IN HOTEL LEAGUE “As this average will compare fa- vorably with the yield of the Scotch FOREST FIRE PERIL oil shale, It seems probable that the shale of Utah and Colorado may at 'the lowest estimate equal In value Government Co-operating With that of the well-known shale of Scot- land, from which petroleum has been 4 States for Protection. successfully manufactured for a long time. However, the full extent of the distribution of the shale and the Made Possible by a Law Passed by amount of petroleum In It have not Congress In 1911—Many States been adequately determined, and much Have Taken Advan- additional work must be done before Au unusually dependable Indian Already these factB can be fully and satisfac- twirler has been secured by the Mus- tage of the AcL _ torily known.” kogee club in Likowsky, a Creek, who The in which this oil shale aad a try-out this spring with the Dal- Washington.—A co-operative fire territory is found is described as the Green las club of the Texas league. He was agreement which has been entered river formation of the Uinta basin in released and joined Muskogee, where ; into between the U. S. department of northwestern Colorado and northeast- recently he has developed into a sen- agriculture and the state of Michigan ern Utah. sation. provides for, an expenditure by the • * * government of not to exceed $5,000 a They say of Brooklyn’s Vancouver year toward meeting the expenses of SOLVING THE SMOKE EVIL. recruit , Schmutz, that he “re- forest fire protection in Michigan. sembles Ray Fisher a great deal, This form of co-operation between, The federal government does not though he has an easier delivery and the government and the state is mada like the idea of preaching to the pub- j conceals his moist offerings very possible by a law which congress lic that smoke is unnecessary in bum- i cleverly. The young man has pro- passed in 1911, and which has already ,ng coal while it has federal build- MTi nounced speed and a very fair curve been taken of by the states ings throughout the country that in advantage ball." some Instances violate all the ordi- (•VXPPORTUNITY knocks once at every man’s door.” But many an oppor- of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, * * • v. Massachusetts, Connecticut, New nances there are on the smoke prob- VJ tunity is lost when the man who sees it hasn’t the wherewithal Heinie Groh, of the Reds, has a po- York, New Jersey, Maryland, West lem. It believes that wherever and to take of it. It is the man with advantage the BEADY CASH sition at the plate that differs from the Virginia, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Min- fvhenever possible, if it has something Denton T. Young can’t quit. After IN BANK who derives the benefit! If you haven’t an one stand of any other player. He faces nesota, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, pf value for the people, it ought to account, open his late lamented engagement with When the arrives the pitcher square, but as soon as the Washington and Oregon. Illustrate this itself by way of ex- today. opportunity the Federal league It was supposed ball Is pitched Heinie begins to shift The besides for the ample. he wouldn’t show up again, but now law, providing and he is in good position when he the of lands The bureau of mines has for a num- YOUR CHECK BOOK WILL BE READY! comes the news that the once “grand purchase by government | makes his ber the swing. on the headwaters of rivers of years been investigating old man” Is pitching for a team at navigable • • • of coal and has all the Benton Harbor, Mich., that exhibits for the purpose of creating national proper burning Many improvements have been time been in smoky for the amusement of resorters. forests to protect these rivers, appro- maintaining made at Exposition Park, the home of Pittsburgh an experiment station that Pleasantville Trust Co. Young's career was nothing Bhort priated $200,000 which the secretary the Pittsburgh Federals. The en- has been without objection1 of wonderful for a pitcher. He served of agriculture might expend to pro- operated trance has been rebuilt and a new able smoke. In these experiments Boxes for Rent. 3 Per Cent. Interest on lime Accts 22 years in the game, beginning with tect similar lands in state or private Safety Deposit ticket new turnstiles and found that _ office, better the bureau’s have Cleveland in 1890 and ending with ownership from fire, in co-operation experts accommodations in general will now coals from different parts of the Boston Nationals in 1912. "Cy" with the states. It was provided in different be furnished. the different of made some remarkable records dur- the law that the federal expenditures country require types • • • furnace if the coal is to be burned ing his stay in major league company. In any state should not exceed the It Is to be a habit with and without smoke. By getting amount spent by the state itself in economically Veach of to make a base hit furnace the ex- Detroit, the co-operative work. Provision for using an experimental when Sam Crawford is Should any of the Giants be affected a number of passed pur- continuance of the work in the fiscal perts have discovered posely to give the a chance at with “charley horse” Mc- cardinal that they say year which began July 1 has been principles Veach. A way out of this for Graw will not be under expense for to be in operation in every pitchers made by an appropriation of $100,000 ought put would be to strike out Crawford, then doctors, as Dave Robertson, his slug- in the United States. for the year. The original appropria- municipality pass Veach. ging outfielder, is a veterinary. in this direction was tion of was available until The first step • • • * * * $200,000 taken the other when Representa- expended, and with a supplementary day Just because Jack the The St. Paul club has given Out- chairman of the Graney, Naps’ $75,000 has carried the work to the tive M. D. Foster, a and let three fielder Charley his