harold Zweber, Blue be feted at baccalaureate ceremon- and Senior Staff and held last The proposed increase in the student activity ticket received a Thursday in Festival Hall. Key Master Freshman Award; ties Sunday and graduation cer- 402-165 okay, thus making the activity fee $7 in plate of the previous Bob Owens, president of Blue Charles Dickens, Blue Key Scholar- emonies Monday. Detailed pro- $5.Each of the amendments to the students constitution were approved Key, was master of ceremonies at ship; Dorothy Duvall, Chapter E'- grams for both services appear made the convocation at which the fol- P.E.O. Memorial Award; Mary elsewhere in this issue. by 5-1 majorities. The amendments were: (1) That provision be lowing women students were Ellen McGregor, College Panhell- Included in the awards will be an for a permanent Board of Student Union Directors which shall elect named to Senior Staff: Gloria Bach- enic Scholarship; Keith Schollander honorary Doctor of Science degree one of its student members as a voting representative and commissioner man, Jean Hoverson, Ardyce Too- and Virginia O'Neil, Elks Scholar- to 0. A. Stevens, associate profes- in the Student Commission; (2) That provision be made for an elected hey, Joyce Gackle, JoAnn Herig- ship; Wanda Roberts, Irene Leim- sor of botany at NDAC. A com- representative of the newly-organized pep-club, the Rahjahs, to be a mittee made up of Dean H. L. Wal- stad, Lara Kristjanson, Mary Jane bacher, Memorial Scholarship; Jane member of the Student Athletic commission; (3) That provision be ster, Dean R. E. Dunbar and A. Low, Beverly Marchand, Anne Winslow, Jaredine Thompson, Nic- made to change student body election days from Thursday to Wednes- Stegner, and JoAnn Zimmermann. hols Memorial Scholarship; James H. Parrott made the recommenda- day. Students receiving awards, their Leary, Knights Templar Educa- tion. Miss Junge defeated Jean Hoverson, 315-225, to secure the junior respective schools and awards are tional Foundation Scholarship; Stevens has served for 23 years as follows: James Slingsby, Annabelle Schmidt, at the head of the NDAC seed lab- post on the Board of Public Programs. AGRICULTURE Marvele Bovaird, Evangeline oratory and is the author of a long Marvin T. Jones, Dacota Chapter Browning, Eloda Gust, Donald list of publications in his field. of Alpha Zeta Award; Wesley Mar- Myrdal, Frank Orthmeyer, Wanda Kenneth Johnson, general counsel Commencement Exercises -- ton, Danforth Agriculture Fresh- Roberts, Florence Book, Margie for the national Security resources man Award; Lyle E. Nelson, F. Slingsby, Russell Iverson, Er-nest board in Washington, will be the THE BACCALAUREATE SERVICES H. Peavy-Van Dusen Harrington Iverson, Robert Matthews, Clair main speaker at the graduation Sunday, Three O'Clock, Festival Hall Co. Undergraduates Scholarship Rice, Jack Enger, Eugene McLaugh_ ceremonies Monday. Rev. Lael Prelude—"Onward, Ye Peoples" Sibelius-Lefebro Fund; Robert Gehring, Land 0'- lin, and Mary Severson, Laverne Westberg, executive director of the Edith Sherwood Cleveland Luthran Student foundation, will Lakes Scholarship; Gordon Tolle- Noyes Scholarship; Ruby Johnson, Processional—"March in C" Spinney give the feature address of the Sun- rud, San Dobervich Memorial Norman B. Black Scholarship; Edith Sherwood Cleveland Mildred Bednar, NDAC Women's day baccalaureate ceremonies. Award; Harry A. Bruhn, Sears Invocation The Very Reverend Arthur G. Barnhart Club Scholarship; Sharon Erickson, A list of the candidates follows. Roebuck Agricultural Foundation Dean of Gethsemane Cathedral, Fargo Senior Staff Award; Zoe Nelson, AGRICULTURE Scholarships; Percy McLean, Swift Whittier Senior Staff Scholarship; Lyle Nel- Robert Amstrup Hymn—"Dear Lord and Father of Mankind" and Co. Essay Contest Award; Dean Barnhart Raymond Schnell, Union Stockyard son, Walter L. Stockwell Award; Kirk Bellows Scripture Reading • and Transit Company of Chicago Jean Hoverson, Women's Senate Royal Berstler Prayer • • Dean Barnhardt Award; Lyle Nelson WNAX Award; Marvelle Bovaird, Women's Arnold Bjorlie "Send Forth Thy Spirit" John Schutky Scholarship. Senate Scholarship. Andrew Bosch The North Dakota Agricultural College