
A filn on Nicaragua and a talk will be presented by Bethune College, the York NDP Club, the Latin Anerican and Caribbean Studies Progrm, the Third World Student Union, and the Hellenic Student Union on Tuesday, Novenber 6 at 3:00 p.n. in the Bethune Junior Comon Roon. The filn to be shom is entitledrrPatria Libre o Morir (Free Honeland or Death)r'; and the discussion will be led by York Professor Pastor VaLle-Gaxay, Anbassador of Nicaragua to Canada. Audience participants are requested to donate articles of clothing and school suppLies.

Yorkrs 0sgoode Hall Law School is presenting a public lecture by Daniel D. Prentice who will give a talk entitled rrThe Effect of Inflation on the Enforcenent of Contracts" on Thursday, Novenber 15 at 4:00 p.n. in the Law Schoolrs Moot Court Roon. Mr. Prentice is Visiting Lewtas Professox of Law at osgoode and a FelLow of Penbroke College, oxford.

A $40 contribution will provide two braille books to a blind individual through the C,N.I.B., a United Way nenber agency ltcive it nore than a thought gi.ve generously with a single contribution or through payrotl deduction. tl

Plesident Macdonald invites nembers of the comunity to subnit black and white line drawings, suitable for reproduction as a ChIistnas card, on the thene I'The York Scene". Fifty dollars wi1l. be paid for the sketch chosen and offers nay be nade for others suitable for the Universityrs archives. Work subnitted should include the artistrs nane and Tetum address and nay be delivered to the office of the President, Roon 5949 of the Ross Building, before Novenber 9, 1979.

The Faculty of Fine Arts wi.ll present the worl,d preniere of Marion Andrets holocaust play I'The Sand'r, Novenbet l2-I7 irr Burton Auditorim. A faculty nember of Yorkrs Theatre Department, Marion Andre is artistic director of Toronto's Theatre Plus and forner dj.rector of the Saidye BTonfnan Centre in Montreal. Andre wi1l. direct this student production of his seni-autobiographical work. A&lission is free and tickets nay be reserved by calling the Burton Auditorim Box office at Tocal -2370 (fronn 1l:00 a.n.-2:00 p.n.).

Applications for the position of Acadenic Advisor at Stong College are being received by Master H6di Bouraoui. Applicants nust be faculty nenbers at York who have a knowledge of and belief in the College systen; a current CV should accornpany a letter of application, along with a statenent of the applicantrs perception of Stong, the College System and the Trrtorial Prcgrail. lnfoillation on duties, renuneration, etc,, are available from 01ga Cirak, Roon 317 of the College. The successful candidate will assme office JuLy l, 1980. The tem of appointnent is nomally three yearsi it should be.noted that nid-tern sabbatical leaves nay not be taken. The closing date for recei.pt of applications j-s Friday, Novenber 30; correspondence should be directed to H6di A. Bouraoui, Roon 514A, Stong College.

KilonetTe (abbreviation: km) is a neasure of long distance and used for: highway distance signs, nap scales; lengths of rivers, shorelines, lakes; distances between airports, capital cities; dinensions of the earth, noon, sun, planets, and their .

BVENTS Thursday 12:00 noon - Urban Studies Seninax Series - "Housing Prograns and Incone Distribution" with York Economics/ Social sor George FalIis - Roon N724, Ross Building l:00 p.n, - 2:00 p.rn. - Brom Bag Lecture Series - [Founders College] trsri Lanka" with Sinon owens - Senior Comon Roon, Foundexs College l:00 p,n. € 7:00 p.n, - Auditions - for Vanier production of lrAbelard and Heloise" call loca1 -2339 to book a tine - Itusic Roon (Roon 029), Vanier College rrKing 4:00 p.m. - FiIn - [Mclaughlin College] Learrr (Paul Scofield; directed by Peter Brooks) adnission sOC - Roon A, Curtis Lecture Halls

8:00 p.n. - FALL C0NVOCATION CERXMONIES - Helen Allen, journalist and originator of the newspaper feature coh.mn rrTodayrs Childrr, will receive the honorary Doctor of Laws degree; she will also deliver the Convocation Address - Main Gynnasim, Taj,t McKenzie Building

Friday 9:00 a,n, - 3:15 p.n. - Phvsical Education and Health Slmposim: Conpetition - for Continuing Education] Itco-operatj,ve [Centre Gmesrr with Mr. Pierre Provost, University of ottawa and "Psychology of Sport" with Mr, Peter Jensen, Glendon College - general fee $15.00; $7.50 for nenbers of York comunity - Roon 038, Adninistrative Studies Building 2:00 p.n. - Guest Speaker - [Psychology Department] I'Biographical Sources of the Nature-Nurture Controversy: The Ea"ly Education of John Stuart Mill and Francis Galtonil with York Professor Raynond E. Fancher - Roon 291, Behavioural Science Building 5:00 p.n. - York Wonenrs Hockey Tournanent - six tems fron ontario and two fron Quebec will participate - Ice Arena, York Canpus 7:00 p.n. - Co-ad Swin Meet - York hosts Guelph - Pool, Tait McKenzie Building 8:00 p.n. - Recitat - lFaculty of Fine Arts] rrAlliance for Canadian New lttusic Projectsil presents a recital of Canadian cornposltions by scholarship winners from Showcase r79; included in the progxm are vocal and instfinnental pieces by solo performers and such ensenbles as the Contenporary Winds and The Eclectic Brass - YUFAM (596 Markhm Street) - York vs. Allmi - Tait McKenzie Building saturday 9:00 a.rn. r York l|lonenrs Hockey Tournment - continues fron Friday - Ice Arena, York canpus 8:15 p.n, - Ments Basketball - York vs. University of Western ontario - Tait McKenzie Building 8:15 p,n. - Menrs Hockey - York vs. University of waterloo - Ice Arena, York cmPus 8:30 p.n, - Bethune Movies - "Midnight Expressr'- general adnission $2.00 - Roon L, Curtis Lecture Halls Sunday 8:30 p.n. - Bethune Movies - see Saturday's listing at 8:30 P.n'

STAFF POSITIONS: Application foms for internal tlansfers/Pronotions, which are available fron Personnel Sflf!!;-frould tealh that departnent no later than 5:00 p.n., Novenber 8, 1979; * indicates Position is exenpt fron the bargaining unit. Counsellor - tfrs. G, Neilson (-2510) @(DuP1icating;gradel0orequiVa]'ent;IyearpreviousexPeriencein operating binding equipnent preferred); Bi.ndery OPerator I ($9'960) Faculty of Graduate Studi;s - Secritary to the Executive Officer (grade 12 education; l.-2 years general office Lxperience; t)?ing 50-55 wpn; enphasis on accurate coding of records and tyPing of statistics) i gl.ade 4 ($10,833) Faculty of Graduate Studies - Adnissions Clerk (grade l2 education; I year general office experience' prefelably in a university enviroment; t)?ing 50 wpn; good corununication skills); grade 4 ($10,833) Counsellor - Mrs. B. Friednan (-3473) @erk(gradeI2i!.2yeaTsofficeexPerienceinc1udingreception,t}?ing,' filing; knowledge of coding systems and related data entry nethods preferred)i grade 4 ($10'833) Scott Library - Reserve Assistant (Tenporary-Decenber 3, 1979-June 30, 1980; Etade L2 or equivalent; I year general library experience in a public sewice area); grade 3 (based on annual salary of $10'200) ART GALLERIES DISPLAYS

rfCraJ-g Tandy 74/79 - One lr4an Show of Kinetic Sculpturetris the title of the current exhibition at the A.G.Y.U. (Roon N145, Ross Building). The show will run until Novenber 14 with regular gallery hours fron 10:00 a.n.-4:30 p.n., weekdays. Artist Jaan Poldaas is exhibiting his ttE.G. Seriest' at the Glendon College Gallery until Novenber 25. Each oi the 32 panels in the exhibit measures 2 feet by six feet and is painted uniforrnly one colour. The Gallery is open fron 10:00 a.n.-5:00 p,rn., weekdays and fron 2:00 p.n.-5:00 p.n., Sundays.

Recent paintings by Montreal artist Guido Molinari are features at \IUFM (596 Markham Street) until Novenber 18. The exhibition, entitled 'tQuantificateurrr focuses on the perception of colour and on the discovery of colourts power of conrnunication. Regular gallety hours are from l2:00 noon-6:00 p.n., Wednesday through Sunday. A Group show of first year graduate students in the Visual Arts Departnent will be on display at the IDA Gallery until Novenber 14. I'Cultural Crininalstr includes paintings, prints, photographs, sculptures and drawings. Gallery hours are from 8:45 a.n.-5:00 p.n., weekdays.


12:00 noon - Encounter Canada: Canada in the Seventies - [Vanier College] first of four days of speakers and pan erituret' with piogran as follows: 12:00 noon - Quebec Literature with Jack Warwick 2:00 p.n. - Canadian Writers Union with June Callwood 4:00 p.n. - Women Fiction }tlriters with Clara Thonas 6:45 p.n. - Canadian writer W.0. Mitchell* - all events will be in the Vanier College Senior Corunon Roon (* in Vanier'Junior Corunon Roon)

12:00 noon - Wornenrs Centre Filn Series -ttWonen in Defense" working in U.S. plants during World War II -Room@ilding

12:00 noon - Reading - [Calurnet College] by John Bentley Mays - Calunet Cornrnon Roon, Atkinson College


11:00 a.rn, - Reading - [Progran in Creative Writing, Canada Council, Calunet College] with Canadian Playwright Sharon Pollock reading fron her work - Calunet Cornrnon Roorn, Atkinson College

12:00 noon - Encounter Canada: Canada in the Seventies - [Vanieg College] continues with todayts progran on rrPoliticsrr as fol1o$rs : 12:00 noon - F.L.Q. Crisis with Ramsay Cooke 4:00 p.m. - Parti Quebecois wi.th Richard Cleroux 7:00 p.n. - Panel discussion with York Professor Ken McRoberts, Professor Francois Vaillancourt, University of Montreal; Professor John Richard, Sinon Fraser University; and Professor Ralph Winter, Acadia University speaking on Canadian Unity; noderator is Professor Bob Drunnond* - all events will take place in the Vanier College Senior Corunon Roon (* in Vanier Junior Comnon Room)

12:00 noon - 1:00 p.n. - Geography Graduale Jg]_l-oquiurn - Centuries Later: The Present Status and FutureProspeLtsforffiP1ains,Jarnaicat'withYorkProfessorJ.TaitDaVis"Two - Roon N306, Ross Building 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.n. - P&M Luncheon/Talk - ttBenefitsrr - Masterts Dining Roorn, Stong/Bethune College 2:00 p,m. - 4:00 p.n. - Seminar - [Office of Research Adninistration] Mr. George Ti1lman, Officer, Social Sciences and Hunanities Research Council, wi-11 discuss International Scholarly Exchange Progran - Roorn 284, AdninistTative Studies Building

3:00 p.n. - Filn/Discussion - fBethune College, York NDP Club, Latin Anerican and Caribbean Studies Progran, Third World Student Union, Hellenj-c Student Union] Filn: 'rPatria Libre o Morir (Free Honeland or Death)"; Discussion to be led by York Professor Pastor Valle-Garay, Anbassador for Nicaragua in Canada - audience participants are requested to donate articles of clothing and school supplies - Junior Comrnon Roon, Bethune College 3:00 p.n. - 5:00 p.In. - Panel Discussion - [Mclaughlin College] "Terrorisnr'- panelists will include: Alexander Craig, jouiti,ilf-iid forrner Latin-Anerican correspondent for Canadian and British newspapers; John Gellner, York Professor and Fellow of Mclaughlin, author of Bayonets in the Streets; Leslie Green, University of Alberta, authority on International Law; and John Starn-es, forlner Chief of Security, Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Moderator: Professor George Doxey, Master of Mclaughlin - Junior Conrnon Roon, Mclaughlin CoIIege 4:00 p.n. - Mathenatics Colloquium - "Applications of an Isoperinetric ldentityttwith Dr. Sten Kaijser, Uppsala University - Roon N203, Ross Building

7:00 p.m. - Talking Tut: Conversation G Confections - [Glendon Gallery Volunteers] Art Gallery of Ontario representative Judi John will present an illustrated lecture; at 8:00 p.n. there will be wine, cheese and a buffet of exotic desserts - tickets ($5.50) nay be reserved by calling 487-6206 - Theatre Glendon

- continued YORK ACTIVITIES (cont'd.)


