版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 © 2019 Museum of History

01 03 9 目 錄 Contents 編者的話 Message from the Editor

香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History

專題展覽 Special Exhibition 金漆輝映:潮州木雕 Gilded Glory: Chaozhou Woodcarving 4

常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition 香港故事 The Hong Kong Story 9 常設展覽更新工程 Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition 10 孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 文物捐贈 Donation 14 專題展覽 Special Exhibition 博物館動態 News and Events 北洋軍 · 政 · 歲月 The Beiyang Warlords: War and Politics 38 「多元視角探研 ─ 兩岸四地中國歷史教育學術研討會」  15 Multi-perspective Investigation – China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Academic Conference on Chinese History Education 常設展覽 Permanent Exhibitions 香港特區政府慶祝國家改革開放四十周年: 16 孫中山與近代中國 Dr Sun Yat sen and Modern China 40 「飛躍四十載 同發展 · 共繁榮」展覽 HKSARG's Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Reform and Opening Up 孫中山時期的香港 Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Time 40 of the Country : 'Joint Development · Shared Prosperity' Exhibition 公眾節目 Public Programmes 42 《絲路山水地圖》展覽圖錄 18 Landscape Map of the Silk Road Exhibition Catalogue 版權為香港歷史博物館所有其他分館 Other© Branch 2019 Museums 第七屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽暨頒獎典禮  19 The 7th Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on Hong Kong's History and 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 45 Culture and Prize Presentation Ceremony © 2019 Hong Kong MuseumFireboat Alexander of Grantham History Exhibition Gallery 公眾節目 Public Programmes 22 李鄭屋漢墓博物館 46 Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum 香港海防博物館 Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence 羅屋民俗館 47 Law Uk Folk Museum 海防館更新工程 MCD's Revamping 海防館蛻變中 Museum of Coastal Defence Undergoes a Revamp 31 資源及服務 Resources & Services

外展活動 Outreach Programmes 團體預約參觀 Group Visits by Appointments 48 公眾參觀活動 Public Field Visits 33 預約手語傳譯導賞 Sign Interpretation Guided Tours by Appointments 49

學校節目 School Programmes 34 外借服務 Loan Out Services 50

外展工作坊 Outreach Workshops 35 參考資料室 Resource Centre 51

《走出海防館 , 融入社會中》巡迴展覽導賞服務 36 52 “Beyond the Museum: Integration with the Community” Special Docent Service for the 「穿越紫禁城」系列 Travelling Exhibitions “Traversing the Forbidden City”Series

博物館位置及開放時間 56 Location and Opening Hours

節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。 All programmes are subject to change without prior notice. 編者的話 Message from the Editor

2019年的到來,少不免要盤點一下我們2018 The approach of a new year is often taken as an 年的成績。去年成績最亮麗的可說是「奢華 opportunity to look back at our achievements in 香 世代:從亞述到亞歷山大」展覽,來自大英博 the previous year. There can be little doubt that the 物館的展品號召力十足,我們把歷史與科技結 highlight of 2018 at the museum was the exhibition 合,營造出立體體驗空間,讓參觀者通過不同 An Age of Luxury: the Assyrians to Alexander. The 港 的感官與展區進行互動,展覽吸引了22萬人 exhibits from the British Museum enjoyed wide 次,更受到業內人士的高度評價。 popular appeal, while the exhibition itself, combining history and technology, offered visitors a three- 歷 2019年的首季有甚麼「文博大餐」等待着大家 dimensional space where they could use various 品嚐呢?那就是「金漆輝映:潮州木雕」展。 senses to interact with the different sections. The 史 由2018年11月開展以來,這個展覽不但在本地 exhibition attracted 220,000 visitors and was critically 潮汕人的圈子中引起話題,也引起社會媒體的 acclaimed by museum professionals. 關注。為使參觀者對潮汕文化有深度的體驗, What “feasts” await you at the museum in 博 我們將會舉辦潮州木雕和工夫茶的示範,歡迎 the first quarter of 2019? It should goes to the 大家參與。 exhibition Gilded Glory: Chaozhou Woodcarving, 物 在香港歷史博物館的分館中,海防博物館一向版權為香港歷史博物館所有which opened in November 2018. It attracted 以環境優美、戶外探索為賣點。自2000年開館 the attention of local society and the media and © 2019 至2018年,已有超過343萬人次參觀了海防博 sparked a great deal of talk about Hong Kong’s 館 own Chaoshan community. In order to give visitors 物館。現時海防博物館正換新裝,期待在20周 © 2019a more in-depth Hong experience of Chaoshan Kong culture, Museum of History 年之際,以新面孔和大家見面。 we will organise a series of Chaozhou woodcarving 最後送上新年寄語 ─ 讓走進博物館成為我們 and gongfu tea demonstrations. You are very 生活的一部分。未來的一年我們將安排更多嶄 welcome to join us! 新和有趣的節目與大家分享,使我們的文化生 Among the branch museums of the Hong Kong 活更見豐盛,更加精彩! Museum of History, the Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence is known for its beautiful environment and the outdoor exploration experience it offers. Since it opened in 2000, this museum has recorded 3.43 million individual visits. Now undergoing revamp, it is scheduled to reopen with a new look as it celebrates its 20th anniversary. Last but not least, we hope to make museums a part of our everyday lives in the new year. So in 2019 we will continue to organise new and interesting programmes that will make our cultural lives even richer and more amazing!

Hong Kong Museum of History

https://hk.history.museum 專 專 題 題 展 展 覽 覽 Special Exhibition Special Exhibition 金漆輝映 : 潮州木雕 Gilded Glory: Chaozhou Woodcarving

8.11.2018 - 25.2.2019 香港歷史博物館專題展覽廳 Special Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Museum of History

聯合主辦 Jointly presented by

康樂及文化事務署 廣東省文化和旅遊廳 Leisure and Cultural Services Department Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province

聯合籌劃 Jointly organised by

香港歷史博物館 廣東省博物館 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History Guangdong Museum © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History 免費參觀 Free Admission

圖一 Fig.1

圖一 Fig.1: 圖二 Fig.2: 金漆木雕鼓架 金漆通雕《隋唐演義》神龕門肚 清末 清代 廣東省博物館藏 廣東省博物館藏 Gilt wooden drum stand Gilt wooden shrine door panel featuring Heroes in the Sui Late Qing dynasty and Tang Dynasties in openwork Guangdong Museum collection Qing dynasty 圖二 Fig.2 05 Guangdong Museum collection 04 專 專 題 題 展 展 覽 覽 Special Exhibition Special Exhibition

圖四 Fig.4

版權為香港歷史博物館所有潮州木雕是中國著名的民間木雕體系,具鮮明 的地域特色,流行於粵東舊潮州府屬地區。潮 © 2019 州木雕多髹漆飾金,故亦稱「金漆木雕」。其 獨特之處在於出神入化的鏤通雕技藝,作品玲 圖五 Fig.5 © 2019瓏剔透,既體現雕刻的立體性,又能塑造層層 Hong Kong Museum of History 疊疊的多維度空間,像繪畫一樣表達情節豐富 Chaozhou woodcarving is a well-known Through approximately 120 sets of exhibits 圖三 Fig.3 的故事,加上民俗意蘊深厚的題材紋飾,無不 school of woodcarving in China. Displaying from Guangdong Museum, the exhibition 展示着潮汕地區的傳統生活脈絡。 distinct regional features, the style was illustrates the practical usage, subject popular across ancient Chaozhou prefecture matters and artistic features of Chaozhou 通過約120件(套)來自廣東省博物館的藏品,展 in Guangdong province. As lacquer and woodcarving, while giving the audience a 覽解構潮州木雕的實際應用、創作題材和藝術 gold foil are often applied to Chaozhou taste of the customs and humanistic spirit of 特色等,引領觀眾領略潮汕風尚習俗和人文精 woodcarving, it is also known as “gilt Chaoshan region. The exhibits include the 神。國家級非物質文化遺產潮州木雕項目傳承 wood”. Ingenious openwork carving large openwork crab cage created by Mr Gu 人辜柳希先生別具特色的大型蟹簍亦在展覽中 techniques yield exquisite works of art Liuxi, an inheritor of the national intangible 展出。展覽也透過木雕展品帶出不同主題,介 which underscore the three-dimensional cultural heritage of Chaozhou woodcarving. 紹香港承傳下來的潮汕風俗和傳統。 nature of carving, while creating a multi- Other works of woodcarving, under various dimensional space of overlapping layers that topics, are also used to introduce the is akin to a drawing depicting intricate plots. customs and traditions of the Chaoshan Meanwhile, the meaningful folk motifs and community in Hong Kong. patterns showcase the traditional lifestyle in Chaoshan region. 圖三 Fig.3: 彩繪鐵線描漆畫《郭子儀慶壽》小壽屏 圖四 Fig.4: 圖五 Fig.5: 清乾隆四十七年 金漆通雕「專諸獻鱸魚」橫肚 金漆木雕「比武定帥」小神龕 廣東省博物館藏 清代 清代 Small birthday screen featuring Guo Ziyi’s birthday 廣東省博物館藏 廣東省博物館藏 celebration in pigmented lacquer painting with fine lines traced by iron pen Gilt wooden transverse panel featuring “Zhuan Zhu offers Small gilt wooden shrine featuring “biwu dingshuai" 47th year of Qianlong’s reign, Qing dynasty a fish” in openwork (awarding marshalship through martial arts contest) motif Guangdong Museum collection Qing dynasty Qing dynasty Guangdong Museum collection Guangdong Museum collection 07 06 專 常 題 設 展 展 覽 覽 香港故事 Permanent Exhibition Special Exhibition The Hong Kong Story

「香港故事」常設展是博物館多年來辛勤努力 蒐集、保存及研究工作的總展示。整個展覽佔 地七千平方米,共有八個展區,分布於兩層展 廳,包括:「自然生態環境」、「史前時期的 香港」、「歷代發展:從漢至清朝」、「香港 的民俗」、「鴉片戰爭與香港的割讓」、「香 港開埠及早年發展」、「日佔時期」及「現代 都市及香港的回歸」。通過逾四千件展品、多 個立體造景及多媒體劇場,配以聲和光的特殊 效果,栩栩如生地介紹香港的自然生態、民間 風俗及歷史發展。「香港故事」從四億年前的 泥盆紀開始,以一九九七年香港回歸作結,內 容務求雅俗共賞,趣味與教育並重。

The Hong Kong Story permanent exhibition showcases the dedicated hard work done by 圖六 Fig.6 the Museum staff in the past years in collecting, preserving and researching the history and 版權為香港歷史博物館所有development of Hong Kong. Occupying an area of 7,000m², The Hong Kong Story© comprises 2019 8 galleries on two floors, including “The Natural Environment”, “Prehistoric Hong Kong”, © 2019 Hong Kong Museum“The Dynasties: From the Hanof to the History Qing”, “Folk Culture in Hong Kong”, “The Opium Wars and the Cession of Hong Kong”, “Birth & Early Growth of the City”, “The Japanese

