300035015 Willys Jeep 4Ton 4

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300035015 Willys Jeep 4Ton 4 U.S.JEEP I,4ItlII 4,I4IRUGH WITTUS iliii 1 35 NIILITARY MINIATUBE SEBIES * COMBAT CBEW OF4 *EASY TOASSEMBLE lEtTArvrrEA '* rf on. has to choose noior.ars .h are rLe 1939, rhe CeEads oc.upied Pdsnd by ihe 'BLITZ(RIEG , or quick novene s mo* famous in rLe rorld, one {lll surely throu!.L effe.rire use of nobility, and i.hrevid nane the ",leep" as s.lr as ihe Ford Model a brilliant !rio.! ar the initEl nage of 1{orld T. The epocl haling mass proJürioo sJnen 11h. II lhis ga!. inpofran.e ro ihe noLiliir of Ford produ.cd no.e rhatr 15,000,000 lrodel oI .roops. It Le.!m. a pressins n.ed atsolor Ts during r9 lears from 1903 ro 1927. and the t'nited sraies army ro have durabh, populariz.d moror.a!s. {hi(L h L.eo l,.yoDd reli,bte v.hi.tes Lav;s €rcdlc .ross.ounrry the re{ch of the masses, as rüeircoir{än.es aLiliiy to .ac. across aly parhless field. ar a s&o[e. The production oI rh. J..p dür. On 27il June, 1940, the Snrll Reonnaissatrce ins lvo.ld Wä.lI alone r.a.[ed alour 610.000 Car Developne Connittee ol ihe U S Arnr in numb.r The Jeep .ri .cross all t[e LaIle a D{a me s 13s nloüii(urers invita. f,el{ls as a mcais of rransir fdr tioos fo! blddins Io. a velrh aloiß wilh t[e playeJ soldiers ud an inpo a rcle n,^ltied h.ins lollo*ins spe.ific ions: A smarr nz.d fou.. abolt the ridorr ol ihe Allies. ID addition,n ,heel d.ive vehicle triih wershl ot 535 t(g, opened up nob.cais possibilti.s through the Ioadase of 270 ks, slre€l brse ol :0trn.r.ad endl.ss pursuit ol s lishier ai,l shaller ndrdr ol 19 .m and enrine oulDü oI nore than ,0 car riiI highe. .ross.ount, abiliry. Toarr-, bp. ,{iy suc.rsshl bidder xas requi..d 10 note rhan 30 years afkr rhe Jeep $as bo.n, delirer the firsr e$ vehi.le n, the A.my it is und.rsoirs IrequeDr ai.l y:riNs inpnry€ within 49 days alie. lis hid r,s r..ept.d. me s $lici iaapt n ro rhe .mes. Thus ihe ,{meri.,n lla.tam and tilillrs overl$d made a Jeep is üsed alhosi ev..y{h€re in ihe {ond. bid for n. Since Willys ne.ded mor. than 49 The Jfep {as one oI .Le .islt ietides rhat dits ro nake a proiotypej Americrn Bant.nis rhe Yodeh Ad Museum N.s York pl.k.d hid fdr the nanuladur. of the prolorype was acc.pled. amr.i.io Bantam, r sma mrnu. iEporra influ.nce upon the sryl. ol noderh Iich.e. ol moio.cars {nh lnDual prodqcron motor.ars. Thn §rs due n, its *tle {nh oJ severrl rhousind, s,s tLen produ.irß shrll uniqtre heautl obhined rh.oush tle exhaush!e two.s.ated .a.s called shndard american pursun ol fundion. Ii mar salelr be said thar Bantam slich wrs a reDoJelled !.!sion dI rhe inllu€nce wLi.h iIeJfep cxcer.is€d on the ihe Brnish au*ii prosr.ss prdldond. oi notor.a.s $rs .eallr bä.Let. American Banrah challens.d th€ 49. l\loiorcars came to be ßed as a.hs durios day s.hcdule sLich seened iDpossihle h set $rorld Wir L l it Nes d.ders fron tk Army, sinc€ ii sas tLei br- that ther played rLe leidins pa.t itr baftie to inß to rehodel the Silndara Ame.i.aDBa am rhe full. Betu?en the r§o sars, posers inio ! snall.sz.d generalpurpG. !ebi.ts for develoDed a varicty of mililarv veLi.les. It ihe Irhy'suse and !as in Iinrn.iildiflicutiies (;erm'ny was ihd lully .e.osnized the possi as wrll Enployins Karl « l'robsr highly biliiy oI vehicles ss a.ns and Fsirively kifd gilt€d ensineer, Ameri.an Bantam br unit.d to give nobilny ro ardunJ t.odps.I. Sept.nber eid unsearien effo(s under Iis ].ade!slrip i rJ : l, r- ::.rrr-:, ,t TAMT , -2 lf- I €F+@E 30L -tbünliatal I tlE tln lr -l H fEl- - r-]- l J,1- 1I I { q =1,-\\-/l t=t I E\ü/-\l JLll i L2l]L zLI gg-ö1 ll /-\ f-.