12:00 noon - Encqu4er Calada:__C?nada in the Seventies - [Vanier College] continues with todayrs program on "Sports and Fitnessil as follows: 12:00 noon - Guest Soeaker 2:00 p.m. - Films - Canad.a Cup Series 4:00 p.m. - Panel Discussion on International Hockey - 1970-1990 with John Zeigler, president of N.H.L.; George Gross, Torontc Sun Sports Editor; Aggie Kukulowicz, Interpreter foi Tean Canada; BiiI Harris, Team Canada Coach; Derek Holnes, President of Hockey Canada; noderator - Dtve Chambers* - all events in Vanier College Senior Comrnon Roon (* rn Vanier Junior Common Roon)

12:00 noon - Jazz in Bethune - featuring the Ed Bickert - Junior cornmon Room, Bethune college 3:00 p'n,. - Cornputer Science Serninar Series -trAn Overview of S/SL: Syntax/Sernantic Language" with professor nichard oorn N20J, Ross Building 3:00 p.n. & 8:00 p.n, -- Films by York Filmmakers - [Film Department] ,,Ziggy,,,trFor Elizabetht', r'Blue Hills Acadeny|t,ttStreetcry@ytoaycoing?rt(thetattei-fi1mwasawardedtheKodakLtd. Grand Prize at the C'N.E. Film Festival 1979) - all fi,l-ns by Srd and 4th year film rnajors - Room L, Curtis Lecture Halls

5:00 p,m. - Organizational l\4eeting - for those runners and joggers (staff, faculty, students) interested in group running; for interested participants there will be a fun run - for further information call Mike Goldrick (Roorn 5656, Ross Building) at locaL -2409 - Roorn 316, Tait McKenzie Building 6:50 p.n. - Womenrs Basketball - York vs.Ontariots Central East Tearn - Tait McKenzie Building 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 P.rn, - The Law and You - [Centre for Continuing Education] ttBusiness Lawrtwith lawyer Barry Fisher - lst inGffies oE 5 lectures; $12 for series - Room 106, Osgoode Ha1l Law School

8:00 p.n. - Concert - [Faculty of Fine Arts] the Toronto Septet featuring Janes McKay (bassoon), Jannes Canpbell (clarinet), James MacDonald (horn), Joel Quarrington (bass), Konraad Bloemendal (ce11oJ, Douglas Perry (viola) and Irnajishi Fujilo (violin) perforning charnber - YUFAM (596 Markham Street) Thursday

2:00 p.n. - 4:00 p.m. - Teaching Skills Progran - I'Evaluation of Students i-n the Social Sciences and Hunanitiesrr with York Professors Norman Feltes, Chris Furedy, and Lary - Faculty Lounge (Roon 5869), Ross Building

Founders Film Series - I'Ernily Carrtt - Roorn 2028, Founders College 4:00p.n.--[VanierCo11ege]fina1day;todaylsprogramfocuses onrfMediarr with events as follows: 4:00 p.m. - Panel on Canadian Content in Broadcasting with York Professor Fred Fletcher; Mr. Jack Crane, Head of Programs at CBC; Jean-Louis Gagnon, CRTC 7:00 p.m. - Panel on Responsible Journalisn with Mr. Peter Hepher, Associate Editor of the Albertan; Professor Wilfred Kesterton, Carleton University; and Mr. Oakland Ross, Assistant Editor at the Globe and Mail - the above will be held in the Junior Comrnon Room of Vanier College 4:30 p.n, - Special Meeting of the Senate - to resume debate fron October regular neeting - Senate Chamber (Room 5915), Ross Building Friday 9:00 a.n. - 3:15 p.n. - Fanily Life Symposium - [Centre for Continuing Education] t'Sex, Sin and Sanity - A NewLookatSexua1MmLuker,Co11egeofFani1yandConsunerStudies,Universityof Guelph - general fee $15.00; $7.50 for menbers of York conmunity - Room 038, Adninistrative Studies Building

l:S0 p.m. - 3:30 p.n. - Fortnightly Seminar - [Graduate Prograrn in Philosophy] "A Critique of Karl Popperrs iheory of the Three Worlds" with York Professor Rolin Church - Faculty Lounge (Roon 5869), Ross Building

2:00 p.n. - Guest Speaker - [Psychology Departnent] t'The Prospects for a Rigorous Hunanisrn" with Professor Joseph F.-FycFfatr Purdue University - Roorn 291, Behavioural Science Building 8:00 p.rn. - Concert - [Faculty of Fine Arts] Robert Bick, Douglas McNabney and Paul Pulford of the Gallaird EnsenblE-6ffir a prograrn of works by Beethoven, Villa-Lobos, Martinu and others; featured as guest artists are pianist Steven Blum and bassoonist Janes McKay - YUFAM (596 Markham Street)

Sunday 3:00 p.n. - Solb Concert - [Faculty of Fine Arts, in cooperation with Sackville Recordings, Onari Productions] leaturiffi:iiffi36lazz p:.anist Anthony Davis - tickets are $4.00 and are available at the Jazz and Blues Record Centre (337 King Street West; telephone 368-3149) - YUFAM (596 Markhan Street)

[NOTE: As yet there are no events scheduled for Saturday] GENERAL

Yorkrs Department of Theatre is presenting the first Toronto production of I'En Pi6ces D5tach6es" by Michel Trenblay, directed by Alan Richardson. Performances will be in the Atkinson Studio on Novenber 8 and 9 (at 8:00 p.m.) and Novenber 10 (i:00 p.n. and 5:00 p.n.). The play has been translated into English by Alan Van Meer. Adnission is free, but seating is limited; tickets nay be picked up frorn the Burton Box 0ffice on weekdays between 11:00 a.n. and 2;00 p.n. Sylvia Fraser, author of Pandora, The Candy Factory and A Casual Affair, will speak about her writings on Wednesday, Noffi5F-14-at-713d'p.E:-fn tne relToil-f,ounfe-or Atkinson Col1ege. Her visit to the York canpus is sponsored by the Office of the Master, Atkinson. Vanier College, C.Y.S.F. and the Film Departnent are launching a I'lt{ade in Canadat'Filn/Video series which will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the Vanier College Senior Comrnon Roorn, conmencing Novenber 15. Each Filn/Video presentation will have involved: former York Filn students; faculty and staff of the Filrn Departnent; professional Canadian filrnnakers; and, film critics/theorists. These screenings will present as many areas of filnmaki.ng as possible - docunentaries, features, horror films, public relations, conmercials and science fiction - and will be followed by an informal question/answer period with one or several of the persons involved in its production. Adnission to the screenings is free.

The Faculty of Fine Arts is presenting Le Groupe de la Place Royale, a company of seven dancers trained in both modern and classical styles, on Friday, Novenber 23 at 8;00 p.rn. in Burton Auditoriun. Founded in 1966 Le Groupe j.s under the co-direction of Peter Boneham (co-founder of the conpany) and Jean-Pierre Perrault (one of Canadats leading choreographers). Tickets for the ensenblets performance are $6.50 (general public), $5.50 (staff/faculty) and $4.50 (students) and reservations nay be made by calling the Burton Box Office at local -2570. Department of Physical Education and Athletics - facilities cancellati.ons: Ice Arena - Pleasure Skating - 9:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. on Novenber L7 and 24i and 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.rn., Novenber 23 Tait McKenzie Pool - Recreational Swim - Saturday, November 17 Mernbers of the York conmunity are asked to note the following change to the Telephone Directory: Smiley, Donald, Political Science, 5626 Ross -2564



1l:00 a.n. - Reading - [Program in Creative Writing, Canada Council, Calumet College] with Canadian Playwright Sharon Pollock reading fron her work - Calumet Conmon Roon, Atkinson College

12:00 noon - Encounter Canada: Canad.a i1-!!g_ Jgyg$!-us- - [Vanier College] continues with todayrs progr€rm on "Politiffi 12:00 noon - F.L.Q. Crisis with Ransay Cooke 4:00 p.m. - Parti Quebecois with Richard Cleroux 7:00 p.n. - Panel discussion with York Professor Ken McRoberts, Professor Francois Vaillancourr, University of Montreal; Professor John Richard, Sirnon Fraser University; and Professor Ralph Winter, Acadia University speaking on Canadian Unity; moderator is Professor Bob Drunmond* - all events will take place in the Vanier College Senior Cornnon Roon (* in Vanier Junior Common Roorn)

12:00 noon - 1:00 p.n. - Geography Graduate Colloquiun -trTwo Centuries Later: The Present Status and FutuTeProspectsforffiP1ains,JamaicallwithYorkProfessorJ.TaitDavis - Roon N306, Ross Building

12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. - P&M Luncheon,/Talk - rrBenefitsrr - Masterrs Dining Room, Stong/Bethune College 2:00 p.n. - 4:00 p.m. - Seminar - [Office of Research Adninistration] Mr. George Tillman, 0fficer, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, will discuss International Scholarly Exchange Progran - Room 284, Adninistrative Studies Building

3:00 p.n. - Fihn,/Discussion - [Bethune College, York NDP Club, Latin Anerican and Caribbean Studies progran, Third World Student Union, Hellenic Student Union] Film: "Patria Libre o Morir (Free Homeland or Death)r'; Discussion to be led by York Professor Pastor Valle-Garay, Anbassador for Nicaragua in Canada - audience partici-pants are requested to donate articles of clothing and school supplies - Junior Conrnon Room, Bethune College

3:00 p.n, - 5:00 p.m. - Panel Discussion - [Mclaughlin College] ttTerrorisntr- panelists will include: Alexander Craig, joufialTst-ZnE-Errner Latin-American coirespondent for Canadian and British newspapers; John Gellner, York Professor and Fellow of Mclaughlin, author of Bayonets in the Streets; Leslie GrLen, UniversityofA1berta,authorityonInternationalLaw;andJohnSmSecurity, Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Moderator: Professor George Doxey, Master of Mclaughlin - Junior Comrnon Roon, Mclaughlin College

4:00 p.m. - Mathematics Colloquiun - 'tApplications of an Isoperinetric Identityrt with Dr. Sten Kaijser, Uppsala University - Roon N203, Ross Building

7:00 p.m. - Talking Tut: Conversation & Confections - [Glendon Gallery Volunteers] Art Gallery of 0ntario representative Judi John will present an illustrated lecture; at 8:00 p.n. there will be wine, cheese and a buffet of exotic desserts - tickets ($5.50) rnay be reserved by calling 487-6206 - Theatre Glendon

- continued EVENTS (conttd. )


12:00 noon - Encounter Carada, Canada - [Vanier College] continues with todayts progren on rrSports and Fitness" as follows: 12:00 noon - Guest Speaker 2:00 p.n. - Films - Canada Cup Series 4:00 p.n. - Panel Discussion on International Hockey - 1970-1990 with John Zeigler, President of N.H.L.; George Gross, Toronto Sun Sports Editor; Aggie Kukulowicz, Interpreter for Tean Canada; Bill Harris, Team Canada Coach; Derek Holmes, President of Hockey Canada; moderator - Dave Chanbers* - all events in Vanier College Senior Cornmon Roorn (* in Vanier Junior Corunon Room)

12|00 noon - Jazz in Bethgnq - featuring the Ed Bickert Quartet - Junior Cornrnon Room, Bethune College 12:00 noon - Meetirtg - weekly get together for all interested Christians for fellowship and sharing (sane tine, location until further notice) - Scott Religious Centre 3:00 p.n. - Conputer Science Seninar Seri.es - ilAn Overview of S/SL: Syntax/Semantic Language" with Professor Richard Holt, University of Toronto - Roon N203, Ross Building 3:00 p.rn. & 8:00 p.m. - Films by York Filmnakers - [Film Departnent] "Ziggy", I'For Elizabethr', rrSeven Steps to Freedonil, ilStreetcryft, and rrHey, Wherets Everybody Going?tt (the latter filn was awarded the Kodak Ltd. Grand Prize at the C.N.E. Filn Festival 1979) - all films by Srd and 4th year filn najors - Room L, Curtis Lecture Ha1ls 5:00 p.rn. - Org?nizalion?l Meeting - for those runners and joggers (staff, faculty, students) interested in group running; for interested participants there will be a fun run - for further infonnation call Mike Goldrick (Room 5656, Ross Building) at locaL -2409 - Roorn 316, Tait McKenzie Building 5:00 p.n. - Guest Speaker - [African Studies Progran] ttThe Black Consciousness Movernent in South Africa" with Mr. Henry fsaacs, Director, Foreign Affairs and Pernanent Observer Representative to the United Nations for Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania - Roorn 218, Bethune College

6: 30 p.n. - Wornen?s Basketball - York vs. Ontariots Central East Team - Tait McKenzie Building I'Business 7|30 -Barryp.n. - 9:30 p.m. - The Law and You - [Centre for Continuing Education] Lawrt with lawyer Fisher - lst in-lEiiEs-oFS tectures; $12 for series - Roon 106, Osgoode Ha1I Law School 8:00 p.n. - Concert - [Faculty of Fine Arts] the Toronto Septet featuring Janes McKay (bassoon), Janes Canpbell (Elarinet), Janes MacDonald (horn), Joel Quarrington (bass), Konraad Bloenendal (cel1o), Douglas Perry (viola) and Irnajishi Fujilo (violin) perforning charnber nusic - YUFAM (596 Markhan Street)

STAFF POSITIONS: Application forms for internal transfers/promotions, which are available from Personnel grfi;s, EAta reach that departrnent no later than 5:00 p.rn., November 13, 1979; * indicates position is exempt from the bargaining unit. Counsellor - Mrs. B. Friednan (-3473) nC1erk(Tenporary,Novernber1,1979-0ctober31,1980;university degree, preferably frorn York; rnininun I year experience with York acadenic data, preferably in the undergraduate area; proven ability to do research and to prepare a fornal report); grade 5 ($11,759) Counsellor - Mrs. G. Neilson (-2510) ratorI(Materia1Distributioncentre;grade10orequiva1ent;1year previous experience in operating bindery equipment preferred); Bindery 0perator i ($9,960) Founders College - Residence/College Porter (naturity in attitude and flexibility in natute necessary in order to cope with demands of position, duties include providing general assistance and service to both college and residence students, residence tutor, Dons and residence secretary; sorts and distributes college rnail; rnaintains inventory of college furnishings, office equipnent, etc.; Annual sessional August 15 - June 15); grade 3 (based on an annual salary of $10,200) GENERAL As a service to the conrnunity and in an effort to minirnize the scheduling of simultaneous and similar events, the Conrnunications Department is setting up an Events Register. Persons wishing to plan an event should contact the Bulletin editor (local -344L) to check for competitive activities which may have already been scheduled for the date they have under consideration, Each function will be listed for the inforrnation of other nembers of the corununity.

The Division of Social Sciencets Distinguished Speakers Series will feature Professor Richard Zody on Wednesday, Novenber 14 at 3:00 p.n. in the Faculty Lounge (Room 5872) of the Ross Building. Professor Zody wtLI give a talk entitlecl. "Planning and Managing for Decline". He is Chairperson, Graduate Urban Affairs Prograrn, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University as well as a management consultant. The co-author of Administenng the Public Sectg with Thomas P. Murphy and Jarnes tl. rt analysis, urban inforrnation systems and public budgeting and nanagement.

