
Kahn + Associates, / [email protected] Kahn + Associates, Paris / [email protected] INRAP O8 K9 Espace Web INRAP 20.09.2007 Dieses Schaubild wurde von Dynamic Diagrams und ACTIV-CONSULT in den I5 ACTIV-CONSULT Multimedia und Training D7 Encyclopedia of Life HGV G10 Australia B11 Neuroscience M5 Schäffer-Poeschel Urban & Fischer Bibliothèque Nationale de Organisation du Site Draft_04 / 09 Decembre 2003 I4 ACTIV-Publisher P11 euroscript P4 Hit-Radio Antenne I10 Macmillan Heinemann D10 Nature Japan P12 Scherz Verlag Monaten April bis Mai 1999 entwickelt. Es umfaßt Informationen von über 150 Drawn by Eva-Lotta Lamm N10 Alexander Fest Verlag A7 Evanovich.com P3 Hit-Radio Antenne Sachsen H11 Macmillan Heinemann Mexico C10 Nature Structural Biology L11 Schroedel Verlag N4 VDI Verlag Page 1, July 1998 Drawn by Ralf Bähren VERLAGSGRUPPE Websites der Unternehmen der Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck. Das M11 Alfons Lernsoftware O5 Hit-Radio Antenne Sachsen-Anhalt E12 Macmillan I2 Navigo M12 Schulbuchverlag E. Dorner I1 Veranstaltungsforum der Verlagsgruppe | | | | | | Schaubild zeigt alle derzeit verfügbaren Websites, die wichtigsten Inhalte sowie P8 Antenne Mecklenburg-Vorpommern M3 Fachverlag Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt G11 Macmillan India G6 New Palgrave Dictionaries F4 Georg von Holtzbrinck Returns & Exchanges System Alignment Today Holtzbrinck Web Map P5 Antenne Thüringen D1 Farrar, Straus & Giroux. J4 Infoseek D12 Macmillan Language House M9 Nicolai Verlag F1 Scientific American Explorations K1 Vereinigte Wirtschaftsdienste deren Verknüpfungen untereinander. Die aufgeführten Websites repräsentieren GEORG VON HOLTZBRINCK Firmen, Tochtergesellschaften, Unternehmensteile oder Produkte. Das N9 Argon Verlag N7 Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag G12 Macmillan Peru J1 n-tv E3 Scientific American, Japanese edition K12 Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch Instant Message / Search C3 L10 Version 1, May 1999 Schaubild wird zusätzlich in der Broschüre Holtzbrinck Web Map ausführlich E6 Art & Facts: Newsletter of the Dictionary of Art B5 Forge and Tor Mainstream Publishing JamesBovard.com H7 Macmillan Press F2 Scientific American Medicine Verlag Moritz Diesterweg V3 2/19/2015 N1 AVE Gesellschaft für Fernsehproduktionen O9 Franz Spiegel Buch M6 J.B. Metzler Verlag F11 Australia I12 Macmillan B7 Scientific American/ H1 Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck Eléments sur la Page d'Accueil Eléments Internes Ressources Numériques dokumentiert. Sie enthält für jede Website jeweils eine Seite mit erläuternden GMBH O3 AVE Gesellschaft für Hörfunkbeteiligungen I7 Macmillan Publishers E10 Pan Macmillan Australia St. Martin's College Publishing Group L4 Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt Navigator, v.4.5 Prepared for Verlagsgruppentagung / Annual Meeting 1999 in Informationen. P2 AV Euro Media J3 Genios Wirtschaftsdatenbanken L6 Karriere Direkt (KD) G7 Macmillan Reference L8 Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten N6 SFG Servicecenter Fachverlage A8 Von Holtzbrinck Publishing Services copyright © 1999 Verlagsgruppen Georg von Holtzbrinck I11 Gill & Macmillan C12 Macmillan Venezuela G2 Pour La M7 S. Fischer Verlag G3 Voyager Die Web-Map erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit und stellt eine erste Annäherung an die PARTICIPER S’INFORMER DÉCOUVRIR RECHERCHER O6 BB Radio B3 GiveMeLiberty.com O11 Lausitzer Rundschau N5 Main-Post P9 Prepress Ulm A5 StephenCoonts.com Thematik dar. B6 Bedford/St. Martin's N12 Graphik International H2 Learn Technologies Interactive O12 manus presse L6 Prognos B4 Stonewall Inn O2 Wetter und Reise TV Windows pa ge M10 Bildung Online E8 Grove Dictionary of Art