June/July 1978 (Vol
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Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville The Ohio ndeI pendent Baptist 6-1978 June/July 1978 (Vol. 50, No. 9) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/ ohio_independent_baptist Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, and the Organizational Communication Commons Recommended Citation "June/July 1978 (Vol. 50, No. 9)" (1978). The Ohio Independent Baptist. 362. https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/ohio_independent_baptist/362 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ohio ndeI pendent Baptist by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. o n n 3" ft> 05 H* CL CL O 05 05 n THE OHIO < < P* p* 4> m i-* Ln t—i i—* U) 0) 05 I—1« n INDEPENDENT BAPTIST o 0) Published by The Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches era 05 Volume 50 No. 9 jJDN 2 9 Tfc hf It Was A Great Day! Dr. James T. Honored At C WVIW ■ , « ... -w S . v Commencement Stewardship means management. A steward is one who is a manager; he does not own the property. The owner has entrusted his possessions to the steward to supervise and manage, and has the right to demand an accounting from the steward at any time. God is the Owner of this world and all that is in it. “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” (Ps. 24:1). He owns us because He created us - in His own image. He made man a little lower than the angels, and crowned him with glory and honor. (Ps. 8:5). But man fell from this high estate. He fell into sin, and became the victim of Satan. Now Chairman of Trustees, Mr. J. Dale all of us are by nature sinful; for we are Murphy and Dr. James T. Jeremiah - born in sin and are unable to free our Chancellor. selves from our sinful nature. There is During commencement exercises at Lovely New Northfield Church Auditorium only one way of freedom -- and that way has been provided by God. He sent His Cedarville College on June 3rd, many ex June 4th, 1978 was a great day at Northfield Baptist Church as they dedicated their Son to earth to pay the price and pur citing activities took place as the 223 new sanctuary and office complex. The building dedication service was held at 10:30 a.m. chase us from sin and death. When we seniors of the last class to graduate under with 543 in attendance. Dr. James T. Jeremiah was the guest speaker for the morning accept Christ as Saviour, then we are President Dr. James T. Jeremiah received and afternoon services that day. Greetings were extended to the congregation from: Rev. redeemed by His Precious blood. their awards, honors, and degrees. Earl Umbaugh, our State Missionary; Mr. Edward S. Crider, the Architect; Mr. William (I Peter 1:18, 19). In I Cor. 6:20, we Many moments of recognition took Buhrow, President of the financial institution that gave the loan; and Rev. Don Matheny, read, “Ye are bought with a price: place for President Jeremiah who after Chairman of the Hebron Association. The church choir presented special music at both therefore glorify God in your body, and 25 years of faithful service moves into of the aforementioned services, in addition to other special musical selections from mem in your spirit, which are God’s. God the role of Chancellor as he turns the bers of the church. is our Owner, because He created us and presidency over to President-elect Rev. The building committee members conducted guided tours of the building after each of redeemed us; and now we are His stew Paul Dixon. the services, concluding with refreshments in the fellowship hall after the morning and ards. Whatever we may possess comes During the commencement exercises, afternoon services. directly from God. He has entrusted the Chairman of the Trustees, Mr. J. The 7:00 pjn. service had a strong missionary emphasis with the choir presenting the to us certain possessions and, as Owner, Dale Murphy, took the occasion to an cantata,“THE GREATEST STORY YET UNTOLD” by Eugene Clark. The guest speaker He has the right to call us to give an nounce the naming of the college chapel in the evening service was Dr. David Seymour, on leave from Chad, Africa. A number of account of that which we have received. as The James T. Jeremiah Chapel. the missionaries that “NBC” helps to support joined with them for the day and were He does not ask, “What have you?” But Dr. Jeremiah plans to continue to present for this climactic service. He asks, “What are you doing with what serve the