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1940 The aiD ly Lobo 1931 - 1940

3-5-1940 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 042, No 38, 3/5/1940 University of New Mexico

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Friday, March 1, 1940 Sub* ~ote: NEW MEXICO LO:SO Page Four One Man's Me11t *Is NEW MEXICO LOBO An11ther Man's Bi&on • Publication of the Associated Students of the University of Nett; Mexico

1n SeaSon's Final Series VOL. XLII Z437 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1940 No. 38 Complete Program of I R C Conference On Good-Will Tour Whaes Going On IRC DElEGATES (Continued from Page 1) By PM! Woolworth University To Qbserv~ Farmers Lead Conferencei 1 Pre-Medical Curriculum 2. ' ;Future of the International Labor Ot•ganizu.~ AA&&AAAAAAAA&A4AAA tion," Miss Sue Nell Taylor, Sui Ross State ElECT DOUCHER Teachers College, OUR OWN LITTLE NEWSPAPER 8, 1' American Foreign Policy and Collective Se~ Its Fifty-First Birthday Need V~ins for Crown curity/' Melbourne Spector, University of }few Front page news: J.R,C. dele- NEW PRESIDENT Is Inaugurated at UNM Mexico. ------. Sponsors: Mr. 0. E. Bounds, Texas College of gates elected T~xas Teehsan Doueh- To Give Birthday Address er president of the group succeed- Mines; Mt•, V, E. Kleven, University of New 1 PRESIDENT ZIMMERMAN Announces New Course Mexico. ing our own Red Johnson .• , Some WILL MEET STANDARDS _7 :DO-Banquet, Dining HaJJ, University of New faculty Inembers qnd students are WILL GIVE ADDRESS OF TECHNOLOGISTS Mexico. in favot· of a study of the f!lults of Chairman; President J. F~. Zimmerman, Univer­ aity of New Mexico. our recent models of Indian archi- Music Department "The EuroJ;lean Struggle," Dr. Werner A, Bohn­ tectut•e before construction is begun To Present Program Major in Biology or stedt, University of J?anama, on the pxoposed dOrmitories; such I Chemistry Is Urged Speeial entertainment presented by University faults include -paper thin exterior Folkdance Class. Three numbers by Shila Wiley, lJy Eddie Apodaca Cleto Duran, Walter Keller, Louise~ Bemis, plastQr, dangerously cracked vigas, Ben Hernandez, and Julia Gutierrez. and leaky, falling ceHings. , , , To 9 ·OO__;Dnnce honoring Conference delegates at Stu~ • • dent Union Building, University of New Mex­ date the engineers have ico, (Free to all delegates.) any penalties for shaving, SATURDAY, MARCH 2 • • • 9 :30-Round Tables. (Student Union Bldg,, First Floor Lounge.) Our Latin-American Policy. Chai'rman: Mr. Gerald Manzer~ West Texas State Teachers College: 1 "Whilt Shall We Do About the Mexican Oil • Expropriation?" Ernest Joiner, Texas Techno­ logical College. 2. "How Can We Make the Good-Neighbor Policy By way, you all remember DEAN DUNBAR SPEAKS ENTHUSIASM HIGH drab sets of ~~of Mice and Men.'' sets of 11Camille" promise to BEFORE ART LEAGUE opposite. Jimmy Rus­ IN SPRING DRillSi has said that the sets wm be most elabllrate and spectacular


ANY SUIT Snappy ahoes that eve1y llylo conscioua man dcmande., , yet AppEHl.ling to those men who look for comfort. Youjustc11.n't beat Vol vet Stops., Tho loade1 in hotb •• com!ortand Slil!ld styl· inql TheY. re advoflilga In $10 't1qulro.


ALTERATIONS Cu1blon Hut Pad abaorb• far of walld.Dr;r., .Arch Pad loeb lhe heel In plczce and •upporl• lh• EXTRA a.rcb ••• Melatautd Pad rellen• . .. pre11ur• all\i pre·unl• Urlno;r • LEVINE'S

407 W~ Central Puzzle page: Of a1l the warring SPITZMEssER·s nations in today's world, just hoW 103 W. Central many actunl declarations have been tnade and between wholJl? Answer next week. Gee, kced, ain't de sus­ pense awful? • • •