Online J2 Lebensmittelpraxis K7 MegaLex L12 Spectra Lehrmittel-Verlag C7 W.H. Freeman and Company ni de S E6 M4 pa ve 2 m C F7 Grove's Dictionaries Le Scienze A4 Monica's Story P6 Radio 7 K8 Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Wirtschaft-online ge au nd all oll (4) (1) (2) (3) N11 Clausen & Bosse E7 Grove's Dictionaries of Music A6 Let's Go P7 Radio Gong 2000 G4 Spektrum der Wissenschaft K3 Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb n d Se ec This diagram was created by Dynamic Diagrams and ACTIV-CONSULT during q p iv e rv ti F6 K11 E9 O7 O1 K5 u a e 2 q ic n o New Grove Dictionary of Opera Online Logo Lern-Spiel-Verlag Nature Radio Regenbogen Spektrum TV Wirtschaftswoche (WiWo) d a g a nd u e o n is n e u d a n April and May of 1999. It summarizes information on over 150 public web sites L3 DER BETRIEB D9 Nature Asia O4 Radio Ton I3 Spotlight Verlag I1 WM Wirtschafts-Medien p ti n d i n o té iv e s t a n e 2 p it cc run by companies in the Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck; it shows all web L7 Der Tagesspiegel K4 Handelsblatt Interaktiv K10 Macmillan in Africa C11 F8 Stockton Press N8 Wolfgang Krüger Verlag ib s a n o é e C l i R u d n s S d s H12 C6 o e ac S ib i m u si sites that are currently available, what these sites represent, and how the sites K6 K2 Handelsjournal Macmillan Brazil D11 Nature Biotechnology Directory M1 N3 Südkurier Worth Publishers ll c é e le al s bl Farrar, Straus Learn Systhema ec v o ur rv C l ite e are linked on the Internet. The web sites may represent companies, subsidiaries L2 DM E1 Hanley & Belfus J10 Macmillan Caribbean and Buyer's Guide Online M2 Rowohlt Verlag F3 Swiat Nauki < WSI see Infoseek ti er ur ct u i ol L’Inrap & Giroux Technologies Verlag AVE Fernseh- o s cis ru ea ce le Recherche et J12 Droemer Weltbild H10 Heinemann Iberia F12 Macmillan Company of New Zealand A10 N2 Rowohlt Taschenbuchverlag H3 Systhema Verlag L1 Wunderlich Verlag s n s i pa t iv p q ct Rowohlt produktionen of companies, divisions, or products. The diagram accompanies the book ur it nt g s n a ac u io D3 E11 Macmillan Distribution Services B9 u e e e pe n g c d a n Verlag in n i rn u 'u es e is n Henry Holt Holtzbrinck Web Map, which contains a one-page description of each web site. d s n e o d n d d ss p ti Verlagsgruppe AV Euro D2 Henry Holt and Company Books J9 Macmillan Distribution D8 Nature Helix O10 Saarbrücker Zeitung M8 Ticket Online L9 Zitty Online é it dé gr in iv e u ib o té and Company p e p e ea 3 s l n s Handelsblatt Media J11 en p e s s u è it e ib i Métadonnées for Young Readers Macmillan Education C9 D4 St. Martin's Press C4 Associates a n m e C l The map is a useful beginning to the project, and not necessarily finalized. da ge da au p ibl ac e o e A3 St. Martin's Paperbacks E2 Tom Wolfe n m s n a es c lle Pro- Contacts L’archéo- Agenda Commu- Multi- Sites Publica- t o ur t ge 2n d es ct A5 St. Martin's Trade C5 dè le ni de d u 1 - io Scientific st le ve 2 niv er a n P10 Trierischer Volksfreund an a n e / li c (Code d’opération) u d e c American d au n e e a e s d s t grammes Liens logie niqués de média, archéo- tions des a r n u s c d a c ve ib c v o r si l n e a e e ll s te e c s St. a s c x c a , o Information Gathering Go to a Store Call Customer Service Ship by Mail v b o m ig si n c te d o u re e a b a e r e r s p Martin's t le v s n s a d s re io i s e re t e o n presse publication logiques g i i préventive agents Press d b s o u a u AVE n a a l ss n c r n Verlagsgruppe g n ti e o o c t ACTIV- lo s o d u lla e d q Tom Doherty Hörfunk- b l n a r s Georg von Holtzbrinck a a g n c b i e i CONSULT beteiligungen l l s e o s s Associates www.holtzbrinck.com e o l s ra su r I b a t e a io s audiovisuel l rnière Minu DEU e n é

