THE ISBA BULLETIN Vol. 17 No. 1 March 2010 The official bulletin of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis AMESSAGE FROM THE related interests. The process to form a new sec- PRESIDENT tion is amazingly simple. Formally, all that is needed is a petition by 30 members to propose Peter M¨uller the bylaws and initial officers of a proposed sec- ISBA President, 2010 tion. The ISBA Board considers the proposal and
[email protected] votes on the proposal. That’s all. I hope that I would first like to thank Mike West for his ser- ISBA/BNP will be followed by other section pro- vice as past president. Among many other issues posals. A natural focus point is any established Mike has provided invaluable service to ISBA series of workshops or other events. For exam- by revising and reviving our IT infrastructure. ple, for ISBA/BNP the organization of the BNP Many of you must have already used the nifty workshops is the natural purpose and activity of new on-line membership service. The elected the new section. new officers for 2010 and the new editors were Other exciting events in the upcoming year are already mentioned in the last Bulletin. In ad- several meetings organized and co-sponsored by dition to these new officers I welcome our new ISBA. Alex Schmidt is summarizing the many 2011 program chair Igor Pr ¨unster. Since join- upcoming meetings elsewhere in this Bulletin. If ing the program council in January Igor has al- you are. Continued on page 2. ready worked hard to help with the selection of the ISBA travel awards.