Herbert Brigg.s Is ' •' Year• s First Winner Of Campus Dollars

• • • Want ads: Will pny high price to ingenious mind with ability to de~ vise )Jcrfected wcnther predicto1•, College Should BeMorePractical, Sunshine Box A, Lobo. Friday Thru Monday Less Expensive, Educator Says STUDENTS TO GET Frid~ "THE LIGHT THAT FAILED" GRADES THIS WEEK with Students muy secure their five weclcs grades this week, Patrick Ronald Coleman -Ida Lupino Mlllerj registrar, announced Man~ In tl Taste is the charm of dny. Walter Huston Coca-Cola. It never loses The registrnr's office ts busy the delightful appeal that sorting out tho numerous grade first attracted you. And it cords, nnd will turn them over to never fails to give you a the deans of the colleges" for pel,11Q· happy after-sense of com• 1mnt filing, plete refreshment. So, join Going and FREE Lobo the millions who enjoy IRC Meets Tuesday I' the delicious taste of I Sunday-Monday 'I RIDE THE BUS Coca-Cola and get the feel "AMAZING MR. WILLIAMS of refreshment. for Safety and Comfort 81 THAT REFRESHES with Dottlr:d 11ndct Puthodey o!Tbo Coct·~la Co, bJ' COCA-COLA DOTTLING COMPANY ALBUQUERQUE BUS COMPANY Warren William- Joan Blondell Albuquerque, New Mexico 6 Tokens 51c Phone 3007-B 205 E. Marquette

,, '\ '' .t t - --- ~ _____ ~ -"'""'-'" l ) ( ( I

NEW MEXlCO LOBO ';J.'uesday, March 5, 1940 Tuesday, March 5, 1940 NEW MEXICO LOBO Page Three ~ew Mexico Lobo ...... ,-_. .. .., ...... - •••- ....-.-,..- ....,. .... r ..•.•• ...... , - = 7 oe Aaaocioted Stude!lts o( the University of New Mexico 7acu.fttt 7act~ · By Rutlt Williams l QUID NUNC? weeldy from Sopte!llber to Moy, Inclusive, except dur­ ..-.&- ...... -.- ...... - ...... - ...... -.---.-.----· THE CAMPUS KEYHOLE and holiday periods. WILLIAM E. BURl{ "Thor, Io No Venolll to That of the Tongue." Dc>lzadelli Sees Brilliant Season On Diamond Jd-olaos matter at the post efllde at Albuquerque, N. ;M., 11HIIYIIDIYDwfl¥"'1!'3_HIM"',_,..WOw=!WK"""'•••IIIRl .....,m ~ March 8, 1879. . By Lancelot Dobbs UI Campus Camera Sub•eription by mall, fl,5Q i!l advonce


'• l J )I' '' Page Four NEW MEXICO LOno ',l'uesday, March 5, 11!\l!t

New Ensemble Bearded Males Are Latttst Spring Means* Clear Skies, Bombers and Marriage • • • and the Ball • • • NEW MEXICO LOBO ..____St,__o_c_t_a~j Afwn WiDiom~ Wrinkle In Glamour Boys Publication of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico Fort~Jon-Pol»Ularity Piddye 1\'lar~hant-Popularity ---- By F~ed Ye"'get • This ,thing of excellenc~, this Piddye1s 21 and her hair is ~tth~ Dy)••»t tbe weel<-end with Gov. Jopn " 1 · i president of the- Coronado club At wedding date fol' the mnl'l'lnge , :Miles at the Governor's )liJmsiou age. This blac;k~hai;ed the Gulf, their all to d~ve cpmg s lky its meeting on FridA-y afternoon. Miss .Anne LUcM an(l M).". Do;nn.ld Santa Fe, I"'""""" has eyes that are at olice a PiUdye ia 1"pleaEHl,nt, but devilish/' ado:r.·nments. . . ~~. Niek Jeantet was chosen vic'e~ Gere, both g:r.-aduates ~f the Univer­ and bright btowp., She stands likes all .spo:rt1h ~speciuUy basel;mll Engineers Jl.l'e :r.•atstng, thmr president'; Salvador Chavez, secre .. ~ity of New Mexi~o las~ year, scant 5 feet 2 in~hes and weighs and daflnitely dislikes senfoo!ls and beards as th~ result pf a ultmlntum. t~l'Y-trea~m:er· Cleton Duran pub- Miss Luc!\13 is a membe1· of Kappa 100 ;pounds aft~r f.\ tu:rkey diiJ.n~r. anobs. She is n light opera :fan delivered by a .committee for the Hcity agentj 1 Orlando utiVarrl, 1 11 Kappa Gammn~ and Mr. Gere a Her disposition is lively, not fie~·y. and likes th-e ever popular ~Fi,gn.l'o of b:r.gger and better chairman pf the ~chola-rship contw Mirage Ball Gates To Swing Out Saturday member of Fi Kf.lppa .Alpha~ She likes hor:ae.s, dogs, sailing, and "9nly a Rose/' Favorite :food beards, who have decreed that no mittee· and Nick Jeantet chairman 11 f. Mr. Gere is now a. law ~tudept Misses Mary Tohnl\n, J qhnrtie ;B. and dancing, She deft.- (s niCe, fat juicy ste~ks;'' flower engineer. shall sh~ve, their facial of festivities. ' n.t George Washington university, und Bnca, all of tall people who is the Ame1•ican beauty rose, and unt1l 8~. Patnck s. da~. , The meet~ng WD.fl held in the of l1er in the theatre, Fa~ thinks he-man Gary Cooper is to;ps. The K. A. s are culhvating thetr lounge of the Student Union build- Washington, D. C, He will return~~::~·:~~ hall, spe:nt last weekend music is popular, favorite Piddye says her chat)ces ale 1 in beards in preparation fo-r their ing Senate Calls Meeting to Albuquerque fo:v tho wedding and I, in Belen. BETWEEN THE LINES ia G. Mille1• and likes the a 100 o:r more, and .attributes Djx)e ball. As a re- ' Students To Name Popularity Queen; then the couple will go to Washing- pllohtti,~e not~a Qf • ulndian Sum .. popularity to plea;'!antness and sult of th~se. activities the "too~ ton whel'e they will make their Macy Louise McDonuld Qf I home. IHok