s Accès libre De D E F ENG J K L M N O P m BnF Grove's Veranstaltungsforum u s la Dictionaries der Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck N e www.vf.holtzbrinck.de c Farrar, Straus ENG s r aître & Giroux e u nts Scientific American c o Sites Demande Méthodolo- Icono- Fiches Rapports WHAT THE /St. Martin's College GMZ Farrar, Scientific Vereinigte Wunderlich AVE r Conn American Explorations WM Wirtschafts s Publishing Group Straus & Giroux Hanley & Belfus n-tv Wirtschaftsdienste Verlag Rowohlt Verlag Fernsehproduktionen Spektrum TV u Macmillan Publishers, Ltd. www.hanleyandbelfus.com www.explorations.org -Medien www.n-tv.de www.vwd.de www.rowohlt.de/rowohlt/roverlag/Owunderl.htm www.rowohlt.de www.ave.de www.spektrum-tv.de e 1 http://search.excite.com/search.gw?search=baja+california& o théma- de PAS gie thèque biblio- S. Fischer T E ENG ENG DEU DEU T DEU T DEU DEU DEU s R Verlag l parteme Nature S e e 1 s e e ENG ENG trace=1 e ta dé tiques graphiques CUSTOMER Nature Franz i t Monthlies Macmillan Macmillan Spiegel Buch G H R g Heinemann Saarbrücker i Publishers Zeitung Learn Systhema AVE Australia Schroedel Technologies D Forums