圖七 Fig.7 Occupation” and “Modern Metropolis & The Return to China”. Through the display of over 4,000 exhibits, a number of dioramas and multi- media programmes, and enhanced with special audiovisual and lighting effects, The Hong Kong 圖八 Fig.8 Story outlines the natural environment, folk culture and historical development of Hong 圖七 Fig.7: Kong vividly. The exhibition, both interesting 英歌舞頭飾和道具 1960至2010年代​ and educational, starts telling the story from 元朗區潮州同鄉會提供 the Devonian period 400 million years ago and 免費公眾導賞團 Engor dance headgear and props concludes with the reunification of Hong Kong Free Public Guided Tours 1960s to 2010s Courtesy of Chiu Chow Clansmen’s Association of with China in 1997. 由導賞員向你介紹「香港故事」的精彩之處,讓 Yuen Long District 你更深入地了解展覽內容。全程約一個半小時, 圖六 Fig.6: 圖八 Fig.8: 每團名額30人。有關詳情,可瀏覽博物館網頁 潮劇小生和花旦戲服 潮州工夫茶茶具 http://hk.history.museum。 1980及2000年代 現代 Our docents will guide you through the tour to 譚迪遜先生提供 顏奇香茶莊提供 Costumes for xiaosheng (young scholar) and huadan Chaozhou gongfu tea ware grasp the gallery highlights of The Hong Kong (young female character) in Chaozhou opera Modern Story. Each tour lasts 1.5 hours for 30 persons. For 1980s and 2000s Courtesy of Ngan Ki Heung Tea Company Ltd details, please visit http://hk.history.museum. Courtesy of Mr Dickson Tam 09 08 常 常 設 設 展 見證香港回歸歷程的鍾士元博士 展 覽 Dr Chung Sze-yuen witnessed Hong Kong’s Journey of 覽 更 更 新 Reunification with China 新 工 工 程 在香港歷史的發展歷程中,曾有不少名人作出 During the historical development of Hong 不可不提的是,鍾士元博士也是一位不可多得 Last but not least, Dr Chung was a devoted 程 Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition 重大貢獻,但要數近代的風雲人物,兼且在香 Kong, many dignitaries have left their mark. For 的教育家;鑑於香港在五六十年代進行現代化 educator. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, the Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition 港政治、經濟、教育及民生各方面均擔當重要 contemporary Hong Kong, if we are asked to name 的過程中面對技術人員不足的問題,鍾博士先 territory suffered from a lack of technicians to meet 角色,則非鍾士元博士莫屬。本館在籌備常設 one person who played a significant role in all the 後參與了香港理工學院(今香港理工大學)及香港 the growing needs of the booming manufacturing 展更新工程的過程中,有幸接觸到鍾博士的家 political, economic, educational and social aspects of 城市理工學院(今香港城市理工大學)的籌建工 sector. Dr Chung was a driving force in the 人,並獲他本人首肯捐贈了一批珍貴文物予本 Hong Kong, Dr Chung Sze-yuen would be the first 作,並在八十年代中葉至九十年代初積極參與 establishment of Hong Kong Polytechnic (now Hong 館收藏,以配合更新後的常設展陳列。為緬懷 to come to mind. While preparing for the revamping 籌組香港第三間大學,即香港科技大學,為香 Kong Polytechnic University) and Hong Kong City 剛離世的鍾博士對港人的貢獻,我們特撰此稿 of our permanent exhibition, we were fortunate to 港的高科技行業注入新血,讓香港的專上教育 Polytechnic (now City University of Hong Kong). 介紹他早前捐贈的若干文物;這些文物都見證 get in touch with his family and eventually got his 得以茁壯成長。 From the mid-1980s to the early 1990s, he was blessing to donate one lot of memorabilia for display also involved in the founding of the third local 了香港如何從英國殖民地過渡成為中國的第一 in our renovated exhibition. To pay due respect to 雖然鍾士元博士已離開人世,但其事迹將透過 university, the Hong Kong University of Science 個特別行政區。 Dr Chung Sze-yuen, who just passed away, we 已捐贈本館的文物,在更新後的常設展內「發 and Technology, to meet Hong Kong’s growing 鍾士元博士作為土生土長的香港人,既是一位 are now sharing with you some of his donations, 聲」,為參觀者娓娓道來這位「政壇教父」對 technological needs. Dr Chung was indeed a key 出色的工業家,靠生產電筒起家,也是一名傑 which provide a glimpse of Hong Kong’s journey 香港各方面發展所作出的重大貢獻。 catalyst in the growth of Hong Kong’s tertiary 出的政治家,在行政局(今行政會議)和立法局 of transformation from a British colony to the first education. (今立法會)內出任首席非官守議員,並在八十年 Special Administrative Region of China. Although Dr Chung Sze-yuen recently passed 代初中英談判香港前途問題時遊走北京及倫敦 A native son of Hong Kong, Dr Chung was both away, his career and many accomplishments for 為民發聲。至一九八八年鍾博士離開港英政府 an outstanding industrialist, starting off his career the betterment of Hong Kong will be told through 的權力核心後,又在九十年代初接受港事顧問版權為香港歷史博物館所有manufacturing flashlights, and a highly distinguished © 2019the donations he has made to our museum. In the 的委任,投入中國政府成立香港特區的籌備工 politician. Serving as the Senior Chinese Member renovated permanent exhibition, we will shed light 一九九七年全國人民代表 作,更在九七回歸後出任行政會議召集人(等同 of both the Executive and Legislative Councils, he 大會香港特別行政區籌備 on the achievements of this veteran politician for the 於回歸前的首席議員),直至一九九九年正式榮© 2019played a crucial Hong role in visiting Beijing Kong and London Museum委員會贈予香港特別行政 of Historydevelopment of Hong Kong in every discipline. 區籌備委員會委員鍾士元 休,親身見證及積極參與了整個回歸歷程。 to speak on behalf of the Hong Kong people 的紀念品 during the Sino-British negotiations on Hong Kong’s Souvenir plaque future in the early 1980s. After leaving the core of presented by the HKSAR Preparatory Committee the Hong Kong government in 1988, Dr Chung to its member Chung accepted the Chinese invitation to be its advisor on Sze-yuen in 1997 Hong Kong affairs, and spared no effort in preparing for the 1997 handover. After the establishment of

the HKSAR government, Dr Chung continued to 一九七六年香港大學第 鍾士元的肖像照, serve as the Executive Council Convenor (which was 九十三屆榮譽學位頒授典 約一九七○年代末。 equivalent to Senior Member before the Handover) 禮特刊,載有鍾士元獲頒 Portrait of Chung Sze- 榮譽理科博士的訊息 yuen, circa late 1970s. until his retirement in 1999. He was closely and Special supplement actively involved in the entire process of the transfer of the 93rd Honorary Degree Congregation of Hong Kong back to China. of the University of Hong Kong in 1976, 一九八四年六月二十三日,鍾士元在北京拜訪鄧小平主任, mentioning the 轉達當時港人對九七回歸的憂慮。 conferment of the 一九八八年行政立法兩局 Chung Sze-yuen meeting Chairman Deng Xiaoping in Degree of Doctor of 議員辦事處致送鍾士元的 Beijing on 23 June 1984, expressing the concerns of the Science on Chung Sze- 漫畫肖像 Hong Kong people about the 1997 handover at the time. yuen. Caricature of Chung Sze-yuen, presented by UMELCO, the Office of the Unofficial Members 鍾士元於一九七六年主持香港理工學院第一期校舍擴建工程平 of the Executive and 頂禮獲贈的紀念鏟 Legislative Councils, in Souvenir trowel presented to Chung Sze-yuen at the 1988. completion of phase 1 of the Hong Kong Polytechnic 11 Extension in 1976 10 常 常 設 設 展 展 覽 覽 更 香港葡裔社群文物徵集行動 Hong Kong Portuguese Community Artefact 更 新 Collection Campaign 新 工 工 程 本期我們繼續介紹文物徵集行動的部分成果,讓 In this issue, we will show you more of the artefacts 程 Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition 大家先睹為快! we received in the collection campaign. Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition

知名人士的文物固然吸引大家的注意力,普羅大 Artefacts that belonged to celebrities undoubtedly attract our attention, but the stories of ordinary 眾的故事亦同樣引人入勝。早前本地第二代葡裔 people are equally mesmerising. Ms Melba Patricia 的高莉娜女士響應文物徵集行動,向本館捐贈了 Correia, a second-generation local Portuguese, 四十三幅家庭照片,相中人包括其家族前後五代 donated 43 family photos covering five generations 的成員。高女士的先祖於十九世紀末定居澳門, of her family to our artefact collection campaign. Ms 至二十世紀初其祖父母在澳門結婚。高女士的父 Correia’s ancestors settled in Macau in the late 19th 親生於一九二七年,約十四歲時移居香港,後來 高莉娜祖父(中排右一)駐守澳門時與同袍合照, 一九三○年代。 century; by the early 20th century her grandparents 加入駐港英軍,曾獲駐港英軍司令頒發最佳員工 Ms Correia’s grandfather (middle row, first from right), had married in Macau. Ms Correia’s father was born 獎項。 pictured with fellow soldiers while stationed in Macau in the 1930s. in 1927 and moved to Hong Kong at about 14 years 海外葡人與定居地族群通婚的情況非常普遍,生 old. He subsequently joined the British forces in 於一九五○年的高莉娜女士便是中葡混血兒。其 Hong Kong and was given the Best Employee Award 家庭生活亦體現了兩種文化特色,例如小時候她 by the commander of the British Forces in Hong 天主教是本地葡人的主流信仰。高莉娜(後排中)接受領堅 Kong. 振聖事禮時的留影,攝於一九五九年。 便依照主流葡人傳統受洗成為天主教徒,在家中 Catholicism is the mainstream religion of local Portuguese. 會以葡語與長輩溝通,但同時能操一口流利的廣 It was common for Portuguese people to marry This photograph, taken in 1959, shows Ms Correia (back row, centre) at her Confirmation. 東話。在聖誕節時,家人會聚首享用葡式菜餚,版權為香港歷史博物館所有locals in their place of residence, and Ms Correia, 但又會依照本地習俗,慶祝農曆新年、端午節、 born in 1950, is of Portuguese and© Chinese 2019 descent. 中秋節等中國傳統節日。 She enjoyed the flavours of the cultures of both sides of her family; for example, she was baptised 高莉娜女士退休前在醫院擔任文職工作,且在年© 2019 Hong Kong Museumin the Roman Catholic Church whenof she wasHistory small, 輕時加入輔助警察隊,服務社群。她家族五代人 following the Portuguese tradition, and speaks to 的歷史,正好是本地葡裔族群歷史的縮影。 her elders in the family in Portuguese, though she is also fluent in . At Christmas, her family enjoys a sumptuous Portuguese feast, but they also 高莉娜父親(左)駐守香港石崗軍營時留影,約一九五○年。 Photo showing Ms Correia’s father (left) when stationed at the celebrate traditional Chinese festivals, like Chinese Shek Kong Barracks in Hong Kong, circa 1950. New Year, the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid- Autumn Festival, following local customs. Before retirement, Ms Correia was a clerical staff at a 高莉娜(右二)於一九七○年代在愛丁堡公爵獎勵計劃頒獎 典禮上與港督麥理浩合照。 hospital. Eager to serve the Hong Kong community, Ms Correia (second from right), pictured with Hong Kong she joined the Auxiliary Police when she was young. governor Murray MacLehose at the Duke of Edinburgh Award Presentation Ceremony in the 1970s. The history of five generations of her family is 一九一二年攝於澳門的家庭照。高女士的祖母(左一)當時仍 indeed a microcosm of the history of Hong Kong’s 是女孩,站在母親(左二)和父親(左三)旁邊合照。 Portuguese community. Family photo taken in Macau in 1912. Ms Correia’s To make a contribution, please contact us grandmother (first from left), stands next to her mother through any of the following channels: (second from left) and father (third from left). Tel: (852) 2763 7367 Fax: (852) 2724 9090 如有意提供資料或捐贈文物,請透過下列方法 一九五八年攝於香港的家庭照。高莉娜(前排正中)站在祖母 聯絡我們: (中排左二)旁邊。後排是父親(後排左一)和母親(後排 Email: [email protected] 左二)。當時一家人已移居香港生活十多年。 Post: Hong Kong Portuguese Community 電話:(852) 2763 7367 Family photo taken in Hong Kong in 1958: Ms Correia (front 傳真:(852) 2724 9090 row, centre) stands beside her grandmother (middle row, Artefact Collection Campaign 電郵:[email protected] second from left), while her father (back row, first from left) Hong Kong Museum of History and mother (back row, second from left) stand in the back. 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui 地址:香港九龍尖沙咀漆咸道南100號香港歷史博物館 At this time, the family had lived in Hong Kong for more 香港葡裔社群文物徵集行動 than a decade. Kowloon, Hong Kong 13 12 文 博 物 物 捐 館 贈 文物捐贈 動 Donation 「多元視角探研 ── 兩岸四地中國歷史教育學術研討會」 態 Donation News and Events Multi-perspective Investigation – China, Hong Kong,

