International Directory of Mental Retardation Resources
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 056 453 EC 040 598 AUTHOP Dybwad Rosemary F. Ed. TITLE International Directory of Mental ation Resources. INSTITUTION President's Committee on Mental Retardation, Washington, D.C. SPONS AGENCY National Institutes of Health (DHEW) Bethesda9 Md- PUB DATE 71 NOTE 317p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$13.16 DESCRIPTORS *Agencies; *Directories; *Foreign Countries; Government Role; *International Organizations; International Programs; *Mentally Handicapped; Mental Retardation; National OrganizationsResearch and Development Centers; Services ABSTRACT The directory lists and describes governmental and voluntary agencies, research, and other resources in the field of mental retardation in foreign countries. The first section, on international organizations, gives names, addresses, names of directors, and one or more paragraphs of description for the United Nations and its specialized agencies, inter-governmental agencies, international non-governmental organizations, international coordinating agencies, and regional non-governmental organizations. The second section, which constitutes the major portion of the directory, contains individual country reports for 60 countries. Each country,s section contains a general description of the country and its provisions for education and services, listings of governmental agencies with definite mental retardation responsibilities, voluntary organizations, research institutes and programs, serial and other publications, and brief descriptive notes on program areas (case finding, diagnosis and assessment, consultation to parents, education, work training and employment, medical care, residential carer financial assistance, recreation, research, personnel trainin planning), and other information for visitors interested in mental retareltion. (!W) INMFINAT:ONAL DIRECTORY OF Mental Retardation Resources The President's Committee on Mental Retardation Washington, D.C. 20201 IhTERNATIOFAL DIRECTORY OF laiTAL RETARDAJIONRESOURCES Edited by Rosemary F.
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