Fernseh- Authentific. Verlag Verlag Verlagsgruppe es SEES produktionen lections e u Handelsblatt Ra q pp d or Col FRONT OFFICE Rowohlt 'ac ts Books for Scientific Learn Rowohlt Rowohlt Wetter B tivi prati Young Readers Tom Wolfe American Medicine Pour la Science Technologies Interactive Navigo Lebensmittelpraxis Handelsjournal DM Berlin Verlag Verlag Taschenbuchverlag und Reise TV AV Euro Media ibl té Méthodolo- Documents www.henryholt.com/byr www.tomwolfe.com www.pourlascience.com www.rowohlt.de/rowohlt/rororo/Orororo.htm io Henry Holt www.samonline.com www.learntech.com www.navigo.de www.lebensmittelpraxis.de www.vhb.de/handelsjournal www.dm-online.de www.rowohlt.de/rowohlt/roverlag/Oberlin.htm www.wetterundreisetv.de gra T T T T La p ons and Company ENG ENG ENG FRA ENG DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU B h c nF ie ati e e e 2 h e e e e ENG Ra iff n m teurs gie interne unitaires pp res r ee ee ee d' ort 2 AV Euro Pr ac s A B C oje tiv Info x lec Presentation Catalog Retail Space 800 Phone Chat UPS d' t ité Media Or éta ga bl Legend: m nig iss s au ur Website Catalog Website USPS A e r em 2 s am 0 so - . 3 c po els 0 de ia vice 0 s t 0 Interne Company Type V a ion B St. Martin's GiveMe James Scientific Fachverlag is la mi ser as Phone Henry Holt Genios Wirtschaft Verlagsgruppe Hit-Radio Antenne ite Bn s d es Paperbacks Liberty.com Bovard.com and Company American Japanese Swiat Nauki Voyager Systhema Verlag Spotlight Verlag Wirtschaftsdatenbanken und Wettbewerb DER BETRIEB Handelsblatt Südkurier AVE Hörfunk- Sachsen Bn s d F e C do d www.stmartins.com/SMPpaperbacks/index.htm www.givemeliberty.com www.jamesbovardcom F e a es n e Newspaper Publisher www.henryholt.com www.nikkei.co.jp/pub/science www.proszynski.com.pl/SwiatNauki www.voyagerco.com www.systhema.de www.spotlight-online.de www.genios.de www.vhb.de/wuw www.vhb.de/derbetrieb/index.html www.vbh.de/fachverlag/ www.suedkurier.de beteiligungen www.hitradio-antenne-sachsen.de l r n a tes Se L CD ée T ENG T ENG T ENG T ENG POL ENG DEU E ENG DEU DEU DEU E DEU DEU DEU e r rmations - s Le R t p vic RO su t s ése lan rés e G en M r Magazine/Journal Publisher ee ENG ee ee S 3 si l r s e de ui lig e 3 e tes R ivr ve rva Info de ne t e e d t S les pro2 fessioren d ee ee N c s e io e 0 c e n o h ra s n rv 0 h N u b er r ic 0 b er E Educational Book Publisher r ou v L ib c es re e + ib c Communication PDF Form Verbal Verbal Order Set/Original Packaging v te el it li h p l h AVE e C du ea A ch les té og e B rod B P iot e e es t om s ut ge no e rat rap ibl uc ib éri hè n Touchpoints Hörfunk- m ite és n l S t u h io F t lio 8 od q S Scientific Book Publisher St. u B ce og c ar re . de th ou io n g 0 él i ue n n ib ie ie ts M è r n at ra 0 e qu iqu Proof of Transaction Proof of Transaction Proof of Transaction I D iq l n l' q n i p 0 c e beteiligungen e u io s e c ai A u do itu on h 0 tr s White Mail Martin's Press r és N gr P t e so rs e c r fr a ie on e m niè ati ap hilo tec s Je n en um e d an le Ma iq ron T Trade Book Publisher i re on h. H s hn an al dis e e ça n ue t nu M a i o iq A t n N is 8 d s i e t i le st ph u rt Vi an ts ot e 7 ra Fiches, Documents e ss o i e s la c à ic n 7 g Tom Doherty Scientific Scientific Spektrum Verlagsgruppe Wirtschaft r i D d ir e, s d r e d e o 7 o S on r e e s u ' s 3 t 2 re Monica's Story Stonewall Inn St. Martin's Press der Wissenschaft Infoseek Handelsblatt VDI Verlag Radio Ton Hit-Radio Antenne s o l , S B pe R au 5 ic 2 ls Electronic Media Company Associates Le Scienze American American ACTIV-Publisher Handelsblatt -online u it, 'h c ib c és t 2 e Pages Internet www.monicasbook.com www.stonewallinn.com www.stmartins.com www.handelsblatt.de vdiweb.nrw.net:80/verlag/verlag.htm H o 4 www.tor.com campus.sede.enea.it/lescienze/ www.scientificamerican.com www.spektrum.de www.activ-publisher.de www.infoseek.de www.vhb.de www.wirtschaft-online.de www.radio-ton.de www.antenne.com t i P E o i. lio ta e F r 3 s u s A o c m M t c d rv ou R it re to u li o m u h l e a r A é im T ENG T ENG T ENG ENG ITL ENG c i d ti n e s è e t n M DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU DEU d re io qu ., é qu pl io d it E B g Images techniques C M l e a n o u N . Television