Comprising a Historical Sketch of the British

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Comprising a Historical Sketch of the British ROUTLEDGE'S • POPULAR LIBRARIES. U Books to please the million must not only be good but attractive; not simply strengthen the constitution, but please, if not tickle and excite, the palate. When the m rsses go to ROUTLBOGE'Sthey are at least sure of being gratified and pleased; they have still to acquire the same conviction in other quarters."-The Times. ROUTLEDGE'S CHEAP SERIES. If Books you may hold in your hand are the most useful after all. tf Dr, Johnson • ., This valuable Series now contains upwards of 170 volumes. They form a complete library of instructive, useful, and entertaining knowledge. Each work is sold separately, at prices varying- from One to Two Shillings, and many of them are illustrated. They are admirably adapted for all Mechanics' Instf tutes , Sol- diers' and Sailors' Libraries, or Village Book Clubs, and f~r all kinds of popular instruction. 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    University of the District of Columbia Law Review Volume 13 Issue 1 Article 2 3-31-2010 Towards Equal Footing: Responding To The Perceived Constitutional, Legal And Practical Impediments To Statehood For The District Of Columbia Johnny Barnes Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Constitutional Law Commons, and the State and Local Government Law Commons Recommended Citation Johnny Barnes, Towards Equal Footing: Responding To The Perceived Constitutional, Legal And Practical Impediments To Statehood For The District Of Columbia, 13 U.D.C. L. Rev. 1 (2010). Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ UDC Law. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of the District of Columbia Law Review by an authorized editor of Digital Commons @ UDC Law. University of the District of Columbia Law Review Volume 13 Spring 2010 Number 1 TOWARDS EQUAL FOOTING: RESPONDING TO THE PERCEIVED CONSTITUTIONAL, LEGAL AND PRACTICAL IMPEDIMENTS TO STATEHOOD FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Johnny Barnes* * Attorney Johnny Barnes spent almost a quarter of a century in various Congressional staff positions, serving as Chief of Staff to several Representatives. During his time with Congress, Barnes was involved in the successful effort to secure passage of a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution that would have given full voting representation to the District of Columbia. That amendment passed by supermajorities (two-thirds) in the House and Senate, but later died during the ratification process in the states.
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