The York United Way Carnpaign total is far below that of previous years. Staff nembers and canvassers are asked to send their returns to the Development 0ffice, Roon 200H, Administrative Studies Building, as soon as possible. "Give it more than a thought...the United Way works for al l of us .rl

Yorkts 0sgoode Hall Law School is presenting a public lecture by Daniel D. Prentice who will give a talk entitled 'rThe Effect of Inflation on the Enforcement of Contractsrr on Thursday, Novenber 15 at 4:00 p.m. in the Law School's Moot Court Roon. Mr. Prentice is Visiting Lewtas Professor of Law at Osgoode and a Fellow of Pembroke ColLege, Oxford.

President Macdonald invites menbers of the comrnunity to subnit black and white line drawings, suitable for reproduction as a Christrnas card, on the therne "The York Scene?'. Fifty dollars will be paid for the sketch chosen and offers rnay be made for others suitable for the Universityts archives. Work subnitted should include the artistrs nane and return address and may be delivered to the 0ffice of the President, Roon 5949 of the Ross Building, before November 9, 1979. Applications for the position of Acadenic Advisor at Stong College are being received by Master H6di Bouraoui. Applicants must be faculty menbers at York who have a knowledge of and belief in the College systern; a current CV should acconpany a letter of application, along with a statement of the applicant's perception of Stong, the Col.lege System and the Tutorial Program, Infonnation on duties, rernuneration, etc., ale available from 01ga Cirak, Roon 317 of the College. The successful candidate will assurne office July 1, 1980. The term of appointment is normaLly three years; it should be noted that ni,d-tern sabbatical leaves nay not be taken. The closing date for receipt of applications is Friday, Novenber 30; correspondence should be directed to H6di A. Bouraoui, Room 314A, Stong College.

Centirnetre (synbol: cn) used for: body sizes as height, chest, waist, hips, neck; widths of wallpaper, fabric, foil, was paper; lengths of belts, zippers, shoelaces, skis; dirnensions of linens, furniture, appliances.

EVENTS Thursday 12:00 noon & 1:00 p.n. - Film - [York Wonents Centre] 'rUnion Maids" - Room 102, Behavioural Science Building l:00 p.rn. - 3:00 p.n. - Poetry Reading - [Canadian Studies Prograrn, Glendon College] featuring Irving Layton - Roon 129, York Hall, Glendon College 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Teaching Skills Prograrn - "Evaluation of Students in the Social Sciences and Humanities'r with York Professors Norman Feltes, Chris Furedy, and Diana Lary - Faculty Lounge (Roon 5869), Ross Building 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.n. - Founders Filn Series - I'Enily Carrrt - Room 2028, Founders College 4:00 p.rn. - Encounter.Canada: Canada in the Seventies - [Vanier College] final day; today's prograrn focuses on rrMediatr with events as follows: 4:00 p.rn. - Panel on Canadian Content in Broadcasting with York Professor Fred Fletcher; Mr. Jack Crane, Head of Programs at CBC; Jean-Louis Gagnon, CRTC 7:00 p.n. - Panel on Responsible Journalisn with Mr. Pete" Hepher, Associate Editor of the Albertan; Professor Wilfred Kesterton, Carleton University; and Mr. Oakland Ross, Assistant Editor at the Globe and Mail - the above will be held in the Junior Connon Roorn of Vanier College 4:30 p.n. - Special !4eeting of the Senate - to resume debate fron October regular rneeting - Senate Chanber (Room 5915), Ross Building Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. - Fanily Life Syrnposiurn - [Centre for Continuing Education] I'Sex, Sin and Sanity - A New Look at Sexual Morality" with Dr. Sam Luker, College of Fanily and Consuner Studies, University of Guelph - general fee $15.00; $7.50 for members of York community - Roorn 038, Administrative Studies Building 1:30 p.n. - 3:'30 p.m. - Fortnightly Seninar - [Graduate Program in Philosophy] "A Critique of Karl Popperts Theory of the Three Worldstr with York Professor Rolin Church - Faculty Lounge (Roon 5869), Ross Building

- continued EVENTS (Friday, contrd.)

2:00 p'n. - Guest Speaker - [Psychology Departrnent] I'The Prospects for a Rigorous Hurnanisrnrtwith Professor Joseph F. Rychlak, Purdue University - Room 291, Behavioural Science Building

7:00 p.n. - Guest Speaker - [Muslirn Student Federation] t'Unity and Diversity in Islam: an anthropcltrgical view" with York Anthropology Professor G. Thaiss - Faculty Lounge (8th Floor), Ross Building 8:00 p.n. - Concert - [Faculty of Fine Arts] Robert Bick, Douglas McNabney and Paul Pulford of the Gallaird Ensemble offer a progran of works by Beethoven, Villa-Lobos, Martinu and others; featured as guest artists are pianist Steven Blun and bassoonist James McKay - YUFAM (596 lrtarkharn Street) Saturday

12:30 p.n. - 5:15 p.m. - Srd Round: Water poto Corp"titl - York Yeomen host Queenrs, Carleton and R.M.C. - Tait McKenzie Pool_---

I:30 p.m. - OUAA Rugby ChanpionshiD Gane * York Yeornen vs. Queenrs Univer:sity - York Canpus Rugby Field 6:00 p.n. - Gymnastic Competition - York Yeomen host the University of Michigan - adnission is $1.50 for adults and $.75 for students,/children - Main Gynnasium, Tait McKenzie Building


3:00 p.m. - Solo Concert - [Faculty of Fine Arts, in cooperation with Sackville Recordings, 0nari Productions] featuring virtuoso jazz pianist Anthony Davis - tickets are $4.00 and are available at the Jazz and Blues Record Centre (337 King Street West; telephone 368-5149) - YUFAM (596 Markham Street)

STAFF POSITI0NS: Application forms for irrternal transfers/promotions, which are available from Personnel Services, should reach that departnent no later than 5:00 p.n., November 15, 1979; * indicates position is exenpt fron bargaining unit. Counsellor - Mrs. G. Neil:on (-2510) Counsel-ling and Development - Coordinator*, Career Centre (reporting to the chairperson of the Counselling and Development Centre; adninistrative, organizational as well as career counselling skills necessary; M.A. degree or eguivalent plus relevant experience; active liaison with academic and business community; continued developnent of career library and resources staff supervision and in-house training); P&M Glendon CoLlege - Research/Typist (bilingual; Sessional - Septernber 1-April 30; part-time, 24 1/2 hours per week; grade 12 pLus technical typing training or equivalent; 55-60 wpln one secretarial experience; French competence required in Modules I and II); grade 3L (upon successful completion of bilingual examinations based on grade 4 salary of $10,833) Faculty of Arts - Faculty Secretary (Econonics; gtade 12 education, technical typing preferred; 50-55 wpm; L to 2 years office experience; Sessional - Septenber l-June 30); grade 3 (based on an annual salary of $10,200) Counsel.lor - Mrs. B. Friedman (-3473) Budget Office - Secretary to the Director* (high school graduation; secretarial training required; one to two years secretarial experiencel excel-lent typing - extensive typing of financial statenents involved; shorthand, knowledge of bookkeeping); grade 5 ($11,759) Conputer Systens Developnent - Coder I (high school graduation - prefer sorne York user area or EDP experience); Coder I ($11,284) Conputer Systerns Developrnent - Programmer PI (1 year as Coder 2' or general university degree or conmunity college diploma in EDP related field plus 6 nonths EDP experience; or university degree in Cornputer Science); Programner PI ($12,995) Cornputer Services - Junior Operator (high school- graduate - graduate from specialized operations course preferred; previous practical experience with peripheral equipnent required); Operator I ($11,203) ART GALLERIES DISPLAYS

* "Craig Tandy 74/79 - One lt{an Show of Kinetic Sculptureil is the title of the current exhibition at the A.G.Y.U. (Room N145, Ross Building). The show will run until November 14 with regular gallery hours from 10:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.. weekdays.

* Artist.laan pofa"ur r, u*nrbrting his ilE.G. Seriestrat the Glendon College Gallery until November 25. Each of the 32 panels in the exhibit neasures 2 feet by six feet and is painted uniformly one colour. The Gallery is open from 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., weekdays and frorn 2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., Sundays. * Recent paintings by Montreal artist Guido Molinari are features at YUFM (596 Markham Street) until November 18. The exhibition, entitled rtQuantificateuril focuses on the perception of colour and on the discovery of colourrs power of comrnunication. Regular gallery hours are from 12:00 noon-6:00 p.rn., Wednesday through Sundav.

* A Group show of first year graduate students in the Visual Arts Departnent will be on display at the IDA Gallery until November 14. rrCultural Criminalsrt includes paintings, prints, photographs, sculptures and drawings. Gallery hours are from 8:45 a.m.- 5:00 p.n., weekdays. TherrNational Theatre of Britain Display Setrrwill be on view at the IDA Gallery comrnencing November 15 through to November 50. Organized by the National Theatre School of Britain, this display terninates a one-year tour of Canada.


12:00 noon - Wornenrs Centre Film Series_ - I'Carnpaign" - 1975 provincial election - Room 102, Behavioural scienceffi

12:00 noon - General Meeting - of the Undergraduate Sociology Students Association - Faculty Lounge (Room 5869), Eoss-TuilAfig

2:50 p.n. - Public Lecture - fGraduate Progran in English] Mr. Leonard Early, Ph.D. candidate in English, will defend his dissertation entitled "Lampman and Romantic Poetrytt - Room S717, Ross Building

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Filn - [Founders College Co-curricular Comnittee, Division of Humanities, Latin Arnerican and Caribbean Studies Progran] 'tThe Harder They Come" - Room 2028, Founders College 4:00 p.m. - Biology Seninar Series -'rGenetic Specification of Cel1 Surface Topography in Caenorhabditis Spermil with Dr. Sarn Ward, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Baltirnore, It,laryland - Roon 320, Farquharson Building

8:00 p.rn. - Play - [Faculty of Fine Arts] "The Sandt', written and directed by Marion Andre; admission is free and tickets may be reserved by calling the Burton Box Office at local -2370 weekdays between 11:00 a.m. and 2200 p.n. - Burton Auditorium


12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. - Geography Graduate Colloquiun - "Belmopan: A European City in a Third World Country" with Trevor Brown, l4athenatics Consultant, Toronto Board of Education - Roorn N306, Ross Building

3:00 p.n. - 5:00 p.m. - Waterfront Wosbrhop - [Faculty of Envirorunental Studies] "The Redeveloprnent of UrbanWaterfronts''w@Assistant,Coasta1Zonelr{anagenent,Nationa1oceanicand ' Atnospheric Adninistration, U.S. Departnent of Conunelss - Room 518, Scott Library 4:00 p.rn. - Play - [Faculty of Fine Arts] see Mondayts listing at 8:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. - Film - [Founders College Co-curri.cular Corrunittee, Division of Humanities, Latin Anerican and Caribbean Studies Program] see Mondayts listing at 3:00 p.n.

7:50 p.n. - Concert - [Music Department] "David Mott.,.Revealed...", playing and discussing his conpositions - Roorn 012, Steacie Science Library


10:30 a.m. - Public Lecture - [Graduate Program in English] Ms. Rachel Billigheiner, Ph.D. candidate, will defend her-a'IssertatTon entitledrrWheels of Eternity: Circle Symbolism in the Works of }{.B. Yeats and Willian Blake't - Room S717, Ross Building

12:00 noon - Jazz in lqlhulg - featuring the Peter Neitch Quartet - Junior Corunon Room, Bethune College 2:00 p.n. - Play - [Faculty of Fine Arts] see lt{ondayts listing at 8:00 p.m.

- continued YORK ACTIVITIES (Wednesday, cont'd.)

2:00 p.n. G 5:30 p.m. - Guest Speaker - Barbara Warme of the Writing Workshop will speak on "Coping: How to worry about the right things when you get assigrunentsrr - Mature Student Lounge (Roon 001), Mclaughlin College 3:00 p.n. - Distinguished Speakers in the Social Sciences Seri-es - I'Planning and Managing for Decline" with Professor Richard Zody, Chairperson, Graduate Urban Affairs Progran, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and a nanagement consultant - Faculty Lounge (Roon 5872), Ross Building

4:00 p.m. - Colcer! - [Music Departnent] an afternoon of Chanber Music - Roorn F, Curtis Lecture Halls 7:50 p.rn. - Guest Speaker - [Atkinson College] Sylvia Fraser, author of Pandora, The Candy Factory and A Casual Affair, will speak about her writings - Fellows Lounge, Atkinson College

7:30 p.m.-Barry - 9:30 --p.rn. - The Law and You - [Centre for Continuing Education] "BusLness Lawttwith lawyer Fisher 2nd i;=;;l;;-of 3 lectures; $12 for series - Room 106, Osgoode Hal1 Law School


12:00 noon & 1:00 p.n. - Informal Meeting - [Wornen?s Centre] with Angela Miles of the Feminist Party of Canada - Roorn 102, Behavioural Science Building

1:00 p.m. - 2:,00 p.n. - Brown Bag Lecture Series - [Founders College] "Man-eating Animal" with Roger Seaman - Senior Comnon Roorn, Founders College 4:00 p.rn. - Chemistry Seninar Series -ttPhotochenical Reactions of o-B- unsaturated a-azido Sulphonest' with Dr. I. Still, Erindale College - Roorn 317, Petrie Sci-ence Building 4:00 p.n. - Vanier College Colloquium on Interpretation - rrNietsche and the Greeks'' with George Grant, McMaster University - Senior Comrnon Roon, Vanier College 4:00 p.m. - Play - see Monday's listing at 8:00 p.m.