Company u o vi e u 'O d e- Co do c cu re AU -O S e 4 nn C su s p e n c e m d P 4 e ENG ee e r l a oll el iqu éra d dit um et dis e e A r t a B ître n ec e 'a ion en de ta nts LIN Notification Email Receipt Email Email ee ee n u ti J c s t n à 8 E S F A m o M o c s S ce 5 F Radio Station/Company u c é n o u ta ès e 8 t cè r n rs ri e rv 3 ee s iq m n d e fs t ic 4 e th p u ai ' t re e 8 Bn c P è a e éd es ou he p B 1 t ré me r M a , ve u Ph ro N et ressources élect Service & Production Company u i se a an ille A de rt res o du -O s la Contenus Images com. r s nt nu tiq s e cc s s ure toc ctio PL PA t Co ati ori sc ue t u le all C op n US LE ogrammes cultu b lle on Ma en rits s pe eil ctu es on ie de Titres S A et cti nu tau rso de re de d sul s Pr collaboratifs e nn dé on oc sc x ha nn s oc ter © ua m pa s Est cid rit nd es Co p um un ce Steven St. Martin's Karriere Schäffer Antenne ire en rt am e s s ic ns la en talogue nets Hit-Radio Antenne W ts e- ph p nta Ac ur ap do ult ce t s n Coonts.com Trade Forge Tor Books ACTIV-CONSULT Wirtschaftswoche Direkt -Poeschel Main-Post Sachsen-Anhalt Thüringen o es ux he re ée c er u Ca ra Migration des médias Liaison Country www.coonts.com www.stmartins.com/SMPtrade/index.htm to t v n s u r Sig BASES www.tor.com/forge.html www.tor.com/tor.html www.activ-consult.de www.wiwo.de www.karrieredirekt.de www.geist.de/poeschel/verlag-D.html www.mainpost.de www.hitradio.de www.antennethueringen.de g et p e o d S l m un F ra rod r u us ez er ign en s M T T T p A n - L ENG ENG ENG T ENG DEU DEU DEU E DEU DEU DEU DEU h c p ui vic e t e C e ySQ Online Returns, Register & BOH Phone Center Returns Area ie c a t é p e n o L Australia F ès r l d er s op de FRA ENG ee ee 5 r a a ité so a e é Liaison 5 an u Bn ha nn ux t r ra G HOW THE R M ço sit F For nd es ec tio uid ctif FLORA ee ee ec Ad itt is- e ma v ic he n R e d Austria he re l er au tio isu ap rc ec e CM om ee rc t ss a B ra x n el ée he S he olle S cust he ran es n nd E d ou s les s ig bib rc c ca r Inf sp et F de ffe oc tils Ou ne lio he li Brasil or or ct um til B la ts th en e l pr ma ts P rec ue en bi s as Bn de èq at tio ou he r u tair bli es F ue Ga CUSTOMER iq n n e o d Glo ue s à r ré rch e s gr on de logu MySQL F s v a n L RA s s A o po e ph P c é O sai cc s q nd S . éri éd es re o ue ues re e é od ér et Bedford Art & Facts New Grove's New Palgrave J.B. Metzler SFG Servicecenter ri il ti rv C le iq om Cata France Let's Go Worth Publishers ACTIV- Prognos Radio 7 en et on in ice a ct ue s /St. Martin's Newsletter Dictionary of Opera Online Dictionaries DIE ZEIT www.prognos.de Verlag Fachverlage BB Radio L t s f s ta ro s www.letsgo.com www.worthpublishers.com e la a o l n www.bedfordbooks.com www.artandfacts.com www.groveopera.com www.grovereference.com/EandF/Palgrave.htm CONSULT www.zeit.de www.prognos.ch www.metzler.de www.s-f-g.com www.bb-radio.de www.radio7.de s B tio rm et c og i E se nF n bib a oll ue que IS SERVED T ENG E ENG E ENG ENG E ENG E ENG DEU E DEU DEU DEU DEU n a r à l ti e DEU g ux vic io on Ag F ct s V lish le es no thé s en ran if d F ENG 6 e Les rub ct m c B c c e 6 rsi eu iqu o- ib e e on rs Dé es lio D Bn Ireland ee pô Na gr oss L’Inrap nu t lé tio ap p ie a ee m g n h. E éd rs riques du site In ér al ale xp ag e l India for ota et A v os og d po ma tio ut S irt itio iqu s ur tio ns c res oi ue ns es n p le ns at rée lle Italy HC-URL t HC-URL ro s alo C thé s s io Paramé- Méthodo- Contacts L’archéo- Manifs. Communi- Multimédia, Fiches Publica- Icono- Rapports Inventaires, Documents Grove's Pr n fes Ca gu on ma it em els sio ta es fér tiq Dictionaries vi ièr n- en log C en ue Ed Japan Scientific American/ W.H. Freeman Encyclopedia Grove's Grove's Macmillan Macmillan Macmillan Der Fischer Radio Radio http://home. http://home. sit e li ue ol ce s Evanovich.com St. Martin's College Tagesspiegel Taschenbuch Verlag e C gn s lo s s trage / logie Liens logie Parutions qués de publi-cation archéo- tions des thèque lots unitaires Publishing Group & Company of Life Sciences Dictionaries of Music Dictionaries Reference Press Publishers MegaLex S. Fischer Verlag Regenbogen Gong 2000 at e qu www.evanovich.com www.whfreeman.com www.macmillan-reference.co.uk/GroveMusic