Lord as Chancellor for many The church praises the Lord for the lovely facility that He has provided for them, you have?” more years at Cedarville College. and for the good response on Dedication Day. They were particularly thankful for the two professions of faith made in the morning service. Our Lord taught stewardship. In Bible times, stewardship represented a posi tion of honor, trust, and great respon Westlake Church sibility. As we look at the parables of Total giving to Christ, we find that nearly half of them Hosts F.B.H.M. have to do with stewardship and the right use of property. The doctrine of R&R stewardship was taught and practiced in Field Council Meeting the early New Testament churches. (Acts 2:44,45). Paul often wrote con to date cerning stewardship in his epistles. He taught that everything we do as stewards The Beautiful Westlake Church must be done in love. (I Cor. 13:3); that *5,233.86 we must, first of all, give ourselves to God (Rom. 12:1; II Cor. 8:1-5); and Churches giving in May-June, 1978 that in our giving we must be faithful, Abbe Road - Elyria Take Note cheerful, regular, and give in propor Calvary - Coshocton tion to that which God has given to Fallsburg - Frazeyberg Council Members No August Issue us. (I Cor. 4:2; II Cor. 9:7; I Cor. 16:2). First - Findlay During "Coffee Break" We wish to remind our readers that After we have given our very selves to Grace - Canton the next issue of THE OHIO INDE to God, then we must be faithful stew Grace - London The Grace Baptist Church of West ards of those things entrusted to us - lake, Ohio, was the host church to the PENDENT BAPTIST will not be off Immanuel - Columbus the press and in the mail until Sept our time, our talents, and our treasure. Lakeview - Dundee Midwest Field Council of the F.B.H.M. One of the best ways we can use our ember 1 st or thereabouts. Memorial - Columbus missionaries. David Muck and others treasure is to support the OARBC “R from the home office in Elyria, took part During the summer months, it is our custom, primarily for financial and R” Fund. Our State fellowship of in the various sessions which were inter Churches has been richly blessed in past reasons, to combine the months of But soon they will retire. Then their spersed with coffee breaks and fellow years through the dedicated ministries June and July in one issue and the material needs must be provided by ship. Missionaries and their families of our brother Earl Umbaugh and Don months of August and September these whom they have faithfully served. came from as far west as Iowa and Wis Moffat. We should never forget the into one issue as well. The remain May God help our churches to give to consin as well as a number of the states exhortation of I Cor. 9:14. God will der of the year the O.I.B. goes forth the “R and R” Fund so their needs will in between. Host, Pastor Ralph Burns, continue to bless our precious fellowship on a monthly basis. In other words, be adequately met in our challenge and who is also treasurer of the Mission, and strengthen our churches through we publish but ten issues each year. prayer. helped to make the time an enjoyable the lives of these servants, Brother Earl Albert Tassell one for the missionaries. Umbaugh and Don Moffat. O A R BC Council of 12 .2 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST JUNE-JULY, 1978 T h e O h io COUNCIL OF TWELVE Independent Baptist — Published Monthly by — Chairman William E. Abernathy TH E t>HIO ASSOCIATION OF 3417 Palmetto St. at Derrer Rd. REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Columbus, Ohio 43204 Office of Publication Vice-Chairman Robert N. Barrett The Ohio Independent Baptist is printed at Central Ohio Printing Corp. 30 S. Oak Amherst, Ohio 44001 St., London, Ohio 43140. Secretary W. Paul Jackson SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Box 12 London, Ohio 43140. Cedarville, Ohio 45314 PO STM A STER: Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist T reasurer William A. Brock Box No. 160 4663 Trabue Rd. Xenia, Ohio 45385 Columbus, Ohio 43228 EDITORIAL OFFICE: Program Chairman William F. Russell Box No. 160 Rte. No. 6 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Millersburg, Ohio 44654 Rates of Subscription: $2.00 per year; $5.00 for three years; Single issue 20 Missionary Chairman Fred Crown, Jr. Fostoria Rd. and Plaza St. cents. Your Editorial Office should have Findlay, Ohio 45840 all news and advertising copy in hand no later than 30 days prior to printing.