$-a; t/t ) -==i- .:4 .A äd Lr!t? llt6rL19r L L --:=-En2a ,.r JL26-.L29 -rllr. tlJrl &) m Fq c"."t-"t or cr.,."i. Q ". B9 READ BEFOREI ASSE'TBLY. : B IO ERSI 1ISEN ] _DANN BAUTN. J *Be sr€ 10 read insr.udions beto.e r_ou start each consiructim worL ic.t a knife, ! driv.r. a pa,. oJ ,ippers, a lile aid rhe lile ready for B7 tParh should be . ofI r[e rmner 812 .arelullr $it[ drher a pair oI .iDpers or a kDif€. Do io. pluck tüem asay iToo much aaläsiYe woni do.lisread apply just a l,tle onio hoth pirß!, (Sugse*iois aLo Painti.g) *Il ,s re.onmended to Painr snäll pa.ß while rhey are o! rhe runn.r. asee editins insttrcrions siYen 'i -**,h ^ r,",ppri"a. co.st,uctr.. or a.ar -,"r.*ra @ lD (consr.uct on or chass sl aG ue Bl2 to 83 and 87, and f t rhem io 81 Fix rear p:rts 89 Bl0 and BII in th€ s.me way lhis kLt h.s lour pieces of Suspens on parts: front right, front left, r€ar €) {const,u.tio. or Bodyl tclue A29 and A32 lo 820 Fix O (assembhie or chass s and *Alrer makne sur€ thar Chass s constructed ln O has been c ued completely, gue Ch.ssis änd Body togelher Ths mo&l can be con_ structed {ith or withoui Hood rhs time lf you gu6 A21 i. pa.e of Spare wh€el see the fialre whee parrs Be 6arelu of each 6l o*..0' ", or chass s and Body A36 (construction of Spare r$eell c5 c7 TAMTYA O r*ra rar .^ .r wh*,. *Be very cäreru ot the parts ,^,",,r,o. o, ,rn"" . numbers ol whe€rs F rst fir 85 @ and 86 on boih 5 des, andthen e ue Wheels n p ace ör wheels, se. the lgure beow B t9 :Cönsrru.i ön or Front & R.'r § wheels and Carso Wheers clc8 c6 c4 c 2.3 G, ico.struction or E"si.e: *First grue A21 and A25 iogether. and then 1 x oth€r parts in p ace G) :co*r,,ct .. .r Rad äro., tTra.sparent Parts sholtd ba g ued wilh only a I ttle adhes ve (D ,:F ring o, Ensnel tFirsr fix Engn€ .onsrructed n O and then g ue Räd aior n oia.e , *,0'",", @"*.,.*,*.,."r* @ ""n"r.,",,.. .Fo*ü* Bl3 a 3l 428 Go*o-" A27 A25 @ B 18 A24 @ .,,,.. , ...,* Mountine ot EnPn€ änd Radiator' 823 4 O (Fi,i.s.r seats er..) Molnt Bl o. Body and gl!€ 82 i. r,,* oi sears,etc A37 A3O B 2 G) B I4 Figures other than Orivor shoud ri.e o.iv€. I rst put Body on orl. v.r 56at glue st6.ri.E wh66 to ß4 and rhen fii Arms to Body His L€rr Hand should b€ on geeF ng Wh.6l .nd Rrght H.nd on Change Lev6r Ass srant or v€r shald be ,ii.d w th his Rishi Les out of th6 v€hi. e body 1Se. the pictur. .t page 6 commander shou d slt on Spare Wheel w,th hls Ha.ds o^ Machin. G!^ 82? s ol 827 B3l foldi.g type Mächine Gun A2 should b. ilsr pul i. oo not äpply rdhe- siv. lo Al ll mod.l w thout Hood, glue A?0 iconstruct on of M,chine cun) (9 ::tä:"':"1..::1"*:"r".:lr 822 (consrrlcrion of YvindShietd) 420 a12 (Constr!ction oi Figures) a-2 B-2 (co.struction or Trench Morra.) 13 A Ä c2 a-6 ll 5 T Fns! construct Hood Th€n moun! , only t*o Figurss on Body .nd 1r @ "..",^.,,o. "".r" Hood .t wlnd shi€ld and th6 r..r A22 @ .,,'.. , ,..0 <How ro m.k. rit nnat /I-\ -_ -\ ,,\ -:\ .\ l\ '-\ \ 1,.,, \ Hoal a lenclh of sprue. when m6 red a rirre. etoD heal ns and pu lo slret.h il. Hord ror äbou1 15 $conds lo.@l and +-)-'+ t'n §iück vom ft,äde becen Dann n de, Mtt. fr D,ehen erhtr/en w.ni Plästrk !chm lzt, B 2g nichiweie, erh tz.n uid aissam ausen- ryi,,ffi A14.15 ffi^';*f 4lt ^#,fr(#., A I4.15 a8.S ö A3 ,<bW A23 @ 6 TAMIYA oThe l3ih Armoured Regiment ol the lst Armoured i{ll-lr-ÄRY P0LrcE 5,**" IA @ l3/r lAl3/r Tie r* IJ hlioi ol tüe 13tL i.nou.eJ Resinr ol the 1sr A.noured Divis,oh rold Iloisidesr,$hich !Dk part rDth. North Alri.Ln Cahpai8tr. t^13^ ,T ,';l',:n.:' -TPil0 "":l:t " IP;It; T-ta (rThe 32hd slate Miriria hfantry Division _Red Arrow- ol the l4th Th. 32nd Slar. Miliiis InI'nhy Diyi. sion "lted Ar.o$" oI .Le 14rh Corps of rh€ 3tt Arnr_. $Lich took pa{ io T-ta operarons in the PhiliDpin.s and Later it-38F The 33th Fkld a illery Ba(ation oi rh€ 2nd Infaity Divisioi "lndiai Headl wlri c h itrvaded Czechoslo!alii under iLe .onmaoJ ol CPnerar P,rr .il BilAll 3071= r0-i? l\lPt t.cit At The 307th AirL.n.
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