www.grovereference.com www.tagesspiegel.de www.s-fischer.de/sfischer/home.htm www.s-fischer.de/ftv/home.htm www.radio-regenbogen.de www.radiogong.de a E e e www.sasmp.com www.macmillan-reference.co.uk www.macmillan-press.co.uk www.macmillan.co.uk www.megalex.de netscape.com/ et log vé s u USA T E E T netscape.com/ r u n ENG ENG ENG S ENG E ENG S ENG S ENG ENG ENG DEU DEU T DEU DEU DEU DEU cite cos es es em q x y ahoo ookSmar éle sou Ex en O modération préventive Expos presse audiovisuel logiques agents E E E ee e ee 7 c r p ts u oni llbean.com Tomax & FES/PIS FES FES 7 e E InfoseekL Y L Hole-in-One bookmark/4_5/ tr ce os ti Mexico home/internet- oni s iti r ls ee e e http://cgi.netscape.com/cgi-bin/rlcgi.cgi?URL=[base URL]? q C on e de hr e e ues ale s ch C tnetscape.html nd Gé pa erc New Zeland search.html urlpath=[page URL] Pr rie né r I he DK/DA og r C ral nte Website Flagship Store BOH Sort, Ship, P&S Customer Service Phone Returns Area DK/DA cu ram at ité rn ltu m b alo s et Peru re es ib gu Netscape Net Search Welcome to Netscape C ls Tou liot es What I can What I can DE/DE at 2 s h d Retail Store Customer Service Returns a 6 è e DE/DE lo 0 th le qu Poland BN g 0 è s e S les von Holtzbrinck - ue m s er Wolfgang Antenne O es vi el Publishing Services Scientific American/ Grove's Spektrum Potsdamer PL PA Le pr ce do and see do and see Nature Helix Dictionary of Art Online Stockton Press Akademischer Verlag Neueste Nachrichten Ticket Online Krüger Verlag HGV Mecklenburg-Vorpommern US LE s êt d Outlet Store www.s-fischer.de/krueger/home.shtml Search, Search Internet ES/ES S e e Spain St. Martin's College helix.nature.com www.groveart.com www.stockton-press.co.uk www.spektrum-verlag.com www.pnn.potsdam.de www.berlin-ticket.de www.hgv-online.de www.antennemv.de d ig b n irtu Fiches Netscape (Button) ES/ES e la ne ibl tre v ENG E ENG S DEU T DEU DEU DEU C ts io Publishing Group ENG DEU DEU at Bn th R & Netscape Search alo F èq ec Switzerland ee ee ee 8 BN g ue h 8 FR/FR -O ue s erc ions catalo- ee e FR/FR PA Ca he it United e 6,551,329 L ta Do s 3,221,844 INE c log ss o Kingdom Franz olle ue ier IT/IT Re F ct s graphiques Spiegel Buch C M.Mayer IT/IT pro ran if d Dé Exp Venezuela C D. 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G Publishers KR/KO erv e lica dagogi Chargés de Shopping Payment Tomax FES FES CS FES Return German ENG ENG CHI ENG ENG E DEU DEU T T T DEU at validation Payment DEU ion B pé e S 9 ib 9 e ENG su P n lio rs English NL/NL r ro um thè ie Gestionnaire Chargés de Archéologues Réseau de Retail Direct ENG ee ee ee ee ee NL/NL ... je é q s Gestionnaire Documentation Cart Credit Direct Direct My Ric t riq ue Ed s h u it Transaction ee eli e d ion FRA French eu e s Do BR/PT la B du Portail du Site Internet Valorisation (1200) photographes DIR (12) S. Fischer HC-URL BR/PT nF ESP Spanish Nature Verlag ACTEURS Monthlies SE/SV Ch DDCC DDCC (8) (30) SE/SV ron Scientifique JAP Japanese http://home. iq DE LA SAISIE BACK OFFICE Nature Nature PanMacmillan Macmillan Heinemann Macmillan Macmillan Macmillan Verlag Alexander Saarbrücker Trierischer BBA Les a ue A N M s 3 Cell Biology Structural Biology Nature Japan Australia Education Australia Iberia Heinemann ELT Caribbean in Africa Moritz Diesterweg Bildung Online Zeitung Volksfreund N 2 Fest Verlag [ D a Numérisation cellbio.nature.com structbio.nature.com www.naturejpn.com www.ozemail.com.au/~andrewf/panmac.html www.heinemann.es www.mhelt.com www.macmillan-caribbean.com www.macmillan-african.com www.diesterweg.de www.bildung-online.de www.sz-newsline.de www.volksfreund.de netscape.com/ AU/AU [EEx DEEA ga CHI Chinese AU/AU xppo A U utre de zin DST ENG ENG JAP T ENG E ENG E ESP E ENG E ENG E ENG E DEU DEU T DEU DEU aa o s U la e cct t sititio B Ex uuee ionns nF po 10 bookmark/4_5/ l s Fusion POL Polish 10 lles] s vi sit UK/UK s] sites web de la BnF rtu ion Migration Synchronisation Direct & Retail Product Size/Color Product ee ee ee ee ee e s UK/UK lle 2 Size/Color netscapesearch.html s s 3 ITL Italian e D Retail Information Information Direct Avail. 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Prepared by Dynamic Diagrams in collaboration with ACTIV-Consult Multimedia und Training GmbH

