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THE JOURNAL OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICALINSTITUTE OF AMERICA PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE INSTITUTE VOLUME XXXIX 1935 Printed by The Rumford Press, Concord, N. H. EDITORIAL BOARD MARY HAMILTON SWINDLER, , Editor-in-Chief DAVID M. ROBINSON, Johns Hopkins University, Editor, News, Discussions and Bibliography EDITH IHALL DOHAN, University Museum, Philadelphia, Editor, Book Reviews ADVISORY BOARD OF ASSOCIATE EDITORS GEORGE A. BARTON, University of Pennsylvania (Oriental) CARL W. BLEGEN, University of Cincinnati (Aegean) LACEY D. CASKEY, Boston Museum of Fine Arts (GreekArchaeology: Vase Painting) GEORGE H. CHASE, Harvard University (American School at Athens) WILLIAM B. DINSMOOR, (GreekArchaeology: Architecture) GEORGE W. ELDERKIN, Princeton University (Editor, 1924-1931) , (New Excavations and Discoveries) BENJAMIN D. MERITT, Johns Hopkins University (Epigraphy) CHARLES RUFUS MOREY, Princeton University (Mediaeval) EDWARD T. NEWELL, Numismatic Society, New York (Numismatics) GISELA M. A. RICHTER, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (GreekArchaeology: Sculpture) MICHAEL I. ROSTOVTZEFF, Yale University (Roman) ALFRED TOZZER, Harvard University (American Archaeology) HONORARY EDITORS EDWARD CAPPS, Princeton University (Chairmanof the Managing Committeeof the School at Athens) LOUIS E. LORD, Oberlin College (President of the Institute) MILLAR BURROWS, Yale University (President of the American School of Oriental Research)


SAMUEL E. BASSETT FRANKLINP. JOHNSON Classical Archaeology Classical Archaeology CARROLLN. BROWN ROLAND S. KENT Classical Archaeology Linguistics MARY H. BUCKINGHAM STEPHENB. LUCE Classical Archaeology Classical Archaeology SIDNEY N. DEANE CLARENCE MANNING Classical Archaeology Slavic Archaeology ROBERT E. DENGLER GEORGEE. MYLONAS GreekArchaeology Aegean Archaeology VLADIMIR J. FEWKES JOHN C. ROLFE American Archaeology Roman Archaeology JOHN W. FLIGHT KENNETH SCOTT Oriental Archaeology Classical Archaeology HAROLDN. FOWLER JOHN SHAPLEY Classical Archaeology Christian and Mediaeval Archaeology HENRY S. GEHMAN EPHRAIM E. SPEISER Oriental Archaeology Oriental Archaeology E. BIOREN GETZE FRANCIS J. TSCHAN ArchaeologicalExpeditions Slavic Archaeology GERTRUDE GRETHER SHIRLEY WEBER Roman Archaeology Numismatics BATTISCOMBEGUNN FRED V. WINNETT Egyptian Archaeology Oriental Archaeology THE JOURNAL OF

THE ARCHAEOLOGICALINSTITUTE OF AMERICA CONTENTS ALBRIGHT(W. F.) PAGE A Summary of Archaeological Research during 1934 in Palestine, Transjordan and Syria . 137 BACHE(CHARLES) Tepe Gawra ...... 185 BEAZLEY (J. D.) Some Inscriptions on Vases-III ...... 475 BLEGEN(CARL W.) Excavations at , 1934-Plate VI ...... 6 Excavations at Troy, 1935-Plate XLIX ...... 550 BLEGEN (ELIZABETHPIERCE) News Items from Athens-Plates XXIII-XXIV ...... 131, 967, 406, 615 BRONEER(OSCAR) Ecavations in Corinth, 1934 -Plates XVI-XX ...... 53 CASKEY (JOHN L.) New Inscriptions from Troy -Plate L ...... 588 CASSON (STANLEY) Early Greek Inscriptions on Metal: Some Notes...... 510 DAVIDSON (G. R.) The Inscription on a Byzantine Kettle from Corinth ...... 372 DEVAMBEZ (P.), ROBERT (L.) Tate archaYquetrouvee A Keramos-Plates XL-XLI ...... 341 DE WAELE (FERDINANDJOSEPH) The Fountain of and the Early Christian Cemetery at Corinth-Plate XLII . . . 352 DINSMOOR(WILLIAM BELL) The Older Parthenon: Additional Note ...... 508 DOHAN (EDITH HALL) Book Reviews ...... 149, 971,4123,621 A Recent Acquisition of the University Museum, Philadelphia ...... 451 A Ziro Burial from Chiusi-Plates XXVI-XXVII ...... 198 D6RPFELD (WILHELM) Parthenon I, II und III ...... 497 DUNHAM (Dows) A "Palimpsest" on an Egyptian Mastaba Wall ...... 300 ELDERKIN (GEORGEW.) Two Mosaics Representing the Seven Wise Men-Plate XXII ...... 92 Architectural Detail in Antique Sepulchral Art ...... 518 FIELD (HENRY), MARTIN (RICHARD A.) Painted Pottery from Jemdet Nasr, Iraq-Plates XXX-XXXVI ...... 310 FIESEL (EVA) The Inscription on the Etruscan Bulla ...... 195 FRASER (A. D.) The Panoply of the Ethiopian Warrior-Plates VII-XI ...... 35 A New Venus Genetrix in Washington ...... 454 GLUECK (NELSON) Tell El-Hammeh-Plates XXXVII-XXXVIII ...... 321 GOLDMAN(HETTY) Preliminary Expedition to Cilicia, 1934, and Excavations at GozluiKule, Tarsus, 1935 . 526 HANFMANN (GEORGE M. A.) Daidalos in Etruria-Plate XXV ...... 189 HOPKINS (CLARK) The Season 1934-35 at Dura-Plate XXIX ...... 293 JOHNSON (JOTHAM) The Hermes Dionysophoros from Minturnae ...... 448 LITTLE (A. M.) The Decoration of the Hellenistic Peristyle House in South Italy-Plates XLIII-XLVI . 360 MALz (GERTRUDE) Another Zenon Papyrus at the University of Wisconsin ...... 373 6 CONTENTS

