Chiloscyllium Hasselti Bleeker, 1852 Fig
click for previous page Sharks of the World, Vol. 2 171 Chiloscyllium hasselti Bleeker, 1852 Fig. 139 Chiloscyllium hasselti Bleeker, 1852, Verh. Batav. Genoots. Kunst. Wet. 24: 14. Syntypes: Five specimens, 480 to 590 mm, off Java, Sumatra, and Moluccas, in British Museum (Natural History) and Rikjsmuseum van Natuurlijke Histoire, Leiden. Lectotype: British Museum (Natural History), BMNH-1867.11.28.196, 594 mm TL male, Moluccas, designated by Dingerkus and DeFino, 1983, Bull. American Mus. Nat. Hist. 176(1): 17. Synonyms: Scylia griseum van Hasselt, 1823: 315 (nomen nudum); also Scyllium griseum van Hasselt, 1824: 89, cf. Dingerkus and DeFino (1983: 17). Chiloscyllium obscurum Gray, 1851: 35 (nomen nudum). Holotype: British Museum (Natural History), BMNH-1845.6.22.122, 487 mm TL, Indonesia. Chiloscyllium indicum var. obscura Günther, 1870: 413 (new combination); also Ogilby, 1888: 8 (new combination), cf. Dingerkus and DeFino (1983: 17). Chiloscyllium dolganovi Kharin, 1987: 367?, fig. 5 (original in Russian), also Kharin, 1987: 67, fig. 5 (English translation). Holotype: Zoological Institute, Leningrad, ZIL-46984, 9° 12’ N, 104° 34’ E, Viet Nam, 12 m. Other Combinations: None. FAO Names: En - Indonesian bamboo shark; Fr - Requin-chabot indonésien; Sp - Bamboa indonesa. JUVENILE Fig. 139 Chiloscyllium hasselti Field Marks: Mouth well in front of eyes; spineless dorsal fins far posterior on tail, greatly elongated thick precaudal tail, long and low anal fin just anterior to caudal fin, no lateral ridges on trunk, dorsal fins with straight or convex posterior margins, first dorsal-fin origin about opposite rear halves of pelvic-fin bases; often no colour pattern in adults, but young with transverse dark bands that have prominent black edging.
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