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Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez Autor: Tomada de la versión digital de Radio Rebelde Publicado: 11/10/2019 | 11:43 am

Miguel Díaz-Canel elected President of the Republic of

Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez was elected this Thursday as President of the Republic of Cuba during the IV extraordinary session of the 9th legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP), held at the Havana Convention Center

Publicado: Friday 11 October 2019 | 11:46:05 am.

Publicado por: Juventud Rebelde

Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez was elected tthis Thursday as President of the Republic of Cuba during the IV extraordinary session of the 9th legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP), held at the Havana Convention Center.

The 96, 66 percent of the deputies that currently make up the Parliament voted in favor of Díaz-Canel, who will be accompanied in his functions by Salvador Valdés Mesa, in the position of Vice President of the Republic, with 94.99 percent of the votes.

At the proposal of Esteban Lazo Hernandez, president of the National Assembly of People's Power, it was agreed that both leaders, when the legislative body meets, will occupy seats in the presidency.

According to Chapter III of the Constitution of the Republic, the President is the Head of State and may hold office for up to two consecutive terms, after which he may not hold office again. His functions include representing the State and directing its general policy; issuing presidential decrees and other provisions; participating in the meetings of the in his own right, among other functions assigned to him by the Constitution and laws.

For his part, the Vice-President fulfils the powers delegated to him or designated by the President.

The proposals for these posts were preceded by an extensive consultation process developed by the National Candidatures Commission with all deputies, who were asked to submit their proposals in writing, without identifying the identity of the proposer.

Díaz-Canel Bermúdez is an Electronic Engineer and Master in Management, member since 2003 of the Political Bureau of the (PCC).

He was an outstanding student leader until he became the first secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Young Communist League in Villa Clara and his second secretary in the national leadership.

He has vast experience in political leadership in the Party, promoted since 1993 to member of the provincial bureau in Villa Clara, serving as the first secretary of the PCC in that territory and later in Holguín.

In 2009 he became Minister of Higher Education, in 2012 he was Vice President of the Council of Ministers, a year later he was elected First Vice President of the Council of State, and in 2018 as President of the Councils of State and Ministers.

(Taken from Radio Rebelde) republic-of-cuba

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