MARTIN (RICHARD A.), FIELD (HENRY) PAGE Painted Pottery from Jemdet Nasr, Iraq-Plates XXX-XXXVI ...... 310 MORGAN(CHARLES H.) Several Vases from a Byzantine Dump at Corinth ...... 76 MtLLER(VALENTIN) An Attic Original of the Fifth Century -Plate XXVIII ...... 248 ORLANDOS (A.) The Discovery of Painted Pinakes near Corinth ...... 5 PATON (JAMES M.) A Correction ...... 457 RICHTER (GISELA M. A.) Another Copy of the Diadoumenos by Polykleitos-Plates XII-XV ...... 46 Jason and the Golden Fleece ...... 182 ROBERT (LouIs) Rapport sommaire sur un premier voyage en Carie -Plate XXXIX ...... 331 ROBERT (Louis), DEVAMBEZ(P.) Tote archarque trouv&e A Keramos-Plates XL-XLI ...... 341 ROBINSON (DAVID M.) Archaeological News and Discussions ...... 118, 254, 378,593 Bibliography of Archaeological Books...... 284 The Third Campaign at Olynthos ...... 210 ROWLAND (BENJAMIN, JR.) Notes on Ionic Architecture in the East...... 489 SHEAR (T. LESLIE) The Excavations in the Athenian Agora ...... 173,437 SWIFT (EMERSONH.) The Latins at Hagia Sophia- Plates XLVII-XLVIII ...... 458 WVAAGE(FREDERICK O.) Bronze Objects from Old Corinth, -Plate XXI ...... 79

ABBREVIATIONS...... 170 . . ARCHAEOLOGICALNEWSANDDISCUSSIONS-David M. Robinson ...... 118,2954,378,593 Africa...... 125, 400 Arabia ...... 6192 Austria...... 619. Balkans ...... 1925,126, 128, 613 Czechoslovakia...... 613 ...... 256, 594 England...... 401 France ...... 401 Germany...... 1926 Greece ...... 122?,9262?, 389, 600 1926 Hungary...... Italy ...... 1924,3992, 609 Lithuania...... 1928 Orient ...... 119, 9256, 379, 594- Spain...... 1928,409. United States, Central and South America...... 404 Christian, Byzantine and Mediaeval...... 1929,402, 614 General ...... 119, 9255 Necrology ...... 118, 254, 378, 593 ARCHAEOLOGICAL NOTES ...... 1, 173, 293,437 The Discovery of Painted Pinakes near Corinth'-A. Orlandos ...... 5 The Excavations in the Athenian Agora- T. Leslie Shear...... 173, 437 The Hermes Dionysophoros from Minturnae-Jotham Johnson...... 448 Jason and the Golden Fleece - Gisela M. A. Richter...... 182 New Egyptian Acquisitions in the Metropolitan Museum of Art -Plates I-III ...... 1 The New Mithraeum at Dura-Plates IV-V ...... 4 A Recent Acquisition of the University Museum, Philadelphia- Edith Hall Dohan . . . 451 CONTENTS 7

PAGE The Season 1934-35 at Dura - Plate XXIX- Clark Hopkins ...... 293 Tepe Gawra, 1934-35 -Charles Bache ...... 185 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL BOOKs-David M. Robinson ...... 284 BOOK REVIEwS--Edith Hall Dohan ...... 149, 271, 412, 621 NEWS ITEMSFROM ATHENs-Plates XXIII-XXIV --Elizabeth P. Blegen ...... 131, 267, 406, 615 A SUMMARY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH DURING 1934 IN PALESTINE, TRANSJORDAN AND SYRIA-W. F...... 137 Albright ...... THIRTY-SIXTH GENERAL MEETING OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA ...... 112

BOOK REVIEWS Ambrosi (M. A.) Forma Orbis Romani: carte archeologique de la Gaule romaine, Fase. III: carte et texte du Departement de la Corse. (W. W. Hyde) ...... 162 Antioch I. The Excavations of 1932...... 158 on-the-Orontes, (C. Bonner) ... Archaeologia Hungarica XIII. A Soproni Burgstall Alakos Urnai. Die Figuralverzierten Urnen vom Soproner Burgstall. (C. A. Manning) ...... 153 Archaeologia Hungarica, XIV, by Denes Bartha. A Janoshidai Avarkori Kettdssip. Die avarisch Doppelschalmei von JAnoshida. (C. A. Manning)...... 272 Bartha (D.) Archaeologia Hungarica, XIV. (C. A. Manning) ...... 272 Baur (P. V. C.), Rostovtzeff (M. I.), Bellinger (A. R.) The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Pre- liminary Report of the Fourth Season of Work (V. Miiller)...... 630 Beazley (J. D.) Campana Fragments in Florence. (L. D. Caskey) ...... 419 Bellinger (A. R.), Baur (P. V. C.), Rostovtzeff (M. I.) The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Pre- liminary Report of the Fourth Season of Work (V. MUller) ...... 630 Benoit (F.), Couissin (P.), de Gerin-Richard (H.) Forma Orbis Romani: carte archeologique de la Gaule romaine, Fasc. IV: carte de la partie occidentale du Departement du Var et de la partie orientale du Departement des Bouches-du-Rh8me (W. W. Hyde) ...... 426 Betterman (K.), von Uslar (R.), Ricken (H.) Rdmisch-germanische Keramik im Saalburg- Museum. (H. Comfort) ...... 429 Bieber (M.) Entwicklungsgeschichte der griechischen Tracht. (R. Carpenter) ...... 420 Brusin (G.) Gli Scavi di Aquileia. (A. C. Soper, III) ...... 635 Bulle (H.) Untersuchungen an griechischen Theatern. (O. Broneer) ...... 415 Cecchelli, Paschini, Leicht, Vale, Forlati, Morassi, Cirilli, La Basilica di Aquileia. (A. C. Soper, ...... 635 III) ...... Chiera (E.) Joint Expedition with the Iraq Museum at Nuzi: Vol. IV: Proceedings in Court. Vol. V: Mixed Texts. (R. H. Pfeiffer) ...... 278 Childe (V. G.) New Light on the Most Ancient East. (H. Goldman) . .'...... 626 Cirilli, Paschini, Leicht, Vale, Cecchelli, Forlati, Morassi La Basilica di Aquileia. (A. E. Soper, III) 635 Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Providence, Museum of the Rhode Island School of Design, Fasc. 1 (U. S. A., Fasc. 2). By S. B. Luce. (L. D. Caskey) ...... 