Chorus HOME ECONOMICS Francis Bosch Ernst Van Vlissingen, M. Mus. E., Director Dorothy Jeanne Winslow, Joyce Charles Bower Sermon—"This Will I do" Lael H. Westberg Cunningham, Danforth Foundation John Hest Heads Raymond Buchanan Executive Director, Twin City Lutheran Student Foundation Lawrence Bushey Fellowships; JoAnn Herigstad, De Minneapolis, Minnesota Lendrecie Scholarship; Ann Steg- Kappa Delta Pi Rawlynn Busche - Gottfired Homilius ner, Emma K. Herbst Scholarship; Election of John Hest as presi- Arthur Carlson "Israel, Hope in the Lord" North Dakota Agricultural College Chorus Shirley Chaska, Phi Upsilon Omic- dent, Ed Ehli as vice president and Llewellyn Christenson The Dean Barnhart ron Alba Bales Award; Lydia Jeanne Winslow, Joyce Gackle, Wayne Colberg Benediction - Smith, Lois Vangerud, Service Jane Winslow and Glenn Walrath Dell Colwell Recessional—"March in E Flat" Driffil Felowship in Retailing; Joyce Cun- as treasurer, secretary, historian- Thomas Conlon Edith Sherwood Cleveland ningham Tryota Club Award; reporter and counselor, respectively, Douglas Dettmann COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Ruth Watson, WNAX Scholarship. terminated the formal activities of John Donnelly Monday, Ten O'Clock, Festival CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY Kappa Delta Pi on the NDAC Raymond Erwin Official Representative of the State Board of Higher Education Elmer Fragodt Zoe Nelson, Richard Porter, campus for the school year. The Honorable Roy Johnson Douglas Smith, and Frederick King- The Tuesday, May 25, meeting Floyd Fredenburg • Richter don, Forman, Ford and Company in Old Main Lounge made Glenn Jerome Gleesing Processional March The North Dakota Agricultural College Concert Band Award; Roland Nordine and Mar- Walrath, mathematics instructor Rudolph Gysland shall Wilson, Minneapolis-Honey- and charter member of Gamma Parnell Hagen Edward James Schroepfer, M.M., Director well Regulator Company Fellow- Delta chapter of this honor society Ralph Harmon The Star Spangled Banner - Key ships; Roland Nordine, Nuodex in education, counselor to serve a Donald Home Invocation The Reverend Emerson J. Sanderson Prize. two-year term. Mr. Walrath had Roy Hovey Pastor First Congregational Church, Fargo ENGINEERING also served in a temporary capacity Richard Ilse Address—"Faith in Freedom Under Law" Kenneth D. Johnson Howard McCauley, American as counselor since the honor Orville Jacobson General Counsel, National Resources Board Ardee Johnson Society of Civil Engineers Award; society reactivation in February "Scene from a Campanile" • Frangkise Ray Amundson, Robert Beals, and of this year. Ralph Johnson Randell Johnson The Concert Band Robert Maassen, North Dakota Replaced in the executive council Graduating Class by the Deans of the Schools .... Association of Architects Award; were: Gloria Crews, president; Clayton Kingston Presentation of the John Harwood Longwell, Ph. D. Ronald W. Nelson, Tau Delta Pi Ardeen Johnson, vice-president; Warren Knauss I Conferring of Degrees Award. Loretta Swisher, secretary; Tom Calvin Konzak President of the College PHARMACY Corrigan, treasurer; and Ray Er- Peter Konzak I "The Yellow and the Green • Minard-Putnam Owen Jones, Beta Sigma Chapter win, historian-reporter. Robert Lambourn Benediction The Reverend E. P. Simon, of Kappa Psi Scholarship; Lucille An executive committee meeting Merle Light Pastor of the Fargo Moravian Church Manning, Iota Chapter of Kappa of old and new groups Thursday, Arne Lochen Recessional—"Pomp and Circumstance" Elgar Curtis Loucks Epsilon Award; Owen Jones and June3, initiated James Holwell The Concert Band senior in agricultural education, Lawrence Ludtke Douglas Kepner, Kappa Chapter Commencement Marshalls • Christian Jensen, Ph. D., of Rho Chi Society Awards; Lucille as the last member to be accepted Archie Martindale Ray Theodore Wendland, Ph. D. Manning, Lehn and Fink Gold for the 1947-48 year. (Continued on page 8) Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Graduating Class. We have enjoyed every oppor- tunity we have had to serve you while you've been in school, and we shall always be ready to

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