藏品是博物館的靈魂,也是博物館與群眾之間 Macau and Taiwan Academic Conference on Chinese 的橋樑,我們會利用市民捐贈的文物進行研 捐贈者芳名 Donors History Education 究、展覽和教育用途,與普羅大眾分享文物背 (1.9-30.11.2018) 後的故事。文物同時也是時代的見證,透過對 11 - 12.1.2019 它們的研究和詮釋,我們可以超越時空,了解 何亦安先生 梁舜燕女士 香港歷史博物館演講廳 前人的生活點滴,記取歷史給予我們的啟迪。 和何林慕貞女士 許素芳女士 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Museum of History 我們一直致力蒐集、保存、研究、詮釋和展示 何湛先生 陳少雄先生 主辦 與香港和華南地區歷史相關的文物。本館的館 何潤春先生 陳譚新先生 藏絕大部分來自公眾人士的熱心捐贈。有您的 Organisers 吳鄭倩薇女士 麥堅強先生 參與,文物才可得到更好的保護和承傳。如您 杜葉錫恩教育基金 李兆麒先生 傑志(體育管理) 想捐贈物品給我們,可致電(2724 9042)、 香港樹仁大學歷史學系 電郵([email protected])或郵寄香港歷史 李溢成先生 有限公司 Elsie Tu Education Fund Limited 博物館(信封面請註明「文物捐贈」),我們 周梁淑怡女士 華慧娜女士 Department of History, Hong Kong Shue Yan University 將盡快與您聯絡。 邵詠兒女士 楊蓮桂女士 A museum’s collection is its soul. It also serves as 姚中立先生 葉東先生 查詢 a bridge between the museum and the public. 香港中華 劉葉淑正女士 Enquires We use items donated by members of the public 版權為香港歷史博物館所有業餘體育協會 鄭珍珠女士 2357 0448(愈小姐 Ms Yu) for research, exhibition and education purposes 倪錦輝先生 © 2019 in order to share with visitors the stories behind 鄭倩碧女士 講者言論觀點並不代表博物館立場。 each artefact. Meanwhile, artefacts are empirical 袁報華先生 蕭建文先生 The opinions expressed by the speakers are their own and evidence of a period in time. By© investigating 2019 梁建忠先生 Hong譚漢華先生 Kong Museum of History and interpreting the artefacts, we can travel do not represent the views of the museum. (按筆劃序) through time to get a glimpse into the lives of 21世紀的教育,強調學會學習,也重視與日 Education in the 21st century emphasises the our predecessors and learn important historical 常生活的配合,因應即將實施的初中中國歷 concept of learning to learn and focuses on links lessons. Ms Patricia Chin 史科新修訂課程,主辦單位將邀請兩岸四地 and associations with everyday life. In anticipation Mrs Loletta Chu-Lo Our mission is to collect, preserve, research into, 的專家學者,就相關課題發表研究報告,共 of the revised junior secondary Chinese History interpret and display artefacts related to the Ms Melba Patricia Correia 同切磋及探討未來歷史教育的發展方向。另 curriculum, the organisers of this conference will history of Hong Kong and South China. Most Ms Connie Ho 外,會上亦設有分組研討、圓桌會議、教學 invite academics from mainland China, Hong of our collection items have been donated by Kong, Macau and Taiwan to present their research Mr K. L. Leung 演示等環節,提供平台讓教育工作者及相關 members of the public. With your help, these 專業人士互相分享和交流學與教的經驗。 findings on related topics and also to discuss marks of history can be better protected and MTR Corporation Limited the future direction in which history education preserved. If you would like to donate an item, Mr David Murray 研討會主要以粵語及普通話進行,歡迎各界 might develop. The conference will also include 人士參加。有關研討會的詳情,請瀏覽網頁 please contact the museum by phone (2724 Mr Arnaldo Augusto de Oliveira Sales panels, roundtable discussions and teaching 9042), e-mail ([email protected]) or post (please http://nyhk.org「最新消息」。 demonstrations in order to provide a platform for Mr R D Saunderson write ‘Artefact Donation’ on the envelope). We educators and relevant professionals to share their will contact you as soon as possible. Ms So Ka Lan, Jacqueline experiences of learning and teaching. (in alphabetical order) The conference, which will be conducted in Cantonese and Putonghua, is open to everyone. For details, please refer to the website (http:// nyhk.org).

15 14 博 大堂展覽 博 物 Lobby Exhibition 物 館 館 動 : 動 態 香港特區政府慶祝國家改革開放四十周年 態 News and Events 「飛躍四十載 同發展 · 共繁榮」展覽 News and Events HKSARG's Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Reform and Opening Up of the Country : 'Joint Development·Shared Prosperity' Exhibition 12.12.2018 - 28.1.2019 香港歷史博物館一樓大堂 1/F Main Lobby, Hong Kong Museum of History 香港企業是改革開放「先行者」。1980年成立第一家中外合資 政府新聞處主辦 This year, we celebrate the 40th anniversary 企業──北京航空食品有限公司。展覽會展出相關歷史文件。 Hong Kong enterprises were the first entrants to the 香港歷史博物館支持 of the reform and opening up of the country. Mainland market as the reform and opening up got under With great pride, we can see that Hong Kong way. Beijing Air Catering Company, founded in 1980, was Organised by the Information Services Department the Mainland’s first joint venture with a non-local partner. has walked step-by-step with the Mainland over 1990年代,製造業工序北移推動香港向國際金融中心轉型。 View the historical documents in the exhibition. 展覽會展出珍貴舊照和早年工業產品。 Supported by the Hong Kong Museum of History these past four decades in a journey of “Joint The relocation of manufacturing processes up north in Development and Shared Prosperity”. On this the 1990s drove Hong Kong’s transformation into an 免費參觀 international financial centre. View precious old photos journey, Hong Kong has been both a contributor Free Admission and industrial products in the exhibition. and a beneficiary.

Since the launch of the reform and opening-up 版權為香港歷史博物館所有process in 1978, the country has reached new © 2019 milestones to become the world’s second-largest economy.

© 2019Through it all,Hong Hong Kong has played Kong an ongoing Museum of History role in the reform, opening up and modernisation of our country. While we have made historic 今年是國家改革開放40周年。在過去40年, contributions to national progress, our economy 可以清晰看到香港與內地「同發展‧共繁 has also reaped great benefits in return. It is 2005年,中國建設銀行在香港上市,進行首次公開招股。 榮」的歷程,香港既是「貢獻者」,也是 truly a win-win relationship arising from the 展覽會展出股票證書。 「受惠者」。 China Construction Bank listed in Hong Kong in 2005. active collaboration between our country and The share certificate is among the exhibits. 自從1978年改革開放開始,國家發展步上一 Hong Kong over 40 years of impressive national 個又一個新台階,成為世界第二大經濟體。 economic progress. Further reform and opening up of the country will surely provide even more 香港在國家改革開放和現代化建設中從不缺 opportunities to Hong Kong. 位。香港為國家作出歷史性貢獻,同時國家 改革開放亦促進了香港的發展。國家騰飛 This exhibition uses multimedia technologies 四十載的過程中,與香港互動協作,創造互 to showcase Hong Kong’s participation in, 利互惠的雙贏局面。國家的進一步改革開放 contributions to and benefits from our country’s 將為香港帶來更多機遇。 opening up and reform – as well as the opportunities for further development. Apart from 展覽採用多媒體展示方式,讓參觀者認識過 exhibits, there are themed display zones on sports 去40年香港在國家改革開放過程的參與、貢 and cultural development. Visitors can also view 獻、得益和未來發展機遇。場內並設有歷史 a naked-eye 3D video, take part in an interactive 多媒體展覽部分的全息投影,介紹最近啟用的基建項目。 A hologram presentation in the multimedia part of the 物品展出,體育和文化等專題展區,裸眼3D game and get a souvenir on-site photo. We exhibition introduces recent infrastructure projects. 短片播放、互動遊戲及拍照活動等。 welcome one and all to visit our exhibition. Enjoy! 展覽會展出前香港交易所交易大堂交易員所穿著的背心。 Red jacket worn by floor traders at the former Hong Kong Stock Exchange trading hall is one of the exhibits. 17 16 博 最新出版 博 物 New Publication 物 館 第七屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽暨頒獎典禮 館 動 The 7th Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on 動 態 《絲路山水地圖》 展覽圖錄 態 News and Events Landscape Map of the Silk Road Exhibition Catalogue Hong Kong's History and Culture and Prize Presentation News and Events Ceremony 故宮博物院的新增藏品《絲路山水地圖》由 The Palace Museum’s newly acquired Landscape 由香港歷史博物館與香港中華文化促進中心 The prize presentation ceremony for the 7th 即日起至2月20日在香港科學館作首次公開 Map of the Silk Road is on display at the Hong 合辦的「第七屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習 Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on 展示。為誌其事,香港歷史博物館特地編製 Kong Science Museum until 20 February 2019. 比賽」的頒獎典禮於2018年10月27日圓滿 Hong Kong History and Culture, jointly organised 了《絲路山水地圖》展覽圖錄,把這幅全長 This exhibition catalogue is published by the 結束。當天,超過百位師生、校長和家長出 by the Hong Kong Museum of History and the 逾30米的長卷以拉頁形式完整收錄其中,輔 Hong Kong Museum of History to complement 席,會場氣氛熱烈。評審丁新豹博士及梁操 Hong Kong Institute for the Promotion of Chinese this event. It consists of a full throw-out image 以林梅村教授的專題文章,以及多篇與這幅 雅博士就作品發表評語,並勉勵同學再接再 Culture, was held on 27 October 2018. More of the 30-metre-long map supplemented by 地圖創作的時代背景和相關歷史及藝術的文 厲;各組冠軍隊伍也分享了他們在研習過程 than 100 teachers, students, school principals and a monograph written by Prof. Lin Meicun and 章,讓讀者能從宏觀角度,細意欣賞這幅明 中,學習到歷史探究的方法,更明白團隊合 parents attended the exciting event. Adjudicators various other articles discussing the artistic and 代皇家長卷地圖所蘊含的豐富訊息。 作的重要性,受益匪淺。 Dr Joseph Ting and Dr Leung Cho-nga offered historical aspects of this map and the background their comments on the competition entries and against which the map was produced. The 是次比賽的主題「區區不一:市鎮與地區發 encouraged the students to keep up the good catalogue provides a macro perspective for 展的歷史偵察」,共收到54份參賽作品,比 work. The winners of each category also shared readers to savour the rich messages contained in 上屆增多21份,反應熱烈。同學透過資料搜 their methods in concluding historical investigation this imperial handscroll map of the Ming dynasty. 集、訪問、實地考察及拍攝等形式進行研究 while working on their projects and realised the 及製作報告,參賽作品所探討的地區涵蓋面 important of team spirit. 十分廣,幾乎遍及全港18區,同學皆表示比 Focusing on the theme of “Diversity in the District: 賽加深他們對香港地區發展的認識,實在令 Investigating the Historical Development of Hong 版權為香港歷史博物館所有我們感到欣慰。 © 2019Kong’s Towns and Districts”, the competition attracted a total of 54 entries, an increase of 21 from the previous year and representing an even © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of Historymore enthusiastic response from schools. Students carried out research and prepared reports by collecting information, conducting interviews, going on field trips and taking photographs, and the various projects covered a broad geographical area that included nearly all of Hong Kong’s 18 districts. It was very pleasing to hear the students say that taking part in the competition had 現已有售 enabled them to gain a deeper understanding of Now available the development of Hong Kong’s districts. 香港歷史博物館編製 平裝,142頁,另加《絲路山水地圖》拉頁圖冊 售價:港幣320元 國際書號:978-962-7797-11-1 Produced by the Hong Kong Museum of History Paperback, 142 pages, plus a booklet of the throw out image of the Landscape Map of the Silk Road Price: HK$320 由流浮山生蠔到香港巨牡蠣:流浮山養蠔業初探 ISBN: 978-962-7797-11-1