627 Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Robinson Collection, Fasc. 1 (U. S. A., Fasc. 4). By D. M. Rob- inson. (M. Z. Pease) ...... 282, 418 Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, , Fasc. I (U. S. A., Fasc. 3). By Wilhelmina van Ingen. (H. Comfort) ...... 159 Couissin (P.), de Gerin-Ricard (H.), Benoit (F.) Forma Orbis Romani: carte archeologique de la Gaule romaine, Fasc. IV: carte de la partie occidentale du Departement du Var et de la partie orientale du D6partement des Bouches-du-Rhane. (W. W. Hyde)...... 426 Davies (N. de G.) Paintings from the Tomb of Rekh-mi-Re' at Thebes. (T. G. Allen). . .. 621 de Genouillac (H.) Fouilles de Telloh: Tome 1, poques presargoniques. (E. A. Speiser) . . . 413 de G~rin-Ricard (H.), Couissin (P.), Benoit (F.) Forma Orbis Romani: carte archbologique de la Gaule romaine, Fasc. IV: carte de la partie occidentale du D~partement du Var et de la partie orientale du D~partement des Bouches-du-Rh6ne. (W. W. Hyde) ...... 426 de Laguna (F.) The Archaeology of Cook Inlet, Alaska. (D. Jenness) ...... 272 De Wald (E. T.) The Illustrations of the Utrecht Psalter. (G. G. King) ...... 438 D'Harcourt (R.) Les Textiles anciens du P~rou et leur techniques. (M. D. C. Crawford) . . . 166 Drerup (H.) Die Datierung der Mumienportrits. (V. Miiller) ...... 427 Dugas (C.), Rhomaios (C.) Exploration de Dlos, No. 15. Les Vases pr~helleniques et gbom&- triques. (H. R. W. Smith) ...... 414 8 CONTENTS

PAGE Elfering (L. J.) Hooge Huizen in de Oudheid. (V. MUller) ...... 161 Eos. Commentarii Societatis Philologae Polonorum. Vol. XXXIV, 1932-3. (V. MUller) . . . 160 Forbes (R. J.) Notes on the History of Ancient Roads and their Construction. (J. Johnson) . . .427 Forlati, Paschini, Leicht, Vale, Cecchelli, Morassi, Cirilli. La Basilica di Aquileia. (A. C. Soper, III) ...... 635 Forma Orbis Romani: carte archeologique de la Gaule romaine, Fasc. III: carte et texte du D6(- partement de la Corse. (W. W. Hyde) ...... 162 Forma Orbis Romani: carte archeologique de la Gaule romaine, Fasc. IV: carte de la partie oc- cidentale du Departement du Var et de la partie orientale du Departement des Bouches-du- Rh6ne. (W. W. Hyde) ...... 4.26 Gardiner (A.) The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos, Vol. I: The Chapels of Osiris, Isis and Horus. (C. R. Williams)...... 73 Graindor (P.) Athenes sous Hadrien. (C. B. Welles) ...... 493 Grier (E.) Accounting in the Zenon Papyri. (C. B. Welles) ...... 633 Grousset (R.) The Civilizations of the East. Vol. III, China, and Vol. IV, Japan. (C. W. Bishop) 434 Gude (M.) A History of Olynthus. (W. S. Ferguson) ...... 154 Hanell (K.) Megarische Studien. (G. W. Elderkin) ...... 629 Hauser (W.), White (H. G. E.) The Monasteries of the Wadi 'n Natri^n, Part III. The Architec- ture and Archaeology. (K. Conant)...... 638 Heidner (A.), Stahlin, Meyer (E.) Pagasai und Demetrias. (R. Carpenter) ...... 4.0 Hermet (F.) La Graufesenque (Condatomago). (G. H. Chase) ...... 159 Hinks (R.) Carolingian Art-Painting and Sculpture in Western Europe, A.D. 800-900. (K. Conant) ...... 435 Holmberg (E. J.) Zur Geschichte des Cursus Publicus. (A. B. West) ...... 428 Hdlscher (U.) The Excavation of Medinet Habu, Vol. I, General Plans and Views. (W. C. Hayes) 150 Holscher (U.), Nelson (H. H.), Schott (S.) Work in Western Thebes, 1931-33. (C. R. Williams) 621 Karo (G.) Fuehrer durch . (R. Carpenter) ...... 156 Kian (G.-R.) Introduction Al'histoire de la monnaie et histoire mon6taire de la Perse des origines Ala fin de la p6riode parthe. (E. T. Newell)...... 421 Kollwitz (J.) Die Lipsanothek von Brescia: Studien zur spiitantiken Kunstgeschichte, 7. (A. C. Soper, III) ...... 430 Kruse (H.) Studien zur offiziellen Geltung des Kaiserbildes im rdmischen Reiche. (C. R. Morey) 165 Leicht, Paschini, Vale, Cecchelli, Forlati, Morassi, Cirilli. La Basilica di Aquileia. (A. C. Soper, III) ...... 635 Littmann (E.) Syria. Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria.. in 1904-5 and 1909. (J. A. Montgomery) ...... 153 Luce (S. B.) Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Museum of the Rhode Island School of Design, Fase. 1 (U. S. A., Fasc. •2). (L. D. Caskey) ...... 627 Macurdy (G. H.) Hellenistic Queens: A Study of Woman-Power in Macedonia, Seleucid Syria, and Ptolemaic Egypt. (C. J. Kraemer, Jr.) ...... 156 March (B.) Standards of Pottery Description. (H. Goldman)...... 629 Metropolitan Museum Studies, Vol. V, Part 1. (H. R. W. Smith)...... 81 Meyer (E.), Stihlin, Heidner (A.) Pagasai und Demetrias. (R. Carpenter) ...... 420 Montgomery (J. A.) Arabia and the Bible. (S. L. Skoss) ...... 623 Morassi, Paschini, Leicht, Vale, Cecchelli, Forlati, Cirilli. La Basilica di Aquileia. (A. C. Soper, III) ...... 635 ...... Nelson (H. H.), Medinet Habu, Vol. III, The Calendar, the "Slaughterhouse," and Minor Records of Rameses III. (W. C. Hayes) ...... 152 Nelson (H. H.),H-lscher (U.), Schott (S.) Work in Western Thebes, 1931-33. (C. R. Williams) 621 Office International des Musbes, La Conservation des monuments d'art et d'histoire. (L. B. Hol- land) ...... 425 Opuscula Archaeologica, Vol. I, Fase. 1. (T. Frank) ...... 164 Ox&(A.) Arretinische Reliefgefissevom Rhein. (H. Comfort)...... 4928 Paschini,Leicht, Vale, Ceechelli,Forlati, Morassi,Cirilli. La Basilica di Aquileia.(A.'C. Soper, III) ...... 635 Petrie (Sir F.) Palestine and Israel: IHistoricalNotes. (E. A. Speiser) ...... 413. Poidebard (A.) La trace de Rome dans le desert de Syrie. Le limes de Trajan Ala conqu~te arabe. Recherches a~riennes (1925-1931). (C. Hopkins) ...... 161 CONTENTS 9

