Delta Doo Dah 2014
DELTA DOO DAH 2014 Repeating last year's DIY theme, the Delta Doo Dah cast the fates of 98 crews to the wind this summer, trusting the Slot. Games were Liar’s Dice, Yahtzee up trash. them to find their way on the meandering and Cards Against Humanity, all a hit. I After hosting most of our landlubber waters of California's vast Delta. can’t imagine going to the Delta without guests, it was time to go anchor out. Even so, plenty of support was forth- pool floats and toys. The Bedrooms in Potato Slough were at coming from the event's many sponsors, Owl Harbor is the best marina I have the top of my list. We anchored on the starting with Berkeley Yacht Club, which ever been to. Besides having the nicest southeast side of Fig Island. The high- hosted the harbormaster, the grounds are a dog light was at sunset, when we lay out on rally's Kickoff and gardener/grower's dream, ideal for the foredeck or in a float swaying off the Party in May, entertaining overnight guests. Free fresh stern while hundreds of swallows and and the gen- organic eggs and vegetables abound. cormorants sang and glided just a few erous donors We found the secret beach on the tule feet above us, circling from the trees and who made the island southeast of Korth’s Pirate's Lair, around the boat. It was as if we were in prize draw- where we beached a friend's boat, swam, a tropical country being brushed with a ing there so played with water cannons, and picked light 85° breeze while gazing at an Im- much fun.
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