4:00 p.rn. - Public Lecture - fosgoode HaIl Law School]'rThe Effect of Inflation on the Enforcement of ContraciFTTitfi-Dfii6l D. Prentice, Visiting Lewtas Professor of Law at Osgoode and Fellow of Penbroke College, Oxford - Moot Court Roorn, Osgoode Hall Law School 6:50 p.rn. - Made in Canada Filn/Video Series - [Vanier College, C.Y.S.F., Film Department] "Letter to vietnarnV,Toronto)-informa1question/answerperiodtofol1ow - Senior Comnon Room, Vanier College 7:30 p.n..sarryc@wi11beserved-Fe11owsLounge,AtkinsonCo11ege - Faculty Lecture Series - [Atkinson College] rrThe Leperrs Squint" with York English Professor

Friday 9:00 a.rn. - 3:15 p.m. - Reading Symposium - [Centre for Continuing Education] "Focusing on Cornprehension" with Mr. John N. nyclman,-SoeillT-Eaucation for the Borough of Scarborough and Dr. John Mclnnes, Department of Curriculum, O.I.S.E. - general fee $15.00; $7.50 for members of York cornmunity - Roon 038, Adrninistrative Studies Building 11:00 a.rn. - Reading - fProgran in Creative Writing, Calurnet College, Canada Council] featuring Canadian ptaywri$E-Tl-ct Salutin - Calunet Cornmon Roon, Atkinson College 1:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. - Play - [Faculty of Fine Arts] see Monday's listing at 8:00 p.n. (flute) and Trichy 3:00 p.n. - Concert - [Music Departrnent] of South Indian Music with T. Viswanathan Sankarail-(iidlancarn) - Senior Cornnon Roon, Mclaughlin College 9:00 p.rn. - 1:00 a.n. - Live Perfornance - [Founders College] featuring the Rocky Horror Music Show with b.f. Hyp" - tickets are SS:maa-wnl be on sale Novenber 13, 14, 15 between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p-n. in Cential Square - adnission at the door is $4.00 - Founders College Dining Hall

Saturday 2:00 p.rn. - 6:00 p.n. - Journalisn Serninar - [Atkinson College Balloon] with Richard Lunn, Ryerson journalism DepartnenTTn?--Duiffi-Iiffioilagle, City Editor, Globe and l'4ai1 - Comeback Inn Lounge, Atkinson College 4:00 p.n. - Play - [Faculty of Fine Arts] see Mondayrs listing at 8:00 p.n.

[NOTE: As yet there are no events scheduled for Sunday] GENERAL

* The Honoutable Mr. Justice Thonas R. Berger, who was comissioner of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry, will deliver the Edgar Mclnnis Lecture on Tuesday, Novenber 20 at 3i00 p.n. in the Moot Court Roon of the osgoode Hall Law School. A well-known jurist and public servant, Mr. Berger was appointed a judge of the Suprene Court of British Colubia in 1971. As a lawyer he has set nany llgal precedents acting for the provincers Indians and in areas of fanily law and pollution control. His public lecture will be entitled "Diversity and Dissent in Canada.r' The Edgar I'lclnnis Lectures, established in 1976 by Yorkrs Faculty of Arts, are naned in honour of the late Edgar W, Mclnnis, the fi"st acadenic appointnent to faculty in 1960.

* The Psychology Departnent, Faculty of Arts, is establishing the W.B. Tenpleton Honours Thesis Award to honour the rnenory of this devoted teacher and scholar. Menbers of the University comunity are invited to contribute to this fund. Cheques should be nade out to York University (l1I.8. Tenpleton Trust Fund) and sent to Professor M,J. Steinbach, Room 278 of Atkinson Co]lege. A teceipt, for tax purposes, will be issued.

* Publishers of the World Press Digest are distributing their new nonthly nagazine to faculty nenbers at Canadian universities free of charge. The second issue, dated Novenber 1979 will arrive on canpus this week. Menbers of York faculty who do not wish to receive cotnplinentary copies of this publication each month are asked to call the Comunications Departnent at local -3441.

* Recreation York will be offering a Fitness Testing on tr,londay, December 3 at 4:00 p.n. Registration is in Roon 502 of the Tait McKenzie Buildingl for further infomation call local -2351. * Stong College is sponsoring a two part conference on The State of the School to be held on February 7 (thene: Vandalisn and Violence. Why?) and Fehruary 14 (thene: Corununity Col.lege or University? The Critical Decision). Menbers of the conmunity interested in presenting a position paper dealing with either segment of the conference are asked to contact either Richard T, Linley (local -5315) or 01ga Cirak (Iocal -3061) as soon as possible in order to have the program finalized before the Christnas break.

* The Fall issue of Waves magazine (Volune 8, Nunber 1) is now available at the York Bookstore. It features French poET-sand short-story writers as well as nany new writers in English.

* Menbers of the coilnunity are asked to note the following changes to the York Telephone Directory: Miss G. Hardy, Reference, Scott Library -3428 Miss G. Heggie, Reference, Scott Library -3428 * The Arboretun Coffnittee is planting a nunber of different species of trees between the Steacie Science Library and the Curtis Lecture Halls. This is a heavy traffic area and the trees will provide variety and coloration.

EVENTS Tuesday 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.n. - Geography Graduate Colloquiun - "Belnopan: A European City in a Third World Countryrl withTrevorBrom'M@BoardofEducation-RoomN306,RossBui1ding 3:00 p.n, - 5:00 p.m. - Waterfront Workshop - [Facutty of Environnental Studies] "The Redevelopment of Urban Waterfrontsrr with Ani-C5iey-l-SiSTFTGTstant, Coastal zone Managenent, National Oceanic and Atnospheric Adninistration, U.S. Departnent of Comerce - Room 518, Scott Library 4:00 p.n. - Play - [Faculty of Fine Arts] "The Sandr', written and directed by Marion Andre; adnission is iree and-tickets may be reserved by calling the Burton Box Office at local -2570 weekdays between l1:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. - Burton Auditoriurn 4:00 p.n. - 6:00 p.n. - Filn - [Founders College Co-curricular Conmittee, Division of Hunanities, Latin Anerican and Caribbe-anStudies Progran] "The Harder They Cone" - Roon 2028, Founders CoLlege 7:30 p.m. - Concert - [Music Departnent] "David l,lott...ReveaLed...", playing and discussing his conpositions - Roorn 012, Steacie Science Library 7:30 p.n. - Faculty Lecture Series - lAtkinson College] I'The Leperrs Squint" with Yotk English Professor Barry Callaghan - refreshrnents will be served - Fellows Lounge, Atkinson College Wednesday 10:90 a.n. - Public Lecture - [craduate Prograrn in English] I!'ls. Rachel Billigheiner, Ph.D. candidate, will defendE;1:A-is:;;;atlon entitled "Wheels of Etemity: Circle Symbolisn in the Works of W.B. Yeats and William Blake" - Roon 5717, Ross Building 12:00 noon - Jazz in Bethune - featuring the Peter Neitch Quartet - Junior Comon Roon, Bethune College 2:00 p.rn, & 5:30 p.rn. - Guest Speaker - Barbara Warne of the Writing Workshop will speak on "Coping: How to rorry about the rigfrE=Filgnhen you get assignnentsrr- Mature Student Lounge (001), Mclaughlin college 3:00 p.m. - Distinguished Speakers in the Social Sciences qgries - "Planning and Managing for Decline" with ProfessProgram,VirginiaPo1ytechnicInstituteand State University and a nanagenent consultant - Faculty Lounge (Roon 5872), Ross Building 4:00 p,n. - Concert - [Music Departnent] an afternoon of Chmber Music - Room F, Curtis Lecture Halls 4:00 p.n, - 6:00 p.m. - Italian-Canadian Association General l'leeting - Senior Connon Roon' Founders College 7:30 p.n. - Guest Speaker - [Atkinson College] Sylvia Fraser, author !g!gfg., The Candy Factory and A Casual Affair, will-speak about her writings - Fellows Lounge, Atkinson"{ College

7:30 p.n. - 9:50 p.n. - The Law and You - [Centre for Lontinuing Education] "Business Law" with lariyer Barry Fisher - 2nd in series of 3 lectures; $12 for series - Roon 106,Osgoode Hall Law School STAFF POSITIoNS: Application forms for internal transfers/pronotions, are available from Personnel Services, shoul.d reach that departnent no later than 5:00 p.m,, Novembet 20,7979; * indicates position is exempt fron L--^-i-i--..-:+u.rE4rrrrrrS qrrrL. Counsell.or - Mrs. B. Friednan (-3473) (Fi1n;B.F.A.universitydegreeinFiIn[Production]necessary; professional filn and TV production experience outside the university or equivalent and teaching assistance; bookkeeping and supervisory experience required); Media 0p. Tech IV ($17,196) Faculty of Fine Arts - Student Prograns Clerk (50 wpm tlTing required; \-2 years in an Admissions, Student Prograns area preferred); grade 4 ($10,833) Counsellor - Mrs. G. Neilson (-25I0) onsASsistant(grade12orequiValentwithcomerciaItraining,typing 50-55 wpn; 3-4 years experience preferably in a university environnent; handles transcript evaluations for adnissions to graduate progrannes; perfoms secretarial work for Graduate Admissions Officer); grade 5 ($11,759) Faculty of Arts - Assistant to Undergraduate Coordinator (Soeiology; grade 15 and one year experience as an undergraduate student at university Ievel preferred; l-2 years secretarial administrative experience in a student related area, t)?ing 50-55 *pn); grade 5 ($fI,759) Conputer Serviccs - Junior operator (Rotating shifts - 8:00 a.n.-4:00 p.n., 4:00 p.n.-Midnight, Midnight- 8:00 a.m.; high school graduate - graduate from specialized operations course preferred; previous practical experience with pcripheral equipnent preferred);operator I ($11,230) (change to Iisting November 8, 1979) GENERAT

Mclaughlin College is presenting a panel discussion on "solving the Energy Crisisil on Tuesday, Novenber 20 frorn 3:00 p.n.-5:00 p.n. in the College?s Junior Corunon Room. The panelists wili include Arthur C. Johnson, Professor in Yorkrs Faculty of Science and Consultant to the 0ntario Ministry of Energy, and Harvey Schwartz, Associate Professor of Econonics. The moderator will be David Coates, Director of Special Projects at York and Fellow of Mclaughlin College. ttAdidou, Adidoucer', by Quebec playwright Michel Gartreau, wilL be presented by the Glendon College Dranatic Arts Program Novenber 2L-25 (inclusive) in Theatre Glendon at 8:i0 p.n. each evening. The perfornances will- be in French with a general adnission of $3.50; $i.00 lor Glendon students. Tickets are available fron Theatre Glendon or by calling either 487-6208 ot 487-6250. A reading by present and former Waves. magazine editors and contributors will take place at the Coffeehouse in Trinity UnFed Church (behind the Eaton Centre) on Saturday, November 17 at 8:00 p.n. Anong the readers featured will be York faculty menbers Robert Casto and H6di Bouraoui (also Master, Stong College), York staff nernber John oughton, novelist and colurnnist M.T. Kelly, and poet Giorgio di Cicco. Refreshrnents and classicil gui.tar interludes will be provided.

As a service to the corununity and in an effort to rnininize the scheduling of sinultaneous and sirnilar events, the Corununications Departnent is setting up an Events Register. Persons wishing to plan an event should contact the Bulletin editor (local -344L) to check ior competitive activities which rnay have already been scheduled for the date they have under consideration. Each function will be listed for the information of other nembers of the corununity. DePartnent of Physical Education and Athletics - facil,ities cancellations: Ice Arena - Pleasure Skating - 9:00 p.n.-11:00 p.rn. on Novenber L7 and 241' and 2:00 p.rn.-S:00 p.n., Novenber 23 Tait McKenzie Pool - Recreational Swin - Saturday, Novenber 17

As part of the celebrations in this yearrs Children's Book Festival (November L7-24), the york Bookstore is planning the following events: - The filrn "Asterix 6 Cleopatrail will be shown in the Northwest Bearpit (near Toronto-Dorninion Bank) at 12:00 noon Novenber 19 through 25 inclusive. - Drawings, created by the children of the Universityts Day Care Centre, will be on display in the Bookstorets Childrents Book section. In addition, special prices will be in effect on childrenrs books during this week. The Excalibur Newspaper has an enploynent opportunity for a Business-Advertising Manager with Excalibur Publications Incorporated. Applicants nust have knowledge of business practicei, advertising sales and collection, and advertisement design. The salary range is $rr,ooo-$r+,000, connensurate with experience. Applicants nust be available corunencing December 10, 1979. Experience in print rnedia is a definite asset. Resunes nust be addressed to: Search Comnittee, Excalibur Publicitions, Central Square; for further infornation telephone loca1 -2515.

Connencing Novenber 15, Atkinson College is accepting registrations for the January session. Ten courses at the 100- and 200- levels will be offered. Applications for adrnission to Atkinson will be accepted now and until Decenber 3, 1979. For further inforrnation call Atkinson College Enquiries at local -247L.

The Office of the Senate announces that, due to delays to the postal systen in Mississauga, the deadline for returning ballots in the part-tine faculty Senate election has been extended to 5:00 p.n. on Tuesday, Novenber 20.


12:00 noon 6 1:00 P:n: - Ilrformal Meeting - [Wornents Centre] with Angela Miles of the Feninist party of Canada - Room 102, Behavioural Science Building

1:00 p.n. - 2:,00 p.n. - Brown Bag Lecture Series - [Founders College] r?Man-eating Aninal?twith Roger Seanan - Senior Connon Roorn, Founders College 2:00 p.m. - Physics Seninar Series - rrlaser FIane Measurenentst? with Dr. Murray Penney, General Electric Research Laboratories, Schenectady, N.Y. - Roon 317, Petrie Science Buil.di.ng

2:00 p.n. - GlendonlTeachi4g Skills Program -'tstudent-Faculty Relationsrtled by Jirn Benson of the English DePartnent - tb attend, please contact Janette Baker at Room C130, York Hall or Roorn 5104, Ross Building - Fireside Roon, York Hall, Glendon College

4:00 p.n._- thg4istly.Sgninar Series -rtPhotochenical Reactions of d-B- unsaturated g-azido Sulphones" with Dr. I. Still, Erindale College - Room 317, Petrie Science Building

4:00 p.n. - Vanigr College Colloquium on Interpretation - I'Nietsche and the Greeksl with George Grant, McMaster University - Senior Connon Room, Vanier College

- continued EVENTS (Thursday, conttd.)