PAGE Rhomaios (C.), Dugas (C.) Exploration de Delos, No. 15. Les Vases pr~helleniquesg*om&- et triques. (H. R. W. Smith) ...... 414 Ricken (H.), von Uslar (R.), Bettermann (K.) Rdmischgermanische Keramik im Saalburgmu- seum. (H. Comfort) ...... 429 Robinson (D. M.) Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, The Robinson Collection, Fasc. 1 (U. S. A., Fasc. 4) (M. Z. Pease)...... 2082, 418 Rostovtzeff (M. I.), Baur (P. V. C.), Bellinger (A. R.) The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Pre- liminary Report of Fourth Season of Work. (V. Miiller) ...... 630 Rostovtzeff (M. I.) The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Preliminary Report of Fifth Season of Work. (V. MUller) ...... 630 Sandford (K. S.) Paleolithic Man and the Nile Valley in Upper and Middle Egypt. (G. G. MacCurdy) ...... 271 Sandor (G.) Archaeologia Hungarica, XIII. A Soproni Burgstall Alakos Urnfai. Die Figuralver- zierten Urnen vom Soproner Burgstall. (C. A. Manning)...... 153 Schefold (K.) Untersuchungen zu den kertscher Vasen. (G. M. A. Richter) ...... 280 Schneider (A. M.) Die Brotvermeherungskirche von Et-Tabga am Genesarethsee und ihre Mosaiken. (M. E. Blake) ...... 639 Schott (S.), Nelson (H. H.), H6lscher (U.) Work in Western Thebes, 1931-33. (C. R. Williams) 621 Shipley (F. W.) Agrippa's Building Activities in Rome. (I. S. Ryberg) ...... 164 Speiser (E. A.) Excavations at Tepe Gawra, Vol. I. (G. A. Barton) ...... 622 Stiihlin, Meyer (E.), Heidner (A.) Pagasai und Demetrias. (R. Carpenter) ...... 420 Sukenik (E. L.) Ancient Synagogues in Palestine and Greece. (P. Romanoff) ...... 634 Syria. Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904-5 and 1909. Division IV. Semitic Inscriptions. By E. Littmann. (J. A. Montgomery) . . . 153 Ugolini (L. M.) Malta: Origini della civilth mediterranea. (G. M. A. Hanfmann) ...... 624 Uire (P. N.) Aryballoi and Figurines from Rhitsona in . (G. M. A. Richter) . . .. . 6928 Vale, Paschini, Leicht, Cecchelli, Forlati, Morassi, Cirilli. La Basilica di Aquileia. (A. C. Soper, III) ...... 635 Van Deman (E. B.) The Building of the Roman Aqueducts. (R. C. Rolfe) ...... 633 Van Der Mijnsbrugge (M.) The Cretan Koinon. (A. B. West)...... 83 Van Ingen (W.) Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, University of Michigan, Fasc. 1 (U. S. A., Fasc. 3). (H. Comfort) ...... 159 Von Gerkan (A.) Milet: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen seit dem Jahre 1899. (R. Carpenter) ...... 626 Von Uslar (R.), Bettermann (K.), Ricken (H.) Rdmischgermanishe Keramik im Saalburgmu- seum. (H. Comfort)...... * ...... 429 Vouga (P.) Classification du nbolithique lacustre suisse...... (G. G. MacCurdy) ...... 412 Vouga (P.) Le Neolithique lacustre ancien. (G. G. MacCurdy) ...... 41O Watzinger (C.) Denkmiiler Palistinas, eine Einfuhrung in die Archiiologie des heiligen Landes. I. (P. Romanoff)...... 624 Welles (C. B.) Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic Period. (A. B. West) ...... 422 White (H. G. E.), Hauser (W.) The Monasteries of the Wadi'n Natrfn, Part III. The Architec- ture and Archaeology. (K. Conant) ...... 638 Winlock (H. E.) The Treasure of El Lahfn. (T. G. Allen) ...... 149 Wrede (W.) Attische Mauern. (R. Carpenter) ...... 155 Wrede (W.) Attika. (R. Carpenter) ...... 156 Wycherley (R. E.) Pausanias, Description of Greece, Vol. V. (L. T. Shoe) ...... 630 PLATES I. The Chief Royal Scribe Yuny Offering a Votive Shrine to the God Osiris, New York, Metropolitan Museum II. A. Head of Quartzite Statue of Ramesses II, XIX Dynasty B. The Hawk of the God Horus with a Figure of the Donor, King Nektanebos, XXX Dynasty III. Ivory Figures of Dancing Dwarfs IV. Dura, Mithraeum. Podium Niche with Steps V. Dura, Mithraeum. A. Relief of Zenobios B. Painting of Mithras as a Hunter, Left, Side wall 10 CONTENTS

