Coast Guard, DHS § 110.140

(b) [Reserved] the west by a line running due north from Old Harbor Buoy 4 to the shore [CGD1–90–064, 56 FR 12120, Mar. 22, 1991. Re- designated by CGD–01–02–027, 67 FR 68518, line at City Point. Nov. 12, 2002] (5) Explosives anchorage. In the lower harbor, bounded on the northeast by a § 110.138 Harbor, Mass. line between the northeast end of (a) The anchorage grounds—(1) Bird Is- and the northeast end land Anchorage. Beginning at a point of Rainsford Island; on the northwest bearing 93°, 1,400 yards, from the aerial by Rainsford Island; on the southwest beacon on top of the Boston Custom by a line between the western extrem- House tower; thence to a point bearing ity of Rainsford Island and the west- 81°, 1,600 yards, from the aerial beacon ernmost point of Peddocks Island; and on top of the Boston Custom House on the southeast by Peddocks Island. tower; thence to a point bearing 102°, (b) The regulations. (1) The Captain of 3,100 yards, from the aerial beacon on the Port may authorize the use of the top of the Boston Custom House tower; President Roads Anchorage as an ex- thence to a point bearing 109°, 3,050 plosives anchorage when he finds that yards, from the aerial beacon on top of the interests of commerce will be pro- the Boston Custom House tower; and moted and that safety will not be prej- thence to the point of beginning. udiced thereby. Vessels anchored in (2) President Roads Anchorage—(i) 40- this area shall move promptly upon no- foot anchorage. Beginning at a point tification by the Captain of the Port. bearing 237°, 522 yards from Deer Island (2) In the Long Island Anchorage ves- Light; thence to a point bearing 254°, sels shall anchor in the position des- 2,280 yards from Deer Island Light; ignated by the Captain of the Port. thence to a point bearing 261°, 2,290 (3) Floats or buoys for marking an- yards from Deer Island Light; thence chors or moorings in place will be al- to a point bearing 278°, 2,438 yards from lowed in all areas. Fixed mooring piles Deer Island Light; thence to a point or stakes are prohibited. bearing 319°, 933 yards from Deer Island [CGFR 67–46, 32 FR 17728, Dec. 12, 1967. Redes- Light; thence to a point bearing 319°, ignated by CGD–01–02–027, 67 FR 68518, Nov. 666 yards from Deer Island Light; and 12, 2002] thence to point of beginning. (ii) 35-foot anchorage. Beginning at a § 110.140 Buzzards Bay, point bearing 256°, 2,603 yards from Sound, and adjacent waters, Mass. Deer Island Light; thence to a point (a) New Bedford Outer Harbor—(1) An- bearing 258°30′, 3,315 yards from Deer Is- chorage A. West of Sconticut Neck, and land Light; thence to a point bearing shoreward of a line described as fol- 264°, 3,967 yards from Deer Island Light; lows: Beginning at a point 100 yards thence to a point bearing 261°, 2,290 southwest of Fort Phoenix Point; yards from Deer Island Light; and thence 154° along a line which passes thence to point of beginning. 100 yards east of New Bedford Channel (3) Long Island Anchorage. East of Buoys 8, 6, and 4, to a point bearing ap- Long Island, bounded as follows: Begin- proximately 130°, 225 yards, from New ning at the southwesternmost point of Bedford Channel Buoy 4; thence 87°, 340 Gallups Island; thence 270° to Long Is- yards; thence 156° along a line approxi- land; thence southerly along the east- mately one mile to its intersection ern shore line of Long Island to Bass with a line ranging 87° from the cupola Point; thence to the northernmost on Clarks Point; thence 87° to point of Rainsford Island; thence to Sconticut Neck. Georges Island Gong Buoy 6; and (2) Anchorage B. All waters bounded thence to the point of beginning. by a line beginning at 41°36′42.3″ N, (4) Castle Island Anchorage. Bounded 070°54′24.9″ W; thence to 41°36′55.5″ N, on the north by Castle Island and adja- 070°54′06.6″ W; thence to 41°36′13.6″ N, cent land; on the east by a line between 070°53′40.2″ W; thence to 41°36′11.1″ N, Castle Rocks Fog Signal Light and Old 070°54′07.6″ W; thence along the shore- Harbor Shoal Buoy 2; on the southeast line to the beginning point. by a line between Old Harbor Shoal (b) Buzzards Bay near entrance to ap- Buoy 2 and Old Harbor Buoy 4; and on proach channel to Canal—(1)


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