4:00 p^.m. - \L"y _- [Faculty of Fine Arts] 'tThe Sandrt, written and directed by Marion Andre; adnission is free and tickets nay be reserved by calling the Burton Box Office at local -2370 weekiays between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.rn. - Burton Auditorium 4:00 p.n. - Public Lecture - [Osgoode Hall Law School] r?The Effect of Inflation on the Enforcenent of Conttactsrr with Daniel D. Prentice, Visiting Lewtas Professor of Law at osgoode and Fellow of Penbroke College, Oxford - Moot Court Roon,Osgoode Hall Law School 4:00 p.n. - Appligd Conputqtional and Mathernatical Sciences Seninar - "Efficient Iterative Methods for the Solution o with Dr. Arthur Ryman, University of Toronto - Roon 110, Curtis Lecture Halls

6:30 p.n. - Ma4e in Canada Filn/Video Series - [Vanier College, C.Y.S.F., Filn Departrnent] ',Letter to Vietnamrr (Eugene Buia, Field Director, MTV, Toronto) - infornal question/answer per:-oa to follow - Senior Connon Roon, Vanier College Friday

9:00 a.n. - 3:15 p.n. - Reading Symposium - [Centre for Continuing Education] "Focusing on Comprehensionr with Mr. John N. Rycknan, Board of Education for the Borough of Scarborough and Dr. John M-Innes, Departnent of Curriculun, 0.I.S.E. - general fee $15.00; $7.50 for rnembers of York cornmunity - Roorn 038, Adninistrative Studies Building

11:00 a.m. - Reading - [Program in Creative Writing, Calurnet College, Canada Council] featuring Canadian ptaywriffi-El-ck Salutin - Calurnet Connon Roorn, Atkinson College

11:00 a.m. - Guest Speaker - [Jewish Student Federation, York Israel Connection, C.Y.S.F., Calurnet College, EconomiEf@,ilE, Canadian Zionist Federation, Israel Peace Committeej rtlsrael and the PLo" wiah Meir Paril, Mernber of Knesset Sheli Party - Room B, Curtis Lecture Halls 1:00 p.n. Q 8:00 p.m. - PLay - [Faculty of Fine Arts] see Thursday's listing at 4:00 p.m. 2:00 p.n. - Psychology Colloquiun - rrThe Rocky Road fron Talking to Writing: Cognitive Processes in Conpositionrtwith York Professor Marlene L. Scardamalia - Roon 291, Behavioural Science Building 3:00 p.n. - Concert - [Music Departrnent.] of South Indian Music with T. Viswanathan (flute) and Trichy Sankaran (nrdangan) - Senior Common Roon, It{claughlin College 7:00 p.n. - Womenrs Volleyball - York vs. University of Ottawa - Tait McKenzie Building

8:50 p.rn. - Bethune Movies - Woody Allents "Manhattanrt - general adnission $2.00 - Room L, Curtis Lecture Halls

9:00 p.rn. - 1:00 a.n. - Live Performance - [Founders College] featuring the Rocky Horror Music Show with D.f. Hype - tickets are F.5T-a;d=1tr11 be on sale Novenber 13, 14, 15 between 11:00 a.n. and 3:00 p.m. in Central Square - adrnission at the door is $4.00 - Founders College Dining Hall Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.n. - Annual. High School Boys and Girls Swirn Classic - the York Yeornen and Yeowornen varsity teans will officiate and sponsor the meet with the following schools participating: Cedarbrae, Georgetown, Oakvil1e Trafaller, White Oaks, Blakelock, Queen Elizabeth Park, Oakwood, Central Tech, Malvern, Vaughn Road, Dundas District, Erindale, Lorne Park, LtAmoreaux, Albert Campbel1, and Highlands - Tait McKenzie Pool 2:00 p.n. - Menrs Volleyball - York vs. Laurentian University - Tait McKenzie Building z'oop.'.."*--[AtkinsonCo11egeBa11oon]withRichardLunn,Ryerson Journalisn Departnent and Duncan McMonag1e, City Editor of the Globe and I'tail - Fellows Lounge, Atkinson College 4:00 p.n. - Play - [Faculty of Fine Arts] see Thursday's listing at 4:00 p.m. 8:15 p.n. - Menrs Hockey - York vs. Laurentian University - York Ice Arena

8: 30 p.n. - Bethune Movies - see Fridayts listing at 8:50 p.n.

Sunday 8:15 p.m. - Ments Hockey - York vs. Ryerson Polytechnical Institute - York Ice Arena 8:S0 p.rn. - Bethune Movies - Ingmar Bergmanrs rrAutunn Sonatart- general admission $2.00 - Roorn L, Curtis Lecture Halls

STAFF pOSITIONS: Application forms for internal transfers/prornotions, which are available fron Personnel ffit-fr-ould realh that departrnent no later than 5:00 p.rn., Novernber 22, 1979; * indicates position is exenpt from bargaining unit. Counsellor - Mrs. G' Neilson (-2510) stantII(Phi1osophy;highschoo1graduationorequiVa1ent;secretarial training required - t.yping 60 wpn, speedwriting/shorthand necessaryt 3-4 years adninistrative secretarial, includiig budget, expeiience, preferable in an academic student-oriented area; duties include secretarial work for the ihairman and also routine and non-acadernic tasks for the undergraduate progran); grade 7 ($14,577) Faculti of Graiuate Studies - File Cl.erk II (grade 12 education; typing 50 wput; dicta-typing experience desirable); grade 3 Counsellor - Mrs. B. Friedrnan (-3473) r:(gradeI2itwing50-60wpn;exce11entspe11ingandgrarunar;nininun1 yeat business or related experience; sone publications experience required; some exposure to.,comPuting; Lxperience with SOS/RUNOFF word processingl.systern or sirnilar systern); grade 4 ($10,833) . ART GALLERIES DISPLAYS * A?tist Jaan Poldaas is exhibiting his trE.G. Seriesrt at the Glendon College Gallery until Novernber 25. The Gallery is open fron 10:00 a.n. -5:00 p.n., weekdays, and fron 2:00 p.m._S:00 p.rn., Sunday. * Undergraduates in Yorkts Faculty of Fine Arts will exhibit their photographic works in the IDA Gallery fron November 19-30. Students participating are John DiCostanzo, Nora Kennedy, Heather Mains and Paul solornon. The Garlery is open fron g:45 a.n.-5:00 p,n., weekdays. * rTwas Ever Thus, a selection of eastern Canadian folk art, will be exhibited at YUFAM (596 Markhan Street) fron Novenber 21 through to Decenber 9. This exhibition cones fron the private collection of Ralph and Patricia Price of Port Perry and conprises over 200 pieces. Regular gallery hours are from L2:00 noon-6:00 p.rn,, Wednesday through Sunday. The official opening of this najor all Canadian collection will be Saturday, Novenber 24 ftom 2:00 p.m._4:00 p.rn. * Works by Bethune College students will be on display in that Collegers Gallery (3rd floor) until Novenber 30. The gallery is open frorn 12:00 noon-2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.n.-9:00 p.m., weekdays.


10:00 a.n. - 3:50 p.n. - O.U.R.A. Wotkthop or Mi."opto.ur - presentations will be given by and byvariousuniversit1,RyersonPo1ytechnica1Institute N.C.R.

12:00 noon - Faculty of EdYqation-Colloquiun Series -tr80 Years of Innovations in Adult Educationr JackPearpoint,President@-Facu1tyLounge(RoonS869),RossBuj.1ding with

12:00 noon - York Womenrs Centre Filn Series - ttMothers are Peoplerr, Canadian attitudes to working mothers andtheuI\|ore'',MothergoestoworkinQuebec;andllWonenQ Managenent: Threat or opportunityt', Action Progran in a large corporation - Roon 102, Behavioural Science Building

12:00 noon - Israel Week Events - [Jewish Student Federation, York Israel Connection, C.y.S.F., Calunet CollegelEEon=oiids-DElErt eni, Canadian Zionist Federation, Israel peace Conmiiteel 12:00 noon -ttThe Arab Boycott and Hunan Rights't with Roland deCorneille I'The - Roon B, Curtis Lecture Halls 3:00 p.n. - Israeli Econonytr with Meir Tamari, Bank of Israel - Roon 5105, Ross Building

4:00 p.m. - Biglggy Sgminar Series -rrNeurotrophic Influences on Regeneration" with Dr. Michel Rathbone, McMaster University - Room S20, Farquharson Building

8:00 p.m. - Open Rehearsal - of the York Conrnunity Charnber Orchestra - Mclaughlin Hall, Mclaughlin College Tuesday

11:00 a.n. - Israel Week Events - [for sponsors, see Mondayts listing at 12:00 noon] 11:00 a.m. -rtOpportunities for Study in Israeltrrepresentatives will be present for question/answer period - Room 5105, Ross Building rrSongs 12:00 noon - of Love in Peacett with Shlomo Carlebach - Bear Pit, Central Square 2:00 p.m. - "We did it and it was greatlttpanel of participants from various ptogtarns in Israel - Bear Pit, Central Square 8:00 p.n. - Beit Cafe Israeli Coffee House - featuring singer/composer Bat Sheva Paul - Faculty Lounge (Roon 5869), Ross Building

12:00 noon - 1:00 p.n. - Geography Graduate Colloquiun -rtThe Corridor Location Problenttwith Dr. Michael Goodchild, University of Western Ontario - Room l{506, Ross Building

12:00 noon - 2:00 p.n. - Poetry Reading - [Glendon College Canadian Studies Prograrn] featuring patrick Love - Room 204, York Hall, Glendon College 1:00 p.m. - Tour - Lois Spencer, Ann Ricker and Grace Heggie, Reference Librarians, will conduct a tour of the Scott Library (wil1 last approxirnately L L/2 hours) - fron the Mature Student Lounge (Room 001), Mclaughlin College 3:00 p.m. - Edgar lilclnnis Lecture - [Faculty of Arts] 'tDiversity and Dissent in Canada" with the Honourable Mr. Justice Thomas R. Berger, who was conmissioner of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry - Moot Court Roon, Osgoode Hall Law School

5:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.In. - Panel Discussion - fMclaughlin College] tfsolving the Energy Crisisn with york Professors Arthur C.-Joffison-GElence; and consultant to the Ontario lr{inistry bf Energy), Harvey Schwartz (Econonics), and moderator David Coates (Director, Special Projects) - Junior Comnon Roorn, Mclaughlin College 7:30 p.n. - Cqncert - [Music Department] Phil Werren will play and discuss the completetrPhasesrtbased on the poetTy of W'B. Yeats - the works are a four channel cornposition - Room 012, Steacie Science Library

- continued Y0RK ACTIVITIES (cont'd.)