VI. Troy. Plan of Walls in Area E-6 VII. A. Memnon and His Attendants. Attic B.-F. Amphora in the British Museum B. Memnon and His Attendants. Attic B.-F. Amphora in the Metropolitan Museum VIII. Ethiopians in the Trojan War. Fragmentary Attic B.-F. Amphora in the Univer- sity Museum, Philadelphia IX. Attic R.-F. Fragments in the Collection of the University of Erlangen X. A. Armed Ethiopian Charging. Attic R.-F. Cylix, Paris, Louvre B. Negro Alabastron in the British Museum C. Two Negro Alabastra in the Louvre XI. A. Drawing from Negro Alabastron B. Drawing from a Plastic Rhyton, Boston Museum of Fine Arts XII-XIII. Roman Copy of the Diadoumenos by Polykleitos, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York XIV-XV. Head of the Statue Shown in Plates XII and XIII XVI. 1. Corinth. Roman Shops in East Area 92. Corinth. East Area from Southwest, South Basilica in Foreground XVII. 1. Corinth. South Basilica from the East 92. Corinth. Mosaic with Dionysiac Scene XVIII. 1. Corinth. West Area from the Northeast 2. West Area from the South Showing West Shops XIX. 1. Corinth. Capital with Kneeling Figures 92. Corinth. Marble Head of Antoninus Pius XX. A-B. Corinth. Statue of Tyche C. Statue of Nike XXI. Bronze Steelyard Weight from Old Corinth XXII. A. Mosaic of the Seven Philosophers Found at Pompeii B. Mosaic of the Seven Philosophers Found at Sarsina XXIII. Athens, National Museum. Bronze Head from Perinthos in Thrace XXIV. Arkalochori. Gold Double Axes XXV. Etruscan Bulla in the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore XXVI. A. Vase from Ziro Burial, University Museum, Philadelphia B. The Frothingham Vase, University Museum, Philadelphia XXVII. Crowning Figure of Vase from Ziro Burial, University Museum, Philadelphia XXVIII. Attic Statuette from the End of the Fifth Century B.C. XXIX. A. Bas-reliefof the Tyche of Palmyra B. Bas-relief of the Tyche of Dura Crowned by Seleukos Nikator XXX-XXXVI. Pottery Vesselsfrom Jemdet Nasr, Iraq XXXVII-XXXVIII. Profilesof Vases from Tell El-Hammek XXXIX. Hydisos: les remparts et l'acropole XL. A. Keramos, vue du sud. Au centre, I'acropole B. Keramos, vue du sud. Ce monument est A l'est de la ville XLI. Tate archaique trouvee A Keramos XLII. A. North Side of the Corinthian Plateau from the North B. General View of Lerna from the East XLIII-XLVI. Pompeian Wall Decoration. First and Second Styles XLVII. A. Hagia Sophia. Ground Plan B. Hagia Sophia. Plan at Triforium Level XLVIII. A. Hagia Sophia. Section on East-and-West Axis B. Hagia Sophia. Section on North-and-South Axis XLIX. Troy. Plan of Walls of E 6, Third Phase of Second City L. Troy. A. Dedication to Zeus Herkeios B. Dedication to Constantine II as Caesar ILLUSTRATIONS IN TEXT PAGE Dolls of Faience, from the Mastaba of Hepy ...... Ivory Figures of Dancing Dwarfs from Tomb of Hepy ...... Toilet Jar, Cucumber and Hippopotamus Goddess in Faience ...... 3 Troy. Narrow Street Between Houses ...... 8 CONTENTS 11

PAGE Troy. Horn Handle and Bone Ornament from Street ...... 8 Troy. Neck of Jug with Representation of Face ...... 9 Troy. House 400 from the East ...... 10 Troy. Successive Floors Covered by Rubbish and Carbonized Debris, House 400 ...... 10 Troy. Flaring Bowl from House 400 ...... 12 Troy. Coarse Basin from House 400 ...... 12 Troy. Cylix Decorated with Painted Octopus ...... 17 Troy. Column Bases in House VI F ...... 18 Troy. Worked Stone, Perhaps Lowest Step of Stairway, House VI F ...... 19 Troy. Fragment of Mycenaean Ware from House VI F...... 20 Troy. Northern Room of House VI G...... 21 Troy. Second City Wall Superposed Above Earlier Wall ...... 24 Troy. Loose Masonry Forming Present End of Sixth City Wall in Square A 5 ...... 24 Troy. Finished End of Sixth City Wall Beneath Later Structure ...... 24 Troy. Rocky Ledge Used for Cemetery of Troy VI ...... 24 Troy. Urns 1, 2 and 3 Before Removal ...... 27 Troy. Burial Urn No. 18 Before Removal ...... 27 Troy. Large Crater. Burial Urn No. 1 ...... 28 Troy. Stirrup Vase in Minyan Ware ...... 28 Troy. Three-Handled Jar in Minyan Ware ...... 28 Troy. Minyan Goblet Used as Lid for Urn No. 3 . . . . .' ...... 28 Troy. Minyan Cylix from Cemetery ...... 29 Troy. Fragment of Red Plate with Incised Drawing .... .*...... 31 Troy. The Scamander Flowing Between Balli Dagh and Eski Hissarlik ...... 32 Troy. The Ridge of Kara Tepe ...... 32 Troy. The Mound of Kum Tepe ...... 32 Modern Nubian Shield and War Club ...... 39 Arming Scene. Interior of Attic R.-F. Cylix in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts ...... 45 Head of the Statue of the Diadoumenos Shown in Plates XII and XIII...... 47 Foot of the Statue Shown in Plates XII and XIII ...... 47 Bronze Statuette Found in Rome...... 47 Reconstruction of the Diadoumenos by Polykleitos ...... 50 Reconstruction of the New York Diadoumenos ...... 50 Graeco-Roman Plasma, Diadoumenos ...... 50 Stamp on the Handle of a Terracotta Amphora ...... 50 Corinth. Plan of East Area ...... 54 Corinth. Interior of Byzantine Tomb ...... 55 Corinth. Southeast Corner of Stoa ...... 56 Corinth. of Roman Sima ...... 59 Fragments ...... Corinth. Eros on Dolphin from Mosaic Floor ...... 59 Corinth. Plan of the West Area ...... 63 Corinth. Well Curb in Shop XXXIII ...... 64 Corinth. Anta of Marble ...... 66 Capital ...... Corinth. Statue of Hermes Kriophoros ...... 69 Corinth. Roman Portrait Head ...... 69 Corinth. Fragment of a Statue in Military Dress ...... 