Boston MA Providence RI Paris France MA Based in

Information Architecture User Experience Design Expertise Electronic Publishing Intermedia Hypertext Research Information Architecture Online Journal Publishing User Interface Design Data Visualization

Employer & Harvard University Brown University Ingenta plc Kahn+Associates Mad*Pow Director of Publications | Publications Institute for Research in Information Chief Technology Officer Founder and Managing Director Experience Design Director Title Editor and Research Associate | and Scholarship (IRIS), Senior Systems Analyst Project Coordinator | Project Manager & Research Scientist | Director Cadmus Patient Medical Billing Journey Map Insured Adult, Urban Setting Problem: Skin growth; Diagnosis: Skin cancer; Treatment: Outpatient Surgery

Problem Awareness PCP Exam Specialist Exam Pre-Procedure Procedure Post-Procedure Bill Resolution Communications 12/15/15

Diagnostic Biopsy Assisting Pre-procedure Post-procedure Diagnostic Biopsy Biopsy Biopsy Who Does The Work

PCP Specialist Specialist Hospital MD Hospital MD $25 $50 $0 $0 $0 Hospital MD Team Is it over now or are there more Medical 8/15/15 10/29/15 12/8/15 12/23/15 1/7/16 1/26/16 2/5/16 2/18/16 surprises? Should I expect another Director of Electronic Publishing Awareness of a problem, feeling PCP Physical, referral to Specialist Specialist examines Specialist tells Patient about Surgeon repeats biopsy, examines Surgeon performs procedure with Surgeon examines patient, Events bill for that last unwell, unable to return to good for the problem. problem, orders biopsy. biopsy results, refers Patient patient, explains procedure. assistance from 2 Anaesthsialogists, procedure is successful. 5/1/16 visit? health. Schedule appointment for to Surgeon at Hospital and post-procedure biopsy. exam with PCP. for procedure.

Patient This problem is not I can’t get an Now I’m really I need surgery as The surgeon was That went well. I I received great Experience going away. I have appointment with nervous. I have soon as possible! very reassuring. don’t have to stay care but I still to see my doctor. a specialist for a to wait for the What’s the best I think this is overnight. don’t know what it month! I hope biopsy results. hospital? What going to be okay. will cost me. this problem’s are they going not serious. to do to me? 2/10/16 This is not what I was Now I have to told to expect. What’s figure out how to I survived surgery. 2/15/16 3/3/16 3/22/16 going on now? 4/22/16 pay this bill! Let’s find out how 1/26/16 much this is going Insurance didn’t The hospital charges $20,000 but to cost me. call me back. I they are only allowed to charge Here comes the already have one $3,190. You will have to pay this bills. I don’t bill from the amount. Along with other 2/10/16 understand hospital that's charges this will take you over the description. Can’t tell you now, due in 2 days. I your $4,000 deductible. we’ll call you back better pay it now. in a few days.