Wednesday 12:00 noon - Urban Studies Seminar Series -'rSpatial Aggregation Data Problens in Urban Analysis" with Profess@offoesternontaiio-RoomN724,RossBuilding 12:00 noon - Filrn - [Law Union, Osgoode Hall Law School] I'Harlan County, IJ.S.A.rt- Moot Court Room, Osgoode HalI Law School 12:00 noon - Israel Week Events - ffor sponsors, see l.,londayts listing at I2i00 noonl rz:oo nooi-l-rTT-TEiEeT Thee o Jerusalem" - multi-media presentation - Bear Pit, Central Square 1:00 p.n. -rrlsraelrs Security in Light of the Peace Treatytrwith Yona Gazit - Roon 5105, Ross Building 7:30 p.n. - Israeli Filn Festival Double Feature - Room L, Curtis Lecture Ha11s 5:00 p.n. - Conputer Science Seninar Series - "Stc:rage Representations for Ertendibie Arrays'with Dr. Arnold Rosenberg, IBM Yorktown I{eights Research Labs, Cr:rrently visiting University of Toronto - Room N203, Ross Building 4:00 p.m. - Contenporary Music Series - [lt'lusic Departnent] featuring the music of Jirn Hiscott - Sylvester's, Stong College 5:00 p.m. - Guest Speaker - [D6partenent d'Etudes pluridisciplinaires] t'Les intellectuels et 1a gauche franEaise depuis 1960" avec FranEoise Gai11ard, Universj.t6 de Paris VII et Universit6 de Toronto - Senior Corrunon Room, York Halt, Glendon College 7:30 p.n. - York Adninistrative Alunni Association Lecture Series -tflnternal Control and Business Risk: A New Perspectivettwith Mr. Russell C. Robertson and l4r. David L. l"{ayhew of Arthur Anderson and Company - cost is $4.00 for rnernbers of the Y.A.A.A. and $6.00 for non-rnenbers - Senate Charnber (Roon 5915), Ross Building 7:50 p.m. - 9:30 p.n. - The Law and You - fCentre for Continuing Education] I'Business Lawtrwith lawyer Barry Fisher - last in serieF-o?-5-lETFes; $tz for series - Room 106,Osgoode Hall Law School 8:30 p.n. - PIay - [Glendon College Dramatic Art Prograrn] "Adidou, Adidor:cetf by I',lichel Garneau will be performed in French - gene1.al admission is $S.50; $3.00 for Glendon students; tickets are available from Theatre Glendon or by calling 487-6208 or 487-6250 - Theatre Glendon Thursday 11:00 a.n. - fsrael Week Events - [for sponsors, see Mondayts listirrg at 12:00 nccn] tt:OO ali-]-I-nGitr6versy over Isrieli Settlernentttwith Yaakov Tzur, General Secretary of the United Kibbutz Movement - Roon M, Curtis Lecture Halls 12:00 noon -'rlsrael and Islanrtwith Dr. Harold Rhode, Colunbia University - Bear Pit, Central Square 8:00 p.n. - Diaspora Yeshiva Band - Convocation Hall, University of Toronto 12:00 noon - 2:,00 p.m. - Discussion - [York Wornents Centre] ttWomen and Rapett - Room 102, Behavioural Science Bui lding 2:00 p.n. - 4:00 p.m. - Teac.hing Skills Program -'tThe Social Science Essay" with York Instructor Trent Brady - Faculty Lounge (Room 5869), Ross Building 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Founders Filn Series - rrMeet John Doerr (Frank Capta, 1941) - Room 2028, Founders College 6:30 p.rn. - Mbde in Canada Film/Video Series - [Vanier College, C.Y.S.F., Film Department] 'rKilling Time" (Ken Ketter, Associate Producer Cinena Productions, Toronto) - question/answer period to follow - Senior Connon Roon, Vanier College 8:00 p.m. - Concert - fFaculty of Fine Arts] the York Jazz Orchestra, under the direction of Davj-d Mott, presents a Charles Mingus Menorial Concert which will include works by Mingus and new conpositions written in nenory of his musical genius - featured artists are Brad Dechter and Jane Fair - no adnission charge - YUFAM (596 Markhan Street) 8:00 p.m. - Concert - fMusic Departnent] an evening of Baroque instrumental music and song - Junior Common Roon, Mclaughlin College 8:30 p.m. - Play - [Glendon College Drarnatic Arts Program] see Wednesdayrs listing at 8:30 p.n. Friday 9:00 a.n. - 3:15 p.m. - Mathematics Symposiurn - [Centre for Continuing Education] "Competence is a Reality" with Dr. Lola May, Wfnnetta puUtiischool (Illinois) - general- fee $15.00; $7.50 for menbers of the York community - Roorn 038, Adrninistrative Studies Building 9:00 a.n. - 5:15 p.m. - Special Education Symposiun - [Centre for Continuing Education] "Learning Disability asaDeve1oprnenta1nffiss,S.U.N.Y.(StonyBrook)-genera1fee$15.00;$7.50 for nenbers of the York community - Room 038, Administrative Studies Building 10:00 a.n. - Israel Week Events - [for sponsors, see lr{ondayrs listing at I2i00 noon] 10:00 a.rn. - "Professional Opportunities in Israelrtwith Uri Broides, Israel Aliya Centre - Roon 5105, Ross Building 11:00 a.rn. - "Kibbutz and Moshav in Israel'r - Room 5105, Ross Buildi.ng 12:00 noon - "Israel in the News" with Matti Go1an, Israel Inforrnation Office - Bear Pit, Central Square S:00 p.n. - Mathenatics Colloquiurn - trThe Limiting Behaviour of Branching Diffusionst' with Professor Gail Ivanoff, Univefsity of Ottawa - Roon N203, Ross Building 8:00 p.m. - Performance - [Faculty of Fine Arts] featuring Le Groupe de la Place Royale, a company of seven dancers-Tiffi6d-ii- both modern and classical styles - tickets for Le Groupe are $6.50 for general adnission; $S.50 for staff and faculty; $+.SO for students - for reservations call the Burton Box Office at loca1 -2370 - Burton Auditoriun 8:30 p.n. - Play - fGlendon College Dranatic Arts Program] see Wednesday's listing at 8:30 p.n.

Saturday 8:50 p.n. - Bethune Movies - t'Black Enrnanuelrt- general adrnission $2.00 - Room L, Curtis Lecture Halls 8:30 p.n. - PIay - [Glendon College Dramatic Arts Program] see Wednesday's listing at 8:50 p.rn. Sunday 8:00 p.n. - Chanber Music - [Faculty of Fine Arts] the Community Chamber Orchestra of York University, under the direction of Janes McKay, perforns Beethovenrs Synphony No. 1, Warlockts Capriol Suite, Mozartrs Clarinet Concerto (with clarinetist Barry Craig), and the Petit Symphonie by Charles Gounod - no adnission charge - YUFAM (596 Markharn Street) 8:30 p.m. - PLay - [Glendon College Dramatic Arts Progran] see Wednesdayts listing at 8:30 p.rn. GENERAL

The Departrnent of Dance invites poster design subrnissions for its 1980 Spring Concert, The size of the poster is to be 18 inches wide by 24 inches long and the image will be contained i.n a square rneasuring 17 inches. The rernainder of the space will contain typographic information, The image can be reproduced in two colours. Submissions (in their finished form) should be made to size and camera-ready; they will be judged by the Concert Corunittee. An honorariurn of $25.00 will be awa:rded to the artist. The Concerct Comnittee reserves the right to display any design subnitted, and originals will remain the property of the artist. Entry forms are available from the Dance Departnent office until Decenber 7; the deadline for completed artwork is January 11, 1980.

The York Chess Club invites all interested nembers of the community to participate in their activities. The Club meets each Friday from 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. in Roon 030A of Winters College; beginners are welcorne. For further information call Pat Ralston at local -2204.

Richard Schechner, artistic director of New Yorkrs avant garde Perforrnance Group, will give a public lecture on "The Post-Modern Theatrerrin the Burton Auditoriun on Wednesday, Novernber 28 at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Schechner will be the guest of the Theatre Department fron Novenber 26 to December 1, and will lead a series of master classes on voice and breathing using Asian techniques. Tickets for his public lectu"e are $3.50 for the general public, $3.00 for staff/faculty and $2.50 for students. For information call the Burton Box office at local -2370.

The Faculty of Fine Arts is presenting Le Groupe de la Place Royale, a company of seven dancers trained in both rnodern and classical styles, on Friday, Novenber 23 at 8:00 p.n. in Burton Auditoriun. Founded in 1966 Le Groupe is under the co-direction of Peter Boneham (co-founder of the cornpany) and Jean-Pierre Perrault (one of Canadats leading choreographers). Tickets for the ensenblers perforrnance are $6.50 (general public), $5.50 (staff/faculty) and $4.50 (students) and reservations nay be nade by calling the Burton Box Office at 1ocal -2370.

Publishers of the World Press Digest are distributing their new rnonthly magazine to faculty members at Canadian universities free of charge. The second issue, dated November 1979 will arrive on campus this week. Mernbers of York faculty who do not wish to receive complinentary copies of this publication each nonth are asked to call the Conrnunicat6i-s Departnent at local -344L. As part of the celebration in this. yearts Children?s Book Festival (Novenbet 17-24), the York Bookstore is planning the following events: - The film 'rAsteri.x & Cleopatra" will be shown in the Northwest Bearpit (near Toronto-Doninion Bank) at 12:00 noon November 19 through 23 inclusive. - Drawings, created by the children of the Universityrs Day Care Centre, will be on display in the Bookstorers Children?s Book section, In addition, special prices will be in effect on children?s books during this week.

Copies of the November/Decernber issue of the Ontario Universities Program for fnst"uctional Developrnent Newsletter have been sent to ful1-tine faculty tnembers and Librarians. Part-tine instructors and graduate students may obtain a copy of this newsletter frorn the Teaching Skills Program which is located in Room 5104 of the Ross Building; telephone LocaL -3220.

The Calunet College General Meeting is offering the position of Student Liaison Officer; this is an employee position and the main job responsibiJ.ities will be to coordinate student affairs. The salary is negotiable and applicants rnust be available comnencing January 1, 1980 for a full-time sessional position. Deadline for the receipt of restunes is Decenber 7, L979. Resunes should be directed to Calunet College Hiring Cornrnittee, c/o Roon L20, Atkinson College Phase L For further information call local -3487. A Faculty/Staff 2-mile Fun-Run will be held at the indoor track of the Track and Field Centre at 1:00 p.n. on Thursday, Novenber 22. A time will be taken for all competitors. Call Dave Snith (local -2379) for further information.

The United Way Campaign has officially ended on canpus and the University is far behind the anticipated goal of at least reaching last yearrs total. Anyone still having a pledge card is asked to please fill it in and forward to the Developnent Office, Room 200H, Administrative @ Studies Building. ttcive it nore than a thought...the United Way works for all of us't.


Tuesday 11:00 a.n. - Israel Week Events - [Jewish Student Federation, York Israel Connection, C.Y.S.F., Calurnet CollegelEffiT6!ffinent, Canadian Zionist Federation, Israel Peace Comrnitteel 11:00 a.n. - I'Opportunities for Study in Israel" representatives will be present for question/answer period - Roon 5105, Ross Building 12:00 noon - "Songs of Love in Peaceil with Shlomo Carlebach - Bear Pit, Central Square 2:00 p.m. - rrWe did it and it was great!'r panel of participants frorn various programs in Israel - Bear Pit, Central Square 8:00 p.m. - Beit Cafe Israeli Coffee House - featuring singer/conposer Bat Sheva Paul - Faculty Lounge (Roon 5869), Ross Building 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.n. - Geography Graduate Colloquiun - "The Corridor Location Problem'f with Dr. Michael Goodchild, University of Western 0ntario - Roorn N306, Ross Building

continued EVENTS (Tuesday, conttd.)

12:00 noon - 2'-00 p.n' - Poetry Reading - [Glendon College Canadian Studies Progran] featuring patTick Love - Room 204, York HalTl-GTendoi-T6ltege

rrHuman 12:15 p.n. - L2:45 P.!n. - PQM Lunchtime Filrn - Nature and Organizati.onal Realities" - Room 114, Scott Library

1:00 p.m. - Tour - Lois Spencer, Ann Ricker and Grace Heggie, Reference Librarians, will conduct a tour of the Scott Librarv (will last approximately L L/2 hours) - from the Mature Student Lounge (Room 001), Mclaughlin College

3:00 p.m. - Edgar Mclnnis Lecture - [Faculty of Arts] I'Diversity and Dissent in Canadattwith the Honourable Mr. Justice Thonas R. Berger, who was connissioner of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry - Moot Court Roon, Osgoode Hal1 Law School

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.n. - Pane.l Discussion - [Mclaughlin College] t'Solving the Energy Crisisttwith york Professors Arthur C. Johnson (Science; and consultant to the Ontario Ministry of Energy), Harvey Schwartz (Economics), and rnoderator David Coates (Director, Special Projects) - Junior Comrnon Roorn, Mclaughlin College

7:50 p.n. - ConceTt - [Music Departrnent] Phil Werren will play and discuss the conplete f'Phases" based on the poetry of W.B. Yeats - the works are a four channel conposition - Room 012, Steacie Science Library


12:00 noon - Urban Studies Seminar Series - "spatial Aggregation Data Problems in Urban Analysis" with ProfessofWesternontaiio-RoornN724,RossBui1ding

12:00 noon - Filrn - [Law Union, Osgoode Hall Law School] rtHarlan County, U.S.A.t'- Moot Court Roon, Osgoode Hall Lail-School 12:00 noon - Israel Week Events - [for sponsors, see Tuesdayts listing at 11:00 a.m.] tz:oo noon-l-rTE-ilEE6T Thee o Jerusalemtr - nulti-media presentation - Bear Fit, Central Square 1:00 p.m. -'rlsraelrs Security in Light of the Peace Treatyt'with Yona Gazit - Roorn 5105, Ross Building 7:30 p.n. - Israeli- Film Festival Double Feature - Room L, Curtis Lecture Halls 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. - YUFA Membership Meeting - agenda includes progress of negotiations and nembership action - senaie charnmildlng 1:00 p.n. - Developme}t Studies Colloquium - [Faculty of Environrnental Studies] t'The Social Consequences of Ghanars Volta River Projectt'with York Professor David Lunsden - F.E.S. Lounge (Sth floor), Scott Library 3:00 p.n. - Conputer Science Seninar Series - "Storage Representations for Extendible Arrays'r with Dr. Arnold Rosenberg, IBM Yorktown Heights Research Labs, Currently visiting University of Toronto - Roorn N203, Ross Building

4:00 p.n. - Conternporary Music Series - [Music Departnent] featuring the nusic of Jin Hiscott - Sylvesterrs, Stong College

4:30 p.n. - 5:30 p.m. - YUFA Membershjgl.4ee.lt:lng - see listing at 12:00 noon - Board/Senate Chanber, .-clendon College CanpE--

5:00 p.n. - Guest Speaker - [D6partenent dtEtudes pluridisciplinaires] rrles intellectuels et 1a gauche frangaise depuis 1960tr avec Frangoise Gai1lard, Universit6 de Paris VII et Universit6 de Toronto - Senior Comrnon Roorn, York Hall, Glendon College 7:30 p.m. - York Adrninistrative A.lunni Ass.ociation Lecture-series - ttlnternal Control and Business Risk: A New Perspectiverr with Mr. Russell C. Robertson and Mr. Davj.d L. Mayhew of Arthur Anderson and Conpany - cost is $4.00 for rnembers of the Y.A.A.A. and $6.00 for non-members - Senate Chanber (Room 5915), Ross Building

7:30 p.m.-Ba6y - 9:30 p.m. - The Law and You - [Centre for Continuing Education] "Business Lawil with lawyer Fisher - last In series-otrS lectures; $12 for series - Room 106, Osgoode Hall Law School

8:S0 p.m. - Play - [Glendon College Dranatic Art Progran] "Adidou, Adidouce" by Michel Garneau will be perform-din French - general admission is $5.50; $S.00 for Glendon students; tickets are available fron Theatre Glendon or by calling 487-6208 or 487-6250 - Theatre Glendon

STAFF POSITIONS: Application forrns for internal transfers/pronotions, which are available from Personnel Sffi=Eoufa reach that departnent no later than 5:00 p.m., November 27,1979i * indicates position is exempt frorn the bargaining unit. Counsellor - Mrs. B. Friedrnan (-3473) ry(TheatreDepartrnent;gradel2;typing50-55wprn;|-2yeatssecretaria1 experience preferably in university student affairs or adnissions); grade 4 ($10,833) Faculty of Fine Arts - Assistant Studio Manager (Film Departnent; B.F.A. in Filn Production or equivalent; professional filn and TV production experience outside University plus sorne teaching assistance experience); MMOT II ($15,043) gffice of the Registrar - Transcripts Clerk (grade 15; typing 35-40 wpn; L-2 years office experience; preferably with a knowledge of record rnaintenance); grade 4 ($10,853) Counsellor - Mrs. G. Neilson (-2510) acu1tySecretary(Finance;gradeI2educationwithsecretaria1training; typing 50-55 wpn; statistical typing experience preferred; L-2 years general experience); grade 3 ($10,200) Faculty of Arts - Undergraduate Program Secretary (Social Science; grade L2 education with comnerical training; typing nininurn of 50-55 wpn; excellent English language skil1s; 2 years secretarial experience); grade 4 ($10,833) Faculty of Arts - Faculty Secretary (Psychology; grade 12 with corunercial training; l-2 years secretarial experi.ence; sone statistical typing involved); grade 3 ($10,200) GENERAL

The Psychology Departnent, Faculty of Arts, is establishing the W.B. Templeton Honours Thesis Award to honour the nenory of this devoted teacher and scholar. Members of the University community are invited to contribute to this fund. Cheques should be made out to York University (W.8. Templeton Trust Fund) and sent to Professol'M.J. Steinbach, Roon 278 of Atkinson College. A receipt, for tax purposes, will be issued.

