Aachen, 590,672

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Aachen, 590,672 INDEX THIS Index contains no reference to the Introductory Tables which pre· sent a summary of the Finance and Commerce of the United Kingdom, British India, the British Colonies, the various countries of Europe, the United States of America, and Japan. AAC AFR ACHEN, 590,672 Adrar, 815, 1041 A Aalborg, 491 Adrianople (town), 1097 Aalesund, 1062 - (Vilayet), 1096 Aargau, 1078, 1080 Adua, 337 Aarhus, 491 Adulis Bay, 569 Abaco (Bahamas), 244 lEtolia, 705 Abbas Hilmi, Khedive, 1122 Afghanistan, area, 339 Abdul-Hamid n., 1091 - army, 340 Abdur Rahman Khan, 339 - books of reference, 342 Abeokuta (W. Africa), 219 - currency, 342 Abercorn (Cent. Africa), 215 - exports, 342 Aberdeen, 22; University, 34 - government, 340 Aberystwith College, 34 - horticulture, 341 Abo (Finland), 933, 985 - imports, 342 Abomey, 572 - justice, 340 Abruzzi, 732 -land cultivation, 341 Abyssinia, 337 - manufactures, 341 Abyssinian Church, 337, 1127 - mining, 341 Ahuna (Coptic), 337 - origin of the Afghans, 339 Acajutla (Salvador), 998 - population, 340 Acanceh (Mexico), 799 - reigning sovereign, 339 Acarnania, 705 - revenue, 340 Accra, 218 - trade, 341 Achaia, 705 - trade routes, 341 .Achikulak, 933 Africa, Central, Protectorate, 193 Acklin's Island, 244 East (British), 194 Aconcagua, 4.46 -- (German), 623 Acre (Bolivia), 430, 431, 437 -- - Italian, 768 Adamawa, 211 -- Portuguese, 909 Adana (town), 1097 -- South-West (German), 622 - (Vilayet), 1096 - (Turkish), 1095, 1097 Adelaide, 297 ; University, 298 - West (British), 218 Aden, 108, 129 -- (French), 569 Adis Ababa, 337, 769 -- German, 621, 622 Admiralty Island (W. Pacific), 625 -- colonies in, British, 180 Adolf, Grand Duke of Luxemburg, 796 -- colonies in, French, 556 1222 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1900 AFR AMI Africa, Colonies in, German, 620 Algeria, army, 530, 558 -- Italian, 768 - books of reference, 560 -- Portuguese, 907 - commerce, 559 -- Spanish, 1041 - crime, 557 Agana (Ladrones), 1200 - defence, 558 Agra, 135 - exports, 559, 560 Agone (W. Africa), 572 - finance, 557 Agram (Zagrab), 388, 391, 394; - government, 556 University, 393 - imports, 559, 560 Aguascalientes (Mexico), state, 798 ; - industry, 558 town, 799 - instruction, 557 Ahmadabad, 135 - mining, 559 Aimaks (tribe), 340 - ll10ncy, weights, and measures, 560 Ainus (Japan), 775 - population, 556' Aitutaki Island, 333 - posts and telegraphs, 560 Aix, faculties, 515 - railways, 560 Ajmere, 129, 136, 147 ; town, 135 - religion, 557 127 - shipping, 560 Akamagaseki, 776 - telegraphs, 560 Akassa, 212 Algiers, 557 Akermann, 933 - schools, 521, 557 Aksum, 337 Alhucemas Islands, 1030 Akuse (W. Africa), 218 Alicante, 1031 Alabama, 1148, 1153,1160,1172,1174 Aligarh, 135 Alafi Island, 580 Allada (W. Africa), 572 Alagoas (Brazil), 430, 436 Allahabad, 135; University, 137 Alajuela, 483, 485 Allegheny, 1157 Alaska, 1] 53 Almeria, 1031 Albany (W. Australia), 326 Alost, population, 414 Albany, 1157 Alsace-Lorraino, area, 629 Albany Forts (W. Australia), 326 - constitution, 628 Albert, King (Saxony), 688 - finance, 630 Albert, Prince (Monaco), 807 - instruction, 629 Alberta (Canada),224c - justice and crime, 630 Albrecht, Prince (Brunswick), 644 - population, 629 Albury (N.S.W.), 260 - production and industry, 630 Aldabra Island, 203 - railway, 630 Alderney, government 14; popula- - religion, 629 tion, 26 - representation (Imperial)J584 Alemtejo 896 - Statthalter, 628 Aleppo (vilayet), 1097 Altenburg, 682 - town, 1097 ; trade, 1109 Altona, 590, 672 Alessandria, 736 Alwar, 131, 134 ; town, 135 Alexander I. (Servia), 1003 Amapala, 723 - (Prince) Lippe, 654 Amazonas (Brazil), 435, 436 Alexandria, 1124-1126, 1136 Ambado, 569 Alexandropol, 933 Ambala, 135 Alexinatz, 1005 Amba-Mariarn, 337 Alfonso XIII. (Spain), 1026 Ambato (Ecuador), 502 Alfred, Duke (Saxe-Coburg and Ambriz (W. Africa), 908 Gotha), 3, 683 America, British colonies in, 223 Algarve, 896 - French colonies in, 551, 577 Algeria, agriculture, 558 Amhara, 337 - area, 556 Amiens, 515 INDEX 1223 AMR ART Amritsar, 135 Arad, 361, 391 Amoy, 465 AraI Lake, 929 Amsterdam, 826, 839; university, Arauco, 446 827 Arcadia, 705 - Island, 568 Archipelago (Turkish), 1096 Amur region, 929 Arequipa, 885 ; University, 886 - schools, 937 Arezzo, 736 -- shipping, 978 Argentine Republic, agriculture, 350 Anchorite Island (West Pacific), 625 - area, 345 Ancona, 736 - army, 348 Anend, 446 - banks, 353 Andaman Islands, 127, 129 1 170 - books of reference, 354 Andermatt, 1067 cattle industry, 350 Andijan, 933 - commerce, 350 Andorra, 550 - constitution, 344 Andros Island, 244 currency and credit, 353 Angdaphorang (Bhutan), 428 - debt, 342 Angeles (Chile), 446 - defence, 348 Angers, 515 - diplomatic representatives, 354 Angol, 446 - emigration" 346 Angola, 907, 908 - exports, 351, 352 Angora (town), 1097 ; trade, 1109 - finance, 347 - (Vilayet), 1096 - government, 344 Angouan Island, 568 - - local, 344 Angouleme, 515 -- immigration, 346 Angra (Azores), 897, 900 - imports, 351, 352 Angra Pequena, 623 - instruction, 346 Anguilla, 247, 248, 250-251 - Jewish Colony, 350 Anhalt, area, 631 - justice, 347 -- constitution, 631 - land under cultivation, 350 - finance, 632 - money, weights, and measures, 354 -- population, 631 - navy, 349 - reigning duke, 630 - population, 345 Ankobar, 337 - posts andtelegraphs, 353 Annabon, 1041 - president, 344 Annam, 550-553 - production and industry, 350 Antalo, 337 - railways, 353 Antananarivo, 564, 566 - religion, 346 Antigua, 247, 248, 250, 251 - revenue and expenditure, 347, 348 Antioquia (Colombia), 473, 474 - shipping and navigation,· 353 Antipodes Islands (N. Z.), 287, 333 - Welsh Colony (Chubut), 350 Antivari, 809, 810, 812 Argolis, 705 Antofagasta (prov.), 446 Arica, 885 -- (town), 430, 431, 447, 452 Arizona, 1153, 1160 Antsirame, 564 Arkansas, 1148, 1153, 1160, 1172, Antwerp, province, 412 1174 - town, 414, 418 Armenia, 1096 Apia (Samoa), 627 Arnawai (Afghanistan), 339 Apostles' Battery (Jamaica), 246 Arnhem, 826 Appenzell (cantons), 1076, 1078 Arnstadt, 696 Apulia, 732 Arolsen, 697 (Kamerun), 622 Arras (fortress), 528 Aquila degli Abruzzi, 736 Arta, 705, 1096 Arabia, 1097 Artigas (Uruguay), 1207 1224 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1900 ARU Aua Aruba Island (W. Indies), 864 Austria, banks, 385-386 Aruwimi, 479 - births, deaths, and marriages, Asaba, 211 872 Ascension Island, 180 - books of reference, 405-406 Ascoli Piceno, 736 - breweries, 