uncon- and min- outfielder, dropped fly Hemphill time. house committee on mines ditional present runs score, Manager Birmingham fined release; and the Cleveland ing, introduced a bill which provides The secretary of agriculture re- him simoleons. Wonder club has given an unconditional re- or other twenty-five that all wood, coal, oil, gas v lease to Catcher quires as a preliminary to co-operat- how big a fine Snodgrass drew when Frank Roth. fuel to be purchased and used by any * * * ing with any state, that the state au- he made that famous world’s series executive department or independent “Doc" thorities submit a definite plan show- muff? Reisling, of the London team, establishment at the seat of govern- in detail what it is * * * thinks it ing exactly pro- might be a good Idea to ment or elsewhere shall be purchased posed to do. With these plans are Pete Falsey, Yale outfielder, has take a base ball team to England after in accordance with the recommenda- the Canadian required maps showing areas to which been signed by the Pirates. At last league teams' season is tions of and under specifications pre- < protection should be given. These Manager Fred Clarke has come to the over. pared by the bureau of mines. • • • areas must be actually on the water- conclusion that he can’t make good The also the bureau the sheds of and the bill gives Red Faber has to navigable streams, without a couple of college chaps. proved be the sal- to the furnaces now of well conceived and right investigate • • • vation of the Sox this plan protection White year, and manner of stor- with in use, the handling, is now the little life-eaver in thoroughly practical, an organ- It’s enough when a pitcher like Mar- grandest ing and using of coal and to recom- the American ized system of administration by state quard, Mathewson or Cheney hands league. mend such changes as will result in • * • officers. the Pirates a defeat, but when they the greatest economy to the govern- Thomas a The amount Bpent yearly in any ^ get it from a Tincup—good night! (“Buck”) O’Brien, pitcher, ment. It still further provides that one state the is lim- * * * has been released by government by the Indianapolis all the coal used by the government club to the ited to $10,000. It is used solely for Ray Collins, the veteran southpaw Memphis club, of the shall be bought on what is known as Southern baying lookout watchmen or patrol- of the Red Sox, who has been of little league. the heating unit basis, the govern- • • • men. The state officials select these use to the team this year, seems to be ment by this method buying heat men, subject to the approval of the just rounding into form. George Kelsey, once manager of the rather than coal as coal. of The * • • Oklahoma City club, in the Texas department agriculture. maps submitted to league, le batting at a .333 clip with the government show George Chalmers, the pitcher who the Tulsa club. where each of the men will be lo- WIRELESS TORPEDO. ...TRY... has just been released by the Phil- • • • cated, the approximate routes of pa- | will no lies, doubt be | able to come and all interest attaches at this Hub the traded to trol, features necessary to a Peculiar back Perdue, pitcher the another year. that Cardinals the is said to use clear of the state’s time to the announcement both • • • by Braves, understanding of are the longest bat of any player in the plan fire control, including the loca- the war and navy departments Coal We can’t see how some players can league. tion of lookout stations, telephone watching closely a mechanical play- Upper Lehigh be so | After | ungrateful. • being given • • lines, headquarters of state fire war- thing that has been Invented by John free transportation to first they imme- son of the Spike Shannon, the former Wew dens, and the like. Hays Hammond, Jr., fam- “The Coal That Burns” steal 1 diately second. ous who made his | York-St. Louis Under the terms of the mining engineer • * • outfielder, is making co-operative & ^ good as an umpire in the Federal agreements, the secretary of agricul- millions in South Africa. Young The fan6 of Philadelphia are not league. ture may terminate the co-operation Hammond several years ago took up boasting much of the chances of the amount delivered • • • at any time that he finds it not to be a study of wireless telegraphy, and Any anywhere Athletics to win another J J pennant just so well that his The Brooklyn Club has taken on for conducted in a satisfactory manner. got along father, at present Jg? time. trial a local catcher named In this way the for or- money being no object, established at any * * * semi-pro. responsibility Sam Trainer. ganizing and maintaining the work is Gloucester, Mass., what today Is Benny Kauff, who is the leading • • * No for placed upon the state which, however, known as the Hammond radio re- & charge carrying. m slugger in the Federal league, was Manager Birmingham is having must keep its system up to a good search laboratory. with the New York Americans at one & _m trials a-plenty In Cleveland. standard of efficiency in order to have The result of this has been the in- time. * * • the with the Hammond of a mechanism • * • co-operation government vention by Eddie Grant has proved a good utili- continued. Forestry officials of the for operating a torpedo by “non-inter- Bill Carrlgan thinks that he has se- W. W. CLARK i, ty man for McGraw. department of agriculture act as In- ferable radio impulses” from a land cured a comer in Pitcher Ruth, who | spectors to keep the department In- station. Hitherto it has been possl- 4 I comes from the Baltimore Orioles. Washington Avenue & Court formed as to how a from shore Lyons • • • the states are han- ble to operate torpedo dling the work. Under this plan a at an eight-mile speed, but the con- Phone 287 Pleasantville ® Neer and Farr are playing on a Vir- ^ great advance has been made in the trol has always lacked the fundamen- ginia league team. As good as that development