Stong College is sponsoring a two part conference on The State of the School to be held on February 7 (therne: Vandalisn and Violence. V{hy?) and February 14 (therne: Conmunity College or University? The Critical Decision). trlenbers of the community interested in presenting a position paper dealing with either segnent of the conference are asked to contact either Richard T. Linley (iocal -3315) or Olga Cirak (local -3061) as soon as possible in order to have the program finalized before the Christnzrs b::eak.

The meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studres, originally scheduled for December 6, will be postponed until Thursday, Decenber 13. The neeting will be hetd at 4:30 p.m. in Room 035 of the Adninistrative Studies BuiJ.ding.

The University of Toronto-York University Joint Program in Transportation issues an invitation for 1980-8f Research Grants. Applications for research grants for the fiscal year beginning May I, 1980, are now being considered by the Joint Program. The final. submission date for proposals is Mondav, Decernber 17, 1979. A11 proposals will be reviewed by a group to be appointed by the Executive Conmittee of the Joint Progran. In general, the grants can be used for faculty stipends, research assistance, travel expenses related to the project, computer services, and various clerical and office services, Guidelines for the preparation of submissions can be obtained by calling Ann Poole at JI6-6424 OT tro/-515/.

EVENTS Thursday 11:00 a.n. - Israel Week Events - [Jewish Student Federation, York Israel Connection, C.Y.S.F., Calunet CoIlege, EconorniEF-DGffiftEiTl-tEiladian Zionist Federation, Israel Peace Connitteel 1.1:00 a.n. - "Controversy ovelf Israeli Settlementt'with Yaakov Tzur, General Secretary of the United Kibbutz Movernent - Roorn M, Curtis Lecture Halls 12:00 noon -rrlsrael and Islant'with Dr. Harold Rhode, Colunbia University - Bear Pit, Centr.al Square 8:00 p.m. - Diaspora Yeshiva Band - Convocation Hall, University of Toronto

12:00 noon - 2:00 p.n. - Workshop Presentation - [York Woments Centre] Women and Alternatives to Rape - Room 102, Behavioural Science Buitding 1:00 p.rn. - Faculty/Staff 2-Mile Fun Run - time will be taken for all conpetitors; for further information call Dave Smith at locaL -2379 - Track and Field Centre 2:00 p.n. - 4:00 p.rn. - Teaching Skills Progran - "The Social Science Essay" with York Instructor Trent Brady - Faculty Lounge (Roon 5869), Ross Building 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.n. - Founders Filn Series -rrMeet John Doe" (Frank Capra, f941) - Roon 2028, Founders Col 1 ege 6:30 p.m. - Made in Canada Filn/Video Series - [Vanier College, C.Y.S.F., Filn Department] "KilIing Time" (KenKe@ProductionS,Toronto)-question/answerperiodtofo11ow - Senior Cornnon Roorn, Vanier College 8:00 p.rn. - Concert - [Facutty of Fine Arts] the Yotk Jazz Orchestra, under the direction of David Mott, presents a Charles Mingus Menorial Concert which wilL include works by Mingus and new compositions written in nenory of his musical genius - featured artists are Brad Dechter and Jane Fair - no adnission charge - YUFAM (596 Markhan Street) 8:00 p.rn. - Concert - [Music Departnent] an evening of Baroque instrurnental nusic and song - Junior Corunon Roorn, Mclaughlin College 8:30 p.m. - Play - [Glendon College Dramatic Arts Progran] "Adidou, Adidouceil by Michel Garneau will be perforned in French - general adnission is $3.50; $3.00 for Glendon students; tickets are available fron Theatre Glendon or by calling 487-6208 o'r 487-6250 - Theatre Glendon, Glendon College Friday 9:00 a.rn. - 3:15 p.m. - Mathernatics Synposiurn - [Centre for Continuing Education] "Cornpetence is a Reality'l with Dr. LolaMay, Winnetka Public School (Illinois) - general fee $15.00; $7.50 for nenbers of the York comrnunity - Room 038, Adrninistrative Studies Building 9:00 a.n. - 3:15 p.n. - Special Education Syrnposiun - [Centre for Continuing Education] I'Learning Disability as a Developnental Disorder" with Dr. Alan 0. Ross, S.U.N.Y. (Stony Brook) - general fee $f5.00; $7.50 for rnembers of the York cornmunity - Roon 038, Adninistrative Studies Building 10:00 a.n. - Israel Week Events - [for sponsors, see Thursdayts listing at 11:00 a.n.] t0:00 a.rn. -TFioffinal Opportunities in fsrael" with Uri Broides, Israel Aliya Centre - Roon 5105, Ross Building 11:00 a.n, - "Kibbutz and Moshav in Israel" - Roon 5105, Ross Building 12:00 noon - rrlsrael in the Newst'with Matti Golan, Israel Infonnation office - Bear Pit, Central Square 12:00 noon - Concert - [Calumet College] featuring the Paul Meggs Quartet - lst F1oor, Fine Arts Building Phase II 3:00 p.n. - Mathenatics Colloquium - t'The Liniting Behaviour of Branching Diffusions" with Professor Gail Ivanoff, University of Ottawa - Roon N203, Ross Building 4:00 p.n. - Mathenatics Colloquiun - "Napoleon, My Father, and Til with Dr. B.H. Neunann, F.A,A., F.R.S., Division of Mathematics G Statistics, CSIRO, Canberra - Roon 5205, Ross Building 7:00 D.rn. - Second Annual Excalibur Basketball Classic - York, Cleveland State, University of Guelph and Univers adrnission $2.00; $i.00 for students and children - Tait McKenzie Building

cont inued EVENTS (Friday, conttd.)

B:00 p.m. - Performance - [Faculty of Fine Arts] featuring Le Groupe de la Place Royale, a coTrpar-ry of seven dancers trained in both rnodern and classical styles - tickets for Le Gror-'pe are $0.50 for general admission; $5.50 for staff and faculty; $4.50 for students - for reservations call the Burton Box Office at local -2370 - Burton Auditorium 8:15 p.n. - Ments Hockey - York vs. Brock University - York Ice Arena

8:50 p.m. - Play - [Glendon College Dramatic Arts Program] see Thursdayts listing at 8:30 p.m. I'North 8:50 p.m. - Bethu4e Movies - Dallas Forty't - general admission $2.00 - Room L, Curtis Lecture }{alls Saturday

7:00 p.m. - Second Annual Excalibur Basketball Classig - continues - Tait McKenzie Building

8:50 p.n. - Bethune Movies -rtBlack Emmanuelrr- general admission $2.00 - Room L, Curtis Lecture HaIIs

8:30 p.m. - Play - [Glendon College Dranatic Arts Program] see Thursdayts listing at 8:50 p.n.


8:00 p.m. - Chanber Music - [Faculty of Fine Arts] the Community Charnber Orchestra of York University, under the direction of James McKay, perforrns Beethovenrs Spnphony No. 1, Warlock's Capriol Suite, Mozartts Clarinet Concerto (with clarinetist Bamy Craig), and the Petit Symphonie by Charles Gounod - no adnission charge - YUFAM (596 Markharn Street) 8:30 p.m. - Bethune Movies - see Fridayts listing at 8:30 p.m.

8:30 p.n. - Play - [Glendon College Dramatic Arts Program] see Thursdayts listing at B:30 p.m.

STAFF POSITIONS: Application forns for internal transfers,/promotions, which are available from Personnel Services, should reach that Department no later than 5:00 p.n., November 29, L979; * indicates position is exenpt fron the bargaining unit. Counsellor - Mrs. B. Friednan (-3473) I(Tenporary:December1,1979-Apri130,1980;6monthsexperienceas Coder I or equivalent; knowledge of and expertise in Data Processing Systens, Mark IV, JCL, Librarian); grade 5 (based on an annual salary of $11,759) CANCELLATION - Position of Coder I, Conputer Systems Development, posted in Bulletin of November 8, 1979 has been cancelled Counsellor - Mrs. G. l'leilson (-2510) stantII(Tenporary:January1,1980-December3l,1980;highschoo1 graduation; secretarial training or equivalent; typing 60 wpn; bookkeeping experience; 3-4 yeats senior administrative secretarial experience in a post-secondary environnent, previous supervisory experience preferred); grade 7 ($74,577) ART GALLERIES DISPLAYS Undergraduates in Yorkrs Faculty of Fine Arts will exhibit their photographic works in the IDA Gallery frorn November 19-30. Students participating are John DiCostanzo, Nora Kennedy, Heather Mains and Paul Solonon. The Gallery is open from 8:45 a.rn.-5:00 p,m., weekdays.

tTwas Ever Thus, a selection of eastern Canadian folk art, will be exhibited at YUFM (596 Markham Street) fron Novernber 21 through to December 9. This exhibition cones fron the private collection of Ralph and Patricia Price of Port Perry and comprises over 200 pieces. Regular gallery hours are from 12:00 noon-6:00 p.n., Wednesday through Sunday.

Works by Bethune College students will be on display in that College's Gallery (Srd floor) until November 30. The gallery is open fron 12:00 noon-2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.n.-9:00 p.m., weekdays.

Glendon Gallery is presenting the tlMisereretr by the French painter and printnaker Georges Rouault, November 29 through December 20. This series of 58 etchings is on loan fron the lt{cMaster University Art Gallery. Regular gallery hours are from 10:00 a.n.-5:00 p.n., weekdays, and from 2:00 p.n.-5:00 p,rn,, Sunday.

An exhibition of 100 colour photographs of Japanese children by Takeyoshi Tanuna will be on view in the A.G.Y.U. (Roorn N145, Ross Buildi-ng) frorn Novenber 26 to December 14. This exhibition will be open weekdays from 10:00 a,m.-4:30 p.m.


12:00 noon - Wonents Centre Film Series -ttAngela Davistr- American Black revolutionary - Roon 102, Behavio@

12:00 noon - Presentation - [Calunet College] t'A Whole Lot of Dancingtr - Calumet Common Roon, Atkinson College

12:00 noon - Concert - [Calumet College] featuri-ng the Paul Meggs Quartet - Bear Pit, Central Square 4:00 p,m. - Biology Seninar Series - t'Biology and Management of Harp Sealst'with Dr. D.M. Lavigne, University of Guelph - Roorn 520, Farquharson Building

8:00 p.n. - Concert - [Music Departrnent] the 45-nenber Comrnunity Chanber Orchestra of York University, under the direction of James McKay, will present a program including Beethoven?s Symphony No. 1, Warlockrs Capriol Suite, the Clarinet Concerto by Mozart (featuring Barry Craig) and the Petit Symphonie by Charles Gounod - adnission is free - Theatre Glendon, Glendon College


12:00 noon - 1:00 p.In. - Geography Graduate Colloquiun -rrThe Auda Site: An Early Iroquoian Site" with Geography Research Associate Mina Kapches - Rgom N306, Ross Building

3:00 p.n. - Waterfront Workshop - [Faculty of Environmental Studies] t'Toronto Waterfrong Planning and Development in the 1960rsrt with York Professors Eli Conay and John Bousfield - Roorn 517, Scott Library 8:00 p.rn. - Guest Speaker - [Psychology Departnent] rrCareer Planning and Effective Job Search Skills" with Mr. Robert Harris, Ministry of Corununity and Social Services - Senior Cornrnon Roon (3rd floor), York Hall, Glendon College

9:00 p.n. - Faculty Lecture Series - [Atkinson College] I'What Would Mao Say About the Present Direction of China?rt with York Professor K.T. Fann - Fellows Lounge, Atkinson College


12:00 noon - Great Thinkers of our Time Series - [Stong College] York Professor Michael Canale will talk about ttoaur Ch r's (Room 201), Stong College

12:00 noon - Jazz in Bethune - featuring the Jim Galloway Quartet - Junior Corunon Room, Bethune College

12:00 noon - Presentation - [Calumet College] trA Whole Lot of Dancing'r - Bear Pit, Central Square

4:00 p.n. - Composers Forum - [Music Department] with David lt,lott, Jim Tenney, David Lidov and Phil Werren - Roorn F, Curtis Lecture Ha1ls

7:30 p.n. - Dance - [Faculty of Fine Arts] featuring modern dancer Laura Glenn, a former member of the Jose Lirnon Dance Conpany - no adrnission charge - YUFM (596 Markhan Street) 7:50 p.n. - 9:30 p.n. - The Law and You - [Centre for Continuing Education] t'Crirninai Law" with lawyer Stephen G. Ginsberg - lsT-E serles of 3 lectures; $tZ for series - Room 106, Osgoode Hall Law School 8:00 p.m. - Public Lecture - lTheatre Department] t'The Post-Modern Theatre" with Richard Schechner, artistic director of New Yorkrs avant garde Perforrnance Group - tickets are available from the Burton Box Office (local -2370) at $3.50 for the general public, $3.00 for staff/faculty, and $2.50 for students - Burton Auditoriun Y0RK ACTIVITIES (Wednesday, cont'd.)