獲獎隊伍與嘉賓及評審合照 Winning teams, guests and adjudicators after the prize presentation ceremony 19 18 博 博 物 物 館 第七屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽結果: 館 動 Result of the 7th Inter-School Competition of Project Learning on Hong Kong’s History and Culture: 動 態 態

News and Events 初級組(文字報告) 題目 高級組(文字報告) 題目 News and Events Junior Division (Written Report) Topic Senior Division (Written Report) Topic 冠軍 拔萃女書院 TSIM SHA TSUI - 冠軍 王肇枝中學 尋烏記:由元朗烏頭看香港淡水魚養殖業的發展 1st Prize DIOCESAN GIRLS' SCHOOL AN EPITOME OF HONG KONG 1st Prize WONG SHIU CHI SECONDARY SCHOOL 亞軍 王肇枝中學 亞軍 順德聯誼總會梁銶琚中學 由流浮山生蠔到香港巨牡蠣:流浮山養蠔業初探 屯門新市鎮發展與后角天后廟的變遷與傳承 2nd Prize WONG SHIU CHI SECONDARY SCHOOL 2nd Prize STFA LEUNG KAU KUI COLLEGE 季軍 路德會呂祥光中學 「返」「工」— 追尋屯門工業區發展, 季軍 宣道會陳朱素華紀念中學 探究都市計劃對小販攤檔的影響: 3rd Prize LUI CHEUNG KWONG LUTHERAN COLLEGE 重現新市鎮的經濟發展和工人們的生活往事 3rd Prize CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE S W CHAN 以聯和墟為研究對象 優異獎 粉嶺救恩書院 MEM COLLEGE 20世紀新界墟市比較 — 以石湖墟與聯和墟為例 優異獎 嘉諾撒聖心書院 Merit Award FANLING KAU YAN COLLEGE 從深水埗區的小販文化看其社會價值 Merit Award SACRED HEART CANOSSIAN COLLEGE 初級組(多媒體製作) 題目 Junior Division (Multimedia Production) Topic 高級組(多媒體製作) 題目 冠軍 順德聯誼總會李兆基中學 Senior Division (Multimedia Production) Topic 麻雀雖小.五臟俱全:深水埗的舊貌新顏 冠軍 天主教培聖中學 1st Prize STFA LEE SHAU KEE COLLEGE 圍城前後:天水圍的前世今生 亞軍 王肇枝中學 1st Prize PUI SHING CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL 活著的歷史︰探究薄扶林村 2nd Prize WONG SHIU CHI SECONDARY SCHOOL 亞軍 樂善堂梁植偉紀念中學 季軍 香港鄧鏡波書院 2nd Prize LOK SIN TONG LEUNG CHIK WAI 深井古今 香港縮影 亂葬崗與快活谷 — 跑馬地的百年變化 3rd Prize HONG KONG TANG KING PO COLLEGE MEMORIAL SCHOOL 季軍 香港鄧鏡波書院 優異獎 樂善堂梁植偉紀念中學 版權為香港歷史博物館所有 百年繁華 — 細味上環 歷史情韻 Merit Award LOK SIN TONG LEUNG CHIK WAI 從草根社會到現代城市 — 堅尼地城的「變身」 3rd Prize HONG KONG TANG© KING PO2019 COLLEGE MEMORIAL SCHOOL 優異獎 玫瑰崗中學 WAN CHAI THROUGH THE YEARS © 2019 Hong Kong MuseumMerit Award ROSARYHILL SECONDARY of SCHOOLHistory

主禮嘉賓香港歷史博物館總館長黃秀蘭女士在頒獎典禮上發言 Officiating guest Ms Belinda Wong, Director of the Hong Kong 同學、老師及來賓觀賞得獎作品 Museum of History, addresses the audience at the prize Students,teachers and guests viewing the winning entries. presentation ceremony.

21 20 公 專題展覽特備節目 公 眾 Programmes for Special Exhibition 眾 節 節 目 活動於開始前15分鐘接受報名 / 費用全免 / 先到先得,額滿即止。 目

Public Programmes Registration starts on the spot 15 minutes before the activity commences / Participation is free / 品味潮汕「工夫茶」道 升級改造木酒塞 Public Programmes First come, first served. Taste the Dao of Chaoshan “Gongfu Tea" Upcycling of Wine Stoppers

合辦機構:香港潮屬社團總會 10/2(日Sun) 與大師級對話:觸摸木雕的溫度 Co-organiser: Federation of Hong Kong Chiu Chow 下午3:30-4:30pm Dialogue with the Master: Touch the Temperature of Community Organizations 下午4:30-5:30pm the Woodcarving 20/1、27/1(日Sun) 地下活動室 合辦機構:香港潮屬社團總會 下午3:30-4pm Activity Room, G/F Co-organiser: Federation of Hong Kong Chiu Chow 下午4:15-4:45pm 每節15人 Community Organizations 下午5-5:30pm 15 persons per session 5/1(六Sat) 地下活動室 藝術家將與參加者一同發掘木酒塞的潛在用途,運用 Activity Room, G/F 下午2:30-3:20pm 雕刻技藝把木酒塞升級改造成工藝品。 下午3:35-4:25pm 每節10人 The artist will work with the participants to excavate 下午4:40-5:30pm 10 persons per session the potential use of the wine stoppers, and upcycle the 香港歷史博物館演講廳 茶師將運用精緻的茶具,即場泡製色香味俱佳的潮汕 wine stoppers to crafts by using carving technique. Lecture Hall, HKMH 「工夫茶」,並邀請參加者一起品嚐。 The tea master will brew the appetizing "Gongfu Tea" 每節25人 25 persons per session by using the exquisite tea set, and the participants will be invited to taste the tea together. 木雕大師將即場介紹及示範木雕製作工藝,帶領參加者 體驗木雕藝術之美。 The woodcarving master will introduce and demonstrate the woodcarving craft and lead the participants to experience the beauty of woodcarving art. 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History

「金漆輝映:潮州木雕」講座系列 Lecture Series on “Gilded Glory: Chaozhou Woodcarving”

合辦機構:香港潮屬社團總會 Co-organiser: Federation of Hong Kong Chiu Chow Community Organizations


盧進文師傅,潮州木雕非物質文化遺 潮汕文化在香港 家鄉(潮州)的飲食文化 產傳承人,其木雕作品獲高度評價, Chaoshan Culture in Hong Kong Culinary Culture of Hometown (Chiu Chow) 更被廣東省工藝美術珍品館及潮州市 17/2(日Sun) 24/2(日Sun) 博物館收為藏品。 Master Lu Jinwen, the inheritor of 胡炎松先生 (盂蘭文化節總統籌、香港潮屬社團總會 許美德先生 (群生飲食技術人員協會理事長) Chaozhou wood carving intangible 常務會董) Mr Hui Mei Tak (Chairman of Kwan Sang Catering cultural heritage. His woodcarving Mr Wu Yim Chung (Chief Coordinator of Yu Lan Professional Employees Association) works have been highly praised and Festival, Managing Director of Federation of Hong collected by the Guangdong Arts Kong Chiu Chow Community Organizations) & Crafts Treasures Museum and the Chaozhou City Museum as collection. 23 22 公 講座系列 「科大人文新語」講座系列 「穿越紫禁城」講座系列 公 眾 Lecture Series HKUST Public Humanities Lectures Lecture Series on “Traversing the 眾 節 Forbidden City” 節 目 合辦機構:香港科技大學人文學部 目

Public Programmes 香港歷史博物館演講廳 / 免費入座 / 座位先到先得, Public Programmes 滿座即止 / 演講廳將於講座開始前15分鐘開放。 Co-organiser: Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong 下午3-5pm Lecture Hall, HKMH / Free admission / First come, University of Science and Technology first served / Admitted 15 minutes before each lecture starts. 下午3-5pm 細看紫禁之巔 講座內容並不代表博物館立場。除特別註明外,所有 A Close Look at the Roof of the Forbidden City 講座均以粵語進行。 俄羅斯文學在現代中國 (普通話主講) 16/3(六Sat) The Museum makes no representation concerning Russian Literature in Modern China (in Putonghua) the contents of the lectures. All lectures will 馬素梅博士 (古建築裝飾研究者) be conducted in Cantonese, unless otherwise 13/1(日Sun) Dr Ma So Mui (Research on Historical Architectural specified. 馬筱璐教授 Decorations and Ornaments) Professor Xiaolu Ma 廟宇文化講座系列 Lecture Series on Chinese Temples Culture 現代中文的剛性與柔性 (普通話主講) Rigidity and Flexibility in Modern Chinese (in Putonghua) 合辦機構:華人廟宇委員會 Co-organiser: Chinese Temples Committee 10/3(日Sun) 西村英希博士 下午3-5pm Dr Hideki Nishimura

香港開筆禮的文化 恐怖主義再思考 (英語主講) Man Cheong Enlightenment Ceremony in Terrorism Reconsidered (in English) Hong Kong 版權為香港歷史博物館所有 17/3(日Sun) © 2019 26/1(六Sat) 吉迪恩‧阿蘭教授 徐振邦先生 (香港中文大學歷史系哲學碩士) Professor Gideon Aran Mr Chui Chun Pong (MPhil in History,© The Chinese2019 Hong Kong Museum of History University of Hong Kong) 新老粵語的時間層次 (普通話主講) Chronological Strata in the Yue Varieties 論盡「廟」語 — 廟宇中的民俗文化 (in Putonghua) Folk Cultures in Temples 31/3(日Sun) 16/2(六Sat) 張敏教授 張熙明先生 (歷史文化研究者、自由撰稿人) Professor Min Zhan Mr Cheung Hay Ming (Historical Culture Researcher, Freelance Writer)

二次大戰前香港的廟宇文化活動 Temple Culture before World War II in Hong Kong 9/3(六Sat) 沈思先生 (香港中文大學香港亞太研究所名譽副研究員) Mr Shum Si (Honorary Research Associate, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