70 Corinth. Marble Column with Human Head at Top ...... 70 Corinth. Hellenistic Bowl from Pottery Deposit ...... 71 Corinth. Lagynos from South Stoa ...... 71 Corinth. Inscribed Vases from Pottery Deposit ...... 72 Corinth. Terracotta Ink W ells ...... 73 Corinth. Bone Flute Found in Well...... 73 Corinth. Carved Ivory Comb ...... 74 Corinth. Table Leg of Marble ...... 75 Corinth. Iron Anchor from Roman Ship ...... 75 Corinth. Byzantine Pottery ...... 77 Corinth. Glass Vessels from Byzantine Dump ...... 78 Steelyard Weight in the British Museum ...... 80 Steelyard Weight of the Greau Collection ...... 81 Corinth. Bronze Vessels ...... 87-89 Corinth. Inscribed and Decorated Bands on Kettle No. 3 ...... 89 Athenian Vase with Figures in Relief ...... 93 Relief on Hyposcenium of Late Stage in Theater of Dionysos at Athens ...... 94 Marble Relief of a Dramatic Poet from the West Slope of the Acropolis ...... 99 Statue of Demosthenes in the Vatican...... 100 Hellenistic Gem ...... 102 Ivory CasketinBrescia...... 103 Miniatures from Dioscurides ...... 103 Mt. Athos, Ms. 43. John ...... 104 Stauronitika, ...... Venice, San Lazzaro, Gospels of Queen Mlke. Mathew ...... 104 Pompeii, Casa dei Gladiatori, Theatre Scene in Fourth Pompeian Style ...... 105 Relief of Poet from Stage Front, Sabratha, Tripoli ...... 107 19 CONTENTS

PAGE Mark. , State Library, Codex Aureus Lat. 14000...... 109 Mark ...... 110 Euripides ...... 110 Jeremiah ...... 110 ...... Athens, National Museum, Bronze Head from Perinthos in Thrace ...... 132 Athens, National Museum, Bronze Vessels from Grave Under the Entrance to the Academy . . . . 133 Athens, National Museum. B.-F. Amphora from the Academy ...... 133 Athens, National Museum, Gold Cup from Tholos Tomb at Marathon ...... 133 Arkalochori. Bronze Double Axes ...... 135 Athens.Excavated Area on the WestSide of the Agora...... 174 Athens. Plan of the Buildings in the Agora ...... 175 Athens. Geometric Graves...... 176 Athens. Vases of the Late Geometric Period ...... 176 Athens. Geometric Oinochoe ...... 178 Athens. Ostraka ...... 179 Athens. Marble Heads and Statuette of Venus Genetrix Type ...... 180 Jason and the Golden Fleece on the New York Krater...... 182 Column Krater in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York ...... 183 Column Krater in the Museo Civico, Bologna ...... 183 A Satyr in the Role of Jason on the Bologna Krater ...... 184 Tepe Gawra from the West ...... 185 Tepe Gawra. Buildings...... 186 Tepe Gawra. Two Steatite Cups and Marble Vase from a Burial...... 187 Tepe Gawra. Two Bowls of Obsidian ...... 187 Tepe Gawra. Gold Objects from the Tombs ...... 187 Tepe Gawra. Painted Burial Jar ...... - 188 Tepe Gawra. Wolf's Head of Electrum ...... 188 Etruscan Gold Bulla ...... 189-191 Bronze Cinerary Urn in the Museo Archeologico, Florence ...... 199 Bronze Objects from a Ziro Burial in Chiusi...... 199-202 Bronze Censer from Marsiliana ...... 202 Crowning Figure of a Vase, University Museum, Philadelphia ...... 20 Vase from Bettole in the Antiquarium, Berlin .2...... 06 Figurines from the Hilprecht Collection, University Museum, Philadelphia . . . . . 208 Figurines in Toronto ...... 208 Olynthos. View of Excavations from the North ...... 211 Olynthos. Avenue A. Gate from the North ...... 211 Olynthos. The Fortification Walls at the N. W. End of the North Hill Looking North . . . 11 Plan of Olynthos Showing Extent of Excavations ...... 12 Olynthos. Plan of Three Complete Blocks of Houses...... 213 Olynthos. The Tower at the N. W. Corner from the North ...... 216 Olynthos. Plan of North End of North Hill ...... 216 Olynthos. The Ruins of the Block of Houses Between Streets VII and VIII from Avenue B 2. . 17 Olynthos. Building with Seven Interior Bases from the East ...... 217 Olynthos. Three Doric Capitals ...... 218 Olynthos. Doric Capital showing Dowel Holes filled with Lead and Setting Hole ...... 219 Olynthos. Plan of Fountain House ...... 20 Olynthos. House with Public Stores ...... 21 Olynthos. Terracotta Wash-Basin ...... 222 Olynthos. Plan of House of A v 6...... 223 Olynthos. The House Where the Bronze Brazier Was Found ...... 223 Olynthos. Painted End Roof-Tile Found in House A v 7, e ...... 224 Olynthos. Roof-Tile with the Inscription Menon Kalos ...... 224 Olynthos. Plan of the Riverside Cemetery ...... 225 Olynthos. A Tile Grave ...... 225 Olynthos. Large Native Olynthian Amphora Used as Burial Urn ...... 225 Olynthos. Grave A 55 from Above ...... 227 Olynthos. A Group of Nine Skeletons ...... 227 Olynthos. Foundations of Monument in Riverside Cemetery ...... 227 Olynthos. The Painted Tomb Showing Entrance Steps ...... 27 Olynthos. Interior of Painted Chamber Tomb from Above...... 2930 Excavation at Mekyberna ...... 30 Mekyberna. Partof a Krater ...... 2931 Olynthos. BronzeObjects ...... 232,2 35 Olynthos. Terracottas ...... 237-940 Olynthos. Native OlynthianAmphora ...... 241 Olynthos. Attic Kantharos Resembling in Style Vases Found in Kertch and the Cyrenaica ...... 249 Olynthos. Silver Chalcidic Coins ...... 243 Attic Relief dated 410/9 B. C ...... 953 Archaic Aphrodite at Lyons with Newly Discovered Portions from the Acropolis Museum ...... 267 Plan of theAcropolis of Malthi ...... 269 Malthi. Large Apsidal Building ...... 270 CONTENTS 13