VIVIAN BOSWELl., operator CLAUVE TO ATTEND at tbe busy switobboard of Cbicq(lo".s Stevep.a Hotel, Univer.sity of New Mexico's an­ largest iB ~he world1 tukea nua.l Mirage Beauty .Ball takes the time ou~ to enjoy a Chest• campus spotlight Saturday 11ight erf!~ld. from 9 until 12 o'clock jn the Stu~ CHEST~RFIELD is Am~riM'I dent Uuion ballroom, Busie$t Cigafette bcoallt~ Upon entering the Student Union it's Coolcr·Smokiog, Bot• foyer, students will be handed a. ter·Tastiog sod Definitely Milder. Mrs. Bess Curry Redman, assist;.. ballot for eloetion of the Popularity ant professor of voice .and music Queen. Candidates arc Hnz'E!l Fort­ theory, anncunces program. son, Jean Hill, Edn Anderson1 Boo Jnmiaon, PhJdye Marchant and Marty Hood.


1 Rodey, Keller to Give I l Recital March 13 March 13 has been selected the date- :for the joint reeital to given by Maria-Elise Rodey, vi<,Jin. I Jst, and Walter Keller, pianist. Il .re~ital will be given on that I Unionning in b~ilding. the ballroom Botl> o~~:t~h:~·~!:~:~:: I members of the music j iaeulty. Mrs.. Rod¢y studied vlolin ASK FOR CHESTERFIELD.

Auer,the Hungarian~~~if£:~~::!:~~~[~ and the I linm Remy. :Mr. lirlavs /)e/i"nite/v Ali/o'er at the University <>f India:na and later did fellowship work with Er~ CO<;>LER-SMOKING nest Hutcheson ut the- .luilliard Foundation. BETTER-TASTING CIGARETTE Bookstore Survey Exposes Call for all the good things you want Men's Feminine leanings ~~ in a cigarette .•. Chesterfield has them.

University Bookstore• m;~:;~:l COOLNESS, •• Chesterfields are Cooler by A>:chle Westfall, has 61 to light a very interesting fact, l3y MIL()NESS ••• Chesterfields are Definitely Milder putting on the sample counter -free 'TUY UD TI116S FDI YOUR LIDS" TASTE ••• Chesterfields Taste Better copies of the magazine; Glamour, W~rt &'kith ate ~hotf, hosiery tntJ~t Lc he has shown tbat the average 1-rn.­ llgh~ o.nJ Rollins aptfng 4:olors nte ternity man !s as interested in gt:r}'cr ,1uu\ ever. Yllu wd[ like tltl! In size, in shape, in the way they glamour as the most channing of bTcndln[t quabUeil oi ''Bubble Cofou'' burn, everything about Chesterfield. the women on the campus. with. ihtllr smori underloncs o1 mnuv:t • In an exhaustive survey, a re~ roat. clear rosc, goiJ nnJ ttm-Jlnuc:drt~ makes it the cigarette You potter found that more copies of 1l.aJc~ 1luu nu:!nll oo ntllch to tltl.t lm• thi~ Esquire for women ended up in port V.. o£ your coJII.rlrtll' can't buy a better cigarette. the :froternlty houses thon in the sorority houses. Oh Johnnyl Do You Enjoy Stud1llli'T 1t notJ c:onsult- · MOSIER'S SMART Dr. Chester F. Bebber OPTOMETRIST SHOP SullO 2"4·205 Son.ohlne llldg. 1 G15 West Central hesterfield

I )