25 24 公 公 影片欣賞 眾 Film Shows 眾 節 節 目 活動於開始前15分鐘接受報名 / 費用全免 / 先到先得,額滿即止。 目 Public Programmes 「香港故事」展區四活動室 / 座位 20,先到先得,滿座 Public Programmes Registration starts on the spot 15 minutes before the activity commences / Participation is free / 即止 / 影片均為香港電台製作節目,粵語旁述 / 免費 First come, first served. 觀賞 / 活動室將於影片放映前5分鐘開放。 Activity Room in Gallery 4 of The Hong Kong Story / 20 seats; first come, first served / All these video 香港電車模型製作 手作坊:微型香港地道小食 programmes are produced by RTHK and narrated Model-making: Double-Decker Tram Handicrafts Workshop: Hong Kong Traditional Snack in Cantonese / Free viewing / Admitted 5 minutes Miniatures before the show commences. 7/1-25/3(逢星期一 Every Mon)(except 4/2除外) 3/3、24/3(日Sun) 「吾土吾情」系列 上午11:30am-下午12:30pm “This Home of Ours” Series 下午3:30-4:30pm(蛋撻 Egg tart) 「香港故事」展區四活動室 下午4:30-5:30pm(魚蛋 Fish ball) Activity Room in Gallery 4 of The Hong Kong Story 下午 2:00 - 2:25pm 下午 2:30 - 2:55pm 地下活動室 每節10人 Activity Room, G/F 16 / 1(三Wed)、 19 / 1(六Sat) 瑞獸麒麟 戲為神功 10 persons per session Chinese Auspicious Animal: Qilin Chinese Opera 每節15人 30 / 1(三Wed)、 2 / 2(六Sat) 竹紙有情 醫武一家 15 persons per session Papier-mache Offering Medical and Martial Centre 南音杳裊 同吃一盆菜 13 / 2(三Wed)、 16 / 2(六Sat) Narrative Singing: Nanyin Basin Cuisine

醮 ‧ 有期 醮 ‧ 變 27 / 2(三Wed)、 2 / 3(六Sat) Jiao Festival Period Changing of Jiao Festival 版權為香港歷史博物館所有 說客家話圍頭 偶戲誌 13 / 3(三Wed)、 16 / 3(六Sat)© 2019 Hakka Culture Puppet Theatre © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History

神奇鑄幣作坊 Amazing Coin Press Workshop

13/1-31/3(逢星期日 Every Sun)(except 3/2除外)


「香港故事」展區六 Gallery 6 of The Hong Kong Story

每節50人 50 persons per session

27 26 公 博物館共融計劃 社區關懷 公 眾 Inclusive Life: Museum for All Caring for the Community 眾 節 傷健共融 節 目 Interactivity Scheme 香港歷史博物館一直積極與不同社區團體及機構結成 目 Public Programmes 合作夥伴,藉舉辦多元的推廣活動,讓不同社群的市 Public Programmes 香港歷史博物館與香港展能藝術會合作舉辦,為歷史博 民增進對香港歷史文化的認識,並參與及分享博物館 物館常設及專題展提供特別導賞及模型製作工作坊,讓 公眾節目。 聽障、視障及傷健人士增進對香港歷史文化的認識,並 We continue our close collaboration with local 參與及分享博物館公眾節目。 community groups and associations to foster Jointly presented by the Hong Kong Museum of public awareness and understanding of the local History and Arts with the Disabled Association history and cultural heritage through varied Hong Kong, these special guided tours and model- extension activities. making workshops are tailor-made for people with hearing and visual impairments, and disabilities to enable them to better understand the history and 團體預約外展工作坊 cultural heritage of Hong Kong. Outreach Workshops by Appointments

專為本地註冊非牟利機構及慈善團體而設,由香港歷 團體預約特別導賞及工作坊 史博物館統籌,於各社區中心內進行外展工作坊。 Special Guided Tours and Workshops for Specially designed for charitable or non-profit- Groups by Appointments making organizations registered in Hong Kong, and conducted at their service centres.

費用全免 / 每節約一小時至一小時三十分鐘 / 名額 20人 費用全免 / 每月 2 節,名額有限,先到先得 / 有關節目 (包括陪同者) / 先到先得 / 有關節目及報名詳情,歡迎 及報名詳情,歡迎致電 2724 9082查詢。 致電 2724 9082查詢。 Free for Participation / 2 sessions per month; first Participation is free / Each tour lasts about 1-1.5 come, first served / For enrolments and details, hours / 20 persons (including minders) / First版權為香港歷史博物館所有 come, please call us at 2724 9082. first served / For enrollment and details, please © 2019 contact us at 2724 9082. © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History

10/1-29/3(逢星期一、四及五 Every Mon, Thu & Fri)

社區及長者中心 / 每節 15人 Community and Elderly Centres / 15 persons per session

「香港故事」手語傳譯導賞 「香港故事」手語傳譯導賞及紙模型製作工作坊 Sign Interpretation Guided Tours to “The Hong Kong Story" Sign Interpretation Guided Tours and Paper Model- making Workshops on “The Hong Kong Story" 3/1-29/3(逢星期一、四及五 Every Mon, Thu & Fri) ( 每月兩節 2 sessions per month) 3/1-29/3(逢星期一、四及五,上午10時15分 Every Mon, Thu & Fri, 10:15 am) 每節20名聽障人士(包括陪同者) 20 persons with hearing impairment (including ( 每月兩節 2 sessions per month) minders) per session 每節20名聽障人士(包括陪同者) 20 persons with hearing impairment (including minders) per session

29 28 海 防 館 更 新 海防館蛻變中 工 Museum of Coastal Defence Undergoes a Revamp 程 MCD's Revamping

香港海防博物館前身為於1887年建成的鯉魚門 炮台,於2000年正式對外開放。為迎接20歲 香 生日的大日子,海防館現正閉館進行全面的更 新工程。在博物館同寅及各方的共同努力下, 港 我們正與經驗豐富的設計顧問就常設展和史蹟 徑,以及其他設施的更新工程交換意見,務求 以新穎的表達手法,為未來的常設展與史蹟徑 海 注入嶄新的元素,提升觀眾對展覽主題的認識 和興趣。館內的餐廳、劇場、接待大堂和其他 防 設施也會煥然一新,讓觀眾感受全新的參觀 體驗。 博 物 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 館 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History

圖一 Fig. 1 Hong Kong Museum of History

圖一Fig.1: 館方與設計顧問商議展示手法。 The museum discusses methods of display with the design Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence consultant.

https:/ /hk.coastaldefence.museum 31 30 海 公眾參觀活動 外 防 Public Field Visits 展 館 活 更 動

The Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence, 參加者須年滿16歲 / 每節30人 / 需預先報名,詳情請 Outreach Programmes 新 converted from the Lei Yue Mun Fort built in 1887, 參閱網頁 / 若報名人數超額,將以抽籤方式決定參加 工 was opened to the public in 2000. In anticipation 者名單。 程 of its 20th anniversary, the museum is currently All applicants should be aged 16 or above / 30 persons MCD's Revamping undergoing a major revamp, and our colleagues per trip / Prior registration is required; please refer at the museum are working closely with various to our website for details / If over-subscribed, the parties, including an experienced design consultant participant list will be determined by drawing lots. on a revamp of the permanent exhibition, the historical trail and other facilities. We hope to inject new elements into the future permanent 17/2/2019(日Sun) exhibition and the historical trail through innovative 下午2-5pm presentation methods in order to enhance visitors’ insights into and interest in the exhibition themes, 從三不管到寨城公園 ─ 九龍寨城與侯王古廟 while the restaurant, theatre, lobby and other From Labyrinth of Alleyways to City Park: Kowloon facilities in the museum will also be renovated to Walled City Park and Hau Wong Temple give visitors a brand-new experience. 領隊:香港考古學會 By the Hong Kong Archaeological Society

集合及解散地點:港鐵樂富站B出口 Meeting & Dismissal Point: Exit B, MTR Lok Fu Station 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History



圖二 Fig. 2

領隊:香港考古學會 By the Hong Kong Archaeological Society

集合及解散地點:港鐵東涌站B出口 Meeting & Dismissal Point: Exit B, MTR Tung Chung Station

圖二Fig.2: 實地考察探討如何提升館內設施 A site visit to explore how to upgrade the museum’s facilities

33 32 Outreach Programmes 外 展 活 動 35 34 ed for children ed for children equir

外展工作坊 Workshops Outreach 有興趣人士請致電2569 1429 預約。先到先得, 有興趣人士請致電2569 額滿即止。 for us at 2569 1429 please contact If interested, first served. First come, reservation. 耆樂無窮: 立體相架工作坊 3D Photo Frame Making for the Elderly 軍事紙品模型製作坊 Paper Armament Model-making 社區長者中心 / 每節25人 for the Elderly / Community Centres 25 persons per session below 10) 兒童及青少年中心 / 每節15對親子(10歲以下兒童需家長 協助製作) / 15 pairs per session Centres and Youth Children is r (accompanied by parent ole

play and games. 30 students per session on school basis (P.4 - S.3). 30 students per session on school basis (P.4 Each school can apply for a maximum of 2 sessions for a day / 1 hour per session 以學校為報名單位(小四至中三),每節30人,每間學校 可申請最多一天兩節活動 / 每節約1小時 1941年至1945年期間,香港經歷了黑暗的日佔時期。 同學可透過角色扮演和遊戲,進一步了解香港當時的 民生面貌。 a to 1945, Hong Kong went through 1941 From can dark age under Japanese occupation. Students life of have a better understanding about the hard r Hong Kong people during that period through 《日佔時期的艱苦歲月》體驗活動 Life during the Japanese Occupation Experiencing Hard

© 2019 版權為香港歷史博物館所有

e, Kowloon Park © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History © 2019 Hong sui through this sui through sim Sha T 學校節目 學校節目 Programmes School 中環線集合地點:香港公園法院道入口 Central Route Meeting Point: Road Entrance, Hong Kong Park Court Supreme 以學校為報名單位(中一至中六),每節30人 S.6) 30 students per session on school basis (S.1 – 尖沙咀線集合地點:九龍公園衞生教育展覽及資料中心 Tsim Sha Tsui Route Meeting Point: Route Meeting Point: Sha Tsui Tsim Centr Health Education and Resource 2-hour tour. Field Trips to Urban Military Relics Field Trips 透過走訪位於中區或尖沙咀區的軍事遺址,增進同學 對本地軍事歷史的認識,行程約2小時。 local about learn to encouraged more are Students military visiting various military history through sites in Central or T 市區軍事古跡遊蹤 有關詳情及報名,請瀏覽本館網頁或致電2569 1429查詢。 有關詳情及報名,請瀏覽本館網頁或致電2569 先到先得,額滿即止。 our please visit and enrollment, details For the programme First come, first served. contact us at 2569 1429. website and

Outreach Programmes 動 展 活 外 外 《走出海防館,融入社會中》巡迴展覽導賞服務 展 “Beyond the Museum: Integration with the Community” 活 Special Docent Service for the Travelling Exhibitions 動 Outreach Programmes

孫 中 山 紀 念 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019館 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History 每節導賞30人,約45分鐘 / 借用展板申請人可申請 30 participants for each tour lasting 45 minutes / 最多一天兩節導賞服務 Applicant can apply for a maximum of 2 sessions per day when booking the travelling exhibition. 提供導賞服務的巡迴展覽: 1. 海防風雲六百年 Docent service will be offered to the following 2.「同禦鐵蹄 ── 香港的抗戰歲月」圖片展 travelling exhibitions: 1. Coastal Defence over 600 Hundred Years 查詢請致電2569 1248 2. Pictorial Exhibition “Braving the Storms: Hong Kong under Japanese Occupation”

For details, please contact us at 2569 1248.

Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum

https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum 專 專 題 題 展 展 覽 覽 Special Exhibition Special Exhibition 北洋軍 . 政 . 歲月 The Beiyang Warlords: War and Politics 北洋軍閥是中國近代史上一個影響深遠的軍事 The Beiyang warlords were one of the 政治集團,其歷史始於1895年袁世凱在天津小 extremely influential military and political 至 Until 23.1.2019 站練兵,他一方面擴充軍事力量,同時又在中 powers in modern Chinese history, which 孫中山紀念館一樓展覽廳 央和地方安插親信,逐漸形成以袁世凱為首的 began in 1895 with Yuan Shikai training Exhibition Gallery, 1/F, Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 北洋軍閥集團,左右清末以至民初的朝政。袁 soldiers in Xiaozhan, Tianjin. While he 世凱於1916年病故後,缺乏有實力和威望的人 expanded his influence through military 聯合主辦 代替他統馭這個集團,北洋軍閥遂分裂為皖、 build-up, he placed his trusted aides in Jointly presented by 直、奉三大勢力,輪流執政。直到1928年國民 the central and local governments. Over 康樂及文化事務署 黨北伐成功,北洋軍閥才結束管治。北洋軍閥 time, the Beiyang warlords headed by Yuan Shikai, powerful enough to influence the 天津博物館 的興起和發展歷史,有助理解近代中國政局的 politics of the late Qing and early Republican 演變。 Leisure & Cultural Services Department periods, was formed. Following Yuan’s death Tianjin Museum 是次展覽蒙天津博物館的大力支持,借出70組 from illness in 1916, no one with the same 珍貴文物,配合28組來自香港歷史博物館、東 strength and imposing reputation could take 籌劃 華三院及私人收藏家的藏品,介紹北洋軍閥的 his place as leader. As a result, the Beiyang Organised by 興起及其發展歷史,希望觀眾能對這段政局動 warlords split into the Anhui, Zhili and 孫中山紀念館 盪、軍閥並起的歷史有更清晰的認識,從而了 Fengtian cliques. Each clique took turns to Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 解清末民初中國政治的發展。 rule the north. The Beiyang warlords ceased 版權為香港歷史博物館所有圖二 Fig.2 © 2019to exist as a viable political force when the 免費入場 Northern Expedition of the Nationalist Party Free Admission succeeded in 1928. The rise and development © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of Historyof the Beiyang warlords, meanwhile, shed light on the complex political situation of modern China.

Tianjin Museum has generously supported this exhibition with the loan of 70 invaluable relics. These, along with 28 items from the collections of the Hong Kong Museum of

圖四Fig.4: History, the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and 1924年《中華民國憲法》成立紀念銀幣 collectors, illustrate the rise and development 香港歷史博物館藏 of the Beiyang warlords. We hope visitors Commemorative coin for the establishment of the can gain a better understanding of this constitution of the Republic of China, 1924 Collection of Hong Kong Museum of History tumultuous period of political instability and conflicts among warlords, as well as China’s 圖三 Fig.3 公眾導賞團(粵語) political development in the late Qing and 圖二Fig.2 Public Guided Tours (in Cantonese) early Republican periods. 圖一 Fig.1 1916年印發的中華帝國洪憲元年新舊曆對照表 天津博物館藏 Date conversion table for the 1st year of Hongxian of the Chinese Empire issued in 1916 Collection of Tianjin Museum 圖一Fig.1 圖三Fig.3 民國年間軍官使用的九獅指揮刀 天津博物館藏 徐世昌繪畫的梅花圖軸 An officer’s sword decorated with nine lions used during 天津博物館藏 the Republican period Plum blossom painting by Xu Shichang Collection of Tianjin Museum Collection of Tianjin Museum 39 38 常 公眾導賞團 常 設 Public Guided Tours 設 展 展 覽 覽 Permanent Exhibitions

Permanent Exhibitions 粵語 Cantonese: 孫中山與近代中國 下午2-3pm(逢星期三、六、日及公眾假期 Every Wed, Sat, Sun and public holidays) Dr Sun Yat-sen and Modern China 下午4-5pm(逢星期六、日及公眾假期 Every Sat, Sun and public holidays) 孫中山紀念館一樓展覽廳 Exhibition Gallery, 1/F, Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 普通話 Putonghua: 下午3-4pm(逢星期六 Every Sat) 展覽闡述孫中山先生如何由一位立志懸壺濟世的醫科學生,搖身一變成為矢志救國的革命家。透過 英語 English: 珍貴的文物,配合復原場景和歷史照片,重構孫中山先生的傳奇一生。參觀者既可對孫中山先生求 下午3-4pm(逢星期日 Every Sun) 學及革命事蹟有更全面的認識,也可得知孫中山先生曾公開表示其革命思想植根於香港的原因。

This exhibition unfolds how Dr Sun Yat-sen was transformed from an aspiring medical student into a renowned revolutionary leader. Supplemented by a scene setting and historical 探索甘棠第建築特色之旅(粵語) Exploring Tour of Kom Tong Hall photographs, the invaluable artefacts help reconstruct the legendary life of this great Chinese (Cantonese) statesman. Visitors can get a thorough understanding of his studies and revolutionary campaign, and understand why Dr Sun admitted that he developed his revolutionary ideas in 13/1, 20/1, 27/1, 10/2, 17/2, 24/2, 17/3, 24/3, 31/3(日 Sun) Hong Kong. 下午4:30-5:30pm

* 由於籌備及舉辦專題展覽,原於一樓展覽廳的「孫中山與近代中國」展覽只於2019年2月7日至 每團20人,先到先得 3月20日開放。不便之處,敬請原諒。 集合地點︰二樓展覽廳入口處 * The “Dr Sun Yat-sen and Modern China” permanent exhibition at the Exhibition 20 persons per session; first come, first served Gallery, 1/F is temporarily closed for special exhibition, and open to the public Meeting Point: Entrance to Exhibition Gallery, 2/F from 7 February to 20 March 2019 版權為香港歷史博物館所有only. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. © 2019

孫中山時期的香港 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Time 錄音導賞服務 Audio Guide Service 孫中山紀念館二樓展覽廳 Exhibition Gallery, 2/F, Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 備有粵語、普通話及英語,租用費為港幣10元。有興趣 展覽除介紹孫中山先生在香港的事蹟外,更希望引發參觀者思考十九世紀末的香港如何孕育出像孫 人士可到地下低層票務處辦理租用手續。 中山先生這般具有革命創新思想的劃時代人物,並透過珍貴文物,展示香港在清末革命運動中所扮 Available in Cantonese, Putonghua and English 演的重要角色。 narratives at a rental of HK$10. For enquiries and rental, please proceed to the Box Office, LG/F. Apart from going through Dr Sun Yat-sen’s activities in Hong Kong, this exhibition inspires visitors to probe into an intriguing question, that is, why and how Hong Kong in the late 19th century nurtured someone like Dr Sun, who possessed such progressive revolutionary ideas. With the display of invaluable artefacts, the exhibition also illustrates explicitly the role of Hong Kong as a revolutionary pivot in the late Qing era.

41 40 公 特備節目 講座 公 眾 Special Programmes Lectures 眾 節 節 目 地下高層展覽廳 / 免費參加 / 座位40 / 先到先得,滿座 目 Public Programmes 「胞與為懷 — 清末民初東華醫院的賑災善業」 Public Programmes 考察團 即止 / 展覽廳將於講座開始前5分鐘開放。 “Benevolence for Compatriots – Disaster Relief Work of Special Exhibition Gallery, UG/F / Free admission / Tung Wah Hospital in the Late Qing and Early Republican 40 seats / First come, first served / Admitted 5 Period” Study Tour minutes before each lecture starts. 19/1(六Sat) 下午3-5pm 上午10-11:30am 需預先報名 袁世凱的功過和評價:從報刊漫畫說起 Prior registration required Merits and Flaws of Yuan Shikai through Newspapers, Magazines and Comics 12/1(六Sat) 南音遊記 — 行到邊‧唱到邊 周佳榮教授(香港浸會大學歷史系榮休教授) “Singing Nanyin as We Go” Professor Chow Kai Wing (Professor Emeritus, 20/1(日Sun) Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University)

南音X長衫 南音表演 Nanyin X Cheongsam Nanyin Performance 孫中山與二十世紀初的澳門社會 Dr Sun Yat-sen and the Macau Society in the Early 20th 第1節 Session 1:下午1:30-2:30pm 下午3-4pm Century 第2節 Session 2:下午4:30-5:30pm 23/2(六Sat) 何偉傑博士(澳門文獻信息學會理事) 需預先報名,詳情請瀏覽非物質文化遺產辦事處網址: Dr Ho Wai Kit (Executive Member of Macau www.lcsd.gov.hk/ICHO 版權為香港歷史博物館所有 Documentation and Information ©Society) 2019 Prior registration required. Please visit the Intangible Cultural Heritage Office website for details: www.lcsd.gov.hk/ICHO © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History 漫談昔日香港的風俗儀式 Customs and Rituals in Old Hong Kong 16/3(六Sat) 「漫遊孫中山成長之路」導賞團 鄭寶鴻先生(博物館專家顧問) “Revisiting Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Youth Journey” Guided Tour Mr Cheng Po Hung (Museum Expert Adviser, 17/2、24/2(日Sun) Hong Kong Museum of History) 下午1:30-2:30pm 需預先報名 Prior registration required

西貢百花林考察團 Study Tour to Pak Fa Lam, Sai Kung 講座內容並不代表紀念館立場。除特別註明外,所有講 9/3(六Sat) 座均以粵語進行。 上午10am-下午1pm The Museum makes no representation concerning 需預先報名 the contents of the lectures. All lectures will be Prior registration required conducted in Cantonese, unless otherwise specified.