PAGE Dura. Plaque of Horn with Relief of Elk ...... 94 Dura. Painted Shields ...... 96, ?97 Dura. Terracotta Figure of Hermes ...... 98 North Wall from Tomb of Ka-m-nofret, Boston Museum of Fine Arts ...... 301-307 Map Showing the Location of Recently Excavated Sites Where Early Painted Pottery Has Been Found . 310 Tell El-Hammeh. Plans and Sections ...... 322 El-Hammeh. View ...... 323 Tell El-Hammeh. Pottery ...... 324-330 Stratonikeia. Le Th•atre ...... 332 Stratonikeia. Mur exterieur d'un &difice...... 333 Stratonikeia. Fragment de l'inscription, L. W., III, 520 ...... 334 Euromos. Le Grand temple ...... 337 Mylasa. Tombe rupestre pres de Mylasa...... 338 KuyrukluHisar. Laporte ...... 338 Hydisos. Une tour...... 339 Keramos. Le Mur de soutenement du temple de Zeus ...... 342 Keramos. Mur de soutenement a Arcades...... 343 Keramos. Base ala double hache ...... 343 Keramos. La Plaine vue du sanctuaire de Zeus ...... 343 Keramos. M onnaies ...... 344 Keramos. Tote archaique ...... 346 Tete de Constantinople ...... 349 M asque de Londres ...... 350 Corinth. Plan of Lerna and Surrounding Area ...... 353 Corinth. Inside View of Spring-House of Upper Lerna from the North ...... 354 Corinth. Inside View of the Sixth Cavern from the East ...... 355 Corinth. Female Statue of the Fifth Century B.C ...... 358 Pompeian Wall Paintings, First and Second Styles ...... 366, 370 Corinth. Inscribed Band on Bronze Kettle ...... 372 Recto of P. isc...... 373 Sikyon. Northern Retaining Wall of the Gymnasium Showing the "Cushion Finish" of the Blocks . . 407 Sikyon. FountainB ...... 408 Troy. Pots on Floor, Troy 11, Square E 6 ...... 409 Troy. HouseVI F. Floor with Column Bases from Northeast...... 409 Troy. House VI G from Northeast ...... 410 Troy. End of VIth City Wall in SquareA 5 ...... 410 Troy. Base of Monument and Hellenistic Wall ...... 411 Athens. View of the Orchestra from the East ...... 438 Athens. Plan of the Agora at the Close of the Season ...... 440 Athens. Neolithic Vases ...... 441 Athens. Vases from a Protogeometric Grave ...... 449 Athens. Early Geometric Oinochoe ...... 443 Athens. Glass Pendant Found with Early Geometric Pottery ...... 443 Athens. Herm with the Portrait of Moiragenes ...... 444 Athens. Ivory Statuettes...... 445 Athens. Head of a M aenad ...... 445 Athens. Marble Portrait Head ...... 446 Athens. Portrait of an Emperor ...... 446 Minturnae. The Hermes Dionysophoros ....449, 450 Stamnos by the Kleophrades Painter in Philadelphia ...... 45 Statuette of Venus Genetrix Type in the United States National Museum, Washington, D. C...... 454 The Frejus Copy of the Venus Genetrix in the Louvre ...... 455 Constantinople. Hagia Sophia. West Portals and Buttresses of West Facade ...... 460 Constantinople. Hagia Sophia from the Northwest and from the South, After Grelot ...... 461 Constantinople. Hagia Sophia. Ground Plan, After Grelot ...... 46 Constantinople. Hagia Sophia. General View from the Southwest ...... 463 Constantinople. Hagia Sophia. Buttresses of the West Facade as Seen from the Southwestern Minaret . . 464 Constantinople. Hagia Sophia from the Northwest, After Grelot ...... 465 Constantinople. Hagia Sophia. Exterior, East End from the Northeast ...... 465 Constantinople. Hagia Sophia. The Flying Buttresses of the West Faqade, Struts and Arches ...... 467 Constantinople. Hagia Sophia. Southwestern Buttress, Squinch and Southern Arch of Dome from the South 467 Constantinople. Hagia Sophia. Diagonal Walls, Squinches and Buttresses of the South Flank as Seen from the Southwestern Minaret ...... 4t1 Constantinople. Hagia Sophia from the Southwest, with Squinch and Flying Buttresses of...... the Dome, After Fossati...... 47~2. . . . . Cup-fragment in University College, London, N 11 ...... 475 Fragment of a Plaque in the Museum of Prehistory, Berlin ...... 476 Fragments of a Plaque, from the Acropolis, in Athens ...... 477 White Kotyle in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg ...... 479 Plate-fragment in Rome, Villa Giulia ...... 480 ...... Cup-fragment, from the Acropolis, in Athens ...... 480 Alabastron-Mouth from the Acropolis in Athens ...... 480 14 CONTENTS