383 Ascotan (Bolivia), 432 - canals, 383 Ashanti (W. Africa), 219 - commerce, 365-366 Asia, British colonies in, 108 - constitution, 368 - French colonies in, 550, 552 -- with respect to Hungary, 358 - Portuguese colonies in, 907 - currency and credit, 385 - Russian dependencies in, 989 - customs valuation, 365 - Turkish, 1095, 1096 - debt, 379 Asia Minor, 1096 - emigration, 373 Asmar, 341 - exports, 365-366 Assab, 768 - finance, 378, 379, 380 Assam, agriculture, 147-150 - fisheries, 382 - area, 129 - forestry, 381 - births and deaths, 134 - government, 368 - finance, 141, 143 - - local, 370 - justice, 138 -- provincial, 370 - population, 129 - imports, 365-366 - religion, 136 --insttuction, 374-376 - roads, 159 -- justice and crime, 376-377 Assiniboia, 224c - manufactures, 382 Assinie, 571 -- mining and minerals, 381, 882 Assiut, 1126, 1133 - ministry, 369 Assuan, 1133, 1141 -- money, weights, and measures, 367 Assumption Island, 203 - occupation of the people, 372 Astrakhan, 932 - pauperism, 377 Asuncion (Paraguay), 867-869 - population, 371 Atacama, 446 - posts and telegraphs, 384, 385 Atakpame, 621 - production, 380 Athabasca (Canada), 224r: - railways, 884 Athens, 706 ; University, 706 - Reichsrath, 368 Atjeh (Sumatra), 845 - sovereign, 356 Atlanta, 1157 -- religion, 373 Attica, 705 -- revenue and expenditure, 378- Atui Island, 333 379 Auckland Islands, 287 - rivers and canals, 383-384 Auckland, N. Z. (district), 275 - royal family, 356 - town, population, 276 -- schools, &c., 374-376 -- shipping, 285, 286 - sea fisheries, 382 -- University College, 277 -- shipping and navigation, 383 Augsburg, 590, 639 - sovereigns since 1282, 357 Aussig, 373 -- towns, 373 Australia (see under Queensland, - universities, 375-376 South Australia, Victoria, &0.) Austria.. Hungary, 356 (Bee also under Australasia and Oceania, 253 Austria, and Hungary.) - French colonies in, 551, 579 - army, 361-363 Australasian federation, 328 - Bank of, 367 Australian defence, 327 - books of reference, 404, 405 Austria, agriculture, 880 - commerce, 365, 366 - area, 371 - constitution, 358 - army, 361 - customs valuation, 365 INDEX 1225 ADS BAS Austria..Hungary, debt, 360 Baku, 933 - defence, 361 Bakundi, 211 - diplomatic representatives, 402, Bali (E. Indies), 845 403 Ballarat, 311 - exports, 365-366 Baltic Islands (Danish). 490 - finance, 859-360 Baltic (provinces of Russia), 927 - frontier, 361 Baltimore, 1155, 1157, 1188 -- government, 358-359 Baluchistan, 166 - imports, 365-366 - books of reference, 168 - ministry, 359 - (British), government, 127 - money, weights, and measures, - (British), population, 130 367, 368 Bamberg, 639 - navy, 363-365 Banana, 479 ; port, 481 - reigning sovereign, 356 Banang (Philippines), 1199 - royal family, 356-357 Banca (East Indies), 844, 845; tin Avellino, 736 mines, 850 Avignon, 515 Banchi, 211 Awaji Islands (Japan), 774 Bandar Ziyada, 218 Axim (W. Africa), 218 Bandawe, 193 Azores, 896, 900 Bangala, 479 Azov, Sea of, 929, 983, 977; port, Bangalore, 135 957 Bangkok, 1014, 1018 Azuay (Ecuador), 502 Bangor College, 34 Banjaluka, 403 Banjowangie (W. Australia), 326 ADAKSHAN, 340, 341 Bara race (Madagascar), 563 B Baden, area, 633 Barbados, 244,
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