西貢百花林的孫中山母親楊太夫人墓,1912年。 Grave of Madam Young, Dr Sun Yat-sen’s mother, at Pak Fa Lam, Sai Kung, 1912. 43 42 公 互動環節 其 眾 Hands-on Activities 他 節 分 目 二樓活動室 / 免費參加 / 每節24人 / 先到先得,滿座 館 Other Branch Museums Public Programmes 即止 / 下午2時起到活動室報名。 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Activity Room, 2/F / Free admission / 24 persons per session / First come, first served / Registration Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery starts at 2pm at Activity Room. 2367 7821

下午3-4:30pm 「葛量洪號」由香港黃埔船塢製造,除了見證香 港的消防歷史外,更反映香港上世紀五十年代的 孫中山名句 ─ 手造月曆製作 造船成就。香港歷史博物館把它列為藏品,並建 Famous Quotes of Dr Sun Yat-sen – The Making of 設展覽館,配以獨特的消防文物和多媒體介紹, Calendar 增進市民對香港海上救援工作的認識。

6/1、13/1(日Sun) The Alexander Grantham was built by Hong Kong & Whampoa Dock Co. Ltd., and as an enduring witness to the history of 喜氣元寶糖果盒製作 Hong Kong’s sea rescue services, it is also a The Making of Festive Ingot Confectionary Box testament to the achievements of Hong Kong 27/1、3/2(日Sun) shipbuilding in the 1950s. The Hong Kong Museum of History acquired the fireboat for its collection, refitting it and opening it to the 綠意盎然小盆栽製作 public in the Fireboat Alexander Grantham The Making of Small Potted Plant Exhibition Gallery. Showcasing a number 10/3、24/3(日Sun) of unique firefighting artefacts, the Gallery 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019offers a wealth of information displayed in multimedia formats to enhance the visitors’ understanding of marine rescue work in 影片欣賞 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of HistoryHong Kong. Film Shows

地下高層展覽廳 / 免費參加 / 座位40 / 先到先得,滿座 特備節目 公眾導賞團 即止 / 展覽廳將於影片放映前5分鐘開放。 Special Programme Public Guided Tours Special Exhibition Gallery, UG/F / Free admission / 展覽館為參觀人士提供免費粵語導賞服務,每團20 40 seats / First come, first served / Admitted 5 參觀消防局及救護站 人,全程約1小時,即場參加,先到先得。有興趣人士 minutes before each show commences. Visit to Fire Station and Ambulance Depot 可到葛量洪號滅火輪船頭集合。 31/3(日Sun) Free guided tours in Cantonese are provided for 16/1,13/2,27/3(三Wed) about 1 hour and 20 persons per session on a first 《百年留學︰東瀛留學潮》 下午2-3:30pm 5/1,2/2,23/3(六Sat) come, first served basis. Please wait at the head of Overseas Studies during the Last Century: 需預先報名 27/1,24/2,3/3(日Sun) The Trend for Studying in Japan Prior registration required Fireboat Alexander Grantham. 下午2-2:30pm 一般導賞團 General Guided Tours 30/1,27/2,13/3(三Wed) 下午2:30-3:30pm & 下午4-5pm (逢星期日及公眾 12/1,16/2,9/3(六Sat) 《西學先驅》 假期 Every Sun and public holidays) 20/1,10/2,31/3(日Sun) Pioneers of Western Knowledge 駐船退休消防員特備導賞團 下午2-2:30pm Special Guided Tours by Retired Firefighters who Used to Work On-board 12/3(二Tue) 下午2:30-3:30pm & 下午4-5pm (逢星期六 Every Sat) 全日循環播放 On repeat whole day 《奉安大典》 ( 紀念孫中山先生忌辰 The Grand Funeral In memory of Dr Sun Yat-sen’s death) 45 44 其 其 他 他 分 分 館 館 Other Branch Museums Other Branch Museums 李鄭屋漢墓博物館 羅屋民俗館 Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum Law Uk Folk Museum 2386 2863 2896 7006

博物館展廳位於漢墓旁邊,展示古墓出土的陶 器和青銅器,觀眾可透過裝崁在羨道入口的玻 璃,或展廳內的電腦模擬互動展品窺探古墓的 內貌。

The exhibition hall was built adjacent to the Han tomb. In addition to the display of pottery and bronze wares excavated from the tomb, visitors can have a glimpse of the interior of the tomb through the glass panel at the entrance passage, or the interactive computer model in the gallery. 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 此處是吾家:深水埗房屋發展歷史圖片展 羅屋建於十八世紀,因原戶主姓羅而得名,是柴灣僅存的古村屋,見證了柴灣的歷史發展。鑑於 This is My Home: Photo Exhibition on© the History 2019 of Hong Kong Museum羅屋的歷史及民俗價值,前巿政局於1976年決定將羅屋修復為民俗館。1989年羅屋被列為法定古 of History Housing Development in the Sham Shui Po District 蹟,羅屋民俗館於1990年開幕。

2017年10月至2019年1月 羅屋的中央為正廳,廳外設有天井,左右兩旁是建有閣樓的工作間和睡房、儲物室及廚房。屋內展 October 2017 - January 2019 示了香港歷史博物館館藏的鄉村傢具及傳統農具,復原了村屋的內部面貌,反映客家人儉樸刻苦的 漢代貿易圖片展 生活方式。羅屋外的空地設有展板,介紹柴灣和羅屋的歷史、羅屋的建築特色,以及客家人的 Pictorial Exhibition on Trade during the Han Dynasty 習俗。

2019年1月下旬至6月 Law Uk (the Law House) was built in the 18th century and named after the original owner, Late January - June 2019 whose surname is transliterated as Law. It is the sole remaining example of traditional Hakka domestic architecture in the district of . It stands as a reminder of the shifting changes in Chai Wan in the course of time. Acknowledging the historical and cultural values of Law Uk, a decision was made by the former Urban Council in 1976 to conserve Law Uk as a folk museum. In 1989, Law Uk was declared a historical monument, and in 1990, Law Uk Folk Museum was officially open. The house has a central main hall that opens to a light well and is flanked by lofted work area, lofted bedroom, storeroom and kitchen. The traditional village furniture and farm tools on display in Law Uk are selected from the collection of the Hong Kong Museum of History, 陶牛車 東漢 giving visitors a realistic experience of how the inhabitants would have lived. There are reader 廣西文物保護與考古研究所藏 rails in the open ground in front of the house featuring the history of Chai Wan, the history Pottery Ox-cart Eastern Han and architecture of Law Uk, and the Hakka customs. Collection of Guangxi Institute of Cultural Relic Protection and Archaeology

47 46 資 資 源 源 及 及 服 服 務 務 Resources and Services Resources and Services 團體預約參觀 預約手語傳譯導賞 Group Visits by Appointments Sign Interpretation Guided Tours by Appointments

香港歷史博物館 香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History (HKMH) Hong Kong Museum of History (HKMH) 2724 9080 2724 9082 https://hk.history.museum https://hk.history.museum

孫中山紀念館 孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum (SYSM) Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum (SYSM) 3580 6780 3580 6780 https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum

葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery 2367 7821 2367 7821 https://hk.history.museum https://hk.history.museum

版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 以下團體可申請免費導賞服務及豁免專題展覽 The following organisations can apply for free 博物館為聽障人士提供每月兩節手語傳譯導賞。 We offer sign interpretation guided tours 入場費: guided tours and waiver of admission charge 每節約1至2小時,名額20人(包括陪同者), for people with hearing impairment. Each © 2019to our special Hong exhibitions: Kong Museum先到先得。有興趣人士請於辦公時間內(星期一 of Historytour lasts about 1~2 hours for 20 persons i. 參觀人數達20人或以上的註冊幼稚園、小學、 i.registered kindergartens, primary schools, 至五上午9時30分至下午12時45分;下午2時至 (including accompanying minders) on a 中學、專上學院、大學及慈善團體或非牟利 secondary schools, post-secondary institutions, 5時30分)致電各館查詢或預約。 first come, first served basis. Please contact 機構。 universities and charitable or non-profit- making us during office hours (Mon-Fri: 9:30am – ii. 參觀人數達10人或以上專為殘疾人士或長者 organisations in a group of 20 visitors or more. 12:45pm & 2pm – 5:30pm) for enquiries or 服務的註冊學校、慈善團體或非牟利機構。 ii.registered schools and charitable or non- reservation. profit-making organisations serving people 合資格團體可在參觀前兩星期至三個月(由該月 with disabilities or the elderly in a group of 的第一個工作日開始接受報名)向各館遞交申 10 visitors or more. 請。請於辦公時間內(星期一至五上午9時30分 Applications should be made 2 weeks to 3 至下午12時45分;下午2時至5時30分)致電預 months (from the first working day of the 約。名額有限,先到先得。 month) to individual museums in advance *孫中山紀念館專題展覽免費入場。 before the date of visit. Please contact our staff during office hours (Mon-Fri: 9:30am – 12:45pm & 2pm – 5:30pm) for reservation. All services are arranged on a first come, first served basis. *Free admission for the special exhibition of SYSM

49 48 資 資 源 源 及 及 服 服 務 務 Resources and Services Resources and Services 外借服務 參考資料室 Loan Out Services Resource Centre

開放時間:  星期一至五: 上午9時30分至下午12時45分 下午2時至5時正 星期六 : 上午9時30分至中午12時 (須在一個工作天前預約) 星期六下午、星期日及公眾假期休息 Opening Hours: Mon to Fri :9:30am-12:45pm & 2pm-5pm Sat : 9:30am - 12nn (Appointment needs to be made one day in  advance) Closed on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and public holidays

博物館提供一系列展板及教學資源,歡迎本地 香港歷史博物館 2724 9009 Hong Kong Museum of History (HKMH) 註冊學校,以及慈善團體或非牟利機構免費申 2724 9033  請借用,更提供免費運送服務,先到先得。 2724 9026 https://hk.history.museum 請於辦公時間(星期一至五上午9時30分至下 香港海防博物館 午12時45分;下午2時至5時30分)致電各館預版權為香港歷史博物館所有Hong Kong Museum of Coastal (HKMCD) © 2019 約。有關展板目錄及詳情,可瀏覽各館網頁及下 2569 1248 載申請表格。 https://hk.coastaldefence.museum 參考資料室位於香港歷史博物館二樓,收藏有 關中國及香港歷史、考古、民俗、自然歷史及 © 2019孫中山紀念館 Hong Kong Museum博物館學等參考書刊及影音資料,以及香港早 of History We offer exhibition panels and teaching Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum (SYSM) 年面貌的歷史圖片。不設外借服務,只供於資 aids for free loan and free delivery to local 3580 6780 registered schools and charitable or non- https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum 料室內使用及閱讀。 profit-making organisations on a first come, Located on 2/F of the HKMH, the Resource first served basis. Centre provides reference books, periodicals Please contact us during office hours (Mon- and audio-visual materials on Chinese Fri: 9:30am-12:45pm & 2pm-5:30pm) for and Hong Kong history, archaeology, reservation. For catalogues and details, ethnography, natural history and museology, welcome to visit our websites and download as well as historical photos depicting early the application form. Hong Kong views. All materials are only used in the Resource Centre and not available for loan.