Who is this bill from? Why did it take 3 I’ve never heard of this months to get this Okay, I’ll just pay it 12/18/15 My co-pay covers place or this doctor! bill? with my FSA card. 3/10/16 most things when I 1/15/16 2/15/16 see my PCP.

Patient Facing

Billing PCP Exam EOB Process

Billing Stream 1 10/29/15 11/25/15 12/15/15 PCP Claim is approved, No bill is sent to the PCP is paid the Patient

Specialist Exam Why was the claim I called the doctor’s billing I still haven’t seen a bill yet. I denied? Will I have office. I called the FSA manager. need to pay before 3/15 to use to pay it later? I haven’t see a bill yet. money from my 2015 FSA. EOB EOB This journey map traces a patient’s experience of a single healthcare event over a nine-month $284.82

period. Most of the actors and institutions Billing Stream 2 12/8/15 12/18/15 1/2/15 2/12/16 2/15/16 3/5/16 3/10/16 Specialist Specialist Lab Claim denied, Claim is then Claim is Claim appears to be Specialist and Billed: $284.82 represented in the Ecosystem Diagram play a send Claim to Provider ID resubmitted approved, the approved Lab send Bill to Paid with with credit card, sent Insurer was missing to Insurer Specialist and Lab Patient in FSA form for reimbusement. role in this Patient Experience. are paid

The experience follows a common path Yikes, I can’t use the card to pay The money’s been removed Lab for an expense that occurred from my 2015 FSA so I guess Atex, Inc. through the US healthcare system: patient during the previous year. I did it right. sees her Primary Care Provider (PCP) for a problem, PCP refers her to a Specialist, the $72.30 $72.30 Specialist orders diagnostic tests, the Patient is Billing Stream 3 Lab 12/15/15 12/20/15 1/12/16 1/15/16 2/15/16 2/25/16 3/2/16 referred for surgery after a positive diagnosis, Outside Lab send Claim is approved, Outside Lab Billed: $72.30 2nd Notice: $72.30 Payment on FSA Resend FSA claim Claim to Insurer the Lab is paid sends Bill to Not paid Paid over the phone card is denied form, uploaded to the diagnostic test is repeated by the Hospital, Patient with FSA card Third Party Portal the Patient meets with the Surgeon, the pro- cedure is performed by a Hospital Team, and the Patient has a post-procedure exam with Hospital Surgery the Surgeon. There are no significant errors and no medical complications represented in this journey. $253.56 $253.56 Applications Specialist Billing Stream 4a 1/26/16 1/2/16 1/22/16 1/24/16 2/15/16 This healthcare experience triggers six Lab Hospital Lab Claim is Hospital sends 1st Bill: 1st Bill: $253.56 diƒerent billing streams involving claims and send Claim approved, the monthly Bill to $253.56 Paid on Hospital to Insurer Hospital Lab Patient Pre-proc portal payments and bills between the Insurer, the is paid biopsy Patient, PCP, Specialist Practice, Labs, Hospital system and a Third Party administering the Patient’s FSA/HRA accounts. $667.95 Billing Stream 4b 1/7/16 1/8/16 1/10/16 1/22/16 2/5/16 2/7/16 2/15/16 3/18/16 3/20/15 3/22/16 This journey map is provided as an example. Services Hopital send Claim denied, Claim is then Claim is Hopital sends Some service Claim is then All Claim are Hospital sends 2nd Bill: $667.95 There are a multitude of variations that a Previsit claim lacking resubmitted approved, the Procedure claims are resubmitted finally approved, monthly Bill to for pre-proc visit to Insurer referral letter to Insurer Hospital is paid Services Claim denied for to Insurer the Hospital is Patient and proc services patient could experience in their medical code to Insurer coding errors paid billing journey and all of the possible variations

are not represented here. Where did this money come from? What’s it for? EOB

Billing Streama 4c $3,858.32 Facilities 2/5/16 3/21/16 3/21/15 3/21/15 4/20/15 4/22/16 Deductable is Check: $1,642.88 Hospital sends Hopital sends Claim is 3rd Bill: $3,858.32 for Maxed out. Check appears from monthly Bill Procedure Services approved, the pre-proc visit, proc is issued from Third Party to Patient Claim to Insurer Hospital is paid services & facilities HRA Account

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