of efficient state systems tal essential of immunity from inter- famous battery, Upp and Downs. Of Are ference an In other * * * SPORTING protection. by enemy. words, a hostile battleship against which a Rube Marquard, the Giants’ left- land-operated torpedo might be di- handed pitching artist, is GETTING OIL FROM SHALE. displaying rected could, with its own wireless wonderful control these days. radio Interfere with and * * » WORLD oil from a stone Impulses, Getting Is one of Quoit pitchers are interested in a the most recent negative those of the land station. Honus Wagner has made over 3,000 accomplishments of game that will be held at Buffalo In the mineral Mr. Hammond’s invention Is cred- hits. It may be a year or two before experts of the United September. The contestants will be ited with making such interference a he makes another thousan'd. States geological survey. While the Robert a noted Canadian ex- for an enemy, for with his • * * Colander, survey men are cautious and conserv- boomerang and William in pert, Stemp, who holds ative as to their new device, case interference is 's loyalty to organ- find, like all other the championship of England. attempted, the radio forces impelling ized baseball grows more and more government scientists, they have ad- * * • the projectile, instead of losing their with every game he loses. mitted enough to indicate that in the At the German games in are and * * *. Olympic bituminous shales of Utah and Colora- efficiency, strengthened the Berlin in for 1916, the first time since do there is a torpedo is drawn toward its mark at Manager Dooin of the Phillies has large reserve supply of the revival of the famous Greek oil that an Increased rate of speed. The war been to land a will soon become an trying good shortstop, a impor- games, member of German’s royal tant commercial and navy departments are bo much in- but without much success. factor to the nation. family will be seen in competition. in Hammond’s • • • The oil experts not terested device that He Prinz only tramped is Frederick Karl, a nephew they are now co-operating with him Jeff Tesreau of the over the entire district to an idea Big Giants has of Kaiser Wilhelm. get of the extent in the work of his laboratory. recovered control of the ball and is • • • and thickness of the going like a real pitcher. shales, but they also set up a plant Richard Strauss of Berlin, son of « » * right on the ground to determine the COINS OF FOREIGN LANDS. the composer, is an enthusiastic mo- George Stovall says the automobile amount of oil and other distillation torcyclist. He says that in many re- craze has knocked the out of products that should be obtained. Dr. stuffing spects he prefers American motor- Among the foreign coins and medals the baseball attendance. David T. Day, the expert in cycles to those built on the continent. charge in the National Museum is a fine se- * • • of the • • • petroleum Investigations of the ries from Great Britain and another geological survey, has a ^ Charlie Herzog kept his team up in Mike Gibbons is to make another designed port- from France, while Austria, Belgium, able still which was set at the front ranks much longer than he effort to gain the middleweight title. up various Italy, the Netherland, Norway, Por- was to do. places accessible to the expected The St. Paul boxing marvel Is anx- railroad, tugal, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, * • • ;$vhere an abundant supply of the best ious to take on Jimmy Clabby and Porto Rico and the Philippines are have phale could be procured. The basic The Naps recalled Pitcher Mor- believes that he can defeat him. represented. The of oolnage Spain —™ principle of the operation was to ton from the Waterbury team of the • • • heat and the Spanish possessions 1b well Eastern association. the shale, thus vaporizing the vola- Mrs. T. C. Bundy, Who was May shown, and from Africa and Asia there • • • tile hydrocarbons and Sutton, known as the greatest woman destructively are many Interesting specimens of distilling the other forms of organic Charlie Herzog of the Reds wants tennis player that ever wielded a ancient and modern money. matter In the shale. to get Dode Paskert qf the Phillies for racquet, has announced that she will The coin collection of the United The the Cincinnati team. return to amount of oil obtained In the the tennis court. States is Incomplete, but contains nu- • • • • * • various tests ranged from ten gallons merous particularly the interesting speci- Louis a to ton of shale to 6.1 the Steidel, semi-pro pitcher of Dr. Emanuel Lasker will play A. K. gallons, mens. Some of the recalled 2 and 3- average for all the tests 30 Terre Haute, Ind., has joined the Rubinstein for the chess champlon- being cent copper pieces and the 5, 10 and gallons. Some of the beds of shale Brooklyn Federals. shlp. The series will begin In Ger- 20-cent pieces of stiver are Included. • • • In the fall. mined were too thin to be many This country may profitably Samples of the American coinage of The Detroits are see several of the contests. exploited under present commercial occupying the role the island possessions are also on ex- • * • it of for the assisted conditions and was determined to jinx Chancemen, hibition. As a whole, though not com- disregard the run of oil from all by several others. Lawson one of the best shale so far as issues of Robertson, less plete coins are * • • known coaches of athletic teams In than three feet thick. The aver- concerned, this collection is excep- Jim the has been age from the thicker shale was 22 Kelley of the Pirates says his country, engaged to train M> tionally and ln- of oil to interesting valuable, name is not the athletes of for the next [gallons the ton of shale. In right Taggart, as reported, Hungary iidlng, as It does, from so to examples games. regard this the investigators say but Jim Kelley. Olympic ■ ny countries npd localities.

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