51 50 “Traversing the Forbidden City” Series 穿 越 紫 禁 城 「 」 系 列 53 52 ) ) 清代宮廷室內裝修藝術賞析 Sat Sun — 虛擬世界中的現實奇跡 — 7/4/2019(日 金窗繡戶 The Grandeur of Windows – Appreciating and Doors the Artistic Decoration of the Qing Dynasty Imperial Palace 宮殿建築的室內空間既要體現皇權理念,也是帝后們 的居所。講者會通過紫禁城宮殿的室內精美的裝修構 件,與參加者一起細細品味皇宮居室空間的藝術,品 鑑帝后們的藝術雅趣。 a living space, The palace complex is not merely the interior space has to also embody the concept the examination of the Through of imperial power. the Forbidden of interior decorative components in participants will be able to appreciate City, and spaces chamber palace the of art the detail of the emperors artistic pleasures enjoy the refined and the empresses. 故宮博物院 張淑嫻女士 The Palace Museum Ms Zhang Shuxian from 23/3/2019(六 故宮 Miracle in the VirtualThe Forbidden City – a Real-Life World 故宮博物院近年推出虛擬實境劇場、穿戴式設備及線 上體驗等多種互動體驗作品。講者將會回顧故宮博物 院在三維數字化應用方面的探索歷程,解讀故宮如何 運用虛擬實境為代表的三維數字技術開展文化遺產的 數字化保護、研究和展示。 has developed various The Palace Museum wearable theatre, such as VR interactive products years. devices, and online experience in recent exploration the demonstrate speaker will The journey of The Palace Museum in the use of 3D museum the explain how and digital technology, in technologies digital 3D other and VR applies and research preservation, development of the the display of cultural heritage. 故宮博物院 張沛沛女士 Museum The Palace Ms Zhang Peipei from 系列應用程式的策劃和開發, ) ) Sat Sun Putonghua -5pm 講座 Lecture 紫禁城建築中「匾聯」的利用與維護 of Plaques and Couplets in The Use and Preservation the Forbidden City 6/1/2019(日 「匾聯」把中國傳統文化與建築藝術巧妙地結合起 來,成為古建築特有的文化形式。講者將為大家分享 紫禁城「匾聯」藏品的特色與文化價值,以及如何按 歷史檔案把「匾聯」恢復原狀 。 Plaques and couplets, which skillfully integrated art, with architectural traditional Chinese culture in historic buildings. The feature a unique are distinguishing the you with share will speaker and plaque the of values cultural and features and their couplet collections of the Forbidden City, process. restoration 故宮博物院 徐超英女士 The Palace Museum Ms Xu Chaoying from 下午3 (九龍尖沙咀海防道九龍公園) 香港文物探知館演講廳 Heritage Discovery Centre Hall, Hong Kong Lecture Kowloon) Tsui, Sha Haiphong Road, Tsim (Kowloon Park, 講述紫禁城這座宮殿建築群所承載的明清宮廷故事, 解構它與今天的故宮博物院之間的聯繫,從一個全新 的視角闡釋故宮文化。 App series “The Palace Museum Productions” lots of stories of the Ming and Qing introduces dynasties that took place in the Forbidden City. to the The speaker will analyse their relevance the on elaborate and Museum, Palace day present a whole new of the Forbidden City from culture perspective. 普通話 紫禁城建築中的那些事 Stories of the Forbidden City 「故宮出品」 講者將透過 名額 Quota 110個,免費入場,先到先得,額滿即止。 first served. admission; first come, 110 seats. Free 語言 Language 16/2/2019(六 故宮博物院 康曉璐女士 The Palace Museum Ms Kang Xiaolu from © 2019 版權為香港歷史博物館所有 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History © 2019 Hong

展覽 Exhibition

The exhibition introduces the layout, as well as the origin, The exhibition introduces of the Forbidden features planning and architectural with focus on the most transcendent building in City, By examining Harmony. the palace - Hall of Supreme painting tiling, coating and polychrome the carpentry, techniques, craftsmanship glorious eight the amongst and historical culture the exhibition unfolds the profound The style and wisdom of the Forbidden City. architectural characteristics of Chinese buildings in Hong Kong will also the of understanding visitors’ to facilitate introduced be importance of conserving historic buildings. 展覽簡介皇城的規劃佈局,以及紫禁城由來、規劃、 建築特色,並重點介紹紫禁城內規格最高的建築 — 太 和殿。同時亦會解構紫禁城建築八大作中的木作、瓦 作、油作和彩畫作,透過營造技藝的介紹,深入淺出 地展現紫禁城建築所蘊藏的深厚歷史文化和智慧。展 覽亦會介紹香港中式建築物的風格和特色,讓參觀者 從中了解保育文物建築的重要性。 免費參觀 Free Admission 蕭國健 (本地得獎建築師及藝術家) architect Mr Siu Kwok Kin, Stanley (Local award-winning and artist) 客席策展人 Guest Curator Leisure and Cultural Services Department and Leisure The Palace Museum Jointly presented by 康樂及文化事務署 故宮博物院 Thematic exhibition gallery, Thematic exhibition gallery, Centre Hong Kong Heritage Discovery 聯合主辦 11.1 - 7.4.2019 香港文物探知館專題展覽廳 Exhibition on "Traversing the Forbidden City – City the Forbidden on "Traversing Exhibition and Craftsmanship" Architecture 「穿越紫禁城 ─ 建築營造」展覽 「穿越紫禁城

城 紫 禁 越 穿 列 「 」 系 “Traversing the Forbidden City” Series 「 「

穿 工作坊 工作坊 穿 越 Workshop Workshop 越 紫 紫 禁 下午3-4:30pm 禁 城 香港文物探知館活動室 (九龍尖沙咀海防道九龍公園) 城 」 Activity Room, Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre 」 系 (Kowloon Park, Haiphong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon) 系 列 列 “Traversing the Forbidden City” Series 名額 報名 “Traversing the Forbidden City” Series Quota Enrolment

15對親子 15 family groups 請在香港公共博物館網頁(http://www.museums.gov.hk) 下載報名表格,並於2019年1月14日或之前將填妥的報 語言 一窗一世界 太和殿上的小精靈 名表格傳真(2694 1364)或電郵 ([email protected])至康 Language A World in a Window Legendary Creatures on the Roof of the Hall of Supreme Harmony 樂及文化事務署。如報名人數超額,名額將以公開抽 普通話 Putonghua 19/1/2019(六Sat) 籤方式分配。抽籤將於2019年1月15日下午3時在康樂 2/3/2019(六Sat) 故宮博物院人員 及文化事務署總部1613室進行。成功申請者將獲電郵 費用全免 故宮博物院人員 Staff of The Palace Museum 通知。 Free of charge Staff of The Palace Museum Please download application forms from the website of Hong Kong Public Museum (http://www.museums.gov. hk) and return the completed application form by fax (2694 1364) or email ([email protected]) to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department by 14 January 2019. Places will be allocated by lot drawing if the number 版權為香港歷史博物館所有 of applications exceeds the quota. Lot drawing will be © 2019conducted at Room 1613, Leisure and Cultural Services Headquarters at 3 pm, 15 January 2019. Each of the © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of Historysuccessful applicants will receive a confirmation email. 查詢 Enquiries

2601 7368

導師透過介紹故宮中不同種類的窗欞及詳細解讀各自 的等級與寓意,帶領參加者欣賞故宮窗欞之美,並動 導師將會介紹故宮古建築結構,以及太和殿屋簷上脊 手製作窗欞檯燈。 獸的名稱、作用和象徵意義,並帶領參加者以紙模製 Through the introduction of window lattices in the 作太和殿上的小精靈。 Forbidden City, with detailed explanation on their The architectural structure of the Forbidden City grading and meanings, participants will be guided will be introduced, together with the names, to appreciate the beauty of the window lattices functions and symbolic meanings of the figurines and make their own window lattice lamps. on the roof ridges of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. Participants can also make paper models in the shape of these legendary creatures.

55 54 博 博 物 香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History https://hk.history.museum 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery https://hk.history.museum 物 館 九龍尖沙咀漆咸道南100號 開放時間 Opening Hours : 開放時間 Opening Hours : 館 位 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, 星期一、三至五:上午10時至下午6時 星期一、三至日:上午10時至下午6時 位 Kowloon  2367 7821 3580 0498 置 星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至晚上7時 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時 置  2724 9042 2724 9090 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時 星期二(公眾假期除外)、農曆年初一及二休館 及 星期二(公眾假期除外)、農曆年初一及二休館 及 巴士站 Bus Stop: 尖沙咀東巴士總站 巴士站 Bus Stop: 開 TST East Bus Terminus: Monday, Wednesday to Sunday: 開 5, 5C, 5P,5X,8,8A,28, 87D, Monday, Wednesday to Friday: 10am-6pm 10am-6pm 13X,26,35A,41A,98D,98P, 放 213X,215P,215X,219X,224X, Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 放 208,796X 時 796P,973,A21 10am-7pm 10am-5pm 時 Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: Closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays), 港鐵站 MTR Station: 間 and the first two days of the Chinese New Year 間 Location and Opening Hours 10am-5pm 尖沙咀港鐵站B2出口沿金馬倫道向尖沙咀東部方向步行約15分鐘。 Location and Opening Hours Closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays), and 紅磡港鐵站D1出口沿行人天橋往尖東方向步行約15分鐘。 the first two days of the Chinese New Year 尖東港鐵站P2出口沿麼地道步行約10分鐘。 免費入場 Free Admission 免費入場 Free Admission About 15-minute walk along Cameron Road from Exit B2 of Tsim Sha Tsui Station (指定的專題展覽除外 Except specified special towards the direction of Tsim Sha Tsui East. exhibitions) About 15-minute walk along the footbridge from Exit D1 of Hung Hom Station towards the direction of Tsim Sha Tsui East. About 10-minute walk along Mody Road from Exit P2 of East Tsim Sha Tsui Station.

香港海防博物館 Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence https://hk.coastaldefence.museum 李鄭屋漢墓博物館 Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum https://hk.history.museum

香港筲箕灣東喜道175號 九龍深水埗東京街41號 開放時間 Opening Hours : 175 Tung Hei Road, Shau Kei Wan, 41 Tonkin Street, Sham Shui Po, 星期一至三、五至日:上午10時至下午6時 Hong Kong Kowloon 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時  2569 1500 2569 1637  2386 2863 2361 2105 星期四(公眾假期除外)、 農曆年初一及二休館 巴士站 Bus Stop: 香港海防博物館現正閉館,進行常設展及古蹟徑的更新工程,並提升館內外設施,我們將於2020年以版權為香港歷史博物館所有 Monday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday: 2,2A,112,796C,970,970X © 2019 全新面貌再為公眾服務,為大家帶來耳目一新的參觀體驗。 10am-6pm Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: The museum is now closed for revamping its permanent exhibition and historical trail, and upgrading visitor 10am-5pm facilities. We look forward to meeting you with a fresh look in 2020. Closed on Thursdays (except public holidays), © 2019 Hong Kong Museum港鐵站 MTR Station: of History and the first two days of the Chinese New Year 長沙灣港鐵站A3出口沿指示牌步行約10分鐘。 About 10-minute walk from Exit A3 of Cheung Sha Wan Station. 免費入場 Free Admission 孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum

香港中環半山衛城道7號 開放時間 Opening Hours : 7 Castle Road, Mid-Levels, Central, 星期一至三、五:上午10時至下午6時 Hong Kong 星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至晚上7時 羅屋民俗館 Law Uk Folk Museum https://hk.history.museum  2367 6373 3580 0498 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時 星期四(公眾假期、孫中山先生11月12日誕辰 香港柴灣吉勝街14號 開放時間 Opening Hours : 巴士站 Bus Stop: 專線小巴 Minibus: 及3月12日忌辰除外)、 農曆年初一及二休館 14 Kut Shing Street, Chai Wan, 星期一至三、五至日:上午10時至下午6時 12,12M,13,23,23B, 8,10,22,22S,28,31 Hong Kong 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時 40,40M,103 Monday to Wednesday, Friday: 10am-6pm  2896 7006 2724 9090 星期四(公眾假期除外)、 農曆年初一及二休館 Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 10am-7pm 巴士站 Bus Stop: 專線小巴 Minibus: Monday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday: 港鐵站 MTR Station: Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 8 16M,18M,43M,47M,48M 10am-6pm 中環港鐵站D1或D2出口往中環至半山扶手電梯至堅道,再沿行人路向西步行約 10am-5pm Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 5分鐘。 Closed on Thursdays (except public holidays, 10am-5pm the anniversaries of Dr Sun’s birth on 12 Take Exit D1 or D2 of Central Station to the Mid-Levels Escalator from Central to Caine Closed on Thursdays (except public holidays), November and death on 12 March), and the Road, and walk westwards along the pavement for around 5 minutes. 港鐵站 MTR Station: and the first two days of the Chinese New Year first two days of the Chinese New Year 柴灣港鐵站B出口沿指示牌步行約5分鐘。 免費入場 Free Admission About 5-minute walk from Exit B of Chai Wan Station. 免費入場 Free Admission

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