8:00 p.m. - Glendon College Multidisciplinary Studies Lecture Series - "Lectures de 1a po6sietr avec Jean-Louis JoubertlEffiIF on Hal1, Glendon C-orrege

8:30 p.m. & 10:00 p.m. - York Cabaret - presentsrroul of Fccus", an originaL sirow written and directed by Douglas Brown, co-artistic director of Cabaret - The Cabaret is a nixture of song, script and dance - no adnj-ssion charge - Mclaughlin College Hall


12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. - Teaching Skills Prograrn: Second Language Teaching Semina.rs - David Cooke will lead the discussion about the politics of second language learning - refreshments provided - those interested in attending are asked to contact Janette Baker at either Room C130, York Hall, Glendon College or Roorn 5104, Ross Building - Roon 152, York Hall, Glendon College 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.n. - Mid-Day Seninar - [York Wonenrs Centre] I'The Heritage of the Southern Wornen: Thoughts on Sex, Caste and Liberationt' with York Professor Virginia Rock - Room 102, Behavioural Science Building

1:00 p.n. - 2:00 p.m. - Brown Bag Lecture Series - [Founders College] ttThe Wonen's Liberation Movement in Italytt with J. Hellman - Senior Cornrnon Room, Founders College 1:00 p.m. - University of Toronto-York University Joint Program in Transportatio} - "Implying the Value of Life from Public Safety Investments" with Professor Philip H. Byer, University of Toronto - Coach House Conference Roon (I50 St. George Street) 4:00 p.rn. - Chernistry Seminar Series - "Studies on Fuel-Lean Hydrogen Flanes't with Dr. J.M. Goodings, York - Roorn 317, Petrie Science Building 4:00 p.m. - Council of the Faculty of Arts - meeting - Senate Chanber (Roon 5915), Ross Building 4:00 p.rn. - Mathenatics Colloquium -'tSelf-Deconposability and Sone Ranifications'r with Professor Fred Steutel, John Hopkins University and Technological University of Eindhoven - Room N205, Ross Building 6:30 p.n. - Made in Canada Film/Video Series - [Vanier College, C.Y.S.F., FiIm Department] Industrial/Public Retatio,Producer-Photographic,CinenatographicandA-V)-inforna1 question/answer period to fo1low - Senior Comrnon Room, Vanier College 8:00 p.rn.-Bowie,@Jarnan,RoscoeIr,litche11andDonMoye-genera1adnission$6.50;staffand - Perforrning Arts Series - [Faculty of Fine Arts] featuring the Art Ensenble of Chicago with Lester faculty $5.50; and students $4.50 - Burton Auditoriun 8:30.p.rn. & 10:00 p.n. - York Cabaret - see Wednesdayrs listing at 8:30 p.n. Friday 9:00 a.rn. - 3:15 p.n. - Canadian Studies Symposiun - [Centre for Continuing Education] "Canadian Soclal History''isthethen@:ttSocia1HistoryfortheFunofItt'withProfessorH.V. Nelles, York University; "soiial History: Crime, Violence and the Historian" with Professor Michael Cross, Dalhousie University - general fee $t5.00; $7.50 for York cornrnunity - Roon 038, Administrative Studies Building ttA 12:00 noon - presentation - [Calurnet College] Whole Lot of Dancing" - lst floor, Fine Arts Phase II Building 2:00 p.m. - General Meeting - of the Food Coop - Junior Common Roon, Bethune College 2:00 p.n, - Guest Speaker - [Psychology Departnent] "The Contemporary Evolution of Psychoanalytic Theory" tnittt yoil ptoffi" frtorris N. Eagle - Roon 291, Behavioural Science Building 3:00 p.n. - 5:00 p.n. - Guest Speaker - [Anthropology Department, Religious Studies Program, Hunanities on Ri.tual and Entertainnentrr bivisionl "Fr-om Ritual-fi-frfiTre and Back: a Dramatistic Perspective with Richard Schechner, Professor of Theatre at New York University - Room 035, Adrninistrative Studies Building 6:00 p.m. - Soir6e de NoUl - [Departnent of French Studies] general adnission $3.00; tickets are available irom tne nepZ.-rtrnentor rienth studies, Roon s557, Ross Building and at the door - senior Comrnon Roorn' Founders College - York Cabaret - see Wednesdayts listing at 8:30 p.m'

Saturday the 12:S0 p.m. - Latin America: The Emergenge of.the.PsE*.gs. - [Atkinson College] one-day conference including }orrowi.;Car1osA1bertoAfonso,YorkUniversity;BobCatty, Latin American Working Gioup; Peter Landstreet, York University; and David Raby, University of Toronto - the talk will be foilowed-by a panel discussion involving the same speakers and Claudio Duran of Atkinson College, which will io".ri ror" specifically on Canadars relationship with Latin Anerica - everyone welcome - Room L, Curtis Lecture HaIIs 2:00 p.m. - story Theatre - [Faculty of Fine Arts] the Judy Jarvis Dance Company presents "Pierre Gynt"; originafiGfi;onposed by David Walden - no admission charge - YUFM (596 Markhan StreetJ g:00 p.n. - Solo performance - [Faculty of Fine Arts] solo jazz guitat perfornance by Michael Lkeniec - no aamission-&Ege--TUFAM (596 Markharn Street) Sunday oftdanceyl 3:00 p.m. - Soap Dancera - [Faculty of Fine:Arts] "As the Toe Pointstt, a forty-tninut.e pdiffi"a uy iarry Lyons (grad.trt" of York's. Dance.Departnent who currently teaches creative created (596 Markhan dance to"r,a non-majors at Vork) witir tr,tini-geck and lrene Grainger - no adrnission charge - YUFAM Street) : ' GENERAL

The Stong College Theatre is presenting two one-act plays on Thursday and Friday, November 29 and 30, at 8:00 p.n. each evening. The plays, perforrned by York students, are entitled I'What Did You Say rwhatr Forrt and rrCop-outtt; admission is free.

The Fall 1979 exanination timetable for the Faculties of Arts, Education, Fine Arts and Science is now available at: Inforrnation York (Ross Building) York Enquiry Servi.ce (Steacie Science Library) Offices of Student Programs Any changes in the tinetable will be publi.shed in the December 6 issue of Excalibur. Recreation York will be offering a Fitness Testing on Monday, Decenber 3 at 4:00 p.n. Registration is in Room 302 of the Tait McKenzie Building; for further information call local -235L. The Decenber pay date for all nonthly salaried enployees will be on Thursday, December 20,1979. In view of the postal situation at this tine of year, the University is naking every effort to ensure that all salary bank deposits are transferred to the banks by that date. Changes to bank accounts or horne addressed must be received by the Payroll Department no later than Friday, December 7, 1979, to effect processing.

The Decenber meeting of the Council of the Faculty of Graduate Studies will take place on Wednesday, December 12 (not Decernber 13 as previously noted) at 4:30 p.n. in the Senate Chanber (Roon 5915) of the Ross Building.

Stong College is sponsoring a two part conference on The State of the School to be held on February 7 (theme: Vandalisn and Violence. Why?) and February 14 (therne: Comrnunity College or University? The Critical Decision). Members of the community interested in presenting a position paper dealing with either segment of the conference are asked to contact either Richard T. Linley (local -3315) or 01ga Cirak (local -3061) as soon as possible in order to have the program finalized before the Christnas break.

The Department of Dance invites poster design submissions for its 1980 Spring Concert. The size of the poster is to be 18 inches wide by 24 inches long and the inage will be contained in a square neasuring 17 inches. The renai.nder of the space will contain typographic information. The irnage can be reproduced in two colours. Subrnissions (in their finished form) should be nade to size and camera- ready; they wi.l1 be judged by the Concert Conmittee. An honorariun of $25.00 will be awarded to the artist. The Concert Conmittee reserves the right to display any design submitted, and originals will renain the property of the artist. Entry fonns are availabLe from the Dance Department office until December 7; the deadline for conpleted artwork is January 11, 1980.

For the period Novenber 26 to December 20, the Law Library will extend its hours as follows: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. -L2:00 nidnight Saturday 9:00 a.m.- 9:00 p.n. Sunday 1:00 p.n.- 9:00 p.n. December 21 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.n,

Many of Dean Bob Overingts friends are gathering for dinner to wish hin well as he steps down as Dean of the Faculty of Education. The dinner will take place on Thursday, December 6. Menbers of the comrnunity interested in participating are asked to call Bunny at local -6505.

EVENTS T\resday 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. - Geography Graduate Colloquiun - I'TLe Auda Site: An Early Iroquoian Siterr with Geography Research Associate Mimi Kapches - Roorn N306, Ross Building 3:00 p.m. - Waterfront Workshop - [Faculty of Envirorunental Studies] ?'Toronto Waterfront Planning and Developnent in the 1960rsrr with York Professors Eli Conay and John Bousfield - Room 517, Scott Library 6:30 p.n. - C.Y.S.F. Council Meeting - Senate Chamber (Roon 5915), Ross Building 7:30 p.n. - Filrn - [Italian-Canadian Association] "I Compagni" (by Mario Monicelli; starring Marcello Mastraianni) - English subtitles - Roorn L, Curtis Lecture Halls 8:00 p.rn. - Guest Speaker - [Psychology Department] I'Career Planning and Effective Job Search Skillsrr with Mr. Robeit Hairls, Ministry of Corununity and Social Services - Senior Cornmon Roon (3rd floor), York Hal1, Glendon College 9:00 p.m. - Faculty Lecture Series - fAtkinson College] t'What Would Mao Say About the Present Direction of Chi.na?" with York Professor K.T. Fann - Fellows Lounge, Atkinson College


12:00 noon - Great Thinkers of our Time Series - [Stong College] York Professor Michael Canale will talk about ttoam Ch rrs (Room 201), Stong College

12:00 noon - Jazz in Bethune - featuring the Jin Galloway Quartet - Junior Comrnon Room, Bethune College L2:00 noon - Presentation - [Calunet College] t'A Whole Lot of Dancing" - Bear Pit, Central Square

- continued EVENTS (Wednesday, cont?d.)

12:00 noon - Guest Sl""!Sf - [York-student Liberals] Marc Lalonde will talk about a Liberal Energy policy - questl6i6=;er-l;riod to follow - Senate Chamber (Room S91S), Ross Building

4:00 p.m. - glry"tt-Jgtrt - [Music Department] with David Mott, Jin Tenney, David Lidov and piril Werren - Room F, Curtis Lecture Halls

5:00 p.m. - Afr-ican 9lgdigs,Seniner - I'The lr{ilitary Regirnes of Ghanattwith Dr. Eboe Hutchful , University of Toronto - Room 218, Bethune College

7:30 p.n' - Dance - [Faculty of Fine Arts] featuring modern dancer Laura Glenn, a forner member of the Jose Lirnon Dance conpany - no adrnission charge - yuFAM (596 Markhan street) p.m. 7:30 - 9:50 p.m. - The Law and You - [Centre for Continuing Education] "Criminal Lawn with lawyer Stephen G. Ginsberg :llT-fi-serles of 5 lectures; $12 for series - Roon 106, Osgoode Hall Law School 8:00 p.m. - PubIic Le.ctu-re - [Theatre Departrnent]'tThe Post-iutodern Theatretrwith Richard Schechner, artistic directoi o-fJ'l:-ffi' frli avant garde berfonnance Group - tickets are available frorn the Burton Box office (local -2370) at $3.50 for the general public, $g.O-O for staff/faculty, and g2.50 for students - Burton Auditoriun

8:00 p.m. - tudies Lecture Series - .Lectures de la po6sierr avec Jean- LouisJoubert,Universit6deParis-Nbrd@,GlendonHa11,G1endonCo11ege_Gl-9ndon =C=ollege,M

8:30 p.n. € 10:00 P.n. - York Cabaret - presentstrout of Focusrt, an original show written and directed by Douglas Brown, co-arTiSllE-ffiEtor of Cabaret - The Cabaret is a lnixture of song, script and dance - no admission charge - Mclaughlin College Hall

8:45 p.n. - Guest Speaker - [Psychology Department, Atkinson College] ttDeafferentation Paint'with Dr. Ronald Tasker, Surgeon, Toronto General Hospital - Fellows Lounge, Atkinson College STAFF POSITIONS: Application fonns for internal transfers/promotions, which are available frorn personnel Services, shoul-d reach that department no later than 5:00 p.rn., Decenber 4, I979i * indicates position is exempt fron the bargaining unit. Counsellor - Mrs. G. Neilson (-2510) ssistant(advancedstanding;universitydegreerequired;2yearsre1ated experience; 2 years student prograns experience in a university setting preferred); grade 6 ($13,061) Faculty of Adninistrative Studies - Typist (grade 12 high school with comrnercial training; l-2 years general office experience; excellent typing skills 55-60 wpm with statistical typing; Mag card experience preferred; excellent English language skil1s); grade S ($10,200) Counsellor - Mrs. B. Frj.edrnan (-3473) (gradeL2;typing45wpm;L-2yeatsofficeexperience,inc1udingdea1ing with pubLic); grade 5 ($10,200) Steacie Science Library - Secretary (Ternporary; Decenber 1, 1979-March 14, 1980; grade L2; l-2 years secretarial experience; typing 55-60 wpn); grade J (based on an annual salary of $10,200) Accounting - Accounting Clerk II (Sessional: 8 months - August l-March 31; grade 12 with cornmercial training; l-2 yeats related experience; basic bookkeeping skil1s; typing 35 wprn; NCR Bookkeeping Machine experience preferred); grade 4 (based on an annual salary of $10,835)