PAGE Cup-fragment in Palermo ...... 481 Cup in Naples, Stg. 269 ...... 482 Bell-Krater in Naples ...... 484 Bell-Krater in Syracuse, 30747 ...... 486,488 Colossal Capital from Pataliputra ...... 490 Capital from Pataliputra ...... 490 Reconstruction of the Capital from Pataliputra ...... 491 Temple at Jandial, Taxila ...... 491 Detail of Capital from Jandial, Taxila ...... 492 Ionic Columns, Khurha ...... 493 Ionic Column from Mohra-Maliar ...... 495 "Parthian-lonic" Capitals, Assur ...... 496 Stufenbau der drei Perioden des Parthenons ...... 501 Dedication of Mantiklos. Bronze Statuette in the Museum of Fine Arts at Boston ...... 511 Four Coins of Tanagra and Three of Thebes ...... 512 Inscription on the Kypselid Bowl, Museum of Fine Arts at Boston ...... 513, 514 Inscription on Basis of the Megakles Stele, New York ...... 516 Bowdoin Mina ...... 517 ...... A Sarcophagus of Clazomenae in Berlin ...... 518 Boeotian Sepulchral "Gable" (Thebes) ...... 519 The Sarcophagus of Scipio ...... 520 Etruscan Sarcophagus of Seianti Thanunia ...... 520 Etruscan Sarcophagus of Larthia Seianti ...... 521 Detail of Early Boeotian Amphora ...... 522 Detail of Gothic Ivory Diptych ...... 523 Gozlii Kule from the Southwest ...... 527 Contour M ap of G zlui Kule ...... 528 Gbzlti Kule. Plaster Mould and Plastoline Impression. Bearded Head ...... 529 . . . 530 Gzlii Kule. Fragmentary Lamp Disk. Helmeted Athena ...... G zlii Kule. Figurine of Herakles, Terracotta ...... 531 Gozlii Kule. Male Figure Wearing a Phrygian Cap and Loin Cloth, Terracotta ...... 531 Gbzlii Kule. Bearded Serapis, Terracotta ...... 531 Gozlii Kule. Medallion with Bust of Young Girl, Terracotta ...... 531 Gzlii Kule. Deep Bowl of Vitreous Glaze ...... 533 Gzlii Kule. Clay Disk, Bearded Herakles ...... 533 Gizlui Kule. Lamps...... 533 Gzlii Kule. Narrow-Necked Jug with Matt Painted Ornament ...... 534 Gozlii Kule. Shallow Bowl or Plate with Incised Symbol ...... 535 Gbzlii Kule. Half-Lentoid Seal of Steatite ...... 535 Gizli Kule. Post-Hittite Seal of Red Porphyry with Convex Sides Inscribed with Hieroglyphs ...... 535 Gozlti Kule. Conical Bulla. Hittite Hieroglyphs Surrounded by Cuneiform Inscription ...... 536 Gozlu Kule. Section A. Building Unit Centered Around Paved Court ...... 536 Gazlti Kule. Tub with Pithos-Like Base ...... 538 Gizlti Kule. Impression of Steatite Cylinder Seal ...... 538 Gbzlti Kule. Narrow-Necked Jug and Deep Four-Handled Bowl ...... 538 Gazlti Kule. Steatite Seals ...... 538 GizlUi Kule. Comic Actor ...... 538 Gozlti Kule. Lamps ...... 538 Gizlti Kule. General View of Circuit Wall, Section 4 ...... 539 Gbzlii Kule. Tile Graves from the Roman Cemetery ...... 540 Gizlii Kule. Female Figure, Probably Aphrodite ...... 541 Gbzlti Kule. Impression of Cylinder Seal of Red and White Marble ...... 541 G6zlii Kule. Hellenistic Bath in Section 4. Well of Roman Level to Right ...... 542 Gtizlti Kule. Statuette of Crystal ...*...... 542 Gtizlii Kule. Mask of City Goddess with Turreted Crown and Veil ...... 543 Gbzlti Kule. Male Head Caricatured ...... * . . .* ...... * ...... 544 Gdzlti Kule. Room I of Early House in Section 4 ...... 544 Gbzlti Kule. Red Slipped and Burnished Pot Stand ...... 545 Gizlii Kule. Large Islamic Building in Section 5 ...... 545 Gbzlti Kule. Hellenistic Building with Earlier Walls Below. Section 5 ...... 546 Gozli Kule. Bucchero High-Stemmed Dish ...... 547 Gbzlu Kule. Kylix with Palmette in Interior ...... 547 Gozlui Kule. Side-Spouted Pitcher with Strainer ...... 547 Gozlui Kule. Deep SgraffitoBowl ...... 547 Gizlu Kule. Head of Human Figure Carved in Bone ...... 548 Gizliu Kule. Head of Elderly Man with Coarse Features ...... 548 Gozlu Kule. Primitive Figurine with Button Eyes ...... 548 Troy. HouseofPeriod IA...... 552 Troy. Female Figurine of Terracotta. Troy I ...... 553 Troy. Cup and Ring-VasefromRoom 01...... 556 Troy. Tankard of Red Wash Ware from Room 205 ...... 556 Jar from Room 206 ...... 556 Troy...... CONTENTS 15

PAGE Troy. Pots on Floor of Room202 ...... 557 Troy. Pots on Floor of Room 200 ...... 558 Troy. Gold Beads from Room 206 ...... 560 Troy. Finished End of Sixth City Wall in Square A 6 ...... 563 Troy. Sherd of Imported Mycenaean Ware (L. H. I.) ...... 564 Troy. House in Square F 8. Corner Seat, Showing Two Periods of Construction ...... 566 Troy. House in Square F 8. Hearth Circle with Oven and Two Pot-Stands ...... 567 Troy. Burial Urn from F 8 ...... 568 Troy. Trench F 8-9. Sherd of Matt Painted Ware ...... 568 House 700 from the North ...... 570 Troy...... Troy. Gold Ornament in the Form of a Coiled Serpent ...... 571 Troy. Stone-Lined Shaft of Well. Area to North of House 700 ...... 572 Troy. Fragments of Box and Two Rosettes of Ivory from House VI G ...... 575 Troy. Upper Half of Stirrup Vase in Gray Minyan Ware from House VI G ...... 576 House VI F from the South ...... 577 Troy...... Troy. Cylindrical Stand in Gray Minyan Ware from House VI F ...... 579 Troy. Upper Part of Stirrup Vase, a Trojan Imitation of Mycenaean Ware, from House VI F ...... 579 Troy. Cylindrical Ivory Seal from House VI F ...... 580 Troy. Excavation of Area Between House VI E and Sixth City Wall ...... 581 Troy. Mosaic Floor of Early Christian Date...... 582, 583 Troy. Southwestern Slope of Plateau of Ilion; "Piers" of Crude Brick, Perhaps One Side of a Furnace . 584 Troy. Decree in Honor of Agathes, Son of Menophilos ...... 590